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The purpose of the Self- Care Deficit Nursing Theory is to provide nursing practice
with a comprehensive base. Specifies when nursing care, but also to multi person
Definitions of the concepts are clear and well defined. The terms are not borrowed and
are specific to nursing and to self- care. There is no excessive verbiage, narrative, or
interchanging of words. Concepts are used consistently throughout the theory.
Relationships among concepts of self- care are clear and organized and the
connections are apparent and identifiable. No gaps noted, the concepts are
interconnected and the structure of the theory is reasonable. (Tommy& Alligood,
2006). The model is easily understood and the key concepts are clear. The definitions
of the concepts are in a straightforward language and are understood by novice to
expert nurses (George, 2010). Orem’s theory offers unique ways of looking at the
phenomenon of nursing. According to Mendoza (2004) most of the students who are
studying Orem’s work emphasize the importance of positive mental health (George,

Empiric indicators can be identified for each concept, as the concepts are clearly
defined. And, “increasing the complexity of a theory often increases its empiric
accessibility” (Chinn & Kramer, 2011, p. 203). Orem’s theory is one of the most readily
applied theories. Theoretical entities of Orem's theory are well defined and lend
themselves to measurement, several instruments have been developed and validated
to measure aspect of Orem's theory. (George, 2010). Research studies can
operationalize concepts so they can be empirically tested. For example, Biehler (2005)
develop the Community Care Deficit Nursing Model for use with multi-person units in
a community care setting.
The relationships between the concepts are complex but practical. There are many
different relationships between and among the numerous concepts. The reader has
first to sort out what the concepts define and then relate those concepts to each other
(George, 2010). Relationship among entities can be presented in a simple diagram
(Tommy & Alligood, 2006). Orem's theory can be considered as simple theory in term
of limited numbers of concepts, and complex theory in term of composition of three
theories (Abdul, 2002).

Orem’s theory is considered a general theory with broad concepts and can be applied
in many different situations, rehabilitation, emergency department, intensive care
unit, medical-surgical, etc. where self-care requisites are the driving force for
individuals and nurses. It is extremely contagious, used by nurses at all level from
novice to expert in all area of practice (George, 2010). It is applicable to all of those
who need nursing care and also applicable to All of situations in which individuals
(including children) cannot meet their entire self-care request.

Orem's general theory of nursing has a significant impact on clinical practice. Patient
care situations can usually be viewed within the context of theoretical framework. The
theory essentially defines the need for nursing care. This need occurs whenever a
person experiences some limitation or deficit which interferes with their ability to
maintain self-care. Further, the theory delineates the various interactions which
should occur between a nurse and a patient. The basic premise of Orem's model is
that individuals can take responsibility for their health and the health of others, and
in a general sense, individuals have the capacity to care for themselves and their
dependents. Theory is closely tied to nursing goals, clinical practice, and research.
Theory is nursing-based and driven to understand the nurse’s relationship with the
patient’s self-care needs. There are sample research articles that use Orem’s theory as
a theoretical framework and hypotheses are derived from the concepts (George,
2010).It is used to guide research programs to identify self-care requisites and self-
care behaviors of specific clinical populations (Parker, 2006) A major limitation to
Orem's theory it appears that the theory is illness oriented rather its use in wellness
settings. Orem's theory neglects to consider the dynamic nature of health care.
Another major limitation Visual presentation of the nursing system implies three static
conditions of health rather than dynamic.

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