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Date August 22, 2022 Time:

Subject/Grade Grade 12 - Avenido


Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts and
theories in bread and pastry production.

Performance Standard The learners independently demonstrate core competencies in

preparing and producing bakery products.

Learning LO 1 Prepare bakery products

1.1 Select, measure and weigh required ingredients according to recipe
or production requirements

I. Specific Objectives: 1. Explain the importance of accurate measurement and weighing of


2. Select, measure and weigh required ingredients according to recipe

or production requirements.

3. Value the importance of accurate measurement in baking

II. Subject Matter: Topic: Accurate measurement of ingredients

Baking Ingredients and its substitution

References: Bread and Pastry Production Manual page 8-9

Materials: CG/MELC, Manual, Learning Activity Sheets

III. Procedure:

A. Daily Routine 1. Prayer

2. Checking of attendance

B. Motivation/Recall Each group will be given an envelope which contains a puzzled picture
of bakery products. They will be given five minutes to assemble the
Awareness puzzle and name the product.
Review/Presenting new ideas:

Base on the puzzled picture, the learner will gather together and
discuss what are the ingredients used in making such bakery products.
They will publish their work on the board after ten minutes.

Presenting the purpose of the lesson:

Baking is love made edible!

Communicate the learning objectives to the class.


Form five (5) groups. Each group will select baking ingredients and
measure or weigh them according to the specification given. A table
with measuring tools and possible baking ingredients for bakery
C. Lesson Proper products will be placed on the table.

Activity Group I – Measure 300 g of white sugar and 90 grams of brown sugar

Group II – Measure ¼ cup of evaporated milk and 2 fl. oz. of juice

Group III – Measure 1 cup of butter and 100 ml of oil

Group IV – Measure 350 grams of all-purpose flour and 25 grams of


Group V – Measure 2 cups of water and 1 Tablespoon vanilla.

1. How did you find the activity?

2. How did you choose the ingredients?

3. What are your considerations in weighing/measuring the ingredients

assigned to your group?
D. Analysis 4. What measuring tools/device did you use? Why?

5. In case one of the ingredients is not available, what are you going to

IV. Abstraction Power Point Presentation on:

“Proper way of measuring and weighing the different ingredients and its

Techniques in Measuring and Weighing Ingredients used in


It is important to measure the ingredients accurately to get standard

and efficient use of materials. Different flour in different localities need
varying amounts of liquid and this should be considered in baking.

Keep a record of the quantity of flour used each time you bake to find
out which measurement produces the best result from the flour
available in your area.

A. Measurement of Dry and Liquid Ingredients

1. Dry ingredients

A. Flour

a. Sift the flour to remove lumps.

b. Spoon sifted flour lightly into a measuring cup heaping it well

over the top of the cup. Do not shake the cup.

c. level off the cup with a straight –edged utensils or spatula.

d. For fractions of a cup, use the lines indicating ¼, 1/3, and ½

of the standard measuring cup.

B. Sugar

a. White sugar needs sifting only if lumpy. Proceed as in the

measurement of flour.

b. Brown sugar, if lumpy, press through a coarse sieve to crush

the lumps. Pack into measuring cup just enough to hold its

shape. Level off.

c. Sift confectioner’s sugar through a sieve to remove lumps.

Spoon lightly into measuring cup. Level off with spatula or

any straight – edged utensil. Do not shake the cup.

C. Baking Powder
a. Fill measuring spoon with the desired ingredients. Level off

with a spatula or any straight-edged utensils. If baking powder

has caked, stir lightly before measuring.

D. Shortening

a. With the Use of Measuring Cup

Have shortening at room temperature. Pack firmly into the

measuring cup, taking care not to have air pockets. Level off

with a spatula or straight –edged utensils. Use standard

measuring spoon for less than ¼ cup shortening.

b. Water Displacement Method

Fill the cup with cold water up to ¼ cup level if ½ cup of fat is

desired and add shortening enough to cause the water to rise

up to the 1 cup mark. To measure ¼ cup, fill with cold water up

mto ¾ cup level and add shortening enough to raise the water

up to the 1 cup mark. Drain well.

2. Liquid Ingredients

Water and Milk

A liquid measuring cup is best to use for liquid ingredients because it

is clear and see through. It also has a spout that makes pouring of

liquids easy. To get the exact amount, follow these steps when

measuring liquids.

1. Set up the liquid measuring cup. Place the measuring cup on a flat,

even surface.

2. Pour the liquid carefully and slowly into the cup. Stop pouring when

the liquid reaches the marker line for the desired amount.

3. Check your measurement. Bend down so that your eyes level with

the marker line. Look at the top of the liquid.


gallon gal Given Equivalents
quart qt. 1 gallon ( gal. ) 4 quarts
pint pt.
1 quart (qt.) 2 pints
1 pint (pt.) 2 cups
cup c. 1 cup 8 fluid ounces
½ cup 4 ounces
tablespoon Tbsp. or T ¼ cup 2 ounces
1/8 cup 1 fluid ounce
teaspoon tsp. or t
1 Tablespoon 3 teaspoons
fluid ounce fl.oz. 1 pound 16 ounces
2.2 pounds 35.2 ounces
ounce oz. 1 kilograms 1000 grams

pound lb.

gram g.

kilogram kg.


