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Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

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Pore space evolution and elastic properties of platform carbonates

(Urgonian limestone, Barremian–Aptian, SE France)
François Fournier a, Philippe Léonide a,b, Luuk Kleipool b, Renault Toullec a, John J.G. Reijmer b, Jean Borgomano a,
Thomas Klootwijk b, Jeroen Van Der Molen b
Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, IRD, Cerege, UMR 7330, 3 Place Victor Hugo (Case 67), 13331 Marseille Cedex 03, France
VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW), Department of Sedimentology and Marine Geology, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A dataset of 214 ultrasonic velocity and porosity measurements on Barremian–Aptian carbonates from Provence
Received 6 January 2014 (SE France) provides well-constrained velocity–porosity transforms and allows the quantification of the impact
Received in revised form 25 April 2014 of pore type and diagenetic history on these velocities. A numerical approach (EPAR: equivalent pore aspect
Accepted 28 April 2014
ratio) was used to link diagenetic transformations, pore network evolution and elastic properties. Three catego-
Available online 9 May 2014
ries of samples characterized by their dominant pore type were discriminated from the velocity and porosity da-
Editor: B. Jones tabase by means of the EPAR values derived from bulk (K-EPAR) and shear (μ-EPAR) moduli: 1) purely
microporous limestones (low K- and μ-EPAR b 0.22), 2) samples with preserved intergranular and moldic
Keywords: pores (intermediate K- and μ-EPAR), and 3) vuggy limestones (K- and μ-EPAR N 0.3). Three velocity–porosity tra-
Acoustic properties jectories related to three diagenetic paths were defined and quantified from the Urgonian database: 1) EPAR-
Carbonate platform preserving micro-scale cementation of micrite, 2) non-EPAR-preserving dissolution with moldic pore develop-
Diagenesis ment and 3) EPAR-preserving sparry calcite cementation of molds. Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio can therefore
Pore type be regarded as a robust tool to decipher diagenetic trends in velocity–porosity transforms and may help
Lower Cretaceous
predicting pore architecture from subsurface data.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the opportunity to 1) define and quantify velocity–porosity trajectories

through various diagenetic transformations in a sedimentologically and
The elastic properties of carbonate reservoirs are strongly controlled diagenetically well-constrained case study (Léonide et al., 2014) and 2)
by pore space architecture resulting from both depositional and diage- to propose a numerical approach (Equivalent Pore Aspect Ratio) as a
netic processes and in pure limestone reservoirs, porosity and pore ge- tool for linking diagenetic transformations, pore network evolution
ometry are the main factors controlling P- and S-wave velocities (e.g. and elastic properties.
Anselmetti and Eberli, 1993; Eberli et al., 2003; Weger et al., 2009).
Complex diagenetic pathways are responsible for the wide range of po- 2. Data set/depositional and diagenetic setting
rosity, pore type and velocities in many carbonate reservoirs and for the
wide scattering of values in velocity–porosity transforms (Anselmetti The data set consists of 214 limestone samples from Lower Creta-
and Eberli, 2001; Verwer et al., 2008; Brigaud et al., 2010). Understand- ceous platform carbonates, collected in various localities in Southeast
ing and quantifying the impact of diagenetic transformations on poros- France (Fig. 1), displaying porosity values ranging from 0.1% to 23.1%.
ity, pore space architecture and elastic properties are a major issue for Additionally, the present work integrates the 85 microporous samples
the prediction of reservoir properties from well logs and seismic data. published by Fournier et al. (2011).
The present paper is based on the sedimentological, petrographical, The Lower Cretaceous deposits from Provence consist of platform
diagenetical and petrophysical analysis of a comprehensive database carbonates, with ages ranging from Valanginian to Early Aptian
of Lower Cretaceous platform carbonates from Provence (Urgonian (Masse, 1993). In Provence, the Late Hauterivian–Early Aptian time
platform, South-East France). Such an integrated approach provides interval represents the main growth phase of the so-called Urgonian
platform that is bounded to the North by the Vocontian basin. The
Provence Urgonian platform reached its largest extent during the Late
Barremian–Early Aptian. Urgonian limestones from Provence are
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Fournier). regarded as excellent outcrop analogues of Middle East carbonate
0037-0738/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

Fig. 1. Location map of Urgonian limestone outcrops and sampling localities.

Fig. 2. Classification of depositional facies associations and paleoenvironments for the Urgonian limestones from Provence (modified after Leonide et al., 2012).
F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17 3

