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Health and Safety Foundations

ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat

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Sr. No. 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.6 1.6.1 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.8 1.9

Overall aims Specific intended learning outcomes

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The Moral, Legal and Financial Arguments for Maintaining Good Standards of Health and Safety The Legal Arguments for Maintaining Good Standards of Health and Safety The Financial Arguments for Maintaining Good Standards of Health and Safety The Legal Framework for Regulating Health and Safety The Role of the European Union in Harmonising Standards of Health and Safety International Health and Safety Law UK Legislation The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and Other Health and Safety Regulations Approved Codes of Practice, Official Guidance and their Relationships and Relative Status. Absolute and Qualified Duties: 'Practicable', 'Reasonably Practicable' The Roles and Functions of External Agencies: Activities Enforced by Local Authorities The Powers of Inspectors Under the HSW Act. A Framework for Health and Safety Management Mapping UK Best Practice with the Rest of the World Element Summary Revision Questions Suggested Answers References Note:- Overall recommended coaching time for this element is not less than 6 Hrs.

Unit 1: Health and safety foundations

Any human endeavor is embarked upon to fetch goods and services for enrichment of life, uplifting of standard of living, welfare of people and overall happiness in society. But, due to faulty performance of men, conditions at ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 2 of 44

workplace, natural calamities and unforeseen circumstances, matters go beyond control, risks appear and harm the people by ways of injuries, ill-health and mental strain. As per the legal duty, economic and business considerations, social and moral grounds, health and safety must be addressed systematically by the organisation and taken as an important function of the management. Systematic management approach is to be adopted and sound foundation for safety and health is to be laid in the form of allocation of roles/responsibilities, adoption of operational systems and proactive measures with provision of review and improvement. 1.1 Overall aims

On completion of this Element, candidates will understand: o The scope and nature of occupational health and safety

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The moral, legal and economic reasons for promoting good standards of health and safety within an organisation The role of national governments and international bodies in formulating a framework for the regulation of health and safety The basis of a system for managing health and safety The costs of failing to manage health and safety. 1.1.1 Specific intended learning outcomes

The intended learning outcomes of this Element are that candidates will be able to: o Explain briefly the moral/social, legal and economic bases for maintaining good standards of health and safety

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Outline the roles and responsibilities of employers and workers Identify sources of information on health and safety Outline the key elements of a health and safety management system.

Recommended tuition time Recommended tuition time for this unit is not less than 6 hours. 1.2 Introduction

On a day to day basis, we all use common safety terminology, for example: He took a risk overtaking on the bend. Watch yourself out there, that pathway is a real hazard. That leaning wall looks really dangerous. In occupational health and safety, the words hazard, risk and danger (ous) have well-defined meanings. Hazards are associated with degrees of danger and are quantifiable in units ranging from slightly hazardous through to very hazardous. Risks, on the other hand, should be thought of in terms of chance-taking and

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can be run either after careful consideration or out of ignorance. Obviously, we are concerned with the former option in order that the results should be fortuitous rather than disastrous or anything in between. Danger is the essence of a hazard, and a risk is taking a chance with regard to that hazard. Risk Management, therefore, lies in ensuring that the risk taken is well thought out, with regard to all likely consequences, and is controlled. The usual definitions used in risk management are: Hazard Risk Precaution Injury Damage 1.3 The potential to cause harm; The likelihood of the hazard occurring; Step taken to reduce the risk of a hazard occurring to an acceptable level; The result of a hazard occurring to a person; The result of a hazard occurring to a thing.

Risk Management:

From these considerations, we can formulate a definition of Risk Management which NEBOSH utilises: the identification, analysis and degree of control exercised of risks which have the potential to threaten the assets or wellbeing of an enterprise. Control implies both the physical and financial steps which may eliminate, reduce or transfer the risk. Risks must be reduced to acceptable levels if they cannot be avoided or devolved, which begs the question, Acceptable to whom? Employees working with the risk? Shareholders concerned with financial returns? Safety officers involved with the risk? Society which benefits from the risks being run?

Risk Control Measures: Having identified the hazards, measured their effect on the company and worked out some kind of priority, we now have to do something about it. In practice we probably carry out each stage at the same time: identification, assessing and controlling. One way of listing priorities is to consider the choice as being between three alternatives: o o o A technical or engineering solution, where we control or eliminate the hazard by designing a new machine or process, or producing some guarding measure. A procedural solution, where we devise a safe method of work, issue job instructions, introduce permits to work, or restrict a task to certain operators. A behavioural solution, which involves education and training of operatives, putting up notices and signs and generally making employees aware of the risks. As you work through this NEBOSH study material you will find that these terms -risk, hazard and danger occur quite frequently and, naturally, we try to be consistent in the way we use them.

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Hazards: As already stated, a hazard is something with the potential to cause harm. We must consider the types of hazards that may be encountered in work situations and classify them according to the dangers they present or, more precisely, the harm that would result if they were realised. The chief examiner for risk management in the NEBOSH Diploma examination provided the following list in a set of guidance notes: o Physical hazard, for example: Repetitive strain injuries Being struck by an object o Chemical hazard: Contact with acids or alkalis Contact with asbestos o Biological hazard: Contagious disease Hearing loss due to noise o Psychological hazard: Fear of unemployment Lack of motivation Harassment Disaster at home or at work Under each heading - physical, chemical, biological, psychological - we have given example(s) which would manifest themselves in the long term and example(s) which would become manifest in the short term. Which are which? Hazards which represent an immediate danger: o o o o Physical: being struck by an object Chemical: from contact with acids or alkalis Biological: contagious disease Psychological: disaster at home or at work

Hazards which could manifest themselves in the long term are: o o o Physical: repetitive strain injuries Chemical: from contact with asbestos Biological: hearing loss due to noise

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Psychological: fear of unemployment, lack of motivation, harassment

Other terms that we will discuss further in this course, include:Dangerous Occurrences - these are events or situations that could harm employees at work in such a way that there is a legal requirement to report them. If something happens which does not result in a major injury, but clearly could have done, it may be classed as a dangerous occurrence. Near Misses - these are any form of accident which could result in injury or loss but do not. Work-related ill-health - The definition of work-related ill-health used by the Health and Safety Executive is "any illness, disability, or other physical problem which reduces, either temporarily or permanently, the functioning of an individual and which has been caused, in whole or part, by the working conditions of that individual". Work-related ill-health is usually due to exposure to the causal agents over some, often lengthy, period and not to the consequence of a discrete event. Problems such as dermatitis and musculo-skeletal disorders usually develop during exposure but others, particularly work-related cancers, affect individuals many years after exposure has ceased. 1.4 Safety The Moral, Legal and Financial Arguments for Maintaining Good Standards of Health and

In short, arguments for good management of health and safety include:

o o o Moral: ethical and responsible behaviour Financial: the costs of injuries and ill-health Legal: criminal and civil liability

We will now discuss these further. The moral arguments for maintaining good standards of health and safety Every year in the UK alone, about 400 people are killed in accidents caused by work activities and over a million workers get injured. Around 2 million people (5% of the population) suffer from ill-health caused by work and it is estimated that around 25 million working days are lost every year as a result of work-related accidents and ill-health. Every year around 3,000 people die as a result of past exposure to asbestos and more than 25,000 are forced to give up work due to work-related accidents and ill-health. Accidents in the EU During 1998* there were 4.7 million occupational accidents leading to more than three days' absence from work. This gives an incidence rate of 4,089 accidents per 100,000 people at work. Deaths were 5.0 per 100,000 people, with a total of 5,476 people killed at work. A further 3, 100 fatalities occurred between home and work. Of the total of nearly 8,600 work-related deaths, 59 per cent were due to road or transport

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accidents. More details can be obtained from the website of the European Agency for Safety and Health ( The site links to Member State sites where national legislation and guidance can be found. People employed for less than two years were found to be between 1.2 and 1.3 times more likely to have an accident than the average worker, irrespective of whether they had a temporary or permanent contract. In some sectors, the figure was much higher than this. For example, staff in hotels and restaurants who had been permanently employed for less than two years were 47 per cent more likely to have an accident, relative to their industry average. Similarly, temporary employees in construction were 65 per cent more likely to be injured than other workers in their sector. For all people aged between 18 and 24, and for everyone working night shifts. of at least 20 hours a week, the risk of an accident was 1.4 times the average. Fishing was the most dangerous occupation at 2.43 times the EU occupational average. Other high-risk sectors included construction (1.41 times the EU aver- age), health and social welfare (1.34), and agriculture (1.32). Other than accidental injuries, work-related health problems affected 7.7 million people in 1998/99, 53 per cent of the cases involving musculoskeletal disorders. These were commonest in the health and social welfare sector followed by construction and transport. Eighteen per cent of cases were related to stress, depression or anxiety. In education and the health and social welfare sectors, the incidence of these problems was twice the EU average. *Eurostat- Statistics in Focus -Population and Social Conditions- No 16/2001 Accidents at Work in the fU 1998-1999- Catalogue No KS-NK-01-016-EN-C. The world picture It is remarkably difficult to assemble an accurate picture of occupational accidents around the world. There are many reasons for this: there is no common agreement even on what constitutes 'an accident' for the purposes of recording information or on the types of incident that should be reported to, or collected by, enforcing authorities, and there is underreporting for a range of reasons on a huge scale. Nevertheless, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) makes regular estimates on the best information available to it, and the following table was presented at the 16th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (Geneva, October 1998) by the ILO's Jukka Takala . Note that the world' labour force is estimated at 2.7 billion people.
1.4.1 The Legal Arguments for Maintaining Good Standards of Health and Safety

