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REVISION DATE: 10-03-2017



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1.0 Scope and Purpose

This document has been prepared to establish guidelines for external and internal Localised heat treatment of
pipe welds for temperatures up to 800°C.

2.0 Reference Documents

ASME Sec V Ed. 2015 Non Destructive Examination

ASME Sec VIII Div.1&2 – Ed.2015 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

ASME Sec I –Edition 2015 Rules for construction of Boilers

ASME Sec IX – Ed.2015 Welding & Bracing Qualifications

ASME B31.1 – 2014 Edition Power Piping

ASME B31.3 – 2014 Edition Process Piping

Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and
Certification in Non-destructive Testing
ASNT Standard Topical Outlines For Qualification Of NDT
ASNT CP-105-2011
Written Practice for administration of NDT personnel training,
examination and certification.

3.0 Technique

Application of electrical resistance elements, in the form of ceramic heater pads powered by 380/440 volt primary
with 65 volt secondary to heater elements.

4.0 Qualification

a) The technician utilized in this application shall have adequate working experience and knowledge of
b) The electrical workings and safety aspects of the equipment being utilized .The technicians
c) Shall be capable of understanding and applying the relevant heating procedure and specification set
d) Down by the applicable fabrication drawings or governing document.

5.0 Safety

Personnel employed for heat treatment shall be trained to be aware of the potential hazards associated with the
employment of electrical equipment. They shall ensure that the facilities are adequate regarding lighting,
scaffolding etc. prior to commencement of operations.

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6.0 Equipment for Electrical Resistance & Electrical Furnace Method

a) The power source shall be 380/415/440 V and the transformers shall be 3 phase.
b) Temperature control equipment is either manually operated through energy regulators or
c) Automatic using modular controls.
d) The recording of temperature shall be achieved by means of temperature/time plotters in the
calibrated chart type temperature recorder. Calibration certificate of recorder and
e) Thermocouple shall be available at site upon request by Inspector /Client.
f) The heating elements shall be insulated with ceramic beads and free from direct contact with the
material surface.
g) Furnace design shall be in accordance with Client requirements
h) A hot air circulation system shall be available using blower fans to get temperature throughout the

6.1. Equipment for Diesel Burner Furnace Method

a) Automatic Oil Burners (Diesel) with 2 nozzles each power source 230/400-540 Hz three phases.
b) The burner is equipped with a self – priming pump and an Electric motor, which is connected to a
control panel.
c) A diesel storage tank with 5000-liter capacity and a burner fuel supply line. The storage tank
d) Furnace design shall be in accordance with Client requirements.
e) A hot air circulation system shall be available using blower fans to get temperature throughout the

7.0 Arrangement of Elements

a) For pipe diameters of up to 120mm the heating elements shall be applied as a single band, for pipe
diameters above 120mm two discreet bands, shall be arranged symmetrically about the center line
of the weld seam. The heated bandwidth shall be minimum 1” on either side of the joint and
otherwise as required by the relevant standard.
b) The center line circumferential gap between two bands of elements shall be limited to a maximum
of 25 mm or‘t’ whichever is the lesser. (t = wall thickness.) For a wall thickness below 10mm, the
maximum gap shall be 10mm.
c) Longitudinal gaps between individual elements shall be limited to 25mm or‘t’ whichever is the
lesser, for thickness above 10mm, and the maximum longitudinal gap shall be 10mm.
d) For a two band heating system, the heater pads on the side of the weld should be rotated one
quarter of a pad width, with respect to the heater on the opposite side.
e) Where the nominal pipes outside diameters are equal to or greater then 250mm, the heating pads
shall be arranged so as to give independent control of temperature on the top and bottom halves.
f) Where the wall thickness of the two joint members differs, the elements shall be arranged so as to
give side Temperature control in addition to top and bottom control should this be required under
paragraph 3.a.v.

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8.0 General

a) Elements shall be securely fixed in contact with the work piece by soft iron wire, stainless steel
banding tape, or mild steel banding tap to suit the application. Under no circumstances shall
galvanized wire be utilized
b) Heating elements shall be thoroughly examined before use in order ensures that the element wire
is not exposed. Examination to be made for broken beads in either the pad or the leads. Twistlok
connections should also be examined to ensure the insulation is sound, and that a good electrical
joint is made.
c) Where elements are manufactured with cold tails, care should be taken to avoid trapping the cold
tail and power supply cable between the work piece and the insulation. Elements tails should be
adequately supported to avoid undue strain at the element / tail junction and at the hot / cold tail

8.1. Power & Compensation Cables

a) Power and Compensation Cables from transformer station to work piece to be run in a controlled
safety first manner and in no circumstances to be across gangways or footpaths.
b) Where possible scaffold type support shall be utilized to run cables overhead.

9.0 Temperature Control

a) Each circuit of heating shall be controlled either by a contactor of suitable solid state switching
circuit. In turn this circuit shall be controlled by one of the following systems.
b) Semi–automatic control using combination of a set–point controlled and a percentage time / energy
regulator. The set–point temperature controller shall be employed to ensure correct temperature
control during soaking period.
c) An automatic pre-set programmer control unit, to control automatically the heat treatment
throughout its cycle.

