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Government of India

India Meteorological Department

Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road,
New Delhi – 110003.

Recruitment of Project Staff

1. Weblink for online application to apply

for Project Staff Position in IMD.

2. Advertisement for recruitment of Project

Staff is attached below.

India Meteorological Department

(Ministry of Earth Sciences)

Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.

Advertisement No. 01/2022-IMD

Online applications are invited for the positions available in India Meteorological Department for engaging Project Scientist “III”, Project
Scientists “II”, Project Scientists “I”, Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow & Junior Research Fellow to work on different R&D
programmes in the field of meteorology and its allied subjects on Project Mode (Contract basis). The posts are purely on contract initially for a
period of one year; extendable on year to year basis till March 2026 or co-terminus with the project whichever is earlier. There is no provision for
re-employment after termination of the project. The selected candidates will be evaluated on year to year basis and extension will be granted only
on satisfactory progress/performance after each year. The details of the posts are given below: -

Post Name of the No. of Qualifications Age limit (as Place of Posting
Code Post/Project Posts on the date of
closure of
01 Project Scientist 01 Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology/ 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
„III‟(Weather & Agricultural Physics with at least 60% marks from a recognized anywhere in
Climate Services) university India as per
Gramin Krishi or requirement
Mausam Sewa (Agro- B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
Meteorological marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Advisory Services)
Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Agricultural Science or
M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Experience: Seven years’ experience in weather forecasting and its
applications in agriculture including modelling, remote Sensing and
Job Requirement:

• Meteorological services including Agro- Meteorology.

• Management and processing of weather and crop data, analysis of
weather events as well as extreme weather, its impact, mitigation
and adaptation in agriculture for management of climate risks.
• Handling crop simulation model and development of decision
support tools using Remote Sensing and GIS as well as other
open source software in development of weather based Agromet
advisory products and interpretation into Agromet advisories etc.

Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2

Years of experience subject to performance review.
02 Project Scientist „II‟ 06 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Meteorology/ Agricultural Physics anywhere in
Services) / Remote sensing and GIS or equivalent / Computer Science from a India as per
Gramin Krishi recognized university with at least 60% marks from a recognized requirement
Mausam Sewa (Agro- university
Meteorological or
Advisory Services) B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Agricultural Science or

M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years’ experience in weather forecasting and its

applications in agriculture including modelling, remote Sensing and
Job Requirement:
• Meteorological services including Agro- Meteorology.
• Management and processing of weather and crop data, analysis of
weather events as well as extreme weather, its impact, mitigation
and adaptation in agriculture for management of climate risks.
• Handling crop simulation model and development of decision
support tools using Remote Sensing and GIS as well as other
open source software in development of weather based Agromet
advisory products and interpretation into Agromet advisories etc.
Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

03 Project Scientist „I 10 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Meteorology/ Agricultural Physics anywhere in
Services) / Remote sensing and GIS or equivalent /Computer Science from a India as per
Gramin Krishi requirement
recognized university with at least 60% marks from a recognized
Mausam Sewa (Agro-
Meteorological university
Advisory Services) Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Agricultural Science or

M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
• Meteorological services including Agro- Meteorology.
• Management and processing of weather and crop data, analysis of
weather events as well as extreme weather, its impact, mitigation
and adaptation in agriculture for management of climate risks.
• Handling crop simulation model and development of decision
support tools using Remote Sensing and GIS as well as other
open source software in development of weather based Agromet
advisory products and interpretation into Agromet advisories etc.

Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2

Years of experience subject to performance review.
04 Project Scientist „III‟ 03 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Weather & Climate anywhere in
Services) M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or India as per
Augmentation of Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics requirement
and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer
Aviation Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
Meteorological qualifying degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in aviation

Job Requirement:

• Development and validation of forecasting tools.

• Development and validation of decision support system based on
the requirements of aeronautical users..
• Development of training module including visualization and
simulation S/W.
• Verification of forecast.
• Development and field trial of meteorological sensors and
instruments (Laser, Microwave, Acoustic) including data
acquisition system.
• Interface development and data integration on multi-sensors/
multiprotocol platform.
• Providing backend support to operational forecasters.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
05 Project Scientist „II‟ 05 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics India as per
Augmentation of and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer requirement
Aviation Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
Meteorological qualifying degree level.
Services Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in aviation
Job Requirement:

• Development and validation of forecasting tools.

• Development and validation of decision support system based on
the requirements of aeronautical users..
• Development of training module including visualization and
simulation S/W.
• Verification of forecast.
• Development and field trial of meteorological sensors and
instruments (Laser, Microwave, Acoustic) including data
acquisition system.
• Interface development and data integration on multi-sensors/
multiprotocol platform.
• Providing backend support to operational forecasters.
Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

06 Project Scientist „II‟ 06 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics India as per
Climate Services and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer requirement
Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
qualifying degree level.
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science
or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in climate
Job Requirement:
• Climate predictions (extended, seasonal and beyond), Climate
Data products and services and Climate Research.
• Working knowledge of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled
General Circulation Models.
• Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
• Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, C/C++
etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like
• Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
• Working in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
• Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
• Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
• Work on hydrological data, drought monitoring/forecasting along
with GIS application including web SIS for various climate
products, use of remote sensing data etc.
Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

