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To the student “Tris book can rely hep you to caase your English vocabulary wl having ‘un, Mos of hott cover @ particular vecsbuly ares for example, hens into teen, fs and TV. Tana comoutrs, business and nds, and £0 (Others ave basa on werd types for example, prepostns, asa wars ‘oc colecthe nouns. Thar are alo tests on ying, words, words tat sound the sams eds that belong in the same group. Just choose the ‘ecabuary rea or werd type yeu want © Work on and uo th canons et totind the right ta or you. Or spy choose a est bacaus yeu ke tha eck ‘ofthe actity othe ination on tat gage. So you eke dong & crossword, chase a crossverd yu fake coking at cartons, ry one of tho ests where you rach a.eapon to a pictur. Enjoying the tes the ‘arest way of earned new words fst, Tha no ed 1 slat he begining and work touch avery toe inthe book. The tests atthe ord re ro re han the ene at the beginning. “Thre ar tp boxes for mary of tho tsi. Some point you to ter tats nt same vocabulary area, Others ve cura eration relates wor on that page, There are also kes, ps cn ways to lean vocabuley, and nates on spalng pater. ‘To gt nw words fed in your ind, you wll ecto do each test more than ‘once. So use a pee 1o wire the arewers the book when yu tt yours, “Then, when you've checked your arswers end looked careful alte words {you dt now or got wrong, you can ub out your answers ready forthe ext tie yu ry tet tes. Each tet wi tsk you between fa ard een rinutos todo the fest tie, but the next te you do it you wil probably be much quicker, ‘Thar is ro progressionineificuty win each Book. However, the re books ‘nthe Tet Your Vocabulary series are corey adod from Book 1, which fer begins a ook 5, whi is for ackenood students. you fi is book ' too hard for you, ty the net one down, Good uck with earing the word inthis book. And we hope yeu soy us ‘he werd ret stusons once you've art them here Peter Wstyr-Jones ancl Mark Far 1 Animals Wits the ruber ofthe picts next othe crtct word Dadger 4 hedgehog slug_ at role spanow eer newt swallow et cotter woodpecker __ to fw ails am ha Sng pra ke shogp ar {ar Most paces of fh daa a salman rout, cod ares on. eur eboney shou tlyou eg pms 9 hy ot chek oer chet? Cos ou Tet 95 for mere practice tn wer odo 2 Travelling words (Complete he sentences using werd om the box criso expedition Ag hke Journey outing packege hokay sala tour raw tp yoyag0 Te was an awl flight there was lots of turbulence, and fone ofthe cabin attendants actually fel over 2) Te cost of has fallen steadily, whichis nice for us but not great forthe environment. 3) From Vena to Vladivostok is 3 book about an amazing tain A) Tragically, the Tone sank on her maiden 5) met my husband on a romantic _arounal the CCarbbean, He was seasick and I nursed him, {6° Do you want to come on a day~ to Cambridge? 7 Theannual schoo! was always to the same place, Stonchengs 8) iwisacdasic ght, bus, hotel, everything inched. 9) We're planning long css the Pyrenes, aking tens and everything with ws 10 A guided of Manchester? How exciting! 4H, 1m 195% a Bish / New Zealand team set out on an historic to conuer the worlds greatest mountain, Everest. 2 You ‘wll nelude two days in the Mass Mara teserve, where you wll se lions, rhinos and ots of other spectacular wl lth worn tho se oie Ske Baik That art ave tore lal ae canna le he dit are aor a. used ‘eg boat te ose ert han a parca Wp Foe ‘eample, thes 2 rove ate Grades thy mind Do youre wih aero 3 Anagrams ‘Change tho werd in bod type co that he sartanese make sansa, Esch of ‘ho words fan anagram of he comet wor A) Your knowledge of computer spreadsheets willbe a big seats (asset — yin this jb, 2)_ So, your relationship i going through a dificult period? Perhaps bedroom ( isthe problem, and you both need ‘change and development, 3) They design ( ‘change their minds now. ) the contract, so it's abit late to 4) The wouble is that you often lad ( ) the wrong number 5) Do detect a thin ¢ ) of eaousy in your tone? 66) He wasa man of very strong ladles ( ‘often failed olive upto them, hut saaty he Ti Now know that you idle ( ‘used and deceived. hate you. ) about everything. feel she remained interested inpotities After she became bling she read everyting in hiberal ( ) she could lay her hands on, ‘Which would you prefer ~ the scenic outer ( more vec one taking the Inner ring-road? orthe 40) she wore a petty cotton trouser suit, pale yellow with thin black priests ( > 41 He was angry that we fled to discuss the wide anger (or sues that ne had raised in hs epor. 42 {want to study remaln ( because I love the se, ) biology a univers, 48 tesa sort of theme restaurant. There's poetry on the walls, and the menu i wtten n serve (__). 44 This analysis shows up reveals ( ) problems with our accounting system which will have to be sorted out 45° Claudia spider ( ) hese on her ability to handle Insects and other creepy-crawlies without any fear whatsoever P corecemnveccn mmineund ges ase eee Caucus ths chi the sarang wisi he garde? Chock (01 Tet 90 fer mer pact wih mid uo as. 4 Phrasal verbs 1 Footie the wordsin brackets using 2 suitable phrasal verb tom the box. Put the ve nth croc fom. ae ie Ccomeup win opin gotat getcown getround gve euay | geet goaut gobeck hand pass away tum down 4 Some tot turned off he fudge, an the mal has gone of __ decom sour) 2) He looked quite convincing dressed as 4 wom, but is moustache im (evened the ta about him 8) The game of chess originates from tna and about two thousand years. (Ise thousand yrs oi) 4) Tee a break. All his nonstop work is me (aepnesing) 5) What exactly are you 2 Have I done something wrong? (yng 0 say) 1B) No, darling, it looks tril. think you'l find that parpe spiky hai decades ago. hrcume unfashionable) vas offered a great job in Ames, but had to ® because I'm loking ater my mother fixe 8 know you're busy, but can you just fora ‘minute and say hello tothe guys? (visit bri) {8 She’ brilliant. We spent weeks on this software problem, geting nowhere. Then she arived and 8 solution straightaway. (ought of 40° How can we the problem of overstating without actually socking people? (sole) 41) Ws 100 late to change your mind now. Youve your resignation. (submited) 2 After my husband years ~ well, weeks anyway. (dad) 1 was gre stricken for Pe ary pas ats have bert nang Ota ty asc ‘vegan noe or moma use For ee gp down can ttn orl wat rump don an eit or os own {oworkmsneg stan working soir thar hers the tet nen au onc ra Ch et 25 ere rote wipes et. 5 Describing people Deseret aaopbe boo ising serves Hom the toe Lersy ome owrwne elegant gonna ule neo telecnal remo shial aypesiteus toloant tough eat ld 41 DurtinHottman can take on almost any kind of role — eu tos, beats characters, verything,_ versatile 2 My daughter bellves absolutely everything you tll he. But she's only tive 7 3 My gtandtather cant read or write, He worked on the fami farm from the age of ever, 4 lnmy fay we say that ny: brother has to left hands, He bcos everthing 5 My wife only wears designer clothes, and they look perfect on her 6 Myrmother sa thinker, always dlscusing sues and tending 7 My brother in-law makes heat ar him working tree’ great to watch © My aunt spends her ie reading horoscopes, she caries lucky charms around with her, and she never, ever walks ander a ladder 9 My fathers an old-style communis, but he seems to get on with cevceybods whatever thei politics, 130 My niece isa bit strange, She goes around searing ll lack ‘Jothes apa purple lipstick She Histens to old easy mca bane 17 My ssterin-aw fas ha ots of trouble inher Hie, bot she survives ~ and nobody pushes her stow, 12 With my’ unde, what you sce i what you ge’ He never says anything aness he means i and he really cares about poopie 18 My eldest son is always creating something He's fl 15 My gacmother has terribiy people dare to contradict he. rong vows om things, and not many ‘Bs cspaciy caro when rg adacos to esc ers, fru dont onto usa hm Thee a ste aero nina hich an case groban. For eae, ough at aggressive ana e Sane they, Hower ly Qed oe ough ba 15 ays bad Be prs 6 Parts of the body (aba tne plczas wih the coneet onde. met etey ca el eyelet sidney | trucks” ver ung nostrt Fal pup ribs sin | shut se spine thigh win eyelash 2 a) oS ex - s 3 « os . s mH a s 7 ® 0 8 mw _ . 