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Chapter No. Title of the Chapter Page No.

1 Introduction

2 Business Profile

3 Case Study

4 Finding and Suggestions

5 Conclusion

“Entrepreneurship is the attempt to create value through recognition of business opportunity,

the management of risk-taking appropriate to the opportunity and through the communicative
and managements skills to mobilize human, financial and material resources to bring a
project to fruition.” - John Kao and Howard Stevenson.

The importance of the development of entrepreneurial skills by every graduate cannot be

over-emphasized because gone are the days when jobs were available everywhere both in the
private and public sector of the economy and employers go about looking for potential
employees to employ.

Indeed, in the past, it is the employers that go round universities in this country to hunt for
potential employees. Then there were fewer universities and low university enrolment. But
today, things have changed and very drastically too such that many graduates are now sellers
of recharge cards and some work as bus conductors. What an economic tragedy and waste!

The question of choice of job or employer is gradually being eroded each year. Many
graduates are desperate to get any job to keep body and soul going. Indeed, there is a
paradigm shift in the labour market now. Even the professional disciplines are now fast
getting into that problem of unemployment.

Among the Indian population 50% of them are women. The role of women in India is
bounded inside the four walls of the household activities. Our society being reigned by men,
the unfair treatment against the women is still exercised in different parts of the country. In
past, the lifespan of Indian women was like a well-defined certain master plan. It began with
a girl playing with dolls and built to the crescendo of marriage. However, in this modern age
things have been changed a lot. Spread of education coupled with a revolutionary change in
the field of information and technology brings a significant change of the status of women in
the society. For the current report, a female entrepreneur with a bright and business minded
idea to start a home-based bakery from scratch was approached and interviewed.

Women entrepreneurship is defined as an act of possession and innovation of businesses that

benefices the women financially by increasing their confidence as well as the dominance in
the society. The government of India has defined Women Entrepreneurship as the business
possessed and governed by women having minimum financial stake of fifty one percent of
capital and giving at least fifty one percent of the employment rendered by the business
concern to women.

The Entrepreneurship can help women’s financial independence and improve their position in
the society. The development of women entrepreneurship enables society to understand and
appreciate their abilities. It enhances their position and leads to the integration of women in
building the nation and development of economy.

Business Profile


Company Mission:

Cake Away was started as a one woman's passion for wholesome, delicious baking.
Cake Away's founder and Pastry Chef, Anita Jain, loved to bake for her family and friends.
The word spread, and someone suggested that Sue open her own pastry business from home.
With that, Cake Away was born.

Cake Away has been flourishing in the lively George Town neighbourhood for over 2
years. A small business operating from the comfort of her own house and marketed through
various social media sites like Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter.

The entrepreneur daughter and her social media manager, Bhoomi, contributed
towards the growth of the buisness by promoting and marketing the business through
different social mediums and through her networks. She also handpicked and designed the
logos, menus and visiting cards herself to give the theme of the company an aesthetic touch.

Bhoomi designed it all herself to look exactly like the delicious unique treats that her
mother crafts. Each treat is unique, since it is made from scratch by Anita.

Anita also specialises in cat cookies to dog cakes, made specially made for our furry friends
of all sizes.

Sweet Treats and Eats is committed to organic and natural ingredients, and sources all
of its ingredients as locally as possible. All baked goods are made from scratch, without any
artificial ingredients. Anita's vision for Cake Away is that it provides only food that she
would feel good serving to her own family.
Cake Away caters to individual cravings for baked goods, but they are also happy to
fulfil large orders for corporations, all with the same high level of quality and
wholesomeness. Customers and businesses alike are invited to sample some of our delicious
and savoury baked treats for their next gathering.

Cake Away offers simple coffee cakes, pound cakes, sweet and savoury breads,
cupcakes, cookies, mousse cakes, popsicles, chocolates, and pies to fulfill your daily
cravings. Additionally, Cake Away also is able to craft handmade wedding cakes,
engagement cakes, baby shower cakes and any other custom treat for celebrations. Cake
Away also offers customized treats for pets - a perfect way to celebrate your furry friend!
Case Study

Q. Why the name “Cake Away”? What is the significance of the name?

A. Since the current business only provides curb-side pickup and home delivery, the name
“Cake Away” is a clever pun for the business and gives the gist of its services.

Q. Why a bakery business?

A. I have always enjoyed baking and feeding my family tasty sweets and treats. Initially I
was very hesitant to start my own business but with the love, support and push from my
family members, I am now a proud owner of a small business.

