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BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development Student Resources – Project Portfolio

BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Operations)


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BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development Student Resources – Project Portfolio
BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Operations)


Section 1: Manage team’s personal and professional development...........................................................5

Section 2: Develop and maintain own personal and professional competence..........................................8
Section 3: Facilitate achievement of work priorities..................................................................................10

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BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Operations)



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☒ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded
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☒ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

Course BSB50120 Diploma of Business (Operations)

Unit BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development


Student Name Ronish pokhrel

Student ID number 11930301

Business this assessment Manage personal and professional development

is based on:

Documentation reviewed as Worlducation case study


Student signature: Date: 6/08/2022

Ronish Pokhrel

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Section 1: Manage team’s personal and professional

1 Describe the organisation (case study) you are basing this project on.
1.1 What is the name of the organisation?
The name of the organization that this project is based on is WORLDUCATION. Which was
established in Australia on year 2016

1.2 What does the organisation do?

Worlducation is social start-up company which primarily makes and sales tablets computers for

primary school students. They also create a hardware as well as software, content, activities for

better engagement of students in study to educate the students.

1.3 What are the key functions and activities of the team you will manage the personal and
professional development for?

In workducation I am responsible for managing sales department for personal and

professional development. Usually in start-up founders often performs the sales task
themselves. Nowadays every company have sales team and they have their certain
roles and responsibilities.
Key functions and activities of the sales team

 Sales team are responsible for marketing research which includes forecasting,

intelligence, and statistic. In market research team will research or study about

the secular trends, cyclical changes, seasonal fluctuations, nature of products


 Another key function of sales team is providing information about product to

customers through various media. In short through advertisement with purpose of

new market penetration or to increase the sales.

 All the key function and activities of sales team is for selling to earn maximum

profit and for this objective sales team does the sales promotion in national and

international market.

 Sales correspondences are also the key function of sales team where they will

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address customer's enquiries in tactful and simple language.

 Providing various kind of service such as essential suggestion about the goods

or product is also the key function of sales team. Especially when you are selling

technological product it's your responsibilities to provide them information about

function and specification.

 While handing product to customers sales team need to package that product for

safety purpose.

1.4 What are the organisational goals or objectives (at least three)?
An organizational goal can be defined as the end-point where each and every activities of
organization is aimed. It’s the target that organization wants to achieve. Goals are important for
organizations because it provides the direction and goal are the reason of organization existence.

Organizational goal of Worducation

Operational Goal

Workeducation wants to create not only hardware but also the software content and activities
which can increase the engagement of students toward education. To increase the sales
worlduction is moving from traditional business to consumer method to business to business
method. Hardware and content coordination with class teacher approach which is effective and
also increase the sales.

Strategically Goal

Worlducation wants to change the method of learning that children's are using by implementing
the artificial intelligence in class room which can track down the progress of students and adjust
their needs as well as create alternative optimal path learning experience.

Tactical Goal

Where the strategy is based on future predication, Tactics is based on real world experience
which has to be established quickly to fight the changes as they occur. To fight real life events
Worducation had to re adopt the software.

1.5 Attach proof of the documentation showing organisational goals (e.g., strategic or operational

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2 Document team responsibilities.

Note: Use the template below to document the team roles and responsibilities, you are not required
to answer the questions separately if using the template. Keep in mind that this document may be
used at a later stage to support your team to develop work goals.
2.1 What roles/positions do three of your team members fill?

Sales team is combination of various positions. The three roles/position our team member
will fill is given below

Team member 1: Sales force representative

The number of sales representatives depends on the size and the bandwidth of the
organization. A sales force representative takes care of the first step of the sales funnel.

Team member 2: Account executive

Once the sales force representative identifies the qualified lead then Account executive will
create presentation and demonstrate sales plan in elaborate manners.

Team Member 3: Sales administration

Sales administration helps sales force representative and account executive to solve their
issue and problem with their in-depth business and business domain knowledge.

2.2 What are the responsibilities of each of the three team members (name at least two
responsibilities per team member)?
Responsibilities refer to the task they have to do in team. These are the responsibilities of three

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team member.

Team member 1: Sales force representative these are responsibilities of sales representative.

i. Connecting the marketing groups of the most relevant content for each opportunity in the
purchase cycle.
ii. Empower managers and re-training peers in a way that reinforces training and
encourages best practices

Team member 2: Account Executive

These are the responsibilities of account executive.

 Primary responsibility of Account executive is to help business to implement the

technological solution in cost effective way. While determining the requirements of project
and provide clear information to stake holders as well as partners.
 Helps other team members in business case. Team member

3: Sales administration

These are the responsibilities of Sales administration.

 Receiving and processing purchase orders.

 It verifies orders, including confidential customer information and payment details

2.3 What are the performance outcomes linked to each role/position (name at least two per team
Performance outcome are the result of which is most important part of the job to evaluate and

monitor the performance in job. When you are working on team your job performance widely

depends on your peer performance. Especially if you are working on the project, which task is

interconnected with each other's and cannot completed without help of other task result.

