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LIP22561 0MX S.L.C.

S. RES. ll

Commemorating September 17, 2022, as ‘‘Constitution Day’’ and celebrating

the signing of the Constitution.


Mrs. BLACKBURN submitted the following resolution; which was referred to
the Committee on llllllllll

Commemorating September 17, 2022, as ‘‘Constitution Day’’
and celebrating the signing of the Constitution.

Whereas the Constitution of the United States (referred to in

this preamble as the ‘‘Constitution’’) is the supreme law
of the United States;
Whereas the Constitution enshrines the freedom of the people
of the United States;
Whereas the Constitution forms a more perfect Union;
Whereas the fundamental principles of the Constitution are
limited government, separation of powers, individual lib-
erty, and rule of law;
Whereas the Constitution establishes justice, ensures domes-
tic tranquility, provides for the common defense, pro-
LIP22561 0MX S.L.C.

motes the general welfare, and secures the blessings of
liberty, now and for future generations;
Whereas the Constitution guarantees that no one can be de-
prived of life, liberty, or property without due process of
law, including unborn children;
Whereas the Constitution protects the rights of conscience
against the enterprises of the civil authority;
Whereas the Constitution affirms that the Government of the
United States exists to serve its citizens;
Whereas the Constitution grants power to a national, Federal
Government while preserving fundamental, individual
Whereas the Constitution separates the power of the Federal
government into 3 branches: executive, judicial, and legis-
Whereas the powers of each branch of the Federal Govern-
ment are delegated in the Constitution, with powers not
assigned to the branches reserved to the States;
Whereas the Constitution grants the executive power to the
Whereas the Constitution does not allow the President to
enact national policies in areas that are reserved solely to
Congress under the Constitution;
Whereas the Constitution grants judicial power to the Su-
preme Court and inferior courts that Congress may or-
dain and establish;
Whereas justices and judges have constitutional limits on
their power;
LIP22561 0MX S.L.C.

Whereas an activist judiciary that usurps powers reserved to
the people through other branches of government is a
threat to the United States;
Whereas the judiciary should interpret laws as written by
Congress rather than allowing executive agencies to re-
write those laws to suit a political agenda;
Whereas the Constitution grants all legislative powers to Con-
gress, which consists of a Senate and a House of Rep-
Whereas the Constitution assigns to Congress the responsi-
bility for organizing the executive and judicial branches,
raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws nec-
essary for executing these powers;
Whereas it is a breach of trust for Congress to delegate ex-
cessive legislative authority to executive departments,
agencies, and commissions, thus empowering the adminis-
trative state instead of the elected representatives of the
people of the United States;
Whereas the Constitution protects the democracy of the
United States;
Whereas elections are a vital component of democracy;
Whereas the Constitution states that the times, places, and
manner of holding elections for Senators and Representa-
tives shall be prescribed in each State by the legislature
of that State;
Whereas article I, section 5 of the Constitution—
(1) provides that ‘‘Each House [of Congress] may
determine the Rules of its Proceedings’’; and
(2) authorizes the Senate to make procedural rules,
including the length of debate;
LIP22561 0MX S.L.C.

Whereas no one may unilaterally rewrite or otherwise impugn
the validity of the text of the Constitution;
Whereas the Constitution can only be changed by amend-
Whereas an amendment to the Constitution may be proposed
by a 2⁄3 vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if 2⁄3 of the
States request an amendment, by a convention called for
that purpose;
Whereas an amendment to the Constitution must be ratified
by 3⁄4 of the State legislatures or 3⁄4 of conventions called
in each State for ratification;
Whereas, according to the First Amendment to the Constitu-
(1) Congress shall make no law respecting an estab-
lishment of religion or prohibiting free exercise of reli-
gion; and
(2) Congress shall make no law abridging the free-
dom of speech or of the press;
Whereas, according to the Second Amendment to the Con-
stitution, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed;
Whereas Congress may not pass laws that deny or abridge
any constitutional rights;
Whereas it is unconstitutional for the Federal Government to
wield its authority beyond the scope of power delegated
to it or to use that authority as a political weapon
against the rights of States to pass voter identification
laws, oversee the health care of their citizens, draft cur-
ricula, and craft other laws and policies consistent with
the Constitution;
Whereas constitutional rights are not negotiable;
LIP22561 0MX S.L.C.

Whereas all legislation, regulations, and official actions
should conform to the original meaning of the Constitu-
tion as understood at the time the language was adopted;
Whereas the Constitution was written during the Philadelphia
Convention, now known as the Constitutional Convention,
which convened from May 25 to September 17, 1787;
Whereas Constitution Day commemorates the formation and
signing of the Constitution by 39 courageous men on
September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Now,
therefore, be it
1 Resolved, That the Senate—
2 (1) celebrates the signing of the Constitution of
3 the United States by recognizing Constitution Day
4 on September 17, 2022; and
5 (2) affirms that the Constitution of the United
6 States is not a flexible document, but an enduring
7 covenant.

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