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Connection Management Feature

Parameter Description

Issue Draft A
Date 2020-12-29


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Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description Contents


1 Change History.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 eRAN17.1 Draft A (2020-12-29)........................................................................................................................................ 1

2 About This Document.............................................................................................................3

2.1 General Statements................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Applicable RAT......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Features in This Document.................................................................................................................................................. 3

3 General Principles....................................................................................................................5
4 Signaling Connection Management....................................................................................7
4.1 Principles.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.1 RRC Connection Setup....................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.1.2 RRC Connection Reestablishment................................................................................................................................ 10 Conditions for Triggering RRC Connection Reestablishment.......................................................................... 10 RRC Connection Reestablishment Procedure....................................................................................................... 12 Inter-PLMN RRC Connection Reestablishment Procedure............................................................................... 14
4.1.3 RRC Connection Management...................................................................................................................................... 16 Uplink Out-Of-Synchronization Management.....................................................................................................16 UE Inactivity Timer Management............................................................................................................................ 17 RLF Detection.................................................................................................................................................................. 20
4.1.4 Dedicated S1 Connection Setup................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.5 Signaling Connection Release....................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Network Analysis.................................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.1 Benefits................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.2.2 Impacts.................................................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.3 Requirements......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.1 Licenses................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
4.3.2 Software................................................................................................................................................................................26
4.3.3 Hardware.............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
4.3.4 Others.................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.4 Operation and Maintenance............................................................................................................................................. 26
4.4.1 Data Configuration........................................................................................................................................................... 26 Data Preparation............................................................................................................................................................ 27 Using MML Commands............................................................................................................................................... 28

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ii

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description Contents Using the MAE-Deployment...................................................................................................................................... 28

4.4.2 Activation Verification..................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4.3 Network Monitoring......................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.4.4 Possible Issues.................................................................................................................................................................... 30

5 Radio Bearer Management................................................................................................. 33

5.1 Principles.................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
5.1.1 SRB2 Setup...........................................................................................................................................................................34
5.1.2 SRB2 Modification............................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.1.3 SRB2 Release....................................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.1.4 DRB Setup............................................................................................................................................................................ 35
5.1.5 DRB Modification...............................................................................................................................................................36
5.1.6 DRB Release........................................................................................................................................................................ 39
5.2 Network Analysis.................................................................................................................................................................. 40
5.2.1 Benefits................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
5.2.2 Impacts.................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
5.3 Requirements......................................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.3.1 Licenses................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
5.3.2 Software................................................................................................................................................................................41
5.3.3 Hardware.............................................................................................................................................................................. 41
5.3.4 Others.................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
5.4 Operation and Maintenance............................................................................................................................................. 41
5.4.1 Data Configuration........................................................................................................................................................... 41 Data Preparation............................................................................................................................................................ 41 Using MML Commands............................................................................................................................................... 42 Using the MAE-Deployment...................................................................................................................................... 42
5.4.2 Activation Verification..................................................................................................................................................... 42
5.4.3 Network Monitoring......................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.4.4 Possible Issues.................................................................................................................................................................... 43

6 Parameters.............................................................................................................................. 44
7 Counters.................................................................................................................................. 45
8 Glossary................................................................................................................................... 46
9 Reference Documents...........................................................................................................47

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. iii

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 1 Change History

1 Change History

This chapter describes changes not included in the "Parameters", "Counters",

"Glossary", and "Reference Documents" chapters. These changes include:
● Technical changes
Changes in functions and their corresponding parameters
● Editorial changes
Improvements or revisions to the documentation

1.1 eRAN17.1 Draft A (2020-12-29)

This issue introduces the following changes to eRAN16.1 01 (2020-03-30).

Technical Changes
Change Parameter RAT Base Station
Description Change Model

Deleted the RRC Deleted the FDD ● 3900 and 5900

connection GlobalProcSwitc series base
penalty threshold h.RrcConnPunish stations
parameter. Thd parameter. ● DBS3900
LampSite and

Canceled the None FDD BTS3911E

compatibility with
the BTS3911E as
of this version.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 1 Change History

Change Parameter RAT Base Station

Description Change Model

Added the None FDD ● 3900 and 5900

scenario that the series base
RRC connection stations
reestablishment ● DBS3900
procedure without LampSite and
UE context DBS5900
defined in 3GPP LampSite
Release 15 applies
only when a
Huawei base
station connects
to a base station
provided by
another vendor.
For details, see RRC

Editorial Changes
Revised descriptions in UE Inactivity Timer Management.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 2 About This Document

2 About This Document

2.1 General Statements

This document is intended to acquaint readers with:

● The technical principles of features and their related parameters

● The scenarios where these features are used, the benefits they provide, and
the impact they have on networks and functions
● Requirements of the operating environment that must be met before feature
● Parameter configuration required for feature activation, verification of feature
activation, and monitoring of feature performance

This document only provides guidance for feature activation. Feature deployment and
feature gains depend on the specifics of the network scenario where the feature is
deployed. To achieve the desired gains, contact Huawei professional service engineers.

Software Interfaces
Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described in this
document apply only to the corresponding software release. For future software
releases, refer to the corresponding updated product documentation.

2.2 Applicable RAT

This document applies to FDD.

2.3 Features in This Document

This document describes the following FDD features.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 2 About This Document

Feature ID Feature Name Chapter/Section

LBFD-002007 RRC Connection 4 Signaling Connection

Management Management

LBFD-002008 Radio Bearer 5 Radio Bearer

Management Management

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 3 General Principles

3 General Principles

In a Long Term Evolution (LTE) system, connection management involves:

● Setup of dedicated connections between user equipment (UE), eNodeBs, and

mobility management entities (MMEs)
● Releases of these connections after services are complete

Figure 3-1 shows the random access, signaling connection management, and
radio bearer management procedures involved in connection management.

Figure 3-1 Connection management process


For details about security mode control shown in Figure 3-1, see Radio Security.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 5

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 3 General Principles

1. Random access: The UE performs a random access procedure when it needs

to set up a connection with the network for service requests, location updates,
paging, or other reasons. For details about this procedure, see Random Access
2. Signaling connection setup: Signaling connections are established between
the UE and the MME. Signaling connections are set up before the security
mode control. There are two types of signaling connections:
– RRC connections: signaling connections between the eNodeB and UE over
the air interface
– Dedicated S1 connection: signaling connection between the eNodeB and
3. E-RAB setup: When the UE requests a service, the MME instructs the eNodeB
to set up an E-UTRAN radio access bearer (E-RAB), including a radio bearer.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 6

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

4 Signaling Connection Management

4.1 Principles
Signaling connections include an RRC connection and a dedicated S1 connection,
as shown in Figure 4-1. Generally, a signaling connection is set up for a service
bearer. It can also be set up only for a signaling procedure, such as a UE location

Figure 4-1 Signaling connection protocol stack in LTE

Signaling connection management involves RRC connection setup, RRC connection

reestablishment, RRC connection management, dedicated S1 connection setup,
and signaling connection release.

4.1.1 RRC Connection Setup

During RRC connection setup, SRB1 is set up. Before an S1 connection is set up,
the eNodeB cannot obtain the UE context from the evolved packet core (EPC).
Therefore, security mode activation and SRB1 encryption and integrity protection
are not required during RRC connection setup. Measurement configuration can be
performed for a UE during RRC connection setup, but the UE can be handed over
only after the security mode is activated.

