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James Madison University

Marketing Agency

IMC Plan: January 2023-December 2023

Build Community. Bring Change. Donate to Mercy House.

Ashley Wimette, Rachel Schweitzer, Kieran McCreight, Peter Steidler, Jonathan Patterson

MKTG 384 Integrated

Professor Collins Marketing Communications
Table of Contents
Agency Philosophy...........................................................................................1
Meet the Team...................................................................................................2
Executive Summary.........................................................................................3
Industry Review.................................................................................................5
Company Description......................................................................................8
Product and Service Review..........................................................................12
Competitive Review.........................................................................................14
Buyer Analysis...................................................................................................29
Primary Research.............................................................................................36
Promotional Program Situation Analysis..................................................37
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning...............................................38
Marketing Goals................................................................................................41
Campaign Theme.............................................................................................41
Communication Goals and Strategies........................................................42
Creative Brief.....................................................................................................43
Media Plans
Traditional Advertising.............................................................................50
Digital Marketing........................................................................................61
Social Media Marketing............................................................................68
Support Media.............................................................................................76
Direct Marketing.........................................................................................83
Sales Promotion..........................................................................................90
Personal Selling...........................................................................................97
Public Relations and Publicity................................................................104
Media Flowchart................................................................................................118
Budget Breakdown and Summary...............................................................119
Measuring and Evaluation..............................................................................121

Working together to provide the best-
personalized marketing remedies, and to better
our community through the advertising that non-
profits need to cultivate awareness.


We stand with the importance of creativity, Bringing
awareness, persistence, strong relationships, being
informative, simplicity, and charity. We believe in
the value of your experience working with our
team and resources organizations will gain better
and more equipped skills to further bring
to things
awareness to your cause.
that matter
Our main priority is to work with non-profit
organizations that have a mission to better local
communities. It is imperative to bring attention to
the people who help the most in this issue. Our
expertise is providing these organizations with the
community reach they need through the strength
of our relationships and our knowledge of non-
profit advertising. We have the right remedy,
tailored just for you. Come see what being a part of
the pack is all about.


My name is Rachel Schweitzer, My name is Ashley Wimette, and My name is Peter Steidler and
and I am from Charlottesville, I am a Junior Marketing major I am from Reston, VA. I am a
Virginia. I am a junior majoring from Sterling, Virginia. I am junior majoring in marketing.
in marketing and double currently working at JMU In my free time, I like to go on
minoring in Spanish and honors Student Success Center as an hikes, work out, and hang out
disciplinary studies. I am also an Operating Assistant. I enjoy with friends.
intern for Marketing Mojo. maintaining an active and social


My name is Jonathan Patterson and I My name is Kieran McCreight and I

am a junior marketing major from am from Manassas, VA. I am a Junior
Hagerstown, MD. I have a digital Marketing major and plan to minor
marketing concentration and love to in History. Outside of class I enjoy
be creative. Outside of school I like watching sports and going to the
to hang out with friends and do my Recreation Center.
own entrepreneurial endeavors.
Executive Summary 3

Mercy House is a nonprofit organization that operates through the revenue
received from their thrift stores and from donations given by generous
community members. Their revenue provides the local community with
housing for families experiencing homelessness in the Harrisonburg area.
The thrift store industry accounts for approximately $10.3 billion worth of
revenue and more than 23,000 businesses in the United States. This is due to the
growing demand among younger generations wanting to find fashionable
clothes for a relatively cheap price.
Mercy House, although known among some of the community, doesn’t have
the large presence they need to consistently receive high-quality donations of
clothing, furniture, or household items. This is due to most of the Harrisonburg
area not knowing exactly what Mercy House stands for and what they do besides
operating a thrift store. Mercy House needs to be able to reach its potential
donors and consumers in a better way than they currently are. This integrated
marketing communications plan will set out to be the vehicle that Mercy House
can use to reach many more community members, in the best possible way. By
keeping a consistent, interesting theme across all aspects of the advertising plan,
Mercy House should get a definite increase in revenue and in high-quality

Campaign Theme Period of Implementation

Build Community. Bring Change.
Donate to Mercy House. January 1st, 2023 - December 31st, 2023

Major Target Audiences Company Slogan

Bringing awareness to things that matter the most.

The major audiences this plan will reach are parents aged 30-45, and college
students aged 18-22. These two groups will be targeted because the combination of
these target audiences will yield the best possible ROI from the advertisements in
this campaign. The parents will donate a large portion of their kid's clothing and
toys, because as their kids get older, they will not have a use for their outgrown
items. The college kids around the local Harrisonburg area tend to be well off, and
have an excess of clothing items that could potentially be donated. Lastly, both of
these markets have high purchase rates, so they have a high need to get rid of their
items through donations.
Executive Summary 4

Communication Objectives
Increase awareness of the Mercy House mission by 40%, which is to house homeless families with dependent children
in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County by using direct marketing by the end of the year December 31st, 2023 Mercy
House can measure this by encouraging shoppers to ask if they are aware of the Mercy House mission and they can
take surveys.
Increase awareness by 60 percent of the types and quality of donations needed to support homeless families in need by
using advertising methods in order to achieve the goal by December 31st, 2023.
Increase interest in donations by 60% by December 31st, 2023 by using paper and online surveys in the Harrisonburg
community. Sales promotions will also be used in order to increase interest.
Increase the desire in donating by 50% from new donors by surveying customers and seeing how likely they are to
donate to the Mercy house. This will be achieved by December 31st, 2023 in a one-year period using personal selling
and internet marketing.
Increase useable, high-quality donations by 25% by December 31st, 2023. This will be accomplished through
sponsorship and social media advertisements.
Increase long-term relationships with consumers by 20%, by creating a culture of repeat donators, within the year 2023.
This can be achieved through direct marketing with newsletters in the mail and emails, as well as with public relations.

Media Plan Overview Marketing Goal

Traditional advertising- Print ads such as magazine
inserts and local newspaper inserts. Broadcast ads as Increase donations to the thrift
well, such as radio segments and local TV store or building supply store that
commercials. will result in an increase of sales by
Sales promotion- Partnering with local businesses, 25% by December 31st, 2023.
creating shopping promotions in-store, proceeds
nights at local restaurants, and donation drives that
recognize donors for their contributions.
Digital marketing- Utilizing Organic Search Engine
Overall Budget
Optimization for online presence, Google Ads and
Total Budget....................................$20,000
Analytics for online presence, and Gmass by Gmail
Traditional Advertising...................$2,600
for email marketing.
Digital Marketing..............................$3,000
Social media- Revitalizing current Mercy House
Social Media Marketing..................$3,200
social media pages and adding new channels. Twitter,
LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and Facebook Support Media...................................$2,926
will all be utilized. Direct Marketing...............................$3,268
Public relations- Charity sponsored events with JMU Sales Promotion....................................$610
organizations and classes, reaching out to different Personal Selling.....................................$450
local media organizations for a news story, as well as PR/Publicity.........................................$1,970
holiday events. Sponsorship...........................................$945
Direct marketing- Print mail and subscriptions, in-
store advertising, and outdoor print advertising.
Personal selling- Utilizing Mercy House employees to Research Summary
spread the word, hiring a Federal Work Study student
as an employee, placing donation booths around The growing demand for thrifting among
JMU’s campus, and hosting donation parties at off- younger generations
campus apartment clubhouses. Why consumers within the target markets buy
Support media- Guerrilla marketing tactics, transit and donate
advertising on HDPT buses, personalized reusable Secondhand shopping becoming more
bags, stickers, and in-store advertising. popular
Sponsorship- Funding events such as local school Harrisonburg area having good demographic
pizza parties in exchange for donations, as well as characteristics for obtaining thrift store
sponsoring local sporting events. customers
The great potential for upward mobility within
the market
Evaluation Program The presence that the other thrift stores have
within the community of Harrisonburg
Lab tests, field tests, pre and posttesting.
Industry Review
Mercy House operates within the nonprofit, thrift store, industry to
provide families in need with housing and supplies to prevent homelessness
and to offer products and services to people in need. Many nonprofit
organizations aid communities in various ways through their business with a
goal of bettering the city they serve. Specifically, Mercy House operates
through thrift stores in order to fund their nonprofit goals.
The thrift store industry accounts for approximately 10.3 billion dollars'
worth of revenue, and accounts for a little more than 23,000 businesses in
the United States (Butler, 2020). The industry of community housing and
homeless shelters accounts for about 17 billion dollars of revenue and only
11,800 businesses in the US (Curran, 2021).

The number of
businesses in the thrift store
industry is expected to
grow by 1.8% from 2020-
2025, while revenue is
expected to grow by 2.7%
during the same time
period. This contrasts with
the homeless shelter
industry where revenue is
expected to decline by 2.5%
and businesses are expected
to decline by –0.2% (Butler,

This graph shows consumer shopping habits, and which consumers spend
the most money at a thrift store compared to how much they annually
make (Curran, 2021).
Industry Review 6

Current Trends
Growing demand from younger people to find fashionable and thrifty clothes
for cheap, and consumption of sustainable, unique purchases for these
younger consumers.
Growing competition from online sellers like Facebook marketplace.
Growing emphasis on sustainable operations from businesses.
Growth of large thrift store nonprofits like Goodwill and Habitat for
Humanity will continue to be a large threat.
As unemployment decreases nationwide there could lead to a lesser need for
homeless shelters.
Federal Funding is expected to decrease for social services as homelessness
because less of a nationwide issue.

Secondhand Consumers

% of consumers 18+ who have bought/open to buying second hand


This shows the increase in attractiveness in consumers when it comes to

shopping at secondhand places, such as thrift stores. There has been a
jump from 45% to 86% in only four years, and that number is only going to
keep growing for years to come showing that there will always be a need
for stores like the Mercy House (Inc.).
Industry Review
Macro-Environmental Factors and Issues:
Demographics - Due to the pandemic, thousands of people have
lost their jobs which is increasing poverty and homelessness levels.
Also due to the pandemic, “the year 2021 is the first time since
1937 that the U.S. population grew by fewer than 1 million people,
reflecting the lowest growth since at least 1900” (Person & Singh,
Economic - Although overall revenue in the thrift store industry is
expected to increase, growth is predicted to be slower because of
growing disposable income. According to IBISWorld, disposable
income is expected to rise an annualized 2.3% by 2025, leading to
many people spending more on retail shopping as an alternative
(Butler, 2020)
Technological - External competition from online resellers has
experienced the fastest growth over the five years to 2020. To
combat the quickness and effectiveness of online competition,
many industry operators have created websites (Butler, 2020).
Political - Despite a positive shift to sustainable shopping and laws
designed to limit unstainable shopping, many large retailers like
Walmart, Amazon, and others have been lobbying to keep less
sustainable shopping viable (Butler, 2020). Because these laws on
unsustainable shopping greatly favor competitive large retailers,
the retail industry is expected to keep growing and slow thrift store
Legal - Legislation that prohibits thrift stores from reselling used
children's products without testing and inspecting them. A fine of
up to $100,000 can be given to stores that don’t comply (Butler,
Social - Demand from young consumers will continue to grow as
thrift shopping remains the most popular among the millennial
generation and generation Z (Butler, 2020).
Cultural - The trend of “thrift-flipping”, with people buying and
re-selling thrift clothes at much higher prices elsewhere, taking
these clothes from the needy.
Environmental - As a result of growing consumer spending and
demand for methods for sustainable consumption, industry
revenue has increased (Butler, 2020).
Company Description
History of Mercy House
Mercy House provides clothes, food, and shelter to the less fortunate and
homeless families with dependent children in the Harrisonburg and Rockingham
areas. They have been serving families and providing strength and assistance to
families in the community since 1988 when a group of men got together to discuss
they all had a desire and passion that was focused on helping homeless families with
children. After a year of operation, they had received a $100,000 grant from the
Virginia Department of Housing. They were able to purchase and set up two
buildings that housed administrative offices and 8 apartments. Since, they provide
products and services from the funding they get through the federal and state
government, private donations, and the operations of their 3 thrift stores. They
provide shelter through 11 apartments and set a goal for themselves to have families
stay for 90 days and hope within that span of time they get back on their feet and
recover from the financial crisis. They are based strongly on faith and want to carry
out the work that has already begun through their beliefs.

Present Status
The current status is decent, as Mercy House gets a very good amount of
donations. However, some of the donations they need are not equipped with what
they can sell, so they regretfully spend $18,000 on landfill fees. They make the most
money from furniture donations, as these are big-ticket items. They also used to be
able to cycle families in and out of their apartments within 90 days, but the time has
increased to up to six months now due to the pandemic. They need and are looking
for more awareness in their campaigns so they can bring more attention to their
brand and their mission to truly show the positive impact they have on the
community of Harrisonburg.

Product Lines
There are different product lines, each contributing to their nonprofit goal of
helping families in need of homes. One of their stores is primarily a thrift store
selling clothing items at a dollar an item. They have boutique items within their
store as well that are priced slightly higher in order to raise money for families
experiencing homelessness. Additionally, Mercy House operates a construction
materials-based thrift store where they resell these materials that are donated for.
Consumers can purchase building materials like wood as well as other items like
furniture and home goods.
Company Description
Sales History
Mercy House has sustained enough profit to maintain 11 apartments for families
in need. Their current goal is to increase sales in order to provide more housing
spaces, being that there is a 20-family waiting list to stay in a funded apartment.
However, sales have been decent as they raise money to provide resources for
families. It costs $80 per apartment per day to run Mercy House apartments, as well
as employee paycheck costs to make up their daily expenses. The overall sales
history of Mercy House is not publicly available, but they are in contact with
managers who may have access to more significant numbers to better judge Mercy
House's funding positioning. However, peak seasons for Mercy House thrift stores
sales occur between July and November, as well as during mid-spring and in
December during holiday shopping.

Marketing Mix

Product - Clothes, construction material, and furniture

Place - Harrisonburg, VA and Timberville, VA
Promotion - Raffle’s that people can buy tickets for, free donuts at
a storefront, and gaining publicity through television segments
about Mercy House. They recently hosted an event where you
could pay to slime someone, and the fundraiser was promoted on
social media.
Price - Clothes are cheap, usually ranging around $1 with an
upcharge on outerwear and more high-quality products. Furniture
prices range from cheap to up to over $1000 depending on the
type of product.

Target Market
Mercy House has a target market of people
who have a low spending budget. They make
their products affordable so that people in
need can easily buy everyday necessities like
clothing and furniture.
Company Description
Strengths Weaknesses
Their mission to combat Need higher quality donations
homelessness and poverty Money spent on landfill costs
Focus on community No awareness

Opportunities Analysis Threats
Expand past Rockingham Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity
JMU Students Gift and Thrift
Residents in the area Facebook Marketplace's accessibility
Locally owned business support Many competitors, little barriers to

Mercy House differentiates
Potential Market Positioning
itself from other thrift stores
and non-profit competitors
because of its emphasis on
donations helping the less
fortunate within the
community. When it comes
to Goodwill, no one knows
where their donations will
end up. With Mercy House,
people know the things they
are donating are directly
helping individuals within
their community. Other
thrift stores also do not have
the same mission as Mercy
House when it comes to
helping the homeless and less
fortunate, which helps them
This positioning graph shows where Mercy House currently is
stand out in people's minds. in the market, and also where they could be. Mercy House has
the opportunity to reach a part of the market that is not taken
by any competing company; The highest affordability and the
highest quality thrift store in the Harrisonburg area.
Company Description
Brand Review:
Mercy House stands for “changing the world, one family at a time.” As a brand,
Mercy House focuses on the families they are influencing. They raise money
through their thrift stores specifically to benefit families in the community. Their
brand is meant to signify hope and a helping hand to those in need. This is
primarily done through raising money with the thrift stores that Mercy House
operates, the focus of many campaigns revolves around advertising their stores.

Average Textile Waste in a Year

This graph represents the amount of clothing and overall textiles that are sent
to landfills within a given year. Most people do not have knowledge of places
locally where they can donate their clothes and materials too. Given that the
things being thrown away are of good quality they could be easily donated
and reused for someone who needs those types of products (Porter 2018).
Product/Service Review
Product/Service Description: The product/service at the focus of the campaign for
Mercy House is the thrift store that takes in used items and resells them for usually
$1. The price will always stay at $1; this is a great way to get customers in the door so
that they hopefully purchase more expensive products, such as the furniture we
offer, as that is one of the highest profiting items. We want consumers to have
affordable and long-lasting products so that they will continue to shop at the store.

Sales History: Mercy House sales are used to generate enough money to support
one sheltering unit, which is $80 per day. Mercy House does not have a public sales
history, but we are working to attain this information. They put a cap on their
clothing at $1, except for designers more high-end products in which they up the
price a little bit. They gauge the prices of their furniture products based on quality.

Market Share: The Thrift store industry does not consist of a business with
greater than 5% of the industry market share. We can assume that Mercy House
has a very low market share similar to the many other local thrift shops in this
very competitive landscape.

Strengths Weaknesses
Steady stream of donations Lack of quality donations
Spike of donations being Landfill dump fees
near a college like JMU Can only accept items in a
Price point of clothes limited range
SWOT Social media presence
Pandemic taking a big hit

Opportunities Threats
Sort donated products Buying getting newer
Donated items that can't be clothes and furniture as
sold, donate them to art opposed to thrifted items
projects or animal shelters
Expand donation pick up
Product/Service Review
Key Benefits: Their inventory goes quickly because of their low pricing. Their
mission statement really emphasizes the want and need to help the homeless
within the Harrisonburg community.

Brand Image: The brand of Mercy House illustrates a positive and

community-oriented image of helping the community and supplying the
homeless with shelter and other needs.

Thrift Store Positioning

Mercy House’s
position is high-
quality, low-price
products. Most of
their clothing
items are sold at a
price of $1 so their
positioning when
it comes to
affordability is
very strong.

Perceptual Map: Primarily focused on the quality and affordability aspects of

the different companies. We chose Plato’s Closet, Habitat for Humanity, Tired
and True, Goodwill Style Encore, and Gift and Thrift to compare to Mercy
house because they are the most popular thrift stores in the Harrisonburg area
that people shop and donate to. We consider them to be the biggest competitors
so showing a perceptual map of their placements compared to Mercy House
shows how they exceed apart from the competitors.

This graph shows the averages of

what types of items are sold the
most at thrift stores. It emphasizes
how over half of their sales
revenue comes from the clothing
that they have in stores.
Competitive Review

Direct Competitors:
Goodwill, Plato’s Closet, Gift and Thrift, and
Facebook Marketplace

These are the direct competitors that consist of other thrift

stores within the Rockingham area that also receive donations to
then sell at discounted prices. If people are searching for thrift
stores and are not informed about what Mercy House offers, they
would choose one of these other competitors to shop at when
looking to go to a secondhand consignment store.

Indirect Competitors:
TJ Maxx, Kohls, Gabe’s, and Ross

These are indirect competitors because they purchase other

brands of clothing to sell in their stores at a lower cost, but the
clothes are not donated by individuals. The sale prices within
these stores are not as low as prices offered in thrift stores,
however, families can buy brand new clothing at a fraction of the
price they would at that brand’s actual store.
Competitive Review
Direct Competitor: Goodwill

Description of Competitor and its

Goodwill is a nationwide thrift store that
provides the closest competition with Mercy
House, as their prices are very low compared
to other thrift stores. Products sold range
from clothes to toys to just about any
secondhand item they can get their hands on
(Cincinnati Goodwill, 2018) . Goodwill is a not-for-profit store.
They provide job opportunities for individuals who
face barriers trying to get employed and support
community programs for people who have trouble finding traditional jobs and
careers (Carter, 2021).

$171.3 million in 2020 sales, and $47.3 million in 2021 sales (The NonProfit Times,
2021) (Goodwill 2020/2021 Annual Report).
Over 3,200 locations and growing, plus 165 independent organizations in the US.

Key Benefits:
A key benefit of Goodwill is its accessibility to people who can’t afford high-
quality items and its ability to better local communities through providing
employment and training programs.

Goodwill positions itself as a place where low-income individuals or families can
purchase needed items that are of relatively decent quality.
Competitive Review
Promotion program mix:
Goodwill reaches its donors mainly through word-of-mouth advertising. They
don’t have a dominant social media presence, but they are trying to expand into
more tech-based advertising.

