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Fifth Grade

2. Good afternoon.
3. Goodbye./Bye.
4. Good evening.
1 O. Hello./Hi.
11. How are you?
12. 1 believe you've
already met ...
17. lt was nice to
meet you.
18. Nice meeting
19. Nice to see you
il 1

13. l'd like you to
S. Good morning. meet •..
6. Good night. 20. See you soon.
7. greet
14. l'm fine, thanks.
1 S. informal
21. So long. ¡
8. Have a nice day. 22. This is ...
16. lt's my pleasure
9. Have you met ...? to introduce ... 23. Yes, we've rnet.

Cross-Cultural Exchange
In groups of four, choose a conversation
monitor and a recorder. • Discuss these
questions. • Compare cultures when
possible. • Report the results of your
discussíon to the c/ass.

1. Where do you think these people are

from? What are the differences in the

ways they greet each other?
2. In sorne cultures, people shake hands
when introduced. What do people do in
your culture?
3. When do you make formal introductions
in your culture? Demonstrate a formal
introductio n.
4. When do you introduce people
informally? Demonstrate an informal
5. What are common ways to say goodbye
in your language? Are they similar to
6. What are common names and nicknames
in your country?
7. What are sorne customs in naming
babies and giving nicknames in your
8. What words and customs for
introductions or greetings in your
culture are similar to those in English?

1. career 8. employment 15. qualífication
9. explain 16. qualified
2. classmate
10. explanation 17. qualify
3. communicate
11. get acquainted 18. teason
4. communication
12. medical 19. small talk
5. converse condition
20. sociable

6, educated 13. medical
21. socialize
7. education
22. telephone skills
14. purpose

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questíons about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary Jist. • Add more words.
1. How does this classroom look like your 4. What reasons do these students have
classroom? for studying Engl ish?
2. Where do you think these students are 5. What are sorne other reasons?
from? 6. Draw two more reasons in the empty
3. What languages do you think they speak? bubbles.

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1. AII the best! 8. Lots of luck! 15. promotion
2. congratulate 9. lucky 16. raise
3. deserve 1 O. marvelous 17. special
4. event 11. move in 18. twins
5. Good luck! 12. new apartment 19. unpack
6. graduate 13. new baby 20. winning ticket
7. graduation 14. occasion 21. wonderful

Picture Di5cus5ion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more
1. What is happening in each scene? 4. What did the man and woman buy for
2. How many different reasons for their friends' new apartment?
congratulations are in these scenes? 5. On what other occasions would you give
3. How will each event change these congratulations? Make a list on the board.
people's lives?

Group Role Play

In groups of four, choose one of the scenes. • Create a role play. • Present your role play to
the class.


1. apologize 9. l'm sorry. 17. Pardon me.

2. Are you all right? 10. l'm sorry l'm late. 18. push
3. Are you OK? 11. intentional 19. shove
4. bump into 12. mean to 20. tardiness
S. by accident 13. No problem. 21. tardy
6. Don't worry. 14. nuisance 22. That's all right.
7. Excuse me. 15. on purpose 23. That's OK.
8. Excuse me for ... 16. packed 24. unintentional

Picture Discussion
Wíth your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more
1. What is happening in each scene? 3. Have you ever been in a situation like any
2. What apologies are necessary for each of these? What did you do?
situation? Why? 4. What other situations require an apology?
Make a list on the board.

Partner Problem Solving Partner's Name __________

With a partner, decide what problems are in the scenes. • Then decide on solutions. • Compare
your solutions wíth another pair. • Choose the best ones. • Report your results to the class.

