Web Super Important

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Web Technology Super Important 2022

VTU previous year papers analysis by YouTuber Afnan Marquee. Super Important marked with *
are not to be missed at any cost.

Module 1

Chapter 2: HTML

1. Briefly explain the following: …1

i) History of Markup Languages
ii) Three aims of HTML5
2. Explain the structure of HTML documents. * …3
3. With an example explain the HTML syntax. * …4
4. Explain any six HTML elements. * …6
5. Explain two types of URL referencing in HTML5 with suitable scripts. …11
6. Explain the following tags with syntax and example: *
a)<p> b) <strong> c) Headings d) <img> g) <div> h) <a> i) <br /> j) <pre> k) <nav> l) <section>
m) <aside> n) <small> o) <fig> p) <title>
7. What are lists? Explain the tags <li>, <ul> and <ol> with an example code. * …15

Chapter 3: CSS
1. What is CSS? Explain the benefits of CSS. …19
2. Explain the CSS syntax and location of style sheets (levels) * …20
3. Explain various selectors in CSS with syntax and example. * …22
4. Explain the need of ‘cascade’ in CSS. Illustrate three principles of cascade with the suitable
CSS script segments.* …28
5. Explain the box model in CSS with its properties. …30

Module 2

Chapter 4: Tables and Forms

1. Discuss <table> element along with spanning rows and columns. * …1
2. Explain how the forms work with a neat diagram. Discuss about query strings and micro
formats. …6
3. Explain the <form> element along with various form control elements. (Text Input Controls,
Choice Controls, Radio Buttons, Button Controls, Date and Time Controls.) * …9

Chapter 5: Advanced CSS

1. Explain the different ways of positioning elements in CSS layout technique. (They can also
ask about absolute/relative/fixed positioning and z-index)* …19
2. What does a floating element do in CSS? How do you float an element in CSS. (Overlaying
and Hiding Elements can also be asked) …23
3. What are the different approaches to CSS layout (Fixed and Liquid) * …30
4. Explain responsive design in CSS. …33

Super Imp Programs

● From this module mainly you could be asked to write a code for displaying the given
output table.
● You need to be thorough with using the <table> and row-col span elements.
Module 3

Chapter 6: JavaScript
1. What is JavaScript? What are its features? Explain the client-side scripting. * …1
2. Explain three forms of linking Javascript to HTML page with suitable code segments. …7
3. Explain the following concerned with Javascript: …8
i) Variables
ii) Comparison Operators *
iii) Logical Operators *
iv) Loops *
4. Discuss arrays of javascript along with its syntax and its operations. * …14
5. Explain two methods to access DOM in javascript with example. * …16
6. Explain two approaches for event handling in JavaScript with suitable code segments.(Inline
and Listener) * …19
7. Explain Mouse, Keyboard, Frame and Form events in JavaScript with example. …21
8. Explain forms and various validation techniques in JavaScript with example. …23

Chapter 8: PHP
1. Compare and contrast client and server side scripting. …26
2. Explain various server side technologies. …27
3. With suitable diagrams, explain PHP module in apache. Describe the role of apache threads
in web applications execution. …28
4. Explain the following concerned with PHP: * …31
i) PHP tags *
ii) PHP comments *
iii) Variables, Data types and constants *
iv) Writing to output
v) if…else, switch…case, loops *
vi) Functions

Super Important Programs

● From this module the programs could be asked from JavaScript and PHP.
● You need to know how to write JS and PHP functions, declare variables, use if…else
and loops in both PHP and JS. In addition to that, you also need to have knowledge of
inbuilt library functions (for ex. Date time in PHP)
Lab program 6, 2, 7

Module 4

Chapter 9: PHP Arrays and Superglobals

1. Explain arrays in PHP with syntax, operations and examples. …1
2. What are supergloabal arrays? Explain $_GET and $_POST array. * …8
3. Explain $_SERVER array. …12
4. Explain three approaches to restrict file size in file upload with suitable code segments. …14
5. Explain Reading and Writing files in PHP. * …16

Chapter 10: Classes and Objects

1. With syntax and example explain PHP classes and objects. (UML) * …18
2. Explain the following wrt PHP: * …24
i) Data Encapsulation
ii) Inheritance
iii) Polymorphism
3. Explain Error and Exception handling in PHP. * …34

Super Important Programs

● From this module you could be asked to write program related to regular expression or
defining classes, objects, constructor, inheritance, static class members/functions etc.
● Lab Program no. 9 and 10 would be helpful for this module
Module 5

Chapter 13: Managing State

1. Explain the problem of state in web applications. …1
2. What are the two ways of passing information (Qiuery Strings and URL) …2
3. What is a cookie? Different types? How to create, read/write to a cookie? * …5
4. Explain serialization. …7
5. How does session state work? * …9
6. Explain two types of caching. * …15

Chapter 17: XML, JSON and Web Services

1. With suitable script, explain loading and processing an XML document in JavaScript. * …22
2. With suitable code segments, explain converting a JSON string to JSON object and PHP
object in PHP. * …27
3. Explain SOAP and REST web services with a neat diagram. …28

Chapter 15: Advanced JavaScript and jQuery

1. Explain JavaScript Pseudo-Classes. …33
2. Explain jQuery Selectors * …36
3. Explain AJAX request by writing a UML diagram. Also explain AJAX GET and POST request.

Super Important Programs

● Be thorough with the Code Snippets what are asked in the previous year VTU papers,
and there is a separate topic called “DTD” (Document Type Definition) which also could
be asked as code snippet.

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