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um Books® Presents:

tion ByKevi
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um Books
® Me
Violence, War, Magic & the Supernatural

The fictional world of Rifts® is violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters. Other-dimensional
beings often referred to as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien life forms, monsters, gods
and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in this book.
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the game inappropriate for young
readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of magic, the
use of drugs, or violence.

Dare to imagine the impossible, and make it come alive.

Rifts ® Conversion Book One - Revised Edition

A supplement for the Rifts ® RPG
Compatible with the entire Palladium Books ® Megaverse !®
To Erick Wujcik who has been at my side from the very foundation of Palladium Books as fellow creator, writer, game designer su­
preme, but most of all as my friend. Thank you Erick for everything. May good fortune, the sun and the moon smile down on you in
China and wherever your fertile imagination and dreams carry you.

- Kevin Siembieda, 2002

The Rifter® Sourcebook Series

An ongoing sourcebook series for the entire Palladium Megaverse. Each issue has optional (sometimes official) material for
Rifts® and other Palladium RPGs.
• Great source for new ideas and fun.
• Optional O.C.C.s, monsters, weapons, and skills.
• Optional magic and/or super abilities.
• Adventures, gaming tips and Q&A.
• Rifts® source material and fiction.
• Usually Palladium Fantasy, Heroes Unlimited and Nightbane® material too.
• The latest news and sneak previews from Palladium.

The cover: Is a perpetual fan favorite by Kevin Long. We saw no reason to change it now.

PDF Edition - October 2017

First Printing of the "Revised" Edition - November 2002

Copyright 2002,2001,1996,1991, 1990,1987,1984 and 1983 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda
All rights reserved, worldwide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form
or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments
and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly coincidental.
Rifts®, The Rifter®, Megaverse®, Phase World®, Coalition Wars®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, After the Bomb®, The Pal­
ladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Nightbane®, and Palladium Books® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Palladium Books Inc.
and Kevin Siembieda.
Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas and Superspies, Beyond the Supernatural, Systems Failure, Coalition War Campaign, Coalition Navy, Cyber-Knights,
Dragons & Gods, Federation of Magic, Free Quebec, Juicer Uprising, Lone Star, Mindwerks, Mutants in Orbit, New West, Psyscape, Rifts® Book of
Magic, Rifts® Conversion Book, Rifts® Game Master Guide, Rifts® Mercenaries, Rifts® Underseas, Skraypers, Wormwood, Sorcerers' Revenge,
Spirit West, Splynn Dimensional Market, Triax & the NGR, Vampire Kingdoms, Warlords of Russia, Mystic Russia, Xiticix Invasion, Coalition
States, Chi-Town, Free Quebec, Old Bones, Lazlo, Tolkeen, Freehold, Northern Gun, Manistique Imperium, Iron Heart, Golden Age Weaponsmiths,
Naruni, Naruni Enterprises, Wellington, Triax, U1ti-max, Glitter Boy, Skelebots, Xiticix, Dog Boy, Dog Pack, Wolfen, Kankoran, Coyle,
Bio-Wizardry, Techno-Wizard, Temporal Raider, Ley Line Walker, Shifter, Tattooed Man, Headhunter, Psi-Stalker, Simvan, Mind Melter, Burster,
Zapper, Psi-Slayer, Psi-Ghost, Juicer, Mega-Juicer, Titan Juicer, Crazy, 'Borg, 'Bot, 'Burb, D-Bee, Cyber-Doc, Emperor Karl Prosek, Joseph Prosek
the First, Joseph Prosek II, Erin Tarn, Sir Thorpe, Lord Coake, The Defilers, Splugorth, Splugorth Slaver, Splynncryth, Splynn, Kittani, Sunaj, Iron
Juggernauts, Daemonix, Brodkil, Black Faerie, Witchling, and other names, titles, character names, character likenesses and slogans are trademarks
owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium On-Line:

Rifts® Conversion Book One, Revised Edition is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. Printed in the

Palladium Books® Presents:

Conversion Book One
Rifts® Creator, Designer & Chief Writer: Kevin Siembieda

Written by: Kevin Siembieda

Revisions and Updating: Kevin Siembieda

Additional Text & Ideas: Bill Coffin, C.J. Carella and other Palladium madmen.

Editors: Alex Marciniszyn

Wayne Smith
Kevin Siembieda
Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein

Cover Painting: Kevin Long

Interior Art: Michael Gustovich

Kevin Long

Additional Art: Wayne Breaux Jr.

Kent BurIes
Kevin Long
Ramon Perez
Kevin Siembieda
Freddie Williams
Michael Wilson

Art Direction & General Craziness: Kevin Siembieda

Typography: Wayne Smith

Special Thanks to Mike Gustovich who knocked out some of his best art in years for the original edition, and
to all the "guys" at Palladium who are always ready to lend a helping hand or offer a kind word, suggestion or
bad pun.

- Kevin Siembieda, 2002

Contents Minor Super Abilities . . ·· 44
Superhuman Strength ·. 45
Rifts® Conversion Book Revised & Updated 7 Major Super Abilities . . · 46
Dark Conversions, Coming Soon . . . . 8 Alter Physical Structure · 46
Rules Clarifications & Reference Data · . 8 Energy Absorption· . . · 49
Attributes Beyond 30 . . 8 Sonic Power . . . . . . 50
Physical Strength . . . . 9 Ninjas & Superspies™ 51
Bionic Strength Table 9 Mystic Oriental Martial Arts Powers . 51
Robot Strength Table 9 Martial Arts Powers as Psionic Abilities . 52
Supernatural Physical Strength 10 After the Bomb® RPG· . . . . . . . . . 53
Weight & Movement 11 Mutant Animals Indigenous to Rifts® . . 54
Lifting Weight . . . . . . . . . 12 General Rules for Converting Monsters . · 55

Com bat Notes . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Beyond the SupernaturaITM Conversions · 59 .

Number of attacks per melee round· 12 Culture Shock . • • • • . . . . .·60

Power Punch 13 20th & 21st Century Humans · . . . 61
Pull Punch· 13 Heroes Unlimited Characters . 61
Disarm· . . . 13 Magic & Spells . . . . . . . .
. . . 64
Grappling · . 14 The Availability of Magic . · 66
The Knockout . 14 The Warlock O.C.C.· . . . . 66
Knockdown · . 14 Elemental Spell Magic (list)· . 71
Notes on Dodging· 15 Magic (index) by Book · . . . 72
Automatic Dodge 15 Palladium Character Conversions 73
- 10 to Dodge Rule· . 15 Bearmen of the North . 74
The - 10 to Dodge Rule Described· 17 Canines . . . . . . 76
Parrying Energy Blasts . . . . 19 Canine: Wolfen 76
Shooting Wild . . . . . . . . . · 20 Canine: Coyles· . 79
Pain & Damage Rules (optional) ·20 Canine: Kankoran 80
Pain Penalties . . . . · 21 Changelings . 82
Blood Loss (optional) · 21 Dragonmen 83
Point-Blank Damage . . · 22 Dwarves · 84
S .D.C. & Explosives· · 23 Elves· . . . 86
Robot Damage Tables· . · 23 Giants · . . 87
Mega-Damage Conversions' • 25 Algor: Frost Giant . 87
The Formula· . . . . . . · 25 Cyclops, Lightning Giant 88
Ordinary Humans . . . . . · 25 Jotan, Earth Giant . . . . 90
Exceptional Humans· . . . · 25 Gigantes, Mutant Giants . 91
Creatures of Magic & Supernatural Beings· · 26 Minotaur, the Bull . · 92
Superhumans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · 27 Nimro, Fire Giant · 93
M.D.C. conversion for inanimate structures · 30 Rahu-Man . . . . 94
M.D.C. to S.D.C. for living creatures' . . · 31 Titan, Hero Giant 97
Mega-Damage to S.D.C. for energy blasts . · 31 Goblin . 98
Mega-Damage to S .D.C. for inanimate structures · 32 Gosai 99
Integrating S.D.C. characters into Rifts® ·32 Orc· . . 101
Starting off . . . . . . . . . · 32 Ogre · . 102
If you hate the M.D .C. Rules 34 Quillback 104
Characters from Other R PGs · 34 Quorian 105
Who is a D-Bee . . . . . . . · 35 Quorian Oneiromancer 107
General Conversion Rules ·36 Troll · . . . 10 7
Mortal Beings . . . . 36 Vrill . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8
Alignments . . . . . . 36 Faerie Folk· . . . . . . . 110
Attribute Conversion 36 Faerie Food & Drink . 113
Natural Armor Rating· 37 Faerie Weapons . . . 114
Attacks Per Melee· . . 38 Protection from Faeries 115
O.C.C.s and skills . . . 39 Faerie Folk Descriptions 115
Acquiring new Rifts®skills· 39 Bogie· . . . . . . 116
Other Races . . . . 39 Brownie · . . . . 117
A Note on Biology . . . . . · 41 Dead Moon Hag . 118
Experience· . . . . . . . . . · 41 Faerie: Common · 118
Heroes Unlimited™ Conversions' • · 43 Faerie: Green Wood · 119
Conversion Notes for Select Super-Powers· · 43 Faerie: Night- Elves 119

Faerie: Silver Bells· 120 Syvan· . . 179
Grogach . . 120 Unicorn· . 180
Hairy Jack · 121 Watern ix . 181
Kelpie . . . 158 Weirdwing · 182
Leprechaun . 122 Wing Tips · 184
Nymph · . . 122 Worms of Taut . 185
Pixie: Common 123 Taut: Blow Worms· 185
Pixie: Frost· 123 Taut: Fire Worms . 186
Puck · . . . 124 Taut: Nippers . . . 187
Spriggan . . 125 Taut: Serpent Beasts · . 187
Sprite: Tree 125 Taut: Tri- Fang . . . 188
Sprite: Water· 126 Taut: Tomb Worms 189
Sprite: Wind-Puffs· 126 Yema· . 190
Toad Stools . . . . 126 Za . . 190
Will- O- The- Wisp . 127 Zavor· . 191
Palladium Monsters & Animals . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monster Descriptions . . . . 130
Angel-Demon Serpent · 130
Beast Dragon . . 133
The Boogie-Man . 134
Bug Bears · . . . 135
Centaurs · . . . . 136
Cyber- Horsemen· 138
Chig . . . . . . 140
Chimera · . . 141
Devil Digger . 142
Drakin . . . . 142
Dragondactyl· 143
Dragon Wolf· 145
Eandroth . . 146
Emerin · . . . 149
Eye Killer · . 150
Feathered Death 151
Grimbor 151
Gromek 153
Gruunor 154
Gryphon 155
Harpies· 156
Hytril· 157
Kelpie 158
Ki- Lin . 159
Palladium Lizard Men . 160
Lizard Mage . 16 1
Loogaroo· 16 3
Manticore . . 164
Maxpary . . . 164
Maxpary Shambler· 165
Melech · . . . . . . 16 7
Mucker· . . 16 7
Owl- Thing · 16 9
Pegasus· 16 9
Peryton· . . 170
Ratling · . . 171
Sandwyrm · . 172
Scarecrows· . 173
Scorpion Devil . 175
Shadow Stalker 175
Silonar . . 176
Spectre · 177
Sphinx · . 178

Rifts ® Conversion Book Revised and Updated
The Rifts® Conversion Book One was fIrst published in
What you ' ll find in this book
1991 and revised with minor changes and updates in 1996.
Well,it's time for a major overhaul. A lot has happened over the Rifts® Conversion Book One offers a multitude of alien
years and I hope to capture and present the most fun and excit­ races, monsters and supernatural beings from its other games all
ing aspects of the entire Palladium Megaverse® in this revised modifIed for easy use in Rifts®. These include mortals, super­
edition. natural beings and creatures of magic. But the Rifts® Conver­
sion Bookoffers more than a gallery of cool player characters,
The idea behind this reference book is to enable players to
monsters and villains.
easily convertcharacters, monsters, weapons, magic and powers
from any of Palladium Books' role-playing games or world set­ • Conversion rules.
tings and use them in Rifts® should they so desire. After all, • Rules and character clarifIcations.
Palladium uses one basic game system for virtually A L L of its • Tables, charts, lists and information packed into one book to
game settings to create a truly infmite Megaverse® of adven­ expand Rifts Earth and offer a glimpse of the rest of the
ture. Since Rifts Earth is a dimensional nexus that transcends Megaverse®to which it is linked.
conventional space and time, it is possible for characters from The general information section is presented fIrst. It opens
other worlds, dimensions, realities and even different time peri­ with some tips, rules, optional rules and considerations for com­
ods to travel to Rifts Earth, and vice versa, all via the many batand weapons. It is followed by sub-chapters on how to con­
magically powered dimensional Rifts. In theory, these dimen­ vertlbring other Palladium RPG characters into Rifts® (and
sional portals are tears in space and time to everywhere and any Rifts® characters into other worlds). This general data includes
when. Thus, adventurers, travelers, refugees, spies, villains and culture shock, adapting skills, converting S.D. C. to M.D. C. (and
heroes from countless worlds and realities may fmd their way to vice versa), supernatural P. S., optional rules, and so on. It also
Rifts Earth. Some are only passing through en route to some­ offers a more detailed explanation of combat and other aspects
where else, while others come in search of power, wealth, the of play that seem to be of concern to gamers.
secrets of magic, adventure or revenge. Some are heroes. Some The conversions section presents statisticsfor a host of spe­
are villains. Some are lost. Who or where they come from cifIc monsters, characters, magic and powers from S.D. C.
hardly seems to matter. It is what they do while on Rifts Earth worlds into the Mega-Damage™world of Rifts®. This includes
that impacts the people of our little blue planet ("blue," as in ley information on intelligent races, giants, Faerie Folk, Elementals,
line blue -the color of magic energy). These "visitors" come in and monsters from the Palladium Fantasy RPG®, as well as
many shapes and sizes, from many diverse places. conversion rules and stats for some specifIc powers from Heroes
This Conversion Book helps the Game Master and players UnlimitedTM and Ninjas & Superspies™, plus information on
adaptcharacters,abilities and equipment from S.D. C. settings to other specifIc characters, O. C. C.s and things. Many of the mon­
the Mega-Damage of Rifts Earth. Italso provides some hints on sters and racial characters presented can be used as new player
where these characters might be found and their likely tenden­ characters, but onlywiththe Game Master's approval.
cies, inclinations and habits that may influence the characters' Of course, the inclusion of every possible character is likely
goals and behavior. to make for a cluttered, confusing and unrealistic campaign, so
Revised Rifts® Conversion Book is, in effect, your door­ pick and choose the ones that seem most challenging and appro­
way -your dimensional portal, your Rift -through space and priate. Likewise, certain aspects may clash with the G.M.'s
time to many of Palladium's other game worlds. Use it as you plans or world view. Remember,like all Palladium sourcebooks,
deem appropriate for your campaign. a wide variety of ideas and elements are presented, but there is
These other worlds are not an official part of the Rifts® no reason to use everything. A sourcebook is a tool and a re­
game setting and are stand-alone games that all use the same ba­ source that presents new possibilities, ideas and inspiration. In­
sic set of R PG rules. Thus, they are easy to convert and bring corporate what you like and ignore the rest. Take only what
into Rifts® (or any Palladium R PG) as aliens,time travelers and works for you and enjoy.
Xfactors from a distant realm or dimension. Due to the seething Bits and pieces of information and rules are excerpted from
magic energy of the ley lines and immensely powerful dimen­ other Palladium game products for the convenient reference of
sional beings trying to use them, realities collide on Rifts Earth, the reader. I also suggest that players and G.M.s take a look at
and alien worlds can be accessed through magic and the Rifts. such comprehensive reference books as the Rifts® Game Mas­
Consequently, characters from these different dimensions may ter Guide and Rifts® Book of Magic™. Both are massive
enter Rifts Earth (as well as Phase World® and other Dimen­ 300+ page books that collect a ton of Rifts®data and present it
sion BookTMsettings) as a rare and unusual breed of creatures or all in one juicy, easy-to-use reference. For example, the Rifts®
adventurers, or as helpless victims tom from their own reality Game Master Guide contains all the skills, combat tables, ex­
and plunged into the alien, multi-dimensional world of Rifts®. perience tables, psionics, and 98% of all weapons, body armor,
Remember, Rifts® offers endless possibilities limited only power armor, 'bots and vehicles from Sourcebooks and World
by your imagination. The books in the Rifts® Conversion Books 1-23, plus other gaming tips and other data! The Rifts®
Books series are designed to help open the door to just some of Book of Magic™ contains all spells and most ( 98%) magic
those possibilities. weapons from Sourcebooks and World Books 1-23.
Now,unleash your imagination and explore the Megaverse®. There are other key books in the Rifts®line that may also be
considered vital references depending on where the adventures
- Kevin Siembieda, Autumn 2002 7
are set. For North America and the Coalition States, some key sions, along with optional tables, food for thought, super abili­
books include: World Book 10: Juicer Uprising (a ton 0' data ties, scores of optional player races, mutants, villains and
on different types of Juicers), World Book 1 1 : Coalition War monsters. I n fact, you might think of this as the "core" Conver­
Cam paign (everything you need to know about the Coalition sion Book.
Army), Sourcebook 4: Coalition Navy (everything you need to
Dark Conversions is the new Conversion Book that will
know about the C S Navy), World Book 20: Canada, Rifts®
present many of the dark and monstrous creatures in the Palla­
Aftermath (the world overview, 10 9 P. A.), and Coalition
dium Megaverse. A host of undead, Nightbane, Nightlords and
Wars Four: Cyber-Knights, among others . Many would insist
their minions, Alien Intelligences, Beyond the Supernatural
Psyscape™, Federation of Magic™, Free Quebec™, Lone
monstersand Palladium Fantasy Demons & Deevils, and proba­
Star and New West™ are equally vital to any North America
bly some other weird and dangerous supernatural horrors. Cool,
huh? And this book is already in production to quickly follow
Rifts Earth is an expansive environment with links to count­ the "core" Rifts® Conversion Book (with any luck it will be
less alien worlds (see Dimension Boo/cs™and other Palladium out for December 2002 release). Watch for it.
games). To explore them all would take a thousand lifetimes, so
you'd better get cracking.

Dark Conversions
Rifts® Dragons & Gods
Coming Soon
You'll also notice that dragons, Alien Intelligences and some
We ended up expanding and adding so much material, it had other material are also gone from the original Conversion Book .
to be split to create twonew Rifts® Conversion Books. That's because we plan to release Rifts® Dragons & Gods in
The first is the one you are holding in your hands. It has all early 2003 where these marvelous beings will be given much
the references and rules you'll need for doing your own conver- more detail. Yep,good stuff is coming.

Rules Clarifications
& Reference Data
Some of the following material appears in the Rifts® Game Mental Endurance (M.E.), tops out at 30. Bonuses do not
Master Guide or elsewhere, but bears repeating as a quick, increase should the character have a number higher than thirty.
handy reference. The only exception might be a god. But for those rare individu­
als, demigods, godlings, gods, demon lords and other supernatu­
ral beings who might hit M . E. 30 or beyond, they get a bonus to
Attributes Beyond 30 save vs possession of all kind.
Intelligence (I.Q.) : Bonuses on the chart stop at 30. An I. Q., Save vs Possession: M . E . 30: +1, M. E. 40: +2, M. E. 50: +3,
even of a god or super-genius, rarely goes beyond 30. When it M. E . 60: +4 .
does,the bonus continues at a slow rate.
Ordinary Physical Strength (p.S.): The higher the number,
I. Q. skill bonus beyond 30: +2 for every five additional I. Q.
the stronger the character and the more damage with his
points, so I . Q. 35: +18% . I. Q. 40: +20, I. Q. 45: +22%, I. Q. 50:
punches (as indicated in the standard table). This strength ap­
+24%, I. Q. 55: +26% and I. Q. 60: +28% and so on.
plies to "ordinary" mortal men and women, so the damage is al­
Moreover, characters withan I. Q. greater than 30 points have
ways Hit Point/ S.D .C. damage even if it is beyond P. S. 30 or 40.
sharp memories, tend to notice details and are more likely to see
Note: P . S. damage bonuses are always added to the physical
through illusions. This translates into a the following:
damage done by melee weapons such as clubs, maces, knives,
Save vs Illusion: I. Q . 30-33: +1, I. Q . 34-36: +2, I . Q. 37-39: swords,and spears,but does not apply to arrows and guns.
+3, I. Q. 40-42: +4, I. Q. 43-45: +5, I. Q . 46-48: +6 and 49 or
Damage Bonus Continues: +1 point of Hit Point/ S .D.C. per
higher +7 .
digit beyond 30 . Thus a character with a P. S. of 31 does +16,
Mental Affinity: Any number beyond 30 means a dynamic, P. S. 32 does +17,a P. S. of 40 does +25, and so on.
charismatic person with a commanding and/or delightful pres­ Throwing Bonus: For every five points above 30 (round
ence. When the character enters the room, most people take no­ down), the character can hurl a rock, ball or throwing weapon
tice. The individual can be very persuasive (in a charming or (dagger,spear,sling,etc.) or shoot an arrow an extra 30 feet ( 9. 1
intimidating way). m) without losing accuracy (no penalties for the greater dis­
M. E. of more than 30 provides select skill bonuses: +5% to tance).
Seduction, Gambling, Find Contraband, and Intelligence (gath­
ering) skills; +10% to Interrogation and Perfonnance. 8
Lifting and Carrying Bonus: For every five points above 30 • Augmented P.S. 23 or less inflicts S.D.C.lHit Point damage
(round down), the strong character can lift or carry 30% more plus the usual S.D.C. P. S . damage bonus for P . S. of 16-23.
than usual. Not even one point of Mega-Damage can be inflicted even as
Physical Prowess (p.P.) : The bonus to strike, parry and a power punch,the brute strength just is not there.
dodge,stops at 30. • Augmented P.S. 24 inflicts one point of Mega-Damage
Initiative Bonus: However, for every three P.P. points be­ when delivered as a power punch or power kick; counts as
yond 30, the character gets a bonus on his initiative roll. P .P. two melee attacks.
31-33: +1 on initiative, P.P . 34-36: +2, P .P. 37-39: +3 , P.P. 40- • Augmented P.S. 25 to 27 inflicts ID4 M.D. with a power
42: +4, P.P . 43-45: +5, P.P . 46 and higher: +6. punch or power kick;counts as two melee attacks.
Physical Endurance (p.E.): The bonus to save vs poison • Augmented P.S. 28 to 30 inflicts lD6 M.D. with a power
and magic stops at 30. punch or power kick;counts as two melee attacks.
Save vs Coma & Death : However, the percentage to save vs • Augmented P.S. 31 to 40 inflicts 2D 4 M.D. with a power
comacontinues at an increment of one point per each additional punch or power kick; counts as two melee attacks.
point beyond 30%. Thus, a P. E. of 31 provides a 31% chance to
• Augmented P.S. 4 1 or 50 (not likely to exist) inflicts 3D 4
save vs coma, 32 is 32%, and so on. Additionally, a character
M.D. with a power punch or power kick; counts as two melee
with a P. E. of 30 or higher fatigues at half the normal rate.
Im pervious to Disease: Additionally, any character with a
P. E . of 30 or higher is effectively impervious to disease. Only • Augmented P.S. 51 or higher (not likely to exist) inflicts
the most virulent virus (or designer bug) has a chance of affect­ 4D 4 M.D. with a power punch or power kick; counts as two
ing this character. melee attacks.
Physical Beauty (p.B.): Any number beyond 30 is divine
perfection. A beauty beyond compare,angelic.
P. B. of more than 30 provides select skill bonuses: +5% to
Cardsharp, Concealment, Palming, Pick Pockets and Perfor­
mance skills (observers are so distracted by the beauty they
don't notice any trickery or flaws in performance); +13% to Se­
duction. Penalty: -10% to Prowl (all eyes are the beauty).
Speed (Spd.): Indicates the rate of speed at which a character
can run and/or fly. Most ordinary humans never exceed 30.
However, Juicers, Crazies, cyborgs, robots, mutants, D-Bees,
supernatural beings and others mayachieve mind-boggling run­
ning speeds. The Speed Chart continues on and on, with the list­ "Robot" Strength & Damage
ing at a Spd of 293 being 200 mph ( 320 km). Running fast is its
own reward and ability. - a.k.a. Superhuman Strength Table-
The robots created by the super-technology in Rifts®usually
have Mega-Damage armor and super-powerful hydraulics and
heavy mechanical systems that give them greater physical

Physical Strength strengththan bionic limbs or cybernetic prosthetics. This means

that robots can frequently deliver Mega-Damage attacks. Power
armor, especially full robot suits like the Glitter Boy, S AM A S
and Ulti-Max, also inflict signi ficant amounts of Mega-Damage
"Augmented" Humans (Juicers & due to their robotic nature. However, the power armor and ro­
bot's mechanically enhanced strength is not as powerful as su­
Crazies), Mutants, Cyborgs & pernatural beings. Remember, ' Borgs are not as powerful as
Exoskeletons 'bots either .
Robots created in a more primitive environment, such as our
- a.k.a. Bionic Strength Table- own 21st Century, are not likely to be Mega-Damage constructs
and do not magically transform into M.D .C. machines when
Characters who possess an enhanced or increased P. S . be­ brought into a Mega-Damage environment like Rifts®. To be­
cause of unusual genetic mutation, chemical augmentation come an M.D. machine, the comparatively primitive robot will
(Juicer), brain implants ( Crazy), bionics (full conversion cy­ have to undergo a complete physical conversionor upgradeand
borgs), superhumans ( Extraordinary or Superhuman P. S.) or given a new M.D.C. robot body. In such instances, the only
exoskeleton (light power armor or mechanically enhanced body thing likely to be preserved from the original robot is its physi­
armor, android or very light robots) can inflict Mega-Damage, cal brain, memory, and programs, possibly other internal sys­
but only when they use a power punch. tems as well,all contained within a Mega-Damage robotic shell .
" Augmented" P . S. is a type of enhanced strength that is typi­ Weight Capacity. Robots with a P. S. of 18+ can lift and
cally the result of mechanical augmentation. This table applies c arry 25 times their P. S. attribute. Thus, a robot with a P. S. of
only when speci fic damage stats are notprovided. 40 can lift and carry 1,000 lbs (450 kg) ( 25x 40= 1,000). Robot

P. S. below 18 is equivalent to nonnal human strength for pur­ 3. Power Armor is generally smaller and lighter than a true,
poses of lifting,pulling and pushing: P. S. xlOin lbs. 100% robot. In many cases, power armor is little more than an
• Robot P.S. 15 or less: Only inflicts ID6 S.D .C. on a re­ armored exoskeleton. As a result, a suit of power armor withan
strained punch, 2D6 S.D.C. on a full strength punch and 4D6 equivalent P. S. frequently inflicts less damage than a robot, es­
S.D.C. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). P. S. pecially giant robots. Consequently, power armor seldom ex­
bonuses from a Hand to Hand skill are added to the S.D.C. ceeds a P. S. of 40.
damage of the attack. Kicks do 2D6 S.D .C., leap kicks 3D6 4. Retractable blades, claws, and hand-held melee weapons
S.D.C. Robots with low P . S. are often small or designed to inflict the damage from that weapon + I M.D. point for every 10
be servants or technicians that are a rough human equivalent. P. S. points above a P. S. of ten (i .e., P. S. 20 is + I to M.D., P. S .
The low P. S. is often a safety feature so a robot that goes 30 is +2 M.D., P. S. 40 is +3 M.D.,and so on).
awry cannot inflict grievous injury on the flesh and blood
people around it. Mega-Damage attacks are notpossible.
• Robot P.S. 16 to 20: Inflicts 2D 6 S.D.C. on a restrained
punch, one M.D. on a full strength punch, ID6 M.D. on a
power punch (counts as two melee attacks). P. S. damage bo­
nuses are added only to S .D.C. attacks. Kicks do ID4 M.D.
and leap kicks 20 4 M.D.
• Robot P.S. 21 to 25: Inflicts 6D 6 S.D.C. on a restrained
punch, 10 4 M.D. on a full strength punch, 2D 4 M.D. on a
power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do ID6
M.D. and leap kicks 2D 4 M .D.
• Robot P.S. 26 to 30: Inflicts 1D 4 M.D. on a restrained
punch, ID6 on a full strength punch, 2D 6 M.D. on a power
punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do ID6 M.D . and
leap kicks 2D6 M.D.
• Robot P.S. 31 to 35: Inflicts 1D 4 M.D. on a restrained
punch, 1D6 M.D. on a full strength punch, 4D 4 M.D. on a
power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do ID6
M.D . and leap kicks 2D6 M .D.
• Robot P.S. 36 to 40: Inflicts 1D 4 M.D. on a restrained
punch, 206 M.D. on a full strength punch, 4D6 M.D. on a
power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do ID6
M.D . to 2D 4 M.D. and leap kicks 3D6 M .D.
• Robot P.S. 41 to 50: Inflicts 1D6 M.D. on a restrained
punch, 3D6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or ID6x lO M.D.
on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do
2D6 M.D. and leap kicks 4D6 M.D.
• Robot P.S. 51 to 60: Inflicts 2D6 M.D. on a restrained
punch, 6D6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 2D6xl 0 M.D.
on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). Kicks do
4D6 M.D. and leap kicks I D 6x lO M.D. "Supernatural" Physical Strength
Robot Notes: Most S.D.C.lHit Point beings, whether human, monster, or
1. There are many different design and mechanical elements otherwise, inflict Hit Point/ S.D.C. damage even when they have
for every robot and suit of power armor, so there is a great deal an incredible strength of 30 or higher. On the other hand, even
of variation from one design to another . Some may have fea­ scrawny supernatural beingslike Vampires,Gargoyles, Brodkil,
tures that make a particular 'bot stronger or weaker than the and demons,as well as "most" creatures o/magic,such as drag­
above table suggests. The general rules, above, apply to robots ons and Elementals,inflict Mega-Damage.
and P. S. when a speci fic damage rating is not provided in its One might wonder why a strong human inflicts S.D.C. dam­
stats, as well as when adapting robots from other game books, age while these others, with a seemingly equivalent P. S ., inflict
settings and dimensions to the Mega-Damage world of Rifts®. Mega-Damage (M.D.)?
2. Combat moves: Body Blocks and tackles typically inflict The answer is simple. Whether a being inflicts S.D.C. dam­
half the M.D. of a nonnal punch . Stomp attacks are applicable age or M.D . depends on the nature of the creature.
only to robots that are 18 feet ( 5. 5 m) or larger and commonly Simply put, supernatural beings and creatures 0/ magic are
inflict ID4 or 1D6 M.D., seldom more. Tear or Pry attacks are N O T human. They are something else. Creatures that defy the
possible only if the mechanism is designed for that purpose. laws of physics and draw upon arcane forces and energies (like
Such attacks usually deliver half the damage of a full strength magic) as part of their innate essence. Thus, they are more than
punch. human. More powerful physically and magically (and some-

times psionically as well). Their supernatural aspect gives them Tails and tentacles frequently inflict halfto the same amount
Mega-Damage strength, endurance, and, in many instances, of M.D. as a punch. Power punches are not usually possible
makes them natural M.D. C. creatures (i.e. flesh like with a tail, but are possible witha tentacle.
Mega-Damage steel). Thus, in addition to their incredible super­ Kicks by Mega-Damage beings usually inflict the same M.D.
natural strength they usually have bodies with skin like the ar­ as a punch, but in some cases the kick may inflict ID6 more
mor of a tank, are impervious or resistant to ordinary cold, heat Mega-Damage.
and fIre, impervious to disease, and heal much more quickly Supernatu ral damage and hand weapons: Unless stated
(most practically regenerate and heal before one's eyes), be­ otherwise, supernatural beings wielding a hand weapon, such as
cause they are not human. Note: In an S.D. C. environment a sword, club and knife inflict either the weapon damage plus
where magic energy is weak, these beings are often Hit the S.D. C. damage bonus (as indicated in the standard Attribute
Point/ S.D. C. creatures, although they will still usually have chart) or M.D. damage bonus indicated in the bonus section of
plenty of H. P. and S.D. C. points. the character's description -or just the Supernatural P. S. dam­
• Supernatu ral P.S. 15 or less: Only inflicts ID6 S.D. C. on a age plus any applicable bonuses, whichever is greater. For Ex­
restrained punch, 4D6 S.D. C. on a full strength punch or 1D 4 am ple: A demon with a P. S. of 41 wielding a Vibro-Knife can
M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). P. S. choose to inflict the comparatively minimal damage of that
bonuses are added to S.D. C. attacks. weapon (say 1D6 M.D.) plus any S.D. C. or M.D. damage "bo­
• Supernatu ral P.S. 16 to 20: Inflicts 3D 6 S.D. C. on a re­ nus,"or it can strike with the weapon by putting the full force of
strained punch, ID6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 2D6 its Supernatural P. S. behind the attack. I n the latter case, since
M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). P. S. the creature's own Supernatural P. S. is greater than anything the
bonuses are added to S.D. C. attacks. Vibro-Blade can inflict, the demon inflicts the full 6D6 M.D. it
would normally cause. Because the damage from the demon's
• Supernatu ral P.S. 21 to 25: Inflicts 4D 6 S.D. C. on a re­
Supernatural P. S. is (signi ficantly) greater than that of the
strained punch, 2D 6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 4D6
Vibro-Knife, the 6D6 M.D. number is used in place of the paltry
M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). P. S.
1D6 M.D. of the blade. The damage is notcombined.
bonuses are added to S.D. C. attacks.
This is why many supernatural beings (and creatures of
• Supernatu ral P.S. 26 to 30: Inflicts 5D 6 S.D. C. on a re­
magic with Supernatural P. S.) avoid using technology and
strained punch, 3D 6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or 6D6
sometimes even magic items, preferring instead to use their
M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). P. S.
own, superior, natural strength and abilities. A Mega-Damage
bonuses are added to S.D. C. attacks.
blade is pointless when one's own punch or claw attack does
• Supernatu ral P.S. 31 to 35: Inflicts 6D 6 S.D. C. on a re­
more damage. It's as simple as that. Likewise, body armor is
strained punch, 4D6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or
seen as a cumbersome nuisance to beings who can rapidly re­
ID4x lO M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee at­
generate M.D. C. and/or possess a large amount of M.D. C. to be­
tacks). P. S. bonuses are added only to S.D. C. attacks.
gin with.
• Supernatu ral P.S. 36 to 40: Inflicts 6D 6 S.D. C. on a re­ Optional rule regarding weapons and supernatural be­
strained punch, 5D6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or ings : Normal weapons are in danger of breaking when wielded
ID6x lO M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee at­ by somebody with supernatural strength. A good rule of thumb
tacks). P. S. bonuses are added only to S.D. C. attacks. is to assume a weapon is in danger of breaking whenever total
• Supernatu ral P.S. 41 to 50: Inflicts ID6x lO S.D. C. on a re­ damageinflicted during a battle session exceeds more than three
strained punch, 6D6 M.D. on a full strength punch, or timesthe weapon's maximum base damage. For exam ple: In the
2D4x l 0 M.D. on a power punch (counts as two melee at­ case of a sword that does 2D 4 S.D. C. damage, more than 24
tacks). P. S. bonuses are added only to S.D. C. attacks. points of damage might break it. Every time that much damage
• Supernatu ral P.S. 51 to 60: Inflicts ID6 M.D. on a re­ is inflicted, there is a 01-30% chance that the weapon will break.
strained punch, 1D 6x lO on a full strength punch, or 2D 6x lO Heavy, sturdy weapons, and very well-crafted blades (a mas­
on a power punch (counts as two melee attacks). P. S. bo­ ter smith's katana, for example) can withstand more damage, so
nuses not applicable. do not roll unless damage exceeds five timesthe weapon's maxi­
• Supernatu ral P.S. beyond 60: For every 10 points of P. S. mum damage capability (i.e., a fme quality 2D 4 short sword can
beyond 60, add a further 10 points of damage. However, such withstand 40 points of damage).
a high P. S. is rare even among the gods. Magic weapons and artifacts are often indes tructible and
even those with a fmite M.D. C. are magically strengthened and
Note: Some supernatural creatures will have a greater or at no risk of breaking in the hands of a super strong character.
weaker damage than the above table provides. These are excep­
tions to the general rule and are evident in the descriptions of
speci fic creatures. Damage greater than those listed above may
Weight & Movement ------­

take in consideration claws, spikes, speed and other aspects that Carrying Weights
may add to the character's damage capabilities. Normal, m ortal characters, with a P. S. of 3 to 16, can carry
Biting attacks typically inflict halfthe M.D. of a punch un­ 10 times their P. S. in pounds ( P. S.x lO total in pounds). For

less the maw is especially large or powerful, then a bite could Exam ple: A character with a P. S. of 9 can carryup to 90 pounds
inflict the same damage or more. ( 40. 5 kg). Meanwhile, a character with a P. S. of 15 can c arry
150 pounds ( 6 7. 5 kg).
Extraordinarily strong characters, witha P. S. of 17 or higher, Throwing Heavy o r Awkward Objects
can carry 20 times their P . S. in pounds. ( One pound 0.45 kg) .
A character can notthrow more than he can carry.
This means a character with a P. S. of 18 can carry 360 pounds
Add one foot ( 0.3 m) to the effective throwing range (as
( 162 kg).
listed under the targeting skill or weapon description) for every
Penalties: Reduce maximum Speed by 50% whenever a char­ P. S. point;e.g., P. S . 24 add 24 feet ( 7.3 m).
acter is carrying more than 70% his maximum weight allow­
Objects such as bricks, bottles, and swords are not designed
ance, and the character suffers from fatigue at twice the normal
for throwing. Consequently, the effective range is limited re­
rate. This means a character with a P. S. of 15 can carry up to ap­
gardless of the strengthbehind it.
proximately 104 Ibs ( 4 7 kg) without undue stress and strain, and
without penalty. However, anything more than that taxes the Darts, knives and throwing axes are designed for throwing,
limits of the character. He or she can carry more weight, up to but don't have the weight or balance for traveling great dis­
150 Ibs ( 6 7.5 kg) but at the reduced speed (-50%) and an in­ tances. The same is true of most objects weighing less than half
creased fatigue level (tires twice as quickly). For maximum effi­ a pound ( 0. 22 kg).
ciency,the character needs to work within his limits. Javelins, more so than spears, are designed for distance
Creatures with Supernatural P.S. including Deevils, de­ throwing.
mons and dragons are even stronger than extraordinary humans . Miscellaneous items weighing over a pound ( 0.45 kg) and
Supernatural beings and creatures of magic with a P. S. of 18 or less than 10 pounds ( 4.5 kg), such as chairs, stools, or lanterns,
higher can carry 50 times their P. S . Thus, a creature with a P. S . can be thrown about halfas far as the one pound ( 0.45 kg) ob­
of 24 can actually carry over half a ton, 1200 pounds ( 540 kg) . ject.
Creatures with a Supernatural P. S . of 17 or less are equal to hu­ Normal and extraordinarily strong characters can hurl a
mans; P. S. x l 0 in pounds. weight equal to the weight he can c arry four inches per each
P. S. point. This means the person with a P. S. 9 can toss 90 lb
( 40.5 kg) items a measly to three feet ( 0.9 m) away. The hero
with a P. S. of 17 can toss 340 lbs ( 153 kg) up to 5 feet, 8 inches
away ( 1. 75 m).
Supernatu ral characters can hurl their maximum c arrying
weight one foot ( 0.3 m) per P. S. point. So a supernatural charac­
ter with a P . S. of 24 can hurl an incredibly heavy object (up to
1200 pounds/ 540 kg) a whopping 24 feet ( 7.3 m) .
Dam age from these heavy thrown objects is ID6 + ID6
S.D .C. points per every 20 pounds ( 9 kg), so a 100 pound (45
kg) item will inflict 6D6 points of S.D.C . damage! A thousand
pound (450 kg) object inflicts 6D 6x l 0 S.D.C. or roughly 3 M.D .
( 4 M .D. if you round up).

Combat Notes
Number of "attacks" per melee round
A m elee roundis a combat sequence that is 15 secondslong.
The number of "attacks" or "actions" available to a character in
a combat situation is typically determined by a Hand to Hand
Combat skill.
Lifting Weight An "action" is a non-combat move like performing a skill,
Lifting weight is a little different than carrying it. You may flipping a switch, running to the door, throwing something out a
have noticed yourself, but you can usually lift up a heavier window, operating a computer, applying fIrst aid, etc. On the
amount than you can carry . I'm not talking about weight-lifting other hand, throwing an object at a living being is an "attack."
in a body building sense, nor lifting a heavy weight above the Characters with no hand to hand com bat trainingget one
chest. Simply the ability to bend over and lift something that attack/action per melee round at levels 1, 6,and 12. Even the act
weighs more than you can carry. The simple rule is that a char­ of making a parry or dodge counts as one melee action one -

acter can lift TWICE as much as he/she can carry. This means movement that takes thought, time and uses up one of the char­
that the character with a P. S. of 9 can carry 90 pounds ( 40.5 kg) acter's "attack" options for that round. P.P. and W.P. bonuses
but can lift 180 pounds ( 81 kg). Meanwhile, the supernaturally apply asalways.
strong creature, with a P. S. of 24, can lift over one ton ( 2400 However, the untrained character, while lousy at actual fIght­
pounds/ 10 80 kg). ing, gets two non-combat "actions " at level one, +1 at level 3,
+2 at level 6, and +1 at level 9 (maxes out at six) .
Note: It is rare for most characters not to have at least the of I D 4 times two plus any possible P. S. or Hand to Hand Com­
Hand to Hand: Basic combat skill, but civilian N P Cs like a bat damage bonus on top of that). Characters with extraordinary
child, high school student, housewife, white collar worker, or augmented p.s. or Supernatural Strength clearly indicate the
game designer, are probably only going to have one or two "at­ damage inflicted in the listings presented at the beginning of this
tacks" per round, but capable of 3-5 "actions" (lock the door, section.
tum off the light, call for help, assist another character, etc.) in 1. A power punch is a punch in which the character winds up
that same time. Characters with combat skills may perform a and punches with all of his might. In all cases, the power punch
non-combat action, but it counts as one of their melee attacks. attack counts as two ( 2) melee attacks/actions whether the punch
Characters with any kind of formal hand to hand com bat strikes or not. The player must announce that he is trying a
training ( Hand to Hand: Basic, Expert, Assassin, etc.) automati­ power punch/kick/attackbefore he rolls to strike.
cally start with twoattacks per melee round, in addition to those 2. A power bite is not possible! The only exceptions may be
provided from their actual hand to hand skill. That means a first select supernatural beings or giant robots, in which case it will
level character typically starts with F O U R attacks per melee be noted in the character stats. Likewise, a power head butt, el­
round - two to begin and two from a speci fic Hand to Hand bow, knee, body throw/flip or body block/ram is not possible
skill. Game Designer Note: This was not originally the case except as noted above and where speci fically listed for that par­
when I frrst designed the game system. Back then the character ticular character or equipment.
got only the number of attacks provided by the Hand to Hand
3. Cyborgs, although mechanical and robot-like, do not gen­
skill ( 2), plus those gained from experience in that skill and any
erally possess the same physical strength and power as a com­
possible O. C. C. bonus. A lot of people seem to prefer fewerat­
plete (or giant) robot. Consequently, they do not usually deliver
tacks per round than more. That's okay. If that's what you like,
Mega-Damage punches except as power punches. Most partial
start with only the two from Hand to Hand combat skills and
reconstruction 'Borgscan only have a maximum P. S. of 20 and
forget about the other two. Role-playing is flexible, go with
inflict no Mega-Damage. Full conversion 'Borgs of great
what you, as G.M., feel most comfortable with. I only increased
strength can deliver a Mega-Damage power punch or kick if
the starting number (four instead of two) because it seemed
they have a P. S. of 24 or higher! See the previous table for A ug­
more realistic for characters who are trainedin combat (includ­
mented Humans, Mutants, Cyborgs & Exoskeletons.
ing adventurers who need to know how to handle themselves in
4. In all cases, a power punch/kick/attack counts as two me­
the wild).
lee attacks/actions.
An additional attack per melee round may be available as
a bonus from certain O. C. C.s, R C. C.s, special training (usually
related to an O. C. C. or R. C. C.), the Boxing skill, magic or spe­ Pull Punch
cial power. It is added to the usual number. Hand to Hand skills The ability to control the force of a hand to hand attack,
also provide additional attacks as the character advances in lev­ whether it be a punch, kick or with a hand weapon. Usually used
els of experience. These additional attacks and other bonuses to reduce the blow to less than killing force. The character can
and abilities are listed in each Hand to Hand combat description. choose to do half damage, quarter damage, a single point or no
Note that exactly what level an additional attack or bonus is damage at all. A character must declare a pulled punch, and the
available varies witheach type of combat skill. player must roll II or better on a twenty-sided die (D 20) to suc­
cessfully pull his punch. A failed roll to pull means full damage
is accidentally inflicted. Note: A normal kick does ID6 damage,
a Karate style kick does ID 8or 2D 4 damage.

The act of dis arming is a striking attack designed to make an
opponent drop his weapon or whatever he is holding. It does no
damage and can be used as a defensive movein place of a dodge
or parry, as well as an offensive attack/strike.
The disarm move is a strike, hold or grappling maneuver that
causes an opponent to drop whatever he is holding. Each at­
tempt to dis arm counts as one melee attack/action. Disarm does
not give the weapon to the character making the dis arm move.
True, the item is forced out of the victim's grasp, but it either is
knocked away or falls to the ground.
Defensive Disarm Move: The defending character can opt to
Power Punch attempt to dis arm his opponent rather than parry or dodge. A
A Power Punch is a haymaker thrown with everything the natural 19 or 20 is necessary to succeed, and because the de­
character has using his every last ounce of strength. A power fender always wins ties, the move may be a success even if the
punch A L W A Y S counts as two melee attacks/actions. A power attacker rolled a Natural Twenty to strike! The disarm move
kick can also be done. For characters with normal P. S. it does takes the place of a parry or dodge, so if it fails, the defender is
double damage in Hit Points or S.D. C. (normal punch damage struck by his attacker and takes damage (unless his opponent
rolls a 1-4 which is always a miss).
Offensive Dis ann Attack: Works like a special strike attack The Knockout
without bene fit of the no nnal strike bonuses, only in this case,
rather than try to hurt his opponent,the character tries to disarm Unless a "called shot" is made, the strike from most attacks
strikes the main body (the largest target). The called shot also
him . This means the attacker (the one trying to do a disarm)and
applies to knockout/stun attacks. The Game Master can only as­
the defender (the one being attacked and disarmed) each roll a
sume that a combatant is trying to hurt or kill his opponent un­
D 20 -high roll wins. So if the attacker gets the high roll, he
less told otherwise. It is a different story if the attacker
successfully man ages to disarm his opponent (one weapon at a
"announces" that he is trying to render his opponent uncon­
time). If the armed defender wins (remember, he gets full bene­
scious. In that case, if the character rolls at or above his Hand to
fit of bonuses to parry or dodge the attack), the disarming attack
Hand combat skill to Knockout/Stun, or rolls a Natural 20, his
fails and the subject of the attack remains armed, probably mad,
opponent is knocked unconscious rather than killed. A knockout
and ready to strike back.
punch inflicts minimal physical damage but knocks the victim
Note: The only bonuses that apply to a disarm maneuver are out or renders him dazed/incapacitated.
those that come by way of a special bonus and actually says
An opponent is also knocked unconscious when his Hit
something like " +1 to disarm." Typically available only to spe­
Points are reduced to zero. Any damage that sends a character to
cial O.C.C.s and R .C.C.s and the occasional special power or
or below zero knocks the victim into unconsciousness and puts
ability. Otherwise, the disa nnattack is an unmodi fied strike.
him into a coma with death a likely prospect unless he receives
Of course, in all cases the opponent to be disarmed must be
medical trea tment.
within arm's reach.
The Game Master can elect to allow more powerful charac­
A L L types of Hand to Hand combat training teach the char­
ters to knockout vastly inferior characters even though the pow­
acter how to disarm an opponent, but few offer bonuses to do
erful character does not yet have the hand to hand ability to do
so. This means most disarming moves/attacks are done without
so. This should not be abused, and I generally require the player
bonus modi fication ( Le. requires a high natural roll). This is be­
character to roll a 19 or 20 to be successful. Unlike the movies,
cause disarming an opponent, especially one trained in combat,
it can be difficult to knock somebody out. Some people are
is a dif ficult and tricky maneuver.
beaten to a pulp before they lose consciousness or never lose
consciousness until they lapse into a coma.
In one play-test, a well meaning, but overzealous, second
level Juicerdesired to knockout a captured security guard. " I'm
going to knock this guy out so he won't be any trouble." As the
G.M., I said, " Fine, but you need a roll of 19 or 20, strike bo­
nuses areincluded." Pow! A terrible low roll. " Lousy punch," I
said with a wince. " You inflict no nnal damage and he's still
conscious." The Juicer frowned and said, " I try it again."
B AM!! Similar results. " I try it again." Crunch!!! Another low
roll, only now the N P C guard is begging for mercy.
The Juicer pummeled that poor security guard in the head
three times and was winding up for a fourth try. Each roll for the
knockout was under 10 every time, so instead of knocking him
out, the Juicer was inflicting great amounts of S.D.C. and Hit
Point damage. As he readied himself to punch this poor, bat­
tered, and bleeding character for a fourth time, one of the
Juicer's tea mmates stopped him, pointing out that he was liter­
ally beating the guard to death (the N P C was down to 9 Hit
Points). The embarrassed Juicer apologized to the battered guard
Grappling and to his own teammates,tied the guard up better, gagged him
and stuck him in the comer instead of trying to knock him out.
Occasionally, one may encounter a being that cannot be eas­
" Hey, how come guys in the movies knock out their opponent
ily hurt, but can be constrained or distracted. A constant attack
e.g. an unrelenting battery of punches, kicks, and grappling, ca �
with one punch and I couldn't?" My response as G.M ., " Hey,
this isn't the movies and based on your rolls, you couldn't
keep the thing too busy and off balance to attack anybody else .
knockout a fly." That's how it goes sometimes.
Super strong characters protected by Mega-Damage power ar­
mor, bionics, or body armor can also grapple, pin, e ntangle, or
crush/squeeze (bear hug) such a creature. As long as the charac­ Knockdown
ter hangs on or keeps the villain unbalanced, the monster's at­ The impact from an explosion, par tying a powerful energy
tacks are limited to that one individual and it cannot attack blast, or a powerful punch/impact from a robot or supernatural
others. The ability to grapple, pin /hold or othe rwise incapacitate creature, tackle, ram, sonic blast, Wind Rush, Telekinetic Push
can sometimes be a more effective assault than brute force. and other types of attacks may knock a character off his feet,
Similarly, an opponent can be entangled, which usually even if the damage from the attack is minimal or the direct at­
means he falls or is easily knocked down and loses initiative and tack is successfully dodged. It is the force of the attack - the
one melee attack. shock wave -that knocks the individual off his feet.

Penalty: Being knocked down or off one's feet means losing next round. Next melee round, his opponent starts again with six
initiative and one melee attack/action that round of combat. melee attacks, while the defender now only has TWO!
The optional tables, one for humanslhumanoids and one for Consequently, many w arriors will stand and take the dam age
bigger, heavier, tou gher beings, should cover most situations . rather than tryto dodge,especially if they knowthe incoming at­
Creatures with a P. S. of 30 and those of great size are not usu­ tack is low damaging and/or their body armor will take all or
ally in jeopardy of knockdown from blasts that do less than 50 most of the damage.
M.D.C. The Exce ption: Characters with an Automatic Dodge can
dodge a l day long without b urning up an attack. The Automatic
Humanoid Knockdown Impact Table (optional) Dodge is usua ly reserved to very fast and agile characters and
The chance of being knocked down from impact or explosive combat masters. If it is available it will be listed in the O .C.C. or
forceis measured by the amount of damage the impact inflicts. R.C.C. description,or related combat skill.
The greater the damage, the more likely one is momentarily
knocked off his feet (losing one melee attack). This includes the
likelihood of being knock ed down by a kick attack (a leap kick Automatic Dodge
is special). Note: This table is strictly optional and its use and/or The unfortunate use of the word "automatic "has created a bit
modi fication is left solely to the Game Master. Also note that of confusion concern ing the ability to perform an "automatic
this table is a bit different from the vampire knockdown table dodge. " Some players mistakenly believe this means the charac­
found in the Rifts® Vam pire Kingdoms book. Why? Because ter does N O T have to roll a D 2 0 to dodge, but automatically
this takes into consideration the inclusion of body armor and sidesteps danger. This is NOTthe case.
combat ex perience . Here is how it works. Normally, a dodge use up one of the
1-10 M.D.: No chance. Withstands the blow. character's melee attacks or actions. Characters with an "auto­
11-20 M.D .: 01-20% chance of being knocked off feet. matic " dodge, however,can try to dodge ( Le. duck, bob, weave
21-30 M.D.: 01-30% chance of being knocked off feet. or otherwise move out of the wa y) without using up a melee at­
31-40 M.D.: 01-50% chance of being knocked off feet. tack/action. A successful "automatic dodge " means the charac­
41-50 M.D.: 01-70% chance of being knocked off feet. ter has avoided an attack by moving out of its way, and dodges
51-60 M.D.: 01-90% chance of being knocked off feet. so quickly and skillfully that he does not burn up a melee at­
6 1 or more M.D.: 100%! Knocked off feet and stunned! The im­ tack/action. A failed "automatic dodge " means the character is
pact is so strong that, in this case, the character loses all at­ struck and takes damage, but he stil l does not lose a melee at­
tacks/actions that entire melee round ( 15 seconds). tack/action for having tried an "automatic dodge. "
One can N O T try an "automatic dodge " (or any dodge), fail
'Bots, 'Borgs & Supernatural Knockdown Impact at it andthen try to parry that same attack. A character can only
parry or dodge an attack, not both simultaneously nor in rapid
Table (optional)
succession. Split second timing is necessary for both.
Applicable to dragons, characters in power armor, full con­
Note: Only a small number of select O.C.C.s, like the Juicer
version cyborgs, robots, supernatural beings and characters
and Cyber- Knight, and certain R .C.C.s, and unique forms of
with an M.D.C. of 500 or higher. These characters may be
combat provide a character with the ability to perform an "auto­
knocked down from impacts that inflict 31 M.D. or more.
matic dodge. " Those without the "automatic dodge " ability use
1-30 M.D.: Withstands the blow just fme. up one melee actio n/attack whenever they try to dodge (move
31-50 M.D.: 01-10% chance of being knocked off feet. out of harm's way). The "auto-dodge " is purely a defensive
51-70 M.D.: 01-20% chance of being knocked off feet. move.
71-100 M.D .: 01-40% chance of being knocked off feet.
101-150 M.D.: 01-60% chance of being knocked off feet.
151-200 M.D.: 01- 80% chance of being knocked off feet.
201 or more M.D.: 100%! Knocked off feet and stunned; loses - 10 to Dodge Rule
all attacks/actions that entire melee round ( 15 seconds).

The Dodge vs Modern Weapons

Notes on Dodging Before I present this rule, I would like to launch into a bit of
a rave, explaining why I created it and why it does work and
When a character has used up all of his attacks, dodging
does make sense.
is still possible. H O W EV ER, each dodge this melee round uses
up one of the character's attacks from the next round. For exam­ I created and introduced the -10 to Dodge Against Modern
�: Let's say the defender has four attacks per melee round and Weapons Rule in response to Game Masters who were com­
his opponent has six. In the first combat round, the defender plaining that modern guns and energy weapons were nearly ir­
uses up his attacks, but his opponent still has two left. The smart relevant because so many characters could ' 'just dodge gun frr e
thing to do (if circumstances allow) is to parry the attack be­ and energy blasts. "
cause a parry does not use up a melee attack or action. However, For a long while, I ignored this comment because it seemed
one can not parry bullets or energy blasts, so a character may be ludicrous to me. I figured some G.M.s were just letting their
forced to dodge. In this example, the defender can dodgethe at­ players get away with murder. But the e-mails, letters, phone
tack but each "extra " dodge uses up one of his attacks for the calls and questions at game conventions continued to come in
enough to get me to address it.
tion or two) to even take in the situation before moving to react
to it. The safe response is to surrender or do what the gunman
says, and, perhaps,wait for an opening to take action. I f that ac­
tion is to dodge, it had better be to dodge behindsome cover,
othe rwise a hail of bullets or energy blasts are rained down upon
the character dodging. And that "cover" had better be sufficient
to stoplblock the attack. Which may be extremely difficult in a
world with Mega-Damage weapons. L ikewise, a character may
try to a ttack and kill, knock out or dis arm a gunman, but this is
even riskier business than attempting to dodge behind cover.
The bold hero c annot easilymake a mad charge on the g unman,
dodging bullets until he is close enough to hit him. Meanwhile,
drawing one's own weapon is also going to provoke a (presum­
ably hostile) response from the gunman; i.e., he is going to start
All of the above po ssibilities require an initiative roll, some
luck and clear, logical thought on the part of the Game Master
for an appropriate response. What I mean by this is that, with or
without the -10 Rule, the G.M. must think about the situation
and use common sense and a sequence of logical consequences
when considering the response to, and outcome o f, combat
Here are some examples of what I mean:
a) Any gunplay has the risk of injuring other player chara c­
ters and innocent bystanders, so the G.M. (and heroes) needs to
take that into consideration. In the context of the game,the G.M.
may need to momentarily act as the player's conscience or
thought process by pointing this fact out to him -" Okay Bob,
So I finally created the notorious Minus Ten Rule. your character can draw his weapon,try to dodge any attack and
attempt to shoot at the gunman. In fact, your character is itching
The response to that rule (which fIrst appeared in the Rifts® to take this punk down. H O W E V E R, your character also real­
Game Master Guide, September, 2001) was a frenzy of players izes that this course of action W I L L place innocent people in
screaming about how unfair this rule is because it makes "guns danger of getting shot or killed. It's your call. What are you do­
deadly." ing?"
Duh! This gives the player the opportunity to consider his course
I don't know when or how, but somewhere along the line, it of action and other possible responses (including no action at
seems that some players and Game Masters lost sight of how all). I n a game context, the ch aracter's mind is racing, so all of
guns work. Case in point,"guns aredeadly." these thoughts,emotions and observations happen in a second or
No kidding. Guns kill. That's why they are used in war, two even though they may take a minute or more in "real"game
crimes and murder. time.
Energy weapons are even more advanced, fast and deadly Depending on the character's alig nment, he might notbe able
weapons. They are the next generation in weapon tec hnology. If to jeopardize the lives of innocent people. A character of Princi­
any " Joe Soldier"or " Joe Citizen" (Grunt, Scholar, City Rat, of­ pled (possibly even Scrupulous or Unprincipled) alignment
ficer worker or farmer) can easily dodge a bullet, let alone an would be extremely hard pressed to take any action that is l ikely
energy blast traveling at the speed of light, there is something to endanger the lives of others, especially if complying wi th the
wrong! gunman's request saves lives and re sults only in the loss of pos­
Think about it for a minute. When a thug walks into a conve­ sessions.
nience store or bank armed with a lousy pistol and announces, The Game Masterneeds to present these facts and reminders
"this is a holdup, give me your money," people tremble and do as part of his or her job in setting the scene. Itis the player's job
what he says. They do N O T start DODGING. Not even police to role-playthe situation. The character may ignore the remind­
officers, Special Forces Soldiers or martial artists run around ers, but the re will be consequences to his actions. Whatever
bobbing and weaving to dodge bullets in real life. those consequences are, it is fair, because he has been warned,
after all. Those consequences may be causing property damage,
Why not?
injury and/or death to innocent people, as well as possible legal
Because if they did, they would probably get shot. And bul­ consequences to the character himself. The character may be
lets hurt,maim and kill! charged civilly or criminally with reckless endange nnent, carry­
Please remember that bullets travel at hundreds to thousands ing a concealed weapon, manslau ghter, and even murder. If a
of feet per second! I think some gamers are forgetting that most D-Bee, mage or other type of fugitive or criminal himself, the
people,even seasoned warriors,need a few seconds (a melee ac - character has just brought attention to himself and his com-
rades. This may very well bring down the wrath of an enemy, con frontations are close combatunder 100 feet ( 30.5 m). Why?
the authorities, C S, bounty hunters, or other antagonists. An­ Because it is more dramatic and fun to face one's opponent
other consequence for a Principled or Scrupulous character who rather than pick him off from 2000 feet ( 6 10 m) away before he
disregards the welfare and safety of innocent people is lowering knows what even hit him.
his ali gnment to Unprincipled or Anarchist. In other words, to
an alignment that allows him to be reckless and sel fish. If the The bottom line
player doesn't like that change, then he needs to work at living The point is, no game can account for everymyriad possible
by the code of his desired alignmentand do things that will get condition or situation. The Game Master has to think about the
him back to the alignment of his choice. Alignments are a moral situation and respond accordingly . That's where the role-playing
compass and "role-playing" tool. Use them. They enrich the and logic come into play.
gaming experience.
For hundreds of thousand of Rifts® players and G.M.s,
b) Consider the environment. Again, thought, logic and con­ dodging and fire fights have never been a problem. These folks
sideration of likely consequences and outcomes a re important. If can, if they like, use or ignore the -10 Rule, because it won't
the gu nman is pointing his weapon directly at the character who have much impact on their games one way or the other.
wants to dodge out of the way or attack,the gunman will be able
For Game M asters who have trouble with modem weapon
to react quickly enough to get the frrst attack. Again, the G.M .
combat or have troub le with players trying to take advantage of
has to point this "fact" out to the player. " Hey, the gunman is
the system, the -10 Rule should be a huge help in reining them
looking right at your character. Your Headhunter makes him
in and keeping frr e fights more realistic.
nervous and any move he makes will cause the thug to shoot.
And because he sees the Headhunter as a threat and won't t ake If you hate the -10 Rule for whatever reason, don't use the
his eyes off of him, the gunman has the initiative. What are you d am thing. Role-playing rules are flexible. A lot of gamers play
doing?" strictly by the rules, but just as many make little adjustments
and changes that are known as "house rules." If such rules modi­
It is common sense that the nervous gu nman will get frrst
fications work for you and your fellow players, cool. No prob­
shot in this situation. It is also common sense that if the g unman
lem. The idea is to have fun role-playing. Your style of play or
is in close range,the character who plans to dodge or attack is at
the way you look at things may vary from mine, so it is okay to
a disadvantage and will have to use up one melee attack to m ake
twe ak the rules, as long as the changes are fair for everybody
his move (dodge or lunge) and a second to actually strike.
and the players are having fun. That even means if you think it
O ther considerations regarding environment: Who or what is should be okay for a character to dodge laser beams traveling at
behind the player character itching to take action? If the gun­ the speed of light, then go for it . Forget the - 10 Rule ever ex­
man misses the player character, who or what is behind or near isted!
him likely to get shot? What are the consequences if that hap­
On the o ther hand, for those of you who want a bit more real­
ism or to put the "deadly" back into guns, please use and enjoy
Furthermore, common sense dictates if a weapon is pressed the -10 Rule and any of the "optional" combat rules that follow
against someone's head or a foot or two away, that 1) the victim ( Point-Blank Damage, Blood Loss, Random Hit Locations,
will find it difficult to dodge, 2) the shooter has the advan­ etc.). Role-playing is personal. Go with what makes the game
tage/initiative, 3) the shot, if it hits (and it probably will), does fun, interesting and challenging for you. But most impor tantly,
severe,point-blankdamage;i.e.,blows his victim's head o ffi what m akes it easy and funto play. Please,enjoy .
Common sense dictates that if there is no cover to dodge be­ Oh, and remember, the -10 Rule, like all rules, is a guideline
hind, the character (s) is moving out in the open and is more to be used judiciously and fairly. All rules can be abused, mis­
likely to get shot. used or ex ploited. Don't allow that to happen. I t requires work
Common sense dictates if the hero t akes action the gunman on the part of the G.M. and cooperation on the part of the play­
and his fellow villains will also start shooting - somebody, ers to have a balanced,fair and fun gaming experience.
probably several somebodies -are going to get shot. And don't
forget about ricochets, shrapnel and falling debris.
Common sense dictates if there is a lot of "cover" (pillars, The -10 to Dodge Rule Described
desks, trees, even smoke) the gunman will have a more difficult Dodging incoming gunfrre, rail guns, energy blasts, launched
time hitting any target,and vice versa if the situation is reversed . grenades, missiles, and other high-speed projectiles is reallydif­
c) Common sense and fair play also dictates that the Game ficult. These forms of attack are so fast that they are difficult to
Master is fair, and doesn't use the -10 Rule to slaughter charac­ dodge and virtually impossible to parry. Only rare, select
ters. Player characters should always have options and potential O.C.C.s offer superior dodge and parrying abilities against such
ways out of trouble. Maybe the character under the gun can talk attacks.
or bluff his way out of trouble? Maybe a comrade or N P C will To attempt to dodge high speed weapon attacks, the character
save the day? Maybe something happens that distracts the bad must realize that he is under attack and see where the attack is
guy, giving the player character his (logical) chance to attack or coming from (i.e., the sniper in the tree to the right, or the
dodge and escape? And so on. S AM A S flying in at 12 o'clock).
d) Close combat is different from long-range combat (hun­ In all cases, the attacker rolls to strike and the defender must
dreds or even thousands of feet of distance between opponents) . roll to dodge on a 0 20 as usual. The high roll wins. Defender al­
Role-playing games, being what they are, means 80% of most ways wins ties. So far, it works just like a normal dodge. Except

one has to factor in certain penalties. And this is where things Shooting Wild m odifier: Shooting wild includes shooting
get sticky for the dodger. while runn ing, riding a horse, or from a moving vehicle or an
First, NO attribute or skill bonuses to dodge apply against unstable/awkward position. Whenever "Shooting Wild," the
modern weapons ! Only an unmodified die roll counts ! There are shooter fires WITHOUT benefit of bonuses, requiring an unmod­
a few rare exceptions like the Juicer, Samurai and Ninja of Ja­ ified die roll on a I D20 to hit. In other words, a shooter who is
pan and a couple others where their O.C.C. or R.C.C. gives moving and the character being shot at are on pretty equal
them the ability to dodge bullets and energy blasts, and may terms, requiring the shooter to roll a 1 5 or higher to hit without
provide a bonus to do so. benefit of bonuses for an aimed shot. Heck, that means 75% of
Second, the dodger is -10 to dodge at "close range" (within the time the shooter' s roll to strike will miss.
400 feetl122 m) of the shooter. -6 to dodge from long-range at­ Shooting Penalty: If the target is small or partially obscured
tacks when the shooter is more than 500 feet ( 1 52 m) away. by other people, obstacles, ground cover, smoke, etc., the
Note: No dodge is possible if the character does not know an at­ shooter is -4 to strike, so he must roll a 1 5 or higher to hit! That
tack is coming (i.e. a sniper's first shot). sounds pretty fair to me. At the G.M. ' s discretion, that penalty
Third, the high roll wins and the defender always wins ties. could be increased to -6, but only if the target is barely visible -

Note: All the usual bonuses to strike apply for the shooter. protected by dense cover and only a tiny part of him can be seen
for a second at a time.
Yes, a dodge attempt uses up a melee attack/action, so each
dodging action means the character loses one of his melee at­ 3. Unmodified dodge (straight roll of the dice) at - 1 0 to
tacks. This could mean using up all of one' s own attacks by dodge at close range (within 400 feetl122 m) works and makes
dodging, which places that individual completely on the defen­ sense, especially if the target is out in the open or the two char­
sive. But this happens in real life. The character under attack acters are facing-offgunslinger (or John Woo) style.
could spend the next 30 to 60 seconds running and dodging Stop and think about it for a minute. We are talking Rifts®
blasts from an attacker until the attacker runs out of ammunition and advanced weapons, with computer and laser targeting
and has to pause to reload, gives up the attack or an ally takes and/or other special optics and guidance systems. Nine out of
him down. At that moment, the dodging person, on the defen­ ten weapons are energy blasters. If a character is in the cross
sive, can continue to run away, or hide, or turn and counterat­ hairs of a sniper's sight, standing still out in the open without
tack. At some point, the character may have to decide to stand cover or at close range, he is likely to get shot. Not killed, nec­
and take his chances of getting hit in the fire fight in order to essarily, but definitely shot. That' s the plain and simple reality.
shoot back and inflict damage of his own. And if the shooter is standing still and making an Aimed or
Special. If the character under attack forfeits all of his at­ Called Shot, he enjoys bonuses to hit as per his Weapon Profi­
tacks that melee round and does nothing but dodge the entire ciency (W.P.) skill. That's the way modem weapons and combat
round, from beginning to end, he can run from one bit of cover works. Characters can NOT go prancing around dodging energy
to another. This evasive action is done to run from cover to blasts and bullets. Accept it. Guns are not as elegant, personal
cover to move into a more secure hiding place or to get to a (close-up and one-on-one) or dramatic as melee weapons like
friend, escape or to get to some other defensive position. This swords, knives, maces, etc. That is why guns replaced sharp
daring, rapid succession of dodging moves is done at a penalty sticks, clubs and blades. Heck, even this no bonus, - 1 0 to dodge
of -6 to dodge, but the character gets to use his dodge bonuses . rule is NOT particularly realistic compared to real life.
This special move does not apply to an open field without cover. If the G.M. would like, he can reduce the - 1 0 Range from
Sorry, it is virtually impossible to dodge an arrow or bullet, let 400 feet ( 122 m) to 200 or 1 50 feet (6 1 or 45.7 m) for automatic
alone an energy blast. That's why they invented body armor and and basic energy weapons without advanced optic or targeting
tanks. systems.
The Shooter has penalties too 4. Those who can dodge. The rules already state that excep­
The very vocal and loud minority groaning about the - 1 0 tional characters such as the Juicer, Samurai and Ninja CAN tty
Rule don't seem to understand that the shooter has penalties and to dodge bullets and energy blasts with the full benefit of their
restrictions too. Considerations that even the score considerably. dodge bonuses. This can be extended to include the Crazy,
Most of the penalties do not apply to close-range, gun­ Cyber-Knights, Cyborgs with a speed attribute of 120 or greater,
slinger-style showdowns or carefully aimed shots from a sta­ powerful supernatural beings, and any O.C.C. or R.C.C. that
tionary position, but will apply to most combat in the field of states the character gets an Automatic Dodge. As noted, the
battle will. character is not so much dodging the blast itself, but anticipating
1. A roll to strike of 1 -4 automatically misses even a station­ it and moving accordingly. See There is a way to Dodge Bullets,
ary target. Moreover, the rules state that only a roll to strike that just three paragraphs down.
is 12 or higher ( 1 2-20) hits a moving target. A roll of 1 - 1 1 5. As always, the G.M. should use common sense and think
misses! A roll of 1 2-20 is needed to hit and other penalties may about the environment and situation. There are often (not al­
reduce the odds to hit even more. Hitting a small or moving tar­ ways) mitigating circumstances to consider. For example, if the
get is more difficult, for example (see #2) . shooter is shooting "blind" he is - 1 0 to strike. If there is a lot of
2. The shooter is -3 or -4 to strike small targets even with a ground cover, the shooter must roll a 1 2 or higher to hit his in­
carefully aimed, "Called Shot." That penalty also applies to tty­ tended target, and is -4 to strike if he himself is moving while
ing to shoot a moving target, and when fIring bursts and shoot­ shooting or if the target is especially small (needs a 1 5 or higher
ing wild. Under these circumstances, the shooter must roll a 1 4 to hit on an unmodified die roll).
or 1 5 and higher to hit!
Likewise, in environments where there are plenty of obsta­ intended target out of harm's way. However, the diving hero
cles for the target to hide behind, I would allow the character may get shot in his place. After all, the character is trying to
(even unexceptional ones) the chance to dodge (probably div­ "save" somebody else and his focus and action is devoted to that
ing) behind some kind of protective barr ier. This applies only if brave purpose, making it impossible for "him" (or her) to dodge
the target knows he is about to be shot at, and the dodge at­ the attack himself. I usually reward such heroics by having the
tempted uses up one melee action whether it is successful or not. blast inflict half the normal damage.
As always, the high roll wins. Defender/dodger wins ties .
Role-playing games are fanciful simulations of the real (or
not so real) world. Like it or not, this rule makes sense and
works. Whether you use it, is up to you.
Parrying Energy Blasts
Similar to dodging ranged attacks :
There is a way to Dodge Bullets First, to even consider a parry, the character must have a
suitable weapon or shield to block the attack. An M.D.C. item
and high-speed energy weapons (psi-Sword, Psi-Shield, Vibro-Blade, etc.) works great. If the
One might argue that dodging an energy blast or beam of parry is successful, that item is struck and takes the brunt of the
light (lasers) is completely impossible. Maybe, but under the damage. If the item is destroyed by the blast, any damage above
right (or desperate) circumstances, there is a chance. It' s just the M.D.C. of the item goes to the character using it to
very difficult. If you really think about it, the character is not ac­ block/parry the blast. Explosives cannot be parried and do full
tually dodging against the speed of a laser beam or bullet, but damage (unless a successful roll with impact is performed).
the reaction time of his opponent. So the question is not can the Note: Clashing Mega-Damage sword against sword (or other
character beat a beam of light, he can't. The question is, can he M.D.C. melee weapon) inflicts no noticeable amount of damage
beat the reaction time and aim of his opponent. Obviously, the on one another, even when both are M.D. weapons, like
intended victim cannot see the bullet or energy bolt coming, but Vibro-Blades or magic items. However, while a magic sword or
he can judge the angle of trajectory by observing the aim of his other magical hand-held weapon can survive an energy blast
attacker and he can try to dodge using split second timing based without suffering Mega-Damage, a man-made item like a
on observations of the facial expressions, body language and Vibro-Blade used to parry the blast from a plasma rifle will suf­
movement of his opponent. In short, he dodges when he thinks fer full damage from the blast.
his opponent is about to shoot, giving him a chance to try to
Second, NO attribute or skill bonuses to parry apply against
move out of harm' s way. Success may be luck, but may also just
modem weapons ! Only an unmodified die roll counts ! There are
a few rare exceptions like power armor designed with a shield
That's where initiative, guts and luck come into play. Here's to parry all sorts of attacks, the Juicer, Crazy, Cyber-Knight,
how I, Kevin Siembieda, handle dodging bullets and energy Mind Melter, Samurai, Ninja ofJapan, creatures who are them­
weapons in close combat within 1 00 feet (3 0.5 m) of an oppo­ selves energy beings, as well as any O.C.C. or RC.C. whose de­
nent. scription states they have the ability to parry arrows, bullets
I have the shooter and the dodger roll initiative. and/or energy blasts. Those characters listed and those with spe­
If the shooter wins the initiative roll, he fires before the de­ cial abilities to parry, get to apply their P.P. and any special
fender/dodger can react. I then have the shooter roll to strike. blast dodging bonuses to the parry of bullets and energy bolts.
Any roll above 1 0 at close range or at a (relatively) stationary Third, the character is - 1 0 to parry at close range (within 400
target strikes. 1 2 hits if shooting at a moving target. feetl 122 m) of the shooter, and - 1 2 to parry long-range attacks
Full damage is done to the intended target. Don't forget when the shooter is at a distance of more than 500 feet ( 1 52 m).
about the roll vs punch, fall or impact which can be used to re­ Why? Because the character is not likely to see a long-range at­
duce damage from projectiles and explosives by half. Energy tack coming until it hits and from such long distance it is diffi­
blasts do full damage. cult to see an opponent clear enough to judge his movement and
If the defender/dodger wins the initiative roll, he is able to body language accurately enough to perform a parry.
anticipate the attack and gauge the line of fire. He is then able to Fou rth, high roll wins and the defender always wins ties.
start moving a split second before the shot is fired. I then have Note: All the usual bonuses apply for the shooter.
both the shooter and the dodger roll again on a D20; high roll Som e additional notes: Men at Arms are +1 to parry at
wins. If that is the dodger, then the gunfire misses him and the piont-blank range (within 30 feetl9. 1 m).
shooter wastes an attack. If the dodger' s roll is below that of the Grenades, missiles, explosives and other area affect weap­
shooter, he fails to successfully dodge, is shot and takes full ons/damage cannot be parried, but a dodge may be possible de­
damage. In this case, only a roll of 1 -4 will automatically miss . pending on the size of the area engulfed in the blast, the agility
In many instances, success is more luck than anything else. of the dodger, and the roll of the die. A successful roll to save vs
Note: For dramatic purposes, I sometimes use the same rules impact reduces the explosive damage by half. Roll with impact
to see if a spell caster or psychic can raise a TK force field or does NOT apply if a character leaps on top of a grenade or is lo­
energy armor or similar barrier in time to block the gunshot, es­ cated at dead center - ground zero - of the blast.
pecially if the character is trying to save an innocent person
rather than himself. This, rule can also be used for the O.C.C.s
noted in #4 , above, to see if a character can dive and knock the
Shooting Wild Pain & Damage Rules
Shooting wild occurs under the following conditions.
• When a character is shooting in the general area of the in­ (optional)
tended target, but has not taken the time to carefully aim. Some Common Sense Optional Rules Regarding
• Can not actually see his target. This includes shooting at tar­ Physical S.D.C.
gets concealed by trees or other forms of vegetation, con­
Think about the situation and apply some common sense. A
cealed by smoke, shooting through a door or wall, shooting
character who has a lot of S.D.C. (or M.D.C. depending on the
around a comer without looking, when blinded or if an oppo­
circumstance) cannot jump on a grenade and survive. Common
nent is invisible, and when shooting and trying to do some­
sense and the design of the explosive device dictates that the
thing else like performing a different skill at the same time;
character is literally blown to pieces. He may have smothered
i.e., running, leaping, flying, driving a vehicle, talking to
the explosive force, preventing it from doing much (maybe
somebody, or concentrating on a second task or action.
1 0%) damage to anybody else in the blast radius, but the heroic
• When shooting from a moving object; i.e. a moving car, individual is dead. On the other hand, a giant, supernatural be­
hover vehicle, horse or other moving platform. This does not ing, dragon or other creature of magic is likely to survive such
include the fIring of weapon systems built into power armor, an antic due to its "inhuman" and/or exceptional nature. How­
robots, cyborgs, or mounted weapons or turrets built into ever, even such an inhuman creature should suffer additional
combat vehicles. Nor is it applicable to super-heroes and mu­ damage (probably double).
tants or monsters that can shoot energy beams, or similar Then there are issues of point-blank damage, blood loss, pain
powers, from their natural bodies . This rule applies to people and side effects to physical injury that a G.M. may want to con­
who are shooting a hand-held weapon while hanging out of sider. Sure the player characters are exceptional, sometimes
the window of a moving vehicle, dangling from an aircraft, even superhuman, but they can be hurt and suffer too. The fol­
standing on a moving platform, shooting from the back of a lowing combat related data is presented as "optional" rules. Use
racing animal and similar conditions. them only if you (the G.M.) want to do so, and only when you
• When terrifIed or in a berserker rage. At the G.M. ' s discre­ feel they are appropriate.
tion, this may apply to characters who are shooting after hav­
ing just recovered from a failed Horror Factor roll.
• Whenever the shooter is spraying a general area with random
gunfIre rather than focusing on a specifIc target.
• The subsequent blasts after the fIrst burst from a Glitter
Boy ' s boom gun if the Glitter Boy is NOT secured to the
ground (the recoil suppression system must be engaged;
thrusters and pylons). If the Glitter Boy is secured by a prop­
erly engaged recoil suppression system, the boom gun fIres
like a normal burst weapon.
• When the character does not have the W.P. skill for the
weapon he is fIring. Characters without a weapon profIciency
(W.P.) can attempt to use any weapon. It is not difficult to
pick up a gun and pull the trigger, anybody can do that. How­
ever, it is another thing to be able to use the weapon with any
knowledge, skill or accuracy. Thus, a character who does not
have a W.P. for the weapon NEVER gets any of the W.P. bo­
nuses, not the +3 for aimed shots or the + 1 for bursts. Any
bursts/rapid shooting by somebody untrained in the required Physical Damage
W.P. is considered shooting wild (-6 to strike). An untrained Typical player characters, and most of their antagonists, are
person trying to shoot a single aimed shot rolls the standard not the average guy off the street. Like a boxer or any profes­
strike roll without benefIt of bonuses. sional athlete, these characters are stronger and tougher than us
The penalty for shooting wild is -6 to strike. average city folk. Many also wear high-tech body armor or use
magic that provides them with Mega-Damage (M.D.C.) protec­
tion when out in the fIeld exploring, traveling or fIghting.
In Rifts®, S.D.C. comes into play when mortal characters
engage in non-Mega-Damage combat outside the protective
confInes of their M.D.C. armor. Such confrontations may not
happen often, but a character cannot live inside a suit of armor
all the time. Of course, characters in a Mega-Damage world
have to be careful because a single M.D. blast is likely to be
enough to vaporize most normal humans and D-Bees.

A character may suffer only S.D.C. damage, and that's good, Head, Hand or Arm
because he' s not fatally wounded. However, what that means is • Minor damage to head, hand or arm will reduce skill perfor­
that while the wound is not immediately life threatening, the mance by 1 0%.
character is hurt! He is becoming weakened and soon Hit Points
• Significant damage to head, hand or arm will reduce skill
will become vulnerable, plus he may be in pain. Do not underes­
performance by 30% and impose a penalty of - 1 to strike or
timate pain. parry.
S.D.C. dam age, even cuts and bruises, is not life threatening.
• Maj or damage to head, hand or arm will reduce skill perfor­
The only additional damage that might possibly result is infec­
mance by 60%, and impose a penalty of -2 to strike, parry ,
tion, an occurrence regularly ignored in role-playing games.
dodge and roll with impact. Plus, punch damage is reduced
And rightly so. It' s no fun playing a sick, feverish character, es­
by half, including a power punch (can't muster the strength
pecially when the odds are low that the character would get an
or will power to deliver a haymaker punch).
infection. It can also bog down the action. I think we all figure
Psychic Note: A psychic may suffer the penalties noted
that the character bandages his wounds or sprays on some disin­
above and/or have trouble maintaining concentration and focus,
fectant at some point "off camera" after the battle and every­
thing heals up without complications. I know that's how I play reducing the duration of the psi-power by 1 0% for minor
trauma/damage to the head, -25% for significant damage and
it. Then again, there are times when it may be appropriate to
-50% for major damage to the head. The same can be applied to
work in a little infection or minor complication, especially if the
practitioners of magic, especially for magic (spells, mind con­
character is stuck in an unsanitary environment. As always, such
trol, etc.) that requires mental direction or concentration to
occurrences are left to the G.M. ' s discretion.
Pain from S.D.C. damage could become a factor in some
cases, but not usually. We all presume the character can handle
S.D.C. damage and sucks it up to keep on moving without diffi­ Main Body
culty or impairment. Cool. • Minor damage to the main body: - I on initiative.
Hit Point Damage is always dangerous. Even if it is minor • Significant damage to main body: - I on initiative, - 1 to
damage, the character is seriously injured. While the damage strike, parry, dodge and - 1 0% on skill performance.
may not be an immediate problem, the character is in pain, cuts • Maj or damage to main body: -3 on initiative, -3 to strike,
without immediate medical attention continue to bleed, and the parry, dodge, and roll with impact, -20% on skill perfor­
character may suffer physical penalties (Le. reduce speed attrib­ mance, and double rate of blood loss.
ute, reduce bonuses, impose a penalty on skill performance be­ Or reduce speed by I D4x l 0%, attacks per melee round by
cause the pain and/or weakness makes it difficult to function at half and skill performance by I D4x l O%.
1 00%, etc.). In fact, unless each wound is correctly bandaged
(roll on the appropriate medical skill), the character will con­
tinue to lose blood, which causes further physical damage. After
the bleeding has been stopped, the hero must still have surgery
to remove bullets, get cuts sutured, and bones set. The wound is
also very painful and m ay impair further movement and/or the
performance of skills. Think about how little you can do when
you cut your hand or even cut or injure a fmger. Something as
simple as writing your name or opening a jar may be impossible
or, at best, difficult and painful.
The following rules are some simple and realistic ways to
play physical pain and damage.

Pain Penalties (optional)

This makes sense when you think about it. How many times
do we see a hero in the movies who is all banged up by the end,
and can't fight nearly as well as he could in the beginning of the
Blood Loss (optional)
story, but presses on? These optional rules are to simulate that
effect. Penalties are cumulative. A character loses blood from every wound that has pene­
trated the body. This includes cuts, stab wounds, and gunshots.
Leg or Foot The injured character will suffer one point of damage for every
• Minor damage to a leg or foot will reduce speed by 20%. wound, every minute (4 melees). Three gunshots means three
points of damage every minute (60 seconds/4 melees). The dam­
• Significant damage to a leg will reduce speed by 50% and the age is first subtracted from the S.D.C.
character is - I on initiative, and - 1 0% on skill performance.
When all the S.D.C. points are gone, the damage is sub­
• Maj or damage to a leg will reduce speed by 75% and the tracted from the character' s Hit Points.
character is -2 on initiative, -2 to dodge or roll with impact,
Only first-aid or paramedic techniques that bind the wounds
and -20% on skill performance.
will prevent further blood loss and the wounded character can

often perform medical treatment on himself. Yes, a character We will derme point-blank range as approximately 10 feet (3
can function without medical treatment while losing blood and m) or closer. At ten feet (3 m) away the assailant has a better
taking more damage every minute, but he will pass out when he chance to hit his target (especially a human size target), the bul­
reaches less than five Hit Points. This would be the classic John let or energy bolt will have greater impact (inflicting more dam­
Wayne: nobody knows I'm hurt, keep on moving/fighting, and age), and the attack is more likely to hit a vital organ.
then collapses or dies. This happens all the time in heroic fic­ The following rules take into consideration the damage and
tion. effects of point-blank attacks.
When a character is severely hurt, down to only 1 5% of his 1. If the target is immobile, such as an unconscious person or
Hit Points, he will suffer from internal bleeding. Only a medical somebody who is tied up, the attacker will automatically strike
doctor and surgery can save him. First-aid and p aramedic skills his target at point-blank range ( 1 0 feet/3 m or closer). No roll to
can only be used to make the injured character more comfort­ strike is necessary unless the target/victim can dodge or unless
able; they will not save him. Without the appropriate medical the attacker is shooting wild However, without the strike roll, a
aid, the person will continue to lose blood and take one point of critical strike (double damage) is impossible. On the other hand,
damage every minute (4 melees). When the injured character' s damage is automatically much greater.
Hit Points fall below zero he has lapsed into a coma. See coma 2. Damage at point-blank range is full S.D.C. damage and
recovery rules in the Ri fts RPG, pages 1 0 & 1 1 . Game Masters half Hit Point damage. For example: Your character is shot at
may find it useful to use the Optional Damage Rules in Ri fts, point-blank range and suffers 12 S.D.C. points of damage. The
(Table # 1 ) as temporary side effects, even from S.D.C. damage. full 12 points are subtracted from the S.D.C. and another 6
Or use the table as a guide for side effects resulting from dam­ points (half of 1 2) are subtracted from the character's Hit Points
age to specific body parts (the random roll may not be appropri­ as well. When all S .D.C. points are gone, the full damage is sub­
ate). tracted from the Hit Points. Yes, this does mean that a character
may survive a point-blank attack, but that's because this is pos­
sible in real life.
3. Additional effects from point-blank attack ! The force of
this brutal attack will always momentarily impair its victim,
even if it is only S.D.C. damage. Roll on the following table
whenever a character is shot at point-blank range. Game Mas­
ters who want a more realistic game can have players roll on the
following table whenever a character is shot from any distance.
Of course, these rules do not apply to Mega-Damage structures,
'bots, 'Borgs, and body armor.

Additional Side Effects Table from

S.D.C. attacks, projectile and energy (optional)
01-20%: Momentarily stunned: Victim loses one attack that
melee (or one the following melee if he has no attacks left that
21-40% : Stunne d and knocked down: Victim is knocked to
the ground by the blast; loses two melee attacks, loses initiative,
and is - 1 to strike for the rest of that one melee round.
41-600/0 : Severely stunn e d and knocked down: Victim is in
terrible pain and is knocked to the ground by the blast, loses all
melee attacks/actions for one full melee and is -2 to strike, parry
and dodge for that melee.
61-80%: Momentarily knocked unconscious: The shock to
the nervous system temporarily renders the victim unconscious
for I D4 melees ( 1 5 to 60 seconds). While unconscious the char­
acter can not move, think, or plan, nor is he aware of events
happening around him. The unconscious individual is com­
Point-Blank Damage pletely helpless and open to attack. He may appear dead to his
(optional) 81-96%: Knocked unconscious: The victim is knocked out
for I D6 minutes. While unconscious the character can not
There can be a big difference between getting shot from 300
move, think, or plan, nor is he aware of events happening
yards away (about 300 m) or at a range of 1 0 feet (3 m). For one
around him. The unconscious character is completely helpless
thing, the assailant will be less accurate and for another, the bul­
and open to attack.
let will have less impact at the greater distance. Of course, both
can kill. 97-00%: Momentarily stunned: Victim loses one attack that

melee (or one attack the following melee if he has no attacks range ( 1 0 ft/3 m). Point-blank range could be increased to cover
left). double (or more) the normal area depending on the power of the
NOTE: Roll for each gunshot. explosive.
If the character is not caught in the point-blank range of an
explosion then the normal damage is subtracted first from
Piont-Blank Head and Heart Table (optional)
S.D.C. and then Hit Points . In the latter case, the character could
Damage from a point-blank shot to the head or heart inflicts walk away with just a few scratches; no serious damage. Of
full damage to the S.D.C . plus half damage directly to Hit course, M.D.C. armor would absorb all S.D.C. damage without
Points. However, the side effects are much more deadly. Roll on injury to the character.
the following table.
Note: The same basic concept applies to M.D. explosives
01-35%: Lucked out! Missed all vital organs; however, the and M.D.C. creatures and structures.
blast knocks its victim unconscious for 3 D4 minutes and covers
the character in his own blood. He looks bad and feels worse ;
throbbing headache, terrible pain, shortness of breath, and expe­
riences difficulty concentrating; woozy. Penalties : Reduce speed
by half, -30% on all skills, - 1 0% on initiative, - 3 to strike, -3 to
parry and dodge, and the character is still losing blood (see rules
for blood loss). The penalties apply for 24 hours.
36-70% : Knocked unconscious ! The victim 's condition is
bad, but could be worse. In addition to the physical damage, the
character is unconscious for 2D6 hours and requires immediate
treatment to stop the bleeding and may need hospital treatment.
Penalties: Reduce speed by half, -40% on all skills, - 1 0% on ini­
tiative, -4 to strike, -4 to parry and dodge. The penalties apply
for 72 hours, then reduce them by half for another 72 hours. Af­
terwards, return to normal.
71-00%: Coma! The shock to the nervous system is too
much and/or caused serious internal damage. The character
lapses into a coma. This automatically reduces the character' s
Hit Points to zero, regardless of the damage die roll. From all
outward appearances the character will seem to be dead. Only a
careful examination will reveal life signs. Under these special
circumstances the character can survive in a coma state three
times as many hours as normal. See Surviving Coma and Death,
Rifts, page 1 0. The victim is +6% to save vs coma. Penalties are
the same as #3 6-70 Knocked Unconscious, but the duration is
Robot Damage Tables
twice as long. Here are some optional hit location an d damage tables for
Note: Depending on the situation, the victim of a point-blank 'bots, robot vehicles and power armor. Rather than make the ta­
attack may be automatically killed too. But this is left up to the bles a completely random hit location and side-effect table, I
Game Master' s discretion. The general rules presented here are have opted for a table of side effects measured by the amount of
damage the machine has endured. Obviously, if a robot' s hand
to be applied in non-lethal situations. Likewise, similar effects
is blown off he loses the use of that hand.
can be implemented for Mega-Damage inflicted to M.D. crea­
tures, such as the dragon, when exposed to massive point-blank
damage to the head; G.M. ' s option. Side Effects by Location
The following optional tables can be rolled on when a spe­
S.D.C. & Explosives
cific hit location has suffered major damage (a loss of 60% of
Again, I must say use some common sense. A character can the M.D.C. in that location/limb).
not survive a point-blank confrontation with a grenade or dyna­
mite no matter how much S.D.C. or Hit Points he might have. If
your character leaps on top of a grenade to save others, that' s Robot Hands
great, but he's dead. And I mean DEAD ! There is no chance of 01-30% : Paralysis ! Cannot flex fingers or pick up and carry
survival, because he was laying right on the grenade. At the risk or hold an object. The hand is in an opened position, the fingers
of being gory, his guts were blown to smithereens. spread slightly apart. Cannot make a fist, punch does half dam­
At the G.M. ' s discretion, the character might survive, but a age.
limb or two will be blown off, like a hand, or hand and arm, or 31-50%: Frozen in one position. The hand and fmgers are
leg(s), et cetera. That's the only realistic way to play explosives locked in the configuration it was in when the damaging blast
vs the human body. struck. This may mean locked in a fist, or clutching a weapon,
A basic rule of thumb when using explosives is that they in­ etc. Punch does half damage unless in a clenched fist or karate
flict double damage directly to Hit Points when at point-blank style open fist.

51-75%: Structurally weakened. Cannot lift, carry or hold 1 1-15%: Radar and sonar are lost; requires I D6 hours of re­
more than 200 pounds (90 kg). Punch does half damage. pairs. Pilot must rely on visual contact.
76-00%: Joints lock at random times without warning. Roll 16-20% : Spotlights/headlights lost; must be replaced.
every time the hand is used. 0 1 -5 0% chance that the hand will 21-30%: Laser targeting system lost. Penalty: -2 to strike; re­
suddenly lockup/ freeze and cannot perform the desired function quires 1 D6 hours to repair.
(pick up, hold, etc.). Stays frozen for l D4 melees . 31-40%: Communications damaged; reduce range by half,
requires I D4 hours to repair.
Robot Arms 41-50%: Communications and audio systems lost; effec­
01-20% : Paralysis ! Cannot move. Just dangles uselessly at tively deaf. Requires 2D6 hours to repair.
the side of the robot. Cannot strike or parry with that arm . 51-60%: Electrical system damage. Secondary control pan­
21-30%: Frozen in one position. The arm is locked in the els catch on fire, knocking out personal computer(s); emergency
configuration it was in when the damaging blast struck. This back-up system engages, but not before the pilot's compartment
may mean locked in a raised, outstretched or other position. is filled with smoke. Penalty: Lose two attacks that one melee
Cannot make a strike or parry with that arm unless the 'bot round, -4 to strike, parry and dodge until the smoke clears in
moves its entire upper body to do so. Damage is half. 2D6 melees.
31-50% : Sluggish response. Penalty: - 1 hand to hand attack 61-70%: Severe internal damage. Reduce speed by half, - 1
per melee and - 1 to parry . attack per melee, -2 on initiative, -2 to dodge.
51-60%: Structurally weakened. Cannot lift, carry or hold 71-80%: Computer memory damage ! Cannot remember how
more than 3 00 pounds ( 1 3 5 kg). Punch does half damage. to perform one of the following (roll or G.M. ' s choice):
61-80%: Joints lock at random times without warning. Roll 0 1 -20%: Flight if robot vehicle, one skill program if a
every time the arm is used. 0 1 -5 0% chance that the arm will fully automated 'bot.
suddenly lockup/freeze and cannot perform the desired function 2 1 -40%: Life Control: Includes temperature control and
(punch, move, etc.). Stays frozen for I D4 melees . air recycling and circulation. About six hours of breathable
air in a very hot and stuffy compartment. Penalty: - I on ini­
81-00%: Any special weapon or sensor features built into the
tiative, strike and parry (pilot is distracted). If a fully auto­
hand, arm, and shoulder do NOT respond. Special systems are
mated robot, the unit smells of burning rubber and rotten
completely inoperable; requires I D6 hours of repairs.
4 1 -60%: Weapon systems: One weapon system is com­
Robot Legs & Wheels pletely forgotten and therefore, unusable.
01-20% : Frozen in one position. The leg is stiff and 6 1 -80%: Target identification is lost. Cannot distinguish
unmoving. Cannot bend, reducing speed by 50%, and making between friend and foe, weapon systems must be manually
leaps impossible. Climbing ability is also reduced by 25% and operated and are - 1 to strike and - I on initiative. If a fully au­
the 'bot is - 1 to dodge. tomated 'bot it cannot decide who is friend or foe and suffers
21-40%: Sluggish response. Penalty: - 1 to dodge and reduce a -3 initiative roll and usually will not attack until attacked
speed and length of leaps by 25%. frrst.
8 1 -00%: Voice actuated access system does not recognize
41-60%: Structurally weakened. Kick attacks do half dam­
any voices or spoken codes. Access hatches, locks, and com­
age. 1 -50% chance that the leg will buckle each time the robot is
mand functions must be handled manually. Furthermore, it
hit by more than 20 M.D.C. (anywhere on its body), dropping to
cannot remember how to tum the self-destruct system on or
one knee and losing one melee attack.
off. If a fully automated robot it does not recognize, acknowl­
61-80%: Joints lock at random times without warning. Roll edge or obey its master (if any) and suffers a - 1 0% skill pen­
every time the leg is used to make a kick or leap, or is running at alty to all skills.
45 mph (72 km) or higher (roll once for every five minutes of
81-90%: Engine damage! Cannot engage any jet thrusters,
sustained running). 1 -65% chance that the leg will suddenly
fly or perform jet thrust leaps, and there is a minor radiation leak
lockup/freeze and cannot perform the desired function. Same
if nuclear powered (not yet life threatening).
penalties as frozen in one position, number 0 1 -20. Stays locked
up for I D6 melees. 91 :-00% : Sensor system is down (88% dead) and all combat
bonuses are lost. Requires 3D6 hours to repair.
81-00%: Any special weapon or sensor features built into the
foot, leg, and hip do NOT respond. Special systems are com­
pletely inoperable; requires I D6 hours of repairs .

Robot Main Body

The damage to the main body can be accumulative. Roll once
when the main body has had 60% of its M.D.C. depleted. Roll
again for every additional 40 M.D.C. points of damage.
01-100/0 : Dual images on radar screen showing twice as
many radar blips as really exists ; impossible to distinguish be­
tween real target and ghost image. Penalty: -8 to strike without
visual confirmation.
Mega-Damage Conversions
S.D.C. & Hit Points to means of protection, a Mega-Damage energy blast atomizes half
the character and even an M.D. punch that does only one M.D.

M.D.C. for living beings point of damage is likely to instantly kill an ordinary person -
probably punching right through him or literally knocking the
victim's head om
The Formula : There are a few exceptions to this rule and fonnula, as fol­
100 S.D.C.lHit Points = 1 M.D.
1 M.D. point = 1 00 S.D.C.
This fonnula applies to living and inanimate obj ects that start
Exceptional Humans & S.D.C. Beings
out as S.D.C.lHit Point structures and do NOT change in One of the only exceptions are living beings whose combined
Mega-Damage environments. Hit Points and S.D.C. equal 1 00 or more.
In this case, 1 00 Hit Points and/or S.D.C. equal roughly ONE
M.D. point of damage. That means the character can withstand
Ordinary Humans the equivalent of ONE M.D., because one M.D. equals 1 00 Hit
Ordinary humans, animals and other living beings who are Points and/or S.D.C. So a character with 1 1 8 points of
mortal, flesh and blood creatures remain unchanged when en­ H.P./S.D.C . can actually withstand one point of Mega-Damage.
tering into a Mega-Damage environment. They retain their Hit If the character has 1 50 to 200 combined points, he can with­
Points and S.D.C. as always. To survive in an M.D.C. world stand two points of M.D. (I like to round up to give the character
they require Mega-Damage Capacity (M.D.C.) body armor, a fighting chance).
force field, magic or psionic barriers to protect themselves from In the case of some aliens, mutants, monsters, and super be­
Mega-Damage weapons, spells and attacks. Without an M.D.C. ings, the character may have way more than a hundred or so Hit

The same is basically true of A.R. for artificial body armor,
except that the exterior armor/force field will take some of the
damage first, before the blast hits the character himself. For ex­
ample, a character in a suit of armor with 1 90 S .D.C. and A.R.
of 1 8 will see the Mega-Damage attack blast through the A.R. as
if it did not exist, but the physical armor will absorb 2 M.D. The
armor is blasted to smithereens or vaporized, but it takes dam­
age first, leaving the rest of the M.D. of the attack to hit the
character. So using this example, a blast that inflicts 1 0 M.D.
will atomize the exterior armor, burning up two of the 10 M.D.,
leaving eight M.D. to hit the character himself. An ordinary hu­
man would be vaporized along with his armor. An occurrence
soldiers on Rifts Earth call "mist" or "getting misted."

Creatures of Magic
& Supernatural Beings
The transformation from S.D.C. to M.D.C.
Creatures of magic, like dragons, the sphinx, Faerie Folk,
and others are more than human. Their innate magical natures
automatically make them different and transform them into
Mega-Damage creatures. Sometimes that change is major and
other times minor, so M.D.C. body armor or other means of ad-
ditional M.D.C. protection may be necessary or desirable to sur­
vive in hostile environments, but the character is a
Points and S.D.C. when the numbers are combined. They may Mega-Damage creature himself, with M.D.C. that heals like Hit
have several hundred, maybe even a few thousand Hit Points Points and gives that being a decided advantage on Rifts Earth .
and/or S.D.C. The same consideration and formula, above, ap­
plies to these beings (unless stated otherwise). Thus, a being
with 900 S .D.C. is equal to 9 M.D.C. and can take up to nine
points of Mega-Damage before being killed. A character with
2,500 S.D.C. can withstand up to 25 M.D. and a character with
25,000 S.D.C. can withstand 250 M.D. Get it?
HOWEVER, because these beings are mortal, flesh and
blood, Hit Point and S.D. C. creatures, they also take S.D.C.lHit
Point damage. So while an M.D. energy blast that does 6 M.D.
knocks out 600 S.D.C.IH.P., an ordinary dagger that inflicts six
points of S.D.C. damage also hurts the character and reduces his
total amount of available S.D.C.lHit Points. Basically all types
of weapons can hurt this character to varying degrees,
Mega-Damage just does significantly more damage, basically
each M.D. point is x l OO S .D.C. Note: This is an important dis­
tinction because in a Mega-Damage environment, S.D.C. dam­
age under 1 00 points does absolutely NO damage to M.D.C .
creatures. A character could hit an M.D.C. character with a
sword, or a bazooka shell for that matter, all day long without
inflicting a single point of Mega-Damage to the M.D.C. crea­ Supernatu ral Beings are also more than human and are
ture or obj ect. Why? Because each individual attack does less transformed into Mega-Damage creatures on Rifts Earth and in
than 1 00 S.D.C. and the damage inflicted is not cumulative, so other Mega-Damage environments. Again, this change is instant
the character can pound on the Mega-Damage being a thousand and automatic, and the physical M.D.C. of these living beings
times and do no damage; nothing more than a few cosmetic heals or bio-regenerates like Hit Points.
nicks and scratches. Only if the individual attack does 1 00 Those beings with a great amount of M.D.C. ( 1 00+ points)
S.D.C. points of damage will the Mega-Damage Structure and/or who quickly regenerate M.D.C. may not even bother to
(M.D.C.) take any real damage, with every 1 00 S.D.C. points of wear body armor at all, or do so for dramatic effect or out of a
damage (ignore fractional increments) doing ONE M.D.C. For sense of personal style.
example, a missile that inflicts 375 S.D.C. causes 3 M.D. Whenever a transformation from Hit Points and S.D.C. is ap­
Furthermore, a Natural Arm or Rating (A.R.) can NOT stop plicable, it is indicated in the character description, at least in
an M.D. attack. It punches through as if the A.R. does not exist. this book, along with the exact stats and M.D.C. amount.

The conversion formula for these creatures of magic and Established alien races, however (and there are easily over
the supernatural is, for the most part, pretty straightforward. I 200 between the Aliens UnlimitecfTM books and other HU2
combine the Hit Points and S.D.C . numbers, and reduce the total sourcebooks), are S.D.C. based for Heroes Unlim ited™, and
number by about 20% to come up with the amount of physical unless you are using them exclusively in Rifts®, you probably
M.D.C. want to keep them in their original form, which is S.D.C. based
This formula varies depending on the creature and my per­ in both physical capabilities and technologically. On the other
ception of the creature - i.e., whether or not I feel it should be hand, these advanced aliens should be able to quickly under­
more or less powerful, or has some special power or weakness stand the technology on Rifts Earth and be able to use any and
or other consideration that modifies the equation. In some cases, all types of equivalent Mega-Damage weapons and equipment.
the creature may be based on mythology and I want to capture a Bionics (& Robotics): A character that was first established
particular mythic aspect. For example, many Russian Demons in an S.D.C. world is likely to enter Rifts Earth as an S.D.C.
were more powerful at night, so at night they get maximum character. There is no magical transformation into an M.D.C .
M.D.C., but during the daylight hours their M.D.C. is reduced being, so the character will have to adapt and acquire
by half and certain powers are not available to them. I may Mega-Damage body armor and superior M.D. weaponry. The
even go with a straight, point to point conversion in some cases, same probably holds true for Super-Soldiers. Like the Aliens,
but typically I use the above formula. both the Bionic and Super-Soldier characters understand weap­
ons and technology and quickly adapt to acquire the M.D. gear
they need.
On the other hand, a cyborg from another world may be the
product of comparable technology and constructed from
Mega-Damage materials. In short, they are effectively a Rifts
Cyborg with some interesting variations . Again, such a charac­
ter can be dropped into Rifts without a problem or much addi­
tional conversion.
Experiment: See Superhumans, for the products of experi­
mentation often possess two or more super-abilities.
Hardware: Basically the same as Aliens and Bionics. If this
is a preexisting character from an S.D.C. world, then the charac­
ter remains as such when he arrives on Rifts Earth, and must
adapt to the new technology and acquire Mega-Damage items .
Something the character should be able to do with relative ease.
If the character is being introduced and used exclusively in
Rifts from some alien world or alternate dimension, then the
G.M. may allow him to start off with Rifts® comparable
Mega-Damage technology - i.e., weapons, armor, force field,
vehicle are all on par with the average Rifts® item/technology.
Magic: As usual; mortal spell casters remain Hit
Point/S.D.C. beings, but their magic, magical force fields, barri ­
ers and energy blasts do Mega-Damage on a point to point con­
version (i.e. magical armor provides 45 S .D.C., on Rifts Earth it
provides 45 M.D. C.; a magic fire ball that does 4D6 S.D.C.
Superhumans damage now does 4D6 M.D., and so on).
Whether a super being has M.D.C. depends on his or her Empowered by Enchanted Object: A character whose powers
Power Category and superpowers. Even if the character himself come from an enchanted item automatically becomes a
is an ordinary human, however, often the magical, psionic or Mega-Damage creature. Add the Hit Points and S.D.C. together,
super ability he commands packs a Mega-Damage wallop. This and that's the total M.D.C . of the character (in this case, do not
is true of magic, select psionic powers, and many super abilities . reduce that total by 20%). Likewise, the character' s magic spells
or energy blasts do Mega-Damage now (see Magic, above), and
Superhumans by Power Category the character has the equivalent of Bionic Strength (depending
Alien: This remains largely up to the Game Master. A on P .S. the character probably inflicts one M.D. to ID4 or 1 D6
M.D. via a power punch attack). That's just the nature of being
no-name alien or your own creation can be an M.D.C. or Hit
Magically Bestowed. Note: If the character turns the magic on
Point/S .D.C. creature, whichever you prefer. After all, you are
and off, "on" being a superhuman and "off" being an ordinary
making the creature up and can do whatever you want. Aliens
human, then the above powers and abilities only apply when he
who share Mega-Damage level technology will have M.D.C.
weapons, armor, force fields and technology comparable to or she is "on" and needs M.D.C. armor/protection when ordi­
nary ! If the source of his power (i.e. the Enchanted Object) is
those found on Rifts Earth. They too, may use M.D.C. power ar­
lost, the character becomes normal in every way until it can be
mor, robots, spacecraft, weapons and such and fit snugly into
the Rifts® environment.
Empowered by Enchanted Weapon: Basically the same as the Natural Body Armor: Extra-Heavy: Reduce the mutant' s to­
Enchanted Object, only in addition to whatever super abilities tal S .D.C. and Hit Points by half and turn it into M.D.C.
the Enchanted Weapon may bestow (including turning the char­ Extra Physical Strength: Beastly: Equal to Aug­
acter into an M.D. creature on Rifts Earth), the weapon itself is mentedlBionic Strength. See that table earlier in this book for
magical and inflicts Mega-Damage instead of S.D.C. damage. the range of damage by P.S. ( I M.D. to 2D6 M.D.)
Mystically Bestowed Powers: A character whose powers are Extra Physical Strength: Crushing: Equal to Supernatural
mystically bestowed to him by a supernatural being automati­ Strength. See that table earlier in this book for the range of dam­
cally becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth . Add the age by P.S. ( 1 D4 M.D. to I D4x I O M.D.)
Hit Points and S.D.C. together, and that' s the total M.D.C. of
Optional for Chimeras & Throwbacks: If the G.M. likes, he
the character (in this case, do not reduce that total by 20%). If
or she can make Chimeras and Throwbacks M.D.C. creatures ;
the character gets S.D.C. bonuses from super-powers, skills or
reduce the mutant' s total S .D.C. and Hit Points by half and turn
bonuses, they are also M.D.C. Likewise, the character' s magic
it into M.D.C. and one of its powers may also be at a
spells or energy blasts do Mega-Damage now (see Magic,
Mega-Damage level (some of the more bestial and powerful
above), and the character has the equivalent of Bionic Strength
ones may also have Crushing/Supernatural P.S.).
(depending on P.S. the character probably inflicts one M.D. to
Mutant Animals with Superpowers (see Mutant Under­
I D4 or I D6 M.D. via a power punch attack) - that's assuming
ground sourcebook): Like humans, an S.D.C. animal may pos­
the Mystically Bestowed individual doesn't have Supernatural
sess M.D. powers, but will require M.D.C. armor for physical
P.S. already (which does more M.D. based on the P.S.). This is
just the nature of being Mystically Bestowed. Note: If the char­
acter turns the magic on and off, "on" being a superhuman and Note: Animal Psionics do not inflict Mega-Damage.
"oft" being an ordinary human, then the above powers and abili­ Mega-Hero : This is the incredible, sometimes god-like super
ties only apply when he or she is "on" and needs M.D.C. ar­ being. I) Tum Hit Points and S.D.C. (including all S.D.C. bo­
mor/protection when ordinary! nuses) into M.D.C . ! 2) All Mega-Heroes possess Supernatural
Mystic Study: This character is basically a wizard, a practi­ Strength and inflict M.D. with their punches and kicks . 3 ) En­
tioner of magic, a spell caster. Like the human and D-Bee mages hanced healing sees them recover M.D.C. points as quickly as
of Rifts Earth, the spell caster can use and cast magic that may they used to recover Hit Points and S.D.C. 4) The increased
inflict Mega-Damage or create Mega-Damage effects, but he, range of their super abilities remains unchanged. 5) All bonuses
himself, is an ordinary man made of Hit Points and S.D.C. and vulnerabilities remain in place. 6) Special Mega-Powers re­
main fundamentally the same. Immortality works the same as
Mutants: See Superhumans, for most mutants possess two or
always, only on an M.D.C . level. Vulnerabilities also work the
more super abilities.
same as always, only things like fire now mean ordinary fIre
does an M.D. equivalent!
Physical Training: The hero is typically unchanged in a
Mega-Damage setting, except that the character may have
S.D.C. and Hit Points (combined) to have a few hundred points,
enabling the super being to endure 1 - 1 0 points of
Mega-Damage. Consequently, this character needs to acquire
M.D.C. body armor if he or she hopes to survive .
Psionics work the same as always. The only difference is that
the character from Heroes Unlimited™ probably has a smaller
range to select from and a few powers may be a little different.
Robotics: See Bionics. If from an S.D.C. world, the guts of a
robot can always get a new M.D.C. housing/outer body and up­
grade to Mega-Damage weaponry, but the cost and time may be
considerable. Human-shaped and sized robots may be better off
wearing conventional body armor.
On the other hand, a robot from another world may be the
product of comparable technology and constructed from
Mega-Damage materials. In short, they are a rough equivalent
to a typical (nothing super-whammy) Rifts robot, perhaps with
some interesting variations.
Special Training:
Ancient Master: Thanks to Body Hardening and mastery of
other Oriental Mystical techniques, he is a Mega-Damage crea­
ture. Tum Hit Points only, into M.D.C., S.D.C. may add the
equivalent of 1 -4 additional M.D.C . Plus, while in a
Mutant Animals: Traditional mutant animals are very much
Mega-Damage environment like Rifts Earth, a power punch
like Coalition Dog Boys: S.D.C. creatures with animal instincts
does I D6 M.D. and a power kick 2D6 M.D., but count as two
and perhaps animal powers but, with rare exceptions, as fragile
melee attacks. Meanwhile, the Positive Energy power turns the
as any human. Here are the exceptions based on Animal Powers :
Ancient Master' s P.S. Supernatural (does more damage without Energy Resistance (Minor): On Rifts Earth divide the charac­
need of doing a power punch), and even M.D. energy attacks do ter's Hit Points (only) by half and that is his M.D.C., plus all
half damage. All bonuses and extraordinary powers remain in M.D. energy attacks, magic energy included, do half damage.
full effect. Healing Factor (Minor): On Rifts Earth the character' s Hit
HunterNigilante: Basically an S.D.C. being like an ordinary Points (only) turn into M.D.C. and increased healing applies to
human with extraordinary training and skill as a Bounty Hunter the M.D.C. and M.D. fIre and cold do half damage. All other
and gunfighter. All bonuses, skills and abilities apply as usual, bonuses and abilities remain in place.
but the character needs to acquire M.D.C. body armor. Impervious to Fire and Heat (Minor): On Rifts Earth, the
Secret Operative: Basically an S.D.C. being like an ordinary character remains a mere Hit Point and S .D.C. creatures, but he
human with extraordinary training and skill as a spy and sabo­ is impervious to all forms of fire and heat, S.D.C., M.D. and
teur. All bonuses, skills, abilities and equipment apply as usual, even magical varieties and M.D. plasma bolts and nuclear fIre
but the character needs to acquire M.D.C. body armor. included.
If from some other M.D. world and intended exclusively for Manipulate Kinetic Energy (Minor): The Protective Kinetic
use in Rifts®, the character may start with light body armor Energy Field protects the character from punches, kicks, falls,
(306+20 M.D.C.) and one or two Mega-Damage weapons in the impacts and explosions of S.D.C. and M.D. intensity, but energy
206 to 406 M.D. range. weapons, magic and psionics of S .D.C. or M.D. intensity all do
Stage Magician: Basically an ordinary S.D.C. being with ex­ full damage! All other abilities remain on an S.D.C. level of
traordinary training and skill as a trickster and spy or thief. All damage and power.
bonuses, skills, abilities and gimmick equipment apply as usual, Adapt to Environment (Major): Since Rifts Earth is an
but the character needs to acquire M.D.C. body armor. M.D.C. environment, combine the character' s total Hit Points
Super-Sleuth: Basically an ordinary S.D.C. being with ex­ and S.D.C. and turn ' em, point for point, into M.D.C . ! All other
traordinary training and skill as a detective, sleuth and re­ aspects of this power remain unchanged.
searcher. Skilled in observing people and evidence, and putting Alter Limbs (Major): On Rifts Earth the character' s Hit
the pieces together. All bonuses, skills and abilities apply as Points (only) turn into M.D.C. and the weapons and mechanized
usual, but the character needs to acquire M.D.C. body armor or body parts themselves are M.D.C. (convert S .D.C. of parts to
other means of protection in this deadly environment .. M.D.C. point for point), plus body weapons inflict
Superhum ans! Experiments and Mutants (maybe Aliens Mega-Damage (convert S.D.C. damage to M.D. point for point).
and Super-Soldier if super abilities are involved). There are All other aspects of the power remain unchanged.
two types of super beings. They don't have to be "human" per Alter Physical Structure (all; Major): On Rifts Earth, each
se, so a mutant, alien, or D-Bee from another world may possess type of "Alter" Physical Structure power turns the character
super abilities. Likewise, mortal beings born on Rifts Earth can, from an ordinary Hit Point and S.D.C. humanoid into a
sometimes, become mutated and receive super abilities (if the Mega-Damage being. When in the "altered" state, the charac­
G.M. allows it) from strange energies radiating from a Rift or ter' s S.D.C. (only) become M.D.C. point for point. Lost points
dimensional anomaly or from experiments recover as normal regardless of whether they were lost as S.D.C.
Type One: Super beings who are, themselves, Hit Point and or M.D.C. points.
S.D.C. creatures, but who may wield powers that inflict M.D. or P.S. becomes Supernatural in the altered (non-human) state
create Mega-Damage effects. and any energy expulsion powers inflict M.D. but at one die less
These characters require M.D.C. body armor, force field or than the S.D.C. equivalent. All other aspects of the powers re­
other type of M.D.C. protection, but possess powers like Super­ main unchanged. Note: The character is a Mega-Damage crea­
natural P.S., Energy Expulsion, Giant-Size, or other power(s) ture ONLY in his altered state and an ordinary Hit Point and
that inflict Mega-Damage, not unlike a Rift® practitioner of S.D.C. creature when the power is not "on." Furthermore, when
magic or psychic. the character' s M.D.C. is reduced to zero, the character automat­
ically reverts to his fragile mortal body and cannot alter his form
Superhuman Type Two : Superhumans who automatically
again until at least 12 S.D.C .IM.D. C. have been recov­
turn into Mega-Damage beings as long as they are in a
eredlhealed. Whatever S.D.C. the character has at the time of
Mega-Damage environment, just like creatures of magic and su­
transformation is all the M.D.C. he has, thus, significant recov­
pernatural beings. A subset of this, is the character who pos­
ery is recommended before entering into a new battle. Note, at
sesses powers that temporarily turn them into Mega-Damage
the moment the altered character is reduced to zero, any addi­
beings such as the Alter Physical Structure powers. While in an
tional damage that might otherwise be inflicted is harmlessly
altered state, the character is M.D.C., when normal he is an
S.D.C. creature. blown off, leaving the character with his Hit Points and unable
to transform or draw on any of his altered state powers. For ex­
See the section on Super Abilities for a more in-depth de­
ample, our hero has 1 3 M.D.C. left when he is struck by a 20
scription of super abilities, but here are some notable
M.D. energy bolt! His M.D.C. is reduced to zero and he be­
Mega-Damage Capacity (MD. C.) instilling powers.
comes human again. The other 7 M.D. is harmlessly dispersed at
Body Weapons (Minor): On Rifts Earth the character' s Hit the moment of the forced transformation. Of course, at this
Points (only) turn into M.D.C. and the weapons themselves are point, the character is vulnerable to attack and any
M.D.C. (convert S .D.C. to M.D.C. point for point), plus the Mega-Damage blast is likely to "mist" (vaporize) him. The hero
body weapons inflict Mega-Damage (convert S.D.C. damage to needs to get some M.D.C. body armor or protection quickly.
M.D. point for point).

