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Mechanical Engineering Department

Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri (SLBS) Engineering College Jodhpur,

Rajasthan (India).

Industrial Training (Internship) Report at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited

(HAL) Bangalore. Submitted by: - AASAN, Roll NO. 11ESLME001 6th
semester 2014 In fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Mechanical engineering

Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Engineering College Jodhpur,

Rajasthan (India). (Affiliated to RTU, Approved by AICTE)

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have helped in the
completion of this industrial training (Internship) at HAL Bangalore. I am grateful to my
industry guide Ms. Vijya, HAL and my faculty guide all department of HAL who guided
me throughout my industrial training in HAL with their valuable inputs and suggestions. I
would also like to extend my sincere thanks to Lt. Col (Retd) Pradeep Khare , Dy. General
Manager (Vigilance) ,Design Complex, HAL; to provide the facility of Industrial training at
HAL. Continuing thanks is extended to all the concerned employees and staff members of
HAL, who directly or indirectly were involved in the completion of my training.

I would like to express my gratitude towards Mr. Somesh Sharma, & Mr. Mani
Varnan, for helping me in my study of the organizational systems.

The constant guidance and encouragement received from Er. Shelendar Bohra
(Head of Mechanical Eng. Dept.) and training Coordinator Er. Prof. Deepak Sharma
(Associate Professor) has been of great help in carrying out the Industrial training and
acknowledged with reverential thank.

Yours obediently,
Department of Mechanical
Roll. no. 11ESLME001
Date: 07 October 2014

This Internship, carried out at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore;

included familiarizing with the various processes involved in the company from the point of
receiving of customer orders, the production processes involved; till the final dispatch of the
end product to the customers. HAL have various divisions therefore my internship was
completed at the Aircraft division. In Aircraft division during the training, I learned whole
procedure of aircraft manufacturing and also learn how can the biggest industry is work as
unit with systematic way. I am very happy to know the whole process and I learned how
things work in practically way. I understood that various type of work and procedure how to

It is very advantageous for me that different type of aircrafts and fighter jets how to
complete at workshop place. The main thing is that I saw the live industrial experience in first
time in life and I encountered the senior engineers and employs to get some knowledge about
the field. I saw different type machining process those are specially use only in aircraft

Aasan. Internship at HAL. Industrial traning. SLBS engineering college. Jodhpur: Aasan,
2014. October 2014.

Acknowledgement ..................................................................................... 1
Executive summery ................................................................................... 2
Training certificate ................................................................................... 3
1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 5
1.1 Company profile ............................................................................ 5
1.2 History ............................................................................................. 5
1.3 Today HAL ...................................................................................... 6
1.4 Market strategies ........................................................................... 9
1.5 SWOT analysis ................................................................................ 10
2. HAL Bangalore complex (Aircraft division Bangalore) ......................... 13
2.1 Products in current manufacturing range ................................... 13
2.1.1 Hawk advance jet tranny ........................................................... 13
2.1.2 Flying characteristics of Hawk ................................................... 13
2.2 International co-operation ............................................................ 15
2.3 Aircraft division HAL export Boeing USA .................................. 15
2.4 Airbus France ................................................................................. 15
2.5 Services at HAL .............................................................................. 15
2.6 Aircraft division Bangalore carried out ....................................... 16
2.7 Out sourcing ................................................................................... 17
2.8 High tech facilities .......................................................................... 18
2.9 HAL offers ...................................................................................... 19
3. Department vise visit of HAL .................................................................... 20
3.1 NC shop and pipe bending ............................................................ 22
3.2 Method and programming ............................................................ 25
3.3 Export machine shop ..................................................................... 26
3.4 Management services .................................................................... 31
3.5 Hawk machine shop ....................................................................... 32
3.6 Honeycomb shop ............................................................................ 35
3.7 Process shop .................................................................................... 38
3.8 IT department and Finance .................................................................... 41

3.9 Design Liaison Engineering ..................................................................... 45

3.10 Heat treatment and plastic .................................................................... 46

3.10.1 Heat treatment...................................................................................... 46

3.10.2 Heat treatment of Ferrous metals ...................................................... 49

3.10.3 Heat treatment of non-Ferrous metals .............................................. 51

3.10.4 Plastic department ............................................................................... 55

3.11 NC pipe bending ...................................................................................... 57

3.12 Sheet metal and welding ......................................................................... 64

3.13 Tool room and tool engineering ............................................................. 78

3.14 Maintenance and safety .......................................................................... 84

3.15 Export assembly and marketing ............................................................ 88

3.16 Drop tank ................................................................................................. 91

3.17 Store and integrated material management ......................................... 92

3.18 Hawk wing assembly .............................................................................. 94

3.19 Hawk equipping and loom shop ............................................................ 96

3.20 Hawk structural and final assembly ..................................................... 98

3.21 Human resources department .................................................... .........101

3.22 Customer services ......................................................................... ........103

❖ My training experience at HAL ................................................ ........104

List of figures

Fig.1 Company Layout (Satellite Map)

Fig.2 Typical numerical control system for a milling machine
Fig.3 Moving Gantry NC Milling Machines Poly traces
Fig.4 Machine work piece
Fig.5,6 Airbus A320 Front and Rear Door
Fig.7 Dornier Landing Gear
Fig.8 Cross Section
Fig.9 Nomenclature of Landing Gear
Fig.10 S35 Stud NC Grinder
Fig.11 ELB Prance Surface & Pro Grinding
Fig.12 Harding NC Lath
Fig.13 G150 Rear Fuselage
Fig.14 5 Axis NC High Speed Vertical Profiler
Fig.15 3 Axis NC Vertical Profiler
Fig.16 Wing skin
Fig.17 wing structural
Fig.18 Hawk fighter jet
Fig.19 Honeycomb process
Fig.20 Honeycomb
Fig.21 Type of honeycomb
Fig.22 Internal portion of honeycomb
Fig.23 Use of honeycomb in aircraft
Fig.24 Anodizing process
Fig. 25, 26,27 Anodizing process on aircraft parts
Fig.28 Information Department working
Fig.29 Business Functions
Fig.30 Design Liaison Engineering Department
Fig.31 Heat treatment procedure for steel
Fig.32 Heat-treatment procedures for steels. (continued)
Fig.33 Conditions for heat treatment of aluminum alloys.
Fig.34 Heat treatment process
Fig.35, 36 Heat treatment plant
Fig.37 cockpit cover, in use acrylic plastic
Fig. 38 Pipe bending and nomenclature
Fig .39 Three-roller pipe bending method
Fig.40,41 Eaton Leonard CNC Tube Benders
Fig.42 Bended pipes of aircraft
Fig.43 ,44 Hand tool pipe bending machines
Fig.45 Stretch Warp Forming Machine
Fig.46 Press Brake Forming Machine
Fig.47 NC Routing Machine
Fig.48 ACB Stretch Forming NC Machine
Fig.49 Power Brake NC Machine
Fig.50 Gas welding setup
Fig.51 Electric arc welding set up
Fig.52 Metal inert gas (MIG) welding process
Fig.53 MIG welding equipment.
Fig.54 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process.
Fig.55 Typical setup for TIG welding
Fig.56 Spot welding thin sheet metal
Fig.57 Boring jig
Fig.58 Vice jaw fixture
Fig.59 SIP jig Boring CNC machine
Fig.60 HMT H-22 lath
Fig.61 Schmitt milling and turning machine
Fig.62 Maintenance Department objective
Fig.63 Boeing 737 Cargo door
Fig.64 Dornier landing gear
Fig.65 Up lock box
Fig.66 F/A -18 Gun Bay door
Fig.67 P-81 weapon bay door
Fig.68 Fighter jet with Drop tank
Fig.69 Store management
Fig.70 Manufacturing process of Aircraft
Fig.71, 72 wing assembly of Hawk aircraft
Fig.73 Hawk equipping and loom shop
Fig.74 Cockpit of Hawk
Fig.75 Final assembly of Hawk
Fig.76 Hawk fighter jet
Fig.77 Nomenclature of fighter jet
Fig.78,79 Human resources department main function
Fig.80 Customer services department


Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) based in Bangalore, India, is one of Asia's

largest aerospace companies. Under the management of the Indian Ministry of Defense, this
state-owned company is mainly involved in aerospace industry, which includes
manufacturing and assembling aircraft, navigation and related communication equipment, as
well as operating airports. HAL built the first military aircraft in South Asia and is currently
involved in the design, fabrication and assembly of aircraft, jet engines, and helicopters, as
well as their components and spares. It has several facilities spread across several states in
India including Nasik, Korwa, Kanpur, Koraput, Lucknow, Bangalore and Hyderabad. The
German engineer Kurt Tank designed the HF-24 Marut fighter bomber, the first fighter
aircraft made in India. Hindustan Aeronautics has a long history of collaboration with several
other international and domestic aerospace agencies such as Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed
Martin, Sukhoi Aviation Corporation, Elbit Systems, Israel Aircraft Industries, RSK MiG,
BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce plc, Assault Aviation, MBDA, EADS, Tupolev, Ilyushin Design
Bureau, Dornier Flugzeugwerke, the Indian Aeronautical Development Agency and the
Indian Space Research Organization.

1.2 History
HAL was established as Hindustan Aircraft in Bangalore in 1940 by
Seth Walchand Hirachand to produce military aircraft for the Royal Indian Air Force. The
initiative was actively encouraged by the Kingdom of Mysore, especially by the Diwan, Sir
Mirza Ismail and it also had financial help from the Indian Government. Mysore was favored
because of the availability of cheap electricity. The organization and equipment for the
factory at Bangalore was set up by William D. Pawley of the Intercontinental Aircraft
Corporation of New York, an exporter of American aircraft to the region. Pawley managed to
obtain a large number of machine-tools and equipment from the United States. The Indian
Government bought a one-third stake in the company and by April 1941 as it believed this to
be a strategic imperative. The decision by the government was primarily motivated to boost
British military hardware supplies in Asia to counter the increasing threat posed by Imperial
Japan during Second World War. The Kingdom of Mysore supplied two directors; Air
Marshal John Higgins was resident director. The first aircraft built was a Harlow PC-5 On 2

April 1942, the government announced that the company had been nationalized when it had
bought out the stakes of Seth Walchand Hirachand and other promoters so that it could act
freely. The Mysore Kingdom refused to sell its stake in the company but yielded the
management control over to the Indian Government. In 1943 the Bangalore factory was
handed over to the United States Army Air Forces but still using Hindustan Aircraft
management. The factory expanded rapidly and became the center for major overhaul and
repairs of American aircraft and was known as the 84th Air Depot. The first aircraft to be
overhauled was a Consolidated PBY Catalina followed by every type of aircraft operated in
India and Burma. When returned to Indian control two years later the factory had become one
of the largest overhaul and repair organizations in the East. In the post war reorganization, the
company-built railway carriages as an interim activity. After India gained independence in
1947, the management of the company was passed over to the Government of India.

1.3 Today HAL

is a Navratna Company and also the largest Defense Public Sector Undertaking under the
Department of the Defense Production. It has 19 production Divisions with 9 co-located
Research & Development Centers across 7 locations in the country. The divisions of the
company are located at various locations of the country because if the whole of production is
undertaken at a single location, the vulnerability to attack by enemies increases, and so most
of the countries scatter their production at different places. Over more than six decades in the
past, HAL has spread its wings to encompass activities in the areas of Design & Development
of fixed and Rotary Wing Aircrafts, Avionics & Accessories as well as Manufacture,
Maintenance, Repair and overhaul of:
➢ Fighter, trainer & transport aircrafts
➢ Helicopters
➢ Unmanned Air Vehicles
➢ Aero- engines
➢ Avionics
➢ Accessories
➢ Ground Support equipment

Bangalore Complex
➢ Aircraft Division
➢ Engine Division
➢ Industrial & Marine Gas Turbine Division
➢ Overhaul Division
➢ Aerospace Division
➢ Foundry & Forge Division
➢ Airport Service center
➢ Central Materials and processes Laboratory

Helicopter Complex
➢ Helicopter Division – Bangalore
➢ Helicopter MRO Division – Bangalore
➢ Rotary Wing Research & Design Centre – Bangalore
➢ Composite Mfg. Division - Bangalore

Accessories Complex
➢ Transport Aircraft Division – Kanpur
➢ Avionics Division – Hyderabad, Korwa
➢ Accessories Division – Lucknow

MiG Complex
➢ Aircraft Mfg. Division – Nasik
➢ Overhaul Division – Nasik
➢ Engine Division – Koraput
➢ Sukhoi Engine Division – Koraput

Design Complex
➢ Aircraft R&D Centre – Bangalore
➢ Mission & Combat System R&D Center – Bangalore
➢ Engine Test Bed R&D Centre – Bangalore

Other critical Business areas include:

➢ Aircraft Midlife Upgrade Programmers
➢ Manufacture of Launch Vehicles & Satellite Structures
➢ Development of Software and Simulators for aircrafts

HAL has been successful in numerous R & D programs developed for both Defense and Civil
Aviation sectors. HAL has made substantial progress in its current projects:
• Dhruv, which is Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH)
• Tejas - Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)
• Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT)
• Jaguar, SU-30, Helicopters like Chetak, Cheetah etc.
• Various military and civil upgrades.
Dhruv was delivered to the Indian Army, Navy, Air Force and the Coast Guard in March
2002 which was the first year of its production and so, is a unique achievement in itself.
HAL has played a significant role for India's space programs by participating in the
manufacture of structures for Satellite Launch Vehicles like
• PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle)
• GSLV (Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle)
• IRS (Indian Remote Satellite)
• INSAT (Indian National Satellite)

HAL has established a large number of joint venture companies with world’s leading
Aeronautics Organizations in several Hi-tech fields. Apart from these, various Co-production
and Joint Ventures with international participation are also under consideration. Some of the
latest products from HAL include the well-known Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH), Light
Combat Aircraft (LCA), Intermediate Jet trainer (IJT), Sukhoi-30 and the Advanced Jet
Trainer (HAWK). HAL's supplies / services are mainly to Indian Defense Services, Coast
Guards and Border Security Forces but transport Aircraft and Helicopters have also been
supplied to Airlines as well as State Governments of India.
The Company has achieved a foothold in exports to more than 30 countries, having
demonstrated its quality and price competitiveness.

