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Do you have to use a Cursing 

Posted on July 22, 2021

Q. Having picked up a Cursing Artifact, do you have to use it?

A. No, you don’t. The text reads “..may use/wield it…”.

You can do all these things without getting cursed:

1. Choose never to use or wield it, just carry it around (it doesn’t take up your carrying
2. Use it perhaps once or twice, then never again, just carry it around.
3. Give it to another member of your Party (note that they may not wish to accept it, especially
if its power is depleted!).

In meta-game terms the “Cursing Artifact” is simply a way to enable artifacts whose power gets
slowly depleted through use – slightly different to the traditional “D&D” style magical artifact that
has a number of “charges”, and operates exactly the same way each time it is used, until it suddenly
runs out of “charge” and stops working altogether. Cursing Artifacts also gradually turn into junk –
but in an (arguably) more interesting way.

This entry was posted in FAQ and tagged 2nd Extension, cursing, Neathtown by Peter. Bookmark
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Value Points of Characters

Posted on June 5, 2021

Q. The Value Points assigned to different characters seem a bit arbitrary – why is a Dwarf worth 2
points, but a Man worth 5 points?

A. This is not Lord of the Rings! When designing the new Neathtown mechanics, I developed a
“lore” explanation as follows:

The VP assigned to classes of characters no longer represents just their “value” to an adventuring
party. Rather, it is an amalgam of both their “reputation” as adventurers and also of their “market
value” – as in, if you are trying to hire such a character as a mercenary, what can you expect to pay?
Thus a Dwarf costs only 7vp (including tax) to hire – largely because we are underground, and
demographics dictates that most Dwarves are locals looking for work, not seasoned fighters. They
are however familiar with the territory, and make good scouts. Conversely, if you are lucky enough
to find that rare thing – a Wizard for hire, then that will cost you 20vp (two sacks of Gold).

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Special Chambers Rules Clarifications

Posted on March 22, 2021
Q. How do we know whether or not to draw cards in a Special Chamber, and whether effects
described on the tile happen once or multiple times?

A. I use rules of thumb as follows:

 Do not draw in Special Chambers unless instructed to do so, either explicitly or implicitly.
 The instruction “Draw as usual” triggers once only.
 Other effects VIPER PIT, WHIRLPOOL etc. are assumed to be persistent and apply to any
party entering the area (unless the text on the tile reads otherwise).
 “Entering” means to arrive – by any means or direction. Events triggered on entry happen
regardless of how (or even whether) you leave. If strangers are found in the chamber as a
consequence of entering, a party may attempt to withdraw as usual.
 “Traversing” means to arrive and then leave by a different route. Events triggered by
traversal do not happen if your party withdraws or is wiped out by some event in the

Here is a complete list with clarifications:

Tile Name: Draw? Clarification: Effects Triggered On:

Deep Pool No Any party traversing.
Gateway No N/A
Implicit, because we are instructed
Great Hall Yes Once only.
to “draw 2 extra small cards”.
Viper Pit No Any party traversing.
Implicit, because we are instructed
Tomb of Kings Yes Once only.
to “draw 1 extra small card”.
Bell Rope No Once only.
Chasm No Any party traversing.
Implicit, because the card refers to
Gallery Yes “strangers found here”, and Once only.
explicit in rules.
Lair Yes Explicit in rules. Once only.
Well No “Like the Bell Rope” Once only.
Whirlpool No Any party traversing.
Apothecary No Any party entering (optional).
Draw once per party, then any cards
Artificer Yes Special draw as per tile text remaining here are optionally available
to any party entering.
Emporium No Any party entering (optional).
Market Plaza Yes Explicit Once only.
Market Tollway No Any party entering (optional).
Shrine of Decay No Any party entering (optional).
Shrine of
No Any party entering (optional).
Shrine of
No Any party entering (optional).
Shrine of the Seer No Any party entering (optional).
Draw once per party, then any cards
Tavern Yes Special draw as per tile text remaining here are optionally available
to any party entering.
Temple Plaza Yes Explicit. Once only.
Temple Tollway No Any party entering (optional).
Bridge No Explicit. Any party entering (optional).
Fragile Chamber No Explicit. Any party traversing.
Groundhog Cave Yes Explicit special draw. Once only.
Herbal Cave No Explicit. Any party entering.
Poltergeist Cave No Explicit. Any party entering.
Wandering Cave No By default. Any party traversing.
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Identifying Card Sets

Posted on February 27, 2021

Q. I want to sort my Conversion Kit assets into their respective sets – how do I identify them?

A. Small card sets are identified by the panel border style:

“Cracked Stone” – Base Set

“Dark Wood” – 1st Extension

“Smooth Stone” – 2nd Extension

“Red Marble” – Adventure Scenarios

Area Tiles are identified by the “North” orientation chevron:

Areas – Base

Areas – 1st Extension

Areas – 2nd Extension (Neathtown)

Areas – The Mines of Orimar Adventure

Areas – Orpheus & Eurydice Adventure

Areas – The Castle (Dracula Adventure)

Areas – 3rd Extension (Peculiar Set)

Ok, so you spotted it – that last one is a teaser for my next Conversion Kit project – an additional
set of 30 area tiles that are..   ..well, just a bit odd!

This entry was posted in FAQ and tagged 2nd Extension, base set, extension, set identification by
Peter. Bookmark the permalink.

Which Creatures use which Artefacts?