Sales force representative

 Effective weekly and monthly reports - Sales force representative are responsible for

creating monthly and weekly reports of sales performance.

 Satisfied clients -Sales force representative handle the clients' negotiation. Sales

representative answer the question about product's price, terms, availability in market.

Account executive

 Performance outcome of the account executive is successful implementation of cost

effective technological solution.
 Successful sales cycle management as well as secured deal with clients. Sales
 Able to meet the sales target.

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 Able to provide the necessary training to new employees.

2.4 Does the team have any diverse needs?

 Each organization needs diversification in team to understand the different environment and
different culture which helps organization make effective strategy for new market or country.
Diversification helps organization to understand the working procedure of new market also
helps organization to understand the different market needs. Team diverse refers to the
difference of every team member which exist in various dimension such as age, culture,
nationality, religious background, sexual orientation and political preference. Team diversity
have positive impact as well as negative impact in organization. Team diversity helps
organization to improve the creativity and innovation, helps to make better decision,
improve problem solving skill, and helps business to increase profit and employee
engagement as well as helps organization to have better reputation.

2.5 How will you communicate with the team members with the diverse needs?

Globalization have brought more diverse environment in business and organization and
diversification have brought communication problem in organization. These are the tip one can
use in organization to communicate with team members with diverse needs.

Make sure to train international employee early and often

In work place you need to avoid the misunderstanding and cultural confusion and to prevent this
problem business needs to provide training to international employee through seminar and
orientation and other training programme.

Tran local employee as well

Even the local employee needs to understand significance and importance of the diversification.
So, company needs to train employee to watch world with global perspective to avoid the
communication and cultural confusion.

People from different cultures like receiving information in different ways

Different people are more comfortable while receiving information in particular ways. For example
some people loves get information through SMS or email on other hand some people prefer to get
information in person to avoid confusion and for better communication.

Assign mentor

This method is appropriate when there is new recruit in organization. It helps new employee to
understand his role as well as the culture of the organization which helps organization to avoid the
communication problem in diverse situation.

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Encourage Open communication

Some employee finds it hard to approach team leader or manager due to their cultural problem
while some culture may see open communication as weakness of manager. In this case manager
can ask someone to speak behalf of shy employee but in overall open communication helps
employee to know each other personally and build trust.

Team Responsibility Template

Roles/positions Responsibilities Performance Any diverse Communication

of three team of each team Outcomes needs of team strategy with
members member members (if any) diverse team
member (if any)

Sales force Connecting the Personal growth Lack of staff Emails, and
representative marketing groups phone calls
Empower benefits
managers and re-
training peers in a
way the
encourages best

Account Primary Improving Lack of staff Emails, and

Executive responsibilities of economic status phone calls
account executive
is to help
business to
implement the
solution in cost
effective way

Sales Receiving and Mores sales Lack of staff Emails, and

Administration processing phone calls
purchase orders
economic status

3 Identify and summarise organisational framework requirements for personal and professional
3.1 Do any policies and procedures exist that address work place goals and inform personal and
professional development?
Yes, there are policies in the organization that address the workplace goals and also inform

personal and professional development. The policies are related to training and development.

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3.1.1. What is the name of the policy and procedure?

Employee Training and Development Policy and Procedures

3.1.2. What are the performance and professional development requirements outlined in the
policies and procedures?

 Collaboration: collaboration of workers, managerial staff and executives in

order to create a continuous professional development culture.
 Leadership: Leadership training available for managers

 Diversity: Training for a diverse work environment.

 New recruitment coaching

 Conflict management

 job transfer or relocation

 Adaptation to new policies and systems.

 New or increased responsibilities

 Promotion

3.1.3. Which personal and professional development activities and opportunities are available
for staff to access (e.g., as specified in policies and procedures)?
Personal and professional development related activities outlines in the policies and
procedures are described below:

o Formal personal or organization learning workshops

o Employee Mentoring and Coaching
o Taking part at conferences
o Inside job education like simulations
o Discussion boards for employees
o monitoring a co-worker
o Switching jobs
o Subscription
o Individual training programs; workshops, online training, learning sessions.
o Expert training; Training for equality of opportunity in employment, Diversity
education, leadership development training for managers, Worker dispute
settlement training, coaching new hires, coaching for adaptation to new systems,
preparation for promotions, relocation, or increased responsibilities

3.1.4. Does the organisation have any templates available for the development of work goals
(e.g., personal development plan)?

Development plan template is available for professional goals development.

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3.2 Do any other industry best-practice professional development opportunities exist?

i. Training the employees and identifying employee development needs are the manager's
ii. Employees, supervisors, and administrators all work together to foster a culture of continual
professional growth.
iii. Employees have the option of participating through as many training programs as they like.
iv. Employee’s requirements and best possible method of learning is integrated in all training
v. Employees and managers are responsible for finding the best ways to approach learning.
vi. Managers should assess the effectiveness of their training initiatives.
vii. All staff development activities should take into account budgetary and time constraints, as
well as individual and organizational demands.
viii. Encouragement for self-paced learning.

