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ICT is important to me as a student in taking my specific track because this

will help me in understanding the concept taught in class better and this way,

teachers will have less workload such; websites will also help teacher to show

the students how questions related to their specialty are framed early enough

so that students can concentrate on knowledge acquisition during class hour.

This is as opposed to a case where the students remain clueless of the kind

of question they except in exams and spend most of their time preparing for

exams rather than reading extensively to acquire knowledge. ICT can also be

sued by teacher to advertise the kind of services they offer in schools and

also advertise the books and journals they have written. This can be achieved

by the use of the websites for the school or for the specific teacher or

professors. As evidenced in the discussion above, ICT in a very instrumental

tool in education as a career. The specific tools of ICT used in education in

as discussed above included the use of ICT in distant learning, storage of

student performance and other relevant information in databases and storage

media,use of tools to ICT in classroom like projectors,iPad and the like. Since

the invention of the internet and subsequent,popularity of computer,a lot

functions of education as a career have been made simpler.


ICT is important to me because it though ICT is highly useful for the entire

society, it is seen to be more advantageous for colleges students. A learning

experience rich in ICT help students to develop their ICT skills. With the
necessary hardware and software provided to students, they can access all

the needed knowledge from ICT. In this way implementation of ICT makes an

educational institution smart and progressive. Compared to earlier period,

With the availability of computers schools, and colleges, students can carry

out research quickly and finish off their assignments and projects much before

the stipulated timeframe. This saves them a lot of time, and increase their

knowledge in using the machines. With ICT, use of machines and methods to

acquire information from it becomes easy. Information and communication

technology offer a wide range of effective lessons and information. Use of

word processing aids students to perform their assignments easily. It makes

their projects and assignments presentable, clean and organized. This

technology provides them access to abundance of information in a matter of

seconds. It is found to be one of the best ways to improve their grammar and

vocabulary skills. When learning in groups using ICT, students can benefit by

collaborative learning. ICT supports local requirements for the learners that

implies that social information can easily be found. ICT infuses interest in

students and make them participate more in the process of learning.



For me ICT is important to us because in the field of education is broadly

classified in the form of a tool that aids in computer-based learning,research

and presentation. It serves as an administrative tool that is useful in

management of information system. ICT not just has a great influence on

education,schools and practitioners. When talking about eeducation, the

objective of ICT is to acclimatize teachers and students with the right use of

computers, with respect to it’s working.,ethical and social issues. It is also

believed that ICT empowers teachers as well as learners. It not just

transforms the mode of teaching but the entire learning process too, this

transformation results in maximizing learning gains that helps learners to

boost their creativity,communication and analytical skills. Though ICT is highly

useful for entire society, it is seen to be more advantageous for colleges

students. A learning experience rich in ICT help students to develop their ICT

skills with the necessary hardware and software provided to students, they

can access all the needed knowledge from ICT. In this way implementation of

ICT makes an educational institution smart and progressive. Compared to

earlier period, with the availability of computers schools,and college, students

can carry out research quickly and finish off their assignments and project

much before the stipulated timeframe. This saves them a lot time and

increase their knowledge in using the machines with ICT, use of machines

and methods to acquire information from it become easy.


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