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14 May 2022 - 07 June 2022

Teacher :Julio Lenin Roman Martinez

By : Elioth Delgadillo 1°B

"Panthera tigris tigris"

Non-Endemic Specie
Behaviour :
Like other tiger species, the white
tiger is a solitary animal, enabling it Conservation and Cultural
to sneak up on its prey more
effectively in the dense jungle. The Importance:
white tiger is diurnal (active during

the day), not nocturnal. The White Tiger is a Bengal Tiger which is a species
listed by the IUCN as Endangered and therefore
severely threatened in its surrounding

Nutrition : environment.

In the wild, tigers will eat pig, cattle

and deer. They can eat as much as
40 pounds of meat at one time! After
such a big meal a tiger will not eat
again for several days. Location:

Fun facts :
Due to the inbreeding white tigers
can be born with a multitude of birth
defects including being blind or

India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan

"Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris"

Behaviour :
They are shy and associate in groups
along the banks of lakes and rivers.
They normally feed in the morning and
evening and spend most of the day Non-Endemic Specie
resting under cover along the banks.
They are vegetarian and in cultivated Conservation and Cultural
areas sometimes become pests by
eating melons, grain, and squash. Importance:

They are a minor concern when talking about the
population of its specie and they usually inhabit near
lakes, ponds, rivers, marshes, or mangroves. They live
Nutrition : mostly on the plains, but also live at altitudes of up to
1,300 meters above sea level and they dont have a big
They eat approximately 3 kg/day cultural impact on society but they are very friendly with
fresh forage, mainly grasses and other animals and have lots of memes such as "Ok, I pull
they tend to be more selective when up" however they
more plant species available, 80% of graze the floodplain savannah. Therefore, its function
diet is only 5 species of grasses and within the ecosystem is to transform plant biomass
if near crops they raid cultivated

fields for grains, melons, squashes,

bananas, sweet potatoes, manioc

leaves and corn

Fun facts :
the capybara, is the largest living
rodent in the world, growing up to
about 1.3 metres (4.3 feet) long and
weighing up to 79 kg (174 pounds).

South East America, Brazil,

monkey "Ateles"

Behaviour :
Spider monkeys have barks that are
much worse than their bites. Their
seemingly crazy behavior is designed
solely to frighten the intruder and is
merely a bluff. Thus, when their threats
Non-Endemic Specie
are not heeded, they tend to split into
smaller subgroups and move away from Conservation and Cultural
the danger in different directions.
The destruction of tropical rainforests and threats
Nutrition : from hunting pose the greatest challenge to the
black spider monkey's survival. Because they prefer
The spider monkey is an omnivore,
mature tropical forests and seldom venture into
but is primarily a frugivore or fruit-
disturbed habitats, these monkeys are especially
eating animal most of the time, with
vulnerable to the effects of forest fragmentation.
fruit comprising about 83% to 90% of
their entire diet. However, depending
on fruit availability and time of year,
they will eat flowers, leaves, honey,
nuts, insects, bird eggs, sap and even

Fun facts :
They are very intelligent and have robust
memories. They were named spider
monkeys because they look like spiders
as they hang upside down from their
tails with their arms and legs dangling.
Their genus name is Ateles, which means
“imperfect.” This refers to the fact that
they don't have thumbs.
Central and South America
de collar "Dicotyles tajacu"

Behaviour : Non-Endemic Specie

Collared Peccaries have very close social
relationships. They live in herds of 5 to 15 Conservation and Cultural
that are notably cohesive; members eat,
sleep, and forage together. The exceptions Importance:
are the old and infirm, who prefer to die in

They are at lower risk and not in a lot of trouble
howeverthey are still in some small danger


It mainly feeds on vegetables such
as berries, shoots, tubers and bulbs;
but just as well from larvae, worms,
and small vertebrates like snakes
and lizards.

Fun facts :
Collared peccary can reach 3 to 4 feet
in length and 35 to 55 pounds of
weight. Collared peccary has short,
coarse, dark grey coat. Hairs in the
neck area are lighter in color than the
rest of the body and they look like a
collar North, Central, and South America
"Ara macao"

Behaviour :
It is a kind of diurnal habits since its
activity is focused on the mornings.
It is a very social species, grouping in Non-Endemic Specie
flocks in which they live together
most of the time. On the other hand, Conservation and Cultural
when they are in the breeding
season, they are usually kept in Importance:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced
its decisions to list the northern subspecies of

Nutrition : scarlet macaw (Ara macao cyanoptera) as

endangered under the Endangered Species Act.6
mar 2019
The main component of the diet of
the scarlet macaw are seeds and
fruits, stems of new leaves and

