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Sample Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Teaching Demonstration

Upon completion of this lesson, the students will be able to:

 Define Literature and its Elements;

 Identify the Elements of a given literary piece;
 Analyze the culture reflected in the text with other cultures; and
 Write a composition appreciating literature as a reflection to a shared heritage of people.

 Analyzing Literature as a Mirror to a Shared Heritage


 English Quarter 3- Module 4 by the Department of Education


 PowerPoint Presentation, flash cards, pictures, textual message

Time Frame:

 1 hour and 30 minutes

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“Good Morning Class...” “Good Morning Ma’am!”
“Before we start our day, let us all pray The student will participate
first...” In the name of the father...
Please arrange your seats properly. (Students will follow)
(Checking of Attendance) Alright class, who “None Ma’am”
is absent for today?
Very Good! So, how are you today class? “We are feeling great Ma’am!”
“That’s good to know. So, are you ready “Yes Ma’am”
with our lesson?
“Okay, Great! Before we proceed with our Students participate.
topic, let’s have first a short recap about
your lesson last meeting.


In your previous lesson, you have learned

about definitions and differences among
social, moral, and economic issues. Right?
Now, let us try to know if you could still
remember those things by answering these
questions. I will give some examples of
different issues that we are facing right
now, and you will identify in which type of
issue does it belong.
A. Moral Issue
B. Social Issue
C. Economic Issue

1.Extra marital and pre-marital Affairs.

2.Racial discrimination still exists in some A
countries B
3.Maria cheated during exam.
4.Leonor lied about her records. B
5.High rates of unemployment or A
underemployment. C
Excellent! I think you are all now ready for Yes Ma’am.
our next topic. Mind if we play some games
before we start discussing the lesson?

Okay, so here we go..

Teacher: I have here a flash card. I will
call one student to arrange the jumbled
letters written in it to get the correct
answer to the question that I will give
“Call one student”

1. ____________ are simply known as Student’s answer may vary.

“written works”.

(If the answer is correct, compliment the

student and tell the class to give
him/her a clap)

(If the answer is wrong, tell him/her that,

“It’s okay (name), you did your best!”)

Teacher: Okay, who is game for

“Call again”

2. ____________ is something that is

passed down from preceding
generations; it could be a tradition. Student’s answer may vary

(If the answer is correct, compliment the

student and tell the class to give
him/her a clap)

(If the answer is wrong, tell him/her that,

“It’s okay (name), you did your best!”)

(C)Discussion and Presentation of Topic

Teacher: Time Check, Its English Time!

(Introduction of topic. Discussion proper.)
Shows the PowerPoint Presentation.
Let’s define the following key words.

Okay class. What is your idea about this
term? Anyone? Yes, Student #1?
It is something that is handed down from
the past Ma’am.

Very Good. Would you mind giving the

class some examples of heritage so we can Culture and traditions Ma’am.
better understand it?

Bravo. Thank you dear. So, when we say

heritage, it is a person’s uniqueness,
inherited sense of family identity: the
values, traditions, culture, and artifacts
handed down by previous generations.

What about Diverse Background? Can

you class give me your thoughts when you Diverse is an adjective that means distinctly
hear this words, Diverse Background? Yes dissimilar or unlike, it also means many and
Student #2? different.
If a group or range of things is diverse, it is
made up of a wide variety of things Ma’am.

Well said my dear. Thank you. Diverse

background refers to ethnic or cultural
background. Like what student # 2 says,
dissimilar or unlike, meaning there’s a
diversity. In this lesson, we will not just
focus on one culture but many.

We move now to the next term. Literature.

Who has an idea about what literature is?
Yes, Student number 3? It seems that you It is a term used to describe written and
want to say something. Go ahead, don’t be sometimes spoken material.
shy. Teacher’s don’t bite.
Excellent! You’re right. So, when we say
literature, these are the entire body of
writings of a specific language, period,
people, etc. Sometimes, we refer literature
as simply as “written works”.

What are the types of Literature?
(The teacher will facilitate the discussion of
the Types of Literature)

Class, do you have any idea what are the

types of literature?

(See to it that your students are focused on

the lesson)
Hello? Are you still with me my dear
students? Do you find my teaching
approach boring? Not? So, can we continue
our lesson now?

