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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Study of an Effectiveness of Swachh Bharat

Mission of the Government of India in
Malasa, Kanpur DEHAT
“Harsha Bachani1, Puneet Israni 2”
MBA Student, Universal Business School, Karjat, Raigad, Maharashtra, 410201.
MBA Student, Universal Business School, Karjat, Raigad, Maharashtra, 410201.

Abstract:- Sanitation is the need for all and to speed up I. INTRODUCTION

this work, to accomplish widespread sanitation and to put
the excellent spotlight on the sanitation the Prime No innovation in the past two hundred years has done
Minister of India sent off the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on more to save lives and improve health then the sanitation
October second, 2014, and it was a fitting recognition for revolution triggered by invention of the toilets. But it did not
the 150th birthday celebration of Mahatma Gandhi. Its go far enough. It only reached one-third of the world.
goal is to make the country liberated from open defecation -Sylvia Mathews Burwell
framework, acquire an uncommon change individuals'
way of behaving and telling them that why sanitisation is The need that has an impact on everyone's life is
much significant in once life. Following the Prime sanitation. On October 2, 2014, Indian Prime Minister Shri.
Minister's clarion for every person to commit no less than Narendra Modi established the Swachh Bharat Mission to
100 hours of Swachhata all through the year in the intensify efforts, achieve universal sanitation coverage, and
program Swachh Bharat Summer Internship. The point centre attention on sanitation. The Swachh Bharat Mission
of the program is to bring youth the nation over, a (Grameen) and the Swachh Bharat Mission are the two
potential chance to make critical commitment to the submissions that the Ministry of Drinking Water and
Swachhata upheaval, coordinating them in friendly Sanitation (MDWS) secretary will use to coordinate the
administrations and advancement of their abilities. mission (urban).
Making mindfulness, assemble foundation and casing
regulations are the normal disinfection drives sent off by As a suitable homage to Mahatma Gandhi's 150th
the public authority worldwide. Enlivened by the Prime birthday, Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan seeks to achieve Swachh
Minister, individuals around the country followed and Bharat by 2019 by building 90 million toilets in rural India at
taken the stride to contribute and figures out the worth of a project cost of Rs. 1.96 lakh crore. More than 35% of the
tidiness. Not many of the populace don't know about the world's population, or an estimated 2.5 billion people, lack
Abhiyan because of absence of sources in Malasa, Kanpur access to even the most basic sanitation. The notion is that
Dehat. There could be no appropriate channelization of improving access to water and sanitation will go more
assets in country regions for development of latrines and smoothly in nations with greater GDPs. India had 525 million
act of spontaneity of sanitation offices. Defilement being or more people practise open defecation in 2017, making it
wild in workplaces likewise have difficulties to the the nation with the biggest number of such persons.
mission. Individuals are having old propensity for
defecating out in fields as it's been said monetary The estimated cost of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan is more
emergency is the serious issue with them. The strategies than Rs. 620 billion ($ 9.0 billion). The government offers
being utilized by the scientists are house to house incentives in the amount of Rs. 12000 for every toilet built by
correspondence, nukkad nataks, banner making, film a BPL family.
screening, and so on for spurring them to involve latrines
and keep up with the neatness in the climate in the town The nationwide sanitation coverage increased to 65% in
Malasa which contains 3,605 individuals out of which 371 2017 from 38.7% in October 2014, before the campaign's
families are the BPL Card clients. The review uncovers launch.
that individuals are having uplifting perspective towards
the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. By the 15th of February 2018, the 11th stage, 314
districts, and 3.25 lakh villages had all been proclaimed free
Keywords:- Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Summer Internship, of open defecation. The goal of Swachh Bharat Abhyiaan is
Open Defecation System, Sanitation, Swachhata Revolution. to end open defecation by building toilets that are owned by
both households and communities.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1:- A Government appointed painter writing awareness message on village wall