Message and media strategies:

“Rising together” and “changing lives” are current messages that are being
promoted by Goodwill to help reach donors and people looking for job
opportunities, along with the hashtag “#PowerOfWork” that is being utilized to
promote employment at Goodwill in local communities.

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

Goodwill has a very prominent community-based business even though they are a
large corporation. They also are one of the best companies for finding jobs for
unemployed people along with their training programs that help people grow into
proud employees.

Lack of innovation and tech is currently affecting Goodwill, along with budget
limits. Goodwill also heavily relies on word-of-mouth advertising and relies
heavily on high-quality donations, which both of these things aren’t always the
easiest to obtain.
Competitive Review 17

Direct Competitor: Plato’s Closet

Description of Competitor and its

Plato’s Closet is a North American
thrift store chain with over 500
stores throughout the continent and growing rapidly. Plato’s closet provides more
expensive clothing in comparison with Mercy House and other thrift stores. Plato’s
Closet focuses on brand-name clothing and accessories.

In 2019, Plato’s Closet had an average of $1,093,448 in sales per retail store.

Plato’s Closet has over 500 stores and is growing at a rate of 25-40 new stores per
year (Piacentini, 2020).

Key Benefits:
Donators at Plato’s Closet can receive more cashback for donations than at other
thrift stores. They also have more fashionable clothing for customers to buy after
they donate.

Plato’s Closet is one of the largest thrift store chains in the US with a presence in
many communities. Plato’s Closet provides clothes for people looking for high
quality and trendier fashion at a higher cost than competitors.

Promotion program mix:

Plato’s Closet promotional program focuses on local and national marketing with
digital marketing on social media and search engine optimization. Even though
Plato’s Closet is a national retail chain, they have social media accounts for each of
their local locations, providing insight to the customer for their local store, and
adding a more personal touch. Plato’s Closet also uses discount promotions with
the use of coupons to try and attract customers to their stores.
Competitive Review
Message and media strategies:
Plato’s Closet has created a strong social media presence for both its local and
national social media accounts. Many of these posts include teenagers and young
adults wearing clothes they bought from Plato’s Closet. Plato’s Closet has a strong
media emphasis on attracting youth, and donors being able to be paid on the spot

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

Plato’s Closet has a very strong brand image and identity luring customers looking
for a thrift store shop. Plato’s Closet also tends to receive trendier and brand name
clothing that is likely to sell fast. Donators can receive cash on the spot for their
donations and can be paid more money for their clothes than many other thrift
stores. They are also open from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm on weekdays, which
provides more hours than other thrift stores to shop or donate.

Plato’s Closet has a limited selection of clothes compared to some competitors
because they are stricter about what they take. They are also much less affordable
than other thrift stores which may scare some customers off.
Competitive Review 19

Direct Competitor: Tried and True

Description of Competitor and its

They take new or used and in good condition clothing and accessories,
housewares, small appliances, electronics, books, linens, antiques, vehicles, and
much more (Tried & true - home, 2010).

Tried and True in general is a popular thrift store within the Harrisonburg area,
however, its exact sales history is not publicly published.

Due to Tried and True being a new store, they do not have much growth within
the area, they are still working on building their brand name within the area, but it
will be time before they get to the level their competitors are at.

Key Benefits:
Its mission is to help worldwide issues so individuals who donate items and money
know that it's going to be a very good cause. They financially support the Global
Food Crisis Fund, as well as the HIV/AIDS Funds through the profits they gain
from the selling of their products. Due to the rotation of their clothing, each week
they have tag colors that represent 50% off the clothes original price.

Their products are positioned as being relatively low affordability and being of
average quality.

Promotion program mix:

They have silent auctions where they raise money from bids on the items they
place on auction and the individual with the highest bid gets the item and they
donate the money to the charities they have partnerships with.
Competitive Review
Message and media strategies:
Tried and True’s media strategies focus on displaying what is in the store to lure in
customers, with pictures posted of new and popular seasonal items like scarves,
sweaters, and fashionable jewelry. They also focus on the fact that their benefits go
to charities like COB Global Food Initiative and MCC’s Health Fund.

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

They are partnered with very good charities that tackle worldwide issues like the
global food crisis and studies and research foundations that combat HIV/AIDS.
They also have a wide variety of products that are sold in their stores. Their store
is very organized as it is set up by color which creates appealing displays and easy
for their customers to shop. They provide tax deductibles.

They are new to the area, so they do not have a lot of awareness compared to their
competitors in the area. Their store hours are only 11–3 on Monday – Friday and
10 –2 on Saturdays, which does not give their customers good options to be able to
come in and shop.
Competitive Review 21

Direct Competitor: Facebook Marketplace

Description of Competitor and its Products/

Facebook marketplace is a platform where
Facebook users can list their unwanted items
for other people to buy. It is a direct exchange
from consumer to consumer. Facebook
marketplace is a quick and easy way to list and
sell any item.

Facebook marketplace recorded over 26 billion over the past year. Which is a 48%
increase. This spike in revenue is mostly due to the pandemic, and people wanting
to make some extra money while they are out of work.

Facebook is doing more to grow its marketplace; they have added more shipping
options for consumers. With an increase in customers, Facebook is also adding
more security to the website. They are currently working on better ways to detect
fake items and scams.

Key Benefits:
Facebook marketplace’s key benefit is how user-friendly the platform is. Facebook
marketplace is an extension of Facebook, and you do not need to make a new
account for it if you already have a Facebook account. Another benefit of
Facebook marketplace is that you have direct communication between the buyer
and seller.

This service is positioned as being cost-effective and convenient for users. There is
no fee to list items, unlike other competitors.
Competitive Review
Promotion program mix:
Facebook uses an online platform to connect buyers to sellers. Facebook makes its
platform user-friendly and continually updates its software to prevent any bugs in
the system.

Message and media strategies:

Facebook has advertised its marketplace more during the pandemic, as more
people are using the site in order to gain some money.

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

Many users put up their products for free because they want to get rid of them as
soon as possible. They have a very user friendly website. There are many different
products to choose from. People are able to view a user's Facebook profile to get
an idea if the person is real or not.

You never truly know the quality of the product until your hands are on it after
you have made the purchase. Facebook does not have a program that detects fake
listings to ensure that no one is getting scammed. There are safety concerns,
because you are meeting a stranger from the internet. Facebook marketplace has a
seller's fee.
Competitive Review 23

Indirect Competitor: TJ Maxx

Description of Competitor and its

TJ Maxx is an off-price retail store that
differentiates itself with the low prices it provides for medium to high-quality
clothing, jewelry, and accessories. They purchase their selection from a variety of
vendors and then resell the items for a discounted rate.

TJ Maxx surprisingly is focusing its growth on physical stores over the online
marketplace due to its idea that in-store bargain shopping is something that can’t
be replicated on a computer. Since the world is now moving to value shopping
experiences over just buying things, they want to grow their business mainly at
physical locations in terms of how shopping takes place.

Key Benefits:
TJ Maxx has programs that allow buyers to really experience a bargain experience,
on top of their low prices. Rewards such as getting $10 back for every $200 you
spend make shopping for customers really beneficial.

They position themselves as the premium place to purchase retail items and target
primarily female customers of middle to upper-class status. These people tend to
be department store shoppers who want a bargain, and TJ Maxx makes sure to be a
prominent location for this type of shopping.

Promotion program mix:

TJ Maxx relies heavily on targeted mobile ads and online advertising. They base
their advertising on location and try to reach a broad demographic of people.
Competitive Review
Message and media strategies:
“Get max for the minimum” is the main promotional slogan of TJ Maxx, stressing
the fact that they have quality products for low prices. They tend to advertise
through mass media commercials on television and through online advertising.

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

Highly competitive pricing keeps TJ Maxx at the forefront of bargain stores. They
have a very good customer reward program which keeps first-time customers
coming back. They also have great customer service and have a strong marketing
team full of old and young minds. They have very strong brand loyalty.

Their inventory management is not the best, making some items not available to
customers who may want them, and losing sales. Also, some people find it to be
odd seeing all of the designer clothes being sold in bulk and become turned off to
the idea of TJ Maxx. Lastly, many of the stores don’t have a lot of different
departments to shop in, making some consumers look to other places when they
see that there isn’t a huge selection.
Competitive Review 25

Indirect Competitor: Kohls

Description of Competitor and its

Kohl’s is a department store retail
chain and has over 1,158 stores across
the country. Kohls sells a variety of products, such as clothes, shoes, toys,
appliances, and home décor. Kohls is known for having inexpensive products of
acceptable quality. Kohls mission statement is “to inspire and empower families to
lead fulfilled lives.”

Kohl’s sales are down 20.12% from last year. This is mostly due to the low
inventory levels because of the pandemic (Goodwill 2020/2021 Annual Report).

Market Share:
Kohl’s has less than 1% of the department store market.

Kohl’s is looking to grow on its website more than anything. Ever since the
pandemic hit sales have gone down and fewer people are going into physical
stores. Kohl’s as of now is not looking to expand their stores, but to work on their
website in the meantime.

Key Benefits:
Kohl’s has a rewards program that gives customers extra savings and coupons
throughout the year. You can find products that are comparable to ones at
Walmart and Target for a lower price.

Kohl’s is positioned for active and casual family lifestyles. They also reward loyal
customers with valuable customer rewards. Kohl’s has also put more focus on their
online store in the last two years, with three times more products on the website
compared to in-person stores.
Competitive Review
Advertising and promotion budget:
Kohl’s had a nationwide net marketing expense of $788,000,000 in 2020 (Smith,

Promotion program mix:

Kohl’s promotes their website a lot, they have three times more products on their
website than in the store. Kohl’s makes it known that they have plenty of
storefronts across the U.S. to show how accessible their products are.

Message and media strategies:

Kohl’s emphasizes their low prices compared to their competitors. They also
mention how valuable their reward program is, they do this so you will stay loyal
to kohl’s. They invoke the message that they pride themselves on their great
customer service.

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

Kohl’s is one of the largest retailers in the U.S., with over 1,000 stores. Wide
variety of products that they offer. The website is very user-friendly. Product
innovation, they are developed plenty of new products that have performed well.

A lot of competition in the department store industry. Competitors like Walmart
and Target have high-quality products. Revenue took a massive hit during the
start of the pandemic. Kohl’s has also struggled with supply chain issues, and their
story inventory has been negatively affected by it.
Competitive Review 27

Indirect Competitor: Gabe's

Description of Competitor and its

Gabe’s provides discount deals on clothing
for men’s and women’s clothing, shoes,
home essentials, and other goods. Gabe’s buys its merchandise and store inventory
from other stores and brand manufacturers and sells it at a lower price. Gabe’s
mostly operates in the Mid-Atlantic and southeastern regions.

Gabe’s produced total revenue of $1,000,000,000 in 2021.

Gabe’s stores are growing at a steady but smaller rate than other major
competitors, with over 115 stores and growing at a pace of 5-10 new stores opened
per year.

Key Benefits:
Gabe’s has a plethora of brand-name clothing at greatly discounted deals. Further,
Gabe’s sells all kinds of retail items ranging from clothes, shoes, home goods, and
even food, providing an array of items that smaller stores cannot match.

Gabe’s positions itself as a store with a high range of quality items at a very
affordable cost. The brand name of Gabe’s does not have as great of a presence as
other major competitors like Ross, TJ Maxx, and other discount stores.

Promotion program mix:

Much of Gabe’s promotional mix comes through discount coupons to use when
checking out at the store. Gabe’s also has a rewards program for its consistent
customers. Gabe’s focuses much of its marketing energy on highlighting new
discounts and deals in its advertisements and highlighting their fashionable
Competitive Review
Message and media strategies:
Gabe’s strategies consist of further promoting new store deals with people wearing
clothes bought at their store. Gabe’s also heavily leans into seasonal promotions
and changing their store and marketing greatly throughout the four seasons.

Assessment of strengths and weaknesses:

Offers discounts on brand-name clothing to customers. Gabe’s also has a great
variety of products in their store ranging from clothes to home goods and food.

Gabe’s has a weak online presence, and its brand name is in the shadows compared
to larger retailer stores like TJ Maxx and Ross. There is also intense competition
for new customers in this segment of retail stores.
Buyer Analysis

Demographics consists of mainly high-income individuals, meaning that the
donations are likely to be high quality and durable. These individuals are also likely
to be employed, educated, and over the age of sixteen who are choosing to donate
items. They may see how they can help others and will choose to do so through

Behavioristic Geographic
This includes people who The geographic
have high levels of characteristics of
sympathy and a vast people in
understanding of ethics.
Staunton, and
Because of this, these Good Donor surrounding areas are
consumers are more
likely to donate to Mercy Characteristics people who can easily
access the thrift store.
House. Also, people who This also means that
have a passion for Mercy House
volunteering and giving employees will be
back to the community within close proximity
tend to donate more to if they need to pick up
causes such as Mercy the products
themselves from
Psychographic donators.

Individuals donating to Mercy House often are very involved in the community and
are people who look to give back to those in need. These consumers often volunteer
their time and resources, whether with schools, businesses, churches, or more.
Therefore, they will be open to if not already donating items in their homes to help
Buyer Analysis
Market Segments

1. Targeting the Harrisonburg community in the zip code range of 22801 which is the community
near Mercy House stores. Community members can gain knowledge about the store within
proximity to them and stop by to support Mercy House's cause.
2. Targeting the zip code 22807 would focus on the individuals who live directly on the campus of
James Madison. This would encourage students to shop at Mercy House and explore the
community. This also reaches an audience with a college-level budget in which students may be
looking to thrift and purchase affordable clothing options. Additionally, college students may be
looking to donate their clothing, and if Mercy House is within their consideration set, they will
have a higher likelihood of receiving donations.
3. Targeting the Harrisonburg surrounding areas, such as Staunton whose zip code is 24401. This will
bring in consumers that are not from the direct area of Mercy House, but who may wish to support
their cause. Stressing Mercy House's mission of helping those experiencing homelessness will
inspire others within driving distance to purchase and donate to Mercy House.
4. When targeting the families within the Harrisonburg area, Mercy House can focus on household
size as a main contributing factor. This will give Mercy House the ability to target towards families
that have two or more children. This is beneficial because that assures they have lots of donations
for when their children out grow their clothing continuously.
5. Targeting all forms of income household levels, but primarily focusing on the families that have
higher levels of income. This guarantees that the market has inflow of money that could either be
contributed to Mercy House or that they have an inflow of tangible goods that allows for
donations. These individuals will be buying very good quality items that will not perish fast, so
when they get around to donating it to Mercy House it will still be in great quality.
6. Targeting age ranges of 30-45, specifically parents looking to shop and donate. This provides a
large range of resources and the potential for quality donations. Parents may be looking to donate
clothing as their children grow and their preferences for expression change. In this, Mercy House
can be a resource for households.
7. Target consumers ages 18 to 22 create interest for the younger market to donate and shop with
Mercy House. These may be thrifty individuals looking for chic clothing at a low price and who
may be looking to purchase in consideration of being environmentally friendly. Regarding being
environmentally friendly, many of these individuals want their clothing to be reused if they are
not going to continue to wear the items, and they will be seeking a place to donate to.
8. The age range of 65-80 is not within the primary or secondary target market, this age range could
be a good consideration for a potential additional group. These consumers are looking to retire,
move, or downsize. This, this group will have items they wish to donate, and Mercy House can be
their source. They are more likely to have items of quality compared to younger groups that have
lesser quality, fast fashion items. Although some of their items may be outdated, many vintage
styles are becoming popular, and their donations could be profitable.
Buyer Analysis
Consumer Buying Process

Consumers deciding whether to purchase an item will consider the quality of an

item as well as the brand. Brand selection will depend on what brands are currently
popular, and it is likely for consumers to buy brands that are popular in indirect
competitor stores, for example, mall brands. It is also important to consider who is
wearing the brand when thinking about consumers and how they select brands. If
the brand is of good quality, supported by influential people, and others in the
target market wear it, it is likely to be selected.
Consumers need to be aware of the product and mission. Mercy House needs to
increase exposure to also increase awareness of its mission to community
members. Not many community members are aware of Mercy House's mission of
helping those experiencing homelessness within the community.
Mercy House needs to make itself unique compared to other thrift store
organizations. People have interests in thrift stores, but consumers need to be
specifically interested in Mercy House so that they can fulfill its mission of
reducing homelessness in the community. By increasing interest, there is room for
people who are interested in then desire to donate.
Mercy House needs to prompt consumers to be motivated to donate to their thrift
stores. When people know the cause of what they are donating to, it creates an
immense amount of desire for them to want to contribute to the cause. The
increase the number of donations by a lot, especially with the mission and cause
that Mercy House stands behind.
To increase donations, Mercy House may have a goal to increase usable donations
by 25% of what they are currently receiving. Donations must be of high quality
which other people desire to buy. Mercy House can physically measure how many
usable items they receive from community members. This goal can be evaluated
semi-annually or quarterly to measure if the goal is being achieved, and the time
frame is set to achieve this within a year. We believe that with more advertising for
Mercy House and communication of the foundation, donations will increase, and
therefore this goal is attainable. With an increase in donations, Mercy House will
therefore be better suited to care for families in need and achieve its overall
Buyer Analysis
Who Buys?
The products and services are targeted toward the less fortunate within the
Harrisonburg community. They have low-priced items for families that can’t
necessarily afford regular-priced items at other stores. Their products are also
targeted toward thrifty individuals who find joy in shopping at reselling stores.
Their services are targeted toward families who do not have accessibility to
normal housing options and afterschool programs for their children. Their
services help these families get back up on their feet, while also providing safe
environments for them to combat the potential trauma they have endured. Their
services provide food, shelter, employment, and more to assist these families
which in turn decreases Mercy House’s turnover rates for people in their
provided shelters. In this, they can continue to help people within the
community. When referring to who is donating to Mercy House, this includes the
people who are referenced in the user profile section above. They are individuals
who strongly stand by the mission of Mercy House to tackle and defeat
homelessness rates in our community and to assist families who need products
and services to financially help get back on their feet.

Who Influences?

The family influences the purchase decision. The people who shop at Mercy
House run on a tight budget, and with that, they need to spend their money
carefully. They will make their purchase decision based on their family's needs.
Also, the employees who come up with the prices for the products and services
influence the purchase decision. The price point will be a big factor if people are
willing to buy what Mercy House has to offer or not.
Relating to donators, the donating decision is influenced by motivation to aid
Mercy House and the mission that they support. Also centered around individuals
within the area who are wanting to assist the less fortunate within the community
and give back to them in order to assist them in any way that they can.
Buyer Analysis
Who Makes the Decisions?
When it comes to officially making the purchasing decision the head of the family
is the end factor in buying the products and services. Their goal and mindset are to
provide a life that is best for their family. They know they are not in a good financial
state and can’t provide the perfect life for their family, so they make the deciding
factor to reach out for financial and emotional help from Mercy House so they can
get back up on their feet.
The main donors for Mercy House include families within the area who are
donating goods, local restaurants and businesses donate their time and resources to
provide publicity for Mercy House to raise money. Building supply stores also are
huge donors by providing leftover supplies such as lumber, electrical supplies,
ventilation, etc. Mercy House also receives lots of its donation money through events
like the Great Community Give, which saw Mercy House rack up over $25,000 in
donations from 129 local donors.

Purchasing clothes at These products are high

Mercy House thrift store involvement purchases, even
is a limited problem- though Mercy house clothing
solving buying behavior is cheap, their clothes are a
because people who are way to express yourself. Also,
buying clothes at Mercy the furniture is a high
House most likely have involvement purchase
purchased clothes before because you are spending a
and know what they are lot of money on how you
looking for. The furniture want to decorate your house.
on the other hand is an This is important to know
extended problem- because their products are a
solving buying behavior. representation of your style
and how you want to express
Buyer Analysis
Key Factors that Influence
A key factor that influences buyer behavior of this product is the consumers'
attitude towards thrift stores. Many people do not consider shopping from thrift
stores because they are known to be low quality and do not match the needs of
the customer. Another factor is the price, with clothing items starting at $1, which
will get people into the store that would not usually shop there. The quality of the
donations will also influence buyer behavior, consumers will not want to shop at
the store if the donations are low quality and/or unusable.
Key factors that influence donors, donors’ attitude regarding donating their items
is important. Donors need to be influenced and motivated to donate their things;
they need to be given a reason to choose Mercy House over other thrift stores.
This comes from Mercy House’s mission in decreasing homelessness in our
community in that if more consumers knew of Mercy House's mission, they may
be motivated to aid and donate. Donors mainly need to consider those who will
be purchasing their items, and what the money coming from this interaction will
go towards in helping those in the community.

