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Oakfield Primary School

Ferntree Drive
St Mellons

Tel: 02920 799396

Information Booklet 2022 - 2023

Oakfield Primary School

Opportunity to Achieve

Ysgol Gynradd a Meithrin Maesydderwen

Cyfle I Gyflawni

Mission Statement
In Oakfield we aim:-

❖ To create a welcome, caring environment in which all pupils are happy, self confident and
well motivated

❖ To encourage our children to take pride in themselves, their school and their environment.

❖ To help our children develop lively and enquiring minds’ assuring them at all times equality
of opportunity so that they may achieve their full potential.

❖ To encourage positive attitudes and good working relationships between all members of
the school community.

❖ To provide access to a curriculum, relevant to the particular needs of children of all

abilities and backgrounds, within a stimulating, enriching environment.

❖ To maintain and develop our partnership with parents and the local community.

Vision Statement
Opportunity to Achieve

Our Vision and Aims

All parents want an excellent education for their children, but they also want them to be happy and to
feel safe and secure. At Oakfield, we believe we can offer all these things. We pride ourselves on the
broad, balanced and full education we provide, and the high standard of teaching and learning.

We have a very simple Set of Core Aims:

• We will help each of our children achieve the highest standards possible
• We will assist out children in becoming ‘well-rounded’ and caring individuals in preparation of
both high school and adult life
• We will achieve these in a collaborative manner, where staff and families work closely together,
with the individual child at the heart of every decision made.

We enjoy working closely together with families and the wider community in order to develop a positive
and meaningful partnership. We aim to build on these special relationships by developing a special
bond and promoting the values of trust and respect. We believe that this will enable each of us to be
fully aware of the contribution we can make to the development of the whole school.

We are extremely fortunate in having a hugely committed staff who form a strong, caring and forward-
thinking team. The staff of the school ensure that they create an atmosphere of richness, interest and
challenge. Both children and staff are encouraged to set and strive for high standards.

It is essential to provide each of our children with the opportunity to develop spiritually, intellectually,
physically and socially. This will help us continue to develop a caring ethos where staff and children can
experience tolerance, justice and a sense of self worth, ultimately leading to children who respect
themselves, others and their environment.

Our website & Twitter feed contain contributions from all of our classes. It should enable parents and
families to gauge the school's high standards and the variety of activities which support the school's
aim of providing a balanced education for all its pupils.

If you would like to find out more, request an admission form or make an appointment to view our
school, then please feel free to call me on 02920 799396. It you would like a place for your child in our
school please apply directly to the county and to supply contact details with address etc.

Mr. D. Harris

Inspection Report Template (

Staying in Touch @ Oakfield

02920 799396

Newsletters | Oakfield Primary School Class Pages | Oakfield Primary School

Curriculum Pages - Website

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6

Android #Opportunity2Achieve


Apple IOS

Oakfield Primary School
Session times

Nursery Classes

9.00am – 11.30am Morning Nursery

11.30am – 12.45pm Preparation time

12.45pm – 15.15pm Afternoon Nursery

(Little People – 9.00am – 12.45pm Wrap around care)


8.55am – 12.00pm Morning Session

12.00pm – 13.15pm Lunch/Preparation

13.15pm - 15.15pm Afternoon Session

Year 1, 2 & 3 Afternoon Break Times taken according to class timetables

8.55am - 12.00pm First Session & Second Session

12.00pm – 13.15pm Lunch

13.15pm - 15.15pm Third Session & Fourth Session

Years 4,5 & 6

8.55am – 12.15pm First Session & Second Session

12.15pm – 13.00am Lunch

13.00pm - 15.15pm Third Session & Fourth Session

Breakfast Club

8.15am - 8.40am Reception to Year 6

No need to book a place at this time


The Governing Body

I am pleased, on behalf of the Governing Body of Oakfield Primary School, to offer our best wishes to you
and your family for your time at the school.

The Governing Body has been fully aware of increasing pressures on all staff from the processes of
Educational Reform; namely Additional Learning Needs (ALN) reform & Implementation of the New
Curriculum for Wales; these combined with the pressures that the pandemic has presented in recent times.

