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Focus Visit

Report for:

Oakside Solutions Ltd trading as Servosteel

LRQA reference: Assessment dates: Assessment location: Assessment criteria: Assessment team: LRQA office:

LRQ0911213/0032 10/02/2011 Dudley, West Midlands ISO 14001: 2004, ISO 9001:2008 Tim Dove Team Leader UK

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Executive report ........................................................................................................ 3 Assessment summary ............................................................................................... 4 Assessment Findings Log ISO 14001: 2004 .......................................................... 6 Assessment Findings Log ISO 9001:2008 ............................................................. 7 Assessment schedule ............................................................................................... 8 Assessment plan ....................................................................................................... 9


This report was presented to and accepted by: Name: Job title: Phill Guest Operations Director

Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited, its affiliates and subsidiaries and their respective officers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, referred to in this clause as "LRQA". LRQA assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person for any loss, damage or expense caused by reliance on the information or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with the relevant LRQA entity for the provision of this information or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively on the terms and conditions set out in that contract. MSBSE43000 Revn 3.2, 14 January 2011 Report: LRQ0911213/0032 Page 2 of 10

1. Executive report
Assessment outcome:
No non-conformance was raised during the course of this certificate renewal planning visit and it is therefore recommended that certification to ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 is continued.

System effectiveness and continual improvement:

The company is maintaining comprehensive Environmental and Quality Management Systems, which are designed to meet and are demonstrably meeting policy commitments and core values which include continual improvement, prevention of pollution and customer satisfaction

Areas for management attention:

There are currently no areas for management attention identified against either ISO 9001 or ISO 14001.

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Report: LRQ0911213/0032

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2. Assessment summary
An opening meeting was held with Phill Guest, Operations Director during which the situation with regard to the new owners, Essar, was clarified and it was confirmed that company (i.e. Servosteel) would continue to trade in an autonomous fashion as previously. It was also explained that the company was in the process of setting up a steel purchase and sale department and that the intention was to include these activities within the scope of certification as soon as possible. It was therefore agreed that a change to scope visit would be carried out on the 28th March 2011 Note added 1st April 2011 - This report was delayed until after 28th March in order to include the steel purchasing and sales activities (assuming a successful change to scope visit) in the programme for the certificate renewal visit in July 2011.

Assessment of: Assessor: Auditee(s):

Review, Preview and Plan Tim Dove Phill Guest

Related Findings:

Audit trails and sources of evidence:

Past Audit reports Current Performance System maturity

Evaluation and conclusions:

There have been no areas of major non-conformity in the past three years and no issues with the key environmental impacts covered by the Environment Agency PPC permit and equally no issues specifically related to customer satisfaction. In addition to above the system has achieved a sustained level of maturity, with many long serving key personnel still in post and a high level of integration of the EMS and QMS system requirements There is no design activity undertaken. Considering all of the above it has been determined that a four day certificate renewal visit, as indicated in the plan below, provides sufficient time to carry out an effective audit.

Assessment of: Assessor: Auditee(s):

Management Elements Tim Dove Phill Guest

Related Findings:

Audit trails and sources of evidence:

Internal Audits: EMS/QMS Audit Schedule 2010 Producer Packaging Regulations - 4.11.10 General Waste Disposal - 22.11.10
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Stock Controller - 9.11.10 SCS Sales - 1.11.10 Ph Meter Monitoring - 10.9.10 SCS Cleaning Procedure -1.11.10 Management Review Management Review Minutes 10th December 2010 Customer Complaints 447

Evaluation and conclusions:

Internal audits have been brought back on track and the indication from these audits is that there continues to be a high level of compliance. There has been only one customer complaint since the last surveillance visit - the complaint was dealt with in a satisfactory manner. The classification of ferrous chloride as a waste or co-product reported in the last visit report is still under consideration by EA, the company having provided information to the EA in order to have the material classified under the end of waste test. The situation will be further reviewed at the Certificate Renewal visit.