Duty of Care Both the employer and employee have a common law duty of care to each other and to other employees. This includes exercising reasonable care in order to protect others from the risks of foreseeable injury, death at work or health problems. The Employer's Duty of Care

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Every employer must provide a safe workplace. This means that, if an employer is aware of a health and safety risk to employees, or ought to have known of its existence (in the light of current knowledge at the time), he will be liable if an employee is injured, killed or suffers illness as a result of the risk and he (the employer) has failed to take reasonable steps to avoid it happening. Employee Rights and Expectations Employees have the right to the provision of a safe workplace, as implied by the employer's duty of care, but there are also expectations placed on them to exercise reasonable care in their own actions at work. This means that they must behave in a manor which does not jeopardise their own, or others', health and safety, including co-operating with the employer in the use of safe working practices as provided.
1.4.2 The Financial Arguments for Maintaining Good Standards of Health and Safety

Hidden Costs of Accidents: Within the uk a survey published by the HSE in 1993 it was shown that for every 1 recovered from insurance companies for losses and accidents, between 8 and 36 were not recovered and had to be paid for from the company profits. In one case at a hospital this amounted to 5% of the annual running costs; and in another, for a transport company 37% of the annual profits. A popular way of depicting the difference between direct and indirect costs is by means of an iceberg analogy (see illustration below).

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The Large Company: Generally speaking, it is big companies which tend to suffer the largest financial losses as a result of industrial accidents (see Figure 4.6). But, paradoxically, it is these same companies that can best absorb quite large losses without much effect on their overall profits; and, hence, dividends paid to their shareholders. Large companies often maintain high stock levels in order to be able to maintain their markets in adverse situations. Alternatively, they may keep spare productive capacity available at another site or in another building.

1,000 3,000 10,000 20,000 Loss The Small Company: Smaller companies, by comparison, usually have lower levels of investment and resources available and, as a consequence, might face serious financial difficulties with a loss of 10,000 or less. The effect of any such financial loss is, therefore, not proportional to the size of the company. Another interesting finding in relation to accidents in small companies was revealed in an investigation into the relationship between injury absences, sickness and absenteeism. It was found that injuries occurring in smaller companies tended to result in more time off than either sickness or absenteeism. It follows that effective techniques of safety management are of more benefit to the smaller company. The Cost: Health and safety failures cost Great Britain up to 18.1 billion each year (2.1% -2.6% GDP). The cost of work-related accidents and ill-health to employers equals 140-300 for each worker employed, while the cost of work-related accidents and illness to employees is estimated at between 3.5 billion and 7.3 billion a year (4% - 8% of gross company trading profits). Over 180 million could be saved in workrelated illness costs in the construction industry alone. The cost of work-related accidents and ill-health to employers is, of course, an average cost. Some accidents will cost only a few pence for a sticking plaster; others may cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds, when the cost of hospital treatment is taken into consideration. It is also necessary to distinguish between the direct and the indirect costs of an accident (see below). It has been estimated that indirect costs account for as much as four times the direct costs. We must look now to see just what factors affect the direct and indirect costs of industrial accidents. But first it is necessary broadly to classify the types of accident that can occur. ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 9 of 44

There are four main classes of accident: (a) (b) (c) (d) Those that cause no damage to property or injury to people; Those that cause damage to material, plant or equipment but do not injure personnel; Those that cause injury to personnel but do not damage property; Those that cause both injury to people and damage to material, plant and equipment.

The cost of an accident can be divided into two parts: there are direct costs, which include insurance claims, sick pay, loss of production, repairs, product loss or damage, public liability, damage to equipment, buildings, etc. The indirect costs include business interruption, product liability, loss of orders, cost of time spent on investigations, legal fees, loss of corporate image. In addition to which we must not forget the cost of suffering that those injured may endure and the stress for their families, together with the psychological effect on other workers. We can set out a comparison of direct and indirect costs using these accident classes, as follows: Type of Accident (a) Direct Cost None Value of the work-piece, the work in hand, or structure Value of plant and equipment to be replaced Damage to tools and testing equipment that have to be replaced Cost of medical treatment First aid Ambulance Out-patient treatment In-patient treatment (bed, nursing, doctors, specialists, consultants, medication, etc.) Compensation Fines imposed on conviction for breach of statutory duty Indirect Cost Negligible, e.g. temporary work stoppage, duration dependent upon severity of the near miss Wastage of material and loss of time already spent on the job. The plant may be out of action for some time and, if vital, may affect all production Delay while waiting for replacements that may have to be specially made Lost time, due to : Workers stopping to assist out of sympathy or curiosity, or to discuss the incident Machinery stopped to free victim Supervisors assisting victim Management and others who have to investigate the incident Rearrangement of production schedules Lost time, due to : Preparation of reports, etc. Attendance for court proceedings Hospital visits and dealing with relatives . Loss of profit, due to : Loss of victims production Cost of training replacement Reduced productivity, additional wages and overtime. Page 10 of 44



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Consequential loss, due to : Interference with production Failure to meet completion dates (penalty clause); loss of goodwill Cancellation of orders and loss of future production. Increased overheads If plant and men are idle; possible costs of plant hire. Additional consequential loss As a result of a poor accident record - difficult to employ good men; bad workers waste more, produce less and are more accident prone. The factors contributing towards the cost of accidents where both personal injury and material damage are involved are likely to be a combination of those listed under accident types (b) and (c).


To recap, as well as the four main classes of accident, direct and indirect cost implications, there is also the consideration of what can and cannot be insured. 1.5 The Legal Framework for Regulating Health and Safety The ultimate purpose of the enforcing authorities is to ensure that duty holders manage and control risks effectively, thus preventing harm. The term enforcement has a wide meaning and applies to all dealings between enforcing authorities and those on whom the law places duties (employers, the self-employed, employees and others). The UK'S HSC believes in firm but fair enforcement of health and safety law. This should be informed by the principles of proportionality in applying the law and securing compliance; consistency of approach; targeting of enforcement action; transparency about how the regulator operates and what those regulated may expect; and accountability for the regulators actions. These principles should apply both to enforcement in particular cases and to the health and safety enforcing authorities management of enforcement activities as a whole. Proportionality: Proportionality means relating enforcement action to the risks. Those whom the law protects and those on whom it places duties (duty holders) expect that action taken by enforcing authorities to achieve compliance or bring duty holders to account for non-compliance should be proportionate to any risks to health and safety, or to the seriousness of any breach, which includes any actual or potential harm arising from a breach of the law. Targeting: Targeting means making sure that contacts are targeted primarily on those whose activities give rise to the most serious risks or where the hazards are least well controlled; and that action is focused on the duty holders who are responsible for the risk and who are best placed to control it - whether employers, manufacturers, suppliers, or others.

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Consistency: Consistency of approach does not mean uniformity. It means taking a similar approach in similar circumstances to achieve similar ends. Transparency: Transparency means helping duty holders to understand what is expected of them and what they should expect from the enforcing authorities. It also means making clear to duty holders not only what they have to do but, where this is relevant, what they don't. That means distinguishing between statutory requirements and Accountability: Regulators are accountable to the public for their actions. This means that enforcing authorities must have policies and standards (such as the four enforcement principles above) against which they can be judged, and an effective and easily accessible mechanism for dealing with comments and handling complaints. See also the HSC Enforcement Policy Statement.
1.5.1 The Role of the European Union in Harmonising Standards of Health and Safety

European Union Law: European Directives are binding on all member states, but each state must pass its own legislation (in the United Kingdom , a statutory instrument) to bring the EU legislation into effect. The European Court has held that if national law conflicts with the Directive, an individual may plead the Directive in litigation. The national court must decide the issue as if the Directive had been enacted. However, only certain types of Directive may be applicable. Since the United Kingdom joined the European Economic Community (now known as the European Union), the courts of England and Wales have, at times, to comply with EU legislation. The point is that the EU is seeking greater unity - and, thus, one way is to gradually amend legislation, so that the legal rules affecting trade and commerce become uniform. This position is still far away, and there is much work being done in this respect.

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How EU Directives become UK Regulations under the HSW Act. European Directives that are adopted by the Council of Ministers need to be implemented by Member States. With regard to health and safety Directives, the HSC have three options to consider. No new Regulations needed as British legislation already covers the essential aims of the Directive Modifications needed to existing legislation which either: Covers some but not all of the essential aims Covers all of the essential aims but not in sufficient depth New Regulations required to cover the essential aims

European Dimension: The UK bound by EU legislative procedures on joining (then EEC) in 1972 Veto by member states on proposed legislation changed to qualified majority voting on adoption of Significant progress made since SEA on new health and safety legislation Regulations: similar to statute law and binding on member states without further action (e.g. Directives: prescribe a result to be achieved by a set date leaving member states to transpose into It is possible for the European Commission to introduce quite wide-ranging proposals under the

Single European Act (SEA) 1986

tachograph requirements) national law (e.g. The Six Pack) health and safety provisions of the Single European Act (SEA, Article 118A). The European Courts

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European Court of Human Rights - interprets European Convention for Protection of Human European Court of Justice - gives rulings on interpretation of EU law at request of a member state

Rights and Freedoms or an individual.