It is our wish to give full support to the highly professional and dedicated staff at Oakfield, so that the
children continue to receive the best and most complete education that we can offer with resources
available. We are aware that increasing capacity is being placed into our hands as the changes have come
into effect, and so the governors will continue to seek the expertise of the staff alongside other professional

The full Governing Body meets once each term and we would be glad to hear any suggestions you may
have that are relevant to our responsibilities.

Furthermore, the school’s aim of enabling children to understand their community and help them feel valued
as individuals within the school community remains a key focus of the school.

Mrs Sian Burgess-Hunt

Chairperson of the Governing Body

Governing Body Timetable - Academic Year 2022/2023

Date Time Venue Type of meeting School Term Dates

Full or Sub-Committee
Tuesday 5.00pm Staffroom Buildings & Finance Sub- Autumn Term 2022
27th September Committee
2022 Monday 5 September 2022
Tuesday 6.00pm Staffroom Curriculum & Staffing
27th September Sub-Committee Half term:
Monday 31 October 2022
2022 to Friday 4 November 2022
Tuesday 5.30pm Staffroom
22nd November Full Governing Body Ends:
Friday 23 December 2022
Tuesday 5.00pm Staffroom Buildings & Finance Sub- Spring 2023
24th January Committee
2023 Monday 9 January 2023
Tuesday 6.00pm Staffroom Curriculum & Staffing
24th January Sub-Committee Half term:
Monday 20 February 2023
2023 to Friday 24 February 2023
Tuesday 5.30pm Staffroom
21st March Full Governing Body Ends:
Friday 31 March 2023
Tuesday 5.00pm Staffroom Buildings & Finance Sub- Summer 2023
16th May Committee
2023 Monday 17 April 2023
Tuesday 5.50pm Staffroom Full Governing Body
16th May Budget setting Half term:
Monday 29 May 2023
2023 to Friday 2 June 2023
Tuesday 6.10pm Staffroom Curriculum & Staffing
16th May Sub-Committee Ends:
Monday 24 July 2023
Tuesday 5.30pm Staffroom
27th June Full Governing Body


Autumn Term 2022

Monday 5th September 2022 H&S, Safeguarding, Policy & expectations
Tuesday 6th September 2022 School improvement planning, New Curriculum for Wales,
Assessment, recording & reporting, New staff induction

Spring Term 2023

Monday 9th January 2023 New Curriculum for Wales – AoLE workshops
Friday 17th February 2023 Cluster INSET Day, Transition, Moderation, School to School
Working – assessment for CfW

Summer Term 2023

Monday 5th June 2023 New Curriculum for Wales/ALN reviews/ Assessment
Monday 24th July 2023 Assessment, recording and reporting, Portfolio building

Class Organisation
The staffing ratio in the Nursery, Reception and Year 1 and 2 is in line with Welsh Assembly
Government guidelines for the Foundation Phase.

Children from Year 1 to 6 are organised into ability groups for Literacy, and Numeracy in their year
group. This allows any extra support to be targeted where it is most needed, including those who the
school deems to be more able in one or more curriculum areas. Additional grant funding from Welsh
Government has enabled the school to considerably enhance curriculum support across all year
groups. This has been as a response to the Covid pandemic and need to allow all learners to ‘catch
up’ with their learning. All Pupil Development Grant (PDG) funding and expected use is shared on the
school website.

Wales Co-operative Centre Limited (

Subjects within the Foundation Curriculum allow greater flexibility for mixed ability grouping.

All the classes are timetabled to receive help from support staff throughout the week and classroom
organisation and teaching techniques are flexible and promote independence amongst all learners.

Open Door Policy

Despite the installation of robust security measures for the safety of the children and
staff, the school has an 'open door' policy. We welcome parental consultation at any

If you wish to meet staff at length please see the staff concerned to arrange an appointment. Senior
staff are also on duty each morning should any parents need to discuss any matters.