3.3 Note: Attach proof of policies, procedures, templates etc to this section of your portfolio. Since
you will be following the case study, attach screenshot of the correct policies here found in the
case study.

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4 Support your team as they develop work goals, plans and activities.
Note: you are required to support at least three team members (Class mates).
4.1 Which organisational goals should your team align their personal goals with? (Choose two)

The type of strategic objectives that a company’s management establishes or even tries to
establish and the ones that are outlined and the outcomes are expected and guiding the
employees as a whole is known as organizational goals. The nature and the features of the
organizational goals vary upon time to time and situation to situation. The purpose of
organizational goals is common for everyone and the each and every organization.
We are working here for Worducation, and we have different organizational objectives. As our
organization is said to be software and a hardware company, exercising in both the software and
the hardware fields, my organization has unique characteristics.

Organizational objectives 1-: Changing the learning style and procedures of children and
implementation of artificial intelligence technology.

Organizational Objective 2-: Creation of software, Creation of contents and activities for
engaging the students better and also for educating the primary school students.

Organizational Objective 3 -: To be the change and facilitate a world without illiteracy by

changing the way children learn at school and the number of schools that have access to

These are some of the observed and gained organizational objective and organizational

Some of the major personal goals that should be aligned with are-:

Personal goal 1-: Innovation and Creativity.

These personal goals should be aligned with the organizational goals to changing the
learning style and learning procedures of children, with implementation of artificial
intelligence technology.

Personal Goal 2-: Research Goals and missions.

These personal goals should be aligned with the organizational goals for the creation of the
software, creation of the contents and creation of the activities and engaging the students
better and also for the better educating the primary school students.

Personal Goal 3-: Effective directing and motivating organizational goal.

The personal goal is aligned for changing and facilitating a world without literacy and by
changing the way children’s are intended to learn at school, with the number of schools
having access to technology.

4.2 How will you communicate with each team member (e.g., email with instructions, face-to-face
discussion, team meeting)?

The organizational objectives and the personal goals communication with each of the team
member is important, for the proper coordination of the works to be performed and the works to
be done. The communication with the Team members will help for better co-ordination with the

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team members and for the better fulfilment of the works to be fulfilled. There are different
mediums of communications. All the different mediums of communications can be used for the
proper manner for the fulfilment of the goals and objectives

E-mail-: The emails with details in the detailed manner can be sent time to time for the

employees. The email will help to inform all the employees, at the correct time and in the

correct interval of times as well. I will write details of the organizational goals, plans and

procedures for the operation of the organization and will be distributed.

Face-to -face discussion-: Face to face discussions will be created and will be generated

in a weakly manner and in a monthly manner, having the pre-determined agenda of the

meeting, and having the rules and regulations for the proper achievement of the meeting

to be held and to be done.

Team Meeting-: Team meeting will be created at the work place, also with having pre-

determined agenda and correspondence. The team meeting will help for the growth and

generation of ideas and technologies for the proper growth and development of the


4.3 What will you communicate to each team member (e.g., personal behaviour modification,
specific skills you would like them to have, explanation of SMART goals)?

First I will be creating the contents to be communicated for the specific topics and agendas. I will
organize with a formal meeting in the meeting hall of the organization itself. The mode of
communication that I will be using in the meeting is PPT derivatives, with video inductions and the
in-person face to face voice recordings and transfers.
First- I will give them a brief introduction of the topics like what is personal behaviour modification,
what are the necessary skills and what is the importance of the skills for them,. I will also give
them brief introduction to the meaning of SMART goals, the importance of smart gals, and what
are the things that should be covered in SMART goals.
Second- I will create a PPT video and a PPT slides, I will present it to them, covering the
individual’s names, and suggesting them with their specific personal modifications to be achieved,
I will also supply them with the specific skills that should be present within them. I will also clear
them with the meaning of each of the segment of the smart goals, I will deliver them that S stands
for specific, M stands for measurable, A stands for accuracy, R stands for responsibility and T
stands for timeliness.
Third Step- I will present them with some videos related to the organizational policies and
objectives related to the organization. I will ask for their attention to the video. I will address them
with all the rights and responsibilities. I will also provide them with the supporting document that
will also act like information and will also help the communications to be done completely.

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4.4 Fourth Step- I will carry out an interaction session individually with them, where I will ask for their
understandings from the sessions individually. I will also ask for their individual feedback and
correspondence in regard to the meeting. I will also ask for their feedback regarding the ways the
works needs to be done and needs to be carried on.
Fifth Step- In this way, using videos, PPT slides, and the other relevant information’s I will
communicate all of these things to them. So, due to some of these reasons and in this way, I will
communicate these things and some specific topics to each of the team member. In the way, they
will try and understand those things and feelings. This is all about personal behaviour
modification, specific skills, and all about SMART goals also.