Bio-Annor (Major): On Rifts Earth the character' s "Annor ural beings (Deevils, demons, angels and gods) - the
S.D.C." (only) becomes M.D.C. point for point (i.e., 260 S.D.C . superhuman can absorb/copy half its M.D.C. and powers, in­
for Bio-Annor translates into 260 M.D.C.), but is applicable cluding super abilities, psionics and innate magic abilities
only while the Bio-Annor is in place. Additionally, P.S. turns (breathe frre, turn invisible, etc.). All other aspects of the power
into the equivalent of AugmentedlBionic Strength. All other as­ remain unchanged.
pects of the power remain unchanged. Sonic Absorption & Reflection (Major): Applicable to all
Control Radiation (Major): On Rifts Earth, half the charac­ types of "sonic" attacks, both S.D.C. and M.D.C., otherwise the
ter' s Hit Points (only) become M.D.C., plus the character is character is a normal man unless some other power provides
completely impervious to all forms of fire, heat, and radiation, M.D.C.
S.D.C., M.D. and even magical varieties and M.D. plasma bolts Stretching/Elasticity (Major): On Rifts Earth the character' s
and nuclear frre included. Plus, damage from heat and radiation S.D.C. (only) becomes M.D.C. All other aspects of the power
radiated by the character does M.D. but at half the S.D.C. equiv­ remain unchanged.
alent (i.e, if the character' s blast normally does 4D6 S .D.C., it Supernatural Strength (Major): This power does not provide
only inflicts 2D6 M.D.). any M.D.C. protection, but enables the character to inflict
Copy Physical Structure (Major): If it' s M.D.C. the character Mega-Damage with punches and kicks.
can copy it and transform into an equivalent Mega-Damage Category Note: All Mega-Heroes and super beings Magically
structure (typically 1 00 M.D.C. from light objects, 220 from Empowered (Enchanted Object, Enchanted Weapon, and Mys­
medium ones and 440 from heavy M.D.C . armor like those used tically Bestowed) also have M.D.C. on Rifts Earth, see above.
in M.D.C. tanks and giant robots). P.S. becomes the equivalent
Also note, that most Energy Expulsion powers inflict
of Bionic Strength, but all other aspects of the power remain un­
Mega-Damage, though often at 1 0-50% less than its S.D.C .
changed. Cannot copy magical properties, only S.D.C. and
equivalent; see the specific conversion notes for super abilities
elsewhere in this section.
Create Force Field (Major): On Rifts Earth, the S .D.C. of the
Super-Vehicles: Basically the same as Aliens, Bionics and
force field is converted, point for point, to M.D.C ., including the
Hardware. If this is a preexisting character from an S.D.C.
body force field. All other aspects of the power remain un­
world, then the character and his Super-Vehicle remain as such
changed, so damage inflicted by the force field remains S.D.C.
when he arrives on Rifts Earth However, the hero should be

Energy Absorption (Major): On Rifts Earth the character can

able to adapt to the new technology, acquire M.D.C. parts and
harmlessly absorb M.D. energy, as well as discharge it, doing rebuild and soup-up his vehicle to Mega-Damage standards. Of
the equivalent S.D.C. damage as M.D. However, this power course, that takes luck, money and time. It might be easier and
does not actually instill M.D.C., and the character is completely cheaper to store the S.D.C. vehicle, or cannibalize parts and
vulnerable to S.D.C. and M.D.C. attacks that are not energy electronics from it into a conventional M.D.C. vehicle and soup
based (i.e., punches, swords, explosives, all do full damage). it up, rather than trying to tum an S.D.C. vehicle into a
The other aspects of the power remain unchanged. Mega-Damage one. Something the character should be able to
Force Aura (Major): On Rifts Earth the character' s "Aura do with relative ease.
S.D.C." (only) becomes M.D.C. point for point (i.e., 260 S.D.C . If the character is being introduced and used exclusively in
for Force Aura translates into 260 M.D.C.), but is applicable Rifts from some alien world or alternate dimension, then the
only while the Aura is up and in place. Additionally, P.S. turns G.M. may allow him to start off with Rifts® comparable
into the equivalent of AugmentedlBionic Strength. All other as­ Mega-Damage technology - i.e., vehicle, weapons, armor, elec­
pects of the power remain unchanged. tronics, etc., are all on par with the average Rifts® item/tech­
Growth (Major): Growing giant turns the character into a nology.
Mega-Damage being with 1 5 M.D.C. for every additional foot
(0.3 m) of height above his normal height (28 feet/8.5 m max,
for a total of 420 M.D.C. possible. Strength becomes Supernatu­
ral on Rifts Earth. All other aspects of the power remain un­ M.D.C. conversion for
Immortality (Major) : On Rifts Earth, the character' s Hit inanimate S.D.C. structures
Points and S.D.C. are combined and turned into M.D.C. on a The 1 00 S.D.C. 1 M.D.C. point also applies to vehicles and

point by point basis (i.e., 1 65 H.P.lS.D.C. 1 6 5 M.D.C.). All

structures like houses, buildings, and bunkers that started out
other aspects of the power remain unchanged. S.D.C. and have been brought to Rifts Earth. They remain
Intangibility (Major): This power does not make the charac­ S.D.C. structures with roughly 1 00 S.D.C. points equaling one
ter a Mega-Damage creature, but enables M.D. attacks to pass M.D.C. point. Thus, an attack jet with 800 S.D.C. can withstand
harmlessly through him. only 8 M.D., a tank with 2000 S.D.C. can only take 20 M.D. be­
Invulnerability (Major): On Rifts Earth, add the Hit Points fore being reduced to slag, while an aircraft carrier with 1 6,000
and S.D.C. together and that's the number of M.D.C . ! Plus, the S.D.C. is sunk after 1 60 M.D. points of damage. Anything with
character' s punches do I D6 M.D. and kicks 2D6. All other as­ less than 1 00 S.D.C. is vaporized or turned to molten slag by
pects of the power remain unchanged. one M.D.
Mimic (Major): As long as the character touches another liv­
ing being who is a Mega-Damage creature - excluding supernat-

M.D.C. to S.D.C.
for living creatures
Basically, it' s the same as with S.D.C . only in reverse.
Mega-Damage creatures who enter an S.D.C. environment turn
into Hit Points and S.D.C. - a dimensional anomaly that defies
explanation, or at least current levels of understanding.
Characters that are obviously NOT human may have a Natu­
ral Armor Rating (A.R.). Small, simple creatures of magic have
an A.R. of I D4+4. Larger, tougher breeds will have an A.R. of
I D4+6, dragons and similar powerful creatures should have an
A.R. of I D6+ 10, as will most greater demons and other super­
natural beings. Dragons have an average A.R. of 14. The aver­
age dinosaur has an A.R. of 1 3 , while armor plated dinosaurs
have an A.R. of 1 6- 1 7. Silonar, Ostrosaurus, and most theropods
have an A.R. of 1 3 , while the Panoplosaurus and most
Magic Weapons usually convert on a point for point basis
nodosaurs have an A.R. of 1 7.
very well, and whatever other effects or powers it may have
Reptilian races and D-Bees with thick, lumpy, or tough (spell casting abilities, healing, etc.) remain unchanged.
hides, may have an A.R. of 1 04+6 and those made of stone,
Magic Spells and Supernatural Powers also usually con­
metal or some other very tough or hard skin may have an A.R.
vert well on a point for point basis. If anything, the G .M. may
of l D4+ 1 O.
need or want to decrease the power level a die or so. That's it.
Those are the basic rules of thumb. Of course the Game Mas­ Like magic and super abilities, the other aspects of the spell or
ter can tweak and adjust as he or she deems fit, just don't get
power remain unchanged.
carried away.
Super Abilities don't generally exist in Rifts® so the con­
Lesser Mega-Damage Creatures: Again, make a direct
version was done in translating the power from S.D.C. to
M.D.C. to S.D.C.lHit Point conversion for any creature that has
Mega-Damage. Use super abilities as they exist in Heroes Un­
less than 120 physical MD. C. points. Iimited™ and other S.D.C.lHit Point based role-playing games.
Greater Mega-Damage Creatures: Creatures with hun­
M.D. Weapons and Energy Blasts: Mega-Damage becomes
dreds of M.D.C. are modified as follows. Take a third (33%) of
S.D.C.lHit Point damage like a 20th century handgun, rifle or
the total M.D.C. amount and that's the character's Hit Points .
machine-gun. The Wilk ' s 320 laser pistol inflicts I D6
Subtract 50% from the remaining number and that the charac­
S.D.C.lHit Points instead of 1 06 M.D., the NG- 1 5 laser rifle in­
ter' s S.D.C. For example, a Dragon Hatchling with 300 M.D.C.
flicts 3D6 S.D.C./Hit Points instead of 3 D6 M.D., the NG-202
would have 1 00 Hit Points and the remaining 200 points re­ rail gun does 1 04x 1 O S.D.C. per burst instead of Mega-Damage
duced by half provide 1 00 points for S.D.C. and works very much like a modem day machine-gun, and so
Beings with thousands of M.D.C. will see 1 0% turned into on. The damage is proportional to an S.D.C. world, the only dif­
Hit Points, and 30% turned into S.D.C. For example, an Adult ference in many cases is that these weapons fire energy bolts,
dragon or Demon Lord who has 6,000 M.D.C would have 600 not projectiles, and a scientist, hardware or genius type can jury
Hit Points and 1 800 S.D.C . A formidable monster to be sure, but rig it so that the Energy Clip (a.k.a. E-Clip) can be recharged
one that is not overpowered for the S.D.C. environment. If the and reused. Note: If you feel advanced technology should be
creature is a god or supremely powerful, 50% of the M.D .C. more powerful and inflict greater damage than a modem equiva­
amount will be Hit Points and 3 0% S.D.C. As always, G.M.s lent, add an extra die or two to the damage, or a +6, or +8, or
should use common sense and their discretion to make sure the + 10 damage modifier, but I have found that rarely necessary.
conversion works and fits for their game. M.D. Missiles are a bit different. Mini-missiles and grenades
Creatures of Magic and supernatural beings always trans­ are a simple M.D.C. to S.D.C. change, but the big, full-size mis­
form to the laws of the dimension/reality/environment in which siles and Fusion B lock explosives deliver a greater destructive
they currently exist. Thus, if transported to an S.D.C. environ­ force than a straight conversion allows. Consequently, multiply
ment, they become a creature of Hit Points and S .D.C. They still missile damage by 1 0 when converting to S.D.C. stats. For ex­
bio-regenerate and retain all the powers and abilities they al­ ample, if a missile warhead delivers 1 06x 1 0 M.D. it will inflict
ways did, but now they are S.D.C. equivalents. 1 06xl 00 S.D.C. damage. 3D6x l 0 M.D. equals 3 D6x 1 00
S.D.C., and so on. Also triple the blast radius, thus a missile
Mega-Damage to S.D.C. from Rifts® with a blast radius of 50 feet ( 1 5 .2 m) would have
a blast radius of 1 5 0 feet (45 .7 m) in an S .D.C. world.
for energy blasts and weapons Vibro-Blades are another area where a straight point for
The simplest way to do this is a straightforward point for point conversion does not work. In this case, double the S.D.C .
point conversion. Meaning that if the energy blast did 4D6 M.D. damage. Thus, a Vibro-Blade that does 1 06 M.D. would do
it now does 4D6 S.D.C. This type of transition is super simple 2D6 S.D.C., one that did 3 D6 M.D. would do 6D6 S.D.C. Why?
and does proportionally correspond to an S .D.C.lHit Point Because a Vibro-Blade is an advanced weapon that does more
world. damage than a conventional dagger or sword.
Mega-Damage to S.D.C.
Integrating S.D.C.
characters into Rifts ®
for inanimate structures
M.D.C. to S.D.C. transformation also applies to M.D. tech­
nology, body armor, weapons, etc., turning Mega-Damage and
Mega-Damage Capacity into Hit Point damage and S.D.C. The As I touched on a bit earlier, humans and other Hit Point and
premise for this transitions is simple (and convenient): The S.D.C. based characters from other role-playing worlds remain
physical laws of the new world and reality are different than the largely unchanged when they come to Rifts Earth. Most do not
Mega-Damage one, and thus, automatically alters the individual, become Mega-Damage beings or superhuman, and are tossed
machines and devices to conform to the laws of that reality. This from a familiar, safe environment into the unknown. However,
is typically point for point, but may vary with each world. they are in no worse a predicament than the humans and
Again, the simplest and fastest ways to do this is a straight D-Bees born on Rifts Earth. It is the Game Master's responsibil­
forward point for point conversion. Meaning that if something ity to allow the player characters from different worlds (or
has 1 00 M.D.C., it would now have a 1 00 S.D.C. This type of times) the opportunity to familiarize themselves with their new
transition is simple, quick and does proportionally correspond to surroundings and adjust. This includes the acquisition of
an S.D.C.lHit Point world, as the following examples illustrate. Mega-Damage weapons and M.D.C. armor. If a G.M. just
M.D. Body Armor, Power Arm or, Cyborgs and Robots: throws these unadjusted, S .D.C.-based characters into a pitched
Again, a simple point for point conversion instantly adapts the battle against Mega-Damage opponents, it is foolish and unfair.
article, armor or 'bot for an S.D.C . world. Thus, the Urban War­ They'll be destroyed.
rior suit provides 5 0 S.D.C., the Bushman 60 S.D.C., the cyborg The integration of S.D.C. characters into Rifts® can be han­
with HI-B3 heavy armor has 420 S.D.C . instead of 420 M.D. dled any number of ways. Perhaps the fastest and easiest way is
The "classic" Coalition SAMAS with its 250 M.D.C. main body for the Game Master to make a leap in game time of several
now has 250 S.D. C., and the UAR- l Enforcer is 350 S.D.C., weeks or months, explaining, in summ ary, some of the general
both roughly equal to a 20th century tank ! things they have seen and learned. The character(s) may have
The Armor Rating of Different Armor Types: The only been hiding in the shadows all this time, barely surviving by the
other consideration in regards to armor is assigning an Armor skin of their teeth, but have learned enough to manage and have
Rating (A.R.). Padded, plastic and light vests and body armor acquired some basic means to protect themselves. The G .M. can
like the Huntsman, Urban Warrior, Juicer, and Plastic-Man ar­ then provide them with at least some common M.D. weapons
mors are A.R. 1 3 . Strong but lightweight armor like the and basic body armor. They may have traded for the items, sto­
Bushman, Gladiator, Crusader, Explorer and full plate body ar­ len, captured, found, or have been given them by an employer
mor will have an A.R. 1 5 or 1 6 . Most Rifts® power armor has (they could be working as mercenaries, etc.) or as a reward by a
an A.R. of 1 6 or 1 7 , so do human-sized robots, like Skelebots™, friendly community they helped in a crisis, and so on. This is
while giant robots, heavy robot vehicles like the Coalition Spi­ basically a loose prelude to bringing characters from our Earth
der-Skull Walkers, tanks, APCs, etc., have an A.R. of 1 8. The or another world up to speed and in sync with the Rifts® envi­
Armor Ratings for bionic and robotic characters are likely to ronment. This prelude should not be too elaborate nor should it
range at 1 1 or 12 for light armor, 14 or 1 5 for medium, and 1 6 alter the characters in any significant way other than providing
or 1 7 for heavy; 1 8 maximum for heavy, full plate armor. orientation and starting equipment. The real adventures begin
now !
Rifts® vehicles like the Big Boss and other car and airplane
like vehicles have an A.R. 6-8, but armored vehicles like the This is especially appropriate if a new, other-dimensional
Mountaineer A.T.V. have an A.R. of 1 3 or 14. Military vehicles character is joining an already established group of Rifts® char­
like the Coalition Mark V APC, Death ' s Head Transport, and acters.
other tank, APC, military aircraft and combat vehicles. Vehicles
have an A.R. of 1 7 . The old CS Sky Cycle has an A.R. 14, the
new, A.R. 1 6.
Starting off
Force Fields and Magic Barriers generally offer an A.R. of G.M.s don't have to go hog-wild with giving the characters
19 or 20, allowing the force field to absorb all or most of the cool stuff; after all, they are new to this world and just starting
damage. When all of the field' s S.D.C. is used up, it is de­ off. Reasonable equipment for each character would include a
stroyed/gone. The Armor of Ithan spell provides an A.R. 1 8 and common energy pistol and/or energy rifle (probably Wilk's or
200 S.D.C. points. Northern Gun), some basic M.D.C. body armor like the Urban
Warrior, Huntsman or Crusader, and a simple vehicle or two
that can hold all the members of the group (not that good 01 '
foot power isn't just as appropriate). Each character can have
acquired 2D6x l OO universal credits as well. The G.M. can also
throw in some basic equipment such as 1 D4 extra E-Clips, can­
teens, extra clothes, backpacks, sleeping bags, food rations, bin­
oculars, walkie-talkies, rope and similar common items. Of
course, more dramatic and powerful equipment can be supplied
depending on the needs, situation and story planne d by the G .M.
Is this a fair and reasonable approach?
Certainly. A lot of things are fast fOlwarded in the context of contestants for a gladiatorial arena. Or maybe they observed
the game adventure. We don't have characters going to the bath­ warriors in action, or witnessed a terrifying attack on the slave
room, nor playing out every moment of a night's sleep, eating, caravan from their pens. Maybe that' s how they escaped?
bathing, recuperating, etc. Often these events are summ e d up in Or maybe they were swept up in some dimensional distur­
one or two sentences to move ahead to the important parts of the bance or a rogue Rift phenomenon, hurled through space and
story, like: "The night passes uneventfully, it' s morning now, time to Rifts Earth, which is as strange as any alien planet.
what are you doing?" The jumping ahead with the orientation Or maybe they followed some villain into a Rift or magical
and acquisition of basic equipment is the same thing. portal only to end up on Rifts Earth.
Another approach is to role-play the characters' arrival and
subsequent learning experiences in this strange new world. This
can be especially fun and appropriate if all, or most, of the char­
acters are starting off at the same time and are all or mostly
D-Bees from other worlds or humans from a parallel Earth or
the past. Perhaps the player group was captured by slavers, es­
caped and have been together ever since . Perhaps these slavers
taught them some basics about Mega-Damage technology,
weapons and/or armor because they were going to be sold as

Survival in one of the Coalition 'Burbs or a wilderness town game session or two, your Game Master says the character does­
can be another great place to introduce beginner characters to n't fit, is too powerful, and/or imbalances the game, let him ad­
the world of Rifts® . Similarly, places like the Federation of just or eliminate it. By the same token, Game Masters, you
Magic and Lazlo or Pecos Empire or vampire-ridden Mexican should try to be fair and reasonable in converting characters
border where all races congregate, and where any friendly indi­ from other game systems, especially player characters and
vidual will be given shelter, orientation, and work is a good non-player characters that will directly interact with other player
starting point. characters. Likewise, if the G.M. or the players don't want to
Another angle is to introduce "off-world" characters to life bring in characters, equipment, etc., from other games (includ­
on Rifts Earth by having an established Rifts® player charac­ ing Palladium' s own) then don't do so. The idea here is to have
ter(s) or NPC take them under his or her wing, lend them a few fun! Use what you will.
extra weapons and items, and have the NPC show them around Obviously, the basics of the Palladium Megaversal Game
to teach them "the basics." This can lead to a bunch of interest­ System, like combat rules, attacks per melee, P.P.E., I. S.P.,
ing escapades. G.M.s should never underestimate the story ele­ Mega-Damage, S.D.C., Hit Points, stat blocks, etc, must be ac­
ments of characters who will do just about anything because counted for and new characters must conform. But this should
they are starving and desperate. be pretty simple.
Yet another thing to consider is that 20th Century and other Som e things to watch out for. Most combat trained human
parallel Earth characters or D-Bees may be transported to Earth characters should have at least four Hand to Hand attacks per
with all kinds of valuable items. Things that they might consider melee, or more depending on level/proficiency. Skills are likely
junk or useless. Like what, you ask? Like a paperback book or to remain unchanged, much like characters from Palladium' s
Atlanta Braves baseball cap that could be worth several hundred games, and should get the same new skills as those outlined in
or even thousands of credits as a Pre-Rifts artifact! As long as the general conversion section.
they don't confess that it' s from another dimension, they' ll be in Point created characters can probably continue to in­
like Flynn. Items like soda pop cans, bottles, magazines, books , crease/grow as they would normally in the context of their origi­
toys, pens, wrist watches, and certain articles of clothing may nating game system, or be frozen at their current level (but only
also be valuable. Big ticket items include pre-Rifts vehicles, if high and/or it may unbalance the Rifts® game to do other­
guns, music and video discs, video tapes, and photographs. If wise). Or the character can be converted to the Palladium level
the players are sharp and the Game Master gives them a reason­ system.
able opportunity, they could walk away with basic equipment
A level can be assigned by assessing the skill percentage or
and credits to spare.
proficiency of the character. For example, a character with the
The possibilities, as I'm so fond of saying, are endless. maj ority of his skills hovering around 60% might be considered
Explore them. the equivalent of a fourth or fifth level Palladium character.
Skills at around 80% reflect a character who is probably around
eighth or ninth level. Skill proficiencies that don't fit the usual
If you hate M.D.C. rules, don ' t use level can be kept as they are, reflecting the character' s different
them background and training, or modified by the G.M. to conform to
the norm as he deems appropriate or necessary.
Oddly enough, there has always been a very small, but vocal
contingent who dislike (dare I say, hate) the concept of Assigning an O.C.C. and experience table should be simple
Mega-Damage and the disparity between M.D.C. and S.D.C. in most cases. Just compare existing O.C.C.s with the other
game character. Nine out of ten times, the other game's charac­
To you, I suggest switching everything to the common Palla­
ter will fit the general description of one of Palladium' s many
dium S.D.C. and Hit Point system. It' s easy to do and would
occupational character classes (O.C.C.). Experience tables pre­
certainly make everything directly compatible with most of Pal­
sented in Rifts® or other Palladium RPGs should cover most
ladium Books' other role-playing games. Use the rules and sug­
gestions presented earlier to convert to S.D.C. and Hit Point
structures. The mixing of different magic systems might be tricky.
Game Masters may wish to include player characters with a dif­
ferent magic occupational character class, spells and abilities,
Characters from Other RPGs but not mix the different powers, spells, knowledge and abilities
with Rifts® or other Palladium magic and powers. This would
The fundamentals for converting any character from any
be an example of a type of D-Bee magic not understood or
role-playing game or system are basically the same as those pre­
available to the people of Rifts Earth - i.e., it is something rare
sented here for the many Palladium Books RPGs. Since the
and alien. Just make sure it doesn't disrupt game balance. In the
Palladium system combines elements of both level systems and
alternative, a character can be adjusted to fit one of the existing
point systems, conversion of most outside games should be
practitioners of magic from Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy
fairly easy. The most important thing to remember, especially
RPG®, Nightbane® or one of our other games.
for Game Masters, is to adjust the character to fit into the
Rifts®lPalladium ® structure. Other conditions such as language, culture shock, biology,
etc., are all fundamentally the same for any character regardless
Players, please give the G.M. some latitude. Inevitably, some of where he heralds from. Just remember, the inclusion of char­
of the G.M. 's conversions and adjustments will have to be sub­ acters, powers, weapons, and equipment from games outside of
jective and may not work the first time around. So, if after a Rifts® is ultimately left up to the Game Master (with polite sug-
gestions and encouragement from the players). If the inclusion ural™, the mystical Nightbane from the Nightbane® RPG, hu­
of a particular character, item, magic, or situation is too difficult man-looking mutants from After the Bomb® RPG, or humans
or awkward to play or adapt, or it unbalances the game, then from the past, present or alternate Earths are all considered
don't use it ! Remember, you shape the exact world of Rifts®. D-Bees, other "Dimensional Beings."
Of course, many of these characters, especially humans from
Beyond the SupernaturaITM, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas &
Superspies™, RECON®, The Mechanoids® (and
Robotech®), might be able to convincingly pass as true humans
born on Rifts Earth. After all, they look completely human and
are likely to speak one of the dominant human languages;
American/English, Spanish, Japanese or Chinese (Euro is a dis­
tinct blending of several languages and considered to be new
and different). Unfamiliarity with local customs, laws, and per­
sonalities are commonplace since people Rift from one conti­
nent to another, and long-range communications are
nonexistent. Furthermore, customs and cultures are regional and
change, sometimes dramatically, from one town, city-state or
kingdom right next door to another. Thus, a character not famil­
iar with local customs could have grown up as close as 50 or

Who is a D_Bee™
1 00 miles (80 or 1 60 km) away, let alone in some faraway, inde­
pendent village, kingdom, wilderness or foreign land. However,
a lack of knowledge about notorious people, monsters, king­
Before we get into specific conversion rules, I think it is im­
doms like the Coalition States or Federation of Magic, and simi­
portant that one understands what constitutes the designation of
lar influential powers or fledgling empires may cause locals to
"D-Bee." Why? Because most characters brought from other
suspect the character is not of this Earth. Thus, a clever human
RPG settings are likely to be considered a "D-Bee," alien, mu­
D-Bee can pass for a native of Rifts Earth, unless he publicly
tant, monster or demon.
announces otherwise or makes statements and missteps that
"D-Bee" is the slang term used to identify HUMANOID in­ point to his other-dimensional origins.
telligent life forms not indigenous to Earth. In other words, any
Dem ons: Beings that look inhuman and/or posses supernat­
bipedal humanoid who is at least vaguely human-looking, but
ural powers, such as Vampires, Ghouls, Werebeasts, Entities,
comes from an alien world or dimension thus making that in­

Mindolar, Gargoyles, Brodlei/, Temporal Raiders, Witchlings,

dividual a "Dimensional B eing" or "D-Bee" for short.
Neuron Beasts, Goqua, Sowki, Raksashas, Gorgons, Shedims,
Any human or humanoid who emerges through a dimen­ Deevi/s, Nightlords, and most other supernatural beings are con­
sional Rift from another planet or dimension is a D-Bee. Even sidered to be demons, godlings or gods; even if they appear in
characters who look very human, like Elves, may fmd that their human form. Nightbane will be considered demons or monsters
otherworldly point of origin, inhuman biology and alien cul­ the moment they transform into their morphus (they also be­
ture/outlook identifies them as "D-Bees." Their inhuman or come Mega-Damage beings with Supernatural Strength in their
alien nature may be recognized through the character' s inhuman morphus form, but not while in their human facade).
appearance, physiology, unearthly powers, technology, knowl­
edge, behavior, exotic beliefs, different language/accent, or cul­ Monsters: Creatures who are completely alien or monstrous
ture. Occasionally, even humans born on Rifts Earth, but who in appearance, but seem to lack supernatural powers, like the
possess great psionic abilities, magic, or superpowers may be Zembahk, Minotaur, Gromek, Loogaroo, Manticore, mutant ani­
suspected of being "D-Bees," mutants, aliens or even supernatu­ mals, shape-changing humanoids, giants, dinosaurs, monstrous
ral monsters or demons, especially if they come from a different predators, and so on, are generally regarded as "monsters," oc­
time or a parallel Earth dimension. casionally as demons. Likewise, certain bestial, ugly or weird
beings like Wolfen, Adorak Flying Mountains, Spherians,
For example: True Atlanteans, who look entirely human,
Lyn-Srial and similar beings may be considered "monsters" de­
and Elves, who look very similar to humans, are both consid­
spite the fact that they are hum.anoid in general appearance. The
ered "D-Bees," and True Atlanteans are Earthlings - the ances­
Wolfen is a great example, because this race is basically human­
tors of ancient Atlantis before it vanished from the face of the
oid and as intelligent as any human, but its strong wolf appear­
planet. Likewise, humanoids who are at least vaguely human in
ance, right down to teeth, muzzle and canine legs, can get the
appearance, like the Simvan Monster Riders, Kittani, Kydians,
race pegged as either D-Bees or "monsters." Others, like the
Wolfen, Changelings, Ogres, lizard men, giants, and similar be­
Worm Wraiths of the New West are branded monsters because
ings are also called "D-Bees" because they are not human, and
of their wicked nature in addition to their hideous appearance.
originate from alien planets or dimensions. This means most hu­
man and humanoid visitors from other dimensions are seen as Dragons, while usually considered "monsters," really have
D-Bees. Mutants, cyborgs and superhumans from the Heroes their own category as, um, "dragons," a unique creature of
Unlimited™ RPG, characters from Aliens Unlim ited™ and magic.
Mechanoid Space®, martial artists and Superspies from the Other Creatures of Magic include Faerie Folk and any
Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG, soldiers and lawmen from creature who is not supernatural (i.e. a demonic being, angel, el­
RECON®, psychics and arcanists from Beyond the Supernat- emental, god or immortals, in general), but is rather a mortal
(though usually long-lived) flesh and blood creature that is in­ Remember, the physical and mental attributes of a particular
nately magical. The dragon is the perfect example because it race or breed vary from species to species. Normal humans al­
possesses a number of natural magical abilities and has tremen­ ways roll three six-sided dice for each attribute. A roll of 1 6, 1 7
dous amounts of P.P .E. to draw upon to cast magic spells or per­ or 1 8, means an additional six-sided die is rolled and added to
form other abilities. By comparison, a human practitioner of that attribute. If a six is rolled, another six-sided die is rolled and
magic understands, commands and casts magic, but is not born a its number also added to that particular attribute. Note too, that
magical being, it is a learned occupation. Creatures of magic are some O.C.C .s, like the Juicer, and certain physical skills, also
born of magic and wield it as naturally and easily as breathing. offer attribute, combat and S.D.C. bonuses. These bonus num­
bers or bonus dice are cumulative, add them to the permanent
attribute number and make sure your character is getting his
General Conversion Rules maximum bonuses.
Note: The conversion in this book should always indicate
things like whether the P.S. becomes the equivalent of Aug­
mentedlBionic Strength or Supernatural P .S., as well as whether
or not the character turns into a Mega-Damage being and has
any other special Mega-Damage capabilities. These stats can
also be used as examples and templates by which the reader can
adapt other characters to Rifts®.

Alignments :
No Conversion Necessary
As a rule, there is no reason to adjust a character' s alignment.
Intelligent beings, especially player characters, can usually be
any alignment, though some cultures and races lean toward one
end of the spectrum or the other. Most specific racial or mon­
ster descriptions will indicate a particular moral leaning, if any.
Some characters may have a strong leaning toward good or evil,
especially if raised in a particular environment or subjected to
moral indoctrination. Their alignment does not change when
taking a character from one RPG setting, dimension or time, to
another. For example, if you were suddenly transported to the
fictional world of Rifts® your memories, personality, and align­
Hum ans, D-Bees & Mortal Beings
ment (moral and ethical code) would not change one iota. You'd
The beauty of having one Megaversal™ game system is that be the same person you always were, only in an alien world.
converting characters from one Palladium Books® role-playing
Intelligent machines/artificial intelligences with a personal­
game to Rifts® (or vice versa) is really very easy, especially
ity and human-like thinking capabilities can be virtually any
when dealing with human and other mortal characters from vir­
alignment depending on the machine' s programming and the ex­
tually any setting. In many cases, except for cultural orientation,
periences that have shaped its personality and perception of the
weapons and possible skill adjustments, the characters can be
taken from one game book and plopped into any other Palla­
dium RPG setting or world with little or no conversion (see the Non-intelligent robots and machines may function in a
section on Culture Shock). deadly or hostile way or work to the detriment or benefit of hu­
manoids, but while these actions may be perceived as good or
evil, the machines themselves have no alignment. If anything,
Attribute Conversion the perception of their being good or evil is the reflection and
In most cases (99%), the mental and physical attributes of a intent of the beings who created and programmed the robot or
character brought from one Palladium RPG setting or dimension machine.
to another do NOT change. Predatory animals and monsters of low intelligence are gen­
One exception is characters who have Extraordinary, Super­ erally considered to be Anarchist or Miscreant evil.
human or Supernatural Strength. All of these superhuman Supernatural beings are generally predisposed to be good or
ranges of P .S. inflict varying degrees of Mega-Damage on Rifts evil. Demons, Deevils and Alien Intelligences are predomi­
Earth or any Mega-Damage environment. But these are NOT nantly (85-95%) evil, usually Miscreant and Diabolic, with the
normal ranges of human strength attributes and are typically rest being Anarchist. Any demonic being who breaks this mold
confmed to super beings, cyborgs, mutants and nonhumans.
is a "freak of nature" and is either tormented and slain by its evil
Likewise, the typical human or D-Bee remains a Hit Point brethren or forced to flee and live as an outcast. Such outcasts
and S.D.C. being and needs to procure M.D. weapons and body are despised by their own people and never truly trusted by any
armor to lock horns with Mega-Damage beings and high-tech other race. (Come on, you telling me you 'd trust a demon who
villains. See the opening to this section for details on M.D. and says it is misunderstood and really a nice guy? Yeah, right.)
Many of these demonic and supernatural beings (good ones in­
cluded) are driven by powerful instincts and/or base needs, de­
sires and goals.

I ;
, .

Natural Armor Rating (A.R.)

Many of Palladium' s other role-playing games have some­ For example: A Hard Armor Vest has an A.R. of 12, this
thing called an Armor Rating (A.R.). The A.R. is applicable to means the attacker must roll 1 3 or higher to penetrate the armor
both artificial and natural body armor. and inflict damage directly to his foe's body. Deduct damage
Artificial armor covers the entire range of protective armor first from the physical S.D.C. of the character and, when that' s
from a Kevlar SWAT vest to a knight' s suit of shining plate ar­ reduced to zero, deduct damage from Hit Points.
mor. A roll of 5 - 1 2 would usually strike and do damage, unless
Natural body armor is usually indicative of tough, damage re­ parried, but if that roll to strike is 12 or less, it hits the protective
sistant skin or some range of invulnerability possessed by some body armor, and only inflicts damage to the body armor (A
monsters, mutants, aliens and super beings. Hard Armor Vest has 50 S .D.C.). When all the S .D.C. of the ar­
However, in the Mega-Damage world of Rifts®, there is mor is destroyed (reduced to zero), the armor is so tattered that
minimal application for A.R. Mega-Damage weapons punch it no longer affords any protection (no A.R. and no S.D. C.). Any
right through any armor rating and a single M.D. point inflicts further attacks that are five or higher will strike and do damage
an equivalent of 1 00 S.D.C.lHit Points of damage ! Still, physi­ to the character's body unles s they are parried or dodged. Oh,
cal S.D.C. and A.R. may come into play during combat that and the defender always wins ties, so if the attacker rolls a 1 2
does not involve M.D. weapons - like fisticuffs, attacks with a the A.R. o f 12 still holds and the wearer i s protected from the at­
normal knife or S.D.C. gun when not in M.D.C. armor, and sim­ tack.
ilar light combat situations. Also, beings with super-human Natural Armor is similar, but a little different. A Natural
amounts of S.D.C. like 220 points, means that they can endure Armor Rating (A.R.) applies to super beings, mutants, aliens,
the equivalent of two M.D. points of damage. That's not much, monsters and creatures who have or transform to have a tough
but it could mean the difference between life and death in some skin or hard body covering (as is the case with super beings with
instances. the powers of Bio-Armor and Alter Physical Structure). The nat­
Here's how A.R. works. B ody armor may absorb the dam­ ural armor is so tough and resilient that any strike below the
age from a successful attack. To hit the physical body of one' s character' s Natural A.R. does no damage ! It might scratch, nick
foe, the strike roll must be higher than the Armor Rating (A.R.) or bruise the body, but there is no substantial damage. A roll
of the protective armor.
above the Natural A.R. inflicts damage, but, in this instance, the O.C.C.s or R.C.C.s also provide an additional attack per melee
damage is first deducted from the character' s (often large round and/or other combat bonuses. This means a first level
amount of) physical S.D.C. Such immense amounts of S.D.C . character with no combat training has two attacks while a char­
can be thought of as superhuman endurance or toughness to pain acter with Hand to Hand: Basic would have four. At fourth
and physical punishment. level, the untrained character still only has two attacks while the
one with basic hand to hand now has five (increases at various
levels of experience). Any variations will be minor and can be
Personal Magic Energy considered an aspect of that other world or dimension, or the
Average P.P.E. by General Racial Types character' s combat skill can be adjusted to be the same as
2D6 P.P.E. : The average human adult (20 years and older). Rifts®.
4D6 P.P.E. : The average human teenager ( 1 4- 1 9 years old). All RPGs with a modern setting like Heroes Unlimited™,
6D6+6 P.P.E. : The average human child ( 1 3 or younger). After the Bomb®, Nightbane®, Beyond the Supernatural™,
6D6 P.P.E.: Goblins, Algor Giants, and spiritual charac­ RECON® Modern Combat and most futuristic settings like
ters/races. The Mechanoids® use the same basic combat rules, weapons,
5D6 P.P.E.: Elves, Changelings, Gnomes and Native Ameri­ vehicles, computers and equipment. Thus, while the energy
cans. weapons, robots, vehicles and equipment of Rifts Earth may be
4D6 P.P.E.: Wolfen, Coyles, Dog Boys and most mutant ani­ more advanced, most modem characters can figure out, or be
mals. taught, how to use them.
3D6 P.P.E.: Simvan, Dwarves, Ogres, Trolls, and most D-Bees
Original RECON®: The 1 980- 1 993 versions of RECON®
and other races.
used a different game system than the rest of the Palladium line,
2D6 P.P.E. : Psi-Stalkers, Altara, Kydians, & most other psychic
originally designed by Joseph Martin back in 1 980 or ' 8 1 and
later reworked into Revised RECON® by Erick Wujcik and
ID6 P.P.E. : Kittani Warriors (Splugorth minion).
others in 1 9 86.
ID4xlO P.P.E. : Minimum for most Faerie Folk and True Gi­
ants . For easy conversion, assume the average soldier is trained in
ID4xlO P.P.E. or Greater: Most supernatural beings and crea­ Hand to Hand: Basic as described in the Rifts® RPG, plus the
tures of magic. character may know Boxing or Wrestling. Members of Special
Forces know Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin, plus
Boxing and may possess other combat or physical skills/training
Natural Abilities and bonuses. Thus, the average grunt will start with four attacks
per melee round. The original RECON® system does not use
Human mutants, mutant animals, D-Bees, aliens and many
experience tables either, so for characters who are the average
mortal creatures from other worlds or dimensions may possess
soldier/grunt use the Special Training Table from Heroes Un­
powers and abilities beyond those of the average human.
Iimited™ or CS Grunt, from Rifts®. Special Forces characters
Natural abilities are typically listed in the description of char­
should use the PhySical Training Table from Heroes Unlim­
acters, races and monsters. They can include such abilities as
ited™ or CS Military Specialist from Rifts®. Mercenaries can
nightvision (the ability to see in total darkness), passive
use one of the Hardware Tables from Heroes Unlimited® or
nightvision (see in one sixth to one tenth the amount of light a
Headhunter or Mercenary table from Rifts®.
human needs), keen hawk-like vision (to see great dis­
tances/about 2 miles/3 .2 km), superior sense of smell (recognize Skills from Original RECON® can be used as they are,
smells and/or track by smell), superior hearing (initiative bonus since they are also percentile based, although in a different way.
of + I D4), resistance to heat, fire or cold, additional S .D.C. or In the alternative, select a comparable skill proficiency found in
Mega-Damage skin, instincts and so on. Instincts can include either Heroes Unlimited® or Rifts®. If using comparable
abilities/skills such as swimming, climbing, and prowl. Rifts® skills, start at the base skill plus 20% for MOS skills (ef­
fectively the character' s O.C.C.) and +5% for all others .
Supernatural or magical beings may include abilities like fire
RECON® soldiers should adapt fairly easily to the use of ad­
breathing, sense magiclP.P.E.lley lines, metamorphosis, tum in­
vanced technology especially in regard to hand-held weapons
visible, see invisible, bio-regeneration, healing touch, dimen­
and simple vehicles.
sional teleport, and special powers and abilities.
RECON® Modern Combat (2003) will use the same basic
Also see bonuses which may reflect natural abilities, alert­
combat and rules system as Heroes Unlim ited™ and Rifts®, so
ness, speed, etc.
it will require little conversion.

Palladium Fantasy RPG®, First Edition: This original sys­

Attacks Per Melee tem is a bit less complex so combat time works a bit differently.
Characters from most Palladium RPGs are suited for combat The number of attacks are less and the measure of time is lon­
in Rifts® without adjusting the number of attacks per melee. ger. Basically, keep the character's current number of melee at­
Most Palladium RPGs use the same basic combat system. tacks and add two more to them . For Example: A Palladium
To make things simple, assume all characters, even those character with one melee attack would now have three, if two
without combat training, automatically start with two attacks per melee attacks change to four, etc. Combat skills and improve­
melee round, plus additional attacks from a Hand to Hand com­ ment would continue as normal. This combat consideration
bat skill and the occasional other skill, like Boxing. Certain holds true for intelligent and animalistic monsters as well.
Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Second Edition: Use the char­ loting skill, one Modem W.P. of choice (any but heavy), and
acters straight out of the book, besides, many are converted choice of four from either Technical or Science. Plus they can
completely in this book. acquire magic spells not normally known in their native world.
Ninj as & Superspies™, Beyond the Supernatural™ and Many high-tech skills and devices will remain a mystery.
Nightbane® are presented in more detail elsewhere in this Con­ If they like, Wizards and Diabolists of third level or less can
version Book. switch their O.C.C. to Techno-Wizard. The previous O.C.C. and
skills are permanently frozen and the Techno-Wizard O.C.C.
and related skills start at level one.
O.C.C.s & Skills
20th & 2 1 st Century characters get Radio: Basic (+ 1 5%),
Old occupations and skills will usually remain a part of the can select one new Language (+ 1 0%), three new Piloting skills
character' s training and background till the day he or she dies . (+5%), two Pilot Related, two Modem W.P.s (any), and choice
Likewise, these original skills (and O.C.C .) continue to increase
of two from Technical or Rogue, or Wilderness (+ 10%). Pen­
at the same level as is appropriate in the originating RPG. Any alties: -20% when using 20th Century skills and knowledge to
character dimensionally Rifted from the world of The Palla­ operate inion high-tech areas, especially Medical, Science, Elec­
dium Fantasy RPG or other RPG setting will keep his original trical, Mechanical, Robotics, Bionics and Computer.
O.C.C. and corresponding skills. Most of the character' s skills
High-Tech characters get Radio: Basic (+20%), Computer
and knowledge remain applicable to the Rifts® environment, al­
Operation (+ 1 5%), can select two new Languages (+ 1 0%), three
though characters from a more primitive culture may be at a loss
new Piloting skills (+ 1 0%), two Pilot Related (+5%), two Mod­
when dealing with technology, modem cities and alien customs
em W.P.s (any), and choice of two from Technical or Science or
and laws, at least at first.
Wilderness . Note: MechaIRobot pilots will automatically know
Basic skills like wilderness survival, hunting, tracking, math
Rifts® Robot Combat: Basic and Pilot Robots & Power Armor
and combat are virtually equal in any world. Modem skills like (basic). Penalties: - 1 0% when using their skills and knowledge
communications, computers, electronics, mechanics, modem
to operate inion Rifts® (therefore unfamiliar) high-tech areas,
medicine, piloting, science, and so on, will be useful, but not a especially Medical, Science, Electrical, Mechanical, and Bion­
necessity. ics. Note: Humans from the Empire of Humanity (Mter the
Young characters who have not yet selected a profes­ Bom b®) get the above skills at half the bonuses and have a pen­
sion/O.C.C. can learn the ways, technology and skills of the new alty of - 1 5%.
world and select a Rifts® O.C.C., instead of one that reflects Penalty Note: Truly alien characters suffer a penalty because
their home world. Likewise, first level characters can opt to dis­ the technology and customs are very different, so they are likely
card their native O.C.C. for a Rifts® O.C.C., but it requires an
to lack a full or true understanding of them. However, equip­
extra 1 000 experience points to reach each new level of experi­ ment and skills equivalent to their native planet, tech level and
understanding (using a sword, shooting a gun, driving a motor­
The skilled, professional adult (second level on up) keeps his cycle, etc.) can be used or performed without penalty! Likewise,
original O.C.C. and skills. He will be reluctant to give up his old Domestic, Wilderness and Rogue skills (with the exception of
ways and should be most interested in new skills and technology Computer Hacking and Streetwise) suffer no penalties, but they
that best suits his original, home world profession. This means may not always be applicable in a modem environment.
when the character can select new O.C.C. Related or Secondary Language Skills. Typically, a character from another world
Skills, he is most likely to be attracted to skills that best serve needs to quickly learn one of the common languages, probably
his occupation and plans for the future. It would not be out of American, Spanish or Euro, or acquire a universal translator or
place for a warrior of any age to learn how to pilot a hover vehi­ equivalent magic.
cle, wear M.D.C. armor (even power armor) and use a variety of
Characters from an alternate Earth, which includes the vast
modem weapons, but a fantasy or medieval warrior is not likely
maj ority of Palladium' s RPGs, except the Palladium Fantasy
to study computers, brain surgery, science or advanced piloting.
RPG, should already be able to communicate in one of the ma­
jor languages, most likely American/English or Spanish (and to
Acquiring new Rifts® skills a lesser degree, Japanese and Chinese). Euro is such a blend of
different languages that it is considered to be a new, distinct lan­
All characters from another world or dimension can select
guage. Characters familiar with German, Polish and/or Russian
new skills that will help them to adapt to their strange new
will only be able to pick out a word here and there (roughly
world. All new skills start at level one proficiency, may not have equal to a 1 0% skill proficiency). Palladium Fantasy characters
skill bonuses, and may improve slowly for characters of high
may speak Gobblely or Elf/Dragonese which will enable them
level who are set in their ways. Only I.Q. bonuses and those to communicate with some nonhumans and characters with uni­
listed here are applicable to the new skills.
versal translators - both Gobblely and Elf/Dragonese are pro­
Ancient (fantasy) men of arms and intelligent monster grammed into all standard translators.
races get Radio: Basic, can select one new Language (+ 1 5%),
one Piloting skill, one Pilot Related, three Modem W.P.s of
choice (any), and choice of three from communications, or espi­
Other Races
onage (+ 1 0%). An old character race born in the Rifts world
Ancient (fantasy) men of magic, priests & scholars get The different races/monsters/characters from other Palladium
Radio: Basic, can select two new Languages (+20%), one Pi- Books role-playing games can be used as a new character with a
ment and will be familiar with the people, customs, skills, and
technology of Rifts Earth, which is effectively their home
For example: When one of the Palladium RPG races/mon­
sters is used as a character who was born and raised on Rifts
Earth, the character should automatically have the usual range
of Rifts O.C.C.s available to him, even though Mommy and
Daddy Monster may know mostly old, off-world skills. Remem­
ber, in such a socially and technologically diverse environment,
the skills and professions of the children are likely to be very
different from the parents. For example, I know absolutely none
of the carpentry and electrical skills that my grandfather did, nor
did I ever work in a factory like my father. Though I am of Pol­
ish descent, I am third generation American and cannot speak
the Polish language and know little about "traditional" Polish
customs. Furthermore, I completely think of myself as Ameri­
can and would fmd Poland to be an alien and different place. It
doesn't matter that my heritage traces its roots to Europe, I'm
American through and through. The same is true in Rifts®.

Alien races and m onsters as Rifts O.C.C.s: Nobody knows

for certain when the Rifts erupted or how long humankind was
locked in the Dark Ages (best guesses put it at about 200 years).
Most scholars estimate that the Rifts erupted 3 00 to 5 00 years
ago and that it has only been in the last hundred or so years that
humankind has risen from the ashes of near extinction. During
those hundreds of years, all types of otherworldly beings jour­
neyed to Earth through the dimensional Rifts. Many of these
other dimensional beings (D-Bees) have adopted Earth as their
new homeland, often because they knew not how to return
home. Their offspring, though D-Bees, are the children of Earth.
Mother Earth is their place of birth and their home. Many of
these nonhuman races have lived on Earth for generations, the
stories of their great, great, grandparent' s home world a fading
memory or a fantastic (and distorted) story.
Rifts® a.c.c . ! Remember, Rifts Earth is filled with many dif­ These second, third, or more generations of offspring are
ferent life forms. Except for human supremacists and small likely (not always) to be as versed in the ways of the contempo­
kingdoms composed largely of one particular race, Rifts Earth is rary Rifts® world as any human. The only difference is, as
a melting pot of multi-dimensional immigrants. People from nonhumans, they may be treated as second-class citizens, perse­
many different lands and cultures have been transplanted to cuted, enslaved or even hunted and destroyed by human su­
Earth and have been sucked into the predominately EarthJhuman premacists such as the Coalition States and savage monsters .
culture. Thus, most will speak and understand at least one or The 'Burbs of Chi-Town are filled with D-Bees from other
two Earth languages, probably American, Spanish, or Euro. worlds. Likewise, D-Bees represent a significant number in
Likewise, most, especially those who grew up in the cities, will many of the more liberal wilderness kingdoms, such as the
have a practical understanding of high technology, such as use Pecos Empire, Lazlo, Kingsdale and the late Tolkeen. These
of a hover vehicle or automobile, computers, energy weapons, communities may be composed of 50% nonhumans, or more.
and common devices such as elevators and telephones. Some are populated entirely by D-Bees; some of which are mili­
D-Bee children born on Rifts Earth are a product of their en­ tantly anti-human.
vironment just as we are products of our contemporary Earth. It In most cases, the growth, prosperity and population size for
doesn't matter that these characters are the offspring of alien im­ nonhumans depends on the properties of that particular race,
migrants from another world, they will be attuned to the land luck, and location. For example, giants are comparatively un­
they were born into and have grown up in; that of Rifts Earth. common. They have a low birth rate, their size makes it hard for
Thus, they will be City Rats, Operators, Rogue Scientists, them to hide from human supremacists and others out to get
Juicers, 'Borgs, psychics and practitioners of magic, just like them, and they are affected by competition by other, small and
any human character. The only restriction may be a.c.c. attrib­ more versatile life forms. Xiticix on the other hand have flour­
ute requirements that are not possible to attain, because of racial ished and now threaten the lasting ecology of North America
attribute limitations like a low LQ., P.P., etc. Although the par­ because they actually change the environment to accommodate
ents may be from another world and a different a.c.c. which is their needs. Unless something changes in the next decade or so,
more indicative of their home world and their original culture, the Xiticix could take over most of Canada and half the United
their offspring will have been exposed to the Rifts® environ- States.

prove and modify (if necessary) characters of mixed heritage
A N ote on Biology and inhuman ability. Second, I'd suggest that there is a 1 -62%
Inevitably, players will want their characters to be the ever chance of the offspring possessing the dominant features and
popular half-breed. "Alright, my character is half-Elf and powers of his parents. G.M.s can roll percentile dice or make ar­
half-human." "Oh yeah, well, my character is half-Titan and bitrary decisions based on the player's request/designs and the
half-Grackle Tooth! " "Puh, my character is half-vampire and goings on of the game. Please note that learned abilities such as
half-dragon ! " And so it goes. Ninjas & Superspies martial arts skills, mystic powers, spell
Let' s get a few ground rules straight from the start. No casting and other abilities must be learned and are not biologi­
half-breeds ! cally inherited (though an aptitude for mechanics or spell cast­
In the real world, there are very few species of animals that ing may be).
can crossbreed and bear live offspring. Whether desirable or Intelligent mutant animals (Rifts®, After the Bomb® RPG
not, just about any humanoid, mamm al, and even monster can and Heroes UnlimitedTM), including those who appear almost
have sex with another species of life, but they cannot give birth completely human, cannot produce offspring with a human or
to young as a result of their actions ! To give birth to a child, the most other humanoids. In fact, they may not even be able to pro­
two sexual partners must be of the same species. Consequently, duce offspring with other mutant animals from their own spe­
a mutant dog mated with a mutant cat may make an odd or cute cies, because they are so far removed from them. Understand
couple, but they can never bear children. And certainly not any that the nature of mutation is such that frequently the mutant
half-dog, half-cat child. NE VER! feature is not a trait that can be biologically replicated through
Variations within the same species can successfully breed. natural means. Mutations are a deviation in the normal genetic
For example, a domestic dog can mate and produce offspring structure. Although comic books often present mutation and mu­
from a mate that is a wolf, coyote, or any breed of canine. Like­ tants as the next step in evolution, 97% of all mutations are
wise, this means that an intelligent, alien canine, such as a doomed to oblivion. They are not an evolutionary advancement,
Wolfen and a mutant Dog Boy, might successfully mate and but a biological variation or extrapolation - a deviant change. In
bear offspring, especially if that mutant canine was a wolf, him­ many cases, the being(s) with the new mutant characteristic is
self. However, a mutant bear and mutant dog cannot. Likewise, likely to be destroyed by the dominant, non-mutant population
members of the same species that have undergone mutation may or nature itself. The occasional exception may be the deliberate,
not be able to produce living offspring with any other creature, genetic reconstruction of bio-engineered creations in a labora­
even those of the original species. The mutant genes can be a tory; created, like a machine, for a specific purpose and/or envi­
one time fluke or are so abnormal/unique that it cannot be ronment. Rifts Earth is limited in the field of genetic engineer­
passed on to offspring. On the other hand, is may be a trait that ing and cannot, for example, make full human clones. In fact,
can be inherited by offspring. only the Coalition States is known to be actively experimenting
in bio-engineering and only the villainous Gene-Splicers (see
Sometimes, the social, moral, ethical or economic percep­
Rifts® Sourcebook 3) are true genetic wizards (some would
tions and practices of a community or people serve to restrict the
say monsters).
interbreeding between members of the same species. For exam­
ple, the Wolfen are socially conditioned to mate only with other Supernatural beings and creatures of magic cannot produce
Wolfen. They can have sex with a Dog Boy, or other intelligent offspring from a union with a human, humanoid, mammal or
mutant canine, Coyle, or Kankoran, and produce healthy off­ mortal mate. Likewise, they cannot mate with other supernatural
spring, but they don 't. It's just not socially acceptable. Those species and produce offspring; i.e. a dragon cannot mate with a
who do are rogues and not welcome in Wolfen society. unicorn, or a god with a human (barring powerful, magical in­
tervention). The animal, whether mystical in nature, supernatu­
A human can mate with a human, regardless of the minor
ral, or human, must always mate with one of its own kind and
variations within the species. Likewise, a Rifts Earth human can
genetic structure to produce offspring. Even a dragon of one
successful mate and reproduce from a union with another human
species cannot breed with a dragon of another species and pro­
regardless of where their human partner may come from. That
duce offspring (i.e. an Ice Dragon and a Thunder Lizard), be­
person may be a human from another planet or alien dimension,
cause each is so different from the other. Vampires never bear
and may be psychic or super-powered, but as long as he or she
offspring even with another vampire. That's not how vampires
is of the same species (in this case, human), the pair can mate
are created (see Rifts® World Book One: Vampire King­
and bear offspring. On the other hand, an Elf and human or hu­
man and Simvan for that matter, can enj oy sexual relations, but
cannot bear offspring from their union. Even though an Elf
looks extremely human, the two are very distinct species. From Experience
a biological and genetic perspective, more is different about the
An old character but a new world
Elf than hislher pointy ears and good looks.
Whether a character is transported to Rifts Earth from the
Whether a child possesses a parent' s psychic or unusual
Palladium Fantasy world, a future Earth or any RPG to an­
super-powers is another story. The child' s biological inheritance
other, use the O.C.C. skills and experience tables from the origi­
of a parent' s physical and mental features and powers will de­
nating RPG. Consequently, a Ranger O.C.C. from the
pend on whether the trait is genetically dominant or recessive,
Palladium Fantasy RPG®, or Psi-Mechanic from Beyond the
but even dominant gene features are not always present in the
Supernatu ral™, would continue to grow in experience as that
offspring and a recessive gene can pop up at any time. For the
O.C.C. and continue to use the experience tables from that
sake of game rule simplicity, I suggest that the Game Master ap-
Some of the specific, optional player character monsters and lains Unlim ited, Aliens Unlimited and Powers Unlim ited, for
races described later in this book have a different or special a range of different life forms, powers and villains). Creating
O.C.C. or R.C.C. and, in these cases, specific skills are pre­ any characters with a range of super abilities requires having a
sented and the use of an existing Rifts® RPG experience table copy of the Heroes Unlim ited™ RPG (or the upcoming
indicated. Powers UnlimitetPM).
First, roll up your typical Rifts® character using the Rifts®
RPG. The selection of O.C.C.s, however, is limited to Scholars

Heroes U nlimited™ & Adventurers, no others. Determine the character' s skills,

alignment, and equipment as usual.
Second, pull out a copy of Heroes Unlimited™ and flip to

Conversions page 226 where you'll fmd the Random Super Ability Selection
Tables, and either roll on the Random Tables or select a handful
of powers.
The number of powers: Even in the Rifts® setting I don't
Rifts® Superhumans recommend more than three Minor and three Major abilities,
and that may be too powerful unless the campaign is a
The Earth o f the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG c an be consid­
high-powered one itself. After all, you don't want the superhu­
ered a parallel Earth dimension very similar to our present day,
man(s) to overpower and unbalance the game for the rest of the
2 1 st Century Earth, not Rifts Earth. These characters can get to
player group. I have found that one or two Major super abilities
Rifts Earth in any number of ways. The most likely probabilities
and 1 -3 Minor super abilities works very well. In the alternative,
are a Rift in space and time created by a super-villain, an experi­
4-5 Minor abilities only, or two or three Major powers, only,
mental time travel machine or dimensional travel device, inter­
also works, as does anything less (Le. 1 -2 Major and 1 -2 Minor
vention by a supernatural being, a dimensional Rift at a place of
powers, or even only 1 -2 Minor or a single Major super ability).
magic, a wrong tum during dimensional travel, getting warped
Ultimately, the number of super abilities should be left to the
to a different time and place during a dimensional storm in the
Game Master, and he or she should keep in mind the power
Bermuda Triangle or any one of the six mystic triangles, or by
level of the campaign as well as the disposition and style of play
magic. Beings from other dimensions and alien worlds may also
of the actual player and adjust accordingly.
possess the super abilities found in Heroes Unlim ited™.
A list of Minor Super Abilities is found on page 228 of HU2
These characters will suffer some degree of culture shock as
where the descriptions also begin, and a list of Major Super
noted in the previous section, however, their super abilities give
Abilities is found on page 23 7 with descriptions starting on page
them an edge in the hostile environment that is Rifts Earth.
Super "heroes" will also fmd plenty of injustices and wrongs to
right and evil to vanquish. Their "hero" orientation automati­ Bonuses: These super dudes tend to rely on their natural
cally compels them to protect others even in an unknown, alien powers. Add 20 points to S.D.C. (M.D.C. if a Mega-Damage be­
world. As noted earlier, however, such heroics will make these ing), + 1 on initiative, +2 to pull punch and + 1 to save vs Horror
noble super beings the enemies of local tyrants, warlords, power Factor to superhumans.
mongers and evil beings operating in the region. As their reputa­ Note: Characters with super abilities can not have psionic
tion spreads, various powers (the Coalition States included) may powers too. Nor can they have major bionics (no partial recon­
seek to recruit or destroy them. Whether these alien or D-Bee struction or more), but might consider a few cybernetic im­
heroes seek to find a way back to their home dimension or make plants. Supernatural beings, creatures of magic (including
Rifts Earth their new home (or a place to visit) is up to the indi­ practitioners of magic), cyborgs, Juicers, Crazies, robots, and
vidual players and how they envision their character. psionic R.C .C.s can not have super abilities. Likewise, most
Super beings indigenous to Rifts Earth. Strangely enough, monster races and beings born as Mega-Damage creatures can
super-powered beings are fairly uncommon on Rifts Earth. They not have super abilities, or if they do, it is only one or two and
do appear from time to time, often in small groups or clusters, usually a Minor ability (G.M. ' s call).
but are generally the exception, not the rule. Recent rumors
coming out of France suggest there may be an entire cadre or
city of superhumans, but this has not been confirmed. The trans­
Conversion Notes for Select
formation of the planet Earth into a multi-dimensional ley line Super-Powers
nexus has not only permeated the planet with P .P.E.lmagic en­ The following information pertains only to the super abilities
ergy, but other forms of radiation and alien energy leaching out that are transformed or modified by the Rifts® environment. A
from dimensional portals. Such life-altering leaks appear from copy of Heroes Unlimited is needed for super abilities listed
time to time and place to place, unleashing strange, mutating en­ here, as well as many others. Powers not listed are unchanged
ergies (and magic) that can sometimes transform mortals (hu­ and are equally applicable to Mega-Damage and S.D.C. worlds .
mans and D-Bees) into super beings, endowing otherwise In other words, the power pretty much functions the same in
normal humanoids with super abilities. both types of settings and needs no conversion modification.
This means people born on Rifts Earth might have super abil­ G.M. & Game Design Note: As stated before, the inclusion
ities like those found in the pages of comic books and the of characters, super-powers, and other elements from Heroes
Heroes Unlimited™ Role-Playing Game (Hey, check out ViI- Unlimited™, or any other game, is left strictly to the Game

Master. These characters do not have to be a part of any Rifts® age now does 3D6 M.D. on Rifts Earth. Experienced characters
campaign. Furthennore, so-called super-heroes who possess un­ (3rd level and higher) can regulate the strength of each blast in
natural powers are very uncommon on Rifts Earth, perhaps one increments of I D6 M.D. Typical damage is 2D6 + I D6 per level
in a million or one in ten million. These conversion descriptions of experience!
are often abridged and may cover a number of similar powers in Duration: Instant.
a single description, like Energy Expulsion. Attacks Per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack/ac­
Bonuses: +3 to strike if an aimed shot, + 1 to strike if shooting
Minor Super Abilities wild.
Bend Light Ranges: Energy Expulsion: Energy is 600 feet ( 1 83 m). Energy
Range: Self or Light Beam; 1 00 feet (3 0.5 m) + 1 5 feet (4.6 m) Expulsion: Fire is 300 feet (9 1 .5 m), the character can emit a
per level of experience. flamethrower-like blast from his hands. Energy Expulsion: Elec­
Dam age: None. tricity is 400 feet ( 1 22 m). Energy Expulsion: Light (laser-like)
is 600 feet ( 1 83 m). The character can also radiate light like a
Duration: One melee round.
human lightbulb, equal to about 1 00 watts, plus 25 watts per
The ability to bend light allows the character to manipulate
level of experience. Even at first level he can radiate enough to
light radiation like a prism. This can produce a number of ef­
light up a 20x20 foot (6 x 6 m) room. This light, however, is not
effective against vampires or any undead.
1. Separate the color bands of light to produce a colored light
beam or radiate about 70 watts of colored light (enough to light
up a 1 Ox 1 O footl3x3 m room). The colors possible are red, yel­ Energy Expulsion: Electrical Field
low, blue, green, pwple, orange, as well as infrared and ultravio­ This character can turn himself into a living dynamo, crack­
let. Does no damage. ling with electrical energy. Experienced characters (3rd level
2. Blank Spot. Light is manipulated around the character, mak­ and higher) can diminish the field's damage to as little as 1 D6
ing him invisible. However, since the light is bent around the M.D. per 5 seconds. While the field is up, the character (and
super being, there is a blank spot or ripple, like a blurred spot anybody inside with him) is impervious to all energy attacks .
where the invisible character is. Roll 1 D20 to notice the blank, a Projectiles, bullets, rail gun rounds, arro ws and thrown objects
roll of 1 8 or higher on initiative notices the anomaly. are minus -8 to strike, but do full damage if they hit. Fire is not
3. Parries lasers and other fonns of light beams (flashlights, hampered by the electrical field.
sunlight, etc.) by bending the light around him, or a 10 foot (3 Range: 10 foot (3 m) area +2 feet (0.6 m) per each level of ex­
m) diameter, to deflect the beam. Roll just like a nonnal parry. perience.
This ability can be used to deflect Mega-Damage lasers just as Dam age: 4D6 M.D . for every 5 seconds within the energy field
easily, but is not effective against other energy weapons like and the field' s creator is impervious to all energy attacks. Dam­
ion, plasma, or particle beams. age does not increase with experience.
4. Deflect light beam back to where it originated or at a specific Duration: One full melee (can be instantly renewed).
target. This is done as a parry , first. A successful parry means Attacks Per Melee: The creation of the field counts as two me­
the light beam was successfully knocked away and does not lee attacks/actions. The remaining actions can be perfonned
touch the character. Second, roll to strike the target the beam is within the electrical field - dodge and parry as usual. Shooting
being deflected at; straight die roll ( I D20) without benefit of energy blasts out from the field won't work as it blocks and ab­
any bonuses whatsoever to strike with the deflection. sorbs the blast just as it does incoming attacks. Shooting projec­
5. Can see into the infrared and ultraviolet light range. 1 00 feet tile weapons out also suffers the same -8 penalty to strike.
(30.5 m) per level of experience. Note: Magic and psionic attacks are not hampered by the field.

Body Weapons Energy Resistance (self)

On Rifts Earth the character' s Hit Points (only) turn into This power makes the character extremely resistant to all en­
M.D.C. and the weapons themselves are M.D.C. (convert S.D.C. ergy based attacks. No physical damage is sustained by the frrst
to M.D.C. point for point), plus the body weapons inflict 20 M.D. points of energy attacks in each melee round. Energy
Mega-Damage (convert S.D.C. damage to M.D. point for point). attacks beyond the 20 points do only half damage. The energy
Note: If the character also has Superhuman Strength, add 1 D6 resistance field extends just beyond the body to include clothes,
M.D. to the maximum amount of damage he can inflict, or add M.D.C. body armor and carried equipment. Does not extend to
2D6 M.D. if Supernatural P.S., or a meager one M.D. if Extraor­ protect power armor, 'bots or vehicles, nor anybody standing
dinary P.S. close by. This person is also completely invulnerable to
stun-type energy weapons . On Rifts Earth, characters with this
Energy Expulsion Powers power become minor Mega-Damage beings: Divide the charac­
ter's Hit Points (only) by half and that is his M.D.C.
The character can generate energy which can be released in
directed pulses. The energy pulse or blast is fired from the fm­
gertips, hand or eyes. All Energy Expulsion powers become Extraordinary Mental Endurance
Mega-Damage energy blasts, point for point. A very mentally stable and strong personality that is difficult
Dam age: An Energy Expulsion blast that did 3 D6 S.D.C. dam- to suppress or break. This guy has a will of iron. Bonuses: In-
crease M.E. to 2 1+204. + 1 to save vs magical illusions, and +6 The Healing Factor:
to save vs Horror Factor, possession, and all mind altering • Recovers 6 S.D.C. every 1 0 minutes (3 6 per hour).
magic and drugs. Needs a 1 2 or higher to save vs psionic attack.
• Recovers one M.D.C.lHit Point every 1 5 minutes (4 per
Extraordinary Physical Strength • Special super healing: Can instantly regenerate 406
This character possesses great physical strength approxi­ M.D.C.lHit Points two times per day (24 hour period).
mately the same as Augmented Humanoids/Cyborg see Bionic
• Does not fatigue whatsoever, and is resistant to fIre and cold;
Strength Table. Bonuses: Increase P.S. to 20 +206. Can carry even M.D.C. fife and cold do half damage.
1 00 (not 50) times P.S. in pounds and can lift 200 times P.S. in
• No scarring when healed. Broken bones heal completely,
pounds. Punches and kicks inflict Mega-Damage when per­
without any sign of having ever been broken.
formed as a power punch. Also see Superhuman P.S. and Super­
natural P. S. • Resistant to drugs, toxins and poisons (half duration, penal­
ties and symptoms, one third the usual damage).

Extraordinary Physical Prowess

A greatly heightened physical prowess providing increased
Impervious to Fire and Heat
speed and agility. Bonuses: Add 204 to the P.P. attribute, 304 On Rifts Earth, the character remains a mere Hit Point and
to the speed attribute, add one extra attack per melee, and + 1 0% S.D.C. creature, but he is impervious to all forms of fIre and
to physical skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as heat, S.D.C., M.D. and even magical varieties and M.D. plasma
Prowl, and Gymnastics. bolts and nuclear fife included. But lasers and other energy at­
tacks inflict full damage.

Extraordinary Physical Endurance

An extremely tough individual who can withstand a great
Manipulate Kinetic Energy
amount of physical strain or punishment. Bonuses: Increase The Kinetic Energy Field protects the character from
P.E. to 20+ 1 06, and take note of bonuses to save vs magic, poi­ punches, kicks, falls, impacts and explosions of S.D.C. and
son, and coma. M.D.C.: Becomes a minor Mega-Damage crea­ M.D. intensity, but energy weapons, magic and psionics of
ture with 504 M.D.C. and heals twice the amount as he would S.D.C. or M.D. intensity all do full damage ! All other abilities
normal S.D.C. Probably still needs to wear M.D.C. body armor remain on an S.D.C. level of damage and power.
for additional protection.
Power Channeling
Extraordinary Speed This ability enables the character to inflict S .D.C. and/or
The ability to move and run faster than many vehicles with­ M.D. attacks; the character decides when he is using S .D.C. or
out tiring. Cannot be selected if a superior speed is to be se­ M.D. power levels (the player needs to announce his intentions
lected. or it is assumed he is inflicting S.D.C.).
Bonuses: Speed 220 mph (3 52 km), plus 20 miles (32 km) per Body Tackle: 1 06 + 1 04 S.D.C ., or 1 04 M.D. only.
level of experience. Head Butt: 1 06 + 1 06 S.D.C. every two levels, or 1 04 + one
Add one extra attack per melee. M.D.
Add 50 to S .D.C. Punch: 1 06 + 1 06 S.D.C. per level or 1 06 M.D. +1 additional
Add +2 on initiative, strike, parry , and dodge. M.D. point per level.
Add +4 to roll with punch or fall. Power Punch: 6D6x2 S .D.C. or 506 M.D. but uses up four me­
Add +4 S.D.C. damage from punch for every 20 mph (32 km) lee attacks/actions.
of speed. Kick: 206 + 1 06 S.D.C. per level of experience, or 206 M.D.
The best a punch or kick can do from a standing still position Jump Kick: Kick damage x2 as S.D.C., or 406 M.D.
is 40 mph (64 km), adding +8 S.D.C. to damage.
Superhuman Strength
Flying Powers This character possesses great physical strength approxi­
Only one type of flying power can be selected. All S .D.C. mately the same as Robotic Strength see that table.

bonuses remain S.D.C. bonuses. Do not change to Bonuses: Increase P.S. to 20 +204 and add it to the character's
Mega-Damage. usual P.S. attribute roll (typically 306 for humans). Can carry
200 times P.S. in pounds and can lift 300 times P.S. in pounds .
Punches and kicks inflict Mega-Damage as an ordinary full
Healing Factor strength punch (typically in the 1 06 to 206 M.D. range) and
On Rifts Earth the character' s Hit Points (only) turn into double damage when performed as a power punch. Also see Ex­
M.D.C. and increased healing applies to the M.D.C. All other traordinary P.S. and Supernatural P.S.; can only have one of the
bonuses and abilities remain in place. three, don't add them together.
Bonuses: Increase P.E. to 2 1 + 1 06, add 50 points to S.D.C.,
+20% to save vs coma/death, +3 to save vs psionics and Horror
Factor, and +8 to save vs insanity.
the character' s M.D.C. is reduced to zero, the character automat­
ically reverts to his fragile mortal S.D.C. body and cannot alter
his form again until at least 1 2 S.D.C.IM.D.C. have been recov­
eredlhealed. Whatever S.D.C. the character has at the time of
transformation is all the M.D.C. he has available, thus, signifi­
cant recovery is recommended before entering into a new battle.
Note, at the moment the altered character is reduced to zero,
any additional damage that might othelWise be inflicted is harm­
lessly blown off, leaving the character with his Hit Points and
unable to transform or draw on any of his altered state powers .
For example, our hero has 1 3 M.D.C. left when he is struck by a
20 M.D. energy bolt! His M.D.C. is reduced to zero and he be­
comes human again. The other 7 M.D. is harmlessly dispersed at
the moment of the forced transformation. Of course, at this
point, the character is vulnerable to attack and any
Mega-Damage blast is likely to "mist" (vaporize) him. The hero
needs to get some M.D.C. body armor or protection quickly.
Experienced characters (3rd level and higher) can regulate
the strength of their energy blasts in increments of I D6 M.D.
The character can transform into his inhuman form in the
blink of an eye (counts as one melee action/attack).
Alter Physical Structure: Liquid or Ice: Mega-Damage is half
the S.D.C. equivalent, meaning if the character normally inflicts
6D6 S.D.C. in his altered form, he does 3D6 M.D. The weird
power to transform into a being of living water-like liquid or
ice, may lead observers to mistake the character for a Water Ele­
mental. The same is true of those who transform into fITe, metal,
stone, plant and other elements.
Alter Physical Structure: Metal or Stone: A power that trans­
Maj or Super Abilities forms the character into a living juggernaut of metal or stone.
Unlike the previous physically transforming powers, the Metal
Adapt to Environment
and Stone beings have no energy attacks or ability to control or
Since Rifts Earth is an M.D.C. environment, combine the manipUlate other elements. Their power lies in brute strength
character' s total Hit Points and S .D.C. and turn them, point for and physical endurance. The character becomes an incredible
point, into M.D.C . ! All other aspects of this power remain un­ M.D.C. creature, impervious to normal fire, cold, and poison.
changed. Normal weight is quadrupled when transformed into metal (tri­
ple for stone). Thus, a 200 pound (90 kg) person would weigh
Alter Limbs 800 pounds (360 kg) when turned to metal. Physical S.D.C. be­
comes M.D.C., point for point (Metal: 800 M.D.C., Stone: 600)
On Rifts Earth the character' s Hit Points (only) turn into
and regenerates lost M.D.C. three times faster than normal in
M.D.C. and the weapons and mechanized body parts are, them­
human or altered form. Considered to have Supernatural
selves, M.D.C. (convert S.D.C. of parts to M.D.C., point for
Strength in metal or stone form . Minimum P.S. is 32 (4D6 M.D.
point), plus body weapons inflict Mega-Damage (convert S.D.C.
from punch). Speed is reduced by half in metal or stone form.
damage to M.D., point for point). All other aspects of the power
remain unchanged. Alter Physical Structure: Smoke or Mist: A power that trans­
forms the character into smoke or a mist-like entity. Hovers si­
lently (equal to Prowl of 80%) at a speed of 25 mph (40 km);
Alter Physical Structure (all) maximum altitude is 500 feet ( 1 52 m). Impervious to poison,
On Rifts Earth, each type of "Alter" Physical Structure power disease and gas attacks while a mist. Most kinetic weapons like
turns the character from an ordinary Hit Point and S.D.C. hu- clubs, swords, arro ws, bullets, and explosives, even M.D.C .
manoid into a Mega-Damage being. When in the "altered" state, ones, pass harmlessly through the mist-character. Lasers and
the character' s S.D.C. (only) becomes M.D.C., point for point. any light-based attack also passes through harmlessly, and is
Lost points recover as normal regardless of whether they were diffused (half range and damage) after going through the smoke-
lost as S.D.C. or M.D.C. points. or mist-character. However, magic weapons do full damage and
P.S. becomes Supernatural in the altered (non-human) state psionics and magic spells have full effect. Plasma, heat and fife
and any energy expulsion powers inflict M.D. but at one die less also do full damage.
than the S.D.C. equivalent. All other aspects of the powers re- Can alter shape to be a cloud, snaking stream or human-like
main unchanged. Note: The character is a Mega-Damage crea- figure. Special attacks include Obscure Vision and Choke/Gag
ture ONLY in his altered state and an ordinary Hit Point and Opponent (see page 250 of HU2). Can NOT pick up or carry ob-
S.D.C. creature when the power is not "on." Furthermore, when jects while a mist, nor speak, and is at the mercy of strong
46 winds.
Bio-Armor etc., but NOT the human eye. The character also tends not to be
On Rifts Earth the character' s "Annor S.D.C." (only) be­ noticed by people, particularly when he is trying not to be no­
comes M.D.C. point for point (i.e., 260 S.D.C. for Bio-Annor ticed. ("Um, I think there was this other guy . . . no, maybe not,
translates into 260 M.D.C .), but is applicable only while the I don't know. I have no idea what he looked like or what he was
Bio-Annor is in place. The character' s P.S. turns into the equiv­ wearing. Might not even be a guy. Coulda' been a lady or
alent of Augmented/Bionic Strength. All other aspects of the D-Bee. I just think I remember somebody else in the back­
power remain unchanged. ground. Maybe not. I'm not sure." "What, me? No I didn't see
nobody.") Also + 1 0% to Prowl skill. Disadvantage: The power
is always on, making the character easy to ignore, cannot be
Bio-Ghost photographed even if he wants to be (must fake LD. papers),
Another type of transformation, only this time the super be­ and life saving medical scanners and equipment do not work on
ing becomes semi-transparent and intangible like a ghost. In this the character. Even automatic doors that open via an electronic
form, the character can walk through living creatures and absorb eye or motion detection will not work for this character (they
part of their life energy. Victims lose I D6+ 1 S.D.C. or Hit can't see him), etc.
Points and two attacks that melee round (or one M.D.C point
and one attack). After three energy stealing attacks, the
Bio-Ghost gets "supercharged", turning his P.S. into Superhu­
Control Elemental Force: Air
man P.S. (Robot equivalent M.D.), sees his Speed attribute in­ The power to manipulate and control aspects of air and atmo­
creased 5 points, S.D.C. by 5 points, + 1 to save vs poison, and spheric conditions. Wind Rush, Whirlwind and other abilities
I D4 of the Bio-Ghost's own Hit Points are restored with each are basically the same as spells of the same name. Call Light­
additional energy absorbing touch. After eight Bio-Ghost ning inflicts Mega-Damage, point for point conversion, while
touches, the character also gets two additional attacks per round, Whirlwind does the M.D. equivalent of half the usual S.D.C .
is +2 on initiative, and has 2D6+ 1 6 M.D.C. when he turns back damage (2D6 M.D.). All other aspects of the power are un­
into tangible form (but that only lasts for I D4+4 minutes). Su­ changed.
percharging can be performed as often as every four hours or six
times daily. See HU2, page 255, for more detail and some of the Control Elemental Force: Earth
negative aspects of this power, like being a life energy vampire.
The power to manipulate and control aspects of the earth. To
use any of these powers there MUST be a vast source of earth
Chameleon Abilities (stone, dirt, clay, sand) within a 600 ft ( 1 83 m) radius. The earth
A truly unique power that allows the character to blend into is molded and manipulated, not created. Sand Storm, Quick­
and adapt to his environment similar to the ability of the cha­ sand, and other abilities are basically the same as Earth Warlock
meleon. spells of the same name or inflict the S.D.C. damage described
in Heroes Unlim ited™ . Hurling giant slabs of stone weighing
Duration: Indefinite.
50 to 1 00 pounds (22.5 to 45 kg) inflicts 2D6 M.D., Rend Earth
1. Chameleon is an ability that enables the person to change
does M.D. equal to half the S.D.C. number listed. Encasement
color and texture to blend into his environment. A sort of
in stone works just like the encasement in ice power only the
bio-aura surrounds the character so that even his clothes seem to
M.D.C. of the encasement is doubled. Stone structures have
change to adapt to the surrounding area and body temperature
M.D.C. equal to one quarter the S .D.C. listed (i.e. a 120 S.D.C .
adjusts to simulate the surrounding environment. Only move­
tower has 3 0 M.D.C. on Rifts Earth).
ment or sound reveals the chameleon's location. Detectable only
by motion and audio detectors, and even then only if the charac­
ter is moving or making noise. Chance of not being seen: Control Elemental Force: Fire
90% Undetectable if completely still. The power to manipUlate and control aspects of fire much
70% Undetectable if moving two feet (0.6 m) per melee or like the psionic power of Pyrokinesis. Fire Blast and Flame Wall
less. inflict 4D6 M.D. and the character is impervious to frre includ­
20% Undetectable if moving 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) per melee. ing Mega-Damage and magic flame. All other powers are un­
Totally ineffective if moving any faster. changed.
2. Adhesion; the ability to stick to surfaces. The power is identi­
cal to the Minor super ability.
3. Hold Breath for up to 10 minutes. Control Elemental Force: Water
4. Feign Death by lowering one's body temperature and respi­ The power to manipulate and control aspects of water, much
ration. This requires five minutes of preparation and meditation. like the psionic power of Hydrokinesis. A Water Slam and
5. Natural Prowl Skill is 60% +5% per each additional level of Whirlpool inflicts I D4 M.D., a small wave does ID6 M.D., a
experience. Also + 10% to Disguise and Impersonation skills, large wave does 3D6 M.D. and a huge wave does 6D6 M.D. All
and +5% to Climb and Wilderness Survival skills. other powers are unchanged.
To use any of the Water powers there MUST be a source of
Cloaking water within a 1 000 foot (305 m) radius. Without an ample
source of water the super being cannot use any of the powers .
The character is invisible to all forms of mechanical detec­
Water source can be a sewer, water pipe line, pond, lake, ocean,
tion, including cameras, photography, scanners, sensors, optics,
or even rain.
Control Others eties and M.D. plasma bolts and nuclear fire included. Plus,
Mind control can be used on any intelligent creature or ani­ damage from heat and radiation radiated by the character does
mals (not insects). The power temporarily bends the will of the M.D. but at half the S.D.C. equivalent (i.e., if the character' s
victim so that he is under the complete control of the controlling blast normally does 406 S .D.C., it only inflicts 206 M.D.).
being. The affected person will do absolutely anything the con­
troller requests except kill himself. All questions will be an­ Copy Physical Structure
swered truthfully and in as much detail as requested. However,
If it's an M.D.C. material, the character can copy it and trans­
the controlled person will answer and obey only the person con­
form into an equivalent Mega-Damage structure (typically 1 00
trolling him. Note that the victim of control reacts a bit slug­
M.D.C. from light objects, 220 from medium ones and 440 from
gishly and is - 1 to strike, parry and dodge, and -2 on initiative
heavy M.D.C. armor like those used in M.D.C. tanks and giant
because of the disorienting influence of being controlled. Vic­
robots). P.S. becomes the equivalent of Bionic Strength, but all
tims do remember their actions after being controlled. Range:
other aspects of the power remain unchanged. Cannot copy
12 feet (3 .6 m) +5 feet ( 1 .5 m) per level of experience. Dura­
magical properties, only S .D.C. and M.D.C.
tion : 4 minutes (may be repeated), Savings Throw: Either save
vs psionics/mind control, or save vs possession, whichever is
higher. Create Force Field
Lim itations and Restrictions of Control: This formidable power enables the character to generate an
1 . The character possessing the control power must see or be invisible or semitransparent field of energy/force. The force
aware of the person(s) in order to control himlher. field can be mentally shaped as a wall, circle, dome, box or bub­
ble or protective aura. S.D.C. is converted, point for point, to
2. Eye contact is an important factor; without eye contact the
success ratio drops considerably. This means intended victims,
hiding behind him, behind a locked door, or in another room, Maximum size is approximately a 40 foot area (12 m), plus
are all +6 to save vs control because there is no eye contact. 1 0 feet (3 m) per level of experience. Maximum M.D.C. possi­
When eye contact is made, the intended victims have no auto­ ble is the character's P.E. attribute number times 1 00. This
matic bonus other than a possible psionic, magic or M.E. bonus. means a character with a P .E. of 9 can create a force field of up
3. Animals have little chance of saving against this attack, to 900 M.D.C. strong.
and must have a roll of 1 7 or higher to save. Multiple Force Fields can be created as long as their com­
4. Attacks per melee: One control can be attempted per each bined total S.D.C. does not exceed the maximum possible
melee round ( 1 5 seconds). However, this counts as an EXTRA M.D.C. For example: A character with a P.E. of 9 has a total of
attack in addition to any physical attacks/combat training the 900 M.D.C. available and can divide that M.D.C into the cre­
character may have. This means if a character has four hand to ation of several smaller, less powerful force fields. Each loss of
hand attacks per melee, he can strike four times plus one mind M.D.C. temporarily reduces the available amount of M.D.C .
control attack. that can be built into force fields, temporarily draining the super
character. However, he regains force field M.D.C. at a rate of
5 . Controlling several people at a time is possible, but takes
200 points an hour or three points per minute.
its toll on the controller. There is no exact limit as to how many
individuals can be controlled, but the greater the number, the This power can also be used to create a light force field like
more difficult it is to maintain control over each. Thus, for every body armor with 200 M.D.C. that can be renewed as needed (up
four people controlled, the group of them is +2 to break free (or to total available M.D.C .), but the constant concentration to
save) from their mental bonds. Each victim of control gets to maintain the flexible body shield means the character loses one
roll a save vs control every one minute/4 melees when in a attack per melee and is -2 on initiative. Speed and movement are
group (2 or more). Individuals can try to break control once ev­ not impaired.
ery four minutes ( 1 6 melees), his normal saving throws are ap­ Bolts of Force inflict only 1 04 M.D. and use up five
plicable. Likewise, if the controlled person is commanded to do M.D.C. of force. Increase range to 1 00 feet (30.5 m).
something that is extremely contrary to his or her beliefs, ideals,
or alignment, he is automatically allowed to try to break free of
control with an additional save of +3 . Note: Heroes of a good Darkness Control
alignment will never intentionally cause an innocent person to A power that allows the character to create and manipulate
commit a crime or jeopardize their life. Nor will they usually darkness. The unnatural darkness even negates optical enhance­
use their power to blackmail people or for their own personal ments and cybernetic/bionic optics. Shadow Meld and
gain. Nightvision are unchanged.
Bonuses: The super character is also +6 to save vs all types of
mind control (in addition to possible M.E. bonus). Also add 204
to M.A. attribute.
Disruptive Touch
Mostly unchanged. Pain inflicts 306 damage to the physical
S.D.C. of living mortal beings or 206 M.D. to creatures like
Control Radiation dragons and demons. Optics Touch and Nervous System Touch
On Rifts Earth, half the character' s Hit Points (only) become is effective against creatures of magic and supernatural beings
M.D.C., plus the character is completely impervious to all forms although they are +2 to save vs this attack. The Death Touch is
of fire, heat, and radiation, S.D.C ., M.D. and even magical vari- not effective against these creatures. All other aspects of this
power are unchanged. Note: The super being possessing the dis­ armor, but great against computers, sensors, communications
ruption touch must physically touch his opponent to have any systems and similar electronics.
effect. The touch will induce its effects on bare skin and through All other powers are unchanged.
all normal fabrics, but will not affect those in S.D.C. or M.D.C .
armor, robots, exoskeleton, or beings transformed into an inor­
ganic substance. Force Aura
On Ri fts Earth the character's "Aura S.D.C." (only) becomes
M.D.C., point for point (i.e., 260 S.D.C. for Force Aura trans­
Energy Absorption lates into 260 M.D.C.), but is applicable only while the Aura is
This character is a sort of living energy sponge that can soak up and in place. Additionally, P.S. turns into the equivalent of
up, store, and harmlessly convert and release energy. This Augmented/Bionic Strength - Superhuman (robotic) only if the
means the character is impervious to heat, fire, laser, electricity P.S. is 30 or higher. All other aspects of the power remain un­
and other forms of energy, S.D.C. and M.D.C. energy. Is still changed.
vulnerable to kinetic energy, meaning punches, kicks, thrown
weapons, bullets, explosions and so on, which will do full dam­
age. Gravity Manipulation
Draining Touch: The character can drain the energy out of an The control and manipulation of gravity. Gravity reduction
item, like a car battery or energy pack, by touching it. Maximum allows the character to pick up and carry 1 00 times more than
absorption capacity is one gigawatt per level of experience. his normal capacity as well as hurl heavy objects. Throwing a
That's the rough equivalent of 1 0,000 car batteries or 1 0 500 pound (225 kg) object inflicts 2D6 M.D., 1 000 pounds (450
E-Clips. kg) 4D6 M.D., 2000 pounds (900 kg) I D6x l 0 M.D., 3000
pounds ( 1 3 50 kg) 2D4x l 0 + 1 0 M.D.; average effective range is
Energy Discharge: The character can touch an electricaVen­ about 1 00 feet (30.5 m). All other aspects of this power are un­
ergy conductor and send a power surge into the system, at least changed.
temporarily short-circuiting the system, if not frying it com­
pletely. Maximum discharge is 1 0,000 watts per level of experi­
ence. Not effective against M.D.C. robots, cyborgs or power Growth
The ability to greatly increase one' s size and mass. Maxi­
mum Height: Two feet (0.6 m) for every one P.E. attribute
point. This means a character with a P .E. of 1 4 can increase his
height an additional 28 feet (8.5 m). Weight increases at a rate
of 50 lbs (22.5 kg) per foot. So 2 8 additional feet of height also
means 1400 pounds (630 kg) of weight.
Growing giant turns the character into a Mega-Damage being
with 1 5 M.D.C. for every additional foot (0.3 m) of height
above his normal height (28 feet/8.5 m max, for a total of 420
M.D.C. possible. Strength becomes Supernatural on Rifts Earth.
All other aspects of the power remain unchanged. Note: Charac­
ters who are 20 feet (6 m) or bigger are +2 to strike and parry
and speed is doubled, but also -4 to dodge and - I on initiative.

The character' s Hit Points and S.D.C. are combined and
turned into M.D.C. on a point by point basis (i.e., 1 6 5
H.P'/S.D.C . =1 65 M.D.C.). All other aspects of the power re­
main unchanged.

This power affects the bonding elements of one' s own mole­
cules, making the person and up to 40 pounds ( 1 8 kg) of addi­
tional items/weight/clothinglarmor, ghostly and intangible.
Intangibility means that sticks and stones, punches, bullets, las­
ers, and most conventional attacks, M.D. ones included, pass
right through. Likewise, the character can pass through solid
objects like a ghost. However, the intangible character is still
vulnerable to all electric attacks, accelerated particle beams, and
sonic blasts, which stimulate and agitate molecules, inflicting
half damage. Psionics and gases also have full effect. All other
aspects are unchanged.

Invulnerability Sonic Power
On Rifts Earth, add the Hit Points and S.D.C. together and The ability to manipulate and control aspects of sound, hear a
that ' s the number of M.D.C. Regenerates 1 D6x 1 0 M.D.C. ev­ much wider spectrum of sound (range : 1 000 ftl305 m + 1 00
ery minute (4 melee rounds). Gases, drugs, chemicals, poisons, ftl30.5 m per level of experience), emit a high-pitched whine,
toxins and radiation will affect the invulnerable person, but are and create a sonic boom. The sonic boom is a blast or bolt of
reduced to half their usual potency (half damage, duration, ef­ concentrated sound waves that can be regulated to inflict
fect). The character is only, truly, vulnerable to psionics, magic, 1 D4x 1 0 S.D.C., 2D6x 1 0 S .D.C. or 1 D4x 1 O M.D., double dam­
and magic weapons, all of which have full effect. Also add 1 D6 age underwater. All other aspects of the power like enhanced
to the P.E. and 1 D4 to the P.S. attribute, and +20% to save vs hearing, sonar, and bonuses are unchanged
coma/death (this is in addition to any P.E. bonus). The charac­
ter's punches do 1 D6 M.D. and kicks 2D6 M.D. All other as­
Sonic Absorption & Reflection
pects of the power remain unchanged.
Applicable to all types of "sonic" attacks, both S.D.C. and
M.D.C., and able to absorb (nullify) or redirect them. Otherwise
Magnetism the character is a normal mortal unless some other power pro­
The power to direct, control, and manipulate aspects of mag­ vides M.D.C. and other abilities.
netic forces stays basically the same. Double all ranges and in
addition to the abilities listed in Heroes Unlimited™, there are
some interesting applications in Rifts® . The character can use
Sonic Flight
his magnetic powers to completely jam/shut down rail guns The power to fly at the speed of sound, Mach One (approx.
within 4000 feet ( 1 2 1 9 m) of him or cause the guns to point and 670 mph/ I On km, or about 1 1 milesl 1 7.6 km per minute or one
fIre in the direction he desires (a P.S. of 30 or higher is needed mile/ 1 .6 km every 5 seconds). The Sonic Flight ability also
to prevent the guns from pointing). The super being can also fIre gives the character superior vision, dexterity and reflexes. How­
a rail gun without a person operating it (-2 to strike) and can add ever, unlike the Sonic Speed power the thrust of this ability is
1 000 feet (3 05 m) to the gun's range by pumping in more of his flight and not overall speed. Thus, its bonuses are nowhere near
own magnetism. Can also stop or deflect (aiming at something as impressive as Sonic Speed's. Sonic speed punch or kick in­
else in a 90 degree arc) rail gun rounds ! flicts 2D6 S.D.C., but a Sonic two-fIsted power punch (ram
style) at 400 mph (640 km) or greater inflicts 2D6 M.D. (counts
Hurling metal fragments inflicts 3D4 M.D., hurling 1 000
as two melee attacks). Or a sonic flying body block/ram at 400
(450 kg) pounds of metal 5D6 M.D., 2000 pounds (900 kg)
mph (640 km) or greater inflicts 4D6 M.D. (counts as two at­
1 D6x 1 O M.D., 3000 pounds ( 1 3 5 0 kg) 2D6x 1 0+ 1 0 M.D. (does­
n't have the velocity or punch of a rail gun).
Don't give the Sonic Flight character the bonus S.D.C. but
Note that many of the types of body armor, energy weapons,
instead he becomes a light Mega-Damage being with 1D4x 1 0
and bionics have no or little metal and most robots, cyborgs and
+20 M.D.C. points. Heals like normal Hit Points. All other as­
power armor are composed of non-magnetic metal alloys, ce­
pects of the power are unchanged.
ramics, and other non-magnetic materials.

Mimic Sonic Speed

The power to run at supersonic speeds. This means the char­
This formidable power enables the super being to imitate or
acter can run at the speed of sound, Mach One, or approximately
mimic another person's physical and mental attributes (not skills
670 mph ( 1 0n km). Sonic speed punch or kick inflicts 4D6
or experience), psionics, abilities and innate magic abilities (not
S.D.C., but a sonic speed power punch or power kick inflicts
spell knowledge, just magic powers such as those gained from
2D6 M.D. (counts as two melee attacks), while a sonic speed
weapons, objects and bestowed). A mimic must have some rela­
body block/ram does 4D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks).
tive kinship to the being he is mimicking, consequently, he can­
not copy/absorb mechanical attributes such as those gained Don 't give the Sonic Speed character the bonus S.D.C., but
through bionics or robotics, nor can he mimic supernatural be­ instead, he becomes a light Mega-Damage being with
ings like demons, nor creatures of magic, like the dragon. How­ 1 D6x1 0+30 M.D.C. points. Heals like normal Hit Points. All
ever, most humanoid m amm als are open game, including other aspects of the power are unchanged.
mutant animals, Psi-Stalkers, Simvan, Eandroth, Changelings,
psychics, super beings, etc. Remember, only the raw physical Spin at High Velocity
abilities like P.S., P.P., physical M.D.C., and extraordinary pow­
The power to spin like a top at 220 mph (352 km) +20 mph
ers can be imitated. Skills, education, magic spells, memories,
(32 km) per level of experience. A mini-Tornado inflicts 1D6
and experience cannot. Thus, while a mimic may copy a
M.D.C., a whirling punch or body block 1D4 M.D. but requires
power(s), he retains all of his own skill knowledge, training and
top speed.
memory. All other aspects of this power are unchanged.
Don 't give the Spin character the bonus S.D.C., but instead,
As long as the character touches another living being who is
he becomes a light Mega-Damage being with ID4x 1 0+6
a Mega-Damage creature - excluding supernatural beings (Dee­
M.D.C. points. Heals like normal Hit Points. All other aspects of
vils, demons, angels and gods) - he can copy half its M.D.C.
the power are unchanged.

Stretching (Elasticity) Gadgeteer and all the Gizmoteer/Gizoid characters are ef­
The power makes the character' s body super-elastic and mal­ fectively the same as the Hardware character from Heroes Un­
leable, enabling him to distort and elongate limbs or the entire limited or an advanced type of Operator in Rifts® . The
body. On Rifts Earth, the character' s S.D.C. (only) becomes character has an affinity for electronics, mechanics, computer
M.D.C. Heals like normal Hit Points. All other aspects of the hacking, building and modifying machines and constructing
power are unchanged. gimmicks. This character adapts to the strange new world of
Rifts Earth within a matter of weeks. He suffers none of the
usual transition/culture shock penalties and can select one addi­
Supernatural Strength tional skill in each available category, plus two additional Pi­
Characters with Supernatural P.S. inflict Mega-Damage with loting skills (any, +20%), one additional W.P., and one Rogue
their bare hands. See the Supernatural Strength chart earlier in or Military skill. Base P.P.E. is 2D6. These guys will also be hot
this book for details. on acquiring cybernetic implants.
Private Eyes and most other "Agents" are effectively the
same as the Rifts® Military Specialist or Spy, depending on
their orientation. The character can learn one extra W.P., three
The manipulation of vibration and air flow. The super being Espionage skills, and is +2 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 to
is able to create shock waves that ripple through the earth, save vs mind control of any kind. P.P.E. base: 3D6.
cracking sidewalks, walls, buildings, etc. Damage is increased
Com mando Mercenary and Veteran Grunt is like a sea­
to 6D6 M.D. to everything within the path of the shock wave.
soned warrior and the rough equivalent of the Coalition Com­
Range: 1 20 feet (3 6.6 m) + 1 0 feet (3 m) per each level of expe­
mando or Ranger O.C.C. This character can learn two extra
rience. The width of the shock wave is six feet ( l .8 m). The
W.P.s, two Wilderness skills (+5%), one Espionage skill, and is
character can control the range to a few feet or to the maximum
+4 to save vs Horror Factor. These characters have a base P.P.E.
distance. Counts as two melee attacks.
of 3D6.
Can also fIre a concentrated shock blast or bolt inflicting 3D6
The Worldly Martial Artist: This character is largely un­
M.D., range 2000 feet (6 1 0 m). Attacks per melee are equal to
changed but take note of the changes in some of the Marital Arts
the number of hand to hand melee attacks, +4 to strike.
Powers. The character is also + 1 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs
The ability to vibrate through substances, vibrate to become Horror Factor, and +2 to save vs mind control of any kind and
intangible, sensitivity to vibrations, and bonuses are unchanged. possession.
The Dedicated Martial Artist: This character is largely un­
See Heroes UnlimitetfCM RPG for the complete changed but take note of the changes in some of the Martial Arts
selection of super abilities. Powers. Bonuses include +2 on initiative, +4 to save vs Horror
Factor, and +2 to save vs psionics, magic and possession.

Mystic Oriental
Martial Arts Powers
The essence of most are unchanged, but some offer physical
M.D.C. or inflict Mega-Damage or offer additional bonuses.
Arts of Invisibility are unchanged.
Atemi Abilities are unchanged, but are only effective against
foes not in body armor. Paralysis, withering flesh and healing

Ninj as & Superspies™

Atemi are effective on Mega-Damage creatures but are at half
Dim Mak does not kill Mega-Damage creatures, but will
The reaction and circumstances for characters plucked out of cause weakness, reducing their M.D.C. by 30% and bonuses by
Ninj as & Superspies is basically the same as the Heroes Un­ half; lasts until the Dim Mak touch is removed. Note: Two suc­
limited 20th and 2 1 st Century super beings. cessful Remove Curse spells cast by two different people within
an hour will remove the powerful Dim Mak curse.
Cyber and Wired Agents are similar to City Rats and love
cybernetic implants and minor bionic systems, but will not be­ Body Hardening Exercises are basically unchanged except
come even a partially reconstructed cyborg. They can select two that most provide physical M.D.C. instead of S.D.C. (all M.D.C.
Communication skills (+ 1 0%), two Espionage skills (+ 1 0%), is accumulative) or inflict Mega-Damage.
one additional Piloting skill (any, + 1 0%), and one W.P. skill. Stone Ax gives the character 25 physical M.D.C.
Base P.P.E. is 2D6. These guys are very hot on acquiring new Kangeiko & Shochu Geiko provide 2D6+6 M.D.C.
cybernetic implants, especially disguises, weapons and optics. Iron HandlKanshu offers a power punch that can inflict
Cyborg soldier is the same as the Rifts 'Borg O.C.C. I D6+2 M.D. (counts as two attacks).

Chi Gung is unchanged. Master Psychics may also elect to take as many as one Oriental
Dam Sum Sing adds 1 0 M.D.C. and + 1 M.D. to power power from each of the categories in place of a traditional
punches and kicks. Super-Psionic power. The rest of this character' s powers are the
Wrist Hardening adds 4 M.D.C. usual ones.
Kick Practice or Chagi provides a power kick that inflicts
IoSoPo & Notes for Oriental Martial Arts Powers
2D6 M.D. in addition to its usual bonuses .
Arts of Invisibility: Stealth (5 ), Hiding (6), Vanishing ( 1 0),
Chi Mastery powers are basically unchanged. Do half dam­
Disguise (8), Escape ( 1 0), Mystic Invisibility ( 1 0). Note: Can be
age to supernatural and Mega-Damage beings.
used as a skill with a 0 1 -50% base proficiency and no expendi­
Martial Arts Techniques are unchanged, except as noted. ture of LS.P. However, when LS.P. is spent, the ability is an au­
Tamashiwara is effectively the same, except a successful tomatic success and those around the character only roll to save
power punch inflicts I D4x l 0 M.D. but uses up all melee attacks vs psionics if they are under attack, being spied upon, followed
that round. (within 50 feetll 5.2 m) or threatened in some way. Range: Self.
Special Katas are unaltered. Duration: Two minutes per level of experience. I.S.P. : Noted
Zenjoriki powers are unchanged, except as noted. above.
Vibrating Palm can damage M.D.C. in the same way as Atemi Abilities (Vital Points): Healing (8), Neutral Atemi
S.D.C. but costs four times as many Chi (or I.S.P.) points. ( 1 2), Blood Flow (20; can penetrate non-environmental armor
Also see Oriental Martial Arts Powers as optional (special­ and armor with less than 50 M.D.C.), Grasping Hand ( 1 2),
ized and rare) psionic abilities, complete with I.S.P. cost. Open Hand ( 1 2; spending double the I.S.P. and using up two
melee attacks enables the psychic to inflict equivalent M.D.),
Withering Flesh (20 ; spending double the I.S.P. and using up
two melee attacks enables the psychic to reduce a
Martial Arts Powers as Mega-Damage opponent' s M.D.C . by 5%, but only works on
living creatures, including dragons and demons, no armor or
Specialized Psionic Abilities other inanimate material), and Dim Mak (50 ; applicable only to
mortal H.P. and S .D.C. beings and never used casually). Note:
Erick Wujcik came up with a bunch of great Martial Arts LS.P. must be spent to use these powers.
Powers that one can easily argue are psionic in nature. Certainly Body Hardening Exercises: Stone Ox ( 1 2), Winter Training
they are mind-over-matter and represent a mastery and union of ( 1 0), Iron Hand ( 1 0; does M.D.), Chi-Gung (8; provides
mind and body. Each is presented as a separate and unique dis­ I D4xl O+6 M.D. C., the usual conditions and exceptions apply),
cipline related to a specific type of martial arts training and Dam Sum Sing ( 1 0), Wrist Hardening (8), Kick Practice ( 1 0).
mind set. In keeping with that spirit, I have modified these Mar­ Note: I.S.P. must be spent to use these powers. Any Hit Point or
tial Arts Powers into equivalent psionic ones, dividing them into S.D.C. bonus becomes an M.D.C. bonus on Rifts Earth, turning
subsets of existing Psionic Power Categories, and requiring these characters into lesser Mega-Damage creatures. The char­
LS.P. to execute. HOWEVER, rather than simply add them to acter has 1 0% of the cumulative M.D.C. bonus amount in the
the list of available Psionic Powers, these abilities are only normal course of the day and P.S. is at the normal human level,
available to unique characters who study Hand to Hand: Martial but the full M.D.C. bonus amount applies and P.S. becomes Su­
Arts and the ancient Martial disciplines and mysticism of the an­ pernatural when the power is activated by the expenditure of
cient Orient. In fact, Game Masters should probably limit the I.S.P. Range: Self. Duration: Five minutes per level of experi­
availability of these powers exclusively to characters from Rifts ence. I. S.P. : Noted above.
Japan, China and Asia. Chi Mastery: Chi Awareness (8), Chi Relaxation (8), Chi
Minor Psychic: NONE of these powers are available to Minor Combat ( 1 5), Positive Chi (Chi Healing 20, Dragon Chi 20,
Psychics. Body Chi 1 0), Positive or Negative Chi Skills (Hardened
Major Psychic: Rather than selecting from the traditional ChilExtra M.D.C./does M.D. equivalent 20, Soft Chi 12, Find
psionic powers, an Oriental character can elect to take the fol­ Weakness does M.D. or S .D.C. damage depending on the oppo­
lowing Oriental Martial Arts Powers based on the character' s nent 20), Negative Chi (One Finger 1 5, Fist Gesture 20, Dark
natural leanings and inclinations (by category). Chi 20; all do M.D. on Rifts Earth). Note: I.S .P. must be spent
Healing oriented characters can pick a total of three powers to use these powers.
from the category of Chi Mastery only, and four from the tradi­ Martial Arts Techniques : Falling (8), Kaijutsu ( 1 2 ; and pene­
tional Healing category. trates armor with less than 70 M.D.C.), One Life-One Shot-One
Physical oriented characters can select a total of six Oriental Hit-One Kill ( 1 5), Tamashiwara/Breaking ( 1 0; S.D.C. damage,
powers from the categories of Atemi Abilities, Body Hardening, but a power punch does I D4 M.D.), Awareness (20), and Sword
and/or Martial Arts Techniques. No other type of psionics other Drawing ( 1 2).
than these are possible, and the character is combat oriented. Special Katas: Fortress Penetration ( 1 5), One Mind ( 1 5),
Sensitive oriented characters can select a total of five Orien­ Warrior Spirit ( 1 5), Five Principles ( 1 5), Windmill ( 1 5), and
tal powers from the categories of Arts of Invisibility and/or Weapon Katas ( 1 0). Note: Bonuses and special abilities applica­
Zenjoriki. No other type of psionics other than these are possi­ ble only when power is activated. Range: Self. Duration: Five
ble. minutes per level of experience. I.S.P. : Noted above.