A New Curriculum for Wales (from 2022)

The vision for curriculum that schools have developed should then guide curriculum design.
Based on the curriculum requirements set out in legislation, their curriculum must:

• enable learners to make progress towards the four purposes

• be broad and balanced
• be suitable for learners of different ages, abilities and aptitudes
• provide for appropriate learner progression
• cover every statement of what matters
• include the mandatory curriculum components of religion, values and ethics, relationships and
sexuality education, Welsh and English
• embed the mandatory cross-curricular skills
• incorporate a range of assessment approaches which support learner progression
• provide choice for learners in what they study at 14 to 16 but still ensure every learner has
learning in each Area
• include all six areas:

o Language, literacy and communication
The Languages, Literacy and Communication Area of Learning and Experience (Area)
addresses fundamental aspects of human communication. It aims to support learning
across the whole curriculum and to enable learners to gain knowledge and skills in
Welsh, English as well as in literature.

o Mathematics and numeracy
The development of mathematics surrounds us and underpins so many aspects of our
daily lives, such as architecture, art, music, money and engineering. And while it is
creative and beautiful, both in its own right and in its applications, it is also essential for
progress in other areas of learning and experience.

o Science and technology

The importance of science and technology in our modern world cannot be overstated.
Developments in these areas have always been drivers of change in society,
underpinning innovation and impacting on everyone’s lives economically, culturally and

o Health and well-being

The fundamental components of this Area are physical health and development, mental
health, and emotional and social well-being.

o Humanities
This Area encourages learners to engage with the most important issues facing
humanity, including sustainability and social change, and help to develop the skills
necessary to interpret and articulate the past and the present.

o Expressive arts
The Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience (Area) spans five disciplines: art,
dance, drama, film and digital media and music.

As a school, Oakfield are well-prepared for the changes and further details will be shared regularly on
newsletters and other means of communication throughout the school year.

A summary of the school’s approach to implementing the new curriculum for Wales can be found by
clicking on the following link. Please take a moment to have a read through this information.

Curriculum for Wales | Oakfield Primary School


The Literacy curriculum incorporates speaking and listening, reading and writing. These are inter-
related and cross all curriculum areas. We will develop these abilities through structured activities and
informal experiences.

Our children should learn to listen and respond appropriately to others. We will endeavour to teach
our pupils to speak clearly and expressively. They will be taught to read with fluency and confidence.
We will encourage them to read for enjoyment and for information. They will be taught to write for a
range of audiences and purposes, developing composition and presentation skills (accurate
punctuation, correct spelling and legible handwriting).

We recognise the importance of English as our basic means of communication and the foundation for
almost all the learning which takes place in our school. Its mastery is essential for independent
learning, the world of work and most other aspects of everyday life.

Welsh is also a key focal point of language development and all of our children are supported in the
learning of the Welsh language. This includes learning Welsh both inside and outside the classroom
as we encourage all of our children to communicate through the medium of Welsh in everyday life.

Mathematics is an essential component in the education of all our children. They need to learn a
variety of mathematical concepts and processes to enable them to discuss, understand and
appreciate relationship and pattern in both number and space.

It is our aim that our children achieve accuracy in computation using their knowledge of number,
multiplication tables and different units of measurement. Equal weighting is given to practical tasks
where children are encouraged to use and apply mathematics to real-life problems. Mathematics at
Oakfield provides ample opportunity for extensive practical activity and investigation. We endeavour to
foster positive attitudes to mathematics. Our youngest children are introduced to mathematics through
guided play with skilled professionals leading their learning.

Science expands and extends children’s knowledge and understanding of the world. We emphasise
investigative and experimental science to encourage children’s curiosity and aid their understanding.
By the end of Foundation Phase, the children will have enhance their acquisition of key scientific skills
and they will have started to look at a variety of living things, including humans and what we need to
stay healthy, simple properties of materials, seasonal changes and discovering facts for themselves.

By the end of Key Stage Two, most pupils will know about living things adapting to their environment,
the formation of rocks and the use of simple electrical circuits and sound.

