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A Summer Training Project Report On

“Work For HR”

In universal tribe company

Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration

Submitted to: DR. NEHA SHIVANI Submitted by:

Name- Tushar Raj Bahl
BBA- 5th Semester
Roll No.-09815101719



Name of the student: Roll No.:

You are requested to provide your opinion on the following parameters.
Outstanding Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1. Technical knowledge gathered about the industry and the job he/she was involved.

2. Communication Skills: Oral / Written / Listening skills

3. Ability to work in a team

4. Ability to take initiative

5. Ability to develop a healthy long term relationship with client

6. Ability to relate theoretical learning to the practical training

7. Creativity and ability to innovate with respect to work methods & procedures

8. Ability to grasp new ideas and knowledge

9. Presentations skills

10. Documentation skills

11. Sense of Responsibility

12. Acceptability (patience, pleasing manners, the ability to instill trust, etc.)

13. His/her ability and willingness to put in hard work

14. In what ways do you consider the student to be valuable to the organization?
Consider the student’s value in term of: (a) Qualification
(b) Skills and abilities
(c) Activities/ Roles performed
15. Punctuality
Any other comments: ____________________________________________

Assessor’s Overall rating

Assessor’s Name:
Organization name and address:
Email id:
Contact No:


S.NO. TOPIC Page No.

1. Declaration 8

2. Acknowledgment 9

3. List of figures 10

4. Executive Summary 10

5. Chapter-1 Introduction 11-15

6. Chapter-2 Literature review 18-27

7. Chapter-3 Research Methodology 27-29

8. Chapter-4 Analysis and Results 30-31

9. Chapter-5 Responsibilities Assigned During 32-33


10. Chapter-6 Limitation & Scope of report 33

11. Bibliography 34

12. Appendix 34-36


I hereby declare that the project work, entitled “WORK FOR HR MANAGER INTERN”
for the degree of BACHELORS OF BUSINESS ADMINSTRATION is my original work
and project work has not informed that the basis for the award previously of any degree,
associate Ship, Fellowship or any other similar titles.


Signature of the Guide Signature of the Candidate


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
Support and help. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them (who supported me
from my team or the organization).

I am highly indebted to (MRS. AARTI SINGH PH ) for his guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for
their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & member of universal tribe for
their co-operation which help me in completion of this project.

Figure No. Title Page no.

1. Gender of respondents 30.

2. Age group of the respondents 30.

3. Education background of the respondents 30.

4. Occupation of the respondents 31.


Highly competent Human Resources Manager and SHRM-CP with 12 years of

experience. Implemented process improvements to boost staff retention by 25%, cut
recruiting lead time by 40% and increase employee training participation by 18%. Expert in
applicant tracking systems, benefits management and payroll management.’

This applicant starts off by showcasing their experience in the field, and then gets to the heart
of their impressive accomplishments. There are plenty of keywords for ATS to pick up, and
the whole thing is concise and easily scannable.

Human Resources Generalist with six years of experience managing hiring and onboarding,
employee benefits and payroll, performance tracking methods and HR records. Reliable,
knowledgeable and highly organized team player with excellent communication skills, team
building and relationship management. Highly proficient with HRIS software as well as

The applicant starts off by highlighting their experience in HR roles and continues to build on
this pattern throughout the summary. They showcase their hard and soft skills using basic
terms for easy understanding, and they use keywords to please the ATS. The tone is written
in a genuine manner that does not seem forced.

Chapter-1: Introduction

1.1 What Is Human Resources?

Every organization, large or small, uses a variety of capital to make the business work.
Capital includes cash, valuables, or goods used to generate income for a business. For
example, a retail store uses registers and inventory, while a consulting firm may have
proprietary software or buildings. No matter the industry, all companies have one thing in
common: they must have people to make their capital work for them. This will be our
focus throughout the text: generation of revenue through the use of people’s skills and

What Is HRM?

Human resource management (HRM) is the process of employing people, training them,
compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to
retain them. As a field, HRM has undergone many changes over the last twenty years,
giving it an even more important role in today’s organizations. In the past, HRM meant
processing payroll, sending birthday gifts to employees, arranging company outings, and
making sure forms were filled out correctly—in other words, more of an administrative
role rather than a strategic role crucial to the success of the organization. Jack Welch,
former CEO of General Electric and management guru, sums up the new role of HRM:
“Get out of the parties and birthdays and enrollment forms.… Remember, HR is
important in good times, HR is defined in hard times” (Frasch, et. al., 2010).
It’s necessary to point out here, at the very beginning of this text, that every manager has
some role relating to human resource management. Just because we do not have the title
of HR manager doesn’t mean we won’t perform all or at least some of the HRM tasks.
For example, most managers deal with compensation, motivation, and retention of
employees—making these aspects not only part of HRM but also part of management. As
a result, this book is equally important to someone who wants to be an HR manager and
to someone who will manage a business.

The Role of HRM

Keep in mind that many functions of HRM are also tasks other department managers
perform, which is what makes this information important, despite the career path taken. Most
experts agree on seven main roles that HRM plays in organizations. These are described in
the following sections.