Zenjoriki: Calm Minds ( 1 0), Karumi-Jutsu ( 1 5), Mind Walk As usual, the character retains whatever O.C.C. and skills he
( 1 8), Vibrating Palm (40; costs double the I.S.P. to do M.D.). had in his home world. Most of these characters have a back­
Note: I.S.P. must be spent to use these powers. ground in technology approximately equal to that of the
mid-20th Century Earth. Those from or involved with the Em­
pire of Humanity would have a bit higher tech level and be fa­
miliar with crude bionics, robotics, power armor and energy
weapons. Because their origin is a parallel Earth, they speak the
maj or languages of American/English and/or Spanish, and are
familiar with the geographic layout of the planet and human so­
Most of the humans in the Empire of Humanity have a mili­
tary or science background. These humans, like the Coalition
States (CS), are struggling to survive in an insane world inhab­
ited by mutants and monsters. They view most intelligent ani­
mal life as a threat that must be eliminated. Mutant animals are
considered subhuman abominations to be enslaved, controlled,
and/or destroyed. As a strange coincidence, the Empire of Hu­
manity shares many similarities with the CS, such as utilizing
troops of loyal mutant dogs and the development of power ar­
mor and superior technology to combat an inhuman enemy.
They share the Coalition's revulsion and hatred toward
nonhumans, especially those with animal characteristics, and are
secretive, merciless and evil in their dealings with other races.
Consequently, there is likely to be an immediate feeling of kin­
ship between Empire humans and CS humans. Humans from the
Empire of Humanity will see the Coalition States as the embodi­
ment of the magnificent ideal of human supremacy that they too
hold dear. These fanatical humans are likely to become loyal al­
lies, supporters, or citizens of the Coalition States and will be
honored to join in the campaign to destroy all nonhumans. The
overzealous, embittered fascists from the Empire of Humanity

After the Bomb® RPG

make the average Coalition citizen look like a liberal pacifist.
Both After the Bomb humans and mutant animals are pretty
used to strange places, races, monsters, robots, power armor,
Conversions for Mutant Animals and the constant struggle for survival, so the goings on of Rifts
The After the Bomb® setting is not Rifts Earth' s past, but Earth won't be too disorienting. The existence of
an alternate dimension that is, in many ways, very similar to mega-powerful magic and psionics, along with the supernatural,
Rifts Earth. It is an Earth-like planet where things developed are the most unusual aspects of Rifts Earth. Mutant animals will
very similar to Rifts Earth, right up to the limited nuclear ex­ be horrified and terrified by the Coalition States which will be
change between two small countries . In this reality, the seen as a more advanced and maniacal version of their own Em­
mini-nuclear war and genetic terrorism escalated into global ho­ pire of Humanity. There will be an immediate animosity, even
locaust. The consequences of that holocaust nearly obliterated hatred, toward the Coalition and/or the New German Republic
humankind and has given birth to a new race of mutants. Unlike by mutant animals.
Rifts Earth, the time and circumstances were such that the ley Intelligent mutant animals from an After the Bomb® or
lines did not swell and erupt with mystic energy, nor did dimen­ Heroes Unlimited™ world setting are seen as obvious mutants
sional Rifts tear through the very fabrics of space and time. or D-Bees. They are created and modified the same as any 20th
However, comparatively weak ley lines and nexus points, like or 2 1 st Century character from the respective role-playing game.
Stonehenge, do exist. This energy may also be partly responsible Like humans and other characters from different dimensions,
for the creation of some of the mutant animals. these characters keep their original skills and learn a few new
How do After the Bom b characters get to Rifts Earth? An Rifts® skills.
experiment by the Empire of Humanity or Cardania with unex­ How do these characters get to Rifts Earth? Any number of
pected results is one possibility. Another is a natural dimen­ ways already mentioned. A portal opened at a ley line nexus,
sional Rift at a ley line nexus. Likely locations include St. magic, dimensional or time travel experiments, supernatural in­
Louis, Ohio Valley, Detroit, Windsor, Calgary, the Yucatan, tervention, or accidentally via the Bermuda Triangle, and so on.
Egypt (pyramids), and any number of locations in the British Of course, super-hero characters run up against all kinds of
Isles and France where there exist ancient standing stone mega­ strange beings and could get dimensionally teleported by a
liths at ley line nexus points. Traveling through a dimensional super-villain, monster, alien being or alien mechanism. Also,
storm in the Bermuda Triangle (by air or by sea), Australian bear in mind that an intelligent mutant animal could be an alien
Dream Time magic, or Avalonian druid magic, or supernatural from another planet or dimension other than Earth. After all, we
intervention are other possibilities .
see Wolfen, Coyle, Kankoran, Bug Bears and Bearmen exist in 16-30% Chi-Town or Lone Star cybernetic Bio-System ex­
the Palladium Fantasy RPG® world, as well as in the worlds periment. Escaped and marked for capture by the CS. Entirely
of Heroes Unlim ited™ and Rifts® and animal-like aliens in cybernetic limbs, artificial skin, infra/ultra Bio-System eyes, all
The Mechanoid Invasion®. Who knows how evolution might cybernetic internal organs, experimental 60 year heart, bionic
favor other life forms on other planets. lung and all bionic head and throat features, cyber-disguise type
These mutants are not likely to be surprised by other strange AA- l , and two black market type hand/arm weapons or tools.
looking life forms, nor by the prejudice of the Coalition States. 'Borg body armor is not applicable, designed to look normallhu­
In many instances, the mutant animal has been an outcast or fu­ man, but can wear any type of conventional M.D.C. body armor
gitive himself. Unfortunately, intelligent mutant animals will al­ and use any weapons. O.C.C.s that are not cyborgs, select one of
ways be recognized as D-Bees and frequently treated as sec­ the following: CS Grunt, City Rat, Rogue Scholar, Wilderness
ond-class citizens or worse. The existence of magic and Scout, TrapperlWoodsman or Vagabond. The cybernetic animal
supernatural monsters will definitely be unnerving, as will retains no natural animal powers nor psionics.
super-technology, but they can adapt as well as any other intelli­ 31-45% Chi-Town Experiment designated for extermina­
gent creature. tion. Can be any type of intelligent mutant animal. Escaped the
laboratory and lived in the sewers and Down Side levels of the
city before escaping the city. Available O.C.C .s are City Rat,
Mutant Animals Indigenous to Rifts® Operator, Headhunter, and Vagabond.
There is also the possibility that the intelligent mutant animal 46-60% Lone Star Experiment. Can be any type of intelli­
was created by the Coalition States. Lone Star and Chi-Town gent mutant animal. Escaped and has lived in the wilderness or
are very active in experimentation with mutant animals. These small town in the west before moving on. Available O.C.C.s are
Rifts® characters are born or created on Rifts Earth. Roll them City Rat, Wilderness Scout, Headhunter, Bandit, Highwayman,
up just as you would any After the Bomb® or Heroes Unlim­ Vagabond, or any practitioner of magic (O.C.C. is likely to have
ited mutant animal, except for the Cause of Mutation and been learned after escaping the CS).
Equipment and Money. Use the following table and data for 61-75% Lone Star Experiment designated for release pro­
Rifts/Coalition States created mutants. Note : All subj ects of gram. Can be any animal type. CS intentionally let animal es­
Coalition States experiments are registered with LD. numbers cape to see what becomes of it. In addition to LD. numbers (and
tattooed on the scalp and forearm. About 40% also have an LD. unknown to the mutant), there is a tiny tracer device surgically
tracer device implanted inside their body as well. Bionic experi­ attached to the intestine. The sensor can be detected by a spe­
ments have the LD. numbers on each and every bionic compo­ cial, hand-held tracking monitor and CS city entry monitors
nent. (4000 ftl12 1 9 m signal range). The monitors can be used to fol­
Step 5: Equipment and Money: Varies with O.C.C. low the movements of the test subject and to locate and identify
the subject (shows LD. number). The mutant escaped and has
Step 3: Cause of Mutation & O.C.C.: As follows. Roll percen­ lived in the wilderness or small town in the west before moving
tile dice for random determination or select one. on. Available O.C.C.s are any of the Scholar/Adventurer or any
01-15% Chi-Town Experiment designated for extermina­ Practitioner of Magic. O.C.C. is learned after escaping the CS.
tion. Has been the subject of bionic experiments. Animal types 76-900/0 Lone Star Experiment with exotic animal. Can be
are limited to guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, badgers, monkeys, ba­ any zoo, Australian, or Yucatan animal, or even a dinosaur/pre­
boons, chimpanzees, and orangutans (pick one). 0 1 -3 1 % are historic animal. Escaped and has lived in the wilderness or small
partial reconstruction 'Borgs, 32-00% are full conversion cy­ town in the west before moving on. Available O.C.C.s are Ad­
borgs. All have the basic features and light infantry armor, plus venturer/Scholar or any Practitioner of Magic. O.C.C.s learned
select two of the following special, experimental features. after escaping the CS.
1. Prehensile tail, adds one melee attack. 91-00% Lone Star Super-Soldier Experiment. Can be any
2. Prehensile tail with Vibro-Blade in the end of it, inflicts animal type. Escaped and wanted for capture or extermination.
2D6 M.D. and adds one melee attack (new/experimental). An experiment with M.O .M. conversion or Juicer technology.
3 . I D4 tentacles, each adds one additional melee attack, but Only available O.C.C. is Juicer or Crazy. Has experimental re­
also roll for random insanity (new/experimental). tractable bionic claws (2D6+4 M.D.), cybernetic oxygen storage
4. Retractable Vibro-Claws inflict 2D6+4 M.D. (new/experi­ cell and toxic filter, and all O.C.C. abilities, plus any possible
mental). animal powers and abilities. Unknown to the character, the same
5. One artificial eye with laser beam, inflicts 2D6 M.D., tiny tracer sensor as used in the release program has been surgi­
range 600 feet ( 1 83 m), payload 10 shots, recharges in cally implanted.
6D6 minutes (inconsistent recharge period; new/experi­
mental). Note: Mutant animals created by the Coalition States will ei­
6. Bionic jaw and fangs, very powerful, designed for biting, ther be amazingly loyal, like the Dog Boy Soldiers, or loathe the
inflicts I D6 M.D. (new/experimental). CS. The Dog Boys are the exception, not the rule. Mutant dogs
are incredibly loyal and obedient. They are treated quite well,
Note: Bionic animals have absolutely no natural animal pow­ like a favorite pet or low ranking officer in the military. Mutant
ers nor psionics. These animals were literally guinea pigs and al­ bears and apes are also among the favored species of intelligent
though a 'Borg O.C .C. they do not possess the following O.C.C . mutant animals. But even these favorites are always considered
skills: Pilot Tank & APC, Read Sensory Equipment, Weapon to be "animals" and as such, expendable.
Systems, or W.P. (2) of choice.
Most other mutant animals are treated cruelly or without Characters may have a strong leaning toward good or evil, if
thought or compassion. Despite their human-like intelligence raised in a particular environment or society that encourages a
and personalities, they are seen only as expendable, experimen­ particular set of morals, laws or outlook, making its citizens
tal animals. Not as humanoids, not as a new intelligent life form, more inclined to that particular moral disposition or world
but simple animals, far below humans on the evolutionary scale. view.
Many (65%) of these unfortunate souls are subjected to tortur­ Generally speaking, monsters and villains tend to be ag­
ous experiments in surgery, cybernetics, chemical reaction, gressive and predatory, which usually makes them Anarchist or
physical and mental endurance, and other painful, deadly, muti­ one of the evil alignments. Evil characters with some sense of
lating and/or degrading tests. Consequently, most of these slaves honor or (twisted) moral code are Aberrant. Evil characters who
hate the Coalition States with a passion. Some loathe all hu­ are motivated by selfishness and personal gain are Miscreant,
mans. and those who are evil through and through are Diabolic.
So-called demons and many other supernatural beings tend
very strongly toward evil or selfish. A typical alignment break­
down for Deevils, demons and other wicked beings is Miscreant
(40%), Diabolic (40%), Aberrant ( 1 0%) and Anarchist ( 1 0%).
Supernatural predators are demonic beings who actually
prey on humans and other intelligent life forms for food and/or
sport, which makes them the natural enemies of human­
kind/mortals, and are usually Miscreant or Diabolic in align­
ment, sometimes Anarchist.
Non-Player Character (NPC) villains are usually scoun­
drels of an evil or selfish alignment. Game Masters, never un­
derestimate the power and conflict between clearly defmed good
and evil.
A player character or a particular Non-Player Character may
defy the norm and act in ways contrary to their upbringing or
the norm for their race or society. However, such characters are
likely to be regarded as outcast renegades, freaks or even as trai­
tors to their race, and treated with disgust, hatred and disdain.

Attributes : Monsters
The physical and mental attributes of a particular race or
breed from species to species. Normal humans always roll three
six-sided dice for each attribute. Monsters, animals and
nonhumans often have different attributes. In some cases, as few
as one die might be rolled for a particular attribute (even a I D4),
while in other cases as many as five or six dice may be rolled,
plus attribute or natural ability bonuses might apply.
The number and type of dice to be rolled for each attribute is
designated for all player races, as well as optional player charac­
ters who are monsters, aliens, D-Bees or mutants. For example :
P.S. 4D6, means roll four six-sided dice and add them together

General Rules for to determine the P .S. attribute number. Additional attribute bo­
nuses or modifiers may also be indicated. For example: P.S.

Converting Monsters 4D6+6, or 4D6+6, means roll four six-sided dice and add six
more points to the total number. Many nonhuman races, mon­

and Su �ernatural Beings

sters and animals have higher attributes than humans, and others
may have more consistent attributes than humans (less random­
ness). In the latter case, the bonus number (say, + 1 2) could be
to Rifts higher than the actual number of dice rolled (say, I D6), or 5, 6,
or more dice could be rolled, or the number rolled may be multi­
plied by some factor, though multiplication is typically reserved
Alignments : Monsters for Hit Points or S.D.C.IM.D.C. rather than attributes.
All intelligent, thinking creatures, especially player charac­ Creatures of magic (dragons, Faerie Folk, Sphinx, etc.) and
ters, can usually be any alignment; good, selfish or evil. Most supernatural beings (demons, Deevils, Elementals, angels, gods
specific racial (R.C .C.) and monster descriptions indicate a par­ and demigods) always become Mega-Damage creatures on Rifts
ticular moral leaning, when applicable, or are left completely Earth and similar Mega-Damage environments. This M.D.C.
open the player to choose. transformation also gives most supernatural beings supernatural

attributes, most notably Supernatural Strength and Endurance Horror Factor: Monsters
(most other attributes are not noticeably improved). See the Su­
pernatural P.S. table on page I I for details concerning the The more frightening and inhuman a creature is, the more
amount of M.D. inflicted by punches with their bare hands. horrific it is to humans and other humanoids. Most Palladium
RPG monsters will drop in at around an H.F. 1 0 to 14. Most su­
pernatural monsters are 12 to 1 5 . Greater demons are 1 4 to 16,

Monster M.D.C. Conversions while some gods and Alien Intelligences are 1 6 to 1 8 . In addi­
tion, some gods and supernatural beings may be so beautiful or
As noted earlier, roughly one Hit Point or S.D.C. point to one
strange that they radiate an "Awe Factor" that works the same as
M.D.C point for creatures of magic and supernatural beings is
a Horror Factor - humans and mortals are stunned by their
completely appropriate. The G.M. can adjust that amount up or
beauty, while they are horrified by the forces of evil and their
down as he or she deems fit for their campaign. Mortal humans,
raw power, reputation and radiant evil.
aliens and animals (even big, monstrous ones) remain Hit Point
and S.D.C. beings who will require Mega-Damage body armor, All supernatural creatures, dragons and monsters have a Hor­
a force field or magical M.D.C. protection to survive in ror Factor. It represents either the hideous appearance of the
Mega-Damage combat. The M.D.C. of living beings works just monster or its overwhelming aura of evil and power, or a combi­
like Hit Points. When the Mega-Damage character is struck by nation of the two.
M.D. weapons or energy blasts, the damage is subtracted from Whenever a human/mortal encounters one of these monstros­
its natural M.D.C. body. When the M.D.C. reaches zero, the ities, the character must roll a 20-sided die ( l D20) to see
character falls into a coma. Like Hit Points, the character can whether or not he or she is momentarily stunned by the sheer
suffer damage below zero equal to its P.E., but if the damage ex­ horror of the thing. This Horror Factor roll might be thought of
ceeds the P.E. number the character dies. as a saving throw or mental parry. Fortunately, the character
Physical Mega-Damage Capacity (M.D.C.) points are only needs to roll for the first melee round of each encounter,
healed/restored the same way a human regains Hit Points and not every round of combat.
S.D.C., namely as a result of medical treatment and rest to recu­ To save vs Horror Factor (H.F.), the player must roll a
perate. Physical M.D.C. is normally restored at a rate of 2D6 per 20-sided die. Just like a parry , the roll must be equal to, or
day. Many superhuman beings have bio-regenerative powers higher than, the Horror Factor. For example: A slobbering crea­
that enable them to restore lost M.D.C. at an incredibly acceler­ ture, with a Horror Factor of 1 0, emerges from a crypt. All char­
ated rate. Many can regenerate a large handful of M.D.C. in a acters who see it must roll to save against horror. In this case, a
single melee round and some can regenerate lost limbs or their successful save is 1 0 or higher. Everybody but poor Tom rolls
entire body ! Such healing capabilities are typically an aspect of above a 1 0 and saves. Tom rolls a six, so his character is mo­
the supernatural or creatures of magic. Most beings born of mor­ mentarily stunned with horror.
tal flesh and blood are not M.D.C . creatures. A failed roll to save means the character is so overwhelmed
that he or she is temporarily stunned. In game terms this means
A general formula for determining the M.D.C. of the character loses initiative (don't even roll for it), loses one at­
"original" supernatural beings & creatures of tack/melee action, and cannot defend himself (no parry or
magic of your own design dodge) against the creature' s first attack of that melee round.
Fortunately, the character snaps out of the shocked stupor
Minor monsters with a link to the supernatural or magic:
quickly, and can join in the combat that same melee. By the sec­
Simply convert their normal S.D.C. and Hit Points into M.D.C.
ond melee round, the character has completely recovered his
points. As an M.D.C. creature they are invulnerable to normal
senses and is functioning as normal; roll for initiative and com­
S.D.C. weapons, damage and poison. Drugs, chemicals and
bat as usual.
gases inflict half the normal effects and damage, and last half as
Lesser dem ons and monsters: 6D6+3 0 M.D.C. for real Potential Psychic Energy : Monsters
wimps, and up to 2D4x l O+40 M.D.C. for the tougher charac­
These numbers apply to characters of your own device. Char­
ters .
acters presented in this and other sourcebooks should list the
Greater demons and massive monsters: 2D6x l OO+200 P.P.E. for that particular race or monster.
Monsters and D-Bees that are not psychic or practitioners of
Greater demons, adult dragons and monsters who are magic, possess comparatively little P.P.E., typically ro1l 4D6.
"lords," mages, or possess incredible power: l D6x l OOO
Lesser demons and monsters with innate magic powers
such as metamorphosis, tum invisible, fly without wings,
Lesser Gods: l D6x 1 000 M.D. C. bio-regeneration, etc., will average around l D6x 1 O P.P.E.
Greater Gods: 3D6x l OOO M.D.C. Lesser demons and monsters who are very magical in na­
AII-Father/AII-Mother or Head of a Pantheon: ture or can cast spells typically have 2D6x l O+20 P.P.E.
I D4x1 O,000 M.D.C. Greater demons and monsters with minimal magic abilities
Supernatu ral Intelligences: 2D6x 1 O,000 M.D.C., occasion­ will have l D6x 1 00 P.P.E.
ally more. See the section on Beings who would be Gods and Greater demons and monsters who are "lords," practitio­
Alien Intelligences in the companion book Dark Conversions, ners of magic, or possess incredible power will average
where supernatural beings, demons, Elementals and more are 2D6x l OO.
presented for your enjoyment.
Lesser Gods: 2D6x l 00 P.P.E. Exoskeletons . Only that's a rather long name, and I always
Greater Gods: 6D6x l OO P.P.E. think of the table as the Bionic Strength Table (thanks for bear­
All-Father/All-Mother or Head of a Pantheon: 2D4x l ,000 ing with me).
P.P.E. Anyway, characters with this level of strength are stronger
Supernatu ral (Alien) Intelligences: 4D6x l 000, occasion­ than ordinary mortals and are on par with augmented characters
ally more ! like Juicers and cyborgs. Though not as powerful as a character
with Supernatural Strength, those with Bionic Strength can in­
Note: Specific characters may differ from these generalities.
flict small amounts of Mega-Damage. To accomplish this the
character must wind up and punch (or kick) with all of his
Natural Abilities : Monsters might. This is called a "power punch" and counts as two melee
attacks/actions, but inflicts a minimum of one M.D. point. The
Supernatu ral Predators: Demonic predators can feed on the stronger the character the more Mega-Damage he may inflict,
blood and/or flesh of slain humanoids or may require potential typically I D4, I D6 or 2D4 M.D.
psychic energy (p.P.E.) to feed upon and sustain themselves. A
few feed on emotions or other forms of energy. Most have ex­
ceptional or keen vision, including nightvision 2D6x l 0+60 feet, Supernatural Strength : Monsters
good night sight (able to see in one sixth the light humans need),
Characters with Supernatural P.S. inflict Mega-Damage with
track by smell l D4x l 0+30%, recognize a familiar scent I D4x l O
a normal punch or kick, and double damage with a power
+20%, an d may have other heightened senses, a s well as being
punch. The exact amount of Mega-Damage inflicted depends on
instinctive swimmers I D4x 1 0+3 0%, climbers I D4x l 0+30%,
the Supernatural P.S. of the character. See the Supernatu ral
prowl I D4x l O+20% and leap I D4x3 yards/meters. Many can
Physical Strength Table presented earlier in this book. All P.S.
also see the invisible, and about 50% can turn invisible and/or
tables are in one location for easy reference.
fly at will.
Supernatu ral Beings with a high intelligence (are not ani­
mal-like predators) usually delight in manipulating, torment­ Attacks Per Melee : Monsters
ing, enslaving or otherwise hurting humanoids and what the
Adapting other monsters, demons and godlings from the
demonic being considers to be "lesser" life forms. These beings First Edition Palladium Fantasy RPG® and First Edition
are usually more subtle than their predatory cousins and use tor­ Monsters & Animals requires a few minor considerations .
ture, intimidation, deception, trickery, magic and psionics with
First, the system is a little less complex, so combat time works a
amazing cunning and skill. bit differently and the number of attacks are less. To bring the
Many have the following powers: Keen vision and other First Edition characters in line with Rifts®, add two additional
senses including, nightvision I D6x1 0+60 feet, good night sight melee attacks per round. Other combat skills, methods of attack
(able to see in one sixth the light humans need), see the invisi­ and bonuses usually remain unchanged. However, beings that
ble, turn invisible at will or metamorphosis (into human, animal are natural predators, or have multiple limbs or a special attack,
or insect; pick one), resistant or impervious to cold or fIre, and such as fIre breath, get one more melee attack per round (total
fly. Additionally, 50% are impervious to poison, chemicals and three additional).
disease, don't breathe air, and bio-regenerate 2D6 to I D4x l 0 The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Second Edition, requires
M.D.C.lHit Points per melee round. About 25% c an teleport no modifications for normal, mortal beings, but add one attack
( I D4xI 0+5 5%) and/or dimensional teleport ( l D6xl 0+ 1 2%). (or two, if high level) per melee round for powerful supernatural
When creating new characters based on myth, use some of beings, gods and adult dragons. Physical and magical attacks by
our specific creatures and these general rules to create them. Ob­ supernatural beings always inflict Mega-Damage.
viously, specific characters may have distinctly different powers Monsters and supernatu ral beings from Beyond the Su­
and abilities. Note: All supernatural beings and many creatures pernaturafTM, Nightbane®, Th e Mech anoids® and Heroes Un­
of magic possess Supernatural Strength including Nightbane
limitetJrM are pretty much ready to go. The number of attacks
when in morphus. Rifts® Dragons & Gods will have more ma­ per melee is typically unchanged. Occasionally, it will seem
terial on creatures of magic such as deific supernatural beings, both appropriate and obvious that the monster or super-villain
while Dark Conversions presents conversion stats for a host of should have one or two additional attacks per melee; adjust as
dark, supernatural creatures including Demons, Deevils, you, the G.M., see fit.
Elementals, and others from The Palladium Fantasy RPG®,
Alien Intelligences, demonic beings from Beyond the Supernat­
ura{fM and Nightbane, Nightlords and their Minions from the Bionics & the Supernatural
Nightbane RPG®, among others.
Bionics and the supernatural do not mix. Few supernatural or
magic creatures can get and keep bionics or cybernetic implants
Bionic Strength : Monsters even if they want them. Why? For one, bio-regeneration rejects
bionic limbs and organs, and pushes cyber-implants right out of
Actually, though I constantly refer to it as the "Bionic the body! For another, cybernetic enhancements (other than
Strength Table" in the many O.C.C. and R.C.C. descriptions, the matching Bio-Systems) destroy magic and psionic powers! Re­
actual table I'm talking about is labeled: "Augmented" Hu­ duce range, duration and damage by half for minor augmenta­
mans (Juicers & Crazies), Mutants, Cyborgs & tion or 1 -4 implants. More than that completely negates magical

and psionic powers. For a supernatural being or creature of
magic to submit to bionic alteration is to actually strip itself of
Experience Points for Monsters
its true and natural powers; a fate worse than death! To most su­ Most supernatural beings don't increase their abilities as
pernatural and magical creatures, bionics does not represent they grow in experience because they are either incredibly lazy
augmentation, but serious crippling torture. and/or complacent, or driven by instinct. The majority of super­
natural beings are, indeed, creatures of instinct and unbridled su­
Creatures who possess natural bio-regeneration or other
pernatural power. They have learned to listen to their instincts
heightened recuperative powers seldom have any need for arti­
and use their natural powers with the same ease, familiarity and
ficial limbs because they regenerate them. Furthennore, their
depth as humans who use skills and tools . Really, the human in­
natural healing and regenerative powers reject artificial im­
tellect and ingenuity is the natural ability humankind has
plan.ts ! Only sub-demons and lesser supernatural beings who
learned to survive and conquer. Supernatural monsters use their
don't have bio-regenerative or shape changing powers, such as
powers and abilities in the same way, only these abilities are fre­
Gargoyles, Gurgoyles and Brodkil, may look to bionics and cy­
quently more direct, combat oriented, intuitive, psionic and/or
bernetics to replace lost limbs or as a means of augmentation.
mystical in nature.
Yet even these beings are likely to elect to get cybernetic
Bio-Systems to avoid diminishing what magic or psionic abili­ Some specific characters and races deemed suitable as op­
ties they do possess. The Brodkil sub-demon and a handful of tional player characters are provided with a Racial Character
others are the exceptions to this rule. Class (R.C.C.) and R.C.C. skills. These descriptions also indi­
cate what experience table to use, most typically the Dragon or

Monster O.C.C.s
Any character dimensionally Rifted from one of Palladium' s
other RPG world settings usually keeps the original occupation Culture Shock: Monsters
and corresponding O.C.C. (or R.C.C.) skills. This is especially Predatory monsters tend to adapt quickly to new environ­
true of supernatural beings, predators and monsters who often ments. They are hunters, thus they hunt. Stalking and preying on
have skill equivalents and are driven by instinct rather than others is what they do, it is the very nature of their being, just as
learned skills and accumulated knowledge. Yet even highly in­ a cat stalks mice. It matters little that the environment and prey
telligent supernatural and magical creatures may rely on their in­ may look different, as long as there is prey to stalk, they are sat­
nate magic and/or psionic powers and natural abilities rather isfied and adapt to their surroundings. If the environment pro­
than the skills and science of humankind. vides inadequate prey or is too radically different and/or hostile,
Predators are natural hunters and have little use for most hu­ the predator will travel elsewhere in search of easier prey, or to
man skills. What skills they may exhibit are likely to focus on fmd a more comfortable environment. If none can be found, it
hunting/tracking, physical skill equivalents, combat and wilder­ will make a stand and try to survive the best it can. The essence
ness areas of knowledge, including Climb, Swim, Prowl, Track of the supernatural predator is to prey and feed on intelligent life
Animals, Track Humanoids, Wilderness Survival, Land Naviga­ fonns.
tion, and similar. Most supernatural predators have little interest Intelligent supernatural beings adapt just as easily, perhaps
in learning other skills, except perhaps a few Weapons Profi­ more so, because they can more completely understand their en­
ciencies or a language or two. Note: Whatever skills they pos­ vironment and the life fonns within it. Thus, they are better
sess do not grow with experience unless noted otherwise and suited to adapt to modem society, using the laws and human na­
additional learned skills and O.C.C.s are not usually available, ture of the indigenous people against them for their own insidi­
unless noted otherwise. ous purpose. While a predator can be a murderous menace, the
The most intelligent supernatu ral beings usually possess intelligent supernatural being usually manipulates and works be­
learned knowledge that may be unnervingly familiar, including hind the scenes and can create havoc and destruction on a poten­
knowledge of weapons, technology, science, magic and human tially massive scale.
nature. Most of these skills are likely to be directly applicable to Remember, both the predator and the intellectual supernatu­
Rifts Earth. Some new or special skills may also be available. ral monster are frequent dimensional travelers. Changing envi­
The more devious and human-like these beings are, the more ronments, alien people, magic and horrible monsters are all
likely they are to use body armor, modem weapons and vehi­ common experiences for them. Consequently, they are used to
cles. However, the accumulated knowledge and powers of these adapting to alien environments and, thus, usually have a high re­
supernatural creatures may not reflect those of any particular sistance to Horror Factor, and have experienced the bizarre so
O.C.C. and many may still prefer to rely on their own natural often that they are not disoriented by it. They are
abilities and instincts as much or more than learned skills and multi-dimensional beings themselves, so one dimension may be
science. In other cases, the supernatural being has the accumu­ considered "home" as much as another.
lated knowledge of one or more O.C.C.s, but these are often
gods, demigods, godlings and demon lords.

Beyond the

The Earth of Beyond the Supernatural (BTS) can , and probably Natural o r Genius. This character adapts t o the strange , new world
should , be considered Rifts Earth a hundred or so years before the of Rifts within a matter of weeks . Furthermore , he suffers none of the
eruptions of the ley lines and the coming of the rifts (I know , as the usual conversion/transition skill penalties that other 20th Century charac­
game ' s designer, I tend to view it in this way) . If that is the case , then ters face. Plus, can select an additional, new skill in each available
BTS characters in the time of Rifts Earth must be people from Earth ' s category , learn two additional languages (literate in both + 20%) , and
past ! develops the psionic powers of total recall and mind block . Has 22

These characters can get to the future, Rifts Earth in any number of I . S . P , and the character' s base P . P . E . is doubled. Reverts to normal

way s . The most likely probabilities are a rift in space and time created genius/natural away from Rifts Earth .

by a supernatural being or arcanist, a dimensional rift at a place of Nega-psychic. Add the following: + 3D4 x 1 0 + 40 to P . P . E . ,
magic or ley line nexus, a dimensional or time travel experiment gone 2D4 x 1 0 + 60 I . S . P . , + 4 to save v s horror factor, + 2 to save vs
awry (spell or mechanical ) , a wrong turn during dimensional travel , or magic , + 2 to save vs psionic mind control, impervious to illusions
getting warped to a different time and place during a dimensional storm and magic curses , impervious to possession and the vampire ' s slow kill
in the Bermuda Triangle or any one of the six triangles . Supernatural and enslaving bite . In addition, the individual develops special powers
or other magic forces can also be responsible for the time leap . The that just kick in automatically under stressful circumstances or when
alternative is that the Earth of BTS is a similar but alternate dimension. the character doesn ' t want to believe in what he ' s seeing (uses up the
previously mentioned I . S . P . and P . P . E . when this happens) .
(A Design Note: How all the Palladium worlds may tie together
is ultimately left to you, the players . Which RPG worlds, if any, In addition to the nega-psychic ' s normal psionic and magic dampening
that you choose to link to Rifts is your decision . But I' ll tell ya abilities (double the effective range) , the nega-psychic has developed
now, with hints like the cities of Lazlo and New Lazlo, and the the power to negate magic by concentrating (same as the negate magic
mention of the ancient pioneer of magic, Victor Lazlo, you can bet spell) , dispel magic barriers (same as magic spell) , detect concealment
that there will continue to be ties to Beyond the Supernatural . (same as spell) , turn dead (same as spell) , and the psionic powers of
Heck, don' t be surprised if 01' Vic makes an appearance . I'm not mind block auto-defense , P . P . E . shield , telekinetic force field (self
saying it will happen . I' m just saying it could happen, as far as I' m only) and sixth sense . The powers automatically manifest themselves
concerned. Hee . Hee . ) when the time is right (and without the psychic realizing it) . As usual ,
these new powers are lost when the character leaves Rifts Earth .
The player characters from Beyond the Supernatural cannot be
considered average 20th Century characters . They have been attuned Parapsychologist. Add + 2 to save vs possession , + 2 to save vs
to the world of the supernatural and magic for a large portion of their horror factor, and triple the number of base P . P . E . points . Can learn

lives. If anything, Rifts Earth only proves that all of their fears about one additional language (literate too; + 20% ) , one additional energy

the supernatural and studies into the mysteries of magic , ESP, potential W . P . , and develops a sort of supernatural presence sensing ability . This
psychic energy , and ley lines were correct and important. Like most presence sense is similar to the usual psionic power except that the
other 20th century characters , they will have the same response to , and ability is automatic and only senses the presence of supernatural beings,

problems with , super-technology . However, they will be far more pre­ including demons , entities , and vampire s . He also can operate techno­
pared for the supernatural . wizard devices and read scrolls . As usual , these new powers are lost
when the character leaves Rifts Earth .
Because Beyond the Supernatural player characters are not the
average Joe off the street, the following modifications should be made Physical Psychic. Triple I . S . P . and add all Rifts psionic physical
to them while they are in the P . P . E . rich environment of Rifts Earth . powers and the following super psionics : bio-manipulation, bio-regen­
Their O . C . C . , skills and cultural penalties are unchanged, except for eration , telekinetic force field , telekinesis , electrokinesis and hydro­
the genius and psi-mechanic , but their psychic powers are increased. kinesis . Also + 1 to save vs psionic and magic attacks , and + 2 to save
vs horror factor and possession . As usual , these new powers are lost
Note: All BTS characters are likely to have a great hatred and pre­
when the character leaves Rifts Earth.
judice toward evil supernatural being s . Furthermore , they are likely to
have a serious distrust and dislike of all supernatural beings , even those Psi-Mechanic . Double I . S . P . and P . P . E . base . Develops the psionic
of good alignments, as well as toward creatures of magic , shifters and powers of telemechanic s , total recall , and object read. Suffers none of
summoners. In many way s , they have been soldiers engaged in a secret the usual conversion/transition skill penalties of other 20th Century
battle against the supernatural back in their home-time. Thu s , they are characters as they pertain to mechanical , electrical and computer skills .
embittered and suspicious of those who seem to be linked to old foes . Can understand and use all techno-wizard devices , and even repair
them, but cannot build them (lacks magic knowledge) . As usual , these
Arcanistlmage. Triple the character' s P . P . E . base and add an addi­
new powers are lost when the character leaves Rifts Earth.
tional 4D6 P . P . E . for each level of experience . This increase of P . P . E .
powers i s applicable only while o n Rifts Earth . Reduce t o normal when
Psychic Healer. Double I . S . P . and has all Rifts healing powers as
back to BTS Earth/time period or when on most of the other Palladium
well as bio-regeneration , empathic transmission and mind bond (in­
RPG worlds . The new spells learned by the arcanist are limited to those
cludes all of his original powers too) . As usual , these new powers are
found in the Rifts world. The arcanist can also learn circles of protection
lost when the character leaves Rifts Earth .
and how to read mystic symbols and runes .

Latent psychic. Add I D4 x 1 0 + 30 I . S . P . , double the base P . P . E . , Psychic Sensitive. Double I . S . P . and add all Rifts psionic sensitive
and select three more psionic powers from the Rifts RPG categories powers to the powers he or she already has . In addition, the character
of sensitive, two physical , two healing and two from the super category. has mind block auto-defense , group mind block , mind bond, and the
Also + 2 to save vs psionic and magic attacks . All these additional same sense supernatural beings power as the psi-stalker. The psychic
powers , I . S . P . and P . P . E . disappear when the latent psychic leaves is also + 2 to save vs mind control and illusions , and + 1 to save vs

Rifts Earth , but will instantly retu}ll if the character returns . psionic attack . ----

C ulture Shock
On the other hand, machines, vehicles, robots, bionics and
advanced technology will seem like a new form of magic and, in
many cases, learning the new technology may be beyond the
character' s comprehension or desire.
In many cases, except for cultural orientation, weapons and
The orientation of fantasy characters means they are more
possible skill adjustments, the characters can be taken from one
likely to feel at home in low-tech environments, villages, towns
game book or setting and plopped into any other Palladium RPG
and the wilderness or adventuring and exploring, than settling
setting or world with little or no conversion. Mortals, such as
down in a city, especially a high-tech one like the Coalition
humans, remain fundamentally unchanged from world to world.
States or even the 'Burbs . Likewise, they may feel more com­
Their attributes, stats, powers and skills remain exactly as they
fortable riding an animal or robot animal than piloting a hover
were on their native home world. The only difference is that
vehicle or riding inside the belly of a giant robot. Still, these an­
they are now in an alien environment and must adjust to that en­
cient style warriors and adventurers should have no trouble
vironment to survive. This will mean recognizing new technol­
adapting to high-tech body armor and weaponry (guns). Such
ogy, tools and weapons, as well as cultural differences, laws and
things are simple and easy to comprehend. Even so, they are
codes of conduct that may be considered wrong or evil in this
likely to prefer hand-held melee weapons like Vibro-Blades, the
new world to avoid conflict with the indigenous people.
Neuro-Mace, high-tech bows and arrows, and Techno-Wizard
and other magical weapons and devices. Learning to use a com­
Palladium Fantasy RPG ® and other puter, language translator, radio or vehicle will be much more
difficult and even scary to these simple people. Of course, with
medieval & low-tech societies time and patience they can learn to use or operate most any tech
Fantasy characters are used to a low technology environment, item. Game Masters might think of these characters in the same
approximately equal to 6th to 1 4th Century Europe. Magic, in­ context of trying to teach your grandparents how to use a com­
human races, dragons and monsters are commonplace on most puter, navigate the web or set the time on their VCR. They can
Fantasy-based worlds, so neither the magical and supernatural learn if they really want to, but boy, oh, boy, it takes time and
aspects of Rifts Earth, nor the presence of D-Bees, will phase effort on both the part of the instructor and the aged student to
them for a second. Such characters should be more accepting of get it down, especially down well.
and comfortable with the supernatural, magic and the monstrous Many Palladium Role-Playing Game characters will be
aspects of Rifts® than characters from the 2 1 st Century or other able to communicate immediately if they can speak
advanced but non-magical civilizations. ElvenlDragonese, Faerie Speak, or the Goblin and Ogre tongue
universally known as Gobblely. Unfortunately, Gobblely and out. Advanced equipment, technology and science can be
Dragonese are not as common on Rifts Earth as other languages, learned (though with a - 1 0% skill penalty) and the character
and are forbidden in the Coalition States, but are quite common should feel reasonably comfortable in high-tech settings, partic­
in the 'Burbs and many wilderness towns, especially among ularly cities .
nonhumans . Ultimately, the quicker a character is to accept his new, alien
Note: The specific racial and character stats presented in this environment and try to fit in, the better off he or she will be. The
Conversion Book are for the Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Sec­ level of culture shock will vary with each individual character,
ond Edition . First Edition characters are easily adapted using and his personal orientation, background and goals. Addi­
them as a guideline and the other rules noted in this section. The tionally, the level of trauma the character experiences in his in­
Second Edition of The Palladium Fantasy RPG® is designed to troduction to the new world may also have an impact on the
fit snugly with the entire Palladium Megaverse® and is the character and his ability to adapt.
Rifts® of high fantasy ! Where technology may be beyond characters from 20th and
2 1 st Century Earth is in the areas of genetics (Le. Dog Boys), bi­
onics and cybernetics (way advanced), MOM conversion (Cra­
20th & 2 1 st Century Hum ans zies), Juicer technology, robotics, power armor and similar areas
One would presume, the more intelligent and sophisticated certainly way beyond 20th Century and early 2 1 st Century Earth
the character is, the more easily he can adapt to any environ­ technology. Even if the beginnings of such technology existed
ment, primitive or advanced, however, that is not always the in the character' s home world or time, it was probably relegated
case. Characters from our modem world may be quite stunned to military use and nowhere as commonplace (or advanced) as it
and ill-equipped for any world where magic and the supernatu­ is on Rifts Earth. Thus, while the out-of-place character may
ral exist. Why? Because we are so entrenched in our beliefs and recognize and understand the purpose and use of the technology,
our reliance on science that anything so diametrically op­ he has no idea how it actually works and may have trouble using
posed to our modem Earth orientation would be overwhelming. it himself. However, basic high-tech gizmos like an energy gun,
Basically, a place like Rifts Earth defies everything we know hover vehicle, radio/communicator, computer, and so on, can be
and believe in. Here magic is real and science is optional. Gods quickly figured out and used with ' relative skill and proficiency.
and demons walk the Earth and humans cast spells and wield Rudimentary instruction and/or training with these devices
strange superhuman powers (psionics and others). While some should bring the modem character to at least the same level of
of the more open-minded and quick thinking folks could adapt, familiarity and skill as the average, unskilled character of the
many others would panic, have a nervous breakdown or perish Rifts Earth setting.
because they were unprepared for and/or unable to accept the Furthermore, Earthlings are likely to speak one of the com­
dynamics of this alien and magical world. Ironically, a more mon Rifts Earth languages and will know the basic geology and
primitive human given to superstition and belief in the magical geography of the planet. 20th and 2 1 st Century humans may
and supernatural is likely to adapt more easily to the notion of even have some idea where old, pre-Rifts city ruins, under­
magic and demons, but would have a more difficult time fitting ground compounds, subway systems and stockpiles of weapons
(especially unnoticed) in the polite society of technologically or artifacts might be located (assuming they survived at all), and
advanced kingdoms. In advanced cultures the primitive human excavate them.
would stick out like a sore thumb, but even here, the medieval Game Masters, remember, the human mind and spirit are
character would accept technology with a simple faith and adapt both fragile and incredibly resilient and adaptable. Humans
to it reasonably well, even if the tech is considered to be a form throughout history have proven to be incredibly adaptable and
of magic. On the other hand, the more advanced visitor could able to survive and even thrive in the worst of situations and
actually learn to understand how the technology works and how conditions.
to replicate and repair it. Likewise, a modem day Earthling is
Cultural!fecb Penalties for 20th & 21st Century charac­
likely to fit smoothly and comfortably in a civilized and advance
ters : - 1 0% skill penalty to all Communications, Military, Sci­
culture and even remain unnoticed, provided one was careful.
ence and Technical skills due to the difference in the tech level.
The above having been said, there are always considerations Electrical, Mechanical and Medical skills are -20%, and truly
for any character from another world adapting to Rifts Earth or advanced, high-tech vehicles, weapons, computer systems and
any alien environment. For example, super-advanced technol­ devices, as well as Techno-Wizard creations and magic items,
ogy with robots and bionics may seem alien and frightening, may be considered "Alien Technology" and -50% to skill per­
though infinitely more acceptable and familiar than magic or the formance. A few truly alien machines and Bio-Wizardry may be
supernatural. Meanwhile, a civilized culture that is heavily unfathomable and unusable - G.M.s discretion.
based on magic, like Tolkeen or Lazlo, may seem as inconceiv­
able and alien as anywhere or anything else. ™
The tech level of advanced civilizations like the Coalition Heroes Unlimited Characters
States, Free Quebec, the New German Republic and others on Characters from the Heroes Unlimited™ world setting are
Rifts Earth may be more advanced and a bit frightening, but is very similar to those of 20th and 2 1 st Century Earth, with a few
still very recognizable and familiar to characters from 20th and of notable exceptions. One, they are probably superhuman and
2 1 st Century Earth. Things like escalators, elevators, telephones, more open to the ideas of the fantastic, magical, supernatural,
computers, cars and even hover vehicles and mechanical pros­ alien and supposedly impossible - in fact, some super beings
thetics (bionics) are all familiar and easily recognized or figured may have had fIrst-hand encounters with one or more of these

things. Two, those who possess super abilities, psionics or are ing, characters that are not Mega-Damage creatures need to ac­
aliens or mutants already defy convention and their very exis­ quire some M.D.C. body armor and weapons. The hero' s
tence challenges known science. Likewise, those who are in­ O.C.C., skills and cultural penalties are unchanged, except for
volved in robotics or bionics are at the cutting edge and already the Super-Sleuth and Hardware character. But some of the
exploring concepts applied on Rifts Earth. Lastly, characters psionic and super abilities are increased (see the Heroes Unlim­
from Heroes Unlimited™ cannot be considered "average 20th ited™ conversions for details).
Century characters." Many are themselves the product of unex­ Heroes Unlimited player characters are not the average Joe
plained mutation, bizarre experiments, bionic or robotic alter­ off the street. Consequently, the following modifications should
ation, alien birth, or being attuned to the world of the be made to them while they are in the P.P.E.-rich environment
paranormal, psionics and magic. Some may be considered com­ of Rifts Earth. Also see the M.D.C. section for HU2
paratively normal, like the weapons master, super-sleuth, and Mega-Damage by class and super ability.
vigilante, but even these heroes have distanced themselves from Aliens. These characters are people from another planet.
the norm by pushing themselves to the peak of physical perfec­ They may look very human or very different. Aliens that are
tion or the mastery of special skills. And all heroes, made of rock, crystalline, insect with an exoskeleton, from a
super-powered or not, are driven to protect and help the inno­ high gravity or low gravity environment, or abrasive atmosphere
cent and downtrodden. (and have leathery plating) are Mega-Damage beings on Rifts
Rifts Earth is a strange and dramatically different world of Earth. Tum the number of S.D.C. into M.D.C. points, meaning
super-science, monsters, and magic that may frighten even the an alien with 1 80 S .D.C. has 1 80 M.D.C . on Rifts Earth. Aliens
bravest of heroes or boldest super-villain. However, it will be­ from a high radiation world become minor Mega-Damage crea­
come quickly apparent that it was the hand of fate that brought tures. Roll 6D6+6 to determine M.D.C., and keep the S.D.C.
them to this troubled world filled with injustice and horror. points too.
Once a hero always a hero, and these noble men and women of Base P.P.E. for most aliens is 4D6 points.
valor will continue their work as so-called "super-heroes," pro­
Aliens from an advanced world have little difficulty adjusting
tecting the weak and righting injustice. They are also likely to
to energy weapons, robots and other forms of high technology,
maintain their vigilante attitude of, "I (we) work beyond the
although Rifts Earth technology may be alien to them (no pun
law," and, "for the greater good of all people." Likewise,
intended). If being introduced into Rifts® for the first time ever,
super-powered villains will seek to exploit and conquer the peo­
the G.M. may elect to start them off with Mega-Damage weap­
ple of Rifts Earth and may throw in with other powerful beings,
ons and technology roughly comparable to earth.
evil wizards and supernatural monsters.
Cyborgs. 'Borgs from the 20th and 2 1 st Century Earth of
This rogue mentality and sense of justice, coupled with their
Heroes Unlimited™ and Ninjas & Superspies™ will be
strange powers, is likely to make these characters enemies of the
S.D.C. constructions. Many may have armor with hundreds of
Coalition States and other human supremacists who will see
S.D.C. which means that the cyborg may be able to survive low
superhumans as dangerous mutants, freaks, D-Bees or monsters.
amounts of Mega-Damage (every 1 00 S .D.C. equals one M.D.
Having associated with strange mutants, aliens and
point). Characters who are bionic before arriving to Rifts Earth
super-powered beings on their own planet, these characters are
may exhibit a desire for cybernetic augmentation. This means
likely to have no qualms about associating with inhumans of all
that these characters are likely to seek to improve/upgrade or
kinds, which will also earn them the ire of human supremacists .
convert their original S.D.C. cybernetics to acquire new,
In some instances, the superhuman, himself, may appear inhu­
high-tech and Mega-Damage systems. Unfortunately, such im­
man, marking him as an obvious "other-dimensional being" or
provements are costly and may have to wait till later. What this
D-Bee. Likewise, the typical hero's sense of morality, justice
off-world ' Borg needs to do quickly is acquire some M.D.C. cy­
and high regard for all life will force him to at least try to accept
borg body armor. Such armor can be purchased, traded for, sto­
most life forms. This attitude is viewed with extreme prejudice
len, or taken from a defeated foe. Cyborgs from Heroes
by the CS and other human supremacists. Additionally, the
Unlimited™ can wear Mega-Damage cyborg body armor with
hero ' s "unnatural and inhuman" powers threaten the status quo,
only the slightest modifications. Otherwise, the hero keeps his
making him the natural enemy of would-be conquerors, tyrants
original skills, knowledge and bionic features. Base P.P.E. is a
and invaders. On occasion, superhumans are captured, impris­
pitiful I D4 .
oned and studied by the likes of the Coalition States, NGR,
Gene-Splicers, and Splugorth. They may also be used as pawns Victims who were unwillingly turned into a cyborg may be
by evil powers, enslaved and put to hard labor, made to fight in able to get Rifts cybernetic Bio-Systems in order to look and
gladiatorial arenas, or adopted as local lawmen, defenders or feel human again. Of course this conversion would dramatically
champions of light. reduce the character' s bionic strength, mechanical weapons and
All heroes of a good alignment are likely to have a great dis­
dain and prejudice toward the Coalition States, tyrant kingdoms, Experiments. These are superhumans created through scien­
sanctuaries for monsters and criminals (like the Pecos Empire tific experiments with unforeseen results. Many super abilities
and Vampire Kingdoms) and forces of evil (like the Calgary are transformed into Mega-Damage powers; see the Super Abil­
Kingdom of Monsters, evil Federation of Magic, Phoenix Em­ ities section that follows. Some Experiment heroes have an odd
pire of Africa, Gargoyle Empire of Germany and so on). In trait that may brand them as an obvious D-Bee. These characters
many respects, a super-hero is a modem day knight-errant. All have a base P.P.E. of I D6x l O.
super-powered and psionic heroes will be considered D-Bees, Hardware. Characters with an affmity for electronics, me­
regardless of how human they may appear. Like any S.D.C. be- chanics, computer hacking, building and modifying machines
and constructing gimmicks fall into the hero category of Hard­ usual super-powers, as well as an unusual characteristic trait that
ware. This character adapts to the strange new world of Rifts brands him as a D-Bee. Skin that provides additional S.D.C. in
Earth within a matter of weeks. He suffers none of the usual Heroes Unlimited™ provides that number in M.D.C. on Rifts
conversion/transition skill penalties that other 20th or 2 1 st Cen­ Earth; i.e. tough scaly skin that adds 30 S.D.C. means the mu­
tury characters face and can select one additional skill in each tant has 30 M.D.C. points. Some super-powers may be trans­
available category, plus two additional Piloting skills (any, formed into Mega-Damage powers while on Rifts Earth, see the
+20%), one additional W.P., and one Rogue skill. Base P.P.E. is Super Abilities section that follows. These characters have a
2D6 . These guys will also be very hot on acquiring cybernetic base P.P.E. of 6D6. Mutant animals, a la After the Bom b®
implants or cosmetics. style, are also possible. M.D.C. for the Natural Armor of mutant
Magic: Enchanted Weapons remain indestructible and in­ animals is presented in the M.D.C. section of conversion rules.
flict Mega-Damage instead of S.D.C. (If it did 4D6 S.D.C. be­ Physical Training. Heroes who possess no unusual powers
fore, it now does 4D6 M.D.) Add the Hit Points and S.D.C. but have worked to become superior in the physical attributes
together, and that' s the total M.D.C. of the character. Likewise, and combat fall into this category. They are mostly unchanged
the character' s magic spells or energy blasts do Mega-Damage, except that they can learn two extra W.P. s, and are +2 to save vs
impervious to fire includes M.D. plasma and magic, and Super magic and +4 to save vs Horror Factor. These characters have a
Strength becomes the equivalent of Supernatural Strength or base P.P.E. of 3D6.
Bionic Strength depending on the character' s previous power Psionics. These heroes possess psychic powers. P.P.E. base
level and the G.M. ' s discretion. Otherwise, the character retains is 4D6. Double their normal I.S.P . and add all Rifts® Physical
all of his other skills and abilities as usual. The character' s Psionic powers. Furthermore, select any three Rifts Super­
P.P.E. base is 2D6, the enchanted weapon has 2D4x l O+40 Psionics. Also +2 to save vs psionic and magic attacks, and +3
P.P.E. of its own. to save vs Horror Factor and possession. As usual, these new
Magic: Enchanted Objects are basically unchanged, except powers are lost when the character leaves Rifts Earth.
all appropriate spells and energy blasts are now Mega-Damage .
Add the Hit Points and S.D.C. together, and that's the total Robots: Artificial Intelligence and Androids. Bots from
M.D.C. of the character when empowered by the Enchanted Ob­ the 20th and 2 1 st Century Earth of Heroes Unlim ited™ and
After the Bomb® are S.D.C. constructions . Many have armor
ject. The Mystic Shield has 1 00 M.D.C. (not 200 S.D.C.), the
with hundreds of S .D.C. which means that the robot may be able
Power of Darkness (+ 1 D4x 1 0 S .D.C.) provides I D4x l O addi­
to survive minor Mega-Damage (every 1 00 S.D.C. equals one
tional M.D.C., impervious to fire includes M.D. plasma and
M.D. point). They should try to acquire M.D.C. armor upgrad­
magic, and Super Strength becomes the equivalent of Supernat­
ing or have their memory and programs transplanted into an
ural Strength or Bionic Strength depending on the character' s
M.D.C. robot. Androids that are of human size and shape can
previous power level and the G.M. ' s discretion. Impervious to
wear conventional, human M.D.C. body armor.
Magic includes all magic including beneficial magic spells,
healing, and potions. The character' s P.P.E. base is 2D6, the en­ Robot: Mechanical Body & Exoskeleton. Robot pilots can
chanted obj ect has 3D4x l 0+60 P.P.E. of its own. Otherwise, the learn to pilot M.D.C. robot vehicles and power armor. Auto­
character retains all of his other skills and abilities as usual. matically gets the following skills : Pilot: Robots and Power Ar­
mor, Robot Combat: Basic, and can select two Robot Combat:
Magic: Wizard/Spell Caster is basically unchanged, except
Elite and another two Elite four experience levels later.
spells and energy blasts are Mega-Damage equivalents much
like the Ley Line Walker. The character' s P.P.E. is also the Robot: Transferred Intelligence. The special electromag­
same, plus a bonus of I D4x l 0+20 while on Rifts Earth. All netic containment and control center to house the transferred in­
other abilities are unchanged. telligence can be transferred or possibly recreated into any
M.D.C. robot. This technology should be guarded closely and
Magic: Mystically Bestowed Powers are basically un­
not shared, especially with the Coalition States or other evil tech
changed, except the magic is equal to Mega-Damage magic
empires that might abuse it. Or the technology may be an acci­
where appropriate, S.D.C. points become physical M.D.C., and
dent that can't be reproduced. This character should be very
the character' s physical attributes are considered to be Supernat­
rare !
ural in nature, but only when in his mystically transformed hero
persona. The character' s P.P.E. gets a 2D4x l O bonus while on Special Training: The Ancient Master. Through Body
Rifts Earth. Hardening and mastery of other Oriental Mystical techniques,
Magic Note: The increased power of magic items and magic he is a Mega-Damage creature . Turn Hit Points only, into
spells, P.P.E. bonus, and physical S.D.C. to M.D.C. is a applica­ M.D.C., S.D.C. may add the equivalent of 1 -4 additional
ble only while on Rifts Earth. The character reverts to normal M.D.C. Plus, while in a Mega-Damage environment like Rifts
when back to Heroes Unlim ited™ Earth or any other S.D.C. Earth, a power punch does I D6 M.D. and a power kick 2D6
environment. M.D., but each count as two melee attacks. Meanwhile, the Pos­
Mega-Heroes. Add the Hit Points and S .D.C. together, and itive Energy power turns the Ancient Master's P.S. into Super­
that ' s the total M.D.C. of the character. P.S. is Supernatural and natural Strength (does more damage without need of doing a
inflicts Mega-Damage, and the character' s P.P.E. gets a 6D6 bo­ power punch), and even M.D. energy attacks do half damage to
nus while on Rifts Earth. Also see the M.D.C. section for more the Master. All bonuses and extraordinary powers remain in full
details. effect. Also +2 to save vs Horror Factor, magic and possession.
Mutants. Superhumans empowered by means of genetic or Base P.P.E. is 4D6. As usual, these new powers are lost when
other cause of mutation. The character usually possesses un- the character leaves Rifts Earth.
Special Training: Vigilante. This character is largely un­ high in comparison to the norm for that world setting - or just
changed, except that he can learn two extra W.P.s and two Wil­ unfair and unbalancing to the game - reduce it to 506 or 406 or
derness skills (+5%), and is +2 to save vs Horror Factor. These even 306. As always, use common sense and think about the
characters have a base P.P.E. of 3 D6. setting and situation. As an "alien" magic or technology, maybe
Special Training: Secret Operative. This character is it can and should do a little bit more damage, or maybe it' s
largely unchanged, except that he can learn one extra W.P., "alien" technology alright, but it' s more primitive s o it should
three Espionage skills, and is +2 to save vs Horror Factor. These do less damage (or comparable) not more, so then reduce the
characters have a base P.P.E. of 3 D6. damage to make sense. And Game Masters, don't be afraid to
Special Training: Stage Magician. This character is largely make these adjustments, even if your player characters wince or
unchanged, except that he can learn one extra W.P., one extra complain. Just be certain to put it into a context for them. Ex­
Rogue skill (+ 1 0%), two Espionage skills, and is + 1 to save vs plain that even though the character or weapon or spell does
psionic attacks and illusionary magic, and +2 to save vs Horror more damage at home, this is a different world/reality and it
Factor. These characters have a base P.P.E. of 406. does ''this amount" here.
Special Training: Super Sleuth. Characters with an affmity Range: Unchanged.
for electronics, mechanics, computers and computer hacking. Duration: Unchanged.
This character adapts to the strange new world of Rifts Earth Saving Throw: Unchanged.
within a matter of weeks. He suffers none of the usual conver­ P.P.E.: Unchanged, unless stated otherwise.
sion/transition skill penalties that other 20th and 2 1 st Century Fundamental Effects: Unchanged.
characters face and can select two Communication skills (+5%),
two Espionage skills (+ 1 0%), two additional Piloting skills (any,
+ 1 0%), one Wilderness, and one W.P. skill. Base P.P.E. is 206 .
General Magic Conversions
These guys will be very hot on acquiring cybernetic implants, Curse descriptions can be found in The Palladium Fantasy
especially optics and sensors. Role-Playing Game® and convert to Rifts® the same as spells.
Magical curses, however, are mostly unknown on Rifts Earth
and typically one of the powers of Gods, Demon Lords and
Alien Intelligences . They may be covered further in the upcom­

Magic & Spells ing Dark Conversions and/or Rifts® Dragons & Gods.
Faerie Food can be acquired on Rifts Earth (from Faerie
Folk and slavers who deal in Faeries), and some are described in
this book but the rest are found only in the Palladium Fantasy
Taking spells from The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playin �
RPG®. Space limitations prevent us from presenting them all
here and now. Besides, enchanted Faerie Foods are a rarity any­
Game® and its many sourcebooks, or Heroes Unlim ited, 2 8
where as Faerie Folk do not engage in mass market trade of
Edition and other games, and incorporating them into Rifts® is
their precious enchanted foods.
quick and easy.
Magic com ponents may only have magic significance on the
Palladium World and other realms where magic requires com­
Magic Spell Conversions ponents. Many of such components are absolutely worthless on
Rifts Earth.
S.D.C. to M.D.C. conversions: The fastest and easiest way to Magic items from The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing
convert S.D.C. and Hit Points to M.D.C or M.D. is a point by Game® like the Pit Cloak:, Suit of Colors, Boots of Mystery,
point equal exchange, at least when it comes to damage from Mystic Ink, Magic Make-Up, and many others are all unchanged
spells, psionics, superpowers and weaponry. and their descriptions are found in the pages of the Fantasy
For physical conversions I typically combine Hit Points and RPG. Again, unless they are a Techno-Wizard equivalent, such
S.D.C. and reduce the total by 20% to come up with items are alien to Rifts Earth and rare.
Mega-Damage (when applicable). Of course, in most cases, Magic Potions, Charms and Talismans that imitate a spell
mortal beings remain Hit Point and S.D.C. creatures regardless or temporarily endow a special ability work just like the spell
of their environment; only creatures of magic and supernatural equivalent. If such a spell doesn't exist in the Rifts® RPG then
beings (and maybe certain super beings) change with their envi­ don't make it available on Rifts Earth or adjust it to something
ronment. more familiar. As usual, S.D.C. energy blasts convert to M.D.,
Spell Dam age: Basically convert damage point for point. So if a point for point, and magically endowed S.D.C. converts to
spell did 606 M.D. it now does 606 Hit Point/S.D.C. damage in M.D.C. point for point. Otherwise, the basic ability or enchant­
an S .D.C. world. And vice versa, so if a spell did 606 S.D.C . ment is probably the same in any environment - i.e., a potion to
damage it does 606 M.D. in a Mega-Damage environment. It' s see the invisible is unchanged, a potion or talisman that instills
as simple as that. an extra attack per melee or a bonus to save vs magic or poison
This applies to body armor and weapon damage as well. That is unchanged, and so on. Also note that magic potions are the re­
having been said, if you feel the spell, power, psionic ability, sult of an alien magic not known on Rifts Earth, and either come
weapon, etc., does too much damage for the environment (or not from an alien world or are created by an alien or D-Bee from an­
enough), decrease it (or increase it) by 20-30% (even 50%) - other dimension. Such items may be sold on Rifts Earth, but
typically that' s one or two dice. So if 606 damage seems a bit they are very rare, with the possible exception of Atlantis where

all kinds of otherworldly items are sold and traded in the Splynn know how to use it! This is true of Techno- Wizardry, for exam­
Dimensional Market. ple, which originates in North America and is unheard of in the
Magic weapons, generally, inflict the same amount of rest of the world. Likewise, Rune Magic and Bio-Wizardry are
Mega-Damage that they did S .D.C.lHit Point damage, i.e. Gry­ exclusive to the Splugorth (at least on Rifts Earth), and Blue
phon Claws in the Palladium Fantasy RPG® deliver 2D6 Hit Flame magic and Nazca Line Magic is known only to select cul­
Point damage, but on Rifts Earth they inflict 2D6 M.D.; a magic tures in South America.
sword that does 4D6 Hit Point/S .D.C. damage now does 4D6
M.D.; a magic staff that spits 2D6 S.D.C. damage fIre balls now
spits 2D6 M.D. fife balls, and so on. The Warlock O.C.C.
Note: The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game® offers
Adapted & modified from the Palladium Fantasy
a good number of magic items, including Fumes, Powders, Po­ ®
tions, Fabrics/Cloth, Charms, Medallions, Rings, Magic Body Role-Playing Game
Armor, Crystals, Flying Carpets, Holy Weapons, and Rune A Warlock is a man or woman who draws magic powers
Weapons for your consideration for adaptation to Rifts® . from a supernatural, Elemental Intelligence. Like the Mystic and
Rune Weapons are described and presented in both Rifts® the Witch, there is no true knowledge of the mystic arts, instead
World Book Two: Atlantis and the Rifts® Book of Magic, the Warlock, through his link with the Supernatural Intelligence,
thus they are not repeated here. intuitively knows certain Elemental spells. Note: A Warlock is
Holy Weapons are described and presented in the Rifts® not a male witch, but an order of practitioners of magic devoted
Book of Magic, thus they are not repeated here. to Elemental Forces and Elemental-based magic: Air, Earth,
Fire and Water.
One might assume that Warlocks are closely attuned to na­
The Availability of Magic ture, and in some ways they are, but not in the way one might
Game Masters MUST NOT feel obligated to make any type think. They are not spiritualists, like the Druids of England or
of magic or magic item available to his players. This is Native American Shamans who try to live in harmony with their
"YOUR" adventure campaign. You, the Game Master, not nec­ environment, instead, the Warlock functions on a more primeval
essarily your players, know what you feel is most desirable and level. A level concerned with power, change and anarchy, for
necessary to maintain game balance. If a particular weapon, am­ that is their vision of nature. Their world view is a picture of
ulet, spell, scroll, potion, component or discipline of magic is seething, unrestrained force, freedom, and change. As such, a
going to screw up or imbalance your game, then simply don 't Warlock binds himself to no man nor god, he is a free spirit to
make it available ! How? Make it too expensive, or the alchemist wander the universe to observe and instigate change. They may
uncooperative, or just not available ! Period. become the heads of State, or even Emperor of a Kingdom, or
Is this fair? You better believe it! I hear on too many occa­ restrict their efforts to a life as a wandering philosopher or mer­
sions from frustrated G.M.s lamenting how their game has got­ cenary sorcerer, or all of the above during their lifetime. Life,
ten away from them because they provided a character or adventure, power and freedom are all important. They appreci­
characters with magic that has totally disrupted the game. Re­ ate the forces of nature but use magic to bend them to their will.
member, the name of the game is "role-playing and fun." If ei­ Personal freedom is revered above all else.
ther one or both of these elements are lost or compromised by Although there are places with comparatively large commu­
some element (especially a foreign element from another game nities of Warlocks (usually a guild or church with as many as
setting), there is something seriously wrong. The Palladium 1 00 Warlocks per Elemental faction), these practitioners of
Megaverse® is one steeped in magic, but if there' s too much of magic never preach the ways of magic, never try to convert any­
a good thing, cut it off. The magic, enchantment, spells and body to any way of thinking, seldom even discuss their philoso­
magic items are meant to add spice to a campaign, not foul it up. phy, and have no formal religious or political structure nor
The same is true of technology and possibly even a particular leader. In fact, when there is more than one group or clan of
monster or O.C.C. Always adjust elements to make them work Warlocks in the same town or region, each is usually independ­
for you. ent of the other. As for philosophy, they believe that one is ei­
Furthermore, magic will be more commonplace and available ther born a Warlock, or not.
in some places than others. For example, it is common in Lazlo, Despite the lack of a supreme leader or formal laws or doc­
New Lazlo, Colorado Baronies, the Magic Zone, Atlantis, and trine, Warlocks all share the same basic philosophy and all show
other similar places where practitioners of magic gather. It is great respect and courtesy to each other. Even Warlocks who are
much less accessible in the Pecos Empire and other wilderness deadly rivals will frrst have a polite meeting to discuss the situa­
kingdoms and territories, even less common in high-tech cities, tion and to proclaim each other's intentions. Such hostile meet­
and outlawed in the Coalition States ! Society, acceptance or fear ings inevitably end with a statement such as, "So, my brother, I
of magic, and circumstance all play a role in the availability must regrettably destroy you and any who stand with you, be
(and acceptability) of magic in any form. G.M.s, use common they brother or sister Warlocks or valiant heroes." To which the
sense and your discretion. Also magic that is common in one other Warlock responds, "Just as the wind and waves erode the
part of the world, say South America, Russia or China, is NOT mighty mountain, so must we clash, my brother." The two are
available or even known anywhere beyond its geographic home­ likely to enjoy a meal together, shake hands or hug, and depart.
land and probable point of origin. That means people in North But from that moment on, the line has been drawn and there
America or Europe may never have even heard of it, let alone shall be no mercy nor quarter given by either when that line is
crossed. The blood and destruction caused by warring Warlocks 3. Initial Spell Knowledge and Learning New Spells. A War­
can be horrendous. lock has no power until an Elemental Force is chosen, and once
chosen, it cannot be changed. Select one of the Elements of Air
Earth, Fire, or Water. Once the character has bonded with th�
Warlock Powers & Information Elemental Force of choice, he will be able to select three new
spells for every level of experience, starting with level one.
1. Choosing an Elemental Force. Although all four of the Ele­
Choosing two Elemental Forces is allowed, but the character
mental Forces are acknowledged and revered, the Warlock must
must have an l .Q. 12 or higher and an M.E. 1 4 or higher. The
choose one or two specific ones to tap into. Once the elemental
advantage of this is that the Warlock has a greater range of se­
force is selected it cannot be changed and it becomes the War­
lection for his magic. This character can select one ( 1 ) spell
lock ' s life sign and source of power. Warlocks may worship
from each of the two Elemental Magic categories to which he is
and/or honor and respect other forces and deities, but cannot be­
allied. The disadvantage is that the character only gets two spell
come priests, and most are too carefree and anarchist to follow a
selections per level of experience, instead of three; one from
different philosophy other than the one gained by the bonding
each of his two Elements.
with the Elemental Intelligence.
For example: A Warlock having chosen Fire as his one Ele­
mental Force will be able to wield/command the forces of fire
2. Magic & Spell Casting. A Warlock derives his magic pow­
only, but has a larger number of Fire spells available to him than
ers and spells directly from his Elemental LordIForce in much
a Warlock who may have Fire and Air. At third level a Fire
the same way as a Witch and some priests from their supernatu­
Warlock has nine Fire spells, while the Fire and Air Warlock
ral allegiance. The Elemental being that represents the War­
has three Fire and three Air spells (six total). Both possess Ele­
lock ' s chosen (Elemental) life sign gives him the power and
mental Magic, but the Fire Warlock has greater control and mas­
grants him the Elemental Magic. The spell casting ability is not
tery over his one Elemental force, while the Fire and Air
learned, but endowed by the Elemental deity. The spell is cast
Warlock has greater diversity of magic, but less control and
by invoking the Elemental power word(s) in a simple chant.
mastery in each category.
Otherwise, Warlock magic in Rifts® works like the Ley Line
Walker' s magic, with each spell requiring a certain amount of Note: The Warlock knows the power words for the four Ele­
P.P.E. and once the character uses all of his mystic energy, it is mental Powers: Cherubot-kyn, Ariel-Rapere-kyn, Ser­
temporarily expended and no more spells can be cast until aph-mytyn, and Tharsis-mycn and Yin. And knows the mystic
P.P.E. is recovered. symbols of the four Elementals and the six stone symbols for El­
emental Forces.

4. Choosing and Gaining spells. At fIrst level the Warlock with ble Elemental despite its nature of invisibility, including Air
one Elemental force can select a total of three spells from the Elementals, Spirits of Light, and the Demonic Jinn . Warlocks
fIrst level spells offered by his selected Elemental life sign. Ev­ know and understand as much about Elementals as humanly
ery time the Warlock reaches a new level of experience, he is al­ possible. Note: Elementals shall be described in the Rifts® Dark
lowed to select three new spells. The level of the spell available Conversions or Rifts® Dragons & Gods.
for selection is limited to the experience level of the Warlock.
This means a Warlock can not select an Elemental Magic spell 9. Sense the Natu re of the Life Sign. A Water Warlock can
above his own experience level. For Example: A fIrst level Wa­ sense the location and direction of a body of water, river, lake,
ter Warlock (having one Elemental Lord) can select any three etc., within 1 00 miles ( 1 60 km); 62%+2% per level of experi­
First Level Water Elemental spells at frrst level. At second level, ence. They can also accurately predict the amount of moisture in
the Warlock chooses another three Water spells, but is able to the air and the likelihood of rain, fog, snow, hail, etc, and when
choose from the range of spells listed under frrst and second a storm will hit (accurate within 6D6 minutes). When crossing a
level. Upon reaching third level of experience, the Warlock can body of water they can sense the shallowest and/or safest path to
again choose three Water spells, but this time is able to make his cross. As well as tell whether the water is contaminated by tak­
selections from the range of Water spells listed under levels 1 , 2, ing a tiny sip, 30% +5% per level of experience.
and 3 . When a Warlock reaches eighth level or higher, he can Fire Warlocks can sense the presence, general direction and
choose spells from any level, one through eight. distance of fIres as small as a campfrre within a 40 mile area (64
Note: Warlocks with two Elemental Lords gain and choose
km). A forest fIre can be sensed as far as 1 00 miles ( 1 60 km);
success ratio is 62% +2% per level of experience. The Warlock
spells in the exact same manner, except that they can choose
can accurately sense air and surface temperatures and changes in
only one spell from each of the two Elemental Magic categories
per level. air temperature. This power can extend to feeling an engine to
tell how recently it was used (accurate within 6D6 minutes) or
Under no condition can a Warlock learn any spells other than
whether a person has a fever; 3 0% +5% per level of experience.
those provided by his Elemental deity. Warlocks, along with
Witches and some clergy, have no knowledge of spell magic nor Earth Warlocks can recognize virtually all natural minerals
any other magic, because their powers are given to them through from gold to iron with amazing accuracy ; 62% +2% per level of
a supernatural force, not learned. experience. They can sense tremors in the earth from quakes,
explosions, heavy equipment and similar seismic disturbances
5. P.P.E: The disciple of one Elemental Force gets 2D4x l 0+20 within a 40 mile area (64 km). More importantly, they can sense
P.P.E., in addition to the P.E. attribute number. Add 2D6 P.P.E. danger located in the earth like loose rock, quicksand, and land
for each additional level of experience. mines; 32% +4% per level of experience. Underground, the
The disciple of two Elemental Forces gets 2D4x l 0+40 Earth Warlock has an unerring sense of direction; 80% +2% per
P.P.E., in addition to the P.E. attribute number. Add 2D6 P.P.E. level of experience.
for each additional level of experience. Air Warlocks can tell the direction of the wind and accurately
Unlike most practitioners of magic, the Warlock cannot draw telVsense time by observing the heavens; 62% +4% per level of
P.P.E. from other living creatures, but can draw the mystic en­ experience. They can also sense the coming of storms, including
ergy from Elemental beings of his life sign, as well as from ley ley line storms, and other atmospheric disturbances; 30% +5%
lines, nexus points, and magic storage cells like certain talis­ per level of experience. They can also sense impurities in the air
mans. and be warned if the contaminants are hazardous; 3 0%+5% per
level of experience.
6. Magic Bonuses : +2 to save vs Horror Factor (+6 against Ele­
mental beings), +1 to save vs magic, and +1 to save vs posses­ 10. Special abilities: Water: the character can instinctively
sion. +1 to spell strength at levels 3 , 6, 10 and 14. Swim at a profIciency of 65% or gets a bonus of +20% if
Swimming and/or Scuba are selected as learned skills. Can hold
7. Speak Elemental. All Elementals communicate in a strange breath for up to fIve minutes.
language that is a combination Telepathy and the spoken word. Fire: The character radiates a protective aura the makes him,
All Warlocks can speak and understand this language at 98%, his clothes, and body armor (does not protect power armor,
but to all others this language is incomprehensible. Elementals 'bots, vehicles or other people) impervious to normal frres (do
do not have a written language. no damage), but Mega-Damage frres, including magic and
plasma, do half damage.
S. Sense Elem entals. Warlocks are so attuned to true Elemental
Forces that they can actually sense the presence of an Elemental Earth: The character can instinctively perform Holistic Medi­
within a 120 foot (36.6 m) radius. Base Skill: 25% +5% per cine at 50% profIciency and Identify Plants & Fruit at 65%. or
each level of the Warlock' s experience. If Elemental Forces ap­ gets a bonus of + 12% if either is selected as a learned skill.
pear to be at work, the Warlock can deliberately try to sense an Air: The character instinctively knows Astronomy at 65%
Elemental' s presence and enjoys a +20% sensory bonus and and Basic Electronics at 5 0%, or gets a 20% bonus if selected as
doubled sensing range (240 feetl73 .2 m). learned skills. Can also hold breath for up to 10 minutes.
Furthermore, a Warlock will intuitively recognize/sense a fel­
1 1 . The Brotherhood - Etiquette Between Elemental
low Warlock and instantly know which Elemental Force(s) he or
Forces. No Elemental will hurt their "little mortal brothers"
she is allied to (experience level, alignment, etc., is not known).
(Warlocks) unless absolutely necessary, provoked, or attacked
There is also a 0 1 -75% chance that a Warlock can see an invisi-
frrst. Again, it is a result of the mysterious bond that is shared
between Elemental and Warlock. Even if the Elemental has Elementals, generally, obey only the Warlock and follow any
been commanded/forced to kill a Warlock as part of its quest, it command without question, including fighting to the death.
will first warn the Warlock of its mission, apologize, and state However, the creatures are extremely literal and will do exactly
that it understands that the Warlock may feel compelled to fight what the Warlock tells them to do, without consideration for
back. After these formalities the Elemental attacks without hesi­ other factors of what may seem obvious to a human.
tation or mercy. Summoning Note Number One: Only a Warlock who is the
If a Warlock encounters an Elemental that is guarding a pas­ foulest of the foul would ever intentionally allow an Elemental
sageway or object that he must use/get, the Elemental will warn brother he summoned to die. Even the most minor of Elementals
the Warlock that it must kill him if he persists, and it will do so like the Phantom should not be allowed to die if it can be
without hesitation if he does. Likewise, if a group of adventurers helped. One means of preservation is to release the Elemental
engage in combat with an Elemental it will destroy all of them from its summoning bondage. With the words, "I release you,"
except the Warlock in the group. Only when the Warlock con­ the Elemental instantly disappears, dimensional teleporting back
fronts the Elemental will the Elemental strike back, but only af­ to its home world, for it is the Warlock and his will that binds it
ter inquiring, "Why do you oppose me, little brother?" An to this realm of existence.
appropriate response would be something like, "Because I must" Summoning Note Number Two: The Warlock may also be
or "Because I must pass." Elementals do not understand the con­ able to summon Minor Elementals and fragmented essences
cept of friendship, so saying that one is protecting the group be­ from an Elemental Intelligence by means of Elemental spell
cause they are friends would be an explanation falling upon deaf Magic. These are even less powerful beings than a Lesser Ele­
ears . The Elemental will accept "I must." If the little brother mental and don't count as an official summoning, they count as
must, he must, just as an Elemental must do as it must. How­ a spell.
ever, the Warlock can stop the battle, discuss the situation, fmd
out who is responsible for the Elemental' s mission, and slay that 13. Warlocks and Weapons. Warlocks are not limited in any
person, which usually (but not always) frees the Elemental from way to the selection and use of weapons. However, most have
its commitment. Or, the Elemental may tell the Warlock of a minimal combat training. They seem partial to weapons made of
different entrance or way to get the item without a confrontation wood or metal and weapons that shoot projectiles.
with it. 14. Colors and Clothing. Warlocks all wear colors and clothing
12. Summoning E lementals. A Warlock can summon only the that is indicative of their particular Elemental life sign. Air:
type of Elemental that is his chosen life sign. This means the White or light pastel colors. Earth: Brown, black or green. Fire:
Fire Warlock can only summon a Fire Elemental and only Red, orange or yellow. Water: Any shade of blue. Brown is the
Lesser Elementals will respond. When the Warlock is high universal color symbol of Elemental Forces and can be worn by
level, 9th or better, he may be able to summon a Greater Ele­ a Warlock of any Elemental Force. The traditional dress for a
mental at half the normal success ratio. Warlock is a hooded robe the color of his chosen Element, any
armor is underneath the robe. Jewelry will also correspond di­
The summoning process can be attempted only once a day
rectly to their Elemental life sign. Air: Diamond or sapphire.
(24 hour period) as the process is very emotionally and physi­
Earth is onyx. Fire is a ruby or topaz. Water is the emerald or
cally taxing. A physical symbol of the Elemental Force must be
pearl. There is no restrictions as to body armor, except that War­
present as the focal point of concentration. The symbol of the
locks tend to avoid plastic armor and power armor.
Elemental must be scrawled on the floor in charcoal or in
dirt/dust. On Rifts Earth, the normal two hours of concentration 15. Notes about Elementals. It is very important to stress here
and chanting is drarnatically reduced to 2D6 minutes ! Only a that Elementals, generally, have absolutely no regard for the
Warlock may summon an Elemental in this way. Success ratio : lives or activities of mortal creatures. One will step on a baby or
5% per each level of the Warlock' s experience, + 1 0% on a ley destroy a town if so commanded, or if in a rage, or out of igno­
line or +20% at a nexus. rance/negligence. To an Elemental, creatures of this dimension
Once summ oned, the Warlock is able to request the Elemen­ (including all intelligent races) are just bugs without value. It is
tal to aid him in battle or any activity for an unlimited length of not because they are evil - because there is no ill will or evil in­
time. However, the Elemental will want to go back to its own tent - but because Elementals are so completely alien and differ­
world after a day or two. Only the summ oning Warlock can re­ ent, they have no comprehension of life as we know it, nor the
lease it to return to its own dimension. The Elemental becomes concept of law, or good and evil. In this regard the Elemental
increasingly insistent about being released with the passing of pays no heed to the harm or damage it may cause in its attempt
each day. This quickly changes to anger and hostility at an accu­ to obey a Warlock' s command. For example: Telling a Fire Ele­
mulative rate of 12% per week. The usual etiquette between Ele­ mental to go into town and get something or somebody sends it
mental and Warlock is lost when the being is pressed into stomping through the streets, perhaps stepping on innocent peo­
slavery and the percentage indicates the degree of its hostility ple, damaging vehicles, and setting buildings on fire.
and the likelihood of it killing the Warlock to gain its freedom. Only a Warlock can freely converse with an Elemental with­
Roll once for every week that passes. If the roll is under the hos­ out being ignored, tom limb from limb, or needing some kind of
tility percentage, the Elemental will be angry enough to attack protection (circle, charm, ward, etc.). An Elemental will not ac­
and kill the Warlock. HOWEVER, it will first warn the Warlock cept someone because he is the friend, kin, or lover of a War­
that it will kill him if he does not release it, now ! Elementals lock. They will accept and befriend ONLY Warlocks, none
never bluff, so the character will know this is, without a doubt, other. In fact, Elementals are so friendly toward Warlocks that
the case, and can react appropriately (usually by letting it free). they have been known to stop in the middle of a massacre to
converse with one . Note: This applies only to True Elementals Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Hand to Hand: Ex­
and not Spirits of Light or Demons with Elemental powers pert at the cost of two O.C.C. Related skills, or Martial Arts for
and/or orientation. the cost of three skills.
Most Elementals (98%) never leave the Elemental dimen­ O.C.c. Related Skills: Select 8 other skills, but two must be
sion, which is their home, unless impressed against their will from Wilderness or Domestic. Plus select two additional skills
into some activity by a magic-user, usually a Shifter, Sum­ at level 3, and one at levels 6, 9, and 12.
moner, Diabolist, or Warlock, occasionally another type of Communications: Any.
mage. As a slave, especially to non-Warlocks, they show their Cowboy: Horsemanship: General and Exotic Animals only.
enslaver little loyalty. This means a slave Elemental will tell a Domestic: Any (+ 1 0%).
brother Warlock everything they know about their mission or Electrical: Any.
any other subject that he may inquire about. Elementals and Espionage: Tracking and Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
Warlocks share a great kinship between each other, in a strange Mechanical: Any.
metaphysical way, and both always try to help each other. Both Medical: Any (+ 1 0% on Holistic Medicine).
man and monster are uncommonly courteous and friendly to­ Military: None.
ward each other, unless that Warlock is known as a cruel or de­ Physical: Any, except Boxing and Acrobatics.
stroying enslaver of Elementals. If the latter is the case, the Pilot: Any (+5%), except robots and military vehicles.
Warlock is treated as if he were an enemy and possibly attacked Pilot Related: Any.
if he continues to pester the irate Elemental. Of course, any Rogue: Any.
Warlock worth the title, and desirous of the friendship of Science: Any (+ 1 0%).
Elementals, should sincerely offer his aid to help an Elemental Technical: Any (+ 1 0%).
with any quest, or duty, or dilemma to ease its burden. Often, W.P. : Any.
being courteous and generous to their little mortal brothers, they Wilderness: Any (+ 1 0%).
will decline the offer, but many Warlocks will aid their Elemen­ Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four second­
tal friend/deity anyway. ary skills from those listed. These are additional areas of know1-
Along this line of thought, Warlocks are aware that edge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the
Elementals don't like to stay away from their home dimension. parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill.
Elementals pressed into service (and often carelessly destroyed) Standard Equipment: Set of clothing, an appropriately colored
by uncaring Shifters, Summoners and other practitioners of hooded robe, set of traveling clothes and extra robe, light
magic will beg a Warlock to free them. Unless the Warlock is
true scum or the forces he must fight to win their freedom are
far too powerful for him, the Warlock will try to help the Ele­
mental, especially if the creature is the same as his or her chosen
life sign. This is true of both good and evil aligned Warlocks .
Likewise, most Warlocks are extremely diligent in their efforts
not to kill any Elemental that they have summoned. If an Ele­
mental is left to guard something, the Warlock will usually put
in the condition that at the point that the Elemental senses its de­
struction it is free to return home (see Summoning Elementals).

Rifts® Warlock O.C.C.

Alignment: Any. Although the Elemental Forces to which the
Warlocks are linked may be very chaotic and freewheeling, a
Warlock can be any alignment. Remember, the concept of align­
ments and laws are unfathomable to true Elementals (generally
Anarchist alignment themselves).
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 6 or higher, M.E. 10 to choose
one Elemental Force, or I.Q. 12 and M.E. 14 to choose two Ele­
mental Forces.
O.C.c. Skills:
Speaks two additional Languages (+ 1 0%).
Literate in Language of choice (+ 1 0%).
Lore: Demon & Monster (+ 1 0%)
Lore: Faerie Folk (+5%)
Land Navigation (+ 1 0%)
Wilderness Survival (+ 1 0%)
Pilot Hover Craft (+5%)
W.P. Ancient of choice (select one).
W.P. Modem of choice (select one).
Hand to Hand: Basic

M.D.C. body annor, knapsack, backpack, I D4 small sacks, one
large sack, canteen, binoculars, tinted goggles or sunglasses, air Earth Spells
filter and gas mask, flashlight, first-aid kit, flint and charcoal, Level One Level Three
wooden cross, and Elemental symbol. Chameleon (5) Animate Plants ( 1 0)
Weapons include a survival knife, automatic pistol or Triax Create Wood (5 or 1 0) Create Mound (8)
pump weapon, and two weapons that match the two O.C.C. Dowsing (2) Crumble Stone ( 1 0)
weapon profIciencies. Dust Storm (5) Dig (8)
The vehicle of choice is often a horse or other live animal Fool' s Gold (5) Earth Rumble ( 1 0)
with small, fast hover vehicles, like the hover cycle, another fa� Identify Minerals (3) Encase Obj ect in Stone ( 1 0)
vorite. Identify Plants (3) Locate Minerals ( 1 0)
Mystic Fulcrum (3) Shrink Plant ( 1 0)
Money: The importance and amount of money attained by a
Rock to Mud (6) Wall of Stone ( 1 5)
Warlock will depend on his personal goals and desire for wealth
and power. Starts with 2D6x l O00 in credits and 3D4x l O00 in Rot Wood (4)
Shatter (3) Level Four
Black Market items.
Animate Object ( 1 2)
Cybernetics: Starts with none and will avoid them.
Level Two Cocoon of Stone ( 1 5)
Create Dirt or Clay (6) Mend Stone ( 1 5)
Dirt to Clay (6) Quicksand ( 1 5)
Elemental Spell Magic Dirt to Sand (6) Repel Animals ( 1 0)
Grow Plants (8) Rust ( 1 5)
Elemental or Warlock Magic only goes up to eighth level
Hopping Stones (6) Sand Storm ( 1 5)
and, except for those listed among Invocation-style spells, are
Throwing Stones (4) Wall of Thorns ( 1 5 )
not available to other magic occupational character classes.
Track (6)
There are four main types of Elemental Magic: A ir, Earth, Fire,
Wall of Clay (8) Level Five
and Water, each of which is described in its own section in the
Wither Plants ( 1 0) Chasm (25)
pages that follow.
Clay to Lead (20)
For descriptions of Elemental Magic spells, see the Rifts® Clay to Stone (20)
Book of Magic. For information on Elemental beings, see Close Fissures (3 0)
Rifts® Dragons & Gods. Little Mud Mound (30)
Travel Through Walls (20)

Air Spells -------

Level Six
Air: Level One Air: Level Three Air: Level Five Clay or Stone to Iron (40/60)
Breathe Without Air (3) Air Bubble ( 1 0) Breath of Life (60) Create Steel (34)
Cloud of Slumber (4) Call Lightning ( 1 0) Circle of Rain (25) Mend Metal (30)
Cloud of Steam (4) Float in Air (6) Darken the Sky (25 ) Stone to Flesh (30)
Create Light (2) Darkness ( 1 0) Detect the Invisible ( 1 0)
Travel Through Stone (3 5)
Create Mild Wind (4) Fingers of the Wind (8) Invisible Wall (30)
Wood to Stone (30)
Stop Wind (5) Frequency Jamming (8) Phantom (3 0)
Thunderclap (2) Frostblade (8) Phantom Mount (25)
Level Seven
Northern Lights ( 1 2) Sonic Blast ( 1 5)
Earthquake (50)
Air: Level Two Resist Cold (8) Whirlwind (30)
Metal to Clay (40)
Change Wind Direction (6) Sheltering Force ( 1 0)
Petrification (40)
Cloak of Darkness (4) Walk the Wind ( 1 0) Air: Level Six
River of Lava (50)
Create Air (6) Wave of Frost (6) Electrical Field (35 )
Sculpt & Animate Clay (40)
Distant Voice (5) Wind Rush ( 1 0) Electro-Magnetism (40)
Wall of Iron (45)
Electric Arc (4) Mist of Death (40)
Heavy Breathing (5) Air: Level Four Snow Storm (50)
Level Eight
Howling Wind (7) Ball Lightning ( 1 5 ) Vacuum (40)
Cap Volcano (80)
Levitate (7) Calm Storms (20) Whisper of the Wind (30)
Create Golem (80)
Mesmerism (7) Dissipate Gases ( 1 5)
Firequake (80)
Miasma (7) Freeze Water ( 1 0) Air: Level Seven
Ironwood (50+)
Northwind (7) Invisibility (20) Atmospheric Manipulation (50)
Magnetism (40)
Orb of Cold (5) Leaf Rustler ( 1 5) Hurricane (60)
Suspended Animation (80)
Silence ( 1 0) Lightblade ( 1 2) Rainbow (60)
Transference of Essence (50)
Lightning Arc ( 1 5) Tornado (60)
Phantom Footman (20)
Protection from Lightning (20) Air: Level Eight
Creature of the Wind (70)
Wind Blast (40)
Wind Cushion (50)
Fire Spells Water Spells
Level One Level Four Level One Level Four
Blinding Flash ( 1 ) Cloud o f Steam ( 1 0) Cloud of Steam ( 1 0) Communicate with Sea Creature ( 12)
Cloud of Smoke (2) Fire Blossom ( 1 0) Color Water (2) Create Water (8)
Create Coal (5) Flame Friend (20) Create Fog (5) Hail (20)
Fiery Touch (5) Fuel Flame ( 1 0) Dowsing (2) Shards of Ice ( 1 5)
Fire Bolt (4) Heal Burns ( 1 5) Float on Water (4) Speak Underwater ( 1 0)
Globe of Daylight (2) Mini-Fireballs (20) Purple Mist (5) Swim Like the Dolphin ( 1 5)
Impervious to Fire (5) See Through Smoke ( 1 2) Salt Water to Fresh (4) Wall of Ice (20)
Nightvision (4) Sense Direction Underwater (4) Water Wisps (30)
Stench of Hades (4) Level Five Walk the Waves (5)
Blue Flame (30) Water to Wine (5) Level Five
Level Two Breathe Fire (20) Earth to Mud (20)
Cloud of Ash (5) Eat Fire (20) Level Two Protection from Lightning (25)
Darkness (8) Fire Globe (20) Breathe Underwater (6) Snow Storm (40)
Fireblast (5) Screaming Wall of Flame (30) Change Current (8) Ten Foot Ball of Ice (30)
Flame Lick (7) Wall of Ice (30) Fog of Fear (7) Whirlpool (40)
Freeze Water (8) Foul Water (6)
Heat ObjectIBoil Water (4) Level Six Frostblade (7) Level Six
Resist Cold (5) Dancing Fires (3 5) Liquids to Water ( 1 0) Encase in Ice (40)
Spontaneous Combustion (5) Eternal Flame (75) Resist Fire (6) Heal Burns (25)
Swirling Lights (8) Fire Whip (30) Ride the Waves (7) Hurricane (50)
Tongue of Flame (6) Flame of Life (40) Swim as a Fish: Superior (6) Little Ice Monster (40)
Water Seal (8) Part Waters (50)
Level Three Level Seven Summon Sharks or Whales (50)
Circle of Cold ( 1 0) Fire Sponge (50) Level Three
Circle of Flame ( 1 0) Melt Metal (50) Calm Waters ( 1 5) Level Seven
Create Heat (8) River of Lava (50) Circle of Rain (20) Drought (80)
Extinguish Fire (8) Ten Foot Wheel of Fire (40) Command Fish ( 1 0) Rain Dance (60)
Fire Ball ( 1 0) Freeze Water (8) Summon Storm ( 1 00)
Fire Gout ( 1 0) Level Eight Impervious to Ocean Depth ( 1 2)
Lower Temperature (8) Burst into Flame (70) Resist Cold (6) Level Eight
Part Fire (8) Drought (80) Sheet of Ice ( 1 5) Calm Waters ( 1 00)
Wall of Flame ( 1 5) Plasma Bolt (60) Creature of the Waves (70)
Tidal Wave (80)

Magic by Book
A quick reference where to find the many types of magic in Rifts.

African Witch Spells: Rifts® Book of Magic and/or Rifts® Diabolism (Wards) : Rifts® Dark Conversions, exclusively.
World Book 4: Africa. Dolphin Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic or World Book 7:
Automatons: Rifts® World Book 1 6 : Federation of Magic™. Rifts® Underseas.
Biomancer Weapons: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® Druids of England: Rifts® World Book 3: England.
World Book 6: South America One. Elemental Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic, exclusively.
Biomancy: Rifts® World Book Six: South America One. Herbology: Rifts® World Book 3: England.
Bio-Wizardry: Rifts® Book of Magic and/or Rifts® World Inuit Magic & Talismans : Rifts® Book of Magic and World
Book 2: Atlantis and Rifts® World Book 2 1 : Splynn Di­ Book 20: Canada.
mensional Market™. Invocations (Wizardry): Rifts® Book of Magic for the com­
Blue Flame Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic or Rifts® World plete list and descriptions in one volume ! Majority are found
Book 9: South Am erica Two. in the Rifts® RPG and the unrevised edition of Federation
Bone Magic: Rifts® World Book 18: Mystic Russia, also in­ of Magic™.
cluded in the Necromancy section of Rifts® Book ofMagic. Korallyte Shaping: Rifts® Book of Magic and World Book 7:
Cloud Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic or Rifts® World Book Underseas.
14: New West™. Ley Line Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Coalition Wars®
Conjuring: Rifts® Book of Magic or Rifts® World Book 16: One: Sedition.
Federation of Magic™. Ley Line Walker Spells : See Invocations.

Living Fire Magic : Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World Spells of Legend: Rifts® Book of Magic, exclusively, under In­
Book 18: Mystic Russia. vocations.
Mystic Kuznya (Magic Weapon-maker): Rifts® World Book Spoiling Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World
18: Mystic Russia, exclusively. Book 18: Mystic Russia.
Nature Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World Book Stone Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World Book
18: Mystic Russia. 2: Atlantis.
Nazcan Line Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World Tattoo Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World Book
Book 9: South Am erica Two. 2: Atlantis.
Necromancy: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World Book Techno-Wizard Items (collected): Rifts® Book of Magic.
18: Mystic Russia. Temporal Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World
Ocean Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World Book Book 3: England.
7: Underseas. Whale Singer Spellsongs: Stone Magic: Rifts® Book of Magic
Rune Weapons: Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World and Rifts® World Book 7: Rifts® Underseas.
Book 2: Atlantis. Witch: Gypsy or Hidden Witch: Rifts® Mystic Russia, exclu­
Shamanistic Magic : Rifts® Book of Magic and Rifts® World sively.
Book 15: Spirit West. Witch: Night Witch: Rifts® Mystic Russia, exclusively.
Shifter Expanded: Rifts® Dark Conversions, exclusively. Witchery & Pacts: Rifts® Dark Conversions, exclusively.
Summoner: Rifts® Dark Conversions, exclusively.

The Palladium Fantasy

Role-Playing Game®
Palladium ' s Humanoid Races Then, there are the so-called ''monster races," such as Giants,
Trolls, Ogres, Orcs, Kobolds, and Goblins, among others. And
Optional Player Characters lastly, there are the "dying races." Those rare, monstrous or
The following races of people (R.C.C.s) are from The Palla­ beautiful beings whose numbers seem to dwindle with each
dium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Second Edition. The passing generation.
world itself, resembles Earth's own early Middle Ages and Re­ Presented in the following pages are the most common and
naissance eras of history with the extra added advantage of sor­ most notable of the mortal humanoid life forms from the Palla­
cery. Nonhumans in this environment include dragons, Giants, dium World. Most (unlike the demons and dragons that follow)
Orcs, Ogres, and Goblins, among many others, but the three should be "rare" on Rifts Earth. Victims of magic gone wrong,
most important nonhumans are Elves, Dwarves and the Canine an evil plot or dimensional anomaly that has tom them from
Races (Wolfen at the front of the pack). their natural home world and brought them to Rifts Earth. Lord
There is no advanced technology on the Palladium World. Coake, the legendary leader of the Cyber-Knights, is said to
Not even black powder weapons, only low technology, magic have been a native of the Palladium World, and beings such as
and medieval peoples - many of whom rely heavily on magic or Wolfen, Changelings, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Giants, and others
special training passed on through the ages. may appear anywhere on Rifts Earth as lone travelers, small
Despite the lack of true science and technology, the Palla­ bands or an entire (though isolated) clan, tribe or community of
dium World has enjoyed over 50,000 years of history, starting people making a new life on Rifts Earth. Other rare individuals,
with the rebellion of the lesser races against the evil Alien groups or clans may serve as the agents of an evil or good be­
Intelligences known as The Old Ones. Since the defeat of the ing, or be out for themselves. Multi-dimensional travelers like
Old Ones, a number of civilizations have risen to power and dragons, demons, Deevils, demigods, godlings and gods are the
crumbled away. For a long time, Elves and Dwarves were the most likely to enlist beings from other dimensions, and bring
dominant races, but a six thousand year war between the two them to other worlds. The races of the Palladium World are just
devastated their cultures and reduced them to lesser powers . one of many possibilities.
This has given human beings the chance to become the new Creatures of flesh and blood. The intelligent, humanoid
world power. However, while humans are one of the most com­ races of Palladium are all mortal, Hit Point and S.D.C. beings.
mon and dominant races, the Wolfen, and other canine races, are Like humans and (most) D-Bees of Rifts Earth , they need
also a force to be reckoned with, and the two clash with increas­ Mega-Damage armor or magic to protect themselves in the
ing regularity.
Rifts® environment. While most have NO knowledge of ad­ Every two levels of experience thereafter, the character
vanced technology (much of which they are likely to regard as may learn to speak one new language or become literate in a
some type of "magic"), most are quick studies able to learn how spoken language, or choose one new skill from any of the four
to use a gun and other simple devices. Most Palladium Men at categories above. At the G.M. ' s discretion, a skill or two from
Arms O.C.C.s, in fact, should fmd the "magic of technology" to other categories may be made available to the character. For ex­
be very desirable, and are likely to adapt easily to the use of ample, Basic Math, Cardsharp, Computer Hacking, Intelligence,
M.D.C. body armor, energy weapons, Vibro-Blades, radios, lan­ or Demolitions, might be made available to a character who gets
guage translators, and riding hovercycles and robot horses. special training in said skill.
Likewise, most will enjoy the challenge of the "magic and mon­ Without further ado, let us go directly to full conversions for
ster" filled wilderness of Rifts Earth. On the other hand, the most common and notable R.C .C.s of the Palladium World.
high-tech cities, laboratories, factories and air bases (and air­
craft) are likely to seem frightening and unnatural. Few born in
the Palladium World will ever feel comfortable or safe in such
high-tech environments. Some may refuse entering a vehicle or
the belly of a giant robot, and most will distrust those skilled in
the ways of technology, clinging to their own traditions, super­
stitions and old ways of life.
Physical M.D.C. : As noted above, creatures of flesh and
blood require Mega-Damage Capacity (M.D.C.) body armor,
force field or magic to protect themselves from Mega-Damage
weapons, spells and attacks.
However, some beings actually transform into Mega-Damage
creatures in the Rifts® environment. Whenever such a transfor­
mation is applicable, it is indicated in the character description,
along with the exact stats and M.D.C. amount. For the most
part, the conversion is pretty straight forward. I typically com­
bine Hit Points and S.D.C. and reduce the total by 20% to come
up with the amount of physical Mega-Damage (when applica­
ble). Of course in most cases, mortal beings remain Hit Point
and S.D.C. creatures regardless of their environment only crea­
tures of magic and supernatural beings (and maybe certain
super beings) change with their environment.
For creatures, like the Bearman, who remains a mortal Hit
Point or S.D.C. being, but one with a hundred or more combined
points, I keep the old formula: 1 00 S.D.C.IH.P. =one M.D.C .
point. Thus, a creature with 2 1 0 Hit Points and S.D.C. has the
equivalent of 2 M.D.C. It' s not much, but its something. The
same holds true for S.D.C . vehicles brought into or created in a
Mega-Damage world: every 1 00 S.D.C. is equal to one M.D.C .
point. Thus, an S.D.C. tank with 1 075 S .D.C. has (or more to
the point, can withstand) I I M.D. points of damage; I round up
to give the S.D.C. creature or item a little advantage.
Lea rning skills of Rifts Earth. Within a few short weeks,
new arrivals will pick up the common language (+5%) of the re­
gion, and two Modern w.P.s (probably W.P. Energy Pistol and
W.P. Energy Rifle). Any character with W.P. Knife can use
small Vibro-Blades, and those with W.P. Sword can use large
Vibro-Blades with the full benefit of bonuses from that W.P.
Characters with W.P. Blunt can use a Neural Mace. Likewise,
character with W.P. Archery can quickly adapt to the use of
modern bows and high-tech arrows such as those with explosive
tips. Bearmen of the North
After 2D4+4 months or upon the character reaching one full Humanoid mutant animals are not uncommon to Rifts Earth,
level of experience (whichever comes first), the Palladium char­ particularly in North America, thanks to the genetic engineers of
acter may learn a total of three new Rifts Earth Skills from the the Coalition' s Lone Star Com plex. CS sponsored genetic re­
following categories only : Communications (Le. radio commu­ search facilities regularly engage in the experimentation with
nications), Pilot (basic vehicles like an automobile, Hovercraft, and creation of mutant animals, the most famous of which are
Hovercycle, Jet Pack, etc., only), Technical (any) and w.P. the Dog Boys, but also Battle Cats, Monkey Boys, mutant Rats
Modern. and the bear-like Ursa- Warrior. There are also animal-like

D-Bees, mutations, demons and creations of Gene-Splicers that cool, dense forests of the Great Northern Wilderness and Old
may have a bear-like or animal appearance. Consequently, the Kingdom. They are also popular sources of entertainment in the
Bearmen of the North, their distant Palladium kin, Wolfen, gladiatorial arenas of the Western Empire.
Coyles and Kankoran, and other animal-looking humanoids, are The same holds true in the world of Rifts. The Palladium
frequently mistaken as Lone Star creations, CS spies or demonic Bearmen are most likely to be found roaming around mountains
monstrosities. Of these possibilities, the Palladium Bearman and northern forests of America and Canada. Here too, they are
might best be considered a "demonic monstrosity" or a Coali­ coveted as gladiatorial warriors and fetch a good price from Sla­
tion Ursa-Warrior, and both are considered hostile and ex­ vers and Minions of Splugorth. They are said to have gained en­
tremely dangerous. trance into Earth by means of the Calgary Rift, but others claim
Bearmen are large, hulking man-beasts who more resemble that the Detroit and Windsor Rifts are the source of their pres­
an angry, giant bear with an aggressive disposition and short ence. Regardless, an estimated 100-200 Palladium Bearmen are
temper. Like real bears, the creatures are huge, bulky, and mus­ believed to roam the wilderness of Canada and another hundred
cular giants of fang and fur that stand nine to ten feet tall (about the Rocky Mountain range and northern United States, possibly
3 meters). They are rumored to have been created by some mag­ more.
ical experiment gone awry, eons past, on Palladium and subse­ Bearmen are very simple creatures who shun civilization.
quently killed their creator. Other tales suggest that they are Most are nomadic Wilderness Scouts (or Palladium RPG style
other-dimensional beings summ oned to the Palladium World Men at Arms) who live off the land and explore its wonders.
during the Time of A Thousand Magicks. Nobody really seems They find Rifts Earth a delightful new home because the wilder­
to know, including the Bearmen themselves. ness regions are vast and the number of people few. They are
Most have little tolerance for stupidity, duplicity or politics not at all interested in power or treasure. Two common vices in­
and bowl over or kill anybody who stands in their way, threat­ clude sweets and alcohol.
ens or annoys them. Bearmen are usually impatient, mean, belli­ Though known as primordial brutes given to violent out­
cose bruisers who prefer to be left alone. When frustrated or bursts, people who win a Bearman' s true friendship will fmd
angered (and both come easy for them), the funy brutes lash out they have a stalwart friend and ally who will stand loyal and
with tooth, claws, blade and lasers. Their hostility and anger is true to them even in the face of death. Back on the Palladium
not relegated to any one race, for they find most creatures, from World, a popular saying states that the only thing more fero­
humans and mutants to D-Bees and demons, equally infuriating cious than a Bearman' s temper is his loyalty to a friend.
and worthy of their ire. And when a Bearman or clan of Alignment: Any, but often Aberrant, Anarchist, and Unprinci­
Bearmen take to hating a particular species, their intolerance pled.
and belligerence knows no bounds. Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
The term "Bearman" or "Bearman of the North" is a specific nated: I.Q. 2D6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6+2, P.P. 4D6,
reference to the Bearmen from the Palladium World. These gi­ P.E. 6D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6. Note: On Rifts Earth, the P.S. is
ant, fur-covered humanoids are recognizable by their black or considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Strength; see damage
very dark brown fur, bear-like features and vile tempers . A tem­ for details.
per that is fueled by the very fact that they have been dropped Hit Points: 2D6 +P.E. attribute number and I D6 per each level
into an alien and hostile world where they feel vulnerable and of experience.
confused, and have no way of escaping. This unexpected and S.D.C.: 2D4x l 0 plus those gained from O.C.C . and physical
despicable situation only serves to make most Bearmen whisked skills. Typically around 80- 140, or roughly the equivalent of one
to Rifts Earth all the more foul-tempered and quick to strike out M.D.C. (or two when H.P. are included in the consideration).
at others. Thus, the character can usually withstand one or two points of
Yet, for all their anti-social behavior, Bearmen are neither Mega-Damage before being vaporized!
savage barbarians nor wanton killers. They have a great respect Natural Armor Rating: 1 1 , only applicable in S.D.C. combat.
for life and nature, and while all Palladium Bearmen act bossy, Any roll to strike that is 1 1 or less does no damage to the
rude, abrupt, and threatening, the hulking mountains of muscle Bearman expect mess his fur or scratch his skin, and the beast
and fur rarely attack without being provoked and seldom kill ain' t likely to appreciate either.
without good reason. Most are satisfied with beating (often liter­ Horror Factor: 14
ally) or bullying an antagonist into submission, and rarely en­ P.P.E. : 3D6; Palladium Bearmen have n o aptitude for magic.
gage in cold-blooded murder or meaningless acts of torture or Physical Appearance: Huge, hulking, humanoid bears with
slaughter. On the other hand, they have no qualms at taking dark brown or black fur.
what they desire from others, and using whatever force they feel Size: 9 to 1 0 feet tall (2.7 to 3 m).
necessary. Their volatile temperament also means that they are Weight: 1200- 1 800 pounds (540 to 8 1 0 kg).
easily agitated and provoked into physical confrontations as a Natural Abilities: Bionic strength, Nightvision 1 0 feet (3 m),
means of resolving all types of disputes and problems. A con­ poor day vision (about 120 feetl3 6.6 m), superior sense of smell
stantly cheerful and friendly Bearman is some other mutant ani­ and hearing (track by smell alone 44% +4% per level of experi­
mal, D-Bee, or possessed, but is not a "true" Palladium Bearman ence, recognize a familiar scent 60% +3% per level of experi­
of the North. ence ), instinctive swimmers 70%, instinctive climbers
On their home world, Palladium, the Bearmen are found as 60%150%, recognize poison 90% (instinctive), prowl (natural
adventurers, mercenaries and explorers throughout the world, ability) 28%. Unlike their canine cousins, the Palladium
but most are found in the remote wilderness areas and prefer the Bearmen can NOT sense magic or the supernatural, but have no
love for either.
Attacks Per Melee (Rifts): Two in addition to O.C.C. Hand to
Hand skill and level (NPC villains typically have 4 to 6 melee Canines : Wolfen
attacks). The most civilized an d powerful o f the three canine races is
Dam age: Claws do 2D6 S .D.C. damage plus P.S. bonuses, con­ the Wolfen, a fierce warrior people who have risen out of barba­
ventional S.D.C. power punch 4D6 +P. S . bonus, bite does 2D4 rism and constant war only in the last two or three generations.
S.D.C. damage, head butt 1 D6, or by weapon (usually large). Their constant infighting and barbaric warrior ways held them
Note: On Rifts Earth, the P.S. is considered to be the equivalent back for centuries. However, in the last few decades the Wolfen
of Bionic Strength, which means the character can inflict tribes have united and quickly grown into a well organized, dis­
Mega-Damage from ''power punches," power kicks, power claw ciplined and orderly society. They still hold to the ways of the
attacks and bites (counts as two melee actions and typically in­ warrior, but have developed into a sophisticated military ma­
flicts 1 D4 or I D6 to 2D4 M.D. per "power" attack). chine amazingly similar to the early ancient Romans of Earth,
Racial Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +1 on right down to similar garb, weaponry and military tactics. This
initiative. + 1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 , has led some multi-dimensional travelers familiar with Earth
1 0, 1 2 , and 14. history to wonder if there isn't some link between the ancient
Magic: None. Romans and the modem day Wolfen of the Palladium World, or
Psionics: Standard, same as humans. whether this is just another strange case of parallel development.
Average Life Span : 60 years. Coincidence seems to be the case here, as the Wolfen seem
Habitat: Wilderness and forested mountains; ideally cool or oblivious to Earth and dimensional travel, and scramble to learn
cold climate. magic for the fIrst time in their history.
Available O.c.c.s: Any Palladium RPG Men of Arms or Rifts
RPG Wilderness Scout, Headhunter, Grunt (equivalent), or Although the humans and many other races on the Palladium
Vagabond (limited to only three physical skills for all O.C.C.s). World see Wolfen as barbaric, child-eating monsters, it is not
They shun the mystic arts, although they may use magic weap­ true. The giant canines are as intelligent, compassionate and civ­
ons and items. ilized as the humans of that same world and era. The belief that
Skills of Note: Speak Wolfen 98%, Gobblely 80%, and most they are savage monsters is perpetuated by the humans' own ig­
Bearmen can speak at least some Dragonese (Elven) 40% unless norance, hatred, fear and bloody confrontations of the past.
a specific O.C.C. language skill is selected. 20% also speak ei­ Some scholars fear that the humans' sense of imperial superior­
ther Troll or Faerie at 50%. These are in addition to the usual ity and right of inheritance of their world will lead to war and
O.C.C. skills. the collapse of both human and Wolfen civilizations just like the
Enemies: Everybody! Bearmen don't trust or like anybody until demise of the Elvish and Dwarven empires. As humans began to
the person has proven himself, but they especially hate Bug settle the northern portions of the Palladium World, they in­
Bears and Xiticix. vaded Wolfen claimed territories and instigated conflicts be­
Allies: Mutant caninesIDog Boys, Kankoran, Psi-Stalkers, tween "man and beast-man." As mighty, conquering warriors,
Simvan, Lynn-Srial, and Faerie Folk are most likely to be most the Wolfen reacted to explorers and settlers as invaders and
easily accepted by Bearmen. killed them in fair combat, but humans saw such incidents as
Weapon Notes: Large, two-handed swords and tree trunks used massacres and murder. Thus, mounting tensions suggest war is
as clubs are S.D.C. weapons of choice. Bearmen generally pre­ on the horizon.
fer hand to hand combat with sword, club or axe, but quickly On Rifts Earth, Wolfen are believed to be a rarity, although
adapt to technology. Most love Vibro-Blades and energy weap­ there are rumors of a new culture of warrior canines in the style
ons, particularly heavy weapons such as pump guns, gre­ of the Ancient Roman Empire repopulating Italy. So far, such
nade/rocket launchers, particle beam rifles, plasma ejectors and tales have been dismissed, but accurate communication on Rifts
rail guns. Earth is terrible at best, and things can change overnight thanks
These giants rarely wear armor in their native S .D.C. world, to magic and dimensional Rifts. To be sure, lone Wolfen war­
but have taken to wearing loose, heavy M.D.C. armor such as riors and small bands of the humanoids have, indeed, made it to
the Crusader and Gladiator styles on Rifts Earth. Rifts Earth. Whether there are a few hundred, like the Bearmen,
or a few thousand scattered across the planet is anyone 's guess.
In fact, one must wonder if some tales about demon wolves and
werewolves are not really stories about misidentified Wolfen.
In Rifts North America, a Wolfen is very likely to be mis­
Canines taken for a Dog Boy or some similar mutant canine created by
the Coalition States. However, there are certain significant dif­
Palladium Coyles, Kankoran, & Wolfen ferences between a Dog Boy and a Wolfen. One, Wolfen stand
The Palladium World contains a variety of humanoid canine 7- 1 0 feet (2 . 1 to 3 m) tall, while the average Dog Boy is only
races. The most famous are the giant Wolfen and their smaller 5-6 feet ( 1 . 5 to 1 .8 m) tall, with a good third under five feet ( 1 . 5
cousins, the Coyles, but there is also the petite and ferocious m). Two, Wolfen and their Palladium canine cousins have true
Kankoran. animal haunches and resemble a dog standing on its hind legs.
Three, Wolfen, while usually soldiers, are likely to exhibit a
range of knowledge and aggressive independence not common
to Dog Boys, even feral ones. And lastly, Wolfen speak their
own guttural language and have a written language as well.

