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Ved casé #2022 -023146 CLARK COUNTY JAIL PRE-BOOK/PROBABLE CAUSE SHEET (Please Attach Pink Sheet) Defendant Fi Last Name Muar, irst Name Axpav Middle Micuner DOB Sex "| Race Hair Eyes Height ‘Weight 12-30-/9499 l A l Ww PRO Bw %'0 | Zoo idr Cit ‘State Adress Teawsiewr — Vaneowee “Wp 7? 9c) Phone Place of Birth — Nome — UNE — Arrest Information AresING AGENY Yanyeo yen Hil, OM EPEN Yorvivwile 139 Tensporing Officer & PSN Dale S Time oFArrest Om yy-29 o24S- Police Report Number 2022 - 023176 Incident Location: (City & State) 3.54 srkeer Vancouver,’ P- ‘Arrest Location (City & State) 2800 _SPMenn RO Vancouver, bv A- | DUI OFFENSES: The suspect's criminal history indicates that this is a mandatory arrest situation under RCW 10.31.100(16) due to the existence of a off defined in RCW 46.61.5055 within ten years. The suspect shall remain in custody until releasé by a judicial officer on bail, personal recognizance, or court order. Yes No o o AKA/Alias/Maiden Name Name Date of Birth Scars/Marks/Location Type Location Description Intake/Triage Questions Yes No 1 | Does the arrestee have any observable medical problems? 2__| Does the arrestee have any observable mental health problems? <1 '3._| Does the arrestee show any signs of suicidal behavior or attempts? 4 Has the arrestee shown any escape potential or violence propensiy behaviags? '5 Does the transporting officer have any other information whicwe need(to kriow concerning this matter? ‘Comments: Charges (Circle If there is a WARRANT or CITATION number and include the bail amount.) Charge(s) Citation/Werrantit RCW Counts Bail Amoupt~ LEA Ako Mik -wew Chargd 9A. 98- O20 VD 7 4 fF Hecich VA too nl Oe .000| VP 1 P| Domestic Violence Victim HE Date of Birth Relationship to Defendant | [ Copies: White - P.A. Yellow - C.B.C. Pink - Arresting Officer Rev: 04/21/2015 PA Forms Committee MUST authorize any revisions ARRESTING OFFICER'S DECLARATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE PD Case #2022-0232,76DEFENDAKT: MuRRay, Aioan MicwAe: DOB: 12-30-1993 Voctim: Oats, Tena Victim: McENEAnY-Ceus, ANNE Locarion oF The aetoent: 3502 F SraeeT, VaNCOU\ 8, WA, 98662: The undersigned law enforcemens officer states that the Defendant was arrested without wr shown thereon for the crimes} committed i) Clark County, Washington based on te following circumstances. The ‘reverse of this sheet is hereby rncorporated by reference. On 09/12/2022, a subject set fire to an occupied residence within the City of Vancouver, County of Clark, State of Washington. The subject, later identified to be Aidan Michael Murray, 12/30/1993, was located two nights later 09/14/2022 around 0022hrs as he was in the process of burglarizing a commercial ousiness (VPD Case 2022-23271} In addition to the arson event, the same victims had suffered a Residential Burglary at their home the day ‘uefore while the family was out of town, in that event, (VPO Case 2022-23103), a subject broke into the house, stole some jewelry items and (eft a fresh pile of feces in the kitchen sink on top of a white, discolored shirt or other fabric that did not come from the home, It is believed the two incidents are related, as the homeowners are the Mayor of the City of Vancouver and her husband, (On 09/12/2022 at about 2130hrs, | was notified of the Arson that had occurred at the occupied Ogle residence. Upon arrival, learned from Ofc. Botvinnik and Set. Mill at the scene that the homeowner (Teri Ogle) had come across the subject outside his house, which startled him when he came around the corner. The suspect, described as a white male in dark clothing, took off running east through the homeowners back yard, sliding between a fence and a gate, and then running north through the alley. The homeowner, who is clderly, did not give chase. Instead, he went back to where he could see a fire growing up the side of his house at 2 north side entry door, He entered the garage from a different doar and found a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. He then called 911 to report the incident. Responding patrol officers were unable to locate the subject. Patro! Officer Christian Stromme told me he arrived on scene and stated that he could smell the odor of a chemical accelerant at the front doorstep of the home, suggesting the subject had poured some accelerant there prior to going to the north side door. He then made his way te the north side door and smelied the same fuel-ike smell and could see the obvious fire that had been burned. Fire and Police Arson Investigators located a door an the north side of the house that leads into an attached garage. The door was significantly damaged by fire and there was yellow flame retardant all over it and the ground. Recovered at the scene by investigators was a large botte of “Signature” brand lighter fluid that | recognized to be the in-house brand for Safeway Inc. sent Ofc. Stromme to taik to the workers at the Safeway Store at 39° and Main St, which is about a block and a half away from the victim residence. He Inquires about who may have came in 10 purchase, or steal, lighter fluid such as the one we found. He reported that several witnesses reportec that a white male, dressed in dark clathing and sporting a beard, came in and asked if they carried lighter fluid, When toid where to find it, the male went that way. The workers did not see him come through a cash cegister with the item. “The next day, Det. Marbach was tasked with recovering video showing any similar events at the Safeway Store at 39% and Main St. He was able to recover video from 09/12/2022 at 2048 hrs that shows Murray ride up to the store on a BMX style bike, lean it against the wall outside and enter the store. He