reservoirs (Thamama, Kharaib and Shuaiba formations) in terms of age, Laboratory measurements are summarized in Table 1.
depositional facies and environments, pore types and reservoir proper-
ties (Borgomano et al., 2013). Urgonian carbonates from Provence are 3.2. Petrographic analysis of core plugs and thin sections
dominated by microporous limestones (Fournier et al., 2011), but mi-
croporosity is often associated with other pore types such as moldic All of the 214 rock samples used for laboratory measurements were
and intergranular pore types (Borgomano et al., 2013). Léonide et al. described and classified in terms of depositional texture (Dunham,
(2014) proposed a scenario of the diagenetic evolution of shallow- 1962, modified by Embry and Klovan, 1971) and depositional facies as-
water carbonates from the Urgonian platform of Provence (SE France). sociations (Fig. 2).
Tight limestones resulted from early marine and/or meteoric cementa- Analysis of thin-sections under polarized-light microscopy allowed
tion of the intergranular macropores and intercrystalline micropores in the dominant pore types to be characterized. Blue-epoxy stained thin-
various paleoenvironment settings (innermost peritidal platform, mid- sections were prepared on 151 samples from the core plugs used for
outer inner platform, outer-platform and outer-shelf). Microporous petrophysical laboratory measurements. A selection of thin-sections
limestones developed in the middle to outer part of the inner platform was point-counted, 400 points, to estimate the proportion of macro-
and in the outer platform by micrite neomorphism processes in meteor- porosity. After van der Plas and Tobi (1965), for a 400 points counting,
ic shallow-burial setting probably related to the regional Durancian sub- the half width of uncertainty on percentage estimation is less than 5%,
aerial exposure (Albian-lower Cenomanian). The preservation of part of within two-sided 95% confidence bounds.
the initial intragranular and intergranular porosity prior to the All samples display various amounts of intercrystalline micropores
Durancian uplift event is a major control for the microporosity distribu- located within micritic grains and/or matrix. Micropores are defined
tion at reservoir and regional scale. In addition, two phases of moldic as pores with diameter lower than 10 microns (Cantrell and Hagerty,
porosity development are identified by Léonide et al. (2014): 1) an 1999). Macropores are regarded as larger pores with a diameter exceed-
early meteoric phase (syn-Urgonian) of aragonitic grain dissolution ing 10 microns. Vugs are defined as dissolution voids significantly
and 2) a later phase of dissolution of probable telogenetic origin leading larger than the mean grain size. In most cases vugs are enlarged
to microporosity enhancement and to the formation of open moldic moldic macropores. Samples were classified into 5 groups of dominant
pores. pore types (Fig. 3): 1) intercrystalline micropores (N 95% of the total
pore volume), 2) intergranular macropores (N 5% of the total pore
3. Methods volume) + intercrystalline micropores, 3) open moldic macropores
(N5% of the total pore volume) + intercrystalline micropores,
3.1. Laboratory petrophysical measurements 4) partially cemented moldic macropores (N 5% of the total pore
volume) + intercrystalline micropores, and 5) open vugs (N5% of
The present work is based on the acquisition of porosity and velocity the total pore volume) + intercrystalline micropores.
laboratory measurements on 214 carbonate samples displaying various
depositional textures, facies and pore types. The petrophysical database 4. Results
published by Fournier et al. (2011) on microporous grainstones was
also integrated to this study. 4.1. Effect of effective pressure on VP, VS and VP∕VS
In the field and in the laboratory, 3.81-cm (1.5-inch) diameter, ver-
tically oriented, cylindrical samples were drilled using a water-cooled In the low-effective-pressure range (2.5–10 MPa), most samples
diamond coring drill. Sample ends were ground flat and parallel to with- show a rapid, nonlinear increase in P-wave velocity (Fig. 4), which
in 0.01 mm. The samples were first dried in an oven at 60 °C for at least could be attributed to closing of microcracks (Gardner et al., 1974;
72 h and equilibrated 48 h to room temperature and humidity condi- Vernik, 1994). At higher effective pressures, most of the samples
tions (20–23 °C, 50%–60%) prior to measurements. exhibit almost no pressure dependence on the P-wave velocity
Dry mass of the samples was measured on 214 samples and dry bulk (lower than 10 m. s−1.MPa−1) indicating that at effective pressures
density was calculated from the dry mass and measured cylinder vol- greater than 10–20 MPa, most of the microcracks are closed and the
ume. Grain densities (ρ) were measured using a Micromeritics AccuPyc samples do not behave like cracked-medium (Smith et al., 2009).
1330 helium pycnometer. Total porosity (Φ) was calculated from dry The rate of velocity increase with increasing effective pressure is not
and grain density. More detailed procedures are described by Kenter correlated with porosity, depositional texture, facies association or
and Ivanov (1995). with dominant pore type (Fig. 5). This implies that the presence
Ultrasonic compressional P- (Vp) and shear S-wave (Vs) velocities and abundance of microcracks are not directly related to depositional
were measured on 214 samples (Petrophysical laboratory, VU Universi- or diagenetic features. As a consequence, crack-like behavior in these
ty Amsterdam) as a function of confining pressure using a transducer ar- samples may be due to stress relief and cooling related to natural up-
rangement (Verde Geoscience) that propagated one compressional and lift and erosion, or artifacts from core and plug recovery (Vernik,
two independent and orthogonally polarized shear waves (Vs1 and Vs2) 1997).
along the core axis. The transducer consists of a source crystal excited by No decrease in P- and S-wave velocity with increasing pressure was
a fast rise-time electrical voltage pulse, producing an ultrasonic pulse evidenced in Urgonian Limestone samples, thus suggesting that stress-
with a frequency of 1 MHz, which was recorded by a receiver crystal. induced cracking and fracturing did not occur during our experiments.
Velocities are calculated by dividing the measured one-way travel VP-VS relationships are modeled with linear and polynomial fits, both
time of the wave along the sample axis by the sample length. The arrival displaying correlation coefficient R2 higher than 0.95 (Fig. 6). An inter-
time of the one-way travel time was picked when the signal exceeded a esting result is that VP–VS relationships are almost independent of the
threshold voltage equal to 3% of the overall peak to- peak amplitude of effective stress (Fig. 6).
the first three half cycles of the signal. Uncertainty in velocity measure-
ments for low-porosity (b30% of total porosity) cemented carbonates is 4.2. Effect of porosity and pore type on elastic properties
within approximately 1%. Uncertainties in density and velocities mea-
surements imply an error in bulk and shear modulus of 5% and 3% re- Ultrasonic velocities display a nearly linear decreasing trend with in-
spectively. The ultrasonic measurements were conducted at five creasing porosity but with a strong scattering of values at a given poros-
differential effective pressures ranging from 0 to 40 MPa. Common ity, averaging 1000 m/s for P-waves and 500 m/s for S-waves (Fig. 7a).
values for effective pressures were 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 MPa. Pore pres- Such a variation of velocity values at a given porosity is not explained
sure was kept at atmospheric pressure 0.1 MPa. by the depositional texture or the depositional facies (Fig. 7b, c). In
Table 1
Petrophysical laboratory measurements. Sampling localities (1: Rustrel; 2: La Nesque; 3: Fontaine-de-Vaucluse) are reported in Fig. 1. Dominant pore types: 1) intercrystalline micropores (N95% of total pore volume), 2) intergranular macropores
(N5% of total pore volume) + intercrystalline micropores, 3) open moldic macropores (N5% of total pore volume) + intercrystalline micropores, 4) partially cemented moldic macropores (N5% of total pore volume) + intercrystalline micropores
and 5) open vugs (N5% of total pore volume) + intercrystalline micropores. Texture: 1) grainstone, 2) packstone, 3) rudstone and 4) wackestone/floastone. Facies association: 1) Fenestrate Facies, 2) Beach Facies, 3) Muddy Facies, 4) Peloidal Facies,
5) Foraminiferal Facies, 6) Rudist Facies, 7) Rudstone Facies, 8) Corals Facies, 9) Ooidal Facies, 10) Calcarenitic Facies, 11) Calcisiltite Facies, 12) Orbitolinids Facies.

Sample Locality Porosity Dominant Texture Facies Vp Vp Vp Vp Vp Vs1 Vs1 Vs1 Vs1 Vs1 Vs2 Vs2 Vs2 Vs2 Vs2
(%) pore type association m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s
2.5 Mpa 5 MPa 10 MPa 20 MPa 40 MPa 2.5 Mpa 5 MPa 10 MPa 20 MPa 40 MPa 2.5 Mpa 5 MPa 10 MPa 20 MPa 40 MPa

An.A 1 0.3 1 4 8 5940 6131 6211 6248 6313 3010 3051 3086 3100 3126 2972 3022 3040 3069 3102
An.AA 1 4.8 1 2 12 5328 5372 5383 5431 5485 2903 2926 2946 2955 2967 2883 2917 2925 2947 2961
An.AB 1 4.4 1 2 10 5259 5314 5352 5408 5477 2883 2905 2932 2955 2977 2879 2904 2937 2948 2972
An.AC 1 10.1 1 2 10 4758 4767 4803 4856 4925 2669 2689 2694 2715 2733 2651 2664 2679 2695 2727
An.AD 1 2.7 1 2 10 5457 5448 5500 5557 5634 2925 2942 2961 2981 3008 2929 2942 2959 2983 3018
An.AE 1 6.9 1 2 10 5127 5145 5168 5201 5245 2827 2841 2856 2861 2870 2828 2842 2845 2851 2869
An.AF 1 7.1 1 3 7 5201 5488 5541 5619 5656 2842 3016 3042 3069 3088 2845 3003 3024 3058 3084
An.AG 1 8.2 1 3 7 5109 5173 5261 5299 5397 2839 2850 2883 2921 2942 2808 2837 2868 2915 2945
An.B 1 3.0 1 1 6 5641 5666 5681 5712 5746 3005 3026 3040 3054 3061 3007 3019 3044 3051 3068
An.C 1 4.5 2 1 6 5776 5793 5872 5935 5955 3009 3033 3089 3098 3123 2967 3004 3067 3102 3119
An.D 1 9.7 1 1 6 4887 4930 5052 5166 5226 2687 2731 2781 2821 2861 2743 2760 2800 2832 2859