07 Project Scientist „III‟ 08 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics India as per
Trainingin and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer requirement
Operational Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
Meteorology qualifying degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services related to HRD in
meteorology / atmospheric sciences.
Job Requirement:
• Teaching at least two subjects out of Dynamic Meteorology,
Physical meteorology, Synoptic Meteorology, Climatology,
Computer programming and Applications, satellite meteorology,
Climate Science, Advanced Statistics, radar meteorology,
Instrumentation to be delivered as per allotment.
• Supervising Technical assistant-I for subject practical etc and
conduction of practicals.
• Preparing written material- Lecture notes, problem sets, PPTs for
different subjects under the supervision of Head Training Section.
• Supervising examinations of different courses conducted at MTI.
• Design of training courses and conduction of the training courses.
• Evaluation of different training courses based on Trainees
• Content development of different training courses.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
08 Project Scientist „II‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science with at least India as per
Upgradation of Hydro 60% marks at the qualifying degree level. requirement
Meteorological Or
Services B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science
or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in
Job Requirement:
• Weather Forecasting and Services (Nowcasting-Short-Range,
Medium Range and Long- Range), Cyclone warning, Numerical
Weather Prediction.
• Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
• Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, C/C++
etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like
• Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
• Working in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
• Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
• Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

09 Project Scientist „II‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science with at least India as per
Numerical Weather 60% marks at the qualifying degree level requirement
Prediction (NWP) Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science
or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in NWP.
Job Requirement:
• Weather Forecasting and Services (Nowcasting-Short-Range,
Medium Range and Long- Range), Cyclone warning, Numerical
Weather Prediction.
• Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
• Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, C/C++
etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like
• Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
• Working in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
• Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
• Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

10 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Meteorology or anywhere in
Forecast System) Atmospheric Science or Climate Science and Policy or Environmental India as per
Program Division Sciences with at least 60% marks at the qualifying degree level requirement
(MoES) Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree

in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks from a
recognized university/ Institute.
Job Requirement:
• Experience in Research & Development, Project Management,
Policy & Planning in the field of atmospheric sciences/ climate
change / sustainability.
• Preparation of reports, extensive communication with relevant
government focal points etc.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
11 Project Scientist „I‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
IHMP Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
marks at the qualifying degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
• R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
• To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
• To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
12 Project Scientist „III‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Upper Air marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services.

Job Requirement:
• R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
• To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
• To implement quality management for Meteorological da data.
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
13 Project Scientist „III‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Surface marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division ( IS ) B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in Instrumentation.
Job Requirement:
• R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
• To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
• To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
14 Project Scientist „I‟ 03 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Upper Air marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
• R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
• To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
• To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
15 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Surface marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division ( IS ) B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
• R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
• To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
• To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
• Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
16 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Environmental Science or India as per
Network) Environmental Engineering or Atmospheric Science or Electronics and requirement
Augmentation of Communication or Computer Applications or Computer Sciences with
Environmental at least 60% marks at the qualifying degree level
Monitoring and Or
Research B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
• Environment and Air Quality Warning Services.
• Research on atmospheric composition (GHGs, Aerosol, Ozone
and other trace gases etc) and information for national and
international policy makers.
• Develop forecasts of future environmental conditions and their
consequences for people.
• Observe trends of aerosol physical and chemical properties,
GHGs, Ozone and trace gases.
• Develop adaptation and mitigation strategies.
• Determine the exposure and assess the effects of air pollution on
health, and ecosystem.
• Develop warning systems for the prevention of undesired air
pollution episodes.
• Facilitate the source apportionment and identification.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
17 Project Scientist „I‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer Science with at India as per
Network) least 60% marks at the qualifying degree level requirement
Polar Meteorology Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
• Meteorological services including Polar- Meteorology.
• Research work on weather forecasting in polar region.
• Work on meteorological and atmospheric processes governing air-
ice interactions over Polar Regions and assess the probable tele-
connection between Polar Regions and Indian summer Monsoon.
• Study the temporal and spatial variability of meteorological
parameters and atmospheric composition in order to provide early
detection and subsequent long-term monitoring of changes in the
physical and chemical state of the atmosphere.
• Support for reliable weather forecasts in Polar Regions for the
protection of indigenous communities and in support of air and
marine logistical operations, as well as in support of scientific
research programmes.
• Management of Environment Monitoring Network.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
18 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or India as per
Network) Environmental Science or Remote Sensing or Computer Science or requirement
Satellite Meteorology Information Technology with at least 60% marks at the qualifying
degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
• Satellite Meteorology and Remote Sensing.
• Receive and process data from different polar orbiting satellites on
real time basis and disseminate the products to the forecaster and
research community by establishing receiving and processing
• Real time validation of various satellite products derived
• Assimilation of all possible satellite data into numerical weather
prediction models to improve forecast.
• To develop RAPIDNxt online visualization and analysis software
tools for satellite data and products, available to entire forecasting
community (IMD, IAF and Navy) and adjoining SAARC countries.
• To establish of in-situ calibration and validation site for INSAT
series satellite and its operationalization at Runn of Kutch, Gujarat.
• Inter calibration of Imager and Souder observation from the time
series of geostationary satellites (IOGEO).
• To generate the Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) of
calibrated and quality-controlled geostationary sensor data.
• To utilize the inter-satellite methodology developed by GSICS to
tie existing time series of satellite data to the best reference
available in space.
• Development of product and satellite based expert system with
National and International collaboration in respect of Auto-tracking
of cyclones, thunderstorms, severe weather phenomena and
development of severe warning indices.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
19 Project Scientist-II 2 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Monsoon Mission- M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in Atmospheric Science/ anywhere in
III) Meteorology/ Oceanography/ Physics/ Geophysics/ Mathematics from India as per
a recognized University/ Institution with at least 60% marks at Post requirement
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification:
• Research Experience supported by publications in good impact
journals would be an added advantage.
• Working knowledge of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled
General Circulation Models.
• Working experience with high power computing (HPC) systems.
• Demonstrated experience in using Programming languages (like
FORTRAN 90, C/C++ etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data
analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET, NCL, NCO, CDO etc.).
• Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
• Experience in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
• Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX Systems.
• Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
Experience: Three Years experience in related fields.
Job Requirements:
• The Selected candidate has to work on making runs of dynamical
models on high power computing systems using CFS model
framework and on the processing of dynamical and statistical
models runs using various statistical tools for operational seasonal
• Also, should be able to contribute effectively to prepare value
added products focusing on user needs.
Emoluments: (Rs. 15600-39100) + G.P-6600 + other admissible
emoluments as per DST Guidelines
20 Project Scientist-I 3 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Monsoon Mission- M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in Atmospheric Science/ Meteorology/ anywhere in
III) oceanography/ Physics/ Geophysics/ Mathematics from a recognized India as per
University/ Institution with at least 60% marks at Post Graduation. requirement
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification:
a) Research Experience supported by publications in good impact
journals would be an added advantage.
b) Working knowledge of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled
General Circulation Models.
c) Working experience with high power computing (HPC) systems.
d) Demonstrated experience in using Programming languages (like
FORTRAN 90, C/C++ etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data
analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET, NCL, NCO, CDO etc.).
e) Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
f) Experience in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
g) Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
Job Requirements:
• The Selected candidate has to work on the processing of
dynamical and statistical models runs using various statistical tools
for operational seasonal forecasting.
• Also, should be able to contribute effectively to prepare value
added products focusing on user needs.
Emoluments: (Rs. 15600-39100) + G.P-5400 + other admissible
emoluments as per DST Guidelines

