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A game by Uwe Rosenberg,

with illustrations by Björn Pertoft

Players: 2–7
Ages: 10 and up
Duration: approx. 45 minutes
Bohnanza page @ AMIGO Games

The Idea of the Game

Bohnanza is all about planting, trading, and harvesting beans. Trade beans
with the other players and plant them in your fields. And the more beans
you have in your fields, the more gold coins you get when you harvest
them. If you have the most gold coins at the end of the game, you win!

As well as the Bohnanza base game, this 25th anniversary edition contains
the expansion beans for up to seven players and a rules variant for a two-
player game. The AMIGO Bean Coin becomes a coveted advantage in every
game and the new Magpie Bean allows you to steal bean cards from other
players’ fields.

Base Game: 20 Blue Beans, 18 Chili Beans, 16 Stink Beans, 14 Green Beans,
12 Soy Beans, 10 Black-eyed Beans, 8 Red Beans and 6 Garden Beans,
5 Bean Field Mats, Starting Player Card and 5 Overview Cards
Expansion Set: 24 Coffee Beans, 22 Brandy Beans, 4 Cocoa Beans, 3 Field
Beans, 2 Bean Field Mats and 5 Overview Cards
Exclusive to This Edition: 1 AMIGO Bean Coin and 6 Magpie Beans

Bohnanza – The Base Game.............................................................. Page 3
Variant 1 – Three New Bean Types................................................... Page 10
Variant 2 – The Field Bean................................................................ Page 11
Variant 3 – The Duel.......................................................................... Page 12
The AMIGO Bean Coin....................................................................... Page 14
The Magpie Bean............................................................................... Page 15

Base Game (3–5 Players)
Contents & Setup
Give one of the bean field mats to each player. These mats have one side
showing three bean fields and one side showing two fields.
If there are three players,
use the mats with the
three bean fields side up.
If there are four or five For 3 players For 4-5 players
players, start with two
bean fields each.
In addition, each bean field mat has a space for your coin pile.
Pick a starting player and give them the starting player card.
Also, each player receives an overview card with the different
phases of the game.
There are 104 cards showing 8 different kinds of beans. The
large number printed on each card tells you how many cards Starting
Player Card
with this kind of bean are in the game.

6x 8x 10x 12x

14x 16x 18x 20x

Note: You’ll only need the Cocoa, Brandy and Coffee Beans, as well as the
Field and Magpie Beans, if you play the variants (see pages 10-15).
Shuffle all the cards and deal five cards to each player.

Attention! This is the most important rule

of the whole game!
You cannot change the order of the cards in
your hand at any point during the game! The
first card you are dealt is the first card in your
hand. It’s completely visible to you. Put all other
First Card cards you receive behind it, in the order drawn.
You may never sort your cards by bean or for any
other reason.
Put the remaining cards in the center of the table as a draw pile, coin
side up. During the game, you will create a discard pile next to it (see
illustration below).

The layout at
the start of
a four-player Ke


Discard Draw
Pile Pile



Playing the Game
The starting player is the first active player. After that, players take turns
going to the left.
Note: Don’t pass the starting player card. It stays with the starting player
for the whole game (see page 10 “The End of the Game”).
When it is your turn, you play through these four phases in order:
1. Plant Bean Cards from Your Hand
2. Turn Over and Trade Bean Cards
3. Plant Turned-over and Traded Bean Cards
4. Draw Bean Cards

Important Rules for Planting Beans:

You can only plant one kind of bean in each field
at a time. You are allowed to plant the same kind
of bean in two different fields at the same time,
but not two kinds of bean in the same field. Put
the bean cards in your field on top of each other, as
shown to the left.

Phase 1: Plant Bean Cards from Your Hand

You must plant the first
card in your hand (i.e. the
one that is completely visi-
ble) in one of your fields
(see both illustrations to
the right).
After that, you may
choose to plant one more
card – the one that is now
completely visible – in one
of your fields (see both
illustrations to the right).
You can’t plant a third bean.
When planting, you start or extend the column of cards in the field.

If you have to plant a kind of bean you don’t have space for, you
must harvest a field first (see page 8 “Harvesting Beans”).

If you don’t have any cards in your hand at the start of phase 1,
skip it and go straight to phase 2.

