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1.What are the new type of workflows introduced in MS CRM2013.

 Answer: a.Action.  b.Business Process workflow.

2.What is the Business Rules in Ms CRM?

3.Business Rules,JavaScript Method which one trigger the first?

Answer: javascript method is clientside program and syncronous and business rules are asynchronous process
so javascrit execute first.

4.What is the realtime workflow ?

5.Realtime workflow trigger first or plugin will trigger first?

 Answer: By default plugin will trigger first.

6.How should is change execution order between synchronous workflow and Plugin?
 Answer: we have tool synchronous event order in ToolBox by using we can able to update Rank of workflow.

In this if section of interview questions we would be posting questions and answers that is being
asked during interviews for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. 

In the first post we are posting here couple of interview questions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
2011. Moving forward we will be posting more questions  and answers on other versions of MS CRM -
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013.

1. Difference between Retrieve and RetrieveMulitiple?

2. Difference between Retrieve and Fetch?

3. Where to use REST and where to use SOAP in crm 2011

4. Is REST is synchronous or Aynchrouns?

5. If we want to run a plugin for outlook offline mode what we need to do?

6. Early binding in CRM 2011 and what is the use of crmsvcutil.exe?

7. What is Secure and Unsecure configurations CRM 2011?

8. Different ways to debug a plug-in? 

9. What is context.depth? And where we use it?

10. What is correlation id? Where we use it?
11. What is preEntity and postEntity images? 

12. How to add a drag-and-drop functionality on a CRM form?

13. Can the same field appear twice in a form in CRM 2011?

14. How to customize CRM 2011 server with external .aspx pages?

15. How to integrate an external portal with CRM?

Some new questions
Data Types OR Type of Fields in MS Dynamic CRM by version From (2011 to 2015)

2011 2013 2015

Single Line of Text
Option Set
Two Options
Multiple Lines of Text
Date and Time
Whole Number
Floating Point Number
Decimal Number
Image            Image

What tables get effected when a new user is created in MS CRM

When CRM creates a new user, it writes data to three different tables: [MSCRM_CONFIG].
[dbo].[SystemUserAuthentication] [MSCRM_CONFIG].[dbo].[SystemUserOrganizations]
[XX_MSCRM].[dbo].[SystemUserBase] The steps for creating the user in CRM is as
follows: The first table is populated as soon as you press ‘Save’. Amongst other data, the
users GUID in Active Directory is added to the table. Next it tries to bind the user to the
chosen organization. Lastly CRM populates the table in wich is used to display CRM users in

On creation of entity how many tables will be created at backend?

Entityname+Base , EntityName+ExtensionBase
example: if you created an entity bank then following tables will be created at crm database
new_bankbase , new_bankentensionbase

What databases are created while installing MS CRM?

The following SQL Server components are added. source

Compone Name Description 

Databases MSCRM_CONFIG Microsoft SQL Server Setup
OrganizationName_MSCRM creates the SystemDrive:\
Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Data\ folder and Microsoft
Dynamics CRM Server Setup
installs the Microsoft Dynamics
CRM configuration database
and organization databases in it.
SQL MSCRM_CONFIG.SiteWideClea Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server
Server nup Setup creates one SQL Server
Jobs job that is used for maintenance.
Logins PrivReportingGroup Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server
ReportingGroup Setup creates SQL Server logins
SQLAccessGroup for the PrivReportingGroup,
MSCRMSqlLogin ReportingGroup, and
SQLAccessGroup Active
Directory groups that are
MSCRMSqlLogin is used for
time zone conversions when you
use dashboards and charts, and
do queries using Advanced Find.
When Microsoft SQL Server is
enabled to use common
language runtime (CLR), this
can significantly improve
performance for those features.

Sharing variables between plugins

In plugin code you can use following line to add a variable to shared-variables which can be
accessed by other plugins which are next in event execution pipeline
context.SharedVariables.Add("Name", Value);

Here the context is plugin execution context. 