21 Research Associate/ 22 Essential Qualification: 35 Years New Delhi/Any

(Weather & Climate Ph.D. / M. S. or equivalent degree in Agricultural where in India
Services) Meteorology/Agricultural Physics/ Agricultural Statistics
Gramin Krishi Mausam or
Sewa (Agro- having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
Meteorological experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M. Tech with at least one research paper
Advisory Services) in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.

(M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology/Agricultural Physics/ Agricultural

Statistics or M.Tech. in Environmental Science/ Remote sensing and
GIS /Computer Science from a recognized university)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

22 Research Associate/ 08 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune
(Weather & Climate Ph.D./ M.S. or equivalent degree
Training in Operational or
having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech with at least one research paper
in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.

(Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or

Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences
or equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

23 Research Associate/ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Ph.D./ M.S. or equivalent degree
Observations Network) or
Augmentation of having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
Environmental experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech with at least one research paper
Monitoring and in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.
(Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Applications or Environmental Science or Environmental Engineering
or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or equivalent
to any other subject considered relevant in the field)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

24 Research Associate/ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Ph.D./ M.S. or equivalent degree
Observations Network) or
Satellite Meteorology having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech with at least one research paper
in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.

(Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or

Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Science or
Environmental Science or Image Processing/ Remote Sensing or
equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

25 JRF/SRF 20 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi/

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology/Agricultural Physics/Agricultural Anywhere in
Services) Statistics, M.Sc. in Meteorology/ or M.Tech. in Atmospheric Sci./ India
Gramin Krishi Atmospheric Physics / Meteorology / Remote sensing and GIS
Mausam Sewa (Agro- /Computer Science from a recognized university with NET
Meteorological qualification.
Advisory Services) Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
26 JRF/SRF 08 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Weather & Climate Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Augmentation of Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or
Aviation equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field with
Meteorological NET qualification.
Services Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
27 JRF/SRF 10 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years Pune
(Weather & Climate Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Climate Services Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or
equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the fieldwith
NET qualification.
Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
28 JRF/SRF 08 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Upgradation of Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Hydrology or water
Forecast System) Resources or equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in
Upgradation of Hydro the field with NET qualification.
Meteorological Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Services Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
29 JRF/SRF 10 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Upgradation of Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
NWFC / Program Applications or Environmental Sciences or Computer Sciences or
Division (MoES) equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field with
NET qualification.

Senior Research Fellow(SRF)

Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
30 JRF/SRF 03 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or
Upper Air equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field with
Instrumentation NET qualification.
Division Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
31 JRF/SRF 04 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Environmental Science or Electronics &
Augmentation of Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or equivalent to any other
Environmental subject considered relevant in the field with NET qualification.
Monitoring and Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Research Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
32 JRF/SRF 01 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Environmental Science or Electronics &
Polar Meteorology Instrumentation or Computer Science or Image Processing/ Remote
Sensing or equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the
field with NET qualification.
Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
33 JRF/SRF 04 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Environmental
Satellite Meteorology Science or Image Processing/ Remote Sensing or equivalent to any
other subject considered relevant in the field with NET qualification.
Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month

General Conditions: -

Nationality : Only Indian nationals are eligible.

Reservation : Relaxation in age and experience for SC/ST/OBC candidates will be as per GOI Rule.
Age limit : As on normal closing date ofsubmission of application for recruitment advertised.

How to apply:
i) The candidates can apply for more than one post.
ii) On-line Application as per the Performa should be submitted up to 09.10.2022
iii) Copies of certificates (self-attested) in support of educational qualification (10th Class Onwards), date of birth and experience, if
any, should be uploaded with the application.
iv) SC/ST/OBC certificate, if applicable, as per the prescribed format, should be uploaded with the application.
v) Applicants are also required to bring original certificates/documents for verification at the time of interview.
vi) The number of posts to be filled may vary. The Department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment without assigning any
vii) No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates who are not selected for appointment.