Phase 2: Turn Over and Trade Bean Cards

Turn over the top two cards from the draw pile
and put them next to it face-up for all players
to see.
The turned-over cards belong to you. You can
plant them in your fields or use them to trade
with the other players.
Example #1: Timon has turned over a Soy Bean
and a Blue Bean. He keeps the Blue Bean, but
there is no space for the Soy Bean in his bean
fields, so he offers it up for trade to the other pla-
yers. He asks: “Would anyone like this Soy Bean?
I’d like to trade it for a Red Bean.”

Rules for Trading Beans:

Only the active player is allowed to trade with the other players. The
other players can’t trade with each other.
You may all trade using your hand cards, no matter where they are in
your hands.
The active player can use the two turned-over cards for trading in
addition to their hand cards.
You cannot trade cards you’ve received in a trade.
You cannot trade the cards in your fields, either.
You are allowed to trade any number of beans for any number of
other beans (e.g., two Blue Beans for one Green Bean).

Example #2: No one wants
to trade with Timon, so he
ups his offer: “I’ll give you Trade
the turned-over Soy Bean
and a Chili Bean from my
hand for a Red Bean.”

Note: Only remove beans from your hand once the trade has been
agreed on. Both players have to agree to the trade. This way, you
can avoid discussions about where the card was in your hand after
having taken it out of order too soon!
Put any bean cards you receive in trade next to your bean fields horizontally
for now. Do not add them to your hand!

Timon’s Bean Fields Nina’s Bean Fields

Example #3: Nina accepts Timon’s offer of the Soy Bean and the Chili Bean
and gives him the desired Red Bean. Timon puts it next to his bean fields
horizontally. Nina does the same with the Soy Bean and the Chili Bean.

Note: As a special form of trade, you can also give another player
bean cards. Players receiving gifts have to agree to take them,
though. If they refuse, you cannot give them the cards.
You may continue trading for as long as you like, even after the turned-
over cards are gone. When you want to stop, tell the other players. This
ends phase 2.

Phase 3: Plant Turned-over and Traded Bean Cards
All players who have horizontal cards next to their bean fields now have
to plant them. As the active player, you’ll also have to plant any turned-
over cards you have not traded away. You can plant your new bean cards
in any order you choose.

Timon’s Bean Fields Nina’s Bean Fields

Example #4: Timon plants the Red Bean that was traded, and the Blue
Bean that was revealed.
Nina plants the Soy Bean and the Chili Bean in her two fields.

If you have to plant a kind of bean that doesn’t match the beans
you already have in your fields, you’ll have to harvest a field before
you can plant your new beans (see “Harvesting Beans”).
Phase 4: Draw Bean Cards
End your turn by drawing three cards, one after
the other, from the draw pile. Put them in the
back of your hand, behind the last card, in the
order you draw them. Then, the player to your
left becomes the new active player.

Harvesting Beans
You may harvest beans from your fields at any time during the game,
even when you’re not the active player.
Each kind of bean has its own “beanometer”. This tells you how many
gold coins you get for a given number of beans you harvest.
Note: Some harvests may not earn you any gold coins!

The Stink Bean’s Beanometer Number of Gold coins
beano­­meter tells you:
If you harvest 1 or 2
Stink Beans, you don’t
get any gold coins. For
3 or 4 Stink Beans, you
earn one gold coin. 5
or 6 Stink Beans earn Number of Bean Cards
you two gold coins, for 7 Stink Beans you get three gold coins, and 8
or more Stink Beans pay out four gold coins. When you harvest beans,
follow these steps:
➊ Count the number of cards in the bean field you want to harvest.
➋ Check the top card’s beanometer. ➌ Turn over as many of those cards
as you get gold coins (according to the beanometer) so that their coin
sides show. ➍ Put these cards on your coin pile. ➎ Put the remaining
cards from your field face-up on the discard pile. ➏ After you harvest,
the field must be empty—you cannot harvest only part of a field.
Example #5: Keno
has 3 Chili Beans in
one of his fields. The
Chili Bean’s beano-
meter tells him that
these three beans are
worth 1 gold coin. Gold coins Discard Draw pile
Keno turns one card pile
over to its coin side
and puts it on his coin
pile. Then, he puts the
remaining two Chili Beans on the discard pile.
The Bean Protection Rule
If there is only one bean
card in one of your fields,
you cannot harvest it as
✔ ✔ ✔ ✘✘ long as you have another
field containing more
than one bean card.

If The Draw Pile Is Empty
When you draw the last card from the draw pile, re-shuffle the discard
pile. Turn it over and put it back in the center of the table as the new
draw pile.