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1. block 9. impatient 17. pay attention

2. considerate 10. impolite 18. polite
3. consideration 11. inconsiderate 19. quiet
4. cut in line 12. interrupt 20. share
S. delay 13. loud 21. thank
6. disrupt 14. oblivious 22. Thanks.
7. double-park 15. offer 23. thoughtful
8. get away with 16. patient 24. thoughtless


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8. decline 17. May I help you?
2. assistance 9. gratitude 18. Need help?
3. Can I help? 10. hitchhike 19. Please help me.
4. corred change 11. hitchhiker 20. Please pass the ...
S. Could you 12. in distress 21. refuse a ride
change a ... ?
13. invitation 22. uncomfortable
6. Could you 23. Would you like ... ?
14. invite
please ... ?
7. Could you please 15. lend/give a hand 24. Would you
mind ... ?
help me? 16. May I have ... ?



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1. burglarize
2. burglary
9. extend sympathy
10. funeral
17. saddened
18. sadness
3. car theft
4. comfort
11. graveside
12. grief
19. sorrow
20. state of shock
5. condolences 13. in mourning 21. stolen
i' l\
6. console 14. in time of need 22. sympathize
7. crisis 15. loss 23. unhappy

8. death 16. mourn 24. upset

Picture Di6cuse;ion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more
1. What is happening in each scene? 4. How would you extend sympathy at each
2. How do the people feel? occasion?
3. What are they saying? What are they 5. On what other occasions would you
doing? express your sympathy? Draw one
example in the blank box.


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10. last minute 19. ready

2. awake 11. mess 20. roommate
3. clean-shaven 12. messy 21. rush
4. cram 13. neat 22. self-control
5. difference 14. organized 23. self-discipline
6. disorganized 15. prepared 24. sloppy
7. frantic 16. procrastinate 25. unprepared
8. groggy 17. procrastination 26. unshaven
9. hurry 18. put off 27. untidy

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Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more words.
1. What do these people like to eat and drink? 4. Which foods are crunchy? crisp? smooth?
2. What are they talking about? juicy?
3. Which foods are spicy? sour? sweet? salty? S. Whích foods are filling? light? rich?
6. Which foods look appetizing to you? Why?

1. affectionate 9. fun-loving 17. optimistic
2. aggressive 10. gentle 18. outgoing
3. cheerful 11. inquisitive 19. pessimistic
4. coy 12. introverted 20. physical

5. determined
6. energetic
13. lively
14. meditative
21. serious
22. shy l
7. extroverted
8. flirtatious
15. melancholy
16. moody
23. talkative
24. withdrawn
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1. best friend 9. irresponsible

2. carefree 10. jealous 18. sensitive
3. disloyal 11. kind 19. sincere
4. envious 12. loyal 20. supportive
5. friendship 13. phony 21. true friend
6. generous 14. reliable 22. trustworthy
7. insensitive 15. responsible 23. two.faced
8. insincere 16. self•centered 24. unreliable

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questíons about the three picture stories. • Use the vocabulary
líst. • Add more words.
1. What is happening in these stories? 4. Do you think the man with the car will
2. What is a true friend? Which of these lend it to his friend again? Will they
stories shows a true friend? remain friends? Why or why not?
3. What kinds of friends do the other stories

n adventure 9. imaginary 17. pretend

2. adventurous 10. imagination 18. read aloud
3. curiosity 11. light/strike a match 19. remember
4. curious 12. memorable 20. reminisce
5. dangerous 13. nostalgia 21. rocking chair
6. experiment 14. nostalgic 22. sword fight
7. fairy tale 15. play with dolls 23. tea party
8. fearless 16. play with fire 24. used to

Picture Discussion
With your cfass, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabufary list. • Add more
1. What are these students doing? 3. Which of these chi ldhood activities are
2. What is happening in each childhood dangerous?
memory? 4. Did you do any of these things in your
childhood? Which ones?

What's the Story?

In groups of three, choose a conversation monitor and a recorder. • Then choose one of the
students ín the scenes. • Write a story about the student's childhood memory • Everyone in the
group shoufd contribute at least two sentences. • Read your story to the class.