Figure 4-2 shows the RRC connection setup procedure.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 7

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Figure 4-2 RRC connection setup procedure

1. The UE sends the eNodeB an RRC Connection Request message containing

the reason for the RRC connection setup.

● The reason for RRC connection setup is related to the NAS process and NAS session
types. For details, see 3GPP TS 24.301 V8.1.0.
● The RRC Connection Request message contains the UE_ID field. If the upper layer
provides the S-TMSI, the UE signals the S-TMSI to the eNodeB. If no S-TMSI is
available, the UE signals a random value ranging from 0 to 240-1 to the eNodeB.
The international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) of the UE is unknown to the
2. The eNodeB sets up the context for the UE.
If the eNodeB receives multiple RRC Connection Request messages from the
UE within a specified time window, the eNodeB handles only the most recent
one. The time window is equal to the sum of the values of
UeTimerConst.T300 and RrcConnStateTimer.FilterReptRrcConnReqTimer
Within a length of time equal to the sum of the values of the
UeTimerConst.T300 and RrcConnStateTimer.FilterReptRrcConnReqTimer
parameters, the eNodeB calculates the number of RRC Connection Request
messages sent by a UE, except in high-priority access and emergency call
scenarios. If the number of RRC Connection Request messages sent by a UE is
greater than the value of the GlobalProcSwitch.LteRrcConnPunishmentThld
parameter, the eNodeB responds to the UE with an RRC Connection Reject
message containing the wait time IE. The value of this wait time is
determined by the RrcConnStateTimer.T302 parameter. Upon receiving the
message, the UE sends another RRC Connection Request message only after
the wait time expires.
3. The eNodeB admits the connection and allocates SRB1 resources to the UE.
– The procedure continues if any of the following conditions is met:

▪ The admission is successful.

▪ The admission fails, but resource pre-emption is enabled for the UE.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 8

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management


For the process of determining whether the number of UEs exceeds the UE
quantity license, see 4.1.4 Dedicated S1 Connection Setup. For UE
admission and resource pre-emption, see Admission and Congestion
– If admission fails and there is no resource pre-emption enabled, the
eNodeB sends an RRC Connection Reject message to the UE.

▪ If an RRC connection setup request is rejected, the UE needs to wait

for a period before sending another RRC connection setup request.
The length of this period is determined by a timer specified by the
RrcConnStateTimer.T302 parameter. This timer starts when the UE
receives an RRC Connection Reject message and stops when the UE
enters RRC_CONNECTED mode or cell reselection is performed.

▪ The eNodeB instructs the UE to lower the cell reselection priority by

sending the UE an RRC Connection Reject message containing the
deprioritisationReq IE (the
CellAlgoSwitch.DeprioritisationDeliverInd parameter is not set to
UNDELIVER). Upon receiving the message, the UE attempts to
access the network from other cells, relieving the cell overload. If an
RRC Connection Reject message contains the deprioritisationReq IE
and the UE can process this IE, the timer specified by the
UeTimerConst.T325 parameter starts. Check the value of the
deprioritisationType field in the deprioritisationReq IE, that is, the
value of the CellAlgoSwitch.DeprioritisationDeliverInd parameter,
as described in the following table.
Value of Before the Timer After the Timer
CellAlgoSwitch.Dep Specified by Specified by
rioritisationDeliver- UeTimerConst.T325 UeTimerConst.T325
Ind Expires Expires

FREQUENCY The UE sets the cell The UE restores the

reselection priorities original cell
of the serving reselection priority.
frequency and the
frequencies on
which the RRC
Connection Reject
message containing
the deprioritisation-
Req IE has been
received to the
lowest priority.

E-UTRA The UE sets the cell The UE restores the

reselection priorities original cell
of all the E-UTRAN reselection priority.
frequencies to the
lowest priority.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 9

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management


The deprioritisationReq IE has been introduced since 3GPP Release 11. For
details, see 3GPP TS 36.331.
4. The eNodeB sends an RRC Connection Setup message containing SRB1
resource configurations to the UE.
5. The UE configures radio resources based on the SRB1 resource information
indicated by the RRC Connection Setup message, and then sends an RRC
Connection Setup Complete message to the eNodeB. After the eNodeB
receives the RRC Connection Setup Complete message, the RRC connection is
set up.
The timer for the eNodeB to wait for an RRC Connection Setup Complete
message is specified by the
ENodeBConnStateTimer.WaitRrcConnSetupCmpTimer parameter.
The eNodeB starts another timer to wait for the UE to send other messages
over the Uu interface. The timer is specified by the following parameters:
– ENodeBConnStateTimer.UuMessageWaitingTimer if the UE is not
running QCI 1 services
– ENodeBConnStateTimer.UuMessageWaitingTimerQci1 if the UE is
running QCI 1 services

4.1.2 RRC Connection Reestablishment

During RRC connection reestablishment, the eNodeB reconfigures SRB1, resumes
data transmission on the radio bearer, and reactivates the security mode in the
access stratum (AS) without modifying security algorithms. The data radio bearer
(DRB) is resumed only after the RRC connection is reestablished. Conditions for Triggering RRC Connection Reestablishment

RRC connection reestablishment is triggered to retain the RRC connection for UEs
in connected mode for which the security mode has been activated. A UE can
initiate an RRC connection reestablishment only when the security mode has been
activated in the AS.

A UE initiates an RRC connection reestablishment in the following scenarios:

● A radio link failure (RLF) occurs.

● An inter-RAT handover from E-UTRAN fails.
● The UE receives an integrity check failure indication from the physical layer.
● The RRC connection fails to be reconfigured.

A UE detects an RLF when any of the following conditions is met:

● The timer specified by the UeTimerConst.T310 parameter expires.

● The random access fails and none of the timers specified by the following
parameters are running:
– UeTimerConst.T300
– UeTimerConst.T301
– RrcConnStateTimer.T304ForEutran

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

– RrcConnStateTimer.T304ForGeran
– UeTimerConst.T311
● The maximum number of RLC retransmissions specified by the
RlcPdcpParaGroup.UeMaxRetxThreshold parameter has been reached.

A UE starts the timer specified by the UeTimerConst.T310 parameter when both of

the following conditions are met:
1. The number of out-of-sync indications consecutively received by the UE from lower
layers has reached the upper limit specified by the UeTimerConst.N310 parameter.
2. None of the timers specified by the following parameters are running:
● UeTimerConst.T300
● UeTimerConst.T301
● RrcConnStateTimer.T304ForEutran
● RrcConnStateTimer.T304ForGeran
● UeTimerConst.T311
When the timer specified by the UeTimerConst.T310 parameter is running and the
number of in-sync indications consecutively received from lower layers has reached
the upper limit specified by the UeTimerConst.N311 parameter, the UE stops the
timer specified by the UeTimerConst.T310 parameter.
● A handover fails.
A QCI-specific RLF timer and constants can be configured in the
RlfTimerConstGroup MO to satisfy the requirements of different services for such
a timer and constants if bearers with different QCIs are set up for UEs. The
eNodeB delivers the RLF timer and constants to a UE in the RRCConnectionSetup,
RRCConnectionReconfiguration, and RRCConnectionReestablishment messages.
For details, see 3GPP TS 36.331. The following table lists recommended parameter

Parameter ID Parameter Name Setting Notes

RlfTimerConstGroup.Rlf RLF Timer and Constants N/A

TimerConstGroupId Group ID

RlfTimerConstGroup.T3 Timer 301 Set this parameter to

01 MS200_T301(200ms).

RlfTimerConstGroup.T3 Timer 310 Set this parameter to

10 MS200_T310(200ms)
for QCIs 1, 65, and 66.
Set this parameter to
for QCIs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 69, 70, 75, and 79.