4.5 What other support will you provide each team member (e.g., personal development plan
template with responsibilities already added into the plan, skills assessment)? attach proof of
your additional support to this section of your portfolio.

There are different supports that can be provided and also needs to be provided for each of the
team member. I will provide the counselling support as an additional support to my team member.
I will organize a separate meeting with the team members, in which I will ask them about the
information’s present. I will ask them about their valuable recommendations for the improvement.
Steps will be taken for those problems. I will forward their messages to the higher authorities and
will also communicate them down to the lower levels. So, due to some of these reasons and in
this way, these are the supports that I will provide to each of the team member.
I will keep myself accountable as the additional support for my team member. Being self-
accountable will help others to get inspired and also will help to create and gain knowledge’s and

4.6 Communicate with each team member to provide the support. If not already viewed in person
by your assessor, attach proof of your communication (e.g., video of face-to-face discussion
with each team member, video of joint team meeting, draft email outlining requirements,
recording of telephone discussion etc.).
Note: Depending on how you chose to communicate to each member, you may have more
than one attachment (e.g., if the same communication applies to all team members, one email
with relevant attachments is sufficient).

5 Complete the table to assess the work goals, plans and activities of each team member.

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Team What are their How do their How do their Other

member goals? work goals align personal and feedback
with professional
organisational development
goals? plans and
activities align
1) Growing Customer Their work goals The tools and
base. Their professional
member 1: Helps technologies
2) Customer data organization to Development
plans setts clear used for call
Collection. achieve growth, goal alignment. centre and
3) Generate new helps organization Their professional
to serving people
sales and revenue
development is out-dated
earn profit, Their
goals helps to get and should be
work goals align
buy ins from the updated or
helps creates
organizations, even should
easiness for the they also helps to
works being done communicate be replaced
and performed. In goals at all the with the new
entry levels. In one.
this way, their
this way, their
work goals align
goals goals align with



Creating Brand As their work Their professional The is lack of

Awareness of the target
member 2: goals helps for development
products and services
in the market. customers, the
creating brand plans helps to business
Informing people with image for their indicate the new
the value, importance should focus
and the information’s product, that ways and on other
of the products and products or the
specifically helps methodologies
services. business
for the products that are intended should shift
Publishing and
promoting products and services to be achieved their
and services to some operational
extent. having higher from the
areas to
market value, and organization and different other
places and

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as ultimately this

things helps for

their their relevant

organizational objectives, and

goal will also nurture

achievement, this the scope of

way their work organizational

goals and
goal is said to objectives. In

align with the this

relevant way, their

organizational personal and

goals professional goals

align with their




As their work The work limit

goals helps the and the
member 3:
organizations to
achieve their
targeted outcome according to
and their targeted the hard work
goals and
1) To meet the actual outputs, in this cannot be
KPI. way, it is said
their goals align plans helps to
2) To meet with the with the personal This thing
organizational pre- goals and increase their
determined targets organizational should be
and objectives. qualitative output reviewed.
3) To align with of the company

Organizational and will also help

operations and goal
for the
achievement of

the targeted
output and goals.

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6 Provide feedback to each team member from your assessment in the previous question.
Note: Feedback is personal and should be done separately for each team member. Use the
feedback template below as a proof of feedback for each team member. You are not required to
answer the questions separately if using the template.
6.1 How will you communicate feedback to each team member (e.g., review comments on the plan,
recording of telephone conversation, video of face-to-face discussion)?

Communicating feedback to each team member will be important and necessary for the idea
sharing and the views sharing as well. This will create a feeling of happiness and greatfulness as
I will separate each heading and some different topics under each of the headings. I will mention
the feedback activities organized under each of the headings, peoples involved for the feedback,
timings of feedback and the feedback provided.
I will write an official mail and will forward the mail to each of the team members, mentioning the
details of the acts and activities. I will ask them to verify with all of those given feedbacks and
suggestions, I will also suggest them to provide their valuable suggestions in regards to those.
I will organise the separate face to face discussions separately for each of the employees. The
reason for this is because they need to be given with change in which they can present their
opinions and suggestions in regards to the different matters and suggestions.

6.2 Which interpersonal skills will you use to establish and build positive working relationships with
your team?

The type of skills that is present for any of the competence and the once that are facilitating interaction
and are also facing communication with the others where the social rules and relations are created are
also communicated and are also changed in the various ways of verbal and the Non-verbal ways these
types of things are said to be Interpersonal skills. The process in which these skills are also learned is
known as being socialized. The presence of lack of such skills is also capable of causing social
awkwardness. There are different types of interpersonal skills that I will use in order to establish and to
build positive relationships with the team. Some of them are,

 Emphatics Listening
 Purposeful questions
 Effective Articulation
 Difficult conversations
 Conflict resolutions
 Influence and negotiation.