Can we hide tab in MS Dynamic CRM form using JavaScript? How?
Yes we can hide particular section using following line of code.

There are plenty of questions are available but here you go with some of the
questions, please find the answers in the google.

most common questions:

1. Difference between PlugIn vs Workflow (Asynchronous vs Synchronous)

2. What are basic security permissions at domain level (priv reporting group, privUser group, SQL
Reporting group... total 5 groups availble google it.)
3. for plugin deployment, Difference between GAC, DataBase, Disk deployments.
4. Difference between CRM webservice Vs CRM.SDKProxy namespaces.
5. Calling Dynamic Entities (knowledge on Moniker, INputParameters, OutPutParameters, and
6. Difference between GUID and Key, Lookup and String
7. Knowledge on Java Script and SOAP webservices, most important how to call XmlHttpRequest.
(Bold questions are high priority quesitons, you will get answers in google. if not ask me.)
8. how many max number of tabs available in MS CRM Entity Form (officially max 8
tabs, unofficially we can do plenty(Its not recommended by Microsoft CRM))

During interviews, i usually talk about candidates

prior experience while playing with challenges like:

- Scenario to design an application

- Infrastructure planning

- Workaround product lacking in mailmerge, templates, reporting, workflow, UI.

- Auto numbers

- Infinite loop 

- Synchronous VS asynchronous plugins

- Deployment Issues

 explain in details about the event execution pipeline.

2. when do we register a plugin in child pipeline. give examples

3. What are images. Why are they used.

4. What is early binding and late binding. How is it used in CRM

5.How do you debug a plugin

7. What is PrinciplalObjectAccess table why is it used.

8. What is the use of stringmap table.

9.How do you set a recurrening activity in CRM

10. when can infinite loop occur in a plugin. How do you avoid infinite loops in plugin

11. How do you avoid sql deadlock.

12. How many types of relationships are available in crm

13. What is the difference when the ownership is user vs organizaion for a custom

14. what are filtered views?

15. if you delete a record from UI, what happens in database. can you bring the
record back?

16 what is deletion service? can you change its schedule

 #1: How is CRM changing and what does the business owner need
to be aware of?

At the heart of CRM is the benefit of having the customer record at the
center of the data universe rather than multiple galaxies of transactions
held in separate, transaction-specific apps. So the innovation lies in new
and improved visibility for putting information to use in intelligent decision
making. Companies that used to serve 100 are serving 10,000, and with
this kind of scaling, better top-level tools and custom dashboards are where
I see CRM continuing to morph and advance.

#2: Who are the newcomers to the CRM landscape?

It is such a hot area right now, there are literally hundreds. But two I have
been following are Zoho and HighRise. Both are niche vendors that have
garnered great contact lists with their other products and created relatively
simple implementations for their clients and others. They both illustrate the
fact that CRM is no longer esoteric — it is going mainstream, which is a
great thing for business, particularly customer service and data security.

#3: How much should I plan to spend on a good solution?

That's always a tough question, given that applications vary widely in price
based on whether it's a hosted or installed delivery model, user-based or
organization-wide subscription model, or a per-gigabyte or other data
model. I would use the cost-per-sale and cost-per-lead values to help
determine what a system is worth to a business. For most customers,
services are going to be anywhere from $20 to $350 per month per user.

#4: What exactly should I be expecting CRM to do for me?

This is an important question, as there are many misconceptions about

software and CRM in particular. Besides some fundamentals, like data
security and access and ease of use, CRM will primarily help you do what
you do anyway, but move it to the next level. If your main focus is customer
service, CRM will help you monitor, deliver, and measure your
effectiveness. If your goal is a flat organization where the right hand knows
immediately what the left hand is doing, CRM will help you be informed
about the customer's world and not just what relates to your department or

#5: What are your expectations for CRM in the next five years?