Selection Process:
The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum requirements and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to
be called for interview. If the numbers of applications, received in response to advertisement are large, it will not be convenient or
possible to call all candidates for interview. Hence, India Meteorological Department (IMD) may restrict the number of candidates to be
called for interview before Selection Board to the reasonable limit through screening process.
The criteria for screening of the applications will be based on candidates qualifying credentials against:
i) The essential requirements specified above,
ii) Date of birth,
iii) Completeness of the application in terms of providing accurate details and submission of the passport size photograph, and
copies of the marks list, academic and experience certificates, signature,
iv) Essential experience,
v) Desirable qualification and experience as specified above,
vi) Consistent academic performance at one or more levels etc. The candidates experience certificates should clearly specify
whether they possess the experience / knowledge / skills / technology / software platform requested in the essential / desirable
experience requirements against the post. The benchmark for screening the applications will be set by a committee constituted to
screen the applications. The final selection of the Screened in candidate will be based on the candidate’s performance before the
Selection Board. No correspondence will be entertained with candidates who are not called for interview/selected for

General Conditions:
• Candidates are required to apply ONLINE. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
• Online application form & details of the advertisement is available at in Recruitment section.
• The candidate’s age should not exceed the age limit mentioned above as on date of closure of application. Experience will be
counted from the date of acquiring the essential academic qualifications.
• The experience, relevant to the requirement of job or research or teaching will only be considered towards the total period of
• Doctorate degree in the relevant field will count as 3 years of experience.
• IMD reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reason thereof or vary the number of posts to
be filled.
• Travel: No TA will be paid for attending the Selection/Interview.
• IMD will not be responsible for any other arrangements.
• The names of candidates screened-in for interview before Selection Committee will be displayed at India Meteorological
Department website.

Application Procedure:
▪ The entire application procedure is made online.
▪ Copies of certificates in support of educational qualifications, date of birth, experience, no objection certificates (from present
employer, if working), scanned signatures, passport size photograph, etc. should be uploaded during the online application
process. Passport size Photograph, Signature should be in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB; remaining
all certificates should be in .pdf format of each file less than 500 KB. Candidates are advised to be ready with all individual
scanned documents of their certificates of educational & professional qualifications, marks memos, reservation certificate, if
applicable, proof of date of birth, experience certificates, no objection certificates, scanned signature, passport size
photograph etc. before starting filling up of the online application. Production of the original certificates is must while
appearing for Interview. Applications submitted without the scanned copies of the relevant certificates, signature and
passport size photograph will be rejected in the screening process itself. The certificates uploaded should be clearly visible
and readable.
▪ Any discrepancies found in the certificates or uploading of wrong certificates will attract the disqualification of applications.
Nonproduction of the original certificates will also make the candidate disqualified. The disqualified candidates will not be
allowed for Interview. Candidates currently working in any other organization need to provide the proof of their current
employment with a service certificate from the employer / latest pay slip, etc. Appointment orders /resumes will not be
considered as proof of current employment. In addition, the experience certificates should clearly show the date of joining
and date of resignation. In case the screening committee is unable to get the documentary evidence for the number of years
of experience claimed by the candidate such periods of experience will be considered as NIL.
▪ The candidates, if any, presently working in Central Govt. /State Govt. / PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/University etc. are
required to provide No Objection/cadre clearance from current employer at the time of interview. The current employer will
also certify their Vigilance Clearance and Integrity.
▪ Incomplete applications in any respect are liable to be rejected summarily. No representation against such rejection will be
▪ Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

Note: Candidate should not have any type of conviction in the court anywhere in India.

Instructions to Candidates for filling Online Application:

• WebPages are best viewed in Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

• Before submitting the online application, the applicants are requested to go through carefully the details of the post and
content of the post on the website.
• Submit online application well before the last date i.e. 09.10.2022 along-with legible and scanned copies of educational
qualification, experience certificates, date of birth, disability (OH, PH), caste (ST/ST/OBC) certificate, Ex-servicemen
Certificate, No Objection Certificate in .pdf format not exceeding 500KB for each document/attachment without any
password protected and corrupted pdf file. If the certificates are in a language other than English or Hindi, then attested
translation should be uploaded.
• Please be noted that the online application form is not editable after final submission.
• The applicants are not required to send hard copies.
• A recent passport size photograph (scanned) should be in .jpg format (with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB).
• Signature (scanned) should be in .jpg format ( with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB )
• The applicants are advised to fill in all their particulars carefully in the online application.
• Incomplete application shall be rejected.
• Applicants are advised to retain the acknowledgement and printout of the submitted online application for future reference.
• In case of difficulty in the submission of online application form please email the queries
to [email protected] or [email protected]
• Date of closure of online application is 09.10.2022

No TA/DA will be paid to any candidate for attending the interview.

(Scientist E)
Establishment Division
India Meteorological Department
Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road
New Delhi-110003
Telephone No: 011- 43824332, 43824248

India Meteorological Department

(Ministry of Earth Sciences)

Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003.

New Delhi-110003‘

Advertisement No. 01/2022-IMD

Online applications are invited for the positions available in India Meteorological Department for engaging Project Scientist “III”, Project
Scientists “II”, Project Scientists “I”, Research Associate, Senior Research Fellow & Junior Research Fellow to work on different R&D
programmes in the field of meteorology and its allied subjects on Project Mode (Contract basis). The posts are purely on contract initially for a
period of one year; extendable on year to year basis till March 2026 or co-terminus with the project whichever is earlier. There is no provision for
re-employment after termination of the project. The selected candidates will be evaluated on year to year basis and extension will be granted only
on satisfactory progress/performance after each year. The details of the posts are given below: -

Post Name of the No. of Qualifications Age limit (as Place of Posting
Code Post/Project Posts on the date of
closure of
01 Project Scientist 01 Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology/ 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
„III‟(Weather & Agricultural Physics with at least 60% marks from a recognized anywhere in
Climate Services) university India as per
Gramin Krishi or requirement
Mausam Sewa (Agro- B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
Meteorological marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Advisory Services)
Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Agricultural Science or
M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Experience: Seven years’ experience in weather forecasting and its
applications in agriculture including modelling, remote Sensing and
Job Requirement:

 Meteorological services including Agro- Meteorology.