10.0 Thermocouples

a) Thermocouples shall be made from nickel-chromium / nickel-chromium wire to BS EN 60584-1.

b) Thermocouples shall be attached to the work piece by the direct wire capacitance discharge
method. The gap between the two-wire / work piece junction shall not exceed 5mm.
c) Care shall be taken to ensure that the thermocouple conductor wires do not touch each other, or
metallic components, away from the hot junction.
d) Wherever possible, thermocouples shall not be located under a heating pad; thermocouples shall be
routed between heating pads or out through the insulation, to avoid close contact with the heating
e) The thermocouple to compensating lead connection shall be minimum of 0.5m from the heated
f) Following each heat treatment a minimum of 150mm of wire measured from the hot zone shall be
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11.0 Thermocouple Positions

a) The thermocouple arrangements for a particular configuration shall be as agreed with the client to
meet the relevant standard. Otherwise the minimum number of thermocouples shall be ‛one’ for
pipe Dia. Up to 4” Dia. ‛two’ for 6” to 10” Dia and ‛three’ for > 10” Dia. Additional thermocouples
may be attached for control purposes.
b) Thermocouples shall be categorized as Thermocouples required for control purposes and for
confirmation of specific temperature gradient conditions required by the specification.
c) A minimum of one thermocouple shall be fitted to control each independent circuit of heating
elements. These thermocouples may be fitted at the weld center line for symmetrical heating
systems, and a distance of 1.5 x t for non-symmetrical heating systems and inclined/vertical pipe
attitudes. Furthermore, they shall be located at the mid-position of each zone.
d) Confirmatory or gradient thermocouples required by the prevailing specification may be omitted
where the technique is shown to be both acceptable and repeatable.

12.0 Thermocouple Compensation Cable

a) Copper / constantan compensating cable shall be used for extension of the thermocouple to the
recording instrument.
b) The copper lead (+ve) shall be connected to the nickel-chromium conductor of the thermocouple
(non-magnetic), and the constantan lead (-ve) shall be connected to the nickel-aluminium
conductors (magnetic).

13.0 Temperature Recorders

a) Temperature recorders shall be of the potentiometer: self-compensating type, calibrated in ˚C with

respect to a Nickel-chromium/nickel-aluminum thermocouple, Type K.
b) Temperature recorders shall be calibrated to BS EN 30012 -1 at intervals not exceeding 12 months.
The calibrations shall be recorded and evidence to this effect kept with the instrument. The
calibration certificate must show both the as found and’ as left’ conditions of the instrument.
Instruments utilized for calibration purposes shall be certification traceable to a National Standard
and shall themselves be calibrated at intervals not to exceed 12 months.
c) In the event that the calibration check reveals that the instrument has been used with an error,
which would, have led to the measured temperatures being outside the permitted tolerances and
specified in the heat treatment procedure. Then full details of the weld involved shall be reported to
the inspecting authority.
d) The chart speed shall be set at25mm/ 50mm/hour and shall be checked during the calibration. No
artificial restriction on pen travel shall be used.

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14.0 Insulation

a) Super wool LT, Carpool blanket or equivalent of min 96kg high intense density by 25mm thick shall
be used over heater zones and beyond.
b) Mineral wool 50mm thick, density 90 kg/m³ may be utilized as an alternative where approved by
the Engineer.
c) Insulation shall extend for a minimum distance 2.5 √Rt each side of heated zone (R = bore radius,
t = maximum wall thickness at weld), or for a minimum distance of 300mm beyond the outermost
edges of the heated band, whichever is the lesser.
d) The number of layers may be adjusted to meet variations of wall thickness, pipe diameter, gradient
requirements and site conditions.
e) Wherever possible, pipe ends shall be blanked off internally before heat treatment.

15.0 Specification Requirements

a) Limitations on the rate of heating/cooling soak time and temperatures shall be defined in the
prevailing standard or otherwise specified, and shall be strictly observed. It shall be the aim of the
operator to achieve a soak temperature at the upper limit of the specified temperature range.
b) Thermocouples fitted at the weld centerline shall be record temperatures within specified
temperature range during the soak period.
c) Where the pertinent standard specified that the longitudinal temperature should be recorded at a
distance of 2.5 Square roots from the weld centerline, the temperature recorded shall not be less
than one half of the specified heat treatment during the soak period.
d) In the event that of repetition work the 2.5 square root T/C may be omitted with client approval.
e) The clients QA department to be requested when observing the chart to sign, time and date it at a
minimum of once per day.
f) The temperature chart shall be identified and referenced with respect to the thermocouple/trace
arrangement. The chart shall also identify the heat treatment temperature specification chart
speed, date(s) and time(s).
g) The name(s) of the Technician(s) shall accompany the chart.
h) Reference shall be made to the client, weld identity and where possible the drawing number.
i) A sketch shall accompany the chart to indicate the thermocouple positions.
j) Any discrepancy or deviations from procedure shall be reported to the clients QA Department as
soon as possible.

