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Experiment No.

: 04

Title of Experiment: Trial on diesel engine to determine various efficiencies, SFC and heat
balance sheet.

Aim: To conduct the trial on diesel engine to determine various efficiencies, SFC, FP, IP, BP,
heat balance sheet.

Apparatus: Four stroke single cylinder diesel engine with rope brake dynamometer, tachometer,
Spring Balance, stopwatch, exhaust gas calorimeter, measuring flask.


Heat is supplied to engine in the form of fuel. Only fraction of this energy is converted into
useful mechanical work which is available at engine crankshaft and is called brake power and
the remainder is lost to cooling water, exhaust gases and some due to radiation. The non-
useful energy leaving the system should be minimum. The purpose of heat balance sheet is to
find out energy distribution. In order to draw a heat balance sheet for an engine test should be
conducted to give following information.

1. Heat supplied to engine.

2. Heat converted to useful work.
3. Heat carried away by cooling water.
4. Heat carried away by exhaust gases.
5. Heat unaccounted due to radiation.


Follow the steps while testing four stroke single cylinder water cooled vertical engine.

1. Check test set up for loose nut and bolts, any extra items/material lying or kept on
equipment intentionally or unintentionally to avoid accident.
2. Check the fuel level, lubricating oil level and availability of water supply.
3. Open the water supply to engine cooling system, dynamometer and exhaust
calorimeter. It should not be less than 300 lit/hr to engine and dynamometer and 100
lit/hr to calorimeter.
4. Open the three way cock so that fuel flows to engine.
5. Start the engine.
6. Run the engine for at least 10 minutes to achieve steady state.
7. If required, adjust the speed by screwing in or out the governor nut.
8. Load the engine by adding weights to hanger.
9. Note down the readings of all parameters carefully.
10. Repeat the experiment by changing the load.
Specification of Test Set Up:

Engine Type : Diesel Engine

Make : Kirloskar
No. of cylinder : One
Rated BHP : 5 HP (3.7 KW)
Rated RPM : 1500
Bore × Stroke : 80 mm × 110 mm
Compression Ratio : 16:1
Cooling System : Water cooling
Loading Device : Rope brake dynamometer


1. Diameter of brake wheel, D = 0.3 m

2. Diameter of rope, d = 0.015m
3. Equivalent diameter, De = 0.315 m
4. Density of fuel, ρ = 0.8275
5. CV of fuel = 45000 kJ/kg
6. Weight of hanger, Wo = 1 kg
7. Sp. Heat of exhaust gas Cpg = 1 kJ/kgK
8. Diameter of orifice, do = 0.02 m
9. Coefficient of discharge, Cd = 0.62

Observation Table:

Load on Engine (kg)

Sr. No. Parameters measured
25% 50% 75% 100%
1 Weight in weight pan (kg) 4 8 12 16
2 Spring balance reading (kg)
Time for 10 ml of fuel
consumption (s)
4 Height of water calumn (mm)
Amount of water collected in 10
sec from engine jacket
Amount of water collected in 10
sec from calorimeter
Temperatures (oC)
a. T1 = Inlet to engine jacket
b. T2 = Outlet to engine jacket
c. T3 = Inlet to calorimeter
7 d. T4 = Outlet to calorimeter
e. T5 = Temperature of exhaust
gas inlet to calorimeter
f. T6 = Temperature of exhaust
gas outlet to calorimeter
 Vf
mf    f 10 6  / s

m a  Cd  A  2  g  ha   a  / s
hw  w  ha  a  ha  ........
a   / m 3

A/ F  
 ..............
Actual volumeinducted Cd  A  2 g ha
Vol    ............%
Ideal volumeexp exp ected  2 N
4 2  60
2  N T 2  N W  Wo  S  g rm
BP    ............KW
60000 60000

BSFC   3600  / kWhr
 

Friction Power  ..........KW  From graph of m f v / s BP 
 
IP  BP  FP  ............KW
m   ..........%
 bth    ...............%
m f  CV
 ith  
 ................%
m f  CV

Heat Balance Sheet:

Heat Supplied KW % Heat Utilized KW %

a. Heat equivalent of BP
b. Heat carried away by
 jacket cooling water
(m f  CV ) 100
c. Heat carried away by
exhaust gases
d. Unaccounted heat loss
Total 100 Total 100

1. HeatSupplied  (m f  CV )  ..............KW
a. Heatequivalent of BP  .......................KW

b. Heat carried away by jacket cooling water  mw Cpw T2  T1   ...........KW

c. Heat carried away by exhaust gases  meg C peg T5  Ta   ..............KW
  
Exhaust gas calorimeter heat balance  mw C pw T4  T3   meg C peg T5  T6  meg C peg  ..............
d . Unaccounted Heat Loss 1 a  b  c   ...............KW

Result Table:

SN Load N BP FP IP ηbth ηith ηvol ηm BSFC A/F

(kg) (rpm)
1 4 1500
2 8 1500
3 12 1500
4 16 1500


1. Fuel consumption goes on increasing with increase in brake power.

2. Initially brake thermal efficiency increases with brake power but after some time at high
load efficiency decreases with increase in brake power.
3. In case of graph of fuel consumption and brake power, the straight line intersects brake
power axis on –ve side indicating friction power.


Graphs to be plotted:

1. Fuel consumption v/s brake power (for friction power)

2. Brake power v/s efficiencies. (performance curves)

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