International Health and Safety Law

Historical perspective Until 1970 there was a broad agreement between governments on their regulatory approach to health and safety at work. National laws prescribed in lesser or greater detail the minimum standards which employers must achieve at their workplaces - although some workplaces were deliberately excluded because of perceived low risk, difficulty of enforcement, and industry and local traditions. But, in 1970, the United States introduced a new legal regime in the Williams Steiger Act , better known as OSHA. This was, and is, a comprehensive statute which is essentially prescriptive -it contains full details of the means of compliance and control for a huge variety of circumstances and hazards. Later enactments followed the same prescriptive course. In the United Kingdom , a review of existing legal controls carried out by the Robens Committee resulted in the introduction in 1974 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act. This measure contained relatively little by way of prescription and relied instead on the achievement of "reasonably practicable" standards of health and safety at work and elsewhere, on the part of both the employer and those in control of premises. This was in contrast to the UK's earlier, highly specific and prescriptive rules which were destined to be progressively replaced by requirements introduced under the new system, which referred to guidance and codes mostly offered as examples which the employer and others could choose to follow in the pursuit of "reasonably practicable" control measures. Many felt that the new law would lead to lowered standards. Time has shown that the increased flexibility offered by this approach conferred benefits not previously available, although the lack of a 'rule book' is still complained of by some groups. The balance was redressed to some extent by the European Community, now the European Union, which required the United Kingdom as a Member State to provide more specific rules in compliance with the various health and safety directives introduced from the mid-1980s. Later Sections of this Part examine the central Framework Directive, and the way in which it was implemented in the United Kingdom , as an illustration of the current European approach to health and safety legislation. The role of government Where there is little social or economic reason for the employer to take positive action to prevent workplace injuries and ill health, experience shows that these actions will only be taken where there is a firm leadership role taken by national government, backed by appropriate sanctions which are seen as significant by those they may affect. What are the components of such a role ? Six major elements can be distinguished:

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1. Setting of appropriate standards for health and safety at work. This requires a government to have available a pool of knowledge, skills and experience to enable the most appropriate legislation for the community to be devised, and revised as needed. Many governments have successfully borrowed legislation piecemeal from other nations; unfortunately some of what is borrowed may not 'fit' the new wearer, and even borrowed material needs revision over the passage of time. These are reasons why the local knowledge pool is needed. 2. Enforcement of those standards through the legal system. Among the many elements of an enforcement programme is, at the least, an adequate number of trained and competent inspectors or regulators, whose duties extend to the planned and random inspection of workplaces covered by the legislation, the investigation of incidents and complaints, and the conduct of proceedings as necessary following such inspections and investigations. For financial reasons, and because of tradition, health and safety enforcement is often to be found within the framework of a department of labour, whose inspectors are also concerned with policies and enforcement of other aspects of the working environment including wages and conditions. As a result, the time and skills of these inspectors may well be stretched to accommodate specialist knowledge of health and safety matters. 3. Advice to employers, workers and the public on appropriate control measures, and the issue of explanatory publications. Development of information resources in hazard controls, risk assessment techniques, and collection of injury data produces inputs into an information system which will be able to offer answers to problems within the community and to monitor the national measures in force. 4. Uniformity of approach. There must be an appropriate means of dealing with those who deliberately avoid compliance with national laws, which is seen to be fair. Similarly, the penalties imposed should be appropriate to the offence and at a common level for the same offence committed in different places and environments. The level of penalty should be such that it offers an incentive to comply with the law, and sufficient so that there is no economic advantage to be gained by failure to comply, followed by a willingness to accept the resulting penalty. Equally, there must be some relation between national control measures and those of other international trading partners and other countries with broadly similar economies and standards. This will be significant for multi-national employers. 5. Setting targets for future improvement. Government moves to improve future national performance can include requiring the formal assessment of risk as a part of the planning process, making designers responsible for the provision of information about their designs and the future maintenance or dismantling of buildings, plant and equipment, and the publication of injury and ill health data and other results set against future targets. It is self-evident that governments that do not carry out a progressive assessment of the impact of measures on the lives and wellbeing of the workforce are seen as paying lip-service to the common international goal of reduction in the numbers of workplace accidents of all kinds. 6. Fostering co-operation between the parties involved -workers, worker representatives, management and government. In many countries, legislation provides for joint consultation and information exchange on matters related to workers' safety and health. Experience in many countries shows that the potential for the contribution to good practices which can be made by workers is often undervalued, and those given consultation on their own safety and health are more likely to co-operate with the measures put in place to ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 15 of 44

protect them. Equally, legislation which has the support of these major elements is more likely to be effective than that which is developed in isolation. The big picture -Sustainability There is a growing recognition that 'health and safety' is but one of the facets of organisational control that must be mastered, not in isolation but together with others. Earlier concepts of loss control and risk management developed in response to the realisation that the protection of assets of organisations, states and even cultures is necessary to ensure survival. Now, the umbrella of 'sustainable development' has been raised to cover all of the dynamic elements of modern society. One definition of sustainable development that has received general acceptance is 'development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'. Thus, occupational health and safety is a part of sustainable development at the simplest level, because failure to achieve an adequate standard and to limit risks will compromise the very existence of the future generation. Sustainable development is linked most closely with environmental concerns. A more refined definition puts the concept as a dynamic process that 'enables all people to realise their potential and improve their quality of life in ways which simultaneously protect and enhance the Earth's life support systems' Among multinational organisations especially, the sustainable development concept is becoming the main focus of action to demonstrate sensitivity towards their impact on the 'global village'. Criteria are being developed which measure progress towards satisfying not only their shareholders but also social and environmental performance. As yet, there is little sign of agreement on what should be achieved, or indeed how to do it. However, the trend is towards integration of activity in these areas, such that environmental and quality management are increasingly being linked with health and safety management. Partly, this is because the central features of their management systems are the same and there are likely to be economies of scale to be made as a result. Examination of the major international standards for these topics (IS0 9000, 14000 and OHSAS 18000 series) shows that their many common features enable the same management structures to be used. Within the European Union (EU), the sovereignty and right of each Member State to pass laws on safety and health -or any other subject -is not affected: by agreement, the Member States harmonise their regulatory activities by proposing and discussing regulatory action in the European forum, resulting in directives which contain the principles and objectives to be attained by national legislation in each Member State. There is also a timetable for the implementation of the legislation, which must be sufficient to ensure compliance with the minimum standards set out in each of the directives. There are major differences between the Member States in the organisation and administration of their national laws, in procedures including enforcement, and in terminology. These differences will be significant for health and safety practitioners working in each of the countries, and for employing organisations with operations in more than one country. There are differences in enforcement practices and standards, in the ability and knowledge of the enforcing authorities and their staff, and differences in legal systems and penalties applied. Consistency in these areas is an important goal for the EU.

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National needs vary the extent to which internal legislation in Member States exceeds, extends or varies the directives. For example, in general, United Kingdom laws made in response to directives on health and safety at work exceed the directives' minimum standards because they apply to the self-employed as well as employees, employers and other duty-holders. This Unit does not discuss the Directives on Product and Machinery Safety, which impose standards on products and equipment rather than on people and systems. There are considerable links between the two fields. Only one example of a directive is given in detail, followed by a summary of the legislation introduced in the United Kingdom in order to comply with it, for illustrative purposes.
1.5.3 UK Legislation The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and Other Health and Safety Regulations

Within this section we will be discussing the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, health and safety regulations, approved codes of practice, official guidance and their relationships and relative status. A short background into the UK s Safety Legislation: The first Factories Act was passed in 1802 and since then there has been a huge number of pieces of legislation passed in the Health and Safety field. The Factories Acts, of which there have been many have dealt with welfare; control of working hours, limitations to the employment of minors and women, provision of rest rooms etc, as well as safety in the work place. The situation in the 1960's was that health and safety at work was controlled by 9 main sets of legislation administered by 5 government departments with seven independent inspectorates. At this time the Robens Committee was set up to consider how the legislation could be made more effective.