15.1. Heating Band Width:

If PWHT executed in the field, the minimum heating band shall be 5 √DT and the minimum insulation shall be
10√DT where D= inside diameter in mm and T = Wall thickness in mm.

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15.2. Minimum Number of Thermocouples:

a) 1 for pipe diameters≤ 100 mm

b) 2 for pipe diameters > 100 to 300 mm
c) 4 for pipe diameters > 300 mm

16.0 Heating Elements

16.1. Electrical Resistance Method

Heating elements shall be selected to generate the required heat considering heat considering the pipe thickness,
diameter, location and accessibility.

If PWHT is applied locally, the minimum heated band width shall be (2x2.5x√Rxt) and the minimum insulation
width shall be (2x5x√Rxt) to avoid unwanted temperature gradient. ‘’R’’ is internal Diameter of the Pipe in
millimeters and ‘’t’’ is the thickness of the pipe in millimeters as shown in the Figure 1

Figure 1: set up for local PWHT, heating band width & insulation band width

16.2. By Electric Furnace Method

a) Heating elements shall be of the electrical resistance type installed on an insulated hearth such that
full base area of the furnace is covered.
b) Control of the heat treatment cycle shall be performed over equal distance and divided into
minimum 6 control zones i.e. thermocouple.
c) As heat transfer is by convection in order to minimize temperature gradient within the furnace load
the rate of rise and cool shall not exceed 150°C per hour unless otherwise specified in the
contract/project/client specification. If more restrictive specification requirement state in contract
job client specification it shall be addressed in HT Instruction.

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16.3. By Diesel Burner Furnace Method

a) Heating shall be by diesel-fired burners installed in the furnace.

b) Control of heat treatment cycle shall be performed by controlling the performance of the burners
and by adjustment of the roof vent openings.
c) Defector plates are provided in between the burner panel and the job to be heated so as to avoid
direct contact of the flame with the job.
d) As heat transfer is by convection in order to minimize temperature gradients within the furnace load
the rate of rise and cool shall not exceed 150°C per hour unless otherwise specified in the
contract/project/client specification, If more restrictive specification requirement stated in contract
job client specification, it shall be addressed in HT Instruction sheet (Attachment 3).

16.4. Factor for Calculation of Heat Treatment Work:

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16.5. Preheat and PWHT Temperatures

MATERIAL Minimum Temperat
Wall Wall Wall Time
Temperat ure
Thickness Thicknes Required Thicknes (Minutes/
ure (°C) Range(°C)
(mm) s (mm) s (mm) mm
(NOTE 1)
Carbon and Carbon – ≤ 25 20(4)
All No >19 593-649 2.5 (2)
Manganese Steels ≥ 25 80(4)
Low Nickel ≥ 19 593-635 2.5 (2)
All 100-150 All No
Alloy Steels > 19 593-635 2.5 (2)
0.3-0.5 Mo ≤ 20 20
All No All 593-660 2.5 (2)
Steel > 20 100-150
1 Cr- ½ Mo
All 150 All Yes (5) All 704-746 2.5 (3)
1¼ Cr- ½ Mo
2¼ Cr-1 Mo All 200 All Yes (5) All 704-746 5 (3)
5 Cr- ½ Mo
All 200-250 All Yes (5) All 720-760 5 (3)
9 Cr- 1 Mo
3.5 Ni All 93 All No ≥16 593-635 2.5
12-17 Cr
All 200-300 All No All 700-790 2.5
Martens tic Steels


a) If Ambient temperature is below 5°C, preheat to 40°C is recommended.

b) Minimum Holding time one hour.
c) Minimum Holding time two hour.
d) 100°C minimum if UTS is greater than 450 N/mm.
e) Unless PWHT is performed immediately after welding, an intermediate PWHT is required.
Intermediate PWHT time and temperature shall be in accordance with Attachment 2. This must be
authorised by the CONTRACTOR and the COMPANY.
f) PWHT for process (service) may require special application. When applicable, these requirements
will be noted in RP 5610Y 001.0000.002 “Material and fabrication requirements for Carbon Steel
Piping and Equipment in sour wet H2S service” and RP 5610Y 001.1300.010 “Technical specification
for Piping System” and on isometric piping drawings.

16.6. Intermediate PWHT Holding Times


Thickness (mm) 150°C 200°C 250°C 300°C

10-20 1.5 1 1 0.5

20-30 6 3 2 1.5

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17.0 Records

Record Number Name of the Record Retention Period

L5-UAE-049 PWHT Report 6 Years

18.0 Revision History

Rev. Date Section Outline of Change Authorization

0 06.06.2013 N/A Initial Draft C.A.Gawas

1 01.09.2014 All Review and update C.A.Gawas

2 02.11.2015 All Review and update Shanmugam. G

3 24.03.2016 All Review and update Shanmugam. G

Logo updated, document number updated as

4 10.03.2017 All Gordon Gibbs
country level document.

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