They will develop an understanding of the physics, chemistry and biology strands of science and will
be able to plan their own experiments, collect data and analyse the results.

Digital Competency
ICT is an essential component in the education of all our children. They need to learn a variety of
hardware and software skills, concepts and processes to enable them to discuss, and develop for the
fast-paced world we live in.

It is our aim that our children achieve high levels of competency using their knowledge of digital
literacy, multimedia, programming, our digital world and data handling. Digital Competency at
Oakfield provides ample opportunity for extensive practical activity and development of skills. We
endeavour to foster positive, responsible attitudes towards the information available at their fingertips.
Our youngest children are introduced to technology through guided tasks with skilled professionals
leading their learning.

Physical Education

Children have up to two hours of active Physical Education each week; this includes gymnastics,
athletics and team games.

All children in Year 6 have swimming lessons each year to ensure they meet the basic requirements of
swimming before they leave primary school. Basic athletic skills and opportunities to play team games,
such as football, rounders and cricket are key parts of the curriculum. Outside specialist coaches
teach sport across the school supported by our own staff.

Wider Curriculum
History, geography, art, music, computing, PE and D&T are taught through a sequential planned
approach and reflect the skills, knowledge and understanding identified in the National Curriculum.
These essential elements of learning are mainly found in themed or topic work as we prepare for the
implementation of the New Curriculum for Wales. For more information, please see our school

Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

Welsh Government (WG) requires all schools to offer a programme of Relationships and Sexuality
Education (RSE) to all children. These lessons play a crucial role in enhancing learner’s well-being
and safety. RSE creates a safe environment to build upon learners’ own formal and informal learning
experiences offline and online. Our children will be able to reflect and express their views and feelings
on a range of RSE issues. Our present curriculum is currently being reviewed as part of the
introduction of a new Curriculum for Wales.

The Curriculum for Wales will be in place from September 2022 and this will include the teaching of
RSE as a mandatory part what our children learn. RSE will focus on three broad strands:

• Relationships and identity

• Sexual health and well-being
• Empowerment, safety and respect

Further information will be shared by class teachers prior to any lessons taking place. These will be
shared on the regular school newsletters.

All information about what will be covered is found in the following link:

220804-rse-leaflet-en.pdf (

If you have any questions on this aspect of the curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact your
child’s class teacher.


Our overall attendance target for the year is for all children to achieve over 95%

If your child / children are absent from school then you

should notify the office by phone and / or provide a letter to
your child’s class teacher on their return to school.

Tel: 029 20799396

Email: [email protected]

School starts at 8.55am and finishes at 3.15pm

Morning nursery starts 9.00am and finishes at 11.30am
Afternoon nursery starts 12.45 pm and finishes at 3.15pm


• If I am ten minutes late 3 times a week in one term (based on a 6 week half term) I have missed in
total 180 minutes of my education (3 hours).
• If I did this 3 times a week in every term in the academic year, I would have missed 1080 hours of
my education (18 hours of education or 3 full days)
• Missing school means a lack of educational attainment
• Please aim for 100% attendance. It truly does make a difference to life chances.

We have a range of excellent prizes available to whole classes and individuals who maintain
excellent attendance and punctuality over the course of the year. Check our newsletters for
more detail

The Rights Respecting Schools Award | UNICEF UK

Oakfield are presently working towards achieving the Silver status of The Rights Respecting
Schools Award; putting children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK.

The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) works with schools in the UK to create safe and
inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are
able to thrive. Our Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life
and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active

Using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as our guide, we are
working with more UK schools than almost any other organisation. Over 1.6 million children in
the UK go to a Rights Respecting School and nearly 5,000 schools up and down the country
are working through the Award. Schools work with us on a journey to become fully Rights

The Award recognises a school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond.

What is the focus of the Award?

The UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools Award supports schools across the UK to embed
children’s human rights in their ethos and culture.

The Award recognises achievement in putting the UN Convention on the Right of the
Child (CRC) at the heart of a school’s practice to improve wellbeing and help all children and
young people realise their potential.