The Robens Committee which reported in 1972 identified three main concerns: The regulatory nature of the existing legislation which in the main was concerned with

setting defined rules to be followed in specific situations which inevitably led to complicated and fragmented legislation covering some industries and omitting others. up. There was no downward trend in accident rates. Rapid industrial innovation, technological changes and the increase in scale of operations was leading to a corresponding increase in the scale of hazards and legislation was failing to keep

The committee felt that the existing legislation did little to encourage employers to improve conditions beyond the rules laid down in the regulations. It was believed that self-regulation would be more successful. The need for communication between employers and employees about health and safety matters was also emphasised. Formal statements of safety policy and the use of systematic hazard assessment were also recommended. The unification of all enforcing bodies under one organisation to reflect the unification of the legislation was also recommended. The result was The Health and Safety at Work etc Act (1974) which is the act under which all UK safety legislation is consolidated. All the previous legislation will eventually be phased out and replaced by regulations and approved codes of conduct under the HSAWA. The HSAWA is an 'enabling' Act, which provides a framework under which legislation can be introduced to cover specific areas, e.g. CIMAH, ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 17 of 44

COSHH, although there are few regulations within the Act itself. The Act covers anyone affected by work activities and brought 5 million workers not covered by the existing legislation under its protection. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Overview The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is an enabling Act under which a number of very important regulations have been introduced. It is criminal law and so flouting it may result in prosecution. It is written in a rather generic manner, however s.2 of the Act states: It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees. This is as prescriptive as the Act gets and this is known as the absolute duty of care. Although the Act is rather generic in its provisions, responsibility remains firmly with the employer. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes general duties on everybody connected with work. The general duties contained in the Health and Safety at Work Act are: Section 1: States the general purposes of Part 1 of the Act, which are to maintain or improve standards of health and safety at work, to protect other people against risks arising from work activities, to control the storage and use of dangerous substances and to control certain emissions into the air. Section 2: Contains the duties placed upon employers with regard to their employees. These are outlined more fully below. Section 3: Places duties on employers and the self-employed to ensure their activities do not endanger anybody (with the self-employed that includes themselves), and to provide information, in certain circumstances, to the public about any potential hazards. Section 4: Places a duty on those in control of premises, which are non-domestic and used as a place of work, to ensure they do not endanger those who work within them. This extends to plant and substances, means of access and egress as well as to the premises themselves. Section 5: Places duties on manufacturers, suppliers, designers, importers etc in relation to articles and substances used at work. Basically they have to research and test them and supply information to users. Section 6: Places duties upon employees and these are outlined more fully below. Section 7: Places a duty on everyone not to intentionally or recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare. Section 8: Provides that an employer may not charge his employees for anything done, or equipment provided for health and safety purposes under a relevant statutory provision. Employers Section 2 (1) Ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees while at work. Section 2 (2) (a-e) Without prejudice to the above, the matters to which the duty extends include: a) Provision and maintenance of safe plant and safe systems of work. ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 18 of 44

b) c) d)

Arrangements for ensuring safe means of handling, use, storage and transport of articles and substances. Provision of information, instruction, training and supervision Provision of a safe place of work and provision and maintenance of safe access and egress to that workplace. Provision and maintenance of a safe working environment and adequate welfare facilities. (Note: The above duties are all qualified by the term "so far as is reasonably practicable".) Employees Section 7 (a-b) It shall be the duty of every employee while at work: a) To take reasonable care for the health and safety of himself and others who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work. b) To co-operate with his employer or any other person, so far as is necessary, to enable his employer or other person to perform or comply with any requirement or duty imposed under a relevant statutory provision. (Note:- These duties have been extended by duties contained in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.)


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1.5.4 Other Key Regulations

As mentioned above the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places a general duty on employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees. This duty has been reinforced by more recent legislation which places a much more explicit duty on employers to assess and remove risks in their workplace. The European Framework Directive and the five sibling (daughter) directives which were adopted at the same time were implemented in the UK at the beginning of 1993 as the set of regulations commonly known as the "six-pack". These were: The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 The key lies in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (sometimes referred to as the mother and the five siblings as the daughters). As their title suggests, health and safety must be managed and health and safety risks must be managed out of the workplace. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Overview: These Regulations set out broad general duties which apply to almost all work activities in Great Britain and offshore. They are aimed mainly at improving health and safety management and can be seen as a way of making more explicit what is required of employers under the Health and Safety at Work Act. Employers The Regulations require employers to: Assess the risks to the health and safety of employees and to anyone else who may be affected by

their work activity. This is so that the necessary preventive and protective measures can be identified. Employers with 5 or more employees have to record the significant findings of the assessment. (Regulation 3) Ensure that the principles of prevention are applied. In practice, start by avoiding risk and then

assess, reduce and control any remaining risk that cannot be avoided. (Regulation 4). Make arrangements for putting into practice the health and safety measures that follow from the risk

assessment. This will have to cover planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the protective and preventative measures, in other words. Again, employers with 5 or more employees will have to record their arrangements. (Regulation 5)

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Provide appropriate health surveillance for employees where the risk assessment shows it to be

necessary. (Regulation 6) Appoint one or more competent people (by preference from within the organisation rather than an

outside consultant) to help him in undertaking the measures he needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon him by or under the relevant statutory provisions. Where more than one competent person is appointed, the employer shall make arrangements for ensuring adequate co-operation between them. The competent person( s ) must have time available to fulfil their functions and be provided with the necessary information. They must also have adequate means available at their disposal. (Regulation 7) Identify danger areas and have procedures in place to deal with serious and imminent danger.

Appoint competent persons to take charge and implement evacuation procedures. (Regulation 8). Liaise with the external services when drawing up emergency procedures etc. (Regulation 9). Provide employees with comprehensible information about specific health and safety matters. For

example: the results of risk assessments and the introduction of control measures, the names of competence persons appointed to assist the employer and the names of persons placed in charge of evacuation procedures etc. (Regulation 10). Co-operate with other employers sharing the work site. (Regulation 11). Ensure comprehensible information and instruction is provided to other employers, the self-

employed and employees of other employers working in the workplace .( Regulation 12). Ensure that employees have adequate health and safety training and are capable enough at their

jobs to avoid risks. Training required: on induction, when job responsibilities change, upon the introduction of new

technology or new systems of work. Refresher training to be provided. All training to be within normal working hours. (Regulation 13). Provide temporary workers with some particular health and safety information to meet special

needs. (Regulation 15). Carry out specific risk assessments relating to new or expectant mothers. (Regulation 16). Obtain certificate from registered medical practitioner concerning new or expectant mothers.

(Regulation 17). Protection of young persons, including need to carry out specific risk assessment and to take into

account their age, lack of maturity and inexperience etc. (Regulation 19). Employees The Regulations:

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Extend the duties on employees, as contained in Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, to follow health and safety instructions, to report serious and imminent danger and to point out any shortcomings in their employer's arrangements. These duties are limited by the training and instruction that the employee has received .( Regulation 12). Also, new and expectant mothers need to notify their employer of their condition. (Regulation 18). The suitable and sufficient risk assessment is the cornerstone and it is essential that employers get that right as everything else flows from it. Key requirements of remaining six-pack regulations Like the Management Regs (MHSWR99) these will be discussed further and put in to context within the relevant units of study yet to come, as well as other specific legislation. Manual Handling Operations Regulations Regulation 4 of these regulations requires employers to: Avoid the need for employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work which involve a risk of their being injured Where manual handling cannot be avoided: Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the manual handling task to be undertaken Take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of injury to employees In the context of the regulations manual handling means any transporting or supporting of a load, including lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving it, by hand or bodily force. Injury means injury to any part of the body and not just the back. The employer has to assess the task involved, the load itself, the environment in which the task is being carried out and the capabilities of the person concerned. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations Under these regulations employers must: Make a suitable and sufficient analysis of workstations and assess the health and safety risks (Reg 2) Reduce the risks identified (Reg 2) Ensure that workstations meet standards laid down (Reg 3) Plan activities so that DSE work is interrupted by breaks or changes in activity which reduce the DSE workload (Reg 4) Provide employees with an eye and eyesight test and corrective glasses (Reg 5) Provide health and safety training (Reg 6)

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Provide health and safety information (Reg 7) The risks to health which employers must assess are described as musculoskeletal and postural problems, visual problems, fatigue and mental stress. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations Regulation 5 of these regulations is the most relevant, under it employers must: Ensure that work equipment is suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used In selecting work equipment, have regard to the risks to health and safety Ensure that work equipment is used only for operations and conditions for which it is suitable Regulations 8 and 9 require employers to provide information, instruction and training to employees about how to use equipment safely. Guidance to the regulations emphasises that the risk assessments made under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations will help employers select suitable work equipment. Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations These regulations apply to all aspects of the work environment and employers have duties to provide Effective ventilation (Reg 6) A reasonable temperature (Reg 7) Suitable and sufficient lighting (Reg 8) Sufficient space (Reg 10) Workstations and seating suitable for the person using them and for the work being done (Reg 11) Suitable and sufficient rest facilities (Reg 25) Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations These regulations cover the provision of PPE to employees. Under Regulation 4 employers must provide suitable PPE where health and safety risks cannot be controlled adequately by other means. PPE will not be suitable unless It is appropriate to the risks involved It takes account of ergonomic requirements and the health of the individual It fits the wearer correctly It prevents the risk without increasing the overall risk. 1.6 Approved Codes of Practice, Official Guidance and their Relationships and Relative Status

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We will first of all look at this in the UK context and then at the end we will look at examples from the rest of the world. It is important to appreciate that the most important source of reference material used to identify the requirements of health and safety legislation and to ensure sound health and safety practices lies in the official Approved Codes of Practice, Codes of Practice, and Guidance Notes. Every employer should keep a database of such literature as relevant to his undertakings, and it should be used to implement the requirements of legislation. Note that codes and guidance are updated continually in the light of new knowledge, so it is necessary to keep abreast of changes and developments. Approved Codes of Practice: The Health and Safety Commission has the power to approve and issue codes of practice which provide guidance on how to comply with the legal requirements of the Act and its related legislation. In order to issue a code of practice, the Commission requires the consent of the Secretary of State; and prior to obtaining his consent, the Commission must consult with any government department or other appropriate body. The Robens Report recognised the importance of the code of practice when it recommended that: No Statutory Regulations should be made before detailed consideration has been given to whether the objectives might be adequately met by a non-statutory code of practice or standards. As a result of the Robens Committee recommendations, Section 16 of the HSWA has been put to good effect and many sets of regulations have an accompanying code of practice, e.g. Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 Chemicals (Hazard Information & Packaging for Supply) (Amendment) Regulations 1999

Distinction between Regulations and ACoPs: It is important not to confuse Regulations with Approved Codes of Practice (ACoPs). ACoPs do not lay down legal requirements, therefore you cannot be prosecuted for failing to comply with the guidance contained in them. However, contravention of the advice in a code of practice is admissible in evidence to prove a breach of the HSWA or its relevant provisions. The introduction to ACoPs will contain the following statement: Although failure to comply with any provision of the code is not in itself an offence, such a failure may be used in criminal proceedings as evidence that a person has contravened a regulation to which the provision relates. In such a case, however, it will be open to that person to satisfy the court that he has complied with the regulation in some other way.