Fun facts :
From the 16th century, following the
Conquest of America, European interest
in capturing various species of
psittacines, including this one,
appeared. The traffic of this and other
species grew due to their popularity as
pets, causing the Scarlet Macaw to
begin to disappear from its habitat in
some regions as of the 19th century. México,Venezuela,Colombia,Brazil
"Elephas maximus"

Behaviour :
They are calm and very social Non-Endemic Specie
animals, although the males are
usually solitary and the mothers Conservation and Cultural
prefer to spend time only with their
young. They do not sleep much and Importance:
spend much of their time traveling The Asian elephant is classified as Endangered by
long distances to find food. the International Union for the Conservation of
Nature (IUCN). Its population has declined by an
estimated 50 percent over the past 75 years, and

Nutrition : there are an estimated 20,000 to 40,000 Asian

elephants left in the wild.
More than two-thirds of an
elephant's day may be spent feeding
on grasses, but it also eats large
amounts of tree bark, roots, leaves,
and small stems.
Fun facts :
They can reach 6.4m in length and
3m at the shoulder, and weigh as
much as 5 tonnes. They are smaller
than African elephants and have
proportionally smaller ears, which
they keep in constant motion in
order to cool themselves. Southeast Asia
Wolf "Canis lupus baileyi"

Behaviour :
Wolves are very social animals. They
live in packs, which are complex
social structures that include the Non-Endemic Specie
breeding adult pair (the alpha male
and female) and their offspring. A Conservation and Cultural
hierarchy of dominant and
subordinate animals within the pack Importance:
help it to work as a unit.
The smallest subspecies of gray wolf in North
America, the Mexican gray wolf is also one of the

Nutrition :
rarest and most endangered mammals on the
Adult Mexican wolves weighing 22 to
32 kg should be fed approximately
1,300 to 1,800 kcal metabolizable
energy (ME) per day for
maintenance in a thermoneutral
environment with moderate activity.

Fun facts :
Mexican gray wolves are the
smallest of the Gray wolf subspecies,
being around half the size of North
American gray wolves. The Mexican
gray wolf is the world's most
endangered wolf. The fur of Mexican
gray wolves is a mixture of gray,
Chihuahuan desert, Sonoran desert
black, rust, and cream.
Sheep "Ovis canadensis"

Behaviour :
Experience seasonal movements. In Non-Endemic Specie
winter, herds remain at lower
elevations in valleys, flocking to large Conservation and Cultural
mountainous areas in summer. In
addition, they often fight with other Importance:
males for mating or dominance
rights. They are at lower risk but there are fewer than
70,000 bighorn sheep in North America whic is a
very small amount

Nutrition :
It is a selective herbivore, which
feeds on forages with high nutrient
value, its
suggested that it is an opportunistic

consumer, mainly of grasses
(grasses) and herbaceous.

Fun facts :
Bighorn sheep are most notable for
the massive horns for which they
are named, as well as their ability to
maneuver steep rocky cliffs.
Weighing 200-300 pounds, they are
one of the largest animals found in
the Los Padres National Forest. West zone United States, North zone México
Lion "Panthera leo"

Behaviour :
Lions are highly territorial, females
actively defend their territories
Non-Endemic Specie
against other females, while resident
males protect prides from rival
coalitions. Territory size depends on
Conservation and Cultural
prey abundance, as well as access to Importance:
water and denning sites.
Lions are vulnerable when talking about his
preservation and is protected and conserved by

Nutrition :
zoos, the Union for the Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. In some
Lions usually hunt and eat medium- parts of Africa, lions are classified as “critically
sized to large hoofed animals like endangered” because lion populations are still
wildebeests, zebras, and antelopes. plummeting at an unprecedented rate.
They occasionally also prey on larger
animals, especially sick or injured

ones, and eat found meat such as

Fun facts :
Lions are believed to feed every
three or four days, and need on
average between 5kg and 7kg of
meat a day. But they can go without
food for more than a week and then
tear into prey, eating up to 50kg of
meat at a time – that's almost a
quarter of the animal's body weight.
Sea Lion "Otariinae"

Behaviour :
California sea lions are very social
animals groups often rest closely
Non-Endemic Specie
packed together at favorite haul-out
sites on land or float together on the
Conservation and Cultural
ocean's surface in groups called Importance:
sea lions are protected under both the Endangered
Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection
Act. The western distinct population segment (DPS)
Nutrition : is listed as endangered under the ESA and,
therefore, also designated as depleted under the
They eat a variety of prey—such as
squid, anchovies, mackerel, rockfish,
and sardines found in upwelling
areas. They also may take fish from
commercial fishing gear.