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9. custom
17. religious
2. belief 1 O. fur coat 18. reserved
3. believe in 11. heritage 19. show affection
4. body language 12. history 20. tradition
S. cathedral 13. palm tree 21. traditional
6. chopsticks 14. physical contact 22. tropical
7. climate 15. plaza/square 23. tropics
8. culture 16. religion 24. wintry




9. fantastic 17. reactfon

2. amusing 10. frightening 18. strange
3. awful 11. heart-rending 19. suspenseful
4. bizarre 12. heartwarming 20. terrible
5. delightful 13. hysterical 21. true story
6. dramatic 14. incredible 22. unbelievable
7. dreadful 15. painful 23. unusual
8. embarrassing 16. react 24. wild

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questíons about the scene. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more
1. How are the students reacting to each of 3. What are sorne possible subjects of each
their classmates' stories? story? Make lists on the board.
2. From the students' reactions, what can 4. What are the students thinking in each
you guess about each story? group?

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1. accomplish 9. dreamer 17. plan \

2. accomplrshment 1 O. fantasize 18. realistic
3. ambition 11. fantasy 19. succeed
4. ambitious 12. goal in life 20. success

5. daydream 13. hope 21. successful

6. daydreamer 14. imagine 22. unrealistic
7. determination 15. objective 23. visualize
8. dream 16. persevere 24. wonder

1. CD�ROM 1 O. instruction 19. research
2. collaborate 11. Internet 20. review
3. discuss 12. memorize 21. take notes
4. discussion 13. method 22. technology
5. field trip 14. multimedia 23. tutor
6. group work 15. oral 24. tutorial
7. headset 16. practice 25. visual
8. índependent study 17. prefer 26. visual aid
9. instruct 18. print out 27. word processor

Picture Discussiot1
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more

1. What methods of learning are the 4. What other ways of studying and learníng
students using in these scenes? are there? Make a list on the board.
2. What are the advantages of each S. Which of these learníng methods have
different way of studying? you used? Which do you prefer?
3. Which methods involve new technologies?
How are these technologies helpful?


1O. great-grandparent 19. only child

2. adoption 11. half brother 20. relation
3. ex-husband 12. half sister 21. relative
4. extended family 13. identical 22. remarry
S. ex-wife 14. in common 23. resemblance
6. family trait 15. look like 24. resemble
7. family tree 16. marriage 25. second marriage
8. generation 17. member 26. similar
9. great-grandchild 18. nuclear family 27. similarity

1. absence 8. attendance 15. rebellion
2. absent 9. behavior 16. rebellious
3. acceptable 10. cut class 17. rules
4. acne 11. freedom 18. skip school
5. adolescence 12. home 19. studious
6. adolescent assignment 20. teenager
7. attend 13. peer pressu re 21. unacceptable
14. rebel


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1. behave 1O. get in trouble 19. obstinate

2. bicker 11. honest 20. refuse
3. blame 12. lie 21. respect
4. dishonest 13. misbehave 22. scold
5. disobedient 14. mischief 23. shoplift
6. disobey 15. mischievous 24. stubborn
7. disrespect 16. naughty 25. tease
8. fault 17. obedient 26. tell a lie
9. get caught 18. obey 27. tell the truth

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more words.
1. What is happening in each scene? 5. What other problems do parents have
2. What parenting problem does each parent with young children? Add to the list on
have? Make a list on the board. the board.
3. What are the expectant parents thinking? 6. Did your parents have any of these
problems with you? What did you do?
4. Should these parents punish their children?
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1. alone 1 O. fond memories 19. memory loss

2. arthritis 11. free time 20. mobility
3. casket 12. get old 21. pass away
4. cemetery 13. hearing loss 22. reaction time
S. cope with 14. lifetime 23. retired
6. dead 15. lonely 24. senior citizen
7. die 16. long life 25. spare time
8. elderly 17. lose a loved one 26. vision loss
9. fixed income 18. medication

Picture Discua6ion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary líst. • Add more words.
1. Describe the life of this elderly couple. 4. What problems do they have?
2. What pleasures do they have? How do 5. How can they cope with their problems?
they spend their free time in retirement? 6. What are other problems of growing old?
3. What other activities might this elderly
couple enjoy?

