Home Economics Notes

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Home Economics is a wide subject that covers a number of science and
arts activities practiced at home, work and also in school. Home
Economics also known as home making, is very important because it has
the largest hearing on health, happiness, and security of human beings.
Home economics is made up of many areas which can be stream-lined or
broken down to three sub-areas. All the areas in home economics are
related. The three major areas in Home Economics are:
1. Food and nutrition
2. Home management
3. Clothing and textiles
• Food and nutrients: This aspects deal with food e.g purchasing,
preparation, serving, preservation and knowing the functions of different
food nutrients in the body.
• Home management: This covers housing and household cares,
maintenance of the home, furnishing and family living. It deals with the
manipulating different resources at once disposal.
• Clothing and textiles: This deals with the study of textiles material, the
use and care of each pattern conservation and dressmaking, knitting and
craft e.t.c
Home economics is of great importance to youths and adults. Some of the
importance of the subject is as follows:
1. It teaches people how to live a good, healthy and happy family,
community, nation or the world as a whole
2. It helps people on how to care for themselves
3. It helps people to become self-reliant
4. It creates awareness in students about the danger of food poisoning and
how to prepare and preserve food
5. People who study home-economics can take up various careers in home-
management, food and nutrients and clothing, and textiles
6. It equips the students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will
enable them to cope with problems relating to the health and environment
7. It helps them to get prepared for the roles of home makers
The following are some careers in Home-economics:
• Dietitians
• Nutritionist
• Food technology e.t.c
• Designing
• Pattern illustration
• Modeling e.t.c
• Interior management
• House keepers
• Teaching e.t.c
Every career requires some training, certain subjects are required for
admission into the same home economics programs of the higher
institutions such as colleges of education, monotechnics and polytechnics,
and universities. These institutions which award various classes of
certificates which qualify graduates for employment.
1. Senior secondary school subjects to be taught includes food and
nutrition, clothing and textile and home management
2. College of education: It is usually a three year program in which the
Nigerian Certificate Education (NCE) certificate is awarded
3. Mono-technics and polytechnics: The mono focuses on only one area of
study, while polytechnics offer many programs.
4. University: These offers: i. 4 years Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) or
Bachelor of Education in Home-economics. (ii) 1-2 years master degree in
any area of one’s choice (iii) 3-4 years Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
1. Define Home Economics
2. The three major areas in Home Economics are
3. State 5 importance of Home Economics
4. Name three careers in Home Economics
1. Home Economics is a wide subject that covers a number of science and
arts activities practiced at home, work and also in school.
2. (a) Food and nutrition (b) Home management (c) Clothing and textiles
3. (a) It teaches people how to live a good, a healthy and happy family,
community, nation or the world as a whole (b) It helps people on how to
care for themselves (c) It helps people to become self-reliant (d) It creates
awareness in students about the danger of food poisoning and how to
prepare and preserve food (e) People who study home-economics can take
up various careers in home-management, food and nutrients, and clothing
and textiles.
4. (a) Food and Nutrition (b) Clothing and Textiles (c) Home Management

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