However, these are all distinctions that often escape most casual tacks" counts as two melee actions/attacks and typically inflict
observers. When face to face with one these great man-beasts, only I D4 or I D6 M.D. per strike.
all one tends to notice is the snarling canine muzzle lined with R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): + 1 on
wicked-looking teeth; whether it is a Dog Boy or Wolfen be­ initiative. +2 to save vs Horror Factor at level one and + 1 at lev­
comes irrelevant. Only true Dog Boys, other canines, els 4, 8 and 12.
Psi-Stalkers, Simvan, Druids and genetic engineers are likely to Magic: Some Wolfen covet the secrets of magic, and such indi­
notice the differences immediately. viduals find Rifts Earth a true wonder and may seek to learn one
In Rifts Canada, France, Russia and parts of Eastern Europe, of the disciplines of magic - probably Ley Line Walker, Mystic,
Wolfen (and Coyles and Kankoran) may be mistaken for Loup Warlock or any of the Native American Shaman or magical In­
Garou, werewolves, demons or woodland spirits, especially if dian Warrior O.C.C.s are most appealing to them, but any is
they are encountered as a solitary adventurer or in small groups . possible. Starts at level one proficiency. Otherwise, most
Alignments: Any, but tend toward Principled (good) and Aber­ Wolfen (85%) are a Man at Arms O.C.C.
rant (evil), because both alignments have a strong personal code Psionics: Standard, basically same as humans.
of honor. Average Life Span : 60+ years.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ O.C.C.s, Palladium Fantasy®: Virtually any O.C.C., but most
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+ 1 , P.P. 3D6, lean toward highly skilled and warrior occupations.
P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 4D6. Note: On Rifts Earth, the P. S . is O.C.C.s, Rifts®: If the canine was brought to Rifts Earth as a
considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Strength; see damage child or born on the planet, then the character can be virtually
for details. any O.C.C. However, their natural warrior instincts are likely to
attract them to one of the Men at Arms or Adventurer O.C.C.s.
Hit Points: P.E.+ I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 20 plus those gained from the O.C.C. (Typically 25-30 The following probably have the greatest allure : Coalition Dog
for Men at Arms) and physical skills. Pack and any CS military O.C.C. (actually its mercenary or free­
Natural Armor Rating: 6, only applicable in S.D.C. combat. dom fighter equivalents), Mercenary, Soldier, Wilderness Scout
Any roll to strike with an S.D.C. attack that is 6 or less does no or Military Ranger, Trapper/Woodsman, Bandit, Bounty Hunter,
damage to the canine even if it hits. Headhunter, Freelance Spy, Gunfighter, Gunslinger, Sher­
M.D.C.: None. This means the mortal character needs to ac­ ifIlLawman, KnightlCyber-Knight, Vagabond or any of the
quire M.D.C. body armor like humans. Being soldiers by nature, American Indian Warrior O.C.C.s. Some of the Scholar and Ad­
Wolfen love body armor and fmd the Mega-Damage body ar­ venturer O.C.C.s may be attractive also. Back on the Palladium
mor and M.D. weapons of Rifts Earth to be marvelous inven­ World, there is a faction dedicated to learning magicks of all
tions. Most Wolfen will strive to acquire a full suit of M.D.C . kinds, but on Rifts Earth a Wolfen's attraction to the mystic arts

armor, whether it be home spun or full environmental armor is likely to be the result of circumstance, personal inclination
specially designed to accommodate their unique size and physi­ and exposure to the craft. Those born on Rifts Earth are the
ology. more likely to consider the pursuit of magic (any). Most Wolfen
Horror Factor: 12 try to avoid full bionic conversion, but will consider cybernetic
P.P.E.: 3D6 implants and partial bionic reconstruction.
Physical Appearance: Giant humanoid wolves. The body is Phase World® Note: Creatures known as Wulfen or Wolfen
covered in dark and/or light grey colored fur. The head is are a major force in the Three Galaxies and are virtual genetic
wolf-like with a muzzle, canine teeth, powerful jaws, pointed clones to the Wolfen of the Palladium World. Whether one is
canine ears, and hazel, brown or green eyes. descended from the other, or which may be the progenitor and
Size : 7 to 10 feet tall (2. 1 to 3 m). the progeny is unknown. If they are related, and scientific evi­
Weight: 350 to 500 pounds ( 1 57.5 to 225 kg). dence suggests they are, how they separated and came to exist in
Natural Abilities : In addition to the Wolfen' s intelligence, two starkly different environments is a mystery that will proba­
physical strength and size, the character also has bionic level bly never be solved. The best (biased) guess of scholars and sci­
strength, Nightvision (40 feetll2.2 m), excellent color (day) vi­ entists of Phase World is that the Palladium Wolfen are
sion (equal to human 20/20 vision), a keen sense of smell (20010 descended from those of Phase World. Perhaps the descendants
+4% per level of experience to track blood scent up to 500 of survivors from a crashed spaceship sucked through a dimen­
feetl l 52 m away, recognize commonlknown smells 50% +3% sional space anomaly or early experiment in dimensional travel,
per level of experience, and 1 6% +4% to recognize the scent of and which, once trapped on an alien world, fell to barbarism. In­
others up to 50 feetll 5 .2 m away), and keen hearing (same as a deed, the Wulfen Empire of the Three Galaxies are a
Dog Boy). Unlike Dog Boys, Palladium canines cannot sense space-faring people of some renown, so it is possible that a lost
the supernatural or magic like intelligent mutant dogs. colony or marooned spaceship found its way to the Palladium
Attacks Per Melee (Rifts®): As per Hand to Hand combat, World. However, the fact that other kindred canines - cousins to
plus those gained from Boxing and other physical skills. the Wolfen - also exist on the Palladium World, suggests Palla­
Dam age: Punch or claw strike inflicts 2D4 S.D.C. damage dium is more likely the place of origin for the Wulfen race.
+P.S . bonus, a kick 2D6 S.D.C. damage +P.S. bonus and a bite Then again, the Wolfen and other canine races may have origi­
does 2D4 S .D.C. damage (no additional P.S. damage). Note: On nated elsewhere, making the Space Wulfen and Palladium
Rifts Earth, the P.S. is considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Wolfen distant relatives whose ancestors sprang up on some
Strength which means the canine can inflict Mega-Damage long forgotten, distant planet.
from "power" punches, kicks, and claw attacks, but ''power at- Skills of Note: Two thirds of all Wolfen speak and read the
Wolfen and ElvenlDragonese languages at 98%, know Basic
Math (+ 1 0%) and one extra ancient W.P., all in addition to This is a tragic mistake, because most Wolfen view the Coyles '
O.C.C. skills. acts of savagery with equal disdain. While the Wolfen, even
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered to be a Dog Boy during their days of barbarism, were generally noble and fair
or D-Bee on Rifts Earth. warriors, the Coyles have always delighted in torture and massa­
Enemies : Traditionally humans, Dwarves, and Changelings are cres .
despised. Elves are allied to humans and therefore, an enemy, The Coyles are particularly dangerous because of their skill
however, Wolfen covet the knowledge and friendship of Elves as warriors and natural prowess. Their superior Physical Prow­
and are constantly soliciting their favor. Wolfen generally see ess (P.P.) combined with a sharp intelligence, cunning and wild,
supernatural forces as evil and dangerous. As a result, they sel­ daring tactics makes them a respectable fighting force. Coyles
dom ally themselves to the supernatural, but will consider us­ are also known for battle tactics involving sneak attacks,
ing/commanding supernatural forces in the same way as crossfire, ambush, flanking attacks and feints. These tactics
humans. make them far superior to most other sub-human forces on the
Allies: Fellow canines, D-Bees, and monster races. Indifferent Palladium World and equal to humans. Even Elf and human
toward most others. Most free Wolfen view the Dog Boy hu­ commanders have been humbled by superior Coyle tactics and
man-loyalists with some measure of confusion and disappoint­ treachery. For example, Coyles disdain heavy armor and delight
ment (not hatred or disdain), because they so cheerfully serve in drawing knights in heavy plate or scale mail into pitfalls and
humans as a sort of slave class. Conversely, Dog Boys view water traps.
Wolfen (and other free canines) as curious but dangerous feral Generally, Wolfen look upon their cousins as barbarians who
cousins who don't share their civilized view of, and sense of foolishly cling to their old self-destructive ways. Renegade
loyalty to, humans . Coyles and Coyle tribes are moving ever southward to avoid the
Weapon Notes: Palladium Wolfen love large swords, pole oppressive Wolfen Imperial government. Unfortunately, this
arms, and battle axes. Those who adapt to Rifts Earth enjoy pushes them into increasing conflict with human settlers in the
Vibro-Blades and Mega-Damage energy weapons of all kinds, southeast.
from fmesse weapons known for their accuracy to rail guns and If Coyles exist on Rifts Earth they exist in small numbers.
other heavy weapons. Being closer to human-size, ranging from 6-8 feet ( 1 . 8 to 2.4
Notes: The Wolfen may be considered to be roughly equivalent m), they are much more likely to be mistaken for Dog Boys, or
to humans in society, philosophy, temperament and intelligence. Loup Garou, werewolves, or other type of mutant or D-Bee. Be­
Back in the Palladium World, the Wolfen Empire threatens the ing thieving savages by nature, Coyles are most likely to join
supremacy of humankind. forces with other raiders, bandits and tyrant lords. A Coyle
The Wolfen birth rate also gives them a survival edged over would thrive in the Pecos Empire or among the Simvan, the
humans and other races, giving birth to 1 D4 young after an eight Monster Kingdom of Calgary, Gargoyle and Brodkil Empires
month gestation period. Wolfen reach full physical maturity in and other monstrous kingdoms.
13 years. Alignments: Any, but tend toward Unprincipled, Anarchist,
Miscreant and Diabolic.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
Canine : Coyles nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6+ 1 , P.P. 4D6+ 1 ,
P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 3D6. P.S. i s in the normal, human
Another canine humanoid from the Palladium World is the range.
Coyle. They are smaller cousins of the Palladium Wolfen who Hit Points: P.E.+ 1 D6 per level of experience.
refuse to join the Wolfen' s quest to build their own civilization S.D.C.: 20 plus those gained from the O.C.C. (Typically 25-30
and culture and who revel in barbarism and savagery. Coyles for Men at Arms) and physical skills.
still roam the vast forest wilderness in large tribes that con­ Natural Armor Rating: None.
stantly fight and bicker amongst themselves; usually over such M.D.C.: None. This means. the mortal character needs to ac­
trifles as which tribe has the best warriors, or the most warriors, quire M.D.C. body armor like humans . Coyles prefer light­
or the best leaders, or wisest shaman, prettiest females, and so weight body armor and fmd the Mega-Damage body armor and
on. They are wild, aggressive, carefree, and rebellious compared M.D. weapons of Rifts Earth to be marvelous inventions. Most
to their Wolfen cousins, and are a constant source of consterna­ Coyles will strive to acquire a light suit of M.D.C . armor,
tion to the W olfen Empire. whether it be homespun or full environmental armor specially
Coyles operate in large, loose knit tribes and engage in a life designed to accommodate their size and physiology.
of raiding and murder. Their primary victims: humans and other Horror Factor: 1 1
non-canine races. Coyles view themselves, and to a lesser ex­ P.P.E. : 3D6. Coyles lack the discipline to pursue the mystic
tent, the Wolfen and Kankoran, as the "chosen people" of the arts.
world. Consequently, a Coyle doesn't recognize the rights of Physical Appearance: Similar to Wolfen, but look more like
any being who is not a canine. As they see it, stealing from or coyotes than wolves and are smaller than Wolfen (typically 6-7
killing members of other races is their privilege, not a crime. feetl1 .8 to 2 . 1 m). Their body is covered in light grey or light
This attitude and murderous behavior is what has, ironically, brown fur, the ears 11 tad smaller and their build more slim.
helped to perpetuate the myth that the Wolfen are merciless bar­ Brown, grey, blue or green eyes.
barians who delight in bloodshed and atrocity, for most humans Size: 6 to 8 feet tall ( 1 .8 to 2.4 m); most are 6-7 feet ( 1 .8 to 2. 1
do not distinguish any difference between Coyle and Wolfen. m) - 72 inches +4D6 inches.

Weight: 200 to 300 pounds (90 to 1 3 5 kg).
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m), keen color vi­
sion, superior sense of smell and hearing, recognize com­
monlknown smells 50% +3% per level of experience. Track by
smell alone 30% +4% per level of experience. Can not sense the
supernatural or magic like intelligent mutant dogs.
Attacks per Melee (Rifts®): As per Hand to Hand Combat and
other skills . No special bonus.
Dam age: Bite does I D6 S.D.C . damage and claws do I D6
S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus.
Bonuses (in addition to attribute, O.C.c. and Skill bonuses) :
+ 1 on initiative and + 1 to save vs Horror Factor.
Psionics: Standard, basically same as humans .
Average Life Span : 45+ years.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any O.C.C., but generally too
lazy to study magic or scholarly pursuits. They lean toward Men
at Arms and Vagabond adventurer types.
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Technically, any O.C.C., including the Coali­
tion Dog Pack, but 99.9% of all Coyles are too lazy, undisci­
plined, hyper and self-centered to study magic, scholarly
pursuits or to learn demanding occupations like Operator, Body
Doc or technician. Coyles like occupations they consider easy
(not that a fighter' s life is easy) and which offer instant gratifi­
cation (like killing somebody and robbing them). Thus, they
gravitate toward Men at Arms occupations and adventurers like
the Raider (any), Wilderness Scout, Thief, Vagabond, Gambler,
Saddle Tramp and Saloon Bum. Maybe a City Rat, but if so,
probably a Gutter Rat, Runner or Roof Rat.
Occasionally a Headhunter, full conversion cyborg, Juicer or
Crazy. Juicer Note: For reasons unknown, Coyles can be
"juiced," but a Coyle Juicer is not as powerful as the conven­
tional Human or Ogre Juicer. Reduce all typical Juicer bonuses
by hal/ and a Coyle Juicer (who should be super rare) is often a
crazier risk taker and more reckless than human Juicers. The lat­
ter is true of Coyle Crazies as well.
Skills of Note: Speak Wolfen and Gobblely at 98%, and knows
one extra ancient W.P. in addition to O.C.C. skills. Also get a
+5% skill bonus to any Espionage or Wilderness skills.
Habitat: Can be found anywhere, but usually mistaken for a
Dog Boy, D-Bee or werewolf.
Enemies : Traditionally, humans, Dwarves, and Changelings are
despised. Coyles have mixed feelings and a love-hate relation­
ship with Wolfen. On one hand, they have been bitter enemies
in the past and resent the Wolfen' s superiority and power. They
also fmd the Wolfen dream for culture and civilization to be
foolish and restrictive on personal freedom. On the other hand,
they fear and respect the mighty Wolfen. On the Palladium
Canine : Kankoran
World, many Coyle tribes are solid allies with powerful Wolfen The Kankoran believe in living a simple, Spartan life as hunt­
clans and generals, while others are still free-roving bandits and ers and woodsmen. They are in harmony with nature and
bitter enemies of the Wolfen. fiercely protective of any remote wilderness habitat they con­
Allies: D-Bees, and non-humans in general. Foolish, greedy and sider their home. Though a gentle, loving and compassionate
overconfident, many Coyles will get in over their heads by ally­ people among their own kind, their society is harsh and anything
ing themselves with powerful practitioners of magic, witches, but easy. As the young enters adulthood they are required to go
dragons, demons, and powerful supernatural beings . Occa­ through a rite of passage. Exactly what that rite is varies accord­
sionally, even a human who promises them power, wealth ing to the tribe and the location. Typically, it involves the young
and/or a chance to wreak carnage. Kankoran living alone, off the land, for six months to a year.
Weapon Notes: On Rifts Earth, Coyles prefer light armor and Even more severe is the rite of the Emirin Tribe of Kankoran in
love Vibro-Knives and energy weapons, particularly laser and which two young Kankoran must seek out a single young
ion weapons. They also adore small, fast vehicles, particularly Emirin and battle it to the death. Since it's a very even battle,
jet packs, hovercycles and rocket bikes. the Emirin actually approve of this ritual.

These rites of passage are crucial to Kankoran society. All Horror/Awe Factor: 12, at least when they are seen in combat
Kankoran have names that reflect their rite. For example: Lefts­ or when angry or threatening.
ide-Wound, Mountain Shadow, and Knife Handle are typical P.P.E. � 4D6
Kankoran names. Kankoran call scars "stripes," and respect Physical Appearance: Small canine humanoids covered in red
anyone with an impressive collection. or reddish brown colored fur. They have brown or green eyes
Kankoran have a rather naive view of other creatures. and look like a humanoid fox.
Wolfen, D-Bees and sub-humans are considered "children," un­ Size: Four to five feet plus I D6 inches tall (about 1 .2 to 1 .6 m).
less they can show they know how to take care of themselves in Weight: 80 to 1 40 pounds (3 6 to 63 kg).
the wilderness. Outsiders who subject themselves to a Kankoran Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m), keen color vi­
rite of passage can be completely accepted as a fellow sion (a bit better than human 20/20 vision), a keen sense of
smell (30% +4% per level of experience to track blood scent up
Kankoran. It is not unusual for Kankoran to adopt stray children
of any race. One of the great legends of the Kankoran is that to 1 000 feet/305 m away, recognize commonlknown smells
50% +3% per level of experience, and 20% +4% recognize the
they were created by the Elves in the distant past. For this rea­
son they respect Elves and will go out of their way to help them. scent of others up to 50 feet/I 5.2 m away), and keen hearing
They also get along with most of the gentler Faerie Folk and el­ (same as a Dog Boy). Unlike Dog Boys, Palladium canines can­
not sense the supernatural or magic like intelligent mutant dogs.
emental spirits.
Attacks per Melee Round: As per Hand to Hand and other
Kankoran are not dimensional travelers, and are not likely to
skills + 1 additional attack per melee round.
enter a dimensional portal without a compelling reason to do so.
Dam age: Bite does I D6 S.D.C. damage and claws do I D6
Consequently, any Kankoran encountered on Rifts Earth is ei­
S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus.
ther there by accident (an odd quirk of fate or the handiwork of
Bonuses (in addition to attribute, skills and O.C.C. bonuses) :
unwanted magic) or some important reason. Furthermore, the
+3 on initiative and +2 to pull punch. + 1 to save vs Horror Fac­
odds of there being more than a half dozen Kankoran in any one
tor at levels 1 , 2, 3 , 5, 7, 9, 1 1 , 1 3 , and 1 5 .
location are slim and none.
Psionics: Standard, basically same as humans.
Standing a sturdy four to five and a half feet ( 1 .2 to 1 .7 m) Average Life Span : 45+ years.
tall, they are more the size of a Dog Boy, but only the most O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any O.C.C., but generally a
unknowledgeable person would mistake a Kankoran for a Dog woodsman/ranger or long bowman. Occasionally a Mind Mage
Boy. Kankoran are humanoid foxes with luscious red fur and a or clergy.
fluffy tail tipped in white. Courageous and kind by nature, a O.C.C.s Rifts®: Technically any O.C.C., including the Coali­
Kankoran is likely to come to the aid of someone in need, espe­ tion Dog Pack, but Kankoran are so attuned to nature and life in
cially if a woman or child. Kankoran should get along famously the wilderness that most avoid mechanical, machine and ro­
with traditional Native Americans, Sasquatch, Wild bot/vehicle based skills. That means there is likely to never be a
Psi-Stalkers, Druids, Cyber-Knights, Lyn-Srial, and similar peo­ Kankoran Operator or Power Armor pilot. Even Kankoran born
ple who live off the land and appreciate nature, Mother Earth and raised on Rifts Earth tend to avoid technology (bionics and
and the sanctity of life. They are also likely to respect most Wil­ cybernetic implants included) and learn only the most basic
derness Scouts, WoodsmenlTrapperslHunters and noble war­ modem skills: Computer Operations, Radio: Basic, Pilot
riors. However, warriors clad inside robots, power armor, HovercycIe, and similar. Most will gravitate toward Wilderness
aircraft and armored vehicles are likely to be viewed as cowards Scout, Trapper-Huntsman, Trapper-Woodsman, Vagabond and
and weaklings hiding within an armored shell. Meanwhile, Men at Arms O.C.C.s. Occasionally a Mind Meiter, Psi-Druid,
Kankoran should take an instant dislike to aggressive and cruel or Cyber-Knight. Kankoran hate magic, but there is the occa­
savages such as the Simvan, Brodkil, and any being who is a de­ sional little mage. No Kankoran is going to willingly submit to
stroyer, slaver or without honor and compassion. Thus, most cybernetic, bionic or any other means of "unnatural" augmenta­
Kankoran see the Kingdom of Monsters growing in Calgary, tion, they'd rather lose a limb.
vampires, the Federation of Magic, the Splugorth and their min­ R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Wolfen (but is illiterate) and Gobblely at
ions, the Gargoyle and Brodkil Empires and other monstrous 98% and knows one extra Ancient W.P. ; all are in addition to
kingdoms as evil and dangerous groups best to be avoided (or the �sual O.C.C. skills. Also gets a +5% skill bonus to any Espi­
destroyed). onage or Wilderness skills.
Alignments: Any, but tend toward good and Unprincipled. Habitat: Theoretically, can be found anywhere, but prefers for­
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ est habitats . In the Palladium World most Kankoran live in the
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. forests and mountains of the north.
4D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 4D6 Enemies: No formal enemies, but hates wicked tormentors,
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience . slavers and destroyers.
S.D.C.: 20 plus those gained from th e O.C.C. (typically 25-30 Allies: Traditionally, the Kankoran' s principal allies are the
for Men at Arms) and physical skills. Wolfen and friendly toward Faerie Folk and other woodland
Natural Armor Rating: 6, only applicable in S.D.C. combat. creatures and folk.
Any roll to strike with an S.D.C. attack that is 6 or less does no On Rifts Earth, Kankoran should fmd Native Americans and
damage to the canine even if it hits. Wild Psi-Stalkers to be kindred spirits as well as get along with
M.D.C.: None. This means the mortal character needs to ac­ Druids, Cyber-Knights, mutant animals, Faerie Folk, Sasquatch,
quire M.D.C. body armor like humans. Most Kankoran prefer woodland spirits, and forest people in general. They will defi­
light and medium armor, often of the homespun variety. nitely feel more comfortable among D-Bees than humans, espe-
cially among animal-looking D-Bees.
Notes: Normally, Kankoran are full-time hunters and woodland Alignments: Any. Despite their notorious reputation, Change­
dwellers on the move with their villages of skin huts, traveling lings can be good, noble and heroic.
to wherever the hunting is best. Wolfen employ them as scouts . Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
On the Palladium World they are usually armed with obsidian nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6+6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 3D6,
daggers and obsidian-tipped spears, but on Rifts Earth they will P.E. 2D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 2D6
use Vibro-Blades, energy weapons, Techno-Wizard weapons Hit Points: P.E.+ 1 D6 per level of experience.
and light body armor. Avoid bionics and "unnatural" forms of S.D.C.: Only those gained from O.C.C. and physical skills.
augmentation (which is most everything). Natural Armor Rating: None.
M.D.C.: None. Although the Changeling may take on the ap­
pearance of an M.D.C. creature, the character remains an S.D.C.

Changelings mortal who needs to acquire M.D.C. body armor, magic or a

force field, like humans, to have M.D.C. protection. A Change­
Whether Changelings actually originate o n the Palladium ling can use any type of body armor, and they love technology.
World or not, is a matter of great debate, for they are found, Horror Factor: 1 0
here and there, throughout the Megaverse, usually in small num­ P.P.E. : 5D6
bers and/or as secret societies. On Palladium, they are an ancient Size: Seven feet (1 .2 m) tall.
people said to have been created by the Old Ones and are uni­ Weight: 1 80 to 250 pounds (8 1 to 1 1 2.5 kg) is average.
versally feared and hunted by all other races of the Palladium Natural Abilities : Superior Mental Endurance and Affmity,
World. The only exception is Elves, but even Elves exhibit cau­ plus :
tion and suspicion when dealing with a Changeling. Shape changing ability: A Changeling can alter his shape and
Changelings are feared because of their impressive ability to size to assume the appearance of any humanoid creature. They
assume any humanoid shape, and are so skilled with their shape cann ot shape change into animals, insects, or objects. Nor can
changing ability that they can imitate specific individuals and they grow additional limbs or other appendages, like a tail or
races perfectly. Thus, they make the ideal assassin, bounty wings. This means the creature cannot temporarily eliminate one
hunter, seducer, thief, spy, infiltrator and invader. Palladium limb if the person being imitated has lost a limb. Likewise, a
legend is rife with yarns of evil acts and claims that Changelings Changeling who loses an arm or leg in battle cannot regenerate
once plotted the destruction of other tribes and even entire races the missing limb for the purpose of disguise. They can instantly
by assuming their appearance and slaying them in their sleep. grow hair or fur of any type and color and otherwise change
As a result, all Palladium races engage in mass genocide of their appearance completely. The Changeling does have size and
these (perceived) fiends, actively hunting Changelings down mass restrictions. The absolute smallest size is three feet (0.9 m)
and destroying them wherever they are found. Though they tee­ and the tallest is ten feet (3 m). Mass/weight varies only thirty
ter on the edge of extinction, and some folk believe they have pounds ( 1 3 .5 kg) or so, consequently, when small they are fat,
been wiped from the face of the planet, at least a few thousand and when tall they are thin. One full melee ( 1 5 seconds) is re­
Changelings are scattered throughout the world, careful to dis­ quired to complete a transformation.
guise themselves as other humanoids and lose themselves When assuming the guise of a particular living person, the
among the society of others. Changeling can adjust its diet accordingly, gaining or losing
The Changeling' s natural form is a thin, seven foot tall (2. 1 weight to make the impersonation perfect. Note that only the
m), hairless humanoid with pale yellow skin. However, height, physical appearance, size and shape of the body changes. The
complexion, apparent age, sex, hair and racial features can all be Changeling' s attributes are always the same, regardless of size
changed with a thought. This makes it virtually impossible to and appearance. Nor do clothes magically change to fit the new
identify a Changeling that is disguised as a different life form . body; new clothes will have to be acquired. Also note that
Even their aura i s too similar to human and Elf t o b e conclusive Changelings are asexual - have no one gender. They can phys­
evidence. Their high Mental Endurance makes other psionic ically change to be either male or female, or both.
probes difficult. They do, however, have some physical traits Attacks per Melee (Rifts®): As per Hand to Hand combat and
that can be telling to a trained eye. Changelings have poor phys­ other combat skills or O.C.C.
ical speed and a weak constitution, so they tire easily and are Bonuses : +2 to save vs telepathic probes, mind control and Hor­
more susceptible to disease. Ah, but the most telling sign is that ror Factor, in addition to bonuses gained from attributes, O.C.C.,
they cannot eat salt. The consumption of salt makes a Change­ and skill bonuses. Also see R.C.C. skills.
ling nauseous, with stomach upset, gas, and possibly vomiting Psionics: Standard, same as humans.
(if a large amount was consumed) lasting 1 04+2 hours. Average Life Span : 250+ years.
Are there any Changelings on Rifts Earth ? Could be. Maybe O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any O.C.C . without limitation.
not. If so, there are probably fewer than a dozen or two world­ O.C.c.s Rifts®: Any O.C.C. (including Coalition military), ex­
wide, though that number may change from time to time, espe­ cept Cyborg, Crazies, or Juicers.
cially among dimensional travelers and their hired henchmen (as R.C.C. Skills: Elven/Dragonese is their natural language 98%
noted earlier, Changelings are popular spies, thieves and assas­ and 50% are also literate in the language. Also automatically
sins for hire). Rumor has it the Splugorth sometimes employ gets the Disguise skill (+20%) and Imitate Voices & Imperson­
Changelings, but then again, the Splugorth are said to hire just ation (+22%). All these skills are in addition to O.C.C. skills.
about every miscreant and evildoer one can name, so whether Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered a D-Bee on Rifts
this is true or not is yet to be proven by the outside world. Earth.

Enemies : All races, human and nonhuman, are feared. rare and have become valuable commodities at regional slave
Allies: Traditionally, Elves are the closest to being an ally . markets. More often than not, a captured Dragonman on the Pal­
However, Changelings like to keep secret company among hu­ ladium World is destined for gladiatorial combat. Just for their
mans, Wolfen, D-Bees and other humanoid races. fierce appearance these creatures have become favorites in the
Notes: The Splugorth do indeed use Changelings among their arena. Sadly, very few Dragonmen still live in the Baalgor
legion of assassins, bounty hunters, spies and slavers. Only a Wastelands ; exact numbers unknown. They wander in small,
handful outside of Atlantis have made it to Rifts Earth . Change­ close-knit and loving family clans feeding on the sparse vegeta­
lings NEVER get bionics nor major cybernetics unless abso­ tion and wildlife.
lutely necessary (like after losing a limb). Obviously mechanical Despite their monstrous countenance, Dragonmen are peace­
limbs, even Bio-Systems, cann ot transform with the rest of the ful and try to avoid conflict. They have a high regard for life and
Changeling' s body. only want to be left alone. If necessary, they fight to defend
themselves, and when they are provoked they can be incredibly
ruthless and savage, but most try to avoid trouble and battle.
Dragonmen are omnivorous like humans, but are primarily veg­
etarians who forage and eat fruits, nuts, roots and bark. In their
native environment, they lead a primitive lifestyle with no use
for technology or magic - nomads who use simple clubs and
rocks as weapons and tools.
Any Dragonman found on Rifts Earth is probably a runaway
slave trying to fmd peace and make a life in this alien world.
They are exceedingly rare and are found only on the Palladium
World in small tribes of 20-60 members, and then only in the
Baalgor Wastelands.

Alignment: Any, but tend to be selfish and leery of other life

Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+2, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 1 D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P.
3D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 2D4, Spd. 4D6. Note: On Rifts Earth, the
P.S. is considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Strength, see
damage for details.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +60, plus I D6 per level of ex­
S.D.C.: 4D6, plus any garnered from skills.
M.D.C.: Dragonmen become a light Mega-Damage creature on
Rifts Earth, with 6D6+20 M.D.C., and heal at a rate of 3D6
M.D.C. per 24 hours. Wearing M.D.C. body armor is advisable,
but these beings have a step up in the magic rich environment of
Natural A.R. : 1 2, only applicable in S .D.C. combat. Any roll to
strike with an S.D.C. attack that is 1 2 or less does no damage to
the creature even if it hits.
Horror Factor: 1 1 .
P.P.E.: 4D6
Average Life Span : 1 5 0 years.
Size: 4 to 5 and a half feet (1 .2 to 1 .7 m) tall. Wt: 200-3 00 lbs.
Dragonmen Physical Appearance: Dragonmen are short, bulky humanoids
who are slightly simian in appearance. They are covered by
Dragonmen are a race of fierce-looking humanoids native to thick, scaly gray to gray-green colored skin that feels like cured
the Baalgor Wastelands of the Palladium World. They are de­ leather. A ridge of dark gray horns starts above their eyes and
monic in appearance, with numerous horns protruding from ends halfway down their backs. Their arms are overly long, ex­
their spines, and have long talons . The horns and talons are nat­ tending below their knees, and end in sharp, long talons. The
ural defenses that have evolved to help them survive in their teeth are pointed but not as fang-like as some creatures.
hostile homeland. Humanoid races widely believe these crea­ O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Mercenary, Gladiator, Soldier,
tures to be brutal fiends because of their hideous countenance. Thief, Healer and Shaman. Also, Dragonmen can opt for the
According to popular beliefs, the Dragonmen are the mutant Nomadic Tribesman O.C .C. from the Yin-Sloth Jungles™
children spawned by a human or an Ogre and a Great Homed sourcebook.
Dragon. Of course, this is impossible, but the legend still per­ O.C.c.s Rifts®: Only Shaman and basic Men at Arms and Ad­
sists, especially among the uneducated. venturer O.C.C.s; the simpler and more straightforward the de­
Dragonmen have been labeled deadly menaces and systemat­ mands of the occupation, the better.
ically enslaved or destroyed for centuries. They are extremely Natural Abilities: Perfect nightvision (500 feetl 1 52 m), poor

day vision ( l 00 feetl30.5 m), see the invisible, resistant to ftre use modem weapons, M.D.C. body armor, and vehicles. And
and heat (half damage), impervious to disease, and breathe many a Dwarven craftsmen applies his natural aptitude for
flame! building and design to modifying weapons and souping up vehi­
Attacks Per Melee (Rifts®): Three, or by O.C.C. and combat cles. This is especially true of those born on Rifts Earth. In fact,
skills. second and third generation Earth Dwarves are often masterful
Dam age: Talons inflict 3D6 S.D.C. damage, head butt with Operators, Rogue Scientists, Vagabonds, skilled City Rats, Mer­
horns 2D6 S.D.C., power head butt with horns 3D6 S.D.C., run­ chant Traders (often arms dealers or Smugglers), Salvage Ex­
ning charge/ram with horns 5D6 S .D.C. (counts as two melee at­ perts, Gunftghters, Lawmen, Headhunters and even full
tacks), bite I D6 or once per melee fIre breath (4D6 damage, 1 5 conversion cyborgs. Some have even dared to study the mystic
ftl4.6 m range). Note: On Rifts Earth, the P.S. is considered to craft of Techno-Wizardry which very much harkens back to the
be the equivalent of Bionic Strength, which means the character ancient time of rune magic, but many others continue the tradi­
can inflict Mega-Damage from "power punches," power kicks, tion of avoiding any mystic arts. On the other hand, most
power claw strikes, head butt and hom attacks (counts as two Dwarves have an affmity to magic and love magical items,
melee actions and typically inflicts I D4 or I D6 M.D. per weapons and armor.
"power" attack; +3 M.D. from head butts and hom attacks). Alignments: Any.
Bonuses (in addition to attribute, skill and O.C.C. bonuses) : Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
+ 1 on initiative, + 1 strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +6 to S.D.C. nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A . 2D6, P.S. 4D6+6, P.P. 3D6,
damage, +2 to save vs spell magic, and +3 to save vs Horror P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 2D6
Factor. Hit Points: P.E. attribute number, + I D6 per level of experience.
Magic: By O.C.C. only. Very rare. S.D.C.: 20, plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills.
Psionics: None. M.D.C.: None. This means the mortal character needs to ac­
Habitat: In their native environment, Dragonmen originate in quire M.D.C. body armor, force field or magical protection like
the Baalgor Wastelands and the Yin-Sloth Jungles. They prefer humans. Most Dwarves prefer medium to heavy armor, from
hot environments from desert to jungle. magical and homespun varieties to full environmental and
Languages : Most speak Gobblely. None read or write. power armor.
Enemies : None, per se, fear most everybody. Natural Armor Rating: None.
Allies: None, per se, fear most everybody, but are most likely to Horror Factor: None.
feel comfortable with other D-Bees on Rifts Earth. P.P.E. : 3D6
Note: Those who fmd their way to Rifts Earth are likely to try to Size: 3 -4 feet (0.9 to 1 .2 m); three feet (0.9 m) plus 3D4+2
fmd a remote place to live in a warm to hot climate. They can inches tall.
learn to use simple machines, energy weapons, vehicles and ba­
sic modem technology.

On the Palladium World, Dwarves are a race of short, power­
fully built subterranean people who once built fabulous under­
ground cities, held the secrets of rune magic and Summoning,
and co-ruled the Palladium World in the shadow of the Elves .
For thousands of years they suffered what was frrst the biting
wit and sarcasm of the Elves, but which later turned into thou­
sands of years and numerous forms of humiliation and degrada­
tion at the hands of the arrogant Elves. Eventually, a senseless
feud erupted into an insane war that toppled both Elven and
Dwarven civilization. Today, in the Palladium World, there are
said to be a little over a million Dwarves and even a few of the
last great subterranean kingdoms nestled in the mountains of the
Old Kingdom. But since their glory days of long ago, Dwarves
have lost the secrets of rune magic and have abandoned the pur­
suit of all magic so that they will never again unleash its terrible
forces against another living soul. Instead, they have turned to
perfecting the arts of combat and metal-smithing. On Palladium,
Dwarves are the world's greatest weapon and armor smiths and
warriors of renown.
On Rifts Earth, Dwarves are a rarity. Those encountered are
either dimension-spanning adventurers or the victims of circum­
stance. Of those who have broken away from the fantasy mode,
they quickly adapt to high technology, computers, science and
engineering. Those who prefer the life of a warrior are quick to

Weight: 1 5 0 to 200 pounds (67.5 to 90 kg). weapon design, mechanics and manufacturing providing a bo­
Physical Appearance: Dwarves, whether male or female, are nus of +5% to all mechanical, military, electrical, and computer
stout, husky, muscular people with broad shoulders and bronze skills.
complexion. Males usually have a beard and/or mustache, and Psionics: Standard, same as humans.
both sexes wear their hair long, often in braids or ponytails, or Magic: Most Dwarves love to use magic items, weapons and ar­
loose. mor, however, all Dwarves in the Palladium World (and most of
Average Life Span : 250+ years, some have lived up to 500. those elsewhere) have forsaken the study and practice of magic
Natural Abilities: In addition to the Dwarves' high physical at­ in all its forms. This is because Dwarves unleashed forces that
tributes, they also have nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), plus an ap­ they could not control and which nearly destroyed their race
titude for weapon design, mechanics, building and along with the Elves during the Six Thousand Year War. When
manufacturing which provide bonuses in many skill areas (see it was all over, the two great kingdoms were effectively obliter­
O.C.C. notes), in addition to the following special skills. ated. On that day, the Palladium Dwarves vowed that their peo­
Underground Tunneling (Special): Dwarves can dig and ple would never again practice the mystic arts All mystic tomes

build solid, strong tunnels (no fear of a cave-in) with amazing and instructions were destroyed, and those who held the knowl­
speed and dexterity. They can also excavate ruins and the sites edge in their minds never spoke of it again - their secrets dying
of cave-ins with the same prowess. In addition, the character can with them. The legendary Tristine Chronicles reports:
usually tell if an existing tunnel or chamber is a natural forma­ "And 10, so terrible were the horrors committed by
tion or whether it was dug by Dwarves, Kobolds, Goblins, Dwarven hands, and so great their sins, that not one
Gnomes, Troglodytes or humans. The Dwarf can even tell if it' s
Dwarf did dare to preserve the secrets ofmagic. Nor have
new, old, or ancient. Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experi­ the sons of their fathers wavered from the pledge of their
ence. forefathers. The Dwarf has forever forsaken the ways of
magic. As so it should be. "
Underground Architecture: Dwarves are excellent under­
O.C.c.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any O.C.C., except magic.
ground architects able to build small and large rooms, ornate
Leans toward warrior occupations .
archways, staircases, and great chambers with cathedral ceil­
O.C.c.s Rifts®: Any O.C.C., including equivalents to the CS or
ings, as well as a labyrinth of tunnels, passageways, mazes and
Triax Military. Leans toward Operators, City Rats, Rogue Sci­
underground traps (most common are pit and cave-in type
entists (especially in the area of electrical and/or mechanical en­
traps). Likewise, the character can recognize the styles of
gineering), and Men of Arms. Likewise, most magic O.C.C.s
Dwarven, Kobold, Goblin and other types of construction. The
can be considered, but most (99%) Dwarves, even those on
Dwarf who is traveling slowly and cautiously, looking for un­
other worlds, avoid learning any of the mystic arts Of the mi­

derground traps, can locate them, and avoid or deactivate them.

nority who engage in magic, they choose among
Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience; detection and de­
Techno-Wizardry, Stone Magic, and Conjuring. For those of an
activation of traps is done at half his normal architecture skill
evil alignment and daring attitude, possibly even Splugorth
Bio-Wizardry, Necromancy and S umm oning or Shifting. Many
Underground Sense of Direction: The character has an innate Dwarves show a high interest in military occupations, combat
ability to tell direction when underground, even in total darkness strategies, and weapon smithing, building and design. Most ab­
(not applicable on the surface). Thus, the Dwarf can tell whether solutely love high-tech weapons, robots, military ground vehi­
he is traveling up, down or straight, the approximate angle of cles, cybernetics and bionics.
decline or ascent, approximately how far below the surface he Special Skills of Note: 70% speak, read and write the tradi­
is, and the approximate direction (north, south, east, west). Base tional Dwarf language at 98% and DragoneselElven (+30%) in
Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience . addition to the usual O.C.C. skills. Remember the +5% bonus
This skill also enables him to judge the approximate location for tech, computer and mechanical skills resulting from their
to surface structures (natural and artificial), but only if the char­ natural aptitude for building and design.
acter is familiar with the area. The character will also recognize Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered D-Bees on Rifts
traits and aspects of the underground tunnel or construct that Earth and are uncommon in North and South America. Whether
serve as landmarks for him. Base Skill: 3 0% +5% per level of they exist in large numbers anywhere on Earth is yet to be seen.
experience; -25% if in an unfamiliar area. Enemies : Traditionally, Elves, Wolfen, Ogres, Trolls, Kobolds
Metal Working (Special): All Dwarves have a basic under­ (long-time rivals), Goblins and Hob-Goblins. Most Dwarves
standing of blacksmith facilities, smith techniques and proce­ still exhibit great animosity toward Elves, Giants and Change­
dures, and working with metal, particularly in the area of lings.
making weapons and jewelry. Equal to the Field Armorer skill Allies: Traditionally, humans, certain (usually submissive)
with a + 1 0% bonus. tribes of Kobolds and Troglodytes. Dwarves like humans and
Recognize Precious Metals & Stones: Same as the Gemology frequently work with, and ally themselves to, humans against
skill with a + 1 0% bonus. the so-called monster races, at least on the Palladium World.
This affmity toward humans persists on Rifts Earth and through­
Attacks per Melee (Rifts®): As per O.C.C., Hand to Hand
out the Megaverse, where Dwarves frequently join forces with
combat and other skills.
humankind to battle giants, monstrous enemies and the super­
Bonuses: +1 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs possession, and +2
to save vs Horror Factor in addition to those gained from attrib­
Notes: Dwarves are very disciplined in the ways of combat,
utes, O.C.C., and skill bonuses. Tech Note: Natural aptitude for
ironworking, smithing, weapon and mechanical design and

physical training. They are, generally, gruff and short tempered, Today, the Elves and Dwarves of Palladium have forsaken or
especially toward Elves whom they treat with disdain. Not lost much of their old magic knowledge and political power.
many, perhaps a few thousand, are known to exist on Rifts Their populations, which once numbered nearly a hundred mil­
Earth, with a couple hundred living and working at Northern lion, are suspected to be less than three million combined, and
Gun, the Manistique Imperium (upper Michigan) and Triax there are no known Elven kingdoms left on the planet. Instead,
(NGR). Palladium Elves have integrated themselves within human soci­
ety and taken to wandering the world helping, counseling to,
and adventuring with humans, whom they see (and groom) as
the heirs apparent of the world they once ruled. In the largest
human cities one can find a thousand or more Elves living
among them.
Readers should not assume that all Elves are kind or benevo­
lent mentors to humans, for many an Elvish adventurer seeks
only personal gratification, glory and power. They simply find
humans more worthy of their presence than others. Likewise,
some of the greatest (and most evil and/or fearsome) sorcerers
throughout Palladium history have been Elves.
On Rifts Earth, Elves are scarce. For whatever reason, they
have avoided Rifts Earth, even though Elves are counted among
the elite sorcerers who are dimensional travelers, and one would
think the many dimensional portals to other worlds and realities
would appeal to them. Elves are more common in parts of Eu­
rope and Asia than anywhere else.
Alignments: Any.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated: I.Q. 3D6+ 1 , M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 4D6,
P.E. 3D6, P.B. 5D6, Spd 3D6
Hit Points : P.E. attribute number, + 1D6 per level of experi­
S.D.C.: 1 0, plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical skills.
M.D.C.: None. This means the mortal character needs to ac­
quire M.D.C. body armor, force field or magical protection like
humans. Most Elves prefer light to medium armor, from magical
and homespun varieties to full environmental and power armor.
Natural Armor Rating: None.
Horror Factor: None.
P.P.E. : 5D6 (if a practitioner of magic, add this number to the
usual P.P.E. base).
Size: S ix feet to six feet, ten inches ( 1 .8 to 1 .9 m).
Weight: 1 00 to 250 pounds (45 to 1 1 2.5 kg).
Average Life Span : 600 years.

Elves Appearance: Looks like a tall, attractive, dark haired human

with pointed ears.
"Elves," of one kind or another, have existed in myths and Natural Abilities: Superior physical prowess and beauty, gen­
legends on Earth, the Palladium World and others throughout erally high intelligence. Nightvision 1 00 feet (30.5 m; can see in
the Megaverse. The Elves of the Palladium World (and Rifts total darkness).
Earth) are a race of tall, handsome, long-lived humanoids with a Attacks per Melee (Rifts®): As per O.C.C., combat training
penchant for leaming, artwork and magic. Elves have been a and skills.
dominant force on the Palladium World for eons. They are one Bonuses: Natural aptitude and eons of tradition in the art of the
of the so-called "archaic races" that survived the Age of Chaos long bow provides one extra attack per melee if the Archery
and battled the Old Ones. They grew out of the Age of Chaos to skill is taken and the character is from the Palladium World.
become one of two fabulous races, the other being the Dwarves, +2% on all Wilderness skills, as well as those from attributes,
both of whom took control of a savage world and brought peace O.C.C., and skill bonuses.
and order to it for several millennia. Right behind the Elves in Psionics: Standard, basically same as humans.
scope, power and grandeur were the less handsome and less re­ o.c.c.s Palladium Fantasy®: Virtually any O.C.C., but lean
fmed Dwarves. Arrogance, greed and petty prejudice would toward highly skilled and prestigious occupations, and the mys­
eventually bring the two super-powers into a blood war span­ tic arts .
ning six thousands years and culminating in atrocities that O.C.c.s Rifts®: Virtually any O.C.C., except the Coalition mil­
would ravage both races. itary. Leans toward highly skilled occupations, and many Elves

show interest in the arts, education, science, technology, magic
and healing, as well as an affmity for Wilderness ScoutlRanger Algor : Frost Giant
and Archery/Long Bowman. Most Elves exhibit a natural drive The legendary Frost Giants of Palladium ' s past are a fading
and sense of superiority that drives them to be the best they can
race found almost exclusively in the Great Northern Wilderness,
be. Thus, an Elf is far more likely to be a knight/Cyber-Knight, and are most abundant in the mountains that bear their name.
warrior of renown, scientist, doctor, or wizard than a Vagabond Algor Frost Giants are extremely hostile toward Elves and
or common thief. Dwarves because it was the Frost Giants' involvement in the
Special Skills of Note: 90% speak and read the Elf-Dwarf Wars that has severely diminished the Algor as a race
ElvenlDragonese language at 98%, and are likely to be literate (they sided with the Elves). Feeling that they have been used
in one other (+20%) as well as know Basic Math (+20%). All in and manipulated by Elvenkind, Elves are hated above all others.
addition to O.C.C. skills. Dwarves, who nearly obliterated the Frost Giants in a merciless
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered a D-Bee on Rifts campaign of revenge, are next on the Algor' s list of sworn ene­
Earth, and is easily mistaken as an attractive human when the mies. Unfortunately, this animosity is extended to include hu­
pointed ears are covered. mans who are allies of both Elf and Dwarf. Algor giants are
Enemies: Traditionally, Dwarves, Gnomes, Ogres, Trolls, allies to the Wolfen, who, in an earlier age, worshiped them as
Kobolds, Goblins and Hob-Goblins. They also have a disdain gods.
for the supernatural and regularly join forces with other races to
Algor on Rifts Earth are occasionally found in the cool and
thwart supernatural evil and the forces of dark magic. Thus, on
mountainous parts of North America, and entire clans are said to
the Megaversal plane, most Elves dislike the Splugorth and their
live in the mountains of Europe, India and China.
minions, The Naruni, Gene-Splicers, and most supernatural be­
ings, especially Alien Intelligences (cousins to the Old Ones). Alignments: Any, but lean toward Unprincipled, Anarchist and
Allies: Traditionally, humans, Titans, and the gentler Faerie Miscreant.
Folk. Wolfen long to win the Elves' favor, but are generally Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
snubbed by Elves. On Rifts Earth, noble Elves should get along nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+6, P.P. 4D6,
well with Cyber-Knights, Lyn-Srial, True Atlanteans, P.E. 4D6+ 1 , P.B. 3 D6, Spd 2D6. Note: On Rifts Earth, the P.S.
Chiang-Ku, Psi-Ponies, Fennodi, Faerie Folk, Zembahk and Na­ is considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Strength, see dam­
tive Americans. Generally get along with most intellectuals, age for details.
scholars, scientists, dragon hatchlings and practitioners of Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience.
magic. S.D.C.: 60 plus those gained from O.C.C. and physical skills.
Notes: Elves tend to be impudent, arrogant, and elitist in atti­ M.D.C.: Algor become minor Mega-Damage creatures on Rifts
tude, as well as noble, valiant and spirited. Not many, perhaps a Earth and have their P.E. attribute number turned into M.D.C .
few thousand, are believed to exist on Rifts Earth, and those are plus an additional 4D6 M.D.C. Heals at a rate of 2D6 M.D.C .
per 24 hours. This means they still need to wear M.D.C. body
found mainly in Europe and possibly parts of demon-ridden
armor or use magic for additional protection.
Armor Rating: None.
Horror Factor: 1 0
P.P.E. : 6D6

Giants Height: 1 4- 1 6 feet tall (4 .2 to 4.9 m).

Weight: 600 to 1 500 pounds (270 to 675 kg).
Average Life Span : 300 years.
Algor, Frost Minotaur, Bulls Physical Appearance: Giant, pale white or pale blue skin,
Cyclops, Lightning Nimro, Fire golden or silver hair, dark eyes.
Jotan, Earth Rahu-Men Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance.
Gigantes, Mutants Titans, Heroes Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m; can see in total darkness), good
overall vision and hearing, impervious to cold (including M.D.
In the Palladium Wold, giants are usually feared by most hu­ cold and magical cold; no damage).
manoids and are often charged with crimes they did not commit Frost Breath (special): Range 30 feet (9 m), inflicts 4D6
or attacked out of fear. Consequently, most giants there build points of damage (4D6 M.D. on the Rifts® world). The first
their domains in remote areas away from humans and other life breath attack per melee round counts as one extra attack. Frost
forms. Mountains and dense woodlands are two popular habi­ breath can be used twice per melee round, the second breath
tats. True Giants (of which the Minotaur, Ogre and Troll are strike counts as one of the character' s regular melee actions.
not), usually possess superhuman strength and/or a special mag­ Vulnerability: Heat and fire based magic does 50% greater
ical power or skill. On Rifts Earth they become Mega-Damage damage than usual.
creatures and frequently try to establish small kingdoms or Attacks per Melee: As per O.C.C., Hand to Hand and other
towns where they lord over fearful and downtrodden human and physical skills, + 1 as a breath attack.
D-Bee subj ects. Not all giants are monsters and tyrants. Some Dam age: 2D4 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bonus from a punch or
are legitimate lords, leaders, heroes and protectors beloved by head butt, 4D4 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bonus from a kick. M.D.
the townspeople they lead or serve and protect. Note: On Rifts Earth, the P.S. is considered to be the equivalent
of Bionic Strength, which means the character can inflict
Mega-Damage with "power" punches and kicks, and head butt

attacks too. Each "power punch/attack" counts as two melee ac­ considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Strength, see damage
tions and typically inflicts 1 06 to 2D4 M.D. per "power" strike . for details.
Bonuses (in addition to attribute, O.C.C., & skill bonuses): Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience.
+ 1 to strike with Frost Breath during hand to hand combat, +2 to S.D.C.: 50 plus those gained from O.C.C. and physical skills.
save vs Horror Factor. M.D.C. : Cyclops become minor Mega-Damage creatures on
Psionics: Standard, about the same as humans. Rifts Earth and have their P.E. attribute number turned into
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any, except Thief, Long Bow­ M.D.C. plus an additional 3D6 M.D.C. Heals at a rate of 2D4
man, and Palladin; tends toward Men of Arms. M.D.C. per 24 hours. This means they still need to wear M.D.C.
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any O.C.C.s, except the Coalition military and body armor or use a force field or magic for additional protec­
power armor and robot pilots. Tend toward traditional Men of tion.
Arms, Raider, Bounty Hunter, Trapper-Woodsman, Wilderness Arm or Rating: None.
Scout, Vagabond, and similar occupations. Horror Factor: 1 1
Skills of Note: Speaks TrolllGiantese and Gobblely at 98%, P.P.E. : 1 06x l 0 +P.E. attribute number (this amount is added to
typically illiterate, and gets an extra W.P. of choice, all in addi­ the base P.P.E. allowed by an O.C.C. if the Cyclops is a practi­
tion to the usual O.C.C. skills. tioner of magic).
Habitat: Can be found anywhere, but is attracted to cold and Height: 1 4- 1 8 feet tall (4.2 to 5 . 5 m).
snowbound environments. Considered a giant monster or D-Bee Weight: 600 to 1 000 pounds (270 to 450 kg).
on Rifts Earth. Average Life Span : 600 years.
Enemies : Traditionally, Elves, Dwarves, and humans. Dislike Physical Appearance: Olive skinned giants with one large eye
Orcs, Goblins, and most others. in the center of the head and usually with long dark hair.
Allies: Traditionally, Wolfenlcanines, Trolls, Jotan, and Cy­ Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance.
clops. Indifferent toward most other races . Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m; can see in total darkness), good
Notes: Algor tend to b e a simple, wilderness people who prefer overall vision and hearing, impervious to lightning/electricity
to live quiet and secluded life away from other humanoids. Tend (including M.D. and magic electricity/lightning; no damage) and
to be hostile and intolerant of humans, Elves and Dwarves. They resistant to all other forms of energy (lasers, fire, etc., do half
may use Mega-Damage weapons and armor, but avoid bionics . damage) except for kinetic energy (Le. punches, sword strikes,
Fewer than a hundred are believed to exist on Rifts Earth. explosions, etc., do full damage). Magic and psionics also do
full damage unless it is an energy blast, then it does half.

Cyclops, The Cyclops' Lightning Shafts (magic): There are four types
of Mega-Damage javelins and two types of arrows.
Javelins : Light: 1 04x l 0 M.D., medium: 1 06x I O M.D.,
Lightning Giant heavy: 2D6xl 0 M.D., Mega: 4D6x l 0 M.D. Javelins appear to
be crooked rods pointed at both ends and range from six to ten
Palladium Cyclops are said t o b e an ancient race that walked feet ( 1 .8 to 3 m) long. Effective range thrown (magically en­
the world when the Old Ones ruled and the planet was young. hanced) is 1 000 feet (305 m). Note that only a Cyclops can hurl
They are one-eyed giants who can be alternately ferocious and a Lightning Javelin twice as far.
civilized. It would seem that these lightning wielding giants vis­
Arrows: Light: 1 04x l 0 M.D. or heavy: I D6x l 0 M.D. Ar­
ited Earth during ancient times and were recorded by the Greeks
rows can be designed to fit short bows, long bows, or cross­
as demigods. Likewise, it may be a Cyclops who was the origi­
bows. Like the javelins they appear as crooked rods. Effective
nal source of inspiration behind the myth of the one-eyed Norse
range is 200 feet (61 m) farther than the normal bow weapon,
god, Odin, and his son Thor, god of thunder and lightning. With
600 feet farther when fired by a Cyclops.
the Coming of the Rifts the Cyclops again walk the Earth.
Cyclops possess the carefully guarded secret of creating Attacks per Melee: Two without any combat training, or as per
magic lightning bolt javelins and arrows. Perhaps such magic is those gained from O.C.C., Hand to Hand combat and other
related to Earth's own Techno-Wizardry, or not, but only the physical skills. Cyclops love to use their own lightning weapons
Cyclops know the secret and through some equally unknown as well as particle beam and ion weapons.
magic, cannot be forced to reveal it. This mastery of a rare mys­ Dam age: 2D6 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bonus from a punch or
tic art makes the Cyclops a hot commodity. A cyclops can head butt, 3D6 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bonus from a kick. M.D.
amass great wealth and power by creating and selling the light­ Note: On Rifts Earth, the P.S. is considered to be the equivalent
ning shafts to powerful kings, warlords, mercenary companies, of Bionic Strength, which means the character can inflict
dragons, wealthy adventurers and practitioners of magic. On the Mega-Damage with "power" punches and kicks, and head butt
Palladium world, it is said that even the gods are willing to grant attacks too. Each "power punch/attack" counts as two melee ac­
favors to a Cyclops in exchange for some lightning arrows or tions and typically inflicts 1 06 to 2D4 M.D. per "power" strike.
javelins. In fact, the Splugorth of Atlantis keep a number of the Bonuses (in addition to attribute, O.C.C., & skills): +1 to
Lightning giants employed. strike with a lightning weapon, +3 to save vs Horror Factor and
Alignments: Any, but lean toward anarchist and evil. +2 to roll with impact.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ Psionics: Standard, about the same as humans.
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 5D6+2, P.P. 4D6, O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any, but tend toward Men of
P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 2D6. Note : On Rifts Earth, the P.S . is Arms.

O.C.C.s Rifts@: Any O.C.C.s, except the Coalition military and Habitat: Can be found anywhere as they enjoy travel and ad­
power armor and robot pilots. Tend toward Men of Arms as venture. Considered a monster or D-Bee on Ri fts Earth.
well as the Operator, City Rat, Vagabond and Techno-Wizard. Enemies: Traditionally, Titans, Changelings, and Trolls. Gen­
Enjoys an additional +5% skill bonus on all Techno-Wizard and erally, indifferent to others, but are feared by most humans.
Electrical skills. Allies: Traditionally, Kobolds, Ogres, Jotans, Gigantes, Nimro
Skills of Note: Speaks TrolllGiantese and Gobblely at 98%, and dragons. Indifferent toward most others, but may associate
Elven at 90%, and about 50% will be literate in with the supernatural and creatures of magic.
Dragonese/Elven or some human language, and get the W.P. Notes: Cyclops tend to be surprisingly civilized though aggres­
Archery & Targeting skill. All are in addition to the usual sive toward smaller or weaker beings. They prefer their own
O.C.C. skills. lightning weapons but love Mega-Damage equipment, armor,
and high technology (and have a gift for electronics). They are
greedy and covet vast wealth and prestige if not power. On the
Palladium world they are frequently worshiped by Kobolds.
Little more than a hundred are believed to exist on Ri fts
Earth. There have been rumors that the Manistique Imperium

has hired several Cyclops to produce their lightning arrows and S.D.C.: I D4x l O+40
javelins for resale. Northern Gun spies are trying to fmd out M.D.C.: Jotan become Mega-Damage creatures on Rifts Earth.
whether the rumors are true. So far there has been no sign of the The P.E. attribute number is turned into M.D.C . + I D6x 1 0+20
giants or their handiwork, but Manistique has been periodically M.D.C.
experimenting with some sort of energy projectile. Armor Rating: None.
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E. : I D4x l O
Height: 1 8 to 2 0 feet tall (5.4 to 6. 1 m).
Weight: 800 to 2000 pounds (360 to 900 kg).
Average Life Span : 300 years.
Physical Appearance: Bronze skinned giants with powerful
builds, dark eyes, and brown hair.
Natural Abilities : Supernatural Endurance and Supernatural
P.S., which means every punch and kick does Mega-Damage
according to the physical strength of the respective Jotan (varies
from individual to individual). Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m; can
see in total darkness), good overall vision and hearing, and re­
sistant to Mega-Damage heat and fITe (half damage; impervious
to nonnal fITe). Has a natural aptitude for mechanics and metal
working, only needs an I.Q. of 1 0 to select the Techno-Wizard
O.C.C. and gets a + 1 0% bonus to all Mechanical skills.
Attacks per Melee (Rifts®): Three without any combat train­
ing, or those gained from O.C.C., Hand to Hand combat and
other physical skills + 1 !
Bonuses: +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to pull punch and roll
with impact. All are in addition to those gained from attributes,
O.C.C., and skill bonuses.
Psionics: Standard, about the same as humans. However, if a
Jotan is a Major Psionic the giant can choose to select the
Psi-powers of Obj ect Read, Telemechanics and Telemechanics
Mental Operation.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any Men at Anns, Cleric,
Witch, or Warlock (or Psychic O.C.C. if a psionic).
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any O.C.C.s, except the Coalition military and
power armor and robot pilot. Leans toward Men of Anns, the
Operator, Techno-Wizard and Vagabond O.C.C.s. Enjoys a
+ 1 0% bonus on all Mechanical skills as well as Field Annorer,
Mining and Salvage. Interested in bionics but not other fonns of
Jotan, Earth Giant Skills of Note: Speaks Troll/Giant and Gobblely at 98%, Elven
at 85%, and gets the Recognize Weapon Quality skill (+20%),
The largest and most powerful giants of the Palladium World
all in addition to the usual O.C.C. skills.
are the Jotan. Bitter and cruel, they savagely lash out at any
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered a monster or
non-giant race they may happen upon. They are masterful metal
D-Bee on Rifts Earth.
workers and are frequently employed to create weapons and ar­
Enemies: Traditionally, Titans, Elves, Dwarves and humans. In­
mor for the other giant races, particularly for Cyclops and
different to most others.
Nimro. The craftsmanship of the Jotan's work is second only to
Allies: Traditionally, Cyclops, Nimro, Trolls, Ogres, Orcs, and
that of Dwarves.
Goblins. Indifferent toward most others, but often associates
In the world of Rifts only a handful of Jotan are known to ex­ with other monsters and may also associate with the supernatu­
ist. The giants take an immediate interest in Mega-Damage ar­ ral and creatures of magic.
mor and alloys. In fact, a secret Jotan operation in or near the Notes: Jotan are not the smartest of the giants and actually pre­
New Gennan Republic is now known to be manufacturing gi­ fer a life of labor, usually as fighters, miners, smelters,
ant-sized Mega-Damage body armor and weapons for fellow gi­ metalsmiths/iron workers, builders and manufacturers of weap­
ants and Gargoyles. The NGR will hammer this facility if they ons and armor. Like Dwarves, the Jotan seem to have a natural
can fmd it, but so far, its location remains a secret. aptitude for the mechanical and working with metals. They tend
Alignments: Any, but lean toward anarchist and evil. to keep to themselves, largely because their numbers are small,
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ but are quite aggressive toward smaller or weaker beings like
nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P. S. 5D6+ 1 0 (Supernatu­ humans. Jotan can be extremely aggressive and vengeful, and
ral P. S.), P.P. 4D6+6, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6 have been known to command troops of Orcs, Goblins, and
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number, + I D6 per level of experience. other monster races.

Arm or Rating: Not applicable on Rifts Earth.
Horror Factor: 1 3
P.P.E.: 2D4x l 0
Height: 12 to 2 0 feet tall (3.6 to 6. 1 m); size varies dramati­
Weight: 1 000 to 2000 pounds (450 to 900 kg).
Average Life Span : 1 5 0 years.
Physical Appearance: Varies dramatically, but always strange
and monstrous.
Natural Abilities : Supernatural Endurance and Supernatural
P.S., which means every punch, kick or bite does Mega-Damage
according to the physical strength of the respective Gigante
(varies, and a bite usually does one quarter damage unless stated
otherwise). Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m; can see in total dark­
ness), good overall vision and hearing, instinctive swimmers
Attacks per Melee (Rifts): Three without any combat training,
or those gained from hand to hand combat and other physical
Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S. See the Strength table to­
ward the front of this book.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. & skills): +4 to
save vs Horror Factor.
Psionics: Standard, about the same as humans .
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any Men of Arms, Cleric, or
�[������R Witch.
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any basic Man at Arms O.C.C., except those
involving the use of high technology like robot pilot, and simple
ones like Raider, Bandit, Vagabond, or Saddle Tramp.
Skills of Note: Speaks TrolVGiant and Gobblely at 90%, and
Gigantes, Mutant Giants will have one additional W.P. of choice.
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered a monster on
Perhaps the most feared and bizarre of all the Palladium gi­ Rifts Earth and are known to exist around the Calgary Rift, De­
ants are the Gigantes. They are undoubtedly mutants with an troit-Windsor Rifts, and parts of Europe and Asia.
ever-changing genetic structure responsible for a host of mon­ Enemies: Traditionally, Titans, Elves, Dwarves, humans, and
strous sub-species of giants. The Gigantes are typically ignorant, most non-giants.
aggressive misanthropes with a lust for bloodletting. Though hu­ Allies: Cyclops, Nimro, Trolls, Ogres, Orcs, and Goblins. On
mans and Elves are their primary targets, Gigantes victimize Rifts Earth , Gigantes get along wonderfully with Daemonix,
anybody they think they can attack and defeat, including other Brodkil, Gargoyles, Witchlings, Black Faeries, Simvan and
giants, non-humans, and even dragons and demons, often in a Shifters. Generally, indifferent to others. Frequently join forces
display of senseless aggression. with evildoers, demons and supernatural horrors.
The Gigantes possess a host of powers and abilities which Notes: Most Gigantes are wild, daring and merciless fighters.
vary greatly from individual to individual. Insanity also plagues They are extremely hostile, aggressive, and cruel, given to
these monsters. They are found throughout the Palladium berserker rages and wholesale slaughter. They are especially
World, but are most numerous in the Yin-Sloth Jungles and the murderous toward non-giant races and eat the flesh of their ene­
Northern Mountains. They are fairly uncommon on Rifts Earth, mies. Titans are their arch-enemy and villainous Gigantes will
which is fortunate as they become powerful Mega-Damage be­ attack on sight. Often work with other giants, creatures of magic
ings in the magic rich environment. However, their sim­ and supernatural beings.
ple-mindedness, senseless savagery, and low numbers always
keep these mutants from becoming a serious threat to humans. ®
Rifts Gigante Mutation & Special Abilities Table
Alignments: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (30010), Miscreant
(30%) and Diabolic (3 0%). Roll/our times to determine random abilities and/eatures.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ 0 1 -05% Nightvision 3D6x20 yards/meters.
nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. I D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+8 (supernatu­ 06- 1 0% See the invisible.
ral), P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 4D6 1 1 - 1 5% Tum invisible at will.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number, + I D6 per level of experience . 1 6-20% Impervious to M.D. fIre, and add 20 M.D.C. to the crea-
S.D.C.: I D6x l O plus possible mutation bonuses. ture.
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth with 2 1 -22% Poisonous bite: 4D6 S.D.C. damage.
I D6x l 0 M.D.C. plus P.E. attribute number and possible muta­ 23-24% A second mouth: bite does 1 D6 M.D.
tion M.D.C . bonuses. 25-26% Single large hom: Add 1D6 M.D. to ram attack.

27-32% Additional arm and hand: adds one melee attack. wandering vegetarians at one point and still tend to have wan­
33-40% Scaly skin: 2D6x l 0 additional M.D.C. derlust and enjoy fruits and vegetables more than meats.
4 1 -45% Thick, lumpy skin: I D6x l 0 additional M.D.C. On the Palladium World, large fields of Minotaur bones have
46-50% Leather wings: 0 1 -50% chance can fly at a speed of been found in the Baalgor Wastelands, testimony to a concen­
2D6x l O, otherwise vestigial. trated effort to annihilate them. It is not known who was respon­
5 1 -54% Additional eye: +2 to initiative and Nightvision 40 feet sible for their near extermination on this world; even the
( 1 2.2 m). Minotaurs seem not to know. However, speculation is that the
55-59% Large, heavy tail: can strike with tail doing 3D6 M.D. perpetrators were elves or dwarves since the Palladium
60-64% Large fangs: bite does 3D6 M.D. Minotaurs will instantly attack any humanoids who invade their
65-69% Ape-like body covered in fur: + 1 0 to M.D.C. territory.
70-75% Feather wings: 0 1 -50% chance can fly: speed 3D6x l 0. Palladium Minotaurs have taken to seeking refuge in under­
76-80% Claws: + I D6 M.D. to punch/clawing attacks. ground complexes. They have become quite skilled at construct-
8 1 -84% Large, flat teeth: Bite does 2D4 M.D.
85-90% Breathe fIre: 20 foot (6. 1 m) range, does 3D6 M.D.
9 1 -95% Spit acid: 20 foot (6. 1 m) range, does 4D6 M.D.
96-00% Additional leg: adds 20% to balance, + 1 D4x l 0 speed.

Rifts®Gigante Insanity Table

Roll once.
0 1 - 1 0% Roll for a random Psychosis.
1 1 -20% No insanity, but aggressive.
2 1 -3 0% Hyper-Aggressive. Easily provoked over the slightest
thing. Tries to solve all problems with violence and smashes
things or pounds on the wall or ground when frustrated or an­
gry but can't take action about it. + 1 on initiative, but reduce
M.A. by 25%.
3 1 -40% Make a random roll on the Obsession Table in the
Rifts® RPG (hates or loves something, perhaps literally, to
4 1 -50% Make a random roll on the Phobia Table in the Rifts®
5 1 -60% Thinks he/she is a demigod, is indestructible, takes stu­
pid risks and demands worshipers and tribute.
6 1 -70% Psychotic Reliance. Is completely convinced that it
draws its power and strength from a particular object (usually
a piece of junk). Reduce all bonuses and P.S. damage by half
if the item is lost or stolen.
7 1 -90% Roll on the Random Insanity Table in the Rifts® RPG .
9 1 -00% Roll for a random Affective Disorder in the Rifts®

Minotaur, The Bull

This is the Classic monster of Greek myth. A black skinned
giant with the head of a bull and the body of a muscular human­
oid. That being the case, it is believed Minotaurs once traversed
the Megaverse, fIrst as the henchmen and enforcers of the Old
Ones and later, vast numbers may have escaped through dimen­
sional portals to other worlds. Space Minotaurs exist in the
Three Galaxies, but were wiped from the face of the Earth be­
fore recorded history. However, with the return of magic,
Minotaurs are again found on the planet. Many use the Dimen­
sional Rifts as doors to other worlds. Those Minotaurs found on
Rifts Earth are typically adventurers, explorers, guns for hire
(mercs), or refugees on the run . Thus, they are usually encoun­
tered alone, in pairs, or small bands of 2D4+ 1 . Tribes tend to be
small with about I D6 members. The Minotaurs were probably

ing traps and pits in the confusing tunnels of their subterranean Special Skills of Note: Characters from the Palladium World
homes. Many of these Minotaurs have also resorted to eating will speak GianteseiTroll, Gobblely and DragoneselElven at
meat, but they still prefer to eat any grass, grain, vegetables or 92%, all in addition to conventional O.C.C. skills.
fruit over meats. Average Life Span : 400 years.
On Rifts Earth, Minotaurs seem to be uncommon, and there Habitat: Anywhere, although they prefer warm and temperate
are no known colonies of them in North America, South Amer­ climates. On Rifts Earth, Minotaurs are known only to exist as
ica, or most of Europe. Minotaurs do, sometimes fmd their way slave stock on Atlantis.
into the gladiatorial arenas of Atlantis. The ebony giants are Enemies : Palladium Minotaurs are wary of all humanoids.
sometimes confused with intelligent mutant animals, D-Bees Allies: Palladium Minotaurs have none, as most live in shame
and demon Bulls. and seclusion for having once willingly served the Old Ones .
Alignments: Evil or Selfish. The rare adventurer who goes out into the world, may befriend
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ any race and tend to be tolerant of most other races.
nated: I.Q. 2D6+ 1 , M.E. 3 D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+6, P.P. Note: Minotaurs have a passion for large swords and axes.
3D6+6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 3D6. Note: On Rifts Earth, the Those familiar with modem weapons love Vibro-Blades of all
P.S. is considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Strength; see kinds, and being so big and strong, enjoy heavy weapons and ar­
damage for details. mor.
Hit Points: P .E. attribute number, + 1 D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4x l 0, plus bonuses from O.C.C . and physical skills.
M.D.C.: In the Rifts Earth environment, Minotaurs turn into mi­
nor Mega-Damage creatures with 6D6+ 1 8 M.D. C. Though they
enjoy some limited, natural M.D.C . protection, Minotaurs like to
wear heavy body armor or use magic or force fields whenever
they can get them.
Natural Armor Rating: 12, applicable only in S.D.C. environ­
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E.: 2D6
Size : 8- 1 1 feet tall (2.4 to 3 . 3 m).
Weight: 500 to 800 pounds (225 to 3 60 kg).
Average Life Span : 400 years.
Natural Abilities: Great strength, Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m;
can see in total darkness), good color vision, superior sense of
smell (recognize scent 22%, track by blood scent 54%), and fife
and cold attacks, even magical ones, do half damage.
Attacks per Melee (Rifts): As per O.C.C ., Hand to Hand and
other combat skills .
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.c.c., and skill bo­
nuses): + 1 to strike, parry , and dodge, +2 to strike with hom at­
tack, +3 to save vs Horror Factor.
Dam age: Claws/punch do 2D6 S .D.C. +P.S. damage bonus,
head butt or kick does 3D6 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bonus, charge
with horns inflicts 5D6 S .D.C. +P.S. damage bonus and has a
60% chance of knocking the victim of the charge down (victim
loses one melee attack and initiative). M.D. Note: On Rifts
Earth, the P.S. is considered to be the equivalent of Bionic
Nimro, Fire Giant
Strength, which means the character can inflict Mega-Damage Another giant race o f legend on the Palladium World i s the
from "power punches," power kicks, and power hom and head mighty Nimro. These blazing red giants are impervious to heat
butt attacks . Each "power punch/attack" counts as two melee ac­ and flame, and breathe fire as a natural defense. Like most gi­
tions and typically inflicts 1 06 to 2D4 M.D. per ''power'' strike, ants of the Palladium World, Nimro are bitter about their sec­
+6 to M.D. from a charging/ram attack with horns. ond-class status in the world and have a hate for humans, Elves
Magic: None. It is super-rare for a Minotaur to practice any and Dwarves. Nimro are cunning and clever, with a gift for or­
fonn of magic. 94% of all Minotaurs are some type of warrior. ganization and leadership. Consequently, a Nimro or clan of
However, they love magic weapons and armor. Nimro may be encountered commanding troops of Orcs, Gob­
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans. lins, and occasionally, Ogres and other (less intelligent) giants .
O.C.C. Palladium Fantasy®: Any Men of Anns, only 6% are They are on especially good tenns with Jotan Earth Giants, and
some other O.C.C., often a psychic or adventurer. the two regularly j oin forces against a common foe or to meet a
O.C.C. Rifts®: Any Men of Anns, including CS Military common goal. Nimro are also among the most social of the gi­
equivalents, or any Adventure or Scholar O.C.C. except ants and dream of establishing a Kingdom of Giants, where their
Cyber-Doc . kind and kin can live free without being hounded or attacked by
tiny humanoids.

Undoubtedly, a handful of Nimro have made it to Rifts Earth Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered a monster or
since the Coming of the Rifts. In fact, a handful fought for D-Bee on Rifts Earth. An increasing number ofNimro and other
Tolkeen and others are found, here and there, in North America giants can be found in Turkey (see Notes).
and abroad. However, there are no known Nimro communities. Enemies: Traditionally, Titans, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and
Alignments: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (3 5%), Miscreant most "small humanoids" (non-giant races). Generally, indiffer­
(25%) and Aberrant (25%). ent to most others.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ Allies: Jotan, Gigantes, Ogres, Trolls, Orcs, Goblins, and Fire
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6, P . S. 3D6+6 (Supernatu­ Dragons. Indifferent to most others. May associate with the su­
ral), P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 2D6. Note: On pernatural and creatures of magic.
Rifts Earth, the P.S. is considered to be Supernatural. Notes: Aggressive and hostile, but also calculating, tricky and
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience. cool under frre (no pun intended). Nimro tend to be quite greedy
S.D.C. : 50 points plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physical and power hungry, both of which get them into trouble. The
skills. Nimro have desired to build a kingdom of giants for centuries .
M.D.C.: In the Rifts Earth environment, Nimro tum into minor Unknown to most people, a faction of dimension-traveling
Mega-Damage creatures with 6D6+20 M.D.C. Though they en­ Nimro have decided to try to establish such a kingdom in what
joy some limited, natural M.D.C. protection and are impervious was once pre-Rifts Turkey. Over the last decade its numbers
to fire, Nimro need to wear medium to heavy body armor or use have risen from about 60 Nimro to 1 60. Other members of the
magic or force fields for additional physical protection. giants' kingdom include a dozen Jotan, three dozen Cyclops,
Natural Armor Rating: None. four dozen Gigantes, 1 00 Trolls, 3 00 Adarok Flying Mountains,
Horror Factor: 1 1 800 Brodkil (most refugees from the fighting around the NGR)
P.P.E. : I D4x l O and 7,000 Orcs, among others, mostly rare beings in tiny num­
Height: 1 4 to 1 8 feet tall (4.3 to 5 . 5 m). bers . Giants of all kinds are welcome and most desired, but as
Weight: 800 to 1400 pounds (360 to 630 kg). this fledgling little kingdom steadily grows, it is beginning to at­
Physical Appearance: Copper or red skinned giants with black tract others, primarily the more monstrous looking and large va­
or red-brown hair and bright yellow eyes. rieties of D-Bees, but human Gypsies and others as well. With
Natural Abilities: Supernatural physical strength and endur­ so much attention focused on the war in and around the New
ance . Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m; can see in total darkness), German Republic, parts of Africa and other conflicts, the
good overall vision and hearing, impervious to heat and all types Nimro's Kingdom of Giants on Rifts Earth has gone largely un­
of fire including magical and Mega-Damage fire. Likewise, noticed, but as it grows, it is only a matter of time before it is
M.D. energy bolts do half damage. Nimro also breathe fIre : discovered and challenged. There are scores of wandering bands
range is 40 feet ( 1 2 .2 m), inflicts 4D6 M.D. and counts as an ex­ of monsters, raiders, would-be conquerors and rivals who would
tra melee attack. see such a kingdom as a threat to their power, the Phoenix Em­
Vulnerability: Cold and ice based magic does 50% greater pire in North Africa, forces in France and the Gargoyle Empire
damage than usual. chief among them. How much longer the Kingdom of Giants
Attacks per Melee Round: Two plus fire breath without any can stay unnoticed remains to be seen.
combat training, otherwise as per O.C.C. , Hand to Hand combat
and other physical skills, plus one fire breath attack per round.
Dam age: Punches and kicks do Mega-Damage, typically I D6
or 2D6 M.D. (double for power punch), but sometimes less, Rahu-Man
sometimes more; as per supernatural strength. Rahu-Men are an ancient race o f four-armed giants indige­
Breathe Fire: As often as once per melee round. Range is 40 nous to the Palladium World. They have forsaken the ways of
feet ( 1 2 m), inflicts 4D6 M.D. and counts as one extra melee at­ their world and are said to live only in the highest peaks of the
tack whenever it is used in conjunction with other physical at­ Old Kingdom Mountains. Protected by their mountain retreats
tacks. they pursue a quiet life as scholars, mystics and sheepherders .
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. & skills): +2 to Many human scholars of the Palladium World believe the
save vs Horror Factor, + 1 to save vs Illusions, and +3 to save vs Rahu-Men are already extinct, because none have been seen in
Possession. over two hundred years, at least not in civilized locales.
Psionics: Standard, about the same as humans. In ancient times, Rahu-Men ranked among the world's most
Average Life Span : 300 years. powerful warriors, Mind Mages, Wizards, and Scholars. It is
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any, except Knight, Palladin or said that even the Titans respected the Rahu-Men, but as the
Long Bowman. world changed, the four-armed giants found themselves unable
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any, including the equivalent of Coalition to adapt. Feared by both humans and non-humans, the
Military O.C.C.s, excluding vehicle, robot and power armor pi­ Rahu-Men were the target of many unfair assaults. After a great
lots. Tend toward the basic Men at Arms and Adventurer and number were slain in an unsuccessful military campaign waged
Scholar O.C.C.s. by the Western Empire to exterminate them, the survivors be­
Skills of Note: Speaks TrolVGiantese and Gobblely at 98%, came reclusive and fled into the Old Kingdom Mountains. Even
about half also speak and are literate in DragoneselElven or one then they were hounded by the world' s leaders and
other language (+25%). All are in addition to the usual O.C.C . power-hungry individuals who insisted the giants teach them
skills . their great combat skills, mystic powers, and wisdom - or die.

As a result, the Rahu-Men have gone to great lengths to perpetu­ Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S. or by weapons, or magic if
ate the myth that they have become extinct. Despite this myth, a versed in the mystic arts.
comparatively large number still live in the Old Kingdom Psionics: All Rahu-Men possess minor psionics and can select
Mountains, while others have taken to dimensional travel, ex­ eight psi-abilities from the Sensitive category. I.S.P.: M.E. at­
ploring other worlds such as Rifts Earth. In fact, a community of tribute number +30 plus I D6 per level of experience.
nearly 600 exist in the Himalaya Mountains of Earth, where O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Virtually any O.C.C., but
their ancestors have lived in solitude for over 4000 years ! ! It lean toward Mercenary Fighter, Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Thief,
was the footprints and brief glimpses of these giants, clad in Assassin, Healer, Scholar, and any magic occupations. They
white sheep' s skin or furs , and mistaken for monsters, that in­ rarely pursue the ways of the clergy.
spired the legend of the Abominable Snowman! O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any, including the equivalent of the Coalition
On Rifts Earth, a few Rahu-Men were involved with the Military O.C.C. with the exception of robot and power armor pi­
Tolkeen conflict, a few are currently Cyber-Knights or working lots (probably lean toward Military Specialist, Commando, Spe­
with the knights (and among those pressing to do something cial Ops, and Ranger). Other appealing O.C.C.s include
about the Calgary Rift and the growing Kingdom of Monsters), Cyber-Knight, Headhunter, and all Scholars & Adventurers, es­
and others can be found at Lazlo, the Magic Zone, England, In­ pecially Operator, Body Fixer, S cholar and Scientist, as well a
dia, Germany, Russia and China. A few were also reported in practitioners of magic, especially the Ley Line Walker, Mystic,
Africa when the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appeared but Techno-Wizard, Conjurer, Temporal Wizard, and Stone Master.
are believed to have moved on. (Or so the evil Phoenix Empire R.C.c. Skills: Languages: DragoneselElven and two additional
would prefer to believe. They will capture, interrogate and prob­ (your choice) languages and literate in all (+20%), Basic Math
ably slay any Rahu-Man found within their domain, or sell them (+30%), and W.P. Archery & Targeting (with an emphasis on
as slaves to Atlantis.) Of course, one to a half dozen could be spears and pole arms); all are in addition to the usual O.C.C.
encountered on a crusade, scientific expedition or adventure skills.
anywhere on Rifts Earth and in the Megaverse. Habitat: Communities of Rahu-Men are found in mountains
Note: The term Rahu ''toan'' or "men" is the identifying and secluded places away from the prying eyes of fellow hu­
name of this race of giants, but both male and females genders manoids. None are known to exist on Earth other than the occa­
exist in an equal ratio. sional dimensional traveler passing through (though you, dear
Alignments: Any. reader, know otherwise).
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ Enemies: Most fellow Giants, Ogres, Trolls ; distrusts humans
nated: I.Q. 4D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 3 D6, P.E. and Elves.
4D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 2D6 Allies: Traditionally, Titans and Kobolds. Rahu-Men tolerate
M.D.C.: 6D6x l O ; since the Coming of the Rifts, the Rahu-Men, any intelligent, hospitable, and/or noble creature. They respect
who are creatures of magic, are transformed into Mega-Damage all life forms.
beings. (Normally has P.E. number +20 plus 2D6 points per Notes: The things happening on Rifts Earth have caught the gi­
level of experience for Hit Points, 2D4x l 0 S.D.C.; A.R. not ap­ ants ' attention. Always an inquisitive people, the Rahu-Men
plicable.) cannot resist the temptation to explore this transformed world,
Horror Factor: 1 0 especially since countless other nonhuman life forms make them
P.P.E.: I D4x l O less alien and frightening than most elsewhere. Many are well
Size: 1 2- 1 5 feet (3 .6 t o 4.6 m ) tall. acquainted with technology and use high-tech machines, weap­
Weight: 350-500 pounds ( 1 5 7.5 to 225). ons and science with comfort and understanding. In fact, Gen­
Average Life Span : 1 000 years. eral Rasheen, member of the Council of Governors and
Natural Abilities: Superior I.Q., great physical power and four celebrated hero of the New German Republic, is a Rahu-Man
arms are these giants' most obvious traits. Has Supernatural P.S. (9th level Cyber-Knight with one bionic replacement arm). Oth­
and P.E. on Rifts Earth. The four limbs provide the following ers are steeped in the ways of magic or science, while still others
skill modifiers : The following are special skill bonuses that are are just young and curious explorers. Young Rahu-Men, 1 -3rd
in addition to O.C.C. bonuses due to the character' s size, four level, desire to see the world, and are far more open to travel
arms and outlook on life: + 1 0% to Climb, +5% to Pick Locks, and adventure than most of the older, more cautious giants.
+5% to Palm, + 1 0 to Concealment, + 1 0% to Carpentry and Boat Generally, the multi-limbed giants respect all people and
Building, +6 on Streetwise, + 1 0% on Lore skills, and +5% to all philosophies. Although a gentle, intellectual people, Rahu-Men
Communication, Military, and Medical skills (even as secondary are surprisingly involved in physical activities and love physical
skills). Also see psionics. sports, tests of combat and contests of all types . Consequently,
Penalties: - 1 5% to Prowl and -5% to Pick Pockets. most are trained warriors and deadly combatants. Those who
Attacks per Melee: Four without any formal hand to hand com­ travel into hostile territory on wild adventures wear custom
bat training, or four plus those gained from Hand to Hand com­ made body armor (costs 1 0-20 times more than human-sized ar­
bat skill and/or boxing. An experienced Rahu-Man fighter often mor, but has 250-500 M.D.C. and may be magical in nature).
has 7- 1 0 melee attacks. Rahu-Men are also among those who would enjoy using force
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.c. & skills): +2 on fields. Some elect to wear no armor at all. Favorite types of an­
initiative, + 1 to strike, +4 to parry , +4 to pull punch, + 1 to roll cient weapons include: Pole arms, forks, and the ball and chain.
with impact, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 to save vs pos­ Favorite modem weapons include Techno-Wizard weapons,
session. Vibro-Blades, precision lasers and heavy weapons of all kinds,
with particle beams and plasma weapons at the top of the list.
If these brave and noble giants have a negative side, it is the Titans look very much like idealized humans, with tan skin,
lingering tradition of eating humanoid flesh! Most Rahu-Men warm eyes, blonde/golden, silver or brown hair, and muscular
still follow a terrifying and repugnant ritual in which a trium­ builds - and, of course, they are giant-sized. Most are intelli­
phant warrior devours the heart, brain, and/or entrails of a wor­ gent, noble beings who tutor and train under a veil of secrecy.
thy or powerful opponent, especially those in a position of Titans have their own secret society reminiscent of ancient
power as a leader or great mind. This also means Rahu-Men Earth's Knights Templar. Thus, even their exact numbers are
have no compunction about eating a slain opponent when other unknown, though believed to be very few. Titans, both male and
food sources are not available. Of course, these are heroic be­ female, seem to wage a never ending quest to right injustice, de­
ings who don't run around kidnaping, killing and eating people stroy evil and cast out the supernatural. Titans are known for
(unless insane, and an insane, murdering Rahu-Man can be a their great compassion, mercy, nobility, honor and heroics, and
horrific monster). These noble beings see their ritual as an honor welcomed by most good (and downtrodden) folks everywhere.
or acknowledgment to a worthy or deadly opponent. Their campaign against the forces of evil has sent them to many
worlds including Rifts Earth. Though fewer than a hundred are
believed to have visited Earth since the days of the Coming of
the Rifts, many are the tales of Titan heroics, especially during
the Dark Age.
Alignments: Any, but strongly lean toward good. Typical
breakdown is Principled (3 5%), Scrupulous (35%), and Unprin­
cipled (20%).
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6+6 (Supernatu­
ral), P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 4D6+6, P.B. 4D6+6, Spd 3 D6+6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number, + I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 80 points, plus those gained from O.C.C. and phsyical
M.D.C.: Turns into a Mega-Damage being on Rifts Earth with
3D6x l O+60 M.D.C.
Natural Armor Rating: Not applicable.
Horror/Awe Factor: 1 2
P.P.E.: 2D6x 1 O
Height: 1 2 to 1 4 feet tall (3 .6 to 4.2 m).
Weight: 600 to 1 000 pounds (270 to 450 kg).
Physical Appearance: Majestic, muscular, giant men and
women, powerful of limb, with golden, silver, or brown hair,
and warm eyes.
Natural Abilities: Supernatural physical strength, and superior
prowess, endurance, and beauty. Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m;
can see in total darkness), excellent overall vision and hearing,
see the invisible, bio-regenerate 4D6 M.D. per minute (4 me­
Titan, Hero Giant lees), tum 6D6 dead at will (80% success ratio), impervious to a
vampire' s bite, and dimensional teleport at will (45% success
The most famous and glamorous of the Palladium Giants are
ratio and add + 1 0% on a ley line and +20% at a nexus ; similar
the noble warriors known as Titans. The vast majority of these to the demon' s teleport).
handsome beings are champions of justice who, like knights- er­ Attacks per Melee: One additional attack per round plus those
rant, wander the world, typically in pairs (seldom more than gained from Hand to Hand combat, boxing and other physical
four), seeking adventure, combating evil, and righting wrongs . skills.
They have done so for tens of thousands of years and have be­ Dam age: Punches and kicks inflict Mega-Damage as per Super­
come a symbol of strength, honor, and courage on the Palladium natural P.S. attribute; see Supernatural P.S. Table earlier in this
World and elsewhere in the Megaverse. So great are these war­ book.
riors that both humanoids and giants alike consider them to be Bonuses: +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 on initiative, +4 to
demigods. pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, plus those gained from attrib­
Titans are one of the archaic races that survived the battle utes, O.C.C., and skill bonuses.
against the dreaded Old Ones and helped to reshape the Palla­ Psionics: Standard, about the same as humans.
dium World into a (relatively) kinder, gentler place. For eons Average Life Span : 1 000 years.
they were the Elves' most stalwart ally, but the eons long O.C.c.s (palladium): Any Men at Arms O.C.C., Healer, Mind
Elf-Dwarf War tore them apart. Unable to bring themselves to Mage (rare), Wizard, or Warlock. The uncommon evil Titan
act against their beloved Elven allies, they abandoned the Elves, may purse the practice of dark magic.
marking the beginning of the end of the Elven Golden Age. O.C.C.s (Rifts): Any, including the equivalent of Knight,
Since that day, no Titan has called an Elf, "friend" and they try Cyber-Knight, and Military O.C.C.s. Any type of power armor
to avoid contact with them. would demand the custom design and immense cost of gi-
ant-sized armor. Glitter Boy pilot and conventional power armor Goblins are distant cousins to the smaller and magical Faerie
and robot pilot O.C.C.s are out of the question, and no Titan will Folk, but most lack any innate magic powers themselves. This
submit to becoming a full conversion cyborg, nor can they be may be the result of evolution or genetic mutation. Only the
turned into a Juicer or Crazy, and they avoid Techno-Wizard Cobbler Goblin (a one in 20 genetic mutant) possesses
and Shifter magic. Tend toward Headhunter, Knight/Warrior, Faerie-like magic powers.
Wilderness Scout, Ranger, and Commando types as well as Goblins are generally meanspirited, vindictive, and cruel
Healers (any medical or psi-Healer type), Ley Line Walker, people, most of whom operate on the principle of the strong
Mystic, Warlock, and especially Cyber-Knight! The Titan's nat­ preys upon the weak. Their communities are clannish, with
ural bio-regenerative powers reject cybernetic implants, bionics members living in shabby huts or warrens underground as a
and most other forms of augmentation. loose-knit tribal unit that can number into the hundreds or thou­
Skills of Note: Speak TroWGiantese and ElflDragonese 98%, sands. Other mean, dull-witted and wicked beings may also live
and are literate in ElflDragonese. All Titans, male and female, among a Goblin community as full-fledged members of the
automatically get Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, and one W.P. of tribe, friends or leaders. These include Orcs, Ogres and
choice in addition to the usual skills of their chosen O.C.C. Hob-Goblins. A Warrior Chief (sometimes called a Goblin
Warriors almost always select Boxing as one of their combat King) rules the tribe. He is assisted by a War Chief (second in
skills. command) and a Shaman, Witch or Priest of Darkness (third in
Habitat: Can be found anywhere (and we mean anywhere). command). Family members and Cobblers generally fill in the
May be considered a monster, D-Bee or warrior demigod on other positions of authority and power. Thus, when a Goblin
Rifts Earth. King or Warrior Chief is overthrown, the entire structure of the
Enemies: Traditionally, Gigantes, Jotan, Ogres, Trolls, wicked tribe is reconfigured, with those once on top driven out, slain or
supernatural beings and all manner of evil and injustice. pushed down to the bottom of the social heap. Goblins
Allies: Traditionally, humans, Spirits of Light, Kukulcan drag­ (Hob-Goblins and Orcs) frequently associate with evil creatures
ons, and all champions of justice and goodness. Indifferent to­ of magic or supernatural monsters, gladly striking out at the
ward most others. On Rifts Earth, Titans will fmd larger and handsomer races. The Goblins ' wicked and cruel dis­
Cyber-Knights, other KnightslPaladins, True Atlanteans, position makes them willing henchmen to evil, powerful beings
Lyn-Srial, Zembahk, Mystic Kuznya and other champions of who promise them opportunity, power, reward and the chance to
light and goodness to be worthy allies. inflict pain.
Notes: There is an occasional evil Titan. Also note that not all Alignments: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (3 0%), Miscreant
Titans travel in pairs and a lone individual or pair may join a (40%) and Diabolic (20%).
larger group of humanoids in their search of adventure or quest
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
to destroy evil and protect the innocent.
nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 3D6+6,
On Rifts Earth, places where evil creatures of magic and P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3 D6 ( l D6 digging).
wicked supernatural forces are mounting will (eventually) attract Hit Points: P.E. attribute number, + I D6 per level of experience.
the attention of one or more Titans sooner or later. In fact, ru­ S.D.C.: 1 0, plus those gained from O .C.C. and physical skills.
mor has it that three Titans have joined Lord Coake in his cam­ M.D.C.: None. This means the mortal character needs to ac­
paign against the Kingdom of Monsters in Calgary, Canada. quire M.D.C. body armor or magical protection like humans .
Titans have also been reported in the Magic Zone, Mexico, Af­ Most Goblins prefer light to medium armor, from magical and
rica, France, Germany, Poland, India, and China, as well as homespun varieties to full environmental.
other locales. Armor Rating: None.
A Titan with any experience at all is likely to have one or Horror Factor: None.
two magic weapons and/or magic item or magic armor - often P.P.E. : 6D6 for the average Goblin, but 3 D4x l O + 1 D6 per level
passed down as heirlooms from generation of hero after genera­ of experience for Cobblers.
tion. However, Titans also use available technology and like Bonuses: +1 to save vs Faerie magic and +2 to save vs Horror
high-tech weaponry, particularly precision weapons, including Factor, plus those possibly gained from attributes, O.C.C., and
laser weapons, TW items, and Vibro-Blades. skill bonuses.
Natural Abilities of the Typical Goblin : Superior physical
prowess, generally low intelligence. Nightvision 90 feet (27.4
m; can see in total darkness) and good overall vision and hear­
Goblin ing. An aptitude for digging and living in tunnels provides the
following instinctive abilities.
Goblins (and Orcs) are among the most common of the
Underground Tunneling (Special): Fundamentally the same
sub-human races or so-called "monster races" on the Palladium
as Dwarves only much cruder. Base Skill : 30% +5% per level of
World. They are also known to exist on several other worlds, in­
cluding ancient Earth, probably brought to such places as the
underlings of dragons, powerful sorcerers, and supernatural be­ Underground Architecture: Fundamentally the same skill as
ings, as well as taking advantage of dimensional Rifts at ley Dwarves only much simpler and cruder. Base Skill: 1 0% +5%
lines. They breed like rats, so once they get a foot in an ecology per level of experience; detection and deactivation of traps is
they can often become a new dominant part of it. Only their la­ done at half his normal architecture skill level.
ziness, sloth, infighting and wicked natures prevent Goblins Underground Sense of Direction: Fundamentally the same
from becoming a force to be reckoned with wherever they go. skill as the Dwarf, but less acute. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level
of experience.
Judging the approximate relation/proximity to surface struc­ Size: Three feet (0.9 m) plus 2D6 inches tall.
tures (natural and artificial) is poor. Base Skill: 1 0% +5% per Weight: 60 to 1 00 pounds (27 to 45 kg).
level of experience; -20% if in an unfamiliar area. Notes: Goblins tend to be impudent, malevolent, and cruel to­
Natural Abilities of the Cobbler Goblin : The Cobbler is a ward other creatures. They love Vibro-Blades, energy weapons
Goblin who retains his or her Faerie Folk magic powers. To ran­ and instruments of torture. Only a thousand or so are known to
domly determine whether a Goblin is a Cobbler, roll percentile exist in North America, mostly in and around Calgary and the
dice, a role of 1 - 1 5 indicates a Cobbler. A Cobbler's most sig­ Detroit-Windsor Rift, but tens of thousands are said to plague
nificant power is the ability to undergo metamorphosis, at will, parts of Europe, especially eastern Europe.
into a small animal.They can also cast some limited magic.
l . Metamorphosis: A Cobbler' s most significant power is the
ability to metamorph at will into a dark, small animal. There is
no limit as to how often metamorphosis can be performed other
than a maximum of once every two minutes, nor is there a limit These soft-spoken killers originate from another planet and
as to how long the animal shape can be maintained. Cobbler were brought to the Palladium World as assassins and spies dur­
Goblins usually select ominous animals like a rat, toad, raven, ing the Elf-Dwarf War. The Gosai were originally a
black cat, weasel, etc. This makes them perfect spies, thieves tree-dwelling people well-suited for the region's original jungle
and assassins (the animal cannot be smaller than a toad). and forest environment. Those on the Palladium World have
2. Faerie Magic: Cobblers can cast the following spells twice since developed tough, scaly skin to protect themselves from the
per 24 hours: Mend Wood, Wither Plants, Sense Magic, scathing environment of the Baalgor Wastelands.
Tongues, Charm, and Darkness. All magic spells are equal to a A few generations after the Elf-Dwarf War came to an end,
third level Wizard. Since the Cobbler is not a true magic-user, the Gosai set aside their lingering resentment for Elves and
his abilities do not increase as the character gains new levels of Dwarves, realizing that the people of today are greatly different
experience. Nor can the character learn more spells, read magic than they were eons ago (they are considerably more humble,
symbols, or gain/study any other magic abilities. for one thing). For the most part, humans and other races see
3 . Special Cobbler Bonuses: + 1 to save vs all types of magic, these desert wanderers as just another exotic race in an exotic
+1 to save vs possession, +3 to save vs Horror Factor. Cobblers land. However, many still consider the Gosai as dangerous and
also have an aptitude for woodworking and get a + 1 0% bonus spooky as ever.
for carpentry, boat building, and SCUlpting/whittling. The alien beings are level-headed and methodical, but once
Note: All other stats are the same as the average Goblin. moved to violence, they become ruthless and vicious fighters
Characters with major or master psionic powers cannot be a who rarely show mercy, even if it is begged of them. Worse,
Cobbler. they can hold a grudge or vendetta that spans generations. Even
Attacks per Melee (Rifts®): As per O.C.C., combat training in the heat of combat, however, Gosai remain relatively calm,
and skills. cool and collected. The average warrior does not rattle easily,
Psionics: Standard, basically same as humans. nor do they show their emotions. Professional Gosai Assassins
Average Life Span : 80 years. can seem absolutely cold and hard as ice. While most view them
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Most O.C .C.s, except Long as unfeeling and merciless, the truth is that they are a passionate
Bowman, Knight, Palladin, and magic (with the exception of people, but they internalize most of their feelings except when
Witch and Cobbler). Lean toward Assassin, Thief and Merce­ around their closest of friends or trusted family members.
nary Fighter. The Gosai' s greatest weakness is a contact allergy to metal of
O.C.c.s Rifts®: Most any Man at Arms or Adventurer, except any kind, inflicting 1D4 points of damage each time any part of
the formal military O.C.C.s, power armor and robot pilots, their flesh touches any kind of metal. As a result, Gosai avoid
Cyber-Knight and other lawmen, and the highly skilled. Leans metal entirely. Likewise, Gosai on the Palladium World, do not
toward Assassin, Bandit, Raider, Professional Thief, Smuggler, use much technology for the same reason. However, on Rifts
City Rat: Runner, Gutter Rat, Roof Rat, Pack Rat, Headhunter, Earth, where plastics and ceramic materials are handy, the
Saddle Tramp, Saloon Bum, Gambler, Vagabond, Vagabond strange beings can fmd a number of safe substitutes. On the Pal­
Thief and similar simple or disreputable occupations. Note that ladium World Gosai refuse to use riding beasts or beasts of bur­
Goblins love cybernetics and bionics. den, preferring to carry their meager possessions with them
Skills of Note: Gobblely and Faerie Speak at 98%, typically il­ wherever they go. According to the Gosai themselves, one
literate. Add a bonus of +2% to Rogue/Thief skills. should never own so many possessions that he or she requires a
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Usually considered to be a beast of burden to carry them all. To do otherwise is to display
vile D-Bee on Rifts Earth, but may be considered an evil Faerie gluttonous materialism, something which all Gosai strive to
Folk by those in the know. avoid. This aversion to using pack animals also applies to vehi­
Enemies : Traditionally, humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and cles . Gosai who visit Rifts Earth and other high-tech environ­
most large and handsomelbeautiful beings. ments still prefer to walk and carry their possession rather than
Allies: Traditionally, Orcs, Hob-Goblins, Trolls and Wolfen. In­ use a hovercycle or automobile. This also means they have little
different toward Ogres, and giants. The Wolfen have hope of use for gold, gems, and other valuables, preferring to live "life
uniting Goblins and Orcs to join them in their struggle against to its fullest" and enjoy one' s accomplishments through reputa­
the humans. On Rifts Earth they will also associate with ugly tion, glory and infamy - they love building notorious reputa­
and dumb non-humans, mutant animals, magic creatures and su­ tions for themselves and enjoy the celebrity (and/or fear and
pernatural evil.
intimidation) it brings. Note: There are no known Gosai com­
munities on Rifts Earth.
Alignment: Any, but usually selfish or Aberrant evil.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 3D6+6,
P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3 D6+6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + 1 D6 per level.
S.D.C.: 3D6, plus those points available from O.C.C.IR.C.C.
and physical skills.
M.D.C.: None. This means the character needs to acquire
M.D.C. body armor, force field or magical protection the same
as humans. However, they cannot be made of metal due to the
Gosai's unique allergy. Thus, a Gosai must use armor like the
Plastic Man, Urban Warrior, Bushman and other armors made
from nonmetallic materials, including those made from the hide
of the Fury Beetle and other M.D.C. animals. Force fields and
magic are also welcomed alternatives to metal armor.
Natural A.R. : 1 0, applies only to S.D.C . combat situations.
Any roll of 1 0 or less does no S.D.C.IH.P. damage even it if hits
the mark.
Horror Factor: 1 0
Average P.P.E.: 4D6
Average Life Span : 60 years.
Size : 5-6 feet tall ( 1 .5 - 1 .8 m), 1 50- 1 7 5 pounds (68-79 kg).
Physical Appearance: Slender, graceful humanoids who many
people think have a slightly reptilian appearance. Completely
hairless, they are covered with fme, metallic red scales. Their
teeth are small and pointed, like a puppy dog's milk teeth. Gosai
have light yellow eyes with an elongated, golden "goat's eye"
pupil. Most prefer to dress in loose clothing, usually a tunic, bil­
lowing leggings, and a flowing set of desert Bedouin robes.
O.C.C.s in Rifts: Any, except Knights (any), power armor or
robot pilots, and most O.C.C.s that rely on tanks, heavy armor
and war machines. Prefer Men at Arms O.C.C.s, City Rat (any),
wilderness and roguish occupations.
O.C.C.s for Palladium Fantasy®: Any, except Knight,
Palladin and Long Bowman. Favorite O.C.C.s are Thief, Assas­
sin and Gladiator. Or the character may opt for the Gosai Assas­
sin Racial Character Class.
Gosai Assassin R.C.C.: In this case, the character is a profes­
sional killer but refuses to employ weapons of any sort. The
Gosai Assassin is identical to the Palladium Assassin O.C.C. ex­
cept in place of Hand to Hand: Assassin, the character learns a
unique unarmed combat style called Skudasa that emphasizes a
Gosai's natural fighting abilities. Note that ONLY the Gosai As­
sassin R.C.C. is eligible to take Hand to Hand: Skudasa. Also, in
place of the four weapon proficiencies available to the Assassin
O.C.C., the Gosai assassin gets one additional skill selection
from each of the following categories : Espionage, Military,
Rogue and Scholar (for a total of four skill selections). The
Gosai Assassin CANNOT take a W.P., Horsemanship skill or the
Disguise skill.
Hand to Hand: Skudasa: This is a cross between Martial Arts
and Assassin combat training, with a special emphasis on claw­
ing and kicking attacks.
1 : Starts with two attacks per melee round, +2 to strike.
2: +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch and +2 to roll with

1 00
3 : All styles of kick attacks and corresponding damage.
4: + 1 attack per melee round and + 1 on initiative.
5 : Claw attacks increase to 3D6 damage, "pop kick" in­
creases to 5D6 damage.
6: Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 1 7, 1 8, 1 9 or 20.
7: Character may use his hand and foot claws as paired weap­
ons, as per the W.P. Paired Weapons skill. They can also
be used to parry swords and other hand-held weapons.
8: Leap attack, + 1 on initiative, +2 to pull punch.
9: + 1 attack per melee round.
1 0 : +2 to parry and dodge.
1 1 : Body throw/flip, + 1 to initiative.
1 2 : Death blow on an unmodified roll of 20 (if desired).
1 3 : +2 to damage.
14: + 1 attack per melee.
1 5 : +2 to strike and disarm.
Natural Abilities: Prehensile Feet (special): A Gosai is just as
dexterous with his feet as he is with his hands. Those with the
Scale Walls skill get a + 1 0% bonus. Plus, Gosai can perform
feats of fme manual dexterity (such as picking locks) with their
feet, with no penalty.
Retractable Claws (special): Gosai have retractable claws on
their feet as well as their hands. For this reason, they almost
never wear shoes or gauntlets. They also have retractable claws
on their fmgers.
Pop Hinges (special): Gosai have a unique elastic material in
their knee joints, allowing their legs to "pop" straight with in­
credible force. This allows them to leap 30 feet (9 m) in any di­
rection. Also, Gosai can use this ability to deliver
extra-powerful kicking attacks known as "pop kicks."
Orcs are the most common of the sub-human races found on
Attacks Per Melee: 2 or by O.C.C. or R.C.C. and combat skills.
the Palladium World, followed by Goblins next in line. They are
Dam age: A swipe of hand or foot claws does 2D6, a "pop kick"
large, dull-witted brutes, heavily muscled and more broadly
does 4D6 but counts as two melee actions .
built than humans. Their heads are large and rather apish, with
Bonuses: + 1 melee attack (due to agility and prehensile feet),
heavily ridged brows, bushy eyebrows, pointed ears, large, fang
+ 1 to strike, parry and dodge. +2 to save vs Horror Factor, and
filled mouths, flat, snout-like noses and dark colored eyes and
-2 to save vs poison.
hair. They, like the Goblins, operate in loose-knit tribes of bar­
Magic: By O.C.C. only.
baric warriors and brigands. The Orcs of the Palladium World
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans.
tend to be warrior parasites who raid, fight and steal from others
Habitat: Gosai cannot stand cold or wet climates so the
Baalgor Wastelands or other desert climates are the only places
rather than engage in manufacturing, crop growing or other
self-sufficient means of supporting themselves. Yet despite their
where they truly feel comfortable.
legendary ferocity and aggressive robbing ways, Orcs have
Languages : Besides their own native tongue (spoken at 98%),
strong backs and excellent endurance that makes them excellent
Gosai also speak ElvenlDragonese fluently (+3 0%). Gosai el­
farmers and heavy laborers. None too smart, Orcs do well in
ders have taught the Elven language to their young since the
jobs that involve repetitive or single-minded tasks.
days of the Elf-Dwarf War.
Enemies: Giants, Trolls, Ogres and Orcs. Gosai especially dis­ Impressed by power - and true power to an Ore is the ability
like Quorians, whom they fought extensively during the to do whatever you want to whomever you want - they will
Elf-Dwarf War. On Rifts Earth this D-Bee will take an instant obey and follow any being who possesses great physical
dislike to Xiticix, Brodkil and demonkind. strength or incredible magic power. Consequently, they fre­
Allies: Humans, Elves, and Eandroth (on Rifts Earth that in­ quently become the minions and even the armies of powerful
cludes any reptilian D-Bees, including the Lyn-Srial). Gosai are Ogre Warlords, Trolls, Giants, sorcerers, dragons, supernatural
indifferent to most other races. beings and even humans and Elves. Orcs revel in destruction
and mayhem, so they love to participate in torture, murder, pil­
laging, massacres, and general carnage. In fact, the adrenaline
rush they enjoy from such acts can tum them into a frenzied
mob beyond the control of even a powerful master or general.
However, a display of mystic or supernatural might usually
brings them back in line, as Orcs live in awe and fear of power­
ful magic.