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A good example of this is illustrated by the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations and its ACoP. The Regulations require employers to control the exposure of their employees to hazardous substances; however, they do not contain a detailed description of what are considered to be appropriate control measures. The ACoP, on the other hand, provides detailed advice concerning measures which can be used to control exposure to substances hazardous to health. ACoPs are published with the relevant Regulations as one document. The practice of putting the detail of good practice into the ACoP is a sensible one. It is designed to curtail the amount of legislation and the many changes to legislation that would be required if such information had to be contained in the legislation itself. Changing the provision of an Act of Parliament is a lengthy and complicated process whereas the Commission can comparatively easily amend, withdraw, or replace a code of practice. Guidance Notes: There is a further series of documents published by the Health and Safety Executive, known as Guidance Notes. The information contained in these is purely advisory and has no legal significance. Often a Guidance Note will accompany a code of practice, e.g. the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 has an accompanying code of practice and two Guidance Notes. The Health and Safety Executive publish eight different sets of Guidance Notes as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CS EH GS MS PM HS (G) HS (R) BPM - Chemical Series - Environmental Hygiene Series - General Series - Medical Series - Plant and Machinery - Health and Safety (Guidance) Series - Health and Safety (Regulations) Series - Best Practical Means

Although Guidance Notes are not mandatory they are valuable documents based on a wealth of practical experience which indicate the way in which the inspectorate is likely to expect employers to operate. Many are free and can be obtained from your local HSE office and on the SHEpro website. 1.6.1 Absolute and Qualified Duties: 'Practicable', 'Reasonably Practicable'


Absolute duties: You will not find a duty in the HSW Act, or its associated legislation, phrased such that it is the absolute duty of X to do Y. What you will find, however, are certain duties which are not qualified by phrases such as so far as is practicable and so far as is reasonably practicable. Such duties are considered absolute and must be carried out. The duty itself is usually expressed by the term shall. For example, regulation 3 of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 requires that:

Every employer shall make a suitable and sufficient assessment of: ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 25 of 44

1) 2)

The risks to the health and safety of his employees to which they are exposed whilst they are at work; and The risks to the health and safety of persons not in his employment arising out of or in connection with the conduct by him of his undertaking, for the purpose of identifying the measures he needs to take to comply with the requirements and prohibitions imposed upon him by or under the relevant statutory provisions.

This is an example of an absolute duty. Other examples include: Section 2(3) of the HSW Act, relating to the provision of health and safety policies Sections 2(4), 2(6) and 2(7) of the HSW Act*, relating to: o o Recognition and consultation with safety representatives Establishment of safety committees

* These sections will be discussed later. The ones relating to safety representatives link to the requirements contained in The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977and only apply when an independent trade union is recognised by the employer for negotiating purposes. In some cases the word must is used in place of shall. With an absolute duty the requirement must be complied with, even if that means that the activity can no longer be carried out. Qualified duties: If absolute duties (often known as strict liability) is the top of the hierarchy of duties, then qualified duties (where the word shall is qualified by a phrase) follow a similar hierarchical structure. Although there are numerous examples of qualified duties, the two that candidates are required to know and understand for NEBOSH examination purposes are: So far as is practicable So far as is reasonably practicable

These are discussed separately below. Together with absolute duties they form the following hierarchy:

(i) It shall be the duty ... (absolute) (ii) It shall be the duty so far as is practicable ... (qualified) (iii)
It shall be the duty so far as is reasonably practicable ... (qualified)

ii. So far as is practicable: Where a legal requirement introduces the phrase so far as is practicable, then the duty
that it qualifies needs to be complied with in the light of current knowledge and invention. In other words, we need to ask whether it is physically possible to do it at the time. This judgement must be regardless of: The time it would take to perform the duty The trouble involved in performing the duty The cost of performing the duty Page 26 of 44

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Also, the judgement must be kept under review. What may be physically impossible to perform today may, with developments in technology, become physically possible to perform tomorrow. An important example of a duty qualified by the phrase so far as is practicable is regulation 11 of The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998(more on this later), which introduces a hierarchy of measures to prevent access to dangerous parts of machines, each step in the hierarchy being qualified.


So far as is reasonably practicable: This qualification requires a balance to be made of the total cost of performing the duty, on the one hand, and the risks to be reduced by performing the duty, on the other hand. This calculation has to be made before an accident occurs. Where the risks are very high, then the duty must be performed irrespective of the cost. However, where the risks are significantly reduced and, due to the law of diminishing returns, the cost of reducing the risks still further are disproportionately high, then the duty is not deemed to be reasonably practicable to perform.

In considering the costs involved no allowance can be made for the size, nature of profitability of the business concerned. It is the risk which determines whether or not the cost involved is justified. All of these points were summed-up nicely in a leading case law decision in which the Judge stated that: Reasonably practicable is a narrower term than physically possible and implies that a computation must be made in which the quantum of risk is placed in one scale and the sacrifice, whether in money, time or trouble involved in the measures necessary to avert the risk is placed in the other; and that, if it is shown that there is a gross disproportion between them, the risk being insignificant in relation to the sacrifice, the person upon whom the duty is laid discharges the burden of proving that compliance was not reasonably practicable. This computation falls to be made at a point of time anterior to the happening of the incident complained of. Edwards v National Coal Board (1949) ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 27 of 44

As we shall see in the book that deals with the HSW Act most, but not all, of the Act is qualified by the term so far as is reasonably practicable. A note of caution: The main sections of the HSW Act are covered in another book, but at this stage we need to be aware of the requirement stated in section 40 with regard to qualified duties*: In any proceedings for an offence under any of the relevant statutory provisions consisting of a failure to comply with a duty or requirement to do something so far as is practicable or so far as is reasonably practicable, or to use the best practicable means to do something, it shall be for the accused to prove (as the case may be) that it was not practicable or not reasonably practicable to do more than was in fact done to satisfy the duty or requirement, or that there was no better practicable means than was in fact used to satisfy the duty or requirement. The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.


The Roles and Functions of External Agencies:

In this section we will be discussing the roles and functions of external agencies such as the Health and Safety Commission (HSC), Health and Safety Executive (HSE), local authorities (LAs), fire authorities, Environment Agency/Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and insurance companies Enforcement of health and safety regulations is dealt with under Section 18 of HSWA. Enforcement authorities are the Health and Safety Executive itself, local authorities, and the Environment Agency. Enforcement is mainly the responsibility of the HSE or a local authority, but the section provides for enforcement responsibilities to be assigned to other authorities, e.g. control of emission into the atmosphere is the responsibility of the Department of the Environment, which would be responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Health and Safety (Emissions into the Atmosphere) Regulations 1983. The main division of responsibility for enforcement is between the HSE itself and local authorities. It helps to know which authority is responsible for which type of industrial or commercial activity. As a general rule, the HSE is the enforcing authority for industrial premises and the local authority is responsible for commercial premises within its area. There is an exception (as always) to the general rule. Neither the HSE nor the local authority can enforce provisions in respect of its own premises, so they inspect each others premises. The arrangements for the division of enforcement responsibilities are contained in the Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1998. The following lists indicate the work and activities which are enforced by each enforcing authority. Activities Enforced by the HSE 1) 2) 3) Any activity in a mine or quarry (other than abandoned) Any activity in a fairground Any activity in premises in relation to broadcasting, recording or filming The following activities carried on at premises by persons who do not normally work in the Construction work if



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regulation 7(1) of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 (which requires projects which include or are intended to include construction work to be notified to the Executive) applies to the project which includes the work; or the whole or part of the work contracted to be undertaken by the contractor at the premises is to the external fabric or other external part of a building or structure; or it is carried out in a physically segregated area of the premises, the activities normally carried out in that area have been suspended for the purpose of enabling the construction work to be carried out, the contractor has authority to exclude from that area persons who are not attending in connection with the carrying out of the work, and the work is not the maintenance of insulation on pipes, boilers or other parts of heating or water systems or its removal from them. (b) The installation, maintenance or repair of any gas system, or any work in relation to a gas fitting. (c) The installation, maintenance or repair of electricity systems. (d) Work with ionising radiations except work in one or more of the categories set out in Schedule 3 to the Ionising Radiations Regulations 1985. 5. The use of ionising radiations for medical exposure 6. Any activity in premises occupied by a radiography undertaking in which any work with ionising radiations is performed 7. Agricultural activities, and any activity at an agricultural show, which involves the handling of livestock or the working of agricultural equipment 8. Any activity on board a sea-going ship 9. Any activity in relation to a ski slope, ski lift, ski tow or cable car 10. Fish, maggot and game breeding except in a zoo 11. Any activity in relation to a pipeline within the meaning of regulation 3 of the Pipelines Safety Regulations 1996 12. The operation of a railway. In addition the HSE is the enforcing authority for the following: A county council Any other local authority A parish council A police authority or the Receiver of the Metropolitan Police A fire authority A headquarters designated for the purposes of the International Headquarters and Defence Organisation Act 1964 A service authority of a visiting force within the meaning of the Visiting Forces Act 1952 The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority The Crown Health and Safety Commission: This consists of a chairman and between six and nine members, appointed by the Secretary of State. Before making these appointments, the Secretary of State must consult such organisations representing employees and employers as he considers necessary. Three members may be appointed from each sector. The Secretary of State may also consult organisations representing local authorities and professional bodies, etc. as he considers necessary. A deputy chairman may also be appointed. General Functions of the HSC: It is the general duty of the Commission to do such things and make such arrangements as it considers appropriate for the general purposes of the Act. In particular, it is required:

