Se Inverter Installation Guide Error Codes

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Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)

This addendum is a supplement to the SolarEdge Installation Guide versions 3.0 and above (P/N MAN-01-00057-3.0 and above; This document describes error codes and how to
troubleshoot them.

Error Codes
The error messages include an error number (in firmware version 3.18xx and before) or a code (in firmware version 3.19xx and later,
including 4.x) and a description:
Error Code XXX
Error Code 3xD2
<Line 1>
<Line 2>

XXX: The error number (firmware version 3.18xx and before).

(#-X#): A code indicating the source of error and the error information (firmware version 3.19xx and later, including 4.x).
Line 1-2: Error description

The error numbers/ codes may differ depending on the inverter type (single phase or three phase) as described in the table below.
For troubleshooting errors that are not listed, contact SolarEdge support.
Make sure to have this information at hand when contacting SolarEdge Support for advanced troubleshooting.
All warnings and cautions in this manual should be adhered to while troubleshooting an error.

Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
4, 5, 6, 45, 48,
3x2, 3xC, 3xF,
8, 11, 2x13, 2x15, 94, 107-
8x11 - 8x13,
12, 18, 2x16, 3x2, 111,113, SW Error Contact SolarEdge Support.
8x3D, 8x4A -
22, 42, 2x2D, 3xC, 3xF 132-134,
8x4E, 8x50
45, 48 140
Wrong AC
N/A 112 8x4F Switch between L1 and L2 or L2 and L3 connections
Ground current surge.
AC Current Check the AC connection to the inverter
9, 13, 2x9, 2xD
N/A Surge Check with the grid operator if a large surge source or irregular
111-113 18x6F/70/71
Vac surge load exists near the site.
If the grid does not have problems contact SolarEdge support.

MAN-01-00333-1.2 Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)

Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)     2

Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,    
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
Ground faults may occur due to insufficient insulation to the
uninsulated wires when the inverter cover is
Only a qualified technician should handle this problem, and
only after taking proper precautions.
1. Turn the inverter ON/OFF switch to OFF.
10, 37, 2xA, 2x25, 76, 77, 90 8x2B, 8x2C, Ground Current 2. Wait five minutes for the input capacitors to discharge.
38 2x26 8x39 - RCD
3. Disconnect the AC breaker.
4. Disconnect the DC inputs.
5. Connect each DC string separately, turn the AC and the
inverter ON/OFF switch to ON, until the error appears for the
faulty string.
Do not connect strings with a grounding fault to the inverter. A
certified installer must fix the faulty string before connecting it
to the inverter
For further documentation, contact SolarEdge Support.
AC voltage surge. If the fault persists:

Check the AC connection to inverter.

Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
Check with the grid operator if a large surge source or irregular
load exists near the site.
AC Voltage Too Verify that the output wire size matches the distance between
8x19/ 8x1A/
14 2xE 58/59/60 High (Line the inverter and the location of the grid connection.
8x1B 1/2/3)
Use a larger gauge wire for the AC output.
Refer to the AC Wiring Application Note at:

The SolarEdge system normally eliminates DC overvoltage errors.

If the fault persists:

Turn OFF the inverter ON/OFF switch. If after five minutes, the
LCD panel does not show a low safety voltage (1V per
DC Voltage Too optimizer), check which string is malfunctioning and recheck
15 2xF 85, 86, 88, 8x34, 8x35, 8x37
High (surge) its connections to the inverter.
Proceed according to the Power Optimizer Troubleshooting
section of the installation guide.
Re-commission all inverters in the site, as described in
Commissioning the Installation.

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Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
16, 149, 95, 106,
2x10, 2x95, 8x3E, 8x49,
153, 125,126,
2x59, 2xB5, 8x5C, 8x5D,
181, 161, 162, Hardware Error Contact SolarEdge Support.
18xA6-A8, 166, 172- 8x75-79, 8x7A-
18xAA 175 7F, 8x80-83
168, 170
Over temperature
2x11, 18x75, 104, 163- Temperature
17, 117 8x47, 8x77-79 Verify proper inverter clearances.
2xB6 165 Too High
Make sure the heat-sink fins are clean and unobstructed.
Faulty Temp. Broken or unconnected temperature sensor. Contact SolarEdge
24 2x18 120 8x57
Sensor Support.
2xC5 RSD Error Rapid Shutdown hardware error. Contact SolarEdge support.
PV solar array is not properly isolated from ground earth.
Check the PV installation for isolation problems and ground
Only a certified PV installer may fix the faulty string before
25, 134 2x19, 18x86 121 8x58 Isolation Fault
connecting it to the inverter.
Refer to:
26 2x1A 122 8x59 Faulty AC Relay
RCD Sensor Contact SolarEdge support.
28 2x1C 124 8x5B
Check the grid connection.
Check the GND connection.
Phase Balance
29, 30 2x1D, 2x1E N/A Check the L1, L2 and Neutral connections.
Verify symmetric load between L1, and L2 .
Consult the local grid authority.
Grid voltage is above the country limit.
Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
Turn OFF the inverters in the site and verify AC grid voltage.
AC Voltage Too
8x1F/ 8x20/ If the inverter is located far from the connection point to the
31, 33 2x1F, 2x21 64/65/66 High (Line
8x21 1/2/3) grid, use a larger gauge AC wire.
Consult the grid operator.
If permitted by local authorities, change the grid protection
8x1C/ 8x1D/
61/62/63, AC Voltage Too
32, 41 2x20, 2x29 8x1E
67/68/69 Low Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
AC Freq Too Consult the grid operator.
34, 64- 2x22, 18x40- 8x2E/8x2F/8x30,
79/80/81 High (Line If permitted by local authorities, change the grid protection
66 59/A-F 8x87-8x89 1/2/3)
35, 67- 2x23, 18x40- 8x31/8x32/8x33, AC Freq Too
69 59/A-F 8x8A-8x8C Low (Line 1/2/3)
DC Injection
36 2x24 72/74/75 8x27/8x29/8x2A Contact SolarEdge support.
(Line 1/2/3)

