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IP Addressing Concept

ALTTC – ITU Asia Pacific CoE, INDIA

Naresh Singh
[email protected]
• Preface & Introduction
• What is an IP Address and Sources to get it.
• IPs Address Classification and identification of an IP
Address Class.
• Subnetting and its examples
• Supernetting
• Network Design and Implementation: GNS3 Simulator

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Preface & Introduction

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What is an IP address?
• Each host on a TCP/IP network is uniquely identified
at the IP layer with an address.
• An Internet Protocol (IP) address specifies the
location of a host or client on the Internet.
• The IP address is also known as Protocol address
• The IPv4 address is of 32 bits and IPv6 128 bits

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Where do IP addresses come from?



Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) Allocation

distribute IPv4, IPv6, and AS numbers
to the Internet community

RIRs maintain accurate registration of Assignment

Internet resource usage for the community
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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) develops and promotes

voluntary Internet standards, in particular the standards that comprise
the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP). It is an open standards
organization, with no formal membership or membership
requirements. All participants and managers are volunteers, though
their work is usually funded by their employers or sponsors. The IETF
started out as an activity supported by the U.S. federal government,
but since 1993 it has operated as a standards development function
under the auspices of the Internet Society, an international
membership-based non-profit organization.

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The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is a
department of Internet Corporation for Assigned
Names and Numbers (ICANN), a non profit private
American corporation that oversees global IP
address allocation, autonomous system(AS) number
allocation, root zone management in the Domain
Name System (DNS), media types, and other Internet
Protocol-related symbols and Internet.
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Asia Pacific Network Information Center

APNIC is the Regional Internet address

Registry for the Asia-Pacific region. It is one
of the world's five RIRs and is part of the
Number Resource Organization.
• Members: 6,360
• Founded: 13 January 1993
• Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Regional Internet Registries

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IP Versions
• IPv1, 2, & 3 is the part of TCP/IP protocols. IPv4 is
actually the first version of the IP protocol. IPv5 is an
experimental TCP/IP protocol called the Internet
Stream Protocol that never really went anywhere
because increases in bandwidth made streaming
over IPv4 feasible. So IPv5 was never finalized and
they skipped to IPv6.

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IP Address Version

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IP Addressing Scheme
IPv4 Address(Present) IPv6 Address(Future)

Total Addresses = 232 = 4.3 billion Total Addresses = 2128 = 3.4x1038

Some addresses are reserved for special 340,282,366,920,938,463,374,607,432,76
purposes like private networks or 8,211,456
multicast addresses. 340 billion, billion, billion, billion or 340
Practically only few hundred million undecillion
addresses are usable. 5 x 1028 addresses per person

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IPv4 Address
• What the Internet machines see an IP address?
• For human understanding - 32 bits of IP address are
divided into 4 octets of 8 binary bits

• Each octet is converted into decimal and is separated by

a dot (.), hence also known as Dotted Decimal Notation
• In decimal, address range is to

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IPv4 Address Scheme
• The IP address is of the form <Network ID, Host ID>
Netwo Host
rk ID ID

• Two types of addressing schemes for IPv4

– Classful
• Original style of addressing based on first few bits of the address.
– Classless
• A new type of addressing that disregards the class bit of an address
• Applies a variable prefix (mask) to determine the network number.

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IPv4 Classes
1st Octet 2nd Octet 3rd Octet 4th Octet

Class A Network Host Host Host

Class B Network Network Host Host

Class C Network Network Network Host

Class D Multicast

Class E Research and Future Use

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Identifying Class of Address – By 1st Byte of IP Address
Pattern Begin End Begin End

Class A 0xxxxxxx 00000000 01111111 0 127

Class B 10xxxxxx 10000000 10111111 128 191

Class C 110xxxxx 11000000 11011111 192 223

Class D 1110xxxx 11100000 11101111 224 239

Class E 1111xxxx 11110000 11111111 240 255

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Identifying Class of Address – By 1st Byte of IP Address
Pattern 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte




Class D 1110 xxxx Multicast Address

Class E 1111 xxxx Future Use

N - Network Bit H – Host Bit

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Identifying Class of Address
Address Network
Host Address
Identifier Address bits
0 7 bits Network Address 24 bits Host Address