2 " x 0 “ 6 a 8 a 20 a Paso toa a cn the heres ot Sh ee at “an eye rane st eto sores shocking, Spetss meas cower ncking courage. bee ae is ms wh eer fart Oo you krow ay? 7 Word association “The our words in each group have someting in camman, What are thay ll connected wit? AP cel, warder, sentence, bars PIRI [S|OIN 2! column, ciculaton, tabloid, article Ww P mattress, head foot, sheet B bonnet, mir, speedometer, fan [ [A 5 odin, moon, Mars, Sagittarius [A R Y 5 hand, strap, wind time T 7) paw, fur, whiskers, claws A BY tens, shutter, digit, fas ic R 8) wing, tall, engine, fight deck E t 10) frame, glass, leaner, break NI_[o AN coffin, flowers cemetery, corse [F A 42 pawn, castle, bishop, queen H 48) moat, walls, tower, dungeon TL 44 commer, penalty, pas, transfer lo L 15 comshes, tractor, barn, harvest, M P imsssontsr snares nares oe ion Sea 8 Opposites crossword Fad the cues and complete the crossword. Across Dowa 1) opposite of permanent (9) 7) apposite of enague 12) 14) opposite of professional (7) 2 opposite of precisely exactly (1) 18) opposite of trusting (10) (3 opposte of mean) 40° opposite of liable (10) (5) oppose of vertical (10) 4M opposte of compulsory (8) [opposite of junior) 8) opposite of interior) opposite of sharp (8) Some aed stopping unietipant st anes somes cal Tice ual acca between he tw. Forename an poste expense, expense mach xe ote thn hae 9 Green issues ‘Complete me sentencas using wor om he bo. odversty conservation consumption erosion enawt emotation fezer seec-ehare enetcaly modi (GM) hyerodletiepastcide rechargeable renewable rescheswindturine 4 Poisons which are used om ae species can enter the fod chain anaes otner specs 2) Achemical ‘may destroy harmful insets, but ‘often has undesirable side-tets A great deal of _ ts used to increase the yield of ‘crops But then runs off into the wate supply and causes other problems. Your car ‘may look OK, but infact iis part of the biggest and fastest growing global source of pollution, 5) Itisimportant to preserve as many spects of plant and animal as we an, to maintain 8) Most ofthe wildlife of county ike Britain has long been \estroyed, The priority now isthe of what Conservationist are very suspicious of crops they fear ‘genetic pollution’ of other species, BA produces totally clean energy. Bt some people think they ae too big, noisy and ugly. 8) Olean only be used once, whereas sources of ‘egy lle wind and the sun go on for ever, 410) Where there are mountains and vainfal,__ energy ‘soften a good option, AN Theuse of batteries, for example in personal stereos, helps to reduce waste and pollution, 42) Most frult and vegetables noed to be washed carefully, as they ‘any pesticide ‘om thee shins 43, The ‘of energy is very high In the ich, developed "Mtn many places the destruction of forest has lead to serious ‘ofthe sol, and sometimes to flooding 351 The ‘ofthe worlds natural resources has to be «carefully managed ‘Aon yor ap cy sotto he werd leary Now econ andthe pubic us is tou heyhad known al thes. As ren sos ef ta fpo the pends en vote oes recy lanuage Lea row ard be ahear h ar 1 0 Word building Use tho word an he et o mak now werd which fs inthe Sansone 4 He was born bling: bu he has always teated this so-called disability a5 a challenge. rm in favour ofthe plan, but there are ABLE stl one orto points that I'm not enttely happy with. BASE Andres does lovely paintings, photographs and drawings. She's just very 1 think i's very of the supervisor to expect us to work overtime everynight this week ‘Thee sa sying in English: louder than woud speak ‘That rule is not in ts eae Look at Chinese Russian or Arabic thik English isa easy Janguage to lear, ‘On no account repeat t anyone else what you have headin thls meeting. ‘Treat tall as steely ant REASON act ApPLy COMPARE conrine 1 don’ think thelr maciage wil las long, Thev'e ‘quarelling 410 You ae now in out hands, Mr Bond. Do exactly as you ate tld = ts punishable by Instant death, 11 Thelives of people in every countey Inthe world ate being affected by economic 42 He was extremely Thad to do everything sel. 49) He won silver inthe dlscus at the Olympic Games bat was after a drugs test. 44 industrial robots work with far greater ‘han any human. 45) You make thes trivial incidents sound so CONTINUE oney GLOBAL we QUALIFY PRECISE DRAMA Inte bscore vr oman tommy ang ie oan aecne Imccomn,iaie, pvt) row roun optt, te, feamouirze) You can en aly me an atta naus es eaeton or computrzton, 4 1 Ways of looking Compete setenose aig words ram the box PU the werd nthe coract frm, -aatcheginese st catch someonst ye dstngush ance Nook notes obsone per recognize watch 4) Lonly caught.a glimpse of him, so I can't remember the colout of is clothes. He was white and clean-shaven, That's about it 2) Actually Yn party colour-blind 3 find it ificult to between similar colours 4 at me, Mummy! fm on the table 4) Are you going to fon TV tonight? the Eadie Morphy fm 5) Thept trying to ones, ut the waiter was so busy that it was very dificlt t0 16) Iwas looking smart, an | joked loudly with my fiends. 1 kept looking in er diteetion. But she dn't ever 7) she___at the empty chair for a moment, then ‘uid on sorting the Jeers with tears in er eyes, She'd changed so much, {hardly hee She's completely lost her figure, poor thing 9) TMeold man through a gap in the closed cuttains at his new neighbours, 30) “Vve been _ yur behaviour fr some time; the police officer said, ‘What exactly are you planning to do with ften palnt spray cans and ladder?” ‘We eek thas tone sepa pra vet coin cok uk te, ak era ok out Ob ys iow a? 1 2 Collective nouns ‘na are he collcthe rors for thse things? Complete the words inthe cre, ts apes people 2 3 5 bees 7 a a fat directors 4D ups Hl cards 42. thieves 48) flowers 8 antigue coins 45 golfchibs ‘ofectne rene a pepsin tboks era hod fran, spe) te ro uns ens aa eehoo of hai pre of ons, @ conn of ees. 2008 of 68s (on and anes of geste nine a. 1 3 The kitchen Wile th number of he pete ran tothe comect were suminium fol colander ‘teen towel anton draining board ling pin. ‘anton ectiewhisk_—— seve hopping board food processor__timer ling itm grater wok P ‘Avorn Eenapsting word hee ken ree into at non Gk nd Fears Caves aera cee Sa ‘or era Mamms, popscum, reco ae Wak hve eee trae 1 4 Prepositions 1 Complete the sentences wih prepostione ‘Gian pas rately brs Im capi My crs not worth much ~ most €1,$00- but the Insurance s sal very expensive 3) __ genera scaler to learn computer skis rom 3 penn ether ‘than from 3 book 44) What woud you dof sang. tune? Would you sand up and 51 Ione know why they got mand. They have absolutely nothing common, Sil, maybe that's what they lke about each her, 6c rou belive that _aveage the English dink 3.25 ups often son per dy? lO, what’ the word? {know teil I'S the tp of my tongue! 18) Salaries of $1 milion are __no mein ens on Wall tet 9) Thank you for your Interest in our company. We wll ile your CV and contact you due course 40 Atmest al te aly faze musicians played__ ea Ar Tatu was classy tained, bu he was exception 9) the ents tbe paid __ advance 42 His mame is teonan, of eo shor. 48 This bok is far he best he's ever write, 44) Work on he new software project is aly progres. ts 2 bt late to change the strate of no 18° You resets no, but will be te for you —_ the omg an, foo sue P) vewsiinminesoonenr 1 5 Cartoons 1 ‘ie the cone iter under ach erton. 3 2) Are you sure its a goltish, Hen? 1 6 Who’s the boss? 1 7 Words for numbers ‘Choose the coret leader top person ar manager Kom the box on th et ead the deftions a complete the words on the ri 4 A mythological animal wi [UTRTT[CTOTRIA] = ‘one orn, 1 a1¥ progamme producer | adutral 2 A petiod of two weeks. 2) the United Nations | Fi costes bawons wo pers ee Able to se both hands equally a shop wel 5) a schoo! aie executive sre en ee pe BP bitehen stat conductor together, 7 a football eam | consultant 68) A match with wo teams of t60 Ba museum tennis players. 