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_____ Semester, SY _____________

Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
Self-Learning Module
___ Semester, SY _____ Quarter 2 – Module 3: Functions of Applied Social Sciences
First Edition, 2021

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Published by the Division of Romblon

Superintendent: Maria Luisa D. Servando, Ph.D., CESO VI OIC-Asst.
Superintendent: Mabel F. Musa, Ph.D., CESE

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ronecx C. Aguirre

Mary Gil M. Barrientos
Vanessa M. Casimero
Arbel P. Villan
Content Evaluator: Graciela G. Crispin
Myrna M. Venus
Language Evaluator: Joeannie B. Mariano
Illustrator: Arbel P. Villan
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Layout Artist: Rosalyn M. Wagwag
Cover Design: Apryl C. Bagnate
Cover Illustrator: Albert Xavier M. Merano
Management Team: Myrna M. Venus
Division Management Team: Maria Luisa D. Servando, Ph.D., CESO VI
Mabel F. Musa, Ph.D., CESE
Melchor M. Famorcan, Ph.D.
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Ruben R. Dela Vega
Leopoldo M. Mago Jr.
Leona Lynn F. Famorcan
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Hello Senior High students! In this lesson you will learn to explain each of the functions
of applied social sciences.

Before we proceed, did you know that applied social sciences can promote social
change? The disciplines of applied social sciences – counseling, social work and
communication – can create better institutions and better societies as it affects all aspects of
our lives. These disciplines help us to understand and how to interact with the social world by
influencing others through motivation, to develop networks in our society, and to abide in
government rules and regulations.

Remember your lesson in the different settings, processes, methods and tools of
communication? That lesson will help you understand this module better.

The applied social sciences have different functions and uses. It is considered as a lucrative
career path. It is also applied in addressing the different problems of society today, such as in
the field of communication, counselling and social work. This lesson provides a discussion of
the importance of the applied social sciences and its functions to society. applied social

Discussion of the Lesson

Applied social sciences are the

purveyors of social justice, inclusion,
and caregiving. Their presence is
strongly felt in areas like children and
family agencies, health care settings,
schools, correctional facilities, setting
that serve older adults as nursing
homes, military veterans and active
duty military personnel agencies.

Applied social science services
are indispensable to the full
transformation of a child because they
are critical to unblocking all barriers to the
individuals, groups, and community’s
holistic development. They help the
society to see beyond the behavior
manifestations by looking beneath and to
address and uproot causes through
communication and journalism, social
work and guidance and counseling.

Applied social sciences help up

consider all to be multicultural the sense that personal class, religion, language history,
cultural, gender, social class, religion, language, etc. of individuals, groups and communities
– has to be recognized in the helping process.

The following are the functions of applied social sciences:

1. Self-development

The functions of applied social

sciences for self-development have been
discussed in this module – counseling,
social work, communication – each of which
has distinct contributions in service they put
out for self-development.

Counseling offer guidance to

individuals in varying situations of conflict,
confusion, and crisis and provides the tools for the individual to address issues of self-

Social work offer wide range of services, particularly in aid of emancipating the
marginalized individuals and facilitating the participation in the public goods and services
that are necessary for self-development.

Communication empowers the individual with listening and speaking skills in order
for them to be effective. The individual has to be assured that the message came across
accurately by considering the message itself, the audience or receiver, and how the
message is likely to be received. Self-development has to do with taking an active role in
one’s own development.

2. Persuasion

At the heart of persuasion is the ability to understand well one’s audience and its
complexity. In this kind of communication, the communicator deals with people’s basic
attitudes, values, and beliefs on issues and how to tailor the message for the audience in
order to convince them to adopt a particular point of view through appropriate channels –
TV, radio, internet, magazine and newspaper.

Persuasion often consists or contains very few words making sure each one is very
important, simple, specific, and exciting. Other than communication and journalism skills,
counseling and social work skills facilitate the ability to empathize, listen well, and to
respond effectively. Drawing on the skills of applied social sciences, persuasion energizes
itself to move audience to desired and immediate action.

3. News and Information

The proliferation of news outlets and channels require increased ability for the
audience and participants in the news making and consumption.

The new media and social media are

providing the possibility of driving the
democratization of information by
undercutting the news and information flows.
The overall information ecosystem has
changed. More small publishers have been
created forming new cluster of new players
and build pathways for interesting ideas and
statements that are finding broader

Today, we live in digitally networked world that aspires to fulfill the dream of the
democratization of thought, ideas, and flows of information. We have Facebook (founded
in 2004) that boasts of more than billion users and Twitter (founded in 2006) that has

4. Organizing, Advocacy and Mobilization

In our present day of free speech

and democracy, organizing advocacy is
very much part of social cohesion.
Issues that matter to individuals, groups,
and communities have to be raised to
political platforms and find public
solutions and policy where possible.

