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Oracle® EMEA Add-on Localizations

User Guide for CLE Upgrade

Release 12.2

March 2014
Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade, Release 12.2

Part No.

Copyright © 2010, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Rakesh Pulla and Anil Dasi

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1 Preparing for the Upgrade

Pre-upgrade Tasks..................................................................................................................... 1-1
Step 1 Upgrade the 11i Oracle E-Business Suite to R12.2......................................................... 1-1
Step 2 EMEA Add-on Localizations - Upgrade steps to 12.2 (Doc ID 1593750.1) ................... 1-1
Step 3 Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite (Database and Application) ................................ 1-1
Step 4 EMEA Add-on Localization Upgrade Toolkit Patch ................................................... 1-2
Step 5 EMEA Add-on Localization Patches.............................................................................. 1-2
Step 6 Setting up Profile Values............................................................................................... 1-3
Step 7 Manual Pre-upgrade Steps (conditional)....................................................................... 1-4

2 Perform Upgrade
Perform the Upgrade................................................................................................................. 2-1
Step 1 Review the Table Mappings.......................................................................................... 2-1
Step 2 Select the Migration Criteria - Mandatory..................................................................... 2-2
Step 3 View Confirmation and Report Output........................................................................ 2-3

3 Post Upgrade Tasks

Overview................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Step 1 Review the Reports......................................................................................................... 3-1
Step 2 Correct the Exceptions.................................................................................................... 3-5
Step 3 Rerun the Migration....................................................................................................... 3-5

4 Appendix - A
References.................................................................................................................................. 4-1

5 Appendix - B
Error codes and Descriptions.................................................................................................... 5-1

6 Appendix - C
11i EMEA Add-on Localizations - Upgrade Toolkit Scope...................................................... 6-1

7 Appendix - D
11i EMEA Add-on Localizations – Deactivated Objects.......................................................... 7-1


Send Us Your Comments

Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade, Release 12.2
Part No.

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If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, then please tell us your name, the
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Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that you have the latest version of the
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Send your comments to us using the electronic mail address: [email protected]
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE
This user guide includes information to help you understand the following procedures
involved as a part of the Upgrade process:
• Pre-Upgrade Tasks

• Perform Upgrade Tasks

• Post-Upgrade Tasks

See Related Information Sources on page viii for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

1 Preparing for the Upgrade
2 Perform Upgrade
3 Post Upgrade Tasks
4 Appendix - A
5 Appendix - B
6 Appendix - C
7 Appendix - D

Related Information Sources
This guide is a source of information about major requirements of upgrading EMEA
Add-on Localizations features and is designed to provide useful guidance and
assistance to:
• Consultants upgrading Add-on Localizations from 11i to R12.2 Oracle E-Business

• Users of the Oracle E-Business Suite

The Oracle EMEA® Add-on Localizations Upgrade guide assumes that you have good
understanding of core modules, the country specific requirements and Add-on features.
If you have never used the Oracle E-Business Suite, we suggest you to attend one or
more training classes available through the Oracle University.

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data
unless otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of
your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify
Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you may
change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If
your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous
information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite.
When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps
track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using

database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.

Preparing for the Upgrade

Pre-upgrade Tasks
To prepare Release 11i EMEA Add-on Localizations for an upgrade, you must perform
pre-upgrade tasks as described in the following sections.
For a list of 11i EMEA Add-on Localizations covered by the Upgrade Toolkit, please
refer to Appendix-C.
Following are the MANDATORY steps to perform as a part of the pre-upgrade

Step 1 Upgrade the 11i Oracle E-Business Suite to R12.2

Perform the standard Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade of Release 11i to Release 12.2.
For more details regarding the Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade refer to the Upgrade
Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.2 (Part No. E48834-02).

Step 2 EMEA Add-on Localizations - Upgrade steps to 12.2 (Doc ID

If you are using the product CLE (EMEA Add-on Localizations), then after the core
EBS upgrade from 11i to 12.2 is completed and before you enable EBR, you need to
complete the steps for the EMEA Add-On Localizations upgrade as given in the
Doc ID 1593750.1
After completing the CLE steps provided in the Document ID, enable EBR and
upgrade the instance to 12.2.X as per the EBS upgrade process and then continue
with the next steps (Step 3 onwards) given in this document.