1) acollege | 7) ‘two babies bom atthe same 10 committee time AA a university — | foreman {8 Thyee ables bom at the 42 company —__ | governor pai eas 419 anorchestia | head teacher Four musicians playing, together, 46 republic | manager ee 45 a newspaper or magazine president 10) A fivesided figure ER 2 prkon | principat 4 System in which ve is vwnten 101, AT a flet of ships the navy _ | rowiucer 48 fim crow | secretary General 12 A period often yeas AB a team of doctors —__ | spokesperson 48. A period of a hundred yeas 20 a group of protestors, vce chancellor 14 A period ofa thousand yeas 18. 1,000000 bytes approximately. recon jars menage his baci th subj furry course ‘ovina nde your dena tat a itn ars 760000000 ‘cours book rd ends dacueaon Se ok euprena ta [USA and 1 000000,00,000 ran. Ths moka As thy fen ‘done 2s of manages fave cura The managing cect hes pds ae cake ides ect he chia recuve Hosa of eoarnents ro sores rts ra ne ‘arama team ces ard new ere oat have conse chang, ts rf cofiser could a ng You to ao 40 {tajeo te ware th 9 Paronnt Manager as mac ster bang ‘tran. a tha bilon mens ruse mon, ow aay “such Hunan Resour Ton Laces urd ctor ard get arm ne 1 8 Confusing words LUnderne the corset word in each sentence. 4) The dress isa bit loose around the waist, butt shouldn't cost, much to have it (hangaalne 2) she clapped her hands gently infront ofthe baby’ ite fae, and he (binkwtwinke, 31 My brothers doing (eleenleaecc) engineering a univers Why dont you grow up, Dan? You're so (hdc 5) There's 2 (cumourputation) going round the office that Anita an Steve ate not just colleagues any more 1) _Anter tne secession, there will bea period of growth That Is how the economle (cblegce) works South Wales was once a flourishing coal-mining aca, but now there are hundreds of (isusedsused) coal mines in the valleys My uncle isnot actually @payehiaist, but he's working asa (comeloncounseton. 1 es hot, Let's go and sit in the (hadow/shad) for a eile AO {ean see you next week -(ventualypusiby) on Friday, OK? 41 The tennis mate was held up for five minutes asthe young, “Australian argued withthe np) 42 Have you any Idea about the present governments (political) ‘thi word deb? Icon’ think they have! 18 His (inanciaVecomaml) wore were solved rather dramatically ‘when he won £2 millon on the National Lottery. 14 England's World Cup campaign fs not going wel. Bu all the criticism in the press has not helped the (monasnorale of the 415, My new Mati just around the commer from the office, which is very (conenloneomfotable for me. “lami, at nun 7, dant rey om a ab he sive Dears mening of sen won rae. The comrones ‘nee louse, mistake Whee ncaprased mer net ood bythe deter, cgroned crs dots sod poser nin fst was appara’ Thrksbet the rence ates tase ats ot wore ungukd msquiec usar miseart unified Imsnfomse: unmatched mismatched | 9 Film and TV Wie nthe programme ype arin gee ‘TV programme types Flim genres decumentary chat show catoon seme soap wits pogrerme | hoor remanco Al Pale school 1 4993) “Those crazy cops go back to school again — with hilarious results. The boys (ane gil) in blue keep ‘up highspeed chase ~ for jokes! More people ced up In custard than in custo? comedy 2) Alpod Square (6.05pm LWT) {Wil Darren get out of his'spot of bother withthe police? Will aun finaly tll her boyfend what is going on behind ls back? And will the feuding sisters make it up? Find out in tonight's episode. 3) Aladat’s Mage Cape 2001) Armagleal se through the minarets of old Arabia. ‘Ballant animation, gorgeous original music and the oles of some of Hollywoan! top stars 4 Losing Colonel Brian (1986) {platoon of daring US solders go behind enemy lines fn Vietnam, Not all of them make back to base spring onthe wing (8:30pm BHC 2) Follow the great anual migration of birds from soutiern Afica to Europe, Having undergone thousands of miles of hardship, many are shot for sport before they reach thei destination, 10 The Silence ofthe Sheep (1999) A series of illings remains unexplained until our petty young heroine tracks dawn 2 man who prefers ‘numans to hamburgers. Don’t wate this on your fovwn. Or etter stil just don’ wate it! (On the Sof (9.30pm Channel 4) ‘Mike Parkins applies is charm to another gitering ine-up of celebrities. Tonight's guests include {eonasdo DiCaprio, sepermodel Gabrielle and singer Craig David Alien Website (2002) (Outer space meets cyberspace as beings from the ‘Andromeda galaxy take control of the Internet. ‘Captain Spark and his erew ae sen out on the hardest rnission ofthe fves~t srt out the ‘bugs. (One Buchanted Evening (1949) ‘Thisstll rings a tear tothe eye, as we follow a Jonely American Gland a beau French ge through 19405 Pars, Wate out forthe kis on top of the Bite! Tower. “The World n Focus (LOASpm BBC 1) Tonight's programme look at the ewonomics of renewable energy. Will it ever be posible to do without oi and gas? How much i Britain doing to develop wind and solar energy? 20 ‘She explained’ and variations Putte fokonng words flo the east sentences Use each werd only oneo boasted complained comanded —exinad “ccied epod placed repeated sighed sammered —wespeedyaled Al ‘On, but you can’t go yet You eally must stay for dinney she insisted 2]. “Isanybody there” The silence was only broken bythe wind in the tees. Is anybody there” she 3) “Don't waste my time. Where have you hidden the drugs? the policeman, 4 ‘come on you ets the cowed, a5 Arsenal closed in for scone gal 5) ‘Tove you, Daren’ she aay from bis er, pushing the dark cus {have to admit hat Ym relly bilan at art and slence and music, Ob, atid spor she 7 -W..w would you mind tembly Ik... ke. hissed you? he {The company’s cash-flow criss makes i impossible to keep you all” ‘he spokesperson. "There wil be job losses, Fm ead 9) “Please dan kil my husband! tearful woman, as ‘he government soldier ined group of captured rebels against a wall AO “This pasta is cold, and the sauce fs too salty she —___ to the waiter. Have you got anything cable on the mena 4M. "Voth, that ih very petty’ the tle gid 2 ’An, wel’ he ‘was nice white lasted "That's the end of that, suppose. fe Long possans of doa cant very et you esp urges “ses ove an ov apan So expe woes ys test 1 en oor wg aned a arty n sascha re mor corre wot ‘is: a camanad aut he adores of stator mth rect Tom: sh cn hat wo ha oat th ha, 21 Phrasal verbs 2 Compt tha sertaneas with a psa verb fom the Box. Pt the vr into a he sales al Just ell me your lowes prc. ‘the correct form, | * " (omit, dont give me) | comeround out out fa ops get aut ot gat rounto 8) 1 promised o 40 to their boring party, and now its very hag get through to go.en about gover go through wih Jebel 1. (scape fram the commitment) Pukof puton putup put up with work ut = 10° rm going to be in Washington fortwo days. | wondered iF you 4. She was doing over 7Omph ina 3Omph area, but she smiled could ___ me __? ete stay in your flat) ‘sweetly at the policeman and he let her _off_ (ar charge ery 41 don lke going to the dentist - who does? So ve been detains, postponing) 2 This is madness. 1 don't even fancy him, and now we'e geting ‘martied, leant #2 You've changed so much. 1 can't seem to {canyon and actly do 8) you any more. (communicate with) 3) When he alter the aceent, he couldn’ 53 My gietend everyday, but I prefer eating recognise any of us. It was really worrying, and watching TV. (dws exrhe, gosto the yn) (gained consciousness} 14 She' not relly upset, you know. She's_it_ for your 4m not very fs but simply can’ that benefits (pretertin, faking) wallpaper any longer, One of us wil have to go. (oleate bean 48 ob, don't your digital camera again, We all 5 outs these figures again, shall we? They just now i's bilan. (exp taking) don't seem to add up. (eunnine) {ve been meaning to reply to her e-mail, but I just haven't sr yet. Maybe [never will (ond he te a oy P ‘rite clases what do you do wha has reposts? Do we ee Tats th umber Preug whic coun os? No diay serycy ay Ma's he numer ecuan' gtcugh to. We ‘Curt wos ono etd fr utngprepostone al hoa at @ ‘elena ns ey was Ths eso of Engl ip wen when not pu Mis, nea you co kro seu idcuous| Check ut Tet 4 formar pace wth asa ves 7 Don't buy a cheap bike. They ____in weeks. (get rake eusiy) 22 Which horse won the race? Here ar the nares ar beting ck or the 2:15am ra0e at Kempton Pars Horse Betting odds SIMPLYRED 2541 HSH'N'CHIPS 