1984 Symbolism Essay

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Liam Haren

Stage Two English

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty Four Essay

Mr M. Kulesza

How does George Orwell use symbolism to develop the major themes of Nineteen Eighty-Four? In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell utilises many symbols to develop the major themes of the book. The main theme of the novel is the dangers of totalitarianism, which Orwell used to warn the public against falling under the control of such a regime. Orwell reveals his foreshadowing of a dystopian society as the themes are developed through the use of various symbols. The themes of the control of information and history, propaganda, independence, physical and psychological control and rebellion were also explored in depth through the use of symbolism. Orwell s use of symbols such as the glass paperweight, Big Brother, telescreens and Doublethink allow him to create a connection to the major themes in the novel. George Orwell creates Big Brother as the supreme leader and the face of the Party. Although it is never determined whether or not Big Brother actually exists, he is recognised as the dictator of Oceania; ultimately proving that it is truly a totalitarian state. The use of Big Brother permits the Party to introduce fear into the Oceanic society. The giant, intimidating posters of Big Brother hanging around the city which display the slogan BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU spread fear upon the public as it is though he is always watching. The Party uses fear as a way to control all aspects of every citizen s life. Through the use of Big Brother, Orwell has demonstrated the dangers of totalitarianism. Orwell uses the glass paperweight as a symbol of the past and Winston s dream of freedom. Winston buys the paperweight in an attempt to reconnect with his past as such an object is rare in 1984 Oceania. The paperweight supports the theme of control of information and history by the Party. It s a little chunk of history that they ve forgotten to alter. It s a message from a hundred years ago, if one knew how to read it (page 152). This object reveals that the Party attempts to manipulate peoples memories and hence, control the past: Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past (page 37). Individuals are told what the past is; all memories are attempted to be erased by the Party. The paperweight reveals, however, that the Party cannot control every persons memories of their past as Winston begins to remember a world of the past. This world is in great contrast to what Party s claim of what the past was. The paperweight also symbolises the sanctuary that is the upstairs room in Mr. Charrington s shop where Julia and Winston take refuge. The coral inside the paperweight represents Julia and Winston in the room. "The paperweight was the room he was in, and the coral was Julia's life and his own, fixed in a sort of eternity at the heart of the crystal (page 154). As the paperweight was destroyed, so was Winston s connection with the past and his dreams of freedom and the Party s control over Winston and his past is restored.

Through the use of telescreens, Orwell allows the Party to monitor each individual s life and harass them with the constant propaganda sounding from them. He uses the symbol of the telescreen to establish the theme of propaganda and physical and psychological control. The telescreens symbolises complete censorship over one s movements and actions, therefore reiterating the idea that Oceania is a totalitarian state. "It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself -anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide (page 65). The constant censorship of a citizen s life stops them from thinking or acting against the Party, thus meaning that they live constantly in fear of being both physically and psychologically hurt. This supports the theme of physical and psychological control. Telescreens had two purposes, with the other being to constantly blast propaganda. The propaganda was usually news of a victory in the war and therefore it is seen that the telescreen also symbolises propaganda. Orwell created Doublethink, a reality control technique used by the Party to make a person believe two contradictory things at the same time. Doublethink is the ability to accept the truth that the Party presents, no matter how ridiculous it may seem. Through this method, the Party destroys independent thought and hence, it is tied to the theme of independence. In the novel, Winston strives for independence as he attempts to dismantle the Party. However, in Room 101 Winston s independence is destroyed as O Brien makes him believe in the Doublethink idea of 2+2=5 . An example of Doublethink is Blackwhite , which is the ability to believe that black is white. Doublethink makes it easy for the Party to manipulate peoples thoughts and obliterate independence. The aforementioned symbols used by George Orwell play a major part in developing the various themes in Nineteen Eighty-Four. Orwell achieved in warning people of the major theme in the novel, the dangers of a totalitarian society, through symbolism in the novel. The other themes are also developed throughout the entirety of the novel through Orwell s use of symbolism. The minor themes tie in well with the major theme and together they create an effective illustration of society under a totalitarian regime.

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