RlfTimerConstGroup.T3 Timer 311 Set this parameter to

11 MS10000_T311(10000m

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Parameter ID Parameter Name Setting Notes

RlfTimerConstGroup.N3 Constant N310 Set this parameter to

10 n6(6) for QCIs 1, 65, and
Set this parameter to
n10(10) for QCIs 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 69, 70, 75,
and 79.

RlfTimerConstGroup.N3 Constant N311 Set this parameter to

11 n5(5) for QCIs 1, 65, and
Set this parameter to
n1(1) for QCIs 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 69, 70, 75, and
79. RRC Connection Reestablishment Procedure

Figure 4-3 shows the RRC connection reestablishment procedure defined in 3GPP
Release 12.

Figure 4-3 RRC connection reestablishment procedure

1. The UE sends an RRC Connection Reestablishment Request message to the

Target eNodeB (TeNodeB).

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management


The cause value contained in the message depends on the reason for the RRC
connection reestablishment.
● An RRC connection reconfiguration failure
The message contains the cause value "reconfigurationFailure".
● A handover failure
The message contains the cause value "handoverFailure".
● A radio link failure
The message contains the cause value "otherFailure".
In the cause value, the C-RNTI and physCellId IEs indicate the C-RNTI and physical cell
ID of the serving cell, respectively.
2. The TeNodeB checks whether a UE context exists.
– If a UE context exists, the TeNodeB proceeds to 3.
– If a UE context does not exist, the TeNodeB sends an RLF Indication
message to the source eNodeB (SeNodeB) based on the cell information
contained in the RRC Connection Reestablishment Request message. If
the SeNodeB has the UE context, the SeNodeB initiates the handover
process and transfers the UE context to the TeNodeB. The
GlobalProcSwitch.RrcReestOptSwitch parameter specifies whether the
TeNodeB uses RRC connection reestablishment without UE context.
3. The TeNodeB authenticates the UE. If the security authentication information
in the UE is consistent with that in the SeNodeB, the UE passes
authentication. After the authentication, the SeNodeB releases original
resources and then performs admission and resource allocation again.
– If the GlobalProcSwitch.EnhancedRRCReestProtectThd parameter is not
set to 0, RRC connection reestablishment protection is enabled. If the
number of RRC connection reestablishment requests sent by a UE to an
eNodeB exceeds the threshold specified by the
GlobalProcSwitch.EnhancedRRCReestProtectThd parameter, the
eNodeB releases the UE and the UE enters the idle mode.
If the UE fails the authentication, the TeNodeB rejects the RRC connection
reestablishment request from the UE.
4. The TeNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection Reestablishment message
containing information about the allocated resources. The UE reconfigures
radio resources based on the message, and then starts encryption and
integrity protection again.
5. The UE sends an RRC connection reestablishment complete message to the
TeNodeB, indicating that RRC connection reestablishment is completed.
Figure 4-4 shows the RRC connection reestablishment procedure without UE
context defined in 3GPP Release 15. This function is controlled by the
GlobalProcSwitch.RrcReestOptSwitch parameter. This function applies only when
Huawei base stations are interconnected with base stations from other vendors,
and is not supported between Huawei base stations.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Figure 4-4 RRC connection reestablishment procedure without UE context defined

in 3GPP Release 15

1. The UE sends an RRC Connection Reestablishment Request message to the

2. The TeNodeB identifies the SeNodeB based on the Physical Cell ID message
contained in the RRC Connection Reestablishment Request message and
sends a Retrieve UE Context Request message to the SeNodeB to obtain the
UE context.
3. The SeNodeB searches for the UE context information based on the
information (including ShortMAC-I, C-RNTI, failed PCI, and new E-UTRAN Cell
Identifier) contained in the received Retrieve UE Context Request message.
4. The SeNodeB sends the UE context to the TeNodeB through the Retrieve UE
Context Response message.
5. The TeNodeB sends an RRC Connection Reestablishment message to the UE.
The UE responds with an RRC Connection Reestablishment Complete
message. Inter-PLMN RRC Connection Reestablishment Procedure

The inter-PLMN RRC connection reestablishment procedure is controlled by the
BIT16 option of the reserved parameter eNBRsvdPara.RsvdSwPara3.

After the option is selected, inter-PLMN RRC connection reestablishment takes

effect only when all of the following conditions are met:

● The MME is configured with the PLMNs required before and after RRC
connection reestablishment.
● Inter-PLMN roaming is enabled on the MME.
● An S1 link is set up between the eNodeB and MME for each PLMN.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Inter-PLMN RRC connection reestablishment can be performed between physical

eNodeBs or within a physical eNodeB.

Figure 4-5 Procedure for inter-physical-eNodeB inter-PLMN RRC connection reestablishment

The procedures for inter- and intra-physical-eNodeB inter-PLMN RRC connection

reestablishment are the same. For details, see RRC Connection
Reestablishment Procedure. After an RRC connection is reestablished between
PLMNs and different physical eNodeBs, the TeNodeB sends a Path Switch Request
message to the MME to complete the switching of the downlink GTP tunnel
endpoint. A Path Switch Request message needs to be sent over the S1 link
corresponding to the target PLMN.

Figure 4-6 Procedure for intra-physical-eNodeB inter-PLMN RRC connection reestablishment

During intra-physical-eNodeB inter-PLMN RRC connection reestablishment,

different physical eNodeBs are treated as different logical eNodeBs. After an RRC

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 15

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

connection is reestablished between PLMNs and within a physical eNodeB, the

TeNodeB sends a Path Switch Request message to the MME to complete the
switching of the downlink GTP tunnel endpoint. A Path Switch Request message
needs to be sent over the S1 link corresponding to the target PLMN.

4.1.3 RRC Connection Management

RRC connection management applies to UEs in both connected and idle modes:

● Connected mode
A UE that has set up an RRC connection with the eNodeB is considered to be
in connected mode. The connected mode is further classified by its
synchronization state:
– Synchronized
A UE is considered to be in the synchronization state when it is in
connected mode and has established uplink synchronization with the
eNodeB. The eNodeB allocates physical uplink control channel (PUCCH),
sounding reference signal (SRS), and other resources for these UEs.
– Out-of-synchronization
A UE is considered to be in the out-of-synchronization state when it is in
connected mode, but currently has not established uplink synchronization
with the eNodeB. The eNodeB releases physical uplink control channel
(PUCCH), sounding reference signal (SRS), and other resources for these
● Idle mode
A UE that has not set up an RRC connection with the eNodeB is considered to
be in idle mode. These UEs monitor the paging channel of the eNodeB. For
details about UE behavior in idle mode, see Idle Mode Management.