is wearing a black, short sleeve t-shirt, long biack shorts with white side stripes, a grey shoulder bag slung across his chest, and wearing a black searf or another type of shirt looped and hanging loose around his neck. The video shows Murray walking through the store to the aisle containing fighter fluid and other goads. Murray bends down and takes a can of W0-40 lubricant from 3 lower shelf, secretes it into his satchel, then turns to a higher shelf where he pulls a bottie of Signature Brand lighter fluid off the shelf, the same size as the one jocated at the scene. He also puts this into his satchel, He then goes out of video frame but can be seen walking throughout the store selecting a few other smail items. He thea makes his way to the self-checkout stand and puts a tall, cylindrical Item on the scanner and goes through the motion of inserting a card to pay but does not actually pay for anything. He leaves and puts the cylinder into his bag, then walks our the store holding a small, white colored unknown package. He exits the store and gets back on the BMX styie bike and rides away south, toward the victim residence. The timeline of the theft occurs just minutes prior to the sison being discovered While searching the scene again in the daylight, Det. Marbach also found a new, unused bottle of WD-40 tubricant spray in the alley just outside the gate to the victim residence, Additionally, a BMX bicycle matching the description of the one Murray rode to the Safeway store was located at the comer of 36th and G streets by Ofe. Stromme later. He reported that he had seen the bike there the night of the arson but was not aware of its connection until he saw an email from me describing it. Once he made the connection, the bike was seized. Aidan Murray was arrested for the commercial burglary by Patrol Officers on 09/14/2022 and is very clearly the same person who was seen stealing the items fram Safeway and Ieft at the scene of the arson on 09/12/2022. He not only has the same beard, mustache and injured right leg {large wound scab) and is the same height/weight as the described by the homeowner, but he was also wearing the identical shorts and had the same black sweatshirt that was wrapped around his neck the night before. Videos from Safeway confirm the identity of Murray. When arrested, he was found to be in possession of a gir!'s style mountain bike with a basket, a completely different bike than what he rode to Safeway. It presumed that since police had seized his earlier, he found other transportation, Otc. Sotvinnik reported that he and Deputy Fire Marshal Shane LaBeck’s investigation of the fire's origin and cause confirmed that the cause of the fie was incendiary (arson). He and OFM LaBeck located fire damage to the victims residence during this tavestigation and confirmed that Terry Ogle was at his home when the fire had originally occurred, He and DFM LaBeck also confirmed they located the battie of lighter fluid with fluid stil in it, which they transferred to an evidence cen for processing. Based on the foregoing, there is probable cause to believe Aidan Michael Murray cortnitted the acts of Theft in the 3 Degree and Arson in the 1% Degree on 09/12/2022, in addition to the Burglary in the 2" degree on 09/14/2022, an event where Otc. Cone is submitting the PC. These acts occurred in the City of Vancouver, County of Clark, State of Washington. Due to the potential the Residential Burglary where the subject faft a bow! movement in the sink of the homeowner, a political figure in the city, and the later Arson at the same location are likely connected, its requested that Murray be held on bail that will allow investigators time to get ONA analysis completed that ‘will definitively fink or dolini the events. ‘While waiting for transport from the VED interview room, when no officers were in the room with hie, Murray deliberately stacd up, faced the wail away from the door and proceeded to pul his penis under his shorts and urinate 2 significant amount of body waste onto the interview room carpet. At no paint did Murray attempt to get our attention by knacking on the door or raising his voice, even though detectives were right outside the room. The urine was found on the carpet and wail immediately after Murray was taken for transport. | reviewed the video from the interview room and saw the urination, Since the property is owned by the State, or 3 political subdivision thereof (City of Vancouver, @ Municipality), and because the interview oom must now ee quarantined from use and professionally cleaned by a bio havard qualified company, the room is now unavailable for use. This meets the elements of the crime of ROW 9A.48.080-8, Malicious Mischief-2, a class 8 felony, This act occurred in the City of Vancouver, County of Clark, State of Washington and the charge has been added to this PC sheet. ‘The undecsigned declares and certifies under penalty of perjury under the iaws of the State of Washington ‘that the areceding statement is true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge, signed this LF. dayot__ Sees Washington. , 2022 __ in Vancouver, Clark County, Otticer’s signature Wb spp Tass (rena Officer's Signature ‘The Undersigned Judge/Magistrate/Commissioner hereby certifies that | have read or had read to me the above statement of probable cause to arrest and that | find probabie cause to arrest is_ established . __ Not established (release defendant). Signed this _ day of ns ,20____in Vancouver, Clark County, Washington — ~ Tens ——-—a.m p.m. Judge/Magistrate Prebook Form —Aevised 10/08/01 ~ 2 PA Forms Committee MUST authorize any changes £0 this form PA Yellow CBC. Pink~ Arrestiog Officer

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