With a sharp focus on lean Management & novel HR initiatives, HAL is steadily marching
towards accomplishment of its mission “to become a globally competitive aerospace
industry while working as an instrument for achieving self- reliance in design,
manufacture and maintenance of Aerospace Defense Equipment and diversifying to
related areas, managing the business on commercial lines in a climate of growing
professional competence “and is slated to fly higher and faster in this 21st century.


As part of its marketing strategy, HAL participates in various air shows and
exhibitions across the globe to market its products to its prospective customers worldwide.
By these events, HAL opens itself to worldwide customers.

Aero India - This air show is completely organized and sponsored by HAL. It forms a major
part of its marketing budget. Aero-India is held in every 2 years at Bangalore.
It is a 5-day event; in which for 3 days; it is open only for business delegates but the
remaining 2 days it is opened for public as well. In the first three days, the company holds
various lectures and seminars given by the leading people related to this particular field. It is
during the Aero-India show that the MoU’s between various business delegations are signed.
Many government delegations and highly placed dignitaries attend this show.

Singapore Air show – Apart from Aero-India, HAL showcases its products at Singapore Air
show which is held in every 2 years at Singapore.

Paris Air Show – Similar to Singapore Air show, HAL demonstrates its products to the
world in the Paris Air show.

Farmbourgh Air show – HAL also demonstrates its products in this air show and uses the
opportunity to attract various customers.

Defense Expo – The Defense Expo is held by the Ministry of Defense, in Delhi, every 2
years and here, various defense companies are invited to showcase their products. HAL is
also a part of this exhibition.

Apart from these air shows, HAL participates in various exhibitions and trade fairs as well.
HAL has purchased a permanent stall at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi; where international
trade fairs are held.


➢ Great production capacity – One of the greatest strengths of HAL is its production
capacity; which is the one of the best in the country. It can be assessed from the fact
that it has an impressive product track record - 12 types of aircraft manufactured with
in-house R & D and 14 types produced under license. HAL has over the years
manufactured nearly 3550 aircrafts, 3600 engines and overhauled
over 8150 aircrafts and 27300 engines.

➢ Infrastructural Advantage – The Company has a good infrastructural support for its
operations. There is a department called Plant maintenance in every division which
continuously takes care of the infrastructural needs of the divisions. Separate
infrastructure is made for the design, R&D and sale support.

➢ Protected environment – The Company operates in a protected environment with

Government support for funding its operations, dedicated customer base and lesser

➢ Reliable Equipment Maintenance – HAL provides reliable after sales support and
maintenance support; even for the oldest projects like MiG 21 which was made in the
year 1965 unlike its competitors. This advantage attracts the customers towards the

➢ Robust Design Facilities – The Company provides the advantage of robust design
according to the specifications given by the customer.

➢ Accreditations – HAL has got accreditations from world labs like Semi Lac, DGQA

➢ Commitment To Total Quality - The Company is committed to continuous

improvement of all their activities. Its products and services conform to highest
standards of design, manufacture, reliability, maintainability and fitness for use as
desired by our customers.

➢ Government rules and regulations – The Government rules impose certain
problems in the daily operations of the company. The labor unions resorting to strikes,
union elections or recent problems related to pay revisions among laborers can cause
enormous time delays in the projects.

➢ Lesser accountability – The lesser accountability sometimes leads to more overhead


➢ Increasing manufacturing cost – The increasing manufacturing cost every year due
to fixed labor hours and labor rate which cannot be changed pose problems for the
company; as these costs are much higher than the private sector.

➢ Increased number of emerging business markets – The Company initially catered
to only its defense customers. But with the new markets related to civil aviation and
contracts relating to maintenance of aircrafts coming to HAL; these markets have
given immense opportunities to the company.

➢ Access to International Markets – As direct entry of other foreign defense

companies is not allowed in India due to security reasons; the Joint Ventures and the
Transfer of Technology process between HAL and these companies present high
growth potential for HAL and also indirectly gives access to these international

➢ Increasing competition – The ever-increasing competition from various giant private
sector players like LnT, Mahindra and Mahindra etc. can impose a serious threat to
the Company; as the company is used to a monopolistic environment over the years.


(Aircraft Division Bangalore): -

The Bangalore Aircraft Division was my industrial training place where I was gets the
knowledge of Aircraft manufacturing.

Aircraft Division was established in the year 1940. Since inception, the Division has
manufactured a variety of Aircraft both under license as well as indigenously designed and
developed. Apart from 1st order of Hawk Mk132 Aircraft (66 Nos.), the division has signed
contract with Indian Air Force and Indian Navy to supply additional 57 Hawk Aircrafts (40
Nos. Hawk for Indian Air force and 17 Nos. Hawk for Indian Navy. Currently, the Division is
manufacturing The Hawk Mk.132, a transonic tandem-seat ground attack /trainer, powered
by a single Rolls Royce Adour Mk.871 turbo fan under license from BAE SYSTEMS, UK.

The Division has received the approval of CAR-21 from DGCA for manufacture of
CIVIL Aircraft components. The Pilot Project for the implementation of Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) was launched in the Division in July 2004. The ERP system was made
operational from Nov-2006. Apart from the existing system, many additional ERP facilities
being integrated.

The Division is equipped with modern infrastructure in Plant and Equipment like
CAD – CAM Manufacturing Engineering, Quality Assurance and Customer support System
with 2179 highly skilled personnel including more than 511officers working in a covered
area of 2,25,000 sq.m.

The Division has so far manufactured over 2010 aircrafts of various types. With
experience and capabilities built over the past seven decades, the Aircraft Division is bidding
for substantial share in the International Aeronautical market.

2.1 Products in Current Manufacturing Range:-

2.1.1 Hawk- Advanced Jet Trainer

The Hawk is a tandem-seat Aircraft for ground attack, flying training and weapon
training. It has a low wing and an all-metal structure and is powered by an Adour Mk 871
turbofan engine. The Aircraft has an integrated navigation /attack system and radio and
inertial navigation systems. The Aircraft is cleared for instrument (IFR) flying and for Solo
Instrument flying from the front cockpit only.

Basic Data
Dimensions, Wing Data, Weight, Fuel Capacity, Power Plant
Length: 12.43 m
Wing Span: 9.940 m
Height: 3.98 m
Area (Gross): 16.70 m2
Sweep: (at quarter chord) 21º 31’ 55”
Aspect Ratio: 5.29
Maximum Take Off: 9100 kg
Basic Mass (Empty): 4,440 Kg
Internal: 360 Imp Galls
Ext. Drop Tanks: 2 x 130 Imp Galls
Rolls Royce Adour MK 871 Turbofan
Static Thrust at sea level: 1 x 25.5 kN (5730 lbf) at sea level ISA


• The aircraft has excellent flying characteristics with good stability and response to controls
about all three axes
• The aircraft is cleared for a wide range of aerobatic maneuvers and exhibits very good
resistance to departure even outside the normal flight envelope
• At incidences up to the stall, the aircraft is stable about all axes for all flap configurations
• Recovery from any stall is immediate on moving the control column forward
• The Hawk Mk.132 wing has a moderate amount of fixed droop to the leading edge to aid
sustained turn performance in the speed range 0.4 to 0.7 M
• The aircraft is spin-resistant, but is cleared for deliberate upright spinning in the basic
aircraft configuration with or without the gun pod
• The aircraft is currently cleared for take-off and landing with a crosswind component of 30
knots km/hr)
• For solo flying the front cockpit is used
• The aircraft has an inverted flight (negative g) capability of 30 sacs
• The aircraft may be flown at night, either dual or solo, without any additional flight

Maximum level, speed, service radius of action with max . Payload at Sea Level
0.84 Mach Ceiling 13533 m Lo-Lo-Lo 267 km (13.53 km) 267000 m)
At 30000 ft 0.85 Mach Take-off run 664 m Hi-Hi-Hi 754 km
Landing run 799 m (754000 m) 'g' Limit +8/-4 Range with external fuel 2565 m


The Division has made a breakthrough on Exports by bagging the biggest ever export
Contract from Airbus Industries France, for the supply of Forward Passenger Doors for
The Division’s performance in the supply of export packages has been credited with
“No Rejection “and “No Delay “at most competitive prices.


• Boeing 777 Up lock Box
• F/A 18 Gun Bay Door
• F/A 18 Wire Harness
• P-8I Weapon Bay Door
• B777 Flaperon
• P8I Tail Cone
• Chinook- Aft Pylon & Ramp Door
• Leading Edge Extension F/A 18
• P-8I APU Door Fairing Assembly


• A320 Forward Passenger Doors
• Boeing 737-300 Cargo Conversion Door & Kits
• G-150 Rear Fuselage
• Legacy 450/500 Pax Door

2.5 Services at HAL

Repairs, Major Servicing and Supply of Spares
The Aircraft Division has planned to introduce concept of Performance Based Maintenance
(P.B.M.) support for Hawk Mk132 Aircraft. As part of Customer service, Technical and
Logistic supports including training are provided. Technical support is rendered to the
Customer in the following areas:
➢ Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft
➢ Compliance of Modification and Technical Instructions
➢ Accident and Incident Investigations
➢ Priority demands
➢ Field Representations
➢ Training of Customer's Personnel

On the Logistic side, the support is rendered in the following areas:

➢ Supply of spares and Ground Handling and Ground Service Equipment
➢ Supply of items against priority demands like AOG, USR / URR demands
➢ Repair of Rotables
➢ Landing Gears / Retraction Jacks - Repair and Overhaul
➢ Forecasting spares requirement

Product literature is also supplied and amendments are issued from time to time to
incorporate modifications ratified. Product Literature includes Servicing manuals, General
and Technical instructions, illustrated parts catalogues, Maintenance manuals .Flight
manuals, Repair manuals, etc., to enable the customers to learn about the changes and have a
clear idea of the maintenance of aircraft.
Customer’s operating personnel are provided training in servicing and maintenance of aircraft
manufactured by the Division through in-plant training courses, workshops and operators’

2.6 Aircraft Division, Bangalore has carried out:

A) Modifications
➢ Section 41 Modification on Boeing 747/200 Aircraft of Air India at Mumbai
➢ SB228 Modification on A300 Aircraft of Indian (Previously Indian Airlines)
➢ Cargo conversion modification on FOKKER F27 Aircraft
➢ ' S ' band modification on Boeing 737
➢ Aircraft Division has successfully complied DARIN II modifications on Jaguar
➢ After the production of initial Mk. 132 HAWK Aircraft, Aircraft Division has
successfully carried out a number of Mods and CSIs as suggested by the OEM.

