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, ported girder of a bridge spans 0 bs standard truck load (H load) M of 2 moving loads, 4.3 m. apart. The ed 59s (O1OWS: ’ 6 Calulate the maximum support reaction. © Calculate the maximum moment in the girder, @ Calculate the maximum shear at mid- span, Solution: ~ © Maximum support reaction. Placed the biggest load at point B where max. reaction occurs. 71.2 KN 17.8 kN 43m ¥ RSITBKN TM=0 Rs =71.2(06) + 17.8(20.7) R= 85.94 kN RAL DESIGN and CON: MAY 2022 STRUCTION ®@ Maximum moment in the girder, TL2KN —17.8kN Mo =0 47,8(4,3) + 71.2(0) = 89x x= 0.86 m. To obtain. max. moment, place the load such a way that the center of the span will coincide with the center of the biggest load and the resultant load as shown in the figure. yMa=0 : 25 Rs = 89(12.07) ~ Ri.= 42.97 KN 71.2 KN R=89 KN Max. moment: Mmax = Rs (12.07) Max = 42.97(12.07) Max = 518.65 KN. D-532 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations ® Maximum shear at mid-span To obtain max. shear at the mid-span use influence line. TL2KN 17.8KN : j 0 wh. whe i TIT 4 TE Tt HR038iwe Ry=L2imL —R,=0ASWE | Shear { + . O3taWE * oSke 0033WL ‘OD53wE. Jt. 205 . ce P e 82 125 . fe ead, 0dinwe / | h=-0328 None : er way tt O1)6Twi2 2 é 7 |soo7aswi? /\so0ssaws?, ew a Max. shear at mid-span: , ee [= | i i Vpee = 71.2(0.5) + 17.8(0.328) * =» Shoat” estan > 3 Vou: = 446 KN | PA trey Beam ABCDE is to be analyzed for maximum forces at ultimate conditions. The beam Is simply supported at A, B,C, D and E. Factored loads: Dead load = 15 KN/m ‘Live load = 19 KN/m © Determine the max, shear at B, ® Determine the max. reaction at B, ® Determine the max. positive moment at span AB, , al aunt ReL10wL Rel 2230 DL=1.143wL. DL=1.143(15)(8) | DL = 137.16 kN LL = 1.223wL ¢ LL= 1.223(19)(8) LL= 185.90 kN Max. reaction at B: Re = 137.16 + 185.90 Re = 323.06 KN @® Max. positive moment at span AB OL= 0.607WL W,=15 kN/m Pee A B c D _E el | ; | oan I | | +0.0772wL? Forboth DL and LL silonbed aren ibaa D-534 Civil Engineoring Licensure Examinations «=. DL= 15 kNim @ How much is the larger principal stragg = 2 MPa)? . ee perraa ® Wea Is the value of the normal axial Ms = 0.0772(15)(5)2 stress Gy (MPa)? Me = 74.11 KN.m @® Find the maximum in plane shear stress jn, LL= 19 kNIm MPa. . Ms = 0.0996wL2 Ms ='0.0996(19)(8)2 Me = 121.11 kKN.m Max. positive moment at span AB: . Max. Ma = 74.11 + 121.11 Max. Ms = 195.22 KN.m ——————— ee RAN 8rd Figure shows the stresses in an element and the corresponding Mohr's circle. Points A and B represent the stresses on the x face and on the y-face of the element respectively. Solution : © Larger principal stress Omax = 15 + 60 = 75 MPa *@ ‘Normal axial stress. y= 30 MPa ® Inplane shear stress Tmax = R Tmax = 60 MPa 4. CE Board May 2022 A ceiling, weighing 640 N is supported by 3 cables as shown. An isosceles triangle is formed with two angles = 60°. ° © What is the tension in cable B? ®@ What is the tension in cable C2 @ What is the elongation of cable A if .E=200 MPa, area = 20 mm2? D-535 - w oi neering Licensure Examinations o fon : ; sor jon in cable B A footing 2 m. wide x 2 m, long and 0.45 m. thick carries a square column 0.40 m x 0.40 m on its center. Given: Effective depth of footing = 035 m, Concrete, fe’ = 28 MPa Reinforcing