You need people to perform tasks and get work done in the organization. Even with the most
sophisticated machines, humans are still needed. Because of this, one of the major tasks in
HRM is staffing. Staffing involves the entire hiring process from posting a job to negotiating
a salary package. Within the staffing function, there are four main steps:
1. Development of a staffing plan. This plan allows HRM to see how many people they
should hire based on revenue expectations.
2. Development of policies to encourage multiculturalism at work. Multiculturalism
in the workplace is becoming more and more important, as we have many more
people from a variety of backgrounds in the workforce.
3. Recruitment. This involves finding people to fill the open positions.
4. Selection. In this stage, people will be interviewed and selected, and a proper
compensation package will be negotiated. This step is followed by training, retention,
and motivation.

Development of Workplace Policies

Every organization has policies to ensure fairness and continuity within the organization. One
of the jobs of HRM is to develop the verbiage surrounding these policies. In the development
of policies, HRM, management, and executives are involved in the process. For example, the
HRM professional will likely recognize the need for a policy or a change of policy, seek
opinions on the policy, write the policy, and then communicate that policy to employees. It is
key to note here that HR departments do not and cannot work alone. Everything they do
needs to involve all other departments in the organization. Some examples of workplace
policies might be the following:
 Discipline process policy
 Vacation time policy
 Dress code
 Ethics policy
 Internet usage policy

Key functions of human resources

A company’s HR department serves many purposes and roles. Whether you’re interested in
pursuing a role in human resources or you’re curious how HR will affect your job search and
employment experience, it’s important to understand what HR does. Here are some of the
most important functions they oversee:
Recruitment and staffing
Human resources plays a significant role in determining a company’s staffing needs,
recruiting new employees and hiring well-qualified candidates. This responsibility includes
critical tasks such as identifying qualifications and requirements for each position, writing job
descriptions and placing job postings, evaluating resumes, conducting interviews, completing
background checks and working with department managers to select ideal candidates.
The recruiting and hiring process is extremely important because hiring the right people will
increase operational efficiency, improve business outcomes and decrease turnover rates.
New hire onboarding

After hiring employees, the human resources department guides new team members through
their first days or weeks at the company. This process introduces new team members to the
workplace culture and provides access to company resources that will help the employee
navigate their employment journey and settle into their new role.
The HR staff is also responsible for developing and executing an onboarding plan to help
new hires integrate into the workforce seamlessly and provides them with the information
and tools they need to succeed in their roles. This guidance helps employees acclimate to
their new position and workplace quickly and easily which benefits both the employees and
the organization.
Training and development
Whether an employee is a new hire or a long-time contributor to the company, they need
ongoing skill-building and career development opportunities to continue being productive
and successful to meet personal and professional goals.
It is the HR department’s responsibility to plan and oversee the training needs of employees.
Career development courses and training may include education on new technology,
employee relations or leadership training for current or prospective supervisors. Training can
be one-on-one, through group meetings or via online courses and self-education.
Human resources might also recommend or support employees’ professional development by
helping them earn a certain higher education degree by developing a tuition assistance or
reimbursement program.
Compensation and benefits
HR works with executive leadership to establish the organization's compensation philosophy.
HR professionals often conduct market research to determine competitive pay rates and
develop the compensation structure. They also work with insurance brokers to select health
and welfare benefits such as medical, dental, vision, life insurance and 401(k) for employees.
HR also oversees benefits administration including enrollment and processing.
Any questions employees have about their benefits, vacation and personal time or financial
incentives should be directed to their human resources representative who is knowledgeable
in these packages and programs.
Employee well-being
The human resource department helps support and improve employees’ work-life quality as
well as the company culture. They create and oversee programs such as daycare, health and
wellness initiatives, paid time off and other efforts to keep employees happy, healthy and
The HR department should also gauge employee satisfaction through focus groups, opinion
surveys and regular feedback and use this input to improve the workplace.
A well-run company should show concern for and care about each of its employees. The
human resources department helps foster this supportive work environment which helps
reduce employee turnover and enhance performance.
Employee relations
Human resources often acts as a mediator between employees and upper management or
fellow employees. When employees face an issue at work, they should feel comfortable
going to their human resources department for guidance, advice or to document concerns.
This system helps resolve potential workplace conflicts and disputes quickly, smoothly and
professionally, as HR professionals are often trained in conflict resolution. If disciplinary
action is required, the department will help manage this as well. Human resources also help

improve employee engagement and job satisfaction. If a workforce is unionized, the
department can also help interface between employers and labor unions.


Universal Tribes was Estd. in 2017, ever since we are working towards the empowerment
& Upliftment of Tribal communities in India. We have skilled artists & experienced farmers
working along with us.

We ensure that tribal artists & farmers are preserving the artwork & getting an appropriate
monetary value for the hard work they do. Tribal communities are already strong & rich
enough in terms of art & health & as a part of this society, it’s our duty to help them become
economically strong as well. Our online & offline portals are there to feature tribal artists &
farmers, to showcase the significant art they make & the beneficial crops they produce to
keep this society healthy. Universal Tribes keeps backing the tribal artists & tribal farmers
and helps them to meet their expectations of living. Letting the world know about them, their
artwork & vice versa.
Your every single purchase goes into the environment & The Upliftment of tribals. We
are Universal Tribes, we always stand together!