Step 3 Backup of Oracle E-Business Suite (Database and Application)

Make a cold backup of the Oracle Applications database. You can use it to restore the
database should you encounter problems during the upgrade process. In addition to the
database files, back up the APPL_TOP, product customizations, and customized help
Preparing for the Upgrade 1-2
We strongly recommend that you back up your entire system before you begin the

Step 4 EMEA Add-on Localization Upgrade Toolkit Patch

Apply the Upgrade Toolkit patch to install the EMEA Add-on Localizations R12.2
Upgrade Toolkit.

Add the R12 Upgrade responsibility "R12 Upgrade Toolkit" to the User.
Add the following programs to the request group 'All Reports and Programs' of the
application 'EMEA Add-on Localizations'.
1. CLEF363: Disable AOL Objects

2. CLEF363: Exception Report

3. CLEF363: Audit Report

4. CLEF363: Data Migration Program

5. CLEF363: ESL Migration Program

6. CLEF363: EPL Migration Program

Step 5 EMEA Add-on Localization Patches

The First page of Upgrade toolkit will display the list of R12.2 EMEA Add-on
localization patches based on the 11i features installed on this environment. Make sure
all these required EMEA Add-on Localization patches have been applied in the Release
12.2 instance.
To view the patches that have been applied, follow the below steps:
1. Navigate to R12 Upgrade Toolkit page.

2. Enter a value for the Country field.

3. Click on the Go button.

For Example please refer the screenshot given below:

1-1 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
This page lists all the 11i Add-on features installed on the 11i environment (before
upgrade) and the corresponding list of R12.2 EMEA Add-On localization patch details
required to enable such features in R12.2.
On an ongoing basis there will be patches released that contains an update script for
uploading the latest patch information into this toolkit's seed data. Please log a service
request to receive the latest update script.
Apply these R12.2 patches before performing the next step.
For pre-installation, installation and post-installation process for these R12.2 patches
refer to the country-specific My Oracle Support notes listed in the Appendix – A
After successful installation, refresh this page to verify the list of R12.2 patches installed
on the instance.

Important: In the following cases where the table names are the same in
11i and R12.2, but the structures are different, the Upgrade toolkit will
take the backup of those 11i tables, when the toolkit UI is opened for
the first time. That will also prevent any problems arising due to table
names, while the user is applying R12.2 patches.

The below 11i Table names are suffixed with '_BKP' as follows:






Preparing for the Upgrade 1-2

Step 6 Setting up Profile Values

Profile Option Description Values

CLE Upgrade Edit Mappings To edit the table mappings in Yes / No

the Mappings page of the
Upgrade toolkit

CLEF363: Debug Enable To log the debug messages as Yes / No

a part of the Data Migration

Step 7 Manual Pre-upgrade Steps (conditional)

Reporting Entity Setup
Applies to: European Sales and Purchases Listing (XC-02)
As a pre-requisite for EMEA VAT: Selection Process, Reporting Entities need to be setup
for a combination of Legal Entity, Tax Regime, Tax Registration Number and Legal
Establishments as per individual's reporting requirements.
Please refer to the User Guide: Financials for Europe for additional information on how
to setup Reporting Entities.
EBTAX Reporting Types and Reporting Codes Setup
Applies to: AP Tax Invoices Register (RU-71)
As a pre-requisite for this component EBTAX – Reporting Types and Reporting Codes
need to be setup, corresponding to the Reporting codes setup in 11i.
Please refer to User Guide: VAT User Guide for Russia for additional
information on how to setup Reporting Types and Reporting Codes.
Alerts Setup
Applies to: Prepayment Matching with Customer Invoice (XC-05)
Note that Alert setup from 11i continues to be valid after the EBS upgrade. Hence no
new alert setup is required for this component in R12.2.

1-1 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Perform Upgrade

Perform the Upgrade

After you prepare your system for the upgrade, you can begin the upgrade to Release
12.2. The below sections describes the process of upgrading.
This section describes the tasks required to initiate the CLE upgrade process. The
MANDATORY steps that must be performed during the upgrade downtime are listed

Step 1 Review the Table Mappings

Navigate to the Mappings page of Upgrade Toolkit. This page lists the EMEA Add-on
Localization features for the selected Country in R12.2

On selecting the feature, the relevant tables and the corresponding column names in 11i
and R12.2 will be displayed in the Table Mapping section of the page. User can review
the mappings; make changes as required and click on Save to retain the changes.
Default mapping may be changed when a single instance (global customer) with
multiple Operating Units across various countries have installed features with reference
to the same LDFF. In this scenario the R12.2 attribute columns mapped may require
change based on the 11i LDFF setups for these features.