2-4 (Favoustey EMERALD ISLE 10-1 ass PIGGY sa CYBER BABE 1041 FuRTATIOUS — 10-4 LOTTERY LASS 50-1 Dor CoM 501 Now rs through hese sertances a! ee yu can work out who came 1, Sd an ietatious was in the lea with 400 metres to go. “There were only sx ashers, ‘The horse that came second was an outsider (more than 20-1) Lottery Lass came ast, ‘The favourite was in the lead with only 208 metres 1 go. ‘The winning horse ha ls of 10-1 Simply Red fll atthe tied jump. ‘Miss Piggy passed the favourite 100 metes from the nish (Cyber Babe did not finish the race Flieatious came Sth 1s 2nd and ‘rr a ie ew hn rahe wor fre ong and ag ecko fr poston fo wn 6 aso fala to fst har spur ‘na cr as eck ard nck yo caver cat hameanras of ry feck rom a 2 9 4 6 6 sr 8 79 sit dead way bay ripe deat tend cll shop red close i ne =p ath 23 Add two letters ‘Aes we ata to each of he flowing words to form a naw vers so fits ten yess tired of ie tall and thin read this and cook ull, boring, colourless ‘what you earn bit ke American football the picture ison ths part of the TV make something longer, in me o space wnat taltors da Keep your wine in this 2 top person In the church have babies put something in the envelope belief in go joy hold tight, or understand type of dinking water ~fzzy or stl sve up the job 24 Crime and punishment Catto stance using woos Fo he box ‘arest bail charge commited cout sefence evidence tne Jverle lamer prossouion prove sentence verdict wihess 4) The defence lawyer said that his client did't intend to 2) Drop the gun. That’ better Now — you ae under 3) 1 hnow my rights. want to phone my 4) The prosecution says that my ellent stole millions of pounds via the intemet at where ithe ? 5) The ofthis courts guilty’ Have you anything to sy? 18) Everyone knew the woman was 100% guy, but they just couldn't i row call ny new 1 Mrs MePherson, the defendant's motherin-aw. 8) You area sch man, and just paying a wal nat punish you enough. Lam going t send you to prison. Let this be a lesson to you, Office, you have arrested my client Now you must ether her or let et 40. 510. For those under 16 there isa special cour, 39) The Appeal Court might reduce your from four years to, say, dee, But they can aso increase i #2 You can deposit £50,000 withthe court, and be released on Tut you csappeat, you wil lose the money. Do {you understand that? 48. your defence lawyer is beter than the _lawyer, ‘you may get off 14) This wicked man has the most appaling crimes, and all decent people will gre that he shoul recelve avery long prison sentence indeed 18 ein 19.30 The hearing begins at 10 o'clock, and the magistrates don’ ike tobe kept waiting. ‘Teg stem in seri xy hashed, Tho aes ard lee it eat lack go and is wis Lawyers nove seas he ge a My Loe. So you wl ot bo sure at he rasa fe ido ater atu, wth vy na sete: ands Fenech Lata ton 25 IT and computers Fad the cus and comets the cosswee Al Lite label that loks like piano hays, a tread by the computer in the supermarket (4) 4) Use this eype of program for maths and accounts ~ good for raking charts. 11) 5) Abbreviation for ‘Internet Service Provider’. (3) 7) Files are kept neat and tdy in one ofthese. () BI sea you like 10) program to write letters, reports ~ and poetry, if 4) This s used for toring and rtteving lots of addresses, book titles and things Uke that. 8) 42) Want to put an old photo into your computer? Use one of| these. (7) 481 Ouch! You can lose al your data when computers —_(S) A) Correct word fo the "TV set” with your computer. (7 Dover BI You don’ ke wires messing up your desk? Get 3 mouse. 6 3) Use diferent to make your text look nice. (8) A) No good at spelling? Use one of thes! (12) 1 You shouldn't buy software — legal. (7) 7) wseasy w _text ona computer fe. to change the font, colour, to add bol, alice) 6) 8) To move text around, you can cut and no 40) To put new sofware onto the computer. (7) 26 « Classifications sect awn corel becouse botany ae, feegrins in cholra methane novelst one rectangle spreadsheet swale AE spring, summer, autumn, winter 2) carton, erate, can 3) tangle, cite saute Land, but, though a half, wo tind, a welt 1 astronomy, biology, _, phys 7 Drew approx 3) amethyst, emerald opal 8) ammonia, carbon dioxide ether AO! vulture, pheasant, wren AA over afte, by 42) mala, tuberculosis, alps 18) poet, biographe historian 48 poral, landscape, stl ie 95 word processing, game — aphies| 0 w 8 6 at From ‘shore’ to ‘crash’ ‘Change the ward SHORE into CRASH insite stages, changing on or letra tine, he numbers brackets tls you now mary lees o change, s[n[o[R[e s|élolrle 1 For example Man Utd 2~ Arsenal 0 (1) 2 Frighten (1) a You can play this on a piano (1) 4 A large marine mammal (2) 5 conjunction (1) 6 Body language for happiness (2) 7 Odour 8 Quite hard to do correctly in English (2) 2 Don't __ chien, Be strict, (2) 10 ‘country in Europe 2) " A means of transport (2) 2 A tiny plece of sand (1) 8 Make wine from thls ft (2) 4 (Cows do this in feds (1) 5 Rab out 2) 16 a ‘exc cme cw of se puto er rs Sa wit a wordt st {nts ey shot a vey ang nts de wel Koop agra tes {to make ne orden you ent p wi wating compte Man wera ad roar odin i ef aaron 28 Odd one out Underine the ocd ee out en the lt ar writ it ino the conse satence on the it A) bridegroom, photographer, al A isnotan reception, muse scidenie 2) rept hypothesis, BLA isnot ajo. ening, psoriasis 8) harvest, instalment, Ais not pat ofa cat mortgage, depos "score, bas, chord, salmon [@)_A modem has nothing to {do with a welding 5) historlan, physics, eA is not a frm of| hypnotist, philosopher Iteratore 8) bumper, hee, boot, gear HA has nothing to do ‘sith the office. 7 mobite, handset, cordes, HA Is not part ofthe coilrless body 1B) lens. syringe, shutter tripod (R)A__has nathing to do ‘with the polis leisure, option, ouput, 7) As notan tne. humble AO) grocer, butler, miner, grater hha nothing to do ‘sith phones. AM vost, out, kouekle ORLA has nothing to do with eameas. 42) pass score, comer skate (MA has nothing to do ‘with money. 48) stationery; fies, recipe, ‘san adjective, not copier oun, 44 novel, navel, A has nothing to do autobiography, poem ‘with mse, 45) handeuts, runcheon, ° has nothing to do tune, notebook ‘sith footal ‘The ehas oth edo with ever commen ard va, Bt to ‘granmar tha. goss wth tat srnge-you can ay ihe thas rthing wih cea cs nating to de wih ioay 29 Crawling and other ways of moving ‘Complete the stares using words em the box. | crawled teept limped tote pledod —skpped staggered soled terest ramped 4/_The ground was rough, and [was an inexperienced climber, | _sfumbled _and fll down a crevasse, breaking both my legs. along the read to school 3) By now mortally wounded our heroine _ ino the smoke filled barn to send one last radio message to her comrades, 4 They five his leg, but he for the rest of his ie, 5) The villain casually past the ca, but I saw him checkout the phone inside (8) Exhausted, and wither boots eaked in mud, the vet nck to her ea 7 The thiewes before breaking in around the font of the shop forages 8 We____thuough mies of forest looking for mushrooms. After at eat, just steaght to sleep. nto my sleping:bag and went 40) {was pleased to se that you all set the fie alarm off Just checking? out of ed when 10 30 Mixed up letters Fsrange th tein bald pe to mek dec o cometh srtoncos. Everything bout this hook is burdisting ( disturbing _)~ the characters, the events, the language. It actually upset me. “The battle scenes are not very irate ( > slespite al the computer imaging that hs gone into them, “The torysine ofthis novel s totally gingprip » ~ quite ltealy, I could put it down, Tis flim provides a seninatfaig( ) insight into the jazz scene of 19705 New York ) lite tale of middleclass Londoner taking about each other. I'm tired of such novels Disability in movies can be sentimental But this account of ‘one young boy's struggle with epilepsy is genuinely vinmog (____. ‘The films images of bodies belng taken over by a sort of bubbling, staring skin disease are feritingy ( d Te ating ofthis young Hollywood star i, as always, milly tatissing( )-Lapotogis to his many fans, but he does get on my nerves. The brushwork on this painting Is delicate and tequlsex ‘ ), reminding me rather of Watteau. ‘The exhibition is worth visting just forthe ginteiks ‘ ) instalation by Tacey Emin. AS you walk if It hits you right between the eyes, 31 Prepositions 2 (Complete te santances wth the conect prepostns. AP love going away _on business and geting away from the family. Tey all dive me mad 2) 1 don’t understand anything on this That menu. think Pt ‘hoose something random, 8) Phone or send an eal. Keep touch, anyway. 