In organizing advocacy for

issues of great concern, one can benefit
from the core values of applied social
sciences. These values foster the
common good and inclusion and a greater sense of life in community. People are
encouraged to be in solidarity with one another and very often, go beyond oneself.

5. Socialization

Socialization is the process by which society turns an individual from being a

child into a full-pledge responsible adult or from being an outsider to becoming an

The other process that runs
parallel to this one is the enculturation
process. Enculturation is a process by
which one requires a culture of his or
her environment (Sampa, 2008).
Acculturation is the concept that refers
to the process of acquisition of a
second culture. (Sampa, 2008). Since
culture is a meaningful production:
symbols, language, values, norms and
is capable to negotiate the thin of meanings called ideal-real or worldview-ethos.

The skills learned in applied social sciences can enrich and facilitate both
specialization and enculturation. Empathy and good listening and speaking skills are
very effective in the socialization process.

6. Art and Entertainment

Art is a human creativity that involves the perceptions and imagination of an artist
trying to communicate a selective recreation of reality and giving it form into the immediate
perceptual awareness.

Arts includes theater and drama,

which are generally live, about people and
collaborative art forms. They tell a story. Art
and entertainment require active viewing,
provide self-examination, challenge
audience, and are directed at the largest
possible number. Art and entertainment can
provide nurturance and keep communities
mentally and socially healthy.

Art and entertainment such as

music, dance, or theater are forms of mass
communication that are useful and
educational, and uplift the inner feelings of
individuals, groups and communities. They
create a consistent atmosphere of
excitement and vitality that encourages
public and private investments, impressive
and successful activities and special
events, and reflects shared values related
to social and cultural diversity. They raise
awareness for important issues drawing on
the tools of applied social sciences
particularly communication and journalism.
They bring humor in depressing and
stressful moments, hence expanding the
people’s ability to endure extreme forms of
suffering and optimism.

7. Education

The education process is a well-recognized global framework and means of
socialization and enculturation. Education is an ongoing process of improving
knowledge and skills, it is an exceptional means of bringing about personal
development and building relationships among individuals, groups, and communities
and nations.

In its 1972 report, UNESCO essentially gave birth to the four pillars of education
that continue to inform and shape global education curricular: learning to know,
learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. These pillars continue to be
reinterpreted in light of changing global circumstances.

a. Learning to Know
 It implies the mastery of the instruments of knowledge themselves and acquiring
knowledge in a never-ending process and openness to be constantly enriched by all
forms of experience.
 It encompasses the development of the faculties of memory, imagination, reasoning,
problem-solving and the ability to think in a coherent and critical way.
 It involves discovery and going deeper into the information/ knowledge that is
presented or encountered.
 It enables the learner to experience the pleasure of knowing, discovering, and
understanding as a process.
b. Learning to Do
 It implies the application of what learners have learned or known into practice. It means
putting to use one’s education, knowledge, skills, and attitudes as the case in technical-
vocational education and competence or a mix of higher-order skills specify to each
 It means mastering the ability to communicate effectively with others; aptitude toward
teamwork; social skills in building meaningful interpersonal relations; adaptability to
change in the world of work and in social life; competency in transforming knowledge
into innovations and job creations; and a readiness to take risk and resolve or manage
c. Learning to Live Together
 It implies that education has to take two complimentary paths: on one level, discovery
of others and on another, experience of shared purposes throughout life. This will need
developing qualities such as knowledge and understanding of self and others;
appreciation of the diversity of the human race and an awareness of the similarities
among, and the interdependence of, all humans; empathy and cooperative social
behavior in caring and sharing; respect of other people and their culture and value
systems; capability of encountering others and resolving conflicts through dialog; and
competency in working toward common objectives.
d. Learning to Be
 This type of learning echoes
the possibility of becoming
dehumanized as a result of
technical change and therefore
puts on scaffolds. It fosters the
principle that the aim of
development is the complete
fulfillment of humankind, in all
richness of his/ her personality,
the complexity of his or her forms
of expression and his or her
various commitments as
individual, member of a family and of a community. It means being a citizen and producer,

an inventor of techniques and creative dreamer leading humankind to be more human,
through acquisition of knowledge, skills, and values conducive to personality development
in its intellectual, moral, cultural, and physical dimensions.

