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Journal Title: Tourism Management Perspectives

Article Title: "Influence of movies and television on Chinese Tourists perception toward
international tourism destinations"

authorss: Han Wen, Bharath M Josiam, Daniel L. Spears, Yi Yang

Volume/Page: 28/211-219

DOI: 10.1016/j.tmp.2018.09.006

Influence of movies and television on Chinese Tourists perception toward international tourism

The article "Influence of movies and television on Chinese Tourists perception toward
international tourism destinations" was written by Han Wen, Bharath M. Josiam, Daniel L.
Spears, and Yi Yang. The article was published in 2018 by Elesevier. The purpose of this study is
to investigate the influence of movies and TV shows on the choices of Chinese tourists
international travel destination. Online survey tools are developed and distributed to Chinese
consumers by online survey companies. The results show that many Chinese are involved travel
abroad and enjoy movies and/or TV series. There is a high agreement of that movies/TV shows
have a great impact on travel motivation. Food, fashion, and more are featured and movies and
TV series have been exciting for the Chinese market. Implications for the travel and tourism
industry the TV show industry is also considered.

The authors begins by presented China's achievement as the country with the world's largest
television production and the world's second-largest film market. The authors presented data
on the number of Chinese residents traveling outbound for personal or the general purpose,
since 2006 to 2016 which shows an increase of 300%> against international tourism growth. It
is an opportunity in the tourism industry and as export market to many countries. Previous
research in India, USA, Korea and Taiwan found and movies and TV series inspired the viewers
go abroad. However, there has been no in-depth research on related issues in China, the
authors took the initiative to investigate the relationship between film and television and
tourism and their impact on Chinese people's preferences in choosing international tourism
destinations. Also, the authors hopes that the results of this research can be useful in providing
advice and suggestions for the world of tourism, film and television industry.

Authors mentioned many studies have shown that movies influence the motivation and interest
of the public when it comes to travel. Therefore researchers have found that escaping the
process life and the search for personal or social experiences increases motivate viewers to
visit the place that shown in the film. In a 2004 survey in Britain, 80% the respondents said that
their opinion about the holiday destination cinema, where 20% of respondents plan to go to the
cinema their favorite movies. There are many movies such as Lord of the rings, Harry Potter,
Slumdog Millionaire, and Cities of God that unintentionally create trends to traveling in the
place where the movie is shown or film shooting location.

Methods of this research is done through online survey. The research tool is included five
sections, including questions on interests/involvement in film/television, international
film/television travel incentives, movies/TV shows, thoughts about the image of many sights
and world, and demographic information. Questions about Chinese audience's
interest/relationship of movies/TV series with them film/television inspired foreign travel
inspiration from film engagement rate and international travel incentive rate. Cinematic
engagement figures used from “Fashion Leadership Scale". modified researchers some of the
number of factors of fashion party situation and state of the art party. The attendees were
asked to rate items using 5-point Likert scales of “1-Strongly disagree” and “5-strongly agree”.
Then authors used SPPA (Version 2.3) to analyze the data from survey that have been done.

The research finds that participants is the most exciting thing to go to countries that are shown
in movies or on TV films because they want to know more about the foods or fashion of
different countries and/or experience the lifestyles depicted in the movies or TV series. The
results are consistent with previous studies and the public goes to the theater to rehearse
scenes from movies or TV series. Movies in general can create, support or change this image of
tourist destination. France, US, Japan, Thailand, and South Korea have important images that
are good understood by Chinese tourists. Many of these images are seen through the influence
of cinema these countries have become the best places in the world destination for Chinese
tourists. On the other hand, countries such as India, Portugal, and Spain, which were
characterized mostly as “No Image”, do not have any movies/TV dramas that inspired Chinese
tourists to visit these countries.

In conclusion interactions with movies and TV series have had a significant impact on their
motivation to travel abroad. food, fashion and people's lifestyles in the movies and/or TV shows
that are interesting to viewers and have inspired them to go to places shown in movies/TV
dramas. This study found movies/TV shows and has the greatest influence on the intentions of
Chinese viewers to visit where foreign filters. Compared to previous studies that examined the
motivations of Indian Bollywood viewers to travel to Europe, this study did not find a strong
correlation between images countries that shown on the movies/TV with Chinese viewer's
International destination.

In this study there are limitations such as the sample surveys are provided by online survey
panel companies. Therefore, the results of this study cannot be generalized to Chinese people
who don't have a computer or internet. Second, this The study used a self-assessment tool that
could be influence by social desire. Future studies may use different methods research methods
to determine the effect of a film or television series and Tourists' perceptions of international
tourist destinations. For instance, individual interviews or group studies can help researchers
get a deep sense of international space in between movie/TV viewers. The researcher can also
direct the sample a study to determine the effect of film/Ttelevision on the motivation of
viewers to visit the places shown. This study is conducted exclusively in China; future studies
may use replicated or similar analyses trends and study of international tourists in other
countries. The authors suggest that DMOs establish a film/TV marketing plan tourist attractions
through movies and TV dramas. The destinations marketer or travel agency should collaborate
with Movies producers or movie theater to using promotion technics such as product

According to the objectives and suggestions of the authors, this research can be useful and
carried out in other countries, in this case Indonesia. Initially, this research was useful to me in
the study of marketing, especially product placement. As a student of the field of economics
and business especially in the department of management, it is an inspiration that I intend to
do similar research in the future to promote tourism, culture, film industry and related fields.

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