First, I expect CRM to become much more commonplace. Players like

Zoho and 37signals (Highrise) are knocking down barriers to entry. I also
expect to see some consolidation. I think the bigger players, like
Salesforce, Microsoft, and SAP, will buy up some of their smaller rivals to
build into their suites and migrate their user bases. As long as the acquiring
provider keeps the connections intact during the migration and meets a
similar price point, it will be a win-win. I also think we'll be seeing more
mobile-friendly applications, like Salesforce's Visualforce and NetSuite's
iPhone, to maximize data access and timeliness.

#6: What are the most common mistakes you see companies make
with CRM?

Many organizations use Outlook BCM or Excel for managing their contacts,
which offer no planning or setup process — just create a column or type in
a field and get started. This causes problems when information is related
and the flexible aspects of the previous solution are overlooked. There are
real benefits that won't happen without understanding the new vernacular;
the specific way the new solution describes the data. For example, an
"account" in Salesforce may not be the same as an "account" in Highrise.
In fact, it might have another name altogether, such as "company."
Understanding how the particular vendor uses "leads" or "opportunities" will
help to avoid a great deal of frustration.

#7: Do you have a few key best practices someone considering CRM
can use?

Yes, I have three that anyone can use. First, consider your future needs.
Look down the road and ask "How many contacts will I have in five years?"
"How many salespeople will I have?" "How many of my people will need
real-time access to this information at home or on their phones and PDAs?"
"How much would it cost me to replace these contacts?"

Second, take the opportunity to clean up your data now. Moving to a CRM
solution is an opportunity to start with a clean version of accurate data. De-
duplicate and otherwise scrub the data to minimize the possibility of
needing to import twice. For example, the flexibility of Excel and Outlook
BCM allow placing incorrectly formatted information in their fields. This data
will not import well without some good planning.

Third, be sure to communicate throughout the process and get early buy-in.
The biggest focus of with its customers is adoption.
Members of your team are influencers in their departments. Leverage their
expertise and influence by building a team to help you make decisions
about the solution. Even if you disagree, listening, acknowledging, and
respecting will build loyalty and acceptance within the process.

#8: What advantages might CRM have for specific verticals?

The answer to this question is not if but how much. Since CRM helps you
do what you do better, if you are in a professional services company with
long sales cycles, project terms, and frequent interactions and touch points,
CRM will be exponentially more valuable to you. So service businesses,
like lawyers, consultants, and accountants, are ripe for CRM but often have
a technological aversion and a strong status quo to maintain.

#9: Does CRM fall more to sales or marketing in most organizations?

In my experience, marketing is somewhat of a new concept in CRM. Sales

is definitely involved, but most often it is operations leading the charge.

#10: What are my best resources for finding out more about CRM?

One resource I would recommend any company create for itself is a one- to
two-page document that answers the best practice questions above and
includes input from the team. Send it to five vendors your team has
selected and go over the proposals to see which companies address you
as a unique business — not just with a customizable offering but as a
discrete business. Here are a few good sites I would recommend to anyone
considering a solution:


Interview Questions
Dear Friends, I have prepared common interview questions on Dynamics CRM from experience.
I have divided the questions based on topic and complexity. I will update the remaining topics
also soon….

Suggestions/comments are always welcome so feel free to give suggestions under comments
section on this blog to improve more :)
Topic-1 : General Questions (Services, Field/Form security,
Auditing, etc)
Topic-2: Field Level security
Topic-3 : Customizations (Entity, field, form, view, Ribbon,
Topic-4 : Solutions
Topic-5 : Differences
Topic-6 : Plug-ins
Topic-7 : Workflows
Topic-8 : Security Roles

