Gpay Product Redesign - Task1 & 2 - Shibasis

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1st Task

Clarifying questions (4Ws): Assumption assumed

1. Who (User) : Make the majority of the digitally savvy people use Gpay for various
payments as their first choice
2. What (Problems): Many competitors have jumped into the payment services
3. Why ( Reason to solve ): Competition may replace Gpay as the leader in the digital
payment space. Other competitors may overtake Gpay if any flaw is overlooked.
4. How: Innovate /redesign the app

Assumptions assumed:

● I'll concentrate on the number of people using the internet after Jio(2017), the growth of
Unified Payment Interface(UPI) as the most popular online payment method.
● Public information on internet is considered for the redesign as no data about Gpay is
● Competive analysis of various verticals with competitors with different metrics will be
● A business strategy will be defined first and then will translate this design wireframes.
● Goals in each vertical is compared with design decision.

Let's try to break the problem into MECE:

Structure to understand:
1. Goals of redesign
2. Industry structure in every vertical
3. Gpay’s SWOT analysis in every vertical
4. Competitive analysis
5. Can customization or personalization help in design?
6. Action items proposal
7. Summary

1.The goals of redesign:

1. Increase the growth of Gpay’s verticals

2. The redesign shouldn’t cannabalise or effect the growth of other Gpay’s verticals

2.Industry Structure Verticals

2.1 Payments: Market share of UPI (2021 Jan- Dec data ) source1

After Jio penetrated across India. More people started using digital ecosystem. This resulted in
shift from offline payment to online through UPI .

After Demonetization, majority shifted from offline wallets to online payments.

Google Pay is second in line in UPI market leadership. The payment giant commanded a little
over 37.5% of the total market share in 2021 with transactions worth INR 2.74 Lakh Cr. Google
Pay presently has over 10 Mn merchants across 19,000 pin codes, enabling 15 Bn transactions
annually, spanning 220 Mn+ users.

PhonePe has been leading the industry on all key metrics including value and volume of
transactions, registered users as well as merchant coverage. The startup has been the market
leader in UPI with over 46% market share in the volume of transactions processed last year.

Figure 1:Piechart of Market share % of UPI (2021 Jan- Dec data )

Figure2 : UPI Transactions value in Cy 21- App wise

Competitors Design Verticals

GPay UPI first Organic Payments approach (Social)

Paytm Wallet first & UPI Multiple verticals and features

Phonepe Wallet first & UPI Multiple verticals and features

AmazonPay Wallet first Multiple verticals and features

merged with UPI

2.2 E-commerce
In the checkout page of Majority of E-commerce site/apps/offline store,(Amazon, Swiggy,
Kirana store) UPI is given an option to make digital transactions. Source2

Market share of UPI payment mode =64% (First quarter of 2022)

Business Model :The commissions that Google Pay receives for service provider and bill
payment transactions are how it generates revenue. The app receives a small commission from
the business for each transaction a user makes using Google Pay. source3

Gpay being payment service first haven’t entered in the E-commerce as developing logistic
operations and supply chain wasn’t a priority for Google .Giant market players like Amazon,
Flipkart is already dominating this vertical with a huge gap source4. GTM(Go to market) entry
for Gpay would be extremely difficult .

While Amazon and flipkart have now created payment service later after e-commerce

Competitors Design Logistics

GPay Only payment No logistics play

Amazon Ecommerce first Internally streamlined logistics

Flipkart Ecommerce first Internal logistics

2.3 Travels ,Flights & Events

In Gpay app, Businesses option has list of companies in finance,food, daily essentials,
travel,shopping ,local service and Community and donations for payments.

As mentioned in E-commerce section Gpay makes commission from the commissions received
from service providers and bill payment transactions. Source5

there are many players with a clear focus who have gained market share.
When it comes to events, BookMyShow has strong brand equity and a design that emphasises
IMDb as a credible e-commerce option.
In hotels, there are aggregation and buyout models. Here, OYO enjoys market dominance.
MakeMyTrip and Trivago have gained market share due to their differentiating moats.
Huge players are already in this verticals ,entering in it won;t be feasible.

Competitors Design competitive points

GPay Only payments It depends on commissions from


Bookmyshow Aggregation of 90% market share in online booking

cineplexs,events,etc for various events. source6

Oyo Aggregation of Standardization of living place less

leased and than hotels base price and improving
franchised hotels experience .

Makemytrip Aggregation of travel Majority (>50%) market share in

agents for booking online travel booking. source7
Defining goal for redesign:

1.GPay earns through commission ,so It is crucial to utilise the homepage so that other
verticals, such as businesses (Food, Finance, Daily Essentials, Travel, etc.), bill & recharge
sections, are given more leverage while ensuring payments stays prominent.
2. Business section display in homeplay needs more diversification.

Design considered :
1. Social payment is taking majority of space on the homepage. Scan QR is present in 3
places. Its overutilising the space .Having it in one place will free space for other
verticals.The advertisement is static .
2. People section is utilising minimum 2 rows space.
3. Pay bills and recharge section is present in 2 places.
4. Business section is too small to notice. Showcasing more information to promote user
5. Promotion section works well for Gpay. Changes are not required
6. UPI ID,Transaction history is useing 3 rows .
7. Personalisation or customization can improve UI and UX of Gpay. Recent activities may
be suggested on the homepage .
Action items considered :

1. The top space of the Gpay’s homepage is underutilised as only search tab is present,beside
profile . Scan QR tab can be inserted beside profile. Pay contacts,Pay phone no.,Pay bills &
Pay UPI are overlapping with the search bar. The advertisement display is static , Sliders can
be inserted to view trending offers,plans,etc.
2. In People Section ,minimum 2 rows are utilised which can minimised while using only 1 row.
3. Pay bills and recharge section is present in 2 places . Removing the marked section will
prove space for other verticals
4.Explore has to be clicked in Businesses section. Businesses section has Food, Finance ,Daily
essentials , Travel, shopping,games ,etc can be shown as tabs under Businesses apps.
5. No change in Promotions section
6. UPI ID, show transaction history and check balance are using 3 rows, this can be improved
by using only 1 row while showing them in 1 single row above and removing UPI ID as it can be
viewed in profile.
7. The homepage's most used tab can display the services that the current user uses the most.
This decreases the amount of time needed to complete the simple past tasks and creates room
for other verticals.

We looked at Gpay's competitors in various verticals as well as the goals that our redesign is
intended to achieve. The structure of several verticals and how competition operates in each of
these verticals were then understood. Based on the learnings from this analysis, we made
design decisions, and we eventually distilled our actionable into key points.
The final homepage designs that simply concentrate on the homepage are the result of this.

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