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Raiders, Looters, & Ravagers

Orcs and Goblins, are commonly referred to collectively
as “Greenskins” by many civilized nations to denote the
biologically related races. The Greenskins are a highly
primitive and warlike race of bestial humanoid barbarians
and raiders that occupy much of the Eastern Hemisphere of
the world.

The broadest division is between the Orcs, who are strong,

brutish, and savage warriors, and the Goblins, who are
smaller and weaker, but cunning and conniving creatures.

The Greenskins are considered by many to be the scourge of

all civilization. These tribal warriors are extremely violent,
raiding ceaselessly, carrying war and barbarism to all corners
of the known world.

Orcs and Goblins live in countless barbaric tribes spread

across vast regions within the known world. There are some
tribes which include only Goblins or only Orcs, but the
majority include both. In these mixed tribes the Orcs will
always dominate the smaller and weaker Goblins. Goblin
tribes don’t have any Orcs at all, as any self-respecting Orc
will quickly become the tribe’s Boss.

Greenskin Tribes form the very basis of their society, and are
the closest stage of civilization that their race can achieve.
There are innumerable tribes of Greenskins living within
different parts of the world, and this number often fluctuates
in an almost daily basis. Tribal population can sometimes
range from a mere several dozen individuals to as large
as a vast horde. These tribes are often made up of several
different mobs of Greenskins, each mob usually containing
the same species.

Greenskin armies invariably feature various non-Greenskin

creatures either too dangerous or too numerous to keep from
joining the “fun.” Trolls, Giants, and Snotlings are a few of
the species that the Greenskins call “Hang ‘rounds.”
Tribe and Mob icons are often based on their names.
Greenskins are quite literal so a Tribe named the “Broken
Teef Tribe” will feature icons with broken teeth. Heraldry,
such as it can be called, will feature Tribe and Mob icons in
conjunction, typically featured on banners or shields. Just as
often the Greenskins will fly banners they think others will
find intimidating. Uniforms are non-existent in comparison
to other races. Again, being quite literal, a Mob named the
“Dog Tails” may in fact wear a canine or lupine tail as an
accessory. Otherwise, clothing worn to battle is what would
be worn any other time and is utilitarian and mostly likely
be adorned with all that the Greenskin owns in the way of
wealth and trophies.

Most Orc and Goblin standards and shields are adorned

with tribal totems, ritual symbols, and the personal
emblems of warlords. Sun and moon icons are widely used
by Greenskins, who represent them with wicked grimacing
faces. Being bright and shiny they are regarded as evil and
therefore feared and worshiped. Other favored icons are
rotting or squinting eyes, fanged Orc skulls, and weapons.
Orcs When the tribes go to war, these greenskin
brutes are formed into tough-to-kill corps
called Orc Boyz or simply Da Boyz. These
Orc Boyz then form up Mobs, which are
led by the biggest within their particular
group, the Bosses. On the battlefield,
Orc mobs are distinguished by their own
symbols or markings, which are most
often displayed on shields, banners or
totems. It is common practice to brag
about one’s own mob, while rudely
scoffing at other mobs.

Above. Common Orcs “Da Boyz”

Below. “Arrer Boyz”

Shield icons are not subtle: “Bone Snappas” Deff Watch” “Bone Rattlerz”
Above. “Bone Snappas”
“Deff Watch” banners.
Right. “Blood
Skullz” Mob

Below. “Deff Sunz” Black and white

dags and checks are common.
Orc Skulls and Sun icons are common.

Above. “Broken Teef ” Mob

Boar Boyz favor icons that emphasize their steeds
tusk size and power.
Below. “Bad
Moonz” Mob

Below. “Broken
Tusk” Mob
Above. Warlords favor red and trophies of their
Left. Orc Shaman
Below. Warlords mounted on a Wyvern have no
rivals in their own tribe and are on the threshold of
their own Waaagh! with a few more Bosses bullied
into following them.
Gorbad Ironclaw is one of the most infamous of all Orc
Warbosses. In his day, Gorbad led a massive invasion that
almost crushed the Empire. His armies succeeded in slaying
Emperor Sigismund and wiping the Imperial province of
Solland off the map. Gorbad was a hulking Orc who rose
to fame as the leader of the Ironclaw Tribe. It was he who
first built the Iron Rock, the most redoubtable Orc fortress
in the Old World. Yet conquering greenskin tribes was no
real challenge for Gorbad and so he inevitably crossed into
the human land of the Empire.