The End of the Game

The game ends when the draw pile runs out for the third time. If this
happens during phase 2, “Trading Bean Cards”, complete phases 2 and 3 of
your turn (even if you could only turn over one card instead of two), then
the game ends.
At the end of the game, harvest all of your bean fields and give yourself
the appropriate number of gold coins. Cards in your hand do not count
towards your total.
Count the cards in your coin pile. Each card is worth one coin. The
player with the most coins wins the game!
If there is a tie, the tied player who sits the furthest away from the
starting player (going around the table clockwise) wins the game.

Variant ➊: Three New Types of Beans (for 3-7 player games)

Components & Setup
Add the Cocoa, Brandy, 4 22 24
and Coffee Beans to the
deck. 4x 22x 24x
Depending on the number C B
oCoa ean B B randy C B
ean offee ean

of players, you will need to 2 3 4 4 7 9 11 4 7 10 12

remove certain types of beans from the deck. The number of available bean
fields also depends on the number of players.
Beans in Play
Based on the number of players, remove the following types of beans
and put the cards back into the box:
3 players : Cocoa Beans
4-5 players : Coffee Beans
6-7 players : Cocoa and Garden Beans

Number of Bean Fields
If there are three players, turn over your bean field mats so the side with
three bean fields shows.
If there are four to seven
players, use the side of the
bean field mats showing
two bean fields.
3 players 4-7 players

Playing the Game

Play the game just like regular Bohnanza. Players start with five cards in
their hands. On your turn, play through the usual four phases. Only the
rules for phase 4 (“Draw Bean Cards”) and the end of the game change
when you play with extra types of beans.
Phase 4: Draw Bean Cards
Unlike in the base game, every player draws one card from the draw pile,
adding them to their hands behind their last card. Start with the active
player and draw cards in a clockwise direction.
The End of the Game
If there are three players, the game ends when the draw pile runs out for
the second time. If there are four or more players, the game ends when
the draw pile runs out for the third time, as usual.

Variant ➋: The Field Beans (for 4-5 players)

Components & Setup
Field beans can be added when you have four or five players. Use all
the beans from the base game and add the Field beans and the Brandy
beans. Each player has two bean fields at the start.
Play using the same rules as Variant ➊: Three New Types of Beans.

Harvesting Beans
The Field Beans‘ beanometers are different
from those of the other types of beans. If
you harvest a field with two Field Beans, you
get a third bean field: Turn over your bean
field mat so the side with three bean fields
shows. Put the harvested Field Beans on the
3 3

discard pile. If you have other beans in your Ackerbohne

fields, put them in your first and/or second
bean field after you turn over your mat. Field Bean

If you already have a third bean field, har- 2 3 2 3

vesting two Field Beans earns you nothing.

If you harvest a field with three Field Beans,
you earn three gold coins as usual.

Variant ➌: The Duel (for 2 Players)

Components & Setup
Remove the Garden Beans from the base game cards and put them back
in the box. Instead, shuffle the Brandy and Coffee Beans into your deck.
Flip your bean field mats to the side showing three bean fields.

Playing the Game

Mostly, the game is played like the Bohnanza base game. Start with
five hand cards each and play through all phases when it’s your turn.
2 3
However, instead of trading your bean cards in Phase 2 of the game, the
active player makes their opponent an offer, big or small, which they can
then use in a new Phase 0: Use Offered Bean Cards in their next turn.

Phase 0: Use Offered Bean Cards
If there are still beans on the table from your opponent’s Phase 3, you
must decide: Either plant the cards of one bean type in your field or put
them on the discard pile. Make this decision for each bean type on the
table in the order of your choice. If you decide to plant a bean type, you
must take all beans of that type from the table and plant them in the
same bean field.
Phase 1: Plant Bean Cards from Your Hand
You must plant the first bean in your hand, then you may choose to plant
the next one. In addition, you may discard any one of your hand cards,
face-up, at any point during Phase 1.
Phase 2: Turn Over Bean Cards
Draw the top three cards of the draw pile and place them on the table
face up. If you draw two or more beans of the same type, group them
together. Then, if the top card of the discard pile matches one of the
bean types already on the table, put it with the cards you’ve already
revealed, and repeat until a bean type comes up that’s not on the table
yet. Once this happens, the phase ends.
Phase 3: Plant or Offer Turned-over Bean Cards
Choose which turned-over cards you want to plant yourself and which
ones you’d rather leave for the other player. If you pick beans of the
same type, you have to plant all of them in the same field or leave them
all for the other player.
Phase 4: Draw Bean Cards
End your turn by drawing two cards, one after the other, from the draw
pile. Put them in the back of your hand, behind the last card, in the order
you draw them. Then, the other player becomes the new active player.

