Improving Science Literacy On Selected Topic in Earth and Life Science Among Grade 11 Learners Through Electronic

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The COVID 19 pandemic brought a sudden change in many areas of our life,

especially on education sector – both formal and non-formal learning

environments. Amidst the pandemic, the Department or Education also shifted its

gear. The DepEd released the DepEd Order No. 12, s.2020 known as the Adoption

of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BELCP) for the School Year 2020 –

2021 in Light of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. The aim of the

department is to provide an intervention that answers to the basic education

brought the pandemic. Furthermore, the Department of Education thru the BELCP

reiterated the means of providing different learning opportunities through different

learning modalities.

Along with the COVID19 threat, the Program for International Student

Assessment (PISA) of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

(OECD) in 2018 reported that Filipino students ranking the lowest among 79

countries in mathematics, science, and reading. Filipino students (age 15) obtained

353 points (Mathematics) and 357 points (Science), against the 489 OECD average

for both categories. (Villegas, 2021)

Furthermore, OECD 2018 PISA stated on its Country Note that “Fifteen-

year-old students in the Philippines scored lower in reading, mathematics, and

science than those in most of the countries and economies that participated in

PISA 2018… No country scored lower than the Philippines and the Dominican

Republic… Over 80% of students in the Philippines did not reach a minimum level

of proficiency in reading, which is one of the major shares of low performers

amongst all PISA-participating nations and economies.”

Alongside PISA, the Trends in Mathematics and Science Studies conducted

an international test in 2019. The TIMSS reported that Philippine Science and

Mathematics education are deteriorating. Based on the TIMSS 2019 report,

Philippines has the lowest math and science score among the 58 countries


With the aforementioned reports, the Department of Education are doing

their best to elevate the educational status of the country in terms of mathematics

and science education. DepEd are reskilling and retooling their teachers here and

out. Furthermore, the BE-LCP reiterated that the intervention delivery shall be

multi-modal approach that influences accessible technology.

Since the pandemic started, Science literacy are starting deteriorate. With

this, teachers are using intervention materials for the learners to cope and grasp

the lesson objectives.

Strategic Intervention Material (SIM) is defined as instructional material that

helps learner master the competency-based skills which were not able to master

within the regular class.

The SIM was composed of different parts – the Title Card, the Overview, the

Objective Card, the Guide Card, Activity Card, Assessment Card, Enrichment Card,

Reference Card, and Answer Key Card. Different researches shows that SIM are

great help for remediating students.

Salviejo, Aranes, and Espinosa (2014) conducted a research entitled

Strategic Intervention Material-Based Instruction, Learning Approach and Students’

Performance in Chemistry wherein the researches concluded that learning

Chemistry with the help of SIM is fun, enjoyable, and interesting.

Dacumos (2016) concluded that strategically-planned and creatively crafted

SIM integration in classroom practice, teaching science and facilitation will

effectively become the tool for learners’ understanding and appreciation of many
concepts in science. Diaz and Dio (2017) gleaned the fact that when students are

exposed to SIM, their Mathematics achievements are better and higher.

Santos (2019) stated that the results supported the feasibility and

practicality of utilizing SIMATAR (SIM in Teaching with Augmented Reality) as a

teaching tool in addition to the traditional hands-on minds-on laboratory activities.

Hence, it was observed that the use of a mobile augmented reality application in

teaching yielded high engagement among students and improved their time on-task

compared with non-digital learning activities.

Adonis (2020) further claimed under her study that contextualized SIM

helped low performing students gain mastery of the least learned competency.

Luzano (2020) reiterated on his research entitled Development and

Validation of Strategic Intervention Materials (SIMs) of the Selected Topics in

Trigonometry of Precalculus Discipline in Senior High School that SIMs provide hope

for the STEM students who generally have a bad impression of Trigonometry since

it came out that they were able to rate the materials as more than adequate to meet

their needs in coping with their difficulties towards that field in Mathematics.

Bonitez (2021) drawn a conclusion based on the finding of the research,

wherein the post-test of learners exposed to the teacher made SIM were remarkably


Based on the findings of the study of Gabucan and Sanchez (2021), the

Strategic Intervention Material (SIM)-Based Teaching is a more effective approach

in improving students’ performance in the concepts of Global Warming in Science.

Ordoñez, Morauda, and Labini (2021) created a mobile assisted SIM wherein

the study claims to have significant difference on learners using their SIM.

According to Ordonez, Morauda, and Libini (2020), with the help of the developed

mobile assited SIM, the learners show significant difference on their pre-test and

post-test mean.
Bastida and Bastida (2022) further reiterated the use of SIM in teaching

could increase the learning outcomes of students in science. Thus, recommending

that , science teachers may develop and integrate the use of SIM in teaching

difficult science concepts to low achieving learners through their in-service training


Furthermore, Acera (2022) generously implements the Strategic Intervention

Material in Science (SIM-S) to her learners with the identified least mastered

learning competencies in Science, the researcher observed that a good number of

learners have shown significant improvement in their academic performance.

With the aforementioned evidences and researches, the researcher is aiming

for the higher grounds. Developing an intervention material is no easy task. The

focus of this study will be the Grade 11 Learners of Don Gaudencio B. Dumlao

National High School, Aguilar, Pangasinan for the S.Y. 2022 – 2023.