MAN-01-00333-1.2 Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)

Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)     4

Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
Grid is down. When AC grid voltage returns the inverter will
40 2x28 N/A Islanding restart after the reconnection time.
If the problem persists, consult with the grid operator.
No Country Select the country, as described in the Country and Grid section
44 2x2C 44 3xB
Selected of the installation guide.
46 3xA 46 3xA Select Power Control è Phase Balance è Disable.
Voltage too high
Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
N/A 70 8x25 VLL Max Consult the grid operator.
If permitted by local authorities, change the grid protection
Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
Consult the grid operator.
N/A 71 8x26 VLL Min
If permitted by local authorities, change the grid protection
N/A 78 8x2D Grid Sync Error Check grid voltage and frequency stability.
91/92/93, 8x3C AC Over Current
18x69, 18x6A-18x6E Contact SolarEdge support.
96/97/98 8x3F/ 8x40/ Line 1/2/3
N/A 49 8x10 Contact SolarEdge support.
Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
AC Voltage Too Consult the grid operator.
N/A 99-101 8x42, 8x43, 8x44
High Line 1/2/3 If permitted by local authorities, change the grid protection
Temperature Make sure the inverter is installed in a location with ambient
118 18x76 105 8x48
Too Low temperatures within the range specified in the datasheet.
Refer to:
RCD Current
N/A 114 8x51
Surge isolation_fault_troubleshooting.pdf
Contact SolarEdge support.
Unbalanced DC
N/A 115 8x52 Contact SolarEdge support.
N/A 116 8x53 Voltage Too Contact SolarEdge support.
N/A 123 8x5A Contact SolarEdge support.
Ground Current
N/A 124 8x5B Contact SolarEdge support.
AC grid voltage malfunction. When AC voltage returns the
Islanding -
N/A 87 8x36 inverter should restart after the reconnection time.
If the problem persists, consult with the grid operator.
AC grid voltage malfunction. When AC voltage returns the
Islanding -
144 2x90 89 8x38 inverter should restart after the reconnection time.
If the problem persists, consult with the grid operator.

MAN-01-00333-1.2 Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)

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Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
145 2x91 102 8x45 UDC Max Contact SolarEdge support.
146 2x92 103 8x46 UDC Min Contact SolarEdge support.
147, 3x11, 2x96, 147, 150,
3x11, 2x96, Arc Fault
150, 2x97, 18xC, 151 Refer to
2xC6, 2x97, 8xC Detected
151, 12 18x8E
Arc detector fault_detection_application_note.pdf
152 2x98 152
self-test failed

Check, the Energy Meter CTs wiring.

178 3x6D 3x6D Internal RGM
Refer to the Energy Meter troubleshooting at:
Energy Meter
185 3x6E 3x6E
Comm. Error e-energy-meter-with-modbus-installation-
8x66 - 8x69
18x98, 18x99
1-4, 6-7 8x6A - 8x6F Fan # Failure Clean or replace the fan
Refer to:
DETECT c_fault_detection_application_note.pdf
13 18xD

AC voltage too high

Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
Turn OFF the inverters in the site and verify AC grid voltage.
If the inverter is located far from the connection point to the
grid, use a larger gauge AC wire.
Consult the grid operator.
55 18x37 V-Line Max
If permitted by local authorities, change the grid
protection values. Refer to:
AC voltage too low
Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
Consult the grid operator.
If permitted by local authorities, change the grid
protection values. Refer to:
56 18x38 V-Line Min
grid_ protection_values.pdf

57, 59,
18x39/3B/3C L1/L2/L3 AC overcurrent. Contact SolarEdge support.

61 18x3D I-RCD STEP

Ground Current – RCD. Contact SolarEdge support.
100-102 18x64-66 TZ L1/L2/L3 AC overcurrent. Contact SolarEdge support.