4) You want 1 go out with guy'in the ofice? Did you have anyone ___ mind, or do you ike them all? 5) _Allthose__favour____ the propos, please say yes now. 15) Lend you £2,000? You must be completely __your mina! 7) Actually, ___ second thoughts, L might beable to lend you the ‘money. But you will ave to do me a favour 1B) With cet cards and internet shopping, i's all 10 easy to get een, Are you __gond terms with your probation officer? 40 know a nice little place foin us? the outskirts of town, Wil you A Thisdevice x the cutting edge of technology, you realize 42 We're advertising it exclusively __ our website 18. Don't ask me about that son of mine; ‘9 Australian prison by now. all know he isin 14 The temperature in Egypt at the moment? Wel, _a guess say about 35 degres. Pretty ho, in any case. 45) You tll me what's feral wil tell you Yt Interested, OK? Preseason Sree ake ats esis ea DST Se ae aan ore eee aaen ae es ee esa ee: pi a re ereney rear rear ee rcre Soe uae eee 32 Idioms Compt he sents using werd tom the box PA the werd nt const frm, Soot ona danny ctor ro Gentems gsounieshnd boat het ht rostral owsteae atathebe paaresew mora imgaey | 1 You can call off our date now ~1've gor the tekets and everything, That's totally out of erder_. (unacceptably 2) reckon we've done enough. Shall we___ 2s 8) Why should look an the bright side? ve just been (aismisse frm my jo) 14) There's no point in you coming out with us, Wel only be ascussing work} 5) We were all stunned. Completely she sa, 1m leaving Regge. The tings, ve fallen in love with another man’ (ery unexpectedly) 8 You's peur my git. At your present ‘work-rate, you're not going to get the grades you need (start working hand) 7 Vm atid ‘these video programming Instructions. It probably because I'm over 15. (cant understand at ath 8 Jimmy the Bul! Gaveano. Now that name ‘wasn’t he a New York mafia boss? (as sameeren my memory) 8) took don’ AIL asked you to do was tly up Some computer es, not rebuild my life for me Loma he job biger tha neces) 10.1 told that joke about the stupid policeman and it 1 ture out that most of them atthe party were police trainees. (ot «ve negate reaction) 4181 do my best, but for some reason or other my boss me. is stile) 42 This company ts not asking for any special teatment All we want s (te same al del asters) ors en ha wo of eo of ppl en ih soe wri lal spr taf score a own gol hap your ye ote ba, pele your own cane, sa fnockus Yo tito he tet ‘connstad ith spr? Chick ot Tess 9,40 and 42 fr rere race oe The world of business and industry Complete he sontenoes ung werd tom the box. — —— brand coperateicenty economies otsede fexbe foecast | matetfoces ouput producivty prot magrs restuetie | sabres suedlry keowr aning wagos tokecver A) Aig German company i planning 3 of Betish bicyele maker Rolo Li. 2) tmageculine, fuel eoss and have been squeezed by higher creasing competition fom Import. 8) Paling internet gant, will is snagement, with the loss of dozens of executive jobs a) The ‘of workers in our factory are below average, bu they do weceve other benef 55) We plan to increase management by 1795 again ‘this ya, as we need to attract high quality applicants. 1B) The profi for the next half yer is almost $2 billion, which is quite healthy im the view of US analysts, 7 Fazyeola isa wholly-owned of Megacta, but ‘enjoys much independence from the parent company. 0 a 2 8 1a 1s ‘Our emphasis tis year wil be investment sa ‘We believe thatthe skills of the workforce ate our greatest ast, ‘This company is very big andl ofcourse saves money through But atthe same time i is ifcut to manage. ‘We want to ee Krunch-ar become the best-known in the chocolate snack markt. “The new logo and colours on our publicty brochures are Important in etablising our ‘We need to be seen afresh, young, dynamic ~ but ate same time committed to ually. (Our prices are pushed up and down by ____, as are everyone ese’ We have to work with that ‘They ae producing the same numberof units as last year ~ in other words, has eemained constant We have lost lot of staf, but we ae stil achieving the same ‘output So has risen ~ that’s the key to our ‘Our workforce i now very 2 they wil take on ferent jobs and move from one pnt to another. 34 Headlines Match re newspaper haadines tothe short extracts rom he arices ite tho ootect eter the bom Boost to. under-18 team BROWN'S CABINET FUEL BACKS PEACE BID EURO PLAN Poll gives lead to Greens Refugee tide warming oO oO “The chancellor ast The Chet night attempted ta ‘alm protests over “tie demons “Actually such numbers ate easly absorbed, sla Home Office The walnee soccer players were encouraged by the £100,000 grant ftom the Sports Counc ssid Me Thomson, spending on hospitals will be Ths pepoel oor enjoy the support ery LS ofthe government. ‘over the next P Chun Tt 8 6 amo rach wih a, 35 Animal parts 36 What is it part of? a Senos cteeaesocnnates anninaneiaeees Ml ivetisipeit scone El sant Saas 2 Atometspeet ak pasion ices 37 Sickness and health Compt tho sortones using words tom the box ‘lege snnesinetc amibodios—aniseptic. ceutches —dermaclogit —clathoaa hay fever Inctous —neorria— maternity bie prscrption sedathe transtson 4) Wesonly a scratch, but lt could get dirty, Put some antiseptic 2) she was rushed to hospital in labour, but there was no room in the —____ ward, so he ended up ina general ward 3) But in the end i was an easy bith, attended by 2 Sie didn't see a doctor uni later 4) Va tough guy. You can do that little operation witho ‘Ow! On second thoughts, can Tehange my mind bout tha? 15) Every summer get vealy bad tesa shame, because Love gardens and the countryside. 6 infoctt'm toall sont of things ~ nuts, eas, chocolate and loads more. 7) There was a delay in giving the asthe hospital had no supplies of her blood group. 8) Before an apeation, they usually give you 3 "which calms you down very nicely This hook is 0 boring that i shouldbe sold asa cue for 0) took the tothe chemist ft she couldn’ ea it and had phone my doctor to find out what i said 41) The whole family had vas tebe The queue forthe wilet, 12) ve had some kind of fs, But dow worry ~ Ws past the stage by now: 18 Ies only sprained ankle, but hes been walking around on for ten days 414 This test doesn't actally nd the virus: checks for fn your system, 415 I dhoughe ens spot might be skin cancer, but the told me it was nothing serious, ‘The nes of acl specs ae sritrin rey rages bu te ‘rtm - ad the penuncien ~ cn bo eto got a. Ty vn ‘hese que teat arsetotst ophtaimeegst, carota panda, gnascolos obstorien, poet 38 A badly written menu ‘he manage of this restauant not int at Engh, an he hae mace ‘seen mistakes nthe menu, Undedne them and cect them, Pasta pormeson _asagna with spinach ‘Spat wth aan ches and tomato source Spe with sarki ard hes The Chets Speci ail ied With tomato aed hin Meat ‘Vea in benders a ocr suages Scottish bee stake Chicken and Game Roast peasant (sot locally Roast crude wth orange sauce Stith nga chicken wih ginger and atc Fish ‘Vegetables ede malt Broccol aie te case Thalsye pas hot ace Paros Pres 2 ‘re a ad 6 nt wi cons 39 Idiomatic similes Complete the sei using words tom the box abst abee brass dockwork a cucumber | achiy dtcater dodo aeather fox gold thegave ahatee thane fe nals apart apleue —arock toast Asmadas_o hatter [fll Assickas Asdead as As light as 13 As regular as “ As bine as 8 As large as 46. Aswanm as As dull as a7 Asoldas Ascunning ss 18 Astreshas As hard a, 19) Assitent as As busy as 20. As good as ss le cata Hg Sew HED sed by ot ana comedians, Weaver mt farous open os ‘90 warded ny 3 cue, Tat oats on Nigh otras are (Chesk cu Test 32,40 ad 2 a mre actos wih ios. 40 Animal idioms Compl the setonces th the pases eka ‘big fh ina sal pone pecking or chckenfeos -tofoabone- dross ‘eachirg nl dog new ks empaynest ‘th cana gor he cam fy onthe wat top dog lth goss that ae a atin eng barking uo ho wrong tae ban ae a ore cot eam apt rere hin ha se8 A} The appointment of Esther a fice manager i going to ccuffle feathers. she's about 20 years younger than most ‘ofthe stat 2 My youngest sister has jst left home and my poor parents are suffering from syndrome. 