The Award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and

participation. The initiative started in 2006 and schools involved in the Award have reported a
positive impact on relationships and wellbeing, leading to better learning and behaviour,
improved academic standards and less bullying.

School Uniform

YC Sports
86-90 Crwys Road
Cardiff CF24 4NP
02920 237968

Oakfield Primary School (

The school has a uniform of a red top and grey/black trousers or skirt, white or yellow polo shirts. A
black polo shirt in Year 5 and Year 6. Sweatshirts and cardigans can be purchased YC Sports. Girls
can wear a red gingham dress if they prefer.

We believe that a school uniform is essential and we encourage all our pupils to wear our
school uniform as it contributes to a sense of belonging and common purpose, fostering a
feeling of pride.

We would prefer that no jewellery be worn to school. If for any reason you feel other jewellery needs to
be worn, then please ensure that you discuss the matter with a member of staff. Any child wearing a
headscarf (for example, a Hijab) needs to ensure that they are able to tie the scarf in a safe manner
for any physical activity. Again, if you are unsure or have any questions about clothing then please do
not hesitate to contact the school. Special clothing is required for Physical Education. Class teachers
will advise on what children should wear during PE lessons.

We request that each item of personal clothing has your child’s name clearly written on it. We
would be grateful for your support and co-operation in relation to school dress code.

Please note that other supermarket or clothes shops also sell uniform in our colours. We don’t mind
where uniform is purchased, but we do ask that you label each item of clothing with your child’s name.

If you have old uniform that is not needed, in a good clean condition, then please consider donating it
back to the school for us to re-use.

Please remember that all children in Year’s 5 & 6 (upper school) will be able to purchase a
black polo shirt & red hooded top.

Visitors to the school continue to comment on how wonderful the children look in their school uniforms
and how polite they all are.

Publication scheme
We try to make the information in our school prospectus as comprehensive as possible. Under the
Freedom of Information Act 2001 however, you may also, if you wish, request information in the
following areas:

▪ Governor’s Documents – information published in the Governors Annual Report and in other
governing body documents.
▪ Pupil and Curriculum – information about policies that relate to pupils and the school
▪ School Policies – information about policies that relate to the school in general.

You can request a copy of the information you want from the school. You can contact the school by
telephone, email or letter:

Email: [email protected] Tel: 02920 799396

Address: Ferntree drive, St Mellons, Cardiff CF3 0AA

To help us process your request quickly please clearly mark correspondence ‘PUBLICATIONS

Single copies of information covered by this publication and provided free unless stated otherwise. If
your request means that we have to do a lot of photocopying or printing or pay a large postal charge
we will let you know the cost before fulfilling your request.

Child Protection & Safeguarding

Oakfield is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all
stakeholders to share this commitment. This means that we have a Child Protection Policy and
procedures in place.

All staff must ensure that they are aware of these procedures. In the event of serious concerns about
a child’s welfare, physical or emotional, it is the duty of the Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSO) to
make a referral to the appropriate agency in order to ensure the protection of the child.

Pupil Voice
Our School Senedd class elections take place every year. The children are elected by their
friends in a democratic ballot and they meet regularly to help make a difference to what we do in
school. They have a huge role to play in making our school an even better place to be.

We are passionate about ensuring that our children are fully engaged with, heard and their views
respected. Listening to the voices of our children and young people ensures that their experiences,
views and wishes are at the heart of all decisions in school.

All children have regular opportunities to shape their learning and contribute to class teacher planning,
make decisions on purchasing resources, for example, playtime equipment, and liaise with their
Senedd members to improve the school environment.

Complaints Procedure
The Governing Body of Oakfield Primary School has approved the document setting out the
arrangements for Cardiff County Council in respect of the County Complaints Procedure. It is
summarised below as follows:-

Stage 1 Informal complaint to the Headteacher and staff of the school

Stage 2 Written complaint to the Headteacher when an informal complaint has not been
satisfactorily resolved

Stage 3 Written complaint to the Governing Body stating that the complaint has not been
satisfied at stages one and two.