The following mechanisms are used for RRC connection management:

● Uplink out-of-synchronization management

● UE inactivity timer management
● RLF detection Uplink Out-Of-Synchronization Management

Uplink out-of-synchronization management enables an eNodeB to maintain
uplink timing for a UE in real time so that the UE remains in the uplink
synchronization state. The eNodeB manages UEs in the uplink out-of-
synchronization state as follows:

● To maintain uplink timing for a UE, the eNodeB delivers timing advance
commands to the UE. Each time the eNodeB receives an ACK message from
the UE, the eNodeB starts or restarts the uplink time alignment timer
specified by the TimeAlignmentTimer.TimeAlignmentTimer parameter. If
the timer expires, the eNodeB considers the UE to have entered the out-of-
synchronization state.
● For each UE, the eNodeB also maintains an uplink synchronization timer,
which is specified by the QciPara.UlSynTimerForQci parameter, to control
whether to deliver a Timing Advance Command message to the UE. The

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

eNodeB starts or restarts the timer for a UE when sending data to or receiving
data from the UE.
– The eNodeB continuously sends Timing Advance Command messages to
the UE until the timer expires.
– Once it has expired, the eNodeB stops sending the messages, and the UE
stops providing ACK responses. In this situation, the uplink alignment
timer expires, and the eNodeB regards that the UE is in the out-of-
synchronization state.
If the UE inactivity timer is shorter than the timer specified by the
QciPara.UlSynTimerForQci parameter, the RRC connection is released for the
UE and the UE enters idle mode.
● If the InactReSyncCompatSwitch option of the
GlobalProcSwitch.ProtocolMsgOptSwitch parameter is selected when the
UE inactivity timer expires and the resynchronization procedure is ongoing,
the eNodeB restarts the UE inactivity timer and preferentially handles the
resynchronization procedure. If the InactReSyncCompatSwitch option is
deselected, the eNodeB releases UEs when the UE inactivity timer expires, and
the UEs enter idle mode.
If the UE loses synchronization in the uplink:
● The eNodeB instructs the UE to initiate a random access procedure when the
eNodeB needs to transmit data to the UE.
● The UE initiates a random access procedure to restore uplink synchronization
if it needs to transmit data to the eNodeB. UE Inactivity Timer Management

With UE inactivity timer management, if a UE does not transmit or receive any
data for a period specified by the UE inactivity timer, the eNodeB considers the UE
to be inactive.
To prevent inactive UEs from using system resources for a long time, the eNodeB
releases their RRC connections and sends UE Context Release Request messages to
the core network when the UE inactivity timer expires.
The UE Context Release Request message contains the cause value "Radio
Connection With UE Lost" if both of the following conditions are met: 1. An RLF
has been detected or the number of RLC connections for all the DRBs have
reached to the threshold specified by the
RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBMaxRetxThreshold parameter before the UE inactivity
timer expires. 2. Uplink synchronization does not recover for the UE. In other
situations, the UE Context Release Request message contains the cause value
"User Inactivity."

UE Inactivity Timer When PTT Services Are Ongoing

Table 4-1 lists the parameters specifying the UE inactivity timer.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Table 4-1 Parameters specifying the UE inactivity timer when PTT services are
CellAlgoSwitch.DynDrxSwi Parameter Specifying the UE Inactivity Timer
DynDrxSwitch: ON QciPara.UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci

DynDrxSwitch: OFF QciPara.UeInactiveTimerForQci

UE Inactivity Timer When Voice Services Are Ongoing

The UE inactivity timer is specified by parameters listed in Table 4-2. For example,
when the DynDrxSwitch option of the CellAlgoSwitch.DynDrxSwitch parameter
is selected, the QciPara.UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci parameter is used to
configure the UE inactivity timer, regardless of whether the license listed in Table
4-3 is activated. Other UE inactivity timers do not take effect.

Table 4-2 Parameters specifying the UE inactivity timer when voice services are
DynDrxSwitch CellAlgoSw Effective Value of the UE Inactivity
Option of the itch.UEInac Timer
CellAlgoSwitch.Dyn tiveTimerQ
DrxSwitch CI1Switcha

Selected ON QciPara.UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci
parameter value for QCI 1

Selected OFF QciPara.UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci

parameter value for the highest-priorityb
QCI except for QCI 1

Deselected ON QciPara.UeInactiveTimerForQci
parameter value for QCI 1

Deselected OFF QciPara.UeInactiveTimerForQci

parameter value for the highest-prioritya
QCI except for QCI 1

a: CellAlgoSwitch.UEInactiveTimerQCI1Switch is controlled by the parameters

listed in Table 4-3.
b: If there are multiple bearers with the highest priority, the maximum
QciPara.UeInactivityTimerDynDrxQci or QciPara.UeInactiveTimerForQci
parameter value is used as the effective value of the UE inactivity timer.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Table 4-3 License of the voice characteristic awareness scheduling feature

Feature ID Feature Model License Control NE Sales
Name Item Unit

LOFD-08122 Voice LT1S00 Voice eNodeB per Cell

9 Characteristic VCAS0 Characteristic
Awareness 0 Awareness
Scheduling Scheduling


The preceding license has an impact on the configuration of the UE inactivity timer only
when the UE is performing voice services and the DynDrxSwitch option of the
CellAlgoSwitch.DynDrxSwitch parameter is deselected.

UE Inactivity Timer in Other Situations

Table 4-4 lists the parameters specifying the UE inactivity timer.

Table 4-4 Parameters specifying the UE inactivity timer used in other situations
CellAlgoSwitch.DynDrxS Parameter Specifying the UE Inactivity Timer
DynDrxSwitch: ON The eNodeB checks the priorities of the UE
inactivity timer corresponding to online bearers
specified by the QciPara.UeInactiveTimerPri
● If the UE inactivity timer corresponding to only
one online bearer has the highest priority, the
length of the UE inactivity timer is equal to the
value of the QciPara.UeInactivityTimer-
DynDrxQci parameter set for the bearer.
● If the UE inactivity timers corresponding to
multiple online bearers have the highest priority,
the length of the UE inactivity timer is equal to
the maximum value of the
parameter among the bearers.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

CellAlgoSwitch.DynDrxS Parameter Specifying the UE Inactivity Timer

DynDrxSwitch: OFF The eNodeB checks the priorities of the UE
inactivity timer corresponding to online bearers
specified by the QciPara.UeInactiveTimerPri
● If only one online bearer has the highest
priority, the length of the UE inactivity timer is
equal to the value of the
QciPara.UeInactiveTimerForQci parameter set
for the bearer.
● If the UE inactivity timers corresponding to
multiple online bearers have the highest priority,
the length of the UE inactivity timer is equal to
the maximum value of the
QciPara.UeInactiveTimerForQci parameter
among the bearers. RLF Detection

If the TimeAlignmentTimer.TimeAlignmentTimer parameter is set to a value
other than INFINITY, the eNodeB checks whether an RLF occurs based on the
status of the time alignment (TA) timer.

Timer Status Meaning

The timer does The radio link of the UE is functional.

not expire

The timer ● The eNodeB instructs the UE to initiate random access

expires when the eNodeB needs to transmit data to the UE.
● The UE initiates random access when the UE needs to
transmit data to the eNodeB.
– If the synchronization is successful, the radio link of the
UE recovers.
– If the synchronization fails, an RLF has occurred. In this
case, the eNodeB releases the RRC connection for the

If the GlobalProcSwitch.UeLinkAbnormalDetectSwitch parameter is set to ON,

RLF detection is enabled. When RLC detection is enabled, the eNodeB checks for
RLFs based on the channel quality indicator (CQI) reported by the UE. If the
number of CQIs not received by the eNodeB within a specified period exceeds a
specified threshold, an RLF occurs, and the eNodeB releases the RRC connection
for the UE.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

When the eNodeB releases the RRC connection for a UE due to an RLF, it sends
the EPC a UE CONTEXT RELEASE REQUEST message containing the cause value
"Radio Connection With UE Lost."