Practice Exercise 1
Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose the function of applied social sciences
from the box below. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

Self-development Education Arts and Entertainment

Persuasion Organizing advocacy Socialization

1. It is an ongoing process of improving knowledge and skills, an exceptional

means of bringing about personal development and relationships among
individuals, groups, and communities and nations.
2. It is the process by which society forms an individual from being a child
into a full-pledge responsible adult.
3. It is part of social cohesion where issues that matter that matter to
communities are raised to political platforms and find public solutions and
policy where possible.
4. It is the ability to understand well one’s audience and its complexity and
to convince them to adopt a particular point of view through appropriate
5. A human creativity that involves the perceptions and imagination of an
artist trying to communicate a selective recreation of reality and giving it
form into the immediate perceptual awareness.
6. It offers guidance to individuals in varying situations of conflict, confusion,
and crisis and provides tools for the individuals to address issues

Practice Exercise 2
Directions: Examine and analyze the pictures below. Identify what function of applied social
sciences describes the pictures. Write your answer in the box provided below.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

Practical Exercise 3
Directions: Give at least 3 functions of applied social sciences. Explain each function in 2-3

Functions of Applied Social Response/Explanation





Thank you for answering the practice exercises. If you answered the practice exercises
correctly, you are now ready to proceed to do the written works. If not, please try again until
you arrived on the correct answer.

Instruction: Please write your learning from the above discussion. Write your learning in
your notebook/answer sheet.
Upon reading the lesson above, I learned that…

and realized that…

Directions: Read the statement carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. The individual has to be assured that the message come across accurately by
considering the message itself, the audience or receiver, and how the message is likely
to be received. What function of applied social science best describes the statement?
a. Self-development c. Education
b. Persuasion d. Socialization

2. They raise awareness for important issues drawing on the tools of applied social
sciences particularly in communication and journalism.
a. Art and Entertainment c. News and Information
b. Education d. Socialization

3. In this kind of communication, the communicator deals with people’s basic attitudes,
values, and beliefs on issues and how to tailor the message for the audience in order to
convince them to adopt a particular point of view through appropriate channels – tv,
radio, internet, magazine and newspaper.
a. Self-development c. Education
b. Persuasion d. Socialization

4. The society is formed by simply reading, listening to or watching just about anything;
through a formed intermediary that tells them what is good, important or meaningful, and
by simply accessing a wide range of the means for them to sort things out for themselves
and find their own version of the truth.
a. Self-development c. Education
b. Arts & Entertainment d. News and information

5. It is the process by which society turns an individual from being a child into a full-pledge
responsible adult or from being an outsider to becoming an insider.
a. Art and Entertainment c. Education
b. News and Information d. Socialization
6. The process by which one requires a culture of his or her environment.
a. Enculturation c. Education
b. Acculturation d. Socialization

7. It is the concept that refers to the process of acquisition of a second culture. (Sampa,
a. Enculturation c. Education
b. Acculturation d. Socialization

8. It is an ongoing process of improving knowledge and skills, it is an exceptional means of

bringing about personal development and building relationships among individuals,
groups, and communities and nations.
a. Acculturation c. Education
b. Enculturation d. Socialization

9. This type of learning is radically different from “rote learning”. It implies the mastery of
the instruments of knowledge themselves and acquiring knowledge in a never-ending
process and openness to be constantly enriched by all forms of experience.
a. Learning to Know c. Learning to Do
b. Learning to Live Together d. Learning to Be

10. This pillar of learning implies the application of what learners have learned or known
into practices. It means putting to use one’s education, knowledge, skills, and attitudes
as the case in technical-vocational education and work skills training.
a. Learning to Know c. Learning to Do
b. Learning to Live Together d. Learning to Be

A. Motivation Question – Answers may vary
B. Review – Answer may vary
C. Practical Exercises
Practical Exercise 1
1. Education
2. Socialization
3. Organizing Advocacy
4. Persuasion
5. Art and Entertainment
6. Self-development
Practical Exercise 2
1. Art and Entertainment
2. Organizing Advocacy
3. Education
4. Self-Development
5. Persuasion
6. News and Information
Practical Exercise 3 – Answers may vary
D. Insights from the Lesson – Answers may vary
F. Assessment
1. A 6. A
2. C 7. B
3. B 8. D
4. B 9. A
5. D 10. C

ABS-CBN news report

Photo Credits:
[24 Oras Logo]. Retrieved from
[TV Patrol Logo]. Retrieved from
[Facebook Logo]. Retrieved from
[Twitter Logo]. Retrieved from
[Sina Weibo Logo]. Retrieved from
[Hashtag Logo]. Retrieved from
[Socialization 1]. Retrieved from
[Socialization 2]. Retrieved from
[Home for the Aged Gift Giving]. Retrieved from
[Correctional Facilities]. Retrieved from
[Military Veterans]. Retrieved from
[Prayveyt Benjamin]. Retrieved from
[Encantadia]. Retrieved from
[Vinta Couple on Bamboo]. Retrieved from
[Heneral Luna]. Retrieved from
[Radio Drama Recording]. Retrieved from
[Photo of Sir John Christian Miguel]
All images were captured by ArPaVil unless credited.
Brown the movie Facebook page
Its Entertainment Facebook page
GMA News Facebook page
Happy Teachers Online Club Facebook Page (Posted by: Venice Irving)
Self-Development Facebook Page


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