Our vision is to make every tribal artist & tribal farmer of India empowered. Uplifting them
for all the socio-economic activities of this society, we ensure that artists are indulging in art,
keeping it alive & getting proper value in exchange for the hard work they put into making it.
Creating economic opportunities for hardworking tribal farmers as well.
Our mission is to enhance the lifestyle of our customers, tribal artists & tribal farmers. We
keep encouraging our tribal artists & tribal farmers to create beautiful artwork & healthy
staple foods. We’ve created digital & traditional platforms open to the world, so anybody
could contribute by buying these amazing artworks & healthy foods from We provide the desired value to our tribal artists & tribal farmers.
We are making sure that your every single purchase goes for the empowerment & upliftment
of tribal communities.

Chapter-2 Literature Review

1.1 Human Resource Management

In a rapid competitive business environment, the procedures of outlining the role, function
and process of Human Resource Management (HRM) within a dynamic and uncertain
environment are ongoing for many decades.  In the early 1980s numerous books and articles
were published by American Business Schools professors to support the widely recognition
of HRM concept, and the environmental volatility in today’s contemporary business that
specifically identify conflict and heterogeneity (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005). Due to its
diverse origins and many influences, HRM covers essential aspects of central concern in
organisations such as individual, practice, educational theory, social and organisational
psychology, sociology, industrial relations, and organisational theory (Soderlund and Bredin,

To date there is no widely acceptable definition for HRM and what it entirely involves in our
daily business world (Brewster and Larsen, 2000). Fewer satisfactory definitions have been
propounded by different writer such as (Soderlund and Bredin, 2005), whom perceived HRM
as 1) an ‘executive personnel responsibility’, that mainly concern with management
activities; 2) classified HRM as management philosophy that concerns with people treatment
and, finally 3) discerned HRM as interaction management between the firm and its people.

Due the conflicting theoretical conception and hypothetical disagreement about the general
acceptance of the definition, Price (2007) definition would be used to in this literature
because it better explained and cover huge areas of the study.  According to Price (2007):

“A philosophy of people management based on the belief that human resources are uniquely
important to sustained business success. An organization gains competitive advantage by
using its people effectively, drawing on their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined
objectives. Human resource management is aimed at recruiting capable, flexible and
committed people, managing and rewarding their performance and developing key

The dynamic and uncertainty in HR contemporary organisations are tremendously moving

towards a radical dimension (Analoui, 2007). Recent debate by many researchers have laid
more emphasis about matching and incorporating the HR-department with other strategic
functioning departments within organisation (Soderlund and Bredin, (2005); Analoui, (2007);
Price, (2007).


HR is essentially crucial in today’s contemporary organisations because it induce high-
performance management through the use of employees; by enhancing their levels of
customer’s service, productivity, growth, profits and quality control (Armstrong, 2000). Lado
and Wilson (1994, p 701) outlined a separate interconnected activities, roles, processes and
other aspects that are aimed to attracting, maintaining, and developing the firm HR activities
in contemporary organisations, such as: 1) planning; 2) recruitment and selection 3) training;
4) performance management; 5) benefits and rewards; 6) compensation; 7) and 8) career
development (Banhegyi et al., (2008) and (Robbins & Coulter, (2002).

1.2.1 Planning
Planning in Human Resource has been discussed in different HRM contexts for many years
(Wren, 1994). HR planning was initially an important aspect of job analyses and was often
used as bases for determining strengths and weaknesses among the employees and to develop
the skills and competences they needed (Gallagher, 2000). As individual career plans started
to gain more popularity, companies gradually started to pay more attention to the certain
skills and competences among individual employees as a way of aligning and dealing with
the companies’ succession planning (Kuratko and Morris (2002).

As this aspect been scrutinised rigorously by many researchers, HR planning is still a

complicating and complex issue of debate within the HR practices (Schuler, 1986).  In 1978,
McBeath addressed his view of HR planning by highlighting a set of issues that he regarded
as being important with respect to the HR planning. These were;

 An estimation of how many people the organization needed for the future
  A determination of what ability, skills, and knowledge requires to compete
 An evaluation of employees ability, skills and existing knowledge
 A determination of how the company could fill the identified competence gaps

Storey (1995) argues that HR planning today is a very important task of every contemporary
organization’s HR department. According to him, HR planning mainly involves the
identification of skills and competence within the organization, the filling of identified
competence gaps, and the facilitation of movements of employees within the organisation. An
essential part of the HR planning is the succession planning which aims to ensure the supply
of individuals and filling of gaps on senior key positions when they become vacant and
replenish competences to areas where they are most valued (Wolfe, 1996).