F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

An.E 1 6.4 5 1 6 5897 5945 5952 6014 6052 3127 3142 3175 3204 3236 3161 3184 3210 3228 3250
An.F 1 7.8 1 2 6 5204 5295 5373 5429 5432 2844 2886 2901 2938 2971 2835 2866 2901 2927 2937
An.G 1 9.7 5 2 6 5750 5763 5867 5867 5948 3117 3134 3171 3188 3196 3100 3142 3167 3184 3224
An.H 1 7.3 2 1 6 5340 5267 5334 5619 5786 2908 3001 3035 3085 3106 2794 2748 2781 2809 2876
An.I 1 12.8 2 2 6 5058 5069 5156 5301 5340 2758 2787 2826 2849 2870 2771 2802 2843 2871 2905
An.J 1 12.5 4 3 7 4298 4647 4782 4945 5021 2470 2575 2665 2708 2752 2468 2572 2657 2724 2744
An.K 1 16.8 4 3 7 n.m. 4364 4588 4608 4739 2114 2352 2476 2596 2654 2157 2328 2483 2531 2597
An.L 1 23.1 3 3 7 n.m. n.m. 3787 4137 4417 n.m. 1708 2195 2323 2379 n.m. n.m. 2155 2335 n.m.
An.M 1 21.9 3 3 7 3109 3548 3800 3999 4098 1871 2060 2143 2261 2318 1908 2051 2188 2290 2340
An.O 1 13.9 2 3 7 3941 4316 4588 4803 4998 2361 2456 2562 2667 2724 2286 2398 2513 2630 2711
An.P 1 14.3 1 1 4 4470 4529 4668 4722 4773 2507 2547 2579 2608 2637 2526 2562 2623 2664 2681
An.Q 1 18.7 1 2 6 3362 3418 3476 3480 3516 1811 1872 1885 1910 1927 1863 1941 1974 2031 1992
An.R 1 18.2 1 1 6 3323 3465 3681 3862 4016 2012 2077 2173 2261 2314 1985 2045 2139 2234 2296
An.S 1 15.0 1 2 4 3430 3608 3898 4216 4423 2166 2244 2348 2443 2507 2167 2231 2345 2445 2505
An.T 1 5.6 1 4 3 5137 5203 5280 5352 5432 2798 2823 2861 2897 2932 2830 2872 2893 2919 2940
An.U 1 17.9 1 1 6 3825 3921 4018 4137 4234 2202 2252 2323 2394 2422 2243 2299 2373 2410 2429
An.V 1 13.3 1 1 6 3999 4062 4206 4402 4537 2319 2350 2405 2503 2571 2382 2424 2473 2522 2568
An.W 1 15.9 1 1 6 3890 3958 4017 4141 4260 2334 2351 2377 2409 2442 2306 2322 2353 2398 2435
An.X 1 19.5 1 1 6 3694 3780 3928 4027 4131 2151 2190 2257 2309 2341 2165 2202 2250 2302 2325
An.Y 1 10.7 1 2 6 4590 4644 4656 4730 4782 2551 2575 2626 2641 2666 2556 2593 2629 2658 2681
An.Z 1 1.3 1 2 12 5560 5559 5588 5635 5652 2992 3006 3017 3032 3035 2985 2997 3014 3026 3032
Cl.B 1 10.4 1 2 4 5116 5166 5193 5226 5229 2811 2834 2846 2860 2866 2822 2853 2851 2859 2863
Cl.C 1 7.9 4 3 7 5498 5562 5599 5652 5715 2962 2983 2998 3033 3048 2938 2961 2991 3045 3039
F_C_1 3 12.8 3 1 6 4891 5008 5072 5138 5186 2687 2745 2772 2800 2824 2679 2735 2770 2796 2814
F_C_2 3 12.8 4 4 6 5262 5134 5214 5306 5391 2877 2953 2890 2908 2927 2746 2778 2826 2853 2883
F_C_3 3 12.1 5 4 6 5497 5510 5568 5612 5702 2951 2949 2971 2997 3016 2939 2964 2985 3012 3026
F_C_4 3 20.8 1 1 6 3572 3722 3924 4147 4323 2213 2258 2321 2401 2473 2191 2240 2308 2387 2450
F_C_4_FR 3 9.1 1 4 6 5110 5131 5183 5232 5325 2805 2825 2853 2876 2899 2777 2794 2822 2855 2887
F_C_5 3 8.1 4 4 6 5501 5526 5574 5654 5649 2943 2961 2985 3007 3020 2921 2967 2986 2995 3011
F_C_6 3 9.7 1 1 6 5072 5105 5163 5222 5263 2962 2818 2855 2877 2895 2770 2809 2829 2854 2870
F_C_7 3 15.4 4 2 6 4706 4723 4766 4817 4827 2595 2623 2648 2669 2680 2599 2628 2648 2665 2677
F_C_8 3 17.2 1 1 6 3639 3978 4149 4377 4547 2193 2274 2383 2465 2537 2154 2272 2348 2454 2527
F_C_8FR 3 2.3 3 7 6142 6215 6251 6368 6451 3250 3279 3317 3340 3377 3244 3276 3305 3340 3373
F_C_9 3 11.0 1 2 6 4744 4863 4958 5075 5181 2632 2683 2737 2789 2832 2634 2688 2754 2802 2838
F_P_1 3 0.6 1 1 4 6283 6285 6322 6325 6357 3144 3186 3213 3236 3255 3114 3158 3202 3223 3243
F_P_2 3 0.6 1 1 4 6118 6189 6237 6299 6329 3341 3378 3375 3202 3248 3353 3386 3402 3210 3242
F_P_3 3 1.1 1 1 4 6208 6267 6304 6341 6393 3173 3219 3248 3280 3298 3237 3217 3243 3268 3296
F_P_4 3 0.5 1 1 4 6235 6269 6277 6302 6354 3213 3175 3183 3194 3216 3156 3148 3163 3206 3195
F_P_5 3 1.4 1 1 4 6167 6148 6184 6219 6306 3053 3091 3145 3186 3218 3035 3075 3118 3173 3200
F_P_6 3 0.8 1 1 4 6197 6171 6170 6176 6188 3468 3434 3447 3476 3487 3277 3272 3290 3281 3276
F_P_7 3 0.6 1 1 4 6226 6243 6292 6295 6331 2858 3165 3206 3228 3247 2856 3190 3218 3234 3254
F_R1_1 3 0.8 1 3 7 6231 6199 6200 6261 6283 n.m. 3403 3425 3186 3228 n.m. 3377 3394 3358 3222
F_R1_2 3 10.5 4 3 7 n.m. 5268 5319 5428 5579 2589 2710 2775 2828 2886 2623 2711 2774 2829 2886
F_R1_4 3 1.8 1 3 7 6079 5993 6040 6104 6214 2981 3032 3080 3143 3187 2964 3036 3079 3136 3179
F_R1_5 3 1.0 1 3 7 6204 6242 6233 6262 6321 3305 3131 3155 3175 3197 3214 3125 3157 3189 3199
F_R1_6 3 1.6 1 3 7 5952 6032 6062 6141 6203 2973 3028 3089 3140 3178 3277 3045 3079 3126 3164
F_R1_7 3 1.3 1 3 7 6212 6121 6189 6221 6301 3146 3170 3200 3228 3251 3208 3206 3227 3237 3256
F_R1_8 3 2.2 1 3 7 6188 6093 6152 6178 6274 3136 3075 3111 3151 3182 3130 3080 3120 3149 3191
F_R1_9 3 1.2 1 3 7 6131 6193 6218 6289 6313 3033 3116 3143 3175 3201 3045 3121 3159 3187 3211
F_R2_1 3 8.1 1 3 7 4592 4728 4804 4953 5219 2607 2662 2708 2769 2866 2568 2652 2702 2767 2858
F_RF_1 3 8.8 5 1 6 5651 5789 5824 5863 5902 2987 3068 3090 3103 3121 2953 3032 3061 3083 3094
F_RF_2 3 12.1 1 1 6 4797 4867 4937 5000 5129 2588 2634 2646 2681 2720 2632 2647 2669 2696 2718
F_RF_3 3 5.5 4 4 6 5645 5636 5738 5831 5940 2978 3001 3051 3093 3127 2951 2990 3042 3087 3115
F_RF_4 3 6.3 1 1 6 5416 5436 5492 5572 5674 2868 2936 2985 3022 3053 2855 2920 2963 3003 3029
F_RF_5 3 8.7 1 1 6 5277 5273 5306 5347 5412 2841 2856 2873 2906 2930 2824 2838 2872 2888 2909
F_RF_6 3 4.0 1 3 7 5752 5753 5782 5804 5833 3137 2987 3023 3046 3070 3028 3013 3021 3053 3078
F_RF_7 3 7.5 1 1 6 5454 5494 5490 5525 5563 2925 2952 2967 2981 2998 2944 2964 2975 2992 2998
F_RF_7FR 3 6.8 1 6 5969 6020 6090 6152 6230 3101 3145 3182 3190 3215 3144 3138 3181 3196 3225
F_S01_10 3 11.4 4 1 6 5401 5440 5491 5528 5559 2992 3006 3028 3036 3056 2984 3002 3024 3038 3047
F_S01_2A 3 7.0 1 1 6 5553 5545 5571 5636 5665 2922 2983 2997 3018 3035 2896 2975 2998 2999 3012

