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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga

Detailed Lesson Plan in MATHEMATICS I


Name of Teacher: GEMMA G. MICLAT Date: July 18, 2019

Grade and Section : ONE- SSES Time : 9:00 -10:00

Quarter 1 Week 4 Day 4

I. Objectives:
K: Identify the 1st, 2nd. 3rd up to the 10th object in a given set
Read and write ordinal umbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd up to 10th in a given set
A: Show cooperation in group activities
Maintain order in performing an activity
S : Draw pictures of objects to represent the ordinal numbers
Write the ordinal numbers accurately
V: Cooperation
A. Content Standard:
Identifying the 1st, 2nd. 3rd up to the 10th object in a given set
Reading and writing ordinal numbers 1st, 2nd, 3rd up to 10th in a given set

B. Performance Standard:
The learner is able to recognize and represent the concept of ordinal numbers skills up to 1oth in
various forms and contexts.
C. Learning Competencies:
Identifying the 1st, 2nd. 3rd up to the 10th object in a given set
Reading and writing ordinal numbers 1 st, 2nd, 3rd up to 10th in a given set
II. Content : Ordinal Numbers
III. Learning Resources
A. References:
1. Curriculum Guide 2016 p.10
2. Teaching Guide: Mathematics Teacher’s Guide P. 55 - 59
3. Learners’ Materials p. 82 - 88
4. Textbook: Math @ Work, page 69 - 62
6.Other References/
Materials : Chart , Powerpoint , picture cut outs, song
IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Review of A. Preparatory Activities
Previous/Presenting 1. Opening Prayer
New Lessons
Let us all stand and let us pray.
The pupils will stand to pray.

2. Checking of Attendance

3. Greetings

Good Morning Children!

Class be seated…
Good Morning teacher Gemma.
Before we’lll start with our lesson for
today, we are going to sing a song .
Do you know the song “Ten Little
Ducks “
Therefore , stand up and let us sing
together with an action. Yes, teacher.

Pupils will stand up and sing the

5. Review song Ten Little Ducks .
Let us count numbers from 1 up
to 10. Everybody…
What about Row 1………
Pupils will count numbers from 1
Row 2………
up to 10.
Row 3………
- row 1
- row 2
I have pictures here in the board, - row 3
will you write now how many
objects do we have in each picture?

Very Good Children !

The pupils will write the numbers
in each picture.

B. Establishing the
Purpose of the Lesson 1. Motivation

Now children, I will call 10 of you

and you will stand here in front of the
class. You will be line by your height.
The teacher will call 10 pupils to
stand in front of the class and let
them form a line according to their

How many children do we have in

front? From Kiel, let us count
them.. The pupils will count start from Kiel.

Who is number 1 in the line? Teacher Kiel is in number 1 line.

What about number 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8 , 9, 10 in line? Pupils’ will answer.
If Kiel is in number 1 line, what is
his position? Teacher, Kiel position is in the first
Very Good! Ethan. The position of line.
Kiel is First and it can also written
as this First as 1st, Second - 2nd,
Third - 3rd up to Tenth 1oth.
These words and numbers such as
first, second, third up to tenth are
called now ________________?
The teacher will give some clue using
the configuration box to get the answer
Ordinal Numbers.
Who can guess now the exact
word? The pupils will try to guess the word.

Yes, Ava? Teacher, the word is Ordinal

Very Good! Ava, you are correct.

We call them Ordinal Numbers. Ordinal Numbers

Everybody says Ordinal Numbers.

Row 1….. Ordinal Numbers
Row 2…
Row 3…
The teacher will present the ordinal
Children, watch this video about numbers in words and in symbols
the ordinal numbers. using video clips presentation.

C. Presenting New
Examples/Instances 2. Fixing Skills / Practice

Look at the pictures of these

Can you name what are the
different animals in the set? Pupils will name of the animals in the
From the left , which animal is the :

The 4th animal from the left is the


The children will answer up to item

number 10.

Here is another example for you

children to answer.

Draw a line to match the ordinal

numbers on the left to the words
on the right.

2nd sixth
5th ninth
8th second
6th first
3rd fourth
7th fifth
9th tenth
1st eighth
4th seventh
10th third
Pupils will answer the activity.

D. Discussing New 3. GROUP ACTIVITY

Concepts and Now were going to have group
Presenting New Skills activity. I will group you into three
#1 groups. Each group will be given an
activity envelope . You only have to
follow what is ask inside the
activity envelope. Choose a leader
and a reporter in your group. After
5 minutes you will report your
Just clap 3 times if you finished your
work and shout DONE.
Before you are going to do the
activity what things you should do
remember in doing a group
activity?  Listen to the leader.
 We should follow directions to
make things right.
 Work quietly.
 Do not play/ talk.
SGT: ( Small Group Technique)

Group I –
Directions: Read the word. Write the
correct symbol.

1. sixth ___________________ 1. 6th

2. fourth ___________________ 2. 4th
3. seventh _________________ 3. 7th
4. first ___________________ 4. 1st
5. tenth __________________ 5. 10th

Group II-
Directions: Write the ordinal number
indicated by the colored object.

1. 2nd

2. 4th

3. 7th

4. 1st

5. 9th

6. 3rd

7. 5th

Group III
Directions : Answer the question below.

Very Good, children. We worked quietly.
All the members cooperated in the
4. Infusion of Values group.
 Based on your activity how do We followed the instructions.
you work as a group ? We listened with our leaders.
 How you were able answered
all the activity?
 If you were on this group activity
what will you do to maintain
organized and orderliness ?

 Very Good !

E. Making What do ordinal numbers tell us? Ordinal numbers tell the position of an
Generalizations object.
How do we read and write the
symbols of ordinal numbers? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th , 1oth

F . Finding Practical
Application of Can you do these children?
Concepts Yes, teacher.
(Abstraction of the
Write the ordinal number of ( Pupils will answer another
activity. )
each ocean animal.

G. Evaluating
Learning Directions: Write the ordinal number
1. Ann is in the ________ place.

2. Sandy is in the ________ place.

3. Cathy is in the __________ place.

4. Mike is in the __________ place.

5. Helen is in the ________ place.

6. John is in the _________ place.

7. Julie is in the __________ place.

8. David is in the _________ place.

9. Sam is in the___________ place.

10. Kate is in the _________ place.

J. Assignments
Write what is the position of the
following objects.






V. Remarks(Mga tala)
VI. Reflection
A. Number of ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
studentswith 80%
Mastery level
B. Number of students _______ of Learners who require
who need remediation additional activities for Remediation

C. Did the remedial ___ of Learners of students who

activities help? understood the lesson
Number of students
who understood the
D. Number of students ___ of Learners who continue to require
to continue remediation
E. Which strategies Strategies used that work well:
did you use help most? ___ Group collaboration
How did it help? ___ Games
___ Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw
___ Answering preliminary
___ Carousel
___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/
___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Role Playing/Drama
___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method

___ Complete IMs

___ Availability of Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s Cooperation in
doing their tasks

Prepared by:



Head Teacher I

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