4.1.4 Dedicated S1 Connection Setup

Figure 4-7 shows the dedicated S1 connection setup procedure.

Figure 4-7 Dedicated S1 connection setup procedure

1. The UE sends the eNodeB an RRC Connection Setup Complete message

containing a NAS message. Upon receiving the message, the eNodeB allocates
a dedicated S1AP ID to the UE, encapsulates the NAS message and S1AP ID in
an Initial UE Message, and sends the message to the MME.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 21

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management


For details about how the eNodeB selects an MME when an eNodeB connects to
multiple MMEs, see S1-Flex.
2. The MME obtains the cause for this connection setup from the NAS message
contained in the Initial UE Message, handles the UE service request, and
assigns the dedicated S1AP ID to the UE.
The timer for the eNodeB to wait for S1AP-related messages from the MME
depends on whether the UE is running QCI 1 services.
– The timer is specified by the
ENodeBConnStateTimer.S1MessageWaitingTimer parameter if the UE
is not running QCI 1 services.
– The timer is specified by the
ENodeBConnStateTimer.S1MsgWaitingTimerQci1 parameter if the UE
is running QCI 1 services.
3. The MME sends an Initial Context Setup Request message to the eNodeB. This
message may contain the UE context and EPS bearer context.
4. The eNodeB creates a context for the UE, and generates security keys for the
service bearer and signaling connection based on the received security

The eNodeB selects a security algorithm supported by both the eNodeB and UE and
then sends the algorithm to the UE using a Security Mode Command message. For
details about the security mode handling mechanism, see Radio Security.
5. The eNodeB performs admission based on the UE quantity license,
implements resource pre-emption for the UE, makes service admission
decisions, and allocates resources to the UE.
– If the UE is successfully admitted, the procedure continues.
– If the admission fails, the eNodeB sends an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP
FAILURE message to the MME.

For admission based on the UE quantity license and UE resource pre-emption,

see Admission and Congestion Control.
6. The eNodeB sends a Security Mode Command message, instructing the UE to
start integrity protection and encryption. At this moment, downlink
encryption is started.
7. The eNodeB sends an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message to the UE for
the setup of SRB2 and DRB. Encryption and integrity protection have been
performed for this message.
8. After receiving the Security Mode Command message from the eNodeB, the
UE uses the encryption algorithm specified by the eNodeB to generate
security keys for both service bearers and signaling connections. Then, the UE
sends a Security Mode Complete message, which is not encrypted. After the
eNodeB receives this message, uplink encryption is started.
9. The UE sets up a dedicated S1 connection based on the RRC Connection
Reconfiguration message and then sends an RRC Connection Reconfiguration
Complete message to the eNodeB.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

10. The eNodeB sends an Initial Context Setup Response message to the MME.

The eNodeB simultaneously sends security parameters and bearer parameters to

the UE. The security mode setup starts first. The RRC Connection Reconfiguration
message can be sent before the security mode setup ends. This mechanism
reduces the delay from the initial UE access to the bearer setup.

4.1.5 Signaling Connection Release

Signaling connection release consists of dedicated S1 connection release and RRC
connection release. After an RRC connection is released, the signaling connection
and all the involved radio bearers are released. Figure 4-8 shows a signaling
connection release procedure.

Figure 4-8 Signaling connection release procedure

A signaling connection release procedure is triggered in the following scenarios:

● The MME sends a UE Context Release Command message to the eNodeB

when the service process is complete on the NAS set up between the UE and
MME or when the UE aborts the service.
● The eNodeB sends a UE Context Release Request message to the MME upon
detecting an exception, such as the expiry of the UE inactivity timer or no
data transmission or reception on the UE side. Then, the eNodeB waits for a
UE Context Release Command message from the MME.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

After a signaling connection release procedure is triggered, the eNodeB performs

the following operations:

1. Releases transport resources and initiates RRC connection release over the Uu
2. Sends an RRC Connection Release message to the UE, instructing the UE to
release radio resources.
In certain scenarios such as when the UE is powered off or in airplane mode,
the UE does not send the RLC-layer ACK message upon receiving the RRC
Connection Release message. As a result, the eNodeB does not receive any
responses from the UE and repeatedly sends unnecessary release messages,
which increases radio resources overheads. When a cell is overloaded due to
heavy traffic in the preceding scenarios, the number of retransmitted RRC
Connection Release messages at the RLC layer is decreased if the
under the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.HighLoadNetOptSwitch parameter is
selected. This reduces radio resource overheads.
3. Releases radio resources.
4. Sends a UE Context Release Complete message to the MME, indicating that
the resources are released.
5. Releases the UE context. Then, the UE switches from the RRC_CONNECTED
state to the RRC_IDLE state.


The MME can also release the dedicated S1 connection to simultaneously release all the E-

For eNodeBs:

● When a UE becomes inactive and the signaling link has been released, the UE
may have lost connections with the network. When the
GlobalProcSwitch.UeRelChkLostSwitch parameter is set to ON(On), the
eNodeB checks the connection between the UE and network.
– If the connection is abnormal, the UE Context Release Request message
contains the cause value "Radio Connection With UE Lost."
– If the connection is proper, the UE Context Release Request message
contains the cause value "User inactivity."
● If an UE in the uplink out-of-synchronization state needs to transmit downlink
data, the eNodeB instructs the UE to initiate random access to restore uplink
synchronization with the eNodeB. The UE can try the restoration for many
times. If the restoration fails for the number of times specified by the
GlobalProcSwitch.UeRelReSynTimes parameter, the eNodeB releases the UE.
The release is executed after a delay so that the UE has a chance to
reestablish the RRC connection with the serving cell. The delay is specified by
the CellQciPara.TrafficRelDelay parameter and is service (QCI) specific.
● Some abnormal UEs on networks do not respond to eNodeBs with RLC status
reports. This causes the number of downlink RLC retransmissions on SRB1 to
reach the maximum. In this case, the eNodeBs do not send RRC Connection
Release messages to the UEs, and the UEs encounter RRC connection
reestablishments, which all fail as a result. An optimization mechanism can
now be used to prevent such RRC connection reestablishments. If the

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 24

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

CellDlschAlgo.Srb1SchEnhancementSwitch parameter is set to ON, the

eNodeB will send RRC Connection Release messages even if the number of
downlink RLC retransmissions on SRB1 reaches the maximum value.

4.2 Network Analysis

4.2.1 Benefits
Connection management is a basic network feature. It is a prerequisite for UEs to
access the network and perform services on established bearers.

The RRC connection reject-triggered cell reselection function is recommended in

heavy-traffic scenarios.

RRC connection reestablishment optimization for abnormal UEs reduces the

proportion of RRC connection reestablishments and increases the reestablishment
success rate.