1.2.2       Recruitment and selection

In organization the system that responsible for placing diversifies talents throughout is refers
to as recruitment and selection processes. The process of recruitment and selection is an
ethical approach by a firm to seek and attract the most competent and suitable applicant for a
vacant position (Analoui, 2007). Price (2007) inferred that recruitment strategies can be
divided in three significant approaches: suitability – the most qualified applicant for the
position, malleability – moulded within the cultural norms, and flexibility – the most reliable
and versatility employee. These factors are quite complicating and can be easily mistaken
during the process of hiring employees.  Suitability is a critical aspect hence it mainly
concerned with the process of hiring the most suitable applicant for the position.

The process of selecting and retaining potential employees is the greatest organisational
competitive battle in modern days (Pfeffer, 1994). Having the greatest talent simply implies
that the firm will be able to compete aggressively in the market. This phenomenon are quit
prevalent in our daily business life and has also pushes organisations to gain a niche by
employing the most renowned managers to lead the thriving future. Channels of Recruitment

Russo et al., (1995) cascaded channels of recruitment into external and internal recruitment,
and formal and informal channels. Internal recruitment channels mainly involve the use of
intercommunication between other strategic areas of the organisation and the entire HR
department. This approach enhances the firm to prioritise and target in-house or current
employees (Russo et al., 1995; Analoui, 2007). Internal recruitment can be fully considered
when it is fair and transparent, since favouritism might occur; while external channel of
recruitment base on the contrary.

1.2.3 Training
In today’s contemporary organisation, employees ‘skills and knowledge can make a positive
impact on the firm‘s productivity (Guzzo, Jette & Katzell, 1985). Organisations have to
counter some difficulties while training a single or more employees (Ostroff & Kozlowski,
1992). Previous literatures argue the affordability of some organisations that deprive
themselves for a single individual employee particularly when human resources are limited:
this can hinder the productivity on the short term and destabilize the organization (Bishop,
2003). He continues to stress that such perception about training implies that organisation

should embark on a cost reduction strategies and focuses on in-house or on-job-training

Formal training is just one of the possibilities for organisations to enhance the personnel
performance level, as important roles are covered also by organizational socialization (Chao,
1997) and multitasking (May, 1997). It was suggested in the early 1990s that organisational
socialisation is a fine process for newcomers to source out information’s about the
organisation, learn about the necessary tasks and how to perform their responsibility;
clarifying their roles and relate with others inside the organisation (Ostroff & Kozlowski,
1992).  This philosophy was also supported by Rollag & Cardon (2003) as they indicated that
the process of socialisation within a firm enhance newcomer to incorporate and learn in a
well conducive atmosphere.

1.2.4 Performance Management

The concept of measuring performance or managing performance within organisations is to
strategize how firms can get the utmost benefits from their employees (Dransfield, 2000).
The approach to measuring performance can be classified as a three-step approach that
composed by objectives, appraisal and feedback. The first step is the setting of performance
objectives that are quantifiable, easy to measure and simple to communicate throughout the
organisation (Dransfield, 2000). After that, the process of performance appraisal should take
place (Bredin, 2008).

The management of performance includes design of work systems, facilitation of knowledge

utilisation, sharing and creation, and appraisal and reward systems (Cardon & Stevens, 2004).
However, this phenomenon has been supported by different researchers claiming that
performance management/appraisal is an outstanding process to determine and supervise
employees output within the firm, so as it would be less complicating to assess and achieve
maximum performance (Zhu & Dowling, 1997).

It is an excruciating process to implement and evaluate a systemic approach that can

accurately pinpoint employee who is responsible for results within an organisation (McKenna
& Beech, 2008). However, outcomes of individual behaviours such as job satisfaction,
employee turnover, absenteeism (Dyer and Reeves, 1995); motivation and commitment
(Seibert, Silver, & Randolph, 2004), are proximal hence human resource processes are
interconnected. In as much that the human resource practices are intended to achieve result in
this area; there effect can also have a tremendous influence on the aforementioned outcomes
(Bloom, 1999).

1.2.5 Benefits and rewards

Eliciting high contributions within an organisational environment is highly essential for the
firm as well as the employees (Appleby and Mavin, 2000). For instance, expectancy theories
have explicated aspects of anticipated rewards in line with employee’s motivations. This
indicated that every employee will have to face with a logical decision in accordance to the
present economical circumstance (Tannenbaum and Dupuree-Bruno, 1994). As a result to
that employee considerable effort will manifests into an intended realisations and fulfillment

of a specific desire outcome. Such manifestation enhances the explanation of the crucial
aspect of organisational reward system and how it can be sustain and elicit the firm human
capital investment Tannenbaum and Dupuree-Bruno (1994).

The conceptions of both internal and external rewards are highly valued by organisations and
its employees. Not only the obvious fact that employees yearns more about promotional
opportunities, higher pay or better benefits, but also their desires and anguish spins from
autonomy, personal growth and valued responsibility. Different authors have suggested the
positive relationship, size and the implementation of innovative ideas in human resource
practice as a result to economic of scale (Baldridge and Brunham, (1975) and Moch and
Morse, (1977). This conception has locus the local firms at greater disadvantage in-terms of
retaining or recruiting top-notch talent (Tannenbaum and Dupuree-Bruno, 1994).