Buyer Personas

Madi Rohm,
conscious teenager
Buyer Analysis
Buyer Personas cont.

class who
donates a
portion of his

Kelley Carey,
mother of
Primary Research 36

Online reviews
Many online reviews were positive, google yielding a 4.3 rating out of 5
with 192 people leaving reviews. Most consumers were very satisfied with the
price of items in Mercy House thrift stores, but the quality of the items needs
improvement. Some customers also mentioned the cleanliness and
organization of the thrift store, suggesting that these are areas that could
improve. Some reviewers recognize the aid that Mercy House provides the
community, but others do not seem as aware of Mercy House’s mission.
Additionally, there is not a large presence on Instagram for reviews, and the
social media aspect of Mercy House’s marketing plan could improve.
Gwen K. via Yelp. “We found a few things to buy. Prices are very reasonable.
However, a lot of the items are very worn or in poor condition”

Megan A. via Foursquare. “This is the best thrift store in Virginia. Best prices,
best finds and a good cause!”
Tonya C. via Facebook. “Thank You Jacob, Noah and All Your Staff for What
You All Do for Everyone in the Community All Year Long and Especially at The
Most reviews were positive
regarding Mercy House and ratings
that had comments mentioned price
Important Attributes the most in their review. Additionally,
Mentioned in Reviews only 3 out of the 192 total reviews and
65 with comments mentioned
homelessness when talking about
Mercy House. This shows the need for
Mercy House to better publicize its
overall mission. Clothing and
organization were also mentioned the
most regarding ratings with
comments, and there were many
suggestions for improving clothing
quality as well as store organization.
Therefore, overall, Mercy House has
advantages in terms of price, but there
are also aspects like quality,
organization, and publicity Mercy
House can improve upon.
Promotional Program
Situational Analysis
Review of previous and current promotional programs:
Mercy House has used various promotion programs, such as publicity and
sales promotions. Giving away items during sponsored events has helped to
spread Mercy House’s name within the community, however, more
promotional programs can be held. Raffles and events where participants can
pay to be a part of the activity, such as the slime event they advertised on
Instagram where people could pay to slime workers, appear to be popular but
not advertised to the whole community. Although a good amount of people in
the Harrisonburg community are mostly aware of events, the James Madison
University community likely is not. Additionally, Mercy House has posted
many times but has not fully integrated its communication strategies into a
similar theme. As a result, overall social media feeds appear discombobulated
and disconnected from each other.
Segmentation, Targeting,
and Positioning
Primary Target Market Identity
Parents aged around 30-45 who are married and have a family with children.
Consisting of both males and females who are in the middle to the upper class.
Live within the Harrisonburg and Rockingham communities. They live a fast-
paced lifestyle of working a 9-5 job to them come home and tend to their family
when it comes to taking their kids to sports practices and extracurricular
activities. These individuals love to give back to the community and be able to
help others who are less fortunate. They prefer to buy good quality items that
will be durable for a long time. They are heavy spenders, so they have a lot of
goods that lose their interest quickly. Due to the fast growth of their children,
they are constantly having to buy new things to keep up with them being babies
and them growing up to become teenagers.

The students of James Madison University are an
incredible market to target to focus on. “49% of Gen X
donors are enrolled in a monthly giving program [to
nonprofits]" (Nonprofits Source). This quote describes the
majority of our secondary age range being people who
consistently donate to nonprofits are want to contribute to
organizations that have missions like Mercy House.

“High net worth families donated, on average, $29,269" (By: &

Schulte, 2022). The reason this quote is important is because it
shows that families who are well off are keen on donating
money, which likely means they donate physical items as well.
By making this age range, and wealth, the primary target market
it will immensely increase the amount of donates that Mercy
House can receive. These quotes together show this
demographic likely will support Mercy House consistently and
with quality items.
Segmentation, Targeting,
and Positioning
Secondary Target Market Identity
Students who attend James Madison University age ranging from 18-24. Consists
of both females and males within this area who come from families who are in the
middle to the upper class. Some of these students have jobs working minimum wage
at on-campus jobs, restaurants, and in the retail industry in surrounding stores in the
area. Their lifestyle consists of constantly being on the go because of balancing a
heavy school workload, social life, extracurriculars/clubs, working, and volunteering.
They are interested in all forms of social media and keeping up with the popular
trends that are going on in society. This market resides in dorms that are located on
campus, as well as all the alternative off-campus living options of houses downtown
as well as apartment complexes. These students, especially girls, have a high sense of
keeping up with trends when it comes to clothing and accessories so there is a
constant need for closet cleanouts and unused clothes that sit in their closets. There is
a high increase in shopping at thrift stores because of the tight budget some students
are on, so this brings a lot of attraction to Mercy House.

“This segment [thrift stores] includes women's, men's, and children's apparel as
well as jewelry, footwear, and other accessories. As thrift shopping has become
more popular, this segment has experienced growing demand from younger and
more affluent consumers" (Butler, 2020).

'In addition, thrift shopping's growing appeal

among millennials and other younger generations
has contributed to increased demand as well. In fact,
in 2020 Gen Z and Millennials are the leading age
demographics that shop second hand" (Butler, 2020).
This data table highlights how we are targeting the
largest age group in Harrisonburg, and with the other
sources, it shows why picking our secondary target
market of ages 18-22 would be beneficial to help increase
the donations at Mercy House. This age range is not only
the largest in the area but they thrift more than any other
group (City of Harrisonburg, 2022).
Segmentation, Targeting,
and Positioning

Product Position:
Mercy House will use Salient Attributes because they will be able to
position themselves ahead of competitors with the different
characteristics and services offered to the people within Mercy House
(Bryant, 2020). Mercy House’s salient benefits include donation pickup
options which provide convenience for donors, being a community-
enhancing business and selling quality thrift items for a price that can
not be beaten (Mercy House main).

These attributes allow the consumers and donors to find,
understand, and want to be apart of the mission of Mercy House.
Putting emphasis behind Mercy House's services is a huge thing to
emphasize and put focus towards. Their attributes put Mercy House
way ahead of their competitors throughout the area, so making them
prevalent in the eye of the individuals within the area will increase the
want and need for them to donate their goods and themselves to get
behind contributing to combating the homeless and less-fortunate
within their very own community.

Marketing Goal
Increase donations to the thrift store or
building supply store that will result in an
increase of sales by 25% by December 31st,

Campaign Theme
"Build Community. Bring Change.
Donate to Mercy House."

The campaign theme chosen is "Build Community. Bring

Change. Donate to Mercy House. This theme represents the
huge emphasis on community and need for change that
Mercy House is trying to achieve for the less-fortunate
individuals within the community of Harrisonburg.
Communication Goals 42

1. Increase awareness of the Mercy House mission by 40%, which is to house homeless
families with dependent children in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County by using
direct marketing by the end of the year December 31st, 2023 Mercy House can measure
this by encouraging shoppers to ask if they are aware of the Mercy House mission and
they can take surveys.
2. Increase awareness by 60 percent of the types and quality of donations needed to
support homeless families in need by using advertising methods in order to achieve the
goal by December 31st, 2023
3. Increase interest in donations by 60% by December 31st, 2023 by using paper and online
surveys in the Harrisonburg community. Sales promotions will also be used in order to
increase interest.
4. Increase desire in donating by 50% from new donors by surveying customers and seeing
how likely they are to donate to the Mercy house. This will be achieved by December
31st, 2023 in a one-year period using personal selling and internet marketing.
5. Increase useable, high-quality donations by 25% by December 31st, 2023. This will be
accomplished through sponsorship and social media advertisements.
6. Increase long-term relationships with consumers by 20%, by creating a culture of repeat
donators, within the year 2023. This can be achieved through direct marketing with
newsletters in the mail and emails, as well as with public relations.

Traditional Advertising:
Placing ads in local newspapers and magazines, on local TV channels, and on the local radio
stations within the Harrisonburg/Rockingham area.
Digital Marketing:
Utilize GoogleAds, upgrade Mercy House's digital presence using SEO, send out online
newsletters through email marketing, and create a blog space.
Social Media Marketing:
Compose creative social media posts to go on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and
TikTok to enhance Mercy House's position on the most popular social media platforms.
Support Media:
Utilize transit advertisements, outdoor advertisements throughout JMU's campus, in-store
advertisements, and guerrilla marketing.
Direct Marketing:
Send out personalized advertisements, email and text message subscriptions, different in-store
advertisements, and in-person direct personal selling to put real faces to the brand name.
Sales Promotion:
Partnerships with local Harrisonburg businesses, shopping promotions, conducting donation
drives, and holding proceeds nights at restaurants.
Personal Selling:
Utilize Mercy House salespeople. contacting JMU to hire Federal Work-Study student
employees, placing donations booths, and hosting donation parties at off-campus apartments
Public Relations/Publicity:
Partnerships with JMU curriculums, news stories on local media channels, family-oriented
events surrounding popular holidays, Mercy House representatives host different race events
Host and sponsor numerous populated sporting events, contribute donations to JMU student
organizations which creates strong relationships, sponsor local school reward events for kids
who raise the most donations, and host a Mercy House House-sponsored Art Show.
Creative Brief
One prominent issue at hand is the lack of
awareness of Mercy House within the
community and its mission and values that set
them ahead of its competitors within the area.
Another major issue is the poor level of quality
donations Mercy House receives because these
donations result in mercy House spending an
immense amount of money on land dump fees.
Mercy House cannot accept bad-quality

Communication Objectives:
1. Increase awareness of the Mercy House mission by 40%, which is to house
homeless families with dependent children in Harrisonburg and Rockingham
County by using direct marketing by the end of the year December 31st, 2023
Mercy House can measure this by encouraging shoppers to ask if they are aware
of the Mercy House mission and they can take surveys.
2. Increase awareness by 60 percent of the types and quality of donations needed
to support homeless families in need by using advertising methods in order to
achieve the goal by December 31st, 2023
3. Increase interest in donations by 60% by December 31st, 2023 by using paper
and online surveys in the Harrisonburg community. Sales promotions will also
be used in order to increase interest.
4. Increase the desire in donating by 50% from new donors by surveying
customers and seeing how likely they are to donate to the Mercy house. This
will be achieved by December 31st, 2023 in a one-year period using personal
selling and internet marketing.
5. Increase useable, high-quality donations by 25% by December 31st, 2023. This
will be accomplished through sponsorship and social media advertisements.
6. Increase long-term relationships with consumers by 20%, by creating a culture
of repeat donators, within the year 2023. This can be achieved through direct
marketing with newsletters in the mail and emails, as well as with public
Creative Brief
Primary Target Market:
Parents aged around 30-45 who are married and have a family with children. Consisting
of both males and females who are in the middle to upper class. Live within the
Harrisonburg and Rockingham communities. They live a fast-paced lifestyle of working a
9-5 job to them come home and tend to their family when it comes to taking their kids to
sports practices and extracurricular activities. These individuals love to give back to the
community and be able to help others who are less fortunate. They prefer to buy good
quality items that will be durable for a long time. They are heavy spenders, so they have a
lot of goods that lose their interest quickly. Due to the fast growth of their children, they
are constantly having to buy new things to keep up with them being babies and them
growing up to become teenagers. This market has great potential as parents will be
looking to donate the items as their children grow out and start to develop different
preferences for clothing. If informed of Mercy House’s mission, parents may be moved to
donate their unwanted, good-quality items in order to aid other families in the
Harrisonburg area. They will also be moved to donate money to the Mercy House
because they have a high need for helping their community and knowing the mission of
Mercy House, they will do what they can to help. They are currently thinking of family-
oriented ideals, and through promotional mix elements, they can think in terms of
community in order to donate the items they no longer need.

Secondary Target Market

All students who attend James Madison University for undergrad and graduate school
age ranging from 18-24. Consists of both females and males within this area who come
from families who are in the middle to upper class. Some of these students even have jobs
themselves working minimum wage either at on-campus jobs, restaurant industry jobs, and
in the retail industry in surrounding stores and restaurants in the area. Their lifestyle
consists of constantly go-go-go because of having to balance a heavy school workout. A
social life, extracurriculars/clubs, working, and volunteering. They are interested in all
forms of social media and keeping up with the popular trends that are going on in society.
This market resides in dorms that are located on campus, as well as all the alternative off-
campus living options of houses downtown as well as apartment complexes. These students,
especially girls, have a high sense of keeping up with trends when it comes to clothing and
accessories so there is a constant need for closet cleanouts and unused clothes that sit in
their closets. There is a high increase in shopping at thrift stores because of the tight budget
some students are on, so this brings a lot of attraction to Mercy House. The individuals in
this market buy consistent high-quality affordable clothes. Due to the constant moving in
and out of dorms, and off-campus apartments there is a high level of excess furniture and
household goods that go to waste when they are still in good condition solely because they
do not know what else to do with them. This is especially true in the spring when it comes
to people purging their apartments and wanting to donate goods, as Mercy House has
reported. Therefore, if students at James Madison University are informed of options to
donate clothing and other goods for a cause that helps the community, they may be more
inclined to do so.
Creative Brief
Production Positioning
Mercy House is a community-building entity. The revenue from their thrift stores
contributes to supporting local homeless families and helps to get people’s lives back
on track. Donations to Mercy House will change lives, and every donation, whether it
is clothes, furniture, or money, will leave an impact. This major selling idea should
encourage our target markets to want to donate because they can directly impact a
fellow community member’s life for the better.

Reasons to Believe
Customers should believe in the Mercy house because they have been providing a
second chance to families since 1988. Mercy House has been in the news several times
in recent years about how much it has served the Rockingham community. Not only
do the families from Mercy house benefit, but local businesses do too, through the
employment program that Mercy house offers. Here are a few real-world accounts of
Mercy House helping the local community:

Build community. Bring change.

Donate to Mercy House.
This represents the huge emphasis on community and the need for change that
Mercy House is trying to achieve for the less-fortunate individuals within the
community of Harrisonburg.
Creative Brief
Primary Market Story:
The main story told surrounding the primary target market focuses on the fact
that parents with children are able to influence the community through donating
quality clothing they no longer need. This is emphasized in deliverables,
encouraging donations. For example, one deliverable targeting families will follow
along the lines of a young child really wanting an item like a blue shirt. Due to the
child’s family may be struggling financially and they need to be housed in a Mercy
Home for support, the child is unable to get the shirt they have been wanting. The
story will then show an upper-class family that represents our primary target market
and how a child of the same age has the shirt the other child has been wanting. The
target market family will then donate the shirt and the story will focus on the less
fortunate child being able to get the shirt they have been wanting because of the
donations made to Mercy House. This will show our target market how they are able
to help other families in the community. Parents looking at the story being told will
also think of their own children who, if they were in need, the parents would want
someone to help them. They will therefore be moved to donate and aid the less
fortunate in the community.

Secondary Market Story:

The main story told to the secondary market surrounds how students at James
Madison University can make a difference in the community through donating.
Through deliverables, students can learn about how they can get involved through
Mercy House and take action. For example, one deliverable will follow the life of an
article of clothing. The cartoon will begin with a college student, who clearly has a lot
of unused clothing. The clothing could be seen as clutter to this college student, and
their thoughts are that they don’t want or need this extra clothing. Then, the college
student ends up seeing an advertisement to donate to Mercy House. The college
student then remembers their yellow shirt that is unused and of good quality. The
student will decide to donate their unused item, and the cartoon will then show a
consumer purchasing the top from the Mercy House thrift store. In the cartoon, the
money being exchanged will be a yellow color in order to show how the yellow top
contributed to the money being made, which is then shown to help fund the Mercy
House homes in the graphic. This will show college students how they can directly
influence their community through Mercy House.
Creative Brief
Advertising Appeal
The plan will use a strong emotional appeal throughout the numerous campaigns.
Emotional appeal is being used to explain and demonstrate what people in the Mercy
House struggle with daily to provide a reason for people to have sympathy towards the
hardships others in the community face. It will also allow us to make the possible donors
feel those sad emotions so we can emphasize the huge impact they can have on these
people's lives through their simple donations of money and goods. It will be meaningful
for the people within our target market showing the hardships that people are facing
within their own community builds an immense amount of want to donate their goods
that they have no need for any more than just either sit in their closets and storage areas
or just throw away. Through our emotional and empathy appeal, it reaches both
personal and social-based emotions in numerous realms of their feelings.
This graph helps our justification as to why an extreme
emotional appeal would be super beneficial to the
campaign. Emotion is a powerful deciding factor for
consumers to buy and donate, especially when the
cause is as strong and community-oriented as Mercy
House (Ballo, 2022).

Creative Framework
There will be a combination of video testimonial
execution that then ties into demonstration because there is
an aim to get an individual who has gone through the
process of being homeless and using all the resources and
accommodation that Mercy House has to offer to get people
back on their feet. This is the best choice for execution Emphasizes the enhancement
because it gives these individuals the opportunity to talk that media has on influencing
consumers' buying habits. It
about their personal experiences and how everything Mercy
shows that through a video
House has to offer genuinely benefited them. It allows our testimonial there will be a lot of
target audience to identify with them and feel sadness and attraction and a great increase in
sympathy towards the individuals who use Mercy House’s awareness of Mercy House and
all they have to offer. Especially
products and services, and it enhances their desire to want
when it comes from an
to go out and help the less fortunate within their individual who has suffered
community. Through testimonial speech, also helps execute from homelessness and gone to
a demonstration strategy because it illustrates the Mercy House firsthand to use
advantages and benefits all these donations have on others. the products and services that
they have to offer to get back on
It also helps to convince potential donors that their
their feet
donations, regardless of what it is, are put to positive use and (Trustmary, 2022).
have an immense benefit on the people they go to.
Creative Brief

Message Strategy
By donating to Mercy House, donors can aid their community and give people
who are not as fortunate the chance to be able to provide the basic needs of living for
their family and themselves. This relates to our target audience because we are a part
of the same community, and this shows how not everyone has the same
opportunities and resources that everyone else may have. This relates to the product
because it shows the need and desire for donations that Mercy House has for high-
quality, durable items as well as money donations. This is greatly integrated with our
advertising appeal as it shows how there are individuals in need, and there are people
who do not have as many resources in life as others do. Therefore, through the help
of community members looking out for each other great things can happen.