1 Mick Jagge, David Bowe, Mick Fleetwood and a few other tock will be playing atthe show: 4 possible, borrow the money from a proper bank. Don't go ta seine ‘who will charge you 75% incrst, and then send a gangster round to colect the money. ‘S| All he lecturers in the department ate offically equal, so theres a constant struggle over who's {6st accept that the neighbours had nothing to do with the death of your dog, You're Ifyou excuse the pun Timmy smalltown1wasa______. Now fin London, nobody has heard of me- im fast one of thousands of Djs hanging round the music scene, 18) You must’ sll ff the piza delivery service ~ i's he most profitable part of the busines. f you do, you wil 9) Try to forget about that stupld guy, Alice. You'te a lovey i and there ace plenty 10) Look, inthis company you don't chaose your afternoon off unt the deputy manager has chosen het, the supervisor has chosen bis and t have chosen ne. These’ stl A The work may be interesting and ‘ewarding’, but no-one does it for the money Te pay i 42). Ever since the frst day of term those two have been inseparable; $8. On TV there wasam amazing _documentary about hfe bend the scenes in a police station. They didnt seem to realize the camera was there, 414 Why the big broad sale and the humming? You lok like {15 You've a retired football coach, an this fot invaves lt of computer shls. Sosa question of ate you sure you're up te? ck et es 2 98 an re rach are 41 Travel and holidays hi espores go mh thas cots? Vo the coe terin te ac, Did you book Madame? 2 Bo you have a complain, st? ave you anything to declare [reckon we should check in now. Did you make an insurance claim? Let's gta package holiday. 2 a 4 $5) How about asel-catering villain Tunisia? 6 7 8 Have you eglstered, Madame? 10. ease proceed to baggage rela, » i Isnt abit eaty? The fights not for another two hours. ‘es, We got the full ale ofthe camera anda bit forthe damaged ‘Will you do that while I try phoning? There are three cases, remember, Just this bot of perfume, Do have to pay duty om it? Yes, One double room for four days. The name Is Melntosh Isnt thats bit unadventurous? I think woul! be more fun to find hotels and transport when we get there~ and t may be heaper, oo. ‘That’ great dea. Then we can get food fom the market and take tin tus cooking Yes It scoms to be impossible to regulate the air-conditioning Yes. We slgned in and left our passports with you this morning, Yes. 1 aout 1.6 Swiss francs tothe doa a aol. hp to soa ot sara word a he ran Sper ‘Acratt Acta Hots oer veter ear eS Pana vi cate at Ques xy Foust Mike Tango cat Nvncee Use (eat rin pet use a aoa ngs metho) 42 Idioms — weather and nature a ‘Complete the sentencas wth the ms bok Where nooessay change he We get a lot of Americans coming o Irland to forms othe sertanoes, (Get information about ter ancestos) aciapin the ocean raze out 7) Armuilion dollars may sound lke a lot of money, but I's fn this situation, ahupe ou sh ow a aaa = (con tsigticont amon) lendside dotoy fe youn rts ar fa see te wood forthe tone 18) Everyone wil forget about tls inno time. e's just wlpasnice {he calm bolo te tar (css which ook big Dut only abou a sal ise) blown of couse et bogged down 9) can assure you that this government will not be by thistle pece of scan A) Stand back and look atthe whole stuaton. You can't anes 320 the wood for the t (ca get a general pictre because you ave conse byte deta The party became abit self-satisfied ater is In the general election 2) This projet hasbeen all ene way. (very dese winy (afar jab without breaks) Ail After that advert which showed a rabbit smoking a cgarette, 3)_In the end I just gave up with Inger She sort of me oe hs {as alas une) (a tage munter oF negative reactions) 2) Vn not going tbe difeatt about this. just ms seems OK now, but 1 ear that this is ust \ocert vied craic cm tno ite ult te which prcees a serous criss) 35) Asa manager, you should make the big decisions. Dont in the detail (@ecome to ime) (Pcie wesc mnenmeion 43 Cartoons 2 ‘ie the conse ater ue ach eaten, 8 4) Ether we've been burgled, or your father lost the remote control. 1B) 1 can’t defend you ft know you ae gully. Bu f you don’ tll sme where the money is hidden, you can’t afford me. {Don’t fee intimidated, Mr Alsop. that t union farm, Theyre hypochondas “They look pretty revolting. Bu they're wery nutritious ‘Would you remind me, wacey am I hsing or fring Me Wiis? 44 Too many words about universities Peale the words nb type wih she word rm the box. antyopoiogst arrandlogit confrence -eseiation ural lsbosiory lectre paper postyadvate research saboatical seminar socologst soeiaism saison A Aspart of our MA course, we have to clos very Tong essay with an element of original research (_dlissertation_). The maths ve get for this count towards ur fal result 2) Instead of aking notes Sometimes use a tape to recor the talk alven by a member of staff and attended by lots of students (__). Occasionally we have a discussion with a smaller number of students, chaired by member of staff d ‘We have to prepare contaibutionsand it can be quite stress, 14) My economics professor went toa conference in Singapore and presented a summary ofa piece of research (_____) ‘0 fee ade and exchange ates 15) Vm afraid Doctor Kopala x not availble. She ison a one-year ld break from teaching, in which research is carried out ‘ > (6) 1 ee hat i's important for me to attend this big meeting of academics from different places), a0 4 2 8 ai 6 1 am preparing this paper fr publication in a specialist academic magazine ( 1am a zoologist, but my particular aea of expertise and knowledge ( is temperature contol ‘mechanisms in marine mammals. Are you interested in that? Professor Blumenfeld is «person who studies the way people operate in society, the dynamles of class and so on In Papua New Guinea I met an academic who studles ‘concentrating on traditional cultures ( ) Egypt is a wonderful place for an academic who studies history toiough the physical remains of ancient civilizations (__. “This snot just medical question, We need person who nderstands and interprets confusing mathematical dat (ss. ‘Wie now work in anew building equipped with scientific ccquipmient, set up especially for research and teaching (aay ‘This department offers many higher courses, for those who already havea fist degree (______) Fora doctrate, you have todo your own original study and |uestigation Into an aspect of your subject ( > 45 A breath of fresh air (Complete he sertences using werd rom tha box lr | ean cap fash gust mt manent place pinch aS S| 1) She had an amazing stroke of tuck with her website name ~an internatlonal company bought it fom her for S1 milion 2) Lets go out and get a of fesh ait, 8) Take everthing ne says with a of salt Remember his story about being a karate black belt? Pare fantasy 4) A rather insignificant of lightning was followed by an ceassplitting ‘of thunder — It was Weld 5) This ‘of roa {san accent blsck-spot, and no action is being taken to improve i 18) So, the wook wil tart wi don't expect it ase, of waren weather, but Av the fst of trouble, we are oot of here — right? 8) 1was so worried about you~ I didn't get a_of steep. 