F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

F_S01_2B 3 0.8 2 1 6 6272 6311 6332 6339 6355 3148 3178 3206 3233 3251 3137 3155 3187 3214 3235
F_S01_2F 3 1.4 2 4 6 6152 6253 6264 6283 6316 3068 3138 3166 3196 3230 n.m. 3136 3160 3190 3223
F_S01_3A 3 11.3 1 2 6 4814 4867 4950 4977 5063 2652 2688 2725 2745 2773 2636 2673 2710 2746 2772
F_S01_3B 3 8.2 1 2 6 5418 5453 5464 5499 5528 2920 2934 2952 2969 2980 2928 2941 2954 2965 2980
F_S01_4B 3 1.0 1 2 4 6160 6230 6257 6313 6341 3071 3124 3162 3200 3218 3176 3135 3156 3194 3220
F_S01_5 3 0.6 1 2 4 6031 6097 6134 6198 6252 3425 3169 3189 3214 3231 3245 3261 3191 3215 3235
F_S01_9A 3 6.6 4 4 6 5711 5736 5753 5797 5846 3061 3049 3062 3084 3092 3052 3045 3065 3094 3103
F_S01_9B 3 17.7 1 2 6 3813 3886 3957 4144 4380 2405 2272 2321 2397 2483 2204 2253 2327 2399 2469
Fj.B 1 6.0 4 3 7 5650 5753 5829 5906 5965 2937 3026 3062 3092 3125 2896 2974 3022 3071 3095
Fj.C 1 0.4 1 2 6 6413 6401 6401 6418 6443 3221 3243 3273 3282 3292 3255 3258 3266 3277 3288
Fj.D 1 0.3 1 2 6 6321 6342 6382 6413 6430 3223 3253 3270 3297 3316 3277 3233 3262 3288 3303
Fj.G 1 0.0 1 2 11 5897 5918 5929 5947 5972 2814 2834 2845 2858 2879 2928 2916 2912 2886 2889
FS2_10 3 10.7 4 1 6 4625 4720 4960 5249 5540 2582 2657 2738 2889 2979 2566 2624 2726 2847 2970
FS2_11 3 7.4 1 4 6 5325 5399 5413 5450 5514 2801 2847 2868 2903 2923 2814 2857 2880 2906 2932
FS2_12B 3 19.1 1 1 6 3696 4059 4234 4334 4473 2216 2316 2380 2461 2538 2272 2310 2403 2487 2534
FS2_13 3 17.7 1 2 6 4600 4595 4614 4652 4677 2555 2566 2590 2605 2631 2559 2568 2580 2595 2608
FS2_14 3 10.9 5 4 6 5528 5553 5591 5645 5698 3031 3031 3040 3060 3078 3015 3026 3047 3060 3078
FS2_15 3 10.9 1 2 6 4632 4648 4653 4699 4721 2510 2520 2537 2553 2561 2496 2507 2526 2536 2545
FS2_16 3 10.9 1 3 7 4892 5074 5075 5146 5172 2635 2724 2739 2786 2813 2623 2737 2748 2775 2804
FS2_17 3 11.6 3 4 6 5138 5526 5485 5461 5462 2785 2863 2941 2939 2935 2801 2847 2888 2912 2925
FS2_18 3 10.9 1 2 5 4609 4586 4687 4820 4969 2493 2564 2611 2669 2719 2474 2540 2594 2652 2710
FS2_19 3 1.1 1 1 12 6232 6220 6247 6285 6287 3111 3144 3171 3202 3222 3121 3145 3173 3199 3206
FS2_2 3 1.1 1 4 6 6167 6181 6179 6238 6280 3142 3112 3136 3150 3176 3077 3103 3125 3128 3179
FS2_20 3 1.9 1 1 12 5916 6051 6060 6129 6238 2913 3026 3114 3169 3220 2881 3012 3099 3153 3217
FS2_21 3 1.3 1 1 12 6053 6085 6093 6141 6169 3127 3158 3177 3198 3208 3112 3145 3171 3189 3202
FS2_3 3 1.8 1 2 4 n.m. 6075 6095 6108 6184 n.m. n.m. 3153 3181 3207 2947 3090 3160 3194 3213
FS2_4A 3 1.2 1 2 4 6064 6206 6255 6304 6362 3130 3090 3133 3197 3225 3121 3197 3155 3194 3225
FS2_4B 3 0.5 1 4 6 6302 6284 6274 6311 6353 3203 3206 3225 3240 3254 3205 3236 3229 3236 3251
FS2_7 3 2.0 1 4 12 5996 5941 5998 6056 6074 3027 3075 3112 3140 3158 3025 3058 3104 3127 3152
FS2_9 3 12.6 1 3 7 4649 4700 4779 4885 4978 2607 2653 2679 2716 2748 2583 2633 2675 2705 2742
J_1 3 9.3 1 2 6 4988 5061 5119 5206 5295 2810 2837 2862 2886 2914 2779 2841 2856 2883 2906
J_10 3 18.0 4 3 7 3793 4068 4333 4627 4804 2275 2389 2500 2587 2628 2221 2317 2428 2541 2618
J_11 3 6.8 4 3 7 5521 5490 5565 5669 5781 2974 2976 2996 3029 3057 2978 2962 3000 3039 3070
J_2 3 16.1 1 1 6 4203 4223 4292 4412 4549 2486 2476 2504 2539 2583 2465 2463 2498 2532 2582
J_3 3 19.8 1 1 6 3613 3727 3938 4098 4234 2115 2184 2289 2344 2388 2065 2140 2251 2335 2396
J_4 3 14.9 1 1 6 4384 4382 4417 4523 4670 2545 2563 2572 2595 2639 2585 2579 2579 2595 2640
J_5 3 1.3 1 4 6 6220 6189 6245 6336 6350 3014 3076 3131 3176 3227 3123 3132 3167 3208 3235
J_6 3 3.3 2 3 7 5920 5952 5999 6047 6139 3112 3138 3153 3170 3196 3102 3127 3159 3177 3195

(continued on next page)

Table 1 (continued)
Sample Locality Porosity Dominant Texture Facies Vp Vp Vp Vp Vp Vs1 Vs1 Vs1 Vs1 Vs1 Vs2 Vs2 Vs2 Vs2 Vs2
(%) pore type association m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s m/s
2.5 Mpa 5 MPa 10 MPa 20 MPa 40 MPa 2.5 Mpa 5 MPa 10 MPa 20 MPa 40 MPa 2.5 Mpa 5 MPa 10 MPa 20 MPa 40 MPa

J_7 3 0.9 1 3 7 6150 6189 6311 6344 6448 3439 3494 3559 3647 3232 3318 3257 3327 3443 3267
J_8 3 5.4 3 4 6 5700 5713 5794 5830 5897 3019 3078 3097 3138 3180 2996 3022 3055 3083 3119
J_9 3 9.6 1 3 7 5087 5114 5209 5259 5320 2760 2800 2835 2859 2883 2791 2801 2847 2862 2893
Lx.A 1 9.3 1 1 4 4947 4956 5005 5019 5069 2732 2744 2771 2786 2797 2711 2756 2755 2782 2781
Lx.B 1 13.8 1 1 4 4755 4777 4807 4849 4878 2598 2639 2678 2676 2701 2580 2612 2636 2648 2658
Lx.C 1 1.5 1 2 11 5456 5480 5524 5552 5582 2988 2996 3005 3020 3032 2974 2992 3001 3018 3026
Lx.D 1 0.6 1 2 10 6129 5985 6010 6033 6111 3221 3161 3172 3196 3209 3217 3139 3153 3172 3205
Lx.E 1 0.4 1 2 10 6066 6113 6139 6166 6193 n.m 3137 3183 3177 3189 n.m 3255 3270 3192 3162
Lx.Mound 1 0.1 1 2 10 6177 6203 6248 6270 6322 3250 3293 3311 3222 3243 3288 3319 3295 3221 3239
Lx.mound2 1 0.6 1 2 10 6165 6159 6177 6198 6224 3374 3391 3433 3443 3170 3306 3308 3334 3363 3206
Mu.A 1 1.4 1 1 8 5503 5556 5671 5761 5867 2891 2913 2949 2989 3022 2915 2920 2949 2982 3016

