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It was a story of one day when I and my family members were got out for few days we reached

at home late night. We had decided to eat out as soon as we reached the town. But our vehicle

could not arrive on time and till then the hotels were closed. I and my sister were getting upset.

We both were so tired. I was so tired that I could not even hold my bag properly. My sister was

literally walking in sleep. As soon as we got out from the bus we felt relax.

As we reached, mother stated us to not sleep till she cooked the food. I was rubbing my stomach.

I thought that I don’t need a food I want a bed. But we don’t know the adversity was on the way.

As soon as we reached, father opened the door and that’s when we felt something wrong.

We entered in the hall we seen that the all things are clutter up. For a minute I thought that the

thief must have come but it was not seen like that. My mom was socked to seen it. Then mother

realized and yelled “oooo…see who left the window open. I think a cat must have come.” Mom


“ cat.. Might be. I don’t think thieves must have come. Because last time the window was left

opened then cat has come.” Sister reminds

I nodded in sleep.“Yes but the rotten smell is coming.” Father ticked on shaves

Don’t you get it” father asked

We all trying to concentrate

“its coming from kitchen” mom said

We all ran towards the kitchen .i reached with gasps

Saw a closed fridge but the wire was cut.

See I told you, cat must have come. Grussed

Father opened the fridge.

A dark, hot, stinky smell came through

We closed the nose with weird face.

Father went closed to the fridge, he noticed that there were some vegetables and bread and milk

there. All were rotten.

Yes everything got spoiled

Has the milk also gone? Sister asked peering.

“aaa don’t know” mom said

“Can you smell how sour it is?” Sister asked

Meanwhile mom was checking the bread

“has the bread gone” I asked

“do you see that green stuff its fuzzy?” father told exclaimed

That’s mold “mom said

Its grows on the bread “father said with taking it out

The eggs and the potatoes were not putrid “mom said

“ all the vegetables are gone , nonw what would you prepare for us” asked

“ I will prepare for you a egg rice.its simple to make and get less times your favorite na? mom

asked with smile

I nodded

“ so then till I prepare rice for you ,clean the hall” mom signified us.

Sister presolved to clean the hall and I was helping father to clean the fridge.

Why do things go bad” I asked while taking the tomatoes in the garbage bag.

“everything goes bad over time it’s because of microbes. Father apprised.

“what does it means” I asked curiously

“ microbes are very tiny particles ,they are around us ,its worm ,that’s why the foods goes bad”

father informed

Till we cleaned up all rice was ready, we got fresh and had the hot delicious rice.

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