Stage 4 County Council Review, if the outcome of stage three has not secured a resolution of
the problem.

Stage 5 National Assembly Review

School Meals

School meals are provided at a cost of £2.50 per day (or £12.50 a week). Dinner money is collected
via the Parent Pay App. Pupils whose parents are in receipt of Income Support may be entitled to free
school meals. Application forms are available at school. Alternatively, pupils may bring a packed
lunch. If you think you are entitled to Free School Meals, please make sure that you contact the office
and we can help you fill the forms in.

During the lunch break our school staff care for the children. All children who do not want school
dinners may bring a packed lunch to eat. Please make sure you do not give your child an
unreasonable amount to eat. In line with the Schools Healthy Eating policy, we do not allow children to
bring fizzy drinks or sweets to school.

Children may have a drink of milk or water during the morning session and a piece of fruit to eat. We
do not allow crisps, sweets or chocolate to be eaten at break time.

During normal times, Nursery to Year 3 children will be provided with a healthy snack and parents are
requested to pay £1 per week. Class teachers will inform their parents of changes due to the

Older children (years 4 5, and 6) also have the option of buying a healthy snack at break time. Again,
in normal times, they can choose from a selection of fruit at the school Fruit Shop. Class teachers will
inform their parents of changes due to the pandemic.

We usually run a breakfast club each morning from 8.15am (from 8.30am during the pandemic)
through to the start of each school day. This club is free to all children of Reception age and above. It
provides each child with a nutritious start to the day. We are a ‘Healthy School’ and this supports the
school's Health Education Programme.

Health and Welfare

The Headteacher is the school's Health and Safety Officer. All teaching staff hold First Aid at Work
qualification. All staff have received training for basic First Aid. This qualification is renewed every 3

It is obviously important that the school knows of any illnesses, allergies or conditions which may have
an affect on your child’s capacity to learn (e.g. hearing, sight, asthma, convulsions).

The School nurse attends school to carry out school entrant Health Reviews in the children's
Reception year.

Illness & Accidents in School
Although we do the best we can, there is no comfortable, quiet place for children to rest in school. In
cases of illness, parents are contacted by telephone. Staff care for sick children until their parents
arrive. In case of emergency a telephone contact number (home and one other) must be provided for
every child. Please ensure that you let school know if there are any changes to contact numbers
e.g, - new mobile numbers.

In the event of accidents, appropriate and necessary treatment is given and parents are contacted. In
extreme emergencies children are transported by ambulance to hospital.
Please ensure that you contact school if you are going to be delayed in collecting your child from
school, so that we can allay fears and worries before they begin.

Prescribed Medicines
Some medication that needs to be taken at lunchtime can be supervised by an adult with the written
consent of the parents in exceptional cases.

We have a clear policy in school to support any parent/carer who may request that staff administer
prescribed medicines. Please contact the office for further details.

Lots of children in school suffer with asthma, if your child needs an asthma pump please speak to the
class teacher. The teachers cannot give the medication to the child, but they can bring an inhaler to

Preparing Your Child for School

The first few weeks in school for our youngest children are essentially a time for settling in, getting
used to routines and socialising with other children. Please try to make your child as independent as
possible. Teach your child to:
• Do up buttons and zips and put on shoes and socks
• Go to the toilet unaided
• Wash and dry hands properly
• Share with others
• Respect the rights and property of others
• Put away toys and games
• Wait their turn
• Talk by helping with shopping, baking, gardening etc and discuss what you are doing
• Count familiar objects, handle money, learn the names of colours and name different shapes
• Talk about the time of the day and days of the week
• Visit the local library
• Choose and read books together
• Talk about pictures
• Play all kinds of games

Praise your child often and boost their self confidence.

Make learning fun!

Head Lice

The Prevention and Treatment of Head Lice


Make life difficult for head lice.

Use a fine comb regularly. Talk to
your pharmacist, GP, School
Nurse or Health Visitor for advice.