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To assist and encourage persons concerned with matters relevant to the general purposes of Part I of the Act to further those purposes; To make arrangements for research and the publication of the findings of such research, the provision of training and information in connection with those purposes, and to encourage others to do the same; To make arrangements to ensure that government departments, employers and employees (and organisations representing them) and other persons concerned, are provided with an information and advisory service; To submit from time to time particulars of what it proposes to do for the purpose of performing its functions. 1.7.1 Activities Enforced by Local Authorities


2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)


9) 10) 11)

12) 13) 14) 15)

The sale of goods, or the storage of goods for retail or wholesale distribution, except (a) At container depots where the main activity is the storage of goods in the course of transit to or from dock premises, an airport or a railway; (b) Where the main act is the sale or storage for wholesale distribution of any substance or preparation dangerous for supply; (c) Where the main activity is the sale or storage of water or sewage or their by-products, or natural or town gas; and where the main activity carried on in the premises is the sale and fitting of motor car tyres, exhausts, windscreens or sunroofs, the main act shall be deemed to be the sale of goods. The display or demonstration of goods at an exhibition for the purposes of offer or advertisement for sale. Office activities. Catering services The provision of permanent or temporary accommodation including the provision of a site for caravans Consumer services provided in a shop except dry cleaning or radio and television repairs. Cleaning (wet or dry) in coin operated units in launderettes and similar premises. The use of a bath, sauna or solarium, massaging, hair transplanting, skin piercing, manicuring or other cosmetic services and therapeutic treatments, except where they are carried out under the supervision or control of a registered medical practitioner, a dentist registered under the Dentists Act 1984, a physiotherapist, an osteopath or a chiropractor. The practice or presentation of the arts, sports, games, entertainment or other cultural or recreational activities except where the main activity is the exhibition of a cave to the public. The hiring out of pleasure craft for use on inland waters. The care, treatment, accommodation or exhibition of animals, birds or other creatures, except where the main activity is horse breeding or horse training at a stable, or is an agricultural activity or veterinary surgery. The activities of an undertaker, except where the main activity is embalming or the making of coffins. Church worship or religious meetings The provision of car parking facilities within the perimeter of an airport. The provision of child care, or playgroup or nursery facilities.

The responsibility for enforcement of any of the relevant statutory provisions in any particular premises may be transferred, by agreement, from the Executive to the local authority and vice versa. Local Authority Trading Standards Departments enforce the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations. The HSE can only take action under Section 6 of HSWA. The Environment Agency: The Environment Agency (EA) / Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) are responsible for the enforcement of Section 5 of HSWA, including notices relating to pollution. It ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 30 of 44

deals with Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) which is applied to the top tier of most polluting processes or substances (special waste and controlled waste). Local authorities are responsible for some aspects of air pollution control. The HSE and the EA form the joint competent authority for enforcing the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999. The Employment Medical Advisory Service (EMAS): was established under the Factories Act 1961, as amended by the Employment Medical Advisory Service Act 1972, and HSWA. EMAS is responsible for periodic health surveillance of workers in some hazardous processes as required by Regulations. EMAS is an integral part of HSE and is staffed by specialist occupational health professionals, both doctors and nurses. They are available to give expert advice on medical matters relating to work a wide range of organisations and individuals. This includes employers, employees, trade unions, all Directorates in HSE, Local Authority environmental health officers and also other health care professionals. Employment Medical Advisers have similar powers to HSE inspectors. 1.7.2 The Powers of Inspectors Under the HSW Act. Enforcement of health and safety at work legislation is governed by a series of measures, the principal of which is The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Both the Act and Regulations made under the Act can provide for enforcement. Enforcement of health and safety at work legislation is the responsibility of various authorities including the Secretary of State, The Health and Safety Commission (HSC), The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), local authorities, fire authorities, the Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. We shall concentrate on the enforcement powers of the HSC, HSE and local authorities. * This is another instance where the onus of proof is shifted onto the accused. You should remember that a similar situation occurs whenever an ACOP is introduced in evidence. The HSC and the HSE were established by section 10 of The HSW Act. The HSC consists of a Chairman and between six and nine other members appointed by the Secretary of State. The members are selected to represent employers, employees and other interest groups. The HSE consists of three persons, one of whom is appointed by the HSC, with the approval of the Secretary of State, to be the Director General of the HSE. In general terms, the HSC is a policy body and the HSE is its enforcement arm. The HSC, for example, will decide if new legislation will be required to implement European Directives and will target industries and activities which HSE need to concentrate upon. In addition, the HSC has the power to produce and issue Approved Codes of Practice. In order to perform its enforcement role, the HSE has to appoint specialist and general inspectors to work on its behalf. These inspectors are granted certain rights under the HSW Act; inspectors are issued with warrant cards by the HSE. In addition, local authority environmental health inspectors carry out certain roles of behalf of the HSE. In general, HSE inspectors enforce industrial premises and fairgrounds, whereas local authority inspectors enforce commercial premises, retail premises and food premises. The above division of enforcement responsibility is provided for in section 18 of the Act with the precise division of responsibility being contained in The Health and Safety (Enforcing Authority) Regulations 1989.

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Powers of inspectors The appointment of inspectors is governed by section 19 of the Act. The powers of inspectors are contained in section 20; these can briefly be outlined as follows: To enter premises at any time they deem to be reasonable To take along a police constable if they believe they will be obstructed To take along another person and any equipment (perhaps a specialist inspector) To examine and investigate To direct that premises and anything within them be left undisturbed To take measurements and photographs and make recordings To take samples To order the dismantling or testing of any article or substance which appears to have caused danger (only damaging or destroying it where necessary) To take possession of and detain an article or substance (for examination, to ensure it is not tampered with and to ensure it is available in evidence for any proceedings) To require any person to answer questions and to sign a declaration of the truth of the answers given To require the production of books and documents for the purpose of inspection and copying To require any necessary facilities and assistance Any other powers which are necessary Under section 25 of the Act, an inspector has the power to render harmless an article or substance which is a cause of imminent danger of serious personal injury.

Enforcement notices It is important to be clear about the difference between the two types of enforcement notice that can be issued: Improvement notices Prohibition notices There is a popular misconception that these are issued in a hierarchical way, with an improvement notice being issued first, followed by a prohibition notice if the improvement notice is not complied with. This is totally incorrect. Each notice has a strict criteria related to its issue which the inspector must conform to; the reason for the issue of the notice being completed on the notice itself. The following are the key points to remember: Improvement notices (section 21 HSW Act) Contravention of a relevant statutory provision at the time of issue Contravention in the past which is likely to be continued or repeated An appeal against the issue of the notice must be made to an industrial tribunal within 21 days of the issue of the notice The notice is suspended while the appeal is being heard Prohibition notices (section 22 HSW Act) A risk of serious personal injury/illness

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An appeal against the issue of the notice must be made to an industrial tribunal within 21 days of the issue of the notice The notice stays in effect during the appeal Summary offences, indictment Section 33 of the Act outlines the range of offences which can be tried either summary or by indictment*. The main points can be briefly outlined as follows: Summary offences Contravening an investigation Contravening a requirement imposed by an inspector Preventing someone answering an inspectors questions Intentionally obstructing an inspector Falsely pretending to be an inspector Either way offences (summary or indictment) Failing to carry out sections 29 of the Act Contravening any regulation made under the Act Contravening an enforcement notice Intentionally making false statements Making a false entry in a document etc Failing to comply with a Court order Forging a document Offences related to licences, explosives and information to be provided to inspectors etc With regard to the punishment related to the above offences, it is another popular misconception that prison sentences are available for all breaches of health and safety legislation. This is not the case - prison sentences are only available for a very limited range of offences, usually associated with non-observance of notices or Court orders. A brief outline of the punishment* associated with health and safety offences are contained below: Summary offences Breaches of sections 26 of the Act: 20 000 per offence All other offences: 5000 per offence Six month maximum prison sentence for a small range of offences (mainly nonwith notices) compliance

Indictment Unlimited fines A maximum of two years imprisonment for a limited range of offences; (non-compliance with notices and licences etc) * These are current at the time of writing, but are set to increase in the near future. Nothing can replace the experience of visiting a Court when a health and safety case is taking place and observing the law which you have read about being put in action. If you have time and a case is coming up, to help your understanding please try to attend. 1.8 A Framework for Health and Safety Management