Figure 2: model for reward management

Source: Bratton & Gold, 2003, p.282

1.2.6 Compensation
According to Patel & Cardon (2010) compensation is vital for contemporary organisation as
it contributes to attract and retain high skilled workers with superior salaries, and it
encourages a desired stakeholder behavior regarding recognition and legitimacy. Minbaeva et
al. (2003) inferred that compensation would enhance motivation among personnel too.

Even though non-financial compensation can really work as a positive stimulus for the
workers, providing monetary benefits is necessary to increase the productivity of the
employees on the individual or group level (Gomez-Meja, 1992). Balkin and Swift (2006)
suggest a more flexible approach toward the payment issue. They proposed to relate it to the
life stage of the organisation with a higher rate of non-monetary benefits during the first years
of activity, and a re-equilibration whenever the company enters the mature stage. Non-
monetary paybacks are represented by stock options, stocks or other form of equity sharing
that enhance the participation and the motivation of employees, while spreading the risks
over a larger number of people (Graham et al., 2002).

The aforementioned ownership sharing represents also a long-term planning for

compensation, as Graham et Al. (2002) stated, but also short-term rewards exist. These are
represented by profit sharing policies aiming to encourage the employees toward group work,
or to control the organizational outcomes (Heneman & Tansky, 2002).

1.2.7 Career development (CD)

Many practitioners and scholars within human resource development (HRD) field have
claimed that the utmost crucial aspect of the practices is career development (McLagan,
1989; Weinberger, 1998; Swanson & Holton, 2001). However, this area of studies has been
given little attention (Upton, Egan & Lynham, 2003).

With the intense competition in the 21 century, many organisations have realised that in order
for them to stay competition they have to improve their employees and enhance their career

development (Boudreaux, 2001); rather than individual career development (Swanson &
Holton, Upton, Egan & Lynham, 2003). Therefore, many organisations are now taking a
proactive measures towards equipping their staffs and educationally (Leana, 2002) or create a
climate that supports their staffs at all levels of the organisation to be more resultant and
productive (Sullivan, 1999); which  Boudreaux, (2001); Brown, (1997) referred to as ‘‘shared
responsibility’’. However, learning within an organisation is quite critical and expensive;
(McDonald, Hite & Gilbreath, 2002). The most common learning methods within
organisations are informal (i.e. on-the-job coaching, sessions, lesson learned, development
assignment) Power, Hubschman, & Doran, (2001) and formal learning (i.e. as
training/workshop and other forms of professional training conducted by professional bodies
internally or externally (McDonald, Hite & Gilbreath, 2002).

1.3  The importance of HR in organisation

The sole aim of HRM is to guarantee that the firm human capitals are being used in the fullest
capability to produces the greatest organisation results that meets with the firm needs
Nadeem Moiden, (2003) and Gilley and Gilley, (2007). Therefore, the philosophy of
empowering employee’s capabilities is coined to the conception that HR is extremely crucial
for sustainable competitive advantage and organisational success (Koch &McGrath, 2003).
HR in organisation is also crucial because its assist managers and employees through a
change process (Hendry, Jones, Arthur & Pettigrew, 1991).

Businesses can gain enormous competitive advantages when their employees are used
effectively to drawing on their expertise and ingenuity to meet clearly defined objectives.
When organisation recruit the most effective, capable, committed and flexible people; and
managed and reward them accordingly their performances, competencies and efficiency
would help the firm productivity immensely (Price A., 2007). Managers that tactfully execute
organisational goals depend on the HR practices to deliver excellences so that they can
achieve the utmost business performance (Becker, B. and Gerhart, B., 1996).

However, the HRM field has been isolated and misunderstood by many researchers and
practitioner, failing to realise that without employees there would be no functioning
organisation Argote, McEvily and Reagans (2003). As employees remain the most expensive
and reliable asset of the organisation, the practices of HR will remain a vital area of
discussion (Becker, B. and Gerhart, B., 1996).

1.3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of HR

As many other departments within an organisation encounter, challenges are inevitable and
are present in our daily business lives. There are three main disadvantages, or some may
refers to a challenges facing HR, namely:

1. 1.      Managers “need to support corporate productivity and performance

improvement efforts” (Dessler, 2008, p 87).

2. 2.      “Employees play an expanded role in employers’ performance
improvement efforts” (Dessler, 2008, p 87). All the basics contents associated
with high-performance organisation, such as high-technology team-based
production, are rather futile without high levels of employee competence and
3. 3.      The challenge, derived from the first two, is that “employers see that their
human resource units must be more involved in designing – not just executing –
the company’s strategic plan” (Dessler, 2008, p 87).

1.4 Strategic HR roles in dynamic and uncertainty environments

Strategic HRM (SHRM) roles consist of strategies executions and formulations. The
strategies execution has been the predominant aspect of the SHRM’s strategic job. Strategies
formulators always set and margin their formulations in line with the corporate and
competitive strategies and aligned the firm policies and practices towards their strategic
formulations (Dessler, 2008).