F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

Mu.B 1 2.3 4 3 7 5821 5854 5959 6037 6102 3057 3102 3133 3193 3225 3035 3076 3125 3177 3205
Mu.C 1 4.1 4 3 7 5572 5694 5843 5985 6111 3002 3048 3106 3170 3215 3031 3075 3127 3172 3226
NB-23 2 0.5 4 6 6274 6270 6258 6251 6253 n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m
NB-24 2 0.5 4 6 6184 6198 6213 6257 6275 3157 3184 3213 3232 3248 3158 3182 3208 3229 3243
Ru.A 1 2.2 1 2 6 5823 5802 5808 5835 5855 3074 3077 3088 3098 3101 3076 3082 3086 3098 3105
Ru.B 1 0.8 1 2 12 6137 6171 6199 6228 6231 n.m n.m 3202 3221 3239 n.m n.m 3207 3202 3234
Ru.C 1 2.8 1 1 10 5618 5650 5664 5699 5709 2986 3010 3022 3034 3042 2978 3004 3020 3030 3037
S10-55 2 0.6 1 4 8 6289 6347 6367 6391 6411 n.m 3211 3269 3302 3316 n.m 3232 3274 3291 3304
S10-56 2 1.4 4 8 6029 6131 6167 6192 6245 n.m 3215 3236 3257 3275 n.m 3217 3230 3256 3271
S10-57 2 0.9 1 10 6015 6041 6067 6080 6090 n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m
S10-58A 2 2.5 1 9 6018 6047 6070 6095 6094 3149 3170 3178 3191 3196 3148 3161 3176 3173 3183
S10-58B 2 1.4 1 9 5903 5906 5949 5976 6026 3130 3154 3177 3188 3194 3131 3143 3167 3181 3187
S11-59 2 0.7 4 8 6300 6300 6311 6329 6340 n.m n.m n.m 3239 3267 n.m n.m n.m 3265 3264
S11-60A 2 0.5 4 8 6310 6346 6383 6436 6466 3204 3251 3280 3302 3318 3221 3261 3278 3299 3313
S11-60B 2 0.7 4 8 6374 6403 6436 6452 6446 n.m n.m n.m 3289 3291 n.m n.m n.m 3306 3304
S11-61 2 1.4 1 10 5561 5587 5609 5631 5670 2983 2994 3012 3038 3048 2988 3007 3010 3028 3045
S11-62 2 3.5 1 8 5361 5362 5439 5539 5703 2963 2974 3004 3036 3071 2936 2953 2989 3022 3062
S11-63A 2 3.9 2 11 5139 5159 5236 5359 5533 2817 2851 2887 2932 2998 2778 2824 2870 2915 2981
S11-63B 2 3.4 2 11 5186 5206 5257 5350 5514 2856 2892 2918 2954 3004 2856 2876 2910 2951 2997
S11-64 2 2.5 2 11 5700 5740 5762 5820 5896 3043 3088 3104 3126 3146 3052 3074 3101 3124 3138
S13-11 2 2.0 2 11 5780 5796 5813 5817 5845 3078 3103 3115 3125 3134 3070 3093 3112 3120 3129
S1-34 2 14.8 4 3 7 4367 4433 4577 4755 4906 2510 2544 2608 2663 2720 2492 2533 2583 2651 2691
S1-35 2 14.1 1 2 9 4627 4643 4655 4670 4688 2601 2613 2623 2631 2636 2591 2605 2619 2628 2632
S1-36 2 3.2 1 1 10 5539 5552 5545 5569 5593 2972 2993 3002 3015 3025 2982 2991 3005 3018 3020
S1-37A 2 19.9 3 3 7 4264 4274 4351 4453 4500 2403 2441 2490 2541 2568 2334 2364 2422 2485 2507
S1-37B 2 9.5 1 2 9 5205 5230 5280 5282 5309 n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m
S1-38 2 4.6 3 7 5226 5270 5343 5426 5510 2907 2927 2951 2981 3004 2888 2908 2931 2960 2985
S1-39 2 14.8 1 2 6 4498 4504 4518 4532 4553 2554 2563 2572 2581 2590 2546 2557 2563 2571 2574
S1-40 2 17.3 4 3 7 4906 4948 4962 4975 5028 2717 2733 2736 2744 2752 2753 2758 2772 2767 2770
S1-41 2 13.6 3 7 4998 5000 5012 5011 5030 2776 2786 2806 2812 2820 2750 2758 2776 2783 2783
S1-42 2 10.2 1 3 7 4911 4956 5003 5083 5159 2775 2791 2816 2841 2875 2763 2779 2806 2836 2855
S1-43 2 0.6 4 2 6113 6133 6157 6177 6198 n.m 3206 3221 3244 3260 n.m 3197 3213 3231 3243
S1-44 2 10.8 1 3 7 4910 4975 4974 4997 5029 2712 2732 2752 2770 2778 2709 2724 2775 2761 2770
S1-45 2 1.0 4 6 6254 6250 6252 6274 6302 3223 3236 3250 3264 3277 3207 3224 3235 3251 3257
S1-46 2 1,6 4 6 5962 6003 6076 6122 6164 3170 3204 3226 3244 3268 3166 3182 3209 3239 3252
S1-47 2 0,7 1 11 5742 5748 5773 5798 5796 n.m n.m 3083 3089 3109 n.m n.m 3094 3086 3098
S16-65 2 0,2 2 11 6191 6212 6223 6275 6297 n.m n.m n.m 3210 3240 n.m n.m n.m 3204 3241
S16-66 2 0,4 2 11 6345 6362 6365 6375 6384 n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m
S16-67 2 0,4 4 6 6251 6271 6312 6323 6351 n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m
S16-68 2 0,2 2 11 6439 6443 6443 6470 6473 3223 3255 3281 3292 3297 3202 3240 3261 3276 3283
S16B-69 2 0,4 2 11 6192 6258 6275 6300 6312 3134 3191 3220 3244 3260 3120 3179 3210 3235 3249
S16B-70 2 0,0 2 10 6230 6241 6247 6258 6265 n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m
S16B-71 2 0,9 1 10 5821 5876 5878 5933 5967 3085 3109 3134 3154 3172 3084 3109 3131 3155 3166
S16B-72 2 4,3 2 9 5834 5813 5838 5884 5939 3136 3147 3165 3185 3207 3132 3130 3153 3174 3192
S16B-73 2 5,5 1 9 5344 5358 5407 5486 5637 2915 2929 2946 2976 3019 2936 2947 2964 2993 3040
S16B-74 2 6,9 1 8 4769 4949 5155 5418 5566 2666 2733 2814 2909 2966 2671 2728 2807 2901 2968
S16B-75 2 4,2 3 7 5346 5431 5518 5616 5738 2938 2980 3013 3055 3094 2971 2993 3027 3067 3101
S16B-76 2 8,1 1 3 7 4343 4493 4712 5057 5386 2546 2625 2713 2832 2949 2499 2581 2677 2798 2923
S16B-77 2 5,1 2 10 5554 5559 5581 5628 5734 3026 3036 3054 3075 3100 3035 3050 3056 3075 3097
S16B-78 2 3,2 3 7 5568 5534 5589 5676 5787 2861 2915 2979 3018 3068 2908 2994 2976 3001 3057
S16B-79 2 11,4 1 3 7 3990 4083 4278 4540 4909 2331 2370 2443 2555 2692 2335 2388 2452 2568 2713
S1B-48 2 1,2 1 6 5521 5557 5608 5683 5769 2991 2997 3040 3068 3090 2976 2992 3020 3050 3069
S1B-49 2 0,5 1 10 6135 6130 6151 6144 6164 n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m n.m
S1B-50 2 0,7 1 8 6077 6084 6095 6117 6161 n.m n.m n.m n.m 3129 n.m n.m n.m n.m 3146
S1B-51 2 7,8 1 2 10 5464 5457 5474 5482 5501 2974 2978 2984 2990 2991 2942 2953 2960 2964 2968
S1B-52 2 0,1 1 9 6225 6248 6260 6288 6334 n.m n.m n.m n.m 3194 n.m n.m n.m n.m 3210
S1B-53A 2 8,6 1 6 4857 4870 4928 5010 5095 2706 2726 2758 2791 2818 2690 2710 2736 2771 2797
S1B-53B 2 5,7 3 7 5522 5521 5531 5566 5637 2973 2994 3013 3033 3051 2991 2999 3013 3025 3050
S1B-54 2 3,3 3 7 5650 5686 5754 5860 5961 3024 3056 3091 3132 3161 3015 3050 3082 3119 3140
S4-18 2 9,9 2 2 10 5137 5147 5170 5172 5189 2817 2836 2847 2859 2866 2808 2828 2840 2845 2852