10 14 bits Network Address 16 bits Host Address

110 21 bits Network Address 8 bits Host Address

1110 Multicast Address Multicast Address

1111 Reserved for Future Use Reserved for Future Use

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IP Address bit pattern

8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits 8 Bits

Class-A: 00000000 01111111 0 – 127

Class-B: 10000000 10111111 128 – 191

Class-C: 11000000 11011111 192 – 223

Class-D: 11100000 11101111 224 – 239

Class-E: 11110000 11111111 240 – 255

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Network vs. Hosts
• In Classless environment we can have 232  4.3 billion
• Class Networks Hosts/Network
Class A 126 16777214
Class B 16384 65354
Class C 2097152 254

• Having 16777214 hosts for Class-A and 254 hosts for

Class-C were not working well
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Classless Addressing Scheme: Subnetting
• Chopping up of a network into a number of smaller networks is called subnetting.
• Moving some hosts’ bits to the network portion or It allows to assign some of the
bits, normally used by the host portion of the address, to the network portion of
the address.
– 1 bit subnetting Two Networks
– 2 Bits Subnetting  Four Networks
– 3 bits subnetting 8 Networks and so on….
• The format of subnetted IP address would be
<network number, subnet number, host number>
• It allows efficient use of full network address space
• Subnet is a real network under a network
• Any of the classes can be subnetted

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Calculation for given subnet
– Network ID
– Broadcast Address
– Subnet Mask
– Range of IPs
– Gateway : Router IP
– DNS: Google DNS or Provided by ISP

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Calculation for subnetted network
• Rule 1: Identify network bits & Host bits and calculate
totals IPs available to be assigned to different hosts or
network devices that can be connected in given
– No. of Network Bits=27 and No. of Host Bits= 32-27=5
– No. of total IP address available: 2^5=32.
– No. of Maximum IPs for hosts that can be connected
in this subnetted network : 32-2=30( Excluding
Network ID and Broadcast Address).
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Calculation for subnetted network Decimal
or place
• Rule 2: Segregate network bits & host bits value in
decimal for
with its octets and convert only decimal binary
value of octet in binary value which involves
both host bits and network bits.
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
192 168 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

Network Bits Bits

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Calculation for subnetted network

• Rule 3: To get network ID or Network IP Pool, Put all

network bits as it and all host bits to ZERO.
– or
• Rule 4: To get Broadcast Address, Put all network bits
as it and all host bits to ONE.
– or

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Calculation for subnetted network

• Rule 5: To get Subnet Mask , Put all network bits ONE

and all host bits to ZERO.
– or
• Rule 6: To get Range of Host IPs, PLUS ONE in
Network ID and MINUS ONE in Broadcast Address.
– to

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1. Find out Network ID, Broadcast Address, Subnet Mask,
Range of IPs for Hosts connectivity for given sub networks
2. You have been assigned a network address of You need to create subnet network Ids for 4
different subnets. You want to use a subnet mask that
provides the greatest number of hosts in each sub-network.
Find out Network ID, Broadcast Address, Subnet Mask,
Range of IPs for Hosts connectivity.
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• 1a
– Subnet ID is 10.10.5. 00010000 i.e
– Broadcast address is 10.10.5. 00011111 i.e
– IP range is from to
– Subnet Mask 0000 i.e.
• 1b
–Subnet ID is 10.14.010 00000.0000 0000 i.e
–Broadcast address is 10.14.010 11111.1111 1111 i.e
– IP range is from to
– Subnet Mask 255.255.111 00000.0000 0000

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Classless Addressing Scheme: Super netting
• Just reverse of sunetting
• Combining two or four or eight networks in to single networks.
• Moving some Network’s bits to the host portion or It allows to assign some of the
bits, normally used by the network portion of the address, to the host portion of
the address.
– 1 bit super netting combining Two Networks
– 2 bits super netting  combining Four Networks
– 3 bits super netting  combining 8 Networks and so on….
• The format of subnetted IP address would be
<network number, supernet number, host number>
• It is used to combine networks in single networks as per actual requirement.
• only consecutive logical networks can be combined

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Super netting: Example
• A customer need 1000 hosts to be connected in his
network, ISP is having following unallotted network
addresses,, & Using supernetting concept, create a
larger network, for fulfilling the requirement of the
customer. Please write down the supernet id, subnet
mask & IP addresses range for the host.

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