4.2.2 Impacts

Network Impacts
● The impact on network performance increases with the penetration rate of
the UEs that support the deprioritisationReq IE during major events.
– The RRC connection reject-triggered cell reselection function improves the
RRC connection setup success rate and decreases the network access
delay when the number of RRC connections in a multi-band or multi-RAT
cell is far below the upper limit.
– This function increases the number of network access attempts when the
number of RRC connections in a multi-band or multi-RAT cell is close to
the upper limit. In this situation, the RRC connection setup success rate
and network access delay may decrease.

● The setting of the GlobalProcSwitch.LteRrcConnPunishmentThld parameter

increases the RRC connection setup success rate and prolongs the network
reaccess delay for LTE UEs, and reduces resource consumption when abnormal
UEs fail to access the network repeatedly.
● RRC connection reestablishment optimization for abnormal UEs increases the
number of invalid RRC Connection Release messages. This increases the
downlink RB usage, automatic repeat request (ARQ) retransmission ratio, and
downlink initial block error rate (IBLER).

Function Impacts

4.3 Requirements

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

4.3.1 Licenses

4.3.2 Software
Prerequisite Functions
RAT Function Name Function Switch Reference

FDD System information None Idle Mode

TDD broadcast Management

FDD Cell selection and None Idle Mode

TDD reselection Management

Mutually Exclusive Functions


4.3.3 Hardware
Base Station Models
No requirements

The LMPT board does not support the RRC connection reestablishment procedure
without UE context defined in 3GPP Release 15.
There are no board requirements for other functions.

RF Modules
No requirements

4.3.4 Others
The LBBPc does not support PDCP with a serial number (SN) longer than 18 bits.
If PDCP with an SN (specified by the RlcPdcpParaGroup.AmPdcpSnSize
parameter) longer than 18 bits is deployed for the eNodeB, the eNodeB replaces
the SN with a 15-bit one when deploying the PDCP instances of E-RABs set up for
a UE on an LBBPc board.

4.4 Operation and Maintenance

4.4.1 Data Configuration

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management Data Preparation

● Table 4-5 and Table 4-6 describe the parameters used for activating and
optimizing RRC connection reject-triggered cell reselection, respectively.

Table 4-5 Parameter used for activation

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Deprioritisati CellAlgoSwitch.Deprioritisa Set this parameter to

on Deliver tionDeliverInd FREQUENCY.

Table 4-6 Parameter used for optimization

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Timer 325 UeTimerConst.T325 Set this parameter to its

recommended value.

● Table 4-7 describes the parameter used for activating RRC connection
reestablishment optimization for defective UEs.

Table 4-7 Parameter used for activating RRC connection reestablishment

optimization for defective UEs

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


SRB1 CellDlschAlgo.Srb1SchEnha To enable RRC connection

Scheduling ncementSwitch reestablishment
Enhancemen optimization for defective
t Switch UEs, set this parameter to

● Table 4-8 describes the parameter used for activating inter-PLMN RRC
connection reestablishment.

Table 4-8 Parameter used for activating inter-PLMN RRC connection


Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


Reserved eNBRsvdPara.RsvdSwPara3 Select the BIT16 option in

Switch inter-PLMN RRC connection
Parameter 3 reestablishment scenarios.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 27

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

● Table 4-9 describes the parameter used for activating RRC connection
reestablishment without UE context defined in 3GPP Release 15.

Table 4-9 Parameter used for activating RRC connection reestablishment

without UE context defined in 3GPP Release 15

Parameter Parameter ID Setting Notes


RRC GlobalProcSwitch.RrcReest Select the

Reestablishm OptSwitch R15_NO_CONTEXT_REEST_
ent Optimize SWITCH option for RRC
Switch connection reestablishment
in inter-vendor scenarios. Using MML Commands

Activation Command Examples

● Enabling RRC connection reject-triggered cell reselection
//Running the MOD CELLALGOSWITCH command with the DeprioritisationDeliverInd parameter
set to a desired value
MOD CELLALGOSWITCH: LocalCellId=0, DeprioritisationDeliverInd=FREQUENCY;

● Enabling RRC connection reestablishment optimization for defective UEs

MOD CELLDLSCHALGO: LocalCellId=0,Srb1SchEnhancementSwitch=ON;

● Enabling inter-PLMN RRC connection reestablishment


● Enabling RRC connection reestablishment without UE context defined in 3GPP

Release 15

Optimization Command Examples

//Running the MOD UETIMERCONST command with the T325 parameter set to a desired value
MOD UETIMERCONST: LocalCellId=0, T325=MIN5_T325;

Deactivation Command Examples

Connection management is a basic feature and cannot be deactivated. Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

4.4.2 Activation Verification

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, start Uu and S1 interface tracing.
Step 2 Power on a UE and enable it to access the network.
Step 3 View the Uu interface tracing result. If the result contains the RRC_CONN_REQ
and RRC_CONN_SETUP_CMP messages, as shown in Figure 4-9, signaling
connection management has been activated.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Figure 4-9 Uu interface tracing result

Step 4 View the S1 interface tracing result. If the result contains the
shown in Figure 4-10, radio bearer management has been activated.

Figure 4-10 S1 interface tracing result


4.4.3 Network Monitoring

● RRC Setup Success Rate (Service)
● RRC Setup Success Rate (Signaling)
● E-RAB Setup Success Rate (VoIP)
● E-RAB Setup Success Rate
● Call Drop Rate (VoIP)
● Service Drop Rate
● E-RAB modification success rate (VoIP)

Table 4-10 Counters

Counter ID Counter Name

152672751 L.E-RAB.SuccModify.QCI.1

152672751 L.E-RAB.AttModify.QCI.1

Calculation formula: L.E-RAB.SuccModify.QCI.1/L.E-RAB.AttModify.QCI.1 x

● E-RAB modification success rate (all services)

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 29

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Table 4-11 Counters

Counter Counter Name

152672824 L.E-RAB.SuccModify

152672824 L.E-RAB.AttModify

Calculation formula: L.E-RAB.SuccModify/L.E-RAB.AttModify x 100%

4.4.4 Possible Issues

Fault Description
The E-RAB setup success rate decreases significantly.


If the RRC setup success rate decreases significantly, contact Huawei for technical support.

Fault Handling
Step 1 On the MAE-Access, start S1 interface tracing.

Figure 4-11 S1 interface tracing result

Step 2 View the S1 interface tracing result to check whether there are a large number of
INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE messages. If yes, proceed to the next step. If no,
contact Huawei for technical support.


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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Step 3 Double-click an INITIAL CONTEXT SETUP FAILURE message to view details, and
check whether the value of the Cause IE is Transport Resource Unavailable. If yes,
proceed to the next step. If no, contact Huawei for technical support.

Figure 4-13 Value of the Cause IE

Step 4 Run the MOD GTPU command with the STATICCHK parameter set to ENABLE to
enable the GTP-U tunnel detection function.

Figure 4-14 MOD GTPU

Step 5 Run the ADD ENODEBPATH command with the AppType parameter set to S1.