There are 2 types of Literature. Actually, Student Number 4: The two types of
these 2 are the basic type. What are they? literature are the Fiction and Non-fiction
Yes, Student number 4? Ma’am.

Brilliant. Thank you dear. So, who can now Student #5: Ma’am, Fiction. Refers to plot,
define what fiction is. settings and characters created from the
imagination. We read or watch this material
for fun or entertainment.

Very well said dear! (claps) Fictions are

unreal. Meaning to say, it is made by an
author’s imaginative mind.

What about, Non-fiction? How does it differ

from a Fiction? Student #6: Non-fiction refer to factual
stories that are based on real people and
true events. We read or watch this material
for information.
Can you give us some examples of Fiction
and Non-fiction to better understand this
topic? Examples of fiction Ma’am are the fables
and tales. While, autobiographies,
dictionaries and almanacs are the best
examples for non-fiction.

Very good. You have a good knowledge

about this topic dear. Excellent. (claps)
So, another examples for fictions are: A book
about a cat that talks and Cartoons on TV.
While, non-fictions, A book about animal’s
life cycle and A documentary show on TV.

Let’s move on to our next topic. Story.

What is a Story? Anyone? Yes, student
number 7? Ma’am, a story is an account of incidents
or events.

Very good. Thank you dear. A story refers to

a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose
or verse designed to interest, amuse, or
instruct the reader or hearer. Before we
further discuss about the elements of the
story, let us first read The Story of

The Story of Ramayana by Maharshi Valmiki

Long ago, Dasharatha, the wise king of Ayodhya of
Sarayu, India had three wives. Though the King had
three wives, he didn’t have any children with them. The
Chief priest Vasishta advised the king to make fire
sacrifice to obtain a blessing from the gods. After the
gods were pleased, one of them appeared out of the
flame and handed him a pot full of nectar. The god told
the king to share the nectar with his three queens
namely Kausalya, Kaikeye, and Sumitra. While the
nectar had been shared, the three queens gave birth to
sons: Kausalya had Rama; Kaikeye had Bharatha; and
Sumitra had twins Lakshmana and Shatrughna. A sage
took the boys out to train them in archery. In a
neighboring city, the ruler's daughter was named Sita.
When it was time for Sita to choose her bridegroom, at
a ceremony called a Swayamvara, the princes were
asked to string a giant bow. No one else could even lift
the bow, but as Rama bent it, he did not only string it
but also broke it into two. Sita indicated that she chose
Rama as her husband by putting a garland around his
neck. The disappointed suitors were watching.
King Dasharatha, Rama's father, decided it was time to
give his throne to his eldest son Rama and retired to
the forest to seek moksha. Everyone seems pleased.
This plan fulfilled the rules of dharma because an
eldest son should rule and, if a son can take over one's
responsibilities, one's last years may be spent in a
search for moksha. In addition, everyone loved Rama.
However, Rama's stepmother, the king's second wife,
was not pleased. She wanted her son, Bharata, to rule.
Because of an oath Dasharatha had made to her years
she got the king to agree to banish Rama for fourteen
years and to crown Bharata even though the king, on
bended knee, begged her not to demand such things.
Broken- Broken-hearted, the devastated king could not
face Rama with the news that Kaikeyi must tell him.
Rama, always obedient, was as content to go into
banishment in the forest as to be crowned king. Sita
convinced Rama that she would always be at his side
and his brother Lakshmana also begged to accompany
them. Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana set out to the
forest. Bharata, whose mother's evil plot had won him
the throne, was very upset when he found out what
had happened. Not for a moment he did consider
breaking the rules of dharma and becoming king in
Rama's place. He went to Rama's forest retreat and
begged Rama to return and rule, but Rama refused.
"We must obey father," Rama says. Bharata then took
Rama's sandals saying, "I will put these on the throne,
and every day I shall place the fruits of my work at the
feet of my Lord." Embracing Rama, he took the
sandals and returned to Ayodhya. Years passed and
Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana were very happy in the
forest. Rama and Lakshmana destroyed the rakshasas
(evil creatures) who disturbed the sages in their
meditations. One day a rakshasa princess named
Shurpanakha tried to seduce Rama, and Lakshmana
wounded her and drove her away. She returned to her
brother Ravana, the ten-headed ruler of Lanka (Sri
Lanka, formerly Ceylon), and told her brother, who is
always attracted to beautiful women, about lovely Sita.
Ravana devised a plan to abduct Sita. He sent a
magical golden deer which Sita desired Rama to hunt.
A long time had passed, but Rama didn’t return. Thus,
Lakshmana went off to find his brother. Before leaving
Sita, Lakshmana drew a protective circle around Sita
and warned her that she would be safe if she would
stay within the circle. As they went off, Ravana, who
could change his shape, appeared as a holy man
begging alms. The moment Sita stepped outside the
circle to give him food, Ravana grabbed her and
carried her off to his kingdom in Lanka. Rama was
broken-hearted when he returned to the empty hut and
could not find Sita. A band of monkeys led by
Hanuman offered to help him find Sita. Ravana carried
Sita to his palace in Lanka, but he could not force her
to be his wife. So, he put her in a grove and alternately
sweet-talked her and threatened her in an attempt to
get her to agree to marry him. Sita would not even look
at him but thought only of her beloved Rama.
Hanuman, the general of the monkey band could fly
since his father was the wind, and he flew to Lanka
and found Sita in the grove, comforted her, and told
her Rama would come soon and save her.
Ravana's men captured Hanuman, and Ravana
ordered them to wrap Hanuman's tail in cloth and to set
it on fire. With his tail burning, Hanuman hopped from
house-top to house-top, setting Lanka a fire. He then
flew back to Rama to tell him where Sita was. Rama,
Lakshmana, and the monkey army built a causeway
from the tip of India crossing over to Lanka. A mighty
battle took place. Rama killed several of Ravana's
brothers and then Rama confronted ten-headed
Ravana. Rama finally killed Ravana and freed Sita.
After Sita gained her freedom from Ravana, she
proved her purity through the trial by fire. Then, they
returned to Ayodhya and Rama became the king. As
Rama became the king, he ruled Ayodhya with
Ramrajya - an ideal time when everyone does his or
her duties and responsibilities. Source:

Okay Class. What do you think The Story of

Student’s answers may vary.
Ramayana is all about?

What part of the story interests you?

Student’s answer may vary.
Who are the characters in the story?
Ma’am, the characters in The Story
Ramayana, are King Dasharatha, Chief
Priest Vasishta, Kausalya, Kaikeye,
Sumitra, Bharatha,Rama, Ravana,
Lakshmana, Shatrughna and Sita.
Well said. Very good dear. You fantastically
remember all the names I mentioned a while

Okay. We now proceed to the elements of

a story.

1.Setting. It is the time and place that a story


Based from the story that we read, what

do you think is the setting of The Story of
Student’s answer may vary.
Ramayana? Where did the story happen?

2.Plot. Plot is a pattern of events that

develop from the interactions between
 Exposition
- It is the background information
on the characters and setting
explained at the beginning of the
 Rising Action
- It is composed of a series of
events that build on the conflict
and increase the tension, sending
the story racing to a dramatic
 Climax
- The point at which the highest
level of interest and emotional
response is achieved.
 Falling Action
- It happens near the end of a story
after the climax and resolution of
the major conflict.
 Resolution
- This is the end of the story.

What do you think class is the Climax of

The Story of Ramayana?
Student’s answer may vary.

3.Character/s. A person, or sometimes an

animal, who takes part in the action of a
short story or other literary works.
 Protagonist
 Antagonist
Class, we already discussed who are the
characters present in The Story of
Ramayana, so now, based from the story
that we read, who do you think is The Ma’am, Rama is the main character of the
Protagonist and Antagonist? story so he is the Protagonist He also
possess good traits. While Ravana is the
traitor. He is the antagonist.
Awesome. You focused well on our
discussion dear. I commend you for that.

4.Conflict. Any idea of what conflict means?

Ma’am, Conflict is any of the problems

that a character encounters in a story.