These interpersonal skills can be used and I will use to establish and build positive working relationships
with my team. These interpersonal skills can help the works to be performed in a better way. This
interpersonal skills plays is playing capable ro9le in order to build positive working relationships with my

6.3 If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your feedback to this section
of your portfolio.

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Team member Feedback Template

7 Complete the table to facilitate team members’ access to development opportunities. For each team
member (You are not required to separately answer the questions below if you fill up the table):
7.1 Identify one goal/plan/activity.

i. Sales representative: No customer complaints

ii. Call centre staff: No absence due to anxiety
iii. Advertising staff: No mistakes on submitted adverts

7.2 State which personal or professional development opportunity (identified in question 3) is most
appropriate to help the individual team member realise the goal.
i. Sales representative: Inside job education like simulation

ii. Call centre staff: Employee Mentoring and Coaching

iii. Advertising staff: Formal personal or organization learning workshops

7.3 Explain how you will facilitate the professional development opportunity (e.g., attach a draft
email to HR to request training, schedule time for the team member to attend a workshop,
approve an invoice for a subscription).
The professional development opportunity can be facilitated by the following ways:

● Email to the HR:

Email to HR is required for approval and management of resources and schedule as
well as fundings for employee training.

● Recognize and appreciate the employees:

Recognizing and rewarding your staff may stimulate them and foster loyalty, both
of which are important factors in motivating employees. When employees feel
appreciated and their contributions are acknowledged, their productivity rises.
Rewards can be salary increase or time/day off etc.
● Encourage mentoring and coaching :
Companies can help their workers improve by cultivating a management
culture that values communication and training.

● Provide immediate feedback:

Knowing their flaws is crucial to both personal and professional
development. Companies should establish systems that assist
management in organizing and assessing their workers' advantages and
shortcomings on a regular basis. This continuous assessment and
feedback method creates a feedback system for staff, allowing them to
identify sectors where they need additional training along with developing
aspects where they may enhance their capacity and productivity.
● Soft skills should be identified and developed:
Time management, collaboration, listening skills, and communication are just a
few examples of these abilities. Companies that provide soft-skill training and
coaching tools may raise the efficiency of their whole group, not just the

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● Cross-Departmental Training Programs should be implemented:
Dissolving these departmental boundaries may enhance communication
through one department to another, boosting the group's overall

● Seek for opportunities for growth:

Companies must implement innovative opportunities to interact with
employees in an attempt to lessen staff turnover and performance. Employee
training and development strategies are usually two approaches that lay the
groundwork for better employee interactions.

7.4 Attach proof of your facilitation to this section of your portfolio. (e.g.; attach a draft email to staff
member requesting the team member to attend an online professional activity
webinar/workshop etc.)

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Note: Depending on the professional development opportunity, more than one proof of
facilitation may be required (e.g., if all three team members are to attend the same training,
then one email to HR is sufficient).

Team Individual Personal or How will you facilitate access to

member goal/plan/activity Professional the professional development
development opportunity?
No customer
Team member
1: Complaints Inside job education
like simulation
Access to as many sessions as

No absence due to Employee Mentoring Access to as many sessions as

Team member
Anxiety required.
2: and Coaching
Schedule separation for attending

sessions and break form work

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during the time

No mistakes on
Team member
3: submitted adverts Formal personal or
organization learning
Option of participating through as
many training programs as they

Attach: Proof of organisational goals ☐

Documented team responsibilities ☐

Proof showing organisational requirements ☐

Proof showing additional support for team members ☐

Proof of communication to support work goal development ☐

(at least one depending on chosen form of communication)

Proof of feedback to team members (separate feedback ☐

for each team member)

Proof of professional development facilitation ☐

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Section 2: Develop and maintain own personal and

professional competence
1 Describe your role and responsibilities (Read the case study to find out your role and responsibility).
1.1 What is your role/position within the team?

My responsibility in the team lies as a team leader. A team leader is a person who gives a
group of persons (team) with advice, guidance, guidance and leadership to achieve an
important outcome or a set of harmonized results. The team leader monitors the team's
quantitative and qualitative performance and communicates to a management the results. A
team leader is a person who gives a group of people with advice, instructions, guidance and
direction to achieve a key outcome or to achieve a combination of linked results. The team
leader oversees the team's quantitative and qualitative outcomes and reports to a manager.
Team leader is someone who supervises the workgroup's operation through teaching and
guidance. These people can play numerous roles, including: Manager or supervisor: He or
she is responsible for monitoring all work within a team. A leading team, Leads and manages
a staff team. Communicates corporate objectives, security procedures and team deadlines.
Motivates and evaluates the performance of team members. Provides managerial
assistance, including recruitment and training, and maintains management of team

1.2 How does your role contribute to the broader organisational goals (selected to focus on in
Section 1)?

Proper guidance and team mentor is how I contribute to the boarder organizational goal. After
a period, the sales staff was able to submit feedback on the performance of the sales
manager. Many team members noticed the manager's abrupt way, leaving him uncertain
about his place. The CEO was pleased to see that the sales manager accomplished most of
his duties on time and on budget. Personnel and professional development of personnel was
not subject to extra expenditures. However, too many customer complaints still existed and
the CEO was concerned that organizational abilities of the sales manager needed
development to prioritize work properly and lower customer complaints by another 20%. The
CEO asked the sales manager in four weeks to talk on progress with his own personal and
professional growth. The consumer is always the first to prioritize work. The CEO asked the
sales manager in four weeks to talk on progress with his own personal and professional

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growth. The consumer is always the first to prioritize work.