Topic-1 : General Questions (Services,

Field/Form security, Auditing, etc):
Click here for Ans

1. What are the services available in CRM 2011?
2. What is the main difference between CRM 4.0 and CRM2011 services?
3. Any idea on current version of CRM?
1. What is Discovery service and purpose of it?
2. What are the REST calls in CRM?
3. What is early binding and late binding. How is it used in CRM?
4. What is PrinciplalObjectAccess table why is it used?
5. What is the use of stringmap table?
1. What are the different types of Authentication methods supported in Dynamics CRM
2. What are different types of Modules we have in CRM?
3. Can you explain the Marketing Life cycle in CRM?
4. Can you brief on Sales module of CRM?
5. How the service module works in CRM?
6. Explain details about “Event Execution Pipeline”
7. What is field level security?
8. What is form level security?
9. Can we control the field level security based on security role?
10. Can we control the entities in site map with security roles?
11. Will auditing slow down my system?
12. Does audit data count against my CRM storage quota?
13. Can I audit just changes done by a couple users?
14. Can I schedule auditing to be turned off during data import?
15. What type of operations and data can be audited in CRM?

Topic-2: Field Level security 

Click here for Ans

1. What is the importance of field level security in CRM?
2. What are the permission we can restrict on specific field with field level security?
3. What are the high level steps to enable field level security?
4. What will happen if a field is enabled for field level security?
5. What a field level security profile contains in CRM?
6. Can we add user/team to more than one field level security profile?
7. Can we delete System Administrator field level security profile?
8. Can we set field level security for OOB fields?
9. Do Audit history maintained for enabling and disabling field level security by setting
“IsSecured” on a field?
10. What will happen if the user don’t have “Read” security on a field?

1. How can we know what are all attributes can be secured in CRM with field level
2. Do all attribute data types support to restrict all permissions with field level security?
3. Which security roles allow you to see secured fields?
4. What will happen if multiple profiles assigned to user/team?

1. How do secured fields behave for create or update?
2. How do secured fields behave for Retrieve and RetrieveMultiple?
3. How do secured fields behave when records are shared?
4. How do secured fields behave for filtered views?
5. How do secured fields behave for offline synchronization?
Topic-3 : Customizations (Entity, field,
form, view, Ribbon, dashboard):
Click here for Ans

1. Can we modify the name of root business unit?
2. Can we have 2 BU’s for a single user?
3. Can we add different BU related users to a single Team?
4. Where we need to change the prefix for custom components?
5. How to see the CRM version information?
6. Where can we set the Default module and Entity to get on opening CRM?
7. Where to do the user related (personal) settings?
8. Where to change the #of records count limit that displaying in entity grid view?
9. What is the maximum limit of records can be displayed in CRM grid view?
10. Where can we change the number, currency and time formats?
11. What are the different data types we have in CRM?
12. Can we create a new field from form customization?
13. What is the max chars limit for “Multiline textbox”?
14. What is the lookup data type and where it will be placed?
15. What is the char limit for custom components pre-fix?
16. Where does CRM store Option Set values in SQL Server?
17. What are requirement levels we have to create a new field for an entity?
18. What are the default settings for Field level security and Auditing?
19. How can you customize the CRM Ribbon?
20. Where can we get Organization and Discovery service URLs in CRM instance?

1. How many types of relationships are available in crm?
2. What are the “Relationship behaviors” in CRM and explain each of them?
3. Where the Option set field options are stored in CRM?
4. How can you add Custom buttons to Ribbon?
5. How can you Hide system ribbon buttons?
6. How can you override system ribbon button functionality?
7. Is there any way to get Intelligence for Ribbon customizations in VS? If yes, how?
8. What are filtered views?
9. What is the importance of Application Ribbon component in CRM?
10. What is the importance of Site map in CRM?
11. What are the different types of forms we can create in CRM 2015?
12. What are the limitations of Quick create form w.r.t controls and design?
13. What are the limitations of Quick view for w.r.t. controls and design?
14. What are the different web resource supported by CRM?
15. Can we enable/disable the plug-in steps from CRM solution?
16. What are the different types of views we have in CRM?
17. How can we create a custom activity in CRM?
18. What are the different changes you observer between custom entity and custom activity?
19. What will happen if we set “Searchable” as “No” for a field from customizations?