Creative Framework
There will be a use of a combination of video testimonial execution that then ties
into demonstration because there is an aim to get an individual who has gone
through the process of being homeless and using all the resources and
accommodation that Mercy House has to offer to get people back on their feet. This
is the best choice for execution because it gives these individuals the opportunity to
talk about their personal experiences and how everything Mercy House has to offer
genuinely benefited them. It allows our target audience to identify with them and
feel sadness and sympathy towards the individuals who use Mercy House’s products
and services, and it enhances their desire to want to go out and help the less
fortunate within their community. Through testimonial speech, also helps execute a
demonstration strategy because it illustrates the advantages and benefits all these
donations have on others. It also helps to convince potential donors that their
donations, regardless of what it is, are put to positive use and have an immense
benefit on the people they go to.
Creative Brief
Creative Considerations
To add more creativity by adding more informative graphics regarding the
importance of donating to Mercy House such as
Informational tables showing how you can impact the community
Data charts regarding homeless rates
To increase emotional appeal the primary color will be blue because blue is
associated with sadness. While also using Salmon because it represents hope,
help, and happiness. Through these two colors, the advertisement can capture
the sadness of emotions prior to individual donations and then contrast that
with salmon to express the positivity one's donations have on the people
within Mercy House.
Utilize a sentimental tone that stresses how donations are needed and greatly
influences families in need. This will also lead consumers to feel joyous and
moved to donate. A voice that is lighthearted but that explains an overall goal
can increase positive feelings associated with Mercy House and thus increase

Creative Tactics
Sales Promotion: partnerships and in-store advertising
Traditional advertising: print. television, and radio
Digital Marketing: search engine optimization, email marketing, and blog
Social Media: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Snapchat
Public Relations and Publicity: Charity Sponsored events
Direct Marketing: Print mail, Subscriptions. In-Store Advertising, and
Personal Selling
Personal Selling: Booths on JMU's campus and at the local farmer's market.
Support Media: Transit Advertising, In-Store Advertising, and Out-Door
Sponsorship: Sporting Event and School Event
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising


This section is looking to achieve and develop traditional advertising

objectives. These objectives for traditional advertising work to achieve the
communication objective to increase awareness of the Mercy House mission by
40%, which is to house homeless families with dependent children in
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, by December 31st, 2023. This will be
done through increasing reach, and exposure, and implementing optimal
scheduling patterns through mass media forms like television, radio,
newspapers, and magazines. The campaign theme of “Build community. Bring
change. Donate to Mercy House” will be incorporated into this section by
creating empathy and connectedness in different media mediums. This theme
is meant to highlight the idea of how a donation can make an impact in a
donor’s own community. The theme puts emphasis on the community because
that is a huge part of Mercy House’s mission. This is made to create an
emotional spark in the consumer, which will make them more likely to donate
to Mercy House and be able to move them to donate their goods in order to
help the less fortunate within the Harrisonburg area. Because of this, the main
story told in this section is how individuals can impact their community
through donating. Through the use of storyboards, radio scripts, and handouts,
the story that students and families in the area can have an impact on is
emphasized. Representing the target market by including similar people in
advertisements will also allow viewers to more personally connect to the
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising
Objective 1:
Increase awareness of Mercy House’s mission by increasing the
reach and number of consumers who view radio and television
advertisements by 50% by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Television advertisements on Radio advertising and communication
local channels such as WHSV3 with consumers of Mercy House's
and its four subchannels so that message will improve as consumers
reach rates will increase. become more aware of their mission.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1
Informational advertisements will be run on Primetime radio slot to target the primary
local television stations to increase reach market when they are listening to the radio from
within primary consumer locations. This will the hours of 6 am - 10 am. Most radio listeners
help to target the target market in the tune in during their morning commute. This is
locations that surround Mercy House. Being an effective way to improve awareness because
that many consumers are not aware of Mercy unlike TV ads, it is hard to tune out a radio
House’s cause, with more accessible commercial. It is convenient for Mercy House to
information through television ads, advertise on the radio because radio stations
consumers will have the information that is cover certain geographic areas and the advertiser
needed to motivate them to donate.  can choose which station they want and where
they want to communicate.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2
Collaborate with local news anchors to make a
Collaboration with popular channel hosts who will
segment dedicated to showing products and services
spread the word of Mercy House. This is using the
that Mercy House offers. This provides a visual aid to
host's popularity in order to bring interest to
see what their donations go towards. This ties into
Mercy House. Having a well-liked channel host
influencer marketing and using prominent members
spread the word about Mercy House, helps the
of the community to inspire individuals to donate in
public relations of Mercy House. Also, people are
order to help the less fortunate within the community.
more likely to listen and follow the actions of a
This gives credibility as information is not just coming
celebrity that they like.
from Mercy House, but also from trusted figures.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Advertisements ran during prime viewing times The JMU Radio station can run ads 24 hours a
of 8-11 pm. Many local viewers are watching TV day. JMU students will be able to hear the ads
and are more likely to see informational and what Mercy House stands for. This is a great
advertisements. This is when many consumers are platform to advertise on because it is a 3–7-mile
home with fewer stressors and are more likely to radius from the campus which is the exact area
be more focused on what they are watching. that is targeted.
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising
Objective 2:
Increase the frequency that advertisements in newspapers, magazines,
and on television are seen so viewers are exposed to Mercy House's
mission multiple times to increase awareness within the Harrisonburg
city by 40% by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Utilizing local newspapers and
Utilizing local TV space to
magazines to increase the
create commercials that spread
frequency that viewers are
the theme of the campaign.
exposed to Mercy House.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Advertising in The Breeze Newspaper to reach

Advertisements will be replayed on local
the JMU community. This will help raise
channels so the same the consumers will be
awareness among the students here The Breeze is
shown the message multiple times which will
the most popular newspaper here, so it is the most
enhance their memory of Mercy House’s
efficient way to reach the target audience of JMU
mission. This then puts Mercy House into the
students. The Breeze also has plenty of different
consumer's consideration set so when they think
advertising options, which gives Mercy House
about donating their goods, they will
versatility in terms of how much money is spent
automatically think of Mercy House compared to
on advertising. The breeze offers full-page, half-
their competitors because of their mission.
page, and quarter-page advertisements.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2
Advertising in the Harrisonburg Daily-News Record
Local TV hosts can remind community
on a weekly basis to reach families in the
members during peak seasons that Mercy
Harrisonburg community. The Daily-News record is
House is a space to donate. Using the fleeting
a well-respected news organization that has been
method will increase the frequency when
publishing since 1899. Advertising on the Daily-
people are most likely to donate so they can be
News record will boost consumer trust with Mercy
exposed to Mercy House’s mission so they will
House because of the number of trust people have in
donate when they are at a point of decision.
the Daily-News record to deliver their news.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Ads in magazines because they are more permanent An ad would be run in the morning and the
and can be read through multiple times. Studies evening so viewers will be exposed multiple times
show that nearly 75% of consumers hold on to throughout one day of Mercy House’s mission.
magazines for future reference (Magazine Media This also gives a larger window of exposure
Factbook 2019). This shows that the advertisements because if consumers are not watching TV in the
in the magazines will be read through numerous morning, they are likely to watch it in the evening,
times and be seen by a wide variety of people. meaning that they will at least see the ad once.
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising
Objective 3:
Through a pulsing scheduling pattern, reach key consumers
before decision point to donate to increase quality donations by
25% by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Pulsing during peak donations times Pulsing to reach the demographic
using printed mass media like newspapers through TV ads during peak times of
and magazines to reach more potential the day and year when potential
consumers to donate to Mercy House. donors would be watching TV.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Ads in JMU Breeze and Harrisonburg Daily-News A holiday TV commercial promotes donating
Record to promote donating during the holiday around Christmas time, which is the giving season.
season in December. The holiday season is when During the holidays is when people are the most
donations are the highest. By advertising during the likely to give. People are looking to give back to
holiday season, the goal is to maximize the donations others during the holidays, so it is key that people
that are received. Placing advertisements in the are aware of Mercy House. Advertising during peak
newspaper is how Mercy House will reach its older hours will draw consumers' attention by having an
audience. The expectation for newspaper advertising emotional appeal, which creates a sense of
is that they will communicate with older families, as sympathy.
78% of newspaper readers are over 50 years old.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Placing ads in the Breeze Newspaper in late A summer television commercial. This is a time
spring every Thursday. This time of the year is when local JMU faculty members have free time
ideal because there are thousands of college to clean out their houses. Implementing a TV ad
students in the Rockingham area that are moving showing professors and local members of the
out of their dorms/apartments. This creates a big community moving out and/or doing their
opportunity to make donations from people who summer cleaning, and then bringing over their
are moving out and are looking to get rid of leftover furniture and clothing to Mercy House
furniture and clothes. and making a difference in the community.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Placing ads in local newspapers during the peak summer A TV commercial that is broadcasted during
donation time for Mercy House in July and August. This the most popular time consumers would be
will be done through advertisements promoting donating watching in the morning and at night. This
during summer cleaning times. This will target the local would be a short, interesting eye-catching ad
target market of families with kids in the local that quickly grabs attention, and leaves a
Harrisonburg area who are looking to offload their extra memorable impact.
furniture and clothes while the weather is nice.
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising


Budget Rationale
The budget for traditional media being used is $2,600. This consists of $1,060 for
local television ads, $795 for radio ads, and $745 for printed advertisements.
Regarding money allocated towards the TV section of the budget, the average cost for
cost-per-thousand (CPM) which is $20 was multiplied by 53. which represents the
53,273 people who live in the Harrisonburg area (Harrisonburg - Place Explorer - Data
Commons). This generated the total estimated cost to advertise a 60-second
advertisement on local tv is $1,060 (Benitez, 2022). The total cost for radio
advertisements is generated from taking the $10 per thousand and multiplying it by
53 which represents the number of people in the area, getting $530. The number was
then divided by two to get how much an estimated cost of a 30-second radio ad would
be. Regarding the breeze, the price for a quarter-page ad was included based on their
website prices (The Breeze). According to Fit Small Business, many businesses allocate
7-14% of their marketing budget to traditional advertising. In combination with this
consideration and the prices researched, it is appropriate to allocate 13% of the total
$20,000 marketing budget for Mercy House to traditional advertising and mass
media. Considering the pricing of running advertisements, it is appropriate to allocate
3.96% of the total budget to radio advertising, 3.73% to Newspapers and magazines,
and 5.32% to television.
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising
Increasing reach and frequency through geographic and scheduling
targeting will efficiently reach both target audiences and bring awareness to the
Mercy House mission. By increasing reach in the first objective through local
television advertisements, more potential donators will view the Mercy House
mission and therefore will be more aware of how they can help their
community. One decision is to advertise through television on local channels
such as WHSV3 and their local subchannels. These advertisements will be run
locally to meet the target geographic market of families in Harrisonburg and
will be run from 8:00 pm-11:00 pm and 5:00-9:00 am to reach the highest
viewership during primetime hours and before work hours. Further, these
television ads will run more frequently during some of Mercy House’s peak
donation times during the holiday season, spring, and summer. This will
capitalize on the Christmas giving season, spring cleaning, and summer move-
out season. This will further bolster donations received during this time by
increasing consumer awareness about Mercy House and persuading people to
donate to Mercy House over other local competitors. Radio advertisements will
also be run on local stations such as 104.3 KCY Country, 93.7 Now
Harrisonburg, and 1610 JMU radio during the primetime radio timeslot of
6:00-10:00 am. This will reach the target market of local families with kids and
will reach people on their morning drive to work. According to,
roughly 63% of US adults listen to AM/FM radio daily, with the majority on
their morning commute. Advertisements will also be run on 1610 JMU radio,
which will reach the target market of JMU students looking to make an impact
in their community.
Objective two states that increasing the frequency that advertisements are
viewed will increase awareness of the Mercy House mission. The more familiar
consumers are with a brand, the more likely they are to choose it over
competitors. This will bring in more quality donations as well as revenue to
support the Mercy House mission. Additionally, Mercy House will become part
of consumers’ consideration sets as they are repeatedly exposed to Mercy
House’s advertising. Consumers will then consider donating to Mercy House
over competitors. Including the Mercy House mission in our story and
encouraging consumers to make a difference in the community will also spur
additional donations. With consumers being frequently exposed to the idea
that they can make a difference and support the community, they will be
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising
more likely to do so. Local newspapers and magazines, as well as television, are
the best mediums to achieve this objective. Because magazines have a high
pass-along rate, along with the high viewership of television, consumers will be
frequently exposed to Mercy House’s mission.

Mercy House can implement a pulsing scheduling pattern to reach key

consumers and increase quality donations given. The schedule will pulse up
during three peak donation periods, including mid-summer, the holiday
season, and late spring. The schedule will pulse at these times because they are
typically the most frequent donation times according to Mercy House
representative Michael DelBiondo. Because of this, more Mercy House
advertisements will run to capitalize on these times and persuade customers to
donate to Mercy House over competitors. The Breeze and Daily-News Record
run seasonal prints during these times, so the advertisements will fit in
seamlessly and capitalize on the spirit of the seasons. Newspapers are a highly
read source of medium for Rockingham locals with kids, with an estimated 78%
of newspaper readers 50 years of age and older. This efficiently reaches the
primary target market of middle-aged parents. The holiday ads will use
emotional appeal to persuade people to give to Mercy House. The late spring
ads will appeal to spring-cleaning homeowners of the Rockingham area, and
the summer ads will appear during peak moving-out season, to capture
donations from homeowners looking to offload furniture.

Regarding the usage of print ads, both magazines and newspapers will
effectively do their part to reach the local community's potential donors
through the reliability and trust associated with them. It is also important to
consider the impact that a print ad can leave on a potential donor. The Breeze
is an important vehicle to consider as this will allow the Mercy House message
to be advertised directly to the James Madison University community. The
Breeze reports a readership of 22,000 people each week(The Breeze), reaching
many potential donors on JMU campus. Using local vehicles will also provide
greater potential to reach members of the local community to bring awareness
to the Mercy House mission. The reason that print ads have been around for so
long and continue to be used is how well they can reach consumers. According
to, print ads are not only viewed as easier to read,

Media Plan: Traditional Advertising

but faster to digest in a consumer’s mind (Businesswire,2019) They also play a
part in advertising to our older demographic, who is more inclined to read a
print ad over a digital ad. Along with reaching an older market, print ads also
have a higher rate of consumers taking action from the ad they saw. According
to, readers are more inclined to recommend the advertised
product, save the ad, or consider buying when reading a print ad rather than an
alternative form (Statista, 2021), Additionally, the usage of print ads has
bounced back after declining in recent years. In the span of a year, magazines
gained four million more readers over the age of 18, showing how more
consumers are switching back to a more traditional form of consumption. This
means that advertising to our specific target markets should be done through
the use of a reliable magazine ad (Statista, 2021)
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising

Media Plan: Traditional Advertising


“I hope all of you guys are enjoying the holiday season, and it is officially the
season of giving. If you’re like me, you have way too many clothes laying around
and can benefit from a little cleaning. That’s why this holiday season I will be
donating my gently used clothing to the Mercy House at 1005 South High Street.
All donations are going towards people in need in the Rockingham community. So
why not? Let’s spread the joy this holiday season and help raise the community.
They are open every Tuesday-Saturday from 9 am-4 pm and you can reach them
at 540-208-7949"

Many families in the local Rockingham community are struggling during

this Holiday season. Many people in this beloved community are without a
home and struggling to put food on the table for themselves and their children.
At Mercy House, we strive to home the homeless, and support the unfortunate
now and always. Just a small charitable donation during this holiday season can
go a long way toward our mission of providing food, clothes, and shelter to
homeless families in need in Rockingham. Come at any time from 9:00-5:00
Monday-Friday, 12:00-5:00 on Sunday, at 1005 S High St. to visit our thrift or
donate today. Or visit our website or call us at 540-
433-3272 to learn more about how to donate today.
Media Plan: Traditional Advertising


Flyer Ads
Media Plan: Digital Marketing


This section is looking to achieve and develop digital marketing objectives.

These objectives will work to achieve the communication objective to increase
awareness of Mercy House's mission by 40%, which is to house homeless
families with dependent children in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, by
December 31st, 2023. This will be accomplished through Google Ads, SEO,
email newsletters, and blog posts. This will help reach both the primary and
secondary market of parents as well as JMU students as each has a large online
presence. The story told here focuses on informing consumers on what they
can do to influence their community, and the opportunities they must donate
to Mercy House. The campaign theme of “Build Community. Bring change.
Donate to Mercy House.” will be incorporated into digital marketing tactics,
both by including the actual phrase as well as the general idea that consumers
can make a difference and donate to help their community.
Media Plan: Digital Marketing
Objective 1:
Increase reach and number of consumers who view or interact with
digital marketing advertisements for Mercy House by 50% in the
Harrisonburg area to increase desire to donate by December 31st,

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
GoogleAds improve optimization with
Upgrading Mercy House's digital
Google’s algorithm. Ads will be at the top
presence using organic SEO and
of online searches when looking up thrift
email newsletters.
stores/places to donate in the area.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1
Use Google Ads to see how many conversions a
campaign generates, and can evaluate how many
donations people may have followed through with. Using SEO and keywords on the website to
The desired donation goal turns into a conversion organically obtain a higher placement through
when consumers view a campaign and may decide to search engines. This can be done with digital
donate. This can include monetary donations online. marketing students at JMU to effectively place
Mercy House can also offer a schedule for people to keywords throughout the Mercy House website
sign up to donate clothing in person to measure how and boost traffic.
many people sign up from a campaign and thus can
offer relatively accurate conversion numbers.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Google Analytics reports information from the Mercy House requests local businesses to include
Google ads system and can report how many clicks advertisements for Mercy House in their email
a campaign gets, thus informing which ads are the newsletters sent to consumers. This emphasizes
most successful. Google Analytics is used to more the part of Mercy House’s mission that relates to
conveniently filter website traffic data. Mercy the community because it allows businesses
House will be able to see which campaigns throughout Harrisonburg to help in increasing
encourage more consumers to click onto their site, reach by spreading the positive mission of Mercy
and thus which strategies to continue with. House that they support.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Keywords can be reviewed to do keyword research to Mercy House can collaborate with JMU to have
further evaluate what language is best to use both for JMU include an advertisement on Mercy House
advertisements to appeal to consumers, and also to use in newsletters informing students what they can
to gain better favor with Google’s algorithm. Mercy get involved in around the Harrisonburg
House can research through Google Ads to see what community. This will increase the likelihood that
terms consumers search the most, and therefore the secondary target market of JMU students will
include these terms in their campaigns and ads. view Mercy House advertisements.
Media Plan: Digital Marketing
Objective 2:
Increase the frequency that people view the digital advertising for
Mercy House by 40% in the Harrisonburg area during peak times of
advertising in the continuous scheduling pattern to increase
awareness of Mercy House's mission by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Using email marketing and online A blog with consistent weekly posts
newsletters. Deliver up-to-date news that viewers can read on Mercy
about Mercy House to keep potential House's website so readers can stay
donors informed. up to date with what is going on.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Mercy House can send regular emails to

Mercy House can tell success stories that
consumers directly on store updates and
explain the entirety of a person’s journey
newsletters. Through emails, it makes it accessible
before and after Mercy House through a
to see the engagements, which helps to be able to
blog. This enables people to learn about
get an idea of who wants to learn more about the
how impactful Mercy House’s services are
company. This helps them gain following and
on people’s lives as they can see how
frequent donors because the more people learn
previously homeless individuals’ lives were
about Mercy House and its mission, the more they
prior to going to Mercy House.
are going to be inclined to want to donate.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Use Google’s GMass to manage email campaigns, Sections on the blog highlight updates on new
including scheduling and sending out mass emails housing availabilities, items that can be bought in-
to prospective donors. This email campaign can store, and a donor of the week. This increases
send out bi-weekly emails to subscribers showing knowledge of what Mercy House offers and what
events that are coming up, what Mercy House is they frequently need when it comes to donations
hosting, and all the donation items Mercy House is because of their consistent selling rates. It will also
currently looking for. GMass gives Mercy House get consumers engaged and excited about what
the ability to build long-term relations using email events Mercy House offers.
with past and future donors.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

The current website can add a section encouraging Mercy House can highlight a Mercy House child
people to sign up for their email newsletter, as well as a of the week on a blog page. This will display a
section where past newsletters can rotate and be read. current child resident, what their hobbies are, and
This can then expand the following that Mercy House’s fun facts about them. This will create sympathy
newsletter could have. This would generate a more towards the resident, motivating more people to
frequent and followed email newsletter. donate in order to directly help the featured child.
Media Plan: Digital Marketing


Budget Rationale
Over half of the budget for this section is towards search engine optimization
because it greatly enhances Mercy House’s online presence. This also increases
awareness among people within the area who are searching for nonprofits and
thrift stores that are located nearby. This will assist in increasing digital presence
because it will place Mercy House ahead all its competitors online. This will also
generate more clicks onto the Mercy House website and assuring individuals what
Mercy House offers and increase the likelihood that people will want to contribute
to donations. This is utilized because the first result in Google searches is clicked
on 28% of the time, as compared to the second search result is clicked on 15.7% of
the time. The higher your search result, the more likely you will get engaged with
your website; therefore, the budget is higher for search engine optimization (Matt
G. Southern July 14, 2020). The other part of the budget is allocated towards
GMass by Gmail because of the prevalence of email platforms have when it comes
to reaching out to target audiences. It automatically sends emails that have been
bounced so it assures that Mercy House would be reaching both the primary and
secondary target audiences with all the events Mercy House is hosting, its mission,
and what they stand for.
Media Plan: Digital Marketing
Using Google Ads will help accomplish the first objective of increasing reach
in the Harrisonburg area. Mercy House will measure the success of campaigns
through conversion rates, clicks, and keyword research. Consumers are online
very often and this is a space for them to find solutions to their problems.
Mercy House needs to have a strong online presence to offer consumers a
chance to see their advertisements and consider them when donating clothes or
other items. When a consumer searches on Google for a charity that will accept
donations, Mercy House needs to be in the top search results, or it is unlikely
that they will be considered when a consumer looks for resources. Reviewing
conversion rates. will help determine what campaigns consumers follow
through and donate to, Evaluating the number of digital clicks will determine
which campaign ads encourage viewers to visit the Mercy House site, and
keyword research will aid in optimization and increase the chances viewers will
see the advertisement. Additionally, collaborating with local businesses and
James Madison University in emailing advertisements will increase the chance
that the primary and secondary markets see the Mercy House advertisements.
Having businesses use their loyal consumer base to help promote Mercy House
will increase awareness of the Mercy House mission as consumers read through
emails for businesses they already support.