B) Repairs
➢ Composite Repairs
➢ Structural Repairs
➢ Welding Repairs
➢ Parts Fabrications

C) Manufacture of:
➢ Structural sub-assemblies such as Doors, Pylons, Fairings, Drop Tanks, Control
Structures, etc.
➢ Precision sheet metal forming (Cold or Hot Forming) of Aircraft components out of
Light alloys, Steel and Titanium
➢ Precision machined components
➢ Honeycomb Sandwich bonded structures, metal-to-metal bonded components,
➢ components in Carbon, Kevlar etc
➢ Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic components like Fairings, Ducts, Pipes etc

➢ Aircraft Transparencies like Windshields, Canopies, Helicopters Panel, etc

➢ Electrical Cable Looms (Harnesses)
➢ Landing Gears

D) Design and Manufacture of :

➢ Jigs Fixtures and Templates
➢ Press Tools
➢ Composite Molding Tools
➢ Forming Tools for Transparencies
➢ Acceptance Gauges / Jigs
➢ Tooling Masters except MTG’S
➢ Structural Assembly Jigs
➢ Ground Support Equipment for Aircraft
➢ Weld Jigs
➢ Pressure Test Fixtures
➢ Sheet Metal Tools (Stretch Forming Blocks)

2.7 Out sourcing

Aircraft Division, is looking forward for subcontractors in the area of Machining, Sheet
metal forming, welding, Pipe bending, Aircraft Plastics & Transparencies, FRP molded
components, Surface and heat treatment structural assemblies and detail / assembly tool
manufacture for the manufacturing programs for Defense customers as well export
customers. The support will be in the form of :
• Machining for Aluminum alloys, Titanium & High Strength Steel involving
conventional as well as CNC machining processes.
• Sheet metal forming involving Power Brake, Rubber Presses, Stretch Presses, Drop
Stamping, Hand Forming with Die Blocks etc.
• Welding of Aluminum and steel components with metal arc as well as in inert gas
atmosphere, as well as spot and seam welding
• Pipe line manufacture with conventional as well as CNC pipe bending.
• Plastics / transparencies components manufacture involving vacuum and blow
forming of stretched acrylic.
• FRP forming of complex shaped pipe and components.
• Surface / Protective treatment like Electro Plating, Anodizing Cad-plating as well as
chemical milling wherever necessary.
• Head treatment operation for steel and Aluminum alloys like normalizing, tempering,
• Hardening and carbonizing, Annealing, Solutionising and precipitation hardening.
• Assembly consisting of Riveting as well as Sealant application.
• Electrical looms / cables fabrication involving operation like crimping of lugs and
soldering of sockets etc.
• Fabrication of detail tools for machining, sheet metal forming, FRP moulding, Copy
mill models and templates, structural assembly tools etc.

• Manufacture of Ground handling and support equipment, testers and packing cases.
• CAD / CAM Services.

2.8 The Division has High Tech facilities under the following major heads
• CAD / CAM manufacture
• CAD (Tool Design)
• CATIA workstations
• CNC 5-Axis Twin spindle Aluminum Profiler
• CNC 5 Axis Honeycomb Carving Machine
• CNC 3-Axis Twin spindle Aluminum Profiler
• CNC 3-Axis Vertical Jig Boring Machine
• CNC Press Brake
• CNC Stretch Forming Machine
• CNC Router
• CNC Bending Machine
• Laser Cutting Machine
• Auto Debarring Machine
• Co-ordinate Measuring Machine LK-G80
• `C' Scan Ultrasonic System
• In-Motion X-Ray Fluoroscopy
• Semi-Automated Loom Tester
• Optical Tooling
• Multi Optical Projection Systems [MOPS]
• Welding in Chambers
• Schematic Template Drilling
• Rack feed Attachment Drilling
• Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GRP)
• Honey Comb Machining and Bonding
• Crimping
• Hot Forming Of Titanium Sheets
• Shot Peen Forming
• Hot Forming
• Fluid Cell Forming Machine
• Forming of Stretched Acrylic Sheets
• Creep / Age Forming of Wing and Tail Plane Skins
• Mechanized Forming of Stretched Acrylic of Wind Screen Glass
• Laser Wire Marking Machine
• Leica Laser Tracker
• Facility setup for forming of IJT Canopy Bubble
• Micro Hardness Tester
• Portable X-Ray Unit

• Phosphoric Acid Anodizing

• Zinc Phosphate Coating
• Ion Chromatography
• Electro Static Spray Equipment
• DIT-MCO Test Executive
• Health & Usage Monitoring System (HUMS)
• Heat Treatment Furnaces – Ferrous & Non-Ferrous
• Process & Plating Bath Facilities
• Ovens (Composite & Plastics)
• Fusion Welding (TIG) Facilities
• Resistance Welding – Spot
• Honey Comb Bonded Panel Testing – NDT
• Miniature Detonator Chord Assembly Canopy
• Metal and Nomax Bradding of Looms
• Automatic Cable Testing (DITMCO TEST)
• Advanced protective Treatments
• Clean room Painting facilities

2.9 HAL Offer

• Airframe
• Aircraft structural components made of composite materials
• 5 Honeycomb sandwich bonded structures, metal to metal bonded components
• Major aircraft structural components and assemblies
• Integral machining of wing panels, spars, frames etc to a maximum size of 8000mml
x 2250mm w
• Precision machined components
• Precision sheet metal formed components
• Aircraft transparencies like wind-shields and canopies
• Hot formed titanium parts / assemblies repairs/ refurbishment

3. Department wise visit of HAL during industrial Training

NO. Department Name Date
01 NC shop & NC programing 04-06-2014
02 Methods & Programing Eng. 05-06-2014
03 Export Machine shop 06-06-2014
04 Management Services 07-06-2014
05 Hawk Machine shop 09-06-2014
06 Honey Comb shop 10-06-2014
07 Process shop 11-06-2014
08 IT dept./ Finance 12-06-2014
09 Design Liaison Engineering 13-06-2014
10 Heat Treatment & Plastics 14-06-2014
11 NC pipe Bending 16-06-2014
12 Sheet Metal / Welding 17-06-2014
13 Tool room and Tool Eng. 18-06-2014
14 Maintenance & Safety 19-06-2014
15 Export Assembly / Marketing 20-06-2014
16 Drop Tank 21-06-2014
17 External Sources 23-06-2014
18 Store & IMM 24-06-2014
19 Hawk Wing assembly 25-06-2014
20 Hawk Equipping loom shop 26-06-2014
21 Hawk structural & final assembly 27-06-2014
22 Work test 28-06-2014
23 Human Resources 30-06-2014
24 Customer Services 01-07-2014



3.1 NC shop & NC programing Department:-

Numerical control (NC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by
precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to controlled
manually via hand wheels or levers, or mechanically automated via cams alone. Most NC
today is computer numerical control (CNC), in which computers play an integral part of the

In modern CNC systems, end-to-end component design is highly automated using

computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs. The
programs produce a computer file that is interpreted to extract the commands needed to
operate a particular machine via a post processor, and then loaded into the CNC machines for
production. Since any particular component might require the use of a number of different
tools – drills, saws, etc., modern machines often combine multiple tools into a single "cell".
In other installations, a number of different machines are used with an external controller and
human or robotic operators that move the component from machine to machine. In either
case, the series of steps needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part
that closely matches the original CAD design.

A CNC system consists of three basic components (Figure A) :
1. Part Program
2. Machine Control Unit (MCU)
3. Machine tool (lathe, drill press, milling machine etc)

Fig.2 A. Typical numerical control system for a milling machine



Heavy Duty Moving Gantry Profilers Model POLYTRACE (in fig. B )

Highly Robust Mehnite Castings
X Axis Can Be Longer Also After Supply.
5 Axes Control Movements
Multi Spindle Heads (Up To 4)
Spindle Power 20-100 kW
Table Width 1-5 M
Table Length 3-100 M (3 M Sections)
Tilt Axis (A): -15° to 45°
Rotate Axis (B): -15° to 45°
Swivel Axis (C): 360°
Spindle Speeds Up To 30,000 r.p.m
Spindle Options: For Cutting Steel, Aluminum, and Titanium.
X Axis- Single and Double Drive
Positioning Accuracy 0.005 mm
CNC System: Customer's Choice

Fig.4 Machine work piece


3.2 Methods & Programing Eng.

Supervising project engineering related tasks including planning, control &

troubleshooting for achieving the planned periodic schedules and process control.
Coordinating with the other departments for smooth functioning and accomplishing
production as per customers’ requirement & organizational guidelines .Appraising the
prevalent production systems/ processes, identifying loopholes if any and undertaking result-
oriented measures for alleviating them and documenting the same .Implementing effective
techniques to bring efficiency in project, improving quality standards & achieving maximum
cost savings .Planning , executing & implementing innovative technologies.Identifying scope
▪ Planning / implementing technological changes to enhance efficiency.
▪ Modifications in equipment, process flow, working practices, consumables etc.
for controlling & reducing conversion cost per unit produced.
Implementing various techniques for cycle time / cost reduction, entailing identification of
opportunities, analysis of data, conducting tests, cost benefit analysis and implementation.

Notable Attainments:
Holds the distinction of reducing the cycle time for structural assembly of:
1. IJT aircraft by modifying fuselage assembly.
2. LCA aircraft by introducing sub-assemblies for assembly of center fuselage and
changing assembly sequence.

Significant in indigenizing rubber and nonmetallic components for LCA and IJT aircrafts as a
member of indigenization committee at corporate office representing division .Streamlined
and methodized the structural and equipping assembly process for LCA aircraft .Instrumental
in developing the process sheets in engineering data master (EDM) with build sequence and
updated it for design and drawing revisions . Functioned as Member of Core Committee for
implementation interacted with functional consultants for operational requirements of

3.3 Export Machine shop:-

Export machine shop is a work place where our side jet aircrafts various part are
machined.In this shop, International airbus and jet fighters small and big parts manufactured.
HAL is manufacture aircraft parts and export following counters
1. USA
3. Russia
4. Switzerland
5. Israel

The export machine shops some products are following:-

❖ Airbus A320 door (front and rear )
❖ G150 rear fuselage
❖ PBI talon
❖ Dornier landing gear components and assembly

Name of some unconventional machines are following, which use in export machine shop:-
1. HMT SB CNC lath












3.4 Management Services

Department function responsibility and authority main function

1) The main function of management services department are to asses the management
and machine required in the various production shops for achieve the planned
production targets.
2) To function as the central agency for control of new forms and formats.
3) To assess and monitor the standard hours require for manufacturing assembly and
testing of various products.
In the factory three type employs
1) Skilled
2) Unskilled
3) Semi-skilled

3.5 Hawk Machine shop:-

The Hawk machine shop is main machining shop where various parts of different
fighter jets in addition, airbuses parts are done.
Hawk machine shop has following units:-
1. Boring
2. CNC
3. Drilling
4. Grinding
5. Lathe
6. Milling

There are following parts are machined:-

➢ Levers
➢ Junction bolts
➢ Bushes
➢ Bell cranks
➢ Trigger box
➢ Brackets
➢ Penal
➢ Wing Skin
➢ Frames
➢ Logerons




Fig.16 Wing skin


Fig.17 Wing structure



3.6 Honeycomb shop

Honeycomb structures are natural or man-made structures that have the geometry of a
honeycomb to allow the minimization of the amount of used material to reach minimal
weight and minimal material cost. The geometry of honeycomb structures can vary widely
but the common feature of all such structures is an array of hollow cells formed between thin
vertical walls. The cells are often columnar and hexagonal in shape. A honeycomb shaped
structure provides a material with minimal density and relative high out-of plane compression
properties and out-of-plane shear properties.

Honeycomb composites are used widely in many industries, from aerospace

industries, automotive and furniture to packaging and logistics. The material takes its name
from its visual resemblance to a bee's honeycomb – a hexagonal sheet structure.
Honeycomb is mostly two types in reference of metallic and nonmetallic
6. Metallic (Aluminum )
7. Nonmetallic ( composite material )

Fabricated honeycomb structural materials are commonly made by layering a

honeycomb material between two thin layers that provide strength in tension. This forms a
plate-like assembly. Honeycomb materials are widely used where flat or slightly curved
surfaces are needed and their high strength-to-weight ratio is valuable. They are widely used
in the aerospace industry for this reason, and honeycomb materials in aluminum, fiberglass
and advanced composite materials have been featured in aircraft and rockets since the 1950s.
They can also be found in many other fields, from packaging materials in the form of paper-
based honeycomb cardboard, to sporting goods like skis and snowboards.

On the basis of structure of honeycomb in manly three types

1. Hexagonal
2. Square
3. Circular or round tube type

Fig.19 The proses of setting of honeycomb on the part of aircraft


Fig.20 Honeycomb

Fig.21 Types of Honeycomb structures


Fig.22 Internal portion of honeycomb

Fig.23 Use of honeycomb in Aircraft


3.7 Process shop

Chemical Processing of Aluminum:

Chemical Conversion Coatings: Many times called chem-film or Anodyne, this
treatment involves a pretreatment de-oxidizing etch, rinse, and immersion into a chromate
based solution to effect the conversion coat or film. In addition to the enhanced corrosion
benefits, improved adhesion of prime-paint is also seen compared to bare aluminum.