 Swachh Bharat Mission Promotion building 90 million toilets in rural India at cost Rs 1.96 lakh
“Mann Ki Baat”, Prime Minister Narendra Modi crore ($30 billion) project. The mission also contributes to the
frequently discuss the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan on the achievement of sustainable development goals. Swachh
national radio channel, through which he spreads awareness Bharat Abhiyan was officially launched by Prime Minister
among the population. Narendra Modi in Rajghat, New Delhi. In 2015, 965 million
people worldwide were forced to practice open defecation
“Through Brand Ambassadors”, the Swachh Bharat (OD). The consequences of open defecation are many, such
Abhiyan has been endorsed by many of the well-known as acute intestinal infections, diarrhoea due to poor water
faces- Amitabh Bacchan, Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli, supply, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and life-threatening
Sachin Tendulkar, etc. violence against women and girls. . Chronic effects include
soil-transmitted helminth infections, anaemia, giardiasis,
 Promotion And Execution environmental enteropathy, and more. Open defecation is a
“Swachh Bharat Summer Internship”, the internship global health problem. Open defecation and wastewater
was organized by 3 ministries, HRD, Sports and Sanitation. contamination in drinking water are a common problem in
Objective is to engage the youth and develop the skill towards India. In 2017, India was the country with the largest number
sanitation. of open defecations, about 525 million people. Sanitation is
an investment with high economic returns. Lack of sanitation
 SWACHH BHARAT SUMMER INTERNSHIP – 100 is a major public health problem in India. Poor sanitation has
Hours of Swachhata been shown to be a major cause of intestinal infections in
Following the Prime Minister’s clarion call on 2nd young children. One-third of the world's 2.5 billion people
October 2014 for each individual to devote at least 100 hours without access to improved sanitation live in India, as do two-
of Swachhata through the year. The aim of the program is to thirds of the 1.1 billion people who defecate in the open and
bring youth across the country, an opportunity to make 1/ 4 out of 1.5 million people die each year from diarrheal
significant contribution to the Swachhata revolution, diseases. Most people in rural areas are not aware of the link
integration them in community service and to develop their between cleanliness and health. In most villages, defecation
skills. In SWACHH BHARAT SUMMER INTERTNSHIP is the “way of life”. This practice is the most dangerous health
50,314 Swachh Bharat pledges has been taken, 11,121 and environmental problem. The mission consists of two sub-
Swachh Bharat challenges taken, 26,564 Swachh Bharat missions: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan “Gramin” under the
activities have been done, 37,685 are the active participation Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation; and Swachh
of the youth, 1,310,075 hours have been contributed and Bharat Abhiyan "Urban", under the Ministry of Housing and
4,405 Swachh Bharat pakhwada activities have been done. Urban Affairs. In Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Gramin), 38.7%
of rural households have private latrines as of October 2,
II. LITERATURE REVIEW 2014, the date Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was introduced.
249,811 defecation-free villages in 2017, of which 157,935
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or Clean India Mission is a (63%) were officially verified and 207 districts did not
campaign in India that aims to clean the streets, roads and defecate as of 2017. Where there was no feces and each
infrastructure in cities, towns and rural areas of India. Swachh household and public facility /communities use safe
Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the Government of India on technology to dispose of manure in a way that is free from
2 October 2014 as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th surface soil, ground or surface water contamination, flies and
birthday. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan's goals include eliminating inaccessible animals, and no human handling of fresh
open defecation through the construction of community and manure, then This village is said to be defecation free (ODF).
household owned latrines and the establishment of a In Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (municipality), as of September
responsible mechanism for monitoring toilet usage. . Abhiyan 29, 2017, 44,650 wards have collected 100% door-to-door
is government run and mission aims to achieve Open waste, 12,526 community toilets built in three years, and
Diabetes Free (ODF) Project by 2nd October 2019, by 11,806 public toilets plus is built. In India, about 117,000