1 01
On Rifts Earth, Orcs are found in the D-Bee populations of Dam age: Bite with canine-like teeth inflicts 1D6 S.D.C. dam­
the 'Burbs around Chi-Town, Iron Heart, and Lone Star, though age.
not in significant numbers ( 1 -3%). They also comprise a full Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. & skills) : +1 to
thirty percent of the bandits in the Pecos Empire and are found roll with impact and +3 to save vs Horror Factor. Clawed hands
in Ciudad Juarez and scattered throughout Mexico and parts of inflict 1 D6 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bonus, a kick 2D6 S.D.C.
the American West. Up north they can be found in and around +P. S . damage bonus, and a bite attack does I D6 damage but no
Calgary and southern portions of Canada, usually in small rov­ P.S. bonus is applicable.
ing bands of raiders and bushwhackers. Tens of thousands are Magic: Witch and Priest O.C.C.s only.
found with their Goblin buddies in Eastern Europe. Psionics: None !
Ever lustful for power and wealth, especially power, Orcs O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any Man of Arms except
have been known to embrace all manner of human augmenta­ Palladino Magic O.C.C.s are limited to Witch and Priest.
tion, especially partial and full bionic conversions. Some even O.C.C.s Rifts®: Limited to City Rat (any, depending on I.Q.),
subj ect themselves to M.O.M. (Crazies) conversion and have at­ Vagabond, Saddle Tramp, Wilderness Scout, Bandit, Highway­
tempted Juicer conversions and all kinds of experimentation for man, Raider, warrior/fighter/merc, Gunfighter, Gunslinger,
the promise of personal power and glory. Attempts at Juicer Headhunter, Crazy, Cyborg (any) or laborer. In their lust for
conversions are only successful 1 -33% of the time. The remain­ power, an Orc would certainly submit himself to Bio-Wizard
ing 67% usually die or tum into drooling turnips incapable of augmentation and even become a Bio-Borg.
the simplest thought. Skills of Note: Speak Gobblely at 98%, typically illiterate.
Alignments: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (30%), Miscreant Habitat: Can be found anywhere, but being invader types, Orcs
(40%) and Diabolic (25%) . tend to seize and inhabit the lairs, ruins and dwellings of others,
Attributes: The number o f six-sided dice rolled i s a s desig­ namely those they defeat in conquest. Orcs also build simple
nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+8, P.P. 3D6, huts, stockades, and erect tents, and seem to prefer woodlands,
P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6 hilly, rocky, or mountainous regions. Considered barbarian
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience. D-Bees or monsters on Rifts Earth.
S.D.C. : 1 0 plus those gained from O.C.C. and physical skills. Enemies : Traditionally, humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes,
M.D.C.: None. This means the character needs to acquire Changelings and most large and handsomelbeautiful beings.
M.D.C. body armor or magical protection like humans. Most Allies: Traditionally, other monster races, including Goblins,
Orcs prefer medium and heavy body armor, and love magical Hob-Goblins, Ogres, Trolls, and Wolfen. Indifferent toward
armor when they can get it. Wears anything from homespun va­ most others. The Wolfen have hopes of uniting Ore tribes to join
rieties to full environmental armor. Not usually smart enough to them in their struggle against the humans but, so far, with mini­
use power armor, though some can. mal success. On Rifts Earth they will also associate with ugly
Natural Armor Rating: None. and dumb non-humans, mutant animals, magic creatures and su­
Horror Factor: None. pernatural evil.
P.P.E.: 2D6 Notes: Orcs tend to be savage, cruel, and aggressive toward
Size: 5-6 feet, 8 inches ( 1 .5 to 2 m). other creatures. They are easily startled and bluffed, especially
Weight: 1 60 to 250 pounds (72 to 1 1 2.5 kg). by magic and the supernatural. They love energy weapons, rail
Average Life Span : 50 years. guns and bionics. Only a thousand or so are known to exist in
Physical Appearance: Husky, muscular humanoids who stand North America, mostly in the Canadian and American south­
about the same height as humans but are much broader and west, with maybe another thousand or two in Mexico, but tens
heavily muscled. Even the females look like heavyweight box­ of thousands plague Europe.
ers. The nose is large and flat, similar to a hog or gorilla. The Favorite weapons include large swords, axes, and pole arms.
ears are pointed like those of an Elf, eyebrows thick and bushy, On Rifts Earth, they love heavy armor and heavy weapons, as
and the mouth filled with sharp teeth and canine fangs. The hair well as Vibro-Blades and magic weapons.
is black and usually grown into a long, wild mane or worn in a
Natural Abilities: In addition to the Orc ' s great strength and
stupid courage, the character also has Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2
m), excellent day vision (equal to a human), and a superior Ogres resemble a giant, neanderthal-like prehistoric cousin to
sense of smell. the humans . There are a growing number of scholars who be­
Track Blood Scent: An Orc can follow the scent of blood up lieve that Ogres and humans share a common ancestry. This is
to 1 000 feet (305 m) away at the base skill of 1 5 % +5% per given further credence by the fact that Ogres can, and do, suc­
level of experience. cessfully mate with humans, producing healthy offspring. How­
ever, such offspring are giant and generally considered to be
Recognize Scent of Others: The Orc can recognize and fol­
Ogres. In the Palladium World, about 45% of all the Ogre fe­
low afamiliar scent up to 50 feet ( 1 5 m) away. Base Skill: 1 0%
males are sterile, and there are typically fewer females than
+3% per level of experience; + 1 3 % to recognize and follow the
males available to mate in the frrst place. As a result, Ogre
scent of a mate or offspring. Roll once for every 1 00 feet (30.5
raiding parties comprised of males go out to attack travelers and
m) when following a scent trail. A failed roll means the trail is
villages to kidnap human women for breeding. Without this de­
spicable practice, Ogres would have died out long ago and even
Attacks per Melee (Rifts®): Two without any combat training,
today are a dying breed Their problem with sterility is com-
or those gained from hand to hand combat and/or boxing.
1 02
Hit Points: P.E.+ I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 40 plus those gained from O.C.C. and physical skills.
M.D.C. : None. The character needs to acquire M.D.C. body ar­
mor, force field or magical protection like humans. Most Ogres
prefer heavy armor, from magical and homespun varieties to full
environmental and power armor. They absolutely adore magic
armor and weapons.
Arm or Rating: None.
Horror Factor: 1 0
P.P.E. : 3D6
Size: 7- 1 2 feet tall (2. 1 to 3 .6 m); 6 feet plus 106 additional
Weight: 250 to 500 pounds ( 1 12.5 to 225 kg).
Average Life Span : 90 years.
Physical Appearance: Huge, hairy, muscular humanoids sport­
ing wicked canine teeth and sharp claws. Their complexion a
warm grey to tan color; thick hide, sometimes scaling or flaking.
Small round ears, dark eyes, dark hair.
Natural Abilities: Superior physical strength and endurance.
Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m; can see in total darkness) and good
overall vision and hearing.
Attacks per Melee: Two without any combat training. Other­
wise, has those gained from Hand to Hand combat, boxing or
other skills .
Dam age: Clawed hands inflict 2D4 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bo­
nus, kick 3 D6 S.D.C. +P.S . damage bonus, and bite 2D4 S.D.C.
damage without benefit of P.S. bonus. M.D. Note: On Rifts
Earth, the P.S. is considered to be the equivalent of Bionic
Strength, which means the character can inflict Mega-Damage
with "power" punches and kicks, and head butt attacks too.
pounded by a long gestation period of one year, and the Ogres ' Each "power punch/attack" counts as two melee actions and in­
belligerent and aggressive nature leads to a short life span as a flicts I D4 M.D. per "power" strike (never less than I D4 M.D.
result of widespread fear and persecution by other races. regardless of an Ogre's P.S.).
Ogres are extremely aggressive and driven by passion: love, Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. & skills): +2 to
anger, hate. They delight in physical combat, tests of skill and save vs Horror Factor.
sport to prove their physical superiority. A coward or weakling Psionics: Standard, about the same as humans.
has no place among Ogres and will be driven from the tribe or O.C.c.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any, without restriction.
killed. A typical tribe is small, rarely exceeding a hundred. O.C.C.s Rifts®: Most any O.C.C.s, including equivalent
However, Ogres may establish a tribe among other sub-humans O.C.C.s to the Coalition Military (i.e. basic soldier types, in­
particularly Orcs. Of course, it is the Ogres who rule and domi� cluding Commandos, but not technical officers or pilots), Ad­
nate the Orcs. Sadly, these misanthropes distrust all humanoids, venturer and Scholar O.C.C.s. Unlike the stupid Orcs, the Ogres
are as smart as humans, though they are much more aggressive
loathe humans and Elves, and don't even get along with other
Ogres or Orcs. and savage, which may limit some of their options.
Skills of Note: Speaks Ogre and Gobblely at 98%, but is typi­
Ogres exist on Rifts Earth , but their numbers are thought to
cally illiterate. Also gets an extra W.P. of choice (any) and Rec­
be limited to groups of a few hundred scattered across the globe.
ognize Weapon Quality (+ 15%).
Unlike other D-Bees, Ogres enjoy the many harsh, vast wilder­
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered D-Bees on Rifts
nesses of Earth and embrace the challenge for survival. They
readily take to Mega-Damage armor, energy weapons and rail
Enemies: Traditionally, humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes,
guns, as well as cybernetic implants and partial bionic recon­
Changelings, Faerie Folk and most handsome or beautiful be­
struction. The only thing that may prevent many Ogres from
ings. Dislikes and distrusts most others.
getting bionics is that they do not trust the humans or other life
Allies: Traditionally, Orcs. On Rifts Earth, Ogres also associate
forms who must perform the operation.
with other ugly and dumb non-humans and mutant animals, but
Alignments: Any, but lean toward Anarchist and evil align­ are leery of mutant canines which remind them of Wolfen.
ments. Notes: Ogres tend to be savage, aggressive and domineering to­
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ ward smaller and weaker creatures. They love Mega-Damage
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+2, P.P. 3D6, weapons and armor of all kind. Only a few hundred are believed
P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 3D6+2. Note: On Rifts Earth, the to exist on Rifts Earth. Ogres love raw flesh, especially human
P.S. is considered to be the equivalent of Bionic Strength, see flesh, and 75% of Ogres are cannibals, so even their own kind
damage for details. are not safe from them!

1 03
Quillbacks are not, by nature, thieves, but they do covet
things very, very badly, and even the most honorable, honest
Quillback will find himself "borrowing" things and forgetting to
return them. While this may be only a mild irritation to one' s
fellow adventurers, it has gotten many Quillbacks into serous
trouble in larger settlements and cities. Approximately 1 0% are
either habitual thieves to kleptomaniacs.
What Quillbacks may exist on Rifts Earth have arrived by
accident (i.e. leapt into a dimensional Rift to escape a predator,
a victim of magic, etc.), or brought here by slavers. Some may
have no idea how they got to Earth or where they are. Friendly
and inquisitive, the typical Quillback will try to make the best of
his situation on Rifts Earth, and if he can't return home, is likely
to embark on a life of adventure and study.
Alignment: Mostly Unprincipled (40%) or Anarchist (45%). A
few may be Scrupulous, Miscreant or Aberrant, but these are
Quillback quite rare.
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+8, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P.
The Quillback i s a handsome and curious little being who re­
4D6, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 5D6
sembles a humanoid version of a hedgehog or porcupine. They
Hit Points: P.E. + I D6 per level of experience.
originate from the Baalgor Wastelands of the Palladium World
S.D.C.: 1 5 plus whatever is gained from O.C.C. and physical
where they live on certain plants, insects and small animals as
food. All the while, they are often hunted by vicious monsters
M.D.C.: On Rifts Earth, the Quillback, miraculously, turns into
and other, larger predators. What keeps these creatures alive is
a minor Mega-Damage creature with 3D6+ 1 2 M.D.C. Wearing
their high intelligence, raw speed and their porcupine-like set of
additional armor is advisable, but their odd shape and quill cov­
quills, which they use very effectively in combat.
ered body makes fmding armor that fits impossible to fmd.
Quillback society is "primitive" by most human standards. Thus, most wear partial armor providing 20-30 M.D.C., often of
They are nomads constantly on the move looking for food and the homespun variety.
trying not to be eaten, and do not establish large families, tribes Horror Factor: None, they are actually quite cute.
or permanent homes. Average P.P.E.: 3D6
Thanks to their sharp sense of smell, Quillbacks can identify Average Life Span: 20-30 years in the wild, twice that in a civ­
each other simply by one ' s scent. Thus, long-separated friends ilized setting.
or relatives recognize each other instantly. Large Quillback re­ Physical Appearance: Quillbacks are small, lean humanoids
unions are fairly uncommon, but when they do happen, they call covered by a thick "fur" of porcupine-like quills. They also have
for much celebrating, eating, drinking, dancing and storytelling. rodent-like, snout faces, and sinewy arms and legs. They range
If a Quillback attending such a reunion has non-Quillback from a light gray to a drab brown.
friends with him or her, they too are invited to join in the festivi­ Size: 4-5 feet tall ( 1 .2- 1 .5 m) and 75 to 1 00 pounds (34-45 kg).
ties. Such guests are expected to bring food with them, or at Natural Abilities:
least a bunch of really good stories. To a Quillback, a good story Advanced Smell: Quillbacks can detect very faint smell
is funny, exciting, and contains a twinge Gust a twinge, mind traces and can use this ability as the Track Humanoids skill at
you) of sadness. These folk are used to losing their friends and 30% +5% per level. In addition, Quillbacks can detect when
loved ones on a frequent basis, and they are rather fond of eulo­ people are experiencing extreme emotions (64% chance) and
gizing their lost ones in stories and song. Like most else in their they can recognize an individual by his or her scent.
lives, these reunions seldom last more than a few days before
Advanced Hearing: Quillbacks can hear very faint sounds,
people begin to go their separate ways.
like light footsteps or a small animal breathing. This gives them
Quillbacks are relentless pack rats, collecting every little + 1 to initiative and makes them almost impossible to surprise
thing that strikes their fancy. Shiny things like gems, gold coins, (96% of the time, they will detect a surprise attack before it hits,
earrings, polished metal trinkets and the like are favored items, much like the Sixth Sense psionic ability).
as are fme pieces of glass or cut rock and tiny statues. To a
Quill Defense (Rifts®): This is a kind of natural body armor
Quillback, something' s worth does not depend on what it' s
(A.R. 1 0 in an S.D.C. environment). Any physical attack with a
made of, but how it looks (and if the little creature fmds it at­
fist, foot, mouth or other body part results in the attacker taking
tractive). If a Quillback must choose between a tarnished rune
1 D4 M.D. damage from hitting a bed of sharp quills. In addi­
weapon that looks like hell, and a fmely polished, glittering
tion, Quillbacks can attack with their quills, inflicting 1 D4 M.D.
piece of quartz, the quartz will probably win out. At the same
with an arm swipe, or 2D6 M.D. with a body block. Quillbacks
time, Quillbacks are not stupid, and those who grow accustomed
cannot "shoot" their quills, but they can pull them out and stab
to the ways of the "tall folk" learn that looks can be deceiving.
or throw them at opponents like daggers or ice picks; does one
They also learn about items "tall folk" value and may become
M.D. per quill. The quills can also be used to pick locks or for
discerning enough to gather items humans and such will trade in
knitting. Note that Quillbacks are covered with thousands of
order to get shiny trinkets and good junk that the Quillback pre­
quills, so they are not likely to run out of them if they pull them
1 04
out frequently to use as weapons. Furthermore, lost quills Aggressive and warlike, the Quorians are disciplined and or­
regrow within I D4+2 months. derly fighters who rarely engage in senseless bloodshed. They
The drawback to these protective quills is that wearing armor have a surprisingly high regard for life, unless it is a Gosai' s
or clothing of any kind is virtually impossible. Quillbacks gen­ life. Consequently, they are renowned men at arms who often
erally do not care about clothing, but wearing armor would wander the world where they eam a living by the edge of their
come in handy. They do like to wear arm bands, bracelets, an­ sword and business end of a gun as mercenaries for hire.
klets, rings, earrings and other types ofjewelry. A highly superstitious people, Quorians are prone to having
Attacks Per Melee: Three for unskilled characters, or as per precognitive dream-visions that they take very, very seriously.
O.C.C. and combat skills. While Oneiromancers perform Chants ofDreaming rather often,
Dam age: See Quill Defense above. Or by weapon. most Quorians have a "dream-vision" only two or three times in
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. & skills): +2 to their lives. These dream-visions are the equivalent to a success­
parry and strike, +3 to dodge, + 1 to pull punch. ful Chant of Dreaming, only it happens at random. Most
Magic: Shaman O.C.C. only. Quorians have their first dream-vision in early adolescence; a
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans. sign of having achieved spiritual adulthood. After that, the aver­
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any Man at Arms, except for age Quorian has I D4- 1 additional dream-visions over the course
Long Bowman, Knight or Palladin, clergy (typically Shaman), of his or her life. Each subsequent vision is treated as a major
psychics (most are Psi-Mystics or Psi-Healers), Vagabond, or personal event, and a portent to one's next phase of personal de­
Entertainers (such as Bards or Minstrels). Quillbacks lack the velopment, or what the future might hold. It isn't unusual for a
discipline to become practitioners of magic. If the player so de­ Quorian to radically change a course of action or his entire life,
sires, he or she may opt for the Quillback Scavenger R.C.C. all because of a quirky dream he regards as an omen or portent
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Rogue Scholar/Storyteller, Rogue Scientist, of things to come. As a result, Quorian Shamans, Psi-Mystics
City Rat, Wilderness Scout, Preacher and Vagabond are the and especially Oneiromancers are revered members of their so­
most likely, but other possibilities include Gambler, Saddle ciety because of their ability to interpret dreams and divine the
Tramp, Saloon Bum, Barmaid, Professional Thief, Bandit, Free­ future. While skilled interpreters of dreams, these sages are not
lance Spy, Smuggler, Privateer, Grunt, Ranger, Sheriff s Dep­ always correct and some of their creative interpretations are not
uty, or villager/peasant. always accurate, and sometimes self-serving (or more to the
Quillback Scavenger R.C.C. (Optional, but common in Pal­ point, serving the greater good or beliefs of the tribe). In fact,
ladium): In this case, the character lives by his or her wits, wan­ the Quorian obsession with the future often drives and inspires
dering the wastelands and collecting loose odds and ends and their entire life. Within a year of having their first dream-vision,
somehow surviving endless scrapes and dangerous situations . Quorians leave their family to fmd their own place in the world.
Quillback Scavengers often fall in with bands o f traveling ad­ Tradition dictates that once a Quorian leaves his family' S
venturers. Their exploits commonly make them folk heroes to wandercamp or village, he or she is never welcome there again.
their own people. Such characters also possess insatiable curios­ Scholars think this is a custom designed at maintaining genetic
ities, often "leap before they look" and are prone to taking any­ diversity, and to maintain strong but small groups. Quorians
thing that catches their eye without asking. themselves explain that they simply do not get along with their
In skills, the Quillback Scavenger is identical to the Vaga­ kin. For most, living among strangers or other Quorians is far
bond Optional O. C. C. , except that the Scavenger will have De­ preferable to living with one's family.
tect Ambush, Detect Concealment, and Find Contraband as part Quorians have a very strong sense of personal honor, which
of his O.C.C . skills . Quillback Scavengers use the Vagabond ex­ is very easily insulted by outsiders. Quorians do not take kindly
perience point table. to any insinuation that one is less than courageous, forthright,
Habitat: Prefer hot, dry climates from rocky deserts, prairies and dependable. Calling these matters into question is to invite a
and scrub lands to forests . On Rifts Earth, a Quillback would duel or an all-out brawl to determine who owes whom an apol­
love Mexico and the western and southwestern United States. ogy. Among their own, their Healing Factor keeps them from
Languages : All speak a chittering dialect of Gobblely. Many killing each other over insults and offenses. However, this also
also learn Elven, Giantese and Western Human. makes it hard for Quorians to fit in with non-Quorians, who are
Enemies: Anything larger than it is viewed with suspicion or not as violent or easily provoked, and who do not recover as
fear, at least until the little guy gets to know him. quickly from injury. The Quorian Healing Factor contributes to
Allies: Anyone who has proven themselves to be trustworthy making these people rather foolhardy and a bit too convinced of
and kind. Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Faeries are readily ac­ their own immortality. While Quorians do not go into a blood
cepted and instantly trusted by Quillback until they have proven frenzy, they do tend to charge into battle without thinking and
themselves to be otherwise. This character flaw has gotten more take risks, thereby getting themselves into situations they really
than one Quillback into serious trouble, especially when dealing cannot always handle. What's worse, Quorian pride is such that
with Faeries. retreating from battle for many valid reasons may be considered
dishonorable or a sign of cowardice, both of which are taboo for
these noble but strange warriors. Consequently, many Quorians
Quorian would rather die fighting a losing battle than to run and fight an­
other day.
Another warrior race "recruited" during the Elf-Dwarf Wars Alignment: Any, but lean very heavily in favor of the "honor­
is the Quorians. These humanoids were summ oned from an able" alignments; namely Principled (25%), Scrupulous (35%)
alien world by the Dwarves. and Aberrant evil (30%).
1 05
M.D.C.: None. This means the character needs to acquire
M.D.C. body armor, force field or magical protection just like
humans. Most Quorians prefer medium to heavy armor, from
magical and homespun varieties to full environmental and
power armor.
Horror Factor: None.
Average P.P.E.: 3D6
Average Life Span : 50-60 years.
Size: 6-7 feet tall ( 1 .8 to 2. 1 m), 200-300 lbs (90 to 1 3 5 kg).
Physical Appearance: Tall, broad and muscular, the Quorians
clearly look like a warrior race, like Orcs or Trolls. They have
pupilless, reddish eyes and dusty blue-purple skin. Their
rope-like, tendril-like hair resembles thick dread locks, which
some Quorians like to tie back in a bundled ponytail.
Natural Abilities : Excellent sense of hearing and vision
(roughly equal to humans with perfect senses), and high P.S.
and endurance.
Healing Factor (special): Quorians have incredible recupera­
tive powers, enabling them to withstand a great deal of physical
punishment before dying. All Quorians automatically regenerate
three S.D.C. every 1 0 minutes ( 1 8 per hour) and one H.P. every
1 5 minutes (4 per hour). In addition, Quorians are resistant to
fIre and cold (half damage) as well as to drugs, toxins, disease
and poisons ( 1 /3 damage). The Quorian Healing Factor also
mends wounds without scarring, and broken bones heal 1 0 times
faster than usual without any sign that they were ever broken.
Note: The Quorian Healing Factor cannot regenerate lost limbs,
nor will it bring a Quorian back from the dead.
Attacks Per Melee: As per O.C.C.IR.C.C. and related skills.
Dam age: By punch, kick, or weapon same as a human, or
magic/psychic attack.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.c.c. & skills): +1 on
initiative, +3 to pull punch, + 1 to roll with impact, +3 to save vs
poison and disease, +20% to save vs coma/death and +2 to save
vs Horror Factor.
Magic: By O.C.C. only.
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any. Most Quorians are some
kind of Men at Arms, but in recent years, Quorians have in­
creasingly turned to the mystic arts of wizardry and
"elementalism"/Warlock magic. Quorians do not trust
Diabolism or Summ oning, and simply will not pursue such dis­
ciplines unless one is truly evil, obsessed with power or insane.
Despite this, Circle Magic does tempt some Quorians. They tend
to shy away from the clergy and psychic O.C.C .s. Those with
strong spiritual or psychic potential often opt for the Quorian
Oneiromancer Racial Character Class (R.C.C.) described at the
end of this description.
O.C.c.s Rifts®: Any Men at Arms or Adventurer type, as well
as Shaman, Druid, Mystic, Stone Master, Ley Line Walker or
any of the Temporal Magic O.C.Cs. (see Rifts® England for
complete information, or the giant Rifts® Book of Magic for
Temporal Magic spells). Many Quorians have become dimen­
sional travelers due to their search to return home. However,
only a handful know how to dimensional travel on their own.
Most rely on other dimension spanning beings to get them from
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+2, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+6, P.P.
place to place, usually as one of the terms of their mercenary
3D6, P.E. 3D6+6, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd. 2D6 contracts. Another reason so many Quorians fmd themselves
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience.
stranded on alien worlds. Quorians often avoid highly technical
S.D.C.: 25, plus those from O.C.C .IR.C.C. and physical skills. or mechanical occupations. That having been said, they love
1 06
magic and high-tech gizmos, even if they don't understand the Initial magic powers include four spells from levels one or
principles behind them. two. At each subsequent level, the Oneiromancer may pick a to­
Habitat: Largely confined to the Baalgor Wastelands on the tal of two additional spells from any level up to his own level of
Palladium World, otherwise they can be found anywhere. On experience (i.e., a 3rd level Oneiromancer can pick spells from
Rifts Earth, they are often found near places of magic, ley line levels one, two or three).
heavy regions, dimensional portals and places known as portals Finally, these Mystics also can perform the Shamanistic
to other dimensions. At least a hundred are employed on Chant ofDreaming.
Atlantis by the Splugorth as assassins, elite warriors and spies .
They have also been reported at Tolkeen, Calgary, De­ Chant of Dreaming
troit-Windsor Rifts, the St. Louis Rift, Magic Zone, Federation Range: Self, or other by touch.
of Magic, Yucatan Peninsula, the British Isles and other parts of Duration: The dream usually lasts about ten minutes.
the world. P.P.E. : 20 for Oneiromancers.
Languages : All Quorians are fluent in their own unique lan­ Saving Throw: Standard for others, none for the shaman.
guage as well as Dwarven. Many Quorians are literate and study Success Ratio: 30% +5% per level of experience. Chanting al­
other languages such as Elven, Gobblely and various dialects of ways takes time (2D4 minutes), whether in a ceremony or per­
Human. formed by a single shaman.
Enemies : Gosai, Giants, Trolls, Ogres, Orcs and anybody who A dream will come to the character the next time they fall
interferes with their quest to return to their native world. asleep. This will be a vivid, lucid dream where the character is
Allies: Generally speaking, Eandroth, Dragonmen, and humans . able to interact with the elements of the dream and remember it
Stand-offish toward Dwarves and Elves. Indifferent to most oth­ all clearly. The dream can take place in an imaginary place, such
ers. On Rifts Earth, Quorians get along well with traditional Na­ as the character' s childhood home, a beautiful forest glen, or a
tive Americans, Psi-Stalkers, Mystics, Nature Spirits and mythical castle, or it may take place in a location where the
O.C.C.s similar to their own. character might end up in the future or has been in the past.
Notes: Palladium Quorians were used as pawns in the Usually the dreamer has the opportunity to converse and interact
Elf-Dwarf War, but Quorians have a long history of having be­ with some person or creature that the dreamer knows, or in­
ing tricked, enslaved or used by powerful forces. Consequently, stantly recognizes (a relative, a dead ancestor, a mythic figure,
Quorians have become something of a lost people with entire etc.). In the course of the conversation, the character will have
generations displaced and without any idea of where their home the opportunity to ask questions about the future and/or himself,
world is or how to get back to it. For many Quorians, rmding a and to receive answers and useful advice. While far from infalli­
way back home has become an all consuming quest. Truth be ble, these dreams usually contain valuable hints, portents and
told, no displaced Quorian knows if their planet of origin even suggestions.
exists. Supposedly, even the Splugorth don't know where the
While the dream has no real bearing on future reality, the
Quorian race originates (if they did they would conquer the en­
character who experiences the vision will have a positive feeling
tire planet and make them one of their warrior minions). This
about the future, and will believe (euphorically! ) that the dream
does not, however, stop the Quorians from continuing their
has significance for him.
search. Rifts Earth being a dimensional nexus with Rifts to a
The recipient of this chant will feel sleepy, yawning fre­
thousand (perhaps infmite number of) worlds, has lured hun­
quently, and may (if they like) fall asleep immediately after the
dreds (perhaps thousands) of Quorians scattered across the
chant, or after the ceremony where the chant was conducted. No
globe in search of the portal home. Ironically, rather than fmd­
matter how disturbing the dream may be, the character will re­
ing the dimensional gateway to home, most Quorians get
ceive the benefits of a full night' s sleep, even if awakened just
pressed into more political and trans-dimensional intrigue. Still,
fifteen minutes later.
those on Rifts Earth believe they are closer to finding a way
home than their Quorian kin anywhere else in the Megaverse.
Perhaps they are right - or perhaps they are simply chasing a
dream. Troll
Quorian Oneiromancer O.C.C. Trolls are a race of vindictive, foul-hearted giants who detest
Quorian Oneiromancers, also known as "Dream Shamans", humans, Elves and other handsome humanoids. They are intelli­
are the spiritual, religious, and psychic centers of Quorian soci­ gent and cunning predators that prey on smaller beings and oc­
ety. Possessing strange powers of the mind and spirit, these casionally, animals. They often resemble giant, hairy cOIpses
mysterious individuals often lead Quorian villages and with pale white or light grey skin covered with darker grey and
wandercamps (groups of nomadic hunters and warriors). They pUIple blotches. Huge canine fangs protrude from the lower jaw
use magic, psychic powers, and the ability to inteIpret dreams to for tearing flesh and Trolls have large molars for crushing bone.
see the future. In game terms, Quorian Oneiromancers are iden­ The average Troll is a fierce fighter with a love for hand to
tical to the Mystic o. C. C. except with slightly different powers . hand combat. Their legendary ferocity enables them to deal ami­
Initial psychic powers include Mind Block, C lairvoyance, cably with most non-human races, including Dwarves. How­
Sixth Sense, Meditation and four from the Sensitive category ever, they prefer the company of KoboIds above all others.
ONLY. Afterwards, for each new level of experience, the Onei­ On Rifts Earth, Trolls are a rare breed with perhaps as few as
romancer may select one additional psionic power from the a hundred worldwide. They are found mainly in remote wilder­
Healing, Sensitive, or Physical categories . ness areas where they can prey on low-tech humanoids, but once

1 07
in a while they appear in the 'Burbs or other "civilized" commu­ Allies: Traditionally, Kobolds, Goblins, Orcs and Giants. On
nity, often becoming the leader of a street gang and king of a Rifts Earth they commonly associate with ugly and dumb
particular neighborhood. They love Vibro-Blades, magic items non-humans, Giants, and monsters, but are leery of supernatural
and traditional blade weapons with a passion, but have also beings.
adapted to use energy weapons and basic technology. Notes: Trolls prey on other humanoids, but also enjoy torture
Alignments: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (25%), Miscreant and wanton bloodshed. They love Vibro-Blades, Mega-Damage
(35%) and Diabolic (3 5%). weapons and armor. Fewer than a hundred are believed to exist
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ on Rifts Earth.
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+ 1 0, P.P. 4D6,
P.E. 3D6+6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 2D6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +2D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 60 plus those gained from O.C.C. and physical skills.
M.D.C.: On Rifts Earth, Trolls become Mega-Damage crea­ Little is known about the Vrill. They exist on the Palladium
tures: P.E. attribute number +6D6+ 1 2 M.D.C . Furthermore, World, but are believed to originate from another plane of exis­
their formidable strength turns into Supernatural P.S. ! tence - yet another one of the multitude of beings enlisted by
Natural Armor Rating: None. Dwarf and Elf during their Six Thousand Year War. The Vrill
Horror Factor: 12 came close to being wiped from the planet during the Elf-Dwarf
P.P.E.: 3D6 War, and any records that described where they originate from
Size : 9- 14 feet (2.7-4.3 m). were lost in the carnage. All attempts to reconstruct the history
Weight: 300 to 700 pounds ( 1 3 5 to 3 1 5 kg). of these people have failed, mostly because the Vrill' s
Average Life Span : 120 years. descendents on Palladium do not know where they came from,
Physical Appearance: These large monstrosities are a bit themselves. A people without a past, they forever long to fill
smaller than most true giants but equally as strong (if not stron­ that nagging blank spot in the back of their minds.
ger). The mere sight of them can be terrifying, as they resemble Vrill are a good-natured people obviously out of place in the
giant, hairy corpses with pale, almost white, blotchy skin, Palladium World and especially the desert environment of the
stringy hair, red rimmed eyes and huge fangs. Baalgor Wastelands. They have a high regard for life, promote
Natural Abilities: Supernatural Physical Strength and endur­ peace and try to understand and tolerate all people. They usually
ance (in Mega-Damage settings like Rifts Earth only). become healers, explorers and mystics who roam the world to
Nightvision 60 feet (1 8.3 m; can see in total darkness) and good learn its secrets and, in so doing, learn something about them­
overall vision and hearing, instinctive climbers 75%/65% and selves and their past. Vrill often travel alone, in pairs or with a
swimmers 60%. group of adventurers. They are generally very open-minded, and
Attacks per Melee: Three without any combat training (in­ love to meet people and see other parts of the world. Conse­
cludes the extra bonus attack below), or as per O.C.C. and those quently, they will gladly band with traveling adventurers who
gained from Hand to Hand combat, other skills and bonuses. would have their company.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. & skills): +3 to In general, Vrill are not very materialistic, and do not amass
save vs Horror Factor, plus one additional attack/action per me­ great fortunes. Most own only one or two weapons, perhaps a
lee round! suit of light armor, and a few possessions in a large satchel or
Dam age: In an S .D.C. environment, clawed hands inflict 2D4 backpack. Vrill, like Gosai, believe it is a virtue to travel light,
S.D.C. +P.S . damage bonus, kick 3D6 S.D.C. +P.S. damage bo­ so they never load themselves down with what they consider to
nus, and bite 2D6 damage but no P.S. bonus is applicable to be unnecessary weight. This same philosophy applies to their
bites. views of magic items. Vrill like and appreciate magic, but they
On Rifts Earth, P.S . is Supernatural and does damage accord­ will only keep those magic items that strike their fancy or are
ing to P.S. attribute. See Supernatural P.S. Table earlier in this important in survival or adventuring. They avoid rune weapons,
book. because they see them as an abuse of power and a misuse of life
Magic: Only by O.C.C.; uncommon. force. If a Vrill ever came into possession of a rune item, he or
Psionics: None. she is likely to take pains to either destroy it or put it someplace
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any, except psionic and illu­ where nobody else would ever fmd it.
sionary magic. Leans toward Men of Arms occupations. Do any Vrill exist on Rifts Earth? Maybe. After all, the Palla­
O.C.C.s Rifts® Any O.C.C.s, except formal military ones, dium World is obviously one of the dimensions linked to Earth
power armor or robot pilots, Mind Melter or anything demand­ by the ley lines. However, Vrill are so rare that they may never
ing too much study and work. fmd their way to Rifts Earth . If they do, however, they will be
Skills of Note: Speaks TrolllGiantese and Gobblely at 98%, regarded as monstrous D-Bees by humans. A knee-jerk reaction
typically illiterate, and gets an extra W.P. of choice. All in addi­ based on their appearance alone. D-Bees are most likely to ac­
tion to the usual O.C.C. skills. cept these gentle spirits before humans, and peace-loving beings
Habitat: Can be found anywhere. Considered D-Bees or mon­ like the Fennodi and Lyn-Srial will welcome Vrill with open
sters on Rifts Earth. arms.
Enemies: Traditionally, humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Alignment: Any, but tend toward Principled (33%), Scrupulous
Changelings and most handsomelbeautiful beings. Dislikes and (33%), Unprincipled ( 1 5%), and Anarchist ( 1 2%).
distrusts most others. Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3 D6, P.S. 2D6+2, P.P.
3D6, P.E. 2D6+2, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6
1 08
Hit Points: P.E. + I D6 per level.
S.D.C.: 1 0 plus any from physical skills and O.C.C.
M.D.C.: The innate magical essence of the Vrill turns them into
a minor Mega-Damage creature with P.E. attribute number
+2D6+2 M.D.C. This means they probably need some other
form of M.D. protection to survive in this world.
Natural A.R.: 5, applicable only in S.D.C. environments and
offers only the most basic protection.
Horror Factor: 6; they are ugly but not particularly dangerous
P.P.E.: 6D6+ 1 0
Average Life Span : 1 00 years.
Size: 5 and a half to 6 feet tall ( 1 .6 to 1 .8 m) ; 1 60 to 1 70 lbs (72
to 76.5 kg).
Physical Appearance: Vrill are bipedal humanoids who look
like a cross between a lizard and a frog. They are covered in
horny, spiky scales that range from a light khaki to a dark beige.
They possess large, amphibian eyes that are covered by
nictitating membranes to keep out sand and grit. Vrill have
graceful and lithe bodies, but are not very muscular, strong or
bulky. They have long arms and legs but only have two large
fmgers and a thumb on each hand, and two large toes on each
foot. A ridge of small scaly fms runs from the top of the head to
their tail bone. Vrill have large mouths, like a frog, but with a
row of small, sharp teeth inside, and a human-like tongue. They
are omnivorous with a gentle disposition.
O.C.c.s Palladium Fantasy®: 95% of all Vrill become one of
the following: Monk (Scholarly Monks, NOT Warrior Monks),
Scholars, Rangers, Sailors, Druids, Psi-Healers or Psi-Mystics.
Of that other 5%, most become Warlocks or Clergy. Aside from
the Ranger and Sailor O.C.C., Vrill usually avoid Men at Arms
O.C.c.s Rifts®: Rogue Scholar, Rogue Scientist, Body
DoclHealer, City Rat (the benign variety), Wilderness Scout,
Ranger, Hunter-Woodsman, Saddle Tramp, Vagabond, any Psy­
chic O.C.C. and any gentle explorer, storyteller, or healer type
Natural Abilities: Good vision and other senses on par with hu­
mans, instinctive swimmers 90% and can survive depths up to
600 feet ( 1 83 m).
Radar/Sonar (special): This ability sends out high-frequency
waves which bounce off objects, returning and indicating the di­
rection and distance of the reflecting objects. This enables the
character to know automatically the location and range of ob­
jects and movements within Radar is especially useful in
the dark, over long distances, and during combat (providing the
character has a relatively full view of the combat area). Sonar is
excellent underwater.
Range: 400 feet ( 1 22 m) + 1 00 feet (30.5 m) per level of ex-
Abilities Include:
Interpreting Shapes: 50% +5% per level of experience.
Estimating Distance: 60% +5% per level of experience.
Estimating Direction: 50% +5% per level of experience.
Estimating Speed: 40% +4% per level of experience.
Estimating Exact Location: 40% +4% per level of experi­
Radar Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to
strike, + 1 additional attack/melee action. No minuses apply
when blinded or in darkness.
1 09
Note: Radar does not go through cloth, wood, walls or peo­
ple. Consequently, the character can not see or sense through
walls or doors. Likewise, while he may sense a covered wagon,
estimate its speed, direction and distance, he cannot tell how
many people are inside it.
Disadvantages: Radar is totally fouled in the rain, snow, dust,
sandstorms, and by other similar, multiple, obscuring images .
N o bonuses apply under these conditions, including the addi­
tional attack per melee. If these conditions exist under darkness
or while the character is blinded, the radar is ineffective and the
character is blind and suffers from the usual penalties of - 1 0 to
strike, parry and dodge.
Smoke also fouls radar, but not as severely as the aforemen­
tioned conditions. All the abilities to estimate speed, direction,
distance, shape and location are at -3 0%. All bonuses are re­
duced by half. The character retains the additional attack per
Attacks Per Melee: Three (including the extra attack from ra­
dar) or by O.C.C. Regardless of the O.C.C. or type of Hand to
Hand skill, a Vrill gets an additional attack/action. See Radar
Dam age: Fist inflicts I D4+ 1 S.D.C., or by weapon, psionics or
Bonuses: None, aside from those from the radar ability.
Magic: By O.C.C. only, but many do not pursue magic other
than as a Mystic or Wizard-Healer (most spells are healing or
Psionics: Any Vrill who has psionics becomes either a Mystic
or a Psi-Healer. (The latter is a Palladium O.C.C. In Rifts® the Faerie Folk
character gets all Healing powers and 1 D4+3 Sensitive powers Faerie Folk get their own section because they are a unique
plus the Super Psionic powers of Bio-Regeneration, Group breed of creatures ofmagic in and of themselves.
Trance and Psychic Body Field.) If a Vrill is any other O.C.C., Little is known about Faerie Folk. Even such rudimentary
then the character can NOT have psionics . knowledge as where they originate, how they procreate and ex­
Habitat: The Vrill are most common to the Baalgor Wastelands actly how their thought processes and society function, remain a
because it is the place they originated on the Palladium World mystery to humans and other "Big folk." Faerie Folk have ex­
and because it is one of the few places where they are not perse­ isted on Earth for thousands of years, particularly in locales like
cuted by humans. "Civilized" humans generally regard them as the British Isles, France and other parts of Europe. However,
monsters because of their appearance and tend to assume the they do not originate on Earth, for Faeries and their kin can be
worst and kill them on sight. They do not enjoy overly moist cli­ found on the Palladium World, and many others. While it has
mates such as the Yin-Sloth Jungles or parts of the Land of the been speculated that there may be an entire Faerie Realm - an
South-Winds, although they could survive there. Nor do they other-dimensional home world - no one has ever been able to
handle cold well. They have been reported in the Old Kingdom, locate it, and such a place is likely nothing more than myth and
especially near Mount Nimro, as well as the less civilized and fantasy.
populated areas of Timiro and southern portion of the Eastern Wherever they come from, it would seem Faerie Folk are at­
Territory. They also are rumored to exist in the Land of the tracted to places ofmagic. Thus, when mystic energy was strong
Damned, but this is a completely unfounded and wild rumor. in Earth's past, there were many times more of them, especially
Due to their slowly growing reputation as healers and sages, in places like England where ley lines abound. When the magic
they are slowly being accepted for being something other than began to fade, the Faerie people left - presumably to worlds
dangerous monsters or alien invaders. where magic was in greater supply. When magic returned with
Languages : All Vrill speak, read and write Elven and Dwarven the Coming of the Rifts, so did Faeries, along with dragons and
as well as speak Gobblely at 98%. Another language is learned a host of other magical creatures and the supernatural. In addi­
with a - 1 0% penalty. tion to magic, however, Faerie Folk seem to be creatures of na­
Enemies: They don't consider any people to be their enemy, not ture too, for they are always found in greatest numbers in
even the humans and Ogres who have persecuted them out of pristine woodlands, meadows and grasslands. When technology
fear for centuries. and Big folk encroach on the land, Faeries and their kin move
Allies: Although the Vrill have no official allies, they welcome away, leaving high-tech worlds covered by urban sprawl virtu­
and embrace any being who is kind, compassionate and tolerant ally without these fanciful creatures of magic.
of other life forms. Presumably, Faerie Folk use dimensional Rifts at ley line
nexus points to flitter off to more promising worlds to inhabit.

However, though Faerie Folk understand the fundamentals of fun,
If such a ''playmate'' falls over dead as the result of Faerie
ley lines and dimensional travel, they do not actively go about the Little People are more surprised and confused than anyone.
exploring the Megaverse. When they fmd a suitable wilderness There is silence and perhaps even sadness for a moment or two,
on a nice planet, they remain there for thousands of years, vacat­ but then they race off to engage in some new game or fun,
ing their adopted home only when civilization encroaches on quickly forgetting about the tragedy and without a bit of regret
their domain. for what they have done. After all, they were only playing when
Attracted to magic, Faerie Folk returned to Rifts Earth in their playmate suddenly . . . well , just stopped playing. Time to
droves when the ley lines erupted and dimensional Rifts sud­ fmd a new playmate.
denly connected the Earth to a thousand shifting worlds and The mischief and seeming callousness stems from their self­
planes of existence. Old haunts like England, Ireland, and west­ ish, carefree natures and the fact that they honestly don't under­
ern Europe became flooded with the denizens of Faerie. How­ stand much about mortals, and are too self-consumed and busy
ever, now that all of the Earth pulsated with magic, Faerie Folk playing to take the time to try and figure them out. Self-centered
migrated to other lush wildernesses and can be found all over and wild, they have a complete lack of concern for non-Faerie
the world. Today, Ireland, Scotland and England are the most Folk and don't stop for a second to think about what effect their
densely populated with the mischievous beings, and can be con­ scatterbrained antics might have on Big folk. The same applies
sidered the Faerie Capitals of the world. Large pockets of Faerie to animals. Faerie Folk love to steal horses and livestock and
Folk, however, are also found in France, Belgium, Switzerland, ride them wildly throughout the night, tease dogs, twirl cats by
Scandinavia and other old European haunts, but Faerie Folk can their tails, and chase around chickens, creating a ruckus that
be found almost anywhere in the world, even if it' s only in small could wake the dead. Other fun and games include moving or
clans and groups. There are some new favorite Faerie Kingdoms hiding objects (often into the pocket of some poor unwitting by­
on Rifts Earth, too . Canada is one of them, with tens of thou­ stander, then tattling on the poor fellow, accusing him of theft),
sands (perhaps more) making their home in what's left of New­ picking pockets, tying shoelaces together, removing energy clips
foundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New from weapons, flicking weapon safeties on or off, souring milk,
Brunswick. They are also encountered in the forests of Ontario slamming doors, hooting, howling, and stomping or banging
(Canada), the New England States, the Magic Zone and western around to scare people, whispering lies, telling wild stories (all
coastal forests of North America, though in much smaller num­ or mostly untrue), tattling on others, pinching, pulling hair,
bers (a few hundred to a few thousand, here and there). Pockets stealing fresh baked bread and fruit pies or milk, candy and
of Faeries are also said to inhabit the Yucatan Peninsula and wine (they love the latter two with a passion), and all manner of
places in South America, Eastern Europe, India and Asia. similar mischief.
Generally, Faerie Folk embody a host of small to tiny magi­ A wise person will mind his tongue when dealing with
cal people who seem to live in a world of their own. They have Faerie Folk, not drink their drink , eat their food, or dance with
little concern about the affairs of man (or any of the other races) their maidens, even under the friendliest of circumstances. The
and live by their own unfathomable laws and ethics. These in­ worst mischief arises from their spell magic and magic foods,
clude a variety of Faeries, Sprites, Brownies, Pixies and others , which they use to make people dance till they drop, become
most of whom are happy, freewheeling spirits, tiny in stature charmed or enchanted, turn different colors, put to sleep, etc .
(rarely more than a footlO.3 m tall), often capable of winged Faerie Folk enjoy playing pranks on, beguiling, confusing and
flight, and glowing with magic. Most are deceptively attractive, deceiving those not of their ilk. Note: Only Elves are spared the
cute, seductive, and friendly. We say "deceptively cute and games and wiles of most Faerie Folk, because they are beloved
friendly," because Faerie Folk seem to be lost in their own busi­ by the smaller, gentler denizens of Faerie.
ness and silly antics. By civilized standards these bizarre crea­ Despite their tricks and volatile tempers, most are not evil
tures of magic seem quite childish and even insane, content to and have been known to come to the aid of those in trouble .
living a bohemian, vagabond life of playing, singing, wandering Frivolous, jovial people, Faeries, Pixies, Sprites and Brownies
and mischief. hate sorrow and despair, and often attempt to bring cheer to a
Volatile in temperament, Faerie Folk can exhibit an extraor­ sad person with gifts of fruit and flowers, or by the mending of
dinary range of emotion and malice over the most trivial of mat­ clothes, or the performance of spectacular dances and acrobatics
ters (trivial, at least, from a human perspective). Like spoiled displays. Sometimes one or two may become attached to a par­
children, they do, say, and act as they please, and woe to the ticular household or individual and secretly perform chores
person who dares to interfere with their fun. They are given to and/or provide protection; a home with a guardian Faerie-Person
temper tantrums, whining, and spiteful action (usually cruel need never worry about intruders or bad luck.
pranks) when displeased, but can also be delightfully fun, gener­ Although rumors of Faerie gold abound, Faeries, Pixies,
ous and kind when they like or take pity on someone. However, Brownies and Sprites have no need or desire for gold, jewels,
even a kind or playful Faerie Folk is extremely dangerous . money or other valuables and never keep them. They are more
Faerie kind has little understanding about the human condition likely to keep something they fmd interesting or consumable,
or mortality, and their idea of fun is always mischievous and of­ like a magic wand, bag of candy or bottle of booze.
ten tinged with a touch of malice. Their idea of fun may be forc­
There are a few ugly branches in the Faerie family tree. Gob­
ing a human to run or dance till the point of physical exhaustion, lins, Hob-Goblins, Kobolds, and Orcs, are large, distant cousins
or playing pranks that can injure or kill somebody - the little
to true Faeries, but lack the innate magical abilities of true
people rolling with laughter, unaware of the discomfort, pain or
Faerie Folk. And then there are a number of small and large evil
embarrassment of their mortal playmate (victim is more like it).
Faerie races who wield magic and whom even the tiny cute folk
dislike or fear.
Faerie Mounds, Rings & Circles ingly released by the Faeries. The enchantment of the Faerie
Ring is more powerful than normal spell magic and is always
Faerie Mounds considered a ritual requiring a saving throw vs magic of 16 or
Many Faerie Folk are nomadic and travel continually, seldom greater, and requires only one Faerie or Sprite to activate it.
staying in one place for more than a few months. Nomadic Faeries have been known to dance and sing for weeks at a time
tribes can be as small as half a dozen to as many as six dozen without pause. Victims of a Faerie Ring are completely helpless
(72), rarely more. All Faerie Folk welcome one another openly (- 1 0 to strike, parry and dodge) and magically sustained for the
and are frequently found living with or near others of their kind. length of the dance, enabling them to dance for hours, days or
They seldom live in human towns or villages and shun cities and weeks. The captive can be rescued by a friend who, with at least
sad, gloomy, ugly or evil places. one other holding his coattails, joins the dance, always keeping
The largest communities of Faerie Folk are found in secluded one foot out of the ring, in order to pull the dancer out. Of
woodlands and fields of flowers where they live in trees or un­ course, Faerie Folk may participate in the fun without actually
der hills, mushrooms, flower beds, and sometimes in caves and being charmed and compelled to dance, their magical being al­
animal burrows. Communities of these wee folk usually inhabit lowing them to dance for days without ill effect.
Faerie Mounds: Small hills or large mounds of earth and grass, The Faerie Ring is a powerful place of magic that also offers
typically ringed by a circle of wild flowers and/or mushrooms . the following powers and abilities to those within, provided one
Such a mound community i s always miles away from a city, lo­ knows how to use it (which all wee folk know). Can be used as
cated in bright sunlit areas of forests, meadows, and grasslands, a Circle of Protection (simple or superior), as a Sanctum (the
and usually surrounded by wild flowers or other lovely aspects area within the circle; same as spell), and the circle holds 80
of wildlife and nature (waterfall, pond, cluster of beautiful trees, P.P.E. within it that can be used to place mortals into an en­
etc.). Faerie Mounds are typically the abode of large groups of chanted slumber.
Faeries, Sprites, or Pixies . Anywhere from 50-200 (5D4x I O) of The enchanted slumber places its victim into a state of sus­
these people can be found in a Faerie Mound, singing, dancing, pended animation (does not age nor muscle atrophy). The en­
drinking and playing into the wee hours of the morning. To dis­ chanted sleeper remains asleep for 1 D6 hours after being
turb a Faerie Mound is to invite the full wrath of its inhabitants . removed from the circle, but if left in the circle or placed inside
If lucky, the intruder will be turned a strange color, charmed and a Faerie Mound, that individual remains enchanted and asleep
made to perform stupid and embarrassing things, like dancing until he is rescued and removed from the circle or mound, or un­
naked and/or doing somersaults for 304 hours and then released til the Faeries release him from their enchantment, or until the
from the Faeries ' thrall. Those found to be violators, destroyers, Faeries move out of the area. This can be days, weeks or
or guilty of some serious offense, such as those who try to plun­ months, with the occasional unfortunate soul held in enchanted
der or destroy a mound or capture or kill Faeries, may be tor­ slumber for years, even decades ! As usual, a 1 6 or higher is
mented for days, slain or captured and kept inside the mound needed to save vs this enchantment. The magic slumber only
locked in an enchanted slumber. Loners like Brownies, Lepre­ happens when an angry or mischievous Faerie calls upon it;
chauns, and Bogies are often found living near such a mound. counts as one melee action and can only be attempted by that
While they tend to keep their distance, these beings will come to Faerie on a particular individual once every 24 hours. However,
help any Faerie Folk in need or any mound under siege. that means any and every Faerie Folk present can try the magic
Faerie Mounds were once uncommon, but with the destruc­ if it doesn't work the fIrst time, so a character could be looking
tion of human civilization, the rise of great wildernesses world­ at a few to a hundred attempts to save if the entire clan is against
wide, and the return of immense magic energy, entire mounds him.
and kingdoms of Faerie Folk are found on every continent. They
absolutely abound in places like Ireland, England, France,
southeastern Canada and parts of the Magic Zone, among other
places. The return of magic and the dimensional Ri fts have Crop Circles
turned the Earth into a haven for Faerie Folk. Crop Circles have periodically appeared throughout human
history and throughout the world. The most famous were those
Faerie Rings & The Faeries' Dance of the British Isles some decades before the Great Cataclysm.
Crop Circles are simple works of art involving circular patterns
Faerie Rings can be a crop circle-like pattern woven in the
and other designs created by flying Faeries or Sprites, or
grass or vegetation and encircled by flowers and mushrooms
Spriggans, who gently push plants down and weave them to­
(effectively a double ring), or an area of grass rimmed by mush­
gether to create a pattern. The circles can be large or small, rings
rooms or flowers in a perfect circle. Two to a dozen (2D6) such
or full flattened circles. They may also interconnect, and/or have
circles are often found near a Faerie Mound as well as places
flukes and other designs shooting out from the circle itself.
where Faeries or Sprites like to play and frolic. This is where
Spriggans love making crop circles and are generally responsi­
Faeries like to dance and hold parties. Such Rings can be lo­
ble for the largest and most elaborate designs. Unlike Faerie
cated on a ley line or other place of magic or just someplace that
Rings, these flattened circles are not magical in any way, but do
strikes the wee folks' fancy. However, as pretty and alluring as
indicate that Faerie Folk live within 50 miles (80 km) of the cir­
these circles may be, they are a danger for the unsuspecting
cles . Crops such as com, wheat and other grains provide the best
passer-by. If a human, D-Bee or other Non-Faerie Folk steps
plants for weaving Crop Circles.
into the Ring during the Faeries' Dance, that individual is com­
pelled to join the dance until the festivities cease or he is will-
Faerie Food & Drink Blossom Wine: A delicious, light, sparkling wine made out
of the blossoms of flowers. A single glass will get the character
As far as nonnal food goes, Faerie Folk eat very little. Favor­
as drunk as if he drank an entire bottle. It makes the character
ite foods include nectar, morning dew, flower buds, honey, nuts,
attractive to bees, as if he were a flower. The insects don't sting,
fruit (especially berries of all kinds), fresh baked bread, fruit
but 406 are constantly buzzing around his head and/or crawling
jams and jelly, syrups, candy and fruit pies. Some are also quite
on his body or in his hair. The effect lasts for 1 04 days !
fond (addicted even) of alcohol, especially wines and sweet li­
Bubbly Wine: This enchanted drink causes the drinker to
queurs. You see, most Faerie Folk have a terrible sweet tooth
feel light headed and very happy and giggly. However, moments
and honey, sweet syrups, and candy, especially chocolates, are a
later, he or she will actually be floating into the air. The effect is
weakness. If one wants to get infonnation from, or win the favor
much like a balloon floating up, up and away without control.
of, a Faerie, Sprite, Pixie, Brownie, Grogach, and even Lepre­
The character will be a victim of the wind unless anchored down
chaun, Bogie, Hairy Jack or Puck, he will ply the creature with
with an extremely heavy obj ect (5 00 Ibsl225 kg or more) or tied
sweets and/or alcohol. Leprechauns are notorious boozers, with
to a tree or vehicle. In addition, every time the victim speaks, lit­
the Hairy Jack, Puck and Grogach right behind them.
tle bubbles escape from his nose and mouth. However, the vic­
The wise person NEVER accepts food or drink from any
tim is too drunk and cheerful to care, until the effects are over,
Faerie Folk, especially from Faeries, Sprites, Pixies , Lepre­
then he has a terrible hangover and may have floated miles
chauns, or Bogies, all of whom are infamous pranksters (and the
away. Ouration is 1 04 hours per every eight ounces drunk.
latter two are known to be thieves and malicious). The sub­
Burgundy Wine: The drink makes the drinker feel very
stances, including nuts, breads, syrups, nectars, wines and ales ,
happy, but turns him a vivid burgundy (purple) color. The pig­
are almost always tainted, resulting i n some strange enchant­
ment change is pennanent until a Remove Curse spell is per­
ment upon the poor mortal who partakes of it.
Note : Faerie Foods are sometimes available for purchase at
Beetle Nuts : A drug-filled nut that causes mild hallucina­
magic shops and drug dens, but only at the most exotic and ex­
tions in which the victim will see a civilization of friendly giant
pensive of places, including some Alchemist shops and drug
beetles. Lasts 1 06+2 hours for every nut eaten.
dens on Atlantis. Their availability is usually subject to special,
rare arrangements (pacts) with Faerie Folk or one time raids on Cauliflower: This amusing vegetable causes the eater' s ears
to grow four times larger than nonnal. The enlargement lasts
Faerie Mounds. The most sought after, for ''recreational pur­
1 04 months unless a Remove Curse is used.
poses," are for decadent aristocrats and practitioners of magic,
and include Cinnamon Sticks, Bubbly Wine, Burgundy Wine, Candy Walnut: A random phobia is picked up lasting 1 06
Cordials, Flounder, Tarts, Peanuts and Beetle Nuts. The cost of days.
400 to as much as
these rare magic foods varies from as little as Candy Alm ond: The eater of this enchanted candy will see
3000 credits per dose/morsel. The more debilitating Faerie his skin take on the look and texture of tree bark, temporarily re­
Foods, such as Squash, B eets, Pears, Sloe Wine, Mixed Nuts, ducing the player' s Physical Beauty by half. Those who see him
Roast Pigeon, Frog Legs, Mussels and so on, are usually rarer will assume he is a O-Bee. The effect lasts 1 06+2 days.
and cost 4000 to 8000 credits depending on the item and the Cinnamon Sticks : The victim has the urge to commit acts of
particular seller. Saving Throws are the same as for most Faerie
sinful evil at irregular periods for 1 06 months unless a Remove
magic : 1 6 or higher.
Curse is used. However, the person will be very pleased and self
satisfied during the entire time, regardless of alignment.
Enchanted Faerie Food & Drink: Coffee: The victim of Faerie coffee will begin to cough con­
The following are just some common examples of magic tinuously, ruining their sleep, interfering with their concentra­
Faerie Food. Original concept by Randy McCall. tion, etc. Reduce Prowl skill by 70%, reduce other skills by
1 0%, and initiative by half. Effects last 1 06 weeks.
Faerie Folk use enchanted foods and drinks as both a weapon
and means to have fun or play pranks on non-Faeries. To save Cookoo Eggs: A small poached or boiled egg that tempo­
vs Faerie food, the character must roll 1 6 or higher, and roll to 3 and makes him do silly,
rally reduces the character' s I.Q. to
save for each and every morsel sampled. Although distant cous­ "coo-coo" things. The effect lasts for 1 04 hours.
ins to Faeries, Goblins, Orcs, and Kobolds are also affected by
Cordial: This is a light wine which makes the victim feel
Faerie food and magic - only true Faerie Folk, described in
very relaxed and good, but also makes them behave extremely
these pages, can eat the items without being affected.
politely to everyone and everything they meet. They will try to
Acorn Nuts: Makes the character act silly and make "corny" talk themselves out of dangerous situations and be polite and
jokes and puns. The effect lasts for 1 04 hours. mild toward their most hated enemy. It also makes the victim
lose their initiative and desire to fight. The victim of a Faerie
Beef Cake : Males who eat this will immediately consider
cordial can only enter into combat if they are attacked first. Ef­
themselves to be of surpassing beauty and skill. Females who
eat this will fall in love with the first male they see. Effects last
fects last 1 06 days for every eight ounces they drank .
1 04 days, though a Remove Curse will break the spell. Duck: Whether the character who eats this is lucky or not is
Beets: The victim becomes extremely violent and will attack a matter for consideration . The said individual gains +3 on all
the closest non-Faerie immediately. This unreasoning rage will rolls to dodge, but becomes very timid. The affected person will
last 3 06 melees. Fortunately the magic incites a physical pound­ never lead a charge and would much rather run than fight. Ef­
ing and not blasting away with weapons. fects last 1 06 days.

Faerie Ointment: A clear liquid that when put in the eyes, Pigeon Roast: The victim will believe anything he is told
enables the person to see the invisible and the aura of magic . while under the effects of the food. Effects last 24 hours .
This ointment gives the world a wondrous "glow" and appear­ Red Wine: Extreme drunkenness for 2D6 hours, rendering
ance humans are not normally accustomed to seeing, thus the the drinker -5 to strike, parry and dodge and reduce speed 5
person is -3 on initiative. The effect lasts for I D4 hours. points.
Flounder: The victim is confused and unable to make up Skunk Cabbage: This food causes the character to have a
their mind. They lose initiative and are -6 to strike, parry and rather offensive body odor which can be smelled up to 1 0 feet (3
dodge. Effects last I D6 days. m) away. Thankfully the smell only lasts 1 D6 hours, but each
Frog's Legs: The victim's legs assume the shape of a frog's character who smells this odor must roll under his/her Mental
legs, enabling them to leap a number of feet straight up equal to Endurance to avoid vomiting.
their P.S. and twice their P.S. if jumping forward. This reduces Sloe Wine: This reduces the drinker' s speed and number of
the character' s P.B. by half. Most people assume the person is a attacks per melee by half for I D6 days. This is wine, however,
D-Bee. The effect is permanent until negated by a Remove and has the same effects as normal alcohol for the full duration.
Curse spell. Drinking a lot of the wine does not have an accumulative affect
Goose: The victim feels like he is being pinched at random (does not add more days to the duration).
times, usually when sleeping or when silence is required, caus­ Squash: This reduces the victim to one-half normal size for
ing him to exclaim, cry "ouch," or suddenly turn toward the ap­ 1 D6 weeks (Only the victim' s body shrinks, not his clothes or
parent source of the pinch. Effects are permanent until a weapons).
Remove Curse is used. No damage is taken, but reduce initiative Tom atoes: Causes the victim to temporarily grow I D6 extra
bonus (if any) by half, and the person tends to get jumpy and a toes on each foot, making it impossible for them to wear normal
bit paranoid. shoeslboots. Effects last 1 D6 months; - 1 0% to prowl, +5% to
Green Beans: This vegetable simply causes the character's scale walls.
skin to turn green. Unless a Remove Curse spell is used to ne­ Turkey: This causes the victim to become obnoxious and ir­
gate the magic, the effect is permanent. ritating for I D4 days.
Honey Buns: These magic, honey-glazed cakes makes the Tarts: The victim becomes extremely amorous and giddy,
character attractive to the uglier Faerie Folk who will fawn all almost as if they were drunk, and falls in love with every person
over him (or her), make advances, pinch his bottom, blow kisses of the opposite sex they see. Effects last 1 D4 days.
and try to entice his affections ! The effect lasts for I D4 hours. The cure: A Remove Curse spell immediately negates the
Magic Mushrooms : These tasty morsels cause the character magical effects of Faerie Weapons, Poison and Food. Unfortu­
to hallucinate pleasant things. While under its influence, the nately, fmding somebody who is willing to perform a Remove
character is -8 on initiative, all combat bonuses and attacks per Curse spell or ritual can be difficult and cost a pretty penny.
melee are reduced by half, and the character can't easily discern
reality (and danger) from fantasy. Priests/Shamans are + 1 0% to
commune with their deity while under the influence. The effects Faerie Weapons
last I D4 hours. The larger or meaner Faerie Folk (Bogies, Goblins, Pucks,
Mixed Nuts: The victim picks up I D4 random phobias Spriggans, Kelpie, etc.) may use any type of ancient or modem
which last I D6 weeks. Once the magic is ended the person will weapon. Favorite ancient weapons are typically small items
forget ever being frightened by such things and insist that accus­ such as knives, hammers, short swords, clubs, cudgels, rocks,
ers to the contrary are mistaken or liars. and so on. Modem weapons are pretty much whatever happens
Mushroom Saute: An enticing, aromatic sauteed mushroom to come their way and may include Vibro-Blades to energy pis­
that tastes wonderful but makes the character feel warm, com­ tols and rifles.
placent and drowsy; -5 on initiative, -30% on speed and skills . The smaller Faerie Folk seldom use weapons, relying on their
The effect lasts I D4 hours. innate magical powers and natural abilities. However, they do
Mushroom Tonic : A drink that makes a new man out of make and use a number of ancient-style magic weapons. Such
you ! Gets the drinker drunk with a thimble-sized portion, magi­ items are commonly used by Faeries, Pixies, Bogies, Brownies
cally shrinks the drinker to 6 inches tall (0. 1 5 m) and makes the and Sprites in the defense of their Faerie Mound and against in­
character' s hair "poor' out in mushroom-like shape. Duration: vaders and slavers. All enchantment requires a 1 6 or higher to
I D6 hours and leaves the person with a terrible hangover. save vs Faerie Magic. Damage inflicted is as applicable to Rifts
Mussels: Increases a person's P.S. by 1 0 points, but they be­ Earth.
come so muscle-bound their P.P. and Spd are reduced by half as Normal bow and arrow (tiny): One S.D.C. point per arrow.
well as losing one melee attack. Lasts ID6 hours for each mus­ Tiny magic swords or spears: Two M.D. points on Rifts
sel eaten. Earth.
Peanuts: The victim suffers the "call of nature" every I D4 Magic arrows (save vs magic of 1 6): The arrow does one
hours or uncontrollably when under stress. Effects last I D4 S.D.C. point of damage plus the following spell effect. Note that
days. when used against an opponent clad in non-environmental ar­
Pears: This creates a temporary, physical double of the vic­ mor the magical spell effect activates the moment the arrow
tim (a la Doppleganger spell), but of the opposite alignment. strikes its target/victim whether it hits the character himself or
The double will exist for only 2D4+2 days. Note: The double impacts on the armor (unless a 1 6 or higher to save is rolled).
will automatically dislike its opposite and flee from him or her.
However, the magic has no effect on those inside full environ­ 6. Various magic symbols and circles also ward away Faeries,
mental M.D.C. armor or power armor. Unless there is a breach including the simple protection circle (same effect as salt).
in the environmental armor, or it has less than 25% of its origi­ 7. Except for the meaner, ugly denizens of Faerie, like the Puck,
nal M.D.C., the magical effect cannot reach the character inside . Hairy Jack, Kelpie and Kinnie Ger, most Faerie Folk avoid
Sleep: 2D6 melee rounds. places that are dark, gloomy, ugly, frightening or filled with sad
Deep slumber: 304 minutes. emotions.
Dizziness: -2 on all combat rolls and reduce speed by 25%.
Paralyze: 2D6 melee rounds .
Charm: 1 D4 hours. Faerie Folk Descriptions
Jitters: The target struck by the weapon is instantly afflicted
The general data noted in the things common to most Faerie
by severe waves of shaking, reducing his number of attacks and
Folk includes all the generalities about Faeries and their kin.
combat bonuses by half. Lasts 2D6 melee rounds .
The specific, individual descriptions that follow include only
Ants in the Pants: This attack causes the person to be so af­ specific information and irregularities.
flicted by itches in hislher britches that the victim must scratch
or hop around, saying "oh, oh, arg" for l D6 melee rounds; loses
two melee attacks, initiative and all combat bonuses, plus skill Bogies (evil) Nym phs
proficiencies are reduced by half. Brownies Pixies: Com mon
Dead Moon Hag (evil) Pixies: Frost
Poison arrows (save vs poison 1 4): One point of S.D.C .
damage from the arrow, plus: Faerie: Common Pucks (evil)
Faerie: Green Wood Spriggans
Simple Poison: 1D6 S.D.C. damage.
Faerie: Night-Elves Sprites: Tree
Lethal: 4D6 S.D.C. damage. Faerie: Silver-Bells Sprites: Water
Dragon Slayer: 4D6 M.D . ; designed for use against fellow Grogach (Anarchist or evil) Sprites: Wind Puffs
creatures of magic and supernatural beings. Moreover, the crea­ Hairy Jack (evil) Toad Stools (evil)
ture affected by this poison bio-regenerates the damage at half Leprechauns Will-O-The-Wisp (evil)
the usual rate. This poison commands 1 0,000-20,000 credits per
dose on the open market. Super-rare outside of Faerie Commu­
nities. Things common to most Faerie Folk
1. Average alignment. Most are Anarchist or Unprincipled, but
can be any alignment. Each specific description will indicate
Protection from Faeries what alignment each type of folk tends to lean toward.
There are a handful of very strange but effective methods of 2. Natural Armor Rating & Hit Points : Not applicable on
protection from Faeries, Sprites, Pixies, and Bogies. Some are Rifts Earth; see M.D.C.
quite ridiculous and are effective only because it strikes the 3. M.D.C. : On Rifts Earth, Faerie Folk are Mega-Damage crea­
Faeries' funny bone. tures. The small types typically have 1 D4x 1 O M.D.C. while the
1. The best way to ward off Faeries is to tum one's clothes in­ larger, predatory types have l D6x l O+20 M.D.C., sometimes
side out and wear them that way. No Faerie will bother that more.
character unless he attacks them. The laughter of the wee folk 4. P.P.E.: I D6xlO0 plus can automatically draw on the P.P.E.
will ring from the branches of every tree they inhabit, but the around them, like a Line Walker, especially from ley lines, to
wearer is safe. spin magic.
2. A red ribbon tied in a bow above a doorway or on the tails of 5. Horror Factor/Awe: Typically eight from awe of their
horses or livestock. For animals, the bow tactic works the same beauty, strangeness, or realization that Faerie Folk mean trouble.
as turning clothes inside out. Why? Who knows. Pucks, Will-O-The-Wisps, Nymphs, Merrows, and Mermaids
have an H.F. 1 0.
3. The crucifix or cross keeps them at bay just as it does a vam­
6. Combat. Combat varies from Faerie Folk to Faerie Folk.
pire. However, they can still cast their magic or attack from a
distance. Generally, the small folk have three or four attacks per melee,
while the larger folk, like the Satyr, Spriggan, Merrow, Kelpie,
4. Horseshoe(s) placed under a pillow or hung over a door or
Kinnie Ger and Puck, have four or five attacks per melee. Magic
bed will keep Faeries away and prevent their use of magic in
and physical attacks can be combined during combat.
that specific room/area.
7. Bonuses, speed and dexterity. All Faerie Folk are exception­
5. Faeries Folk cannot step on or over salt. This includes ally fast and dexterous. Consequently, they have several attacks
Faeries, Sprites, Pixies, Bogies, Toad Stools, Leprechauns, per melee when it comes to hand to hand combat/mischief and
Kelpie, Dead Moon Hag, and Pucks ! A circle of salt prevents bonuses. Specific bonuses will be provided for each type of
Faerie Folk from entering the circle. Likewise, a line of salt in a Faerie Folk.
doorway or on a window sill prevents them from entering at that S. Faerie Magic. All Faeries are magical and visibly glow with
place by that means of entry. Sprinkling salt on a Faerie or an aura of magic during the day or night. Faerie magic is very
Sprite prevents them from flying, causes them to itch, and re­ powerful, requiring a saving throw versus magic of 1 6 or
duces their combat bonuses and number of attacks per melee higher, and has a spell strength, duration, and range equal to a
round by halfl tenth level spell caster! The Faerie Ring and Faerie Food also
require a save of 1 6 or higher.
Unlike nonnal magic which bums up P.P.E., Faerie Folk 12. Enemies. Banshees, most demons, the undead, and obvi­
can weave their magic endlessly, without exhausting their own, ously mean supernatural beings, forces of evil, and intolerant,
natural P.P.E. ! While these little troublemakers can cast spells cranky, fuddy-duddies with no sense of humor. Humans and hu­
all night long and up to two times per melee round, Faerie magic manoids are generally seen as trouble. They dislike Goblins,
does have its limitations and conditions. Hob-Goblins, Kobolds, and Orcs.
First, Faerie Folk cannot cast the same spell more than once 13. Average life span. Faeries, Pixies, Sprites, Nymphs,
on the same person within a 24 hour period. The only exception Will-O-The-Wisps, and Bogies are effectively immortal and can
is magic that affects only themselves, like Chameleon and die only by being slain.
Tongues. So when a Faerie places a Charm spell on someone, Leprechauns, Grogach, Spriggans, Mennaids, Merrows,
when that spell ends or is canceled, or if the person saves Kelpies, and Brownies live for around 5000 years or longer. Sa­
against magic, that particular Faerie cannot cast a Charm spell tyrs, Kobolds, Hairy Jacks, Dead Moon Hags, Pucks, Kinnie
on that same person again until 24 hours have passed. The Ger and Toad Stools live for about two or three hundred years.
Faerie can continue his magic attack, but must try a different 14. Habitat. The nicer Faerie Folk live in bright sunlit areas of
spell to affect that same person. secluded forests, meadows, and grasslands filled with wild flow­
Of course, a different Faerie could cast the same spell upon ers and fruit, and are far away from cities.
that same person again, requiring him to save vs magic or again 15. Value. Faerie wings are extremely valuable, getting 40,000
fall under the influence of Faerie magic. This can make an en­ to 80,000 credits per pair. Unfortunately, one must kill the
counter with a gathering of Faeries extremely dangerous. Note: Faerie before its wings can be plucked. The wings are used in
Faeries and Sprites seldom travel alone and typically congregate teleportation circles and some alchemy and Techno-Wizardry.
in groups of 4D6. Larger Faerie Folk like Pixies, Brownies, Faerie food can sell for 2D6x l 00 credits depending on the seller
Bogies, Pucks, Toad Stools, Hairy Jacks, Hags, and Spriggans and the particular food. An alchemist usually pays one third the
tend to prowl as lone individuals, pairs or small groups of 3-6. average market price. Really, only the Splugorth (and other de­
Faerie Folk cannot learn additional magic. The only magic at monic sorts) actively hunt, capture, enslave and utilize Faeries
their disposal is what comes natural to them; an innate ability. and their kin in Bio-Wizard creations and dark rune magic.
Faerie Magic often combines traditional wizard-type spell in­ Thus, Splugorth are willing to pay 6,000- 1 8,000 credits, de­
vocations and Elemental spell magic. pending on current demand in the marketplace, for a live Faerie,
Faeries are impervious to magic that is cast by other Faeries Sprite, Pixie, Bogie, Brownie or Leprechaun. See the Rifts®
of the same species. They are vulnerable to the magic of other Book of Magic or World Book 2 1 : Splynn Dimensional Mar­
Faerie Folk, humanoids and supernatural creatures. ket for details about Faerie P.P.E. batteries, weapons and wands
that draw upon the life force of imprisoned wee folk.
Jinx Magic is possessed only by a handful of Faerie Folk,
16. Experience Points & R.C.C.s: As a rule, Faerie Folk have
most notably the Dead Moon Hag, Hairy Jack, and the
a set of unchanging skills and abilities. R.C.C. (Racial Character
Grogach. This Faerie magic enables the character to instill a
Class) skills are presented for each character, but they don't in­
short-lived curse on a weapon or tool (only). Anybody who uses
crease with experience. Not recommended as a player character.
the item suffers its effect for as long as it is used or in his pos­
17. Physical Strength : Most small Faerie Folk have ordinary
session and the jinx is on. The duration of the jinx is I D4 hours .
human equivalent strength. However, the bigger, meaner Faerie
The curse effect is equal to any of the Faerie Foods, excluding
Folk may have the equivalent of Superhuman or Supernatural
Faerie drinks and ointments.
P.S. ; those who do will usually indicate it or provide
9. The Faeries' Dance (6 P.P.E.). This is a magic spell or en­ Mega-Damage stats.
chantment possessed by most Faerie Folk. It compels the victim
to dance in a circle until the spell elapses or is canceled. The
dancer cannot be rescued except by convincing the Faerie re­
sponsible to cancel the magic. While the victim dances, Faeries
often strip him of his clothes and hide them and his valuables Bogies are tiny, malignant forces of mayhem standing 8
elsewhere. The victim is fairly helpless, -8 to strike, parry and inches (0.25 m) tall, with spindly, black insect-like bodies. Ugly
dodge, and can perfonn no other skill/function other than dance. and ill tempered, they enjoy tricking travelers, leading them into
Duration is typically 30 minutes per spell, but can be cancelled swamps, quicksand, and other places of danger. They also love
by the spell caster at any time. The Nymph' s Faerie Dance lasts to scare and terrorize people by making frightening noises and
for 60 minutes. eerie images. Bogies collect gold, gems, spoiled food and good
10. Psionics. Usually none. ale, beer, or wine (able to drink a full gallon before passing out).
1 1 . Allies. Other Faerie Folk, most dragons, spirits of light, Dru­ Bogies live anywhere from grasslands and forests to swamps,
ids, nature spirits, and creatures of friendly, tolerant and cheery but always prefer a place that looks odd, mysterious, or frighten­
disposition. Faerie Folk are very loyal and friendly toward each ing. Their lairs can be found under rotting logs, hollow trees,
other, and will always come to the aid of another Faerie. The and animal burrows. Despite their mischief, Bogies are loyal
only exceptions are their larger, evil kin, like Pucks, Toad and downright defensive of the gentler, prettier Faerie Folk,
Stools, Kinnie Ger, etc., whom they tend to avoid. They don't while they shun the evil Faerie people such as Goblins and Toad
consider their distant cousins, Goblins, Hob-Goblins, Orcs, and Stools.
Kobolds, as close relatives and share no bond with them. In fact, (pronounced "bow gie")
most Faerie Folk will tease, trick and annoy their distant cousins Alignment: Lean toward Anarchist (3 0%), Miscreant (30%)
as much as any human. and Aberrant (30%).
1 16
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
I.Q. 2D6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6+ l , M.A. 2D6, P.S. l D6, P.P. 3D6+6,
P.E. 3D6, P.B. I D6, Spd. 4D6 running.
M.D.C.: P.E. attribute number x3 +4D6. (Has P.E. x3 for Hit
Points, 4D6 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 10 in S .D.C. settings.)
Size : 8 inches tall (0.25 m).
Weight: 8 ounces (0.23 kg).
P.P.E.: l D6x 1 00
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), see the invisi­
ble, keen normal vision, sense the location of water 40%, sense
the location of ley lines 5 5%, and metamorphosis into a large,
tarantula-size spider, scorpion, or centipede.
Magic Spells: Wind Rush, Fear, Wisps of Confusion, Purple
Mist, Befuddle, Repel Animals, Ventriloquism, Globe of Day­
light and Animate Objects .
Psionics: None.
Attacks per Melee: Four physical or two using magic.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 on initiative, +1 to
strike, +2 to automatic dodge (act of dodging does not use up a
melee action), +3 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact, +6 to
save vs Horror Factor, and +2 on all saving throws.
R.C.C. Skills: A Faerie Warrior and Scout. Speaks Faerie and
Gobblely 9 8%, player characters can learn two additional lan­
guages at the base skill + 1 0% skill bonus, Identify Plants &
Fruit 75%, Holistic Medicine 45%, Land Navigation 80%, Wil­
derness Survival 85%, Track Animals 60%, Preserve Food 75%,
Faerie Lore 85%, Sing 45%, Dance 75%, Prowl 77%, Climb

�I ,r#.t-- ·
90%/80%, Acrobatics 65%, Swim 80%, Horsemanship 80% (in . Gf.lsrO V/Ctr
this case the Bogie's "horse" is large crawling insects or ro­
dents), and three ancient W.P.s of choice. Skills do not increase.
Notes: Never wear clothes or armor, but may use weapons.
They don't trust or like most big folk. Likely to be seen in the M.D.C.: P.E. attribute number x4 +4D6. (Has P.E. x4 for Hit
branches of trees. Travel in groups of 6 to 36. Points, 4D6 S.D.C . and an A.R. of 9 in S.D.C. settings.)
Size : One to two feet tall (0.3 to 0.6 m).
Weight: l D4x l 0 pounds. (4.5 to 1 8 kg).
Brownie P.P.E. : l D6x 1 00
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), keen normal
The brownie is the least mischievous and the most helpful
vision and sense of smell, sense the location of water 50%,
and friendly of the Faerie Folk. Shy and withdrawn, they hide in
sense location of secret compartments/doors 40% and sense the
shadows, doing favors and chores while their humanoid friends
location of ley lines 50%.
are asleep or gone for the moment. They may attach themselves
Magic Spells: Mend Cloth, Mend Stone, Dowsing, Sleep, Ani­
to a house or family, helping and guarding them, sometimes for
mate Objects, Cure Minor Disorders and Purification.
generations. Even to these admired people, a Brownie rarely
Psionics: None.
shows himself, taking his reward of cream or honey only when
Attacks per Melee: Four physical or two using magic.
no one is looking. Brownies have an incredible sweet tooth and
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): + 1 on initiative and +2 on
love ice cream, sugar, honey, syrups and sweet cakes. They also
all saving throws.
enjoy cream, milk, wine and beer.
R.C.c. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 9 8%, player charac­
Brownies stand one to two feet (0.3 to 0.6 m) tall with long ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0%
hair (fur, really) covering their entire body except for their cute skill bonus, Identify Plants & Fruit 85%, Land Navigation 85%,
round faces, hands and large feet. Usually naked, they like to Wilderness Survival 95%, Preserve Food 85%, Cook 85%, Ho­
wear old (never new) clothes and big floppy hats. Besides the listic Medicine 55%, Faerie Lore 85%, Sing 60%, Dance 70%,
usual habitats of Faerie Folk, Brownies are found living in hol­ Gymnastics 50%, Swim 80%, Prowl 45%, Climb 600/0150%,
low trees, tree stumps, under porches and in wells. Pick Pockets 50%, Pick Locks 40%, and select W.P. Blunt and
Alignment: Lean toward good; Principled (40%) and Scrupu­ one of choice (any). Skills do not increase.
lous (50%). Notes: Brownies are the most liked by Big folk, and the least
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated. mischievous of the Faerie Folk. They never wear body armor
I.Q. 2D6+1 , M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6+2, P.S. 2D6+2 , P.P. 3D6, and seldom use any weapons except under the most dire of cir­
P.E. 2D6, P.B. 3D6+2 (minimum of 1 0), Spd. 4D6 running cumstances (Le., self-defense, protecting an innocent, etc.).

Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E. : I D6x l OO
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet (6 1 m), see the invisi­
ble, keen normal vision, sense the location of disease and sick­
ness 50%, and sense the location of ley lines 40010.
Grow into a Giant (special): The Hag can double her size and
P.S. once per night to become a super-strong 9- 1 0 foot (2.7 to 3
m) giant! This metamorphosis lasts for only one hour; it can be
canceled at any time. Remember, the Dead Moon Hag sees her
P.S. and M.D.C. doubled when there is no moon or only a sliver
of the moon. These elements are doubled again when she be­
comes a giant.
Magic Spells: Fear, Wisps of Confusion, Purple Mist, Life
Drain, Spoil, Sickness, Curse: Illness, Cure Illness, Detect Poi­
son, Ventriloquism, Tongues, and the power tojinx a weapon or
tool. Plus, if the G .M. allows it, the character can know all Rus­
sian Spoiling Magic.
Psionics: None.
Attacks per Melee: Three physical or three using magic.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +1 on initiative, +2 to
strike, +2 to parry and dodge (automatic like a parry ) , +2 to pull
punch, +8 to save vs Horror Factor, impervious to disease, and
+2 on all saving throws.
R.c.c. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, plus two addi­
tional languages at the base skill +20010 skill bonus, Identify
Plants & Fruit 75%, Holistic Medicine 45% (surgeon 60%),
Brew 80%, Cook 80%, Preserve Food 75%, Recognize and Use
Poison 80%, Land Navigation 80%, Wilderness Survival 85%,
Track Animals 75%, Faerie Lore 90%, Prowl 70%, Climb

Dead Moon Hag 70%/60%, Horsemanship: General 80%, and W.P. Knife and
two of choice. Skills do not increase.
The Dead Moon Hag i s also known as the Faerie Hag. This Notes: Rarely comes out during the day unless gloomy or
enchanted, but evil creature appears as an ugly, old woman. foggy, and only comes out on the darkest nights (roughly 4-7
Most are thin, almost skeletal, have long, grey or white, stringy times a month). The Faerie Hag seldom wears armor unless she
hair and stand four and a half to five feet ( 1 .3 to 1 .5 m) tall. knows she is entering into battle or about to be attacked. Prefers
They are about as common as Leprechauns and usually travel blade weapons.
alone. The Faerie Hag is a black-hearted creature who likes to
spread misery and fear by causing sickness, spoiling food, muti­
lating cattle, starting fires and kidnaping children and baby ani­
mals (usually tossed in a pit or hung in a tree, bound and
gagged, and left to die).
Faerie : Common
The Common Faerie appears as a tiny, handsome man or
The wicked fiend gets the name "Dead Moon Hag" because
woman standing no more than six inches (0. 1 5 m) tall, adorned
she is most powerful when there is no moon out (the tiniest
with brightly colored butterfly wings of gold, red, violet, blue or
sliver or covered by clouds) - double M.D.C. and P.S. attribute
yellow. They are golden haired, often nude or draped in delicate
on moonless nights .
robes or gowns spun from silk or a spider's web. They are a
The Dead Moon Hag is typically a loner, but is known to as­ merry, carefree people with a penchant for mischief.
sociate with other dark forces and even command small groups
of cutthroats, particularly Goblins, Hob-Goblins, Toad Stools, Alignment: Any, but lean toward Unprincipled (30%) and An­
Pucks, Kinnie Ger, and Kelpie; occasionally humans, demons, archist (50%).
Deevils and Necromancers . Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
Alignment: Miscreant or Diabolic evil. I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. I D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated. 2D6, P.B. 4D6+6 (minimum of 1 7), Spd. 3D6 running and
I.Q. 2D6+4, M.E. 2D6+4, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6+4, P.P. 2D6+4, 3D6x 1 0+40 flying.
P.E. 3D6+4, P.B. I D6, Spd. 2D6+4 running. M.D.C.: 6D6+24 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x5 for Hit
Size: Four feet, six inches to five feet ( 1 .3 5 to 1 .5 m). Points, 4D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 7 in S.D.C. environments.)
Weight: 1 00 pounds (45 kg). Size : Six inches tall (0. 1 5 m or 1 52 mm).
M.D.C.: P.E. attribute number x5 plus 6D6. (Has P.E. number Weight: Six ounces (0 .25 kg).
x5 for Hit Points, 6D6 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 1 0 in S.D.C. set­ P.P.E. : I D6x l 00
tings.) AwelHorror Factor: 9

Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), Notes: Never wear armor and don't trust most big folk. Use tiny
see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water bows and arrows (see Faerie Weapons) and knives; mischievous
50%, and sense the location of ley lines 80%. in the extreme.
Magic Spells : Chann, Love Chann, Cloud of Smoke, Sleep,
Tongues and the Faeries ' Dance (same as the Faeries ' Circle,
only it is a spell that lasts for 30 minutes or until cancelled by
the Faerie spell caster).
Faerie : Night-Elves
Psionics: None. Despite their name, these mischievous little spirits are
Attacks per Melee : Three physical or two using magic. Faeries, not Elves. Night-Elves are of a dark grey-green com­
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 to parry and dodge in plexion, have dark brown or black hair and sport luminous blue
flight, and + 1 to save vs magic. gossamer wings. They are usually seen in the buff, with tiny
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 9 8%, player charac­ wooden swords hanging from a belt at the waist. They love
ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0% sweets and wine almost as much as they love causing trouble.
skill bonus, Identify Plants & Fruit 75%, Land Navigation 82%, They are the most aggressive, serious and combat oriented of
Wilderness Survival 90%, Preserve Food 90%, Track Animals the four types of Faeries and often come to the defense of their
32%, Faerie Lore 90%, Sing 60%, Dance 70%, Prowl 60%, kin when danger threatens .
Climb 60%/50%, and W.P. Knife and W.P. ArcherylTargeting. Alignment: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (40%) and Unprin­
Skills do not increase. cipled (40010).
Notes: Never wear annor and don't trust most Big folk. Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. I D6, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E.
2D6, P.B. 4D6+1 (minimum of 1 6), Spd. 3D6 running and
Faerie : Green Wood 3D6x 1 0+40 flying.
M.D.C.: 6D6+40 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x6 for Hit
The Green Wood Faeries are slim, handsome, Faeries with a Points, 5D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 8 in S.D.C. environments.)
green complexion topped with long jet black hair. Their wings Size: Six inches tall (0. 1 5 m or 152 mm).
resemble butterfly wings, but are darker than those of the Com­
mon Faerie such as deep reds, oranges, browns and greens. They
are fond of green and yellow clothes, pointed shoes and feath­
ered hats. They are most commonly seen in dense forested re­
Alignment: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (40%), Unprinci­
pled (30%) and Scrupulous ( 1 5%).
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. I D6, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E.
2D6, P.B. 4D6+5 (minimum of 1 6), Spd. 3D6 running and
3D6x1 0+40 flying.
M.D.C.: 5D6+ 1 8 on Rifts Earth . (Has P.E. number x4 for Hit
Points, 4D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 6 in S.D.C. environments.)
Size : Six inches tall (0. 1 5 m).
Weight: Six ounces (0 . 1 7 kg).
Awe/Horror Factor: 8
P.P.E. : I D6x l 00
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m),
see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water
70%, and sense the location of ley lines 80%.
Magic Spells: Chann, Circle of Rain, Circle of Flame, Grow
Plants, Animate Plants, Purification, Tongues, and the Faeries '
Dance (same as the Faeries' Circle, only it is a spell that lasts
for 30 minutes or until cancelled by the Faerie spell caster).
Psionics: None.
Attacks per Melee: Three physical attacks or two using magic.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 to parry and dodge in
flight, and + 1 to save vs magic.
R.C.c.: Creature of magic and naturelFaerie wilderness scout.
R.C.c. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 9 8%, player charac­
ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0%
skill bonus, Identify Plants & Fruit 80%, Land Navigation 82%,
Wilderness Survival 90%, Preserve Food 90%, Track Animals
62%, Faerie Lore 90%, Sing 50%, Dance 64%, Pick Pockets
50%, Prowl 80%, Climb 80%170%, and one ancient W.P. of
choice. Skills do not increase.
Weight: Six ounces (0 .25 kg). Attacks per Melee: Three physical or two using magic.
AwelHorror Factor: S Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 to parry and dodge in
P.P.E. : I D6x l OO flight, and + 1 to save vs magic.
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 1 20 feet (36.6 m), R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 9S%, player charac­
see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0%
SO%, and sense the location of ley lines SO%. skill bonus, Identify Plants & Fruit 60%, Land Navigation S2%,
Magic Spells: Befuddle, Blinding Flash, Mend Wood, Mend Wilderness Survival 90%, Preserve Food 90%, Track Animals
Clay, Invisibility (simple), Turn Self into Mist, Tongues, and the 32%, Faerie Lore 90%, Sing 9S%, Dance 94%, Prowl 72%,
Faeries' Dance (same as the Faeries' Circle, only it is a spell Climb 60%/50%, and one ancient W.P. of choice. Skills do not
that lasts for 30 minutes or until cancelled by the Faerie spell increase.
caster). Notes: Never wear armor and don't trust most Big folk.
Psionics: None. Likeliest to be seen at dawn playing, dancing and singing in the
Attacks per Melee: Four physical attacks or two using magic. morning sun.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 on initiative, + 1 to
strike, +2 to parry and dodge in flight, + 1 to save vs magic, and
+2 to save vs Horror Factor.
R.C.C. : Creature of magic and naturelFaerie warrior.
R.c.c. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 9S%, player charac­ In some ways, the Grogach i s a cross between a Brownie and
ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0% a Spriggan. Its body is covered in long brown fur like a
skill bonus, Identify Plants & Fruit SO%, Land Navigation S2%, Brownie, but has broad shoulders, and muscular arms and upper
Wilderness Survival 90%, Preserve Food 90%, Track Animals body. The creature loves to grow things and can often be found
70%, Faerie Lore 90%, Sing 50%, Dance 54%, Pick Pockets inspecting the crops of a farmer. Sometimes one or more
50%, Prowl SO%, Climb SOO/0I70%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Archery Grogach will help a farmer to harvest his crops, shuck corn,
& Targeting, and one ancient W.P. of choice. Skills do not in­ thrash wheat and similar activity. However, an angry Grogach
crease. will seek revenge by ripping up or stomping crops, starting fires,
Notes: Never wear armor and don't trust most Big folk. Use slaughtering cattle and jinxing weapons and tools. Mischievous
tiny bows and arrows (see Faerie Weapons) and knives. They ones make perfectly circular crop circles and rings, open up barn
are extremely mischievous, though their antics tend to be much doors, eat crops, and chase or frighten pets and livestock.
more physical and rough than the others. The Grogach loves to grow and care for plants, farm, and
cook almost as much as they like to eat. They are especially
fond of bread, pies and just about any food made from vegeta­
Faerie : Silver Bells bles, fruits and plants and eat twice as much as a robust human
without gaining an ounce of fat. They also love to brew and
Silver Bells are beautiful little Faeries with a pale complex­ drink beer and grain alcohol (can drink twice as much as an av­
ion, pale golden to platinum blonde hair and adorned with mag­ erage human before getting drunk). This love of farming often
nificent white gossamer wings. They are often clad in milky gets the strange being to pitch in at a farm or gladly join to cook
white or light pastel colored silken gowns. They love to dance a meal or whip up some booze without even being asked. The
and sing more than any of the other Faeries. The Silver Bell only thing desired as payment is some food and drink. On the
Faeries' voices are said to sound like a thousand tiny bells chim­ downside, they tend to think of themselves as experts in these
ing in harmony, hence their name . areas and can be annoying know-it-alls who are very critical and
Alignment: Any, but lean toward Scrupulous ( 1 0%), Unprinci­ downright rude about the quality and value of other people' s
pled (40%) and Anarchist (40%). food, drinks and abilities.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
(pronounced grow gach)
I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6+4, P.S. I D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E.
Alignment: Any, but typically Unprincipled ( 1 5%), Anarchist
2D6, P.B. 4D6+7 (minimum of I S), Spd. 3D6 runn ing and
(50%) or Miscreant (25%).
3D6xl 0+40 flying.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
MD.C.: 5D6+ 1 0 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x4 for Hit
I.Q. 2D6+2, M.E. 2D6+4, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6+ 12, P.P. 3D6,
Points, 3D6 S.D.C . and A.R. 6 in S.D.C. environments.)
P.E. 3D6+6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 3D6 runn ing or 6D6 flying.
Size: Six inches tall (0. 1 5 m or 1 5 2 mm).
M.D.C.: 6D6+4S on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x3 for Hit
Weight: Six ounces (0 .25 kg).
Points, 6D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 1 0 in S.D.C. environments).
P.P.E. : I D6x 1 00
Size: 3-4 feet tall (0.9 to 1 .2 m).
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m;
Weight: SO- 1 00 pounds (36 to 45 kg).
can see in total darkness), see the invisible, keen normal vision,
Horror Factor: S
sense the location of water 50%, sense the location of ley lines
Natural Abilities : Fly and hover in mid-air (even without
SO%, and locate secret compartments/doors 54%.
wings; maximum height is 200 feetl6 1 m), Supernatural P.S.
Magic Spells: Befuddle, Charm, Love Charm, Sense Evil, Wind
and P.E., nightvision 90 feet (27 .4 m), see the invisible, keen
Rush, Tongues and the Faeries' Dance (same as the Faeries '
normal vision, sense the location of crops and fruit bearing trees
Circle, only it is a spell that lasts for 30 minutes or until cancel­
70%, sense fertile soil 45%, and sense the location of ley lines
led by the Faerie spell caster).
Psionics: None.

1 20
Magic Spells (Earth Warlock magic): Dowsing, Dig, Animate quently associate with other mean and evil Faerie Folk and brig­
Plants, Grow Plants, Wither Plants, Repel Animals, Travel ands. They are known to haunt old barns, dead trees, swamps,
Through Earth, Chameleon, and the power to jinx a weapon or bogs, caves, underground ruins, and other dead, frightening or
tool. dilapidated places.
Psionics: None.
Attacks per Melee: Three physical or two using magic. Hairy Jacks like to torment and torture other creatures, in­
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 on initiative, +3 to cluding Brownies, Pixies and pretty humanoids. To this end,
strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +3 to pull punch, +5 to roll with they will sometimes capture one or more humans, lock them in
impact/punch/fall, +6 to save vs Horror Factor, impervious to wooden cages and keep them as pets to be abused and tortured
spoiled food and poison, and +2 on all saving throws. whenever the whim strikes them. Similarly, the Hairy Jack' s
Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S. idea of fun is scaring, robbing, beating or killing people. They
R.C.c. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 9 8%, player charac­ also like to turn into wild boars and chase, frighten and bite the
ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +20% legs of cattle.
skill bonus, Identify Plants & Fruit 75%, Brew 90%, Cook 80%,
Preserve Food 80%, Recognize and Use Poison 70%, Carpentry
80%, Boat Building 60%, Land Navigation 90%, Wilderness Alignment: Any, but typically Anarchist (25%), Miscreant
Survival 90%, Track Animals 75%, Faerie Lore 90%, Climb (30%) and Diabolic (40%).
70%/60%, Horsemanship : General 80%, and W.P. two of Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
choice. Skills do not increase. I.Q. 1 D6+2, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3 D6+ 1 0, P.P. 3D6, P.E.
Notes: Frequently wear non-environmental M.D.C. armor for 3D6+6, P.B. 1 D6, Spd. 3D6 as a humanoid, 6D6 as a boar.
additional protection and to look more dangerous. Favorite Size: 4-5 feet tall ( 1 .2 to 1 .5 m) and weigh 1 00- 1 50 pounds (45
weapons are magical ones, blunt weapons and picks (often lash­ to 67.5 kg).
ing Vibro-Blades together in such a way as to create an M.D.C . M.D.C.: 1 D6x I 0+60 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x3 for
pick weapon). Intelligent beings, they can also learn to use en­ Hit Points, 1D4x I 0+ 1 0 S .D.C. and A.R. 1 0 in S.D.C. environ­
ergy weapons, but prefer pistols and other small weapons . ments.)
Grogach love to wander and explore wilderness and farmlands, Horror Factor: 1 0
and are known to exist in the Coalition States of Missouri and Natural Abilities: Supernatural P. S., nightvision 200 feet (6 1
Iowa. They are uncomfortable in cities and towns. m), see the invisible, turn invisible at will, keen normal vision,
prowl 45%, metamorphosis into a wild boar and sense the loca­
tion of ley lines 40%.
Magic Spells: Repel Animals, Chameleon, Fear, Charm, and
the power to j inx a weapon or tool.
Psionics: None.
Attacks per Melee: Three physical or two using magic.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): + 1 on initiative, +3 to
strike, +3 to parry and dodge, + I to pull punch, +2 to roll with
impact/punch/fall, +6 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 on all
saving throws.
Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S., though a claw attack does
an extra 2D6 M.D. and a Hairy Jack's bite does 2D6 M.D.
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, Recognize and
Use Poison 60%, Land Navigation 90%, Wilderness Survival
90%, Track Animals 70%, Track Humanoids 60%, Faerie Lore
60%, Climb 70%/60%, Horsemanship: General 50%, and W.P.:
three of choice. Skills do not increase. Not recommended as a
player character.
Notes: Frequently wear non-environmental M.D.C. armor for
additional protection and to look more fearsome. Favorite M.D.
weapons include magic ones, (especially whip and chain types),
Vibro-Blades and the Neuro-Mace. Intelligent beings, they can
also learn to use energy weapons, but prefer heavy handguns
like ion blasters, and pump-action grenade launchers and shot­
gun style weapons for heavy combat. Hairy Jacks existed in the
Kingdom of Tolkeen and remain there striking out at lone Coali­
tion soldiers who happen upon them. They are also occasionally
Hairy Jack found in the 'Burbs of Chi-Town, Iron Heart and Free Quebec,
usually as an enforcer for a gang or criminal operation, or sim­
The Hairy Jack i s a dull-witted, foul-tempered beast with the ply as a vagabond drunk and brawler. Mean, vindictive, and sa­
head of a pig, long arms, clawed hands, barrel chest, and short distic to begin with, Hairy Jacks get even meaner (and stupider)
legs . Hairy Jacks often gather in small groups of 3-7 and fre- when they get drunk.
1 21
Psionics: None.
Kelpie Attacks per Melee : Five physical attacks or two using magic.
See its description in the regular monster section. Bonuses : + 1 on initiative, + 1 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with
impact, +3 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs Horror Factor.
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Dragonese 98%, player charac­
ters can learn two additional languages and literacy in one at the
Leprechaun base skill +30% skill bonus, Land Navigation 5 5%, Wilderness
One of the larger Faerie Folk, Leprechauns are usually well Survival 60%, Preserve Food 60%, Recognize Precious
groomed, wearing fme, black or dark green suits adorned with Metals/Stones 96%, Track Animals 40%, Faerie Lore 90%, Sing
large silver or gold buttons, snaps, and/or buckles, a wide belt, 60%, Dance 70%, Swim 80%, Prowl 40%, Climb 600/0/50%,
black shoes and a wide brim hat. They stand about two or three Palming 60%, Concealment 60%, Pick Pockets 82%, Pick
feet (0.6 or 0.9 m) tall with white curly hair, neatly trimmed Locks 55%, Locksmith 40%, Basic Electronics 70%, Streetwise
beard, bushy eyebrows, and a winning smile. 54%, Operate Computer 5 5%, and select two W.P. of choice
(any). Skills do not increase.
Leprechauns are characteristically moody, tricky, sly and
Notes: Never wear armor. They don't trust most Big folk, but
mischievous. These merry little people are particularly fond of
are much more daring than Faeries in their dealings with hu­
playing tricks on anyone not of Faerie descent. They are very
manoids. On Rifts Earth they like Vibro-Blades, Laser Scalpels,
skilled thieves and con-artists so travelers who encounter one
smoke grenades, tear gas, and small handguns, but they adore
(heaven help them if there are two or more Leprechauns) should
magic items and weapons, including Techno-Wizard devices
guard their valuables carefully. Leprechauns will always attempt
which Leprechauns think are just marvelous. Mischievous and
to steal valuables and do not intentionally show themselves for
playful, a Leprechaun who is enjoying himself (at the expense
any reason except to cause mischief or create a diversion for a
of others) may hang around or make appearances (usually at the
buddy who' ll be robbing the group blind.
worst possible time) and even join an adventuring group - to
Hoarders of gold, gems, and magic items, the treasures of
fleece them or trick them into supporting him and plying him
Leprechauns are legendary, but said to always be well hidden,
with booze. Besides their greed for riches, Leprechauns also
and seldom in the Leprechaun' s domicile or lair. Leprechauns adore good liquor. In fact, 60% are alcoholics and the rest are on
are huge sissies and rarely draw blood in a struggle. If captured, their way to becoming alcoholics. Most leprechauns can
the sly characters always try to lead their captors away from outdrink the average human, consuming six times their body
their treasure (often into danger), dragging out the journey long weight before getting intoxicated! Even drunk as a skunk, a
enough to make good an escape. These cool operators smoothly Leprechaun is quick and cunning, and should be watched care­
talk and/or trick their way out of many a sticky situation and fully.
have been known to lead captors on a merry expedition that lasts
weeks, only to end in the Leprechaun's escape or back where
they started. Torture is useless, for these little people are no
cowards when it comes to protecting their treasure or secrets . Nymph
However, anybody who tortures a Leprechaun had better kill These strange supernatural beings are among the most myste­
him when done, because if he lives to escape, his vengeance is rious and mystical of the Faerie Folk. They are spirits of nature
terrible, causing disaster after disaster or picking one offending who adopt an area of land (typically I D4x l 0+ 1 0 miles/32-80
villain off one after another so the rest can worry about their in­ km) as their domain, and become the protector of that land and
evitable doom before it hits.
all that live on it. A Nymph inhabits an ancient tree, giant boul­
Alignment: Almost always Anarchist (70%), Unprincipled der, river, well, spring, cave, or hill on her land, but appears to
( 1 5%) or Miscreant ( 1 5%). However, even a selfish or evil Lep­ humanoids as an ethereal, ghost-like creature, who appears as a
rechaun will never deliberately hurt or betray another Faerie beautiful Elven maiden bathed in white light and slightly aglow.
Nymphs cannot be harmed except by magic and psionics.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
Physical attacks are futile, harmlessly passing through them like
I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+3 , M.A. 2D6+2, P. S. 2D6+2, P.P. 3D6+6,
air. Fortunately, they are gentle, compassionate spirits who aid
P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6 (minimum of 8), Spd. 4D6 running.
the good, the helpless, and the lost. However, they seldom take a
M.D.C.: I D6x 1 0+50 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x6 for
direct hand in the affairs of mortals, preferring to help secretly if
Hit Points, 5D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 8 in S.D.C. environments.)
at all. They will not allow senseless destruction of their land, the
Size: Two to three feet tall (0.6 to 0.9 m).
animals, or the Faerie people in their domain. Nymphs are espe­
cially protective of Faeries, Sprites, Pixies, and Brownies. To �­
Weight: I D4x 1 0+40 pounds (tend to be roly-poly).
Horror/Awe Factor: 8
voke the wrath of a Nymph is to flirt with death, for theIr
P.P.E.: I D6x l OO
vengeance is as terrible as it is just.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m; can see in total
darkness), keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, ventrilo­ Alignment: Any, but usually Principled (40%) or Scrupulous
quism 88%, and sense secret compartments/doors 64% (auto­ (40%).
matic ability). Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
Magic Spells: Escape, Chameleon, Charismatic Aura, Detect I.Q. 3D6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6+2 , M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 3 I?6,
Concealment, Concealment, Reduce Self to Six Inches and P.E. 2D6+6, P.B. 3D6+6 (minimum of 1 6), Spd. 3D6 runnmg
Fool's Gold. and 2D6x l 0+40 flying.