 Management and processing of weather and crop data, analysis of
weather events as well as extreme weather, its impact, mitigation
and adaptation in agriculture for management of climate risks.
 Handling crop simulation model and development of decision
support tools using Remote Sensing and GIS as well as other
open source software in development of weather based Agromet
advisory products and interpretation into Agromet advisories etc.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
02 Project Scientist „II‟ 06 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Meteorology/ Agricultural Physics anywhere in
Services) / Remote sensing and GIS or equivalent / Computer Science from a India as per
Gramin Krishi recognized university with at least 60% marks from a recognized requirement
Mausam Sewa (Agro- university
Meteorological or
Advisory Services) B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Agricultural Science or

M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years’ experience in weather forecasting and its

applications in agriculture including modelling, remote Sensing and
Job Requirement:
 Meteorological services including Agro- Meteorology.
 Management and processing of weather and crop data, analysis of
weather events as well as extreme weather, its impact, mitigation
and adaptation in agriculture for management of climate risks.
 Handling crop simulation model and development of decision
support tools using Remote Sensing and GIS as well as other
open source software in development of weather based Agromet
advisory products and interpretation into Agromet advisories etc.
a) Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

03 Project Scientist „I 10 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Meteorology/ Agricultural Physics anywhere in
Services) / Remote sensing and GIS or equivalent /Computer Science from a India as per
Gramin Krishi requirement
recognized university with at least 60% marks from a recognized
Mausam Sewa (Agro-
Meteorological university
Advisory Services) Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Agricultural Science or

M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
 Meteorological services including Agro- Meteorology.
 Management and processing of weather and crop data, analysis of
weather events as well as extreme weather, its impact, mitigation
and adaptation in agriculture for management of climate risks.
 Handling crop simulation model and development of decision
support tools using Remote Sensing and GIS as well as other
open source software in development of weather based Agromet
advisory products and interpretation into Agromet advisories etc.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
04 Project Scientist „III‟ 03 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Weather & Climate anywhere in
Services) M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or India as per
Augmentation of Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics requirement
and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer
Aviation Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
Meteorological qualifying degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in aviation

Job Requirement:

 Development and validation of forecasting tools.

 Development and validation of decision support system based on
the requirements of aeronautical users..
 Development of training module including visualization and
simulation S/W.
 Verification of forecast.
 Development and field trial of meteorological sensors and
instruments (Laser, Microwave, Acoustic) including data
acquisition system.
 Interface development and data integration on multi-sensors/
multiprotocol platform.
 Providing backend support to operational forecasters.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
05 Project Scientist „II‟ 05 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics India as per
Augmentation of and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer requirement
Aviation Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
Meteorological qualifying degree level.
Services Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in aviation
Job Requirement:

 Development and validation of forecasting tools.

 Development and validation of decision support system based on
the requirements of aeronautical users..
 Development of training module including visualization and
simulation S/W.
 Verification of forecast.
 Development and field trial of meteorological sensors and
instruments (Laser, Microwave, Acoustic) including data
acquisition system.
 Interface development and data integration on multi-sensors/
multiprotocol platform.
 Providing backend support to operational forecasters.
b) Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

06 Project Scientist „II‟ 06 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics India as per
Climate Services and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer requirement
Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
qualifying degree level.
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science
or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in climate
Job Requirement:
 Climate predictions (extended, seasonal and beyond), Climate
Data products and services and Climate Research.
 Working knowledge of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled
General Circulation Models.
 Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
 Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, C/C++
etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Working in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
 Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
 Work on hydrological data, drought monitoring/forecasting along
with GIS application including web SIS for various climate
products, use of remote sensing data etc.
c) Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

07 Project Scientist „III‟ 08 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics India as per
Trainingin and Communication or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer requirement
Operational Applications or Computer Sciences with at least 60% marks at the
Meteorology qualifying degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services related to HRD in
meteorology / atmospheric sciences.
Job Requirement:
 Teaching at least two subjects out of Dynamic Meteorology,
Physical meteorology, Synoptic Meteorology, Climatology,
Computer programming and Applications, satellite meteorology,
Climate Science, Advanced Statistics, radar meteorology,
Instrumentation to be delivered as per allotment.
 Supervising Technical assistant-I for subject practical etc and
conduction of practicals.
 Preparing written material- Lecture notes, problem sets, PPTs for
different subjects under the supervision of Head Training Section.
 Supervising examinations of different courses conducted at MTI.
 Design of training courses and conduction of the training courses.
 Evaluation of different training courses based on Trainees
 Content development of different training courses.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
08 Project Scientist „II‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science with at least India as per
Upgradation of Hydro 60% marks at the qualifying degree level. requirement
Meteorological Or
Services B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.
Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science
or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in
Job Requirement:
 Weather Forecasting and Services (Nowcasting-Short-Range,
Medium Range and Long- Range), Cyclone warning, Numerical
Weather Prediction.
 Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
 Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, C/C++
etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Working in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
 Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
d) Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

09 Project Scientist „II‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science with at least India as per
Numerical Weather 60% marks at the qualifying degree level requirement
Prediction (NWP) Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Three years experience in Research and development in

Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in NWP.
Job Requirement:
 Weather Forecasting and Services (Nowcasting-Short-Range,
Medium Range and Long- Range), Cyclone warning, Numerical
Weather Prediction.
 Working with High Performance Computing System (HPCS)
 Working in Programming languages (like FORTRAN 90, C/C++
etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data analysis tools (like
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Working in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX System Administration.
 Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
e) Emoluments: Rs.67000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.