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This section summarises the key messages of the publication Successful health and safety management (HSG65) which retains the well received framework for managing health and safety, as well as providing improved guidance on: Planning for health and safety; Accident and incident investigation; Health and safety auditing. This section also explains what is involved in good management of health and safety, although this is only in brief as these elements will be covered further in other units. Key elements of successful health and safety management

Taken from Successful health and safety management (HSG65) Why manage health and safety? As we mentioned in week 1, every working day in Great Britain at least one person is killed and over 6000 are injured at work. Every year three-quarters of a million people take time off work because of what they regard as work-related illness. About 30 million work days are lost as a result. Accidents and ill health are costly to workers and their families. They can also hurt companies because, in addition to the costs of personal injuries, they may incur far greater costs from damage to property or equipment, and lost production. With very few exceptions, employers have to have liability insurance cover for injuries and ill health to their employees. They will also have insurance for accidents involving vehicles and possibly third-party and buildings insurance. However, insurance policies only cover a small proportion of the costs of accidents. Costs not covered by insurance can include: Sick-pay; Page 34 of 44

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Damage or loss of product and raw materials; Repairs to plant and equipment; Overtime working and temporary labour; Production delays; Investigation time; Fines. Remember the iceberg think of the cost accidents, with the majority of the losses uninsured and hidden below the water line. This section lists five steps to successful health and safety management . Benefits to business that follow them include: Reduced costs of injuries, illness, property and equipment damage Fewer stoppages Higher output and Better quality By complying with the law and avoiding fines the business will avoid damaging publicity. An organisation can not be a 'quality' organisation unless it applies sound management principles to health and safety. Inspectors visiting a workplace will want to know how health and safety is managed. If an accident occurs:employers, employees, systems and procedures will come under scrutiny. STEP 1: Setting Policy The same sorts of event that cause injuries and illness can also lead to property damage and interrupt production so an emphasis is on to control all accidental loss. Identifying hazards and assessing risks, deciding what precautions are needed, putting them in place and checking they are used, protects people, improves quality, and safeguards plant and production. A health and safety policy should influence all activities, including the selection of people, equipment and materials, the way work is done and how an organisation designs and provides goods and services. A written statement of policy and the organisation and arrangements for implementing and monitoring shows staff, and anyone else, that hazards have been identified and risks assessed, eliminated or controlled. STEP 2: Organising staff To make an effective health and safety policy an organisation needs to get staff involved and committed. This is often referred to as a 'positive health and safety culture'. The four 'Cs' of positive health and safety culture

1. 2. 3. 4.

Competence: recruitment, training and advisory support. Control: allocating responsibilities, securing commitment, instruction and supervision. Co-operation: between individuals and groups. Communication: spoken, written and visible.

Competence Assess the skills needed to carry out all tasks safely. Provide the means to ensure that all employees, including managers, supervisors and temporary staff, are adequately instructed and trained. ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 35 of 44

Ensure that people doing especially dangerous work have the necessary training, experience and other qualities to carry out the work safely. Arrange for access to sound advice and help. Carry out restructuring or reorganisation to ensure the competence of those taking on new health and safety responsibilities. Control Lead by example: demonstrating commitment and provide clear direction - let everyone know health and safety is important. Identify people responsible for particular health and safety jobs -especially where special expertise is called for, e.g. doing risk assessments, driving fork-lift trucks. Ensure that managers, supervisors and team leaders understand their responsibilities and have the time and resources to carry them out. Ensure everyone knows what they must do and how they will be held accountable - set objectives. Co-operation Let safety representatives chair health and safety committees - if the organisation has one. Consult staff and their representatives. Involve staff in planning and reviewing performance, writing procedures and solving problems. Co-ordinate and co-operate with those contractors who work on your premises. Communication Provide information about hazards, risks and preventive measures to employees and contractors working on your premises. Discuss health and safety regularly. Be 'visible' on health and safety . STEP 3: Plan and Set Standards Planning is the key to ensuring that your health and safety efforts really work. Planning for health and safety involves setting objectives, identifying hazards, assessing risks, implementing standards of performance and developing a positive culture. It is often useful to record plans in writing. Planning should be undertaken for: Identifying hazards and assessing risks, and deciding how they can be eliminated or controlled; Complying with the health and safety laws that apply to the business; Agreeing health and safety targets with managers and supervisors; A purchasing and supply policy which takes health and safety into account; Design of tasks, processes, equipment, products and services, safe systems of work; Procedures to deal with serious and imminent danger; Co-operation with neighbours, and/or subcontractors; Setting standards against which performance can be measured.

Standards help to build a positive culture and control risks. They set out what people in an organisation will do to deliver their policy and control risk. They should identify who does what, when and with what result. Three key points about standards Standards must be:

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Measurable Achievable Realistic.

Statements such as 'staff must be trained' are difficult to measure if employees don't know exactly what 'trained' means and who is to do the work. 'All machines will be guarded' is difficult to achieve if there is no measure of the adequacy of the guarding. Many industry-based standards already exist and you can adopt them where applicable. In other cases employers will have to take advice and set there own, preferably referring to numbers, quantities and levels which are seen to be realistic and can be checked. For example: Completing risk assessments and implementing the controls required; Maintaining workshop temperatures within a specified range; Specifying levels of waste, effluent or emissions that are acceptable; Specifying methods and frequency for checking guards on machines, ergonomic design criteria for tasks and workstations, levels of training; Arranging to consult staff or their representatives at set intervals; monitoring performance in particular ways at set times. STEP 4: Measuring Performance Active monitoring: Active monitoring is a way of looking at things before things go wrong, it involves regular inspections and checking to ensure that standards are being implemented and management controls are working. Reactive monitoring: Reactive monitoring is after something goes wrong, it involves learning from your mistakes, whether they have resulted in injuries and illness, property damage or near misses. An organisation needs to ensure that information from active and reactive monitoring is used to identify situations that create risks, and do something about them. Priority should be given where risks are greatest. Look closely at serious events and those with potential for serious harm. Both require an understanding of the immediate and the underlying causes of events. Investigate and record what happened - find out why. Refer the information to the people with authority to take remedial action, including organisational and policy changes.

STEP 5: Learn from Experience - Audit and Review Monitoring provides the information to let you review activities and decide how to improve performance. Audits, by an organisation own staff or by outsiders, complement monitoring activities by looking to see if the policy, organisation and systems are actually achieving the right results. They tell you about the reliability and effectiveness of your systems. The emphasis is to learn from these experiences. Combine the results from measuring performance with information from audits to improve the approach to health and safety management . Review the effectiveness of the health and safety policy, paying particular attention to: The degree of compliance with health and safety performance standards (including legislation); Areas where standards are absent or inadequate; Achievement of stated objectives within given time-scales; Injury, illness and incident data - analyses of immediate and underlying causes, trends and common features. These indicators will show an organisation where they need to improve. Conclusion ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 37 of 44

This approach to managing health and safety is tried and tested. It has strong similarities to quality management systems used by many successful companies. It can help an organisation to protect people and control loss. All five steps are fundamental 1.9 Mapping UK Best Practice with the Rest of the World We will shortly be ending this first unit, no doubt you may have found there is a lot to take in, as such we are now going to guide you to further sources of international information which is a part of your syllabus and which are also useful for study and work related research. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is a UN body with a number of functions. One of these is to establish and maintain international standards on labour and social issues. These are issued in the form of Conventions and Recommendations. Guidance material is also available in codes of practice and reference manuals. Full details of significant ILO publications on all kinds on health, safety and environmental matters can be found at (most documents can be downloaded free of charge). About 70 of the Conventions and Recommendations deal with occupational health and safety. The conventions are open to be ratified (agreed to) by UN Member States, and once they have been ratified, binding obligations to comply are accepted. The text of each Convention states the means by which its provisions are expected to be applied. Those Member States ratifying the various Conventions are obliged to report regularly on progress, and complaints can be made by various organisations representing workers and employers as well as governments of other ratifying Member States where non-compliance is alleged. Conventions that have not been ratified have the status of Recommendations. In the case of Recommendations, Member States have no specific obligations other than to notify their existence to their legislatures and to report on what happens as a result. Both Standards and Recommendations are used frequently as models for legislation or amendments and also by labour and employer organisations to support their points of view. Codes of Practice and Guidelines are frequently published, having been drawn up at tripartite meetings of experts and following approval by the ILO Governing Body. The reader's attention is drawn particularly to Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, which was sent to the Governing Body on 13 June 2001 . The document's development and arguments about its contents are detailed in a report that can be obtained from the ILO website. ILO documentation falls into four wide categories: Guiding policies for action Protection in given branches of economic activity Protection against specific hazards and risks Measures of protection To give a fuller overview of the ILOs work please view this 5 minute video clip given by Dr. Jukka Takala, Director of ILO SafeWork > ( USA ) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