In recent years, there has been a trend shift and researchers have now identified SHRM to
take an active role with the top managers in the firm to formulate the company’s strategic
plans. The gliding  competitive environment due to a globalized economy has lead to that
many employers are pursuing improved performance by improvement of commitment and
competence level of their employees. Dessler, (2008) outlined four strategic tools that could
be used to enhances employees abilities and proficiencies, such as employees satisfaction,
loyalty, motivation and satisfactions.

1.4.1 Employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is the individual satisfaction as a professional person, that is, the
individual has an effect on his attitude. Organization member to its operating characteristic is
the cognitive evaluation, employees get through the more realistic values and expectations of
the gap between the value obtained after the meeting whether or not all aspects of work
attitudes and emotional responses. It involves the work of the degree of organizational
commitment and work motivation is closely related (Saari, L. M., & Judge, T. A., 2004).

Superior-subordinate communication is an important influence on job satisfaction in the

workplace, in which the way a subordinate perceives a supervisor‘s behavior can positively
or negatively influence job satisfaction. Nonverbal messages play a central role in
interpersonal interactions with respect to impression formation, deception, attraction, social
influence, and emotional expression (Burgoon, Buller, & Woodall, 1996).

1.4.2 Employee loyalty

Employee engagement is personified by the passion and energy employees have to give of
their best to the organization to serve the customer. Engagement is characterized by
employees being committed to the organization, believing in what it stands for and being
prepared to go above and beyond what is expected of them to deliver outstanding service to
the customer. Engaged employees feel inspired by their work, they are customer focused in

their approach; they care about the future of the company and are prepared to invest their own
effort to see that the organization succeeds (Cook, 2008).

Engagement can be summed up by how positively the employee:

 Thinks about the organization;

 feels about the organization;
 proactive in relation to achieving organizational goals for customers, colleagues
and other stakeholders.
Employee loyalty can be divided into active and passive loyalty. The former refers to the
subjective staff loyal to the company with the desire (Cook, 2008). This desire is often due to
a high degree of organization and employee goals and now there are consistent with
organizational help for employees‘ self-development and self-realization factors. Passive
loyalty is when the employees themselves do not wish to remain in the organization, but due
to some constraints, such as high wages and welfare, transportation, etc., have to stay in the
organization. Once these conditions disappear, the staff can no longer feel organizational
loyalty (Cook, 2008).

The basic elements of enterprise employees, their enthusiasm on behalf of corporate morale,
awareness of their work reflected in the subtle strength of enterprises (Pepitone and Bruce,
1998). Wages and benefits systems

Salaries and benefits in the eyes of employees affect their loyalty is one of the important
factors. “Money is not the most important, but no doubt a very important”, whether corporate
or professional loyalty, loyalty is established on the basis of material, good pay system to
ensure the basic material needs of the employees, will have good professional loyalty, and
corporate loyalty (Cook, 2008). Enterprise human resource management system

As indicated above human resource management is compulsory for each company and one of
the most important courses; how to send staff to the right on the job, motivate employees,
training and study staff, will be affected to some extent, staff loyalty. In the development of
the unscientific, resulting in unfair business, become a mere formality, which often occurs.
Negative phenomena that affect the performance of their staff, or even result in employees
slack, complain more, rumors filled the air, to lose morale.

Figure 3 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Source: Maslow, (1943) Retaining top employees

Excellent staff should have: First, high loyalty, company loyalty by recognizing the
company’s values, to share weal and woe, and common development; second, right attitude,
initiative, and study to make improvements, work hard and willing to do, know that they are
doing, those things that do and should not do, great development potential; Third,
professional ability, can work independently, with skill, and can continue to improve
(McKeown, 2002).  The roles of great employees are being productive and increased passion
for and commitment to the organization‘s vision, strategy and goals (Cook, 2008, p.31-32).

1.4.3 Employee Motivation

Motivating employees was highlighted as an indispensable part of HRM in many studies (e.g.
Pinnington and Edwards, 2000; Dessler, 1997; Stone, 2005). Pinnignton and Edwards (2000)
divided motivational incentives into two parts: motivating individuals and motivating groups.
The former one pays the attention on individual needs and the later one highlight the equity

Some incentives played big roles in motivational process, for instance, the good
communication between organization and employees (e.g. Ivancevich, Konopaske and
Matteson, 2008; Stone, 2005; Dessler, 1997), High Job satisfaction (e.g. Lambert, Hogan and
Barton, 2001; Wright and Bonett, 2007), Good Payment and treatment (Carpenter and
Sanders, 2004) and so on. Meanwhile, relating to the interesting issue on employee turnover
often happened in the company, job satisfaction is one kind of factor that influences the
turnover intent of employees. Lambert, Hogan and Barton (2001) pointed out that job
satisfaction is a key mediating variable between the work environment and turnover intent,
and suggested that managers take the focus on the work environment to improve employee’s
job satisfaction, and ultimately lower turnover intent. Carpenter and Sanders (2004) opined
that the investment in TMT (Top Management Team) could be way for attracting and retain
talent for organization. Thus, it is required, and should be considered into the HRM process

1.4.4 Employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is mainly concern with the satisfactions that derived from the
individual as a professional person. One common research finding is that job satisfaction is
correlated with life satisfaction (Rain, et al, 1991). This correlation is reciprocal, meaning
people who are satisfied with their lives tend to be satisfied with their jobs vice visa.