Q. What made you add dog cakes and treats in the menu?

A. I am a huge dog lover and my entire family helps/rescues stray animals. In fact, we have 2
dogs of our own! So when I started making dog-friendly cakes and treats for my own dogs, I
thought why not add it to the menu and share the goodness of fresh homemade treats for our
furry loyal friends.

Q. How do you plan to grow the business?

A. If the growth is steady and once my business flourishes further, I plan to rent a little place
of my own and decorate it into a cozy, homely café that serves coffee, pastries and cupcakes.

Q. How do you market your products?

A. As we all know, instagram reels today are an excellent tool to reach out to a wider
audience and promote anything and everything. My daughter acts as the social media
manager for my business and helps me promote my business.

Q. What is the most unique marketing technique you have used to sell your products?
A. In my opinion, a personal touch always goes miles to help promote your product,
especially with food. Who doesn’t like “ghar ka khaana” or “home’s food”? So we put up a
stall in my son’s school to highlight our business’s theme, which is “freshy baked goods at
home with love and care”.
Findings and Suggestions


 I discovered that a small business requires proper documentation, time management,

and automating repeatable tasks to difference between boom and bust.

 It is necessary to plan your social media campaigns in advance using social media
scheduling software. Using email marketing automation to follow up with new leads.

 Small businesses are uniquely positioned to offer a personal touch - especially if you
have a small team or run the company yourself. Handwritten thank-you notes go a
long way. Or, you can include a simple gift alongside the purchase or offer freebies in
exchange for reviews. 

 Posting unique photos of your business and your employees on social media because
people prefer human faces and real, behind-the-scenes footage over stock photos or

 A small business should be accessible. There is no excuse to present like a faceless

corporation. If orders take time to fill or you’re creating a custom item, keep your
customers informed of the process and manage their expectations accordingly.

 If customers do complain, use active listening to understand their pain points,

investigate the root cause and offer a resolution that matters to them. 

 Great customer service increases the lifetime value of your customers and helps
attract and retain new customers. 


 Your competitors know something you don’t and vice versa. Studying your
competitors helps you define your competitive edge while finding your weaknesses
relative to your rivals. Look at their tagline, unique value proposition and products or
 Small businesses have limited resources and can only offer a limited array of products
compared to large corporations. Specialization is your best bet, especially if you are a
sole proprietor offering a service, as this enables you to better iterate a compelling
value proposition and define a target market. 

 Longform video is in. Never repost Instagram content on TikTok — the audiences are

different. One-to-one marketing is the new standard-bearer for personalizing the
customer experience. 

 An entrepreneur’s most important skill is persuasion — the ability to convince people

to work for them, invest in their startup and try their product. You must be able to
champion a product you’re passionate about and weather the heady highs and lows of
running a business. 

 Running a business should be rewarding. It should be a chance to realize your

passion, achieve financial independence and spend more time with your family if
those things are important to you. 

 Use project management software to collaborate with others and create focused to-do
lists daily. Also, stick to your original business purpose. Don’t try to be everything to

 Cost control is key to staying afloat — especially in the early days of running an
online business. 

Entrepreneurship is not the ideal choice for those who simply want to get by in life
(survive). Entrepreneurship is the ideal choice for those who want to live life according to
their own terms and therefore will demand more from life in order to get what they really
want (significance).

Entrepreneurship is for those who take what are given in life their fate, go all out
using what they have been given to get what they really want. Entrepreneurship is about
using your life to do what you really love and truly care about passion. It's not about
submitting to the status quo (enjoying comfort ability); it's about challenging the status
quo (creating change).

A true entrepreneur at their very core is a renegade: someone who is bent on creating
change even though means going against the norm

From this project I understand what is a entrepreneur what are the entrepreneurial
traits to be followed in our life. In a nutshell, a person need to have entrepreneurial trait
and good personal qualities to become a successful entrepreneur. Specifically, the
entrepreneur traits are networked, open risk taker, observant, visionary, failure is an
option, open culture, outcome oriented, team oriented and proactive that must have in an
excellent entrepreneur.

These entrepreneur traits are the main value that need to be learned, followed and
applied by each individual in order to become successful. They determine the success or
failure of corporate business development, which also determines whether the formation
of core competitiveness of enterprises. These entrepreneur traits can be classified as
essential element that differ the difference between the successful entrepreneur and the
ordinary entrepreneur. This is due to the fact that most of the successful entrepreneurs in
the world do practice and applied at least one entrepreneur that had been listed at above.

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