People who are exposed to display advertisements are 155% more likely to
search for the brand and segment specific terms, and the average brand makes
$2 in revenue for every $1 that they invest in Google search advertisements.
Organic SEO doesn’t always cut it, either. In fact, for the most competitive
keywords, the top three ad spots receive around 40% of all the clicks on the
page. Google supports both display advertisements, through its two million
display network partner sites, and text advertisements, on its search engine
results page. It is estimated that the company has an 18% share of all media
advertising, both online and off" (Henderson).

Email newsletters are also an effective way to accomplish the first objective
of increasing reach. They capture the audience's attention and deliver direct
information about Mercy House to the target audience. Email newsletters can
build long-term relationships with Mercy House donors and keep some of their
attention on Mercy House as opposed to competitors. They are also an assured
Media Plan: Digital Marketing
Rationale cont.
way advertising can directly be sent to donors. Because of this, email
newsletters are affordable advertising and easy to measure clicks and
subscription rates. According to HubSpot, 91% of consumers use email. This
also will allow Mercy House to reach both the primary and secondary market
for campaigns as each should have a presence on email. The campaign theme
can also be directly included in newsletters, helping to stress the main goals of
the campaign.

Reaching Objective two by increasing the frequency of views on the digital

marketing Mercy House does will increase the number of people who like to be
engaged with seeing all the aspects of Mercy House. Blogging is a trendy way to
complete this, as a blog can consistently promote one’s business. Due to the
individualized touch associated with the posts made, consumers can feel more
connected to Mercy House and will be more motivated to donate. In Mercy
House’s case, showing current stories and success stories will keep users coming
back to read more. Along with the personalized message, blogging in general
creates business. According to Search Engine Journal, “Effective blogging will
help you attract and nurture leads, then capture and engage with new and
existing customers. If done correctly, your website's blogging efforts may
produce the most profitable results for your business.” Additionally, as both the
primary and secondary markets have a large online presence, it is likely that
blogging can reach both audiences and be an effective way to reach consumers
(Ron Lieback August 19, 2020).
Media Plan: Digital Marketing




Media Plan: Social Media Marketing


This section is looking to achieve and develop its social media objectives.
These objectives will work to achieve the communication objective to increase
awareness of the Mercy House mission by 40%, which is to house homeless
families with dependent children in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, by
December 31st, 2023. The target markets of 18-22-year-olds and 30-45-year-
olds are both reached within social media advertising, as both have a strong
social media presence. The older target market will primarily be reached
through LinkedIn and Facebook, while the younger target market will
predominantly be reached through TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
This will be done by revamping Mercy House’s current social media and
adding segments that they did not have before. For example, there will be
weekly posts updating the current state of Mercy House, so the followers of the
account are constantly reminded of Mercy House. There will also be different
social media themes that go along with the season advertising. For example,
this means having Christmas-themed posts, as well as spring cleaning posts, to
draw the attention of the user. The advertising campaigns through Mercy
House will revolve around #DonateMercy. This is a fun way to get users
involved and get more interactions with Mercy Houses' social media pages. The
campaign theme of “Build Community. Bring change. Donate to Mercy
House.” will also be included in the text to incorporate the main goal of the
advertisements and encourage consumers to donate.
Media Plan: Social Media Marketing
Objective 1:
Increase reach and number of people who view Mercy House social
media advertisements during continuous posting schedules in the
Harrisonburg area by 50% to increase awareness of Mercy House
mission by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Developing creative social media Expanding social media sites that Mercy
posts to draw more potential House resides on increases the chances
donors to other Mercy House people see Mercy House through
social media pages and websites. multiple social media channels.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Include messages to like or share the post Utilizing LinkedIn Ads, Mercy House
within captions or on videos to encourage can target a very specific, professional
viewers to spread the post online in order to demographic that could reach well-off
reach a larger online audience. This will give individuals who are very likely to
people who do not follow Mercy House donate, especially monetarily. These
information and knowledge about their ads could be personalized direct
mission, events, and what they offer from messages sent to users when they are
the people that they personally follow. actively using their LinkedIn accounts.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Including Mercy House’s social media handles Create a TikTok account to make videos on
in different marketing pieces to draw more Mercy House activities. Popular thrifting
donors to the website and other socials. This will videos on TikTok highlight rare thrifting items
assist their social media presence because then that influencers find, and Mercy House can do
Mercy House will gain a bigger following on the same, showing what rare items they get
their socials so they can utilize their accounts to donated. This will encourage consumers to
bring more awareness to their mission, cause, shop with Mercy House after they view what
and upcoming events that are planned. items they can find at Mercy House.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Create more appealing posts on Mercy House’s

Create constant daily Instagram posts that
different social media platforms. When posts
frequently pop up on users’ timelines will instill
are more aesthetically appealing, they gain
Mercy House’s message into people’s minds.
more attention in an online presence. It will
Being able to use pop-up ads on people's
also enhance people's desire to repost their
timelines will generate a lot of awareness of the
content to their own stories so Mercy House
name of Mercy House within this area.
can gain more traffic to their socials.
Media Plan: Social Media Marketing
Objective 2:
Increase frequency that people share Mercy House social media
advertisements by 20%, increasing the number of consumers viewing
posts, in order to increase awareness of Mercy House mission by
December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Use local popular social media Revitalize Mercy House’s social media
figures and accounts to spread accounts making them more uniform
Mercy House’s mission through across platforms and more appealing
the local influence they carry. to current or new followers.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Weekly Instagram posts to engage followers on a

Reach out to Tim Miller to make an
regular basis, informing loyal followers and new
Instagram post dedicated to broadcasting
consumers to Mercy House activities. These
Mercy House and its mission. This would
posts will be cohesive amongst all the different
spark knowledge and interest in the
content that is being posted, it will be able to
secondary market of the students of JMU
create their Instagram to be more engaging for
because he is a big figure around campus.
consumers to want to follow and look through.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Facebook posts about the upcoming

Utilize the JMU TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and
promotional events. This will reach both of
Twitter pages to create a 30 second video to
the target markets, especially the primary
capture the mission of Mercy House and the types
one of 30-45 year olds because of the
of goods they are looking for donations for. Due
prevalence of Facebook in their daily lives.
to the rapid increase in TikTok’s prevalence.
Creating fun and inviting advertisements
Their Instagram account can post the same video
for events that are being hosted will spark
through Instagram reels, and the Twitter account
the interest of individuals to want to be able
can post the video as well on their main feed.
to come.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

JMU Football Team utilizes its Instagram to Grow Mercy House’s Twitter following. They
bring awareness to Mercy House. Due to the have only 31 followers, and their last post was
consistent success of JMU’s football team, it in 2019. Twitter is great for engaging with
has increased its following so using them to users in a meaningful way, responding to
endorse and work alongside Mercy House to people with personalized messages. and
spread their mission and upcoming events allows people who do not follow Mercy
would be very beneficial. House to see their tweets through retweets.
Media Plan: Social Media Marketing

Budget Rationale

Allocation of money toward social media changes greatly by the specific

social platform. Money put towards Twitter is significantly lower than the
other social media platforms because the focus is to revitalize Mercy House’s
current Twitter stance rather than purchasing paid ad space throughout
Twitter. The Twitter has not been used since 2019 and the account only has 31
followers, so putting a lot of focus on revamping their current stance will save a
lot of money because of the immense amount of opportunity the Twitter page
presents. Similarly, with TikTok, it costs no money to create an account and
upload videos. Putting a focus on the creation of content that can be generated
and seen on people's For You Pages with the trending hashtags on a day-to-day
basis saves a lot of money as well. LinkedIn and Facebook have most of the
money for social media marketing allocated towards them because compared
to Instagram, Facebook-generated ads are a decent amount more expensive.
Facebook covers both the target audiences and a widespan of individuals
overall, so spending more money on that platform will be more beneficial.
Facebook is the third most visited site worldwide so the amount of reach that
these ads would gain is immense (Devgan, 2021).
Media Plan: Social Media 72

By accomplishing the first objective, Mercy House will gain immense
potential for receiving donations. This is because the expansion of social media
sites maintained by Mercy House, along with the development of creative
social media campaign strategies will effectively increase Mercy House’s digital
reach and awareness. Utilizing LinkedIn Ads will bring in many professionals
from the local Rockingham and Harrisonburg areas and bring attention to
Mercy House. LinkedIn can also help with networking for potential
partnerships with businesses that can further help Mercy House reach donation
and fundraising goals. TikTok will be used to show Mercy House activities and
thrift store finds. TikTok can also help bring in a younger audience of donors
and increases the chance Mercy House could go viral online. TikTok has over a
billion monthly active users and its popularity and prevalence have increased
45% since June 2020 (Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard,
2022). TikTok can provide video insight to prospective donors about life at
Mercy House and what donors can do to help. Mercy House can also use
Instagram to increase reach and awareness. With Instagram, Mercy House can
consistently post many times a week on both the timeline and with stories to
update on the happenings at Mercy House. Instagram’s unique emphasis on
photo and video media posts allows for creativeness and Mercy House’s ability
to grab attention. Instagram has 824,500,000 users between 18 and 54 years old,
which captures both main target market ages. Additionally, Instagram is the 7th
most visited website in the world (Hootsuite) and has been the safest social
media to make sure Mercy House is reaching its followers and target audience.
Mercy House can also cross-platform many of its social media sites and
promote each social media through each other. Doing this will increase Mercy
House's followers on each site and thoroughly integrate marketing

For objective two, increasing the frequency of engagement with Mercy

House's social media accounts will create a better following and the potential
for repeat and new donations. Mercy House can post interesting and intriguing
social media posts so that users will repost and interact with the Mercy House
page. This can be done through the
Media Plan: Social Media
Rationale cont.
help of users who already have a large following on social media, to advocate
for Mercy House by sharing their social media page with its followers. Ideally,
the best person to partner with would be Tim Miller, who is the vice president
of student affairs at JMU. He is a great fit because he has 8,500 followers, who
are mostly JMU students, which is a target market that Mercy House is trying to
pursue. JMU football is another partnership that would be ideal for Mercy
House, as they have a large following, and individuals who follow JMU football
are highly likely to be living or involved in the Harrisonburg area. Further, the
JMU football website is a great spot to advertise because thousands of people go
onto the website to purchase tickets for the game, and they will be exposed to
the advertisement (James Madison University Athletics). Additionally, having
the JMU football Instagram account repost and market the Mercy House social
media pages will bring more interest and potential donors to the Mercy House.
The JMU football Instagram page has over 20,000 followers, which is a large
following compared to what Mercy House has. Having the JMU football
Instagram promote Mercy House creates awareness and more interactions with
Mercy House’s social media pages.

The goal of objective three will be reached if Mercy House can increase
traffic to their account page by using a scheduling pattern for posting.
Scheduling during peak season optimizes the overall reach of the posts. By
utilizing this it is easy to see gaps in impressions in the advertising Mercy
House releases. This allows for better coverage of social media advertising and
expands reach to potential donors in the Harrisonburg area while staying
organized. Scheduling patterns will change for the mediums of delivery
because the most optimal posting times vary across platforms. For instance, a
consistent stream of content from multiple social media platforms can keep
Mercy House’s most likely donors and supporters engaged every single day.
Twitter is an effective social media in terms of reach, increasing traffic,
boosting engagement, and bringing users to Mercy House website and other
social platforms. This is the same case for Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and
LinkedIn when utilizing the correct times to post and add content.
Media Plan: Social Media

Rationale cont.
With Twitter, Mercy House can align its views and ideas through social
media to easily interact with Mercy House followers and potential donors.
According to a SproutSocial survey, 55% of consumers want brands to help
them connect with likeminded people through social media, and Twitter is the
best social media platform for back-and-forth engagement (SproutSocial, 2019)
Further, according to StatusBrew, 47% of people that visit a business Twitter
profile, also visit the website if linked with profile (StatusBrew, 2018)

LinkedIn can allow users of their ads to target by skill set, degree, industry,
company size, job title, job function, and more. All these ways to target can be
beneficial to Mercy House because LinkedIn is the best place to specifically
target people. If an ad was made that targeted a specific type of job, and all
holders of that job are known to likely be giving, that group can only be
reached by LinkedIn. Another way that LinkedIn is highly useful for
advertising is the function they provide of sending direct messages to active
users. This is very useful in that people are more likely to engage with the
message if they receive it while using the app (Alexander Kesler August 9,
Media Plan: Social Media Marketing
LinkedIn Post

Facebook Post
Media Plan: Support Media

This section is modeled to achieve support media objectives to better bring
awareness to the Mercy House mission. These objectives will work to achieve
the support media objective to increase the number of consumers that view our
advertisement by 40%, which will be achieved through different advertisement
exposures on the JMU campus and around the Rockingham and Harrisonburg
area by December 31st, 2023. The objectives below all follow the campaign
theme that has been used throughout the plan, which is “Build Community.
Bring Change. Donate to Mercy House”. When advertising at JMU,
advertisements will create awareness through posters and flyers at bus stops.
Bus stops are a frequent space where JMU students are in order to take the bus
around campus. Car stickers will also serve as another supporting media for
Mercy House. This is a simple and inexpensive way to have loyal customers of
Mercy House advertise on their cars, laptop, or wherever they wish to place the
sticker. Receiving this sticker is a physical gift that serves as a constant
reminder to the user that they donated to Mercy House. Another focal point of
support media is to have advertisements around the JMU campus. This can be
done with banners around the football field, advertisements on the ICS bus,
and advertising on the starships around campus. These spots on campus are
good for advertising because they will be exposed to hundreds if not thousands
of students daily. This will reach the target market of JMU students and faculty
members that are on campus. Guerrilla marketing will also be utilized for the
support media. This is an inexpensive and efficient way to grab the customer's
attention and stand out from other competitors. All these objectives reach our
target audience of young college students aged 18-22, and the primary market
of parents in the Rockingham County area, reminding them in this story that
they can influence their community and donate to Mercy House.
Media Plan: Support Media
Objective 1:
Increase the number of consumers that view support media
advertisements to increase reach of Mercy House's mission in the
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County area by 30% to increase
awareness of the Mercy House cause by December 31st, 2023.
Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Transit advertisements through Outdoor ads throughout the JMU
JMU’s campus and the surrounding Campus, the mission of Mercy House
areas to provide frequent visibility will be distributed on a frequent basis
creating an immense amount of with the amount of traffic that is
awareness towards Mercy House. present through campus.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1
Placing advertisements throughout the Putting advertisements throughout the JMU
numerous JMU ICS buses and all the other lines ICS bus stops shelters will attract frequent
that Harrisonburg Transit buses run through. attention of people. Consumers will
When people are on buses, they are likely to therefore see the different services Mercy
read a catchy advertisement within their House offers. Many students ride campus
immediate area. Therefore, it would be a great buses throughout the day, and when they
opportunity for Mercy House to bring awareness are waiting for the buses to come, they will
to its name and mission by placing be able to see the ad and read more about
advertisements on the inside of the buses for Mercy House’s mission and how they can
people to read and be occupied. contribute to their cause.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Mercy House gives donors the option to have them Using JMU starships to broadcast Mercy House
personally come to pick up their donations, the car and their mission. They run all day long, so this
that they use solely to pick up donations can have reaches students regardless of what time of day
their logo decal as well as a brief statement. This they are on campus to be exposed to these
will catch the attention of potential donors as they advertisements. People also take pictures of
drive to bring awareness to Mercy House's mission starships for their stories, so it will bring even
and cause. more attention to Mercy House and their cause.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Car stickers can be handed out to loyal customers and
A banner on the side of Bridgeforth Stadium.
donors at Mercy House. They can advertise the Mercy
Placing a stadium advertisement will be able to
House mission on their personal cars, building brand
generate a lot of attention because of the
loyalty among customers with Mercy House. Individuals
thousands of people who attend JMU Football
will see how others stand behind Mercy House’s mission
games are students and people who live within
and spark interest in consumers wanting to do the same,
the Harrisonburg community.
generating more donations for Mercy House.
Media Plan: Support Media
Objective 2:
Increase the frequency that consumers view advertisements
during continuous advertising periods by 40% to increase
awareness of Mercy House's mission and encourage consumers
to donate by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
In-store advertising to increase the Guerrilla marketing to promote the
number of people who see frequency that potential donors see
advertisements. This creates more and recognize Mercy House's image
awareness of Mercy House's overall and mission. Will help boost
mission, services offered, and needs. publicity in Harrisonburg.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Brochures will serve as a physical An artistic graffiti mural in downtown

advertisement so that consumers can read more Harrisonburg, made by JMU art students for
information about Mercy House. Brochures can free, as they know they are supporting a good
also be passed along to other people to spread cause. This will create a buzz and has potential
the information. The brochure will include the for local news coverage which will attract a lot of
colors of Mercy House and will be able to pop people within both the primary and secondary
out to the people who come across them and target markets and spark interest in these people
spark interest in wanting to read it. to want to contribute to Mercy House’s cause.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Through the usage of their window displays at the

Using chalk around campus to spread
populated restaurants and stores located downtown
awareness of Mercy House to the secondary
Harrisonburg, it will be able to be visible to both of
market of 18-22-year-olds. By doing this, JMU
our targeted markets. It really hones on the topic of
students will be constantly exposed to such
community because all the local businesses will be
things as Mercy House’s locations, its mission,
wanting to help once they find out about Mercy
its social media accounts, its logo, slogan, the
House’s mission of giving back and helping the less
theme of this campaign, etc.
fortunate within the community.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Display ads throughout Valley Mall. People who are

Hanging up a tarp at the Block Party in the ‘Burg
at the mall are there to shop for new clothes.
event JMU hosts for new freshmen during FROG
Through the emphasis on needing donations, they
week that introduces them to all that downtown
will be inclined to go home and make room for their
has. Mercy House will be able to encourage the
new clothes by getting rid of their previous ones and
freshman to put a handprint with paint onto the
donating to the people in their community who are
tarp so that it sparks buzz and interest towards
genuinely in need of those kinds of items and can’t
their company and what they stand for.
buy them for themselves. 
Media Plan: Support Media

Budget Rationale
When it comes to bus advertisements we will allocate $200 per 4 weeks. The bus
advertisements will be posted three times a year during Mercy House’s peak seasons.
Because of this $600 was allocated towards ICS bus stop shelters. This price may
differ because JMU could potentially want to decrease the cost of the advertisement
because of howTactic
good the#1cause of Mercy House is. The cost of bus interior ads are
roughly $20, so Mercy House could implement this three times per year during the
peak seasons. Mercy House will want to choose six different buses to gain greater
reach. The cost per bus will be $60, therefore the total cost for the six buses will be
$360 which is very cheap considering the amount of reach the bus ads will be getting
(Bus Advertising and Bus Stop Shelter Advertising - Bus Ads in 200 Markets). An
average car is around $15 per square foot, as Mercy House would put their logo on the
side of their company car, which will be 3 feet by 2.5 feet, allocating $75 towards that
vehicle of the budget (Quora). When printing stickers to be placed on the Starships
that run throughout
JMU campus, the same company will be used so the pricing
per square foot will remain the same. The sticker advertisement will be 1 foot by 1.5
feet and have 8 printed to be able to be placed on different Starships that will increase
reach and frequency towards the secondary market of students at JMU. 1,500
brochures will be distributed during the time frame of this campaign and the total
price per 1,000 is $237.36. Therefore $355.86 is allocated towards the brochure vehicle
towards our budget. Mercy House would want to be able to distribute more brochures
throughout the campaign, however, due to budgeting, they will not be able to do
more than the 1,500 (PsPrint). The budget of the banner is the amount that costs to
print it. Because the JMU athletic department liked to pair banners
causes, they will allow us to cheaply advertise (James Madison University Athletics).
The average cost for a window display ad is around $1,000, therefore there is little
amount allocated towards the advertisement to display within the Valley Mall (Store
Design Fees: Trio Display).
Media Plan: Support Media

To achieve the first objective, using transit advertising is a great way to
reach potential donors all over the Harrisonburg area. Transit ads are very
attention-grabbing and can reach people all over the city to guarantee a wide
audience. They are also incredibly repetitive for people who take the bus
consistently. A recent study found that 78% of U.S. residents 16 years or older
have noticed transit advertising in the last month (Nielsen out-of-home
advertising). Further, according to an MRI-Simmons study published in
Statista, 83% of out-of-home advertising use cars as their primary mode of
transportation, meaning transit advertising will certainly reach a plethora of
impressions on the roads every day (Statista, 2022). Additionally, placing a
Mercy House logo decal on the truck that picks up donations will bring
increased attention. As previously stated, transit advertising with this tactic will
lead to many impressions from other drivers on the road and reach a wide
audience of potential local donors in the area. Handing out car stickers to
people who donate will help our donor's cars also become advertisements in
the community. According to, 96% of Americans travel
in a vehicle either as a driver or a passenger in a week span. This further adds to
the idea that even a small car decal can create an abundance of impressions.
People are sure to notice car stickers and will get the Harrisonburg community
thinking about Mercy House (Bigpicturegraphics).