However, some research have argued this concept that that job satisfaction is not significantly
related to life satisfaction because of their variable such as nonworking satisfaction and core
self-evaluations are taken into account (Rode, J. C. 2004). Organization member to its
operating characteristic is the cognitive evaluation. Employees get through the more realistic
values and expectations of the gap between the values obtained after the meeting whether or
not all aspects of work attitudes are emotional responses. This consists of the extent of firm
involvement and related motivational activities (Saari, L. M., & Judge, T. A., 2004).

Burgoon, Buller, & Woodall, (1996) one of the most suitable means of influencing
employees satisfaction is the manners at which superior relate and communicate with
subordinators. The meshing and mashing of interpersonal relationships between the two
distinctive groups or status plays a significant roles in terms of respect, attractions, formative

impression or emotional expression, deceptions and social influences (Burgoon, Buller, &
Woodall, 1996). Weiss and Cropanzano, (1996) inferred that such immediacy and
friendliness will cumulate the essential elements of job satisfaction (Weiss and Cropanzano,

The way employee’s feels and thought that their jobs being appreciated are very much
essential in terms of employees job satisfactions (Organ, D. W., & Ryan, K., 1995); turnover
(Saari & Judge, 2004); and absenteeism (Wegge, et al, 2007). Job satisfactions ultimately
looks at the general aspects of satisfactions employees gained from their work in entirety
(Mount & Johnson, 2006).

Chapter-3 Research Methodology

Human Resource Planning also called Manpower planning deals with the identifying the
needs of the company for skills, knowledge and labour, and initiating programs and actions to
satisfy those needs. It is the process of planning and implementing the movement of
employees into, within or out of the company in order to achieve the correct number of
workers with relevant skills needed for the company to achieve its objectives. In other words,
the human resources planning has to ensure that the required amount of employees with
required skills are available whenever needed by the company.
The objectives of Human Resource Planning are the following:
• Deciding Goals: Human Resource Planning helps to achieve individual and organizational
• Evaluating future organizational structure and human resource requirements
• Auditing Human Resources on a constant basis in order to prevent overstaffing and
• Undertaking Job Analysis through analysing the descriptions and responsibilities of specific
jobs in order to hire the most suitable candidate for the position
The Human Resource Planning is essential for a company for following reasons:
•           To use the human resources of the company in a most efficient manner to gain
maximum benefits. This task would be easier if information regarding the various aspects of
human resources are collected and arranged in an organised manner by HR

•           To forecast future requirements for human resources numbers and skills. This is
especially important for companies that are planning expansion of operations.
•           To help the companies to better adjust to changes in political, economic, social, and
technological environment, where HR plays an important part in mergers, relocation of
plants, downsizing, closing of some operations, etc.
•           To determine the levels and standards of recruitment and induction.
•           To devise training and development programs for floor workers and managers.
•           To know the cost of human resources which is especially important in occasions of
operations expansion and staff redundancies
•           To assist in productivity bargaining. For instance, HR can offer great assistance to the
company when a proposal is being reviewed whether to change some of the operations from
using the workforce for this part of operation to installing fully automated technology for that
There Human Resource Planning has to take into account following four factors:
1. Quantity. The number of employees needed by the company.
2. Quality. What skills, knowledge and abilities employees need to possess.
3. Space. The location where employees are needed
4. Time. When employees are required and for how long.
There are numerous Human Resources Planning models containing planning stages and
processes which do not differ from each other greatly. Following are the main stages of
the Strategic Human Resources Planning process offered by many relevant models:
1. Choosing the strategic direction
2. Designing the Human Resource Management System
3. Planning the total amount of workforce
4. Employing the required amount of human resources
5. Investing in Human Resource training and development
6. Evaluating and sustaining organizational competence
Human Resources Planning need to be facilitated in an efficient manner. Inefficient use of
Human Resources Planning or the lack of it can result in intangible costs for a company in
forms of vacancies remaining unfilled, people without proper qualifications and knowledge
being employed to fill the vacancies, vacancies being downsized and employees being laid
off in one department of the company while jobs are being advertised for the same vacations
in other departments, etc.
The main features of a Learning Organisation. 
Learning Organization is a type of a company which facilitates the continuous learning and
development of its staff and continuously transforms itself for the better in order to stay
ahead in the competition. There are five main features of learning organizations, which are
also referred to as Senge’s five disciplines: systems thinking, personal mastery, mental
models, shared vision and team learning.
1.  System thinking can be explained as understanding the interconnections and
interrelationships which form the behavior of the system that the company operates in.
System thinking states that the activities of a company consist of many elements and
functions, and a change in one element or function can result in a change on the whole