F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

S4-19 2 9,6 1 2 9 5157 5165 5177 5217 5223 2826 2842 2854 2865 2870 2823 2833 2846 2856 2864
S4-20 2 1,7 3 7 5741 5770 5809 5856 5948 3063 3090 3114 3139 3164 3062 3073 3099 3124 3152
S4-21 2 7,8 1 3 7 5140 5209 5319 5440 5541 2834 2877 2915 2961 3000 2817 2852 2889 2931 2973
S4-22A 2 5,1 1 8 5540 5568 5607 5650 5722 2987 3003 3024 3043 3058 n.m 3033 3036 3045 3063
S4-22B 2 6,7 1 8 5553 5588 5639 5696 5763 3015 3034 3050 3072 3085 3000 3020 3039 3055 3071
S4-23 2 15,7 1 2 9 4259 4266 4348 4439 4489 2424 2431 2466 2497 2517 2507 2518 2521 2528 2554
S4-25A 2 1,5 3 7 5797 5842 5884 5935 5990 3077 3099 3117 3139 3164 n.m 3090 3113 3141 3155
S4-25B 2 8,8 1 8 5339 5333 5340 5345 5357 2898 2907 2914 2919 2918 2900 2910 2914 2924 2927
S4-26 2 18,7 4 1 8 4415 4460 4533 4667 4757 2483 2542 2559 2604 2642 2511 2531 2571 2612 2644
S4-27 2 17,2 4 3 7 4904 4949 4955 5022 5063 2679 2704 2730 2751 2740 2686 2714 2737 2756 2744
S4-28 2 21,9 1 2 9 3947 3971 3970 3985 3980 2282 2292 2296 2298 2300 2268 2276 2280 2282 2282
S4-29 2 1,1 1 3 7 5881 5942 5979 6055 6089 3095 3129 3154 3177 3191 3106 3117 3143 3175 3186
S4-30 2 0,1 1 9 5932 5948 5969 6004 6076 n.m n.m n.m n.m 3184 n.m n.m n.m n.m 3191
S4-31 2 8,6 5 3 7 5809 5837 5894 5975 6007 3053 3070 3100 3131 3137 3007 3058 3080 3097 3132
S4-32 2 2,3 4 8 5763 5829 5936 6025 6142 3056 3089 3128 3173 3217 3036 3076 3116 3172 3204
S4-33 2 13,9 4 3 7 4726 4804 4882 5017 5127 2658 2708 2748 2792 2838 2641 2702 2751 2801 2850
S5-1 2 2,2 4 9 5462 5473 5513 5574 5670 2991 3016 3031 3057 3086 2990 3012 3027 3047 3074
S5-2 2 1,0 1 9 6033 6054 6091 6141 6184 3148 3170 3198 3220 3235 3154 3174 3198 3214 3230
S5-3 2 0,7 4 10 6269 6281 6297 6323 6345 n.m n.m 3234 3267 3290 n.m n.m 3225 3261 3281
S5-4 2 7,4 3 8 5171 5199 5230 5274 5364 2843 2875 2888 2910 2938 2852 2871 2882 2899 2931
S5-5 2 3,0 4 8 5142 5247 5389 5560 5778 2838 2907 2970 3035 3104 2861 2899 2960 3027 3096
S5-6 2 1,9 1 10 5629 5626 5681 5740 5835 3046 3074 3103 3129 3149 3048 3073 3102 3123 3145
S5-7 2 3,7 1 1 8 5179 5201 5238 5343 5464 2902 2913 2940 2967 3009 2889 2909 2929 2963 3001
S6-10 2 7,1 4 3 7 5433 5424 5454 5607 5845 2907 2903 2940 2989 3020 2880 2897 2937 2959 3012
S6-9 2 2,5 1 9 n.m n.m 4315 4755 5244 2275 2408 2571 2752 2939 2275 2422 2569 2755 2944
S6B-8 2 10,5 5 3 7 5655 5677 5700 5743 5811 3137 3156 3170 3187 3204 3146 3176 3182 3201 3219
S7-12 2 3,1 1 10 5889 5900 5928 5959 5972 3136 3146 3154 3161 3169 3127 3139 3142 3152 3158
S7-13 2 5,6 2 10 5640 5633 5624 5637 5656 3044 3048 3055 3067 3071 3071 3049 3044 3059 3067
S7-14 2 1,9 4 8 5368 5426 5493 5579 5822 2891 2922 2971 3033 3125 2873 2917 2961 3022 3112
S7-15 2 2,0 1 10 5707 5785 5826 5869 5957 n.m 3113 3131 3148 3177 n.m 3101 3121 3140 3166
S7-16 2 1,1 1 10 5927 5929 5957 5998 6039 3096 3132 3160 3180 3189 3110 3133 3156 3173 3185
S7-17 2 0,5 2 11 6370 6373 6383 6400 6409 3223 3250 3261 3275 3291 3209 3235 3253 3272 3278
Si.A 1 3,4 3 2 6 5841 5875 5958 6007 6072 3071 3100 3125 3162 3173 3058 3086 3101 3128 3167
Si.C 1 0,6 1 2 10 5967 5970 5974 5991 5995 3072 3091 3102 3110 3125 3061 3083 3087 3091 3098

8 F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

Fig. 3. Thin-section photomicrographs of Urgonian limestones under polarized-light, showing the main pore types: a) Sample An.P: peloidal–foraminiferal grainstone with dominant in-
tercrystalline microporosity within micritic allochems (porosity = 14.3%), b) Sample An.J: intergranular macropore partially filled with sparry calcite cements, c) Sample An.J: Rudist
grainstone–rudstone showing leached aragonitic bioclasts that are partially occluded by calcite spar, d) Sample An.M showing leached micritic allochems, e) Sample F_C_3: vuggy
macropore within a peloidal packstone to grainstone.

contrast, pore type appears to control the slope of velocity–porosity

transforms; at a given porosity samples with moldic, vuggy and inter-
granular macropores display significantly higher velocities compared
to microporous samples (Fig. 8). Such a negative departure of micro-
porous carbonates from the average velocity–porosity trend has
been reported from Neogene carbonates in the Great Bahamas
Bank (Anselmetti and Eberli, 1993, 1999, 2001; Eberli et al., 2003)
and from a database including carbonate samples from the Middle
East, Southeast Asia and Australia (Weger et al., 2009). Low velocity
values at a given porosity in microporous limestones could result
from the high compliance of intercrystalline micropores and/or
from the softness of grain contacts between micrite particles in rela-
tively loose micritic media (Fournier and Borgomano, 2009; Fournier
et al., 2011).
The VP/VS ratio displays an overall decreasing trend with increasing
porosity (Fig. 9) and for a given porosity samples with moldic, vuggy
and intergranular macropores exhibit higher VP/VS ratios. Among the
scarce papers dealing with the porosity dependency of VP∕VS ratios
for dry carbonates, a similar decreasing trend with increasing porosity
has been documented by Assefa et al. (2003) in oolitic and skeletal
grainstones and packstones, and by Røgen et al. (2005) in North Sea
Fig. 4. Dry compressional-wave velocity (Vp) versus effective pressure. chalks.
F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17 9

Fig. 5. Dry compressional (Vp) and shear-wave (Vs) velocity increment ratio (between 2.5 and 40 Mpa effective pressure) versus total sample porosity. Values are labelled as a function of
a) depositional texture, b) facies association and c) dominant pore type.

As suggested by Fournier et al. (2011), the computation of effective differential effective models (DEM: Appendix A) and self-consistent
property models such as self-consistent (Budiansky, 1965; Wu, 1966) models (SC: Appendix B) of a non-porous calcite host with spheroidal
or differential effective models (Cleary et al., 1980; Norris, 1985; inclusions of aspect ratio ranging from 0.10 to 0.22 (Figs. 7, 9). Equiva-
Zimmerman, 1991) helps modelling the velocity–porosity transforms lent pore aspect ratios calculated from shear moduli are slightly differ-
and elastic moduli-velocity transforms, and relating them to pore struc- ent with values ranging from 0.08 and 0.18. As a consequence, a
ture. As defined by Fournier et al. (2011), the Equivalent Pore Aspect distinction is required between the EPAR derived from bulk modulus
Ratio (EPAR) represents the aspect ratio of pores from an equivalent (= K-EPAR) and the EPAR derived from shear modulus (= μ-EPAR).
elastic medium consisting of a non-porous calcitic host with spheroidal Samples with moldic, vuggy and intergranular macropores exhibit
inclusions and displaying the same elastic moduli as the actual rock. higher K-EPAR (respectively μ-EPAR) with values ranging from 0.2 to
In the case of the Urgonian limestone database, bulk modulus versus po- 0.7 (respectively 0.12 to 0.65). K-EPAR and m-EPAR from DEM and SC
rosity relationships for microporous samples are correctly modelled by approaches are compared in Fig. 10 and display similar results. K-PAR
10 F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

Fig. 6. Dry shear-wave (Vs) versus compressional wave velocity (Vp) at a) 2.5 MPa, b) 5 MPa, c) 20 MPa and d) 40 MPa effective pressure.

