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Dynamic System Development Method for MNC

1. Actors
a. Client
b. CEO
c. Project Manager
d. Project Leader
e. Team members
2. Activities
a. Client: Client is the one who is looking for a company or the one who
can help them to overcome the difficulties by providing software
assistance and technology.
b. CEO: He is the one who is looking for clients and make business
relationships with them. He brings the clients to the firm by
negotiating with clients and make firm workable.
c. Project Manager: Project Manager is the one who takes tasks from
the CEO and assign them in a systematic way based on the
requirements of the project. He is the one who manages the resources
in the firm.
d. Project Leader: Leader is the one who makes proper decisions
regarding the project by assigning the tasks to the individuals and
make the team work cooperatively. Project Leader is the one who
must take responsibility if anything happens which is not according to
the plan.
e. Team members: These are the ones who are at the ground level of
each project by doing tasks like coding, testing, developing, etc.
3. Dynamic System Development Method and its Phases
a. Requirements analysis and software specifications (RASS):
The Requirement Analysis and Specification phase starts after the feasibility
study stage is complete and the project is financially viable and technically
feasible. The main purpose of the requirements analysis activity is to analyse the
gathered requirements to remove all ambiguities, incompleteness, and
inconsistencies from the gathered customer requirements and to obtain a clear
understanding of the software to be developed.
b. Software Design (SD): Software design is a mechanism to transform user
requirements into some suitable form, which helps the programmer in software
coding and implementation. It deals with representing the client's requirement, as
described in SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document, into a form.
c. Software Coding (SC): The coding phase in the software engineering
paradigm is usually defined after the designing phase. In this phase, the
developers or the coders must implement the software design practically using any
computer language(s) so that the software can be created, and the user can use it.
d. Software Testing (ST): Testing can be thought of as the backbone of every
software development project. It doesn’t matter which development methodology
you use; a set of general testing techniques is useful to deploy. These start from
testing very small pieces of code to testing the whole applications functionality
from end to end.
4. MoSCoW Activities: Each letter in MoSCoW represents a separate layer for task
prioritization: Must, Should, Could, and Won’t. By organizing tasks into these
categories, a team finds clarity around what it needs to work on right now, and soon.
a) The musts include the primary reasons for the client to makeover the change.
These are the main things that are required to take care on.

b) The shoulds are things that need to be considered, secondarily after the must

items. These are the things that are focused because we are focusing on must
c) Coulds are special things to add, such as complex tasks make easy by creating
a simple way for the customer. These also need to be considered because these
are the things that puts us out from all other firms.
d) Won’ts are things that just won’t happen, given the overall constraints. These
might include things like privacy over data provided by the client, Formulas
that are used by the client that are business techniques.

5. Timebox:

Task. No Task Name Time No of Milestone

Required resources
(in hrs)
1. Project 2 1 Need to be
Creation and Completed.

2. Gather 10 Team of 6 Need to be

Requirements complete.

3. Build User 15 Team of Need to be

Interface 12 completed.

4. Start coding 30 Team of Need to be

based on user 12 Completed.

5. Testing 25 Team of 4 Need to be


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