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1. business 9. landmark 17. side

2. catty-corner 10. locate 18. stop light

3. close 11. location 19. street map
4. diagonal 12. merge 20. street sign
S. diagonally 13. one-way street 21. tree-lined street
6. directions 14. pedestrian 22. two-way street
7. find 15. pull over 23. two-way traffic
8. intersection 16. road map 24. yield

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1. after-school 8. fire department 17. recreational


9. free meal 18. serve
2. community
1 O. handicapped 19. service
services organization
3. community

11. homeless shelter 20. soup kitchen

12. instructor 21. summer
4. contribute
13. municipal pool
S. contribution
22. swimming
14. police department lessons
6. day care
15. provide
7. emergency care 23. volunteer
16. recreation


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1. cable wire 10. gas company 19. re-ception

2. dump 11. gas leak 20. repairperson
3. electrical storm 12. hard hat 21. service technician
4. electricity 13. manhole 22. service truck
S. electric wires 14. odor 23. telephone pole
6. environment 15. out of service 24. trash
7. faulty 16. pollution 25. trash collection
8. garbage 17. power 26. trash compactar
9. garbage disposal 18. power lines 27. water pressure

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1. bulk mail 8. face down 16. postage supplies

2. cardboard box 9. fax (facsimile) 17. receipt
3. copy 10. home delivery 18. receive
4. copy machine/ 11. keyboard 19. send
12. next-day delivery 20. timesaver
5. dolly
13. on-line 21. transmission
6. efficient
14. overnight delivery 22. transmit
7. electronic mail
15. packaging tape

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questíons about the pícture story. • Use the vocabulary fist. • Add
more words.
1. Who are the two women in the story? 3. What kind of mailing service does the
What are they comrnunicating about? older woman use for her package? How
2. What services are the people using at the qu ickly does her package arrive?
mailing services store? 4. Tell this picture story.



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1. business call 9. hard of hearing/
16. speaker phone
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hearing impaired
2. calling card
3. call waiting
1º· hearing aid
17. telephone line
18. teletypewriter/
11. in-flight call text phone
4_ car phone \
12. on the line 19. three-way calling
s. cellular (cell)
phone 13. personal call 20. toH call
6. conference call 14. prepaid telephone 21. touch-to'ne phone
card 22. wall phone
7. extension phone
15. put on hold
8_ hang on

4Sl-\oPPl�G 1� �o'OA'f� WORLD

1. boutique 8. item number 15. sales tax
2. catalog sales 9. merchandise 16. shipping and
3. charge 10. money-back
guarantee 17. specialty shop
4. ease of shopping
11. on-line shopping 18. telephone order
5. exclusive
12. place an order 19. toll-free number
6. home shopping
channel 13. purchase 20. upscale
7. introductory offer 14. retail 21. value

Picture Discussion
Wíth your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more
1. What different kinds of shopping do 5. What information does the catalog
these scenes show? shopper have to give to place a telephone
2. What are the people buying in each arder?
scene? 6. Who will have to pay shipping and
3. What different ways can these people pay handling?
for their purchases? 7. What are the advantages and
4. How is the woman making a purchase disadvantages of each method of
using the lV? What is she saying? shopping?