vs μ-EPAR plots (Fig. 10c, f) allow 3 groups of samples to be For a grainstone/rudstone displaying an intragranular microporosity
discriminated: microporous samples (low K- and μ-EPAR b0.22), sam- Фm and a moldic/vuggy macroporosity ФM, the total porosity of the
ples with moldic and intergranular macropores (intermediate K- and sample is:
μ-EPAR) and vuggy samples (K-EPAR and μ-EPAR N 0.3). As a conse-
quence, independently of the numerical approach (DEM or SC), the Φ ¼ ΦM þ Φm ð1Þ
equivalent pore aspect ratio appears to be a powerful petrophysical
index for discriminating rock types with regard to elastic properties in with Фm ¼ Ф0 –ФM :Фgr ð2Þ
and Φgr ¼ ð3Þ
f gr
4.3. Quantification of the effect of moldic/vuggy porosity development on
Ф0 porosity of the microporous cemented grainstone/rudstone
The specific case of grain-supported mud-free limestones
host (without moldic/vuggy voids)
(grainstone and rudstone textures) is examined here. Léonide et al.
Фgr porosity of an individual microporous grain
(2014) evidenced two phases of moldic/vuggy pore development. An
fgr volumetric fraction of microporous grains in cemented
early meteoric phase of dissolution predominantly affected aragonitic
grains such as rudist and coral fragments and green algae. The resulting
moldic pores were partially to entirely occluded by sparry calcite ce-
Total moldic/vuggy porosity can be written as function of moldic/
ments whose stable isotope signature suggests a precipitation in mete-
vuggy macroporosity ФM and microporosity Ф0 of the cemented
oric/shallow burial environments. A later (telogenetic?) phase of
grainstone/rudstone host:
dissolution, postdating all the cementation phases, mainly affected mi-
croporous micritic grains. !
All the samples of the present database with moldic/vuggy porosity Φ ¼ Φ0 þ ΦM : 1− ð4Þ
are devoid of preserved intergranular pore space and exhibit various f gr
intragranular micropore contents. Most of the molds and vugs in
grainstone/rudstone formed by leaching of subrounded peloids or The volumetric fraction of microporous grains in the host material fgr
bioclasts (Fig. 3d) and can therefore be regarded as high-aspect ratio was chosen as the average value of microporous grain content (65%)
(close to 1) macropores. As a consequence, we propose to model and was calculated from the cemented grainstone database published
moldic/vuggy grainstones as a composite material with two end- by Fournier et al. (2011).
member constituents: (1) A cemented microporous grainstone/ As shown in Figs. 8, 10, bulk and shear moduli of microporous
rudstone host, and (2) spherical voids (moldic/vuggy macropores). cemented grainstones (host material) are a function of porosity (Ф0).
Both constituents are assumed to be isotropic, linear and elastic. Effec- For a given porosity bulk and shear moduli (of the microporous
tive property computations were performed using the differential effec- cemented grainstones (host material) were chosen as the median
tive medium (DEM) theory (Norris, 1985) that assumes isolated pores value of their distribution. The median value of bulk moduli (respective-
set within a continuous host material (Appendix A). ly shear moduli) is close to the value predicted by a DEM model of
F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17 11

Fig. 7. Dry compressional (Vp) and shear-wave (Vs) velocity (at 40Mpa effective pressure) versus porosity: a) whole database (this paper and Fournier et al., 2011), b) measurements la-
belled as a function of depositional texture, and c) measurements labelled as a function of facies association.

spheroidal inclusions within a calcitic host with an inclusion aspect ratio 4.4. Quantification of the effect of moldic/vuggy pore occlusion by calcite
of 0.15 (respectively 0.12). cements on velocities
Fig. 11a displays computed values of P-wave velocities derived
from DEM modelling, as a function of total porosity for moldic/vuggy
grainstones/rudstones with various host porosities (Ф0) and various The effect of moldic/vuggy pore occlusion by calcite spars on veloc-
moldic/vuggy void contents (ФM). Fig. 11b shows a good fit between ities, in moldic/vuggy grain-supported cemented limestones was quan-
the moldic/vuggy macroporosity values estimated from point counting tified in 3 steps:
on thin sections and those predicted by the models. As a consequence,
numerical models of effective elastic properties can be regarded as a 1) Quantification of the volume fraction of pore space occluded by
tool for predicting moldic/vuggy macroporosity from velocity measure- sparry calcite cementation (fsc) and of the residual moldic/vuggy po-
ments in mixed microporous/macroporous carbonate reservoirs. rosity by point counting on thin-sections (ФM).
12 F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

Fig. 8. a) Dry compressional (Vp) and shear-wave (Vs) velocity (at 40 Mpa effective pressure) versus porosity and b) Bulk and shear modulus versus porosity: values are labelled as a func-
tion of dominant pore type. Measurements are compared by effective property models of spheroidal dry inclusions with varying aspect ratio set within a non-porous calcite host, by using
DEM (full lines) and self-consistent (dotted lines) approaches.

2) Estimation of the total porosity Ф’ and of the moldic/vuggy porosity

Ф’M prior to the phase of void cementation, from ФM, fsc and the
measured sample porosity Ф:

Ф’ ¼ Ф þ f sc ð5Þ


Ф’M¼ ФMþ f sc ð6Þ

3) Estimation of the velocity of the carbonate rock prior to the phase of

void cementation by using Ф’, Ф’M and the DEM models of spherical
void inclusions (see the graphical method of velocity reconstruction
on Fig. 12).

Such estimated values of velocity can be regarded as “paleo-velocity”

values if one assumes a diagenetic scenario where the whole intergran-
ular pore space is already occluded prior to the development of molds
and vugs and prior to the cementation in voids. After this scenario,
sparry calcite cementation affects limestones with moldic macropores
Fig. 9. Dry velocity ratio (Vp/Vs) versus porosity (at 40 MPa effective pressure). Samples and intercrystalline micropore only. Paleo-velocity reconstructions in-
are labelled as a function of dominant pore type. dicate that during the occlusion of moldic pore space by sparry calcite
F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17 13

Fig. 10. a) Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated from laboratory-derived bulk modulus (K-EPAR) and DEM models, as a function of porosity, b) Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated
from laboratory-derived shear modulus (μ-EPAR) and DEM models, as a function of porosity, c) μ-EPAR vs K-EPAR for DEM models, d) Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated from
laboratory-derived bulk modulus (K-EPAR) and self-consistent (SC) models, as a function of porosity, e) Equivalent pore aspect ratio calculated from laboratory-derived shear modulus
(μ-EPAR) and self-consistent (SC) models, as a function of porosity, f) μ-EPAR vs K-EPAR for self-consistent (SC). Values are labelled as a function of dominant pore type.

cement, a decrease of 1% of pore volume leads to a P-wave velocity in- diagenetic processes (early compaction, cementation, dissolution and
crease ranging from 55 to 78 m/s (Fig. 12). Such reconstructions also in- sucrosic dolomitization) in Miocene to Pleistocene carbonates from
dicate that no significant change of K-EPAR and m-EPAR occurred the Great Bahamas Bank. Brigaud et al. (2010) proposed qualitative
during moldic pore cementation. velocity–porosity pathways in Middle Jurassic grainstones from the
Paris Basin, as a function of the diagenetic scenario (early cementation
5. Discussion: equivalent pore aspect ratio as a tool for linking pore vs early compaction). In Urgonian microporous cemented grainstones
network evolution and elastic properties in carbonates from Provence, Fournier et al. (2011) related porosity and velocity
changes to micron-scale cementation and leaching processes within
The detection and quantification of diagenetic pathways in velocity– micritic allochems.
porosity transforms are a major challenge for rock physics and for seis- From the results of the present study, the equivalent pore aspect-
mic inversion processes in carbonate reservoirs. Various studies focused ratio (EPAR) is proposed as a tool for discriminating pore types and dia-
on the relationships between pore type, pore geometry and acoustic ve- genetic pathways thus helping in characterizing more quantitatively the
locity (e.g. Anselmetti and Eberli, 1993, 1999; Eberli et al., 2003; Baechle velocity–porosity trajectories in carbonate reservoirs. Fig. 10 shows that
et al., 2008; Weger et al., 2009; Verwer et al., 2010) but very few papers K- and μ-EPAR three categories of dominant pore types exist: purely mi-
document the link between pore network evolution through time and croporous limestones characterized by relatively soft pores (K-EPAR
velocity–porosity trajectories in carbonate rocks. Anselmetti and Eberli and μ-EPAR b 0.22), samples with preserved intergranular and moldic
(2001) established qualitative velocity–porosity paths of different porosity with stiffer pores (intermediate K-EPAR and μ-EPAR) values,
14 F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