Very Good. When we say conflict, it refers to

a struggle between opposing forces.
Characters must act to confront those forces
and there is where conflict is born. If there is
nothing to overcome, there is no story.
Conflict in a story creates and drives the plot
So, here is the 4 types of Conflict in a story.
 Man vs. Man
- It is where two characters are in
direct opposition to each other.
 Man Vs. Self
- Type of conflict that takes place
inside a character’s mind.
 Man Vs. Society
- It is when a protagonist has a
strong belief against the majority
of the community or surroundings
and decides to act on it.
 Man Vs. Supernatural
- It occurs when the protagonist
finds himself or herself pitted
against a vengeful god or
powerful supernatural force.

Give me an incident from The Story of

Ramayana that shows a Man Vs. Man
Ma’am, an example of Man Vs. Man
Conflict in the story is when Rama and
Ravana had a fight over Sita wherein
Very good. Thank you dear for that well said Rama killed Ravana just to freed Sita from
opinion. being abducted.

Next is the Point of View. In a short story,

the point of view is the narrator’s position in
the description of events.

 First Person POV

- It tells the story from the
narrator’s perspective.
 Third Person POV
- The narrator exists outside of the
story and addresses the
characters by name or as
“he/she/they” and “him/her/them”.

Okay class! What point of view is used in

the Story of Ramayana?

6.Theme. It is the meaning behind events Student’s answer may vary.

and characters’ actions in a story.
What is the central idea or the theme of
The Story of Ramayana?

If you were Rama, will you do the same Student’s answer may vary.
thing? Will you take someone’s life just to set
free the one you love? Justify your answer.

Okay class. Do you have any questions? Student’s answer may vary.
Clarifications? Suggestions? Or any negative
reactions about our topic? If none, let us now
proceed for an activity.

Teacher: Let us have now our activity. The
following questions will measure the
knowledge you have about the lesson we
have tackled a while ago.

In this activity, you need to understand the
problem carefully and guess for the answer.

1. Who is the eldest son of King

2. Who is the lover of Rama?
3. Who is the 10-headed enemy of Rama
4. Who is the General Band of Sita
monkeys? Ravana
5. What trait of Rama do you like the
most? Hanuman
6. What is the name of the kingdom
ruled by Rama’s father? Student’s answer may vary
7. ________ is simply known as “written
works”. Ayodhya
8. It is a type of literature that is made
from an author’s imagination. Literature

9. What is a Point Of View? Fiction

Narrator’s position in the description of

10. What is a Setting? events.

It is the time and place that a story occurs.

Directions: Read the question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. What is the difference between fiction and non-fiction?
a. Fiction is any written work while non-fiction is just a plain story.
b. Non-fiction is origin of the literary work while fiction is a story about real life events.
c. Fiction are product of imaginative mind of the author while non-fiction tells real
events about real people etc.
d. Non-fiction examples are tales and legends while fiction’s examples are
autobiographies and documentaries.
2. Which of the following is an example of a non-fiction?
a. Almanacs
b. Novels
c. Legends
d. Myths
3. Which among the following choices is true about culture?
a. Culture is the system of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people
b. Culture is symbolic communication
c. Culture is communication
d. All of these
4. Heritage focuses on the legacy from the past, what we live with today, and_________
a. What is beyond our imagination
b. What is undoable
c. What is perfect
d. What we pass on to future generations
5. Why does Literature reflects the society?__________
a. Because it is an imitation of human action, often represents a picture what people
think, say, and do in the society.
b. Because it transports the real-life events in their society into fiction and presents it to
the society.
c. Because it serves as a corrective mirror in which members of the society can look at
themselves and find the need for positive change.
d. All of the above-mentioned statements.

Write a short essay about Filipino Culture.

Prepared By:
Level Description
Outstanding Well written and very organized. Excellent grammar mechanics.
Clear and concise statements.
Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.

Value: 5

Level Description
Good Writes fairly clear. Good grammar mechanics.
Good presentation and organization.
Sufficient effort and detail.

Value: 4

Level Description
Fair Minimal effort. Minimal grammar mechanics.
Fair presentation.
Few supporting details.

Value: 3

Level Description
Poor Somewhat unclear. Shows little effort. Poor grammar mechanics.
Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
No organization of thoughts.

Value: 2

Level Description
Very Poor Lacking effort. Very poor grammar mechanics.
Very unclear.
Does not address topic.
Limited attempt.

Value: 1

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