It was his horrific deeds there that raised Gorbad’s status,

making him a bloody inspiration to his kind and a byword
for ‘invasions done propa’. It is said that Gorbad could
single-handedly destroy enemy regiments and headbutt
a war boar into a tongue-lolling comatose state. However,
it wasn’t his remarkable strength that allowed Gorbad to
wreak such havoc. Gorbad was a supreme Warboss, able to
drive his troops, whether Orcs or Goblins, to their utmost.
Tribes from all corners traveled to join this legendary leader.
Goblins Most Goblins are extremely weak as
individuals, and so they naturally
band together in large groups or
mobs as a form of protection. In
some cases, Goblins have been
known to split off from their abusive
cousins and form into their own
independent Goblin tribe.

Goblins normally wear scraps of

crude armor and form into their
own warbands of lightly armored
infantry equipped with wooden
shields, rusted swords or hunting
spears. The icons they bear follow
the same motifs as their larger
cousins. Shields and banners often
bear skulls, weapons, patterns, and
themes that they fear themselves,
thus should scare their enemies in
their thinking.

Above. “Fire Skullz Ladz”

Right. “Skull Takerz”
Far Right. Grom’s “Broken
Axe” Tribe
Below. “Deff Headz Ladz”
Above. Goblin Mob banners
“Sun Fangz” and “Black Skullz”
Below. “Ice Skull Ladz.”
Their shields depict the icy
mountains they call home.

Below. “Evil Eyez

Above. Lightening bolt
icons are common.
Below. “Bloody Bonez

Above. “Deff Gaze Tribe”

Below. “Red Rain Ladz” Arrer

Above. “Bloody Above and Below. Nasty

Handz” Banner Skulkers
Wolf Boyz Mobs. “Unchained” “Headhunterz”
“Bloody Spearz” “Horned Hunterz”
Above and Below. Goblin Warlords
and Shaman

Above. “Sun Biterz” and “Bloody Handz”

Warlord Grom, known more famously as Grom the Paunch
or Grom the Fat of the Misty Mountain, was the largest and
most powerful Goblin to have ever lived. Grom’s meteoric
rise began when, as a young Boss of the Broken Axe tribe, he
consumed a portion of raw Troll. As Troll flesh regenerates
and Grom, always a big eater, had not stopped to cook the
meal, the foul meat writhed in his belly. The race to regrow,
against the race to digest, was on. A lesser Goblin would
have burst asunder, but Grom was made of sterner stuff. The
Battle of the Belly, as the deed came to be known, changed
Grom, with him growing to prodigious size.

Grom is also among the greatest of Greenskin Warbosses,

being the only Greenskin Warlord to have ever made a
successful invasion of the distant lands of Ulthuan after
devastating the Empire on land and sea. Gobbos are cowardly
and disloyal, but nothing stirs their wicked hearts like Grom,
mightiest of Goblin Warbosses.
Black Orcs Named after their darker
shade of green, their
thick armor, and their horrendously
foul odor, the Black Orcs consider
themselves the ultimate Greenskin
warrior. These beasts are grim
and singularly focused on war, an
occupation that they take far more
seriously than even others of their
own kind. Equipped with some of
the best weapons and armor in the
tribe, these fierce fighters provide
their race with a much more reliable
source of elite, powerful fighters.

Since they are the best fighters,

the Black Orcs receive the lion’s
share of the loot after battle. Being
militaristic and spartan in nature,
Black Orcs would find any way to
either improve on their combat
skills or to appear bigger or meaner
as they possibly can. Due to this
air of superiority, most Black Orcs
usually band together in their own
Above. Blood Tusker Mob mobs or warbands that are usually
Shield. Black Orcs favor
metal shields
totally independent from the rest of
Below. “Blood Tuskers” the army. The militaristic bearing of
the Black Orcs is apparent in their
semblance of unit uniformity and
icons they bear.
Above. “Krimson Killerz”
Below. “Deff Stalkerz”
Above. “Killer Kingz” Mob plates their
armor in gold.