IJISRT22AUG1235 1739

Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
children under the age of 5 die each year from diarrhoea sold the cow which was the only source of livelihood for her
caused by poor sanitation. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is family”.
expected to cost 620 billion rupees ($9.0 billion). The
Government of India encourages Rs 12,000 for each toilet The study, released by the National Institute of Nutrition
built by a family below the poverty line (BPL). (NIN) on 26 September 2017 found that:
 32-33 percent of scheduled caste/tribe boys under five
Prime Minister Narendra Modi selected different public years of age are underweight, compared to 21 percent in
figures for the campaign such as: Shilpa Shetty, Sachin the general population.
Tendulkar, Priyanka Chopra, Amitabh Bacchan, Akshay  36 percent of boys under five years of age with illiterate
Kumar, Vidya Balan, Shah Rukh Khan, Shashi Tharoor, Baba fathers were underweight, compared to 16 percent with
Ramdev, Virat Kohli, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Anushka college-educated fathers.
Sharma and Vice President of India M.V. Naidu. In 2017, the  50.2 percent boys, 44.6 percent of girls with no access to
national sanitation coverage rate increased from 38.7% to toilets are stunted, compared to 26 percent boys and 24
65%. this figure was 90% in 2018. 11 states, 314 districts and percent girls who live in homes with toilets.
3,25 lakh villages were declared to ban defecation on 15
February 2018. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan aims to improve Offenders from a higher socio-economic class retaliate
sanitation facilities. birth, eliminate open defecation in India, violently simply because the advice is given from someone
to convert unhygienic toilets into toilet flushing, eliminate lower on the social strata. An e-rickshaw driver in Delhi,
manual flushing and raise awareness of healthy practices. perhaps inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Swachh
And after the Prime Minister stated, 7,98,01,056 household Bharat initiative, objected to two young men urinating in the
toilets have been built since October 2, 2014, 4,09,442 open. He requested that they use a public toilet. They
villages without open defecation, 421 districts without responded by returning with a dozen others and bludgeoning
defecation, 19 Union states/territories do not have open him to death. Are these really the educated people we are
defecation. living with! The real issue is that we don’t take advice, no
matter how well-meaning or unless it comes from an
III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY authority figure. The awareness of Swachh Bharat is growing,
which is commendable. However, what is sorely lacking is
The study comprising of research work in which we infrastructure and laws. Government, around the world, do
have used Probability Sampling Technique, in which three things in common when launching sanitation drives:
Stratified Sampling Technique has been used. Total 241 Create awareness, build infrastructure, and frame laws.
people response have been taken into consideration, their
views for the structured questionnaire prepared on the topic.  Reality of Malasa
Further we have segregated the population who are truly Malasa village, covering the area of 758.4 hectare, with
important for this research work for the “study of an population of about 3,605 people and 599 households out of
effectiveness of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in the village which 371 families are the BPL Card (below poverty line)
Malasa”. Total 186 people have been taken into consideration users. The people living in Malasa (few) are aware of the
after the questionnaire and unstructured interview. Their Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and have built their own toilets
collective views have been compiled and have been under the Rs. 12,000 schemes. People their wants to build
discussed. The methods which have also been used by the their own toilets but lacks money and information.
researchers are: - Door to Door communication,
questionnaire, student awareness program, nukkad natak and They have built the pits, but still the complete
personal interview. construction is left as one the villager has said in Hindi
(verbatim), “वो लोग आए थे, फोटो लेकर चले गए, अब जब पैसा
IV. ANALYSIS (GROUND REALITIES) आयेगा तो आगे का काम कराएं गे, क्ोोकं क हमारे पास तो है नही”.
Gandhiji once said, “So long as you do not take the
Malasa is a village with no public toilets, and the toilets
broom and the bucket in your hands, you cannot make your
which they use are not in proper condition. When it comes to
towns and cities clean." Inspired by these lines people around
cleanliness, the village lacks DUSTBIN, there’s not even a
the Nation followed and taken the footstep and understands
single dustbin in the village to dump the household garbage,
the value in sake of cleanliness. The objective of the Abhiyan
daily household garbage is dumped into the sole pond of the
is to promote public cleanliness and sanitation and transform
village and the rest is dumped in front of the houses or on the
India into a Clean India. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan has
road. About 40% of the villagers are not aware of the Swachh
been well supported by the people from different section of
Bharat Abhiyan due to lack of medium and sources. Financial
the society. But when we talk about the reality, it is found that
status of the village is very poor. According to them,
people are not getting the proper support and information for
construction of toilets cost more than Rs.12, 000, they are not
the implementation of the task of building the toilets. As an
able to afford their daily expenses then how will they manage
example, “A poverty-stricken woman in Bihar's Gaya district
to build toilets by their own.
sold her cow to construct a toilet at her house, in her late 60s,

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2. Semiconstructed pits. Fig 3. Fully constructed toilet