1 22
M.D.C.: I D6x l O+30 on Rifts Earth, and is impervious to M.D.C. : I D4x l 0+25 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x6 for
S.D.C. and M.D. weapons unless they are magic. (Has P.E. Hit Points, 5D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 8 in S.D.C. environments.)
number x4 for Hit Points, 6D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 7 in S.D.C. en­ Size: 1 2 inches tall (0.3 m).
vironments.) Weight: One pound (0.45 kg).
Size: Six feet ( l . 8 m). AwelHorror Factor: 8
Weight: Three ounces (85 grams). P.P.E. : 1 06x l OO
AwelHorror Factor: 1 0 Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m),
P.P.E.: 1 06x l 00 keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, and sense the location
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, Supernatural P.S., nightvision of ley lines 50%.
90 feet (27.4 m), see the invisible, keen normal vision, turn in­ Magic Spells: Charm, Sleep, Wind Rush, Globe of Daylight,
visible at will, sense the location of water 90%, sense the loca­ Mend Wood & Clay, Tongues, Chameleon, and Circle of Rain.
tion of ley lines 90%, magically knows all languages, Psionics: None.
impervious to all forces except magic and psionics, can disap­ Attacks per Melee: Four physical or two using magic.
pear by entering a living plant, and the ability to pass through Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 on initiative, +1 to
natural materials such as wood, earth, and stone (not plastic or strike, +1 to parry, +2 to dodge in flight, +2 to pull punch, +2 to
metal alloys) as if it were air! roll with impact, +2 on all saving throws, and +6 to save vs Hor­
Magic Spells: Sleep, Dust Storm, Summ on Fog, Purple Mist, ror Factor.
Call Lightning, Wind Rush, Finger of the Wind, Thunder Clap, R.C.c. Skills: Speak Faerie and Gobblely 9 8%, player charac­
Extinguish Fires, Part Waters, Calm Waters, Calm Storms, Re­ ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +20%
pel Animals, Grow Plants, Animate Plants, Wall of Thoms, skill bonus, Identify Plants & Fruit 60%, Land Navigation 62%,
Breath of Life, Ley Line Transmission, and the Faeries ' Dance Wilderness Survival 70%, Preserve Food 60%, Track Animals
(same as the Faeries' Circle, only it is a spell that lasts for 60 50%, Faerie Lore 90%, Sing 5 0%, Dance 64%, Gymnastics
minutes or until cancelled by the Faerie spell caster). 64%, Pick Pockets 50%, Pick Locks 40%, Prowl 60%, Climb
Psionics: None. 70%/60%, and three ancient W.P.s of choice. Skills do not in­
Attacks per Melee: Six physical or two using magic. crease.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): + 1 on initiative, +2 to Notes: May wear non-environmental body armor or just color­
strike, +3 to save vs all types of Nature Magic (Spoiling, Sha­ ful clothes. They don't trust most Big folk, but are much more
manistic, etc.), + 1 to save vs all other types of magic and poi­ daring than Faeries in their dealings with humanoids. May use
son, +2 to save vs Horror Factor. any knivesNibro-Blades, small handguns, or magic items.
Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S. or spell.
R.C.C. Skills: Magically speaks all languages 98%, Basic Math
98%, Identify Plants & Fruit 98%, Botany 98%, Biology 60%,
Holistic Medicine 98%, Astronomy 98%, Land Navigation
98%, Wilderness Survival 98%, Preserve Food 98%, Cook 80%,
Pixie : Frost
Track Animals 90%, Faerie Lore 98%, Demon & Monster Lore Like the Common Pixie, they are a handsome, slender people
60%, Sing 60%, Dance 60%, Prowl 80%, Climb 90%/80%. born to mischief. A Frost Pixie stands approximately one foot
Skills do not increase. Not recommended as a player character. (0.3 m) tall and has light blue skin and white or silver hair.
Notes: Considered a creature of magic and nature and may be Frost Pixies inhabit climates that are cold, cool, or moderate,
worshiped as a nature spirit or demigod. Never wears clothes or and are particularly fond of snow, ice, glaciers, and mountain­
armor and doesn't use weapons. Tend to be loners, secretive, tops. Impervious to cold, they can bound through snowdrifts
kind and compassionate. Likeliest to be seen during the day at completely nude without fear of injury from exposure, but do
beautiful locations, playing, dancing or singing with Faeries or wear a variety of light colored furs (rabbit, fox, weasel, etc.) and
Sprites. Never uses technology! clothing.
Alignment: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (5 0%) and Unprin­
cipled (40%).
Pixie : Common Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+2, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. 1 06+ 1 , P.P. 3D6+6,
Pixies are similar to Faeries, except they are twice as big ( 1 2 P.E. 2D6, P.B. 4D6 (minimum of 1 6), Spd. 4D6 runn ing and
inches/O.3m tall), don't have wings (but can fly) an d are not 2D6xl 0+ 1 00 flying.
quite as beautiful or whimsical, but still quite cute. They are M.D.C.: I D4x l 0+25 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x6 for
generally a handsome, slender people with flaming red hair and Hit Points, 5D6 S.D.C. and A.R. 8 in S.D.C. environments.)
fair complexion. Like all Faerie Folk, Pixies have an irrepress­ Size: 1 2 inches tall (0.3 m).
ible tendency for fun, games and mischief, often at the expense Weight: One pound (0.45 kg).
of others. They prefer to live in fields, meadows, or small AwelHorror Factor: 8
groves of trees, and are very playful and silly. P.P.E.: I D6x l 00
Alignment: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (40%) and Unprin­ Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m),
cipled (40%). keen normal vision, turn invisible at will, sense the location of
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated. ley lines 30%, and they can also pass though ice much like an
I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6+2, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. 1 06, P.P. 3D6+6, Earth Elemental can pass through earth or a ghost through a
P.E. 2D6, P.B. 3D6+ 1 (minimum of 9), Spd. 4D6 runn ing and wall.
2D6x l O+50 flying.
1 23
Finger of Frost (special): A bolt of ice and cold. Range: Weight: 3D6+60 pounds (about 30 kg).
touch. Creates frost/frost patterns, causes 1 04 S.D.C. points of Horror Factor: 1 0
damage and makes victims feel terribly cold. If a person fails to P.P.E. : 1 D6x l OO
make his saving throw vs Faerie magic, he is stunned for I D6 Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S., nightvision 90 feet (27 .4
melee actions/attacks. Effective against all living creatures, but m), fair normal vision, sense the location of water 50%, sense
not effective against 'bots, cyborgs, or machinery. However, the the location of ley lines 50%, and metamorphosis into a goat,
Frost Pixie can use his frost touch to cover a visor or window in dog, pony or wild boar.
frost, temporarily blinding his opponent (lasts until frost is Magic Spells: Spoil, Repel Animals, Death Trance, and Con­
scraped away, takes about two melee actions/attacks). cealment. If the G.M. would like, the villain may know 1 D6+2
Frost Breath: Range is four feet ( 1 .2 m), and inflicts 2D6 additional Russian Spoiling Magic spells.
points of S .D.C. damage and temporarily blinds the victim for Psionics: None.
I D6 melees unless the intended victim saves vs magic or is Attacks per Melee: Six physical attacks or two using magic.
wearing protective goggles or helmet. Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S., but a claw strike does an ad­
Magic Spells: Globe of Daylight, Wind Rush, North Wind, ditional l D6 M.D., a power punch attack is possible with a kick,
Freeze Water, Hail, Snow Storm, Wall of Ice, and Frostblade. and a Puck' s bite does I D6+2 M.D.C. The foul creature may
Psionics: None. also use magic or Mega-Damage weapons.
Attacks per Melee: Four physical and/or fmger of frost, and/or Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +3 on initiative, +2 to
frost breath attacks per round or two using magic. strike, parry and dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +6 to save vs
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +1 on initiative, +2 to Horror Factor, +2 on all saving throws.
strike, + 1 to parry , +3 to dodge in flight, +2 to pull punch, +2 to R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player charac­
roll with impact, +2 on all saving throws, and +6 to save vs ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0%
Horror Factor. skill bonus, Land Navigation 70%, Wilderness Survival 75%,
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie and Dragonese 98%, player charac­ Track Animals 60%, Track Humans 5 5%, Faerie Lore 85%,
ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill +20% Demon & Monster Lore 70%, Dance 75%, Prowl 50%, Palming
skill bonus, Land Navigation 62%, Wilderness Survival 70%, 55%, Concealment 48%, Pick Pockets 60%, Pick Locks 65%,
Preserve Food 70%, Track Animals 50%, Faerie Lore 90%, Streetwise 48%, Climb 900/0/80%, Swim 80%, select two Pi-
Sing 50%, Dance 64%, Gymnastics 64%, Swim 60%, Prowl
50%, Climb 800/0/70%, and select two ancient W.P.s of choice.
Skills do not increase.
Notes: Never wears armor. They don't trust most Big folk, but
are much more daring than Faeries in their dealings with hu­
manoids. Clever and bold, they may use small M.D. handguns,
Vibro-Blades or magic items. Jack of Frost is the most famous
of these Pixies. Frost Pixies are believed responsible for autumn
and winter frosts, hail and unseasonable snowstorms or cold
snaps. They are known to exist around the Great Lakes,
throughout northern Canada, and to thrive in Scandinavia and
Russia, particularly the Siberian wilderness.

Pucks are black-hearted fiends resembling the Satyr, except
that their upper body is more demonic than human, they have
long, sharp pointed horns and their complexion is a dirty grey .
Their pranks are destructive and brutal, being responsible for the
senseless slaughter of livestock and pets, arson, vandalism, and
sometimes the kidnaping of children and young maidens. Pucks
enjoy the torture of others, as well as a multitude of sadistic de­
pravities. They are also fair thieves, hoarding gold, silver and
booze only.
Alignment: Any selfish or evil, but lean toward Miscreant
(40%) and Diabolic (50%).
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E.
3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 4D6+6
M.D.C.: I D4x l 0+55 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x3 for
Hit Points, I 04x l O+ l 0 S.D.C. and A.R. 1 0 in S.D.C. worlds.)
Size: Three to four feet tall (0.9 to 1 .2 m).

1 24
loting skills and five W.P.s (any) of choice. Skills do not in­ R.C.C. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player charac­
crease. ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 ()O/O
Notes: Never wear clothes, but may use non-environmental skill bonus, Basic Math 92%, Art (specifically SCUlpting and
M.D.C. armor for additional protection or to look more fero­ building) 75%, Carpentry 75%, Boat Building 75%, Basic Elec­
cious. They are also smart enough to use M.D. weapons of any tronics 75%, Land Navigation 75%, Wilderness Survival 75%,
kind, but are most fond of Vibro-Blades and other traditional Preserve Food 75%, Faerie Lore 90%, Dance 45%, Prowl 45%,
melee weapons. They hate most Big folk and pretty Faerie Folk. Climb 60%/50%, Swim 75%, and Pilot/Horsemanship 75%, se­
Customarily inhabit dark, solitary places of foul or evil appear­ lect two additional Pilot skills and W.P. Blunt and three other
ance, like caves, sewers, swamps, bogs, ruins and so on. Travel W.P.s (any). Skills do not increase.
in pairs or small groups of 2D4 members . Notes: Spriggans seldom wear armor, but may if they so desire,
probably partial, non-environmental armor. However, they use
M.D. weapons and tools of all kinds. They love laser scalpels,
fusion torches, etc. Spriggans don't trust or like anybody and
Spriggan seem to be perpetually grumpy, cantankerous, and intolerant of
everybody, including Faerie Folk. Loners, they seldom work in
Spriggans are husky people about three feet (0.9 m) tall, with
large groups. They chew tobacco, enjoy beer and ale, eat bread,
wild, dark brown hair, ruddy complexion, and great strength.
roots, sticks, bark and small stones. They have no need for pre­
Grumpy and ill tempered, they are often the targets of playful
cious metals or gems and never take them from those they beat
Sprites. Spriggans generally ignore non-Faerie people (not that
or kill in anger.
they pay much attention to Faerie Folk), and get quite violent if
Their apparent mission in life is to erect large slabs of stone
in a multitude of circular patterns. They also build tall pillars of
stones that have reached heights of over 30 feet (9. 1 m) and
have, in recent centuries, taken to making crop circles of intri­
cate design. Why they build these monoliths and circles is a
mystery even to the Spriggans, who do what they do "because !"
It is best to leave these insane builders alone. Don't talk to
them, don't offer to help, don't even go near them, and never
laugh at them. Foul tempered, a Spriggan will bully and/or beat
up anyone who bothers him or casts aspersions on his work (or
simply looks too cheerful for his own good). A Spriggan' s
weapons are usually heavy chisels, huge hamm ers, and large
picks, but those of Rifts Earth have taken to using M.D.C. mate­
rials, energy tools and M.D. weapons. They may also hurl large
stones or boulders at people. They are creatures of magic and
nature. An obsessive Faerie builder & nomad.
Alignment: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (50%) and Miscre­
ant (30%).
Sprite : Tree
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated. Sprites are very similar t o Faeries, but are even smaller,
I.Q. 2D6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 6D6+20, P.P. 3D6, P.E. standing a mere 4 inches ( 1 0 cm) tall. They are cheerful, wild
3D6+6, P.B . 2D6, Spd. 2D6 spirits, full of fun and mischief. Tree Sprites are bright yel­
M.D.C. : I D6x l O+45 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x4 for low-green, complete with semi-transparent yellow wings. They
Hit Points, I D4x 1 0+ 1 O S.D.C. and an A.R. of 1 0 in S.D.C . are content to raid beehives, birds' eggs, and eat flower nectar,
worlds.) and play in the sun among the butterflies and treetops. They will
Size : Two and a half to three feet tall (0 .75 to 0.9 m). often buzz travelers, undoing belts, saddles, and trousers, steal­
Weight: 2D6+50 pounds (about 24 kg). ing sweets, pinching and pulling hair.
P.P.E. : I D6x l 00 Alignment: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (60%).
Natural Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and P.E., nightvision 40 Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
feet ( 12.2 m), keen normal vision, sense the presence of Earth I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. I D6, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E.
Elementals 65%, and the ability to pass through stone/rock or 2D6 + 1 , P.B. 3D6+7 (minimum of 1 6), Spd. 3D6 running and
clay (not dirtJearth) as if it were air! 3D6xl 0+60 flying.
Magic Spells: Dust Storm, Hopping Stones, Mend Stone, M.D.C. : 6D6+8 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x2 for Hit
Crumble Stone, Rock to Mud, Clay to Stone, and Stone to Flesh. Points, 3D6 S.D.C . and an A.R. of 6 in S.D.C. environments.)
Psionics: None. Size : 4 inches tall ( 1 0 1 mm).
Attacks per Melee: Five physical attacks or two using magic. Weight: Three ounces (85 grams).
Dam age: As per Supernatural Strength or by magic or weapon. P.P.E. : I D6x l 00
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +1 to strike, +3 to parry , Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m),
+3 to roll with impact, +6 to pull punch, +6 to save vs Horror see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water
Factor, and +2 to save on all saving throws. 50%, and sense the location of ley lines 40%.
1 25
Magic Spells: Chameleon, Chann, Animate Plants and the
Faeries' Dance. Sprite : Wind-Puffs
Psionics: None. The wings of these beautiful creatures are large and frilled,
Attacks per Melee: Three physical attacks or two using magic. so when fluttered appear to be little puffs of white, or white and
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +3 on initiative, + 1 to pink. They typically make their homes in fields of flowers and
strike, +4 to automatic dodge in flight (the act of dodging does grassy plains. Shy, but curious, they often sneak up on dozing
not use up a melee attack/action), and +2 on all saving throws. travelers to examine them and rummage through their belong­
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie 98%, player characters can learn ings, scattering them all about. Wind-Puffs also have a habit of
two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0% skill bonus, tying knots in shoelaces, cords, and clothes.
Identify Plants & Fruit 98%, Land Navigation 90%, Wilderness
Alignment: Lean toward Anarchist and Unprincipled.
Survival 90%, Preserve Food 90%, Faerie Lore 90010, Sing 80%,
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
Dance 84%, Prowl 80%, Climb 800/0/70%, and Acrobatics 80%.
LQ. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. I D6, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E.
Skills do not increase.
2D6, P.B. 3D6+8 (minimum of 1 6), Spd. 4D6 runn ing and
Notes: Never wear clothes or ann or, don't use weapons and
3D6x l O+40 flying.
don't trust most Big folk. Likeliest to be seen at dawn and dusk
M.D.C. : 6D6+6 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x2 for Hit
playing in the trees. Travel in groups of 8 to 48.
Points, 3D6 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 6 in S.D.C. environments.)
Size: 4 inches tall ( 1 0 1 mm).
Weight: Three ounces (85 grams).
Sprite : Water P.P.E. : I D6x 1 00
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m),
Pale skin, dark hair, and blue iridescent wings are the trade­
see the invisible, keen normal vision, sense the location of water
mark of Water Sprites. They prefer glens, meadows, quiet pools,
40%, and sense the location of ley lines 40%.
and gentle streams, where they spend their time teasing frogs,
Magic Spells: Chann , Mend Wood & Clay, Globe of Daylight,
chasing dragonflies and skimming across the water. They will
Fingers of the Wind, Wind Rush, and the Faeries' Dance (same
tease and pester travelers too, and torment unwitting fishermen
as the Faeries' Circle, only it is a spell that lasts for 30 minutes
or hunters who have come to plunder their domain.
or until cancelled by the Faerie spell caster).
Alignment: Any, but lean toward Anarchist (60%). Psionics: None.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated. Attacks per Melee: Three physical attacks per melee or two us­
LQ. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. I D6, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. ing magic.
2D6+2, P.B. 3D6+7 (minimum of 1 6), Spd. 4D6 running and Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +4 to dodge in flight (au­
3D6xl 0+40 flying. tomatic like a parry ) , and + 1 to save vs magic and psionics.
M.D.C.: 6D6+ 1 0 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x2 for Hit R.C.C. : Creature of magic and naturelFaerie wilderness scout.
Points, 3D6 S.D.C . and an A.R. of 6 in S.D.C. environments.) R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie 98%, player characters can learn
Size : 4 inches tall ( 1 0 1 mm). two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0% skill bonus,
Weight: Three ounces (85 grams). Identify Plants & Fruit 75%, Land Navigation 75%, Wilderness
P.P.E. : I D6x l 00
Survival 75%, Preserve Food 75%, Faerie Lore 75%, Sing 75%,
Natural Abilities: Fly and hover, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m;
Dance 75%, Prowl 60%, Climb 50%/40%, Swim 50%, and
can see in total darkness), see the invisible, keen normal vision,
Horsemanship: Exotic Animal: Butterflies 60%. Skills do not in­
hold breath 4D4 minutes, sense the location of water 90%, and
sense the location of ley lines 40%.
Notes: Never wear clothes or annor, don't use weapons and
Magic Spells: Befuddle, Swim as the Fish, Summon Fog, Sum­
don't trust most Big folk. Likeliest to be seen from dawn till
mon & Control Animals (frogs only), Circle of Rain and Purple
dusk playing in the sun and flowers. Travel in groups of 6 to 36.
Psionics: None.
Attacks per Melee : Three physical attacks per melee or two us­
ing magic.
Toad Stools
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +4 to dodge in flight (au­ Toad Stools are one of the ugliest of the Faerie people, ap­
tomatic like a parry ) , and + 1 to save vs magic and poison. pearing as a humanoid toad-creature with great gaping maw and
R.C.C. Skills: Speak Faerie 98%, player characters can learn putrid breath. They are two to three feet (0.6 to 0.9 m) long,
two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0% skill bonus, with lumpy grey or brown skin covered in warts. Toad Stools
Identify Plants & Fruit 60%, Land Navigation 85%, Wilderness are as mean as they are ugly, preying on the unsuspecting and
Survival 85%, Preserve Food 85%, Faerie Lore 80%, Sing 60%, smaller, prettier Faerie Folk, particularly Sprites, Faeries and
Dance 70%, Prowl 60%, Climb 500/0/40%, Swim 98%, and Pixies. They also eat all types of poison mushrooms and berries.
Horsemanship: Frogs 70%. Skills do not increase. Toad Stools are found living among their mushroom namesake,
Notes: Never wear clothes or annor, don't use weapons and in swamps, bogs, and humid caves and caverns. They are, ef­
don't trust most Big folk. Likeliest to be seen at dawn and dusk fectively, vagabond warriors or bandits who do, under the right
playing near, in or on a body of water. Travel in groups of 6 to circumstance, come to the aid and support of other Faerie Folk.
36. While they most willingly associate with other ugly and cruel
Faerie kin, like Bogies, Hairy Jacks and Pucks, they may also

1 26
Wilderness Survival 80%, Track AnimalslFaeries 55%, Faerie
Lore 85%, Sing 45%, Dance 55%, Climb 700/0/60%, Swim 98%.
Skills do not increase.
Notes: Never wear clothes or armor. Never. May use a simple
magic or M.D. weapon such as a Vibro-Blade or simple blaster.
They don't trust or like most Big folk, don't understand or like
technology, and are cruel, malicious, spiteful beasts. Likely to
be seen in or around bogs and swamps. Travel in groups of 2 to
6. Associate with Bogies, Pucks and other evil Faerie Folk, and
may willingly serve a Shifter or other evil practitioner of magic,
warlord or greater demon.

work with and defend the gentler, pretty Faerie Folk, though
usually under the leadership of a Bogie, Leprechaun or sorcerer. Will-O-The-Wisp
Alignment: Any, but lean toward Miscreant (40%), Diabolic The Will-O-The-Wisp is a spirit or essence that inhabits
(40%) and Anarchist ( 1 5%). large, old trees. Once it has inhabited a tree it becomes that tree,
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated. forever locked within the bark and wood. Although the tree will
I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 1 06, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, eventually die, the Will-O-The-Wisp will still live within it.
P.B. 106, Spd. 3D6 Only if the tree is completely destroyed will it fmd another tree
M.D.C.: I D6x 1 0+46 on Ri fts Earth. (Has P.E. number x3 for to inhabit. In spirit form, the Will-O-The-Wisp is ethereal, invis­
Hit Points, I D4x l O+ 1 0 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 1 0 in S.D.C. envi­ ible, and powerless. However, upon linking with a particular
ronments.) tree, it becomes a force to be feared.
Size: Two to three feet long (0.6 to 0.9 m).
Mischievous, it enjoys scaring the unsuspecting traveler by
Weight: 2D6+40 pounds (about 20 kg).
rattling its branches, creating wind, mist, strange lights, moan­
P.P.E. : 1 06x l 00
ing, and so on. It can control the tree entirely, using the branches
Natural Abilities : Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m; can see in total
as hands and limbs, thus creating terrifying sights and inspiring
darkness), fair normal vision, hold breath for up to 30 minutes,
stories about tree people. Will-O-The-Wisps are rarely evil or
sense the location of water 80%, sense the location of ley lines
malicious, but can be a terrible power of vengeance if its tree is
40%, and metamorphosis into a toad.
desecrated or the Faerie Folk and surrounding fauna are harmed;
Magic Spells: Summ on Fog, Animate Plants, Spoil (water
everything in a 1 00 yard/meter radius is part of its territory.
only), and Repel Animals.
Psionics: None. Alignment: Any, but tend toward good or selfIsh.
Attacks per Melee: Five hand to hand attacks per melee or Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as indicated.
three using magic. I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 2D6, P.E. 5D6,
Dam age: Claws/punch I D6 S.D.C. damage, bite 2D6 S.D.C. P.B. 3D6, Spd. 1 06
damage. Or by weapon or magic. M.D.C.: On Rifts Earth: 3D6x l O+400 M.D.C. for the main
body and 2D6 to 6D6 M.D. for individual branches depending
Poison Breath: The Faerie monster's bite is also poisonous,
on the size. (Has P.E. number x8 for Hit Points, 2D4x l 00
but not deadly, causing 1 06+2 S.D.C. damage and inflicting fe­
S.D.C. and an A.R. of 1 0 on S.D.C. worlds.)
ver and nausea lasting for a 24 hour period. Victims of the fever
Size : Varies, depending on the size of the tree it is inhabiting.
are -3 to dodge and parry , and - I ()o1o on skill performance. If a
Horror Factor: 1 0
character successfully saves vs poison ( 1 6 or higher) he has no
Natural abilities: See for a 300 foot (9 1 .5 m ) radius day and
fever and suffers no penalties.
night, sense fire within a mile ( 1 .6 km) and animate/control its
Wart Touch: Every time a person touches a Toad Stool with tree, using the branches like hands, fmgers and limbs.
bare flesh, I D6 painful and ugly warts will appear on his body Magic Spells: Circle of Rain, Call Lightning, Extinguish Fires,
within the hour. The warts will first appear on the hands, and Mend Cloth, Globe of Daylight, Earth Rumble, Wind Rush,
then the arms, face and other areas of the body. The warts re­ Create Fog, and Purple Mist. The usual Faerie Magic limitations
duce P.B. by 2 points, and cause the following penalties, -2 on apply.
initiative, - 1 0% on skills (distracted by the painful warts), and Psionics: Presence Sense, Object Read, Sense Magic, Sense
touching them, even by clothes, is painful. The only way to re­ Evil, Commune with Animals, and Telepathy. I.S.P.: M.E. at­
move the warts is by Remove Curse. tribute number x3 .
Note: Neither power hurts or affects characters in full envi­ Com bat: Will-O ' s have six physical attacks per melee round or
ronmental body armor. two by magic or psionics.
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +2 to Dam age: Strikes from branches do the following: I D6 from
roll with impact, +6 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 on all sav­ small branches, 3D6 from medium branches, or 5D6 from large
ing throws. branches.
R.C.c. Skills: Speaks Faerie and Gobblely 98%, player charac­ Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +6 to parry, +3 on all
ters can learn two additional languages at the base skill + 1 0% saving throws, and +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
skill bonus, Identify Plant � & Fruit 55%, Land Navigation 60%, R.C.C. Skills: Communicates telepathically, plus Identify

1 27
Plants & Fruit 95%, Dowsing 90010, Astronomy 80%, Faerie
Lore 95%, Lore : Demons & Monsters 70%, and Lore :
Geomancy 60%. Skills do not increase.
Notes: Inhabits trees which seem to have human features. Has
no need for wealth or possessions, but may guard the treasure of
a Faerie Folk friend or protect a powerful magic or cursed item
to keep it out of the hands of evil beings. Believed to be very
rare in most places on Rifts Earth but known to exist in eastern
Canada, the Magic Zone, the British Isles, France and Germany.

Palladium Monsters & Animals

The Palladium Book o f Monsters & An imals™ i s the any land area in so complete a way as the Xiticix or Gargoyles
source for many of the creatures described in the pages that fol­ of Germany.
low, but notable monsters have been taken from other fantasy Many of the monsters enter the world of Rifts® as a solitary
sourcebooks, including The Baalgor Wastelands™, The predator, adventurer, pair or small group. Armies or swarms of
Northern Hinterlands™ and The Land of the Damned™. All monsters and alien life forms rarely emerge through the Rifts,
are Hit Point and S .D.C. based creatures, some of which become but the abundance of ley line nexus points, natural Rifts, and di­
Mega-Damage creatures when taken to Rifts Earth and other mension spanning magic such as that used by the Shifters allow
places where ambient magic energy runs high. This is particu­ a variety of creatures to enter the Earth all over the planet.
larly true of dinosaurs, supernatural beings and "creatures of Those who best adapt may even proliferate, like the Xiticix, but
magic." most remain solitary creatures isolated to a specific small area in
What is presented in the following pages are the specific a strange and hostile world. Remember too, that Shifters and
changes (conversions if you will) that occur when many of these Alien Intelligences often seek to enlist intelligent or incredibly
beasts enter the world of Rifts®. Thus, when operating in the powerful monsters to aid them in their schemes of treachery and
Palladium Fantasy RPG® world and other S.D.C. environ­ bids for power. Thus, it is these horrible and magical monsters
ments, the more fragile stats from Monsters & Anim als should from other worlds that are brought to Rifts Earth by evil and
be used. However, on Rifts Earth, the stats (and accompanying conquering beings . Of course, from time to time, vile, common
notes) presented here are the modifications and considerations and innocuous life forms are accidentally Rifted from one di­
appropriate for Rifts®. mension to another.
Remember, the increased mystic energies that abound on
Rifts Earth transform supernatural monsters, creatures of magic,
so-called demons and users of magic into more powerful beings Animals
than they were in their home dimension. In many instances, Animal life abounds in the vast wildernesses that have re­
these changes turn creatures such as dragons, who are powerful claimed the planet since the Great Cataclysm. For the most part,
S.D.C. creatures in the Palladium World, into Mega-Damage wildlife indigenous to Earth has survived the Coming of the
beings with Hit Points and S.D.C. becoming M D. C. Rifts, so a great number of familiar animals scurry through the
On the other hand, creatures such as the Acid Lizard, underbrush, crawl beneath the crumbling ruins and fly overhead.
Floaters, Hoppers, Kappa, and other animals or lesser beings are Other animals native to Earth but displaced from their natural
either too pedestrian or do NOT change when they enter Rifts habitat also flourish in new environments. These are typically
Earth. The monsters presented in this book tend to be magical in escaped zoo animals that have successfully adapted to new re­
nature, intelligent, or among the more interesting creatures of gions. For example, the tiger is now as common to North Amer­
Palladium Fantasy. ica as the mountain lion, and elephants roam the American

Where do Monsters Live in Rifts® ?

Centuries of shifting dimensions and colliding realities have
transformed the Earth into an alien landscape, creating a strange
Various World Books, sourcebooks and supplements may synthesis of the familiar and the bizarre . Countless varieties of
identify specific regions and particular monsters in greater detail alien flora and fauna have emerged from the Rifts. Some never
and even go into their lifestyle and habits, but the following have a chance in their new habitat and perish practically over­
pages simply present interesting monsters for the Game Mas­ night. Others thrive, sometimes peacefully coexisting with in­
ter's consideration. They may appear as a lone brute, mated pair, digenous life forms, other times displacing or wiping them out.
pack or herd depending on the beast, the situation and the G.M. These strange aliens may be cute and cuddly, or gentle and
Whenever suitable, the descriptions here will mention a territory beautiful, but more often than not they are weird monsters who
or locale where a particular monster is known to be found or threaten humanoid and animal life, and who may upset and re­
most likely to be found. Few of these alien creatures dominate shape the regional ecology. Alien life forms that appear as mis-
1 28
shapen beasts and roaring monsters seem to abound. Among the Rifts Earth. Their stats remain the same. Simply take the ani­
most famous are the Xiticix, Fury Beetles, and reappearance of mals from Monsters & Animals and drop them into Rifts® or
the dinosaurs both in the southeast and southwest. In the New any other world. Only some of the most interesting or exotic an­
West, beasts like the Giant Canyon Worms, Grigleapers, imals and monsters are presented here with conversion stats for
Psi-Ponies, Leatherwings, a host of dinosaurs and otherworldly Rifts®.
D-Bees like the Lyn-Srial, Fennodi, Cactus People and Worm Conversion Notes : Hit Point and S.D.C. stats are presented
Wraiths are all commonplace and accepted as a normal part of for most creatures even if they become Mega-Damage creatures
the landscape. And all have contributed to making the New on Rifts Earth (and other Mega-Damage environments like
West an alien and very strange place from what it was before Phase World® and WormwootJrM). These stats should be ig­
the Coming of the Rifts. The impact on the ecosystem can be nored if the creature is a Mega-Damage being. This is a "con­
slight or dramatic. Obvious or sublime. For example, the face of version" book after all, so we present the stats for use in S.D.C.
England has been inexorably transformed by the Millennium environments should the creature ever return or travel to one.
Tree and a wide range of beautiful, strange and deadly types of Likewise, a Natural Armor Rating only applies to S.D.C. envi­
vegetation. The Yucatan Peninsula co-exists in three different ronments and conditions . For example, humans and most
dimensions simultaneously, and places like Germany, Russia D-Bees are Hit Point and S.D.C. beings. They need
and China have been reshaped by not just alien flora and fauna Mega-Damage body armor, a force field, magic or psionics to
but hordes of demons from beyond the Rifts. protect themselves from magic and M.D. weapon technology on
On Rifts Earth, one must always expect the unexpected. Rifts Earth. However, if they engage in combat without their
Long-time habitants and new arr ivals must come to grips with M.D.C. protection Hit Point and S.D.C. damage, as well as Ar­
the fact that alien horrors, dimensional travelers, hideous mon­ mor Rating (A.R.) should come into play. Even a simple fight of
sters, crazed maniacs, giant insects, robots, magic, the mortal, fisticuffs, a duel with S.D.C. weapons, or a fight with an ordi­
immortal, angels, demons, gods, Elementals, aliens, mutants, nary animal involves Hit Point and S.D.C. damage.
humans, magic and things beyond human comprehension all M.D.C. to S.D.C. & Hit Points : Creatures of Magic and su­
share our world - and new ones seem to appear somewhere on pernatural beings always transform to the laws of the dimen­
the planet on a daily basis. Sometimes they are lone visitors, a sion/reality/environment in which they currently exist. Thus, if
single animal or monster, and other times they are swarming transported to an S .D.C. environment, they become a creature of
hordes or insidious creatures quietly weaving their tendrils or Hit Points and S.D.C. They still bio-regenerate and retain all the
roots through the underbrush. powers and abilities they always did, but now they are S.D.C .
The fauna and flora in many places appear much the way equivalents.
they did in the days before the Coming of the Rifts, but there are This transformation also applies to M.D. magic items, tech­
also areas that appear completely alien as if one has set foot on nology, body armor, weapons, etc., turning Mega-Damage and
an alien world. Though familiar animals may still roam amongst Mega-Damage Capacity into Hit Point damage and S.D.C. The
an alien landscape, it still feels as if one has been teleported to premise for this transitions is simple (and convenient): The
an alien world. Meanwhile, strange creatures, some cute and physical laws of the new world and reality are different than the
cuddly, others deadly predators, can be found prowling the can­ Mega-Damage one, and thus, automatically alters the individual,
opy of both alien and familiar terrains. Such is the bizarre and machines and devices to conform to the laws of that reality. This
ever-changing vista of Rifts Earth. In fact, it' s important to stop is typically point for point, but may vary with each world. See
and point out that the landscape in some regions is constantly the previous section on Mega-Damage conversion for details.
changing, especially near ley lines and nexus points . These
changes are frequently the direct result of Rifts, from which new
animal, plant and intelligent life forms regularly appear. De­
pending on the creature and circumstance, the life form(s) may
have no, little or a profound impact on the environment on any
number of levels, from ecosystem to the social-political land­
The Palladium Fantasy Book of Monsters & Animals is
designed for that world setting and contains statistical RPG data
on nearly 200 different, real world animals, as well as a number
of monsters and intelligent beings, some of whom have already
been presented in the previous section. The inclusion of animals
is an important element in an environment that is largely wilder­
ness. In a game context, animals can also be an important ele­
ment of the story. Wild predators are potential menaces, while
domesticated animals can function as a source of transportation,
labor, protection, and companionship. Wizards and Druids may
use a variety of ordinary beasts as familiars, pets, guardians and
a source of power through blood sacrifice.
Using the animal section of the Monsters & Animals
sourcebook is simple. All normal animals are unchanged in

1 29
Monst er D es c riptions
who tend to take on the morals, ethics and emotions of those
Angel-Demon Serpent around them. If that group is good, the Angel-Demon is giving,
kind and compassionate, fighting to help and protect those in
Th e so-called Angel-Demon Serpent i s a creature o f chaos
need and standing up for justice. If the that group is evil, the An­
said to be indigenous to one specific region of the Palladium
gel-Demon is wicked, giving in to cruelty, aggression, and vio­
World. However, the strange creature is, occasionally, encoun­
lence, delighting in intimidation, humiliation, hurting,
tered in other parts of the Megaverse, usually wherever chaos
tormenting and killing others.
reigns and good and evil are at war.
An ever changing heart. If its associates or anybody the
The creatures' origins are a mystery even to the Serpent it­
creature has come to care about are slain, a good Angel-Demon
self. Whether created by the forces of good to combat evil, or by
is likely to respond in one of two ways (pick one or roll percen­
the once powerful lords of chaos known as the Old Ones, or
tile for random determination).
something even more ancient and unknown, the Angel-Demon
Serpent is itself the living embodiment of duality, inner conflict 01-70%: Turns into an "angel of vengeance " who hunts
and chaos. It is both intelligent and savage, beautiful and fright­ down those responsible so they may be punished. In most cases,
ening, helpful and wicked. Even the Angel-Demon' s physical that punishment is torment and death, after which the good An­
body is in conflict with itself and displays its dual nature for all gel-Demon is so horrified by what it has done that it flees into
to see. The head and upper torso is that of an attractive and pow­ the wilderness. There it contemplates its actions and may return
erfully built, Elf-like male or female. The skin is a bronze color. to a life trying to be good or become a selfish lone-wolf who
The hair, flowing yellow locks like the rays of the sun. The watches out for itself and tries not to care about others ever
lower body, however, is that of a worm or serpent, the top green again.
with black or reddish brown markings, the underside the same 71-000/0 : Gives up on being good (it doesn't pay and only
bronze as the upper body. A pair of wings protrudes from the leads to heartache and disappointment), and turns to being evil
back; one with white feathers flecked with specks of gold, the and self-serving, at least for now. However, an Angel-Demon
other black leather like that of a bat, with green trim and high­ with a dominant good side will always be attracted to kindness,
lights. justice and goodness, and will return to being good, as best it
The duality does not end with its appearance, for this super­ can. Moreover, even when it turns to "evil" it will be Aberrant
natural being wields the contrary elemental powers of fire and evil and exhibit a certain degree of kindness, compassion and
water, and its personality is equally divided. All Angel-Demons mercy to those it deems deserving of them.
have a fragmented alignment, and accompanying personality, Conversely, an evil Angel-Demon who sees its friends
one is inevitably Unprincipled leaning toward good (its angel killed may react in one of the following ways (pick one or roll
side) and the other Miscreant evil (its demon side). percentile dice for random determination):
The good personality tries to do what's right and exhibits 01-25%: Unleashes its wrath upon those responsible by
some measure of self-control, compassion and mercy. This is hunting them down, torturing and killing them (and anybody
the personality that rescues a child from a burning building, co­ who gets in its way)!
mes to the aid of adventurers, battles monsters, rights injustices, 26-50% : Hounds, haunts, terrorizes and undermines those
makes personal sacrifices and spares the life of a worthy adver­ responsible until they wish they were dead. At which point the
sary. This is the side that can be trusted and exhibits kindness Angel-Demon leaves them be. They are not spared out of
and loyalty, and in turn, lets itself trust others. This aspect of the mercy, but because the creature tires of the "fun and games,"
Angel-Demon lets itself care deeply about other beings - some­ and by leaving them alive, its victims remain living in fear,
times too deeply, inadvertently unleashing the angry beast. never knowing if or when it may return to extract final retribu­
The evil personality succumbs to rage, prejudice, and re­ tion. Final retribution is not likely to ever come (not that they
venge. It is cold, often calculating, and merciless. This is the know this), unless their paths cross again in the future. Old ene­
personality that gives in to base desires (lust, greed, revenge, mies are the Angel-Demon' s most hated, and evoke powerful
hate, etc.) and engages in acts of brutality, betrayal, theft, tor­ emotions difficult to control.
ture, murder and revenge. This is the personality that cheats at 51-75%: Decides there has been enough killing, spares their
games, backstabs a friend, murders an unarmed foe, tortures a lives and flees to start a new life as a good being; at least for a
suspect, and engages in wholesale slaughter and destruction. while. This is not likely to last, however. A predominantly evil
This is the beast . . . the "demon." The manifestation of hate, Angel-Demon always returns to its wicked ways .
vengeance and cruelty. Once let loose, one must appeal to the 76-00% : Decides there has been enough killing, brings them
"angel" side to stop it, lest the "demon" run rampant and un­ to justice by turning them over to the authorities (rather than be­
checked. ing judge, jury and executioner itself), and flees to start a new
Which side, good or evil, is dom inant, varies with the indi­ life as a good being. Again, at least for a short while.
vidual Angel-Demon Serpent and those with whom it associates . The never-ending battle. Whenever an Angel-Demon is
These enigmatic and unpredictable beings are social chameleons faced with a difficult decision or intense emotions, especially
1 30
anger, hate and revenge, the creature is AL WA YS tempted to represent one side, high numbers the other), but any similar
give in to wickedness and commit acts of cruelty, murder and chance will suffice. As a rule, the Angel-Demon will let his op­
bloodletting, often on a large scale. ponent/victim or those representing the opposing view "call"
During such periods, the Angel-Demon looks to its associ­ which spectrum of chance they want (i.e. "Heads" or "Tails").
ates and allies for direction as its moral compass. Unfortunately, The creature NEVER cheats in these matters and if an opponent
this is usually done in an indirect and emotional way, like is discovered to have cheated, it is his death warrant, no ifs, ands
screaming a war cry and shouting or growling something like, "I or roll of the die about it.
say we make them pay. Make them pay with their blood!" (Or More about the Angel-Demon Serpent. Nobody knows
lives, or women, or any number of brutal, cruel and deadly who or what Angel-Demons are or where they come from. They
ways.) While this is a proclamation of the creature' s thoughts, worship no deity and accept no being as their master. They seem
emotions, and desires, it is also a plea to be calmed down and to have an instinctive dislike and distrust of true demons, Alien
convinced otherwise. Accomplishing that feat may be difficult, Intelligences and other evil supernatural beings, and often op­
for the Angel-Demon can always make a strong argument for pose them. Angel-Demons appear to be natural born warriors
retribution and murder, but even those with a dominant evil per­ empowered by magic and often live the lives of wandering war­
sonality can usually be swayed. If noth ing else, to bring the riors and errant knights. Those who are inherently good regu­
brigands ''to justice" and leave their fate to the law rather than larly join forces with (or intercede on the behalf of) good guys
taking matters into their own hands. and noble men at arms, sometimes staying with them for years
Some are more aware of their diverse dual nature and hot before something breaks the group apart or the mortals leave.
emotions than others. These Angel-Demon Serpents, whether On the other hand, inherently selfish and evil Angel-Demons of­
predominately good or evil, are more likely to tum to outside in­ ten ally themselves with other selfish, wicked and magical be­
fluences when making important or life and death decisions, or ings. This may include any practitioner of magic or creatures of
before engaging in violence or criminal acts. While some turn to magic, or ordinary thugs to tyrant lords. Their dual nature sur­
others to seek or ask for guidance, many others turn to bizarre faces again, for while they dislike the trappings of civilization
means of chance. Since they are dual personalities, most prefer and avoid towns and cities, Angel-Demons crave the company
things that have a fifty-fifty chance such as flipping a coin; i.e., of others, particularly warriors and practitioners of magic re­
heads you win (and are spared), tails you lose (and are tortured gardless of race. (Rifts® Note: On Rifts Earth, this means they
and/or killed)! Common means for this determination include 1 ) are attracted to places of magic and where supernatural beings
The traditional coin toss, 2) cutting cards (numbers vs face flourish, such as the Magic Zone and the Calgary and De­
cards, high card wins), and 3) the roll of the dice (low numbers troit-Windsor Rifts in North America, as well as portions of

1 31
South America, Atlantis, the British Isles, France, China, Russia 57-70%: Doing fine, continues to gain experience up to level
and locations of powerful ley line networks.) nine. Upon reaching tenth level the character drops down
A study in contrast, Angel-Demons also have a fondness for 2D4 levels and starts again !
beauty and enjoy scenic beauty like a field of flowers, as well as 7 1 -86%: Doing fine, continues to gain experience up to level
works of art, beautiful people, a child at play, and the miracle of eight. Upon reaching eighth level the character drops down
birth. I D4 levels and starts again !
87-00%: Frozen at current level until that same amount is
Angel-Demon Serpent R.c.c.
reached again (starts as zero), at which point the character
Note: This character is best suited as a villain or Non-Player can advance to 8th level and up toward 9th. Upon reaching
Character (NPC) used by the Game Master. However, if the ninth, drops down I D6 levels.
G.M. allows it, and the player is experienced enough not to let a O.C.C.s: Not available, basically a Soldier-Warlock dual class
powerful character such as this overshadow the other players in R.C.C.
the group, the Angel-Demon may be allowed as a player charac­ R.C.C. Skills & Skill Bonuses : Lore: Demons & Monsters
ter (use the Dragon experience table). This is entirely left to the (+25%), Basic Math (+ 1 0%), Land Navigation (+20%), Astron­
Game Master' s discretion and players should respect their omy (+ 1 0%), Navigation (+ 1 0%), Tracking Humanoids (+ 1 0%;
G.M. 's wishes and not protest if he says no. + 1 5 % if tracking demons, Deevils or humanoid monsters),
Alignment: Unique and conflicted; see description above. Char­ Track (not trap) Animals (+ 1 0%), Identify Plants & Fruits
acters who lean toward good will be Unprincipled with inclina­ (+ 1 5%), Climb, Swim, W.P. Blunt, Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
tions toward Aberrant evil, and those who lean toward evil will and two Military skills of choice (+ 1 0%) excluding Field Ar­
be Miscreant with inclinations toward Unprincipled. morer.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll are as desig­ Natural Abilities: Superior agility and endurance, Supernatural
nated. I.Q. 2D6+4, M.E. I D6, M.A. 2D6+4, P.S. 2D6+ 1 8, P.P. P.S. on Rifts Earth, good sense of hearing and smell, flies at
ID6+ 1 6, P.E. 2D6+ 12, P.B. 2D6+5 (would be higher if not for speeds of 35 to 45 mph (56 to 72 km), hawk-like vision,
its serpentine and monstrous aspects), Spd. 3D6+6 (run­ Nightvision 2000 feet (6 1 0 m), can see the invisible, impervious
ning/slithering) and 4D6+44 (35 to 45 mph/56 to 72 km flying). to cold, resistant to heat (half damage), impervious to poison
Strength and Endurance are "Supernatural." and disease (and can eat raw meat and spoiled food), impervious
M.D.C.: 2D4x 1 O +P.E. attribute number and + 1 2 points per to supernatural possession, and can use their prehensile tail to
level of experience . (On S.D.C. worlds, Hit Points are 6D6+3 0 strike an opponent. The creature can also swim, survive depths
+ 1 0 per level of experience. S.D. C.: I D4xl O+ 1 6 , Natural A.R.: of up to one mile ( 1 .6 km), and breathe underwater like a fish.
10.) Bio-regenerates at a rate of 2D6 per melee round and can
Gender: 55% are male, 45% are female. regrow lost limbs and appendages like a snake, only the An­
Horror/Awe Factor: I I when first seen or when facing an gel-Demon does so within 48 hours ! Does not fatigue unless it
irrate Angel-Demon. has not slept or meditated in over three days. Only needs 3 hours
P.P.E.: The P.E. attribute number x l O, plus 1 0 points per level of sleep a day.
of experience.
Enemy of Supernatural Evil: Punches and magic from the
Size: 1 4- 1 8 feet (4.3 to 5.5 m) long from the top of the head to
Angel-Demon Serpent do double damage to creatures that are
the tip of its tail. The Angel-Demon stands in such a way that its
supernatural and evil, including Witches, Necromancers, de­
upper torso is in an upright position. Its natural level of height
mons, Deevils, Elementals, and gods ! Tends to rely on magic
when on the ground is seven or eight feet (2. 1 to 2.4 m), but the
powers and raw strength when fighting, but may also use other
serpent-like character can raise or lower itself to be eye level
weapons from time to time.
with anyone 3- 1 2 feet (0.9 to 3 .6 m) tall, as desired.
Weight: Approximately 800- 1 ,000 Ibs (360 to 45 0 kg). Also see bonuses, magic and psionics.
Average Life Span: Appear to be immortal, however, they only Lim itations: Demon blades designed to slay angels and the
remember the last 500- 1 000 years of their lives. Can be slain by forces of good do double damage, and most other weapons and
the use of magic, psionics and violence. magic have their normal effect. Silver weapons have no signifi­
Physical Appearance: A winged, golden skinned Elf with the cance to this character.
lower body of a serpent. See the opening description for com­ Attacks Per Melee: Those gained from Hand to Hand: Martial
plete details. Arts and level of experience, plus two additional attacks/actions
Average Level of Experience: 2- 4th level for player charac­ per melee.
ters, 4th to 9th level for NPC characters and villains. Note: Ev­ Dam age: As per Supernatural Strength (applicable only on Rifts
ery time this character reaches 7th level, roll on the following Earth and other Mega-Damage environments). + I D6 M.D. from
table which takes into account the fading memory and other fac­ tail slash/strike, a bite does ID6 M .D. (total), or by weapon.
tors that make up the abilities of these strange beings. Bonuses: +2 to initiative on the ground, +4 on initiative from
0 1 - 1 4%: Forgotten experiences. Reduce the character to second the air, +3 to strike and parry, +3 to dodge on the ground, +5 to
level and start over ! dodge when airborne, +6 to save vs Horror Factor, +6 to save vs
1 5 -28%: Forgotten experiences. Reduce the character to third possession (impervious to possession by supernatural beings).
level and start over. These are all in addition to probable attribute bonuses or Hand
29-42%: Forgotten experiences. Reduce the character to fourth to Hand combat bonuses.
level and start over. Magic: Knows all Water and Fire Warlock spells from levels
43-56%: Doing fme, continues to gain experience til next level, 1 -5, plus any other Warlock spells involving cold or ice and
at that time roll again. Eternal Flame, Flame of Life and Fire Whip. P.P.E. : 200+
1 32
Psionics: Minor Psychic with the abilities of Meditation, Mind torment. Fortunately, they are quite uncommon in the Palladium
Block and Empathy. I.S.P.: M.E. attribute number +4D6 and an World and none are currently known to exist on Rifts Earth. The
additional l D6 per level of experience. last reported sighting of Beast Dragons was during the great bat­
Value: None per se. Can make a welcomed if unpredictable and tle waged against Chi-Town by the evil Federation of Magic
rash companion. nearly one hundred years ago.
Habitat: On the Palladium World the creature is found exclu­ Alignment: Any, but almost always Diabolic (50%), Miscreant
sively in the Northern Hinterlands, Ophid's Grasslands and the (40%), or Aberrant (5%).
Great Northern Mountains. Relatively rare even in these loca­ Typical Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll are as
tions, their exact numbers are unknown, but believed to be un­ designated. I.Q. l D6+3 lion head, I.Q. l D6+ l antelope head,
der 1 0,000. I.Q. 1 D6 serpent head (all work together, as one), M.E. 2D6+2,
On Rifts Earth, creatures fitting the Angel-Demon Serpents ' M.A. l D6, P. S. 4D6+ 1 0, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd
description have been reported at the Calgary Rift, De­ 6D6
troit-Windsor Rift, Magic Zone, US-Mexico Border, Yucatan M.D.C.: A Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth: 6D6x l O
Peninsula, Africa, France, Russia, and China, but always in M.D.C. main body, plus each head has l D4x l O+20 M.D.C. The
small numbers, often a lone individual. latter is a weakness, for destroying the three heads slays the
Languages : Magically understands and speaks all languages, monster. (On S.D.C. worlds, Hit Points are 6D6x l O, and S.D.C .
but can not read a single word. is 3 D6x l O for the main body, l D4x l O per head, and Natural
Enemies : An instinctive dislike and distrust of true demons and A.R. 1 2).
Deevils, and other evil supernatural beings, including gods, the Horror Factor: 16, P.P.E.: ID6x l 0.
undead, Witches, Necromancers and most of the dark beings Size: Length of necks from head to trunk of body is typically 20
found in Atlantis, the Calgary Monster Kingdom, China and the feet (6 m), 1 0 feet (3 m) tall at the shoulders; 12 to 15 feet long
realms dominated by monsters and evil.
Allies: Potentially anybody, but prefer Men at Arms and practi­
tioners of magic.
Notes: The character' s diet is very similar to a human's, with a
taste for meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and nuts, but a preference
for none. It can also eat certain roots and is able to gorge itself,
like a snake, eating the equivalent of 3-6 meals to go for as
many days without food. Moreover, it can survive without pen­
alty on one third the amount of food required by humans and
can eat raw meat.
The Angel-Demon Serpent can learn to use any type of
weapon, including energy weapons, and Vibro-Blades. Prefers
precision weapons and avoids explosives, mini-missiles and gre­
nades. The creature's impressive bio-regenerative powers pre­
vent it from getting cybernetics or bionics.

Beast Dragon
This weird, three-headed monstrosity is not a true dragon at
all, but so named for its dragon-like body and one serpentine
head. Each of its terrible heads is a different animal: lion, ante­
lope and serpent. No such creature existed in the Palladium
World until the end of the Great Elf-Dwarf War, thus it is be­
lieved that either the Dwarves or the Elves conjured the mon­
sters or brought them forth from some nightmare dimension.
Neither has ever accepted the blame.
Beast Dragons are extremely aggressive, ill-tempered crea­
tures of low intelligence and wicked intent. They are quite terri­
torial, and once the monster lays claim to a particular area it will
never leave unless forced away by superior forces, or a natural
disaster, or it is captured or slain. Beast Dragons are especially
fond of ancient ruins, tall hills and mountains in any climate.
The horrible creatures possess a human-like intelligence and
take great delight in dominating lesser beings, frightening trav­
elers or local citizens, torturing others, and collecting a treasure
so that they are the envy of both man and beast.
Beast Dragons see themselves as being the most fearsome of
all creatures and try to prove it by evoking terror and inflicting

1 33
(about 4 m) from chest to buttock; tail is an additional 1 0 to 1 5 of having 1 D4 common magic items (no rune weapons, please).
feet long for an average overall length of 5 0 to 60 feet ( 1 5 .2 - There is also likely to be a ton of junk that the beast considered
1 8 .3m) from the tip of the nose to tip of the tail. impressive to humans like a demolished truck or skeletal re­
Weight: Three to four tons. mains of a giant robot (nothing worth salvaging), filthy and de­
Average Life Span : 2500 years. teriorating articles of clothing, and so on.
Natural Abilities: Each head has a separate brain and power;
all work together as one. Lion Head: Nightvision 40 feet ( 12.2
m), track by smell 80% and impervious to psionics. Antelope
Head: Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m) and impervious to magic.
Serpent Head: Can see the invisible (Le. magic ability), infrared
vision 1 200 feet (3 66 m), and is impervious to poison. General
Abilities: Prowl 30%, climb/scale walls 60%/50%, swim 78%,
and bio-regenerate 2D6 M.D.C. per melee.
Attacks per Melee: Nine attacks per melee ! Each head controls
and directs three attacks per melee. Generally, each head will
use two attacks (6 total) biting or using their toxic breath, while
the other three attacks are from the main body in the way of
slashing claws. The fact that the three heads work as a simulta­
neous three-man team means that the creature can fight three
different opponents at the same time and from three different di­
rections, including from behind (because the neck is so long and
flexible). Three heads are better than one, enabling the monster
to see and respond to multiple attacks and/or be more aware of
what's going on around it. Each head can control the body with
a thought, providing incredible agility.
Mega-Damage: Lion Head: Bite: 4D6 M.D. Antelope Head:
Bite : 1 D6 M.D., head butt with horns 2D8 M.D. (or 4D4 M.D.),
or fire breath doing 3D6 M.D. (range: 80 feetl24 m; can perform iri
two breath attacks per melee). Serpent Head: Bite does 2D6
M.D. or toxic breath doing 6D6 S.D.C. damage to any who G.:/S'TO V/Ch"-
breathe it unless victim saves vs poison (range : 40 feetl1 2 m,
covers a 20 foot (6. l m) area, dissipates instantly; can perform
two breath attacks per melee). Main Body/Claws: 3D6 M.D.
Special Bonuses: +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +6 to dodge, +4 to
initiative, +3 on all saving throws ; all in addition to attribute bo­
The Boogie-Man
Magic: None other than natural powers. A malignant being o f unknown origin, these terrible little
Psionics: None. creatures have plagued man since the beginning of time both in
O.C.C.: Not applicable, the beast is a creature of brute force. the Palladium World and on Earth. The Boogie-Man appears as
Not recommended as a player character. a bizarre , child-size, one-eyed clown or jester, with sharp,
Skills of Note: Languages: DragoneselElf, Dwarven, Gobblely pointed, yellow teeth and adult-size clawed hands. Their appear­
and two new languages. Can also select a total of four skills ance is simultaneously ugly and humorous. It is their humorous
from the following Rifts® RPG categories: Rogue, Technical appearance and small size that the monsters use to lure children
(limited to languages and lore), and/or wilderness. No skill bo­ to their doom.
nuses. Evil predators, a Boogie-Man preys on the small, weak and
Habitat: Ancient ruins and lightly populated wilderness areas helpless. Boogie-Men always live in communities populated by
worldwide. Prefers mountainous, hilly or forested regions. humanoids, preferably humans. The ideal locations are large,
Enemies: True dragons, humans, Elves, Dwarves, Wolfen and old cities with their many shadows, dark alleys and slums to
most humanoids. hide in. Although a number of Boogie-Men might occupy the
Allies: None per se, but have been known to work with super­ same city, they seldom gather in groups larger than five.
natural beings and practitioners of magic. Typically, one or two, usually a mated pair, will fmd a suitably
Notes: Vile, wicked tempered creatures with a lust for inflicting ugly, abandoned house, ruined building, sewer, or mausoleum to
pain, sorrow and terror. They fear real dragons and will always inhabit in or near the human community. On Rifts Earth the
back down from one. They are also suspicious and nervous poorer Chi-Town 'Burbs/slums are infested with Boogie-Men.
about men of magic although they sometimes ally themselves Ramshackle Chi-Town 'Burbs are plagued with them, even with
with them. regular purges by the Coalition Army. Boogie-Men are also
A typical treasure trove will contain 4D6x1 000 credits in found in the ruins of Old Chicago, Detroit and Windsor, and the
gems and precious metals, 3D6 M.D. weapons, 2D4 suits of Iron Heart ' Burbs, but not many other places in North America.
M.D.C. body armor (half M.D.C. is gone, and the remains of the Boogie-Men are twilight people and rarely show themselves
original owner are likely to be inside) and there is a 40% chance during the day or late at night. Around dusk they emerge in
1 34
search of human or D-Bee prey. Tragically, their victims are Attacks per Melee: Four, regardless of experience level or
children, the elderly, sick, and helpless. A common attack ploy hand to hand combat.
is to lure a child or an inflrm person away from the crowds and Dam age: Clawed hands do 1 D4 S .D.C. points of damage or bite
into the seclusion of the shadows, then attack. In the case of ba­ does 1 D6 S.D.C., or by weapons. Favorite weapons are clubs,
bies and children, the horrible monsters scoop them up in their knives, small swords, and ice picks.
arms and run away with them to a secret lair or safe place, be­ Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. and skills): +2 on
fore hurting or killing them. Frequently, the Boogie-Man will initiative when attacking in the dark or from behind, +2 to
keep a kidnaped infant or child as a pet or plaything for several dodge, and +4 to save vs all poisons.
days (2D4) before it kills and eats him. Sometimes the fiends Magic: None. Psionics: None.
ransom an abducted child for candy, clothing, jewelry, tools, Average Life Span : 600 years.
weapons, magic or other valuables, but most often the unfortu­ O.C.c.s Palladium & Rifts: Most are unskilled monstrous
nate child is never seen again - "Beware, lest the Boogie-Man predators. Some become thieves or pick up other simple skills
get you!" (basically a Bandit, Peasant or Vagabond O.C.C. with half the
Boogie-Men are generally ignorant, cruel creatures who like usual number of skills). Not recommended as a player character.
to scare and abuse humanoids. Yet, even though they are stupid, Typical R.C.C. Skills: Two ancient W.P.s, Languages: Gob­
they are not fools and exhibit cunning, deceit, and common linlGobblely 98% and two others (usually human), pick two.
sense. Boogie-Men also exhibit a sadistic sense of humor and Can also select a total of five skills from the following Rifts®
fmd great sport in terrifying people, especially children. The act RPG categories: Rogue, Technical (limited to Rope Works,
of frightening others may be as simple as making scary noises or Languages and Lore), Wilderness and any W.P.s., except Heavy
leaping out of the darkness and screaming "boo." More elabo­ Weapons. No skill bonuses apply.
rate scares may include dangling a gutted animal or decapitated Habitat: Old cities, towns, sewers, ruins, and slums worldwide.
head from a doorway, throwing frightening creatures (spiders, Enemies: Humans, Elves, and most humanoids. Fearful of most
rats, snakes, etc.) at somebody, and so on. others.
Boogie-Men are envious of, and greedy for, the things of Allies: None per se, but have been known to associate with
man even though they have no use for them. A typical lair is a Goblins, Hob-Goblins, Orcs, Ghouls, and vampires.
potpourri of household utensils, toys, rags, clothing, coins, Notes: Favorite weapons are knives and clubs. Chi-Town Boo­
weapons, and jewelry (both junk and valuables). Because they gie-Men have taken to wearing scraps of light body armor
most often victimize children and the poor, their treasure trove ( 1 5-35 M.D.C.) and using Vibro-Blades and M.D. energy pis­
is rarely worth more than a few hundred credits. tols. Most worship evil gods, demigods, dragons, demons and
powerful supernatural beings. Boogie-Men seldom attack a
Although excellent thieves, they are usually too cowardly to
healthy human-sized adult even if they might outnumber him
practice their thieving arts on a regular basis. Being not too
four to one. Likewise, a typical Boogie-Man will back down
bright and super-greedy, they are easily bought off with a small
from any potentially threatening situation, fleeing into the shad­
handful of coins, a shiny new dagger, candy, or broken weap­
ows . They prefer to strike from behind or at helpless foes.
ons. Terrible cowards, they usually flee if a victim proves to be
too powerful, noisy, or if others come to help the victim. A Boo­ Boogie-Men are a growing problem in the poorer Chi-Town
gie-Man never fights to the death unless cornered or protecting 'Burbs. They are also known to inhabit Ciudad Juarez, Lone
its mate. Star, Iron Heart and the ruins of Old Chicago, Detroit, Windsor
and Washington D.C., among others.
Non-Player Character Villain.
Alignment: Any, but almost always evil.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled are as follows.
I.Q. ID6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6, M.A. 1 D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E.
Bug Bears
4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 4D6 Bug Bears are a strange race o f mischievous, cruel humanoid
Hit Points: P.E. plus 1 D6 per level of experience. beasts who resemble vicious looking Teddy Bears. They are in­
S.D.C.: ID6x l O digenous to the Ophid's Grasslands in the Palladium world and
Natural A.R. : None. live in small packs as barbaric nomads. They wander the grass­
M.D.C.: None. This means the character needs to acquire lands hunting small humanoids, as well as eating roots and wild
M.D.C. body armor like humans. Being scurvy little cretins and berries. Despite the abundance of small game animals, Bug
kidnapers, Boogie-Men prefer light body armors and make Bears feed almost entirely on other humanoids . Goblins, com­
patchwork or homespun armor from pieces of gear they fmd, mon to the region, are their favorite prey, but they will as
steal or take from their victims. They love magical armor and readily attack a lone Wolfen or human. Bug Bears rarely con­
protection whenever they can lay their hands on it, which is not front groups unless they greatly outnumber them, at least three
often. to one. Consequently, in their home environment, they hunt in
Horror Factor: 12 packs of three to eight, clad in animal skins and using crude
P.P.E. : 2D6 stone and wooden weapons.
Size: 2 to 3 feet tall (0.6 to 0.9 m). Although not considered to be Faerie Folk, Bug Bears are
Weight: 35 pounds ( 1 5.8 kg). creatures of magic, able to turn invisible at will, metamorphoses
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m; can see in total into a full size bear, and teleport. Like Faerie Folk, they are very
darkness), poor daylight vision (about half as good as a hu­ inquisitive, mischievous and shy, avoiding contact with most
man ' s), prowl 77%, and climb 80%/70%. other creatures, except to hunt them. Surprisingly, Bug Bears

1 35
never molest nor attack even the most helpless Faerie Folk. O.C.C.s Rifts®: Bandit, Raider, Wilderness Scout, Vagabond
Likewise, Faeries and their kin seldom pester Bug Bears, per­ or Shaman.
haps a further indication of some distant relationship. R.C.c. Skills: These are the skills of the typical peasant Bug
aphid's Grasslands is a notorious place of magic and known Bear. Languages: Wolfen and DragoneselElven 92%. Track An­
for strange events involving time distortion, dimensional tele­ imals 50%, Track Humanoids 82%, Land Navigation 82%,
portation and strange magic anomalies. Some say it contains a Identify Plants and Fruits 70%, and W.P. Blunt. Can also select
portal to Hell and other monstrous planes of existence. It is little a total of five skills from the following Rifts® RPG categories:
wonder, then, that Bug Bears have somehow found their way to Physical (limited to Climbing, Running, Swimming, and Wres­
Rifts Earth and are known to exist in the plains of Western tling), Rogue, Technical (limited to Languages and Lore), Wil­
America, southwestern Canada, Mongolia and China. derness and any W.P.s except Heavy Weapons. No skill bonuses
Non-Player Character Villain (or Optional Player
Habitat: Grasslands. On Rifts Earth, known to live in Western
USA, Canada, Mongolia and China. Less than 1 00 are believed
Alignment: Any, but tend toward selfish or evil, mostly Anar­
to exist in North America and perhaps as many as 200 in the
chist, Miscreant and Diabolic.
plains of western Canada.
Attributes: The number of six sided dice rolled is as desig­
Enemies: None, indifferent to all races.
nated. I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E.
Allies: None, indifferent to all races.
4D6, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 4D6
Notes: Their favorite weapons are axes, hammers, clubs, maces
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth with
and slings. They are lousy craftsmen unfamiliar with armor and
6D6+30 M.D.C. (On S.D.C. worlds, Hit Points are P.E. attribute
iron weapons. On Rifts Earth they have taken to Vibro-Blades,
number + I D6 per level of experience, S.D.C. is 6D6+ 1 0, A.R. :
energy pistols, light rifles and Techno-Wizard weapons (their
fave). They don't worship any gods, but revere the four elemen­
Horror Factor: 12
tal forces of nature.
P.P.E.: 2D6x i O
Size: 4 to 5 feet tall ( 1 .2 to 1 .5 m).
Weight: 1 5 0-200 pounds (67.5 to 90 kg).
Average Life Span : 80 years. Centaurs &
Physical Appearance: Squat, broad, fur covered people of
great strength. Light brown colored fur, canine teeth, and
bear-like features.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m) and see the in­ Optional Player Characters
visible (automatic ability). Tum invisible at will without limita­ The Centaur is a creature of legend from Earth's ancient past,
tion as to how often or how long it can be maintained, but Bug so perhaps these strange beings have visited the planet before.
Bears tend to tum invisible only when stalking prey/victims, Beings who are half-man and half-horse, and whose origin is
fighting or when frightened. Metamorphosis into a full-sized lost to antiquity.
bear for up to 20 minutes at a time. There is no limit as to how On the Palladium World the Centaur is a fearsome plains
often this transformation can be done. Teleport at will: 40 feet warrior whose people gather in tribes of 40 to 60 members .
( 12.2 m) maximum. Can be performed as often as once every They are a nomadic people who dislike staying in any one place
other melee round (3 0 seconds). longer than a season. Although they are good craftsmen, they
Com bat: Four attacks per melee. rarely have access to a proper hearth or tools. The Palladium
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. and skills): + 1 on Centaur is said to be a dying breed, succumbing to the superior
initiative, +3 to strike, parry and dodge, +3 to save vs magic, +3 numbers and weapons of both man and canine humanoids. Yet,
to save vs poison/drugs, and +2 to save vs Horror Factor. Note: there also persist rumors of a Centaur city concealed in the for­
+7 to strike, parry and dodge when invisible, but only if the ests of the Great Northern Wilderness.
bear's opponent cannot see the invisible. The Centaurs of Rifts Earth have come from both the Palla­
Dam age (Bug Bear form): Bite inflicts I D4 M.D., restrained dium World and another more advanced world of unknown ori­
claw strike inflicts 3D6 S .D.C. damage, full strength strike in­ gin. The former tend to be warriors, Men of Arms, and
flicts ID6 M.D., or by weapon. RangerslWilderness Scouts. The latter are familiar with energy
Dam age (Full-Sized Bear form): Bite inflicts I D4 M.D., re­ weapons, Mega-Damage armor, cybernetics and bionics. These
strained claw strike inflicts 6D6 S.D.C . damage, full strength advanced Centaurs are also known as Cyber-Horsemen or sim­
claw strike inflicts 2D6 M.D., but cannot use a weapon in this ply as "the Horsemen," and are viewed with great suspicion, es­
form. pecially by the Coalition States.
Magic: None, other than natural abilities. Also radiates strong
The first sightings of Cyber-Horsemen were recorded about
magic and has a magic aura similar to a Brownie (Faerie Folk).
35 years ago around 73 P .A. At first they were believed to be
Psionics: None.
strange robots or mutant animals, but now it is known that they
O.C.c.s Palladium Fantasy®: Most Bug Bears are murderous
are a race of technologically advanced Centaurs. Their tech
little raiders and bandits (see R.C.C. skills) or can be the rough
level appears to be several degrees less than the Coalition's al­
equivalent of a Mercenary Fighter, Ranger, Assassin, Thief,
though they have mastered the sciences of cybernetics and
Shaman or Vagabond. Whatever the occupation, the creature
Mega-Damage alloys. Rumor has it that the Cyber-Horsemen
rarely exceeds sixth level experience.
have built a city called Ixion (eye-zon), somewhere in the north-

1 36
em plains of Canada. Here, it is said, all Centaurs, mutant anI­ Alignment: Any, but mostly Principled or other good align­
mals and the persecuted are welcome. So far, no human has ments.
found any trace of such a city, at least no Easterners. Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll are as desig­
Most Centaurs and Cyber-Horsemen have become suspicious nated. I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E.
of all other races. However, once befriended, they will remain 5D6, P.B. 3 D6, Spd 4D6x2
loyal for life. Centaurs are also magnificent hunters, archers, Hit Points: P.E. Attribute + I D6 per level of experience.
and woodworkers. S.D.C.: 25 plus those gained from o.c.c. and physical skills.
M.D.C.: None. This means the character needs to acquire
M.D.C. body armor like humans. In the Centaur's case, armor
must be custom made to cover the horse portion of their body
(horse armor is known as barding). They love magical armor
and Techno-Wizard protection which has caused some Centaur
clans to strike up a tentative trade arran gement with the Colo­
rado Baronies. These Centaurs are leery of cities and humans,
but the Colorado folk have treated them fairly and a trust is
starting to build.
Horror Factor: 1 0
P.P.E.: 4D6
Average Life Span : 90 years.
Size: 7 to 8 feet (2 . 1 to 2.4 m) at the horse shoulders, about 1 1
feet (3 .3 m) from the top of the head to the hoof.
Weight: 800 to l l OO pounds (360 to 495 kg).
Physical Appearance: Powerful horses with a human upper
torso rising out of the shoulders; the head, chest, arms, and
hands are all human.
Natural Abilities: Great running speed and stamina. Leap 5 feet
( 1 .5 m) high or 9 feet (2 .7 m) across; increase by 50% when
running at high speed. Also see R.C.C. skills.
Attacks per Melee: Three attacks per round or as per O.C.C.
Hand to Hand combat training.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. and skills): +1 on
initiative, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to damage.
Dam age (S.D.C.): Kick with front legs does 2D6 S.D.C. dam­
age, kick from rear legs 4D6 S .D.C. damage, or by weapon.
Magic: Rare; by O.C.C. only.
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any Palladium O.C.C., but
rarely study magic. Their wanderlust and need for adventure
means they lean toward being a Long Bowman, Druid,
RangerlWilderness Scout, MercenarylHeadhunter, Scholar/
Rogue Scholar and wandering VagabondlPeasant.
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any O.C.C., except Coalition Military, robot
and power armor pilots, Crazies, Juicer, or Shifter. In fact they
tend to avoid magic. They lean toward scholars and adventurers .
R.c.c. Skills: These are in addition to any O.C.C. skills. Lan­
guages: DragoneselElven 98%, and 50% are literate in it too
(+ 1 5%), Faerie Speak (+20%), Prowl 60%, Track (animals and
humanoids) 77%, Wilderness Survival 8 8% and Land Naviga­
tion 82%. For Centaurs, these "skills" are as much instinct as
anything else. Those with a straight percentage number do not
improve with experience.
Habitat: Grasslands and light forests. On Ri fts Earth they are
found exclusively in the western plains of Canada and the u.s.
It is also believed Centaurs once existed in Mexico, but were
driven out by the Vampire Kingdoms.
Enemies : None per se, humans and humanoids in general, be­

cause they so often hunt and enslave Centaurs. On Rifts Earth,
4 · ZoO t Xiticix, Wonn Wraiths, Slavers (mostly Splugorth), predatory
plains dinosaurs, Leatherwing, Tree Spiders, and the monsters
of the Calgary Rift are among the Centaurs ' most hated ene­
1 37
Allies: Faerie Folk are fond of Centaurs and seldom pester impossible. Those with bionic arms/upper body will have Bionic
them. Furthermore, Faerie Folk have been known to come to a Strength to inflict small amounts of Mega-Damage from power
Centaur' s aid without being asked. Both races are extremely tol­ punches and power kicks. Typical damage range is one M.D. to
erant of each other and treat each other as friends, playmates, 1 04 or 1 06 M.D. for punches (+2 M.D. to power kicks).
and allies. Other woodland spirits may also come to a Centaur' s Size : 7 to 8 feet (2. 1 to 2.4 m) at the horse shoulders, 1 1 - 1 2 feet
aid. (3 .3 to 3 .6 m) from the top of the head to the bottom of the hoof.
On Rifts Earth, Sasquatch, Fennodi, Psi-Ponies, Simvan and Weight: 1 800 to 2400 pounds (8 1 0 to 1 080 kg).
tribes of traditional Native Americans have become friendly Average Life Span: 1 50 years, although some have lived to
neighbors who happily coexist with Centaurs and sometimes 220.
trade with, and help, one another. Psi-Stalkers are considered to Physical Appearance: They look like large, powerful robot or
be annoying but friendly rivals who like to tease and bother bionic horses with a human torso rising out of the animal's
Centaurs, but rarely harm them. Several dozen Palladium Cen­ shoulders. The head, hands, arms, and chest are all human, al­
taurs "run" with gangs in the Pecos Empire. Other Centaur clans though they may be covered in M.D.C. body armor and/or have
have become friendly with Tundra Rangers, Justice Rangers, cybernetic implants.
Cyber-Knights and the people of the Colorado Baronies. Since Horror/Awe Factor: 12
the Siege on Tolkeen, however, most Centaurs have come to re­ Natural Abilities : Prowl 50% +2% per level of experience
gard the Coalition Army and eastern half of North America with (-30% if bionic). Without bionics the character can leap 1 0 feet
terror. (3 m) high and 1 5 feet (4 .6 m) across, females with augmenta­
Notes: Traditionally, Palladium Centaurs love bow weapons of tion can leap 40% higher and farther. Double the length and in­
all kinds, as well as spears, javelins and pole arms. They are crease height by 50% with a running start.
skilled at making long bows, compound bows, crossbows, and Magic: By O.C.C. only.
all kinds of arrows and bolts. Psionics: Standard; same as humans.
Centaurs are somehow linked to nature and are free spirits Attacks per Melee: Those gained from Hand to Hand Combat
driven to adventure and wandering. They can not live in captiv­ training plus one as natural warriors.
ity. Even a few weeks in chains may kill them or drive them to Dam age: Normal punch and weapon damage or via bionic
make desperate attempts to escape. Nevertheless, many cruel limbs (see bionics at the end of this description). Or by weapon.
and greedy individuals have attempted to enslave them for la­ R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to attribute, O.C.C. and skill
bor, pulling wagons and serving as beasts of burden, or as enter­ bonuses): +3 on initiative, +1 to parry , + 1 to disarm, +3 to
tainment in the gladiatorial arena. Sadly, their animal visage has dodge when running, +3 to pull punch, +1 to roll with punch,
led many to think of the Centaur as an animal rather than an in­ fall or impact, and +3 to save vs Horror Factor.
telligent being.

The Cyber-Horsemen of Ixion

Optional Player Character or NPC
Excerpted from Rifts® Canada (see pages 1 02- 1 07)
Known as: The Ixion, Cyber-Centaurs and Cyber-Horsemen.
Alignment: Any, but most lean toward selfish and good align­
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6+8, M.E. I D6+8 , M.A. 1 06+ 1 2, P.S .
3D6+8 (upper body), 3D6+22 (lower, bionic horse-body), P.P.
3D6+8, P.E. 2D6+ 12 upper body; lower body is bionic), P.B .
1 06+8, Natural Spd.: 7D6x2, double for brief spurts of 2D4
minutes. Bionic Spd. : Most males have a speed of 220 ( 1 50
mph/240 km) and females a speed of 88 (60 mph/96 km).
Bionic leap 30 feet (9 m) high and 50 feet ( 1 5 .2 m) across, dou­
ble the length and increase height by 50% with a running start.
P.P.E.: 3D6
Upper Body: Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level
or experience.
S.D.C.: 40 plus those from physical skills .
M.D.C. of Lower Body by Location:
Bionic Front Legs (2) - 1 00 each
Bionic Rear Legs (2) - 1 60 each
Main Body (horse) - 250
Upper Body (body armor) - 1 3 0
Note: Bionic Barding will increase the above numbers (and
overall weight) by 50%, but reduce running speed by 25% due
to increased weight and impairment of movement, and prowl is

1 38
O.C.c.s Rifts®: Warriors are effectively the Cyborg O.C.C., strength, and M.D. power. P.S. equivalent of 40 and Spd of 220
but the character can be any modem O.C.C.; tend to lean toward ( 1 50 mph/240 km). Note: Only 1 0% are full conversion cyborgs
the Headhunter, Scholar and Adventurer O.C.C.s. and will have at least one weapon for each bionic arm and en­
R.C.c. Skills: Land Navigation (+ 1 5%), Wilderness Survival hanced optics.
(+ 1 0%), Languages: Ixion 98% (95% are literate in this lan­ Bionic Com bat Augmentation : + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike by
guage too) and two languages of choice (typically American at kick, leap 3 0 feet (9. 1 m) high or 70 feet (2 1 m) across/length­
+20%), W.P. Pole Arm/Spear. All are in addition to O.C.C. wise.
skills. Dam age from Bionic Lim bs: Female : 4D6 +25 S.D.C. damage
Standard Equipm ent: As per O.C.C. plus one energy rod spear from front kick attack, 6D6 +25 S.D.C. (P.S. bonus) damage
or pole arm and energy pistol. They also like Vibro-Blades, from rear kick. I D4 M.D. damage from power kick (rear), but
Neural Maces, and magic items. Although the Ixion do not man­ counts as two attacks.
ufacture human style "guns" other than one type of pistol-rod,
Male: Kick with front legs does ID6 M.D. +P.S. damage bo­
they can easily use them.
nus, kick from rear legs 2D6 M.D. +P.S. damage bonus, and
Enemies: Demons are enemy number one! Like the leaders at
double damage from a power kick, but counts as two melee at­
Lazlo, the Ixion see the gathering horde of demons at the Cal­
tacks. Body block/ram/swipe does I D4 M.D.
gary Rift as a major danger to all mortal life forms in that part of
the world. The Ixion often challenge and battle demons, and Standard Bionic Body Features :
have even waged purges to eradicate "nests" of them. When the 1 . Attached hip holster (pistol or Mini-Energy Weapon Rod) on
Ixion discover that the Cyber-Knights and Lazlo are waging war either or both hips.
against the Calgary Demons, the Cyber-Horsemen will join the 2. Attachments for snap-on body armor.
heroes in a battle to the death. A tum of events that may surprise 3 . One medium to large concealed compartment on the front hip
everybody and win the day. or behind the back.
4. Head: Built-in Language Translator.
Ixion also dislike Psi-Stalkers, Greot Hunters, Yeno, and par­
5. Bionic Lung.
ticularly Worm Wraiths and other evil or cruel and intolerant
Additional Bionics: Select three cybernetic implants and two
beings. Ironically, the Simvan, who befriend and trade with or­
bionic features. Note that the larger body area of the horse al­
dinary Centaurs, regard the Ixion as dangerous rivals and hate
lows for as many as four concealed weapons and six, large, se­
them. This may be due, in part, to their "human" qualities and
cret compartments on the upper legs and body trunk. Retractable
reliance on technology.
blades can be built into the hooves/lower legs, as well as into the
Allies: Tundra Rangers, Cyber-Knights, Justice Rangers, and
arms of full conversion Cyber-Horsemen. More bionics can be
humans of the southwest and northwest. They know of Reid' s
purchased over the life of the character.
Rangers but there has never been a formal meeting or alliance.
Habitat: The plains and light forests of Southern Canada and
the American West. They are extremely nomadic and the same Notable High-Tech Weapons Unique to Ixion
clan may range from New Mexico to the Northwest Territory. The Bionic Centaurs can use any human weapons, although
They avoid the north during the cold and snowy months, but they generally avoid heavy weapons and rail guns.
love the tundra in the Summer. Mainly found in Alberta, Sas­ Ixion Energy Weapon Rod: An energy weapon that appears
katchewan, Montana and Idaho, and to a lesser degree, Wash­ as a sleek, modem version of a spear, pole arm or iron staff (no
ington, Oregon and British Columbia. blade). The weapon rod, itself, has 1 5 M.D.C. Mega-Damage:
Note: Cyber-Horsemen have never been seen in the Midwest or The rod has two modes of attack. The blade end is energized to
eastern USA or Canada. However, they have been reported with inflict I D6 M.D. as a spear or staff and 2D6 M.D. for pole arms
increasing frequency in the New West and Alberta. A (larger blade and stronger energy). It can also fire an energy
Cyber-Horseman and his female Centaur companion are recent blast from one end of the long rod.
additions to Reid's Rangers operating in Colorado and New The second combat mode is as an energy blaster. The rod can
Mexico. fire as many as ten single shots inflicting 3D6 M.D. per blast.
The location of Ixion, the size of its population and any spe­ Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee action/attack.
cial defenses, weapons or aspects are closely guarded secrets no Range: 1 600 feet (488 m). Payload: 1 0 blasts, but the rod re­
Cyber-Horseman can be forced to reveal. Even psionic probes charges at a rate of one blast every 1 0 minutes. Value: 300,000+
only get partial information like location: The forest of B.C., credits; very rarely in the hands of anybody but the
population: many, special defenses: we fight to defend our­ Cyber-Horsemen, and they do not sell or trade this weapon. No­
selves, we are peaceful. Ixion Centaurs are not linked to nature body beyond Saskatchewan and Montana has ever seen one.
nor perish in captivity, though they hate it. Weapon makers would pay over a million credits to get one to
Bionic Reconstruction : Females: The lower horse body of fe­ study and try to copy.
males is reinforced with bionic legs and joint supports, includ­ Mini-Energy Weapon Rod: Effectively a pistol version of
ing the hip and thigh areas. the previous weapon. It is basically a long rod with a curved
Males: Most males have the entire or majority of their horse handle and a trigger. Mega-Damage: The rod has only one mode
body replaced with a bionic one. Although a machine with inter­ of attack, that of an energy blaster. Inflicts 2D6 M.D. Rate of
nal organs housed inside, the bionic body and legs respond with Fire: Each blast counts as one melee action/attack. Range: 600
the slightest thought and as naturally as the genuine, flesh and feet ( 1 83 m). Payload: 1 0 blasts, but the rod recharges at a rate
blood article. It gives the Cyber-Horseman tremendous speed, of one blast every 1 0 minutes. Value: 300,000+ credits; very

1 39
rarely in the hands of anybody but the Cyber-Horsemen, and
they do not sell or trade this weapon. Nobody beyond Saskatch­
ewan and Montana has ever seen one. Weapon makers would
pay over a million credits to get one to study and try to copy. Once the host has received his insanity, however, he can then
Sensory Deprivation Web (SDW): This is a crackling en­ wear a Chig for another month before getting a second. Mean­
ergy net with bola-like weights attached (typically tucked along while, he continues to lose his skill aptitude on a daily basis. If
the Ixion's back as seen protruding under the hip belt in the il­ the host has the bug removed he can get his insanity cured by ei­
lustration). The net is thrown over its intended victim and in­ ther magic or psionic means with a +20% bonus to the success
stantly short circuits the senses. The victim of the web suffers rate. Or he can slowly return to normal after ID4+ I months of
from blurred vision, deafness, and a feeling of vertigo. Pen­ confinement and convalescence. Removing it and trying to con­
alties: -5 to strike, parry , dodge, and on initiative, -50% on skill tinue to work or adventure causes the insanity and skill penalties
performance, and speed is reduced by half. The penalties are in to remain unchanged. Until the character gets a few months rest,
place as long as the person is inside the web/net and for I D4+ I sleep and relaxation, the side effect of the Chig will remain in­
melees after freeing oneself from the web. The SDW has three definitely. So far, only a tiny handful of folks know about the
M.D.C., but a person can easily pull himself free of the net with­ P.P.E. Chigs' unique ability, even on the Palladium World
out having to cut or blast the SDW; takes two melee actions to where they originate. A few have even tried, unsuccessfully, to
get free. raise them. It seems the critters do not respond to domestication
and mass farming, and can only be harvested from the wild. Not
that it makes much difference, because most people fmd the idea
Chig - or P.P.E. Chig of using these insects disgusting and a little frightening.
P.P.E. Chigs are native to the northern part of the Palladium
The P.P.E. Chig is a weird arthropod that looks like a cross World and have only recently appeared in southwestern Canada,
between a flea and a wood tick, only its body is roughly the size probably coming from the Calgary Rift or some dark magic. Un­
of a large orange. Like fleas and ticks, they are parasites, but known to most, they are also found in Rifts China.
these creatures do not drain their hosts of blood. Instead, they
drain them of P.P.E. Alignment: None. Considered an animal parasite.
Chigs lie in hiding and use their incredible leaping abilities to Attributes: I.Q. I D4 (insect), M.E. I D6, M.A. I D4, P. S. ID6,
launch themselves onto a living target. When one lands, it digs P.P. I D6, P.E. I D6, P.B. I D4, Spd. 2D6+ 1
in with its hooked feet, inserts its proboscis into the host, and Hit Points: 2D6+2 . S.D.C. : 2D6+24. Natural A.R. : 1 0.
suck away I D4 P.P.E. per day. Chigs feed only on magical en­ Horror Factor: 12, likewise, anybody seen wearing a Chig will
ergy, and cannot be nourished by anything else. Moreover, have a Horror Factor of 10 because they look gross.
Chigs cannot just feed by sitting in a ley line. They must drain it Average P.P.E. : 2D6
from a living host, the bigger the better. After all, large hosts of­ Physical Appearance: Like a cross between a flea and a tick;
ten can spare the P .P.E. and do not mind the presence of a Chig black or dark gray in color.
as much as a humanoid does. However, when Chigs latch on to Size and Weight: About the size and weight of an orange.
humanoids, something unique and inexplicable happens. While O.C.c.s Available: Not applicable.
a humanoid "wears" a Chig, he can magically understand and Natural Abilities: Aside from their ability to siphon ID4 P.P.E.
speak all languages at 98% proficiency! Once the Chig is re­ per day from their hosts, these parasitic insects can climb rough
moved, the language ability goes away that very instant. At first, surfaces (trees, walls, clothes, body armor, etc.), prowl 60%,
the only drawback appears to be the daily sacrifice of a few and can leap 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) high and four feet ( 1 .2 m) across.
P.P.E. To that end, some Rangers, explorers and other adventur­ Attacks Per Melee: One.
ers choose to wear Chigs intentionally. There are, however, Dam age: A Chig inflicts one point of S.D.C.IH.P. damage when
long-term negative effects from wearing a P.P.E. Chig, only it bites its host and has a 0 1 -33% chance of causing a rash that
they are not very well documented. After wearing a Chig unin­ will itch for 2D4 days after the bug is removed (victim is - I on
terrupted for a long time, the host begins to suffer mental insta­ initiative, because of it). Otherwise it does no further harm aside
bility. A P.P.E. Chig's host can wear one of these parasites for from the P.P.E. it drains.
as many days as he has Mental Endurance points without suffer­ Bonuses: +2 to save vs magic.
ing ill effect. Every day after that, the host becomes confused Magic: None. Psionics: None.
and suffers a cumulative penalty of -2% on skill performance. Average Life Span : Three to four years.
Even worse, once a week the character must save versus insan­ Habitat: Wooded, grassy climes, preferably dry. Hot, humid,
ity, or suffer one randomly determined insanity ! If the host tropical climates do not agree with these creatures, they like it
makes his save, then he is good until one week later, when he cool. In the winter a Chig will either fmd a host or hibernate. On
must roll to save versus insanity again, only this time at -I to do Rifts Earth they exist in southwestern Canada and China.
so. If the host continues to save and continues to wear his P.P.E. Languages : None.
Chig, he must keep making saving throws every week until he Enemies: None. Allies : None.
gets rid of the parasite or until he suffers from an insanity. Each Note: Psi-Stalkers and other psychics can sense the danger (in­
extra week adds another - I penalty to the host, so eventually, he sanity) of the P.P.E. Chig when one is attached to them, helping
will succumb. such characters avoid insanity and severe skill impairment (Le.,
they know to remove the insect after a few days).

1 40
The Chimera i s another mythical beast from legends of M.D.C.: 2D6x l 0+ 1 0 (On an S.D.C. world the creature has P.E.
Earth's past. The creature is part lion, part goat, and part dragon. attribute number +30 for Hit Points, 2D4xl O+ 10 S.D.C. and an
In the Palladium World it is commonly found in the Yin-Sloth A.R. of 1 0. )
Jungles and the Western Empire. On Rifts Earth the creature in­ Horror Factor: 14
habits the continent of Africa and is also said to roam what was P.P.E. : 3D4x l 0
once the Middle East, the island of Madagascar, India, Burma, Size: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m ) tall at the shoulders, 1 0 - 1 4 feet (3 to 4 . 3 m)
Thailand and Vietnam. The minions of Splugorth are rumored to long.
capture and tame Chimera for use as guard and attack animals Weight: 800 to 1200 pounds (360 to 540 kg).
on the continent of Atlantis. The monsters prefer hot climates Attacks per Melee : Four.
and love steamy jungles, however, they can survive in temperate Dam age: Nipping bite 5D6 S.D.C., full strength bite 2D6 M.D.,
zones and sometime stray far from their usual jungle environ­ kick from hooves 2D4 M.D. and fire breath 3D6 M.D. with a
ment. range of 1 6 feet (5 m) and a 4 foot (1 .2 m) wide flame.
These maleficent predators are said to have been the acci­ Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +2 to strike and dodge, +4 to damage.
dental creation of a Diabolist or alchemist, but their consider­ Magic: None. Psionics: None.
able numbers on more than one world would seem to indicate Average Life Span : 2,000 years.
that they are indigenous to another dimension. They may have O.C.c.: None. Language: None, animal.
arrived to Earth through the Mediterranean Triangle or some Value: Alchemists may be interested in various body parts;
Rift in Africa. maximum of 1 000 credits. 300,000 credits as a tamed pet/watch­
dog (difficult to train); especially coveted by evil practitioners
Fortunately, though a Mega-Damage monster, the creature is
of magic because the creatures offer great P.P.E. to draw upon,
not as powerful as a real dragon and has a predatory animal' s in­
telligence and instincts, so it is very much a monster, not a as well as its obvious strengths as a protector.
Habitat: Deep jungles and remote hot areas. Known to be in
scheming demonic being.
Rifts Africa, India and parts of Asia.
Alignment: Evil.
Enemies : None per se, but hate good and beauty and feeds on
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll are as desig­
humanoids and other large mamm als.
nated. I.Q. 1 06 (high animal intelligence), M.E. I D6, M.A.
Allies: None, though they can be partially trained to obey a
I D6, P.S. 506 (never less than 20), P.P. 4D6 (never less than
master in a similar way that a lion tamer can control the beasts
14), P.E. 6D6 (never less than 20), P.B. 2D6, Spd 4D6
under his charge.

1 41
Habitat: Dark, cool, subterranean dwellings; temperate and
cool climates.
Enemies : Bears, feline predators, and humanoids.
Allies: None, per se; animal.
Notes: Devil Diggers feed on rodents and carrion. They mate
for life, living in a nest of rocks, rags, and twigs. A mature, six
year old female can bear a litter of 1 D6 young every three years.
Young leave the nest at the age of two or three. Although
Devil Diggers don't gather into packs, they are extremely toler­
ant of their own kind and may share their territory with as many
as three other families. In such cases, a dominant male will be
selected through non-lethal combat, with all other males subor­
dinate to him. The other males will offer a piece of their kills to
the dominant male and his family as a sort of obligatory tribute.
No Devil Diggers are known to exist on Rifts Earth.

Devil Digger
Th e Devil Digger i s a fierce, burrowing creature that vaguely
resemble a hyena, wild bear, and mole all cramm ed into one. Its
ferocity and head-plate of bone and horns have given it its name
of devil. They are very tough and tenacious beasts who often
adopt ancient ruins and underground dwellings abandoned by
subterranean races. Very territorial, they will not tolerate intrud­
ers and bark and grunt slobbering warnings to stay back. Any
creature who ignores its warning is savagely attacked without
further hesitation. Devil Diggers defending their lair or young
fight to the death or until they have driven the intruder(s) away.
A single Devil Digger has been known to slay as many as six
S.D.C. adventurers within a few minutes.
Alignment: Considered to be Anarchist; animal.
Attributes: I.Q. Animal, M.E. 1 0+ I D6, M.A. 6+ lD6, P.S.
20+ l D6, P.P. 1 O+ I D6, P.E. 1 4+ I D6, P.B . 6+ I D6, Spd 1 0+ l D6
Hit Points: 6D6+ 12
Natural Armor Rating: 8
Horror Factor: 9 on Rifts Earth ( 1 3 in S.D.C. settings). GUSTO V/C/f-

P.P.E. : 1 0
Size: 3 to 4 feet tall (0.9 to 1 .2 m), an d 5 to 7 feet long ( 1 .5 to
2 . 1 m).
Weight: 85 to 200 pounds (3 8 to 90 kg).
Average Life Span : 35 years.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), keen hearing,
track by smell 30%, climb 30%, swim 50%, diglburrow at a rate
of 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) per melee round through the toughest clay and
gravel. Their powerful legs enable them to leap up or across up
Drakin - The Luck Bird
to 4 feet ( 1 .2 m). The Drakin are featherless, bird-like creatures with great
Attacks per Melee : Six. leathery wings, and tearing claws. Despite its animal appear­
Bonuses: +1 to parry , +2 to dodge, +3 to save vs poison and ance, they are intelligent, cunning predators who have exhibited
magic. a startling affection for humans, D-Bees of human appearance,
Dam age: Bite doing 2D4 S.D.C. damage or claws doing 2D4 and Wolfen. Many a ranger or trapper has returned from the
S.D.C. damage plus bonuses. north with tales of how a Drakin appeared out of no where to
Magic: None . Psionics: None. save him from the jaws of a bear or other danger. For this reason
O.C.C. : None, animal. the Drakin are also called "Luck Birds," and it is said that even
Languages : None, other than grunts, barks, and hisses, but can the sight of one will bring good fortune (which sounds great, but
learn to understand the basics of any language as would a dog. isn't true).
1 42
Drakin are gentle, loving creatures of magic that put their ada, northern USA, the Ohio Valley (USA), Northern Europe,
family and freedom above all else. Almost always of good and the New German Republic.
alignment, they come to the aid of most intelligent creatures Enemies: Feathered Death, Peryton, and other creatures of evil.
whenever they are in danger. A Drakin might even temporarily Allies: All creatures of good alignment; particularly fond of hu­
join a group if its goal is to destroy a terrible evil and if the mans, Wolfen and mutant canines.
group's members are predominately good. Invoke a Drakin' s Notes:Their magic nature has made the Drakin of the Palladium
wrath by treachery or evil actions and you had better hope you World aware of Rifts Earth and the evil forces that have been at­
can kill it before it slays you. They never allow anybody to tor­ tracted to it. Consequently, hundreds have found means to get to
ture or harm any living creature while in its presence, except to Earth to help combat the forces of evil.
hunt for food. Lies and betrayal are viewed as evil and such ac­
tions result in the Drakin's disdain and departure.
Drakin mate for life. They lay 1 -4 eggs, bearing young as of­
ten as every twelve years. Young reach full maturity within Dragons
eight years . They don't collect nor want valuables. Worship no Dragons have been left out o f this "Revised" edition because
gods, but respect the beliefs of others. They may establish small they will be featured prominently in the forthcoming Rifts®
communities of 2 to 8 members, but one or two are usually en­ Dragons & Gods sourcebook. Watch for it.
countered at any one time.
Alignment: Any, but almost always good.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated. I.Q. 2D6+ 1 , M.E. 3D6, M.A. 5D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6,
P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6+2, Spd 3D6 walking (x5 for flight).
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage Creature on Rifts Earth, Dragondactyls are reminiscent of the Pegasus, only they are
with 2D6x 1 0 M.D.C. (Normally has P.E. attribute number + 1 2 more like a foul-tempered, bat-winged version from Hell. They
for Hit Points, 2D4x l O S.D.C. and an A.R. of 7.) are typically black or grey colored steeds with a thick black
Horror Factor: 1 0 mane of hair, intelligent dark eyes, long serpent' s tail, strange,
P.P.E. : I D4x 1 0 three-toed clawed feet and massive black leather wings. Accord­
Size : 3 to 4 feet tall (about the same as a booted eagle, 0.9 to 1 .2 ing to Palladium legend, the nine Elven lords of old, as well as
m). mages of incredible power, tamed and rode these powerful
Weight: 30 to 45 pounds ( l 3 .5 kg to 20.2 kg). beasts as mighty war horses throughout the ages . While reputed
Average Life Span : 300 years. to have once roamed the plains of the Old Kingdom in vast
Natural Abilities : Fly, nightvision 220 feet (67 m), keen herds, Dragondactyls have become extremely rare and are found
hawk-like color vision (can see a rabbit two miles/3 .2 km almost exclusively in the lower regions of the Old Kingdom
away), see the invisible, keen hearing (60% likelihood of hear­ Mountain range and Great Northern Mountains. Although tales
ing an intruder, even from behind, see initiative bonus). On Rifts of Dragondactyls trickle in from time to time, none have been
Earth, the Drakin can also sense evil and the supernatural identi­ captured or tamed for hundreds of years. Ironically, tales of their
cal to the Psi-Stalker. near extinction may have helped to preserve the beast, for peo­
Attacks per Melee: Four attacks by claws or bite. ple believing them all but gone these past few hundred years,
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, and +4 to parry and has given them the breathing room they needed to repopulate.
dodge (dodge is automatic, like a parry and does not use up a Moreover, there are much greater numbers of Dragondactyls in
melee action/attack). the Northern Hinterlands and Northern Mountain range than
Dam age: Bite 2D4 S.D.C. damage. Restrained claw attack in- anyone (but Kankoran and Bearmen) has ever realized.
flicts 3D6 S .D.C. damage, while a full strength claw attack 1D6 Encounters with Dragondactyls in the wild can be most har-
M.D., and a diving power strike 3D6 M.D. but counts as two at- rowing, especially if an attempt is made to capture one. They are
tacks. fierce predators with the strength of a tiger, the agility of a wild
Magic: None, other than its own mystical nature. stallion, and grace of a soaring eagle. Males can breathe fire and
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans. all Dragondactyls are magic resistant. The females tend to do
O.C.c. : Not applicable; natural hunters and champions of good. most of the hunting while the males watch from the clouds or
Not recommended as a player character, but certainly is play- mountain peaks ready to dive down to protect their mates, herd
able as one if looking for something exotic. members and territory.
R.C.C. Skills Wilderness Survival 90%, Land Navigation 90%, On Rifts Earth, wild Dragondactyls are believed to be a true
Astronomy 70%, Track Animals 80%, Identify Plants and Fruits rarity, with a mated pair or the occasional small band reported in
70%, Demon and Monster Lore 50%, Prowl 40%, Detect Am- the Northern Rockies and Himalaya Mountains. Unknown to
bush (from the air) 45%, Detect Concealment (from the air) most, the Splugorth have taken a particular interest in these rare
40%, and Basic Math 75%. Understands the languages of beasts and have, over the last thirty years, been quietly breeding
Dragonese/Elven and Wolfen 98% (not literate) and can learn the animals captured in the Himalayas. They are about to
two additional languages (+30%). Can't actually speak, except test-market several hundred of the animals as semi-domesticated
for squeaks, whistles, and shrieks. Those few Drakin with riding animals in the slave pens of Atlantis where they are ex-
psionics may be able to communicate via Telepathy. pected to be received with wild enthusiasm. The introductory
Habitat: Lightly populated forests and mountains of cool and price is expected to be 1 00,000-225,000 credits per (semi)
cold climate. On Rifts Earth, Drakin have been reported in Can- tamed animal. Some also believe Dragondactyls may flourish in
1 43
demon-plagued China. Then again, reports of demonic flying four years. The young foal will stay with its parents for a full
steeds could be some other terror entirely. decade before leaving to fInd its place in the world. A male in
Alignment: An aggressive animal, with a distinctive personal­ heat (every autumn) is extremely aggressive and cranky, often
ity. Most are considered to be Anarchist (40%) or Miscreant challenging any large creature(s) that cross its path.
(40%). Dragondactyls are not even remotely related to "dragons." They
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled are as desig­ derive their name from their leather wings, dragon-like tail ap­
nated. I.Q. 2D4 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 2D6+6, M.A . pearance, and ability to breathe fIre.
2D6, P.S. 2D6+ 1 0 (Supernatural on Rifts Earth), P.P. 2D6+ l 0 ,
P.E. 2D6+ 1 0, P.B . 2D6+ 1 0, Spd running 4D6+20 (around 3 0
mph/4S kIn), times two for flying speed (around 50-60 mph/SO
to 96 kIn flying; twice that speed for a power dive). Dragon Wolf
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage nightmare on Rifts Earth Optional Player Character
with 4D6x 1 0 M.D.C. (Normally has P.E. attribute number x3
+20 for Hit Points, 3D4x 1 0 for S.D.C. and an A.R 1 0.) The Dragon Wolf is neither a wolf or dragon, but is so named
Horror Factor: 12 because of its scaly serpent's tail, great leather wings, human in-
P.P.E. : 3D6 telligence and supernatural abilities. They are unbelievably cun-
Size : 6-7 feet ( l .S to 2 . 1 m) tall at the shoulders; 1 6-20 foot (4.9 ning and treacherous, and love to toy with and use humanoids .
to 6 m) wingspan. They are surprisingly playful and enjoy interfering in the affairs
Weight: 3000 to 5000 pounds ( 1 350 to 2250 kg). of men, inciting conflict, fueling rivalries, inspiring treachery
Average Life Span : SOO years. and spreading lies and rumors that lead mortals to do foolish
Natural Abilities: Climb 66%, swim 3 0%, prowl 66%, track things. All of which are very amusing to the Dragon Wolf, who,
animals 60%, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), keen hawk-like vi- in their own strange way, are rather fond of humans. They de-
sion (can see a rabbit at two miles/3 .2 kIn), good sense of smell, rive great pleasure from adventure, intrigue, and the manipula-
impervious to all types of fIre including magic and M.D. tion of others. However, this means even a Dragon Wolf who
plasma. Breathes Fire: (males only) does 4D6 M.D.; range: 1 0 seems to be an ally or very sincere should be viewed with great
feet (3 m). suspicion, for they are masters of deception and usually value
Attacks per Melee: Males: Four. Females & Young: Three. their own lives above all others. They also like to trick humans
Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses) : +2 on (and D-Bees, actually anybody gullible enough to believe them)
initiative, +3 to strike and dodge, dodge is increased to +5 when into "softening" up an enemy, vexing a Dragon Wolfs rival or
flying, +4 to save vs magic and +2 to save vs Horror Factor. stealing or doing something that ultimately helps the Dragon
Dam age: Supernatural P.S. in M.D.C. environments. Bite I D4 Wolf. These mischievous creatures fInd great sport in such
M.D., claw and kick as per Supernatural P.S. - power kick pos- games. Yet, despite their manipulations, they really do, some-
sible with hind legs only. Fire breath (males only) inflicts 4D6 times, help humans and other mortals, especially if it hurts a
M.D. with a range of 1 0 feet (3 m). Dragon Wolf s rival or enemy.
Magic: None. Psionics: None. O.C.C.: Not applicable, animal. Alignment: Any, but usually Unprincipled ( 1 5%), Anarchist
Languages : None, other than horse-like whines, whinnies, and (40%) and Aberrant (25%).
snorts, but can learn to understand commands in any language Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to be rolled is as des-
like a normal horse or dog. ignated. I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 3D6,
Value: Alive and untrained: 40,000 to 70,000 credits. Trained P.E. 4D6, P .B. 3D6, Spd 4D6 running (x4 flying).
as a riding animal 1 00,000 to 225,000 credits. Note that the su- M.D.C.: The Dagon Wolf is a Mega-Damage monster on Rifts
pernatural beings known as the Sowki love to use Dragondactyls Earth with 4D6x l 0 M.D.C. (In S .D.C. settings, Hit Points are
as riding animals (so would Simvan) and are adept at capturing P.E. number +50, 2D6x l 0 S.D.C., and A.R 1 2.)
and training them. Horror Factor: 14
Habitat: Mountains and mountain valleys are where they roost P.P.E. : 2D4x 1 0
and breed, but they hunt in mountain lowlands and neighboring Size: About the same as a normal wolf; stands about three and a
plains. Their presence on Rifts Earth has been negligible, but the half feet (1 m) tall at the shoulders. Wings fold up to be narrow
Splugorth's plans on Atlantis could change that in coming gen- and run the length of the body.
erations. Still, the price of the Splugorth' s trained Dragondactyls Weight: 1 50 to 200 pounds (67.5 to 90 kg).
is high and the available animals few, so it will be generations Average Life Span : 1 000 years.
before Dragondactyls are a common sight on Earth. Natural Abilities: Fly, nightvision 60 feet ( 1 S.3 m), magic and
Enemies : All humanoids, Perytons (rival monsters) and moun- M.D. fIre and cold do half damage, recognize a familiar scent
tain predators. 70%, track by smell 7S%, prowl 44%, and heals twice as
Allies: Only their own kind, indifferent towards all others. quickly as a human (about 2D6 M.D. a day). The paws are
Notes: Omnivorous, the Dragondactyl feeds on both meat and small, articulated hands with stubby clawed fmgers and an op-
plants, although the bulk of its diet is the former. Typical prey posable thumb enabling them to write, use weapons and tools,
consists of sheep, goats, deer, cattle and small humanoids. operate a computer, and pilot a vehicle. ALL Dragon Wolves
On Palladium, herds are extremely rare and quite small, with can assume any humanoid form, but only when the moon is full.
the largest seldom exceeding more than 24 members. A mature The light of day automatically transforms the creature back into
female (at least 1 00 years old) gives birth to one foal approxi- its true wolfIsh form.
mately every 30 years. The gestation period for these animals is Attacks per Melee: Three hand to hand or as per those gained
1 45
from Hand to Hand combat skill, if any. Or two spell attacks per
round instead of physical combat.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.c.s and skills): + 1 on
initiative, +2 to parry and dodge and +2 to save vs magic.
Dam age: Bite 2D4+2 S.D.C. damage, claws I D6 S.D.C. plus
P.S. damage bonus, and frost breath 2D6 M.D. (range: 1 0 feetl3
m) or by magic, or weapon if in humanoid form. P.S. is equal to
Bionic Strength so a power punch can inflict I D4 or I D6 M.D.
depending on the creature' s P.S.
Magic: Only those abilities gained from a magic O.C.C.; many
Dragon Wolves pursue some area of magic, preferring spell
casting over rituals, wards, or summoning. Non-Player Charac­
ters average 4th to 5th level.
Psionics: Standard, roughly equivalent to humans.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Any Men of Magic, Thief, As­
sassin, or Mercenary Fighter.
O.C.C.s Rifts®: The Ley Line Walker, Mystic, Temporal Wiz­
ard, City Rat (any), Rogue Scholar, and Gambler are likely to be
the most appealing O.C .C.s, but can be any of the Magic
O.C .C.s, an Operator, Rogue Scientist, Vagabond, Headhunter
or Mind Melter (if psychic). Use the dragon experience table re­
gardless of O.C.C.
Skills of Note: Understands and speaks all languages (an innate
ability) but must study and learn written languages (gets two of
choice at +3 0%).
Habitat: Seems to like moderate temperatures and forested ar­
eas, but are notorious adventurers and travelers who can be
found causing trouble absolutely anywhere. The allure of great
adventure and, especially, mega-powerful magic items always
attract one or more of these creatures. The promise of endless
possibilities at a place like Rifts Earth is too much for the crea­
tures to ignore. Even so, fewer than a hundred are believed to
exist worldwide.
Enemies: None natural, but are leery of Elves, Clergy, practitio­
ners of magic, dragons and the supernatural.
Allies: Tolerates most races, including demons.
Notes: Dragon Wolves are mischievous, cunning schemers and
high rollers who share few human laws or values. A Dragon
Wolf can be an ally or a terrible enemy. Although most hold lit­
tle real value for wealth or magic - adventure is their life - they
often accumulate a surprising amount of both.