As well as using transit advertising to complete objective one, using outdoor

advertising around the JMU campus is perfect for gaining the reach of the
secondary target market. There are many potential spots for placing outdoor
ads around campus that will give Mercy House the most coverage, such as on
Starships, at the ICS bus stops, and around Bridgeforth Stadium. The ads on
Starships will stand out to students because currently, JMU dining ads are the
only ads on starships. They also travel around JMU to effectively reach all of
campus. Advertising at the ICS bus stops will catch the attention of people
around campus as well and will be one of our cheapest methods of advertising.
These ads will also be up 24/7 during peak donation seasons, increasing the
possible reach of the advertisements. Lastly, the advertising with a large banner
at Bridgeforth stadium will potentially gain huge reach during events such as
football games with the amount of foot traffic going through this area.
Media Plan: Support Media
Rationale cont.
To reach the second objective, the implementation of in-store advertising
will be an effective medium for increasing the frequency of impressions and
bringing awareness to advertising. In-store advertising will additionally
promote the Mercy House brand image in stores. One method of in-store
advertising will be with brochures. Brochures are cheap, easy to distribute, and
can provide a plethora of information to customers in-store. According to a
study by Bentley University, 61% of people buy products once they see them in
brochures (Bentley, 2016). Further, brochures tend to stick around households
for approximately 38 days, leaving a larger number of impressions. A window
display will also help leave a lasting impression on in-store visitors. Greater
window advertising will draw greater attention and create more recognizability
for people passing by. According to market researcher Brandon Gaille, 8 out of
10 customers have entered a store solely due to its signage, proving window
display advertising is an effective technique for bringing more visitors in
(Gaille,2017). Display ads at the Valley Mall will also increase the number of
people that view Mercy House advertisements. The Valley Mall is a surefire
way to advertise to consumers in the Harrisonburg area. Mall advertising can
also reach a broad range of potential donors. This advertising will capitalize on
people looking to buy new clothes and can direct them to shop at the cheaper
alternative which is Mercy House.

In trying to achieve objective two, the use of guerrilla marketing will

increase the frequency of advertisements being viewed due to the potential
buzz created through this medium. Things such as an artistic graffiti mural, a
chalk campaign, and the Block Party in the ‘Burg tarp will be effective guerrilla
tactics. The artistic mural could be featured on the local news and will forever
be a part of the Harrisonburg area. A statement by Grassroots Advertising says
it best, “Murals start conversations and discussions. It’s interesting and exciting
to try to figure out what a painting represents." Murals empower us to view
things from different perspectives (Grassroots) So many ideas, opinions and
emotions can be incorporated into a single mural. With the help of the internet,
people can share pictures of murals from all over the world.” This shows how
murals spark interest and can be highly useful to Mercy House in the short run
and the long run. Lastly, the tarp that would be made by JMU students during
the Block Party in the ‘Burg would be a very effective method to increase
awareness of Mercy House in JMU students' minds.
Media Plan: Support Media



Bus Stop
Media Plan: Direct Marketing


This section includes strategies and tactics to achieve direct marketing

objectives to achieve communication objectives of bringing awareness to the
Mercy House mission, as well as encouraging usable, high-quality donations by
December 31st, 2023. This will be done through personalized thank you notes,
invites to events, subscriptions to Mercy House notifications, in-store handouts
like business cards, as well as information booths. On these deliverables, the
campaign theme of “Build Community. Bring Change. Donate to Mercy
House.” will be included to encourage people to donate and spread Mercy
House's mission. In this, the story told is that community members can create
change in the community through donating to Mercy House and that they have
the ability to help families. These tactics will reach both the primary and
secondary market through handouts and subscriptions. More specifically,
through information booths at the Harrisonburg farmer’s market, Mercy
House can reach the primary market of parents in the Rockingham County
area, while at the James Madison University farmer’s market, Mercy House can
reach students in the Harrisonburg community and encourage them to donate.
This allows Mercy House to personally connect to consumers, bring awareness
to their cause, and build relationships with potential donors.
Media Plan: Direct Marketing
Objective 1:
Increase reach of handouts to efficiently expose consumers to Mercy
House's message by 40% to further increase awareness of the Mercy
House mission in the community by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Mercy House can send out personalized Donors and buyers can sign up for
ads. This will gain more attraction to the Mercy House subscriptions. They can
primary target market because they are keep up with upcoming events and
older and may not be as tech-savvy. news Mercy House wants to convey.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

By sending out personalized thank you postcards Subscription text messages. Mercy House
to the primary target market. These will would have a text message list that would
incentivize them to feel the need to donate and be direct communication to the consumer.
contribute to Mercy Hose’s cause. This will make Text messages are more likely to be read
people feel good about their donations and make before emails. It is quick communication
it seem like their donation matters. with the consumer.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

The usage of printed invitations will create Subscription emails. This is an email list for
more sentiment in the donors and individuals customers who wish to receive newsletters
because rather than receiving a clear and special announcements regarding Mercy
automated online invitation it will feel more House. These emails will be sent on a
personalized. When there is more monthly basis. Helps create a loyal customer
personalization behind something it makes base. It is a great way to advertise events or
someone feel more inclined to contribute discounts with little effort.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Solicitation/fundraising letters Mercy House can

Newsletter subscriptions where consumers
send them out to individual donors and prospects to
subscribe to newsletters to be informed on
attract more individuals to feel inclined to donate to
upcoming events. Mailing newsletters can
their cause. These letters will allow Mercy House to
also serve as a reminder to donate to
express its story, mission, goal, and the overall need
Mercy House and encourage consumers to
for consistent donations and support from the people
share the message.
of Harrisonburg and the surrounding areas.
Media Plan: Direct Marketing
Objective 2:
Increase frequency that consumers view Mercy House direct
marketing deliverables by 40% to increase usable, high-quality
donations so that people are reminded of Mercy House and are
further motivated to donate by December 31st, 2023.
Strategy 1 Strategy 2
In-person direct personal selling to put
Utilizing In-store direct marketing to
real-life faces to the brand name of
increase consumer retention of
Mercy House and allow for personalized
Mercy House and their mission.
communications with potential donors.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Handing out stickers to customers when they make a Farmers Market downtown to target our
purchase with Mercy House will encourage them to primary market mostly, and some of our
place Mercy House's logo on laptops, water bottles, secondary market. This farmers market is
and more, thus advertising Mercy House. This will held on Saturdays and Tuesdays, and because
help increase awareness because having people have it is open 2 days a week, it is a popular event
the brand logo of Mercy House on their personalized when open. Setting up a booth at this farmers
items will generate talk amongst individuals market will be cheap and expose you to
wondering what and who Mercy House is. plenty of potential customers.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2
Mercy House customized bags that are for sale during Farmer’s Market on campus/ information
purchases in place of regular plastic bags. Frequent booth with boutique items. The farmer's
shoppers will want to purchase these bags because they market is a popular event held at JMU every
will want to have the same bag to use for all their Wednesday from March to April. Boutique
purchases or when they have goods to donate. This items will be used to grab the user's attention
will increase awareness of people other than our and purchase. The boutique items are a great
consistent consumers because they will be reminder for Mercy House, as consumers will
representing the brand of Mercy House. associate Mercy House with the boutique item.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Handing out business cards at the store and other events Clothing drive where Mercy House
that Mercy House is present at. Business cards are a cheap representatives come to campus to personally
way to create exposure, as they are something you can pass accept clothing donations. This will give the
on to others for a lasting effect. Business cards also bring a representatives the opportunity to spread more
positive brand image to Mercy House, as it makes them awareness of their mission in person so they can
look professional and stand out from their competitors. convey exactly what they want. It will also be
The business cards will use the color scheme of Mercy more personalized and tailored toward the
House, and provide other information such as the address, secondary market because it would be face-to-
phone number, and location. face rather than through different forms of
online and print advertisements.
Media Plan: Direct Marketing


Budget Rationale
Regarding email subscriptions, the consist plan costing $20/month including
all benefits is recommended for Mercy House. Therefore, $120 is allocated to
these subscriptions so they can be sent out to frequent donors as well as
prospective donors on a bi-monthly basis (Adam Rowe November 2nd, 2021
10:49 am et al., 2022). For sending postcards, print invitations, and solicitation
letters, it will cost around 30 cents per print to mail these to local Harrisonburg
and surrounding area residents (Bruce). Text message subscriptions cost 20 cents
per message which will generate a reach of about 4,000 people, meaning the
money that will be allocated towards the text subscriptions amounts to $800. The
use of newsletters will cost a total of $150 to reach 5,000 people. This is based on
a $30 CPM (Santora, 2021). For printing custom stickers, the website used to
make them will yield 2,500 stickers for $150 (ProfJohn et al., 2022). On the
website Vistaprint it costs $17 to be able to print 100 quantities of business cards.
The executive director, Shannon Porter, would not need more than around 800
business cars. Therefore, there is $136 put towards the printing of business cards
that she will be able to distribute around and have individuals have her, and
Mercy House contact information. To create reusable tote bags to have available
to Mercy House shoppers, it will cost $212.00 for 200 bags (4AllPromos). On
average, reserving a booth at the farmers market will cost a total of $500 for 6
months of holding a spot. That $500 was allocated within the budget for the
booth, however, it may be less as Downtown Harrisonburg is less populated than
most other places (Dykman, 2021).
Media Plan: Direct Marketing

Sending Mercy House customers, a thank you note is an effective way to
grow customer loyalty, boost morale, and improve public relations. Thank you
notes are unexpected ways to show your gratitude for the customer. This will
effectively generate positive word of mouth from customers to potential clients
92% of consumers trust the suggestions from their friends and family. These
thank you notes will also be personalized to the consumer, making the card
unique to the customer. Thank you notes are used because 64% of Americans
prefer handwritten notes compared to electronic messages. The subscription
email is an effective way to reach out to our prior customers because it is the
fastest and most efficient way to reach someone. This is how Mercy House will
keep its customers engaged and aware of what is happening. Mercy House is
going to grow trust and loyalty using newsletters. The newsletters are not
intended to be a nuisance, but to deliver a short and catchy message
(Handwrytten, 2022).

In-store direct marketing is an effective strategy to reach a higher number of

potential donors. One tactic for this will be handing out stickers when people
donate or purchase items at the thrift stores. Stickers can last for long periods
of time on items to help leave a lasting brand impression and reach the eyes of
many people. Stickers are also extremely affordable and can help create lasting
relationships with donors. Stickers can integrate with the other marketing
efforts and boost our promotions. Further, customized Mercy House re-usable
bags are an effective tool for reaching higher impressions and creating a
relationship with our customers. According to the Advertising Specialty
Institute 2019 Global Ad Impressions study, a promotional bag averages around
3,300 impressions and is usually kept for around 11 months (ASI, 2019)
Media Plan: Direct Marketing

These statistics reinforce that promotional bags can be a further advertising
tool to reach many people even after being handed out. Business cards are
another form of in-store direct marketing to leave impressions. Business cards
have a long life and can spread Mercy House's contact info while building
relations with the donors who receive them. According to Adobe Media, every
2,000 business cards handed out can boost overall sales by 2.5% (Adobe, 2016)
Business cards are a great way to circulate Mercy House's brand image in a
professional setting and increase the number of people who recognize the

To reach objective two, in-person direct selling is an effective way to allow

for personalized communication with donors and increase the frequency of
impressions. Both the on-campus and downtown farmers' markets provide a
great opportunity to connect with donors on a personal level and leave a lasting
impression. These can reach both our primary market of older adults with kids
and the secondary market of local college students. Setting up booths at these
markets is also relatively affordable and will boost Mercy House’s presence in
the Harrisonburg community. These booths at the Farmer’s market will also
help put faces to the name of Mercy House and provide a plethora of
information to possible donors. Building long-term relations will also boost
word-of-mouth. The clothing drive that will take place on JMU’s campus is a
great way to achieve objective two because the action of donating in a
convenient location for students will gain attention in the JMU area. This will
also help build relations with the community and increase Mercy House’s
Media Plan: Direct Marketing



Mercy House
Media Plan: Sales Promotion


This section includes sales promotion objectives to bring awareness to

Mercy House's mission and increase quality donations for Mercy House's thrift
shop. The campaign theme of “Build Community. Bring Change. Donate to
Mercy House.” is included directly in deliverables to emphasize the goal of the
campaign. Additionally, the main story told is that community members can
influence their neighbors and families through donations. By participating in
donating, people can have a lasting impact on the community. Sales
promotions will encourage consumers to donate and interact with community
businesses, in turn helping families living in Mercy House apartments. These
promotions, partnering with local businesses to offer deals for donations, as
well as Mercy House promotions like sales, the use of Amazon Smile, a
continuous donor program, donation drive events, and proceeds nights, will
encourage participation in donating to Mercy House cause. This will also allow
Mercy House to reach both the primary and secondary markets through
popular restaurants and businesses, as well as events hosted in locations
appealing to the target markets that they frequent.
Media Plan: Sales Promotion
Objective 1:
Increase reach of Mercy House mission to increase knowledge of
Mercy House in the Harrisonburg and Rockingham area through
shopping promotions and partnerships by 45% in order to increase
quality donations by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Partnering with local businesses for when Utilizing numerous shopping
consumers donate a bag of clothing or a promotions through Mercy
furniture item, they will receive a coupon House's store as well as through
that goes towards another local business other online platforms.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Partnering with the restaurant Jimmy Have a “bag sale” where consumers can fill a
Madison when individuals donate 10 articles medium-sized brown paper bag with items
of clothing then they will receive a coupon and pay $10 for the bag to get people to come
for a free appetizer at their restaurant. Jimmy into the store. This will lead to an increase in
Madison is a well-known and very popular people who donate, as well as increase loyalty
restaurant amongst both target markets. rates with Mercy House.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2
The Yellow Button is a very quaint high-quality clothing
boutique in Downtown Harrisonburg, however not too many Amazon smile. This is a way to donate to
people know about them or shop there. By forming a Mercy House without any cost to the
partnership with them where people donate a certain amount customer. All they will have to do is
of high-quality clothing donations to Mercy House then they purchase a product from Amazon and
will receive a 20% discount coupon at their boutique. This will include Mercy House in the Amazon smile
incentivize people to give away clothing so they could replace section in order to have a percentage of
it with more clothing and be able to contribute to numerous their purchase go towards Mercy House.
downtown shops within their community.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Working alongside Klines, which is a popular ice

Offer a continuous donor program where if
cream spot for both target markets, will increase
a donor comes into the store to donate
people’s desire to donate to Mercy House. By
every month, their name gets advertised on
partnering with them, they can encourage people to
a donor list that is on t-shirts and at
donate. Klines can create punch cards that Mercy
different events that Mercy House hosts.
House can give to donors or after every donation
This will give Mercy House the chance to
they provide they will get one punch of their card,
show their gratitude towards their
and after every 10 punches, they will be able to get a
consistent donors and be able to make
free small ice cream of their choosing at one of the
them feel seen.
three Klines within the area for their convenience.
Media Plan: Sales Promotion
Objective 2:
Increase engagement in donation drive events and proceeds nights
promotions by 30% to increase awareness of Mercy HoHouse'suse
mission and generate donations during a flighting period of hosted
events by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Host donation drive events where Hold proceeds nights at local
people can be posted onto different restaurants within the Harrisonburg
social media platforms to be area where a portion of a customer’s
recognized for their contributions. bill is donated to Mercy House.
Tactic #1 Tactic #1

An event where if people come and donate, they Proceeds night at the restaurant Local Chop &
get their picture taken and are then featured on Grill House located in Downtown
Mercy House's Instagram highlight. This Harrisonburg. This restaurant has higher prices,
effectively encourages the secondary target especially compared to other restaurants within
market to donate and is posted to a platform the the area, so being able to have portions of
secondary target market often uses. people's bills going towards Mercy House will
be a huge amount of money coming in.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Proceeds night that reaches the primary

People who donate get to be posted to Mercy
target market of 30–45-year Olds with
House's blog, which is featured for online
families at Texas Roadhouse. Being able to
viewership. This will increase awareness of both the
have families donate a portion of their dinner
primary and secondary markets. Being able to feel
total to Mercy House will increase people’s
that sense of recognition will spark the desire to
awareness of their mission and spark their
donate so they too can be recognized by others.
interest in wanting to be a continuous donor.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Proceeds night that reaches the secondary target

Photos from donors at the event will
market for 18-22-year-olds. This would be done
also be posted to Facebook, effectively
at a restaurant that mainly gets business from
encouraging the primary target market
this demographic, such as Tropical Smoothie
to donate. Facebook is a platform that
Café and Jalapeños in Harrisonburg. These
is heavily used by many consumers,
restaurants have high rates of purchases on a
especially ones within the primary
day-to-day basis, so this will give Mercy House
target market.
the opportunity to get portions of that revenue.
Media Plan: Sales Promotion


Budget Rationale

The reasoning for the sales promotion budget is that Mercy House is going to
spend most of its sales promotion money on shopping promotions. This
includes the “bag sale” promotion. This promotion will create a lot of buzz as it
is a good deal and will get people in the thrift store, then encouraging them to
later donate as well. It increases people's want to go into Mercy House while also
giving Mercy House the option to get rid of items in order to fill their store with
more donations. Additionally, a portion of the donation drive fund is going
towards a protective donation box that can house donated clothes. The $50
spent on promotions for proceeds nights are for banners and other Mercy
House decorations that will be put around the restaurant. This will increase
awareness of Mercy House's brand.
Media Plan: Sales Promotion

To help achieve the first objective, Mercy House will partner with local
businesses. This strategy entails a symbiotic partnership where when someone
donates a certain portion to Mercy House, they will receive coupons to these
partner local businesses, benefitting both parties. The local restaurants
recommended include Jimmy Madison’s, The Yellow Button, and Klines to
attract donors from both the primary market of older adults with kids and the
secondary market of local college kids. This supports Mercy House by
potentially increasing the number of donations in order to receive these
coupons, while also increasing customers at the restaurants, giving them
goodwill and improving community credibility. The second strategy for the
first objective entails initiating newer sales promotions to boost Mercy House
donors and bring more people into the thrift store. One idea is a one-day
promotion where customers can purchase whatever they can fit into a
medium-sized brown paper bag for $10 at the store. This is a fun promotion
for customers where they are encouraged to be creative about their shopping
while maintaining the essence of $1 clothing. Further, Amazon Smile is a
costless sales promotion Mercy House can implement in which 0.5% of an
Amazon purchase will be donated to Mercy House when mentioned at
checkout. This is a great way to boost the brand image of Mercy House and
receive extra money from Amazon. According to Amazon, charities with a
focus on social action saw nearly 70% growth in Amazon smile donations in
2021 (, Inc. - Press Room). This highlights the ever-growing
importance of social action in the US and can help influence informed locals in
the Rockingham area to contribute to Mercy House at Amazon checkout. A
continuous donor program will also help contribute to the first objective. A
donor program will build a consistent relationship with customers, and
influence customers to continuously donate to Mercy House when the time
comes. This is also a great way to recognize consistent donors and give them
the satisfaction of helping and give them a chance to see the impact they are
making on the Mercy House community.
Media Plan: Sales Promotion