Anodizing: This electro chemical treatment radically improves the corrosion resistance of
the aluminum alloy. It is an electrolytic oxidation process where the surface is made the
anode in an electrolyte bath with a metal or carbon cathode, and electrical current is passed
through the cell. The aluminum surface is converted to aluminum oxide, Al2O3. The oxide
coating is integral to the base aluminum, i.e. it does not simply sit on the surface but is part
of, or integral to the base aluminum alloy. As formed, it is porous and capable of being dyed
or tinted different colors. However, in the as anodized state, it provides poor corrosion
resistance due to the porous nature. It must be sealed, a process that causes the aluminum
oxide to swell and "seal itself off' from permeation of water or liquids later on. There are
numerous types of anodize such chromic and sulfuric acid anodize, hard anodize, and others.
Test Samples used in Chem Processing: 2024 and 7075 alloys are dominant alloys in the
aerospace industry. They are widely used for their high strength, but are more prone to
corrosion and heat treat problems. As such, required samples for process control of chem film
and anodize many times are 2024 and 7075. The rational is to use these higher strength alloys
for samples in order to better control the chem processing of actual parts and flight hardware.

Fig.24 Anodizing process


Fig.25,26, 27 Anodizing Process on aircraft parts


Surface Cleaning:

Aluminum – On bare or de-painted aircraft, all surfaces should first be entirely high
pressure, hot water power washed with an aviation approved alkaline soap solution, and
rinsed with clean water.

Aluminum – The degree of success of this step will be influenced by how properly the
aluminum oxide or contaminant is removed, which will create a pure aluminum surface that
will permit an Alodine or wash primer to properly react with the aluminum. This is greatly
influenced by the abrasion process, the cleanliness of the aluminum, and how quickly the
chromic conversion coating or wash primer is applied. Not allowing the aluminum to dry
throughout the washing process before the aircraft is conversion coated – is very important.
Thoroughly hand or power scrub all exposed surfaces with Red Scotch rite pads, using an
alkaline aviation soap diluted per the manufacturer’s directions. Keep the area wet and rinse
off the oxide residue contaminates, as each section is finished. Do not allow the detergent to
dry on the cleaned surface. Next, apply a phosphoric acid etch treatment to all the exposed
surfaces per the manufacturer’s directions. Rinse well. Do not let the acid solution dry on the
treated surfaces. Look for a “water-break-free” sheeting of the rinse water as you work all
areas. Surfaces that do not exhibit a smooth water flow when rinsed will need to be
reworked. Scrub the affected area with Red Scotch rite pads using alkaline soap or the
etching solution until the area is acceptable. Re-etch the area, and rinse well again.
Reverse Osmosis or Deionized water is preferred for the final rinsing processes.

Chromic acid conversion coating is the next step .Spray-apply the conversion coating.
Mix and apply per the manufacturer’s application and drying time recommendations. A
chromic conversion coating is used to convert the aluminum surfaces to provide corrosion
protection, and offer the ideal adhesion surface for a corrosion protective epoxy primer. A
successful coating application will turn the clean bright aluminum surfaces to a light to
medium gold color. Rinse well, do not allow the solution to dry on the treated surfaces.
(Reverse Osmosis or Deionized water rinse preferred)

3.8 IT dept./ Finance

Information department and it roles

No matter the size of the organization, whenever Information Communication

Technology (ICT) is involved there are certain roles and responsibilities which must be
fulfilled. The larger organization may have more people able to fill the roles, take on the
responsibility, however, the same tasks need to be accomplished regardless of company size.
The tasks which the IT department is saddled with generally fall into two basic categories: IT
management who plan for what is ahead and IT helpdesk who fix what is broken. Helpdesk is
more than just the support of end users and their company computers. The main function of
helpdesk is to maintain the status quo.When a computer breaks, or software becomes corrupt,
the task of helpdesk is to put it right. Of course there are varying levels within helpdesk.

These levels, referred to as tiers, typically align skill level to problem difficulty. Tier
1 take on the simple break/fix while tier 2 is handed the more difficult tasks. Depending on
the size of the organization there can also be a tier 3, which typically specializes in the area
required. IT management is all about understanding the technology and aligning technology
to the business goals which are to be achieved. This involves strategies, tactics and policy
creation. At the IT management level you find the broad plans which encompass all aspects
of ICT. In the best of all possible worlds, IT management creates guidelines for the rest of the
department, guidelines which are as rigid or as flexible as the business requires. A quick
shopping list of subject matter that IT management team is responsible for can include:
capacity, data retention, data availability, security, computer usage, budget, end-user needs,
services availability, business goals, emerging technologies, compliance, project management
and of course helpdesk. There are two approaches for IT management: the proactive and the
reactive. The proactive approach is to take the steps required to ensure that all of the ICT
requirements for the organization are looked after. This means making time to schedule
meetings where you will discuss and assign the action items which are important to the
sustainability of the organization. The organizations ICT stability will be directly
proportionate to the effort put into this proactive approach. The reactive approach is to go
about your busy schedule until something demands your attention.

Here are two examples:

Someone requires that a file be restored from back-up, this IS the test of your tape
backup solution. You have suffered a data leak, so you go on a search for the weak point in
your security. The proactive approach will provide for a predictable increase in the total cost
of ownership (TCO) for the ICT environment. Whether the increase is measured in staff
wages, the time of C-level executives to participate, or increased spending on out-sourced
help. The reactive approach will increase costs in completely unpredictable and potentially
expensive ways, loss of staff productivity, loss of sales due to systems being down etc. Very
much like the Champion spark plug ads from years ago where the mechanic says, "Pay me
now, or pay me later"; a little preventative maintenance will save you the cost of a major
overhaul later.

Fig.28 Information Department working


Roles and responsibilities of a finance department: -

The activities expected from a finance department cover a wide range from basic
bookkeeping to providing information to assisting managers in making strategic decisions.
What to expect from your finance department will depend largely on factors such as how
much involvement the owner/manager has in the organization. At the base level, your finance
department will be responsible for all the day-to-day-transactional accounting for the
business. This will include the tracking of all transactions and the management of any
government reporting. In very small owner-managed businesses, a family member with
accounting experience often fills this role. An outside accounting firm is usually used for
annual financial statements and returns. In larger organizations, this role will extend right
through to preparing the financial statements with an external auditor engaged for assurance
The finance department is also responsible for management of the organization’s cash
flow and ensuring there are enough funds available to meet the day-to-day payments. This
area also encompasses the credit and collections policies for the company’s customers, to
ensure the organization is paid on time, and that there is a payment policy for the company’s
suppliers. In most organizations there will be some form of forecast prepared on a regular
basis to systematically calculate the ongoing cash needs. Where there are cash needs beyond
the day-to-day working capital, the finance department is responsible for advising and
sourcing longer term financing. Financing may be obtained through bank or private lender
debt or, in applicable firms, share issues to private investors. If the organization is ready to
target angel investors or venture capitalists the finance department will be key in preparing
the documents required for these presentations and may work with outside consultants on a
company valuation. In larger firms considering public share offerings the finance department
will assist with the preparation of the offering documents but will likely also use outside
consultants to advise on this complicated process. With the must-do’s taken care of, the
finance department can now start to contribute to the management and improvement of the
operations by measuring and reporting regularly on key numbers crucial to the success of
the organization.
Management accounting information is information that managers can use to monitor
the operations and decide where further attention may be required. It will likely include some
non-financial information and should be communicated to managers in a way that is easy to
understand. In smaller owner managed businesses this resource, though extremely important,

is often overlooked or ignored. Looking forward, the finance department will work with
managers to prepare the organization’s budgets and forecasts, and to report back on the
progress against these throughout the year. This information can be used to plan staffing
levels, asset purchases and expansions and cash needs, before they become necessary. Some
organizations often ‘plan’ by the seat of their pants, while organizations know it is important
to have some idea of where you want to go before you start going there.

Finally, the finance department should be called upon to provide information to assist
managers in making key strategic decisions, such as which markets or projects to pursue or
the payback periods for large capital purchases. The finance department can often contribute
an objective perspective based on special financial assessment techniques.
In summary, some organizations know the finance department should be considered a
resource to assist managers in the running of the business. With the growing popularity of
outsourced finance departments, it is possible for even small businesses to have access to all
of the benefits of a full finance department, through part time professionals, at a fraction of
the cost of employing a full time finance department.

Fig.29 Business Functions


3.9 Design Liaison Engineering

Coordinates activities to evaluate and resolve engineering-related production

problems encountered in assigned area of aircraft manufacturing facility: Reviews production
schedules, engineering specifications, orders, and related information to maintain current
knowledge of manufacturing methods, procedures, and activities in assigned area. Confers
with quality control, material, manufacturing, and other department personnel to provide
technical support. Interprets engineering drawings and facilitates correction of errors on
drawings and documents identified during manufacturing operations. Investigates reports of
defective, damaged, or malfunctioning parts, assemblies, equipment, or systems to determine
nature and scope of problem.

Examines measures, inspects, or tests defective part for conformance to engineering design
drawings or blueprint specifications, using precision measuring and testing instruments,
devices, and equipment. Consults with project engineers to obtain specialized information.
Evaluates findings to formulate corrective action plan and coordinates implementation of
plan. Maintains records or oversees recording of information by others to ensure engineering
drawings and documents are current and that engineering related production problems and
resolutions are documented. Serves as member of material review board to determine
disposition of defective or damaged parts. May specialize in investigating and resolving
tooling problems and be designated Tool Liaison (aircraft mfg.).

Fig.30 Design Liaison Engineering Department


3.10 Heat Treatment & Plastics

3.10.1 Heat treatment: -

Heat treatment is a series of operations involving the heating and cooling of metals in the
solid state. Its purpose is to change a mechanical property or combination of mechanical
properties so that the metal will be more useful, serviceable, and safe for a definite purpose.
By heat-treating, a metal can be made harder, stronger, and more resistant to impact. Heat-
treating can also make a metal softer and more ductile. No one heat-treating operation can
produce all of these characteristics. In fact, some properties are often improved at the expense
of others. In being hardened, for example, a metal may become brittle. The various heat-
treating processes are similar in that they all involve the heating and cooling of metals. They
differ, however, in the temperatures to which the metal is heated, the rate at which it is cooled
and of course, in the result. The most common forms of heat treatment for ferrous metals are
hardening, tempering, normalizing, annealing, and casehardening. Most nonferrous metals
can be annealed and many of them can be hardened by heat treatment. However, there is only
one nonferrous metal, titanium, that can be casehardened, and none can be tempered or

Heat treatment process involving a cycle of events, which are described as follows: -
The temperature of the furnace must be held constant during the soaking period, since it is
during this period that rearrangement of the internal structure of the steel takes place. Soaking
temperatures for various types of steel are specified in ranges varying as much as 100 °F.
[Figure 5-6] Small parts are soaked in the lower part of the specified range and heavy parts in
the upper part of the specified range. The length of the soaking period depends upon the type
of steel and the size of the part. Naturally, heavier parts require longer soaking to ensure
equal heating throughout. As a general rule, a soaking period of 30 minutes to 1 hour is
sufficient for the average heat-treating operation.

Fig.31 Heat treatment procedure for steel


The rate of cooling through the critical range determines the form that the steel will
retain. Various rates of cooling are used to produce the desired results. Still air is a slow
cooling medium, but is much faster than furnace cooling. Liquids are the fastest cooling
media and are therefore used in hardening steels. There are three commonly used quenching
liquids— brine, water, and oil. Brine is the strongest quenching medium, water is next, and
oil is the least. Generally, an oil quench is used for alloy steels, and brine or water for carbon

Quenching Media
Quenching solutions act only through their ability to cool the steel. They have no
beneficial chemical action on the quenched steel and in themselves impart no unusual
properties. Most requirements for quenching media are met satisfactorily by water or aqueous
solutions of inorganic salts, such as table salt or caustic soda, or by some type of oil. The rate
of cooling is relatively rapid during quenching in brine, somewhat less rapid in water, and
slow in oil.
Brine usually is made of a 5 to 10 percent solution of salt (sodium chloride) in water.
In addition to its greater cooling speed, brine has the ability to “throw” the scale from steel
during quenching. The cooling ability of both water and brine, particularly water, is
considerably affected by their temperature .Both should be kept cold—well below 60F. If the
volume of steel being quenched tends to raise the temperature of the bath appreciably, add ice
or use some means of refrigeration to cool the quenching bath.