An Optional Player Characters
Original concept by Erick Wujcik
The reptilian Eandroth race is one of the stranger and more
exotic life forms of the Palladium World. Some believe they are
the product of some strange magical experiment or creatures of
another dimension brought to the Palladium World by a Sum­
moner's circle or dimensional Rift .
The young Eandroth matures quickly and reaches physical
adolescence by the age of six to begin a life of as a hunter in the
great deserts of the Palladium World. For the fIrst 24 years of
their lives they appear as short, thin, hairless, youthful,
smooth-skinned humanoids that resemble human-like theropod
dinosaurs. After this age they begin to bulk up and show more
muscular defmition. All Eandroth under the age of 25 are rather

1 46
child-like and solitary in character. They are a good-natured, cation. This limited pyrokinetic power enables the Eandroth to
honest, caring, jovial people, except during the violent mating create campfires and cause what appears to be spontaneous
period. Tribes are typically small, with 50 members or less . combustion. The ability can be used to cause a piece of paper,
Other than their desert survival skills, they are only capable of book or article of clothing to suddenly ignite into a small fire
learning Men of Arms O.C.C.s. (about a four inch area of flame).
Those Eandroth, male and female, who survive 50 or so mat­ Another threat from the heat point is the ability to direct the
ing seasons (25 years) undergo a dramatic biological change. pyrokinetic energy to an antagonist' s head. The heat point attack
The body becomes much more muscular, height increases a few can only be used on one, stationary (not moving around) oppo­
inches, the skin becomes loose and wrinkled, and certain attrib­ nent whose head is clearly visible and within a 90 foot (27.4 m)
utes increase. The Eandroth' s previous gentle temper is replaced range. The subtle attack will cause the victim to suddenly feel
by a far more aggressive, bellicose and intolerant disposition feverish and groggy (-2 on initiative). If he moves away the heat
due to the change in body chemistry. The changed ones are point is broken and the Eandroth must refocus his attack. But if
called "rogues." These rogues are much tougher, meaner and the individual stays in one spot he can be rendered unconscious
smarter than the young Eandroth and are feared by their own at the end of I D6 minutes of heat point concentration. The at­
kind (See Eandroth Rogues, below). tack inflicts no permanent damage. Unconsciousness lasts I D4
Eandroth mating habits can be lethal. At mating season minutes or as long as the Eandroth maintains his concentration
(twice yearly), the males, who outnumber the females by some on that heat point. Moving beyond the range of the psionic at­
eight to one, go through ritual combat in an attempt to gain the tack or moving out of sightlbehind closed doors, will prevent a
right to mate with a female. Although ritual combat, these con­ heat point attack.
tests can become startlingly fierce and every season sees about G.M. Note : This attack can be inflicted on characters inside
20% of the overcrowded male population slain. Mating season M.D. body armor and power armor and on cyborgs as long as
lasts about two weeks. Young are born live after a three month the head area is accurately located. It cannot be used on robots
gestation period. Only one infant is born at a time. or people inside robots or vehicles unless they can be seen
through a window. Also note that this attack can be easily
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist or good. thwarted by simply walking or moving every 30 seconds or so.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to be rolled is as des­ The narrow point of focus is a great limitation. The victim of the
ignated. I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 4D6, attack will also begin to feel feverish shortly before he falls un­
P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6 conscious, tipping off anybody who is familiar with Eandroth
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience. that they are being attacked and should move.
S.D.C.: I D4x l O
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: Generally considered a simple
Armor Rating (A.R.): 1 0 , applicable only in non-M.D. combat.
member of the tribe. Males are hunters, the females raise the
M.D.C.: None. This means the character needs to acquire
children; society is quite simple. The more ambitious can be­
M.D.C. body armor like humans. Eandroth seem to prefer
come a Mercenary Fighter, Ranger, Thief, Assassin or Shaman
homespun armor and wild looking custom made armor. Magic
as a young Eandroth. However, an O.C.c. is not usually selected
and TW armor are also favorites.
until the Eandroth "turns rogue" and almost all O.C.C.s are
Horror Factor: 10
available to rogues.
P.P.E. : 2D6
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Generally considered a simple member of the
Size. 4 to 5 feet ( 1 .2 to 1 .5 m).
tribe, males are hunters, the females raise the children. May be­
Weight: 75 to 1 3 5 pounds (3 3 .75 to 60.75 kg).
come a City Rat, Vagabond, or Wilderness Scout as a young
Average Life Span: 30 years in the wilds of Palladium; those
Eandroth. However, an O.C.C. is usually not selected until the
that live past 25 years become Rogues and set off for decades of
Eandroth turns rogue, at which time almost any O.C.C. is avail­
wandering. Life expectancy is not much higher in the wilderness
or ' Burbs of Rifts Earth.
Natural Abilities: Able to survive for several weeks without Skills of Note: Language is DragoneselElven 98% (illiterate).
water and food ( l D4+2 weeks) and can function at peak levels All males know Land Navigation at 65%, Wilderness Survival
of efficiency on a surprisingly tiny amount of food and water at 65%, and Track Animals at 60%. All females know First Aid
(half gallon of water a week and two pounds of food) for as long 70%, Cook 70%, Sewing 70%, Sing 50%, and Skin and Prepare
as two months. Can tolerate great heat with no ill effects, but Animal Hides 60%.
hates the cold. Habitat: Prefer extreme desert conditions, but can be found al­
Attacks Per Melee: Two or three as simple hunters. At rogue most anywhere as a rogue.
stage, three melee attacks plus those gained by Hand to Hand Enemies : None, per se.
combat skills and experience. Allies: No special affiliations; tend to be loners.
Magic: None. Notes: All Eandroth are trained in riding Silonar and can easily
Psionics: Females (only) possess great psionic power after they adapt to riding Ostrosaurus or any bipedal dinosaurs. They are
become rogues. Prior to this, they possess 1 0 times the normal always interested in trading for superior weapons and armor.
2D6 P.P.E., 4D6 I.S.P. and the psionic power of Sense Evil. Modem weapons of choice are Vibro-Blades, magic weapons,
Heat Point is a natural psionic power common to all Eandroth. particle beam rifles and pump-action weapons, especially Triax
By concentrating for I D6 minutes, an Eandroth can raise the pump guns .
temperature of a single point to a flame point. The reptilian must No large number of Eandroth are known to exist on Rifts
stay motionless and the heat point must be one target or tiny 10- Earth, although some Rogues have defmitely come in search of
knowledge and adventure.
1 47
The Male Eandroth Rogue sequently, a female will join one particular group or settle down
Male Eand roth who have undergone the "rogue change" be­ at one place. Also unlike the males, they are less cantankerous
come hungry for an education and adventure. At this stage the and aggressive, but are incredibly protective of their tribe mem­
male hunter goes out into the non-Eandroth world and may bers and friends. If a tribe member or loved one is slain, injured,
spend up to 1 00 years wandering and learning combat, science, or threatened, the female Eandroth will launch a devastating at­
magic, technology and about other places and cultures. Rogues tack of her own. The vengeance of a female Eandroth is a terri­
in this phase learn vel)' quickly. ble thing.
After a hundred or more years of exploration, the rogue re­ The female enters the change by becoming grossly fat, while
turns to his desert tribe where he becomes the principal war their other physical attributes do not change. However, the fe­
leader and/or teacher of the other Eandroth. Those who think of male's mental and psionic abilities grow enormously. All female
the Eandroth as being mild mannered and minimally skilled in rogues are Mind Mages or Mind Melters.
combat will frnd themselves in deep trouble with a powerful Alignment: Any, but mostly good.
rogue. Aside from their mental and physical prowess, only the The Eight Attributes : The original attributes of the young
frnest warriors ever survive into the rogue phase. Eandroth increase the equivalent of rogue stage. The number of
Alignment: Any, but mostly good. additional six-sided dice to be rolled and added to the existing
The Eight Attributes: The original attributes of the young attributes are as designated. I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 3 D6, M.A. 3D6,
Eandroth increase. The number of additional six-sided dice to P.S. 0, P.P. 0, P.E. 1 06, P.B. 0, Spd O.
be rolled and added to the existing attributes are as designated. Hit Points: Add 1 0 points, and S.D.C.: Add 1 06x l O .
I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 1 06, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 1 06, P.E. 2D6, Arm or Rating: Increases t o 1 2 ; tougher skin.
P.B. 0, Spd I D6. At this stage, P .S. is the equivalent of Bionic Horror Factor: Increases to 1 3 .
Strength and can inflict M.D. when used in a power punch. P.P.E. : Becomes I D6x l O.
Hit Points: Add 1 0, S.D.C.: add 2D6x l 0, making the character Size: Add 1 06 inches to height.
a minor Mega-Damage creature (approximately 1 -3 M.D.C.). Weight: Add 6D6x 1 O pounds .
And A.R. is now 1 2 . Average Life Span Increases: 350 years if the Eandroth sur­
Horror Factor: Increases to 1 3 . vives to become a rogue.
P.P.E.: Add 2D6. Psionics: At rogue stage, the female's latent psionic energy and
Size: Add I D6 inches to height. powers transform her into a master psionic, typically a Mind
Weight: Add 2D6x l 0 pounds, mostly muscle. Melter or Mind Mage.
Average Life Span Increases: 350 years if the Eandroth sur­
vives to become a rogue.
Psionics: Unchanged.
O.C.C. : At age 25 the Rogue Eandroth selects an O.C.C., and
any are available from the Palladium Fantasy RPG® or
Rifts® RPG, except for Mind Mage, Mind Melter, and formal
Coalition Military occupations. Also, the rogue tends to shy
away from bionic reconstruction. The O.C.C. and experience
starts at first level as the rogue is considered a first level charac­
ter with his new O.C.C. and new life. Use the same experience
table as the Psi-Stalker, regardless of O.C .C. selection. Note that
Male Eandroth do not have any kind of psionic ability, aside
from the heat point.
Habitat: During their wanderlust years, a lone rogue might be
found almost anywhere, though rarely in cold regions.
Notes: Palladium rogues seldom use armor beyond their Natural
A.R., but on Rifts Earth they have taken to wearing
Mega-Damage body armor, preferring loose fitting and flexible
types. The Rifts® Eandroth rogues are also adept with many
different modem M.D. weapons although Vibro-Blades for
close combat are likely to remain a favorite. Rogues rarely asso­
ciate with other Eandroth during their wanderlust years and tend
to be grumpy and hot tempered toward any of their kind when

Female Eandroth Rogue

Female Eandroth also have a rogue phase if they have man­
aged to survive 25 to 40 arduous deliveries. These rogue fe­
males are extremely rare and the true leaders of the Eandroth
community. While the females may wander the world for a few
years, they are not obsessed by wanderlust like the males. Con-
I.S.P.: Initial Inner Strength Points are an incredible Horror Factor: 8
2D6xl 0+ 1 40 and gains an additional 1 0 I.S.P. per each level of P.P.E. : I 04x l O
experience. Size: 6-8 feet ( 1 .8 to 2.4 m ) tall at the shoulders and about 1 2
O.C.C. : At age 25 the rogue female Eandroth erupts with psy­ feet (3 .6 m ) long from head to buttock. The tail i s another three
chic powers. Select one of the following O.C.C.s from The Pal­ feet (0.9 m).
ladium Fantasy RPG®: Mind Mage, Psi-Healer or Shaman Weight: 250 to 500 pounds ( 1 1 2 to 225 kg).
(with master psionic powers levels 1 -3). Rifts® RPG: Mind Average Life Span : 80+ years.
Melter, Burster, Zapper, Psi-Nullifier or Psi-Druid as psionic Physical Appearance: These are NOT humanoid creatures.
characters go. Or Wilderness Scout or Body Fixer, the latter two They look very much like large mountain lions with speckled
with Major Psionic powers. The female rogue always avoids bellies.
bionic implants and reconstruction. Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m, can see in total
The O.C.C. and experience starts at first level as the rogue is darkness), track by smell alone 80%, identify tracks by smell
considered a first level character with her new O .C.C. and new 60%, prowl 70%, and recognize poison 40%. Also see psionics.
life. Use the same experience table as the Mind Mage regardless Com bat: Five attacks per melee. Can combine psionic attacks
of O.C.C. selection. with the physical attacks.
Habitat: During their early rogue years a lone female rogue Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. and skills): +3 on
might be found almost anywhere (rarely in cold regions). initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to dodge, +4 to pull punch, +3 to roll
Notes: Female rogues are often too large to use any with impact, +4 to save vs Horror Factor, and +2 to save vs
Mega-Damage body armor other than loose fitting Crusader psionic attack. All are in addition to attribute bonuses.
type. The Rifts® rogues are also adept with many different Dam age: Bite inflicts ID8 (or 204) S.D.C. plus P.S. damage
modem M.D. weapons although Vibro-Blades and bonus, restrained claw attack does I D6 S.D.C. damage, full
Techno-Wizard weapons for close combat are likely to remain a strength claw attack 3D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. damage bonus, or by
favorite. psionics. On Rifts Earth the Emirin has the equivalent of Bionic
Strength, typically doing one M.D. or 1 04 M.D. with a power
punch (claw strike or bite).
Emirin Magic: None.
Psionics: All Emirin possess the power of a Mind Mage or
An Optional Player Character Mind Melter. I.S.P. : M.E. plus 3D6x l 0. Receives an additional
1 3 I.S.P. per each level of experience. Special: Telepathy is an
Original Concepts by Erick Wujcik
innate and automatic ability that does not use up I.S.P. when
The Palladium wilderness is inhabited by giant psionic cats
used for communication. I.S.P. is expended only when tele­
known as the Emirin. They are solitary creatures found in vari­
pathic probes are used on others. The majority of the Emirin's
ous mountainous areas, particularly in the north. Emirin are in­
psi-powers usually lean toward Sensitive, Healing and Commu­
telligent in a way that is different from any other creature. They
nication, more so than combat.
communicate solely by psionics and encourage psionic prowess
o.c.c. Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Mind Mage equivalent in
in their young. The big cats live either alone or with their mates
psionic powers, but use the skills that follow and the Mind
and young. Mating is for life, and an Emirin will stop at nothing
Mage experience table.
to avenge the death of a mate or kitten. The big cats have a very
o.c.c.lR.c.c. Rifts®: Mind Melter equivalent in psi-powers,
loose society and usually visit the territories of all their neigh­
but use the skills below. Mind Melter experience table.
bors in a yearly circuit.
R.C.c. Skills: No vocal cords! Emerin cannot make a sound,
The Emirin are intensely curious about other creatures. Using but they understand the Wolfen and Elven/Dragonese languages
their skill at prow ling, they may spend hours watching the 98% (illiterate). Emirin learn new languages very quickly (select
camps of travelers . These travelers generally fmd out about the three, all at +30%) and can communicate via Telepathy and/or
Emirin's visit only by happening upon the Emirin' s 12 inch Empathy. Basic Math 98%, Wilderness Survival 80%, Land
wide (0.3 m) footprints long after they have left the area. Navigation 80%, Track Animals 80%, Identify Plants & Fruit
If an Emirin wilderness domain is threatened, the Emirin will 80%, Climbing 800/0150%, Swimming 80%, Fishing 60%, and
first attempt to persuade the visitors to leave by subtle means. If Holistic Medicine 50%.
the interlopers fail to get the message from sudden bad dreams Habitat: Mountains and dense forests on high hills; prefer mild
or from the large claw and teeth marks found on mangled equip­ climates and changing seasons.
ment, the invaders may start disappearing by ones and twos . Enemies : None per se.
Eventually, the Emirin may form a large group and completely Allies: No traditional allies, though very friendly toward the
wipe out any stubborn foe or destructive interlopers. Kankoran (despite the ritual rites of passage into adulthood),
Alignment: Any, but usually Principled (33%), Scrupulous Unicorns, Brownies, and Nymphs. On Rifts Earth that would
(33%) or Unprincipled (20%). extend to Sasquatch, Lyn-Srial and Native American Shamans,
The Eight Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as as well as kind woodland spirits.
designated. I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6, Notes: Since the Emirin have no hands, they do not use tools or
P.E. 4D6, P.B. 3D6+ 1 , Spd 4D6 weapons except by means of Ectoplasm or Telekinesis. They do,
M.D.C.: Emirin become Mega-Damage creatures on Rifts Earth however, recognize tools, weapons, machines, magic items and
with I D4x l 0+ 1 5 . (Normally has P.E. number + 1 2 in Hit Points , dangerous artifacts . If they deem the item too dangerous they
I 04x l 0 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 6.) may steal and bury it. Rarely more than two Emirin are encoun-

1 49
tered at any one time (usually a mated pair), even in the widely Alignment: Evil or Anarchist.
populated Emirin territory of the Palladium' s Great Northern Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
Wilderness. On Rifts Earth, an Emirin could be found almost nated. I.Q. 1 06+2, M.E. 3D6+2, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 1 06+2, P.P.
anywhere, but they dislike deserts and tropical places. A typical 2D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 1 06, Spd 2D6
litter of kittens numbers I D4, and they reach maturity within a M.D.C.: 2D6x l 0 . The Eye Killer is an M.D.C. creature on Rifts
year and a half. Earth. (Elsewhere they have P.E. number +30 for Hit Points,
No Emirin are known to exist on Rifts Earth. 6D6+6 in S.D.C., and an A.R. of 1 0.)
Horror Factor: 14
P.P.E. : 1 0 (double on Rifts Earth , making them targets for
Psi-Stalkers ).
Size: 3 to 4 feet (0.9 to 1 .2 m) long from head to tail tip.
Weight: 35 to 60 pounds ( 1 6 to 27 kg).
Average Life Span : 1 20 years.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 1 20 feet (36.5 m), diglburrow
two feet (0.6 m) per minute, but only digs shallow burrow s. Nat­
ural abilities include prow I 80%, climb 50%/25%, swim 60%,
and track humanoids 52%. Understands the language of
Gobblely and can learn three others, however, the Eye Killer
cann ot speak and communicates through psionic empathy. Also
see R.C.C. skills.
Attacks per Melee: Four by bite or psionics on Rifts Earth.
Bonuses: +3 to save vs psionic attack on Rifts Earth.
Dam age: Bite I D4 S.D.C. damage or by psionic attacks.
Magic: None.
Psionics: Palladium Fantasy RPG®, First Edition : All level
Eye Killer one through three psionic abilities, except Hypnotic Suggestion,
limited Telepathy, extended Telepathy, Precognition, and
The Eye Killers are another ugly, supernatural creature that Teleport Objects. I.S.P. : M.E. + 1 00; equal to a 4th level Mind
may have visited Earth before the Coming of the Rifts, for they Mage.
are accurately described in Native American Indian myths right Psionics: Palladium 2nd Edition: All Sensitive (except Clair­
down to their appearance and power to kill with their eyes. The voyance) and Physical abilities plus Bio-Manipulation (the pri­
Eye Killer is a malevolent being with the body of a serpent, the mary means of killing) and Empathic Transmission. I.S.P.: M.E.
front legs of a coyote (no hind legs), and a demonic owl's head + 1 00; equal to a 4th level Mind Mage.
with large black eyes. It is said that these horrible monsters can Psionics: Rifts® RPG: All Sensitive (except Clairvoyance) and
cause fear, inflict pain, or kill a person simply by staring at him. Physical abilities plus Bio-Manipulation (the primary means of
In reality, fear and other negative emotions are caused by the killing), Mind Bolt and Empathic Transmission. I.S.P: M.E.
psionic power of Empathic Transmission and pain or death is + 1 00; equal to a 4th level Mind Melter.
the result of Bio-Manipulation. O.C.C. : None. Not recommended as a player character.
Although more intelligent than an animal, the Eye Killer's R.C.C. Skills: Track Humanoids 52%, Prowl 80%, Climb
I.Q. is low by human standards and they work on instinct more 50%/25%, Swim 60%, Languages: speaks none but understands
than reason. Their sole intent is to inflict suffering and death all the pre-Rifts Indian languages, Gobblely and can learn three
upon humanoids. Consequently, they wander the North Ameri­ additional, as well as communicate by psionic Empathy and Te­
can plains and forests (including Mexico and southwestern Can­ lepathy.
ada) of Rifts Earth looking for victims to torment and kill. Eye Habitat: Loves the wide open spaces of the American west and
Killers often ally themselves with other evil forces and are is found in the grasslands and prairies of Nevada, Utah, Colo­
known to associate with the monsters of Calgary, Worm rado, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and northern Mex­
Wraiths, demons and evil spirits. Traditional Native American ico.
Shamans and Spirit Warriors consider them to be a plague and Enemies: Humans and all humanoids, particularly champions of
destroy them whenever they are encountered. Likewise, good. Indifferent toward giants and most evil beings.
Cyber-Knights, Justice Rangers, Tundra Rangers and even Allies: Evildoers of any race.
Reid's Rangers have added Eye Killers to their list of vermin to Notes: Often ally themselves to evil beings. Use no weapons or
be exterminated. Rifts® Note: The Eye Killer population has armor, and have little use for wealth or magic except to lure hu­
suddenly doubled or tripled over the last three or four years mans to their doom. They seldom associate with members of
(circa 1 09 P.A.), a phenomenon some attribute to the growing their own kind except to mate. A fertile female will lay 1 06
power of the Calgary Kingdom of Monsters while others point eggs, in sand or under rocks, once every other year. Eye Killers
to the dark magic and dimensional energies unleashed during rarely travel in groups larger than three or four and are typically
the latter years of the Siege on Tolkeen. Rumor has it that an solitary hunters. Occasionally, Eye Killers in league with a more
evil cadre of sorcerers from the Federation of Magic attempted powerful evil force, whether it be an evil Shifter or a demon,
to recruit an army of Eye Killers, but were themselves destroyed may be found in a group as large as a dozen.
by the wicked creatures.
1 50
Feathered Death Survival 90%, and Prowl 80%. All are in addition to any O.C.C.
Wicked and cruel creatures, the Feathered Death, also known Habitat: Forests and low mountain regions of moderate cli­
as Bird Men or Falcon Men, are bird-like creatures with clawed, mates.
human hands on their wings and heads with ugly human faces . Enemies : The pretty Faerie Folk (Sprites, Faeries, Pixies, etc.)
They are deceptively small, seldom larger than a hawk or are the most hated and attacked on sight. Hates humanoids and
homed owl, and approximately 1 6 to 25 inches tall (about 0.6 mutant canines. Wolfen, Kankoran, humans, Elves, and Gnomes
m), however, they are incredibly strong, quick, and armed with of the Palladium World know and hate these monsters. Indiffer­
oversized, slashing clawed feet. ent toward most others.
Allies: Coyles, Ogres, Trolls and supernatural forces of evil.
Vindictive, maleficent villains, they enjoy abducting and tor­
Feathered Death like to tease and taunt the dumb Orcs and Gob­
turing small humanoids and children for their own perverse
lins, but may loosely associate with them.
pleasures. They also like to harm or endanger the handsomer hu­
Notes: 1 04 young are born per mated pair each spring, but only
manoids such as humans, Elves, Gnomes, and even Wolfen,
one out of every four ever reaches maturity. The eggs are large
Kankoran and D-Bees by stealing crucial items, engaging in
and green-blue in color. The Feathered Death are generally soli­
sudden ambushes, or alerting other hostile creatures of their
tary creatures, with only one or two mated pairs living in the
presence. Like malevolent vultures, they also delight in torment­
same area. About a third of the time they flock into a loose knit
ing and torturing those they find who are hurt, pinned, sick or
community that can range anywhere from 10 to 80 members .
dying. They are cunning liars who always try to lead the inno­
Because the Feathered Death are NOT animals (they are more
cent to their doom. Feathered Death may follow a group or indi­
intelligent), they cannot be linked with as a familiar by a wizard,
vidual for miles just to cause them grief. Fortunately, the
nor controlled by a Druid. In the case of the Palladium RPG
creatures are common only to the world of Palladium, where
they are found in the Great Northern Wilderness and mountain­
Druid, there is an 8% chance per level of being able to calm or
summ on Feathered Death.
ous areas of the Eastern Territory. They are not known to exist
on Rifts Earth . The creatures may use small weapons and covet the precious
objects of man, thus, they steal gems, gold, magic items, and
Alignment: Any, but mostly evil.
things of value.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­
nated. I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. I D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E.
2D6 , P.B. 2D6, Spd. 2D6 on foot or 2D6x l 0 in flight.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +20. Grimbor
S.D.C. : P.E.x l O, giving most an equivalent of l or 2 M.D.C.
Natural Armor Rating: 5; only applicable in S.D.C. combat Optional NPC Monster o r Player Character
situations. The Grimbor are an ancient race of giant ape-men once com­
Horror Factor: 1 0 mon to the Yin-Sloth Jungles and Floenry Isles of the Palladium
P.P.E.: 3D6 World. However, their numbers have dwindled over the centu­
Size : 1 6-25 inches tall (about 0.6 m). ries, unable to cope with attacks by raiders, slavers and natural
Weight: 1 0- 1 5 pounds (4.5 to 6.7 kg). predators. Despite the Grimbor's legendary strength, they are
Average Life Span : 30 years. not as agile nor as aggressive as humans or the other humanoids
Natural Abilities: Flight, nightvision 120 feet (36.5 m), keen of the Palladium and Rifts worlds .
hawk-like vision, and can metamorphosize into a small, approx­ The Grimbor is a large, lumbering, semi-intelligent race of
imately 4-4 Yz foot ( 1 .2 to 1 .35 m) tall human, but only on at gorilla-like people. They make their home on the jungle floor
night when the moon is full - automatically transforms back among its lush vegetation and cool, leafy shadows. Their diet
into monstrous bird form at the first light of day. consists of fruit, vegetation, birds ' eggs, and small animals like
Attacks per Melee: Three attacks per melee. birds, amphibians, lizards, and snakes. They are dull-witted and
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge, rely on instinct more often than reason, but they are far from
and +2 to save vs all magic. stupid. Gentle giants, they care very deeply about the well-being
Dam age: Clawed feet inflict 1 06 S.D.C. plus P.S. damage bo­ of their mates and fellow tribe members. Females gather fruit
nus. Bite only does 1 S .D.C. point, or by small hand-held and bear the responsibility for the rearing of the young. Males
weapon. protect the tribe, hunt and gather food. Very social and commu­
Magic: None, but love magic items. nity oriented, a Grimbor rarely turns his back on his fellows .
Psionics: None. Death of a tribesman, friend, or loved one is mourned by all.
O.C.c. (optional Palladium Fantasy®): In the alternative to Although clumsy and inarticulate, the Grimbor are fair primi­
the Feathered Death R.C.C., the monster can become a Thief. In tive craftsmen, using wood and stone as simple tools, weaving
this case, use the thief experience table (not all human skills will vines for rope and twine, and carving wood. Their most famous
be appropriate). Not recommended as player character. tool is the fearsome looking "Yumbuto Club." The club is fash­
O.C.C.s (optional Rifts®): Thief, Bandit or Vagabond with ioned from wood, with a carved, heavy ridged top for striking
only half the usual O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills. and crushing, and a sharp claw- or tooth-like appendage at the
R.C.c. Skills: Languages: Faerie Speak, DragoneselElven, and handle' s base for scraping and digging for edible roots. Slow
Gobblely 90% plus a 50% chance of knowing two other lan­ and ill-suited for dexterous movement or combat, their raw
guages at 76% proficiency. Land Navigation 90%, Wilderness physical strength and endurance is awesome. They can be brutal

1 51
S.D.C.: 1 06x50, giving most an equivalent M.D.C. of 1 -4.
Natural Armor Rating: 6, tough leathery hide.
M.D.C.: Though most Grimbor have 1 -4 M.D.C., they obvi­
ously need to wear Mega-Damage body armor to survive on
Rifts Earth. They are smart enough to realize this and prefer
homespun types of armor made from M.D.C. animal hides and
bones such as Fury Beetles.
Horror Factor: 1 5
P.P.E. : 2D6
Size: 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) tall when bent over walking on knuckles, 1 0
to 1 2 ( 3 t o 3 .6 m ) feet tall completely erect.
Weight: 500 to 800 pounds (225 to 3 60 kg).
Average Life Span (Rifts): 60 years.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m), good color vi­
sion, track by smell 60% (males only), and swim 20%; terrible
Attacks per Melee: Four in the wild. Those trained in combat
have their Hand to Hand skills + 1 additional attack per round.
Bonuses: + 1 to parry , +2 to pull punch, and +3 to save vs Hor­
ror Factor.
Dam age: Bite does 2D4 S.D.C. damage, normal punches do
2D6 S.D.C. +6 plus P.S. damage bonus. Grimbor have Superhu­
man Strength and get the additional +6 to S.D.C. damage in ad­
dition to any likely P.S. attribute damage bonus, plus the
character can inflict I D4 M.D. when it wants to without resort­
ing to a power punch. Meanwhile, a power punch does 2D6
M.D. and a power bite does one M.D. point.
Magic: None. Psionics: None.
and devastating combatants when threatened or frightened, kill­ O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy®: None. All males are protec­
ing without even intending to do so. A trait that has made them tors/hunters, while all females gather food and rear young. They
desired "savage" contestants in gladiatorial arenas by unscrupu­ do not have an O.C.C. or develop many skills. However, they
lous entrepreneurs. can be taught enough to become the equivalent of the Peas­
When the tribe is threatened, the males will engage the threat antiFarmer, Ranger (no bow skill) or Gladiator O.C.C., but the
with bared fangs and much breast beating. If this fanfare doesn't number of O.C.C. Related and Secondary Skills are reduced by
dissuade a foe, the largest dominant male will attack ftrst, half.
quickly followed by his fellow protectors. A Grimbor will never R.C.C. Palladium Fantasy® Skills (in the wild): Language: A
kill unless he feels that his own life, or the safety of the tribe, is dialect of Goblin 98%, and can learn two additional languages
endangered. They are perfectly satisfted with chasing an in­ of choice with a + 1 5% bonus. Males: All males are protec­
truder or predator away rather than killing it. Unfortunately, be­ tors/hunters, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Paired Weapons, W.P. Throwing
cause they are constantly hunted, captured, and tortured by Weapons, Identify Gungle) Plants & Fruit (+ 1 0%), Land Navi­
humans, all Palladium Grimbor have learned to hate and fear gation (+ 1 0%), Track & Trap Animals (+ 1 0%), Skin & Prepare
humans, Elves, and human looking beings (D-Bees included) - Animal Hides (+5%), Swim (+ 1 0%), and Carpentry (+ 1 0%).
they all look human to the undiscriminating eye of these Females gather food and rear young. W.P. Blunt, Holistic Medi­
ape-men. cine (+5%), Identify Gungle) Plants & Fruit (+20%), Land Navi­
The Grimbor ofRifts Earth. Apparently, the mighty Grimbor gation (+ 1 0%), Skin & Prepare Animal Hides (+ 1 5%), Swim
have been known to the Splugorth Slavers for eons, and have (+ 1 0%), and Rope Works. All in addition to any O.C.C. if one
been captured, bred in captivity, and sold as slaves and gladia­ is known.
tors for centuries. Whether this slave stock' s ancestry comes O.C.c.s Rifts®: The Grimbor has a few more choices on Rifts
from the Palladium World or some other dimension is uncertain Earth, but they are still limited. They can be a basic
as the Splugorth don't seem to have any interest in (or know hunter-gatherer, in which the above O.C.C. skills should be
about) the Palladium World. The Splugorth have brought thou­ used. Other O.C.C.s include Vagabond, Wilderness Scout, Trap­
sands of Grimbor with them to Atlantis where they are used for per-Woodsman, basic ftghter (Grunt or Raider) and occasionally
labor, amusement in the arena and as slave stock sold to other a Headhunter or 'Borg. In all cases, reduce the number of
dimensional beings. O.C.C. Related and Secondary Skills by half. Note: Grimbor are
Alignment: Any, but usually good or selftsh. creatures of nature and avoid mechanical implants and augmen­
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ tation, but as slaves, they are sometimes subjected to terrible
nated. I.Q. 1 06+3, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6+2, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 2D6, things against their will. Being turned into a Headhunter, partial
P.E. 5D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd I D6+ 1 . P.S. is Superhuman. cyborg or full 'Borg are among such fates. Juicer and M.O.M.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number +20 plus 2D6 per level of ex­ conversions do NOT work on these creatures. Also knows the
perience. previous (Fantasy) R.C.C. skills, unless raised in captivity by
the Slavers.
1 52
Value: As slaves on Rifts Earth, 50,000 to 1 50,000 credits; abled small groups of explorers and warriors to investigate other
those bought as warriors or gladiators get the highest price. worlds. Unfortunately, few Gromek are adept in magic or di­
Grimbor can never be completely domesticated, they feel at mensional travel themselves and they become trapped in the
home only in the jungles. alien dimensions they try to explore. When trapped, the warriors
Habitat: Jungles and rain forests. A small tribe of escaped fmd an isolated location to build a base of operations and to es­
Grimbor are known to live in Dinosaur Swamp (Georgia), and tablish a new tribe (males and females share equal status in
they are sold as slaves on Atlantis. Consequently, they are occa­ Gromek society and all scouting parties have equal numbers of
sionally found in gladiatorial arenas and 'Burbs throughout the both genders). As the tribe grows, the Gromek become increas­
world. ingly aggressive and they begin a campaign to conquer and con­
Enemies: Splugorth and Splugorth Slavers, humans and animal trol the land around them. Eventually, they can grow to become
predators. Fear and dislike humanoids who resemble humans. a dangerous force, though nothing on the level of the Xiticix
Allies: In Palladium, the Tezcat who revere the Grimbor as who transform the environment as they expand. This foothold
demigods (the lost children of the long forgotten monkey god, and expand technique is certainly the case on the Palladium
Melek), and other gentle, inhuman looking beings who show World, even though the Gromek have been held in check.
them respect and kindness. For example, a Grimbor would A Gromek tribe has established a handful of tiny colonies on
quickly like and even adopt a Sasquatch or Fennodi into his Rifts Earth. They fmd Earth's hostile, primeval and
clan. Sadly, unless they are very lucky or get help from someone ever-changing environment exciting and challenging - their
smarter and more worldly than they, an escaped Grimbor slave kind of place. They see the many intelligent races of beings and
is easily hunted down and recaptured or slain by other foul be­ supernatural forces as a tremendously tantalizing challenge for
ings and human supremacists. conquest. Some fear the Earth may be in real danger because the
Notes: A typical tribe has 8D6 adults and 2D6 young. Grimbor abundance of ley line nexuses and dimensional Rifts provide
mate for life, bearing one or two offspring once every six years . these monstrous warriors with an excellent chance for fmding a
Young reach full maturity within eight years. They usually don't way home and, should they learn the ability to open Rifts (un­
collect treasure or magic, although they may keep an occasional likely), establishing a two-way dimensional gateway through
shiny or unusual item if it strikes their fancy. Likewise, the wild which they can return home, gather an army and return to con­
Grimbor have no use for man's metal forge weapons or armor. quer the Earth.
Domesticated or worldly Grimbor can learn to use M.D. The Gromek's entire society is oriented to war and training
body armor, energy weapons, Vibro-Blades and basic tools and for war, not unlike the ancient Spartans of Greece. Males are
equipment. Yet even these trained characters remain simple and trained as warriors from early childhood. Females bear the re­
mild mannered beings who long to be free to live in the wild. sponsibility of raising children and acting as craftsmen and
Most Grimbor are gentle and compassionate, except when weaponsmiths. Quite intelligent, they are masterful
threatened or angered or forced to fight as Gladiators. They weaponsmiths and craftsmen, as well as deadly, merciless com­
avoid bionics and cybernetics like the plague and see magic as batants, exhibiting compassion only for the benefit of their own
. . . um . . . magical and wondrous. kind. The females are also raised as warriors and serve as heal­
ers and military strategists .

Optional Player Character
The Gromek are a race of giant aliens who appear to be more
demonic than man or beast. Their head is animal-like with
widely spaced eyes, huge maw, fangs, horns, and adorned with a
series of bony plates that run from the nose to the top of the
head. Their giant bat-like wings and size further give them a de­
monic appearance. But the Gromek are not demons, they are a
warrior race from another dimension of towering mountains .
Their aggressive and predatory nature is evident by their disdain
for all weaker forms of intelligent life. The Gromek's immediate
inclination is to destroy or subjugate the weak. They view most
humans and other humanoids as either their inferiors or as a
threat to their inevitable domination.
On their home world, the Gromek are the masters of their
planet, having conquered or obliterated any rivals in the distant
past. Their society is extremely strong and communal, but they
are a primitive warrior race whose technology is comparable to
Earth's early Middle Ages . However, they adapt quickly to new
The Gromek's home world, like the planets Earth and Palla­
dium, has a history of dimensional disturbances which have en-

1 53
Alignment: Any, but seem to be predominantly selfish or evil. straight away from his home world. In addition to those skills
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ already listed above, select one additional ancient W.P., two
nated. I.Q. 2D6+ 1 , M.E. 3 D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 4D6+2, P.P. 3D6, modem W.P.s (learned since he' s arrived or from a previous ex­
P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 2D6 running, 6D6+6 for flight. pedition to another world), upgrade Hand to Hand to Assassin or
Hit Points: Standard, P.E. + 1 D6 per level of experience. Martial Arts or Commando, select two skills from the Domestic
S.D.C.: 4D6 plus those acquired from physical skills and O.C.C. category, two from Espionage (females select four), three Physi­
Arm or Rating: 12; tough, fme scaled skin; applicable only in cal, and four Wilderness skills (females select two); all at + 1 0%
non-M.D. combat. where applicable. Use the Wilderness Scout O.C.C. experience
M.D.C.: None. This means the character needs to acquire table. Note that Gromek Warriors adapt quickly to the use of
M.D.C. body armor like humans. Gromek have no trouble with modem M.D.C. body armor and energy weapons. They love
this though they seem to prefer heavy homespun armor with lots Vibro-Blades, the Neuro-Mace and (rare, usually Naruni) force
of spikes and ornamentation. Force fields, magic and TW armor field technology.
are also embraced. As warriors, Gromek appreciate superior ar­ Average Life Span : 1 80 years.
mor and weaponry, including modem equipment. Habitat: Prefer mountains and tall hills of moderate to hot tem­
Horror Factor: 1 4 perature. An outpost tribe of about 75- 1 20 is known to exist in
P.P.E: 2D6 the Allegheny mountains of America, that roam the wilderness
Size: 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 m) tall. of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Another 1 00 are believed to ex­
Weight: 600 to 800 pounds (270 to 3 60 kg). ist in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, and individuals and small
Appearance: Both males and females look almost identical. groups are scattered here and there exploring the world. Note:
The only distinguishing features are that the females rarely ex­ All Gromek are loyal to other Gromek. Many are lone individu­
ceed eight feet (2.4 m) in height and possess female reproduc­ als.
tive organs . Enemies: Humans and most intelligent life forms. They will see
Natural Abilities: Fly, keen hawk-like vision, resistant to fire the Lyn-Srial and other intelligent flying humanoids as their in­
(does half damage), extremely aggressive. stant rivals.
Attacks per Melee: Two plus those gained by Hand to Hand Allies: Occasionally ally themselves with Trolls or Giants.
and other combat skills. Notes: Although most Gromek will unite against a common foe
Bonuses (in addition to attribute, O.C.C. and skill bonuses) : or to engage in a major military campaign, they usually live in
+2 on initiative, + 1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +4 to dodge small communities of about 80 members, with seldom more
in flight, +2 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact. than 300 to 400 members in a particular village. However, in
Dam age: Bite inflicts 1 D6+4 S .D.C. damage, clawed hands land dominated by Gromek, there may be scores of these vil­
I D6+2 S.D.C. damage plus P.S . bonus, clawed feet 2D6+2 lages clustered together representing thousands. The smallest
S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus, or by weapon (which is most clan or scouting group will contain 2D6 warriors, half are fe­
likely). male.
Magic: By O.C.C. only, but a magic wielding Gromek is un­ Gromek generally mate for life and are extremely protective
heard of, super-rare. of and loyal to family, friends, and clan. Females give birth to
Psionics: None. one or two offspring after a gestation period of twelve months .
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy RPG®: All Men of Arms (espe­ Males begin physical and combat training by age five, while fe­
cially Soldier, Knight, and Palladin), and can also be any other males begin to learn holistic medicine, literacy and strategy.
warrior type or clergy, but fmd most gods unworthy of their Physical training for females starts at age 7. Males reach full
worship. maturity by the age of sixteen, females by 1 3 .
O.C.c. Rifts®: Any Men of Arms including equivalents to for­ The Gromek of Rifts Earth my b e part of an invasion force or
mal military O.C.C.s (Grunt, Commando, Ranger, etc.), with the adventurers lost in a strange dimension (probably the latter con­
exception of power armor, robot and vehicle pilots. Can also be sidering Gromek have been around for at least 1 00+ years and
a Vagabond, Rogue Scholar, City Rat, Wilderness Scout or no invasion has come yet).
Hunter-Trapper. Not likely to even think about pursuing a prac­
titioner of magic O.C.C. with the possible exception of the Con­
jurer. That one would appeal greatly to a Gromek.
R.C.c. Skills: All Gromek, raised by other Gromek, are trained
in combat beginning at an early age and know the following The Gruunor is a giant, segmented insect that lives in dark,
skills regardless of their O.C.C. : Hand to Hand: Expert (may be subterranean dwellings such as caves, tunnels, sewers, and an­
improved for the cost of one other skill), Wrestling, W.P. cient ruins. They appear to have two heads at both ends of their
Sword, W.P. Blunt, W.P. Archery & Targeting, and literate in long, plated, caterpillar-like body. One head is genuine, the
their native Gromek language 98%. Females also know Holistic other is actually its rear stinger, a clever, natural disguise to trick
Medicine and First Aid (both + 1 0%). predators (can't tell which end is which). The front, real head
The True Gromek Warrior O.C.c. & Skills: A Gromek who can deal a vicious bite, while the false head has a retractable
is strictly a young, Gromek warrior out to prove himself in com­ stinger. The Gruunor is an aggressive predator, but not too intel­
bat is roughly the equivalent to the Palladium RPG's Soldier, ligent and makes little distinction about its prey. The insect at­
or to a lesser degree, the Rifts® Wilderness Scout (minus the tacks just about any mammal, including humanoids, it happens
high technical skills unless born and raised on Earth). The fol­ to encounter. If its prey proves too difficult, the Gruunor curls
lowing is the skill selection for a Traditional Gromek Warrior up into a ball, like an armadillo, and stays still, its natural body

1 54
ann or protecting it against most attacks, until its opponent de­
cides the insect is dead or not worth the trouble of killing. The
monster' s most vulnerable vital spot is its soft underbelly which
is only visible when it rears up to bite.
Thankfully for the people of Rifts Earth, the Gruunor is an
S.D.C. creature. Despite that, they are often kept by evil beings
as pets, and to threaten, torture and devour mortal victims
peeled out of their Mega-Damage body annor.
Alignment: Considered a Miscreant evil monster, predator.
Attributes: Insect attributes are much more consistent than hu­
manoids so there is less range for variation. The weak perish.
I.Q. Low animal, virtually a mindless predator, M.E. 8+ l D6,
M.A. l D6, P.S. 20+ lD6, P.P. l 1 + l D6, P.E. 20+ l D6, P.B. l D6,
Spd 4+ l D6
Hit Points : 6D6+2 (can be damaged directly when the under­
belly is struck).
S.D.C.: l D4x l 00, which means it has the equivalent of 1 -4
M.D.C., but is still damage by S.D.C. weapons.
Armor Rating: 16 ( 1 9 when rolled up in a ball).
Horror Factor: 1 3 Gryphons are incredible creatures fIrst recorded in the pages
P.P.E. : l D6 of Greek mythology. Once believed to be a ftctional monster,
Size: 4 to 6 feet ( 1 .2 to 1 . 8 m) long. the inhabitants of Rifts Earth know that the mythological animal
Weight: 80 to 1 1 0 pounds (about 45 kg). is real, though no one can explain from where they may have
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m), climb/scale come. The magniftcent animal is a combination eagle and lion,
walls like a spider 900/0/80%, and ftre and cold resistant (does and exudes beauty, grace and power. Gryphons have apparently
half damage even if M.D. in nature). popped up everywhere. They are known to inhabit the moun­
Attacks per Melee: Three. tains of Canada, the U.S., Mexico, South America, Europe, and
Bonuses : + I to strike, parry, and dodge, +1 on all saving throws Atlantis. They are especially numerous in England, Ireland,
and pretty much impervious to Horror Factor (it's too dumb to Greece and the coast of France. Gryphons also inhabit moun­
be afraid until it ftnds out it has bitten off more than it can chew, tainous places in Asia, but are comparatively scarce in that part
and then tries to scurry away). of the world. Gryphons love remote mountain ranges and
Dam age: Bite inflicts I D 8 (or 2D4) S.D.C. damage, tail stinger forested islands where they prey on small- to medium-size
2D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. damage bonus. Considered to have Bionic mammals, such as rabbits, sea birds, sheep, goats, deer, and wild
Strength on Rifts Earth, which means a power strike with the boar/pig. A hungry Gryphon or a bold flock have been known to
stinger (counts as two of its melee attacks) inflicts I or I D4 attack humans and small D-Bees, but such attacks are the excep­
M.D. tion, not the rule.
Magic: None. Psionics: None. O.C.C.: None.
Gryphons have become coveted as a trained pet and riding
Average Life Span : 8 years.
animal. The famous giant Cyclops are especially skilled at do­
Habitat: Ruins and subterranean dwellings in most any climate
mesticating and raising Gryphons. The SplugOrth frequently em­
except extreme cold. ploy Cyclops to raise, train, sell and trade Gryphons to a large
Enemies: None. variety of clients both on Earth and in other dimensions. The
Allies: None. Simvan Monster Riders and Psi-Stalkers are also excellent train­
Notes: Lays 3D4 eggs once a year on the ceiling of a cave, ers of the mythical animal.
sewer or ruin. They hatch within three months, reaching matu­
Alignment: Any. Wild Gryphons are generally considered to be
rity within 6 months. They collect no treasure, but valuables
Anarchist or evil, tame animals are generally considered Un­
may be scattered about from unfortunate adventurers who fell
principled or Anarchist.
victim to the monster. Often found in small swanns of 2D6.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
On Rifts Earth they are known to exist in the ruins of Old nated. I.Q. High animal intelligence (about equal to a human
Chicago, Detroit and Windsor. The inhabitants of Old Bones, I.Q. 5), M.E. l D6, M.A. l D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 5D6,
near Quebec, engage in a regular pest control program to exter­ P.B. 4D6, Spd 4D6 running, l D6x l O+48 flying.
minate them, but the dam bugs keep popping up in small num­ M.D.C.: On Rifts Earth, the Gryphon becomes a M.D.C. crea­
bers. Some of the Chi-Town 'Burbs (so close to Old Chicago ture with 6D6+50. (In an S.D.C. setting, the creature has the
where the Gruunor originate via dimensional Rifts there) also P.E. number +40 for Hit Points, 4D6+20 S.D.C. and an A.R. 9.)
have an ongoing problem with Gruunor, though nothing epi­ Horror/Awe Factor: 1 3
demic. P.P.E. : I D6x 1 0, a creature o f magic.
Size : 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) tall at the shoulders, about 7 ft (2. 1 m) long.
Weight: 150 to 230 pounds (67.5 to 1 03 . 5 kg).
Average Life Span : 200 years.

1 55
Natural Abilities: Fly, Supernatural Strength, nightvision 1 20
feet (36.6 m; can see in total darkness), super keen vision like a Harpies
hawk (can see a rabbit two miles/3 .2 km away), 1 80 degree arc A Harpy is a gigantic, monstrous bird with the head and up­
for peripheral vision, track by sight 54%, prowl 66%. Can learn per body of a hideous woman, reeking of decay and defecation.
a wide range of as many as three languages (level of understand­ The half-bird half-woman creatures hate everything that is good
ing is about 50%). Instinctively hates vampires and all types of and beautiful. The wicked and vindictive fiends seek out all
undead. things of beauty and goodness to molest, deface and destroy.
Attacks per Melee: Three for a young Gryphon or four attacks They torture and kill for pleasure and cannot be reasoned with
for an adult. nor befriended, for Harpies are the living embodiment of envy
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 on initiative, + 1 to and hatred.
strike and dodge, and +2 on all saving throws. According to one Palladium World legend, a high priest,
Dam age: Restrained claw attack inflicts 4D6 S.D.C. damage, vexed at a petty crime, called down a great curse. The gods re­
full strength claws inflict 2D6+4 M.D., nipping bite 3D6 S.D.C., sponded, irritated and vengeful, with a plague of Harpies. They
full strength bite I D6 M.D. have been a pox on that world ever since. In reality the supernat­
Magic: None. Psionics: None. O.C.C.: None. ural monsters are demonic scavengers from another dimension
Language: None, other than growls, but can understand spoken where they feed on the carcasses of carrion as well as kill and
words if so trained. eat the weak, sickly and attractive.
Value: An untrained hatchling 1 0,000 credits, tamed/trained
Harpies have periodically appeared on Earth and the Palla­
adult 300,000 credits. Tamed Gryphons are surprisingly loyal to
dium World for eons. The dimensional Rifts on Earth have
their masters.
given them renewed and easy access to our small blue planet, as
Habitat: Mountain ranges, especially coastal mountains, and
well as access to others and plenty of attractive life forms to tor­
forested islands of almost any climate, tropical to cold.
ment. The vast mystic energy of Rifts Earth turns the horrid
Enemies: None. Allies : None.
Notes: In the wild on Earth they often gather in loose knit flocks
of 4D4 to I D6x l O . A mated pair (they mate for life) can bear
I D4 offspring once every eight years. The young leave the par­
ents at the age of seven and reach full maturity by age 12. Gry­
phons generally attempt to avoid conflict, attacking only when
hungry, attacked first, hurt, scared, threatened, or when protect­
ing its young or mate. Once engaged in combat, they will fight
until their opponent is slain or retreats.
beasts into Mega-Damage fiends who delight in chaos and
death. In fact, legend has it that during the early days after the Hytril
Great Cataclysm and into the new Dark Age, flocks of Harpies
Optional Player Character
descended upon the land in an orgy of murder and carnage. To­
day (circa 1 09 P.A.), Harpies appear in small bands of 3D6 but Hytril are natives of the Palladium World sometimes known
still, sometimes, gather en masse to lay waste to the countryside as "monkey-men." They are not monkeys at all, but an intelli­
or wreak havoc in the skies of an unsuspecting town or city. gent race of small, tree dwellers more closely related to lemurs
than monkeys. They are agile with lightning fast reflexes and
Alignment: Miscreant (45%) or Diabolic (55%) evil only.
swing, leap, climb and race through trees like miniature acro­
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
bats . Hytril are extremely cunning and learn some things very
nated. I.Q. I D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E.
quickly. However, their intelligence is lower than the average
4D6, P.B. I D6, Spd. 4D6 running or I D4xl O+40 flying.
human and their emotional state is selfish and childlike. Both of
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth with
these character aspects limit the extent of their learning. Most
4D6xl O M.D.C. (Nonnally has P .E. number +20 for Hit Points,
Hytril can understand and even speak a new language within
2D4+20 S.D.C., and an A.R. of 6.)
just a few weeks, largely due to their fascination with human­
Horror Factor: 12
oids, and they learn to use simple weapons and devices, but little
P.P.E. : ID6x l O
Size: 7 feet tall (2. 1 m), and an 1 8 foot (5.4 m ) wingspan.
Weight: 200 pounds (90 kg). Whenever humanoids wander near a Hytril tribe, the little
Average Life Span : 2,000 years. creatures will observe them intensely from the shadows and
Natural Abilities : Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m; can see in total from leafy tree branches . Inevitably, a handful are likely to
darkness), keen color vision, poor sense of smell. Their body come out of hiding with anns full of fruits, a snappy little dance
reeks of a horrible stench that causes all who breathe the putre­ and a couple of choice human (or whatever) words that they
fied air to gag and vomit, thus reducing attacks per melee by learned from their last encounter with visitors.
half and victims also suffer these additional penalties: -2 on ini­ Although Hytril love the companionship of the handsomer
tiative, -2 to strike, and -3 to parry and dodge. Range of the humanoids, they are, themselves, mischievous and crafty
stench is a 25 foot (7.6 m) diameter around the Harpy. Victims thieves. A Hytril will search through a person' s belongings
get the standard saving throw versus nonlethal poison/toxin; a without hesitation; a manifestation of their selfish and inquisi­
successful roll ( 1 6 or higher) means no ill affect. Characters in tive nature. If caught rifling through someone's belongings, the
full environmental armor breathing recirculated air (not outside little fellow will bat his big loveable eyes and flash a toothy
air) are not effected, nor are those in gas masks. Characters smile with all the innocence in the world, while it palms a gem,
wearing air filters suffer half the penalties, above, and lose two dagger or morsel of food and scampers off.
attacks/actions per melee round instead of half. Most Hytril are fatally attracted to shiny objects, from gold,
The Harpies' supernatural aspect enables them to sense the silver, and gemstones to any highly polished metal or glass .
presence of good or evil within 1 20 feet (36.6 m) or by looking They are especially tickled with mirrors . Unfortunately, like a
at a person; an automatic psionic-like ability, but one that does terribly spoiled child, if a Hytril can't win an object from some­
not cost any I.S.P. or make the creature psychic. one through favors and personal charm, the scoundrel will at­
Attacks per Melee: Four on Rifts Earth (nonnally three). tempt to take it. If theft is impossible, the little beast will throw
Bon uses (in addition to attributes): +4 to S .D.C. damage, +2 a temper tantrum of astonishing magnitude. Some Hytril are so
to dodge, +2 to save vs magic, +4 to save vs poison/toxin/drugs selfish and spiteful when they can't get their way that they retal­
and +2 on all magic saving throws. iate with vandalism and cruel tricks. They can also become very
Dam age: Supernatural P.S. on Rifts Earth. A restrained claw at­ jealous of their temporary human companions which can lead to
tack inflicts 3D6 S .D.C., full strength claw attack inflicts 2D6 squabbles and other problems within a Hytril clan as two or
M.D., a bite I D4 M.D. more vie for the affection of one specific human.
Magic: None. They are so enthralled by humanoids that the Hytril tribe will
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans. continue to ape and imitate them long after they have gone.
O.c.c.: None. A creature of instinct. NOT recommended as Typically, Hytril tribe members wear hats, articles of human
player characters; pure evil. clothing and jewelry, use daggers, kitchen utensils, mirrors,
Language: None, speaks in shrill whistles and shrieks. Can un­ combs, and other items, as well as bandy about a potpourri of
derstand Gobblely and Dragonese 65%, may pick up bits and words and phrases from any number of languages (all in the
pieces of ( 1 D6) other languages at 45%. proper context, too).
Enemies: Humanoids in general, beautiful creatures (both ani­ Alignments: Any, but usually Unprincipled (3 5%) or Anarchist
mal and intelligent) in particular. Sometimes joins forces with (45%).
other flying predators like the Peryton as well as Gargoyles and Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
demons. nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 5D6, P.E.
Habitat: Seem to prefer to roost along rocky coastlines, islands, 2D6, P.B. 4D6, Spd. 4D6 running and climbing, but add +20 to
and mountain ranges, but can be found causing mayhem any­ speed when leaping/swinging through tree branches.
where. Hit Points: P.E.+20 and the usual l D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 30. A.R.: None.
M.D.C. : Being mortal creatures of flesh and blood, Hytril need

1 57
to wear M.D.C. body annor or use a force tield generator (super Size : Two and a half feet (0.76 m) tall from nose to buttocks,
rare on Rifts Earth) or a bit of magic to protect themselves. the tail adds another three feet (0.9 m).
Their diminutive size and lemur/monkey-like shape requires Weight: 25 to 40 pounds ( 1 1 to 1 8 kg).
piecemeal and custom-made body annor with about 1 5-25 Notes: They are extremely inquisitive, curious, playful and in­
M.D.C. maximum (force fields and magical annor conform to nocent, roughly equivalent to a seven year old child. Hytril mate
the size of the creature without affecting the M.D.C. protection as often as every other year (they do not mate for life), bearing
provided). I D4 young who reach maturity by the age of four. A typical
Horror Factor: 6 tribe or community ranges from 3 0 to 1 20 members.
P.P.E. : 2D6
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m; can see in total
darkness), excellent color vision and hearing, climb and rappel
(see skill), leap up to 6 feet ( 1 . 8 m) high or 1 2 feet (3 .6 m)
lengthwise/across, track by smell 44%, and possess a prehensile
tail which they can use like a third hand to grab onto branches,
hang upside down, grab and carry objects or young, and so on.
Also see O.C.C.IR.C.C. skills.
Attacks per Melee: Four.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes & skills): +3 on initiative,
+2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +5 to roll with punch or fall,
and +2 to save vs poison. This is in addition to attribute bo­
Dam age: Scratching or punching inflicts I D4 S.D.C. damage,
bite 2 S.D.C. points of damage, or by weapon (usually a small
weapon like a knife, dart, stick or small club/blackjack).
Magic: None. Psionics: None. O.C.C. : None.
R.C.C.: Natural thieves, con-men, and scavengers with the fol­
lowing skills (all start at first level): Dance (+5%), Prowl
(+20%), Acrobatics (+5% ) , ClimblRappel (+20%), Swimming
(+5%), Concealment (+4%), Palming (+ 1 0%), Pick Pockets
(+ 1 0%), Pick Locks, Streetwise, Track Animals, Identify Plants
& Fruits (+ 1 0%), Land Navigation (+ 1 0%), Wilderness Survival
(+ 1 0%), Faerie Lore, W.P. Knife or Blunt (pick one), and Lan­
guages: Gobblely 98% (native tongue) and select two at + 1 0%
and select another three without benefit of bonuses.
Can also select a total of six Secondary Skills at level one,
and two more at levels 4, 8, and 12 from the following catego­
ries : Communication (Radio: Basic, only), Domestic (any,
+ 1 0%), Electrical (Basic only), Medical (First Aid only), Pilot
(Automobile, Motorcycle, Sail or Row Boat, and Ground Hov­ The Kelpie is a murderous monster with the head of an ugly
ercraft only and at a penalty of - 1 0%) , Science (Basic Math horse, clawed hands, human trunk, horse-like rear legs, and dark
only), Technical (any, excluding Computer Programm ing), W.P. brown, grey or black complexion. The Kelpie lurks near or in
(any, except Heavy Weapons). Experience Table (Rifts®): deep rivers, streams, and swamps where the fiend waits for its
Same as the City Rat. unsuspecting prey. Although humanoids are favorite targets, no
intelligent being is safe from its ravenous hunger. The Kelpie
Average Life Span : 3 5 years, but some can live to 70 .
lurks hidden underwater, usually near the water' s edge, where
Value: As a pet 2000 credits, for fur 200 credits (many consider
he stalks his victim. The standard method of attack is to sud­
the Hytril to be a clever animal).
denly spring out of the water and drag prey under the waves to
Habitat: Prefer tropical and sub-tropical forests. On the Palla­
be drowned and eaten. Kelpie are also known to engage in hand
dium World the Hytril are indigenous only to the Floenry Isles .
to hand combat, though they seldom use a weapon, and are
However, many of those brought back to the mainland as pets
fierce combatants upon dry land or in the water.
and oddities have escaped and now prosper in the Yin-Sloth
Jungles and the Land of the South Winds. On Rifts Earth, the To make these hateful creatures even more dangerous, they
Hytril are found on Atlantis where they are sold as slaves and can transform into the shape of a grey or black stallion. In this
pets by the Splugorth. Some have escaped captivity and have es­ guise the Kelpie can feign tameness, allowing a traveler to
tablished a few small communities among the trees of Dinosaur mount and ride it, then the horse suddenly goes crazy, runs and
Swamp (Florida & Georgia) and Central America. plunges into a body of water, turning into its demonic humanoid
Enemies: Jungle predators, especially jungle cats known by the form to slay and devour its rider. Ancient pre-Rifts myths in­
Hytril as "hunters." Don't trust or like the very large or uglier clude the Kelpie among the denizens of Faerie Folk that have
humanoids. plagued mankind since the beginning of time. The great mystic
Allies: None, per se, but love humans, and human-like human­ energies since the Coming of the Rifts have served to make the
oids and the prettier Faerie Folk. Kelpie more powerful, transforming the beast into a supernatu-
1 58
ral, Mega-Damage monster. Kelpie are typically present at any
place other Faerie Folk are found, but are especially common in
England, Ireland, The New German Republic, and Europe.
Alignment: Miscreant or Diabolic evil, only !
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. I D6, P.S. 5D6 (minimum P.S.
of 22), P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. I D6, Spd. 4D6 running in hu­
manoid form, 6D6+40 running as a horse and is also the speed
swimming. Supernatural P.S. and P.E. (inflicts M.D. and doesn't
M.D.C. : I D4x 1 00 (Normally has P.E. number +30 for Hit
Points, 3D6x 1 O S.D.C. and an A.R. of 9).
Horror Factor: 1 6
P.P.E. : 2D6
Natural Abilities: Swimming 92%, breathe underwater (indefi­
nitely), breathe air, see underwater, infrared and ultraviolet vi­
sion (can see heat emanations of his prey in the dark and in
gloomy waters), nightvision 30 feet (9 m; see in total darkness),
Optional Player Character
metamorphosis at will into a horse (no limitation as to length of
time, though usually a short period). This unusual horse-like, dragon-like creature can hardly be
Attacks per Melee : Five attacks per melee. called a monster, for it is a gentle, wondrous being and harbin­
Bonuses (in addition to attributes & skills): On dry land: + 1 ger of good luck. The Ki-Lin has been known in the myths of
to strike, parry, and dodge. Underwater: Add one melee attack pre-Rifts China and appears to be indigenous to that land. One
and +3 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2 on initiative. or two are occasionally seen runn ing playfully on the wind or in
Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S . A bite inflicts I D6 M.D., full beautiful or peaceful, Zen-like places throughout the world, but
strength claw attack does an extra 2D6 M.D. in addition to the are most common in China and Asia.
usual M.D. from Supernatural Strength, a power punch does the The Ki-Lin are, with rare exception, virtuous, kind, and good
usual double damage (do not add in claw damage for a creatures of magic. As such, they cannot forsake any living
"punch"), kick does 4D6 M.D., or by weapon (rare). creature in pain or in need of help. Although most tend to avoid
Magic: None. Psionics: None. interaction with humanoids, including humans, they have been
O.c.c. : None. A demonic and malevolent Faerie Folk, not rec­ known to aid them in combat against the supernatural, evil
ommended as a player character. forces, disease, and despair. Some may even join a group of hu­
Skills of Note: Languages: Gobblely/Goblin and Faerie Speak man adventurers and may stay with them for years if they be­
98%, 50% chance of speaking the dominant language of the area come friends. However, the Ki-Lin is a trouble magnet. They
at 45%. Also knows Faerie Lore 80%, Demon & Monster Lore are hated by demons and other evil supernatural beings and be­
50%, Land Navigation 50%, Wilderness Survival 90%, and cause the Ki-Lin always try to help the people in trouble they
W.P. Blunt. often interfere with the machinations of evildoers and dark gods,
Average Life Span : 300 years. often earning them their lasting enmity.
Habitat: Swamps, bogs, rivers, and streams of any climate; of­ Alignment: Any, but almost always Principled (50%) or Scru­
ten near or at a ley line. pulous (40%).
Enemies: Hates all life, especially mortals. Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
Allies: Other evil Faerie Folk like Bogies, Toad Stools, Pucks, nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 5D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E.
Hairy Jack, and Deadmoon Hag, as well as creatures such as the 5D6 (never lower than 20), P.B. 5D6 (never lower than 20),
Waternix and possibly other evil aquatic beings. Spd. running 6D6, flying speed is 22 or 1 5 mph (24 km). Super­
Size: 6-7 feet ( 1 . 8 to 2 . 1 m) tall in humanoid form. natural P.S. and P.E.
Weight: 200 to 300 pounds (90 to 1 3 5 kg). M.D.C.: P.E. attribute number +90 (Normally has P.E. +60 Hit
Notes: Kelpies hate all life forms, especially humans and Elves. Points, P.E. +45 S.D.C., and an A.R. of 1 4).
They have no need nor desire for treasure, but may keep an oc­ Horror Factor: None to good beings, 14 to supernatural evil.
casional item, gold, gem, or magic, in its lair at the river' s edge P.P.E. : 2D6x 1 0 (plus 20 per level of experience if a practitioner
or muddy bottom as souvenirs of conquests. The lair can be rec­ of magic).
ognized by the multitude of skeletons, rusty armor, weapons, Size: 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) at the shoulders.
and artifacts from the Kelpie's many victims left to rot. Most Weight: 600 to 1 000 pounds (270 to 450 kg).
items are corroded beyond salvaging. The actual lair is usually a Average Life Span :. 5000 years.
tangle of weeds, sunken ship or rocky outcropping. A typical Natural Abilities: Fly, prowl 55%, swim 60%, nightvision 90
treasure is worth 6D6x l 00 credits. feet (27.4 m; can see in total darkness), see the invisible (a natu­
ral ability), tum invisible at will (no limitations as to how long
or how often), fire and cold resistant (even magic fire and cold
do half damage), bio-regeneration (2D6 M.D.C. per melee),
healing touch (restores 2D4 Hit Points or 4D4 S.D.C. per
touch), sense evil within 120 feet (36.6 m). The presence of

1 59
these beautiful, majestic creatures inspires all good people, giv­
ing them a temporary skill bonus of +5% to all skills and adding
+ 1 to parry and dodge when performing an act of good.
Attacks per Melee : Five on Rifts Earth (normally four).
Bonuses (in addition to attributes & skills): +4 on all saving
throws and +2 to parry and dodge.
Dam age: Bite inflicts ID8 M.D., kick: front legs inflict 2D6
M.D., rear kick 3D6 M.D., or by magic if any is known.
Magic: Only abilities gained from a magic O.C.C.
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans.
O.C.c.IR.C.c.s Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Many young
Ki-Lin are completely without formal education, relying exclu­
sively on their natural abilities. Older Ki-Lin often study and
adopt the skills from one of the following O.C.C.s: Scholar,
Healer, Druid, or any men of magic. Regardless of O.C.C. use
the Dragon experience table. Start at first level experience.
O.C.c./R.C.C.s Rifts®: Many young rely exclusively on their
natural abilities, but older Ki-Lin often study and adopt the
skills from one of the following O.C.C.s: Body Fixer, Rogue
Scholar, Rogue Scientist, or any practitioner of magic, exclud­
ing dark magic like Necromancy. Use the Dragon experience ta­
ble regardless of occupation (if any). Start at first level
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks aU languages 98%, but must study to be­
come literate in one. Faerie Lore (+20%), Demon & Monster
Lore (+ 1 5%), Land Navigation (+20%), Astronomy (+20%),
Basic Math (+20%), and Art (+ 1 0%). All are in addition to pos­
sible O.C.C. skills.
Value: At least 250,000 credits as a slave. For alchemical pur­
poses: bones are 1 000 credits per pound, hooves 500 credits
each, mane or tail 2000 credits.
Habitat: China is its homeland, but Ki-Lin can be found any­
where, though they are very rare.
Enemies: The evil supernatural monsters and other forces of
Allies: Faeries, Sprites and Faerie Folk in general, as well as
eling, Lizard Man Summoner discovered the planet Earth
Kukulcans, dragons, and creatures of good alignment.
shortly after the Great Cataclysm that marked the reappearance
Notes: Ki-Lin mate for life, bearing one offspring as often as
of magic and the Rifts. As fate would have it, the Summoner
every 800 years. Their young don't reach full maturity until
popped in through a Rift in The Land of a Thousand Islands, in
they 're 200 years old. They rarely collect worldly possessions,
a place once known as South America. There his heart swelled
but most do study language, history, art, and magic. Although
with unbound joy, for never had he seen a more suitable land for
intelligent, the Ki-Lin are creatures of the wind and magic, and
his people. Everywhere he looked was tributary after tributary
spend much time enjoying the simple pleasures of playing in the
slicing the land into hundreds of smaller islands. A land filled
natural world. Many older Ki-Lin are knowledgeable in at least
with thousands of natural canals. He raced home, told his tribe
one area of magic, although their skill and ability rarely exceeds
about this paradise and returned to Earth with his entire tribe of
sixth level proficiency. They are gentle observers of life and
nearly a thousand people.
mere dabblers in its mysteries.
The Palladium Lizard Men have thrived over the last 300
years in this primitive and forsaken land. Impressive cities con­
sisting of buildings raised on poles directly over the water are
Palladium Lizard Men found deep within the Amazon jungle. These cities contain up to
30,000 inhabitants with smaller villages of 200 to 1200 mem­
Optional Player Character bers scattered throughout the rain forest. Their principal diet
A variety of different reptilian humanoids exist in the world consists of aquatic creatures like fish, shellfish, amphibians,
of Rifts®. Palladium Lizard Men are one of the many vital, ag­ snakes and other reptiles.
gressive races of semi-aquatic humanoids indigenous to the Pal­ Palladium Lizard Men are instinctively driven to spawn and
ladium World. Their physical appearance is definitely reptilian colonize the land along waterways, especially rivers. Though
with fine, scaly, green skin and bright green or blue eyes. They colonization is a consuming objective, aggressively pursued, the
are typically of good alignment, but allow nothing to stop their Lizard Men do not usually attack any intelligent beings without
steady colonization of the various waterways. A dimension trav- cause. They may threaten, chase and even capture and physi-

1 60
cally remove uncooperative interlopers, but they seldom engage O.C.c.s Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Any.
in wholesale slaughter or torture. The Lizard Men are content to O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any, except cyborg or formal Coalition-style
let land dwellers live in peace, so long as they do not threaten military O.C.C.s.
their people, or inhabit land coveted by the territorial reptilians . Skill Note : All Lizard Men speak the Dragonese/Elven lan­
Thus, human travelers, by land or boat, are ignored and left un­ guage at 98% as their native tongue regardless of O.C.C. At
molested as long as they keep "passing through." Many tribes least a third of those who live in the large cities are also literate
offer travelers a meal and place to sleep provided that the out­ (+20%).
siders move along the next morning. Some have even estab­ R.C.C. for the Lizard Man Hunter: The average, "uncivi­
lished trade with other humanoids in the general area. However, lized" Palladium Lizard Man is basically a hunter, provider, and
if even a single Lizard Man is injured by an outsider, the entire defender of his people. The following are the skills of the Palla­
community mobilizes to war. These polite and friendly people dium Lizard Man Hunter/Warrior R.C.C., either use this or se­
can instantly transform into savage warriors when threatened or lect an O.C.C., but not both.
angered. Many are familiar with Mega-Damage energy weapons Fishing (+20%), Dance (+5%) , Play Musical Instrument
and body armor, though few own any. The Lizard Men have a (+5%, particularly fond of wind and percussion instruments),
comparatively low level of technology. The only high-tech speak DragoneselElven 98% (not literate), Basic Math (+5%) ,
items they have are those captured, stolen, or found. Climb (+ 1 0%) , Pilot Sail & Row Boats (+ 1 0%) , Boat Building
Rifts® Note: These are the independent - primitive, if you (+ 1 5%), Carpentry (+ 1 5%) , Hunting, Track Animals (+5%),
will - Lizard Man clans and colonies who prefer to live simple Skin & Prepare Animal Hides, Preserve Food (+5%), Land Nav­
lives as their forefathers did. There are also those who have built igation (+ 1 0%), Wilderness Survival (+ 1 0%), Hand to Hand:
or joined large advanced civilizations, including the Kingdom of Expert, two ancient W.P.s of choice, and (on Rifts Earth) one
Bahia and aggressive Kingdom of Lagarto. The latter is espe­ modem W.P. of choice. Can also select six secondary skills at
cially dangerous because of its increasingly strong ties to the level one and two at levels four, eight and twelve from any cate­
Splugorth and Atlantis. The Lizard Men of Lagarto use Kittani gories excluding Electrical, Mechanical, Medical (limited to
technology and are allowing themselves to be manipulated by a First Aid and/or Holistic Medicine), Science, and Computers.
cult of dragon worshipers. The growing discord between war­ Habitat: Rivers, streams, swamps and lakes. Known to inhabit
mongers and peaceful citizens seems certain to erupt in civil war the northern half of South America on Rifts Earth.
and crisis. See Rifts® World Book Six: South America One Enemies: None per se.
(and World Book Nine: South America Two). Allies: Were-panthers.
Alignments: Any. Notes: Lizard Men prefer large swords, ball and chain, spears
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ or short bows. Although superb carpenters, they are not knowl­
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. edgeable in making metal weapons and items, nor especially
3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6 running and climbing; twice as fast well versed in high technology (some more than others), so they
swimming. will gladly trade canoes, woodwork, jewelry, food, services and
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + 1 2, plus I D6 per level of ex­ other valuables for Mega-Damage weapons, armor, and other
perience. items of interest.
S.D.C.: 4D6 plus those acquired through O.C.C . and physical On the Palladium World they .are a dying race. Rifts Earth
skills. has given the Lizard Men a new lease on life. Eggs are laid in
M.D.C.: Since Lizard Men are S.D.C. creatures, so they must nests of mud and sticks underwater, hatching within five
acquire Mega-Damage body armor (and weapons) to deal with months. A single female lays 4D6 eggs and will visit the nest of­
many of the Mega-Damage threats and tech-based outsiders . ten to guard it. On Earth, with fewer natural predators, as many
Most wear homespun body armor, but others use high-tech gear as 50010 survive each birth and the Earth population numbers
acquired through trade. have soared into the low millions.
Arm or Rating: 9, fine scaly skin.
Horror Factor: 1 3 when in an attack frenzy.
P.P.E.: 2D6
Size: Four and a half to five and a half feet ( 1 .3 7 to 1 .6 m).
Lizard Mage
Weight: 80- 1 5 0 pounds (36 to 67.5 kg). Another race o f lizard m an i s the fearsome Lizard Mage. The
Average Life Span : 50 years. Lizard Mage stands about eight feet (2.4 m) tall, has a short tail,
Appearance: Short, thin, reptilian humanoid with a thick snak­ a dragon-like head and dinosaur-like feet. Their scales are a
ing tail nearly as long as its body. Frills, like those of an Earth beautiful gold and silver. The eyes are a glittering, emerald
Iguana, run from the forehead down the spine to the tip of the green. In fact, the Lizard Mage and the Eandroth, both warm
tail. blooded, could be examples of the logical evolutionary progress
Natural Abilities : Breathe underwater (indefinitely), natural of the theropod dinosaurs had they not perished on Earth mil­
polarized vision, and swim 90%. lions of years ago.
Attacks per Melee : As per O.C.C. and Hand to Hand training. Legend tells us that the Lizard Mages were among the first
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C.IR.C.C. & skills) : rulers of the Palladium World, perhaps even during the Age of
+ 1 on initiative and +3 to save vs poison/drugs, + 1 to strike and Chaos. The legend suggests that the Lizard Mages were second
parry underwater, +2 to dodge underwater. in power only to the dreaded Old Ones and that it was they who
Magic: By O.C.C. only. created the Elven race! Legend also credits these creatures of
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans. magic to be the "masters of time," preserving themselves by
1 61
Surprisingly, they have little concern or interest in regard to
the survival of their own race and exhibit great disdain toward
one another. Nor is a Lizard Mage interested in the activities of
other Lizard Mages, unless those activities interfere with their
own schemes. Game Masters, these characters make great vil­
lains, always suave, sophisticated and conniving. Evil that drips
with honey.
Alignment: Typically Aberrant evil (70%), but occasionally
some are Diabolic, Miscreant, or Anarchist. Considered a super­
natural evil.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated: I.Q. 4D6 (never lower than 1 7), M.E. 4D6 (never lower
than 1 7), M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6 (never lower than 1 7), P.P. 3D6,
P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 4D6
M.D.C.: I D6x 1 00+400 (normally has P.E. number +60, plus
2D6 per level for Hit Points, 200 S.D.C., and an A.R. of 1 4).
Horror Factor: 1 7
traveling to other dimensions or placing themselves in a state of P.P.E. : 5D6x l OO as a result of the transformation from the in­
suspended animation in magic circles of great power. Circles credible magic and psychic energy that permeates the Earth.
not known to the Palladium World (or many others). This is close to how powerful the Lizard Mages were during the
Time of Chaos on the Palladium World, when creatures of
The Lizard Mages' level of knowledge is said to equal or sur­
magic and supernatural beings dominated that planet.
pass that of elder dragons and they are known to use their magic
Size: 7-8 feet (2. 1 to 2.4 m).
to explore many alien worlds. On the Palladium World, they are
Weight: 250-3 50 pounds ( 1 1 2.5 to 1 57.5 kg).
among the most feared and powerful beings to ever walk the
Average Life Span: 1 8,000 years on Rifts Earth, because the
planet. During the tumultuous periods during and after the Age
magic energy keeps rejuvenating them. Normally, without their
of Chaos, thousands of these reptilian lords were hunted down
preservation circles and time distortion through dimensional
and destroyed. Thousands of others escaped to other dimensions
travel, they live 1 80 to 400 years.
where some prospered and others perished. Still others were
Natural Abilities : Keen vision, sharp hearing, and is warm
frozen in time by arcane magic known neither by man nor Elf,
blooded. Recognize and read runes 98%, recognize wards, cir­
and are still found, from time to time, slumbering peacefully in­
cles 50%, recognize enchantments 50% +2% per level of experi­
side a magic circle hidden deep in an ancient ruin or under­
ence, recognize magic items 62% +2% per level of experience,
ground tomb.
recognize precious metals/stones 80%.
Lizard Mages are curious about science, magic, and the su­ Attacks per Melee: Five physical or psionic attacks (or combi­
pernatural, and most are power-mongers in search of a kingdom nation of the two) per melee, or two by magic.
to dominate and rule. All of which are elements that have at­ Bonuses (in addition to attributes & skills): + 1 to initiative,
tracted them to Rifts Earth. In the magic rich environment of +4 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +4 to pull punch, +2 to roll
Earth, they are transformed into Mega-Damage creatures and with impact, +8 to save vs Horror Factor, impervious to posses­
pulse with natural powers like they did so long ago in the Age of sion, +4 to save vs all magic, and +3 to circle and ward strength.
Chaos when the Palladium World was a seething, Dam age: Bite 2D6 S.D.C. damage, restrained claw attack 4D6
multi-dimensional ley line nexus center. S.D.C. damage, full strength punch 2D6 M.D., power punch
Once they have acquired a position of power or feel that they 4D6, but counts as two attacks.
can easily overpower those around them, a Lizard Mage can be Magic, Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Knows all power words,
surprisingly friendly, easy-going, and helpful. Frequently, they mystic symbols, wards, all Circles of Protection, various circles
offer their aid to inferior humanoids while figuring out the new of Summoning and Power (select I D6+ 1 of each), plus spells
and strange world around them, and plotting who they can take and so on learned from their magic O.C.C.s. Most can also read
over. This is always a temporary allegiance, subject to other, runes. The typical NPC villain knows eight spells from each
more attractive, opportunities. There can be no denying the ex­ level of magic 1 -8 . Three each from levels 9- 1 5. Most have a
treme egotism, impudence and pure gall of a Lizard Mage. They preference for dimension and time oriented spells (Teleport,
tend to see most other races as subordinates, servants, or sheep Mystic Portal, etc.). Most own one or two rune weapons and ru­
waiting to be sheared. Only Alien Intelligences and an occa­ mor claims 20% know the secrets of rune magic, though they
sional dragon or godling is accepted as an equal. Ultimately, ev­ will NEVER share/teach this coveted lost mystic art even upon
ery Lizard Mage craves supreme knowledge and absolute threat of death.
power. This often leads them on grand quests and missions to Magic, Rifts®: A Rifts® based character is likely to be a di­
conquer those around them through force and intimidation. They mensional traveler who knows all power words and most mystic
are seldom satisfied with fleeting power and desire world domi­ symbols, can read runes, and knows how to use Techno-Wizard
nation. However, when the stakes get too high and their lives are devices in addition to their O.C.C .IR.C.C. skills. And there are a
threatened, they graciously abandon that particular game (and few who may be a Temporal Wizard or Temporal Warrior,
often that world) to pursue some new game of conquest and Stone Mage, or even a Splugorthian style Bio-Wizard (the latter
domination elsewhere. Or to study or explore some other part of is NEVER a player character).
the world for a century or two.
1 62
Psionics: All Lizard Mages are (limited) Master psychics. To add some credence to the myths and legends surrounding
I.S.P.: M.E. x4, plus lD6 I. S.P. per level of experience (the av­ the Loogaroo, many are masters of the mystic arts while, at the
erage Lizard Mage has 1 00 to 200 I.S.P.). same time, possessing some magical and supernatural abilities .
Psionic Powers (Rifts® or Palladium Fantasy®): Know all an Rifts Earth, they are rare supernatural, Mega-Damage crea­
Sensitive and Physical powers, five Healing powers, plus the tures who usually function as lone predators and villains skulk­
Super-Psionic abilities of Bio-Manipulation, Bio-Regeneration ing around shadowy wilderness regions.
(M.D.C. instead of S.D.C.), and two other Super-Psionic powers Alignments: Evil (any) or Anarchist. Most are wicked.
of choice. Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
R.C.C.lO.C.c. : Lizard Mage - Lord of Magic. Has learned nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A . l D6, P.S. 3D6+2, P.P. 2D6,
the equivalent knowledge of two magic a.c.c.s., e.g. Wizard P.E. 3D6, P.B. l D6, Spd. 2D6 running or l D4x 1 0+20 in flight.
and Diabolist, or Line Walker and Shifter, or Palladium Sum­ M.D.C.: 3D6x l 0 (normally has P.E. attribute number +50 for
moner and Rifts Techno-Wizard, or any other logical combina­ Hit Points, 2D4x 1 O S.D.C. and an A.R. 6).
tion. They are NE VER a Witch, Priest, Shaman or Druid a.c.c. Horror Factor: 1 6
and seldom a Warlock, because they will never look to an out­ P.P.E. : 2D4xl 0
side force, not even a god, for power. Size: 5-6 feet tall ( 1 .5 to 1 .8 m).
The first, and primary a.c.c. area of knowledge is 2D4+6 Weight: 250-3 00 pounds ( 1 1 2.5 to 1 35 kg).
level. The second a.c.c. area of knowledge is at ID4+4 levels Average Life Span : 900 years.
of experience. Not recommended as a player character. Natural Abilities: Fly, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m; can see in
total darkness), see the invisible, hawk-like normal vision (can
In addition to a.c.c. magic and knowledge, all Lizard
see a dead carcass two miles/3 .2 km away), tum invisible at will
Mages can read mystic symbols, wards, and runes 98%. Recog­
(no limit to how often or how long), sense magic (automatic,
nizes enchantment 98%, recognize all magic circles 98%, knows
one mile/ 1 . 6 km range), sense good (automatic, 600 foot/1 83 m
all magic words, circles of protection, circles of dimensional
range), impervious to poison, impervious to S.D.C. weapons ex­
travel, and Summoning magic (circle and spell).
cept silver ones, which inflict an equivalent M.D. on Loogaroo
Skills of Note: DragoneselElven 98% (literate 98% too) plus six (Le. a silver dagger that does l D6 S.D.C. will do I D6 M.D. to
additional languages (literate in all) at 98%, recognize magic this creature). Note: "Tum Dead" magic spells and the clergy
items 80%, recognize precious metals/stones 80%. All are in ad­ ability will not repel a Loogaroo even though they are reputed to
dition to a.c.c. skills. be dead or undead witches.
Habitat: Anywhere, anytime. Attacks per Melee: Five physical or two by magic (if known).
Enemies : There is a lasting enmity toward Elves and Dwarves. Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.c.c. & skills): +1 to
Allies: Evil creatures of magic and supernatural forces. Also strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +4 to parry and dodge when air­
uses humans and other intelligent beings as his pawns. borne/flying, +6 to save vs Horror Factor and possession, and +3
Notes: See Monsters & Animals for Lizard Mage powers/stats to save vs all magic.
in S .D.C. worlds with considerably less P.P.E than Rifts Earth. Dam age: Bite does I D4 M.D., restrained claw attack 3D6
Note that the Lizard Mage will immediately become an S.D.C. S.D.C., small claws I D6 M.D., large claws 2D6 M.D., or by
creature when returning to the Palladium World or most other weapon or magic.
worlds where magic energy is less. Lizard Mages are known Magic: None, unless of a magic a.c.c. (can range from 6-l Oth
throughout the Megaverse as rare and powerful level).
multi-dimensional travelers. Though defmitely a rarity any­ Psionics: None.
where, Rifts Earth offers so many opportunities for O.C.c.s Palladium Fantasy®: Thief, Assassin, Wizard, War­
power-hungry exploiters like Lizard Mages, they seem to pop lock, Diabolist, Summoner or evil priest. Not recommended as a
up regularly with perhaps as many as a dozen or two up to player character.
something at any give time (which is a large number in the O.C.c.s Rifts: Line Walker, Mystic, Shifter, Necromancer,
grand scheme of things). Though they delight the tricking, using Warlock, Vagabond-Mage, Vagabond-Thief, Bandit, Raider,
and cheating the Splugorth whenever they can, the reptilian Vagabond or Wilderness scout. Never a Techno-Wizard or
mage is welcome on Atlantis and many regularly engage in ne­ Bio-Wizard.
farious trade schemes with the merchants or mastersof that con­ R.C.C. Skills: Fluent in DragoneselElven, Dwarf,
tinent. Gobblely/Goblin, and one other (usually a human tongue), all at
95%. Eighty percent can read and write DragoneselElven and
Dwarven 95%, and Land Navigation 95%. All are in addition to
Loogaroo a.c.c. skills.
Habitat: Ancient ruins, deserts, plains and wastelands are
The Loogaroo are giant, semi-intelligent, vulture-like crea­ among their favorite haunts, as well as light forests. an Rifts
tures that prey on the weak and helpless, and feed on the dead. Earth they enjoy the ruins of old (and not so old) cities, roosting
They are commonly found in deserts and wastelands. According among the shattered skyscrapers. Can be found anywhere in the
to myth, they are witches who in exchange for supernatural world, but not very common and are usually encountered as a
powers during their lifetime, must now, after their death, live as lone, albeit malevolent, individual, or a lone Loogaroo with
evil carrion eaters. Whether there is any truth to the myth is un­ l D6+ I henchmen (Goblins, two-bit thugs or other nasty little
known. What is known is that the Loogaroo are foul, unnatural critters).
creatures that cannot die from the normal weapons of man. Enemies: Humans, Elves, canine races, and all champions of
1 63
Allies: Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, and evil people of every variety. Size: S- 1 0 feet long (2.4 to 3 m), 4 feet ( 1 .2 m) tall at shoulders.
Those weaker than it are seen as pawns and henchmen, those of Weight: 600-700 pounds (270 to 3 1 5 kg).
equal or greater power are seen as partners or associates , at least Average Life Span : 400 years.
as long as it is to the Loogaroo's advantage. Loogaroo never do Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 S.3 m), Prowl 50%,
well in truly subservient roles. Swim 50%, Climb 30%, Track by Smell 52%, and leap 20 feet
Notes: Favorite weapons are small bladed items for torture, (6. 1 m) high or lengthwise.
magic weapons and light energy weapons. May worship or Attacks per Melee: Five.
serve an evil god(s). NEVER associate with their own kind or Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge,
other men of magic when they can avoid it. For one thing, they +5 to save vs poison, and +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
see others of their kind as rivals, and other sorcerers as potential Dam age: Restrained claw attack 4D6 S.D.C., full strength claw
rivals, even if they are weaker and currently subservient. Not all strike 206 M.D.C . (+ 1 06 if P.S. is over 25), power claw 4D6
Loogaroo dabble in magic, but all are terribly evil and cruel, M.D. (+2D6 if P.S. is over 25, but counts as two attacks), bite
seeking to undermine the forces of good. lOS (or 2D4) M.D., lash of the poisonous barbs of its tail, l O S
S.D.C. plus poison does 6D6 S.D.C. damage unless its victim
saves vs poison; the barb must penetrate the skin to do damage.
Magic: None. Psionics: None. O.C.C.: None.
Skills of Note: Speaks DragoneselElf 9S% and can learn 1 04
others (+ 1 0%). Also see Natural Abilities for Prowl, Swim and
other instinctive skills.
Value: Each quill of its poisonous barbed tail holds its own in­
dividual pocket of poison, making them implements of death
and coveted by assassins. An individual barb will bring 1 00 to
1 50 credits. The hide is worthless. A live specimen is worth
50,000 to 75,000 credits caged and healthy for sale as a slave
animal or for the arena or for its poisoned barbs (they grow back
in 3 0 days after being "plucked").
Habitat: Grasslands, savannas, steppes and wastelands, occa­
sionally light forests and ancient ruins. Warm to hot climates are
Manticore preferred. Rarely found on Rifts Earth.
Enemies: Humans and Elves, but Manticore are generally hos­
This unusual beast has the hulking body of a lion, a barbed, tile to all humanoids.
poisonous tail, and an ugly human face. Manticore are cruel, Allies: Forces of evil.
fearsome predators who stalk and slay humanoids, large mam­ Notes: Although a Manticore has no use for treasure, they often
mals like deer and cattle, and other human-sized animals. They gather a small treasure trove which is hidden in their den (a bur­
are cruel and vicious killers known to destroy human life and row or cave). It is typically worth 4D6x l 00 credits. Game Mas­
slaughter entire herds of animals for the sheer pleasure. They ters may add a handful of common weapons and/or armor.
have been known to ally themselves with evil forces to help de­
stroy or harm humans and other handsome humanoids. Fortu­
nately, Manticore are quite uncommon both in the Palladium
World and on Rifts Earth. (Of course they can be found on
Atlantis, but then one can find and buy just about anything on
Created by Erick Wuj cik, additional m aterial by Siem bieda
The Manticore are solitary creatures, avoiding their own kind
except to mate. A mature, 20 year old female will give birth to These grotesque humanoids are indigenous to another dimen­
one or two cubs as often as every three years, although most sion, but are instinctively drawn to places of magic. Thus, they
bear young once every six or eight years. Gestation period is ten have somehow found their way to Rifts Earth. Maxpary live ex­
months and the young leave the side of their mother after two clusively in underground tunnel complexes made in soft, moist
years. The male leaves to continue his roaming immediately af­ dirt or mud; the frequent cave-ins don't hurt nor annoy them,
ter conception. they just rebuild. Maxpary are also known to adopt the tunnels
Alignments: Any, but almost always Miscreant (45%) and Dia­ and catacombs of other creatures. On Rifts Earth that includes
bolic (45%). old and new sewer systems, access tunnels of big cities and
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ 'Burbs, as well as caves, ancient subway tunnels, basements and
nated: I.Q. 1 04+2, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. I D6, P. S. 2D6+ 1 6, P.P. ruins, especially at or near a ley line.
2D6+ 1 0, P.E. 3D6+ 12, P.B. 1 06, Spd. 2D6+ 1 2 . Supernatural Living exclusively on a diet of alien mushrooms and fungus,
P.S. the Maxpary spend most of their time tending their fungus
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth with crops. Aside from planting and watering, this involves scaveng­
3D6xl 0+40 M.D.C. (Normally has 4D6+40 Hit Points, 2D4x l 0 ing for dead carcasses or hunting and returning with the dead
S.D.C. and an A.R. of S.) bodies for fertilizer for their strange crops (a key ingredient).
Horror Factor: 16 These bizarre mushrooms include not only food varieties, but
P.P.E.: 3D6 even though a minor creature of magic. also mushrooms that have magical properties.
1 64
hearing, dig in soft earth at a speed of 10 feet (3 m) per minute.
Can hold breath for 20 minutes, toxic fumes and gases have no
or little effect on the Maxpary.
Attacks per Melee: As per Hand to Hand combat skill (typi­
cally 2-4 per round).
Bonuses (in addition to attribute, O.C.C. & skills): +1 on ini­
tiative, +8 to save vs poison, toxins, and drugs.
Dam age: Restrained claw inflicts 406 S.D.C ., full strength
claws does 206 M.D., bite does 1 06 M.D.
Magic: A few may be Warlocks, usually Earth or Air (Elemen­
tal Magic) or a Shaman.
Psionics: None.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Most are Soldiers (50%)
or Peasant/Worker Drones (48%), roughly 2% may be a War­
lock or Shaman.
When they are not tending the crops, the Maxpary are in­ O.C.C.s Rifts®: Same as Palladium Fantasy, above.
volved in their totally mysterious religious and magical rites . R.C.C. Skills: The typical drone knows Hand to Hand: Basic,
Since no one has ever succeeded in communicating with the Climb 60%/50%, Carpentry 50%, Land Navigation 80%, Wil­
Maxpary, others have invented the names Drol, Allil, and Mal derness Survival 50%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Knife, W.P. Blunt.
for their weird gods. Of course, they may not be gods, or even a Most can figure out how to use Vibro-Blades and basic energy
religion, for all that anyone really knows. pistols or rifles they fmd or take off of slain interlopers.
The Maxpary are fanatically territorial and protective of their Habitat: Underground complexes; most common among the ru­
lairs, attacking all interlopers regardless of their intent. Their ins of pre-Rifts Earth. Maxpary are alien to Earth, and only oc­
weapons are typically long, S.D.C., bladed pick-axes or the casionally found in scattered colonies around the planet. The ex­
occasional Mega-Damage weapon (tech or magical), but most ception is the New German Republic which is only now begin­
simply bite and claw. Each Maxpary carries a small pouch of ning to realize that it has a serious Maxpary (and Shambler)
infestation in parts of the country.
mushrooms and will take a magic speed ' shroom, doubling his
number of melee attacks, as soon as there is any warning of at­ Languages : They have their own strange language which is in­
tack. comprehensible to other life forms. No communication is possi­
ble. All a psychic gets from a Telepathic probe is a garbled mess
Killing Maxpary is tricky business, since they become M.D.
of frightening swirling images and weird sensations. Using Te­
beings on Rifts Earth , they regenerate and their brains are not
lepathy on a Maxpary has a 1 - 1 5% chance of inflicting instant
located in their heads. Although the removal ofthe head will kill
insanity on the psychic if he does not break contact after a few
a Maxpary, it takes about 1 5 minutes for them to die from de­
seconds (one melee round or sooner). Roll for Random Insanity
capitation. Only deep thrusts into the center of their armor
or on the Phobia Table. Empathy can be used without ill conse­
plated body will quickly kill a Maxpary.
quence, but all that can be perceived is a fear of, or anger to­
But the strange supernatural beings don't stay dead! ! ! ward, intruders, hostility and aggression (when defending
A slain Maxpary returns to a sort of undead life as a more themselves or the lair) and a sort of dull contentment when left
powerful, zombie defender of the lair. Meanwhile, the bodies of alone and working.
slain mortals are dragged off and used to fertilize the mushroom Enemies: None per se, anybody who invades their lair or threat­
fields. ens them.
One out of every 200 Maxpary is the equivalent of a 5th level Allies: None. Stick to themselves.
Earth or Air Warlock. One in every 50 Maxpary is a 3rd level Size: 4-5 feet ( 1 .2 to 1 .5 m).
Shaman. Of the rest, roughly a quarter are 2nd level sol­ Weight: 250-3 00 pounds ( 1 1 2.5 to 1 35 kg).
diers/fighting warrior drones. All other Maxpary are unskilled Notes: Maxpary are very territorial, aggressive, and hostile to­
peasant/worker drones. Note: Also see Maxpary Shambier, the ward any creature that invades their domain and will use tooth,
undead zombie protector. claw and whatever weapons are available to them. The smallest
Living Maxpary NPC Monster tribes can be a mere 1 0 or 12 members plus 206 Shamblers, but
Alignments: Any, but most (88%) are Anarchist. Not recom­ most have 40 to 80 tribesmen, plus 1 06x 1 O undead Shamblers.
mended as a player character. Normally, they use no tools except for an occasional club or
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ stone; nor do they use artificial armor, or have any use for magic
nated: I.Q. 206, M.E. 206, M.A. 206, P. S. 406 (never less than items, technology or wealth. However, areas of the mushroom
1 7, Superhuman), P.P. 206, P.E. 306, P.B. 1 06, Spd. 206. fields may be littered with universal credit cards, small weap­
M.D.C.: 606+40, becomes an M.O.C. creature on Rifts Earth ons, E-Clips and electronics, or bits of armor tom from the
(normally has P.E. number + 1 06 per level for Hit Points, 50 corpses of the slain before they were used to fertilize the fields.
S.O.C. and an A.R. of 1 3).
Horror Factor: 13
P.P.E.: I D4x l 0 ; a creature of magic.
Maxpary Shambler
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), excellent vi- The bizarre supernatural or magical nature of the Maxpary
sion for dim light, poor day vision 20 feet (6. 1 m), excellent creates a zombie drone moments after a Maxpary dies. The
1 65
undead fonn of the Maxpary has but one purpose: to protect liv­ Maxpary Mushrooms
ing Maxpary by destroying all who invade their tunnels and/or Food Mushrooms: (Brown with White Spots) Provide a tasty
threaten the tribe. Shamblers are fairly mindless and continue to and complete meal.
protect a lair even if all the living Maxpary have perished; Warning Mushrooms: (Pink-Spotted, Brown Puffers) When
Shamblers leave a lair only if the living tribesmen lead them disturbed, they release clouds of spores. Unless a save is made
away. vs magic, the victim is seized by uncontrollable choking for 3D6
Shamblers have a spongy interior that cannot be damaged by minutes. Victims of choking see all combat bonuses, attacks per
nonnal weapons except fire (inflicts M.D. equivalent to nonnal melee, and speed reduced by half; skill perfonnance by 75%!
S.D.C. fIre damage). They are simple-minded beings obedient Healing Mushrooms: (Red with White Spots) Each mush­
only to living Maxpary. As a strange fonn of animated dead, room eaten will heal I D6 points of damage, Hit Points or S.D.C.
they are easily turned by clerical or magic turn dead and are (only one point for M.D.C. beings).
held at bay by protection circles and holy water. Holy water
Speed Mushrooms: (Blue with White Spots) Anyone eating
doesn't hurt them, but they cannot step over a line of holy water
this mushroom sees their nurnber of attacks per melee and phys­
until it is dried (the crucifix has no affect). Shamblers can only
ical speed doubled for 2D6 minutes ! Exhaustion sets in once the
be hurt by magic or fire.
mushroom wears off. A couple hours of sleep are needed for a
Alignment: Anarchist, but effectively evil to all non-Maxpary. full recovery, otherWise speed is at -20% and skill perfonnance
Attributes: All zombies have the same basic attributes; do not at -5%.
roll dice. I.Q. 4, M.E. 12, M.A. 1 , P.S. 26 Supernatural, P.P. 1 0 ,
Dream Mushrooms: (Mushroom with Green Spots) Whoever
P . E . N/A, P . B . 3 , Spd. 1 0
eats this will fall into a deep sleep and experience vivid dreams
M.D.C.: 6D6+70, becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts
Earth. (Has 3D4x l 0 H.P'/S.D.C. as a zombie, and A.R. 14 on that cannot be separated from reality. Awakens 4-8 hours later.
S.D.C. worlds.) The dream mushroom also heals the character while he sleeps;
Horror Factor: 14 double the nonnal healing process for a day's rest and I.S.P. or
P.P.E. : I D4 P.P.E. is also restored at double the amount for a night's sleep.
Natural Abilities: Bio-regeneration of 2D6 M.D.C. every me­ Death Mushrooms : (All White) The person eating this mush­
lee round. Severed limbs and even decapitated heads regrow room seems to fall down dead. However, this is some kind of
within 24 hours unless the undead Maxpary Shambler is com­ paralysis and suspended animation. Only a psionic probe will
pletely destroyed by frre. Immune to all non-magical weapons reveal that the person is still alive. No true damage is inflicted
and attacks including Mega-Damage energy weapons and nor does malnutrition or dehydration damage occur from being
Vibro-Blades! Also impervious to psionic attack (pretty much in suspended animation. The effect can last anywhere from 1 -20
all), mind control, possession, illusions and fear, plus they can­ days.
not be blinded by bright light nor deafened or paralyzed.
Maxpary Shamblers sense their prey by supernatural means.
Vulnerabilities: Cannot step over spilled holy water nor over
Maxpary Religious Artifacts
fIre. Nonnal fIre inflicts M.D.C. instead of its nonnal S.D.C . Stone of Drol: Five inch sphere of black stone with a thin,
Likewise, psionic mind control, empathic transmission, and white stripe . This object is reputed to be an essential ingredient
bio-manipulation have no effect/damage on them. to create a Raise Dead Circle, which can be used to either resur­
Attacks per Melee: Four attacks per melee. rect/restore a person who has not been dead for more than six
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): + 1 1 damage to S.D.C. at­ hours or to animate and control 6D6 skeletons/corpses.
tacks, impervious to Horror Factor, possession and all fonns of Stone of Mal: Eight inch, white, semi-transparent sphere.
mental and physical attacks (except for magic and fire). Used in ceremonies to control Undead Shamblers and can be
Dam age: Restrained claw inflicts 4D6 S.D.C., full strength used to turn other zombies, mumm ies and even vampires of any
claw strike does 3D6 M.D., power punch 6D6 M.D., but counts kind. It may be a valuable artifact in Diabolist or Summoning
as two attacks, bite does 2D6 M.D. magic, and Necromancers would love to get their hands on this
Magic: None. Psionics: None. artifact if they knew it existed.
Average Life Span : Indefmite - until completely destroyed. Stone of Allil: Seven inch, green stone sphere. This is a pow­
Physical Appearance: Skeletal version of the Maxpary. erful artifact for perfonning Water Elemental Magic (any water
Notes: A slain/dead Maxpary will turn into a Shambler within spell at a fifth level spell strength). It can only be used by a
1 04 melee rounds (4D6 minutes if decapitated or blown to bits). Maxpary Shaman or a Water Warlock.
This zombie instinctively attacks all life fonns except other Treasure Spheres : The Maxpary create a number of hollow
Maxpary. A Maxpary Shambler can be destroyed only by burn­ metal globes of gold, silver or other metals. Value varies ac­
ing it to a cinder, otherwise the zombie regenerates and returns cording the size of the sphere and the amount of precious metal.
to undead life to continue its mission as defender of the lair. Un­ Occasionally, gems, magic items and other artifacts are sealed
less decapitated, blown up, or chopped to bits (which requires inside the globes (one in ten). These items may have religious
24 hours for the creature to rise again) depleting all of its significance not recognized by others. It is believed the spheres
M.D.C. will seem to have killed it, until it stands up to attack are created by some unknown (and unseen) fonn of Maxpary
again as a Shambler a half hour later. magic.