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1. article of clothing 9. garment 17. stylish

2. conservative
3. conventional
10. impractical
11. piece of clothing
18. taste
19. tasteful
4. discount store 12. practica! 20. thrifty
S. durable 13. reasonable 21. trend
6. fashion 14. seasonal 22. trendy
7. fashionable 15. sporty 23. well made
8. fashion conscious 16. style


1. adjust 11. frustrated 21. refund
2. adjustment 12. frustrating 22. refundable
3. assemble 13. frustration 23. replace
4. broken 14. hem 24. replacement
5. damaged 15. incomplete 25. returnable
6. detective 16. manufacturing defect 26. scratched
7. dilemma
8. dissatisfaction
17. missing part
18. non-refundable
27. stitching
28. torn
9. dissatisfied 19. poor quality 29. under warranty
10. exchangeable 20. put together 30. warrantied

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1. administration 9. extracurricular 16. parental

office activity involvement
2. administrative 10. intramural sport 17. Parent-Teacher
Association (PTA)
3. appointment 11. martial arts
18. play chess �
4. chaperone 12. meet )

5. detention 13. meeting

19. principal LJ
20. probation
6. disciplinary action 14. meeting time
21. suspend
7. discipline 15. office staff
22. suspension
8. dress code




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1. admissions 9. matriculated 17. registration process

2. advise 10. non-credit course 18. required course
3. audit a course 11. non-matriculated 19. scholarship
4. credit course
5. credit hours
12. payment
13. procedure
20. school supplies
21. semester ¡
6. elective 14. register 22. support staff
7. fee 15. registrar's office 23. textbook
8. finance 16. registration form 24. tuition

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more words.
1. What are the students waiting in line for? 5. How is this registration process similar to
2. What are they thinking? your school? How is it different?
3. What advice are the students giving to 6. What can the students buy in the
each other? bookstore?
4. What courses are they taking this
semester? Which are far credit? Which are
non-credit? required? electíve?


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1. art show 9. film 17. performance

2. baseball diamond 10. fine arts 18. playing field
3. baseball league 11. marquee 19. popular
4. browse 12. matinee 20. public library
5. cheer 13. motion picture 21. rain or shine
6. community event 14. multiplex cinema 22. root

7. exhibit 15. on-line catalog 23. show
8. exhibition 16. perform 24.. spectator

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1. active 10. empty calories 19. health risk
2. alcohol/liquor 11. energy 20. low-fat diet
3. anorexia 12. excessive 21. nutrition

4. anorexic 13. exercise 22. nutritious
s. appetite 14. fat 23. oily
6. calories from fat 1 S. fattening 24. overweight
7. ca rbo h ydrates 16. fit 25. protein
8. cholesterol 17. fitness 26. saturated fats
9. diet pills 18. greasy 27. sedentary

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more words.
1. What are the two men eating for lunch? 6. How is an active lifestyle better for your
2. Which lunch is more nutritious? Which health than a sedentary lifestyle?
food has empty calories? 7. Wh at hea 1th risks are the people at the
3. What is wrong with the young woman's party taking? What are the dangers of
dinner? smoking and drinking?
4. What is her mother thinking? What is her 8. Which of the people in these scenes have
father saying? a healthy lifestyle? Which do not?
5. Are the family members watching TV
taking good care of themselves? Explain.
1. allergic reaction 12. hazard 23. rattlesnake
2. avoid 13. heat exhaustion 24. scorpion
3. bite 14. icy 25. scratch
4. bug 15. insect 26. skid
S. dehydrate 16. itch 27. slip
6. dehydration 17. itchy 28. slippery
7. feel faint 18. poison ivy 29. sting
8. fleas 19. poison oak 30. stinger
9. fly 20. poisonous 31. sunblock/
10. frigid 21. pollen
32. swarm
11. hay fever 22. precaution
33. wasp

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary líst. • Add more words.
1. What is happening in each scene? 4. What other health hazards are there at
2. What animals are in these scenes? Which the beach? in the woods? in the desert?
ones are insects? in the cold?
3. What health problems do these anima Is S. What other health problems can the
cause? weather cause?
6. What precautions can people take to
avoid these hazards?