1.3 What are your responsibilities (list at least three)?

Motivation is "to encourage or encourage action." motivation. Motivating can describe a speech or
force or any type of message and it is an adjective in such instance. Motivation is how a company
may inspire employees to do what they can. Motivated people are concerned with the company's
success and work better. The production is boosted by additional efforts from employees: a
motivated workforce. Improved qualities since employees are more proud of their job. Motivation
is why individuals or animals begin, maintain or end specific conduct at a certain time

Control is all about the commanding leadership style. Leaders are strong, straightforward, and

harsh. Leaders with a master style are highly focused and willing to do whatever to achieve the

goals of outcomes, especially the bottom line. This indicates that people are rolling over at times.

Leadership is what people commonly think of a conventional leader. You are naturally

responsible and driven to do so. The ability of an organization to do its task is directly affected by

the leadership and team effort. To ensure everybody in your group moves in the same direction

and works towards the same objective, you need leadership.

Set plans and targets.

Targeting is a strategy method for determining energy, water, waste use and management
performance objectives. However, the development of a series of action plans and strategies is
essential for both short- and long-term planning to achieve the objective targets. In other words,
the objectives are what the plan will achieve, given the framework for national growth and a basic
year education diagnostic and a preliminary evaluation of the available resources. Objectives
relate to the "main aspiration," which individuals cherish to accomplish again and over again. It's
our greatest wish. On the other hand, objectives are goals to be achieved

2 Seek feedback on your own personal and professional development. (Take part in a meeting with
your classmate or assessor and seek feedback on your own personal and professional
development, use the feedback response template below. You are not required to answer the
questions below separately if using the feedback response form)
2.1 Who can provide you with feedback about your development needs (at least one person)?

Facilitator is the one who can provide with feedback about your development needs. The
facilitator is the person responsible for preparing the agenda and determining the actions
required to achieve the goals. It works closely to understand the goals and participants as
well as the deliverables as they plan, deliver, and document the project meeting with the
sponsor and project manager. The Project Facilitator comprises a variety of tasks and
obligations in favour of team growth by giving team members with training, analyses,

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consultations, and advice. It focuses at effectively addressing problems and making decisions
throughout the life cycle.

2.2 Which questioning and listening techniques will you use to seek and receive feedback?

2.3 Social media help (i.e., mails, zooms, etc.) can be used as technique to seek and receive
feedback from the team members and related stakeholders. You will get useful feedback from
individuals who are using your Products or services by leveraging social media to collect feedback
from your consumers by making use of postings, questionnaires, social features, and more. The
numerous social media platforms may be used for your benefit in so many ways. When
organizations utilize social media, social media users are the stakeholders of organizations.

2.4 If not already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of the feedback (e.g., video of a
meeting with your superior) to this section of your portfolio.
Feedback Response Template

3 Plan your own personal and professional development. (You are not required to answer the
questions separately if using the table below).
3.1 For your assumed role in this assessment, what are your goals, plans and activities (name at
least two)?

To build strong relationships with team members

The more comfortable people around you, the more assured they are, for example, of
speaking thoughts, brainstorming and new ideas. This degree of collaboration is crucial for
changing, creating and innovating. And when you see how successful labour is, group
morality and productivity rise. You also get freedom from good working relations. You may
instead focus on opportunities – from gaining new business to focusing on the personal
growth – rather than time and energy in dealing with unfavourable interactions.
Sorting out targets and increase in team command and responsibility.

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A team is a collection of people who work together to achieve a common objective. Every
member contributes to the team, but the entire group is Effective collaboration requires
specific circumstances in place to improve the synergy of a team-based organization through
team processes.

3.2 How do your goals align with the organisational goals?

To protect peace
Peace improves our communities and our lives, leading to the greatest possible inclusion of
diversity and mutual support. We are a key element to a sustainable, just, meaningful, lively and
happy personal and communal existence via attention, generosity and justice.
To help people in need.
It doesn't just improve the world—it also makes you better by volunteering your time, money or
energy to benefit others. Studies show that the simple act of returning your health, happiness and
well-being to the community increases.

3.3 Which competency standards apply to your performance (name at least three)?

Leadership is a field of research and a capacity to "lead," influence or direct other persons,
teams, or whole organizations by a single individual, group or organization. Leadership means an
individual or a group of people's capacity to influence and guide supporters or other members of
an organization. Good leaders show bravery, passion, confidence, dedication and ambition, as
well as leadership, guidance and guidance. They foster their people's abilities and talents and
form teams to achieve shared objectives. The most successful leaders share the same
Firm wide
Extending throughout a company, or firm- It is a decision of firm in making competency as a
standard to perform well by the company. Firm wide as a competency standards apply can be
use in performance improvement.