Perform Upgrade 2-1

User is allowed to edit the mappings only if value for profile option 'CLE Upgrade Edit
Mappings' is set to Yes.

Step 2 Select the Migration Criteria - Mandatory

You can perform the Data Migration after reviewing and editing the table mapping.
Different parameters are provided in the Migration Criteria Region of the Mappings
page. Following is the description of parameters of the Data Migration Program:

Parameter Name Options

Migrate All Records – To migrate all Records (Used

for Initial Run)

Error Records – To migrate only Error

Records (Used as a part of Rerun)

Default value is 'All Records'

Operating Unit All – Migrates data for all Operating Units.

Individual Operating Units are listed in the


Optionally, specific operating units can be

selected as required, in high volume instances.

Default Value is 'All'

Migrate Orphan Records Yes – To migrate the Orphan Records

No – To ignore the Orphan Records

Default Value will be 'No'

2 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade

Change the default values of the parameters as appropriate and click on the Migrate
button to submit the Data Migration program.
After submitting the Migration program, toolkit will display the Confirmation page.

Step 3 View Confirmation and Report Output

Review the completion status of the Data Migration Program from the Requests
window, by clicking on the Check Request Status button. The following concurrent
programs will be executed in the order as mentioned below.
1. CLE Upgrade Data Migraton Program

2. CLE Upgrade Disabe AOL Objects

3. CLE Upgrade Audit Report

4. CLE Upgrade Exception Report

After the Data Migration Program is completed the Disable AOL Objects program is
submitted by the toolkit. This program deactivates the various 11i localizations objects
viz. LDFFs, Concurrent requests etc.
For the list of 11i EMEA Add-on Localization objects that are deactivated by the
Upgrade Toolkit, please refer to Appendix-D.

Perform Upgrade 2-3

After completion of Data Migration Program and Disable AOL Objects programs,
proceed to the Post-Upgrade Tasks section.

4 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade

Post Upgrade Tasks

This chapter contains information regarding the tasks that have to be performed after
all the steps as a part of the Upgrade Tool kit are completed. As a part of the
post-upgrade tasks certain reports listed below need to be run and reviewed, to verify
that the upgrade was successful. Based on the exceptions reported required corrective
actions need to be taken.

Step 1 Review the Reports

The Upgrade Toolkit is provided with the following reports:
• CLE Upgrade Audit Report

• CLE Upgrade Exception Report

CLE Upgrade Audit Report

The 'CLE Upgrade Audit Report' lists all relevant table names and the number of
records migrated during the upgrade process. Any discrepancy in number of records
migrated and corresponding exceptions can be seen in the CLE Upgrade Exception
Following is the report parameter:

Parameter Name Description Required

Post Upgrade Tasks 3-1

Country Name LOV of name of Country for No
which user needs to run this

The Data Migration program will submit this report automatically, once the migration
is complete. This report can also be submitted manually as required.
Following is the layout of the Audit Report.

Report Layout

Layout Field Description

Component Name EMEA Add-on localization feature name

Component Code EMEA Add-on localization feature code

3-2 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Tables Migrated Count of tables being migrated

Table Name in 11i 11i table name

Table Name in R12 R12 table name

Row Count in 11i Number of table records in 11i

Row Count in R12 Number of table records migrated to R12

Rows failed Migration Number of records that failed to migrate

As described above the CLE Upgrade Audit Report lists the various CLE tables whose
data is being migrated. Row count in 11i and R12 indicates the number of records being
migrated and the records which are already migrated respectively. The difference
between them indicates the records, which failed to migrate.
For a successful migration the column Rows failed Migration minus the count of
exceptions of type Orphan Record must be zero to indicate that all the 11i records are
successfully migrated to R12.
Exceptions encountered during the migration process are tracked using the CLE
Upgrade Exception Report, whose details are listed below.
CLE Upgrade Exception Report
CLE Upgrade Exception Report lists the exceptions occurred during the Data Migration.
The exceptions displayed in this report need to be corrected and Data Migration program
can be submitted with 'Error records' option in migration criteria to confirm if the fix was
Following are the report parameters:

Parameter Name Description Required

Country Name LOV of name of Country for No

which user needs to run this

Run Id Unique number for the No

Migration performed.