10 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or

(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Meteorology or anywhere in
Forecast System) Atmospheric Science or Climate Science and Policy or Environmental India as per
Program Division Sciences with at least 60% marks at the qualifying degree level requirement
(MoES) Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree

in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks from a
recognized university/ Institute.
Job Requirement:
 Experience in Research & Development, Project Management,
Policy & Planning in the field of atmospheric sciences/ climate
change / sustainability.
 Preparation of reports, extensive communication with relevant
government focal points etc.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
11 Project Scientist „I‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Upgradation of M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
IHMP Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
marks at the qualifying degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
 R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
 To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
 To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
12 Project Scientist „III‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Upper Air marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services.

Job Requirement:
 R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
 To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
 To implement quality management for Meteorological da data.
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
13 Project Scientist „III‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 45 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Surface marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division ( IS ) B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Experience: Seven years experience in Research and development

in Industrial and Academic Institutions or Science and Technology
organizations and Scientific activities and Services in Instrumentation.
Job Requirement:
 R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
 To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
 To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.78000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
14 Project Scientist „I‟ 03 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Upper Air marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
 R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
 To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
 To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
15 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Electronics & India as per
Network) Instrumentation or Electronics and Communication with at least 60% requirement
Surface marks at the qualifying degree level
Instrumentation Or
Division ( IS ) B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
 R&D for upgradation of meteorological observing network and to
replace old, obsolete and worn-out meteorological instruments at
field stations by state–of-art instruments for getting accurate data.
 To upgrade test and calibration facility for meteorological
 To implement quality management for Meteorological data.
 Web-GIS and IT enabled services with Visualization.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
16 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Environmental Science or India as per
Network) Environmental Engineering or Atmospheric Science or Electronics and requirement
Augmentation of Communication or Computer Applications or Computer Sciences with
Environmental at least 60% marks at the qualifying degree level
Monitoring and Or
Research B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
 Environment and Air Quality Warning Services.
 Research on atmospheric composition (GHGs, Aerosol, Ozone
and other trace gases etc) and information for national and
international policy makers.
 Develop forecasts of future environmental conditions and their
consequences for people.
 Observe trends of aerosol physical and chemical properties,
GHGs, Ozone and trace gases.
 Develop adaptation and mitigation strategies.
 Determine the exposure and assess the effects of air pollution on
health, and ecosystem.
 Develop warning systems for the prevention of undesired air
pollution episodes.
 Facilitate the source apportionment and identification.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
17 Project Scientist „I‟ 01 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer Science with at India as per
Network) least 60% marks at the qualifying degree level requirement
Polar Meteorology Or
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
 Meteorological services including Polar- Meteorology.
 Research work on weather forecasting in polar region.
 Work on meteorological and atmospheric processes governing air-
ice interactions over Polar Regions and assess the probable tele-
connection between Polar Regions and Indian summer Monsoon.
 Study the temporal and spatial variability of meteorological
parameters and atmospheric composition in order to provide early
detection and subsequent long-term monitoring of changes in the
physical and chemical state of the atmosphere.
 Support for reliable weather forecasts in Polar Regions for the
protection of indigenous communities and in support of air and
marine logistical operations, as well as in support of scientific
research programmes.
 Management of Environment Monitoring Network.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
18 Project Scientist „I‟ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Atmospheric M.Sc. Degree from a recognized university in Physics or anywhere in
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or India as per
Network) Environmental Science or Remote Sensing or Computer Science or requirement
Satellite Meteorology Information Technology with at least 60% marks at the qualifying
degree level
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Science or M. Tech. /

M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60% marks
from a recognized university/ Institute.

Job Requirement:
 Satellite Meteorology and Remote Sensing.
 Receive and process data from different polar orbiting satellites on
real time basis and disseminate the products to the forecaster and
research community by establishing receiving and processing
 Real time validation of various satellite products derived
 Assimilation of all possible satellite data into numerical weather
prediction models to improve forecast.
 To develop RAPIDNxt online visualization and analysis software
tools for satellite data and products, available to entire forecasting
community (IMD, IAF and Navy) and adjoining SAARC countries.
 To establish of in-situ calibration and validation site for INSAT
series satellite and its operationalization at Runn of Kutch, Gujarat.
 Inter calibration of Imager and Souder observation from the time
series of geostationary satellites (IOGEO).
 To generate the Fundamental Climate Data Record (FCDR) of
calibrated and quality-controlled geostationary sensor data.
 To utilize the inter-satellite methodology developed by GSICS to
tie existing time series of satellite data to the best reference
available in space.
 Development of product and satellite based expert system with
National and International collaboration in respect of Auto-tracking
of cyclones, thunderstorms, severe weather phenomena and
development of severe warning indices.
Emoluments: Rs.56000/- Plus HRA, Increment of 5% for every 2
Years of experience subject to performance review.
19 Project Scientist-II 2 Essential Qualification: 40 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Monsoon Mission- M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in Atmospheric Science/ anywhere in
III) Meteorology/ Oceanography/ Physics/ Geophysics/ Mathematics from India as per
a recognized University/ Institution with at least 60% marks at Post requirement
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification:
 Research Experience supported by publications in good impact
journals would be an added advantage.
 Working knowledge of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled
General Circulation Models.
 Working experience with high power computing (HPC) systems.
 Demonstrated experience in using Programming languages (like
FORTRAN 90, C/C++ etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data
analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET, NCL, NCO, CDO etc.).
 Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
 Experience in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
 Knowledge of UNIX/LINUX Systems.
 Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
Experience: Three Years experience in related fields.
Job Requirements:
 The Selected candidate has to work on making runs of dynamical
models on high power computing systems using CFS model
framework and on the processing of dynamical and statistical
models runs using various statistical tools for operational seasonal
 Also, should be able to contribute effectively to prepare value
added products focusing on user needs.
Emoluments: (Rs. 15600-39100) + G.P-6600 + other admissible
emoluments as per DST Guidelines
20 Project Scientist-I 3 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune/ Delhi or
(Monsoon Mission- M.Sc. Degree or equivalent in Atmospheric Science/ Meteorology/ anywhere in
III) oceanography/ Physics/ Geophysics/ Mathematics from a recognized India as per
University/ Institution with at least 60% marks at Post Graduation. requirement
B. Tech. / B.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least 60%
marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification: Doctorate degree in Meteorological Science

or M. Tech. / M.E. Degree in above mentioned subjects with at least
60% marks from a recognized university/ Institute.