9) es oniya of dust, Jus splash your eye with water ~ and top complaining AO A sudden ‘of wind pulled the tent out of our hands, and we had to sar agai, 4 He took the gold medal, bat his. of glory was to be short-lived, A drug test proved poskive and ne was immediately stepped ofthe bonou 42 Come on, let me join you inthis business deal. I ant a ofthe action, 419.1 foe that the stains tel chats adda ‘of asst the place, Don’t you age? 14 The police have founda of blood on is jacket. They are holeing him for questioning ‘Treestands yes lea 6 You cn sy a of 2 it of rub, it of sepa of rad, bo most soa, 46 Newspaper misprints Undetne and corect the mips in these newsnane extracts a ¥ Accorang toa rzont survey, 20% of uses in the county ar nt doguate sued, insulated F satan weding des, white {a pink, eat sie 1 ers £25000, “he id9@ 508 she was ghingasewe sontree ‘gor ltrs ems by computa. ‘The ch ofthe Chas oF the Holy Tits Lie sin regula fests sound the cot ‘The company is finding it increasingly hard to ge killed ‘software engineers. Customs oficers were accepting brides in ‘exchange for co- ‘pertion withthe hug smuggess. mace, coeerece Soy “The confornes wae tended oy Goong, Fans of te Eth and er groups terested a ‘Among other exotic pets, Mrs Lavender hhas a earroe that ‘Window, youthfal 48, seeks profesional man for friendship /vomance oe Te Atomic Energy ‘Authority as been The Aimahar, an Citled forts Egyptian restaurant in nghtsbridge, sowes exquisto deserts (Perera rc aURRE ‘witha back jury sa, ‘sjant moving the an Something ve done any “The London rest suid has 128 pages of ‘sel information tered fom varios thet sto af Hock of fats Eur 47 Take away two letters “Take aay two laters from each of he folbing words to makes & ew word Ti sguised -+ disused _:abundoned, no longer used 2) executive + __ sto ally 3) smooth black powder let by burning coal 4 deliberate to make fee 5 feeling to throw roughly Bl excite the way out 7 inva a shop in an open market 8 marine the hai on a horse’ or lon’ neck © remember someone who belongs to the cb 40) mineral + someone who digs out coal, gol ete WH swing > to make muse with your voice 12 relene > to rent or hte 18 spine ke a needle 14 spite big hole in the ground 48) scarce ta be concerned 46 sugeon to push forward all together 17 sweat + to consume orally 18 stripe > san excursion 19 funnel pet, coal and so on 20 tangle 1o getall mined wp 21 switch skin eitaton 2 fellow to move smoothly, ike a river 48 Moods, states and feelings Comte ho sentences using werd am the box confused owe fant fragle itospectve —stless | rnostakle pecksh psyched up rolowd tense | 4 Twedness can Kil Ifyou ta to fel_drowsy when youre ising op a5 Son's you ean. 2 norma to fait i before a pesormancs Biryouhove tot ove 2 Anyone testing 2 Yee made fev sarc and that tes or 4 ob, thank goodness you'e safe I'm so vas Imagining also of bowers. 1 someone feels __, get chem to st down straightaway as thee ia danger of them falling Stay with them, and offer them a dein of water, 8 she'sbeen for woes, just moping around the house Ieita mood, af cole tbe something medica 7 He's been hurt a fot by the break-up. He's bit athe ‘moment, so treat him with cae 8 rm all t00 I don’t know. f don't undestand ‘wha happening to me. {9 She’ great coach. She manages to get the team w Just the ight Level before a 40 she's going through an phase, trying to come to terms with hersell Her Therapists wery tpl 417 Times are hard for many Russians, and some fee! about the old soviet system, 49 Words beginning with de- tothe words define bow inthe owes on the ih AP A formal discussion om a topic by 2 group of people. (0) « [D]E Something you do witen you pla card. (b) ; £ 3) Lacking in something dp = - - Lo pull down a bulking, (by a ice 5] Device for unscrambling TV signals. (n) . si [ble ] Reliable. ac) > te Tl To ask toney for something) > ele B) A date or time before which somthing must be done.) > BE 3] Goveenment ofthe peopl, by the peopl, forthe people. (n) 40) Washing-up gut (n) og IG ve ish beaches. (n) ae ee Fl Atype ofseat very popular on Bish beaches) “ « [ble 52 You putt under your ams to stp the sel of sweat. (x) 48 Towina to eat someone (sb) = (GE * ° [ole TH Nor acienta (ay “ [ole 5 Tote very much, (ty ~ [De ante Sor dean ttn dcr aeons nan, desea Cansei tan ne ean? 50 Right or wrong? ‘Aretha werds in bald type in th olowing sertones used caret or nt? Explan whats wrong withthe ones that ae not carect right wrong 4) Amatevotent person has a hear of god 2) He had the job bsfore me, He was my predecessor. 3) A road with te on iis called a sip road. 14) A student wh doesn’t work ard enough s known, san understudy. 5) He has. lot of personnel and family problems 18) The killer in Psycho stats dead bis. He's an amateur taxidermist 7 Her parents are very wealthy. Her father’ a marquee 18) He works for an advertising agency Hes a copywriter. 9) Thad to sack her for incompetence - avery tasteless task. o oOoO0 wi a o right wrong 301 something is fragile it means it has 8 - ‘sweet or pleasant smell, CO 4 if you's sueing tom amnesia, you've Jost your memory. 2 Inflammabie isthe opposite of flammable 48. Ws not comprehensive = mean, —— ‘no-one can understand | Al she's wntten ty-ight novels, Sie’ really prolific. od You'l need to use alot of workforce - ‘lift that it that piece of concrete. Da Me Nop ni eh com iy The iy Sheri mma rman wre at sch ies vin a ert For ape, te Sav rte for cur maran ft shot stat), Ad hes ‘pedo a naga on bn the en bod 51 Who wrote what? Try to war out who wrotathe books bela Choose tom the ftowing| tors, ‘oma Gremm Deh Mia 1GWaters | Macre 10 Mowe | or Pet unin Case Lotlakige Mes TDay Petey Vie RUStong Retin Banke Roland Cofley Sane-ShaW UC Fronds ' | Holidays by the Sea by __ Sandy ‘Shaw a MiXeD Up LeTTers Get Rich Quick Seeeeeeeeees p Never Give Up by Preparing for the Unexpected My Mariage Brenlsmp How to Manage a Large Family a " 3 6 by by Getting a BIGGER Bank Loan ‘A Foggy Morning = Quick 10 | The Antarctic Breakfasts Ocean » ty Test Your "| Why it’s Good to Muscles ‘Throw Parties 52 Homophones Inthose pect posal of santence, the miashg words ound he same bt ae spot rea. 4) Breathe in shat fresh sea ale Prince Will ithe hel tothe throne 2. she won asitver a the Olympics, Don't In my ffs Bl a. lof shoes. Would you tke an apple or a 2 4 she wears lovely fresh by Calvin Klein 4997 Why not add a and make It ve dolas? Bl Wenadto the beoken-down cae to a garage. 1 dropped the box on my foot and broke my big 8) How much isthe tain 2 She got more than me. t's not 7 We cant row the boat. An is missing Gold i extracted from {8 Do you come to ihis often? Sole and are at fs Tobe qute don’ ke only costs one In rai AO. As American a8 apple ‘The Greck fetter fs used in maths to calculate area of circle, 1 During the ‘of King George I ‘Take an umbrella incase of mA ‘s bigger than a rabbit (Comb your Ie ooks awful 48) A building fa dangerous place We caught ‘of her only brie A Please come home. We have. you ters. Ws not really fog ~ more of light. 15 He fom sie to side, a5 if run, ‘They'te not shiny leather they're ‘rca, tenes or lie aes gh Wat ae sng fete Pane wre tras es pas eam hats ako he Paras he beget suo of conse a ounces meters when a commen sce: hace 58 One word, two meanings ‘ead he 9 cons foreach word an copter 3) 8) generat including everything, b) a cost for diy work (7) 4) 2) happy, satisfied b) what a text contains (7) 5) a) holds wpa building b) section of text in a newspaper (6) 5 8) massive and sudden political change ‘by wiel or part af « machine going rund (10) 102) look afer, repair eg. a building b) ase, say strongly 8) 48) 3) you pass or fll at School _b) 3 close check (11) 45) a) whore a dead perso is bused) very serous (5) 57 a)container for petro, water ete hn big gun 4) by military veel $8 ajan insect that jumps _b) strange but popular English sport (7) 49) 8} part of forehead) religious building Hind, Roman, ete.) (6) Down F)opposite ofthe city a state with a flag, government, et. 7) 2) a) booklet with instuctons b) by hand (6) a) done by a surgeon b) the way something works (9) 5) a) being found gulty by a court) strong opinion (10) 7 ajanordinay soldier b) not public 7) 8) nice season ofthe yeat b) often four inside a mattress (6) a)ametal 00! bya place to store data on the computer (4) #4 a) 10 sy you were wiong bj let someone in (5) 82a) gases om acar_b) to make ted (7) #4) newspaperstory b) a thing, an item (7) Wa) not very clear) to become unconscious (5) Pol Fe I a a s fr Pe Ma a fe Fs % a re Me id Cpe errr sere taps a een ene een See ena eer ae ee ae eee eee Sores 54 Choose the best word ‘Choose the best vor to compile each sertance, A He ot wie plying tennis and _grazed_ his nse 2) steed @)rsesd ) aed) skimmed 2) lets usualy citcut to __ the words of songs. a)overneat b) make up ©) Kenly €) make out 3) Arche wedding ception, the est man lass ighly wth a Knife to get the guests attention, the side of hs a} stoked b) tapped. «) hit beat 1 excuse me, walter Any chance of changing this cup? Ws a} faulty b) broken ) defective a) chipped SB] Vout have to speak up. My great-yrandmother i rather___of heating a} bard) ditt) unsure bad she asso in the book she was reading that she didn’t 2) impressed) mesmerized) fascinated dh engrossed caw stop now, Maris, sate ‘m abit tor time. pone you 2) ack by shor} pushed ud rshed B)___witlbe served during the interval, a) Refreshments} Groceries ©) Nourishment.) Supplies 8) You're off to Sei tanka? What an extraordinary __.Soam 2) chance fate ¢} luck 4) coincdence, 10 Two ofthe actors got the performance. Typlal amateurs! sn the miate of the 2) laughter b) chuckles ©) giggles) snggers 41) In. women tive longer than men in most counts. 