Below. Grimgor’s “Da Immortalz”

Left and Below. Black Orc Bosses often carry
a Tribe’s War Banner

Below. “Da Gate Breakerz” mob specializes in

siege warfare.
Black Orc Warbosses and Warlords. Often they
may be the only Black Orc in a Tribe. Such is
their ability to enforce their will.
Grimgor Ironhide, renowned by his kind as the Green
Slaughterer, the Once and Future Git and the Boss of the
East, is considered by many to be one of the greatest Black
Orc Warlords to have ever lived.
This monstrous warrior has culled a great swath of destruction
throughout the lands of the Old World and beyond, claiming
ownership of many Orc and Goblin tribes and making Red
Eye Mountain the heart of his small empire.
Such is the savagery he instills upon the battlefield that he
has gained a massive following of Greenskin warriors, and
with this army he was able to ravage the lands of the Empire,
the Kingdom of Kislev, and the fortress holds of the Dwarfs
for many long years.
Never has Grimgor ever lost a fight, and he longs for the day
that he may match his amazing skills with one of such equal
measure as his own. Grimgor will never stop until this day
comes, and he will continue on his bloody conquest until he
rules the entire world.
Night Goblins
The Night Goblins are truly a creatures
of darkness, for they mortally hate
the light of any source, preferring
instead to live in near total darkness.
A subterranean species, these Night
Goblins are usually known to only leave
their caves and hideouts on the darkest
of nights, where even the moonlight can
have the potential to hurt their light-
sensitive skin and eyes.

They almost always wear extremely dark

or black colored robes that helps to hide
themselves from the searing sun. Though they are considered
slightly smaller, scrawnier and much more cowardly then
even the average Goblin, what they lack in size and stature
they make up for with sheer psychotic abandonment. This
is due to the fact the Night Goblins chosen homes are
surrounded by all manners of mold and mushrooms. Many
kinds of fungus are grown for a variety of uses, such as
food, mixed in potions, used as medical treatments, to fuel
glow-lights, or used as bait to attract the Cave Squigs that
naturally populate their tunnels. Displaying even more than
their species’ usual lack of common sense, individual Night
Goblins have been known to gleefully ingest dangerously
hallucinogenic mushrooms. This exposure can even tint their
skin a purple-ish hue. Moon icons and Glaring Eye icons are
very common and are seen repeated on banners and shields
of many Night Goblin tribes and mobs.

“Evil Moon Tribe”

Below. “Dark Moon

Above Left and Below. “Mad Moonz

Tribe” Yellow checks and dags are popular.

Below. “Blood Curse Mob”

Below. “Bloody Moon Mob”

“Moon Fire Tribe”

Above. “Cave Lurkerz Tribe”

Right and Below. “Moon Killerz Tribe”

Above. “Moon Batz” and “Two
Moonz” mobs
Left and Below. “Midnight Sunz”
Above. Fanatics drugged on Mad Cap Mushrooms

Above. Squig Hoppers

Below. Squig Herders
Night Goblin Bosses,
Warlords and Shaman
Warlord Skarsnik, also known as the King of the Eight Peaks
is the chieftain of the Crooked Moon Tribe and the most
powerful Night Goblin Warlord in the whole of the southern
Worlds Edge Mountains. All the other Orc and Goblin warlords
acknowledge his over-lordship of the mountains around the
ruined Dwarf hold of Karak Eight Peaks, for none could ever
overcome Skarsnik’s incredible cunning and ruthlessness.
Since his rise to power, Skarsnik has since been singled out
from all the other Goblin Warlords before him for possessing
an incredible intellect that is wholly unexpected from such
a primitive race. Skarsnik is an expert ambush strategist
who is able to plan out strategic battlefield plans and guide
and command the ferocity of the Greenskin hordes to feats
of organization that has never been accomplished by any
Greenskin in recent history since the time of the infamous
Orcish Warlord, Azhag the Slaughterer.
Along with his immense intellect and powerful magical
staff, Skarsnik is accompanied by a Great Cave Squig named
Gobbla. Gobbla is an enormous, very smelly, and mindlessly
vicious creature that Skarsnik had saved from death when it
was a mere Squigling. Ever since then, Gobbla had become
an eternally loyal companion to Skarsnik.
Savage Tribes
Like all cultures, Orcs and Goblins have
evolved when they came into contact (and
fought) other races. While most greenskin
tribes advanced with exposure to new
methods, some tribes that either had
infrequent contact or stubborn resistance to
new ways remained true to their primitive
roots. It is also common for “modern”
greenskins in a tribe to choose to eschew modern methods.
Sometimes a greenskin’s inability to understand the latest
siege weaponry can trigger this retreat to traditional living.