Desirable Qualification:
a) Research Experience supported by publications in good impact
journals would be an added advantage.
b) Working knowledge of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Coupled
General Circulation Models.
c) Working experience with high power computing (HPC) systems.
d) Demonstrated experience in using Programming languages (like
FORTRAN 90, C/C++ etc.), Shell scripting, Meteorological data
analysis tools (like GrADS, FERRET, NCL, NCO, CDO etc.).
e) Handling of large volume of data and conversant with data format
like NetCDF, HDF, GRIB etc.
f) Experience in the open source geographical information tools for
meteorological applications.
g) Working knowledge of various statistical tools in research and data
Job Requirements:
 The Selected candidate has to work on the processing of
dynamical and statistical models runs using various statistical tools
for operational seasonal forecasting.
 Also, should be able to contribute effectively to prepare value
added products focusing on user needs.
Emoluments: (Rs. 15600-39100) + G.P-5400 + other admissible
emoluments as per DST Guidelines

21 Research Associate/ 22 Essential Qualification: 35 Years New Delhi/Any

(Weather & Climate Ph.D. / M. S. or equivalent degree in Agricultural where in India
Services) Meteorology/Agricultural Physics/ Agricultural Statistics
Gramin Krishi Mausam or
Sewa (Agro- having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
Meteorological experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M. Tech with at least one research paper
Advisory Services) in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.

(M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology/Agricultural Physics/ Agricultural

Statistics or M.Tech. in Environmental Science/ Remote sensing and
GIS /Computer Science from a recognized university)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

22 Research Associate/ 08 Essential Qualification: 35 Years Pune
(Weather & Climate Ph.D./ M.S. or equivalent degree
Training in Operational or
having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech with at least one research paper
in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.

(Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or

Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences
or equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

23 Research Associate/ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Ph.D./ M.S. or equivalent degree
Observations Network) or
Augmentation of having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
Environmental experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech with at least one research paper
Monitoring and in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.
(Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Applications or Environmental Science or Environmental Engineering
or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or equivalent
to any other subject considered relevant in the field)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

24 Research Associate/ 02 Essential Qualification: 35 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Ph.D./ M.S. or equivalent degree
Observations Network) or
Satellite Meteorology having 3 years of research, teaching and design and development
experience after M.Sc./ ME/ M.Tech with at least one research paper
in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal.

(Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or

Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Science or
Environmental Science or Image Processing/ Remote Sensing or
equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field)

Emoluments: - Rs. 47000/- Plus HRA per month

25 JRF/SRF 20 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi/

(Weather & Climate M.Sc. in Agricultural Meteorology/Agricultural Physics/Agricultural Anywhere in
Services) Statistics, M.Sc. in Meteorology/ or M.Tech. in Atmospheric Sci./ India
Gramin Krishi Atmospheric Physics / Meteorology / Remote sensing and GIS
Mausam Sewa (Agro- /Computer Science from a recognized university with NET
Meteorological qualification.
Advisory Services) Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
26 JRF/SRF 08 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Weather & Climate Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Augmentation of Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or
Aviation equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field with
Meteorological NET qualification.
Services Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
27 JRF/SRF 10 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years Pune
(Weather & Climate Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Services) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Climate Services Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or
equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the fieldwith
NET qualification.
Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
28 JRF/SRF 08 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Upgradation of Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Hydrology or water
Forecast System) Resources or equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in
Upgradation of Hydro the field with NET qualification.
Meteorological Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Services Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
29 JRF/SRF 10 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Upgradation of Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Forecast System) Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
NWFC / Program Applications or Environmental Sciences or Computer Sciences or
Division (MoES) equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field with
NET qualification.

Senior Research Fellow(SRF)

Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
30 JRF/SRF 03 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or
Upper Air equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the field with
Instrumentation NET qualification.
Division Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
31 JRF/SRF 04 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Environmental Science or Electronics &
Augmentation of Instrumentation or Computer Sciences or equivalent to any other
Environmental subject considered relevant in the field with NET qualification.
Monitoring and Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Research Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
32 JRF/SRF 01 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Environmental Science or Electronics &
Polar Meteorology Instrumentation or Computer Science or Image Processing/ Remote
Sensing or equivalent to any other subject considered relevant in the
field with NET qualification.
Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month
33 JRF/SRF 04 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) 28 Years New Delhi
(Atmospheric Master’s Degree from a recognized university in Physics or
Observations Mathematics or Meteorology or Atmospheric Science or Computer
Network) Applications or Electronics & Instrumentation or Environmental
Satellite Meteorology Science or Image Processing/ Remote Sensing or equivalent to any
other subject considered relevant in the field with NET qualification.
Senior Research Fellow(SRF)
Qualification Prescribed for JRF with two years of Research

Emoluments: - Rs. 35000/- Plus HRA for SRF and Rs. 31000/-
Plus HRA for JRF per month

General Conditions: -

Nationality : Only Indian nationals are eligible.