Assessment of: Assessor: Auditee(s):

Continual Improvement Tim Dove Phll Guest

Related Findings:

Audit trails and sources of evidence:

Management Review Minutes 10th December 2010

Evaluation and conclusions:

Improvements identified at the last management review meeting were as follows: The new sales process is to be included in the scope of certification. A training programme for the individual who is to take over the monitoring of operational, EMS and QA systems is to be developed by the end of March and is to be implemented throughout 2011 A customer survey will be carried out in April 2011 In conjunction with the training programme above the EQMS documentation is to be reviewed and where necessary re-written to reflect Essar ownership.

MSBSE43000 Revn 3.2, 12 January 2011

Report: LRQ0911213/0032

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3. Assessment Findings Log ISO 14001: 2004

Grade Status Finding Root Cause Analysis & Corrective Action Site(s) Process(es) Date Reference Clause

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Report: LRQ0911213/0032

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4. Assessment Findings Log ISO 9001:2008

Grade Status Finding Root Cause Analysis & Corrective Action Site(s) Process(es) Date Reference Clause

MSBSE43000 Revn 3.2, 14 January 2011

Report: LRQ0911213/0032

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5. Assessment schedule
Visit type > Due date > Start date > End date > Audit days > Assessment Team >
Tim Dove

Current Visit Focus Visit

Feb 2011 10/02/2011 1

Next Visit (planned) Certificate Renewal

Apr 2011 11/07/2011 14/07/2011 4

Tim Dove

Theme(s) >
Complaints, Continual Improvement, Corrective Action, Internal Audit, Management Review, Management System Changes, Use of Logo, Management Elements, Review, Preview and Plan, Sales, Environmental Aspects, Legal and Other Requirements, E A Environmental Permit, Site Tour

Process(es) >

Continual Improvement Management Elements Review, Preview and Plan Site Tour

Standard(s) >

ISO 14001: 2004 ISO 9001:2008

ISO 9001:2008

Site(s) >

Pensnett Road, Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 2HA, United Kingdom 2710 - Ferrous and non-ferrous metal primary production 281102 - EMS Metals, fabricated products Medium 5120 - Stockists, wholesalers

Pensnett Road, Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 2HA, United Kingdom 2710 - Ferrous and non-ferrous metal primary production 281102 - EMS Metals, fabricated products Medium 5120 - Stockists, wholesalers

Code(s) >

Notes and Remarks >

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Report: LRQ0911213/0032

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6. Assessment plan
Assessment type Certificate Renewal Assessment team T J Dove Assessment criteria ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Assessment dates th th 11 July 2011 to 14 July 20011 Issue date 3 April 2011

11 July 2011 Introductory meeting with management to explain the scope of the visit, assessment methodology, method of reporting and to discuss the company's organisation (approximately 30 minutes). The Team Leader will agree a time to meet with senior management to discuss policy and objectives for the management system. LRQA team briefing for a team of two or more assessors and/or experts. Discussion of all outstanding issues from previous visits. System Changes Internal Audits and Management Review Corrective and Preventive Actions Continual Improvement Use of Logos Lunch. Environmental Aspects Legal and Other Requirements and Evaluation of Compliance Report writing. Close.


12 July 2011 Review of findings from previous day. Review of the assessment plan for the day. EA Environmental Permit Lunch. Site Tour Waste Management and Packaging Waste (Wastepack) Purchasing Report writing. Close.


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Report: LRQ0911213/0032

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13 July 2011 Review of findings from previous day. Review of the assessment plan for the day. Sales Decoiling Slitting Lunch. Pickling SCS Report writing Close. 14 July 2011 Review of findings from previous day. Review of the assessment plan for the day. Emergency Preparedness and Response Maintenance Calibration Lunch. Training Document Control Review of days findings. Preparation of final report. Closing meeting with management to present a summary of findings and recommendations.


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Report: LRQ0911213/0032

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