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1. acupuncture 11. heating pad 22. recovery
2. acupuncture 12. herb 23. recuperate
13. herbal tea 24. respiratory
3. alternative infection
14. illness
25. rubbing alcohol
15. insert
4. back pain
26. soothe
16. liquid
s. bed rest
27. stuffy nose
17. massage
6. capsule
28. tablet
18. muscle spasm
7. congested
29. traditional
8. copper 19. natural medicine
bracelet 20. nontraditional 30. virus
9. drowsiness medicine
31. vitamin C
10. drowsy 21. recover

Picture Discussion
With your c/ass, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more words.
1. What i 11 ness do the two women have? 6. What different remedies are they using?
2. What different remedies are they using? 7. Which of these remedies do you prefer?
3. Which of these remedies do you prefer? Why?
Why? 8. What other remedies are there?
4. What other remedies are there? 9. Tell the story of each person's illness and
5. What health problem do the two men recovery.

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1. blood sample 11. immunize 20. refer
2. complain 12. infection 21. referral
3. complaint 13. infectious 22.. sign in
4. contagious 23. spedalist
14. inoculate
5. cramps 24. stethoscope
1 S. medical history
6. examining room 25. throat culture
16. physical
7. flu shot 26. tongue
8. general 17. prescribe
practitioner 27. upset
18. primary care stomach
9. immune
28. vial
1 0. im_mu i
_ _n _z_ta _iº_"___19. rash
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1. ambulatory 1O. fracture 18. injury
2. bandage 11. gurney 19. inpatient
3. blood work 12. health care provider 20. life-threatening
4. compress 13. health insurance card 21. paramedic
5. co-payment 14. health insurance 22. sling
6. cover plan 23. swell
15. hospitalize 24. swollen
7. coverage
16. identification bracelet
8. critica! condition 25. treat
9. dressing
17. injure 26. treatment

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1. antidote 1 O. eye irritant 20. irritation

2. chemical 11. food poisoning 21. kitchen
3. childproof 12. harmful
22. poison control (
4. contaminate 13. hazardous
5. contamination 14. household chemical
23. prevent ;:
6. contents 15. household cleaner 24. prevention
7. disinfect 16. household poison 25. spoil
8. disinfectant 17. ingest

26. swallow
9, (do not) induce 18. i nsecticide 27. warn
19. irritate
28. warning label

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scenes. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more words.
1. What happened to the little boy? 4. Why is the man síck?
2. What should his mother do? 5. What advice wou!d you give him?
3. How could his parents have prevented
this danger?


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1. congestion 11. one-story 21. small town

2. countryside 12. own 22. space
3. farmhouse 13. property 23. sprawling
4. high-rise 14. ranch house 24. suburb
5. housing 1 S. real estate 25. tenement
16. recreational 26. town house
6. land vehicle

27. two-family
7. log cabin 17. rental dwelling �
8. lot 18. residence 28. two-story
9. motor home 19. semidetached 29. village
10. multiple-family 20. single-family 30. walk-up
dwelling dwelling


1. cellar 10. furnishings 19. roomy
2. convenience 11. handle 20. spacious
3. cozy 12. hang wallpaper 21. special needs ij
4. cramped 13. mini-blinds 22. storage space
5. customized 14. modified fixtures 23. store
6. decorate 15. occupant 24. storeroom
7. extra-wide 16. privacy 25. wheelchair
8. floor covering 17. redecorate 26. window
9. furnish 18. remodel

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Apartments for Re utils. 3 H

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not inc!. Call ownr.:
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$65,000. w cpt., an �
d or�.
ki.tch. w. dishw.,
Two-bd rm ., 1 bath., $65 O!mo. One-acre fnc
utils. incL excel. loe., beautffuJ vie d. lot w new mobi/e ho
w, low dn me;
bsmt. laundr. $47,900. · Pmnt. Asking
Studio apt. w. batb., o.
avail., no utils., $45 Two-story, 4 bd
h., cpt., ht. and fucd. yd. You'll 1o � bath. ExceI. Joc.
Three-bdnn., 2 bat s, $600/mo. ve Jt! $125 ri,-..o . '
e\ec. not incl., no pet
, uv , as 1s.