Reservation : Relaxation in age and experience for SC/ST/OBC candidates will be as per GOI Rule.
Age limit : As on normal closing date ofsubmission of application for recruitment advertised.

How to apply:
i) The candidates can apply for more than one post.
ii) On-line Application as per the Performa should be submitted up to 09.10.2022
iii) Copies of certificates (self-attested) in support of educational qualification (10th Class Onwards), date of birth and experience, if
any, should be uploaded with the application.
iv) SC/ST/OBC certificate, if applicable, as per the prescribed format, should be uploaded with the application.
v) Applicants are also required to bring original certificates/documents for verification at the time of interview.
vi) The number of posts to be filled may vary. The Department reserves the right to cancel the recruitment without assigning any
vii) No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates who are not selected for appointment.


Selection Process:
The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum requirements and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to
be called for interview. If the numbers of applications, received in response to advertisement are large, it will not be convenient or
possible to call all candidates for interview. Hence, India Meteorological Department (IMD) may restrict the number of candidates to be
called for interview before Selection Board to the reasonable limit through screening process.
The criteria for screening of the applications will be based on candidates qualifying credentials against:
i) The essential requirements specified above,
ii) Date of birth,
iii) Completeness of the application in terms of providing accurate details and submission of the passport size photograph, and
copies of the marks list, academic and experience certificates, signature,
iv) Essential experience,
v) Desirable qualification and experience as specified above,
vi) Consistent academic performance at one or more levels etc. The candidates experience certificates should clearly specify
whether they possess the experience / knowledge / skills / technology / software platform requested in the essential / desirable
experience requirements against the post. The benchmark for screening the applications will be set by a committee constituted to
screen the applications. The final selection of the Screened in candidate will be based on the candidate’s performance before the
Selection Board. No correspondence will be entertained with candidates who are not called for interview/selected for

General Conditions:
 Candidates are required to apply ONLINE. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
 Online application form & details of the advertisement is available at in Recruitment section.
 The candidate’s age should not exceed the age limit mentioned above as on date of closure of application. Experience will be
counted from the date of acquiring the essential academic qualifications.
 The experience, relevant to the requirement of job or research or teaching will only be considered towards the total period of
 Doctorate degree in the relevant field will count as 3 years of experience.
 IMD reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reason thereof or vary the number of posts to
be filled.
 Travel: No TA will be paid for attending the Selection/Interview.
 IMD will not be responsible for any other arrangements.
 The names of candidates screened-in for interview before Selection Committee will be displayed at India Meteorological
Department website.

Application Procedure:
 The entire application procedure is made online.
 Copies of certificates in support of educational qualifications, date of birth, experience, no objection certificates (from present
employer, if working), scanned signatures, passport size photograph, etc. should be uploaded during the online application
process. Passport size Photograph, Signature should be in .jpg format with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB; remaining
all certificates should be in .pdf format of each file less than 500 KB. Candidates are advised to be ready with all individual
scanned documents of their certificates of educational & professional qualifications, marks memos, reservation certificate, if
applicable, proof of date of birth, experience certificates, no objection certificates, scanned signature, passport size
photograph etc. before starting filling up of the online application. Production of the original certificates is must while
appearing for Interview. Applications submitted without the scanned copies of the relevant certificates, signature and
passport size photograph will be rejected in the screening process itself. The certificates uploaded should be clearly visible
and readable.
 Any discrepancies found in the certificates or uploading of wrong certificates will attract the disqualification of applications.
Nonproduction of the original certificates will also make the candidate disqualified. The disqualified candidates will not be
allowed for Interview. Candidates currently working in any other organization need to provide the proof of their current
employment with a service certificate from the employer / latest pay slip, etc. Appointment orders /resumes will not be
considered as proof of current employment. In addition, the experience certificates should clearly show the date of joining
and date of resignation. In case the screening committee is unable to get the documentary evidence for the number of years
of experience claimed by the candidate such periods of experience will be considered as NIL.
 The candidates, if any, presently working in Central Govt. /State Govt. / PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/University etc. are
required to provide No Objection/cadre clearance from current employer at the time of interview. The current employer will
also certify their Vigilance Clearance and Integrity.
 Incomplete applications in any respect are liable to be rejected summarily. No representation against such rejection will be
 Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

Note: Candidate should not have any type of conviction in the court anywhere in India.

Instructions to Candidates for filling Online Application:

 WebPages are best viewed in Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

 Before submitting the online application, the applicants are requested to go through carefully the details of the post and
content of the post on the website.
 Submit online application well before the last date i.e. 09.10.2022 along-with legible and scanned copies of educational
qualification, experience certificates, date of birth, disability (OH, PH), caste (ST/ST/OBC) certificate, Ex-servicemen
Certificate, No Objection Certificate in .pdf format not exceeding 500KB for each document/attachment without any
password protected and corrupted pdf file. If the certificates are in a language other than English or Hindi, then attested
translation should be uploaded.
 Please be noted that the online application form is not editable after final submission.
 The applicants are not required to send hard copies.
 A recent passport size photograph (scanned) should be in .jpg format (with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB).
 Signature (scanned) should be in .jpg format ( with file size limit between 10KB to 100KB )
 The applicants are advised to fill in all their particulars carefully in the online application.
 Incomplete application shall be rejected.
 Applicants are advised to retain the acknowledgement and printout of the submitted online application for future reference.
 In case of difficulty in the submission of online application form please email the queries
to [email protected] or [email protected]
 Date of closure of online application is 09.10.2022

No TA/DA will be paid to any candidate for attending the interview.

(Scientist E)
Establishment Division
India Meteorological Department
Mausam Bhawan, Lodi Road
New Delhi-110003
Telephone No: 011- 43824332, 43824248

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