Harvesting Beans
Unlike in the base game, you can only harvest your beans when you’re
the active player.

The End of the Game

The game ends as soon as the draw pile runs out for the first time. Both
players harvest their remaining bean fields at game end.

The AMIGO Bean Coin (for 3–5 Players)
You can use the AMIGO Bean Coin in the Bohnanza base game. Follow
the usual rules, with these exceptions:

The Idea of the Game

If the active player possesses the AMIGO Bean Coin at the end of their
turn, they may draw more cards than usual.

Give the AMIGO Bean Coin to the player on the right of the starting player.

Playing the Game

During the game, you may take the AMIGO Bean Coin when you’re the
active player and your unharvested beans are worth:
At least 6 gold coins if there are three players in the game. Add up the
bean values in all three bean fields.
At least 5 gold coins if there are four or five players. Add up the bean
values in both of your fields.
You can claim the AMIGO Bean Coin at any point during your turn, even
before you plant your first card in Phase 1.
Stop other players from taking the Coin!
If you’re currently in possession of the AMIGO Bean Coin, you may choose
to stop other players from taking it. Hold out your hand cards to the
active player, face down. They must draw a random card and reveal it.
If it’s a Blue Bean, you’ve stopped them from taking the AMIGO Bean
Coin. You keep it and the active player can no longer try to take it on
their current turn.
If it’s any other bean, they have taken the AMIGO Bean Coin success-
fully and you must hand it to the active player.
In both cases, the active player must immediately plant the bean they’ve
drawn in one of their fields.

Phase 4: Draw Bean Cards
If the cards in all of your fields together are worth less than one coin, draw
only two cards instead of the usual three from the draw pile. If you’re in
possession of the AMIGO Bean Coin, you always draw four cards from the
draw pile, regardless of your beans’ worth, and put them in the back of
your hand.

The End of the Game

At the end of the game, the AMIGO Bean Coin isn’t worth a coin.
However, if the game ends in a tie, its current owner wins the tie.

The Magpie Bean

You can use the Magpie Bean either in the base game or any of the vari-
ants. Follow the usual rules, with these exceptions:

The Idea of the Game & Setup

Shuffle the six Magpie Beans into the deck.
If you have the Magpie Bean in first position
Magpie Bean
in your hand when you become the active
player, you may steal beans from the other Magpie Bean

players’ fields.

Playing the Game

Treat the Magpie Beans the same as all other Beans in the game.
However, they are never planted in bean fields.
Phase 1: Plant Bean Cards from Your Hand
When playing a Magpie bean as one of the first two beans in your hand
in phase 1, put it on the discard pile, face up, instead of planting it. Then,
take one bean card each from the fields of up to two other players and
plant them in your own existing fields. The other players can’t stop you
by harvesting their fields before you can get to them.
Phase 3: Plant Turned-over and Traded Bean Cards
If you’ve received a Magpie Bean in Phase 2, don’t plant it in your fields.
Take it in your hand instead, placing it behind the last card in your hand.

25 years of BOHNANZA –
Where we’ve bean since 1997!

La Isla Bohnitâ
Bohnanza Base Game &
Expansion Set Spacebeans
1997 1999

Al Cabohne
2000 Highbohn &
Expansion Set Refresh
Bohn Hansa
Bohnaparte & Bohnentaler
2004 Bohniversum Puzzle
& Bohnkick

Bohnanza 10 Year Jubilee, Ladybohn, Bohnröschen,

Bohnanza Fan Edition & Fanbook, The Big Bohnanza Book
Bohnanza Fun & Easy

Bohn to be Wild, Dice Bohnanza, and

Bohnanza 15 Year Jubilee

My First Bohnanza

Bohnanza Relaunch,
Bohnanza - The Duel & Bohnedikt
Marco Bohno
Bohnanza 20 Year Jubilee
& Ladybohn Relaunch

Bohna Nostra

Deluxe Bohnanza - Das Duell,

Excalibohn Bohnanza
2020 25 Year Jubilee
– Beans

s Around the World

New in 2021!

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Picking Bean

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6 2 4 5 3 6
5 7
2 5
3 8
Are you a Fire-bean,
or a has-bean?

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for complaint, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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AMIGO Games, 5126 South Royal Atlanta Drive, Tucker GA 30084
© AMIGO Spiel + Freizeit GmbH, D-63128 Dietzenbach, 1997–2022 Version 1.0

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