Post Upgrade Tasks 3-3

The Data Migration program submits this report automatically once the CLE Upgrade
Audit Report is completed. This report can also be submitted manually as required.
Following is the layout of the Exception Report.

Report Layout

Layout Field Description

Component Name EMEA Add-on localization feature name

Component Code EMEA Add-on localization feature code

Exception Number Sequential number for exceptions encountered

Exception Type Exception reference

Corresponding Transaction Type Type of transaction in error. For example–

Invoice, Receipt etc.

Corresponding Transaction Number Number of the transactions having an


Exception Details Oracle exception returned during the

migration process.

Refer to the Appendix – B for list of key error codes and suggestions to handle those

3-4 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Step 2 Correct the Exceptions
The exceptions, if any displayed in the Exception report should be handled before the
rerun of the Upgrade tool kit.
Refer to the Appendix – B for the list of key error codes and suggestions to handle those

Step 3 Rerun the Migration

Once the exceptions have been fixed, the Data Migration program can be re-submitted
with 'Error Records' or 'All Records' option in Migration options.
When the report is submitted in 'Error Records' mode migration will be performed only
for the table where exception was encountered earlier.
When the report is submitted in 'All Records' mode the migration will start from the
table where exception was encountered earlier and continue with other tables.

Post Upgrade Tasks 3-5

Appendix - A

Following is the list of My Oracle Support Note IDs for R12.2 EMEA Add- on
localization for each country.

Reference Document My Oracle Support Note ID

Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release Part Number:

11i to Release 12.2

R12 EMEA Add-on Localizations – CIS 472418.1

R12 EMEA Add-on Localizations – Belgium 471300.1

R12 EMEA Add-on Localizations – Czech 548882.1


R12 EMEA Add-on Localizations – Romania 433874.1

R12 EMEA Add-on Localizations – 473496.1


R12 EMEA Add-on Localizations – 468000.1


R12 EMEA Add-on Localizations – Slovakia 548888.1

Appendix - A 4-1
Appendix - B

Error codes and Descriptions

Error Type Description Action

Orphan Record When migrating data from 11i While migrating, select the
to R12.2, for any record in option:
R12.2 LDFF table, if the
corresponding transaction Migrate Orphan records -
does not exist in R12.2 base 'NO'
table then that record is called
an Orphan record and it can
be either migrated or ignored
based on the user selection on
the UI.

Example of Orphan Record –

when a LDFF table is
populated but the
corresponding entries in the
base tables are removed due
to changed setups or deleted
or cancelled transactions.

Missing Source Transactions When migrating data from 11i Check the standard upgrade
to R12.2, for any record in log for the missing transaction
R12.2 if that transaction does data
not exist in R12.2 base table
and exists in 11i base table
then it means that the
transaction data is missing
after the standard upgrade.

Appendix - B 5-1
Duplicate Records Migration program finds any
record, which is already
migrated to R12.2 and logs
those records as errors.

Missing Setup If source setup data is missing Check the EBS upgrade log
in R12.2 during the for the missing setup data and
localization data migration, manually setup the data in
this error will be logged. R12.2 if required.

Others Unexpected Issue Please check the Error

description on the Exception
report and fix it. Contact
Oracle Support if you need
additional help.