steel, fy = 415 MPa Allowable stresses at ultimate loads: For two- way action shear = 1.76 MPa For wide- _beam shear = 0.88 MPa @ Based on two-way action shear, what is the allowable axial load (KN) at ultimate condition? . ® Based on wide-beam shear, find the . allowable axial load (kN) at ultimate 15m A . . stresses. } 540N B : ® The design moment at ultimate loads at t the face of the column is 300 kN.m. How } 1.0 os Io many 20 mmo bars are required? i Solution: j : @ Allowable axial load due to two-way action | Mor = 0 shear : oa 540(0.5) = A(1.5) . A=180N > BeC A+tB+C=540 160 +B +B=540 B= 180N 2 Tension in cable C BEC=480N © Elongation of cable A set AE 6 = 180(560) { 2020) | 5= 252mm : | D-536 | Chil Engineering Licensure Examinations ‘ ea | v d= 350 37 : ® Number of 20 mma bars needed if | : _ Mu=300KN.m, so 3) : Mu= of’ bd2 w(t - 0.59w) | Pp. . , 300x108 = 0,90(28)2000\350}(1-0699) | t : w= 0.0505 | 4 ; : \ Pe | | V=P, -0.75(0.75)q, fo. | : P oy -,010505(28) | | =P, -orr(') PES : : p = 0.0034 -- V, =0.859P, . ! ee | > abd . i : | p= 0880 ea | ‘+ 0.85(750)(4)(350) Pan, = 0.00337 - P. = 1828638 N ; _ A, =pbd 4 | P=182R6KN “ “A, =0.0034(2000)(350)- = ; ‘ A, = 2381 mm? ® Allowable axial load due to wide-beam n shear =. = (20)'N = 2364 | é-035.045 4 N=7.5 say 6 bars ELEMENT A 600 mm x 600 mm column by a 36m square footing on 5 piles as shown, V, =4,(0A5)(2) F - = HO). V, =0.226P, V, as »» abd __0226P (1000) 1185(2000)(350) P, = 2827 KN 0.88 e210 KN \ymn moment due to earthquake = 160 kN.m required strength of the footing is based te following factored load combination: U=132D+11L+11E 9 Calculate the critical beam shear stress at ulimate loads. @ = 0.75 © Compute the ultimate punching, stress. 0=0.75 @ Compute the punching shear of the most stressed pile. Solution: © ~~ Sea @ Wide beam shear stress P. 12m Pur 1320414 L411 E Pu 1:32(420) + 1.1(860) + 1.1(210) Pu= 1181.4 KN Mu=1.32D+44L+4.4E Ma 1.32(0) + 4.1(0) + 1.1(210) Mu = 176 KN.m Ultimate reaction of pile at row 1: PMC - R= x +— l=Ad? 1=2(1.2)°(2) 1=5.76. = 1814 | 176(1.2) - a7 5 5.76 R, = 272.95 KN < 280 OK 3600 mm D-538 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations = j V, oak » abd y= 3127295)(1000) 10.75(3800)(650) 0 =0.67 MPa ® Ultimate punching shear stress 1250 1250} ZGos a rr 2 2 b, = 1250(4) = 5000 _ 945129 * 0,75(5000\(680) v, =0.39 MPa v, 06 Te : ae ® Punching shear of thé most Stresseq bile 2000 mm. = (2000) y= 272980 ®. 0.75(1)(2000) © £0, 0.089 MPa a ELEM ee) A prestressed concrete beam - * 350 mm x 450 mm in cross-section has a; simple span of 10 m. r Stresses due to extemal loads: i Compression = 4.88 MPa i: Tension = 4.88 MPa Stresses due to prestressing force: Compression = 3.46 MPa Tension = 0.72 MPa . Unit wt, of concrete = 24 kNim? ® Determine the bending stress at the bottom fiber. c ® What is the maximum additional external moment if the allowable tensile stress is Zero. Loss of stress = 20% it ® What is the super imposed uniform load i the allowable tensile stress is 2 MPa oe the allowable compressive stress is 4 MPa. Loss of stress = 20% fete D539 censure Examinations , | o ine ui 0 ; Additional external moment ws gat the bottom fiber = 57.65 - 32.70 = 24,95 kN Due 10 rend ‘moment pee ee ® Super imposed uniform load if the allowable tensile sttess is 