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Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,    
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
158 18x9C-18x9E     Contact SolarEdge support.
3/12/34 Err
199     RSD Error Rapid Shutdown hardware error. Contact SolarEdge support.
Rapid shutdown Check safe VDC voltage and if doesn't drop below 30V, check
      test failed string voltage. Set rapid shutdown functionality. Check the
  inverter for internal damage.
Contact support.
      8xB8 Pairing Error
RCD current surge.
Ground faults may occur due to insufficient insulation to the
      uninsulated wires when the inverter cover is

      Only a qualified technician should handle this problem, and

      only after taking proper precautions.

      1. Turn the inverter ON/OFF switch to OFF.

    2. Wait five minutes for the input capacitors to discharge.
      3. Disconnect the AC breaker.

      4. Disconnect the DC inputs.

      5. Connect each DC string separately, turn the AC and the

inverter ON/OFF switch to ON, until the error appears for the
faulty string.
Do not connect strings with a grounding fault to the inverter. A
127 18x7F IRCDMax
certified installer must fix the faulty string before connecting it
to the inverter
For further documentation, contact SolarEdge Support.
169 18xA9     RCD Error RCD Sensor Error. Contact SolarEdge support.
    Temp Sensor Broken or unconnected temperature sensor. Contact SolarEdge
133 18x85 fault Support.
123 18x7B     MainError Grid measurements are out of range. Contact the grid operator.
AC grid voltage malfunction. When AC voltage returns the
    inverter should restart after the reconnection time.
96,98 18x60/18x62 Trip1/2
If the problem persists, consult with the grid operator.
62 18x3E     I-RCD MAX  
Over voltage Over voltage in DC input of the inverter. Check the strings'
171 18xAB    
Vin voltage.
    Tz Over current  
163 18xA3-5 1/2/3 Contact SolarEdge support.

MAN-01-00333-1.2 Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)

Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)     7

Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
Verify that the inverter is set to the correct country.
Turn OFF the inverters in the site and verify AC grid voltage.
If the inverter is located far from the connection point to the
grid, use a larger gauge AC wire.

Consult the grid operator.

If permitted by local authorities, change the grid
Tz Over voltage
protection values. Refer to:
166-168 18xA6-8 cap1/2/3
Tz Over current
169 18xA9 Rcd Contact SolarEdge support.
Ground current surge.
Check the AC connection to the inverter.
Check with the grid operator if a large surge source or irregular
load exists near the site.
178-180 18xB2-4 Vf1/2/3 surge
If the grid does not have problems contact SolarEdge support.
137 18x89 RCD Test Contact SolarEdge support.
AC grid voltage malfunction. When AC voltage returns the
inverter should restart after the reconnection time.
96,98 18x60/18x62 Trip1/2
If the problem persists, consult with the grid operator.
8x85, 8x86 Contact SolarEdge support.
18x18 Pwr Boot error
Contact SolarEdge support.

Storage module
over temp Contact SolarEdge support.

Main Capacitor
18x17 8x17
error Contact SolarEdge support.

VDC difference Contact SolarEdge support.
Tz Boost Over
18xD2 Contact SolarEdge support.
Tz Boost Over
18xD3 Contact SolarEdge support.
18xB1 Tz Global Contact SolarEdge support.
18x67 TZ ITO Contact SolarEdge support.
18x68 TZ Misc Contact SolarEdge support.
Tz Mngr Driver Update the firmware to the latest version.
Dis Re-select the country code.
Contact SolarEdge support.
18xB0 Tz NC

MAN-01-00333-1.2 Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)

Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)     8

Error # Single Phase Error # Three Phase Error

Cause and Troubleshooting
Inverter Inverter Message
CPU v3.19xx CPU v3.19xx
v3.18xx v3.18xx
and later, and later,    
and and
inlcuding 4.x including 4.x
before before
Update the firmware to the latest version. Re-select the country
Tz OnOff switch
  18xAE     code. Perform an AC reset. Check ON/OFF Switch wiring.
  18xCC     Tz OV AC Surge Contact SolarEdge support.
Check isolation and electrical voltage.
Tz Over voltage Update the firmware to the latest version.
bridge cap Re-select the country code
Update the firmware to the latest version.
Tz Over voltage
  18xAB     Re-select the country code.
Vin Buck
Update the firmware to the latest version.
Tz Pwr Driver
  18xAD     Re-select the country code.
Contact SolarEdge support.
  18x63     TZ RCD
Contact SolarEdge support.
  18xAF     Tz RSD

System Warnings
Warnings are displayed in the initial status screen with the format: <Warning X>. For example:
Vac[V] Vdc[V] Pac[W]
1.0     0.5     0.0
Warning 8         ON
The warning is a status screen. To view the warning description, press the LCD button.
The following is a list of system warnings:

Warning #
CPU v3.19xx and LCD text   Comments and troubleshooting
CPU v3.18xx and
later, including
Appears when trying to access the Setup menus
5   Turn Switch Off to Configure
during production

MAN-01-00333-1.2 Troubleshooting SolarEdge Systems, Addendum (Europe & APAC)

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