Savage Orcs are not physically different to the great mass of

Orcs, but they are none-the-less quite distinct. They live in
their own tribes or mobs and have their own ways of fighting
which make them easily distinguishable. Savage Orcs eschew
armor in favor of warpaint, tattoos, and lucky charms. Many
of these charms take the form of teeth and bones removed
from evidently less lucky creatures. These grim tokens are
work around their necks or pushed through their lips, ears
and noses

Similarly, Forest Goblins are not physically different from

other Goblins. They are the same size, have the same green
skin, and overall it would be hard to tell one from another
were it not for their distinctive styles of dress and skin
painting. Forest Goblins wear warpaint in broad bands of
color over their bodies. Bright red and blue are the most
popular colors, and these are commonly applied to make
V-shaped chevrons over their face and arms. Their culture
also changed when exposed to the massive spiders that share
their dark forests with them. Spider icons are common as the
“Spider Kult” is revered as much as Mork and Gork.

Left. “Top Knots”

Savage Orc Tribe
Right. “Black Pit”
Forest Goblins
Above. “Blue Facez” Savage Orc Tribe
Below. “Red Jawz” “BlueVipers” and “Skull Krackaz”

Below. Savage Orc

Below. “Beast Hunterz”


Right. “Takerz” mob

Left. “Ox Jawz” Tribe

Left. “Big Stikka”

Below. Savage Orc Boar Boyz “Sharp

Right and Below. Savage Orc

Below. “Black Venom Tribe”

Spider and Web icons are common in

Forest Goblin mobs and tribes.
“Gloomy Woodz” Tribe

Below. “Black Pit”

Forest Goblins.
Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu is a Savage Orc Shaman possessed
of potent mystical powers. Known as Da Great Green
Prophet, Wurrzag is guided along his path by the Greenskin
gods, Gork and Mork. He leads tribes to greatness before
wandering off to pursue yet another mad plan to advance
Orcish kind

Wurrzag is the chosen emissary of Mork (and perhaps even

Gork) and is seeking the Once And Future Git. He travels the
Badlands mostly, joining the larger Waaaghs in search of the
future leader of all the Orcs. No greenskin dares to gainsay
Wurrzag and any that do rarely survive the waves of green
power that emanate from the Shaman.

No One can say where the

Once and Future Git will
be found. Some say he is still
asleep unc under the hills
Others The average greenskin tribe will have
other creatures besides Orc or Goblins
present. Some of the creatures are actively
cultivated, not unlike their wolf and boar
steeds, others wander into camp and either
can’t be driven off or are deemed good to have
around in a fight.

When the Greenskin go to war these creatures

are prodded into service by canny warbosses or
in some cases cannot be kept away. Snotlings,
Squigs (of all types,) Trolls, and Giants are all
examples of some creatures to be found in a
Greenskin horde.

Above and Left. Snotlings and Pump

Wagon. Snotlings are like vermin
infestations of Orc and Goblin tribes.

Right. Squigs are vicious many-

toothed fungus found in Night
Goblin tunnels.
Left. Common Troll. Troll Country is
appropriately named. Many Orc and
Goblin tribes have at least one troll.

Right. River Troll

A troll’s diet often changes its

Left. Rock Troll

Commonly found in
mountainous regions.
Often eats minerals.
“Da Big Fellas” as Orcs call Giants are tolerated for their sheer destructive
force. Orcs see them as a manifestation of Gork. Orcs will often tattoo
“their” Giant with the Tribe icon (while its dead drunk or asleep.)
Big Red ‘Un is a Colossal Squig the size of a manor house. Only
great effort and a large amount of drugged food (captives,
snotlings, and goblins) can lull the behemoth enough for
a crazed Night Goblin Shaman to attempt a Binding. This
monster is capable of biting a Giant in half and devouring
entire armies. Last seen in the Grey Mountains, Big Red ‘Un
is a disaster on two legs.
Orc, Goblin, and Black Orc banners and shields from the Bad
Skull Tribe. The Bad Skulls were largely responsible for the
destruction of the Dwarf Hold Karak Varn.
Skarsnik’s Throne room in Karak 8 Peaks
Above. Night Goblin Mob
Below. Goblin Wolfriders

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