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I will perform Oropharyngeal and Nasopharyngeal

Airway Suctioning and the purpose of this procedure is

to remove secretions from oropharyngeal and
nasopharyngeal airways
Prepare and gather the needed materials:
Sterile water, towel, tongue depressor, tissue wipes,
emesis basin, oral hygiene articles, stethoscope
Identify the patient
Determine the route for suctioning. Administer pain
medication before suctioning to post-operative patient
Explain procedure to patient
Assemble equipment
Do hand hygiene
Adjust bed comfortable working position. Lower side
rail closer to you.
Place patient in a semi fowler’s position if he or she is
If unconscious, patient should be placed in the lateral
position facing you.
Place towel across patient’s chest
Turn suction to appropriate pressure
-Open sterile suction package. Set up container,
touching only the outside surface and pour sterile
saline into it.
-Don sterile gloves. The dominant hand that will handle
catheter must remain sterile, whereas the non-
dominant hand is considered clean rather than sterile.
-With sterile gloved hand, pick up sterile catheter and
connect to suction tubing held with unsterile hand
-Moisten catheter by dipping it into container of sterile
-Estimate the distance from earlobe to nostril and place
thumb and forefinger of gloved hand at the point of the
catheter. About 13 cm or 5 inches for an adult.
-Gently insert catheter with suction off by leaving the
vent on the connector open.
-Slip catheter gently along the floor of an unobscured
nostril toward trachea to suction the nasopharynx or
insert catheter alongside of mouth toward trachea to
suction the oropharynx. Never apply suction as catheter
is introduced
-Apply suction intermittently by occluding suctioning
port with your thumb. Gently rotate catheter as it is
being withdrawn. Do not allow suctioning to continue
for more than 10 – 15 seconds at a time
-Flush the catheter with saline and repeat suctioning as
needed and according to patient’s toleration of the
-Allow at least a 20 to 30 seconds’ interval if additional
suctioning is needed. The nares should be alternated
when repeated suctioning is required.
-Do not force the catheter through the nares.
Encourage patient to cough and breathe deeply
between suctioning. Suction the oropharynx.
-When suctioning is completed, remove gloves inside
out and dispose of gloves, catheter and container with
solution in proper receptacle.
-Perform hand hygiene.
-Use auscultation to listen to chest and breath sounds
to assess effectiveness of suctioning
-Offer oral hygiene after suctioning
-Record time of suctioning and amount of secretions,
also note the character of the patient’s respirations
before and after suctioning

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