5-2 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Appendix - C

11i EMEA Add-on Localizations - Upgrade Toolkit Scope

Country Object Name

Belgium Belgian Banking Solution

Direct Debit Format DOM080

European Sales Listing

Fiche 104OD

Fiche 281.50 / 325.50

Czech Republic Round up Invoices

Inventory List of Assets Report

Asset Retirement Report by Retirement Type

SKP/CZ-CC Control and Tax Depreciation Report

Tax Depreciation by Depreciation Groups Report

Adding Voucher Number for Mass Addition

Calculation of Last Depreciation in case of Asset

Appendix - C 6-1
Country Object Name


Change in Method after Technical Enhancement

CLE: Depreciation Rounding Program

CLE: Prepayment Application

CLE European Sales Listing Report

CLE: Intrastat Movement Statistics

Depreciation Run

Netherlands AR-NL Consulting Localizations

Romania Trial Balance

Invoice Aging Report

Physical Inventory Report

Goods Received Note

Consumption Bill

Inventory Accounting Card

Transfer Note for Goods

Purchasing VAT Register

Sales VAT Register

Trial balance yearly

6-2 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Country Object Name

Switzerland BC Bank MasterData Loader

ESR Entry Screen

AP Invoice online validation

Payment Validation

EFT DTA Payment Order

EPO Payment Format

AP VAT Report

Ukraine Inventory Trial Balance

Disclosure on Payables and Receivables

Account Analysis grouped by Journal Source and


Petty Cash Book, Cash Receipts and Cash Order

Payment Order Report

Exchange Differences on Payables and Receivables

Advances from Customers

Foreign Currency Exchange

Tax Invoice

Russia AR Tax Invoices Register

AP Tax Invoices Register

Receivables and Payables Audit report

Appendix - C 6-3
Country Object Name

Customer Balance Reconciliation report

Payment Request Report

Power of Attorney

Materials Returned to Suppliers

Inventory Counting Results Reconciliation Report

Inventory Accounting Card

FA Depreciation Bonus

Apply Prepayment Amount to Final Invoice

Slovakia Capital Asset Inventory Card

Asset Classification and Disposal Report

CLE: AR ECE European Sales Listing Report

CLE: Detailed Account Analysis Report

CLE: Depreciation Rounding Program

CLE: Prepayment Application

CLE: Intrastat Movement Statistics

The following 11i CLE solutions are not supported in the Upgrade toolkit as they have
been moved to other modules in R12.

Country Object name

Czech Republic Unrealized Gain/loss report AP/AR

Unrealized Gain/loss report GL

Romania Correspondence Accounting.

6-4 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Appendix - D

11i EMEA Add-on Localizations – Deactivated Objects

Following is the list of 11i EMEA Add-on Localizations solutions and the corresponding
database objects that will be deactivated, if already installed.

Concurrent Programs

Object Name Concurrent Program

Belgian Banking Solution Load Bank Statement Data

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: Process All Lockboxes

European Sales Listing CLE: Belgian Confirm / Cancel Declarations

Fiche 104OD BPS Fiscal Fiche 104/OD

Materials Returned to CLEF019 Materials Return to Supplier


FA Depreciation Bonus CLE:FA Depreciation Bonus Calculation

Account Analysis Report Detailed Account Analysis Report

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: Load Statement Receipts

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: Bank Statement Import

Appendix - D 7-1
Object Name Concurrent Program

Direct Debit Format DOM080 CLE: AR Belgian Direct Debit Remittance Advice

European Sales Listing CLE: Belgian VAT ESL Summarize and Declare Process

European Sales Listing CLE: Belgian VAT ESL Return

European Sales and Purchases CLE : AP ECE European Purchases Listing


European Sales and Purchases CLE : AR ECE European Sales Listing


Unrealized Gain/loss report Receivables Exchange Differences Report


Unrealized Gain/loss report CLE: GL Unrealized Gain/loss Report


Intrastat Netherlands Request Movement Statistics Report (INTRASTAT Report)


Inventory Trial Balance Inventory Trial Balance Report

Disclosure on Payables and Payables Balances Disclosure Report to generate XML Data

Petty Cash Book, Cash CLE: Cash Receipts Order Report (Petty Cash)
Receipts and Cash Order

Payment Order Report Payment Order Layout

Advances from Customers CLE: OM Pro Forma Invoice Report

Tax Invoice Prepayment Tax Invoice Report

Change in Method after Change of Method after Technical Appraisal for an Asset
Technical Enhancement

Tax Depreciation by CLE: Tax Depreciation by Depreciation groups Report

Depreciation Groups Report

7-2 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Object Name Concurrent Program

Round up Invoices CLE:Round Up Invoices

Inventory List of Assets Report Asset Inventory Report(Localisation)

Trial Balance CLE : GL Trial Balance with 8 columns Report

Goods Received Note CLE : INV Goods Received Note

Consumption Bill CLE: INV Consumption Bill Report

Transfer Note for Goods CLE: INV Transfer Note for Goods Report

Sales VAT Register CLE: AR Sales Ledger Report

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Payables Translation Program

Correspondence Accounting WIP Translation Program

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Inventory Standard Cost Translation


Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Receivables Translation Program