There are many specially prepared quenching oils on the market; their cooling rates
do not vary widely. A straight mineral oil with a Say bolt viscosity of about 100 at 100F is
generally used. Unlike brine and water, the oils have the greatest cooling velocity at a slightly
elevated temperature about 100-140F because of their decreased viscosity at these
temperatures. When steel is quenched, the liquid in immediate contact with the hot surface
vaporizes; this vapor reduces the rate of heat abstraction markedly. Vigorous agitation
of the steel or the use of a pressure spray quench is necessary to dislodge these vapor films
and thus permit the desired rate of cooling. The tendency of steel to warp and crack during
the quenching process is difficult to overcome because certain parts of the article cool more
rapidly than others .The following recommendations will greatly reduce the warping

3.10.2 Heat Treatment of Ferrous Metals

The first important consideration in the heat treatment of a steel part is to know its chemical
composition. This, in turn, determines its upper critical point. When the upper critical point is
known, the next consideration is the rate of heating and cooling to be used. Carrying out these
operations involves the use of uniform heating furnaces, proper temperature controls, and
suitable quenching mediums.
Behavior of Steel During Heating and Cooling
Changing the internal structure of a ferrous metal is accomplished by heating to a temperature
above its upper critical point, holding it at that temperature for a time sufficient to permit
certain internal changes to occur, and then cooling to atmospheric temperature under
predetermined, controlled conditions.

Pure iron, wrought iron, and extremely low carbon steels cannot be appreciably hardened by
heat treatment, since they contain no hardening element. Cast iron can be hardened, but its
heat treatment is limited. When cast iron is cooled rapidly, it forms white iron, which is hard
and brittle. When cooled slowly, it forms gray iron, which is soft but brittle under impact.
In plain carbon steel, the maximum hardness depends almost entirely on the carbon content
of the steel .As the carbon content increases, the ability of the steel to be hardened increases.
However, this increase in the ability to harden with an increase in carbon content continues
only to a certain point. In practice, that point is 0.85 percent carbon content. When the carbon
content is increased beyond 0.85 percent; there is no increase in wear resistance.

For most steels, the hardening treatment consists of heating the steel to a temperature just
above the upper critical point, soaking or holding for the required length of time, and then
cooling it rapidly by plunging the hot steel into oil, water, or brine. Although most steels
must be cooled rapidly for hardening, a few may be cooled in still air. Hardening increases
the hardness and strength of the steel but makes it less ductile.

Tempering reduces the brittleness imparted by hardening and produces definite physical
properties within the steel. Tempering always follows, never precedes, the hardening
operation. In addition to reducing brittleness, tempering softens the steel. Tempering is

always conducted at temperatures below the low critical point of the steel. In this respect,
tempering differs from annealing, normalizing ,or hardening ,all of which require
temperatures above the upper critical point. When hardened steel is reheated, tempering
begins at 212 °F and continues as the temperature increases toward the low critical point. By
selecting a definite tempering temperature, the resulting hardness and strength can be
predetermined. Approximate temperatures for various tensile strengths are listed in Figure 5-
6. The minimum time at the tempering temperature should be 1 hour. If the part is over 1 inch
in thickness, increase the time by 1 hour for each additional inch of thickness. Tempered
steels used in aircraft work have from 125,000 to 200,000 psi ultimate tensile strength.

Annealing of steel produces a fine grained, soft, ductile metal without internal stresses or
strains. In the annealed state, steel has its lowest strength. In general, annealing is the
opposite of hardening. Annealing of steel is accomplished by heating the metal to just above
the upper critical point, soaking at that temperature, and cooling very slowly in the furnace.
(Refer to Figure 31-32 for recommended temperatures.) Soaking time is approximately 1
hour per inch of thickness of the material. To produce maximum softness in steel, the metal
must be cooled very slowly. Slow cooling is obtained by shutting off the heat and allowing
the furnace and metal to cool together to 900 °F or lower, then removing the metal from the
furnace and cooling in still air. Another method is to bury the heated steel in ashes, sand, or
other substance that does not conduct heat readily.

The normalizing of steel removes the internal stresses set up by heat treating, welding,
casting, forming, or machining. Stress, if not controlled, will lead to failure. Because of the
better physical properties, aircraft steels are often used in the normalized state, but seldom, if
ever, in the annealed state. One of the most important uses of normalizing in aircraft work is
in welded parts. Welding causes strains to be set up in the adjacent material. In addition, the
weld itself is a cast structure as opposed to the wrought structure of the rest of the material.
These two types of structures have different grain sizes, and to refine the grain as well as to
relieve the internal stresses, all welded parts should be normalized after fabrication.
Normalizing is accomplished by heating the steel above the upper critical point and cooling
in still air. The more rapid quenching obtained by air cooling, as compared to furnace
cooling, results in a harder and stronger material than that obtained by annealing.

Figure.32 Heat-treatment procedures for steels. (continued)

3.10.3 Heat Treatment of Nonferrous Metals

Aluminum Alloys
In the wrought form, commercially pure aluminum is known as 1100. It has a high
degree of resistance to corrosion and is easily formed into intricate shapes. It is relatively low
in strength and does not have the properties required for structural aircraft parts. High
strengths are generally obtained by the process of alloying. The resulting alloys are less easily
formed and, with some exceptions, have lower resistance to corrosion than 1100 aluminum.
Alloying is not the only method of increasing the strength of aluminum. Like other materials,
aluminum becomes stronger and harder as it is rolled, formed, or otherwise cold worked.
Since the hardness depends on the amount of cold working done, 1100 and some wrought
aluminum alloys are available in several strain hardened tempers. The soft or annealed
condition is designated O. If the material is strain hardened, it is said to be in the H condition.
The most widely used alloys in aircraft construction are hardened by heat treatment rather
than by cold work. These alloys are designated by a somewhat different set of symbols: T4
and W indicate solution heat treated and quenched but not aged, and T6 indicates an alloy
in the heat treated hardened condition.

• W — Solution heat treated, unstable temper

• T — Treated to produce stable tempers other than F, O, or H
• T2 — Annealed (cast products only)
• T3 — Solution heat-treated and then cold worked
• T4 — Solution heat-treated
• T5 — Artificially aged only
• T6 — Solution heat treated and then artificially aged
• T7 — Solution heat treated and then stabilized
• T8 — Solution heat treated, cold worked, and then artificially aged
• T9 — Solution heat-treated, artificially aged, and then cold worked
• T10 — Artificially aged and then cold worked

Additional digits may be added to T1 through T10 to indicate a variation in treatment

which significantly alters the characteristics of the product. Aluminum alloy sheets are
marked with the specification number on approximately every square foot of material. If for
any reason this identification is not on the material, it is possible to separate the heat treatable
alloys from the non-heat-treatable alloys by immersing a sample of the material in a 10
percent solution of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide). The heat-treatable alloys will turn black
due to the copper content, whereas the others will remain bright. In the case of clad material,
the surface will remain bright, but there will be a dark area in the middle when viewed from
the edge.

Solution Heat Treatment

The temperatures used for solution heat treating vary with different alloys and range from
825 °F to 980 °F. As a rule, they must be controlled within a very narrow range (±10 °F) to
obtain specified properties. If the temperature is too low, maximum strength will not be
obtained. When excessive temperatures are used, there is danger of melting the low melting
constituents of some alloys with consequent lowering of the physical properties of the alloy.
Even if melting does not occur, the use of higher than recommended temperatures promotes
discoloration and increases quenching strains.

Figure.33. Conditions for heat treatment of aluminum alloys.

Fig.34 Heat treatment process

Heat treatment

Fig.35 Heat treatment plant

Fig.36 Hear treatment plant


3.10.4 Plastics department:-

Plastics are used in many applications throughout modern aircraft. These applications
range from structural components of thermosetting plastics reinforced with fiberglass to
decorative trim of thermoplastic materials to windows.

Transparent Plastics
Transparent plastic materials used in aircraft canopies, windshields, windows and
other similar transparent enclosures may be divided into two major classes or groups. These
plastics are classified according to their reaction to heat. The two classes are: thermoplastic
and thermosetting. Thermoplastic materials will soften when heated and harden when cooled.
These materials can be heated until soft, and then formed into the desired shape. When
cooled, they will retain this shape. The same piece of plastic can be reheated and reshaped
any number of times without changing the chemical composition of the materials.

Thermosetting plastics
Harden upon heating, and reheating has no softening effect. These plastics cannot be
reshaped once being fully cured by the application of heat. In addition to the above classes,
transparent plastics are manufactured in two forms: monolithic (solid) and laminated.
Laminated transparent plastics are made from transparent plastic face sheets bonded by an
inner layer material, usually polyvinyl butyl. Because of its shatter resistant qualities,
laminated plastic is superior to solid plastics and is used in many pressurized aircraft. Most of
the transparent sheet used in aviation is manufactured in accordance with various military
specifications. A new development in transparent plastics is stretched acrylic. Stretched
acrylic is a type of plastic which, before being shaped, is pulled in both directions to
rearrange its molecular structure. Stretched acrylic panels have a greater resistance to impact
and are less subject to shatter; its chemical resistance is greater, edging is simpler, and
crazing and scratches are less detrimental.

While direct sunlight does not harm acrylic plastic, it will cause drying and hardening
of the masking adhesive, making removal of the paper difficult. If the paper will not roll off
easily, place the sheet in an oven at 250 °F for 1 minute, maximum. The heat will soften the
masking adhesive for easy removal of the paper. If an oven is not available, remove hardened

masking paper by softening the adhesive with aliphatic naphtha. Rub the masking paper with
a cloth saturated with naphtha. This will soften the adhesive and free the paper from the
plastic. Sheets so treated must be washed immediately with clean water, taking care not to
scratch the surfaces.

Reinforced Plastic
Reinforced plastic is a thermosetting material used in the manufacture of radomes, antenna
covers, and wingtips, and as insulation for various pieces of electrical equipment and fuel
cells. It has excellent dielectric characteristics which make it ideal for radomes; however, its
high strength-to-weight ratio, resistance to mildew, rust, and rot, and ease of fabrication make
it equally suited for other parts of the aircraft.



3.11 NC pipe Bending

Introduction of pipe pending:-

Tube bending is the umbrella term for metal forming processes used to permanently
form pipes or tubing. One has to differentiate between form-bound and freeform-bending
procedures, as well as between heat supported and cold forming procedures.

Form bound bending procedures like “press bending” or “rotary draw bending” are
used to form the work piece into the shape of a die. Straight tube stock can be formed using a
bending machine to create a variety of single or multiple bends and to shape the piece into the
desired form. These processes can be used to form complex shapes out of different types of
ductile metal tubing. Freeform bending processes, like three-roll-push bending, shape the
work piece cinematically, thus the bending contour is not dependent on the tool geometry.
Generally, round stock is what is used in tube bending. However, square and rectangular
tubes and pipes may also be bent to meet job specifications. Other factors involved in the
tube bending process is the wall thickness, tooling and lubricants needed by the pipe and tube
bender to best shape the material. And it’s also used in different ways e.g.( tube, pipe wires)

Press bending:-
Probably will be the first bending process used on cold pipes and tubing. In this
process a die in the shape of the bend is pressed against the pipe forcing the pipe to fit the
shape of the bend. Because the pipe is not supported internally, there is some deformation of
the shape of the pipe giving an ovular cross section. This Full tooling for rotary draw bending
process is used where a consistent cross section of the pipe is not required. Although a single
die can produce various shapes; it only works for one size tube and radius.

Rotary draw bending

Rotary draw bending (RDB) is a precise technology, since it bends using tooling or
"die sets" which have a constant centerline radius (CLR), alternatively indicated as Mean
Bending Radius (Rm). Rotary draw benders can be programmable to store multiple bend jobs
with varying degrees of bending. Often a positioning index table (IDX) is attached to the
bender allowing the operator to reproduce complex bends which can have multiple bends and
differing planes.

Fig. 38 Pipe bending and nomenclature

Rotary draw benders are the most popular machines for use in bending tube, pipe and solids
for applications like: handrails, frames, motor vehicle roll cages, handles, lines and much
more. Rotary draw benders create aesthetically pleasing bends when the right tooling is

matched to the application. CNC rotary draw bending machines can be very complex and use
sophisticated tooling to produce severe bends with high quality requirements. The complete
tooling is required only for high-precision bending of difficult-to-bend tubes with relatively
large OD/t (diameter/thickness) ratio and relatively small ratio between the mean bending
radius Rm and OD. The use of axial boosting either on the tube free end or on the pressure
die is useful to prevent excessive thinning and collapse of the extrados of the tube. The
mandrel, with or without ball with spherical links, is mostly used to prevent wrinkles and
vocalization. For relatively easy bending processes (that is, as the factor BF decreases), the
tooling can be progressively simplified, eliminating the need for the axial assist, the mandrel,
and the wiper die (which mostly prevents wrinkling). Furthermore, in some particular cases,
the standard tooling must be modified in order to meet specific requirements of the products.