The second objective will be fulfilled by having proceeds nights with local
restaurants. This is an effective way for Mercy House to raise money, with little
to no expense on their end. The proceeds night is a combined marketing effort
from Mercy House and the restaurant. This will combine both markets that
each business generates alone and create additional exposure for Mercy House.
This is effective in raising money because the consumer is not sending any
extra money to the restaurant. All the customers must do is dine at that
restaurant and a portion of the money spent will go to Mercy House. The
restaurants that are targeted for these proceeds nights are more expensive than
the average restaurant. This strategy is implemented because the money
donated to Mercy House is based on the percentage of money spent at the
restaurant, so these more expensive restaurants will bring Mercy House more
money (Nonprofit Blog, 2021).
Media Plan: Sales Promotion


Proceeds Ad

Coupon from
local business
Media Plan: Personal Selling


This section includes personal selling objectives in order to bring awareness

to Mercy House and encourage the donation of quality clothing items. Through
salespeople reaching out to both the primary and secondary target markets,
consumers will feel personally connected to Mercy House and will be
influenced to donate. Mercy House representatives can walk on campus to
connect to students and inform them of the Mercy House mission, connecting
to the secondary target market. Further Mercy House can host donation drives
with representatives explaining the Mercy House mission to reach both target
markets. Mercy House can also collaborate with apartment complexes, inviting
residents to event nights to donate and speak with representatives. This will
personally engage both the primary and secondary target markets, telling them
a consistent story that can influence their community and help homeless
families in the Harrisonburg and Rockingham County area. This goes along
with the overall campaign theme of “Build Community. Bring Change. Donate
to Mercy House.”
Media Plan: Personal Selling
Objective 1:
To increase the reach of Mercy House mission through salespeople
by 40%, increasing the amount of people who are aware of the
nonprofit in the Rockingham and Harrisonburg area, to increase
quality donations to Mercy House by December 31st, 2023.
Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Utilizing Mercy House salespeople to spread Contacting JMU to hire a Federal Work-
Mercy House's name and their mission to the Study student employee to work as an
target markets to increase awareness of why assistant. Hiring an FWS student for just 5-
10 hours a week can help Mercy House
they should donate to Mercy House.
reach their goals on a consistent basis

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

The Federal Work-Study student can reach out to

Have someone paint the spirit rock that is local organizations for fundraising opportunities.
outside of Festival with Mercy House’s logo. This is a strong way to keep Mercy House involved
They can have a few representatives in looking for additional donations. Mercy House
surrounding it, and outside of Festival, in employees do not have unlimited time for
order to spread the word of Mercy House to personal selling efforts and a part-time student
many the secondary target market because employee could greatly help on a weekly basis.
that area of campus is heavily populated. Further, the student is paid by JMU so they are at
no cost to Mercy House.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

The FWS student employee can help with picking up

In-store selling from Mercy House's
donations and talking with donors. This will help
employees. They will ask customers leading
increase the amount of time Mercy House has to
questions and learn more about the
pick up its donations and allow full-time employees
customer. From that, they will suggest and
to focus on more pressing issues. Further, this allows
sell items that would match the consumer
for a younger face to visit donors and create new
to create a more personalized experience.
donor relationships with local residents.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
The FWS student can also continuously reach out
Having Mercy House representatives walk around
to current donors and keep relationships with
the quad on a nice day when there are a lot of
partner organizations. This will help bolster Mercy
students sitting out there. They can walk around
House’s presence in the community and benefit the
with snacks that have a flyer attached to them that
ability to keep positive affairs with other local non-
showcases who Mercy House is and its mission.
profits and businesses in Rockingham. The FWS
This will attract many people within the secondary
student will also provide additional
target market because of how heavily populated
communications with donors and make them feel
the quad tends to be.
important to Mercy House's mission.
Media Plan: Personal Selling
Objective 2:
To increase the frequency that target markets come into contact
with Mercy House representatives by 30% to increase quality
donations during peak donating times, using a flighting scheduling
pattern, by December 31st, 2023.
Strategy 1 Strategy 2
By placing donation booths to increase quality Donation parties at off-campus
donations by placing them in strategically apartment clubhouses. This invites
placed locations so both target markets can students to donate items and
access and utilize the opportunity. socialize with other residents.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Placing donation booths with boxes Contact The Harrison to advertise a donation
outside of residence halls on campus night where residents can bring clothes to the
during freshman and sophomore move clubhouse that can be donated to Mercy Night.
out. This creates an opportunity for large The Harrison has one of the largest numbers
amounts of donations because many times of residents so this will be a huge opportunity
on-campus students throw out their dorm to reach an immense amount of people and
furniture. raise awareness of the need for donations.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

A coat drive by placing donation boxes at The

Host a scavenger hunt at Sunchase where the
Retreat, an off-campus residential area at the
residents have to donate at least 2 articles of
beginning of Spring. This creates easy access for the
clothing in order to participate in the
secondary market to donate to Mercy House rather
scavenger hunt. This increases donation rates
than having to drive downtown and bring in their
and the mission of Mercy House in order to
donations in person. After the winter season, it is
encourage these individuals to donate more in
popular to donate winter coats and Mercy House can
the future.
capitalize on this.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Toy drives during the Christmas season at The
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in downtown Partner with Copper Beech and activity
Harrisonburg to reach the primary target market, with free food at the clubhouse. This will
because of the population of the church in the incentivize college students who live within
area. It is the season of giving and having a booth the community to come out for free food
within the church will put emphasis on the need while being introduced to Mercy House and
for these individuals to give the children of Mercy what they can do in order to contribute.
House the Christmas everyone deserves.
Media Plan: Personal Selling


Budget Rationale

The reasoning for the personal sales budget considers allocation of funding
towards the in-person visits from salespeople to spread the Mercy House
mission. There are Mercy House employees that will paint the festival spirit
rock and spread awareness of Mercy House on campus. This will cost money to
pay employees, as well as to purchase supplies. The FWS employee will receive
no money in the budget because they are being paid by JMU and will partner
with Mercy House through James Madison University's program.
Media Plan: Personal Selling

To reach our first objective of increasing awareness, Mercy House should
utilize some employees as salespeople to increase impressions and reach of
Mercy House while providing a friendly face for potential donors to see. One
way to utilize a salesperson would be to paint the spirit rock outside Festival at
JMU to boost awareness of Mercy House. The salesperson could hang around
the rock and talk to people about Mercy House who walk by. This could
provide opportunities to inform potential college donors about what Mercy
House does and how they can help. This salesperson can also walk around the
JMU quad to efficiently reach the JMU student target market. This is a
proactive measure Mercy House can take to meet potential college student
donors and handing out free snacks to students is a great way for students to
associate Mercy House with giving. Also, the use of in-store salespeople can
help customers navigate through Mercy House's store and find what they’re
looking for. This provides an additional way to inform customers about what
Mercy House does and provides a helping hand in aligning customers' wants
with what Mercy House can offer. A Federal Work-Study student employee
from JMU can further help a salesperson and a fundraiser. This FWS employee
working just 5-10 hours a week could be a huge boost at no cost to help
accomplish Mercy House's marketing goals. This employee can reach out to
potential donors and partner organizations, help to pick up donations and keep
in contact with previous donors. This student employee will do valuable work
with Mercy House at very little cost and only benefit operations.

The second objective will be achieved by placing donation booths at places

that will generate high traffic of donations. For example, donation booths will
be placed outside of resident halls during moveout in order to allow the dorm
residents to donate clothes and furniture that they do not need anymore. This
is an effective location because people at moveout are looking to get rid of
extra clothes, and Mercy House provides an easy way to get rid of them.
Donation boxes will also be set outside of churches during the holiday season.
This is done because residents are more likely to donate during the holiday
season. Also, Mercy House is an organization that is often affiliated with
Christian values, so having a donation drop box at a church is fitting. Mercy
House will also partner up with off-campus JMU housing to market donations
for Mercy House.
Media Plan: Personal Selling


Additionally, it is common for apartment complexes to have sponsored

events for the residents to get involved in. These events will include an Easter
egg hunt, a food night, and a donation night. Residents will get the chance to
win prizes for their participation in the events. This is done so Mercy House
can market directly to Harrisonburg residents, especially JMU students, to raise
awareness and increase donations. The apartment complexes will market these
events by posting on their social media and sending emails directly to the
residents. This is an inexpensive and effective way to market directly to JMU
students and get them involved in a good cause (The University of Chicago
Booth School of Business).
Media Plan: Personal Selling


Pizza Party

Winter Clothing
Media Plan: Public Relations/

This section includes public relations and publicity objectives to bring
attention and awareness to Mercy House's cause, encouraging quality
donations. Through partnerships with James Madison University classes, pro
media outlets, and holiday drives and events, Mercy House can connect to the
community to overall engage consumers and create interest to donate. This
engages both the primary and secondary market through events in
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County in sharing the story that they can
influence their community through the “Build Community. Bring Change.
Donate to Mercy House.” campaign. As consumers participate in events and
hear Mercy House news through publicity, they will connect with Mercy House
and see the community influence the nonprofit contributes, thus encouraging
consumers to do the same. Publicity through media outlets will also encourage
consumers to donate as consumers hear about the reported good that Mercy
House brings to the community. Consumers will see that they can help Mercy
House help the community.
Media Plan: Public Relations/
Objective 1:
Increase frequency that community members hear of Mercy House's
mission through programming and media outlets by 45% in order to
increase interest in donating and supporting the community through
Mercy House by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Mercy House will partner with Reaching out to different forms of
other JMU curriculums in order to local media organizations to create
raise more awareness of their news stories about Mercy House.
campaign and mission while also This will be able to raise awareness
being able to get more material and of bettering the community and
content to utilize for themselves. helping individuals in need.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Getting in touch with different SMAD classes so Contact a news outlet, The Breeze
the students can use their skills and knowledge publishes a story about Mercy House.
to be able to create graphics and digital The Breeze is a local Harrisonburg
elements that Mercy House can utilize to be newspaper that has a weekly following of
able to enhance its digital presence. more than 22,000 readers.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Provide opportunities to students who are art majors Send a WHSV a story about Mercy House and what the
in order to give them opportunities to showcase their impact is on the community. Broadcasting on the local
talent within their community in Downtown news station will reach an immense number of
Harrisonburg. This will increase traffic to Mercy individuals in the primary target market because they
House because these students will be telling their all have local cable and regularly have it playing on the
friends to go look at the work that they created. TV.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Reaching out to the Harrisonburg Daily-News

Pairing alongside communications classes at
Record to see if they want to do a story on
JMU will aid in creating effective
Mercy House. The Daily News-Record is a
communication media to be able to connect
local newspaper with a circulation of about
better with consumers in a friendly way.
23,000 (per the Daily News-Record).
Media Plan: Public Relations/
Objective 2:
Increase the desire for Harrisonburg residents to participate in
Mercy House's public activities, like holiday events, to bring the
community together during flighting events scheduled by 35%,
thus increasing community engagement with Mercy House, and
consumer desire to donate by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Holiday-centered events target the Mercy House representatives host
primary target market by creating different race events in area to
family-oriented events to sign up bring the community together
for and be a part of with people and increase awareness of their
within their community. name and mission.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1
Hold a Thanksgiving-style dinner where
everyone brings a dish and a donation. 5k charity event hosted on Mother’s
Having the Thanksgiving-style dinner is a Day by Mercy House. All the costs that
great way to get people to come and people pay in order to race will go
donate because this holiday is very directly towards Mercy House.
community and family-oriented.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2
Christmas donation drive is hosted at a
Have a bunch of representatives/workers
local church that is centered around the
from Mercy House form a marathon
“season of giving” where people will donate
team. They enter their names into a
toys and other gifts that can be packaged
popular local marathon to run and make
and wrapped up for the children of Mercy
everyone on the sidelines and in the race
House. There will be an emphasis on the
aware of Mercy House through the
fact that the kids who live within these
merchandise they wear and the flag they
houses have not had a real Christmas.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Host an Easter egg hunt where parents can pay for Turkey trot that will take place throughout
their children to be a part of it, and it would be Downtown Harrisonburg, allowing for both
located downtown where all the costs go directly target markets to sign up and be a part of it.
towards Mercy House. This will also grow the Hosting one in Downtown Harrisonburg will
community and spark people's interest in wanting gain a lot of attraction and bring an immense
to keep going back to Mercy House. amount of awareness and donations.
Media Plan: Public Relations/

Budget Rationale
The total budget for public relations amounts to $1,970, which is the highest
of all the sections included. The 5k running event that Mercy House is hosting
will cost $1,600 as it costs money to set up the event, reserve the space, and
purchase equipment for the racers. On top of this, Mercy House will have
advertisements at the event that have been considered in the budget.
Additionally, Mercy House will host an Easter egg hunt that costs $150. This
money will go towards the plastic eggs and candy that will be in the eggs.
Finally, the Thanksgiving dinner will cost $220 as Mercy House needs to buy
tables and food in order to host the event.
Media Plan: Public Relations/

In order to satisfy the first objective, Mercy House should create a
curriculum for other JMU students in different majors, such as
communications, SMAD, and art. The idea is that these students will be given a
project like what marketing students are doing to help Mercy House but
tailored to their specific major. This is being done in order to utilize a different
set of students to help Mercy House that has a different set of skills. These
majors are creatively talented and will help Mercy House create different
graphics to lure in more donors. Communications majors will contribute by
improving public relations and helping with marketing efforts. This will be
done through media campaigns, and Mercy House can work with the
communications majors to figure out which media works best to advertise.
Mercy House will also reach out to local news outlets and send them
information about the impact Mercy House has on its community. This is done
in hopes of securing a news story and getting positive public relations from the
news networks. If a news network decides to publish an article or story about
Mercy House, this will be free exposure to thousands of Rockingham residents.
This will gain the trust of potential customers and donors, as they will see that a
news network published a story that proves the authenticity of Mercy House.
In order to reach the second objective, Mercy House should host events such
as Thanksgiving dinners to grow awareness. This event is done because it
follows Mercy House's values, which is giving back to the community. The
event will bring the community together for a good cause. These types of
events can be done during different holidays, such as an Easter egg hunt and a
Christmas donation drive (World Vision, 2018). These events will be effective
because they are at times when families are together and there is a so-called
“holiday spirit” which makes families want to donate to local causes, such as the
Mercy House. Other events that get the residents of Rockingham County
involved will be the Turkey Trot, Mother's Day 5k, and marathons. This is done
in order to get people physically involved and supportive. Residents can get
active and fit while supporting a good cause.
Media Plan: Public Relations/

These events are put together so the entire family can get involved. For
example, a local family can run a turkey trot after enjoying a Thanksgiving
dinner together. These events will prove effective because they will draw a big
crowd and the event will take place all over Harrisonburg, so many residents
will be exposed to the Mercy House brand when they participate or drive by
the event (Shrapnel Media, 2017).
Media Plan: Public Relations/


5k Turkey

Toy Drive
Media Plan: Sponsorship


This section involves the sponsorship recommendations for Mercy House

and how sponsors can increase awareness and donations. Sponsorships are a
way to affiliate Mercy House with another brand or event. These are done in
order to improve brand image and prestige in a company. The sponsorships
are used to influence the target market to donate and shop at Mercy House.
This provides Mercy House with an opportunity to partner with JMU, in events
such as football games in order to reach a large audience that fits the target
market. Mercy House has opportunities to sponsor events that are off-campus
and reach the target audience, such as sponsoring the Harrisonburg Little
League. By sponsoring this event, Mercy House is improving its brand image
by sponsoring a kid's event and they are exposing the brand to the parents, who
could be potential donors. These events will tell the story of how community
members can influence their community by donating to Mercy House with the
campaign “Build Community. Bring Change. Donate to Mercy House.”
Media Plan: Sponsorship
Objective 1:
Increase participation in Mercy House-sponsored activities in the
Harrisonburg and Rockingham County areas by 40% in order to
increase interest to donate to Mercy House by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Sponsor different sports games
Sponsoring and contributing
and host events are heavily
donations to JMU student
populated stadiums in order to
organizations events to create
bring attention and awareness to
Mercy House’s name and mission.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1
InterVarsity events, sponsor a formal event
Sponsored kick during halftime at a JMU by donating money in order to be
football game where audience members announced to spread Mercy House's
have the opportunity to sign up and message. By providing money to their
compete to kick a football into the end formal these individuals will feel grateful
zone. The winner receives a gift card and more inclined to give back to Mercy
from a local business within the area. House to return the favor and support
their mission and cause.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Mercy House will sponsor a Harrisonburg Little

Contribute a space to host the JMU
League team in order to be able to print the
Acapella group so that they can sing to the
Mercy House name and logo on their uniforms.
residents of the Mercy House as well as
This will increase an immense amount of
give them the ability to invite whomever
awareness of the primary target market because
they would like. It would be an incredibly
the parents of the children on the team will be
positive event for the residents and give
introduced to their name and spark interest for
them something to be happy about.
them to learn more about Mercy House (League).

Tactic #3 Tactic #3
Broadcast a sponsored message at a baseball Sponsor Young Life events and provide
game where the announcer can take a materials and snacks. Mercy House is
moment to announce Mercy House's very faith-oriented in its mission and
message and encourage attendees to donate morals of the company. This will greatly
quality clothing items. This would effectively encourage Young Life people to want to
reach the secondary target market because contribute to their cause and mission in
JMU Athletics has a huge following. any way that they can.
Media Plan: Sponsorship
Objective 2:
Increase community engagement with Mercy House during
flighting scheduled events by 30% through sponsored activities in
order to increase the desire to donate and support Mercy House's
mission by December 31st, 2023.

Strategy 1 Strategy 2
Sponsored local school Host a Mercy House-sponsored
reward events for the classes Art Show in Downtown
who raised the most donation Harrisonburg to be able to create
money and tangible goods. a fun event for everyone within
the community.

Tactic #1 Tactic #1

Create a competition between classes at Reach out to JMU art students to showcase their
Smithland Elementary School to see which class art along with a Mercy House mural to bring
can bring in the most monetary and clothing the community together to see art, as well as
donations. The winning class who has the most bring exposure to Mercy House's mission. This
amount of donations brought in will win a will increase a lot of word of mouth throughout
sponsored pizza party from Mercy House. the secondary target market.

Tactic #2 Tactic #2

Hold a competition at Skyline Middle Get in touch with local Harrisonburg and
School where each grade works together to Rockingham County artists to encourage the
bring in the most donations within a span of primary target market to attend the art show
a week and whichever grade as a collective and thus encourage donations and spread
whole gets a sponsored ice cream party awareness of Mercy House. This will also give
during their free block. the local artists the chance to broadcast their
own art to others in their community.