■ Many people (adults as well as children) will get head lice at some time in
their lives - annoying but true!

■ Just like the common cold, you can catch head lice or pass them on before
knowing you have them.

■ You can tackle the problem by getting advice from your pharmacist and acting
on it.

■ Not just you, but anyone you are in contact with needs to take action.


Making the most

of every

School Term Dates

Autumn Term 2022

Some Useful Information
Starts: Parents and carers can access the current Primary School menu by
Monday 5 September 2022 logging in to their ParentPay account. Simply visit
and activate your account via the Account Login area on the home page of
Half term:
the site.
Monday 31 October 2022
to Friday 4 November 2022
If you have not already received a unique activation username then please
Ends: contact the school office on:02920 79939
Friday 23 December 2022
Details of your Username and Password should be kept safe & secure.
Spring 2023

Starts: More information on school meals, including menu choices can be found
Monday 9 January 2023 by visiting: School Catering Services (
Half term:
Monday 20 February 2023
to Friday 24 February 2023 Special Achievements
Has your child achieved something special during the holidays or out of
Friday 31 March 2023 school hours? Please let us know and we can all celebrate fantastic
Summer 2023 achievements together on our regular newsletters. We will also continue
to place some of our children’s excellent work on the reverse of our
Starts: newsletters. Watch this space for more details!
Monday 17 April 2023

Half term:
Monday 29 May 2023 to Friday 2 A Message from our PCSO
June 2023 Please could all parents/carers ensure that they park in a safe manner,
avoiding neighbour’s drive ways, parking on kerbs or double parking.
Monday 24 July 2023 The yellow ziz-zag lines are also a no-parking zone.

We fully appreciate that the start and end of day is extremely busy,
but ask for your help in this matter.

Mobile Phones
Please do not send mobile phones with your child to school. If any
children need to make phone calls during the day they will be able to use
the school telephones in the main office. School will not be able to
accept any responsibility for any items that are lost or damaged.


Autumn Term 2022

Monday 5th September 2022 H&S, Safeguarding, Policy & expectations
Tuesday 6th September 2022 School improvement planning, New Curriculum for Wales,
Assessment, recording & reporting, New staff induction
Spring Term 2023
Monday 9th January 2023 New Curriculum for Wales – AoLE workshops
Friday 17th February 2023 Cluster INSET Day, Transition, Moderation, School to School
Working – assessment for CfW

Summer Term 2023

Monday 5th June 2023 New Curriculum for Wales/ALN reviews/ Assessment
Monday 24th July 2023 Assessment, recording and reporting, Portfolio building

Oakfield has always had an incredibly hardworking Parent & Teacher Association (PTA)
who assist the school in many different ways. Due to the pandemic, they have not been
able to meet as regularly as we would have liked, but please be rest assured that the
PTA play a huge role in the success of the school. It is not exclusive to a few parents or
carers because if you have a child at the school you are more than welcome to help.

If you are interested in helping with anything, no matter how large or small, please
contact a member of staff for more details, or look at our notice board in the main
building. The PTA help run our wonderful school fayres (Christmas and summer) along
with a range of other events, including charity fundraisers.

We will let you know the date of meetings of the year when confirmed. Thank you!

What our children say!

“It is perfect because the teachers are the best.”

“The technology is amazing, I love the new iPad and computers.”

“We get taught lots of good things like how to do experiments, writing stories, maths and I love art!”

“I am sad to be leaving this year because I love the teachers and my friends. I have been here forever!
I have become attached to it.”

“I like it when we go on school trips to the zoo.”

“We have nice tuck and new toys on the playground.”

“I like the way we get to say what we learn because it means more to us.”

“If I don’t understand my work or if I have a problem, there is always someone around to help.”

School Priorities for 2022/2023

The overarching aim is to support all of our children in their return to school through well-considered systems that
support emotional and physical well-being. They will be offered many opportunities and supported in many different

The school has also identified 4 other priorities that will be a key focus for this year.