EFT DTA Payment Order Removes the unwanted characters

EFT DTA Payment Order CLE: Swiss DTA Payment File Report

EPO Payment Format Swiss EPO Payment Format

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: CM to GL Interface

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: Bank Statement Loader

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: Populate Seed Data

Direct Debit Format DOM080 CLE: AR Belgian Direct Debit Format (Layout 128)

European Sales Listing CLE: VAT ESL Summarize and Declare Report - XML

Appendix - D 7-3
Object Name Concurrent Program

European Sales Listing CLE: Belgian VAT ESL Audit Report - XML

European Sales Listing CLE: Belgian VAT ESL Audit Report - XMLnew

Fiche 281.50 / 325.50 Income Taxe Individual Slip 281.50 and Summary Slip 325.50
in XML

AR Tax Invoices Register CLE: AR Invoice Tax Register

AP Tax Invoices Register CLE: AP Invoice Tax Register

Receivables and Payables CLE: Receivables And APayables Audit Report

Audit report

Customer Balance CLE: Customer Balance Reconciliation

Reconciliation report

Payment Request Report CLEF:Payment Request Report

Inventory Counting Results CLE:Inventory Counting Results Reconciliation Report

Reconciliation Report

Inventory Accounting Card CLE: Inventory Accounting Card Report


Depreciation Rounding CLE: Depreciation Rounding Program

Intrastat Netherlands Request Movement Statistics Program


Petty Cash Book, Cash CLE: CE Petty Cash Book Report

Receipts and Cash Order

Exchange Differences on Receivables Exchange Differences Report(1)

Payables and Receivables

BC Bank MasterData Loader CLE: Load Swiss Banks from Telekurs File

BC Bank MasterData Loader CLE: SQL*Loader Program

7-4 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Object Name Concurrent Program

Change in Method after Technical Appraisal for Manual and Mass Additions
Technical Enhancement

CLE European Sales Listing CLE: European Sales Listing


Netherlands Request Set CLE: Update CUSTOM.pll after AR-NL Patch Application

Inventory Accounting Card CLE: INV Accounting Card Report

Purchasing VAT Register CLE: AP Purchasing Ledger Report

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Transfer to Custom Table Program

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: GL Translation Program

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Transfer to GL Interface program

Correspondence Accounting CLE UA: Fixed Assets Translation Program

Capital Asset Inventory Card Capital Asset Inventory Card Report

Asset Classification and CLE: Asset Disposal Report

Disposal Report

EPO Payment Format Program to generate Swiss EPO Payment File output

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: Belgian Financial Register - XML Publishing

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: Bank Statement Import & AutoReconciliation

European Sales Listing CLE: Belgian VAT ESL Audit Report

Unrealized Gain/loss report Payables Exchange Differences Report


Asset Accounting Create Journal Entries with modification to pic the expense

Intrastat Netherlands Request CLEF087: Movement Statistics XML Report


Appendix - D 7-5
Object Name Concurrent Program

Account Analysis grouped by GL Account Analysis Report to generate XML Data

Journal Source and Category

Petty Cash Book, Cash CLE: AP Cash Expense Order report (Petty Cash)
Receipts and Cash Order

Exchange Differences on Payables Exchange Differences Report(1)

Payables and Receivables

Advances from Customers CLE: OM Booked Order Processing Report

Foreign Currency Exchange CLE: AR Foreign Currency Exchange Report

Adding Voucher Number for Addition of internal invoice numbers to asset source lines,
Mass Addition Technical upgrading information

Turnover Adjustment On Turnover Adjustment On Depreciation Reserve During

Depreciation Reserve During Retirement

Change in Method after TA DFF Info Copy from Corp to Tax Book program
Technical Enhancement

SKP/CZ-CC Control and Tax

Depreciation Report

Asset Retirement Report by Asset Retirement Report by Retirement Type

Retirement Type

CLE: Sales Listing XML CZ CLE: Sales Listing XML BE

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Import Bank Statement Lines

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Purge Statement Lines

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Purge Stornos

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Reverse Storno Batch

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Transfer Stornos

7-6 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Object Name Concurrent Program

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Transfer to Lockbox

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Validate Statement Lines

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Validate Storno Batch

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Set Audit Information

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Transaction Exceptions

Netherlands Request Set Statement Line Exception Report

Netherlands Request Set Bank File Status Report

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Process reversal batch

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Dutch Transmit Remittances

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Dutch Print Remittances

Invoice Aging Report CLE: AP Invoice Aging Report

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Account Analysis Report

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Account Analysis With Opposite Account