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OSHA's mission is to assure the safety and health of America 's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach, and education; establishing partnerships; and encouraging continual improvement in workplace safety and health. OSHA and its state partners have approximately 2100 inspectors, plus complaint discrimination investigators, engineers, physicians, educators, standards writers, and other technical and support personnel spread over more than 200 offices throughout the country. This staffing establishes protective standards, enforces those standards, and reaches out to employers and employees through technical assistance and consultation programs. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU) This Agency, based in Bilbao (Spain), aims to make Europe 's workplaces safer, healthier and more productive. The European Agency acts as a catalyst for developing, collecting, analysing and disseminating information that improves the state of occupational safety and health in Europe . The Agency is a tripartite European Union organisation and brings together representatives from three key decision-making groups in each of the EUs Member States governments, employers and workers organisations. Health and Safety Executive ( UK ) Britain's Health and Safety Commission (HSC) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are responsible for the regulation of almost all the risks to health and safety arising from work activity in Britain. The HSEs mission is to protect people's health and safety by ensuring risks in the changing workplace are properly controlled. They look after health and safety in nuclear installations and mines, factories, farms, hospitals and schools, offshore gas and oil installations, the safety of the gas grid and the movement of dangerous goods and substances, railway safety, and many other aspects of the protection both of workers and the public. Local authorities are responsible to HSC for enforcement in offices, shops and other parts of the services sector. Worksafe ( Western Australia ) WorkSafe is a division of the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection, the Western Australian State Government agency responsible for the administration of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984. While WorkSafe has a major regulatory role, it also provides information to industry and the community to assist in the prevention of work-related injury and disease. While many of the information products are in a traditional printed form, increasingly the Internet is used as a cost-effective way to deliver work safety and health information. WorkSafes Internet service,, is one of the leading services of its kind in the world and provides ready access to high quality information on occupational safety and health. Others (but not exhaustive If you would like to add more, please do so in the forums) Sweden - National Institute for Working Life (Arbetslivsinstitutet) - This government institute conducts research and information activities concerning labour protection matters, including occupational safety and health. Bilingual site (Swedish and English). Italy - National Institute of Occupational Safety and Prevention (Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro, ISPSL) - Public institution devoted to research, information, training and advice on legislation in the area of occupational safety and health. Bilingual site (Italian and English). France - National Research and Safety Institute (Institut National de Recherche et de Scurit, INRS) National agency engaged in research, education and workplace assistance in the field of occupational safety and health. Bilingual site (French and English).

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Germany - Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FIOSH) (Bundesanstalt fr Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA)) - Federal agency charged with research, the finding of practical solutions, and information in the field of occupational safety and health, as well as with workplace health promotion in Germany . Bilingual site (German and English). Finland - Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) - This government institute is engaged in research and advisory services, training and the dissemination of information. Trilingual site (Finnish, Swedish, and English). Norway - Arbeidstilsynet / Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority - National occupational safety and health agency. Bilingual site (Norwegian and English). Ireland - Health and Safety Authority (HSA) - The HSA has overall responsibility for the administration and enforcement of health and safety at work in Ireland . It monitors compliance with legislation at the workplace and can take enforcement action (including prosecutions), is an expert centre for information and advice to employers, employees and self-employed, and it promotes education, training and research. Norway - Statens arbeidsmiljinstitutt [STAMI] (National Institute of Occupational Health) - Research institute contributing to increased knowledge on and practical applications of occupational health based on the biomedical and natural sciences. Bilingual site (Norwegian and English). Poland - Instytut Medycyny Pracy (Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine) - Institute of research into occupational medicine and public health, located in Lodz . Bilingual site (Polish and English). Denmark - Arbejdsmiljinstitutet [AMI] (National Institute of Occupational Health) - Advisory and research organization devoted to the furthering of healthy workplaces. Bilingual site (Danish and English). Poland - Central Institute for Labour Protection (Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy, CIOP) - The Institute is a leading scientific and research institution in Poland dealing with occupational safety and health and labour condition issues. Its principal activities include research, certification, training, information collection and dissemination, and consultancy. Bilingual site (English and Polish). Portugal - Institute for the Development and Inspection of Working Conditions (Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Inspeco das Condies de Trabalho, IDICT) - National institute devoted to research, promotion, information and training in the field of working conditions, including occupational safety and health. Site is mostly in Portuguese, with some English. Austria - Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA) (Austrian Social Insurance for Occupational Risk) Quasi-government agency responsible for workers' compensation in Austria . It also engages in activities related to prevention, first aid, medical care of accident victims, rehabilitation, research, and information dissemination. Site mostly in German, but with some information in English as well. Germany - German Federation of Institutions for Statutory Accident Insurance and Prevention (Hauptverband der gewerblichen Berufsgenossenschaften, HVGB)) - Federation of 35 sector-based institutions charged with workers' compensation and associated preventive activities in the workplace in Germany . Bilingual site (German and English). Hungary - Munkavdelmi Kutatsi Kzalaptvny (Public Foundation for Research on Occupational Safety) Agency responsible for research, information, training, and workplace evaluation activities related to occupational safety and health. Bilingual site (Hungarian and English). Czech Republic - Center of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases - National institute devoted to research, consultation, information, and training activities in the field of occupational health. Bilingual site (Czech and English). Malta - Occupational Health and Safety Authority - Contains notifications, publications, courses and contact details. ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 40 of 44

Russia - Centre for Industrial Labour Safety and Social Partnership and Occupational Training Government institution based in St Petersburg . Its tasks include: occupational safety training; provision of advice for the development of regulation of social and labour relations; provision of information for employers on safety and health matters; policy development for other OSH centres. Bilingual site (Russian and English). Netherlands - TNO Work and Employment - This quasi-governmental institute offers research, consultancy, training and information services in labour-related fields, including occupational safety and health. Bilingual site (Dutch and English). Latvia - Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health (IOEH) - The main purpose of this government institute is the generation and dissemination of information on the interaction of working and general environment and human health as well as provision of training in the field of occupational and environmental health. Bilingual site (Latvian and English). Belgium - Institut pour la prvention, la protection et le bien-tre au travail (Institute for Prevention, Protection and Welfare at Work) - Non-governmental, non-profit institution engaged in the dissemination of safety and health information, the promotion of safety and health in workplaces, and the provision of advice in the field to enterprises and workers. Bilingual site (Dutch and French). Even more can be found here

This unit has introduced you to the general principles of health and safety at work, which we will develop in detail in other units of the course. The basis of health and safety lies in the potential for harm from hazards at the workplace. This is demonstrated by the high cost in terms of both personal injury and ill-health suffered by workers and others, and financial loss suffered by individual organisations and the economy as a whole through disruption to production. Employers have particular responsibilities to protect their workers and others from harm at work or arising from work activities. A failure to comply with these duties may give rise to civil liability and a claim for damages, and/or criminal liability and fines, or even imprisonment. Workers also have duties to take reasonable steps to ensure health and safety at work. Different countries have legislation in place which expressly identifies these duties. This may be based on international conventions. The legislation is often supplemented with practical guidance on how to comply.

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To maintain compliance with health and safety legislation, employers must use a systematic management approach. This should include the allocation of roles and responsibilities for health and safety throughout the organisation, and the adoption of operational systems and protective measures in all workplaces. Arrangements must also be made to keep the effectiveness of both health and safety policy and practice under review.

(1) Why may health and safety not be seen as a priority by the management of an organisation? (2) Define:


An accident (ii) A hazard (iii)A risk

(3) What two types of hazard are there? (4) What factors are assessed in determining the magnitude of a risk?

REVISION QUESTION 2 (1) Identify two responsibilities of workers identified in the ILO Occupational Health and Safety Recommendation

(2) What are the consequences for an employer of non-compliance with Health and Safety responsibilities?
(3) Identify two external and two internal sources of information about health and safety.

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(1) What are the organisational requirements for effective health and safety management? (2) What is the role of evaluation?


(1) Health and safety has to compete with other management priorities, particularly those associated with the
production of goods and services which is the basic rationale of an organisation. It may be seen as an unproductive cost which conflicts with the requirement to keep costs low.

(2) (i)

An undesired event resulting in personal injury, damage or loss. (ii) A situation with the potential to cause harm or damage. (iii) The likelihood that harm from a particular hazard may be realised. (3) Unsafe conditions and unsafe acts.

(4) The number of people likely to be affected by the harm from a hazard, and the severity of the harm that may be

Revision Question 2
(1) Workers should:

(a) take reasonable care for their own safety and that of other persons who may be affected by their acts
or omissions at work;

(b) comply with instructions given for their own safety and health and those of others and with safety and
health procedures;

(c) use safety devices and protective equipment correctly and do not render them inoperative; (d) report forthwith to their immediate supervisor any situation which they have reason to believe could present
a hazard and which they cannot themselves correct;

(e) report any accident or injury to health which arises in the course of or in connection with work.
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(2) Criminal fines; Civil - compensation

(3) External data sources include: National legislation (e.g. regulations); Safety data sheets from manufacturers and
suppliers; Government Enforcing Authority publications such as Codes of Practice and Guidance Notes; Manufacturers/suppliers maintenance manuals; National/International standards; Information from local safety groups; Information from trade associations; Information from journals and magazines Internal data sources include: Information from accident records; Information from medical records and the medical department (if you have one); Information from company doctors; Risk assessments; Maintenance reports; Information from joint inspections with safety reps; Information from audits, surveys, sampling and tours; Information from safety committee minutes.

Revision Question 3

(1) There should be a framework of roles and responsibilities for health and safety allocated to individuals
throughout the organisation, including the appointment of specialist staff and ensuring that general management roles and arrangements address health and safety issues.

(2) To ensure that the organisational arrangements, health and safety standards and operational systems and
measures are working effectively and, where they are not, to provide the information upon which they may be revised.

Sources of reference
Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001) ILOLEX (ILO database of International Law) Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18000): Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSAS 18001/18002), BSI Occupational Safety and health Convention (C155) ILO Occupational Safety and health Recommendation (R164) ILO

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