Fig. 11. a) DEM velocity models of spherical void inclusion within a microporous grainstone/rudstone host for various host porosity (red curves). The full black curve is the median value of
Vp-porosity transform for microporous grainstones/rudstones. Such models are compared with compressional-wave velocity laboratory measurement (at 40 MPa confining pressure) for
various urgonian limestone samples displaying dissolution molds, thus allowing the moldic porosity to be estimated. b) Predicted moldic/vuggy porosity (after DEM models) versus
moldic/vuggy porosity estimated from point-counting on thin section.

and vuggy limestones displaying the stiffest pores (K-EPAR and μ- through moldic pore development and subsequent mold cementation.
EPAR N 0.3). Equivalent pore aspect-ratio concepts could be utilized As evidenced by Anselmetti and Eberli (2001) in the Bahamas, dissolu-
practically in subsurface studies, after diagenetic and petrophysical cal- tion processes resulted in a low velocity decrease during moldic poros-
ibration from core data to predict pore types in uncored intervals by ity development whereas cementation processes led to steeper increase
using sonic and neutron-porosity. in velocity with pore occlusion.
Figs. 11, 12 show the applicability of numerical effective property Fournier et al. (2011) demonstrated for Urgonian microporous
modelling to quantitatively predict the velocity–porosity trajectories cemented grainstones that micron-scale cementation between micrite

Fig. 12. a) Principle of P-wave velocity estimation prior to the phase of sparry calcite cementation in molds, by using DEM velocity models of spherical void inclusion within a microporous
grainstone/rudstone host, total sample porosity (laboratory measurement), residual moldic porosity ФM (from point counting) and volume fraction of cements in molds fsp; b) Estimation
of P-wave velocity prior to cementation of molds from selected urgonian samples. The estimated trends of moldic pore cementation are nearly parallel to DEM velocity models for a given
aspect ratio (iso-EPAR curves in blue).
F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17 15

crystals occurs at constant EPAR. Such a diagenetic trend is confirmed by

the present database (including various depositional textures and fa-
cies) that exhibits purely microporous limestones with K-EPAR values
averaging 0.15 and μ-EPAR-values averaging 0.13 (Fig. 8). In a similar
way, larger-scale sparry-calcite cementation processes within molds
occur at constant EPAR (Fig. 13). Constant EPAR values through cemen-
tation processes at different scales (micron-scale cements between
micrite crystals and sparry cements in molds) suggest that the overall
dominating pore shape remains unchanged during pore occlusion.
In contrast, dissolution processes leading to moldic pore development
result in a significant increase in EPAR (Fig. 13). This trend is consistent
with the development of spheroidal to nearly spherical pores by disso-
lution of high aspect-ratio allochems (peloids, rounded bioclasts…).
Three velocity–porosity trajectories related to 3 diagenetic paths
are identified and quantified from our database (Fig. 13): 1) EPAR-
preserving micro-scale cementation of micrite, 2) non-EPAR-
preserving dissolution with moldic pore development and 3) EPAR-
preserving sparry calcite cementation of molds.
Another interesting issue related to velocity–porosity trajectories in
carbonates is the evolution of the dry pore space stiffness (sensu Mavko
et al., 1995) through diagenetic transformations, since it represents the
basis of Gassmann’s equation for fluid substitution. Fig. 14 compares the
velocity–porosity trajectories from the Urgonian limestone database
with iso-dry pore space stiffness curves (Appendix C). For porosity
values lower than 10%, iso-dry pore stiffness curves are nearly parallel
to iso-EPAR curves suggesting that dry pore stiffness is dominantly con-
trolled by pore shape in the low porosity range. EPAR-preserving ce-
Fig. 14. Bulk modulus versus porosity: laboratory-derived values (at 40 Mpa) labelled as a
mentations can be therefore regarded as dry pore stiffness-preserving function of dominant pore type, DEM models of spheroidal inclusion of various aspect
transformations. At higher porosity values (N 10%), iso-dry pore stiffness ratio within a calcite host (full black curves), and theoretical bulk modulus for various
and iso-EPAR curves diverge, thus illustrating the elastic-interaction ef- values of normalized dry pore space stiffness (red curves).
fect (O’Connell and Budiansky, 1974): an isolated pore is stiffer than a

pore sitting in the neighbourhood of many other pores. Indeed, as

highlighted by Mavko and Mukerji (1995), a constant pore shape does
not mean constant pore space stiffness. As a consequence, equivalent
pore aspect ratio can be regarded as a more appropriate parameter com-
pared to pore space stiffness for relating pore network evolution to elas-
tic properties in carbonates.

6. Conclusions

The integration of porosity, P- and S- wave velocity porosity measure-

ments and a petrographic and pore space characterization of 214 carbon-
ate samples in a well constrained depositional and diagenetic setting
allowed various diagenetic trajectories to be determined in velocity–po-
rosity transforms. The study demonstrates the relevance of the use of nu-
merical effective modelling in quantifying diagenetic paths in the
evolution of elastic properties in carbonate reservoirs. The equivalent
pore aspect ratio (EPAR) is proposed as a useful parameter 1) for discrim-
inating pore types from velocity and porosity measurements, and 2) for
quantifying the effect of cementation processes at various scales on elastic
properties in limestones. Cementation of the intercrystalline micropore
space in micritic media and sparry calcite cementation of molds are
shown to occur at constant EPAR value. In contrast, dissolutions processes
leading to moldic porosity development are responsible for an increase in
Such an approach could be applied to other diagenetic transforma-
tions and other pore type and used practically in subsurface studies to
detect pore types and diagenetic evolution patterns of carbonate reser-
voirs from well log and seismic data.
Fig. 13. P-wave velocity–porosity trajectories for various diagenetic transformations in
Urgonian grainstones/rudstones: cementation of intercrystalline micropores within Appendix A. DEM theory
micritic grains in cemented grainstone/rudstones (EPAR-preserving transformation
along the black curve), dissolution mold development from a microporous cemented
grainstone/rudstone precursor (non-EPAR-preserving transformation along the red
The differential effective medium (DEM) theory models the effective
curves) and sparry calcite cementation of dissolution molds (EPAR-preserving transfor- elastic moduli of two-phase composites by adding infinitesimal quanti-
mation along the blue curves). ties of inclusions to the host phase (Cleary et al., 1980; Norris, 1985;
16 F. Fournier et al. / Sedimentary Geology 308 (2014) 1–17

Zimmerman, 1991). In this theory, the effective bulk and shear moduli The Eqs. (C-1) and (C-2) are solved iteratively as follows:
of the composite, K*(y) and μ*(y) respectively, are governed by a
coupled system of ordinary differential equations (Mavko et al., 1998): >
> ΦK i P in þ ð1−ΦÞK h P hn
< K nþ1 ¼
ΦP in þ ð1−ΦÞP hn
ðC  3Þ
d  >
> Φμ i Q in þ ð1−ΦÞμ h Q hn
ð1−yÞ ½K ðyÞ ¼ P ðK 2 −KÞðyÞ >
: μ nþ1 ¼
dy ΦQ in þ ð1−ΦÞQ hn
ðA  1Þ
ð1−yÞ ½μ ðyÞ ¼ Q ðμ 2 −μÞðyÞ
Appendix C. Dry pore space compressibility
with initial conditions K*(0) = K1 = 71 GPa and μ*(0) = μ1 = 30 GPa,
and The dry pore space compressibility 1/KФ (KФ = dry pore space stiff-
ness) is defined as the ratio of the fractional change in pore volume vp to
K1, μ1 bulk and shear moduli of the initial host material (pure an increment of applied external hydrostatic stress σ, at constant pore
calcite), respectively pressure P (Zimmerman, 1991):
K2, μ2 bulk and shear moduli of the inclusion (pure calcite),
respectively 1 1 ∂vp
Y concentration of the inclusions ¼ : ðC  1Þ
K Φ vp ∂σ

The coefficients P and Q depend upon the shape of the inclusion and
The effective dry compressibility of a homogeneous, linear, porous
upon the elastic moduli of the host and inclusion phases. For spherical in-
and elastic rock can be written as (Mavko et al., 1995):
clusions, P and Q are given by (Berryman, 1995):
1 1 Φ
4 ¼ þ ; ðC  2Þ
Kc þ μc K dry K 0 K Φ
P¼ 3 ðA  2Þ
Km þ μc where:

Kdry effective bulk modulus of dry porous solid

K0 bulk modulus of intrinsic mineral material (K0 = 71 GPa for
K c þ ξc
and Q ¼ ; ðA4Þ calcite)
K m þ ξc Ф porosity.

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6 ðK c þ 2μ c Þ
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