 Challenges facilities. The officials responsible for the construction of

India has a very old habit of defecation outside their toilets in villages scoff at people (especially females) and
houses. Despite having sufficient money to build toilets, harass them which is quite immoral in its sense.
people, especially in rural areas go outside for excretion.
Corruption, being rampant in offices, also poses
There are still no proper dumping facilities on highways challenges to the mission. People in need don't get enough
due to which people throw their waste on roads carelessly. funds by the government and they have to add their money to
There is no proper channelization of funds in rural areas for build a suitable toilet.
construction of toilets and improvisation of sanitation

 Challenges In Malasa

Fig 4. Dumping of garbage in a trolley Fig 5. Pond where most of the garbage is dumped

Fig. 4 and fig. 5 above shows how the garbage is ill-treated in the village.

People are having old habit of defecating out in fields. They Most of the literate people think that being a part of
are not aware of importance of sanitation in one’s life. Swachhata Abhiyan and initiating is huge opportunity for the
society. This could be, because people are having better
They have to face different kinds of problems like: - understanding now and are aware of environmental hygiene.
Difficulties faced by girls out there, the distance they Majority of the people thinks that this Swachhata Abhiyan
have to travel is very long sometimes, hospital is 5kms away has been started for the political benefit only.
from the village, financial crisis is a major problem there,
people are having no space for building of toilets, they are not  Perception of Malasa People
habitual of using toilets, availing water is not an easy task for People of Malasa, Kanpur Dehat have an incredibly
them. positive perception regarding the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
initiated by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. People there
 General Perception are actively participating in the activities regarding
Study found that people felt that Swachh Bharat cleanliness. According to them the government is doing very
Abhiyan is a useful programme for the community. Pradhan well in this field. The schemes which are now a day’s
stated that Swachh Bharat Abhiyan helps in the development introduced are in their welfare and they are very happily and
of the country and also agreed that it has brought changes on actively participating. They do believe in the government and
the ground level. These findings reflect the positive are ready to coordinate with them. They believe that Swachh
perception of the community towards Swachh Bharat Bharat Abhiyan invites women safety and is very useful and
Abhiyan. Current study revealed that all the people must beneficial. But as a coin has two faces, similarly their
actively participate in cleanliness and sanitation activities. perceptions are also different. According to few of them this

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
is a waste of time and money. They believe that government REFERENCES
is doing this for their own benefits so that they can earn more.
People there are saying that no one comes to see how you are [1].
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survive. They believe that all these things are fake. And is not achievementschallenges/&grqid=n0VjZFV8&s=1&hl
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85% of the 3,605 people are aware of the Swachh IN&geid=1043
Bharat Abhiyan. They get to know this from various sources [3].
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this from the interns i.e., by us. About 75% people are having lakh-claims-not-verified/story-
their own toilets and these toilets are regularly used by them [4]. brpTIcdIoZ9YhpkgXGfg4I.html&grqid=LwDByNTC
too. But it has come out from the study that there are few &s=1&hl=en-IN&geid=1043
people who have their own toilets, but they prefer open [5].
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like a behavioural change in daily normal life, the second _m
reason is “how a daughter-in-law can to the same toilet which ission&ved=2ahUKEwjE6PmFy87cAhVCo48KHbN6
has been used by the father-in-law. About 20% of the BEsQmhMwDHoECAwQPg&usg=AOvVaw0liAeEQ
remaining 25% people regularly go to the same place for V5LzNu922A8dT2
defecation. The reason behind not constructing their own [6].
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 They are not aware of the importance of using toilets. sw achh-bharat-
 They are having no space for building them. [7]. Abhiyan/&ved=2ahUKEwjE6PmFy87cAhVCo48KHb
 They are going through financial crisis. N6BEsQFjAgegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw2tWrrbkqfz
 They think that this against their nature. VR FxHaDkiIZQ
 They take it as a behavioural change. [8].
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 Disease. B&usg=AOvVaw0_nzVeeYAvHm-s6AkCYED9
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 Distance from their house.
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 Problems faced during rainy seasons. t3y YeYrxVooNT2D80M
 Difficulties faced by women. [11].
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women safety. The schools and college of the village are AhXCfH0KHfk3BxYQFjAAegQIBRAD&usg=AOvV
consisting of separate toilets for girls in the building, but they aw3hs4M-6m6O0tTvboKb022v
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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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