In the 21st Century, technology plays an important role in teaching and

learning process. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is now a pre-

requisite in both teaching and learning process.

With the COVID19 pandemic, teachers are now relying on technology as part

of their strategy. As Monger (2021) reiterated, the vital roles of technology in

education is that teachers can serve all study material so that students can better

understand the topics and solve the problem easier via EdTech. Educational

technology methods modern classroom, which primarily focus on extemporizing the

performance of every student. Furthermore, learners can learn at their own

convenience and time.

With the help of technology, the Electronic Strategic Intervention Material (e-

SIM) will be a great help to improve the science literacy of Grade 11 learners on

selected topics in Physical Science.

The e-SIM will be developed using Microsoft PowerPoint. The MS PowerPoint

will allow the researcher to create an e-SIM that involves animations, transitions,

and hyperlinks for the learners to enjoy while learning. Also, MS PowerPoint will be

used as main platform to ensure that no internet is needed and can be accessed

using mobile phone.

The developed e-SIM will then be sent to the learners through chat or other

sharing application.



The researcher will be determining the total number of learners who will be

the subject of the study using teacher-made pre-test.

Implementing Stage

After determining the subject of the study, the researcher will give the

developed e-SIM to learners via email, chat, or other sharing application. The e-SIM

can be accessed by learner even without internet.

The researcher will give ample time for the learners to study the selected

topic in Physical Science.


The researcher will then conduct post-test among the subjects of the study.

The result of the pre-test and post-test will then be analyzed and interpreted using

the appropriate statistical tool. The result will show if there is an enhancement on

science literacy among Grade 11 learners

Data gathering Preparation and Conduct of Post-test
Conduct of Pretest polishing the Data analysis
Determining the developed e-SIM Enhanced Science
Subject of the Study Giving the developed Literacy among the
Securing parental e-SIM to the subject subjects
consent from
Development of e-SIM

Pre-implementation Post Implementation

Implementation Stage
Stage Stage

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study


The main goal of this study is to improve the Science Literacy of Grade 11

learners of Don Gaudencio B. Dumlao National High School on selected topic in

Physical Science through electronic SIM (e-SIM)

Specifically, the study’s goal is to answer the following

1. How may the Science Literacy on Selected Topic in Physical Science among

Grade 11 Learners be described?

2. How may the developed electronic SIM (e-SIM) perceived by the Grade 11


3. Is there a significant difference in the science literacy of Grade 11 Senior High

School learners on selected topic in Physical Science before and after the

intervention of electronic SIM (e-SIM)?


A. Participants and/or Other Sources of Data and Information

The respondents of this study will be the Grade 11 Senior High School

Students of Don Gaudencio B. Dumlao National High School for the School Year

2022 – 2023.
B. Data Gathering Methods

The pre- test will be conducted to measure the science literacy of the

learners in selected topic in Physical Science before giving the developed

intervention material. Thus, the post test will be conducted to scale the science

literacy of the learners in selected topic in Physical Science after implementing the

developed e-SIM.

The data gathered will be subjected through the following statistical


For problem 1, the result of the pretest will be used to answer the science

literacy level of the respondents. Frequency and percentage analysis will be


For problem 2, weighted mean will be used to determine the student

perception on the developed e-SIM.

For problem 3, t-test will be used to determine if there is a significant

difference among the pretest and post-test. T-test is an inferential statistical test

used to determine if there is a significant difference between two groups and how

these two groups are related. Hence, t-test is often used in hypothesis testing to

determine a whether a process or treatment has an effect.


Student Perception on Developed e-SIM

Adapted from Sinco (2020)

NAME (Optional): _________________________

5 4 3 2 1
Indicators Strongly Agree Moderatel Disagre Strongl
Agree y Agree e y Agree
1. The e-SIM helps me
understand the concept
of active ingredients of
cleaning materials that
were not understood
during regular classroom
2. Confusing concept of
active ingredients of
cleaning material was
clearly presented
3. The e-SIM instructions
are simple
4. The e-SIM offers
interesting activities
5. The e-SIM is user-
6. After using the e-SIM, I
learn the concepts that
were not fully
understood in the
regular classroom
7. I enjoyed reading and
doing all the activities
provided in the SIM.
8. I can set up my own
pace in learning without
feeling pressured about
9. The SIM inspired and
encouraged me to learn
more concepts in
Physical Science
10. I want to use the e-SIM
during remediation

Comments or Suggestion:
Literature Cited

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in Improving the Academic Performance of the Learners. International

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Bonitez, A. G. (2021). Effectiveness of Science Strategic Intervention Material in

Elevating the Performance Level of Grade Seven Students. International

Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, 3(2), 18–31.

Dacumos, L. P. (2016). Perspective of Secondary Teachers in the Utilization of

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Approach in Teaching Economics during the Distance Education.

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Materials (SIMs) of the Selected Topics in Trigonometry of Precalculus

Discipline in Senior High School. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

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Based Instruction, Learning Approach and Students‘ Performance in

Chemistry. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational

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Santos, M. (2019). Improving Performance and Attitude Towards Science Using

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