Roll bending
During the roll bending process the pipe, extrusion, or solid is passed through a series
of rollers (typically 3) that apply pressure to the pipe gradually changing the bend radius in
the pipe .The pyramid style roll benders have one moving roll; usually the top roll . Double
pinch type roll benders have two adjustable rolls, usually the bottom rolls, and a fixed top
roll. This method of bending causes very little deformation in the cross section of the pipe
.This process is suited to producing coils of pipe as well as long gentle bends like those used
in truss systems.

Three-Roll Push Bending

The Three-Roll Push Bending (TRPB) is the most commonly used freeform-bending
process to manufacture bending geometries consisting of several plane-bending curves.
Nevertheless, a 3D-shaping is possible. The profile is guided between bending-roll and
supporting-roll(s), while being pushed through the tools. The position of the forming-roll
defines the bending radius. The bending point is the tangent-point between tube and bending-
roll. To change the bending plane, the pusher rotates the tube around its three-roll push
bending process longitudinal axis. Generally, a TRPB tool kit can be applied on a
conventional rotary draw Bending machine. The process is very flexible since with a unique
tool set, several bending radii values Rm can be obtained, although the geometrical precision
of the process is not comparable to rotary draw bending. Bending contours defined as spline-
or polynomial-functions can be manufactured.

Fig .39 Three-roller pipe bending method

CE12/CE25 Semiautomatic Tube Benders

Available in two models, the CE-12 and CE-25 can bend tubes up to 15.8 mm (.625") and 25
mm (1.0"), respectively. Both machines are identical, with the exception of the bend head
size. CE models combine semiautomatic bending with CNC accuracy and repeatability.
Distance between bend and plane of bend motions are automatic, while bending and
clamping motions are performed manually. The bend head can be repositioned on the
machine base, enabling clockwise and counterclockwise bending.
• Combines CNC and semiautomatic operation for simple, accurate bending
• Simple control messages prompt the operator through the bending process
• Reversible bend arm feature for clockwise and counterclockwise bending
• Ideal for short run, prototype, and aircraft bending applications
• Versatile, compact, and cost-effective design
• Clean, quiet operation without the use of hydraulics

Fig.40,41 Eaton Leonard CNC Tube Benders


Fig.42 Bended pipes of aircraft


Fig.43 ,44 Hand tool pipe bending machines


3.12 Sheet Metal / Welding

Sheet metal:-
Sheet metal is metal formed by an industrial process into thin, flat pieces. It is one of
the fundamental forms used in metalworking and it can be cut and bent into a variety of
shapes. Countless everyday objects are constructed with sheet metal. Thicknesses can vary
significantly; extremely thin thicknesses are considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker than 6
mm (0.25 in) are considered plate. Sheet metal is available in flat pieces or coiled strips.

The coils are formed by running a continuous sheet of metal through a roll slitter. The
thickness of sheet metal is commonly specified by a traditional, non-linear measure known as
its gauge. The larger the gauge number, the thinner the metal. Commonly used steel sheet
metal ranges from 30 gauge to about 7 gauge. Gauge differs between ferrous (iron based)
metals and nonferrous metals such as aluminum or copper; copper thickness, for example is
measured in ounces (and represents the thickness of 1 ounce of copper rolled out to an area of
1 square foot). There are many different metals that can be made into sheet metal, such as
aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet
metals include silver, gold, and platinum (platinum sheet metal is also utilized as a catalyst.)
Sheet metal is used for car bodies, airplane wings, medical tables, roofs for buildings
(architecture) and many other applications. Sheet metal of iron and other materials with high
magnetic permeability, also known as laminated steel cores, has applications in transformers
and electric machines. Historically, an important use of sheet metal was in plate armor worn
by cavalry, and sheet metal continues to have many decorative uses, including in horse tack.
Sheet metal workers are also known as "tin bashers" (or "tin knockers"), a name derived from
the hammering of panel seams when installing tin roofs.

Materials are used in sheet metal process:-

1. Steel
2. Aluminum

Usage of steel as a building material is popular as a cost effective, quality material as
compared to the alternatives the three most common stainless steel grades available in sheet
metal are 304, 316, and 410. Grade 304 is the most common of the three grades. It offers
good corrosion resistance while maintaining formability and weld ability. Available finishes
are #2B, #3, and #4. Grade 303 is not available in sheet form. Grade 316 possesses more
corrosion resistance and strength at elevated temperatures than 304. It is commonly used
for pumps, valves, chemical equipment, and marine applications. Available finishes are #2B,
#3, and #4. Grade 410 is a heat treatable stainless steel, but it has a lower corrosion resistance
than the other grades. It is commonly used in cutlery. The only available finish is dull.

Aluminum is also a popular metal used in sheet metal due to its flexibility, wide range
of options, cost effectiveness, and other properties. The four most common aluminum grades
available as sheet metal are 1100-H14, 3003-H14, 5052-H32, and 6061-T6. Grade 1100-H14
is commercially pure aluminum, highly chemical and weather resistant. It is ductile enough
for deep drawing and wieldable, but has low strength. It is commonly used in chemical
processing equipment, light reflectors, and jewelry.

Grade 3003-H14 is stronger than 1100, while maintaining the same formability and
low cost. It is corrosion resistant and wieldable. It is often used in stampings, spun and drawn
parts, mail boxes[2], cabinets, tanks, and fan blades. Grade 5052-H32 is much stronger than
3003 while still maintaining good formability. It maintains high corrosion resistance and
weld ability. Common applications include electronic chassis, tanks, and pressure vessels.
Grade 6061-T6 is a common heat-treated structural aluminum alloy. It is wieldable, corrosion
resistant, and stronger than 5052, but not as formable. It loses some of its strength when
welded. It is used in modern aircraft structures.

Forming processes:-
❖ Bending
❖ Curling
❖ DE cambering
❖ Deep drawing

❖ Expanding
❖ Incremental sheet forming (stretching )
❖ Ironing
❖ Laser cutting
❖ Perforating
❖ Press brake forming
❖ Punching
❖ Roll forming
❖ Rolling
❖ Spinning
❖ Stamping
❖ Water jet cutting
❖ Wheeling
❖ Fasteners

Stretch forming:

Stretching of a sheet metal, by holding its ends or edges and bending it over a form
block, simultaneously is called stretch forming. It is a process involving tensile force. Rigid
die is used in the process. Materials with good ductility alone can be stretch formed. Further,
in this process there is very little spring back because of absence of no uniform deformation
or due to constant stress gradient across the thickness. This is due to high tensile stress
applied. Aircraft wing panels, automobile door panels, window frames are some of the parts
produced by this process. Tensile forces as high as 9 MN are used in forming aluminum skins
for aircrafts. A single form block or punch is used along with gripping jaws. The forming is
performed using hydraulically operated ram. First the sheet is bent around the form block.
Then it is gripped and stretched applying large tensile force until it plastically deforms.


Deep drawing
Drawing is a forming process in which the metal is stretched over a form. In deep
drawing the depth of the part being made is more than half its diameter. Deep drawing is used
for making automotive fuel tanks, kitchen sinks, two-piece aluminum cans, etc. Deep
drawing is generally done in multiple steps called draw reductions. The greater the depth the
more reductions are required. Deep drawing may also be accomplished with fewer reductions
by heating the work piece, for example in sink manufacture. In many cases, material is rolled
at the mill in both directions to aid in deep drawing. This leads to a more uniform grain
structure which limits tearing and is referred to as "draw quality" material.

Expanding is a process of cutting or stamping slits in alternating pattern much like the
stretcher bond in brickwork and then stretching the sheet open in accordion-like fashion. It is
used in applications where air and water flow are desired as well as when light weight is
desired at cost of a solid flat surface. A similar process is used in other materials such as

paper to create a low cost packing paper with better supportive properties than flat paper
Press brake forming
This is a form of bending used to produce long, thin sheet metal parts. The machine
that bends the metal is called a press brake. The lower part of the press contains a V-shaped
groove called the die. The upper part of the press contains a punch that presses the sheet
metal down into the v-shaped die, causing it to bend. There are several techniques used, but
the most common modern method is "air bending". Here, the die has a sharper angle than the
required bend (typically 85 degrees for a 90 degree bend) and the upper tool is precisely
controlled in its stroke to push the metal down the required amount to bend it through 90
degrees. Typically, a general-purpose machine has an available bending force of around 25
tons per meter of length. The opening width of the lower die is typically 8 to 10 times the
thickness of the metal to be bent (for example, 5 mm material could be bent in a 40 mm
die). The inner radius of the bend formed in the metal is determined not by the radius of the
upper tool, but by the lower die width. Typically, the inner radius is equal to 1/6 of the V-
width used in the forming process. The press usually has some sort of back gauge to position
depth of the bend along the work piece. The back gauge can be computer controlled to allow
the operator to make a series of bends in a component to a high degree of accuracy.
Simple machines control only the backstop, more advanced machines control the position and
angle of the stop, its height and the position of the two reference pegs used to locate the
material. The machine can also record the exact position and pressure required for each
bending operation to allow the operator to achieve a perfect 90 degree bend across a variety
of operations on the part.



Punching is performed by placing the sheet of metal stock between a punch and a die
mounted in a press. The punch and die are made of hardened steel and are the same shape.
The punch just barely fits into the die. The press pushes the punch against and into the die
with enough force to cut a hole in the stock. In some cases the punch and die "nest" together
to create a depression in the stock. In progressive stamping a coil of stock is fed into a long
die/punch set with many stages. Multiple simple shaped holes may be produced in one stage,
but complex holes are created in multiple stages. In the final stage, the part is punched free
from the "web". A typical CNC turret punch has a choice of up to 60 tools in a "turret" that
can be rotated to bring any tool to the punching position. A simple shape (e.g., a square,
circle, or hexagon) is cut directly from the sheet. A complex shape can be cut out by making
many square or rounded cuts around the perimeter. A punch is less flexible than a laser for
cutting compound shapes, but faster for repetitive shapes (for example, the grille of an air-
conditioning unit). A CNC punch can achieve 600 strokes per minute. A typical component
(such as the side of a computer case) can be cut to high precision from a blank sheet in less
than 15 seconds by either a press or a laser CNC machine.

Hydro press Forming

The rubber pad hydro press can be utilized to form many varieties of parts from
aluminum and its alloys with relative ease. Phenolic, Masonite, Kristie, and some types of
hard setting moldings plastic have been used successfully as form blocks to press sheet metal
parts, such as ribs, spars, fans, etc. To perform a press forming operation:
1. Cut a sheet metal blank to size and debar edges.
2. Set the form block (normally male) on the lower press platen.
3. Place the prepared sheet metal blank (with locating pins to prevent shifting of the blank
when the pressure is applied).
4. Lower or close the rubber pad-filled press head over the form block and the rubber
5. The form block forces the blank to conform to its contour.
Hydro press forming is usually limited to relatively flat parts with flanges, beads, and
lightening holes. However, some types of large radii contoured parts can be formed by a
combination of hand forming and pressing operations.

Shrinking metal is much more difficult than stretching it. During the shrinking
process, metal is forced or compressed into a smaller area. This process is used when the
length of a piece of metal, especially on the inside of a bend, is to be reduced. Sheet metal
can be shrunk in by hammering on a V-block or by crimping and then using a shrinking
block. To curve the formed angle by the V-block method, place the angle on the V-block and
gently hammer downward against the upper edge directly over the ”V.” While hammering,
move the angle back and forth across the V-block to compress the material along the upper
edge. Compression of the material along the upper edge of the vertical flange will cause the
formed angle to take on a curved shape. The material in the horizontal flange will merely
bend down at the center, and the length of that flange will remain the same.






Welding can be traced back to the Bronze Age, but it was not until the 19th century
that welding, as we know it today was invented. Some of the first successful commercially
manufactured aircraft were constructed from welded steel tube frames. As the technology and
manufacturing processes evolved in the aircraft and aerospace industry, lighter metals, such
as aluminum, magnesium, and titanium, were used in their construction. New processes and
methods of welding these metals were developed. This chapter provides some of the basic
information needed to understand and initiate the various welding methods and processes.