1. What is the difference when the ownership is user vs organizaion for a custom entity?
2. What are the types of Ribbons we have in CRM 2011?
3. What will at backend on creation of new custom entity in CRM?
4. What are the different type of N: N relationships we have in CRM?
5. What are the options we can’t rollback if we enable them while creating custom entity?
6. What are the options we can rollback if we enable them while creating custom entity?
7. What are the settings we need to do to see the entity relations from Advanced find?
8. What is the importance of “Manager Properties” on CRM components?

1. When we should go with Global option sets?
2. What is the importance of Manual N:N relationship? Can you explain with a simple
3. When we can use multiple forms? Can you explain in detail?

Topic-4: Solutions
Click here for Ans

 What are types of solutions in CRM 2011?
 Can we export Default solution as “Managed Solution”?
 What is Managed Solution?
 What is unmanaged solution?
 Can we update the components in Managed solution?
 What is the process to update Managed solution?
 How can we know the Owner of Managed solution?

1. What are components we can add from solutions?
2. What is meant by web resources and how many types of web resources we have?

1. What are the minimum privileges required to create solution?
 Read write of Customizations
 Read write of solutions
 Read write of publishers
 Read write of web resources
 Import and Export customizations
 Publish customizations
2. What is meant by Managed Properties?
3. What is meant by publisher and why we are using it in CRM 2011?

Topic-5: Differences
Click here for Ans
1. Discovery service Vs Organization service
2. Managed Solution Vs Unmanaged Solution
3. Plug-in Vs Workflow
4. Workflow Vs Dialogue
5. Sync Vs Async Plug-ins
6. Global Option set Vs Normal Option set field in CRM
7. Append Vs AppendTo
8. Share Vs Assign
9. Organization owned entities Vs User Owned entities

1. Query Expression Vs Fetch XML query
2. Query Expression Vs Query by Attribute
3. Form level security Vs Field level security
4. Pre-Image Vs Post Image in Plug-ins
5. Plugin deployment: Difference between GAC, DataBase, Disk deployments.
6. SQL based Vs Fetch XML based SSRS reports

1. Async Plug-in Vs Custom Workflow
2. Pre-Validation step Vs Pre-Operation step
3. Secure configuration Vs Unsecure Configurations in Plugin

Topic-6: Plug-ins

1. What is the process to develop the Plug-in?
2. What is the process to register the Plug-in in CRM?
3. What are stages we have in CRM?
4. What is the namespace for IPlugin Interface? (Xrm.Sdk)
5. What is the method we need implement from IPlugin interface?

1. Do we have all attributes on the form in “Target” attribute of Input parameters in CRM?
2. Which type of plug-ins contains “Output Parameters”
3. When can infinite loop occur in a plugin? How do you avoid infinite loops in plugin
4. Different fields in context object
5. When we can go for pre-validations and when we can go for pre-stage?
6. At what events “Images” are not available
7. What is the advantage of adding “Pre or Post” images to a plug-in

1. How can you debug the Plug-in code?
2. What is plug-in profiler and importance of it?
3. What is the secured configurations and how can we access from plug-in code?
4. What is the unsecured configurations and how can we access from plug-in code?
5. What are the minimum privileges a user should have to register a plug-in in CRM?
6. What are different methods of Plug-in storage?

Topic-7: Workflows

1. What is the process of creating sample UI workflow?

1. How can we create Timeout conditions in workflow?
2. Difference between Timeout and Wait conditions?
3. What is the importance of scope option in workflow?

1. What is CorrelationToken in workflows and importance of it?
2. Generally, workflows are getting failed after 8 iterations. Is there any way to overcome

Topic-8: Security Roles 

1. Explain the difference between Append & Append To?
2. Can you explain the difference between Share and Assign?
3. What are the different access levels we have in CRM?
4. What are the different types of privileges we have in CRM?

1. What is the default role assigned to user if it created from OOB import tool?
2. Which roles will get access by default on creation of custom entity?
3. Can we export child business unit security roles?

1. What are the minimum privileges required to track the outlook appointments into CRM?

1. User wants add notes to an account record. Which privileges he should have on account
and notes?

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