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: General Journal Report

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Post Program

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Inventory Average Cost Translation


Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Sequence Generation Program

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Reconciliation Trial Balance Report

Correspondence Accounting Request Set CLE_CORR_ACC: General Journal Report

Request Set

Appendix - D 7-7
Object Name Concurrent Program

Asset Classification and CLE: Asset Disposal Report

Disposal Report

EPO Payment Format Removes the end Character from EPO generated file

AP VAT Report For Swiss VAT Report

Netherlands Request Set CLE: Storno Status Report

Tax Invoice Prepayment Tax Invoice Register

Physical Inventory Report CLE : INV Physical Inventory Report

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Inventory FIFO/LIFO Cost Translation


Power of Attorney CLEF013 Power of Attorney

Lookup Types

Object Name Look Types

EFT DTA Payment Order CLE: Use Invoice Desc. or Invoice Number into


Object Name User Profile Name

Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: USE_PAID_DEPOSITS


Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Operating Set of Books

EFT DTA Payment Order CLE:Use Bank Account Holder into DTA File

7-8 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Object Name User Profile Name

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR: Reporting Set of book id

Fiche 104OD CLE: BE AP Destination directory for Fiches 104


Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Reverse sign

Fiche 281.50 / 325.50 CLE: Fiches 281.50 XML Header

Fiche 104OD CLE: BE Minimum amount for fiches


CLE_CORR_ACC: General Journal Report XXRL: Depreciation Bonus Rate

Request Set(1)

ESR Entry Screen CLE: Open Automatically ESR Screen

Netherlands Request Set CLE : GL Trial Balance Child Template

Netherlands Request Set CLE : GL Trial Balance Parent Template

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: GL Magic Line Number

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Tax from Revenue

Netherlands Request Set CLE:Invoice Desc.or Invoice Number into DTA

Payment File

CLE_CORR_ACC: General Journal Report RU: Tax OKPO

Request Set(1)

Round up Invoices CLE: Row of Credit/Debit note for Rounding

Round up Invoices CLE: Invoicing rule for rounding

Round up Invoices CLE: Revenue account of next period for


Round up Invoices CLE: Account of non-invoiced receivables for


Appendix - D 7-9
Object Name User Profile Name

Round up Invoices CLE: Constant VAT for Rounding (optional)

Netherlands Request Set CLE : GL Trial Balance Subparent Template

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Debug Flag

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: BE AR CODA record type

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: BE CE CODA record type

Belgian Banking Solution CLE: BE Autolearning Enabled

Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: BE Multimatch Maximum Length


Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: BE Multimatch Minimum Length


Fiche 281.50 / 325.50 CLE : Asset Accounting

Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: NL Maximum number of reversals


Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: NL Default reversal reason


Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: NL AI Report Mode


Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: NL Directory


Prepayment Matching with Customer CLE: NL Allow Remittance Multiple Formatting


Netherlands Request Set CLE: NL Use AR-NL

Netherlands Request Set CLE: NL Reversal Timeframe

7-10 Oracle EMEA Add-on Localizations User Guide for CLE Upgrade
Prepayment Matching with Customer

CLE: NL Default reversal category

Object Name User Profile Name

Netherlands Request Set CLE: AR-NL Transmission Format

Netherlands Request Set CLE : GL Trial Balance Parent Rollup

ESR Entry Screen CLE: Populate Sysdate Automatically

Netherlands Request Set CLE : GL Trial Balance Subparent Rollup

Correspondence Accounting CLE_CORR_ACC: Intercompany line


Request Sets

Object Name Request Set

Depreciation Rounding CLE: Depreciation Run Request Set (Tax Book)(1)

Depreciation Rounding CLE: Depreciation Run Request Set (Corporate Book - Close

Depreciation Rounding CLE: Depreciation Run Request Set (Corporate Book - Open

Correspondence CLE_CORR_ACC: General Journal Report Request Set(1)


Appendix - D 7-11

Deactivated Objects, 7-1

Error codes and Descriptions, 5-1

Post Upgrade Tasks, 3-1
Preparing for the Upgrade, 1-1
Pre-upgrade Tasks, 1-1

References, 4-1

Upgrade Performing, 2-1
Upgrade Toolkit, 6-1


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