Workplace strategies
The workplace strategy aligns the work patterns of a company with its work environment
dynamically to allow for high performance and cost reduction. Workplace Strategy is the dynamic
harmonized work patterns of an organization with the working world, enabling high performance
and cost reduction. Communication in the workplace enhances efficiency of workers. Research
has demonstrated that efficient communication with the side and working group’s results in an
increase in overall performance of the firm. If employers or managers can listen to their
employees and respond, the employee satisfaction increases.

3.4 How will your performance be measured?

Depending on your firm industry and its objectives, there are numerous ways to evaluate
employee performance. For example, industrial firms can assess output performance by
measuring the quantity of widgets produced. Sales teams may largely assess performance by
sales. A measure of performance is a numerical description of the activity of the agency and the
results. Performance measurements are based on data and tell a story about whether an

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organisation or activity is meeting its goals and if progress towards policy or organizational
objectives is being made. My performance will be measured through Feedbacks and ratings.

3.5 Which performance development opportunities will help you realise your goals (at least two)?

Continuing education and awareness

Awareness of your career represents your attitudes, your knowledge and the experience of your
life. Continuing to make active decisions about your career uses all these aspects. Your level of
professional awareness will directly affect the importance and effect of the power movements you
make. Career awareness and exploration supports students with experience that allow them to
connect with people in industry, building a grasp of the whole terrain of their careers.

Skill based trainings.

Trainings based on qualifications are quite different — they focus on how to perform something
specific and provide a learning ability that can be used immediately. Here are a few examples of
the utilization of this workout: Communications hazardous. Management of performance - Keep
cool when you're talking over the phone. Competency-based learning helps build strengths and
abilities to meet their objectives. Students acquire skills that help them listen, organize and
encourage the team through activities and events

3.6 Document your own development needs, plans and activities. Make sure you include the
feedback you received.

Role description Role: Team Leader

Key competencies and measurement:

 Able to maintain positive relationship with team members
 Able to provide guidance and strategies

Development Personal: Organizational and social skills to manage help lines

requirements and
Professional: Maintain chart of schedules and plans to be performed.

Goals Performance development Time Priority Incentives/rewards

opportunities frame

Successfully Coaching, tutorial 7 weeks 1 Day off work

schedule and attend
meetings and

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Coaching, tutorial 7 weeks 1 Day off work
schedule and attend
meetings and

o No negative comments. Role playing in difficult situations. 7 weeks2 Listed as a social help

4 Participate in at least two personal and professional development activities you selected in the
previous question. Attach proof to this section of your portfolio.
You can use the professional development report template below to record participating in activities.

Professional Development Report Template

Title of professional development activity 1: Individual training program

Date: 6/08/2022
Time: 2:00PM
Duration: 1 hour
Organisation that provided the Professional development:

 Worlducation

Provide a brief overview of the purpose of the professional development activity.

 It was done to improve an individual’s perspective and knowledge. It would help them in
finding the best ways to approach learning.
Outline the skills that you have developed by participating in the professional development

 Rational thinking
 Self-encouragement

What did you like most about the professional development activity?

 That it depends on how well a person is willing to learn in order to achieve their growth
and knowledge.

What did you like least?

 Person might be used to learn working alone and it might create a sort of ego.

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Benefits of participating in the professional development opportunity

 Personal growth
 Rational thinking

Whether you found it suitable to your personal learning style(s),

 Yes I preferred it the moth because it helped me boost my confidence

Title of professional development activity 2: Expert training

Date: 7/08/2022
Time: 2:00 PM
Duration: 1Hour
Organisation that provided the Professional development:

 Worlducation

Provide a brief overview of the purpose of the professional development activity.

 A group of experts provided better ways of growth and development in each individual
Outline the skills that you have developed by participating in the professional development

 Leadership
 Conflict resolution tactics

What did you like most about the professional development activity?

 Conflict resolutions tactics

What did you like least?

 Lack of teamwork tactics

Benefits of participating in the professional development opportunity

 Personal growth
 Rational thinking

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Whether you found it suitable to your personal learning style(s),

 Yes I found it suitable for me as I want to keep and growing and colleting knowledge.

Attach: Proof of feedback (if relevant) ☐

Proof of documented development needs (if relevant) ☐

Proof of participation in professional development ☐

activities (at least two)

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Section 3: Facilitate achievement of work priorities

1 Research and implement techniques to manage team health and well-being in the workplace (you
are not required to answer the questions separately if using the table)
1.1 Do research to explain at least five techniques applicable to your specific organisation for
maintaining the health and well-being of yourself and your team members.