business practice. According to the system thinking all characteristics of a learning
organization must be evident in order for a company to be a truly learning organization.
2.  Personal mastery is the ability and willingness of each individual member of the
workforce to learn and develop themselves in order to do their job in a best manner, that is to
achieve greater results with minimum resources. Companies whose staff have enhanced level
of personal mastery have competitive advantage over companies whose staff have a low level
of personal mastery. However, employee’s personal mastery cannot be increased by
enforcement; employees have to be motivated in order to increase their ability to learn.
3.  Mental models are believes, attitudes and assumption held by employees which affect
their behaviour, and consequently, the company as well. Companies have mental models as
well which result in certain behaviour, attitude and believes which effect the workforce. In
order to gain competitive edge, companies must develop such mental models in employees
which accepts challenges, and encourages achieving greater results.
4.  Shared vision is an integral part of success for a company. All learning organizations
develop shared vision, an image of the future which suits both the personal purposes of
employees, and the objective of the company. Then, companies have to unite employees
around that desired image of the future which will result in increased employee motivation,
and gaining competitive edge through greater performance.
5.  Team learning implies gathering as a team and exercising collective thinking to solve
existing problems and to ensure greater performance for the company. The advantage of the
team learning is that the efficiency of the intelligence gained through team learning is much
greater than the sum of the knowledge of each team participant. However, in order to archive
this team members have to communicate with each-other openly with the focus on solving
the problem, putting aside existing personal opinions about each other.
The efficiency of implementation of Strategic Human Resource Management in a company
depends on in what extent the company is a learning organization. Especially it is important
in organizing one of the main integral parts of SHRM, which is organizing the development
of the workforce.
Staff training and development programs devised by SHRM will have greater positive impact
in companies that can be classified as a learning organization due to the following three
Firstly, employees in learning organizations have an increased level of personal mastery,
therefore, they will have an enthusiastic approach to any training and development programs
offered by Human Resources Department
Secondly, employees in learning organizations practice team learning, meaning that it is
considerably easier to teach them training and development programs, and also they share the
knowledge with their colleagues expanding the scope of the programs
Thirdly, employees in learning organizations put their knowledge gained during training and
development programs into practice more extensively compared to other organizations, and
this increases the positive impact of the programs


1. Email Id : _________________

2. Name : ____________________

3. What is your gender?

 Male
 Female
 Prefer not to say

4. What is your age?

 Below 18
 18 to 22
 23 to 25
 Above 25

5. Education Background
 Studying
 12th pass
 Graduation
 Post graduation

6. Occupation :
 Student
 Profession
 Government employed
 Unemployed
 Private employed


I was working as HR intern. During my 1.5 months internship program. I have been fortunate
enough to work in HR departments and help in a many variety of activities.
During the internship I participated in many activities and tried to give my best with the help
of my supervisor. I gained a lot of skills during my internship and as I was lead development
executive I was responsible to make leads for the company and for brand awareness
My main role was to generate leads and to get my task completed by them within a limited
time and to achieve my targets within time bound and hiring new people.
On an average I had achieved to complete more than half of the targets in many tasks and in
few tasks I had done more than the targets.
All the tasks that were assigned to me was from different categories. Tasks included the
adventurous thrilling game that boost up the gamers to build their skills and to know more
about the online gaming field.
All the apps that we were assigned with directly or indirectly helped in the welfare of
peopleand also introduced them with new technologies.
5.2 Tasks & Activities Assigned to me in the HR department.
In HR department, I have been working under Mrs. aarti singh an experienced person in the
HR sector.
He was the project head of universal tribe and was my direct supervisor. During my time
working under her I was assigned various tasks relating to marketing.
Some of the task assigned to me are listed below:
 Managing social media campaigns.
 Taking interviews .
 Take care of leads queries.
 Heiring people.
 Help create lead.
 Maintain contact with lead in social media.
 Maintain leads for the brand awareness.
 Manage lead queries.



 The time span for the project is limited.

 Limited knowledge of the campaigns.
 Lack of knowledge about company.
 Main limitation was work from home as there was company. physical interaction
 Confidentiality of sensitive information.


 To understand the role of hr .

 To understand how to communicate .
 To understand how to improve skills.
 To understand how to hirng people.
 To understand how to managing team.


 Human Resource Planning - Research-Methodology

 Human Resources: Definition and How It Works |
 Human resources - Wikipedia
 Universal Tribes


We ensure that tribal artists & farmers are preserving the artwork & getting an appropriate
monetary value for the hard work they do. Tribal communities are already strong & rich
enough in terms of art & health & as a part of this society, it’s our duty to help them become
economically strong as well. Our online & offline portals are there to feature tribal artists &
farmers, to showcase the significant art they make & the beneficial crops they produce to
keep this society healthy. Universal Tribes keeps backing the tribal artists & tribal farmers
and helps them to meet their expectations of living. Letting the world know about them, their
artwork & vice versa.
7. Email Id : _________________

8. Name : ____________________

9. What is your gender?

 Male
 Female
 Prefer not to say

10. What is your age?

 Below 18
 18 to 22
 23 to 25
 Above 25

11. Education Background

 Studying
 12th pass
 Graduation
 Post graduation

12. Occupation :
 Student
 Profession
 Government employed

 Unemployed
 Private employed


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