Step 6 Run the DSP IPPATH command to check whether the value of the IP Path Check
Result parameter is Fault. If yes, adjust the IP path according to the network plan.
If no, contact Huawei for technical support.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 4 Signaling Connection Management

Figure 4-16 DSP IPPATH


Alarm ID Alarm Name

ALM-29215 Cell RRC Connection Success Rate Too Low

ALM-29216 Cell ERAB Setup Success Rate Too Low

ALM-29217 Cell Call Drop Rate Too High

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 32

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

5 Radio Bearer Management

5.1 Principles
Figure 5-1 shows the location of a radio bearer in an E2E service in the overall
service architecture.

Figure 5-1 Radio bearer in the E2E service in the overall service architecture

Radio bearers are classified into signaling radio bearers (SRBs) and data radio
bearers (DRBs).
● SRBs carry signaling in the control plane. There are three types of SRBs:
– SRB0: carries RRC signaling through a common control channel (CCCH) in
transparent mode (TM) at the radio link control (RLC) layer before the
RRC connection is successfully set up.
– SRB1: carries RRC signaling messages after the RRC connection is
successfully set up, and carries NAS messages before SRB2 is set up. SRB1
is transmitted through a dedicated control channel (DCCH) in
acknowledged mode (AM) at the RLC layer.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 33

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

– SRB2: carries NAS signaling through a DCCH in AM mode at the RLC

layer. SRB2 has a lower priority than SRB1, and SRB2 can be set up only
after the security mode is activated.

● For details about SRB0, SRB1, and SRB2, see section 6.2.2 in 3GPP TS 36.331
● For details about NAS, see 3GPP TS 24.301.
● DRBs carry data in the user plane. A maximum of eight DRBs can be set up
between the UE and the eNodeB. The actual number depends on different
QoS classes.
● In this document, radio bearer management refers to SRB2 and DRB
management by the eNodeB after the security mode is set up. It involves the
setup, modification, and release of SRB2 and DRBs.
During radio bearer management, the UE communicates with the eNodeB using
the RRC Connection Reconfiguration message. The RRC connection is reconfigured
when a radio bearer needs to be set up, modified, or released and when handover
measurement information needs to be configured or modified. The application
scenarios are differentiated using different IEs in the RRC Connection
Reconfiguration message.

5.1.1 SRB2 Setup

After encryption and integrity protection are complete during dedicated S1
connection setup, the eNodeB instructs the UE to set up SRB2 based on the value
of the srb-ToAddModList IE in the RRC Connection Reconfiguration message. Upon
receiving the message, the UE performs the following operations:
● Sets up a Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) entity, and configures
related security parameters.
● Sets up and configures an RLC entity.
● Sets up and configures a DCCH.
SRB2 setup uses the same procedure as dedicated S1 connection setup. For details,
see 4.1.4 Dedicated S1 Connection Setup.

5.1.2 SRB2 Modification

SRB2 is modified only when the related configuration information is changed. The
eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message containing the
srb-ToAddModList IE, instructing the UE to reconfigure the PDCP entity, RLC entity,
and DCCH. Figure 5-2 shows the SRB2 modification procedure.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

Figure 5-2 SRB2 modification procedure

5.1.3 SRB2 Release

SRB2 is released with SRB1 during signaling connection release, not in radio bearer
management. For details about signaling connection release, see 4.1.5 Signaling
Connection Release.

5.1.4 DRB Setup

A DRB can be set up after encryption and integrity protection are complete and
the UE context is created. DRB setup is triggered when the MME sends an E-RAB
Setup Request message to the eNodeB. Upon receiving the E-RAB Setup Request
message, the eNodeB sends the UE an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message
containing a drb-ToAddModList field in the Radio Resource Config Dedicated IE.
Upon receiving the message, the UE performs the following operations:
● Sets up a PDCP entity and configures related security parameters.
● Sets up and configures an RLC entity.
● Sets up and configures a DTCH.
Figure 5-3 shows the DRB setup procedure.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

Figure 5-3 DRB setup procedure

In this process, the sum of the GBR, non-GBR, and newly applied GBR of the UE
must be less than or equal to the maximum rate of the UE in the current cell (in
both the uplink and downlink). Otherwise, new E-RABs fail to be set up. The
maximum rate of a UE in the current cell is determined by the cell bandwidth and
UE capability. For details, see Technical Specifications of the eNodeB FDD in 3900
Series Base Station Product Documentation and 5900 Series Base Station Product


● The eNodeB determines whether to admit GBR services (new services or handover
services) based on the PRB usage and the QoS satisfaction rate of GBR services. For
details, see Admission and Congestion Control.
● For details about transport resource admission control, see Transmission Resource

5.1.5 DRB Modification

Figure 5-4 shows the DRB modification procedure. According to the instructions in
an RRC Connection Reconfiguration message, the UE reconfigures the PDCP entity,
RLC entity, and DTCH.

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Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

Figure 5-4 DRB modification procedure

The GlobalProcSwitch.QciUpdParaCheckSwitch parameter specifies whether a

QCI modification affects UE services or the E-RAB modification success rate. A QCI
modification request is contained in an E-RAB Modify Request message. Each QCI
corresponds to an RlcPdcpParaGroup MO, as listed in Table 5-1. If the values of
these parameters for the target QCI (specified in the QCI modification request) are
not consistent with those for the original QCI (used before the QCI modification),
the QCI modification may affect UE services.
● When the GlobalProcSwitch.QciUpdParaCheckSwitch parameter is set to
OFF, QCI modification does not affect the E-RAB modification success rate but
may affect UE services.
An eNodeB can modify a QCI and an E-RAB but does not check whether the
values of the parameters (listed in Table 5-1) for the target QCI are
consistent with those for the original QCI. If the parameter values are
consistent, the QCI modification has no impact on UE services. If the
parameter values are not consistent, the QCI modification may affect UE
services (for example, the delay or error packets increase).
● When the GlobalProcSwitch.QciUpdParaCheckSwitch parameter is set to
ON, QCI modification does not affect UE services but may affect the E-RAB
modification success rate.
If the original or target QCI is 1 (for voice services), 5 (for signaling bearers),
or equal to the QCI of push to talk (PTT) voice services, the QCI modification
fails and the E-RAB fails to be modified. In this case, you cannot change the
QCI to QCI 1, QCI 5, or the QCI of PTT voice services.
If none of the original and target QCIs are equal to QCI 1, QCI 5, or the QCI
of PTT voice services, the eNodeB checks whether the value of the
RlcPdcpParaGroup.RlcPdcpParaGroupId parameter corresponding to the
target QCI is the same as that corresponding to the original QCI.
– If yes, the eNodeB can modify the QCI and E-RAB.
– If no, the eNodeB checks whether the values of the parameters in the
RlcPdcpParaGroup MO (listed in Table 5-1) for the target QCI are

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

consistent with those for the original QCI. If they are consistent, the
eNodeB can modify the QCI and E-RAB. If they are not consistent, the
QCI and E-RAB modifications fail.