Three-nn. bsmt · apt. '
tra sp.
utils. inc\., nr. public � ..........

/ .�
'- . -..:2;� ';;_-0-
� --
--· --l . �
�--="'? �-:::-
�- .

Family size: 2 Family size: 6

Monthly take-home pay: $850 Monthly take-home pay: $1,700

1. apt. (apartment) 12. elec. (electricity} 24. real estate agent

2. as is 13. excel. 25. realtor
3. avail. {available) 26. refrig.
14. fncd. (fenced) (refrigerator)
4. bath. {bathroom)
15. ht. (heat) 27. rms. (rooms)
5. bdrm. {bedroom)
16. incl. (included) 28. studio
6. bsmt.
(basement) 17. kitch. (kitchen) 29. transp.
7. cond. (condition) 18. laundr.
(laundry room) 30. utils. (utilities)
8. condo
(condominium) 19. loe. (location) 31. w. (with)
9. cpt. (carpet) 20. mo. (month) 32. w/w
(wa I1-to-wall)
10. dishw. 21. nr. (near)
(dishwasher) 33. yd. (yard)
22. open house
11. dn. pmnt.
23. ownr. (owner)
(down payment)



1. air conditioner 10. fuse box 18. oil tank

2. blow a fuse 11. hot water 19. overload a circuit
3. blow-dryer heater
20. plug
12. ironing board
4. current 21. plug in
13. meter
S. cut off 22. rewire
14. nonpayment
6. dial tone 23. run out
15. notification
7. discontinue 24. thermostat
8. extension cord 16. notify
25. wiring
17. oil heat
9. furnace

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e ________._________
1. belongings/ 8. haul 1 S. packing box
9. household goods 16. put away
2. breakable
10. leave behind 17. transport
3. bump
11. misplace 18. unload
4. crate
12. nick 19. unwrap
S. delicate
13. organize 20. utility trailer
6. farewell
14. pack 21. wrap
7. glassware


'r----- =- ::::::-::...::::::======-

1. amazed 8. distrust 1 S. overgrown
2. cautious 9. distrustful 16. pay for
3. chain lock 10. door 17. special
knocker delivery
4. charitable
11. door-to-door 18. stranger
S. charity
12. fearful 19. unexpected
6. collection
13. Girl Scout 20. wary
7. deliver
newspapers 14. lawn mower

- �


- �-

1. abandoned
2. advocate
10. hang out
11. homeless
19. run down
20. run over

3. boarded-up 12. inner dty 21. stray dog
4. dilapidated 13. junk 22. street light
5. disrepair
6. fire hazard
14. litter
15. loiter
23. unsafe
24. vagrant (J
' t

7. gang 16. neglect 25. vandal

8. ghetto 17. personal safety 26. vandalism
9. graffiti 18. petition 27. weeds

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scene. • Use vocabulary from the líst. • Add more
1. Describe this neighborhood. 4. What neighborhood improvements is the
2. Describe the people in this neighborhood. woman with the petition advocating?
3. What are the good things? What are the 5. Do you think she will be successful? Why
bad thíngs? or why not?

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. . - . ..·
· 8. neighbórhood 15, rait\bow
rk1ng ··,.· · . assodation
,· 16. refurbish
. dean-up- ' 9. neighborly
17. rehabilitate
. campaign
10 .. occupied
18. rehabilitation
3. crime watch
11. off-street
19. renovate
4. friendlíness parking
12. optimism
20. renovation
5. grass-roots
organization 21. saber
13. outlook
6. help out 22. urban renewal
14. pitch in
7. leash law

Picture Discussion
With your class, answer the questions about the scene. • Use the vocabulary list. • Add more words.
1. What changes have taken place in this 4. What does it mean to be neighborly? What
neighborhood? neighborly actions are in this scene?
2. What are the people doing? How have S. Why are grass-roots organizations
they changed? important?
3. What are the irnprovements in
neighborhood safety? neighbors'
attitudes? property mai ntenance?

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