Posted on February 25, 2021

Q. Which creatures can/will use which artefacts?

A. OK – this is a tricky one, and each person’s interpretation may be different. I can only offer up
the rationale behind why I personally play certain House Rules. I think of each creature type as
belonging in this “tree” taxonomy. Each class inherits the usage rules of any class above it in the

Creature Tree

1. Human. Uses any artefact not reserved for Fighter or Mage Class.
1. Elite Class.
1. Vampire.
2. Paladin.
2. Fighter Class. Uses artefacts reserved for Man, Woman or Hero.
1. Man.
2. Woman.
3. Man Hero.
4. Woman Hero.
3. Mage Class. Uses artefacts reserved for Priest or Wizard.
1. Priest.
1. Witch.
2. Scholar.
3. Bard.
2. Wizard.
2. Inhuman.
1. Humanoid Class. Cannot  use artefacts. Can wear or display them.
1. Ogre.
2. Troll.
2. Demi-Human Class. Chooses to use only certain artefacts.
1. Dwarf. Will use Ring, Magic Axe and or Gear(Backpack).
3. Animal Class. Cannot carry, wear, or use any artefacts.
1. Lion.
2. Wolf.

I have to invent some lore to justify the (arguably) odd placement of DWARF. I believe that they
are very practical creatures who have a deep mistrust of magical things. They will reluctantly
use/wear items that are of obvious and specific benefit to them, such as the Magic Axe. This
rationale allows me to justify a broad generalization that Inhumans tend to shun/avoid magical

ELIXIR and PANDORA’S BOX are unrestricted. We imagine that any creature can either drink
ELIXIR, or have it administered to them. PANDORA’S BOX may be opened carefully, or torn
open by any creature.

List of Artefacts by User Type

Used by Human:


Used by Fighter Only:


Used by Mage Only:


Used by Mage, Woman, or Woman Hero:


Used by Fighter or Dwarf:


Worn by Human/Humanoid:


Worn by Fighter, Mage or Dwarf:


Used by any Creature:


This entry was posted in FAQ and tagged artefacts, rules by Peter. Bookmark the permalink.

Who can use Talisman?

Posted on February 25, 2021
Q. Which creatures can use TALISMAN?

A. I think there are clues in the original rules:

 OGRE is designated as “Inhuman (cannot use most artefacts).” – which implies that
Inhumans can use some artefacts.
 LION and WOLF do not “carry or use any artefact”

Based on this, I apply a House Rule as follows: The TALISMAN and similar “charms” do not need
to be used, merely displayed. Any creature that that could reasonably wear the item, can display it
on behalf of the party.

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Getting rid of Cursing Artefacts

Posted on February 22, 2021

Q. If you destroy a Cursing Artefact at the Shrine of Decay, do you retain any remaining bonus to

A. No. The bonuses arise from wearing or wielding the item – they are not permanent effects. It is
perhaps best to think of such items as having a “charge” that is depleted with use. So:

 If the item is destroyed, all its bonus effects cease.

 If the item is abandoned (or if you split your  party such that its is carried by a creature that
is not with your main party), then you will be cursed.
 An abandoned Cursing Artefact retains any unused “charge”, so anyone else picking it up
inherits what remains  of its “charge” – if any.
 If there is a situation where you want to be cursed (for example, to be rid of Familiars), then
you can achieve this by simply picking up a Cursing Item and immediately dropping it
 The effects of a Cursing Artefact are not dispelled by a Purifying Scroll, or by anything else
that only targets permanent effects.

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Brawls in the Tavern?
Posted on February 15, 2021

Q. What happens if you draw cards in the Tavern, and they include Arch-Enemies?

A. The normal 2E Arch-Enemy rules apply.

If you draw (for example) a WITCH and a PALADIN, they immediately fight to the death. You can
only watch from the doorway. You may then draw again to bring the number of mercenaries back
up to two before actually entering the Tavern.

If at any time you approach the Tavern and there is a mercenary present that is an Arch-Enemy of a
member your party, then a fight will break out if you decide to enter. You must either surprise
attack, or withdraw. The second mercenary (if present) will side with the first.

This entry was posted in FAQ and tagged 2nd Extension, fighting, mercenaries, Neathtown, tavern
by Peter. Bookmark the permalink.

Will the Cat attach to a Bard?

Posted on February 15, 2021

Q. Will the Cat Familiar attach to a Bard?

A. Yes. House Rule – If the card text for the creature reads:

” [acts in some way] as a [creature type] “

then from the Familiar’s point of view it is a [creature type].

So, yes the Cat will attach (for example) to a BARD, or a SCHOLAR, or indeed the APPRENTICE.

This entry was posted in FAQ and tagged 2nd Extension, bard, cat, familiar, Neathtown by Peter.
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Protected by a Curse
Posted on February 15, 2021

Q. What does “Sleeping creatures are protected by a Curse” mean?

A. I don’t think it is clear in the original materials. It might have

been intended to prevent an “exploit” where players defeat dangerous enemies by simply putting
them to sleep before killing them. It also relates to the special rule whereby you can’t ever put the
Sorcerer to sleep – but in terms of consistent lore it’s hard to see how a curse could be beneficial to
a sleeping creature.

I like to play a House Rule as follows:

“Protected by a Curse” means that if you attack a sleeping creature, then:

1. You do not get a “surprise attack” bonus; instead, the creature’s die roll for the first round of
fighting is zero.
2. You are cursed at the end of the first round of fighting.
3. If the creature survives the first round, it wakes up.

Playing this rule means that you can kill a weak sleeping creature – but it brings bad karma. It also
means that if you attack a sleeping dragon with your group total of 5 Fighting Strength, then you
may get lucky – but if you roll 1, then you end up both cursed and facing off against a very angry

This entry was posted in FAQ and tagged curses, rules, sleeping creatures by Peter. Bookmark the

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