Types of welding use in aircraft industry are followings:-

1. Gas welding
2. Electric arc welding
3. Gas tungsten arc welding
4. Gas metal arc welding (metal inert gas welding)
5. Spot welding

Gas welding
Gas welding is accomplished by heating the ends or edges of metal parts to a molten state
with a high temperature flame. The oxy-acetylene flame, with a temperature of approximately
6,300 °Fahrenheit (F), is produced with a torch burning acetylene and mixing it with pure
oxygen. Hydrogen may be used in place of acetylene for aluminum welding, but the heat
output is reduced to about 4,800 °F. Gas welding was the method most commonly used in
production on aircraft materials under 3⁄16‑inch in thickness until the mid-1950s, when it was
replaced by electric welding for economic (not engineering) reasons. Gas welding continues
to be a very popular and proven method for repair operations. Nearly all gas welding in
aircraft fabrication is performed with oxy-acetylene welding equipment consisting of:
➢ Two cylinders, acetylene and oxygen.
➢ Acetylene and oxygen pressure regulators and cylinder pressure gauges.
➢ Two lengths of colored hose (red for acetylene and green for oxygen) with adapter
connections for the regulators and torch.
➢ A welding torch with an internal mixing head, various size tips, and hose connections.
➢ Welding goggles fitted with appropriate colored lenses.

➢ A flint or spark lighter.

➢ Special wrench for acetylene tank valve if needed.
➢ An appropriately-rated fire extinguisher. The equipment may be permanently installed
in a shop, but
➢ most welding outfits are of the portable type

Fig.50 Gas welding setup

Electric Arc Welding

Electric arc welding is used extensively by the aircraft industry in both the
manufacture and repair of aircraft. It can be used satisfactorily to join all wieldable metals,
provided that theproper processes and materials are used. The four types of electric arc
welding are addressed in the following paragraphs.

Fig.51 Electric arc welding set up

Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)

Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) was formerly called metal inert gas (MIG) welding.
It is an improvement over stick welding because an uncoated wire electrode is fed into and
through the torch and an inert gas, such as argon, helium, or carbon dioxide, flows out around
the wire to protect the puddle from oxygen. The power supply is connected to the torch and
the work, and the arc produces the intense heat needed to melt the work and the electrode.
Low-voltage high-current DC is typically used with GMAW welding. Figure 5-5 shows the
equipment required for a typical MIG welding setup. This method of welding can be used for
large volume manufacturing and production work; it is not well suited to repair work because
weld quality cannot be easily determined without destructive testing. Figure 5-6 depicts a
typical power source used for MIG welding.

Fig.52 Metal inert gas (MIG) welding process

Fig.53 MIG welding equipment.


Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)

Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is a method of electric arc welding that fills most
of the needs in aircraft maintenance and repair when proper procedures and materials are
used. It is the preferred method to use on stainless steel, magnesium, and most forms of thick
aluminum. It is more commonly known as Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding and by the trade
names of Heliarc or Heliweld. These names were derived from the inert helium gas that was
originally used. The first two methods of electric arc welding that were addressed used a
consumable electrode that produced the filler for the weld. In TIG welding, the electrode is a
tungsten rod that forms the path for the high amperage arc between it and the work to melt
the metal at over 5,400 °F. The electrode is not consumed and used as filler so a filler rod is
manually fed into the molten puddle in almost the same manner as when using an oxy-
acetylene torch. A stream of inert gas, such as argon or helium, flows out around the
electrode and envelopes the arc thereby preventing the formation of oxides in the molten

The versatility of a TIG welder is increased by the choice of the power supply being used.
DC of either polarity or AC may be used. Either select the welder setting to DC straight
polarity (the work being the positive and the torch being negative) when welding mild steel,
stainless steel, and titanium; or Select AC for welding aluminum and magnesium.

Fig.54 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding process.


Fig.55 Typical setup for TIG welding

Spot Welding
Two copper electrodes are held in the jaws of the spot welding machine, and the material to
be welded is clamped between them. Pressure is applied to hold the electrodes tightly
together and electrical current flows through the electrodes and the material. The resistance of
the material being welded is so much higher than that of the copper electrodes that enough
heat is generated to melt the metal. The pressure on the electrodes forces the molten spots in
the two pieces of metal to unite, and this pressure is held after the current stops flowing long
enough for the metal to solidify. The amount of current, pressure, and dwell time are all
carefully controlled and matched to the type of material and the thickness to produce the
correct spot welds

Fig.56 Spot welding thin sheet metal


3.13 Tool room and Tool Eng.

The tools required for the production of an aircraft are generally manufactured in a
tool room comprising of different types of machine tools and associated production
equipment. The production processes involved in the tool room are similar to those employed
in other manufacturing shops of the main aircraft production. However, greater accuracy is
called for and this demands precision machine tools and highly skilled operators. A typical
aircraft tool room generally consists of the following types of machine tools and associated
production and inspection equipment:
a) Machine Tools
— Centre lathes
— Relieving lathes
— Milling machines — Vertical, Horizontal, Universal and Copy Milling
— Radial Drills
— Grinders - External, Intimal, Universal, Surface, Cylindrical, ‘thread, optical profile and
tool and cutter
— Broaching machine
— Plano millers

Materials Used for Manufacture of Tools

The commonly used materials and types of tools manufactured out of these are as follows:
1) Mild Steel. Mostly used for Base Plates, uprights, Bushes, Pins, Plates, Brackets, Vice
Jaws etc.
2) Cast Iron. Used for making Base Plate.
3) Oil-Hardening Non-Shrinking Steel. Used for Punch and Dies for Press Tools,
4) Thread Gauges, Plain Gauges, Engraving Tools cold punches for cold work, etc.
5) Chromium-M0lybdenum Steel. Used for pins, Bushes, Brackets, Up rights, Spanners,
Mandrels, etc. ’
6) Silver Steel. Used for Dowels, Chisels, Plate Gauges, Bushes, Pins, Mandrels, Slitting
Saws etc.

7) High Speed Steel, M2 Ami M35 Grade: Mostly used for Drills, Reamers, Broaches,
Form Cutters, Milling Cutters, Punches, Single Point Cutting Tools, etc.
8) High Speed Steel, M42, ASP-30 and ASP—60 grades. Best suited for all types of
Cutting Tools for machining very high strength steels. This is very widely used for Reamers,
Drills, Form Cutters, End mills, Broaches, etc.
9) Gauge Steel. Used for making Plate Gauges, Marking Tools, Finishing Tools with
light Feeds, Dies and Punches.
10) Collet Steel. This steel is used for making Collets, Slit bushes, etc.
11) High Carbon, High Chromium Steel. This is used for punches, Engraving Tools,
Shaping Tools, Shear Blades, Thread gauges, etc.

Master Template
A master template is a dimensionally stable flat metallic sheet which has the
information required to fabricate a detail part and is derived from the engineering loft by
transfer of the information (on the engineering loft Astra foil) to the metallic sheet through a
photographic process (see figure 4.3). The template is usually made from 3-6 mm thick mild
steel sheet or 6-8 mm thick aluminum alloy sheet. The master template is used to develop a
variety of production tools and checking fixtures. The lines and holes in the master template
and the uses to which they are put are described below:

i) Outer contour line.

This defines the external (skin) contours of the airframe components.
ii) Outer mould line.
This defines the inner contours of the airframe components and takes into account
skin thicknesses. The outer mould line, also known as outer heel line or inner contour
line, is equal to the outer contour line minus the skin thickness.
iii) Inner mould line.
This defines the inside profile of the stressed skin support structures, such as
bulkheads, frames, longerons, stringers, spars and ribs. The inner mould line, also
known as inner heel line or form block line, is equal to the outer mould line minus the
thickness of the flanges of the support structures.
iv) Jigging holes.

In addition to tooling holes, major load carrying parts are located on assembly jigs by jigging
holes which are jig drilled and reamed to closer tolerances than the tooling holes. The jigging
holes are not used during the fabrication of the parts. Sometimes, tooling holes, provided to
facilitate the fabrication of the part, are opened out by jig drilling and reaming; in this case,
they are called as tooling cum jigging holes. Location of jigging holes are decided by
methods engineer/tool designer in consultation with Aircraft Design Office.

Jigs and fixtures:-

It is a work holding device that holds, supports and locates the work piece and guides
the cutting tool for a specific operation. Jigs are usually fitted with hardened steel bushings
for guiding or other cutting tools. a jig is a type of tool used to control the location and/or
motion of another tool. A jig's primary purpose is to provide repeatability, accuracy, and
interchangeability in the manufacturing of products. A device that does both functions
(holding the work and guiding a tool) is called a jig. An example of a jig is when a key is
duplicated, the original is used as a jig so the new key can have the same path as the old one.



It is a work holding device that holds, supports and locates the work piece for a
specific operation but does not guide the cutting tool. It provides only a reference surface or a
device. What makes a fixture unique is that each one is built to fit a particular part or shape.
The main purpose of a fixture is to locate and in some cases hold a work piece during either a
machining operation or some other industrial process. A jig differs from a fixture in that an it
guides the tool to its correct position in addition to locating and supporting the work piece.
Examples: Vises, chucks


The following tools are manufacture in HAL:-

1. Assembly jigs
2. Drill jigs
3. Milling fixtures
4. Copy mill fixtures
5. Copy mill model
6. Drilling and route templates
7. Form hocks
8. Stretch forming tools

9. Copy forming tools

10. Annealing jigs
11. Malty point and single point

There is manufacturing of above tools by these following machines:-

1. SIP jig boring CNC
2. Vertical machine DMG CNC
3. Schamit milling and turning machine
4. HMT H-22 lath

Fig.59 SIP jig boring CNC


Fig.60 HMT H-22 lath

Fig.61 Schmitt milling and turning machine


3.14 Maintenance & Safety


The objectives that govern the existence of the maintenance organization should also
guide the functional activities of the department. At the same time, the maintenance
department's objectives should reflect the overall goals of the business. A sample of one
departmental objective might be to effectively develop and utilize available resources to
preserve physical assets while safely providing continuous availability of production
equipment at the most economical level. This objective presents a challenge to any
maintenance manager. It provides a guide to long-term and short-term needs, and applies to
all resources human, financial, physical, and informational. The most important part of this
objective is to get the job done effectively. To successfully implement such an objective, the
maintenance department must develop various functions and activities. Additional objectives
will surely include some of the more current concepts, such as continuous improvement, total
quality, total productive equipment maintenance, energy and environmental upgrades,
information and cost improvement, and so forth.




Earlier, we said an organization is the administrative and functional structure of any
endeavor and that it is made up of people. Within every organization there are functions and
activities that are required for its successful operation. Many functions are universal to all
organizations; some relate to a role that a specific organization performs (for example,
maintenance production). However, a review of many well-run organizations reveals there
are more universal functions than unique ones. Below is a list of typical functions for the
maintenance organization:
• Repairs
• Engineering
• Preventive maintenance
• Safety
• Planning and scheduling
• Estimating
• Stores control
• Work management
• Plant operations
• Quality Assurance
• Employee relations
• Training
• Record keeping
• Energy management
• Regulatory compliance
• Data base management
• Budgeting
• Reports and analysis
• Financial planning
• Construction and remodeling

Safety and maintenance go hand in hand because in order for items of equipment in a
facility to be operated safely, they have to have any hazardous conditions fixed. A
preventative maintenance program can head off a lot of problems later. However,

maintenance departments are often overloaded with work and understaffed, especially in
smaller facilities. Equipment and the tasks involved can lead to:
• Severe cuts (and even amputations)
• Back injuries and ergonomic strains from lifting parts
• Dermatitis from mists, oils, and greases
• Severe eye injuries from welding sparks or flying chips from grinders
• Slips and falls from oil, grease, and water on floors
Here are some steps to take to lessen the chances of maintenance mishaps:
Share the load. It often makes sense to ask your supervisor to call in more workers for big
maintenance projects. Trying to do too much with too few workers can lead to injuries. Set
priorities. The maintenance crew can't do everything at once. For example, if an assembly
line is down for repairs, some other maintenance sessions may have to be rescheduled.
Rushing through jobs only increases the chance of accidents.
Know what you are doing. While most maintenance personnel are skilled, trained
technicians, enforcing safe work practices in maintenance shops should never be left to
chance. You must know specifically what is OK and what's wrong. Since the projects in
maintenance are so varied, you may not always know safe procedures. Do not be afraid to ask
your supervisor or someone in the department you are working in if you don't know exactly
what to do.
Watch for slips and falls. The very nature of maintenance work results in trim, waste, and
slippery lubrication substances falling on the floor. Clean and safe floor surfaces should be
part of any formal housekeeping program.
Use personal protective equipment. Due to their various duties, the eyes of maintenance
workers must be protected. A set of goggles hanging on the edge of a machine for all to use is
not the answer. Each maintenance department employee should be provided with a personal
set of safety eyewear. Maintenance workers should use gloves and eye protection when using
cleaning agents, detergents, and bleaches. Steel-toed work boots or shoes should be worn at
all times, and hardhats should be worn as needed.
Follow machine-guarding procedures. Most machine shop equipment is ordered with
factory-installed guarding that should never be removed during operation. Does the
machinery include splash guards so that contaminants such as metalworking fluids are
deflected away from the operator and into a catch basin?
Be careful with electricity. Are the "electrical" in good shape? Maintenance shops usually
use high voltage power to activate their equipment, and an electrician should make a check

that electrical contacts are secure. Make sure your know proper lockout/tag out procedures
and how to contact authorized personnel (during all shifts) in the event of any problems.
Reduce noise. Noise levels in many maintenance shops approach the level of manufacturing
departments, so hearing protection is likely required. Pumps and air exhaust systems can be
noisy as well as metal-to-metal contact in milling, grinding, and drilling operations. Noise
may mask warning signals, distract operators, cause fatigue, and affect job performance.
Be alert to your workplace environment. Vapors, mists, dust, and fumes are an inherent
part of maintenance shop operations that need to be controlled. Wear a dust mask or
respirator as needed. Also, make sure you know how to operate the eyewash station.