PRIORITY 1 - Health & Well-being

To continue to improve the status of health & well-being within the school community in order to support the specific
emotional and physical needs of all pupils through the continuation of well-considered & bespoke provision.

PRIORITY 2 – New Curriculum for Wales

To successfully & effectively implement the school’s vision for the New Curriculum for Wales.

PRIORITY 3 - Assessment & Progression

To further develop effective assessment practices that take into account knowledge, consolidation and progress of all

PRIORITY 4 - ALN & Appropriate Challenge

To maintain present practices and further consider relevant support & appropriate challenge for all learners in accordance
with new ALN legislation.
Social Media
Let’s help our children prepare for the future and help them to be responsible if using any form of social
networking sites, including text messaging and gaming.
The minimum recommended age to open an account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and
Snapchat is 13. Primary aged pupils should not be using these social media apps.
We fully recognise the value that YouTube has in today’s education, but the YouTube policy
recommends account holders need to be 18 years of age.

If your child is able to use group chat forums on Playstation or Xbox games, then please monitor their
use closely as they use age appropriate games..

We want all of our children to be safe and we ensure that we have regular lessons that cover many
aspects of online safety.

Please can you help us to help our children be safe and responsible online.

Have you ever asked your children how school was?
Was the reply, ‘I can’t remember?’

Have you ever asked your children what they did in school?
Was the reply, ‘I don’t know?’

Questions that children may want to answer at the

end of a long school day:
1. What did you eat for lunch?
2. Did you catch anyone doing something funny?
3. What games did you play at playtime?
4. What was the funniest thing that happened today?
5. Did anyone do anything super nice for you?
6. What was the nicest thing you did for someone else?
7. Who made you smile today?
8. Which one of your teachers would survive a zombie apocalypse? Why?
9. What new fact did you learn today?
10. What challenged you today?
11. If school were a ride at the fair, which ride would it be? Why?
12. If one of your classmates could be the teacher for the day who would you want it to
be? Why?
13. If you had the chance to be the teacher tomorrow, what would you teach the class?
14. What is your teacher's most important rule?
15. What is the most popular thing to do at playtime?
16. Does your teacher remind you of anyone else you know? How?
17. Tell me something you learned about a friend today.
18. What was your favourite subject to study today? Why?
19. What is one thing you did today that was helpful to someone else?
20. When did you feel most proud of yourself today?
21. What rule was the hardest to follow today?
22. What is one thing you hope to learn before the school year is over?
23. Which person in your class is your exact opposite?
24. Which area of your school is the most fun?
25. Which playground skill do you plan to master this year?

Every school should be a special place, a safe place, a place of
learning, a place of nurture and of exploration. A school must
demonstrate openness and acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness.
Here, values and attitudes are formed and every individual is
celebrated as unique.
We at Oakfield Primary School have a responsibility to:-

• care for the child's safety and happiness.

• ensure that each child is given the opportunity to achieve
his/her full potential educationally, developmentally and
• ensure high standards of work and behaviour
• to instil a sense of responsibility and belonging within the
community of the school and neighbourhood
• provide a balanced curriculum to meet the individual needs of
every child.

Our school is a place :-

• where every person has equal value and the chance to grow
and develop to their full potential;
• where teachers, staff, governors and parents are committed to
the education and development of the whole person;
• where all are appreciated & encouraged to show respect to
• where all are welcome; that...

• every child can learn of the richness of the created world, and
grasp every opportunity to contribute to it in life;
• every member of staff can be nurtured in their vocation to
• every achievement can be celebrated and every shortcoming


Making the most of

every opportunity

If a child……

If a child lives with criticism, they learn to condemn.

If a child lives with hostility, they learn to fight.

If a child lives with ridicule, they learn to by shy.

If a child lives with shame, they learn to be guilty.

If a child lives with tolerance, they learn to be patient.

If a child lives with encouragement, they learn confidence.

If a child lives with praise, they learn to appreciate.

If a child lives with fairness, they learn justice.

It a child lives with security; they learn to have faith.

If a child lives with approval, they learn to like itself.

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, they learn to

find love in the world.


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