Tactic #3 Tactic #3

Reach out to the parents in Mercy House to

Host a donation drive at Harrisonburg
ask if their children would want to feature
High School and whichever grade raises
their school artwork in art showcases of
the most amount of money for donations
their drawings. This would directly
towards Mercy House wins a chick fil
influence both the primary and secondary
catered party for their lunch block.
target markets to increase awareness of the
children that the impact of their donations.
Media Plan: Sponsorship


Budget Rationale
The total spent on the sponsorship section amounts to $945. In this, $500 will
be spent at JMU sporting events as it costs $250 to have a 15-second
advertisement announced, and two announcements will increase both reach and
frequency that consumers hear Mercy House's mission. Mercy House will then
have one announcement at a football game and one at a baseball game.
Additionally, $200 will be spent to sponsor a local little league team. This will
allow Mercy House to put its name on jerseys and advertise on banners around
the baseball field. Finally, $245 will be spent to provide food for the events at
Mercy House's school-sponsored donation activities that involve food. Mercy
House will purchase food from Chanello’s, Walmart, and Chik-Fil-A for the
Media Plan: Sponsorship

In order to reach the first objective, Mercy House should sponsor local
sports games in order to reach the primary and secondary target market and
increase its presence in the community. One way to increase community
presence is to sponsor a kick at a JMU football game where an audience
member will have the chance to win a gift card to a local Harrisonburg
business. This will benefit Mercy House, the local partner business, and the
entertainment value at JMU football games. Mercy House sponsoring the
giving of a gift card will also emphasize the giving nature of Mercy House
among audience members. Further, Mercy House will sponsor the jerseys of a
local little league baseball team to reach the target market of local adults with
kids. With this, Mercy House can reach many impressions in the local area at a
relatively low cost of $300. This will also increase word-of-mouth marketing
while also giving back to the community by helping little league baseball.
According to Statista, sports sponsorship in the US is expected to grow by
almost 7,000,000,000 from 2019-to 2024 (Gough), emphasizing how sports
sponsorship is a growing opportunity to target specific markets while building
goodwill among audience members. Additionally, a sponsored message at a
JMU baseball game will also contribute to Mercy House’s reach. This sponsored
message is certified to reach the local audience and another cheap approach to
reach many impressions. The sponsoring of local sports is a great way for
Mercy House to increase brand awareness in the community and get its name
out there in a positive light. Sponsoring and contributing donations to student
organizations at JMU will also increase perceived goodwill in the community
and increase Mercy House's brand awareness. Additionally, sponsoring the JMU
InterVarsity organization will help align Mercy House’s values with those of a
religious organization in the community. This will increase the awareness of
Mercy House among a freshly religious and passionate community and
increase the chance of community volunteers. According to Galaxy Digital,
25.7% of college students volunteer (The Real-World Benefits of Volunteering
for College Students), which is a large amount of volunteer potential in the
Rockingham community that Mercy House can
Media Plan: Sponsorship

reach with the right sponsorships. Further, Mercy House should sponsor
YoungLife and JMU Acapella club. Like InterVarsity, YoungLife is a great way
to market and build relationships with college students who want to make a
difference in the community. Through sponsoring events of InterVarsity and
YoungLife, Mercy House can create a lasting impact on these organizations and
establish a better chance of getting new volunteers. Also, the sponsoring of a
JMU Acapella performance for the Mercy House kids is a great way to provide
a fun time for Mercy House kids and give more people the chance to build
relationships with Mercy House. This event can be a positive event for both the
Acapella group and the kids and increase the positive image of Mercy House.

To reach the second objective, Mercy House can sponsor rewarding events
at local schools in the area to raise money for Mercy House and give prizes to
the winning classes. These will be at Smithland Elementary, Skyline Middle,
and Harrisonburg High. This will increase interest among our primary market
of adults with kids as these students ask their parents for donations to go
toward these reward parties. At a relatively low cost, these parties will improve
Mercy House's brand image and increase Mercy House’s perceived goodwill
among families. Further, Mercy House can sponsor an art show in downtown
Harrisonburg to increase community engagement with a flighting schedule.
One way this will happen is by using young local artists that attend JMU and
other schools in the area. These local students will tell their friends and family
about Mercy House and boost Mercy House’s presence among locals. Further,
Mercy House can reach out to other local artists and even the kids and families
in Mercy House to present their artwork in the art show. This can provide local
artists with a way to present their artwork in a fun way that will also benefit
charity and bolster their artistic reputations. The families at Mercy House will
also be asked if they would want to participate by putting their artwork in the
show. This will be a pleasant community event for everybody to raise money
for Mercy House while having fun in the process.
Media Plan: Sponsorship


Art Event

Middle School
Ice Cream
Media Flowchart
Budget Breakdown
Budget Breakdown

The most expensive budget channels are direct marketing, social
media, and digital marketing. The most money was allocated to these
categories because they have the most traffic and will be able to reach
more individuals within the primary and secondary markets. Social
media is rapidly growing and the amount of users on each platform
increases daily because of how easy it is to make an account for free
and have it on one's mobile device. Social media is also how Mercy
House will reach its younger audience. Young adults and teenagers are
more likely to be exposed to online advertisements. Direct Marketing
gives the ability to place advertisements in various locations all
throughout the area. These forms bring awareness to individuals
regardless of what they are doing, as well as increase brand loyalty
amongst donors giving them the ability to sign up for subscriptions
for updates on how Mercy House is doing and their current status and
The least amount of money within the budget was allocated
towards personal selling, sponsorship, and sales promotion. This is
because these channels do not match the non-profit industry. These
channels are also expensive and do not reach as broad of an audience
as Mercy House compared to the other categories utilized. Personal
selling was the least out of all the categories because using salespeople
is not an effective way to reach the target markets due to the fact that
they are not personalized messages and no one typically stops and
engages in conversation with them.
Out of the $20,000 available in the budget, $19,969 is used for all of
the different marketing campaigns. This puts a tight cap on spending,
as $31 is left in funds. This means Mercy House does not have room to
spare but is given an effective way to spend its money to bring
strength to its name and mission that increases people's desire to
donate and contribute to the incredible cause.
Measurement and Evaluation

Overall Effectiveness

Evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the campaign will be determined

by increases in brand recognition, brand awareness, brand consideration,
overall ROI, as well as reach, and frequency that consumers view
advertisements. With increases in these categories, consumers will have a
higher likelihood of desiring to donate to Mercy House. These important
attributes will be measured at specific times, in specific places, and through
specific methods. It is important to look at source factors, message variables,
media strategies, and budgeting decisions when making and qualifying the ads.
The testing of each ad will follow a similar layout. First, research and
concept testing will be done to see if the ad is worth sending to the next step.
The research done will be through such things as focus groups, to probe
consumer minds and see if the ad is on the right path. After qualifying the ad as
up to the right standards, it will be moved forward into rough testing. Ads such
as commercials will only be a storyboard at this point. The point of this stage
will be to see how consumers react to the ads and how well they comprehend
the messages within them. It is important that the intent of the messages made
will align with what the consumer draws from the ad. If there is any problem
with decoding the message, the ad will have to change until it comes across just
as it was intended to. After passing this stage, the ad will be finished and tested
again, only this time in its true form that will be released to the public. These
completed ads should accomplish reaching the right audience and be up to par
with the interest levels of consumers. Lastly, once the finished ads are released,
post-testing will be done to see the overall effectiveness of the ad. These tests
will aim to see just how well a consumer remembers, recognizes, and likes the
ads. By following this format, Mercy House’s completed ads should turn out in
the best possible form they could be in.

All in all, the usage of pre and post-testing, lab and field testing, and testing
really specific things within the ads will be highly useful in making a successful
advertising campaign for Mercy House. A mix of lab and field tests will give the
marketers the best view of how an ad will perform once releasing it as the final
product. There is a trade-off for both field and lab tests, so the best thing a
marketer could do is to weigh how the ads do with both settings of testing.
Evaluation of the
Marketing Goal

Increase donations to the thrift store or building supply store that will result
in an increase of sales by 25% by December 31st, 2023. This can be measured by
counting donations and comparing quality as well as numbers to that of before
the campaign was run. The way that the target markets respond to the ads will be
a telltale sign of if the marketing goal was accomplished.



Evaluation of
Communication Objectives

Evaluation of communication objectives will be determined using SMART

goals. This will be measured by evaluating what the SMART goal is trying to
accomplish and analyzing if it is achieved. The goals consist of increasing
awareness of Mercy House's mission, interest in donating, desire in donating,
donating quality items, as well as maintaining long-term relationships with
donors. Therefore, if communication objectives are met, these factors should see
increases due to donor interactions with Mercy House. The specificity will be
covered using tests that specifically define what measurement and medium we
are talking about to accurately make sure the donors understand. The
measurement of the goals will be covered by using statistics to certify the goals
are being reached. Attainability will be checked by how realistic the goals are,
and new goals can be set if they do not seem plausible halfway through the time
period. To check relevancy, we will see if these measurements end up having an
overall impact on the donations and not just with statistics. To measure time-
based, these goals operate on a strict timeline with plenty of time to reach each
goal and certify that the advertising has enough time to settle.
Evaluation of
Traditional Advertising
In order to make sure the traditional advertisements used for Mercy House
will be in the best form they can be in, tests will be conducted before,
throughout, and after the release of them. Pretests for print advertisements
will be as follows: consumer juries, physiological measurements, and tests
conducted through focus groups like theater, rough, concept, readability, and
other comprehension tests. These will check for advertisement recall and how
well peers believe the advertisements are working and hearing feedback.
These tests are important to make sure the advertisements are reaching the
proper target markets and are working. Post-testing will be conducted
through dummy advertising vehicles, on-air tests, and online theater testing.
Dummy advertising vehicles will see how people respond to the initial
advertising and how they respond to other advertising. On-air tests will also
be done to see the recall rates of these advertisements and if they are
considered effective compared to past advertisements and advertisements
from other local nonprofits. Additionally, Mercy House will check the ratings
of the radio and television ads and see if these ads are reaching enough
people through this medium in the timeslots, or if changes need to be made
to the advertising material or where it is presented.

Evaluation of
Digital Marketing
For digital marketing, prior to releasing the different tactics, Mercy House
can utilize field tests to check the current levels of many online measurements
to check to see how many people are viewing Mercy House website and other
online materials like the email newsletters and online advertisements. Almost
all of this will be done using Google Analytics, and the software of Google Ads
and GMass. Mercy House will embed additional links and cookies into online
materials. This could be done using a digital marketing student or the online
tutorial shown on the Google Analytics website. Once this is done, Google
Analytics will show these stats to check impressions, conversion metrics, views,
click-through rates, pay-per-click, locations of visitors, the previous website
these visitors came from, and many other statistics shown on the service.
Further, GMass and Google Ads are additional google services that will help
check these statistics. Using these three Google services, Mercy House can
measure throughout time how its online presence is constantly changing, and
what works best to bring in both previous and new visitors.
Evaluation of Social
Media Marketing

For social media marketing, further lab and field tests will be used to monitor
the current levels of engagement on our social media levels. The aspects of social
media marketing we will be both pretesting and post-testing include views, click-
through-rate, CPM, clicks by type and message placement, visitors by location
and time of day, social ROI, cross tabulating, and reach, impressions, social media
monitoring, and social media intelligence platforms. Many of these
measurements can be found by looking on these websites online through the
medium that was advertised. For example, Instagram has a website dedicated
solely to advertisers that will show many of these statistics when advertising
through Instagram ads. Likewise, other social media sites will also show basic
statistics like views, reach, impressions, and click-through-rates.

Evaluation of
Support Media
Evaluations of support media will be determined through pretesting such as
lab tests and field tests, as well as post-testing. In this, testing can be done
before posting media to evaluate what the current donation rate is, as well as
where popular locations are for advertising. Then, once the media has been
posted, testing can be conducted to assess whether the media has been
successful. If awareness of Mercy House, interest and desire in donating, and
finally, donating quality items increases, the advertising can be deemed
successful. To measure factors such as awareness, interest, and desire to donate,
consumers can be questioned whether they saw support media for Mercy
House, and what their thoughts were on this. Then, success can also be
measured by if there are more quality donations after posting support media.
Evaluation of
Direct Marketing

Mercy House can also use lab and field tests to pretest direct marketing
materials. These tests will include researching if people are coming from direct
marketing material, or if they recognize any of the direct marketing material
Mercy House is sending out. To post-test, Mercy House can utilize A/B testing,
which is performed with randomized two-sample hypotheses, and other surveys.
Further, the online direct marketing materials will be checked using Google
Analytics and GMass. These services will show the conversion rates, bounce rates,
and all the other online statistics covered in the digital marketing measurement
section. The effectiveness of direct marketing will also be discovered using
extensive surveys asking if donors have seen the direct marketing material or
visited because of this. Another way to check the measurement of direct material
is to see how many people respond back directly.

Evaluation of
Support Media

For pre-testing, Mercy House will additionally use lab and field tests like the
other mediums of advertising to measure effectiveness in settings. Afterward,
sources like objective-related conversion rates, ROO, leads generated, and
determining media equivalents will be used to measure the effectiveness of the
sales promotions. These sources will measure how the sales promotions are
stacking up compared to other Mercy House materials and if they are making a
difference in increasing donations. These sources will also measure how Mercy
House material is working as opposed to other local nonprofits and businesses
and if the material is sticking out among advertising clutter in the
Harrisonburg/Rockingham area.
Evaluation of
Personal Selling

To evaluate personal selling objectives, strategies, and tactics, Mercy House

will use further lab and field tests to test how well the current personal selling
strategies are and if they are working to increase donations. The primary way to
measure personal selling is through surveys asking how donors heard about
Mercy House and the thrift stores. The surveys will be optional to customers
and done through emails to recent donors and also as an option available to in-
store visitors at Mercy House store locations. Through these surveys, one can
get great insight into who is drawing people toward Mercy House, and if any of
the personal selling strategies are working to bring in more donations online
and in-store visits.

Evaluation of
Public Relations

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the public relations objectives,

strategies, and tactics Mercy House will conduct tests to be able to see how they
are working to spread the word and name of Mercy House for them to have an
increase in donation rates. One of the primary forms of post-testing will be
asking donors and consumers how they heard of Mercy House. This will give
them the opportunity to see which of their public relations tactics are most

of Sponsorship

In order to evaluate the strength of Mercy House sponsorships, surveys and

check-ups of in-store and online traffic will be utilized. Sponsorship will be an
option on our online and in-store surveys to see if new donors and visitors are
coming because of the sponsorships or if they are coming after hearing about
Mercy House in a different fashion. Additionally, Mercy House can measure
online traffic of online Mercy House material after the running of the
sponsorships and use statistics about these visitors' other online visits to see why
they are checking Mercy House online materials. If Mercy House sees a spike in
overall traffic, they will be able to see if the sponsorships are leading to newer
In conclusion, despite being known by select consumers in the
Harrisonburg and Rockingham communities, Mercy House is relatively
unknown by much of the general public. This plan will incorporate many
advertising strategies to bolster Mercy House’s community presence and
overall donations received. Integrating Mercy House’s marketing
communications is the most effective way to increase donations and
present a uniform theme to the community. The campaign theme of
“Build Community. Bring Change. Donate to Mercy House.” is a theme
that will best incorporate Mercy House’s endeavor to aid families in the
community experiencing homelessness. This, combined with the notion
that everyone in the community can join Mercy House to donate quality
items will spread Mercy House's mission.
To most effectively extend this message to the community and
maximize potential donations, it is recommended that Mercy House
markets extensively to two target markets. The primary target market is
local parents in the Rockingham County area, ages 30-45 years old. The
secondary target market that should be most utilized includes college
students at James Madison University, ages 18-22 years old. These markets
optimize the potential of donations by advertising to families with the
ability to give back to society, as well as college students who desire to
make a difference in the community.
The main marketing goal is to increase donations to Mercy House's
thrift store and building supply store which will result in an increase in
sales by 25% by December 31st, 2023. Further, the growing demand for
thrifting and sustainable clothing is a trend that Mercy House can
capitalize on. Mercy House has the unique opportunity to systematically
position itself as a brand that has a strong impact on the local community,
as opposed to other thrift stores that can be donated to. Overall, Mercy
House can use media such as traditional advertising, digital marketing,
social media marketing, support media, direct marketing, sales promotion,
personal selling, public relations, and pr, as well as sponsorship to best
promote its services.
Although Mercy House has many positive reviews published online,
many customers have mentioned Mercy House can improve the quality of
items available to thrift, and the cleanliness of the store. Additionally,
Mercy House does not have a fully integrated social media presence, which
provides an opportunity to upgrade and improve social media tactics.
Through regular posts on a variety of media platforms, Mercy House can
better reach both target markets and increase awareness of its mission,
interest and desire to donate, as well as actual donations. It should also be
Mercy House's goal to create long-term relationships with consumers.
Through suggested deliverables for outdoor advertising, news coverage,
holiday events, community engagement, handouts, sponsored activities,
and more, awareness of the Mercy House mission will spread through the
community, encouraging consumer engagement with Mercy House. This
will therefore help grow Mercy House's brand and bring aid to those in
Appendices 129

Traditional Advertising


Radio Script
“It is spring cleaning time and I know
all of you are going to be having large
amounts of clothes, accessories, and
other miscellaneous things that are
being purged out of your places. If
you guys are like me, you will be
staring at it all wondering what you
can do with it. Luckily Mercy House
is located in downtown Harrisonburg
and is open every Tuesday-Saturday
from 9 am-4 pm and will take all
your stuff!!! Your donations go
directly to the less fortunate within
our very own community! Donate
today and make an impact on
someone's life.”
Appendices 130

Traditional Advertising cont.

Flyer Ads
and Radio

“Families in the Harrisonburg area are struggling.

Some can’t even find a home to sleep in at night. This
sad reality is why we must do all we can to make sure
parents and their kids don’t have to endure this
unforgiving situation any longer. Your donations,
monetary or physical, whatever the amount, can bring
change to Mercy House. It is because of them that we
can give these families the opportunity to get their
lives back on track. Help fix your community. Help
change the current situation of so many families who
can't help themselves. Donate to Mercy House.

“Wondering how you can get involved in your community this

season? Take your gently used, good condition, clothing to Mercy
House today to help homeless families in the Harrisonburg and
Rockingham communities. Your donated items to Mercy House
thrift store will help to raise money for housing and supplies to
support families near you. Come by Tuesday through Saturday, 9
am-4 pm or call 540-208-7949 for more information. Build
community. Bring change. Donate to Mercy House.”
Appendices 131

Digital Advertising


Social Media Advertising

Twitter Post
Appendices 132

Social Media Advertising cont.

Instagram Ad

Snapchat Ad

Support Media
Restaurant Display

Car Sticker
Appendices 133

Direct Advertising



Sale Promotion


Appendices 134

Sales Promotion cont.

Proceeds night

Personal Selling Advertisement

Coat Drive

Appendices 135

PR/Publicity Press Release SMAD Appeal

Mercy House
JMU InterVarsity
Mercy House is partnering with JMU InterVarsity
Joining to help build a better Harrisonburg

[Harrisonburg, VA]: Mercy House today announced a

new partnership with the club InterVarsity of James
Madison University. This partnership will help support
families in need in the Harrisonburg area and help
support InterVarsity to spread positiveness in the
“This partnership will greatly benefit Mercy House,
JMU InterVarsity, and the Harrisonburg community
overall”, says Shannon Porter, Executive Director at
Mercy House. “Through our generous acts of faith
through God, we as organizations can spread
positiveness in the area and help build a better
Harrisonburg and Rockingham”. Mercy House will
help contribute to InterVarsity through sponsorship,
and InterVarsity will contribute valuable volunteering
and fundraising to greatly help our Mercy House
families. Spring 5k
The benefits of this new partnership include.
Supporting families in need in the Harrisonburg
and Rockingham areas.
Spreading Christian values in the local community.
Uplifting the local community through spreading
awareness of community issues and coming
together to fix these issues.

About Mercy House: The mission of Mercy House is

to provide food, clothes, and shelter to homeless
families in the Harrisonburg, Virginia area in a safe
community while providing services to help overcome
the barriers leading to homelessness. Mercy House is a
faith-based company that delivers services to all. Our
programs do not require religious participation and
leave matters of denomination or doctrine to
individual interpretation and guidance. We believe in
God, our loving Father; in Jesus Christ, our Savior; in
the Holy Spirit, our power towards acts of mercy; and
in the Bible our inspired Word of God.
Appendices 136

Elementary School
Baseball Game Script Pizza Party
*In a very enthusiastic fun tone* “Good
afternoon baseball fans of Eagle Field at
Memorial Veterans Memorial Park, I
hope you are enjoying your time!!! I
wanted to take a moment to encourage
you to help the people within your
community and donate to Mercy House
which is located right downtown! Mercy
House is a nonprofit organization with
multiple programs combating poverty
and homelessness in our area!! Donate
your clothes, furniture, or money today
to give back to our community!!”

Little League
Appendices 137

Buyer Personas
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