 1 tablespoon all purpose flour - 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch, potato

starch, rice starch or arrowroot starch
 1 tablespoon cornstarch - 2 tablespoon all purpose flour
 1 cup sifted cake flour - 7/8 cup all purpose flour sifted, 1cup all
purpose flour minus 2 tablespoon.
 1 cup sugar granulated - 1 1/3 cup brown sugar, lightly packed, 1
½ cup corn syrup minus ½ cup liquid, 1 cup honey minus ½ to 1/3
cup liquid
 1 cup honey - 1 ¼ cup sugar plus 1 /2cup liquid
 1 ounce chocolate - 3 tablespoon cocoa plus 1 tablespoon fat
 1 tablespoon baking powder - ¼ teaspoon baking soda plus ½ cup
fully soured milk or lemon juice mixed with sweet milk to make ½
cup, ¼ teaspoon baking soda plus ¼ to ½ cup molasses, ¼ cream
of tartar
 1 teaspoon active dry yeast - 1 package (7gram) dry yeast
compressed yeast cake
 1 whole egg - 2 egg yolks or 3 tablespoon thawed from frozen
eggs, 2 ½ tablespoon sifted dry whole eggs powder plus 21/2
tablespoon lukewarm water
 1 egg yolk - 1 1/3 tablespoon frozen egg yolk
 1 egg white - 2 tablespoon frozen egg white,2 teaspoon dry egg
yolk powder plus 2 teaspoon water
 1 square unsweetened chocolate - 3 tablespoon cocoa plus 1
tablespoon fat
 1 cup butter - 1 cup margarine,7/8 to 1 cup hydrogenated fat plus
½ teaspoon of fat, 7/8 cup of lard plus ½ teaspoon salt
 1 cup coffee cream ( 20 percent ) - 3 tablespoons butter plus about
7/8 cup milk
 1 cup heavy cream ( 40 percent ) - 1/4 cup butter plus 3 /4 cup of
 1 cup whole milk - 1 cup reconstituted non- fat dry milk plus 2 ½
teaspoons of butter or margarine
 1 cup milk - 3 tablespoon of sifted non- fat dry milk plus 1 cup
water, 6 tablespoons of sifted crystals plus 1 cup water
 1 cup butter milk or sour milk - 1 tablespoon of vinegar or lemon
juice plus enough sweet milk to make1 cup (let stand for 5 minutes),
1 ¾ teaspoon of cream of tartar plus1 cup of sweet milk




Guide questions:

1. Why is it critical to measure the flour and other required ingredients

exactly cited in the recipe?

2. Cite the importance of properly selecting, measuring, and weighing

required ingredients according to recipe or production requirements.

III. Application Using the same groupings, each group will be given a recipe:

 Group 1 will select, measure and weigh dry and liquid ingredients
for malunggay pandesal
 Group 2 will select, measure and weigh dry and liquid ingredients
for banana Muffins
 Group 3 will select, measure and weigh dry and liquid ingredients
for chiffon cake.
 Group 4 will select, measure and weigh dry and liquid ingredients
for chocolate chip cookies
 Group 5 will select, measure and weigh dry and liquid ingredients
for Cheese biscuits.

Each group will be given 5 minutes to have Focus Group Discussion

(FGD) after which the leader of the group will market the sample
ingredients in the pantry.

V. Assessment: Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer
from the options given. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the first step to have best results in baking?

A. Measure ingredients accurately.

B. Memorize the recipe very well.

C. Use modern equipment.

D. Use only imported ingredients.

2. What tool should you used to measure large quantities of liquids?

A. Cups C. Measuring cup

B. Liquid Measuring cup D. Weighing scale

3. Which basic ingredient in baking helps attain tenderness by

preventing cohesion of gluten strands?

A. Leavening C. Shortening

B. Liquid D. Sugar

4. To measure liquid ingredients, the measuring cup should be:

A. Above the measuring cup C. Up in the air

B. On a flat surface D. All of the above

5. Which method of portioning is done with the use of a food scale?

A. Counting C. Measuring

B. Cutting D. Weighing

6. What is the required temperature in baking angel food or sponge


A. 250⁰F C. 350⁰F
B. 300⁰F D. 375⁰F

7. Which refers to a method of dividing cake into uniform pieces before


A. Counting C. Measuring

B. Cutting D. Weighing

8. It refers to heating the oven to attain the required baking temperature

before baking.

A. Baking C. Pre-heating

B. Broiling D. Proofing

9. What is the required temperature in baking loaf cake?

A. 200⁰F C. 300⁰F

B. 250⁰F D. 350⁰F

10. Which refers to getting the right number of serving from a recipe

and serving the right amount?

A. Mark-up C. Weight

B. Portion Control D. Yield

VI. Assignment: 1. Cite the importance of properly selecting, measuring and weighing

required ingredients according to recipe or production requirements.

VII. Reflection:

VIII. Remarks:

Position: TEACHER II

School: Mayor Praxedes P. Villanueva II MHS

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