Fun facts :
Sea lions swim using their long,
powerful foreflippers and hind
flippers. Sea lions are strong
swimmers can reach speeds of
nearly 20 miles per hour in the
California, Galápagos , Japan, Coast of Mexico,
Pacific Ocean
Coatíes "Panthera onca"

Behaviour : Endemic Specie

They can climb trees but it more
common to fin them in ground
searching for food, they are more Conservation and Cultural
active at daytime buit its habits can
change if their predators are near Importance:

It is not at risk and doesnt have any tipe of

protection however they live very near crowdead
Nutrition : areas and trust too much in the humans and die a
lot because of that.

They are omnivores but prefer small

vertebrates and also feed on fruits,
carrion and eggs.


Fun facts :
it is confused with the badger and its
breeding season is in February and
March, they use vocal signals to
communicate and during the search
for food the care of the offspring is
in charge of nannies.
From southwestern Arizona to Ecuador
Gulf Spiny
"Ctenosaura acanthura"

Behaviour : Endemic Specie

The animan is most active in
daytime and likes to take the sun, he
is very easy to recognize because his
body is dark and has very pointy Conservation and Cultural
scales in the loin of his body

Nutrition : Its is protected and registered by the mexican

legislation with special protection due to they hunt
It consumes plant matter (leaves, it to eat it or to sell it as a pet
flowers and fruits), both from wild
and introduced species (Table 1),
and animal matter, mainly insects
such as beetles, spiders and
butterflies; although occasionally it
can eat baby mice and small birds.

Fun facts :
It has robust and muscular limbs,
and strong claws that are used to
climb almost anything. It presents
sexual dimorphism, that is, the male
is relatively larger than the female
and has a dorsal crest formed by
long scales that begins on the neck
and reaches the base of the tail. Veracruz, Tamaulipas, México east cost
"Crotalus ravus"

Behaviour : Endemic Specie

They are very friendly and have a
calm temper, its reprocution in Conservation and Cultural
captivity is very easy because they
are very friendly and they like to Importance:
climp trees, rocks, nopaleras, etc
It is threatend and is protected by the CONANP
(Dirección de Especies Prioritarias para la
Conservación) as the rest of other mexican

Nutrition : Endemic species and it is threatend because the

destruction of his habitats

It eats lizards, small mammals and

insects, but what it likes most are
field rats


Fun facts :
It looks like the rattlesnake except its
more fat, has more bigger stains, it
inhabits temperate and humid
climates it also has a twilight
Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca
"Romerolagus diazi"

Endemic Specie
Behaviour :
The teporingo can be active at any
time of the day or night, but they are Conservation and Cultural
more active in the twilight hours of
the day, emitting high-pitched Importance:
vocalizations related to their The 'Zacatuche', 'Teporingo', or Volcano rabbit
activities. (Romerolagus diazi) belongs to the family
Leporidae, is an endemic species restricted to the
Central part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt,

Nutrition : and is considered 'endangered' by the IUCN Red

List of Threatened Species and protected by the the
CONANP (Dirección de Especies Prioritarias para la
They have a strictly herbivorous diet, Conservación)
feeding mainly on small sprouts or
the grass they find around them so
thats why they live in forest areas Location:

Fun facts :
It is one of the smallest rabbits in the
world, it only reaches 30cm in length and
weighs approximately 600 grams. The fact
that it is one of the smallest species that
exists does not make it totally defenseless;
Well, this one has incredible agility that
makes it a rather elusive being.
Pelado, Tláloc, Iztaccíhuatl, Popocatépetl
"Ambystoma mexicanum"

Behaviour : Endemic Specie

Axolotls born and are very active but
as they grow up they become more
calm and shy, however they can get
Conservation and Cultural
used to human interaction such as Importance:
eating form the palm of a human Its importance within the culture comes from the
hand. Aztecs, who, according to what they say, used them

as medicine, food and object of ceremonies; they
were later adopted as pets and to have and to

Nutrition : adopt one you need to have high quality water and
a long aquarium, about 70-100 cm to be able to
The amphibian is carnivorous so its swim comfortably and its status is critically
diet consist of animal orgin protein endangered
that can be alive or dead, it also is

recommended that the animal has a

varied diet for its nutrition Location:

Fun facts :
Axolotls reach sexual maturity
approximately one year, however
there can be significant variations in
age depending on diet, water quality
and aquarium conditions.
Xotchimilco, México

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