2 MPa and the allowable compressive stress is 4.0 MPa. Loss of stress = 20% ke 4488 +147 4st. fe4516 40 “gress tthe bot fet = 1.42 : gonding (tensilestress) * . HD external moment if the 7 ss is zero. Loss of ane Gi » oo 3 wa. additional , ahowable tensile stre = 20% Tensile stress due to prestressing force (4 168 after loss 72(0.8) = 0.576 MPa 2 3.46(018) = AWN “2768 p=+2.168 Moment when the bottom stress is 488 MPa before the loss of stress: = M, Mog 4g - OM, 360(450)" MW, =67.65 kNm Foren when fo oto stress s 2768 MPa after the loss of stress: ih bd? 2M, 350(450)" M, =3270MPa D-540 COT ACE Remar The beam shown has the following data: Beam: b x h = 350 mm x 550 mm. Slab thickness = 100 mm Reinforcement at the top of the bearn: 3-28mmo . Reinforcement at the bottorn of the beam: 5-28mmo Clear concrete covering = 40 mm > Web reinforcement diameter = 12 mm fe = 28 MPa _— f= 275 MPa fy=415 MPa > pp = 0.0288 The beam having a length of 12 simply ‘supported at the left end and at a point 3 m from the right end of the beam. @® Determine the positive nominal ee -capacity of the beam, : ® Determine the negative nominal moment capacity of the beam. ® Determine the max. uniform load that the beam could support. Allowable shear strength of concrete = 0.90 MPa Solution : + = @ Nominal positive moment of the beam, _ 0 = 484mm Tv = =(28)°(5) A, = E(28)(6) A, = 3078.76 mm? ‘. A Prey _ 3078.76 ”°360(484) p =0.01817 * pmax = 0.75 pb Pmax = 0.75(0.0288) pmax = 0.0216 * P< Pmax Therefore we analyze as’a rectangulat beam reinforced for tension only, no compression bars at the top are needed. Oss’ Engineering Licensure Examinations me teAsly T26 Ash? = 0.85 078. a 7 15x50) a= 153.38 mm a u(e-§) i weat(4§] 7 153.38 ", =r 734944 : ‘s28) w= 520.41 KN.m (positive nominal , ° moment capacity of the beam) © Negative moment capacity of the beam = E2973) ee 9=0.0109 M, 7 M, =-7.5(0)? Use absolute value, MEM, 18 5, 1, 5-1H6-9 30x? 376 - 150x + 16x? 2 2 30x? - 15x? + 150x- 375 = 0 15x? + 160x- 376 = 0 x= 207m x2= 10- 2x xg= 10-2(2.07) x2 6,86 m zero weiS kN/m 2R= 15(10) R=75 a (75 ~ 15x)(5-x) M, =-M,+ “= M,=- a =~ 75x? o=- 75+ (EXS-akS-8 7.5x? =7.5(25 - 10x +2) Xx + 10-2550 10x = 25 x= 25m ® Distance x for the least shear 15x = 75 ~ 15x 30x 5 75, Kaas y ~~ we? ~> = =." _ as an apne LUconsure Examinations gth Fp» = 480 MPa gth Fvp = 138 MPa Fu=400 MPa pearing stren shearing stren 2250 MPa © Daermine the max. load P based on shearing strength of bolts. @ Determine the max. load P based on. bearing strength of plate. © Determine the max. load P based on tensile capacity of the plate. Solution: 6 Ra load P based on shearing strength of PA, Fy, P= F an7(oyt20) P= 330.3kN ® fe load P based on bearing strength of P= 20(25,9)480) P= 2160 kN D547 plate 0m tensile capacty of Based on gross area: 3 P= 0,60 Fy Ay P = 0.60(250)(300)(46) id P= 1125 kN 231 pa | 300 : 231 Based on net area: - Net area = (300 - 3(23)\(25) = 5775 P=0.50 FuAn ™ P = 0.50(400)(5775) P= 1155 kN Use P = 1125 kN : ee LAER ey) A tied column 450 mm square is reinforced * with 8 - 28 mm @ equally distributed on its sides. The unsupported length of column is 2.6 m. and is prevented to sidesway due to shear walls. K = 1.0, fc’ = 20.7 MPa and fy =415 MPa. Use 40 mm covering measured from center of reinforcement with tie