1 66
M.D.C.: I D6x l 0+40 on Rifts Earth (normally P.E. number + 1 2
for Hit Points, 1 D6x l 0+30 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 9).
Horror Factor: 1 6
P.P.E. : 3D6
Size: 8 feet (2 .4 m) at the shoulders, 1 8-20 feet (5 .5 to 6. 1 m) to
the top of the head.
Weight: 1 200 to 2000 pounds (540 to 900 kg).
Average Life Span : 200 years.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m; can see in total
darkness), see the invisible, keen hearing, smell and track the
scent of blood 65%, leap 20 feet (6 m) high or 40 feet ( 1 2.2 m)
across, impervious to poison.
Attacks per Melee: Five attacks per melee.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 S.D.C. damage, +3 to
strike and parry, +4 to dodge, +2 on all saving throws, impervi­
ous to poison/drugs.
Dam age: Superhuman strength on Rifts Earth, so a bite inflicts
1 D8 (or 2D4) M.D., restrained strike by the tiny front claws
does 1D6 S .D.C. damage, full strength strike I D4 M.D., front
leg claws do 2D6 M.D., or the beast may use a weapon. Leap at­
tack does I D6 M.D. with a 70% chance of knocking the victim
of the attack on the ground (loses one attack and loses initia­
tive), plus there is a 50% chance of the knocked down person
being immobilized/pinned by the Melech and therefore vulnera­
ble to attack from its tiny clawed hands.
Magic: None. Psionics: None.
O.C.C. : None. Not recommended as a player character.
R.C.C. Skills: Speaks DragoneselElven and Gobblely/Goblin
90%; may know 1D4 others (base proficiency). Wilderness Sur­
vival 80%, Land Navigation 80%, Track Humanoids 35%,

Melech Track Animals 45%, Swim 40%, Climb 20%11 0%, W.P. Knife
and two W.P.s of choice (any).
The Melech are hideous monsters that one might describe as Habitat: Desolate, not heavily populated areas from northern
part demonic horse, part dinosaur and concentrated evil. These steppes to jungles. Known to exist on Rifts Earth in Atlantis (as
perverse, black hearted villains are carnivorous predators that slaves, servants and free assistants) and parts of Europe.
delight in the destruction and mutilation of life and beauty. They Enemies: Humanoids and all creatures of a good alignment.
are masters of terror and torture, often joining forces with other Allies: Giants, vampires, demons, and creatures of evil intent.
evil beings. Their exact origin is unknown, but it' s clear that Notes: Loves to torture and torment their victims, and may cap­
their roots lie somewhere in the steaming Yin-Sloth Jungles of ture people rather than kills out them right. Captives may be
the Palladium World. kept alive for hours or days as a plaything to torment, but are
On Rifts Earth, the Melech' s supernatural nature transforms eventually tortured and killed. Those rare Melech who have fre­
them into Mega-Damage creatures. They often run in small quent contact with the civilized world may wear Mega-Damage
packs of 2D6; a large group seldom exceeds 30 members, and body armor similar to horse barding (typically 70 to 200
lone hunters or mated pairs are not uncommon. Greedy and self­ M.D.C.) for additional protection. They are also likely to use
ish, they often accumulate small hoards of treasure. An individ­ M.D. weapons.
ual Melech will have 4D6x l 00 credits' worth of valuables, is
likely to have 1 D4 S.D.C. weapons for torture and has a 0 1 -30%
chance of having one or two common Mega-Damage weapons
(they have been known to use Vibro-Blades, energy weapons Mucker
and magic items). The Melech mate once every 20 years Original concept by Bill Coffin
(though not for life), giving birth to one or two offspring who These malicious little cretins serve no purpose other than to
reach maturity eight years later. further hone their fighting skills by waylaying any unsuspecting
NPC Monster or Villain folks who happen by. They are clearly imp-like demons with a
Alignments: Any, but typically Anarchist (30%), Miscreant murderous streak, but what plane of existence they originate
(30%), Diabolic (27%), Aberrant ( 1 1 %) and 2% other (aberra­ from is unknown. On the Palladium World they are found in
tions and usually outcasts). small numbers exclusively in the Land of the Damned and
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ Northern Hinterlands.
nated: I.Q. 1D6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6+ 1 , M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6+2, P.P. Muckers engage in a life of brazen robbery, vandalism and
3D6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 1 D6, Spd. 5D6x2 killing, often enjoying attacking travelers without provocation to

1 67
just for the fun of fighting and killing. Looting all who fall vic­ Average Life Span: Effectively immortal, although they can be
tim to them is just part of the procedure, but sometimes, if the slain in combat.
victim has nothing the little brute wants, they are left where they Natural Abilities: Nightvision 3 00 feet (9 1 m), don't need to
fall. The lucky ones are beaten but left alive. The nasty little cre­ eat or drink, never seem to fatigue (sleep two hours a night),
tins love to rob, hurt and kill other beings, large and small. It' s bio-regenerate 2D6 M.D.C. per melee round, and is impervious
not that they hate beauty (they are just as glad to do away with to normal fire, cold and electricity (magical versions do half
an ugly bloke), or want to destroy all life, they are simply little damage), immune to mind control or magical sleep or paralysis.
bullies who delight in proving how tough they are by causing Can leap to 30 feet (9 m) in any direction from a standing start,
pain and death whenever possible . Their treacherous nature also and out to 45 feet ( 1 3 .7 m) from a runn ing start. Special: Any
makes them completely untrustworthy. Muckers do not hesitate spell cast upon a Mucker has a 0 1 -03% chance of reflecting
to backstab allies or betray and malign anybody they're associ­ back and affecting the spell caster instead (roll percentile dice).
ated with, especially if they are unhappy with said individual. Vulnerabilities: Ordinary weapons plated with silver do
Even when a Mucker freely offers his help or advice, one should Mega-Damage +50% more damage, e.g. a silver dagger that
run away because they NEVER do anything out of kindness. normally does I D6 S.D.C. damage will do 2D4 M.D. or ID6+3
The one true weakness of these monsters is that like a Demon M.D. (depending on how the G.M. wants to approach it). Holy
or Deevil, they are susceptible to anybody who knows their true Weapons do double damage. Magic weapons and ordinary M.D.
name. Moreover, each Mucker has its true name engraved on weapons do normal damage. Although they do not need to eat or
the bottom of its stump-like feet, so if one can hold a Mucker drink water, most enjoy drinking blood and fmd it as intoxicat­
down long enough to check for its true name (not an easy task, ing as humans find alcohol.
by the way), then a means of controlling it can be had. All one Attacks Per Melee: Six.
must do is utter the Mucker's true name in a command, and the Dam age: As per Supernatural P.S . ; bite does ID6 M.D. Special
Mucker is compelled to oblige. This is either a control mecha­ leap attack does 2D4x l 0 M.D. but counts as all attacks for the
nism built into these creatures by their creator or a punishment melee round and must be the creature' s very first attack that
imposed upon them by some powerful demon lord or god. More round.
than a few Summ oners and Shifters have tried to take advantage Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +3 to initiative, +4 to
of these vile creatures, using them as assassins, spies and im­ strike and parry, +5 to dodge, +5 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, +3
mortal minions for eons. Of course, one can only control a to roll with punch, fall or impact, +5 to save vs Horror Factor.
Mucker to a point. And while Muckers will obey when so com­ Magic: None. Psionics: None.
manded, they will look for any reasonable loophole in it that O.C.C.s Available: None, a natural killing machine who will
might allow them to hurt their current master. And these fiends use anything from a brick or shattered bottle to a knife or poi­
are masters at bending words, misrepresenting facts and leading son.
their unwanted "masters" to their doom. Moreover, they will
carry out most tasks with malice and do whatever they can to in­
flict damage and suffering to those they encounter along the
way, if not directly hurt their master. Indeed, keeping control of
a Mucker is a bit like having the proverbial tiger by the tail -
they are a powerful henchmen, but the moment their masters
slip up (and everybody always slips up sooner or later), they
make them sorry they ever crossed a Mucker.
NPC Monster or Villain
Alignment: The rare Anarchist at best, but the majority are Mis­
creant (40%) or Diabolic (55%).
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 204+ 1 9 (Supernat­
ural), P.P. 2D6+ 14, P.E. I D6+ 1 7, P.B. I D4, Spd. 6D6+ 1 5
M.D.C.: I D6x l 0+70 on Rifts Earth. (Normally has P.E. number
x3 in Hit Points, P.E. number +50 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 14.)
May wear additional body armor.
Horror Factor: 9 at a casual glance. Those who know about
Muckers will treat them as if they have a Horror Factor of 1 3 .
Average P.P.E.: 2D6x l 0
Size : Three to four feet (0.9 to 1 .2 m ) tall.
Weight: Exceedingly dense for their height, roughly 200 to 300
lbs (90 to 1 35 kg).
Physical Appearance: Imagine a Dwarf-sized humanoid that
looks like it was shaped out of dark blue clay. Then place four
beady orange eyes in a horizontal row in its head above a large,
wide nose and a wide mouth full of sharp teeth. Top it off by
making the humanoid entirely hairless. That pleasant picture is a
1 68
R.C.C. Skills: Magically understands and speaks all languages M.D.C.: Turns into a minor Mega-Damage creature with 6D6
(95%). Muckers have the following equivalent skill abilities : M.D.C. (normally has P.E. + 1 0 Hit Points and 1 04x 1 0 S .D.C.).
Climb (85/80%), Land Navigation (80%), Track Humanoids Horror Factor: I I
(56%), Concealment (90%), Palming (80%), Pick Locks (70%), P.P.E. : 4D6
Prowl (60%), Use & Recognize Poison (70%), Recognize Size: Two and a half to three and a half feet (about 0.9 m) tall.
Weapon Quality (65%), Escape Artist (60%), and Basic Math Weight: 20-30 pounds (9 to 1 3 .5 kg).
90%. Natural Abilities & Skill Equivalents : Nightvision 1 20 feet
Habitat: On Palladium, mainly the Northern Hinterlands, (36.5 m), keen, hawk-like vision (can see a glittering trinket two
Northern Mountains and parts of the Land of the Damned. On miles/3 .2 km away), good sense of smell, Track by sight 75%,
Rifts Earth, they are known to be in regions infested by Track by smell 60%, Prowl 64%, Pick Pockets 3 5%, and limited
demonkind, including the areas around the Calgary Rift, De­ flight. They cannot fly for great distances, needing to rest within
troit-Windsor Rift, Magic Zone, Germany, Russia and China, as 1 0 minutes . Also see psionics.
well as occasional encounters elsewhere. Skills of Note: Own code of chirps, hoots, howls, and whistles.
Enemies: Everyone is a potential target and victim. Everyone. 60% of all Owl-Things understand and speak (in a shrill voice)
Especially those who have crossed, insulted or annoyed the little one humanoid language, usually Gobblely or Dragonese.
fiends, and just being a champion of light or someone willing to Attacks per Melee : Four.
oppose them is reason enough. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +2 on initiative,
Allies: None per se, or at least not for long, but Muckers may + I to strike, +3 to dodge.
join forces with other evil and power-hungry beings if the alli­ Dam age: B ite and claws both inflict I D4 S.D.C. damage, or
ance means causing destruction, suffering and/or death, espe­ psionic attacks (limited telekinesis).
cially on a large scale. They often volunteer to be an Magic: None.
interrogator and torturer, as well as assassin and/or executioner. Psionics: I.S.P . : M.E. x5 . Abilities include Presence Sense,
Sometimes summ oned and controlled by Shifters and Sum­ Sixth Sense/Sense Traps, Resist Fatigue, Resist Thirst,
moners (whom they despise), and view Diabolists, Mon­ Bio-Regeneration, Telepathy/Commune with Animals (Special,
ster-Hunters and clergy who worship the gods of Light with very similar to the abilities of a Simvan), Empathy, and Teleki­
disdain. On the flip side, they rather like Necromancers and nesis (limited). Psionic strength is equal to a 4th level Mind
Witches, and some Muckers let people worship them. Mage or Mind Melter.
O.C.C. : None, although natural thieves and psychic. Not recom­
mended as a player character.
Owl-Thing Average Life Span : 50 years.
Value: Varies; sometimes wanted by practitioners of magic and
Owl-Things are strange little creatures that resemble demons as guardians of treasure, pets, and familiars. They can
long-legged owls with large, rolling, yellow-green eyes. More be sold for 1 06x 1 000 credits, ifa buyer can be found.
intelligent than true owls, they do possess a rudimentary intelli­ Habitat: The grasslands and desert areas. None are known to
gence and emotions, but are far from a human' s equal. Unlike exist on Rifts Earth, except perhaps in Atlantis.
true owls, they roam the grasslands and parched earth of the Enemies: Canine and feline predators; leery of all humanoids.
northern wastelands of the Palladium World on foot, taking Allies: Often ally themselves with, or psionically manipulate,
wing only to escape predators. Owl-Things are terrible flyers. other animals, especially their natural feline enemies, to protect
They generally avoid large humanoids except to steal an oc­ their nest.
casional meal or glittering trinket. They are obsessed with col­ Notes: Owl-Things mate for life, bearing I D4 young once every
lecting bright and shiny objects, risking life and limb if the four years (during the late spring or early summer). They are
object is deemed worthy. Such objects can range from brilliant solitary creatures living alone, or as a mated pair, or with their
gemstones, gold or jewelry to worthless sparkling rocks, glass, young until they reach maturity two years after hatching. Upon
bottle caps and metallic or chrome junk. Their treasure hoards reaching maturity, the Owl-Things' young's natural psionic
are usually buried among the dry grass, sticks, and leaves of abilities manifest themselves, signaling the time for them to
their nests, which are hidden under rocks or logs, or the protec­ leave their parents. Owl-Things are nocturnal predators.
tive arms of a cactus. Frequently, a nest is near, or shared with a
much larger and more ferocious beast. This is easy for the
Owl-Thing because it can psionically commune with animals,
making the creature totally accept it as one of its own. Which
means the monster or animal will also defend the Owl-Thing These extremely rare, winged horses are occasionally sighted
and its treasure nest to the death. Of course, so will the little in the plains or high in the mountains of the eastern United
monster, using its psychic powers to the maximum, as well as States, Atlantis, France, Spain and Africa; all are the descen­
physically biting and clawing. dants of animals that have escaped their Atlantean masters .
Alignments: Any, but usually considered Anarchist or Miscre­ They are typically white or black in color, with large, feathered
ant. wings, and majestic in appearance.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ Pegasus roost high in the mountains away from predators and
nated: I.Q. 1 04+ 1 (high animal intelligence), M.E. 5D6, M.A. humanoids, making their nests near those of eagles and other
3D6, P.S. I D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6+6 run­ hunting birds. They can also be seen grazing in meadows and
ning (x2 in flight, but flight can only be maintained for 2D4+2 playing in open fields, though ever alert for danger.
minutes before needing to perch and rest).
1 69
Capturing or training a Pegasus is very difficult. In their
years of independence they have come to fear all humanoid Peryton - Demon Deer
creatures. They also remember any cruelty inflicted upon them, Another flying anomaly of nature is the deceptively beautiful
however minor, for life. Their psionic abilities make them all and elegant creature, the Peryton. However, unlike the Pegasus
the more difficult to capture. However, Pegasus are smart and or even the Dragondactyl, the Peryton is a murderous hunter that
loyal when properly trained (ideally with kindness). At one appears as a winged deer, but casts the shadow of a man ! Hence,
point on the Palladium World, Pegasus were entirely domesti­ it is often called the "Demon Deer." Its origin unknown on Rifts
cated by Elves. Sometime during the Great Elf-Dwarf War, the Earth (or the Palladium World), most believe it to be a night­
entire population was nearly exterminated and were believed to mare from another dimension, perhaps having gained entry to
be extinct for many years. Earth thorough a Rift or brought as livestock by the Splugorth.
Alignments: Any, but usually good; Principled (50%) and Scru­ It is interesting to note that the Peryton must have visited our
pulous (45%). planet in the past as they are part of Greek mythology.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ The Peryton is a malicious predator that attacks and devours
nated: I.Q. High animal intelligence roughly equal to an I.Q. humanoids and other handsome animals such as the Pegasus and
ID4+3, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. I D6+6 , P.S. 5D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. Unicorn. However, humanoids are, by far, the monster's favor­
4D6, P.B. 4D6, Spd. 5D6 running (x5 in flight). ite prey. Sailors who cannot flee from the confines of their ves­
M.D.C. : 3 D6x 1 0, they are creatures of magic and become pow­ sel are easy targets for the monsters.
erful Mega-Damage creatures on Rifts Earth, much stronger and
Alignment: Miscreant (40%) or Diabolic (60%) evil.
sturdier than they are on the Palladium World. (Normally, P.E.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
number +30 for Hit Points and I D6x 1 0+ 1 0 S.D.C.)
nated: I.Q. High animal intelligence roughly equal to an I.Q. of
Horror Factor: None.
1 04+3, M.E. 2D6+2, M.A. I D6+6 , P. S. 2D6+ 1 2 (Supernatu­
P.P.E.: 2D4x1 O
ral), P.P. 2D6+8, P.E. 2D6+8, P.B. 4D6 (never less than 1 7),
Size: 6-7 feet ( 1 .8 to 2. 1 m) at the shoulder, wingspan is about
Spd. 22 running, but 44 flying (30 mph/48 km).
20 to 3 0 feet (6 to 9 m).
M.D.C.: Peryton are supernatural beings and become
Weight: 1 000- 1200 pounds (450 to 540 kg).
Mega-Damage beings on Rifts Earth with 3D6x l O+ 1 O M.D.C .
Average Life Span : 1 00 years.
(Normally has P.E. number +6D6 as Hit Points, 2D4x l 0 S.D.C .
Natural Abilities : Fly, soarlhover on the wind, exceptional
and an A.R. of 1 0).
hawk-like vision (can see a rabbit 3 miles/4.8 km away),
Horror Factor: 1 3
nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), track by sight 45% (not natural
P.P.E.: 3D6
hunters), normal leap is about 20 feet (6. 1 m) across and 1 0 feet
Natural Abilities: Exceptional long-range vision equal to the
high (3 m), wing assisted soaring leap 1 00 feet (30.5 m) high or
Pegasus, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), Track by sight 77%,
across and this is without actually flying. Superhuman strength
Prowl 40%, Swim 60%, Climb 40%, normal leap is about 1 5
and endurance. Also see psionics.
feet (4.6 m) across and 1 0 feet high (3 m), wing assisted soaring
Attacks per Melee : Four.
leap 1 00 feet (30.5 m) high or across and this is without actually
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 on initiative, + 1 to
flying. Impervious to all S .D.C. weapons (including silver, fIre
strike and parry , +2 to dodge, +4 to dodge in flight, +2 to roll
and cold). Only Mega-Damage weapons, magic, and poison
with impact or fall, + 1 to save vs poison and disease.
have any effect on them.
Dam age: Bite does I D6 S.D.C. damage, kick with front legs
Attacks per Melee: Five.
does 2D6 M.D., kick with rear legs does 4D6 M.D., power kick
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +1 on initiative, +2 to
6D6 M.D., rear legs only and must be on the ground to do a
strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +4 to dodge while in flight, +2 to
power kick (counts as two attacks).
roll with impact or fall, and +6 to save vs Horror Factor.
Magic: None.
Damage: Bite does ID6 M.D. damage, kick with front legs does
Psionics: I.S.P. is M.E. x6. Sense Evil, Empathy and limited Te­
2D6 M.D., kick with rear legs does 3D6 M.D., power kick 6D6
M.D. (rear legs only and must be on the ground to do a power
O.C.C. : None, but can be loyal pets, riding animals, and famil­
kick; counts as two attacks). Flying or running charge with
horns does 6D6 M.D. but counts as two attacks.
Value: 25 0,000 to 400,000 credits is a reasonable fee. Even un­
Magic: None. Psionics: None.
trained Pegasus will sell for around 75,000 credits.
O.C.C. : None; an animal-like predator.
Habitat: Extremely high and rugged mountains; seem to prefer
Skills of Note: Language is composed of whines and whistles,
moderate to cold temperatures.
but can learn to understand the basics of at least two languages
Enemies: Splugorth and their minions, Peryton and Loogaroo.
like a normal horse or dog (level of comprehension is 60%).
Fear humanoids.
Value: As a tame steed: 250,000 to 350,000 credits (seldom
Allies: None.
used by characters of a good alignment who know the Peryton is
Notes: Pegasus can mate at full maturity of eight years old ev­
a wicked demon), untrained command about 50,000 credits. Oc­
ery other spring, giving birth to one foal. The foal leaves its
casionally used as a pet or familiar by evil mages.
mother' s side after two years.
Habitat: Mountainous areas, especially those near oceans and
seas . Known to exist along the eastern coast of Europe, England,
and Atlantis.
Enemies: All humanoids and Pegasus, and sees Dragondactyls
as a rival.
1 70
Allies: None per se. of whom frequently attempt to control powers far beyond their
Size : 5 feet ( 1 .5 m) at the shoulder, wingspan is about 20 feet abilities with dire results. Magic is the one thing that is likely to
(6. l m). entice Ratlings to visit Rifts Earth of their own accord.
Weight: 240 to 340 pounds ( 1 08 to 1 53 kg). Ratlings believe that they are the chosen people of Kirgi, the
Average Life Span : 300 years. Rat god, and as such, shall inherit the Palladium World (and
Notes: Although humanslhumanoids are their preferred prey, perhaps a few others too) as part of their destiny. The only thing
they also feed upon sheep, goats, deer, Pegasus and livestock. that keeps them from attempting open conquest of the Palladium
Peryton mate once every ten years, giving birth to one or two World is their cowardice. They have low self-esteem and dra­
fawns twelve months after conception. Young leave their matically underestimate themselves. Ratlings rarely attack un­
mother within five years, but don't actually reach maturity until less they have overwhelming odds in their favor. Their
they 're sixteen years old. cowardice also prevents them from pursuing the mystic arts as
These wicked monsters have no need or want of gold or far as one might expect. They are especially fearful of
magic; however, the valuables, weapons and armor of their vic­ Diabolism, Summoning and Necromancy.
tims can often be found in or near their mountain nests. A typi­ Ratlings tend to be quiet and shrewd observers, staying hid­
cal treasure trove will include 1 D6x 1 000 in credits, 2D4 den in the shadows - ever vigilante and patient - until the right
ordinary types of weapons, I D4 suits of M.D. body armor (cov­ moment entices them to take action. They are clever, cunning,
ered in dry blood and the armor has half the normal M.D.), and sneaky and resourceful, although they sometimes play the fool
there is a 1 2% chance of I D4 M.D. handguns. and let their insecurities get the better of them. They also have
an aptitude for spying and building things, so it' s little wonder
that they have a fascination with traps, tricks, thievery and sur­
veillance devices.
Alignments: Any, but most NPCs are selfish or evil.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
nated: I.Q. 4D6, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E.
3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 3D6
Hit Points: P.E. attribute number + I D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 4D6 plus points from O.C.C. and physical skills.
Arm or Rating: None.
M.D.C. : As mortal creatures of flesh and blood, Ratlings need
to acquire M.D.C. protection by way of body armor, magic or
force field. They love magic items but have no idea how to
make them; they steal or barter for whatever magic they own.
Horror Factor: 1 1
P.P.E.: I D6
Size : Four to five and a half feet tall ( 1 .2 to 1 .65 m).
Weight: 45 to 90 pounds (20 to 40.5 kg).
Average Life Span : 55 years.
Natural Abilities: Keen color vision, nightvision 40 feet ( 1 2.2
m), excellent "passive" nightvision (needs a source of light to
see in the dark, but can make out shapes fairly well, 1 200
Optional Player Character feet/3 66 m), poor day vision 90 feet (27.4 m), sensitive whiskers
help to maneuver in the dark or when blind (usual penalties are
Ratlings are a race of humanoids indigenous to the Palladium
half), keen hearing, climb 70% (instinctive), swim 70% (instinc­
World, who resemble humanoid rats. Their appearance could
tive), imitate voices 60% (instinctive).
easily be mistaken for mutant animal experiments by the Coali­
tion States, but they are not mutant animals. On the Palladium Ratlings are also good tunnelers and decent engineers, as
World, they are found only in the subterranean depths of large well as fair smiths and craftspeople. Although their weapons
and ancient cities of the Western Empire. Here, these sly schem­ and armor will never equal those of the Dwarves or Kobolds,
ers gather ancient and modem means of magic and plan for the they are the equal of common human works.
day when they will rule the Palladium World. Their existence Underground Tunneling (Special): Ratlings can dig and build
and large numbers are kept secret by the government, so very solid, strong tunnels (no fear of a cave-in) with amazing speed
few city dwellers are aware of them, and those who do discover and dexterity. The can also excavate ruins and the sites of
Ratlings assume they are of little consequence and leave them cave-ins with the same prowess. In addition, the character can
for the rulers of the Western Empire to deal with. usually tell if an existing tunnel or chamber is a natural forma­
A comparatively tiny number of Ratlings, perhaps as many as tion or whether it was dug by Ratlings, Dwarves, Kobolds, Gob­
a thousand, have arrived on Rifts Earth either by means of their lins, Gnomes, Troglodytes or humans. The character can even
own magic dimensional portal, as victims of a dimensional tell if it is new, old, or ancient. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level
anomaly or as slaves sold by Splugorth Slavers. Magic is fasci­ of experience.
nating to Ratlings, and there are numerous Wizards, Warlocks, Underground Architecture (Special): Ratlings are excellent
and Shamans among their numbers on the Palladium World, all underground architects able to build small and large rooms, or-

1 71
nate archways, staircases, great chambers with cathedral ceil­
ings, as well as a labyrinth of tunnels, passageways, mazes and
underground traps (most common are pit and cave-in type
traps). Likewise, the character can recognize the styles of
Dwarven, Kobold, Goblin and other types of construction. The
Ratling who is traveling slowly and cautiously, looking for un­
derground traps can locate them, and avoid or deactivate them .
Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience; detection and de­
activation of traps is done at half his normal architecture skill
Underground Sense of Direction (Special): The character has
an innate ability to tell direction when underground, even in to­
tal darkness (not applicable on the surface). Thus, he can tell
whether he is traveling up, down or straight, the approximate
angle of decline or ascent, approximately how far below the sur­
face he is, and the approximate direction (north, south, east,
west). Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience. This skill
also enables him to judge the approximate location relative to
surface structures (natural and artificial), but only if the charac­
ter is familiar with the area. The character will also recognize
traits and aspects of the underground tunnel or construct that
serve as landmarks for him. Base Skill: 25% +5% per level of
experience; -25% if in an unfamiliar area.
Magic: By O.C.C. only.
Psionics: Standard.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy RPG®: Any, but lean toward
Mercenary Fighter, Thief, Assassin, Wizard, Warlock, and Sha­
O.C.C.s Rifts®: Any except Coalition Military, but lean toward
City Rat (no pun intended), Operator, Vagabond (with a focus
on Rogue, Communication, and/or Piloting skills), Juicer,
'Borg, Headhunter, Ley Line Walker, Mystic, and Sandwyrm
Techno-Wizard. City Rat, Vagabond, Bandit or Vaga­ Original concept by Bill Coffin
bond-Thief, and Mystics are the most common O.C.C.s among
Sandwyrms are massive beasts that seem to be part dragon
natives born on Rifts Earth. A full bionic conversion and Cra­
and part demonic worm. On the Palladium World they are the
zies' M.O.M. conversion are too scary for most to consider,
uncontested lords of the Baalgor Wasteland' s sandy desert.
while the occupations of Body Fixer, Cyber-Doc, and most true
Technically, they are a primitive form of dragon, but are crude
science or scholastic pursuits are too demanding to be appeal­
savages with a brutish intelligence and minimal magic ability.
ing. Cybernetic implants and weapons are very appealing to the
Physically, they are 300-400 foot-long serpents with hundreds
tricky Ratlings, especially if the implant is completely con­
of tiny legs, a huge head and gaping maw filled with several
rows of razor-sharp teeth. Sandwyrms have mouth-tentacles that
R.C.c. Skills: All Palladium RPG Ratlings speak the Western
are used to lash out, grab prey, and reel them in for consump­
Human dialect, Gobblely/Goblin, and Dwarven at 98%. 25% are
tion. Given a Sandwyrm' s size, they can do this to just about
literate! Rifts® Ratlings speak Gobblely 98% and one other lan­
any animal or humanoid smaller than a True Giant. The mouth
guage of choice. A full one third will be literate in one Earth
tentacles reach about 50 feet ( 1 5.2 m). These creatures also
breathe fire and cast a limited number of Fire and Earth Warlock
Habitat: Subterranean cities and ancient tunn e l systems.
Enemies : Everyone. They don't trust anyone. Plan to conquer
their home world. Most hated are Changelings and other shape Sandwyrms slumber deep beneath the sand or under a large
shifters. rock outcropping for years at a time. When they awaken, they
Allies: None per se, but may hook up with other adventurers or tend to lie in wait under the sand, sensing the vibrations of those
beneficial associates as is convenient. walking on the surface. When prey comes within reach, the
Notes: Ratlings use any weapons or armor they can get their monster rises to the surface and gobbles up the hapless sur­
hands on. They love high-tech sturn Especially cybernetics. face-goer. Prey includes animals and livestock, to humanoids of
all variety. Sandwyrms sometimes decide to stay on the surface,
basking in the sun and, as the mood strikes them, terrorize lesser
beings and wreak camage and destruction in villages and tribes .
These wicked monsters have n o regard for life other th an their
own, and often do whatever they please.

1 72
Although dumb compared to most of their dragon kin, breath has a range of 50 feet ( 1 5 .2 m) and does 4D6 M.D. The
Sandwynns are instinctive predators and can exhibit a surprising Sandwynn will also use its tail and/or looping lengths of its in­
level of cunning when necessary. However, they are lazy crea­ credibly long body as a whip or bludgeon to inflict 4D6 M.D.
tures that hate to exert themselves and prefer, instead, to sun per hammering blow.
themselves and sleep for days at a time. They become active Bonuses (in addition to attributes): HatchlinglYoung: +1 on
only when bothered, annoyed, feeling mischievous, and hungry. initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, automatic dodge (can dodge
Some (about 30%) establish lairs where they keep the bones and without using a melee action), + I to pull punch, +2 on all saving
trinkets of their most memorable or fun victims, but most are throws, +4 to save vs possession, and +6 to save vs Horror Fac­
too lazy and primitive to do even that. tor - double for adults.
None are known to exist on Rifts Earth. They really only Magic: Two spells per level of experience selected from level
thrive in sandy deserts, but could manage, at least for a while, in 1 -4 Fire or Earth Warlock spells. These can be mixed and
other environments that are not too cold (arctic conditions are matched from both categories, but the two can only be picked
right out). from one at a time.
Psionics: Empathy, Presence Sense, Mind Block and I D4 Sen­
Sub-Species of Dragon sitive powers of choice. I.S.P. : M.E. number + 1D6 I.S.P. per
Alignment: Any, but usually Anarchist (30%), Miscreant (30%) level of experience.
or Diabolic (3 5%). Habitat: Sandwynns are found only in the Baalgor Wastelands.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ They are not believed to exist on Rifts Earth though the deserts
nated: I.Q. 1 D6+4, M.E. 1 D6+6, M.A. 1 D6+6, P.S. 6D6+3 0 of North Africa would make an inviting environment.
(Supernatural), P.P. I D6+8, P.E. 1 D6+22, P.B. 1D6, Spd. Enemies: Virtually everything !
2D6+ 30 (half that speed when digging or traveling under­ Allies: A rarity. Sandwynns consider most living things as po­
ground). tential food, rivals or enemies. Occasionally known to join
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth with forces with other dragons and incredibly powerful sorcerers,
P.E. attribute number x2 for young and 2D6x l 000 M.D.C. for demon lords, demigods, gods and similarly powerful beings.
adults ! (Normally, Hit Points are P.E.x2 + 1 00 for young and
S.D.C. is I D6x l 00 for young. Multiply both by ten for adults .
A.R. 12 for young and I S for Adult.)
Horror Factor: I S
P.P.E.: 6D6 +3D6 per level o f experience.
O.C.c.s Available: None. These creatures appear to be animated Scarecrows made of
Size : 3 00-400 feet (9 1 .4- 1 22 m) long, 40-50 feet ( 1 2.2- 1 5 .2 m) straw, and that is exactly what they are ! They look like a typical
tall. Scarecrow, button-like eyes, floppy hat, sewn lips/mouth, tat­
Average Life Span : Estimated at 1 000 years. tered clothing, gloves and boots stuffed with straw and a
Average Level of Experience: 5-7; use the same experience ta­ straw-filled bag for a head. These supernatural beings were cre­
ble as dragons. ated by an insane Diabolist/Alchemist on the Palladium World
Physical Appearance: A long snaking creature with hundreds before the madman was slain and the means to their creation (or
of tiny arms, large head, and massive, tentacle-filled maw. summoning?) was forever lost. Still, he had successfully created
Typically a red and gold or tan color; deep blue eyes. a small army of Scarecrows, most of whom escaped destruction.
Natural Abilities: Supernatural strength and endurance, dig and No one knows how many may still exist, certainly hundreds
burrow underground, excellent sense of smell and can track by roam the Palladium World. They have spread across the land,
smell alone 70% (+ 1 5% if following a blood trail; penalties for but are most common to the Eastern Territory.
being blinded are half), nightvision 600 feet ( 1 83 m), see the in­ Scarecrows are effectively immortal, so many of them have
visible, impervious to heat and fire (magical fires do one quarter acquired extensive skills. In spite of mass persecution and other
their normal damage), and bio-regenerates 6D6 M.D.C. per me­ difficulties, many Scarecrows have not only survived, but man­
lee round. aged to learn multiple O.C.C. 'so The most dangerous are those
R.C.C. Skills: Underground skills roughly equivalent to those Scarecrows who have become proficient as practitioners of
of Dwarves although no actual "building" is involved. Also has magic. No Palladium Scarecrows are known to exist on Rifts
Climb 80%/75%, Land Navigation 80%, Track Animals 70%, Earth. Note: Scarecrows need twice the normal experience to
Track Humanoids 65%, Wilderness Survival 90%, and under­ advance a level in any O.C.C.
stands and speaks a guttural form of Gobblely and Alignments: Evil, typically Aberrant (30%), Miscreant (40%),
DragoneselElven 75%. Also see Natural Abilities. or Diabolic (28%), but there is the rare Anarchist one.
Vulnerabilities: Rune weapons do double damage, plus the Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
wynn tends to underestimate its opponents and often acts in nated: I.Q. 2D6+2, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+ 1 , P.P. 3D6,
haste or anger. P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 2D6
Attacks Per Melee: Hatchling/Young: Three by physical or one M.D.C. : I D4x I 00+200, on Rifts Earth, the Scarecrows' are
by magic; double for adults. Mega-Damage supernatural creatures. (Normally, has P.E. num­
Dam age: Varies with Supernatural P.S. A favorite attack, other ber +20 for Hit Points, 1 D4x50+ 1 00 S.D.C., and an A.R. of 6).
than biting (5D6 M.D.), is the tentacle attack (entangles and Horror Factor: I S
pulls prey into the mouth). A tentacle can also be used to strike P.P.E. : 4D6 (plus those of the O.C.C. i f a practitioner of
out like a whip but does half the normal P.S. damage. Fire magic).
1 73
Size: 6 feet tall ( 1 .8 m). flaming torch will inflict 2D6 M.D. and has a 32% chance of
Weight: 30-80 pounds ( 1 3 to 3 6 kg); they're only made of setting him on fIre. A flare shot into the body will do a mini­
straw. mum of 4D6 M.D. and has a 37% chance of setting him on fITe,
Average Life Span : Effectively immortal - until destroyed by while an S.D.C. flame thrower does 6D6 M.D. per blast and has
fIre. Average Age: 3D6x l 00 a 55% chance of setting him on fIre. Being set entirely ablaze or
Natural Abilities: Impervious to cold, heat and poison. Normal walking into a blazing inferno or wall of flame (not magic) will
weapons do no damage. Likewise, they are impervious to magic also instantly set the Scarecrow on fIre, causing I D6x l 0 damage
that affects the human body, such as clouds and gases, paralysis , per each melee he is ablaze. Mega-Damage fIres, including
blind, mute, age, sickness, and even life drain. Only forceful plasma weapons, incendiary grenades/missiles and magic fIre,
magic attacks, such as Call Lightning, Fire Ball, Wind Rush, inflict double damage. Scarecrows instinctively fear fIre and can
Magic Net, wallslbarriers, all the fIre spells, etc., can inflict often be held at bay by a simple torch, campfIre or circle of
damage or impair movement. flame, magic or normal.
Perhaps the Scarecrow' s most terrifying power is supernatu­ Attacks Per Melee: Depends on hand to hand combat training
ral regeneration. If smashed, dismembered, or blown to pieces, plus one attack per melee round; or two by magic.
the Scarecrow will regenerate within twelve hours or sooner. Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.c. and skills): +1 on
This supernatural regeneration restores I D4x l O M.D.C. at a rate initiative, +4 to S.D.C. damage, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge,
of once every fIve minutes (20 melees). A Scarecrow who ap­ +3 to save vs magic, impervious to poison, drugs, and gases .
pears to have been blown into dust particles will completely re­ Does not need to breathe air.
form, at full M.D.C., and full memory, in 1 2 hours . Dam age (Regardless of P.S.): Restrained punch inflicts 4D6
Dismemberment requires seven hours, while being smashed or S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus if any, full strength punch does
losing one or two limbs (including the head) will take one hour I D6 M.D., a power punch 2D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks),
to regenerate. kick ID8 (or 2D4) M.D., or by weapon or magic.
The Scarecrow can fIght without a head, but all combat bo­ Magic: By O.C.C. only.
nuses are at half and initiative is completely lost. They don't Psionics: About half (44%) of the Scarecrows have "latent"
breathe either and can survive in a vacuum, underwater, or in a psychic powers. In Rifts®, they are considered a Major psionic.
toxic gas cloud. Determine I.S.P. and powers as usual or they may become a
Vulnerabilities : Only fIre can destroy a Scarecrow! All fIre, in­ Mystic.
cluding S.D.C. flame, inflicts Mega-Damage. Hot coals inflict R.c.c. : Scarecrow, Supernatural Adventurer NPC : Most
one M.D. and have a 22% chance of setting the fIend on fIre. A have two O.C.C.s, the frrst, and primary O.C.C. area of know 1-

1 74
edge will be at 1 06+4 level, the second O.C.C. area of knowl­ Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +4 on initiative, +2 to
edge is at 1 04+2 levels of experience. Not recommended as a strike and parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +8 to save
player character. vs Horror Factor. NO penalties for being blinded/total darkness.
O.C.C.s Palladium Fantasy R.C.c. : Any, except Priest, Witch Dam age: Bite inflicts 206 S.D.C. damage, claws 1 06 S.D.C .
and Shaman. Must have the necessary O.C.C. attribute require­ damage plus P.S. bonus, or by poison stinger doing 1 04 S.D.C .
ments. damage each sting plus poison damage of 306, unless the victim
o.c.c.s Rifts®: Any, but tends to stay away from medical and saves vs poison.
mechanical O.C.C.s, preferring Men at Arms, Scholars and Ad­ Magic: None. Psionics: None. O.C.C.: None; animal.
venturers, and especially magic! Many are Mystics. Individual Habitat: Wilderness areas with light forests, caves and ruins.
stats must meet O.C.C. requirements. Note: Scarecrows need Languages : None, except grunts, growls, and bellows.
twice the normal experience to advance a level in any O.C.C. Enemies: Humanoids and other forest predators.
whether it' s Palladium or Rifts. Allies: None.
Typical level of experience: 8th level in at least one O.C.C. Notes: Scorpion Devils live in burrows under fallen trees or
Habitat: Anywhere. Not known to exist on Rifts Earth. large stones. They can mate as often as once a year, in the
Enemies : None, per se. spring, giving birth five months later, bearing 1 04 offspring.
Allies:None per se, any alliance will be a union of convenience Young leave their mother (Scorpion Devils don 't mate for life)
for the Scarecrow. within eight months, reaching full maturity within fourteen
Note: Scarecrows will use M.D.C. body armor only if they are months. It is only a mature male or female that can inflict poison
of a Men of Arms O.C.C. and even in that case, they will only (otherwise doing 1 04 points of damage). They are solitary crea­
use full suits of light armor. Since they are Mega-Damage crea­ tures, so one isn't likely to encounter more than one at a time
tures on Rifts Earth, the use of armor is often a means of dis­ unless found with young or mate.
guise, not protection. Blade weapons are their favorite,
Vibro-Blades will be greatly enjoyed.
Shadow Stalker
Scorpion Devil The Shadow Stalker is a native of the same shadowy dimen­
sion where Shadow Beasts originate. Unlike Shadow Beasts
A hideous, bellowing mammal a with large, tearing maw and who are cursed to serve others, Shadow Stalkers are beholden to
poisonous tail stinger. The creature is not a devil or demon, but no master, and are seemingly immune to any kind of Sum­
so named because of its grotesque appearance and nasty disposi­ moning or Circle Magic.
tion. Despite its large red eyes, the Scorpion Devil is extremely What makes Shadow Stalkers of great interest to Summoners
nearsighted, unable to see clearly beyond three or four feet. and certain Wizards and S cholars is their innate power to know
However, the vicious predator has an almost supernatural sense if a spell caster has ever Summoned a Shadow Beast to their ser­
of smell and hearing. The Scorpion Devil is terribly bold, at­ vice. To Shadow Stalkers, such "enslavers" represent the great­
tacking creatures four times its size. Thus, they will feed on any­ est threat imaginable to their kind and so they relentlessly
thing from rodents to humans. Fortunately, they usually attack pursue and destroy them in an act of revenge and spite. Exactly
only when hungry or when they feel threatened. However, Scor­ how these Shadow Stalkers come to the world of mortals is a
pion Devils are very nervous and hostile, so that even an inno­ mystery. Many believe a Shadow Stalker appears, unseen, every
cent, accidental encounter is likely to launch one into a frenzy, time a Shadow Beast is summoned, so that the sorcerer respon­
fighting to the death. When encountered in the wild, it is best to sible might be put to death, Stalker-style . However, this seems
stand completely still until the creature leaves, or to slay it on unlikely as many a spell caster and Summoner calls forth and
the spot. Note: A wounded Scorpion Devil will always fight to commands Shadow Beasts without being struck down or ever
the death. seeing a Shadow Stalker. A more likely prospect is that one or
Alignments: Considered an evil animal predator. more Shadow Stalkers appear whenever Shadow Beasts are
Attributes: Animal attributes are very consistent and offer a summ oned en masse (three or more). Others insist Shadow
smaller range of attribute aptitude. I.Q. 1 04 (medium animal in­ Stalkers were the minions of the dreaded Old Ones and escaped
telligence), M.E. 306, M.A. 1 06, P.S. 206+ 1 0, P.P. 206+6, into the world (or worlds) before they could be gathered up and
P.E. 206+6, P.B. 1 04, Spd. 206+ 1 0. summarily punished.
Hit Points: 606 Shadow Stalkers are humanoid-shaped entities from the Di­
S.D.C.: 2D4x l O ; most Scorpion Devils can withstand one M.D. mension of Shadows. They are entirely black, and appear as a
Armor Rating: 6 kind of 3-D silhouette. In darkness, these things are virtually in­
Horror Factor: 1 0, on Rifts Earth since it remains an S.D.C. visible. In bright light, their strength might be diminished, but
creature. make no mistake, these creatures are dangerous under any cir­
P.P.E. : 204 cumstance. They are typically encountered alone or in groups of
Size: 2 feet (0.6 m) tall, 3 .6 feet long ( 1 . 1 m). 2-4. Occasionally, large bands of Shadow Stalkers ranging up to
Weight: 35-50 pounds ( 1 6 to 23 kg). 20 individuals might be encountered, but they are almost always
Life Span : 1 5 years. on the way to assault the stronghold of some Summoner, Wizard
Natural Abilities : Prowl 3 0%, Climb 52%, Track by smell or Demon Lord.
alone 90%, superior hearing (see bonuses), and swim 25%.
Attacks per Melee : Four. NPC MonsterNillain

1 75
Alignment: Aberrant (65%), Miscreant ( 1 0%), Diabolic ( 1 0%)
and Anarchist ( 1 5%).
Attributes: I.Q. I D6+6, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. I D6+6, P.S.
2D6+ 1 0 (Supernatural), P.P. 3D6+7, P.E. 4D6+8, P.B. 2D6,
Spd. 6D6
M.D.C. : Become a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth with
70 M.D.C. (Normally has 46 Hit Points, 22 S.D.C. and an A.R.
of 1 0.)
Horror Factor: 1 4
P.P.E. : 2D6x l O plus P.E. attribute number.
Physical Appearance: Shadow Stalkers are tall, muscular hu­
manoids composed of pure shadow energy. They look like per­
fectly jet black silhouettes ; the interior of their bodies show no
details, and to the casual observer they seem two-dimensional.
Size: Seven feet (2. 1 m).
Weight: 200-300 pounds (90 to 1 3 5 kg).
Average Life Span : Effectively immortal.
O.C.C.s Available: None, automatically equivalent to a 4th
level WizardlLine Walker.
Natural Abilities: Invisible in shadows and darkness, prowl in
shadows or darkness (90%), Climb/Scale Walls (800/0/70%),
Land Navigation (60%), Track Humanoids (40%), Wilderness
Survival (80%). Bio-regenerates 2D6 M.D.C. per melee round
(every 1 5 seconds) .
Weakness: All attributes, M.D.C., skill ratios, bonuses and
other such abilities and stats are at half when the Shadow
Stalker is exposed to daylight of any kind, including being ex­
posed to the sun, or magically summ oned sunlight as from a The Silonar is a warm-blooded, theropod-like dinosaur remi­
Globe of Daylight. The duration, range and damage of spell niscent of a velociraptor. It has massive, powerful hind legs, tiny
magic is also reduced by half when in sunlight. front arms and a large mouth filled with jagged teeth. They are
Attacks Per Melee: Five physical or two by magic. indigenous to the Palladium World where they are used as rid­
Dam age: As per Supernatural Strength or by spell. ing animals and watchdogs by a race of beings known as the
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +4 on initiative, +4 to Eandroth (described earlier in this book). These theropods are
strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +8 to save vs Horror Factor. extremely hardy and can survive up to three weeks without wa­
Magic: All Wizard magic levels 1 -2 plus select another I D4+4 ter and will travel, without rest, for up to 1 0 hours in a single
spells from levels 3-5. In the alternative, the creature may know day. However, Silonars are nasty, smelly, short-tempered crea­
the art of Shadow Magic (all its spells) and I D6 Wizard spells tures that will try to take a bite out of a rider any time the oppor­
from levels 1 -2. Shadow Magic is a long-lost magic discipline tunity presents itself. In combat, the smell of blood transforms
from the ancient days of the Palladium Wodd - its magic is not the Silonar into a seething, uncontrollable beast hungry for a
known on Rifts Earth or most anywhere else in the Megaverse. fight and the taste of flesh and blood. The Eandroth like this,
(For information on Shadow Magic and a slew of Shadow and are known to set their riding beasts loose to attack particu­
Magic spells, check out the Palladium Fantasy Sourcebook: larly stubborn or numerous enemies. After a few years, a Silonar
Lib rary of Bletherad™). Spells are cast at 4th level profi­ can become surprisingly attached, loyal and affectionate to its
ciency; half in daylight. Eandroth master, not that such affection will prevent the beast
Psionics: None. from nipping at its master when aggravated. Males are only
Habitat: Anywhere. Most common in the Land of the Damned. slightly more aggressive and cantankerous than females.
Languages : Magically speaks and understands all languages . The major problem with anybody, other than Eandroth and
Enemies: Any intelligent humanoids. Shadow Stalkers seem to Simvan, using the Silonar as a riding animal is the beasts are in­
have declared war on all walks of life, and unless somehow credibly stupid and meanspirited. They are nearly as dumb as a
bound to service, they will imm ediately and relentlessly wage rock too, and cann ot be domesticated very well nor easily. They
war upon any humanoids who dare to summon their Shadow accept nobody as their master and are seldom submissive. They
Beast kin. They also dislike Summoners, Shifters or slavers in have to be ''reminded'' who's the boss virtually every time they
general. are mounted. To accomplish this, the Eandroth rider must punch
Allies: Shadow Beasts and a few others. the Silonar between the eyes 2-6 times to stun the beast and to
Note: Shadow Stalkers seem to have little use for wealth or ma­ show him who is the master. Controlling the beast is often a
terial possession, however, they may gather them for use in their matter of grabbing the head and twisting it in the desired direc­
crusade of murder and revenge, and a Shadow Stalker may also tion. Likewise, to get the creature to stop or to stay, it is again
use Vibro-Blades and magic or high-tech weaponry (usually necessary to punctuate the command by pounding on his rock
light to medium). hard skull to get the message across. Even Simvan are -20% on
their exotic riding skill with these animals, others are -50% and
1 76
tend to consider them to be worthless, dumb brutes - Silonars They cannot b e harmed by the weapons o f man, not even
don't even make for good eating. Mega-Damage weapons, but are vulnerable to magic and
psionics. Spectres rarely use hand-held weapons, never wear ar­
Silonar NPC Anim allMonster
mor, and have no desire for wealth or power.
Alignment: Considered Anarchist or Miscreant.
Attributes: I.Q. I D4; low animal intelligence, M.E. 1D6, M.A. These energy beings are known to many worlds, but rarely
2D6, P.S. 22+ 1 D6, P.P. 1 8+ 1 D6, P.E. 20+2D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. exist in great numbers nor work in large groups with other Spec­
34+4D6; a minimum speed of 38 (26 mph/4 1 .6 km), most have tres. Unfortunately, the incredible magic and psychic energy
a speed of 44 to 5 5 . that abounds on Rifts Earth has served to attract these monsters
M.D.C.: 3D6x l 0 M.D.C. o n Rifts Earth (6D6+ 1 4 Hit Points, in larger numbers than usual. Even so, they are seldom found in
4D6+40 S.D.C. and A.R. 1 0 on S.D.C. worlds). groups greater than three, but one or more may join forces with
Horror Factor: 1 3 other maleficent beings.
Size: 8-9 feet (2.4 to 2 . 7 m ) tall at the shoulders. NPC Monster or Villain
Weight: 400 to 800 pounds ( 1 80 to 3 60 kg). Alignment: Typically Miscreant (45%) or Diabolic (45%), oc­
Average Life Span : 50 years. casionally Anarchist ( 1 0%).
P.P.E. : 2D6 Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
O.C.C. : None; animal. nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 20+2D6, M.A. I D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 2D6,
Natural Abilities: Excellent speed, can run without pause and P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 2D6 running, flying is 22 ( 1 5 mph/24
without exhaustion for 1 0 hours, leap up to 20 feet (6. 1 m) km).
lengthwise and 1 0 feet (3 m) high. Can go without food or water M.D.C.: P .E.x5, but invulnerable to poison, drugs, and most or­
for a week without ill effect; eats just about anything from car­ dinary weapons, including Mega-Damage weapons. Only magic
rion and shrubs to fresh kills of animals, large and small - hu­ and psionics can hurt a Spectre. (Normally has P.E. number+20
mans included. Smell blood one mile ( 1 .6 km) away, can track for Hit Points, 2D6+ 1 2 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 14.)
blood scent 55%. The smell of blood and the sight of combat Horror Factor: 1 6
sends the creature into a killing frenzy; unless restrained, it will P.P.E. : 50 +2D6
attack. Size: 6- 1 5 feet ( 1 .8 to 4.6 m). All Spectres can adjust their shape
Attacks Per Melee: Four. to suit the situation, thus the same Spectre can change from hu­
Dam age: B ite does I D6 M.D., clawed feet 2D6 M.D., tail slash man-size to as tall as 1 5 feet (4.6 m) at will.
2D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus, small fore claws 4D6 S.D.C. plus
P.S. bonus, and head butt 204 S.D.C.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +1 on initiative, + 1 to
strike and parry, +3 to dodge, +6 to save vs psionic attack (too
stupid) and + 1 2 to save vs Horror Factor - fearless (and stupid).
These are all in addition to any possible attribute bonuses.
Magic: None. Psionics: None .
Enemies : Large predators and humanoids.
Allies: None.
Value: On Rifts Earth, most people consider them a worthless
and dangerous predator, particularly to children and livestock.
Silonars are so stupid, aggressive, mean and unpredictable that
they make poor riding animals and worthless pets.
Habitat: Deserts and grasslands of all kind. The dinosaur-like
Silonar cannot survive in climates cooler than 40 degrees Fahr­
enheit. Cold desert nights followed by hot days are easily toler­
ated, especially if the animal is covered or otherwise sheltered;
3D4 days of constant cold temperatures will kill the beast. On
Rifts Earth, Silonars are found west of the Rocky Mountains :
Nevada, Utah, Arizona, western Colorado, Idaho, Northern
Mexico, and parts of California.

Believed to be a horrific ghost by primitive people, Spectres
are wraith-like, supernatural beings of pure energy and evil in­
tent. They assume a humanoid shape and glow with crackling
energy that gives them an eerie illumination and ghostly appear­
ance . They are the embodiment of evil - a malignant alien force
content to wander the world inflicting pain and misery upon in­
telligent life forms .
Weight: Approximately 1 00 pounds (45 kg) regardless of size, accept the accolades, gifts and worship of lesser (or more fool­
such is the nature of this energy being. ish) beings. Once installed as the head of a church, or other au­
Average Life Span : Unknown - Immortal? thority, the Sphinx will begin demanding all sorts of expensive
Combat: Two physical and one psionic attack per melee, or delicacies and, if a student of magic, send its worshipers on
four psionic attacks per melee! Bonuses (in addition to attrib­ quests for magical books and artifacts too. As soon as the
utes): +2 to strike and dodge. Remember, invulnerable to all church fails to deliver (usually because of bankruptcy), the
normal and Mega-Damage attacks. Vulnerable only to psionics Sphinx departs with a smile and his blessings.
and magic. Other than their hatred of so-called demons and forces of su­
Natural Abilities: Fly at a speed of 22 ( 1 5 mph/24 km), change pernatural evil, very little is known about the motivations of the
size at will (6- 1 5 feetJ1 .8 to 4.6 m) and heals twice as fast as a Sphinx. They have a knack of showing up whenever significant
human. magic, artifacts or books have been unearthed and are known to
Impervious to normal weapons, drugs, poison and disease: be born adventurers. Although a Sphinx may settle down in one
These things have absolutely no effect on the monster. place for decades, sooner or later he will find it necessary to
Whole Body Astral Projection (special): Spectres can travel leave in pursuit of greater knowledge and adventure.
on the Astral Plane without leaving their body behind; the entire Alignments: Any, but tend to be Principled (20%), Scrupulous
essence of the Spectre dimensionally teleports to the Astral (25%), Unprincipled (20%) or Anarchist ( 1 2%).
Plane. They often travel by means of astral projection and attack Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­
other astral travelers of good alignment. Impervious to all weap­ nated: I.Q. 4D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6, p.s. 5D6 (Supernatural
ons, including M.D. weapons. Only magic and psionics can hurt on Rifts Earth), P.P. 4D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B . 5D6, Spd. 4D6 run­
a Spectre (full damage). ning (x5 for flight).
Magic: None. M.D.C.: 6D6x l 0, these creatures of magic become
Psionics: I.S.P. is normally 90, but is doubled ( 1 80) on Rifts Mega-Damage beings on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. +60 Hit Points,
Earth. Psionic power is equal to a 4th level Mind Mage or Mind 5D6x5 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 1 0 in S.D.C. settings.)
Melter. First Edition Palladium Fantasy RPG® style Spectre has Horror/Awe Factor: 1 7
all levels one, two and three psionic powers. Rifts® & 2nd Edi­ P.P.E. : 3D4x l 0 i s th e natural base, plus P.P.E. gained from a
tion Palladium style Spectre possesses all Sensitive and Physical magic O.C.C. (divided by halt).
psionic powers plus Detect Psionics, Bio-Regeneration,
Bio-Manipulation, Hypnotic Suggestion, Mind Block Auto­
Defense, and Mind Bolt. There is no reason that there cannot be
both varieties of Spectres on Rifts Earth.
O.C.C. : None. Not recommended as a player character.
Languages : None, communicates via telepathy and empathy.
Enemies : Humanoids and forces of good.
Allies: Evil supernatural forces, particularly very powerful be­
Habitat: Virtually any locations on Earth and other dimensions,
but avoids areas of extreme cold or heat.
Notes: A maleficent energy being to be avoided. Sometimes
appear during ley line energy storms.

Optional Player Character
The Sphinx is a creature that has existed in myth and is
known to exist on other worlds including Palladium. The part
Average Life Span : 2,000+ years.
lion, part eagle, part human creature is very mysterious, their
Natural Abilities: Never tires when flying, nightvision 1 20 feet
true origin lost to antiquity. They are quite intelligent, often pur­ (36.6 m; can see in absolute darkness), keen night-sight (can see
suing scholarly studies in the areas of magic, medicine, his­
in one sixth of the light needed by humans), keen hawk-like vi­
tory/anthropology, and exploration. In addition, they love sion (can see a magic book two miles/3 .2 km away), Prowl
expensive food, wine, and art. They are found throughout the 60%, Track by sight 77%, Swim 40%, normal leap 30 feet (9 m)
Palladium World, particularly in the southern hemisphere. The
high or lengthwise and flight assisted leap 200 feet (6 1 m) up or
eruption of the Rifts on Earth has served to bring the Sphinx across. Magically understands and speaks all languages !
back to it because it offers so many portals to other worlds for Attacks per Melee : Four.
the Sphinx to explore. Dam age: Bite 1D6 M.D., restrained claw/punch 4D6 S.D.C .
Many primitive cultures see the Sphinx as the embodiment of plus P.S. bonus, full strength claw 3D6 M.D., power punch 6D6
magic, knowledge, power, and good fortune. Likewise, some M.D. (counts as two attacks), flying dive attack 4D6 M.D. plus
cults revere them as a living holy symbol. Sphinxes fmd this a 1-60% chance of knocking one' s opponent to the ground (vic­
both amusing and gratifying and the typically selfish animal will tim loses one melee attack and initiative), counts as two attacks.
1 78
Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +2 on initiative,
+3 to strike, parry and dodge, +4 to dodge in flight, +2 to roll
with punch or impact, +4 to pull punch, +2 on all saving throws .
Magic: May study any fonn of magic, particularly Wizard, Ley
Line Walker, Mystic, Temporal Wizard, Stone Master and
Techno-Wizardry. They love spell casting. See R.C.C. below.
Psionics: Standard, roughly the same as humans.
R.C.c. : Sphinx, Master of Magic and Knowledge (Rifts®) :
Magically speaks all languages 98%. Literate in
DragoneselElven 98% and four others of choice 92%, Math: Ba­
sic and Advanced 98%, Anthropology 75%, Computer Opera­
tion 90%, Sing 85%, Write 85%, and Art 85%. An additional 1 2
Secondary skills can b e selected; all categories are available. All
skills start at fIrst level base skill profIciency plus I.Q. bonus.
Then select a specific scholarly or magical O. c. c. from
Rifts® or The Palladium Fantasy RPG®. Any of the magic
O.C.C.s may also be selected as an additional area of study .
Most Sphinx are versed in some fonn of magic, usually spell
casting types, but Diabolism, Shifting or Techno-Wizardry can
be selected as well. Or the character may select one of the fol­
lowing O.C.C.s: Body Fixer, Cyber-Doc, City Rat (typically the
Hack Rat), Operator, Rogue Scholar, Rogue Scientist, Preacher,
Gambler, or Vagabond. HOWEVER, only the O.C.C. skills (not
"other" nor additional secondary skills) are selected. The Sphinx
also learns or acquires any special O.C.C. skills and/or powers
specifIcally part of that Occupational Character Class. For ex­
ample: If the Ley Line Walker O.C.C. is selected, the character
would acquire the eight O.C.C. skills and the eleven Special
Line Walker Abilities.
Average Level of O.C.C. Experience: NPCs: I D6+ 1 . Player Syvan
characters: I D4 level. Player characters grow in experience
slowly. Use the character' s selected O.C.C., but he needs two
A Syvan is a supernatural being that appears as a decaying,
times the nonnal amount of experience points to reach each sub­
animated corpse. Actually, the right side of the face and body
sequent level. Only the oldest and most powerful Sphinx are
looks healthy, while the left side of the body is always far more
l Oth level or higher.
ugly - the left is the rotting corpse. This makes Syvan mere
Value: A live Sphinx is almost beyond price to those cults that
shadows of the living and forces them to conceal their defonnity
worship them, treating him better than a king. Some alchemists
in full body armor, robes, masks or other disguises.
and Techno-Wizards will pay thousands of credits for particular
body parts (like feathers, tooth, claw, tongue, wings) as magic Syvan are generally evil beings who hate beauty and are in­
components. A captured and confmed Sphinx for sale to an evil credibly envious of prettier creatures. This jealousy is vented by
sorcerer can fetch 1 00,000 to a million credits depending on the acts of manipulation, cruelty, and harm directed toward other
purchaser. A Sphinx will never allow himself to be enslaved, at living creatures. Syvan are intelligent, cunning beings whose
least not for long, and will try to continuously escape or destroy main weapons are deception and trickery, often manipUlating
his captors. people and events to get their desired outcome. Although they
Habitat: Unknown. are, themselves, powerful beings, Syvan are usually content to
Enemies : Supernatural evil and slavers. be the secret power behind a puppet who appears to be the true
Allies: Faerie Folk and champions of good. leader/ruler. They see most people, great and small, as pawns -
Size: 5 feet ( 1 .5 m) tall, 8- 1 0 feet (2.4 to 3 m) long, plus tail. living chess pieces - in their private life and death games, while
Weight: 1 500- 1 800 pounds (675-8 1 0 kg). they are the chess master orchestrating the movement of their
Note: Sphinx avoid bionic conversion like the plague. Will only pawns and directing the game from the shadows. So masterful at
get the best cybernetic B io-Systems with synthetic flesh when the arts of subterfuge is the Syvan, that they have been found
medical reasons demand it, like to replace a limb or eye, etc. posing as heads of states, cardinals, paladins, wizards, and
However, a Sphinx might consider a couple minor cybernetic kings.
implants. The origin of the Syvan is unknown. If they were once
Beyond the SupernaturafI'M Note: Many (70%) are equal to a among the living, they apparently lose all memory of their past
I D4 level Arcanist, know all Lore skills at 80% profIciency and life. Many scholars and men of magic suspect that their origin is
known the usual number of spells for its level of experience. somehow linked to the Western Empire of the Palladium World.
Also has a psychic power to understand all languages almost in­ Fortunately, Syvan are extremely rare, with perhaps as few as
stantly (89% profIciency). two hundred in existence in that world. However, others are
known to wander the Megaverse and visit other worlds that of-
1 79
fer political intrigue, power and games. Rifts Earth offers such sacrificing that pawn when the time is right. Their own needs al­
endless possibilities and opportunities that one would think it ways come first.
would draw Syvan like moths to a flame . And, indeed, it might, Size : 6-7 feet ( 1 .8 to 2 . 1 m) tall .
for who can truly know how many of these secretive and elusive Weight: 1 60-200 pounds (72 to 90 kg).
beings may have their hands in the affairs of man and monsters Notes: Never cooperates with another Syvan. In fact, they re­
across the globe and beyond. gard others of their kind as the ultimate rival and hated oppo­
Alignments: Selfish or evil. nent. They worships no gods, respect no religion nor the laws of
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­ any land or king. However, a Syvan may pretend to work within
nated: I.Q. 3D6+ 1 , M.E. 1 4+2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+ l , P.P. the confmes of the law, morality, philosophy or commonality in
3D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 2D6 order to achieve his goals.
M.D.C.: Becomes a Mega-Damage being on Rifts Earth with Treasure hoards of gold and other valuables are gathered to
I D4xl 00 M.D.C. (Normally has P.E. number x 1 0 for Hit Points, fmance the Syvan's destructive activities. Likewise, a Syvan un­
3D4xl 0 for S.D.C. and an A.R. of 1 3 .) derstands and appreciates the virtues of magic. Thus, a Syvan
Horror Factor: 1 3 with a small operation in place will have 1 00,000 to 400,000
P.P.E. : I D4x 1 0 universal credits with 1 D4 common magic items. A me­
Natural Abilities: See the invisible, nightvision 9 0 feet (27.4; dium-sized operation will have five times as many credits and
can see in total darkness), normal color vision, recognize all il­ magic, while a large operation will have ten times as many cred­
lusions (and therefore NOT affected by them) 90%. its and magic items, plus 500,000 credits worth of gems and/or
Attacks per Melee: Four physical attacks per melee or five preCious metals (sometimes highly tradable tech items instead).
psionic attacks. Even a Syvan traveler will be garbed in the finest clothes and
Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +1 to strike, +2 body armor, and have 1 D6x l O,000 in gems and gold, plus
to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with impact, +3 to save vs 3D6x 1 0,000 credits on his person. Of course, Game Masters can
psionics, and +2 to save vs all magic. modify these valuables as is appropriate for his campaign. A
Dam age: Normal punch 4D6 S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus if Syvan often wears armor, loves magic and heavy energy weap­
any, full strength punch or kick ID6 M.D., 2D6 power punch ons, and usually hides his face as inconspicuously as possible
(counts as two attacks), or by weapon, or psionics. (behind a helmet, gas mask, face plate, mask, etc.). Their favor­
Magic: None. ite magic items are things that appear to be something they are
Psionics: I.S.P. : M.E. x 1 0. Level of proficiency is equal to a not or which look deceptively innocuous.
I D6+4 level Mind Mage or Mind Melter. Palladium First Edi­
tion style Syvan: Possess all psi-abilities from levels 1 -6.
Rifts® & Palladium Second Edition style Syvan possess all
Healing, Sensitive, and Physical psionic powers, plus Unicorn
Bio-Regeneration (M.D.C .), Bio-Manipulation, Empathic Trans­ The Unicorn i s creature o f pre-Rifts myth said t o b e a beauti­
mission, Electrokinesis, Telekinesis (Super), Telekinetic Force ful, delicate, horse-like creature with a long silver hom in the
Field, Mentally Possess Others, Mind Block Auto-Defense, center of its head, a billy goat's beard, and cloven hooves. Leg­
Mind Bond, Mind Wipe, Psi-Shield and Psi-Sword! end says that they will allow no one to ride or tame them except
Special: Automatically senses emotions around him. Can for a virgin (male or female) who is pure of heart.
identify the source of specific emotions at 80% accuracy. The The Unicorn is a creature of magic common to several
Syvan can be considered a sort of Empathic receiver who can worlds including Earth. The legend of the pure virgin is, in part,
sense and zero in on emotions. They can also sense the presence true. Unicorns are Psychic Sensitives and of good alignment.
of the supernatural identical to a Psi-Stalker. They can automatically sense the presence of evil and are skit­
R.C.C. : Syvan the Deceiver. Not recommended as a player tish about contact with humanoids. Consequently, they hate and
character. avoid evil and selfish forces. Only creatures of an innocent na­
R.C.C. Skills (Rifts®): Horsemanship (+20%), Prowl ture and of a very good alignment are allowed close to them. A
(+ 1 0%), Play a Musical Instrument (+ 1 0%), Languages : Unicorn automatically helps or protects creatures of a very good
Dragonese/Elven 98% (literate too), plus speaks four additional alignment and will often play with children and those with an
languages of choice (+ 1 5%). innocent nature, even allowing them to ride on their backs, lend­
May also select a total of 1 1 skills from the following catego­ ing more false credence to the myth about virgins.
ries : Communications (+ 1 0%), Domestic, Espionage (+ 1 0%), Alignments: Principled (50%) and Scrupulous (50%).
Military, Pilot, Pilot Related, Rogue (+5%), Technical (+5%), Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­
and W.P.; all are at a level of proficiency equal to the level of nated: I.Q. Extremely high animal roughly equal to a human
psionic power ( l D6+4 Ievel). I.Q. of 8, M.E. 2D6+2, M.A. 2D6+2, P.S. 1 8+2D6, P.P.
Average Level of Experience: I D6+4 1 8+2D6, P.E. 1 4+2D6, P.B . 1 8+2D6, Spd. 40+6D6
Average Life Span : Immortal - live until destroyed. M.D.C. : A Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth with
Habitat: Found in all environments. ID6x1 00 M.D.C. (Normally has P.E. number +50 for Hit
Enemies: All intelligent life. Points, 3D6x 1 O S.D.C. and an A.R. of 7.)
Allies: None, per se, though Syvan have been known to become Horror/Awe Factor: 1 0
surprisingly fond and sentimental over their favorite pawns, not P.P.E. : 4D6x 1 0
that such sentimentality will stay the chess master's hand from Size : 4-6 feet ( 1 .2 to 1 .8 m) at the shoulder.

1 80
Weight: 400-700 pounds ( 1 80 to 3 1 5 kg). Enemies : Peryton, Loogaroo, demons and all evil creatures.
Average Life Span : 1 0,000 years. Allies: Faerie Folk, Drakin, champions of light and other crea­
Natural Abilities: Exceptional running speed, nightvision 90 tures of good alignment.
feet (27.4 m; can see in total darkness), keen color vision, never
tires, resistant to cold (half damage) and on Rifts Earth can leap
50 feet ( 1 5 m) high and 1 0 0 feet (30.5 m) lengthwise from a gal­
Attacks per Melee : Four.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +4 on initiative, + 1 to
strike, parry, and dodge, +4 to pull punchlkick, +2 to roll with
impact, +3 on all saving throws, and +5 to save vs Horror Fac­
Dam age: Restrained kick or head butt 4D6 S.D.C. damage plus
P.S. attribute bonus, full strength head butt or kick with front
legs does 2D6 M.D., kick with rear legs does 3D6 M.D., power
kick does double damage (counts as two attacks), stab with hom
does 4D6 M.D. ( l D6x l O M.D. to supernatural demons/mon­
Magic: None, other than its own being.
Psionics: I.S.P. is M.E.x l O. Psionic powers include the auto­ Waternix
matic abilities to Sense Evil, Sense Magic, and Sixth Sense
The Waternix is a rare creature of magic who may be a dis­
(bum up no I.S.P.). Plus Empathy, Telepathy (limited), Mind
tant cousin to Faerie Folk. They appear as a winged dog or fox
Block, and Psychic Purification (must touch the person with the
who walks on its hind legs. They are known for their playful­
hom, otherwise same as the Healing power).
ness (often to the point of annoyance), riddles, and puns often
O.C.C. : None - animal; not recommended as a player character,
used to confuse, trick and waylay travelers. The Waternix is en­
but could be; G.M. discretion.
vious of man and his kin, from Goblin to Wolfen, and delights
R.C.C. Skills: Magically understands all languages (but is illit­
erate) and can communicate both Telepathically and Em­ in the theft of his possessions, and sometimes his death. Fortu­
nately, a Waternix seldom plays the role of assassin, much pre­
pathically. Basic math 80%, Land Navigation 98%, Wilderness
Survival 90%, Identify Plants 85%, and Holistic Medicine 50%. ferring the part of the mischievous trickster or agent of doom,
rather than the actual executioner. Consequently, they may lead
Value: Alive, a Unicorn is nearly priceless, fetching 2D6 mil­
or send the unsuspecting or greedy on a deadly quest woven by
lion credits as a fighter for the gladiatorial arena or as a caged
a web of lies and empty promises equal to any Devilkin.
beast whose very presence is said to bring good luck and protec­
tion against demons. (Sadly, neither is true, but the myth per­ Fearful of powerful supernatural beings and clergy, the
sists.) Or as a slave to evil creatures, but the captive Unicorn Waternix avoids confrontations with these beings. Large groups
must be shackled and/or caged and observed constantly, other­ of humanoids also make them nervous, for the supernatural and
wise it constantly seeks to escape or kill its evil slave master. clergy often walk among them. Thus, they seldom enter a city or
They can be phenomenal work animals because they possess su­ large town, or if they do, it will be under the cover of night
perhuman strength and never tire. when most people are asleep. Instead, the Waternix make their
home at, or near, a watering hole, well, pond, or stream fre­
The hom of a Unicorn will fetch at least 2D6x 1 00,000 credits
quented by "manlings," their name for all humanoids. It is at
from an alchemist or evil Techno-Wizard for its healing and
these locations that they may engage in their immature games
magic properties, but to remove the hom, one must kill the Uni­
and brutal tricks. It must be pointed out that while a Waternix
corn ! A severed Unicorn hom can be used as a P.P.E. battery.
doesn't often kill a manling directly, those of evil or Anarchist
The hom always radiates I D4x l O P.P.E. and can hold as much
alignment may maul, beat, bite, or torture without hesitation.
as 1 20 P.P.E. It can also be used as a Mega-Damage weapon
The Waternix' s lust for gold, gems, jewelry, and magic items
(spearhead, pick-axe, etc.) that inflicts 2D6 M.D. against normal
makes practitioners of magic and the wealthy their favorite tar­
Mega-Damage beings and 4D6 M.D. to supernatural creatures .
gets, although no one is immune from their whims. Some of
I n the alternative, the hom c an b e ground into powder and used
these wily creatures become so bold that they lead bands of
in a variety of potions, and is a key ingredient in many potions
thieves (usually nonhumans), assist men of magic or adventur­
of healing. Techno-Wizards can use the hom for a variety of
ing groups (if the rewards are satisfactory), inhabit a city well,
purposes, as a P.P.E. battery, to instill the properties of magic
and, on occasion, counsel kings.
speed, or to create a Unicorn-based psionics helmet with all the
Unicorn's psi-powers, or as a component in magic weaponry Although these malicious pranksters covet the magic and
and other uses. riches of man, they are far too lazy to pursue the road to riches
or the mystic arts themselves. It is much easier to let others do
Note: Characters of a good alignment will never kill nor keep a
Unicorn against its will. NEVER! Thus, they are seldom used as the hard work and steal what it wants from them. Only on rare
occasion will one encounter a Waternix with any knowledge or
riding animals or slaves by good characters. Characters of a
ability in magic.
good alignment may even feel compelled to rescue and free an
enslaved Unicorn. Alignments: Any, but almost always Unprincipled (5%), Anar­
Habitat: The deepest forests, usually of temperate or cool chist (50%) or evil (any).
climes. 1 81
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­ skill bonuses. Tend to be spell casters and Diabolists (Palladium
nated: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 2D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. Ward magic). Only ten percent of the Watemix pursue the mys­
3D6, P.B. 4D6, Spd. 4D6 running (x3 for flight). tic arts, however. For random determination, roll percentile dice,
M.D.C.: 4D6x 1 O; becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts 0 1 - 1 0% means a mage.
Earth that is much more physically powerful than in an S.D.C . Average Level of R.c.c. Experience: NPCs: I D4+2. Player
environment. (Has P.E. number +20 for Hit Points, 3D6 S.D.C ., characters: I D4 level. Player characters grow in experience
and an A.R. of 9 in S.D.C. settings.) slowly. Use the Dragon experience table, but needs two times
Horror Factor: 12 the normal experience points to reach each subsequent level.
P.P.E. : 4D6 Only the oldest and most ambitious Watemix ever reaches 8th
Size: About the same as a fox or medium-sized dog, approxi­ level or higher.
mately three feet (0.9) long from head to buttock. About four to Habitat: Forests worldwide; not common in the deep south and
four and a half feet tall ( 1 .2 to 1 .35 m) when standing on hind jungles.
legs, their usual posture. Enem ies: Powerful beings and clergy; dislikes all humanoids,
Weight: 20 to 45 pounds (9 to 20 kg). especially humans and Elves.
Average Life Span : 1 000 years. Allies: None, per se, friendly with Trolls and most Faerie Folk,
Natural Abilities : Fly, prowl 77%, swim 77%, climb especially cruel and wicked ones, like Bogies, Pucks, Dead
50%/40%, track by smell 52%, nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m), Moon Hags and Toad Stools.
keen normal vision and hearing, turn invisible at will, see the in­ Notes: They are solitary creatures, never running in packs or
visible, bio-regenerate I D 8 M.D. per melee, normal leap: 20 even with a mate. Their favorite ancient weapons are knives and
feet (6 m) high or lengthwise, wing assisted leap is three times light chain weapons (can't use anything much larger or heavier
greater. The Waternix has small paw-like hands with stubby fm­ without it becoming too awkward to handle) or modem hand­
gers and an opposable thumb, enabling him to pick up, hold and guns, especially light lasers.
use weapons and tools.
Attacks per Melee: Four.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes, O.C.C. and skills): + 1 on
initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +4 to dodge, +6 to dodge while
in flight, and +2 to all saving throws.
Dam age: Bite doing ID6 M.D., restrained claws doing 4D6
S.D.C. damage, full strength claws ID6 M.D., may also use
magic, magic items, or weapons.
Magic: None, unless a magic O.C.C., which isn't likely. May
use magic items and potions.
Psionics: None.
R.C.C. Skills: All Waternix have the following skills regardless
of any other possible area of learning: Hunting, Fishing (+20%),
Play I D4 Musical Instruments, Dancing (+5%), Basic Electron­
ics (+5%), Wilderness Survival (+ 1 5%), Demon and Monster
Lore (+5%), Faerie Lore (+ 1 0%), Basic Math (+20%) and
Speaks Faerie Folk 98%, speaks and is literate in three addi­
tional languages (+20) and speaks ID4 others (+ 1 0%).
O.C.c.s in Rifts® : The Waternix really learns no full Occupa­
tional Character Classes although some may have an in-depth
knowledge of thievery, trickery, or wilderness skills; see R.C.C.
skills. Not recommended as a player character, but possible, Original concepts by Bill Coffin & Kevin Siem bieda
G.M. ' s decision. The Weirdwing gets its name because it is a truly weird com­
A Watemix that has leanings toward Thief gets ALL Rogue bination of bat, bird, cat and intelligence. It has leather, bat-like
skills plus Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Pilot wings, the beak and legs of a bird, oversized ears, yellow eyes,
Hover Vehicle, and Locksmith. All get a + 1 2% skill bonus. whiskers that droop down, and a long, rat- or possum-like pre­
hensile tail from which it can hang upside down, swing from
A Waternix that have leanings toward Ranger/Scout get
trees, grab obj ects and pick locks!
ALL Wilderness skills plus Astronomy, Holistic Medicine, In­
telligence, Detect Ambush, and Cooking. All get a + 1 0% bonus. These enigmatic creatures abhor settled areas and will move
to wherever large civilization isn' t. They seem to be indigenous
A Waternix that has leanings toward Trickster gets ALL to the Palladium World and distrust the great races (Humans,
Communications skills plus Escape Artist, Forgery, Palming, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Titans, Ogres and all similar human­
Concealment, Pilot Hover Vehicles, Read Sensory Equipment, oids) because of their long history of abusing the special gifts
and Basic Mechanics. All get a + 1 0% skill bonus. the Weirdwing has to offer, namely the ability to foretell the fu­
A Waternix that have leanings toward Real Magic can learn ture of anyone who tells them their true name. Consequently,
some degree of magic similar to a Ley Line Walker or Shifter, Weirdwings have been hunted and hounded mercilessly by wiz­
or Wizard, Warlock, Witch, Diabolist or Summoner. In each ards, warlords, kings and criminals and everyone in between, to
case the character only learns the magic and O.C.C. skills. No learn what the future holds for them. At ftrst, these creatures

1 82
were only too glad to share their gifts with others, but after guages of choice (+ 1 5% to Literacy), Escape Artist (+5%) and
many years of near enslavement, they decided to quit the com­ Pick Locks (+ 1 0%). Weirdwings magically understand all lan­
pany of humanoids and live by themselves in the wilderness . guages, and are able to speak in a bizarre tongue that anyone can
There, if they came across a truly worthy individual, they may understand the frrst time they hear it.
share with him a glimpse of his future. Likewise, if the creature Attacks Per Melee: Three physical or four psionic attacks per
wanted to frighten or hurt a humanoid it doesn't like, it may vol­ melee round.
unteer some future danger or dark path that awaits him. Overall, Dam age: Claw: I D6 M.D., tail lash/whip 104 M.D., or by
most Weirdwings are content merely to watch the world, to ob­ psionic attack. A restrained physical attack only does 5D6
serve its patterns and history, and to archive its legends and lore, S.D.C. damage.
in effect becoming the Palladium World' s great mute sages. Bonuses (in addition to attributes and skills): +1 to strike, +3
Young Weirdwings and those with a yearning for adventure, to dodge, and +2 on all saving throws.
will sometimes join an adventurer group for a while. Some­ Magic: None.
times, a Weirdwing even fmds the kind of heroes) he feels he Psionics: Master Psychics with the following abilities: All Sen­
has been meant to help and freely offers that individual his wis­ sitive psionic powers, Detect Psionics, Exorcism, Lust for Life,
dom, insight and clairvoyance . To these special few, a Psychic Diagnosis, Advanced Trance State, Death Trance,
Weirdwing is an unlikely ally and mentor of exceptional insight Float, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Fire, Resist Fatigue,
and unique character. To all others, they are a myth, a figment, a Mind Block Auto-Defense, and three Super Psionic powers of
whisper, a fading dream. Ghosts of the past lingering in the choice (Mind Bolt is a popular one); only Psi-Sword and
present. Psi-Shield can NOT be selected. I.S.P. : 3 D6x 1 O + 1 0 per level of
It is unknown as to whether or not any Weirdwings have
traveled to Rifts Earth, but odds are that a few have. What im­ Special Super-Clairvoyance: An ability that costs no I.S.P.
pact they might have on the future for the people of this volatile and comes when the Weirdwing focuses on an individual whose
planet is yet to be seen. Certainly Lord Dunscon and other ty­ "true name" is made known to it. In a glimmer of an instant, the
rants would (literally) kill to see the future and would love to Weirdwing can see the character' s aura and knows of any past
capture and hold prisoner such a marvelous, albeit freakish, traumatic experiences (loss of parent or beloved pet, frightening
creature. Likewise, the Splugorth and other slavers and wicked experience, etc.) as well as the most happy and memorable. The
individuals would love to profit from the abilities of a Weirdwing will also know what the character' s present goals
Weirdwing at the expense of its freedom. Rumor has it that one are, along with the individual' s alignment and current state of
such creature has escaped the clutches of a Yama King and now mind, as well as all the usual things that come with See Aura.
secretly tries to help overthrow the demon lords of China by This insight enables the Weirdwing to see what the character is
helping heroes and the Kings' rivals. thinking and (reasonably) accurately see his or her plans in the
short run. Thus, the creature can offer advice based on these
Alignment: Any, but usually Unprincipled (30%), Anarchist (and other) impressions; i.e., "You're angry and hurt. So you are
(35%) or Aberrant ( 1 5%). thinking of betraying (or abandoning, or cheating, etc.) your
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­ teammates. This you can do, but you will never forgive yourself
nated: I.Q. 2D6+5, M.E. 2D6+6, M.A. 2D6+7, P.S. 1 06+6, P.P. (the Weirdwing can assess this from the past and present it has
3D6+4, P.E. 2D6+3, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 3D6+23 flying or I D6+2 seen for it knows the individual as well or better than he or she
walking. knows himself), and you will discover too late that this is not the
M.D.C.: I D6x l O+30 on Rifts Earth. (Has P.E. number x4 as Hit source of your problem." Inevitably, such a statement will illicit
Points, 3 0+ 3D6 for S.D.C. and an A.R. of 5 on S .D.C. worlds.) the question, what is? To which the wise Weirdwing will offer
Horror/Awe Factor: 9 advice. Perhaps it' s, "You are angry and do not see that you
Average P.P.E.: 6D6 must keep a cooler head, be patient and wait. Opportunity will
Size : 3 -4 foot (0.9 to 1 .2 m) wingspan; the body is just 1 -2 feet come to you, and if your mind and heart are free of anger (or
(0.3 to 0.6 m) long from the tip of the nose to the buttock. The hate, self-loathing, or insecurity, love, etc.), you will recognize
prehensile tail is 3-4 feet (0.9 to 1 .2 m) long all by itself. it and seize the moment." Likewise, the creature can tell if the
Weight: Less than 20 pounds (9 kg). character is too trusting or being played the fool, or blinded by
Average I.S.P. : 3D6x l 0 + 1 0 per level of experience. love, and similar. All these things can be presented in For­
Physical Appearance: A conglomeration of bat, cat, rat, bird tune-teller style to the character. But the powers of the
and human mind. Weirdwing go far beyond a keen insight to character.
Average Level of Experience (NPCs): I D4+ 1 for young, The psychic creature can, when drawing on the power of an
I D6+3 for mature and experienced ones, and 204+4 for elder individual' s true name, see into the future. The Weirdwing can
Weirdwings. Not recommended as a player character. tell if the character' s current path will lead him to misfortune,
Average Life Span : 80- 125 years . heartache, danger and death! It may also glimpse possible ill­
O.C.C.s Available: None ; see Natural Abilities and Psionics. ness, injury and death (of the character or loved ones) years in
Natural & Skill-like Abilities: Weirdwings posses incredible the future (G.M.s, be careful with this). However, since life is
psychic abilities, phenomenal memory and vast areas of knowl­ constantly changing, the character armed with this glimpse of a
edge. Skill equivalents include: Anthropology (+20%), Astron­ possible future can make changes (or not) that will avoid a par­
omy & Navigation (+20%), Basic Math (+20%), Art (+ 1 0%), ticular person, place or incident that will change the future and
History (+20%), Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%), Lore: Re­ therefore avert death. Sometimes this may be something as sim­
ligion (+ 1 5%), Lore: Magic (+ 1 0%), Read Elven and I D4 lan- ple as not losing one ' s head in a bar fight, sucking up an insult
1 83
and avoiding a battle or duel in which he is killed. Other times Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
the choices may not be so simple and others may suffer if the nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 5D6, P.S. 1 D6, P.P. 5D6, P.E.
character avoids his fate. And that' s what it is, fate. And a hero, 2D6, P.B. 5D6, Spd. 4D6 hopping around or 1 D6xl O+70 flying.
in order to save or help others, may accept his fate regardless of M.D.C.: 3 D6+2, become light Mega-Damage creatures on Rifts
the consequences. For example: "You and your allies will win Earth. (Normally has P.E. number + 1 0 for Hit Points, 1 D6+2
the day and save an entire village, but when you are alone, you S.D.C.; A.R. not applicable.)
fmd others in need of your help. It is then that you will be con­ Horror/Awe Factor: 9
fronted by something (may be a specific so and so or a vague P.P.E. : 1D4x l 0
danger). If you stand and fight (or face whatever) you will res­ Size : 2 foot (0.6 m ) wingspan, with a fuz zy body the size of an
cue those in peril. However, your friends will not be able to orange or softball.
reach you in time and you will fall (which may not necessarily Weight: 2-4 pounds (0.9 to 1 .8 kg).
mean death) before the power (or treachery or cunning) of your Average Life Span: Unknown; some believe them to be im­
adversary." Thus, the hero may recognize events as they unfold mortal, although they are vulnerable to most types of attacks and
in the future, and know if he turns and runs away, he will live, are easily destroyed.
but a true hero will not be able or willing to sacrifice innocent Natural Abilities: Flight, psionics, and magic aura. Although
lives (he knows he can save them, it has been foretold) to save they appear to have no eyes, ears, nose, or mouth, Wing Tips
his own. And so, his fate is sealed and the Weirdwing' s proph­ have exceptional vision and hearing, and chirp and whistle,
ecy becomes reality. somehow. They communicate with people via Telepathy or Em­
Value: Highly coveted and often captured and placed in captiv­ pathy.
ity. Theoretically, priceless. Lord Dunscon, who has heard tales Attacks per Melee: Four by psionics only. No other means of
of this creature, has offered a 10 million credit reward to anyone attack.
who can bring him one, alive, of course. Bonuses (in addition to attributes): + 1 on initiative, +4 to au­
Habitat: The Northern Hinterlands of the Palladium World and tomatic dodge (the act of dodging does not use up an attack),
occasionally elsewhere in the Northern Wilderness and Eastern and +3 on all saving throws.
Territory, but they are quite elusive. Avoid people. Magic: Wing Tips radiate a magic aura that makes all creatures
Enemies : Mostly evildoers, and savage races such as the within a 30 foot (9. 1 m) diameter +3 to save vs magic (does not
Coyles, Orcs, Goblins, and so on. apply to psionics), and +20% to save vs coma/death.
Allies: Despite their solitude and complaints about humans, Psionics: I.S.P.: M.E. number + 1 00. Psionic proficiency is
Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes and Wolfen, many Weirdwings crave equal to a sixth level Mind Mage or Mind Melter. Palladium
their company and find them endlessly interesting and appeal­ Fantasy RPG® First Edition Characters : Possess all psi-powers
ing. Even elder Weirdwings will sometimes associate with noble from levels one through four.
knights, warriors, kings and clergy to try to "help" humanity. In­ Rifts® & Palladium Second Edition characters have all
deed, Weirdwings frequently observe events from the rafters psionic Healing, Sensitive and Physical powers plus the follow­
and are constantly tempted to meddle in the affairs of men via ing Super-Psionic powers : Bio-Manipulation, Empathic Trans­
their prophecies and advice. Irresistibly attracted to humans and mission, Hypnotic Suggestion, Mind Block Auto-Defense,
Elves in particular. Group Mind Block, Mind Bolt, and Bio-Regeneration (M.D. C.).
O.C.c. : None. Happy-go-lucky forest inhabitants.
Skills of Note: Communicate via Telepathy, Land Navigation
98%, Wilderness Survival 80%, Identify Plants and Fruit 80010
Wing Tips and Sing by whistling 90%.
Value: 50,000+ credits as beautiful singing pets and believed to
These bizarre creatures of magic appear to be nothing more
be living good luck charms (used for its magical aura). Most
than a pair of iridescent, feathered wings attached to a soft­
captive Wing Tips are constantly drugged so that they don't use
ball-sized cotton ball. Wing Tips usually have wings of a radiant
their formidable psionic powers against their captors or to es­
yellow-gold or light, bright blue or pink color. They are frisky,
cape. Worthless dead.
graceful flyers of amazing speed and skill reminiscent of a hum­
Habitat: Exclusive to the forests of the Eastern Territory and
the Great Northern Wilderness of the Palladium World. Ru­
Wing Tips are playful, empathically sensitive little beings
mored to exist in the Magic Zone (Ohio valley) on Earth .
who hate sadness and pain. Whenever they fmd sorrow or pain,
Enemies : Forest predators and unscrupulous humanoids.
they always attempt to dispel it using their powers to heal and
Allies: None, per se, but known to associate with humans,
make people happy (may include Empathic Transmission and
Elves, Drakin, and creatures of good alignment.
Hypnotic Suggestion). They fight only to protect themselves or
Notes: Generally, Wing Tips are encountered in small groups of
to help another creature of good alignment. They never kill un­
2D6 . Mating habits are unknown. Use no weapons or armor, and
less there is absolutely no other recourse.
don't accumulate treasure.
Alignments: Any, but mostly Principled (40%), Scrupulous
(30%) or Unprincipled (20%).

1 84
"'2 ••. �,
Worms of Taut Note: Because they are not real demons, their blood and bones
are valueless/useless for mystic purposes, nor do they respond to
- Demon Worms the magic that controls or dispels demons .

Blow Worm Serpent Beast

Fire Worm
Tom b Worms
Tri-Fang Taut: Blow Worms
The Wonns of Taut are considered to be demons from the The Blow Wonn i s the largest and least common o f all the
deepest pits of Hell, but in actuality they are supernatural mon­ so-called Demon Wonns. Its massive, 1 20 to 200 foo (36.6 to
sters from another dimension. The belief that they are demons is 6 1 m) length and easygoing demeanor make it a much less sub­
given credibility in that they can be summ oned with a magic cir­ tle agent of death and mayhem than its kin. Thus, it is seldom
cle of Summon Lesser Beings or Demons. To summ on them in intentionally summoned by practitioners of magic unless whole­
this fashion, a poisonous snake must be sacrificed and the name sale destruction is desired. Such was the case during the siege
of the specific ''type'' of demon wonn written in its blood. The against Chi-Town by the evil Federation of Magic in its most fa­
Wonns of Taut can also be summ oned with a Circle of Summ on mous battle generations ago.
Serpents (palladium Fantasy RPG®), but only if the circle is Blow Wonns tend to be lethargic beasts, moving as little as
drawn in the blood of a dead Demon Wonn. On most worlds, possible and then only to hunt for food. They are not communal
these Demon Wonns must be within the geographic area to be animals, territorial, or particularly aggressive unless agitated. A
summoned by the Serpent Circle, but even this minor Palladium common ploy used to arouse the ire of these sluggish monstrosi­
Summoning Circle will conjure these nightmare creatures from ties is to refrain from feeding it for a period of time. Once un­
another dimension. However, because they are not magical or leashed, the hungry monster will attack any living creature it
real demons, they can't be sent back to their natural world. At encounters and they have been known to swallow hundreds of
best, they can be controlled by the person who summoned them. people whole during a feeding frenzy. Another method is to hurt
At worst they run wild, mate and multiply. or agitate the monster with energy or magic so that it will plow
On Rifts Earth, they are found in the wild among ancient ru­ through buildings, smashing anything in its path and eating sev­
ins, especially in the eastern United States, the jungles of the eral dozen people along the way. The giant wonn can also be
Yucatan and the Land of a Thousand Islands (South America) . manipulated psionically via Empathic Transmission, Telepathy
Here, many primitive tribes worship a variety of snake gods and and Bio-Manipulation (agitation).
inadvertently Rift the creatures to Earth when they perfonn cer­ Blow Wonns attack by spitting, or blowing, out a great glob
emonies at old stone pyramids and ley line nexus locations. of mucus-like slime up to 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m) away. This thick,
1 85
slimy glob measures about 1 8 feet (5 .5 m) in diameter, engulfs (with an independent oxygen supply), there is a real chance of
its prey and smothers it. Once the victim appears to be smoth­ being swallowed up without being dead. This can actually be
ered, the worm swallows it whole. good news. The insides of the Blow Worm is far more vulnera­
Alignment: Considered Anarchist; attacks only to feed or when ble to attacks than its tough outer skin. A victim with great
provoked. strength and fire power can maneuver inside the gullet and blast
his way out. The M.D.C. for a 1 0 foot area (3 m) of the inner
Attributes: The number of dice to roll is as indicated: I.Q. Very
epidermis is 6D6.
low animal intelligence, M.E. I D6, M.A. I D6, P.S. 4D6+30,
P.P. 106+ 1 0, P.E. 2D6+ 1 8, P.B. 1 06, Spd. 2D6 . P.S. is Super­ Magic: None. Psionics: None
natural on Rifts Earth. O.C.C. : None, an animal predator.
M.D.C.: 2D4x l OO; the Blow Worm becomes an M.D.C. crea­ Enemies : None .
ture on Rifts Earth. (Has 3D4x l 0 Hit Points, 3D4x l O S.D.C. and Allies: None; tolerates its fellow Worms of Taut.
an A.R. of 7 on S.D.C. worlds.) Habitat: Infrequently found throughout the world as the result
Horror Factor: 14 of being summ oned by magic. The giant Blow Worm must have
P.P.E. : 2D4 a cool, preferably dark, damp environment to survive and bur­
Size : 1 20-200 feet (36 to 6 1 m). rows in soft earth, not clay or bedrock. It will die in a matter of
Weight: 1 04 tons. 1 04 days if left in the hot sun.
Average Life Span : 600 years. Notes: Uncommon. A person rarely encounters more than one.
Natural Abilities: The Blow Worm is virtually blind, but has
an excellent sense of smell and the head is encircled by dozens
of special motion receptors that work like sensors, registering
even minute movement (range of detection: 700 feetl2 1 3 m).
The acute sense of smell and natural motion detectors enable the
worm to accurately locate and track prey; track by smell 89%.
Other abilities: burrow through dirt/soil at a speed of 8 and
swim 1 9%.
Attacks per Melee: One glob attack per melee plus two
crush/smash attacks; three total.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): + 1 to strike with body, +3
to strike with glob, +5 to save vs poison and other toxins, +2 to
save magic and psionic attacks.
Dam age: Crush/smash by slamm ing its body into something or
inadvertently rolling on top of somebody or something inflicts
1 06x l 0 M.D.
Glob attack: Spits a huge glob of thick, sticky mucus. Range:
60 ft ( 1 8.3 m). An intended victim must roll a dodge to avoid
the glob. Those struck by the glob are engulfed in the thick,
sticky substance and cannot move, speak or breathe. Entrapment
in its thick glob reduces most victim' s speed to one eighth and
melee actions/attacks to one ! Characters with a P.S. of 24 or Taut: Fire Worms
higher have their speed reduced to one third and melee actions
The bright red Fire Worm i s among the smallest of its kin,
to half. It generally requires an intense effort of about 1 0 melee
but every bit as deadly. They are able to spit forth bolts of
actions to pull oneself free of the glob. Those without an inde­
flame. Like the other Worms of Taut, it is not a true worm or
pendent oxygen supply will lose consciousness within four me­
demon, but called such because of its worm-like appearance.
lees (one minute) and die from suffocation within eight melees
(two minutes). Of course, characters in body armor, power ar­ Likewise, it is extremely cranky, aggressive, and hostile.
mor, robot vehicle or who have some other means of independ­ Alignments: Considered Diabolic evil.
ent oxygen supply will not smother, but are greatly impaired. Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­
While trapped in the glob, victims cannot fight or attack any­ nated. I.Q. 1 04+3 , animal intelligence, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 1 04,
thing other than the glob. Those without a face cover will be P.S. 2D6+6 , P.P. 2D6+6, P.E. 2D6+6, P.B. 1 06, Spd. 3D6+ 10
blinded and choked by the mucus as well. Victims must concen­ M.D.C.: 4D6+40, becomes a minor Mega-Damage creature on
trate on escaping the gooey substance or perish. If a victim Rifts Earth. (On S.D.C. worlds it has 2D6+40 for Hit Points,
should escape, he will frod himself covered in a thick, sticky, 2D6+ 12 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 6.)
unpleasant smelling slime. To clean himself completely will Horror Factor: 13
take at least an hour and to thoroughly clean his armor and pos­ P.P.E. : 2D6
sessions will take another I D4 hours. Note that the Blow Worm Average Life Span : 260 years.
will not swallow a victim stuck in the glob as long as the indi­ Size: 3 feet (0.9 m) long.
vidual is still moving. No movement means the victim has been Weight: 1 5 pounds (6 .8 kg).
subdued and ready to be swallowed whole, glob and all. Attacks per Melee: Three, usually by bolts of frre.
Blow Worm weakness! This is a disgusting possibility, but in Bonuses (in addition to attributes): + 1 to strike by bite, +2 to
the Rifts® environment with robots, cyborgs and body armor strike with frre ball, + 1 to dodge, +2 on all saving throws, im­
pervious to frre and heat.
1 86
Dam age: Spit fire balls doing 4D6 M.D., range 60 feet ( I S.3 m) Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m; can see in total
or bite 1 D4 M.D. darkness), Climb 90%, a lousy digger (shallow burrows only),
Natural Abilities : Climb 40%, Swim 30%, Track by smell Prowl 56%, Swim 40%, and can leap up to 6 feet ( 1 .S m) high
66%, ProwI 60%, and infrared vision and heat sensor in its nose and long.
offers an additional bonus of + I to strike . The Fire Worm is im­ Attacks per Melee : Five.
pervious to all fire and heat, including magic fire. Vulnerable to Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 on initiative, +2 to
cold (does double damage) and can burrow through dirt at a strike, +3 to parry and dodge, and +2 to save vs all magic.
speed of 6. Dam age: B ite does IDS (or 2D4) M.D. or can use its tail as a
Magic: None. Psionics: None. whip doing 4D6 S.D.C. damage plus P.S. bonus . It can also use
Enemies : None. the tail to wrap around a victim' s neck and constrict, killing its
Allies: None; tolerated by the other Worms of Taut. prey by strangulation; inflicts 4D6 S.D.C. plus P .S. bonus every
Habitat: Infrequently found throughout the world as the result melee. To pry the tail loose, the person(s) must have a combined
of being summoned by men of magic. They are best suited to P.S. greater than the Nipper' s and even then the player must roll
hot and dry climates, but also seem to do well in the Yin-Sloth a natural I S-20. The tail is articulated like a snake's so it can
Jungles. The Fire Worm dies quickly in cold environments. also be used to entangle an arm, leg, or object.
Notes: I D4 Fire Worms may be encountered at any given time. Magic: None. Psionics: None.
They tend to be very aggressive and jumpy, striking out at any­ R.C.c. Skill Equivalents : Can be taught to learn basic com­
thing that moves or that invades its domain. Fire Worms enjoy mands in any language and a certain degree of obedience to one
dry, rocky terrain the best. Fortunately, they don 't seem to flour­ or more masters, like a dog.
ish in the Palladium World or Earth. Habitat: Infrequently found throughout the world as the result
of being summoned by practitioners of magic. Have been re­
ported to flourish in the jungles of Central and South America.
They are occasionally bred by unscrupulous individuals. How­
ever, Nippers are still very uncommon.
Enemies : Humanoids and mamm a ls.
Allies: None; tolerates its fellow Worms of Taut.
Notes: Nippers can be tamed and trained much better than any
of the other so-called Demon Worms of Taut. However, they are
very jumpy, irritable, and aggressive, with a 50/50 chance of at­
tacking its trainer or master, even under the best of conditions.
When encountered in the wild, they may be found in loose
knit packs of as many as 1 5 or 20. However, most Nipper packs
are, thankfully, much smaller; usually 2D4 maximum. An occa­
sional encounter in the wild can be extremely harrowing, for
even a single Nipper is rarely satisfied with simply chasing an
intruder out of its territory, and may try to chase down all inter­
lopers and slay them or give chase for I D4 miles before giving
up. A single Nipper' s territory will extend to about a two mile
(3.2 km) radius, while a pack of six or more can have a territory
covering a 25 mile (40 km) area. Non-summoned Nippers found
Taut: Nippers in the wild are usually found in the tropical or semi-tropical jun­
This serpent resembles a multi-legged salamander or newt gles, light forests and swamps.
with a maw of terrible, tiny, razor sharp teeth, and slashing tail.
While nippers may resemble amphibians, they are far from the
slow-moving, soft-skinned water dwellers. They are fast, tough,
and deadly.
Taut: Serpent Beasts
Alignments: Considered diabolic; extremely hostile, aggressive This is a large and, perhaps, the most grisly in appearance of
night predator. all the Worms of Taut. The creature has a 25 foot (7.6 m) long
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­ serpent' s body with four stubby legs and a hideous, human-like
nated. I.Q. 1D4+3 ; High animal intelligence, M.E. 1D6, M.A. head. The savagery of the Serpent Beast is legendary. They are
1 D6, P.S. 1 0+2D6, P.P. 6+2D6, P.E. 1 O+2D6, P.B. 1 D6, Spd. reputed to kill any living creature that invades their territory or
6+3 D6 disturbs their sleep. Although only slightly more intelligent than
M.D.C.: I D4x I 0+ 1 0, becomes a Mega-Damage creature on a predatory animal, this terrible monster kills for sheer pleasure,
Rifts Earth. (On S.D.C. worlds it has 2D6+40 Hit Points, deriving especially great enjoyment in slaying humanoids. Al­
2D6+20 S.D.C. and an A.R. of 1 0.) though the Serpent Beasts have no need for magic or gold, they
Horror Factor: 14 often collect such items because they know they are coveted by
P.P.E. : 2D6 humanoids and can be used to lure unsuspecting humans to their
Size : 1 0- 12 feet (3 to 3.6 m) long, 60% of which is tail. doom.
Weight: 60-75 pounds (27 to 34 kg). The immortality of the Serpent Beast is a misconception, as
Average Life Span : 240 years. they are mortal creatures of flesh and blood. However, the Ser-
1 87
the severity of the symptoms. Example: Two bites, -6 to strike,
parry and dodge (lasts 24 hours), three bites: -9 to strike, parry
and dodge (lasts for 24 hours), and so on. All victims get to save
vs non-lethal poison ( 1 6 or better to save). Roll each time bitten.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m, can see in total
darkness), super keen hearing (see initiative bonus), recognize
familiar scent 90%, smell blood two miles (3 .2 kro) away 90%,
Track by smell 85%, Swim 70%, Climb 40%, and is impervious
to all poisons and chemicals. Note : If physically blinded the Ser­
pent Beast suffers only half penalties as its extraordinary senses
of hearing and smell will compensate for the lost sight.
R.C.C. Skill Equivalents : Speaks no understandable language
(grunts, growls, hisses), but can learn basic commands in any
language and understand rudimentary words and conversation at
about a 40% skill proficiency. Some claim that the Beasts can
be taught to say a handful of basic words in a guttural voice.
Magic: None. Psionics: None.
Value: None dead; alive, it can sell for between 20,000 and
40,000 credits, depending on the buyer. Live Serpent Beasts are
sometimes desired by slavers, nobility, or evil men of magic as
watchdogs, pit monsters, or for gladiatorial games. The great
price discrepancy is the result of fluctuating need of such mon­
sters and wealth of the purchaser. Trained and obedient beasts
can command 50% more if there is a buyer.
Habitat: Although uncommon, these monsters are infrequently
found throughout the world from being summoned by various
practitioners of magic and supernatural forces. Serpent Beasts
seem to be able to adapt to any environment, with the exception
pent's life span is incredibly long, an average of 1 200 years . of cold climates.
When food is not readily available, the Serpent Beasts hibernate, Enemies : All humanoids are seen as prey.
slowing their metabolism to a mere crawl. Thus, these monsters Allies: None; tolerates fellow Worms of Taut and often work
may spend much of their time sleeping, waking only to kill and for or with other supernatural fiends, or powerful sorcerers.
eat. Adventurers beware! The Serpent Beast has a superhuman Notes: The Serpent Beast is extremely vicious and to fight till
sense of smell, and incredible hearing, that will alert it to any the death. Rarely more than one or two serpents are ever en­
new odor within a 3 00 foot (9 1 .5 m) area, even when it is countered at any one time. Because they are so wild and hostile,
asleep. they cannot be easily trained nor controlled, even by a Sum­
Alignments: Miscreant or Diabolic. moner or Druid. NOT a "real" demon, its bones and blood can­
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­ not be used in magic potions or circles.
nated. I.Q. High animal intelligence - roughly equal to human
I.Q. 1 D4+5 (near human intelligence), M.E. 1D6+6, M.A. 1 D6,
P.S. 2D6+ 1 6, P.P. 1 D6+ 16, P.E. 2D6+ 1 6, P.B. I D6, Spd.
Taut: Tri-Fang
M.D.C.: 2D6x l O+40, becomes a Mega-Damage creature on The Tri-Fang is an aggressive, deadly three-headed ser­
Rifts Earth. (Has 1 04+40 Hit Points, I 04xl 0+40 S.D.C., and pent/snake of giant proportions. Although not poisonous, the
an A.R. of 10 in S.D.C. settings.) middle head can spit acid (once per melee) up to 20 feet (6. 1 m)
Horror Factor: 1 6 away with frightening accuracy. The acid is potent and can com­
P.P.E. : 3D6 pletely blind a person within seconds when spat into the eyes,
Size : 25-30 feet long (7.6 to 9. 1 m) from head to tail tip. the favorite target of the Tri-Fang. Unless washed inunediately,
Weight: 900- 1 200 pounds (405 to 540 kg). the person can become permanently blinded.
Average Life Span : 1 200 years. Alignments: Considered Miscreant; very hostile, an aggressive
Attacks per Melee : Six. predator.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +4 on initiative, +4 to Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as follows:
strike, parry or dodge, +2 to save vs magic, impervious to poi­ I.Q. 1 D4, low animal intelligence, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 1 D6, P.S.
son and + 1 0 to save vs Horror Factor. 2D6+ 12, P.P. 1 D6+ 1 6, P.E. 2D6+ 14, P.B . 2D6, Spd. 3D6+6
Dam age: Strike with legs, tail or head butt is I D6 M.D., a nip­ M.D.C.: I D6x l 0+40, becomes a Mega-Damage creature on
ping bite 4D6 S.D.C. damage plus poison. Full bite inflicts 2D6 Rifts Earth. (Has 3D6+30 Hit Points, 2D6+20 S.D.C., and an
M.D. plus poison. Note that if the intended prey is wearing ar­ A.R. of 9 on S.D.C. worlds.)
mor the poison will not affect the person. The poison causes a Horror Factor: 1 5
very high fever and nausea. Victims of the poison are -3 to P.P.E. : 3D6
strike, parry, and dodge for 24 hours. Multiple bites increases Size: 1 6-20 feet (4.9 to 6 m).
1 88
Taut: Tomb Worms
Tomb Worms are the smallest o f the Demon Worms, rarely
exceeding two feet (0.6 m) in length. They are ugly, carnivorous
scavengers that feed mainly on dead carcasses. They have flat,
pointed, razor-like teeth, tiny eyes, a gaping maw, and clawed
hands for grasping and tearing flesh. The jaw and teeth are pow­
erful and designed for rending flesh and splitting bones. Bone
marrow is a Tomb Worm ' s delicacy. Though primarily a carrion
eater, a Tomb Worm can be surprisingly bold, attacking the liv­
ing without hesitation. Prime targets are the sick, dying, weak,
helpless, sleeping, and intruders who unwittingly disturb its nest
of rags and rotted wood, or who try to steal its food. They can
Weight: 500-600 pounds (225 to 270 kg). be especially aggressive when there is a pack of 4D4 or more
Average Life Span : 220 years. Tomb Worms attacking simultaneously. They are also known to
Natural Abilities: Spits acid, nightvision 30 feet (9 m; can see feast on preserved meats and other common provisions if left
in total darkness), Swim 50%, Climb 60% (love big trees), and unattended.
Prowl 32%. Tomb Worms are dangerous to unsuspecting adventurers, for
Attacks per Melee: Six attacks per melee plus one spitting at­ they inhabit crypts, ancient ruins, and burial places throughout
tack (7 total). the world. The bite of a Tomb Worm is particularly vicious, be­
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +3 to strike and on initia­ cause they strike, not to damage or defend, but to feed, taking
tive, +6 to dodge. The dodge is automatic like a parry because out entire chunks of flesh, not unlike a shark. Tomb Worms are
of the snake ' s quickness. generally found only near a food source such as graveyards,
Dam age: Bites inflict 2D6 M.D. each. A Tri-Fang will always mass grave cites, slaughterhouses, Body-Chop-Shops, sewers,
aim for the head, throat, and eyes in all its attacks. Can also en­ or in dank, dark places of decay. When there' s no carrion to
tangle its prey in its coils . 72% chance of victim being pinne d feed on they will prey on rodents and other small animals.
and unable to perform any physical actions. The Tri-Fang can Alignments: Considered Diabolic.
then constrict its body to crush its prey, inflicting l D4 M.D. per
Attributes: Animal attributes are very consistent and offer a
melee. smaller range of attribute variation. I.Q. Extremely low animal
The center head spits acid once per melee round. The acid is intelligence, M.E. l D6, M.A. lD6, P.S. l D6, P.P. l D6, P.E.
always directed at the apparent eyes of an opponent. The acid 1 2+2D6, P.B. I D6, Spd. 2D6
inflicts 4D6 S.D.C. points of damage the fIrSt melee and lD6 M.D.C.: 4D6, becomes a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts Earth.
S.D.C. each subsequent melee until washed or wiped away . (Normally has 3D6 Hit Points, 14 S.D.C., and an A.R. of 8.)
There is a 1 -50% chance of permanent blindness unless the eyes Horror Factor: 1 1 if only one or two, 14 for five or more.
are washed clean within four melees (one minute). Of course, P.P.E. : l D6
characters wearing helmets or body armor should not be vulner­ Size: Two to two and a half feet long (about 0.6 m).
able to such attacks although the acid spit will smear their pro­ Weight: 10 to 1 5 pounds (4.5 to 6.8 kg).
tective lens . Average Life Span : 600 years.
A roll of a natural 20 to strike always means that the dreaded Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120 feet (36.6 m; can see in total
snake has spit acid directly into the victim ' s eyes, resulting in darkness), Climb 50%, Prowl 40%, Swim 50%, smell blood,
the following: sickness and decay 90% (range: 1 000 ftl305 m), Track smell of
0 1 -44% Vision impaired temporarily (2D6 days); victim is -2 blood or decay 80%, impervious to cold, and burrows into soft
to strike (only). earth at a speed of 8. A carrion eater.
45-70% No damage if eyes are washed out immediately. Attacks per Melee: Four.
7 1 -89% Permanently impaired vision; -2 to strike. Bonuses: + I to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and +2 on all sav­
90-00% Permanently blind; -9 to strike, parry and dodge. ing throws, impervious to cold and disease.
Magic: None. Psionics: None.
Value: 1 000 credits for alchemical purposes; specifically for its
acid and teeth.
Habitat: Infrequently found throughout the world as the result
of being summoned by various men of magic. Survives well in
any environment except cold climes.
Enemies : Men and most mammals.
Allies: None; tolerates its fellow Worms of Taut.
Notes: Territorial, aggressive, partial to tree-dwelling or living
amidst rocks.

1 89
Damage: Bite inflicts 2D6 S.D.C.lHit Point damage or by claws M.D.C.: 2D6x l 0+40, becomes a Mega-Damage creature on
doing 1 06 S.D.C. points of damage, power bite inflicts 1 04 Rifts Earth. (Has 2D4x l O Hit Points, 1 06x l 0+ l 0 S.D.C., and an
M.D. but counts as all four melee attacks. A.R. of I4.)
Magic: None. Psionics: None. Horror Factor: 16
O.C.c. : None - Animal Predator. P.P.E. : 2D4xl 0
Habitat: Burial places and ruins worldwide. Size : Wingspan 20-30 feet (6. 1 to 9. 1 m).
Enemies : All life. Allies: None. Weight: 200-250 pounds (90 to 1 1 2.5 kg).
Notes: A typical encounter in an ancient ruin is likely to fmd a Average Life Span : 400 years.
small pack of I D6+ 1 Tomb Worms. However, where food is Natural Abilities: Fly, keen hawk-like vision, bio-regeneration
plentiful, such as in crypts, burial places, sewers, and places (2D6 M.D.C. per melee), impervious to poison, drugs, and
with lingering sickness, 3D6+3 or more may be encountered at magic toxins. Impervious to psionics. Impervious to normal and
one time. It is when they are most plentiful that they are the Mega-Damage weapons !
most dangerous, boldly attacking the living. During some of the Only magic (does full damage) and silver can hurt a Vema.
terrible plagues that have swept the world, there are records of S.D.C. silver weapons inflict M.D. equal to its normal S.D.C.
hundreds of Tomb Worms swarming in alleyways, graveyards, damage; i.e. a silver plated dagger that normally does I D6
and sewers feasting on both the living and the dead. S.D.C. damage inflicts 1 06 M.D. to a Vema.
It' s only when food is plentiful that the terrible creatures can Attacks per Melee : Four.
successfully mate and reproduce, giving birth to approximately Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +3 to strike, +2 to parry
1 04 young. The young mature within one year (doing half dam­ and dodge, +4 on all saving throws. Impervious to all but magic
age while young). and silver weapons.
Dam age: Claws inflict 4D6 M.D., bite does 2D6 M.D., or by
Vema Magic: Possesses all Level One and Two Air and Fire Warlock
spells at 4th level proficiency.
Original concept by Erick Wujcik Psionics: None.
The Yema is a race of extinct flying reptiles from the Palla­ R.C.c. Skills: Magically understands all spoken tongues.
dium World that have been mysteriously transformed into Value: Appeals mainly to evil forces, worth about 200,000
undead zombies of destruction. Once animated, they become a credits, sometimes 1 0 times more, if that special buyer is out
fearsome and powerful supernatural monster usually controlled there.
by a more powerful supernatural being or evil practitioner of Habitat: Buried in ancient ruins on the Palladium World in
magic. Vema, no matter how animated or alive they may seem, Ophid' s Grasslands, along the mountains and southern tip, near
have no will of their own. They obey only the commands of the sea. Few are known to have been Rifted to Earth.
their controlling master. The mage who controls a Vema must Enemies: None. Allies : None.
be extremely careful since the undead creatures obey all orders Notes: The Vema will obey only the person who animated it. If
blindly. For example, ordering a Vema to cast spells must be that person dies or abandons the creature, it will wander the land
done by carefully naming the specific spell, target, time and killing all men of magic and clergy it may encounter for reasons
place. Yema will not defend themselves against attack (no unknown to humans. Since Vema are dead, they do not eat, tire,
parry/dodge) unless specifically told to do so. Those without a rest, or sleep.
controlling master roam an area, attacking any practitioners of
magic and clergy who cross their path. Others may attempt to
obey their master' s last command, like, "protect this citadel," or
"guard this treasure," etc. Za
Evil sorcerers on the Palladium World have frequently used The Z a i s yet another winged, dog-like creature o f magic that
them as steeds or guardians. In one case, an entire army of victimizes humanoids in a mad quest to accumulate vast for­
Vema was raised and used to conquer a kingdom of the Western tunes of wealth and magic. These repulsive, grinning monsters
Empire. On the Palladium World, Vema will not last forever lurk in shadowy grottos, gorges, and ruins. It is said that their
and disintegrate four years after they have been animated. How­ treasure hoards are equal to a king's treasure vault and twice as
ever, on Rifts Earth, a Vema will last 400 years before crum­ dangerous. The Za are terribly cruel, vindictive murderers of de­
bling to dust. monic proportions.
They are terrifying because only weapons made of silver or Solitary creatures, they never associate with others of their
magic can inflict any damage to them. Normal Mega-Damage own kind, except to mate. Za never stray far from their treasure
weapons are ineffective. In addition to their awesome physical and often leave traps, such as pits and rock slides, or innocuous
strength and invulnerability, they possess Elemental magic. pets such as Owl-Things, Worms of Taut, snakes, spiders, bears,
wild dogs, or other beasts to protect their hoard. Often their trea­
Alignment: None (zombie), but generally a tool for evil.
sure trove will be hidden and divided in two or three secret
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice rolled is as desig­
places; all are protected by some means. In turn, the lair is al­
nated: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A . 2D6, P.S. 3D6+ 12, P.P. 4D6,
ways in an inaccessible place and/or near some other hostile
P.E. 3D6+ 1 0, P.B . 106, Spd. 4D6 running or I D6x l 0+40 fly­
creature(s) such as a Troll, or tribe of giants, dragon, Harpy,
Gryphon, and so on. A clever beast, if it cannot win in defend-

1 90
Warlock; can cast eight spells daily, two spell attacks per melee
(in place of physical attacks).
Psionics: None.
R.C.C. Skills: Magically understands and speaks all languages
(totally illiterate), Basic Math 80%, Land Navigation 80%, Wil­
derness Survival 60%, Pick Pockets 50%, Pick Locks 50%,
Palming 50%, Streetwise 60%, and select three ancient W.P. s
and two energy weapon W.P.s.
Habitat: Gorges, grottos, caves, ruins, and dark, rocky places.
Native to the Palladium World, not known if any exist on Rifts
Enemies : Humans and humanoids; indifferent toward most oth­
ers .
Allies: None, per se. May join forces with others if it means ac­
quiring a vast treasure or magic items.
Notes: A typical treasure trove will be worth ID6 million cred­
its. Big treasures could be ten times larger. Game Masters can
include 2D6 magic items and another 2D6 rare and valuable ar­
tifacts. As always, the size and resale value of a treasure and the
availability of magic and special items is left to the sole discre­
tion of the G.M.

ing its treasure, it will flee to recuperate and stalk the thieves
later. Thus, recovering its stolen goods and extracting ven­ Original concept by Erick Wuj cik
geance at the same time. To invoke the ire of a Za is to flirt with The Zavor are strange little humanoids of low intellect and
death. uncanny power from the Palladium World. They are completely
Alignments: Diabolic (50%) or Miscreant (50%) only! invulnerable to magic and most fonns of Mega-Damage includ­
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice to roll is as desig­ ing explosives. This includes all passive magic such as Charms,
nated: I.Q. 2D6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6, M.A. I D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 3D6, Globe of Silence, Sense Evil, Cloud of Slumber, Tongues,
P.E. 4D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 4D6 running or 2D4x l 0+50 flying. Healing, etc. Even an Immobilize spell will be shrugged off
M.D.C.: P.E.+ 1 00, turns into a Mega-Damage creature on Rifts without the slightest hindrance or ill effect.
Earth. (Has P.E. number + 1 00 for Hit Points, I D6x lO S.D.C., Magic weapons, such as rune swords and Techno-Wizard
and an A.R. of 10 on S.D.C. worlds.) weapons, circles, wards and magic spell attacks, such as Paraly­
Horror Factor: 14 sis Bolt, Call Lightning, Fire Ball, Circle of Fire, Energy Bolt,
P.P.E.: 304x l 0 River of Lava and ALL magicfire and magic energy attacks, in­
Size: 4-5 feet ( 1 .2 to 1 .5 m) long. flict no damage and split the Zavor into two identical creatures !
Weight: 120 to 1 60 pounds (54 to 72 kg). Each Zavor possesses identical attributes, abilities, Hit
Average Life Span : 2000 years. Points/M.D.C., and memory. Likewise, physical punches, kicks,
Natural Abilities: Fly, nightvision 60 feet ( 1 8.3 m; can see in claws, bites, and breath attacks from creatures of magic, includ­
total darkness), see the invisible, keen color vision and good ing the Za, Loogaroo, Sphinx, Drakin, Unicorn and dragons,
hearing, track by smell 76%, prowl 66%, bio-regenerate (2D4 will also cause the Zavor, to split into a duplicate every single
M.D. per melee), impervious to fire (not even magic fife does time he is struck! The duplication applies to all Zavor including
damage). Has stubby, articulated fmgers and an opposable duplicates. If the attacks are continued, hundreds of these weird
thumb, enabling the Za to pick up and use weapons. little monsters can be created. Once created, the duplicates are
Attacks per Melee : Five physical attacks per melee or two Ele­ as pennanent and real as the originals and will live until they are
mental magic spells. killed.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +1 on initiative, +2 to Magic Barriers: Only magic that creates a permanent physi­
strike, parry and dodge, +4 to dodge when flying, + 1 to pull cal barrier can stop or impede the Zavor. This includes such bar­
punch, +2 to roll with impact, +3 on all saving throws, and im­ riers as walls of stone, clay, thoms, ice, or other physical
pervious to fife and heat. damage of an elemental nature, such as Hail, Dust Storm, Wind
Dam age: B ite does I D8 (or 204) M.D. , restrained claw attack Rush, Hopping Stones, Earthquake, Quicksand, etc. Entirely
does 4D6 S .D.C. plus P.S. bonus, full strength claw attack in­ magical and temporary barriers, such as Immobilize, Magic Net,
flicts 2D6 M.D., or by weapon or Elemental magic. Carpet of Adhesion, Impenetrable Wall of Force, and even
Magic: Fire Elemental Magic: Stench of Hades, Cloud of Ash, Spells of Legend, will not affect the Zavor. Thankfully, the
Darkness, Fiery Touch, Circle of Flame, Wall of Flame, Fuel Zavor are vulnerable to psionic attacks (full effect and full dam­
Flame, Fire Ball, and Extinguish Fires. Equal to a fourth level age) and weapons made of silver, wood and iron.

1 91
The origin of the Zavor is unknown; their purpose equally any type of weapon that is compatible with their physical
vague. They have no craft, no society, nor goal except, perhaps, strength. They do NOT use any bow weapons.
to destroy other life forms . Ironically, a Zavor, prior to a magi­
cally induced duplication, is shy, quiet, and completely
nonaggressive, not even fighting to defend itself. It is only after
it has been split in two or more identical Zavor that it becomes
intensely cruel and driven to slay ALL living creatures from ani­
mals to humans. Most intelligent beings familiar with the Zavor,
from Orcs to Elves, will try to imprison or kill them on sight. In
a campaign that can only be called genocide, the Zavor were be­
lieved to have been completely annihilated centuries ago on the
Palladium World. Unfortunately, a handful have survived and
their numbers continue to increase .
Alignments: Diabolic evil.
Attributes: The number of six-sided dice are designated: I.Q.
I D6+ 1 , M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6,
P.B. 2D6, Spd. 2D6
Hit Points: P .E. +20
S.D.C.: 2D4x l 0
Natural S.D.C. Armor Rating: 8 . Armor Note: Invulnerable
to poison, drugs, fire, cold, fall damage, magic and most
Mega-Damage weapons ! Only psionics, and S.D.C. weapons
made of wood, silver and iron can inflict S.D.C. and Hit Point
damage. Rail guns that shoot wood or iron shards will obliterate
a Zavor.
Horror Factor: 1 6
P.P.E.: 3D6
Size : Three and a half feet tall ( 1 . 1 5 m).
Weight: 45-70 pounds (20 to 3 1 .5 kg).
Average Life Span : Immortal - lives until slain.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 90 feet (27.4 m; can see in total
darkness), see the invisible, Prowl 50%, Climb 60%, impervious
to fife and cold (does no damage), impervious to magic and
magic weapons (Techno-Wizardry, rune weapons, and holy
swords included), impervious to most Mega-Damage weapons,
and many S .D.C. weapons/damage. Vulnerable to wood, silver,
iron and psionics.
Attacks per Melee : Three attacks per melee.
Bonuses (in addition to attributes): +2 to strike, +3 to parry
and dodge.
Dam age: B ite does I D4 M.D., claws ID4 M.D., or by weapons.
Magic: No abilities other than being impervious to all magic.
Psionics: None.
O.C.c. : None.
Skills of Note: Speaks Gobblely/Goblin 90%, Land Navigation
50%, and W.P. Blunt.
Habitat: Secluded, desolate areas, often in deserted ruins and
tunnels when in small numbers. Swarm like locusts destroying
all life forms when in numbers greater than 24. Zavor are known
to exist among the ruins of the Baalgor Wastelands on the Palla­
dium World. None are known to exist on Ri fts Earth.
Enemies: ALL life forms.
Allies: Absolutely none!
Notes: Zavor are not born, but duplicated via magic attacks. The
duplication process takes only two melees (30 seconds). The
Zavor will use the weapons and armor of their victims, but are
incapable of operating high-tech devices and vehicles. They
serve no master, do not eat, and have absolutely no need or want
for wealth, but do gather and keep easy to use magic items, like
a flaming sword, to create more of themselves . Will use almost

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