Table 5-1 Parameters in an RlcPdcpParaGroup MO

Parameter Name Parameter ID

MaxretxThreshold for UE RlcPdcpParaGroup.UeMaxRetxThreshol

MaxRetxThreshold for RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBMaxRetxThre
eNodeB shold
PollByte for UE RlcPdcpParaGroup.UePollByte

PollByte for eNodeB RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBPollByte

PollPdu for UE RlcPdcpParaGroup.UePollPdu

PollPdu for eNodeB RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBPollPdu

Poll retransmit timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.UePollRetransmit-

UE Timer
Poll retransmit timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBPollRetrans-
eNodeB mitTimer
Status prohibit timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.UeStatusProhibit-
UE Timer
Status prohibit timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBStatusProhi-
eNodeB bitTimer
AM reordering timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.UeAmReorderingTim
UE er
AM reordering timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBAmReorder-
eNodeB ingTimer
UM reordering timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.UeUmReorderingTim
UE er
UM reordering timer for RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBUmReorder-
eNodeB ingTimer
AM PDCP status report RlcPdcpParaGroup.PdcpStatusRptReq
required indication

RLC Parameter Adaptive RlcPdcpParaGroup.RlcParaAdaptSwitch


Preset eNodeB Poll RlcPdcpParaGroup.eNodeBPollRtrTi-

Retransmit Timer merPreset
Preset eNodeB Status RlcPdcpParaGroup.eNodeBStatProhTi-
Prohibit Timer merPreset

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

Parameter Name Parameter ID

Preset UE Poll Retransmit RlcPdcpParaGroup.UePollRtrTimerPre-

Timer set
Preset UE Status Prohibit RlcPdcpParaGroup.UeStatProhTimer-
Timer Preset
Nonsupport Um UE RlcPdcpParaGroup.NonsptUmUeAdaptS
Adaptive Switch witch
Discard timer RlcPdcpParaGroup.DiscardTimer

UM PDCP-SN size RlcPdcpParaGroup.PdcpSnSize

Uplink RLC-Sn size RlcPdcpParaGroup.UlRlcSnSize

Downlink RLC-SN size RlcPdcpParaGroup.DlRlcSnSize

5.1.6 DRB Release

A DRB can be released by the MME using an E-RAB Release Command message or
released in a signaling connection release procedure. Figure 5-5 shows the DRB
release procedure.
When data transmission is faulty for one or more DRBs over the Uu interface, for
example, the maximum number of RLC retransmissions specified by the
RlcPdcpParaGroup.ENodeBMaxRetxThreshold parameter is reached, the eNodeB
postpones releasing faulty DRBs based on the configured release delay timer.
The timer for delaying releasing services of a specified QCI is specified by the
CellQciPara.TrafficRelDelay parameter. When a UE runs multiple services, the
timers for delaying the release of services are set to the minimum waiting
duration for release among all services.
When an eNodeB initiates a DRB release, the eNodeB sends the EPC an E-RAB
cause value "Radio Connection With UE Lost."
During a DRB release, the RRC Connection Reconfiguration message contains a
drb-ToReleaseList field under the Radio Resource Config Dedicated IE. Based on
the field value, the UE releases all the resources related to the DRB.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

Figure 5-5 DRB release procedure

5.2 Network Analysis

5.2.1 Benefits
Connection management is a basic network feature. It is a prerequisite for UEs to
access the network and perform services on established bearers.
The RRC connection reject-triggered cell reselection function is recommended in
heavy-traffic scenarios.
RRC connection reestablishment optimization for abnormal UEs reduces the
proportion of RRC connection reestablishments and increases the reestablishment
success rate.

5.2.2 Impacts
Network Impacts

Function Impacts

5.3 Requirements

5.3.1 Licenses

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 40

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

5.3.2 Software

Prerequisite Functions
RAT Function Name Function Switch Reference

FDD System information None Idle Mode

TDD broadcast Management

FDD Cell selection and None Idle Mode

TDD reselection Management

Mutually Exclusive Functions


5.3.3 Hardware

Base Station Models

No requirements


RF Modules

5.3.4 Others
The LBBPc does not support PDCP with a serial number (SN) longer than 18 bits.
If PDCP with an SN (specified by the RlcPdcpParaGroup.AmPdcpSnSize
parameter) longer than 18 bits is deployed for the eNodeB, the eNodeB replaces
the SN with a 15-bit one when deploying the PDCP instances of E-RABs set up for
a UE on an LBBPc board.

5.4 Operation and Maintenance

5.4.1 Data Configuration Data Preparation

Radio bearer management is a basic feature and does not need to be manually

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 41

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

For details about how to enable RRC connection reject-triggered cell reselection,
see Data Preparation. Using MML Commands

Radio bearer management is a basic feature and does not need to be manually
For details about how to enable RRC connection reject-triggered cell reselection,
see Using MML Commands. Using the MAE-Deployment

For detailed operations, see Feature Configuration Using the MAE-Deployment.

5.4.2 Activation Verification

Step 1 On the MAE-Access, start Uu and S1 interface tracing.
Step 2 Power on a UE and enable it to access the network.
Step 3 View the Uu interface tracing result. Observe SRB and DRB setup in the
RRC_CONN_RECFG message. radioResourceConfigDedicated->srb-ToAddModList-
>SRB-ToAddMod and radioResourceConfigDedicated->drb-ToAddModList->DRB-
ToAddMod show SRB and DRB setup, as shown in Figure 5-6.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 42

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 5 Radio Bearer Management

Figure 5-6 RRC_CONN_RECFG message

Step 4 View the S1 interface tracing result. If the result contains the
bearer management has been activated. See Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-7 S1 interface tracing result


5.4.3 Network Monitoring

See 4.4.3 Network Monitoring.

5.4.4 Possible Issues

See 4.4.4 Possible Issues.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 43

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 6 Parameters

6 Parameters

The following hyperlinked EXCEL files of parameter documents match the

software version with which this document is released.

● Node Parameter Reference: contains device and transport parameters.

● eNodeBFunction Parameter Reference: contains all parameters related to
radio access functions, including air interface management, access control,
mobility control, and radio resource management.
● eNodeBFunction Used Reserved Parameter List: contains the reserved
parameters that are in use and those that have been disused.

You can find the EXCEL files of parameter reference and used reserved parameter list for
the software version used on the live network from the product documentation delivered
with that version.

FAQ 1: How do I find the parameters related to a certain feature from

parameter reference?

Step 1 Open the EXCEL file of parameter reference.

Step 2 On the Parameter List sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text Filters and
choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, LOFD-001016 or

Step 3 Click OK. All parameters related to the feature are displayed.


FAQ 2: How do I find the information about a certain reserved parameter

from the used reserved parameter list?

Step 1 Open the EXCEL file of the used reserved parameter list.

Step 2 On the Used Reserved Parameter List sheet, use the MO, Parameter ID, and BIT
columns to locate the reserved parameter, which may be only a bit of a parameter.
View its information, including the meaning, values, impacts, and product version
in which it is activated for use.


Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 44

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 7 Counters

7 Counters


You can find the EXCEL files of performance counter reference for the software version used
on the live network from the product documentation delivered with that version.

FAQ: How do I find the counters related to a certain feature from

performance counter reference?

Step 1 Open the EXCEL file of performance counter reference.

Step 2 On the Counter Summary(En) sheet, filter the Feature ID column. Click Text
Filters and choose Contains. Enter the feature ID, for example, LOFD-001016 or
Step 3 Click OK. All counters related to the feature are displayed.


Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 45

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 8 Glossary

8 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 46

Connection Management Feature Parameter
Description 9 Reference Documents

9 Reference Documents

1. 3GPP TS 36.331, "Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification"

2. 3GPP TS 23.401, "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) enhancements for
Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) access"
3. 3GPP TS 36.211, "Physical channels and modulation"
4. 3GPP TS 36.321, "Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification"
5. Radio Security
6. Admission and Congestion Control
7. S1-Flex
8. Idle Mode Management
9. Random Access Control

Issue Draft A Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 47


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