The above instructions to the employs of HAL, and HAL maintenance department also
various actives ,like advertisements in workshops and work place where they leering the
fundaments of safety and again and again to understand these thing and related to safety.

3.15 Export Assembly / Marketing

HAL’s cost-effective and widespread skills are available to the International Aerospace
Community. HAL has proven capabilities and offers collaborative arrangements in the areas
of manufacturing of machine components, sheet metals, assemblies, subassemblies and
design and development tasks (Structural analysis, 3D modeling and testing). Some of the
work packages for renowned international aerospace leaders include :-

❖ Airbus A320 Forward Passenger Doors

❖ Boeing 757 over Wing Exit Doors
❖ Boeing 777 Up lock Box Assembly
❖ Boeing 767 Bulk Cargo Doors
❖ Boeing 737 Freighter Conversion Kits
❖ Boeing F/A 18 Gun Bay Door
❖ Boeing P-8 I Weapon Doors & Tail cone
❖ Euro copter Ecureuil composites
❖ Boeing -3D-Modelling / Digitization of Drawings






Fig.66 F/A-18 GUN BAY DOOR



3.16 Drop tank:-

In aviation, a drop tank (external tank, wing tank, or belly tank) is used to describe
auxiliary fuel tanks externally carried by aircraft. A drop tank is expendable and often jettison
able. External tanks are commonplace on modern military aircraft and occasionally found in
civilian ones, although the latter are less likely to be discarded except in the event of
emergency. The primary disadvantage with drop tanks is that they impose a drag penalty on
the aircraft carrying them.
External fuel tanks will also increase the moment of inertia, thereby reducing roll
rates for air combat maneuvers. A rule of thumb is that only about half the capacity of a
streamlined drop tank actually goes towards increasing the aircraft's overall range, the rest
going to overcome the added drag and weight of the tank itself. Drag in this sense varies with
the square of the aircraft's speed. The use of drop tanks also reduces the number of external
hard points available for weapons, and increases the aircraft's radar signature, both
problematic for modern tactical aircraft. Usually the fuel in the drop tanks is consumed first,
and only when all the fuel in the drop tanks has been used ; the fuel selector is turned on the
airplane's internal tanks. Some modern combat aircraft use conformal fuel tanks (CFTs)
instead of or in addition to conventional external fuel tanks. CFTs produce less drag and do
not take up external hard points; however, some versions can only be removed on the ground.

Fig.68 fighter jet with drop tank




Materials management is one of the important activities of business. There is no
general agreement about precisely what activities are embraced by materials management.
Some managers would associate materials management with their material or production
control departments, which schedule materials requirements and may also control inventories
of both raw materials and in-process materials. Others would associate it with the activities
of their purchasing departments in dealing with outside suppliers. If we analyze the total cost
of any product nearly 60 to 70% is because of materials.
Only the rest is for labor, overhead and profit. So any reduction in the material cost,
even by a very less percentage will give rise to a greater profit. Moreover the materials
management being a staff function, the introduction of new techniques to reduce the cost
of the product is much easier than in any other field.


Materials Management strives to ensure that the material cost component of the total product
cost be the least. In order to achieve this, the control is exercised in the following fields.
1. Materials planning.
2. Purchasing.
3. Store keeping.
4. Inventory control.
5. Receiving, inspection and dispatching.
6. Value analysis, standardization and variety Reduction.
7. Materials handling & traffic.
8. Disposal of scrap and surplus, material Preservation.
The function of material planning department is to plan for the future procurement of all
the required materials as per the production schedule. At the time of material planning,
the budget allocated for the materials will also be critically reviewed, for better control.
After material planning, purchasing is to be done. Purchasing department buys material
based on the purchase requisitions from user departments and stores departments and annual
production plan. There are four basic purchasing activities.

a) Selecting suppliers, negotiating and issuing purchase orders.

b) Expediting delivery from suppliers.
c) Acting as liaison between suppliers and other company departments.
d) Looking for new products, materials, and suppliers that can contribute to company
At the time of purchase, right quantity and quality of materials must be purchased at
right time, at the lowest possible cost and select the efficient purchasing system, to derive
maximum benefit. Purchasing is done based on ‘make or buy’ decisions and also using
PERT / CPM effectively.



3.18 Hawk Wing assembly:-

Wing design
The wings of a fixed wing aircraft provide the necessary lift for take-off and cruise
flight. Wing geometry affects every aspect of an aircraft’s flight. The wing area will usually
be dictated by aircraft performance requirements (e.g. field length) but the shape of the
platform and other geometry may be influenced by wing layout factors. The wing can be
mounted to the fuselage in high, low and middle positions. The wing design depends on
many parameters such as selection of aspect ratio, taper ratio, sweepback angle, thickness
ratio, section profile, washout and dihedral. The cross-sectional shape of the wing is its
airfoil. The construction of the wing starts with the rib which defines the airfoil shape. Ribs
can be made of wood, metal, plastic or even composites.

Fig.70 Manufacturing process of Aircraft




3.19 Hawk Equipping loom shop:-

In the HAL the hawk equipping loom shop in which electronic equipment are install in the
hawk. In the hawk equipping loom assembly in which following equipping are install :-
1. Pizo static
2. DITCO ( continuity test) 9000 points
3. Oxygen system ( 2 cylinder )
4. PRB ( pressure measuring device)
5. Power check ( A.C or D.C)
6. Fuel system check (900 liter fuel)
7. Low and high level device
8. Hydraulic for flight control
a) 7 flight control
b) Primer (redder tell stock, ailerons
c) Secondary (air brake, flaps, jacks)
9. Ground surface
a) Under carriage system
b) 2nd under carriage
10. Wheel brake system
11. Engine driven pump
12. Aileron and tell plan
13. ACS (airmen center system)
a) Heat condition and moisture
b) Pressure control jacket
14. Cabin pressure check



3.20 Hawk structural & final assembly:-

The whole parts of Hawk are manifested then work is remaining the final assembly.
This position is responsible for the structural installation of parts and major components in
the manufacturing of the aircraft for the final assembly line.
Primary Responsibilities:
• Perform repair work (concessions/discrepancies)
• Positioning and assembly of components
• Rework of external skin damage of the aircraft
• Work in compliance with production orders, design documents, concessions and inspection
• Prepare and solve queries, ensure follow-up and give feedback
• Examine and sort work orders and drawings
• Prepare job station for daily activity
Qualified Experience / Skills / Training:
• Use of drilling tools, templates, riveting press, clamp couplings, drilling machines,
fasteners, and putty rolls.

This position is responsible for the cabin furnishing installation of the aircraft for the final
assembly line. Work will be focused in a specified area such as cabin equipment, floor
covering, cockpit, cargo and doors.
Primary Responsibilities:
• Assembly of interior furnishing and equipping parts to include cockpit, doors, galleys,
toilets and floor covering
• Installation and testing of electrical units and components
• Inspect work of other team members and complete systems before customer acceptance
• Install and manufacture of components and parts (i.e. marking, connecting, assembling,
bundling, painting, fitting, torqueing, bonding, attaching, disassembling, positioning and
• Determine ways to eliminate disruptions and rework
Qualified Experience / Skills / Training:
• Use of tooling, design documents, specifications, test and inspection equipment, jigs,
auxiliary equipment, fasteners etc.

This position is responsible for the electrical installations, connections, bonding, measure and
troubleshooting within the final assembly line. Work will be focused in Basic Aircraft
Installation, Cabin Installation, Cockpit & Cargo and Ground Test (ESAO).
Primary Responsibilities:
• Perform tests and inspections to include: system functions, earth connection and continuity
• Prepare electrical components per work order at the work station
• Installation and production of units, components and parts including: marking, laying,
connecting, assembling, bundling, painting, fitting, bonding, positioning and rework
• Adapt, torque and secure electrical components on equipment panels, circuit boards, etc.
• Prepare and solve queries, ensure follow-up and give feedback
Qualified Experience / Skills / Training:
• Use of automatic manufacturing machines, tools to include stripping, crimping, testing,
measuring equipment, jigs, auxiliary equipment, fasteners, etc.



Fig.76 Fighter jet Hawk

Fig.77 Nomenclature of Fighter jet


3.21 Human Resources:-

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to managing people in
any organization. People are considered the key resource in this approach. it is concerned
with the people dimension in management of an organization. Since an organization is a body
of people, their acquisition, development of skills, motivation for higher levels of
attainments, as well as ensuring maintenance of their level of commitment are all significant
activities. These activities fall in the domain of HRM.

Human Resource Management is a process, which consists of four main activities, namely,
acquisition, development, motivation, as well as maintenance of human resources.
Scott, Clothier and Spiegel have defined Human Resource Management as that branch of
management which is responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on those aspects of
operations which are primarily concerned with the relationship of management to employees
and employees to employees and with the development of the individual and the group.
Human Resource Management is responsible for maintaining good human relations in the
organization. It is also concerned with development of individuals and achieving integration
of goals of the organization and those of the individuals.

Northolt considers human resource management as an extension of general management, that

of prompting and stimulating every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose
of a business. Human resource management is not something that could be separated from the
basic managerial function. It is a major component of the broader managerial function.
French Wendell, defines ―Human resource management as the recruitment, selection,
development, utilization, compensation and motivation of human resources by the
organization‖. According to Edwin B. Flipped, ―Human resource management is the
planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, resources to
the end that individual and societal objectives are accomplished‖. This definition reveals that
human resource (HR) management is that aspect of management, which deals with the
planning, organizing, directing and controlling the personnel functions of the enterprise.



3.22 Customer Services:-

Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a
purchase. According to Turban et al. "Customer service is a series of activities designed to
enhance the level of customer satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product or service has
met the customer expectation." The importance of customer service may vary by product or
service, industry and customer. The perception of success of such interactions will be
dependent on employees "who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest,
“according to Micah Solomon. Customer service can also refer to the culture of the
organization - the priority the organization assigns to customer service relative to other
components, such as product innovation or low price. In this sense, an organization that
values good customer service may spend more money in training employees than average
organization, or proactively interview customers for feedback. From the point of view of an
overall sales process engineering effort, customer service plays an important role in an
organization's ability to generate income and revenue. From that perspective, customer
service should be included as part of an overall approach to systematic improvement. A
customer service experience can change the entire perception a customer has of the



❖ My training experience at HAL Bangalore: -

I am very happy that my training has been completed at HAL, which is ranking in
world’s top aeronautical companies. My experience is unique because this company is very
biggest company of India, where you saw the manufacturing of various fighter jets and cargo
airbuses. I am thanks to which those arrange my training at HAL.
In this training, I understood that how a large company work as unit. I feel very happy to
telling you about it that the working in Hal, manufacturing of fighter jets and airbus parts are
also the field of my interest. The whole plant we visited in 25 days and we gained very
valuable knowledge at HAL, I thanks to HAL. We were six people in a group. I am only one
person from Jodhpur Rajasthan from my college. It is very difficult to get training at HAL
without any known person in HAL but I didn’t have no any person who work there , but I
was very interested to learn the things there fore I tried again and again & send e mails and
call different people that I want to training at HAL. At least a good person (PARDEEP
KHARE) who listened my request and call me at HAL to do the training HAL.

Bangalore city is very far from jodhpur city (1221km).I trawled in train three days and
two nights (72 hours).Bangalore is very popular and also very populating therefore traffic
problem is very big problem. Because of HINDUSTAN AERONOTICAL LIMITED
(HAL)’s one biggest plant in Bangalore there for it also good thing that Indian’s one of the
higher technical city and concurrently it is a garden city there for its environment is also very
comfortable for me and I visited the Bangalore city, where I visit museums and Temples and

Thank you

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