Use systematic practice for self-care on regular basis: As we know that prevention is better
than cure for every individual life. So, developing system for self-care can play vital role in
maintaining health and wellbeing of one and members of team. Self-care preventive
technique of health and wellbeing of employees and employer simply checking and
maintaining care for oneself by doing activities such as eating health food, staying hydrated,
getting enough sleep, regular exercise, avoiding any harmful activities, food, alcohol and
Maintaining a break period: While working on any project it is important to take a moment for
break. As study has shown that taking a break helps to relieve the stress and refresh the
workers. Continuously working can be overwhelming and can cause in harm in individual
health and wellbeing where it will eventually lead to problem while conducting operation. So
developing a break period in the hectic work schedule make difference and maintain support
for workers wellbeing and health.
Communication system: It is the process of the exchanging the information which helps for
wellbeing needs in projects. Good communication system helps to establish an effective
communication system to report any condition while working. It helps to employer to
communicate the information, duties, responsibility, and expectation where employees can
communicate the needs, supports needed by them. Two-way communication systems obtain
positive outcome for maintaining wellbeing and health.

Practice mindfulness: It's a type of meditation that has grown in popularity over the years.
Lots of individual currently uses it on a daily basis to help with a variety of physical and
mental issues. Mindfulness has been scientifically proved to soothe discomfort, reduce the
stress, and lessen anxiety, among other things. Mindfulness practice for ten minute every
day, especially during times of difficult circumstance helps in significant difference in one’s
health and well-being
Develop an environment of support and secure: Working environment should be secured,
hazard free and support the workers to maintain health and wellbeing. Such as in current
condition of pandemic using social distancing rules, necessary restriction should be
maintained. Accessing the risk exposure should be conducted, and effective working
environment should be established for the success of the project

Note: Use at least two sources of information and attach proof of your research to this section
of your portfolio.
1.2 Complete the table below to select the techniques that best suit each team member.
1.3 Attach proof of how you’ve implemented the selected health and well-being techniques.
Note: Depending on the health and well-being technique(s) chosen, more than one proof of
implementation may be required (e.g., You can develop an employee EAP (Employee
assistance program) to assist staff members with mental health issues, alternatively, you can
also allow team members to have hybrid working arrangement so they can have a better work-
life balance).

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Team member: Health and well-being technique How can it be implemented?

Student’s role
To develop a system to maintain the health
and wellbeing technique By developing and implementing
effective techniques to maximize
the safety and lessen the risk

Team member 1 Self-care practice on daily basis ( it is Providing awareness

techniques, providing access for
important to take self-care to practice in
enough water, providing fruits on
current pandemic condition to stay health tables, implementing no drugs or
and also surrounding wellbeing) alcohol use strategy

Team member 2 Practice mindfulness techniques

Use enough space or creating a
suitable place of meditation
whenever employee’s feels
highly stressed or discomfort.

Developing a good
Team member 3 Effective communication system
communication system which

supports the two ways

communication system where

employees can make

suggestion or ask for support
and help to maintain the health
and well-being.

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2 Complete the table below to assess personal, team and organisational demands.

Demand for: Weekly work, personal, professional and well- Time frame? Priority
being activities required to be completed

Student’s role Create and develop a time chart for the project 1-2 weeks High

Increasing commanding, proper follow up on plan, medium

Team 4-6 weeks
structure and procedures
member 1

Create a proper communication system, identify

Team 4-6 weeks medium
the gaps in the communication and develop
member 2
effective communication strategy for well being

Collecting and gathering information which can be

Team 8 weeks High
time consuming and hard to obtain
member 3

3 Use technology to manage the work priorities (determined in the previous question) of your team.
3.1 Does your organisation specify specific technology to use for project management? (e.g.;
Project management software or tools)

Yes, our organization uses the different technology for the project management such as laptops,
mobiles, internet etc to stay connected with the team and our area of the focus

3.2 What technology will you use to manage the work priorities of your team? (e.g.; Google
calendar, Microsoft outlook, Microsoft office, etc)
Different technology will be used for managing the work priorities of our teams. Some of them are
described below: -

Database- A database is a method of organizing data in such a way that the amount of data
obtained is minimized.

Word processing- Word processors are a great tool to exchange information and keep track of
what's happening in the project. For managing the project, we will need to depend on
documentation for past information which will help you express what you've completed or done

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reason behind the task, as well as uncover flaws and methods to progress.

Electronic tools and technology- such as laptops, mobiles and internet which helps in
communicating the information, record the information and transaction which will helps to
evaluate the progress of the projects

3.3 Explain how the technology improves work efficiency.

 It enables more effective communication
 It allows project teams to streamline and customise workflows
 It enables the automation of manual tasks and promotes higher value work It increases and
enhances collaboration
 It facilities the project management in collecting and recording the data and progress It
enhances the capability of work processing

Competitive advantages

 Helps in allocating the needed resources in correct place

3.4 Attach proof of your technology use to this section of your portfolio. (You can attach a
screenshot of google calendar, Microsoft office product, office outlook etc.)

Attach: Proof of technology use to organise work demands ☐

Proof of health and well-being research ☐

Proof of implemented health and well-being techniques ☐

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