diameter is.12mm. Es = 200 GPa @ Determine the nominal load that the column could carry. ® Determine ‘the balanced load | using concrete strain value of €c = 0.003 and ; : - yield strain of steel €, = is @» Determine the balanced moment. Solution: ® Nominal load: * D548 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations i : . d= 450-40 Ass : (28)? (8) d=410mm. ‘As = 4926 mm? : ‘ ‘Ag = 450(450) For a balanced condition; Ag = 202500 mrh® , C,* SS Pn = 0.80 [0.85 fc! (Ag As) + As fy] . eon) : = 4926) = oe Pn = 0,80 [0.85(20.7)(202500 - 4926) + 795 +600 +4926(415)] ©, = 242.36. Pn=4416484.N : Pris 4416.54KN a=BC, / . a= 0,85(242.36) ® . Balanced toed that the column could cay: a=206 mm Eat = 0.003, 17.36. 242.36 e,' = 0.0002149 fre, E, +f, =0.0002149 (200,000). f, =42.98 MPa : -. ©, 20856! ab C, = 0.85(20.7)(206)(450) C, = 1631057 CFA, 4, 185 T1857 ©, = F (20) (94448) C, = 766611 SEK A, C, = 42.98(/4) (28)? (2). : "'C, ='52930 oi os i TEAS, ‘T= mld (28 (3)(415) 1=766611 TF=0 / T+P, =C, 4C, +, 768641 +P, = 1631057 + 766611 + 52930 , = 1683087 N P, = 1684 kN ® Balanced moment: Mb = Cy (122) + Cp (185) + T(185) My = 1631057(122) + 76661 1(185) © +766611(185) Mo = 482635024 Mb = 482.64 KN.m Given data: a=1m.,P. 0=30', B=45 : © Determine the resultant of the three forces P1, P2 and Ps. ® Determine the vertical reaction at B. ” @ Determine the horizontal reaction at B. 8 KN, P2=0.9KN, Ps = 0.45 KN Solution: @® Resultant of the three forces P1, P2 and P3, TF, = 1.8 Cos 30° - 0:45 Cos 45" TR = 1.24kN > TF, = 0.90 kN + 1.8 Sin 30° + 0.45 Sin 45° TF, =2.12KN Resultant force: Re (2.12)? + (1.24) ? R=245kN Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations . ® Vertical reaction at 8. Solution: =™M, =0 ® Reaction at C ; 2R,, = 0.90(1) + 1.8 Sin 30°(1) #0.45 Sin 45°(1) Considering the whole section, ' Ry, = L07KN ® Horizontal reaction at B. R,, = 0 (supported by a role) oe Cae mars The figure shown is a portable seat subjected to a load W = 2100 KN and is braced by a cable FG. Coefficient of friction at D and” E=0.20 Hs =025 m @ Determine the reaction atC. =! e ® Determine the tensile force in cable FG. i yMe =0 @ Determine the reaction at D Roy (0.90) = 2100(0.3) Roy 700 KN W=2100 kN Roy + Rey = 2100 Rey = 2100 - 700 = 400 KN Meo 0.9 Roy = 2100(0.6) Roy = 1400 KN ® Tension of cable FG Considering D, B, C. ox= 0.20(700) Roc= 140 KN Hie=0 40:5) + 700(0.45) = T(0.25). » 1=1540 kN (tension of cable FG) © Reaction at D R= (700) + (140)? R, =713.86 kN Cet ee Given: mensions of the signage, b xc = 2.4mx 1.0m distance from the pole center, a = 0.4 m Signage distance from the ground, h = 8 m he wind force acting on the signage only is qual fo4 kN Diam. of the pole = 160 mm ® peteine the shearing of the pole at the ase, ® Determine the bending stress of the pole. ine the torsional stress of the Pole. Solution: Shearing stress 16 Pav os 4000=V a Av | eo =— i P To 3A re 4(4000) ' tea {sor Vv 1=0302MPa || 4 M=P(8.5) M=4(8.5) M=34kNin T=P(1.6) T=A(1.6) * T=6.4kN.m I . D-552 —— Civil Engineering Ucensure Examinations —_— TTT T= 6.4(10)° Nm _ 16T er - 16(6.4)(10)° ; Som (50) pg, = 9.66 MPA os 7B I= 1=24.85(10) mm’... . y | cr : Rs = Mio), 24.85(10)° {, = 10262 MPa ©. Torsional stress of the pole.” ; Fh *

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