3) average b) the whole ©) general €) general 32 You may bea good singer, but it s___ ule that you wl make it bg. Looks are important, 00. 4) greatly) largely €) highly almost 19) Alot of poople ny to make we of sn the law to pay les 4) loopholes by shortages gaps d) clauses 146 Microsoft _the software industy 4) overcomes ) overwhelms €} dominates) controls 48) Police re __the crime sing DNA fingerprinting 4) researching b) Investigating ©) checking. d inspecting P ‘Aen p oan oso Bt wn ne te tos ea ore eyo iy do est Ses early. Toon wa ooo elena 8 {yung Sos ured rong Wahoo Yui fp al sss pansy nr. rts pate Dh fal 55 Rhyming words ite the answers othe folowing cuzstons, a) Which word means intent and cymes with gh? _bright Which word means spac and hymes with slam? ‘Which word means tc and syne wth sof? Which word means anak and shymes with mel? Which word means kil and yes with we? Which word means es an tyme elt ea? Which word means happen and rhymes with fo? Wile word means wander and ym wth hme? Which word means ue and cymes with pence? ‘Which word means acomplish and rhymes with see? 41 Which werd means strong al symes ith st?” 42) Which word means encouage and shymes with merge? 419) Which word means be hungry and ehymes with care? 4) Which word means something you sy t Go and hymes with far? 15 Which word means undispinad and rhymes with fry? ‘en je doit dnt a va Sound i may St ry ore Ought rss th Sr an aught, a, cou, rough cov ys wi rough 56 Verbs and nouns Complete ho pass using word tom the box achieve soqut scour applyfor avard catch cokbato compcee confess demolah deny com express extinguish forge infonoe hort invest Investigate pay | 4 To_domolish _ an old building 2) fre a). a-crime, a mystery © To___a bith, a victory 5). living 8 decison 7 success a w job, 2 work permit 8 w 4 wish, an oplnton 40 To___atention, someone a compliment TH to____a meeting % to sight of someone ® your gut ww fortune, a house 1% wm pre, a medal 8 tm musle 7 Tw a banknote, passport 8 an accusation ® an aceused peson, 20 to money, capital 57 Language crossword 2) Two wotds with the same meaning. (7) 18) Lookup, ep off and checkout are all__verbs,¢7) BE Asentence with fis known asa) 10) The way your voice goes up and down 38 you speak. (10) 82) Foxmal wor for 2 question form. (12) 418) For example: a, ¢,0.(6) For example: by, trough, at (11) (8S) For example: very coal has ser tng (7) Down A) A question which doesnot expect an answer (10) Vers such as myc A. word ike a, bt, whl 3 a S) Forexample: ss, t,x.) 18) Eating isa present one, even is a past ane. (10) A word that sounds the same a another word, but i pet Aiferently and has a completely dierent meaning 9) 9A word with same letess as another word, but ina different onder, alanger al satan 7) 19) For example: cmt, 0 ks, 0 fret: (10) 12 A phrase such as cl it R 4 € c a ° R 1 fc A L i "s 1 Vv 58 Crazy definitions Maich the wordsin th box ta hee athr unusual anton ‘arcacclegst baby tread classic naga! tense optimist postman rine sersect hurcu soap vee course meal ‘acum Caner warehouse well unger ‘baby: Something witha noise at ne end al a snl at the othe el ‘Something possessed by people who laugh at your yokes 3 Something that everybody wants to have read nobody wants to sei -Atbroom witha stomach, A sik itd of prey ‘What you say when you ate lost 4 5 6 TM __s where capes seep, 8) __: A pum that has sunbathe t00 much, 2 Someone whose carcer i nui, 80, _- shampoo for bald people A) __: wo chips and a pes 2 Raw toast 48 __: someone who gets the sack a so0n a he stars work 4 Across between a sheep and a Kangaroo, 5 Someone who sees 2 half empty bottle and says i's al fl ‘Srv ce ins a a er wit yor pan Tah Ins ofm En-ssangharow: Ag 8m gang 06 0 my rs. sring get ny pete rm te shes ne tery opie ‘at ~ Pro ian? Bu tows: onus pn cn bc ey sin. 59 Match the sentences Match me sentenons 1-10 wth responses 3+, 4 ” Could you estend the eaaine? You should get in touch weit your soci, Ht nave to cancel the meeting cating to conten our rangement, The signal i fading, Capt Hes abusing his postion asa police officer. We're losing pressure Well have to descend. We've exceeded our targets again this year Why are you frowning? You ate betraying your county Don't be ndicuous. Lam not as, Good ~ so wel ee yu. Frigay bubs? ~by taking F hink we shout tale alte, with ‘Mose mountains ated. But by how much? Only half «million dolla, Don't be patheti. Why hot fast postpone 1 ‘OK. You can have another ay, Just ey to get thee position, OK? [ink I should be able to soe this ou without resorting tothe aw. (0h, money wortes, among other things 60 British and American English Complete the tale of Bish and American words using wordsrases rm the box. a 2 a zs 5 6 7 8 8 10 " 2 2 ia P carpark iy corre eckotsarde fst Noor ‘ist year undergraduate garden postman shoesng tm AMERICAN ENGLISH deck of cards Adoventown feeshman mailman sports shoes and parking lot, quo sore pactor period rane vacation [BRITISH ENGLISH pack of cards round floor cofttcence fall top dummy hotiday it Ameen Enh take orn Bi? roby not. Shr eatnes cn ‘3: areca angio no may Wo way a fcayng er you Et body nBrtan sari 9 3) simak irtod of pavement cx gas ‘sta pet Powe rary eaten Hey teh Answers edger 4 resets tate rer eet siug aid Spat 8 7 Woodpecker 10| Test? Tight 7 ting 2c) 8 package otday 3 joumey 9 hike 4S Novage 10 tour Scns 11 expetton tp hn 9 route 1 saps 15 pads ganna anagram of danger one ott 2 fave aay 5 fowsinck 4 Feting™. down 3 Stine ‘ top in 5 ane up wah 10 getround 11 nde in 12 pny ‘erste 9 ibe 10 fiteie 11 ecu suits Suerstons toleant vrei Tous misting vest Tejelah 8 thgh 15 heart 2 ged” 9 shun 16 lung 3 pup 10 sole 17 bser fost 1 G18 Kidney Sins 12 pulm 19 spine 6 dimpit_ 13 nace 20 sal 3am 14 ay 2 abe prison 9 aeroplane 2 hewspaper 10 window 3 bed 1 finer 5 Stroiony ete atch footba Texte evo own temporary T teasparet amateur” 2 approximately & stupicious 3 generous 10 aneoble 5 onzonat 1 voluntary 7 selon 9 bane resto ood chain 8 wind turbine 2 pace” renewable SKerlizer 10 hyatelectsie Geshaust 1 ecaeable 5 tindvrsty 12 residues 6 consereation 13 comumption 7 genetical” 14 erosen Imodied (GN) 15 explosion Test 10 T sabity 9 contin 2 basally, 10 asobadence 4 amt 11 ghbaation 4 estonable 12 unhelpful S atione 1 squalid 6 spplcale 14 precison 5 comparatively 15 damate 4 contin Sisinguis ino a 4 oaten 5 cater nis ye 6 notice 5 glance 4 cogized 9 peered 1 serving vest 12 ok 5 teh cas " row 2 hed a seam peck 8 Son Test tian 11 rion Giron ‘hopping board 2 ling tn 10 ‘ander? ‘tating owed sleet ise food proussors ates Ether towel 1 roling pin 13 timer Test 4 aa iin Sin vest 15 Tb grass ‘aught a glimpse of tort ek fon brane calcio nin 2 by T prose 2 retary General 5 headteacher 3 Sean & cit 9 prince 10 hair 43 conductor 13 Stor 16 govemor 16 aren 1 constant 239 spokespeson eet 17 Tuniom 9 quacet 2 Tommie 10 pentagon 5 ue 1 Binary 4 smbigextous 12 decade 5 fincas 13 century 3 ewe 15 mabye 4 tapes es 2 blinked 10posby 3 eecial 11 Umpe Gigi 12 poley S rumour 15 frome Ggue, Mae 8 counselor st 19 Tecomedy 6 hore 2icap 7 chat stow Beaton & set 3 artim 5 romance 5 lie 10 documentary Progmme Test 20 insted 7 stmmered 2 repeated 8 explained 5 demanded 9 plendat 4 yee 10 tomplained 5 nspemd 11 lige 6 boasted 12 sighed Teet21 Tet ot 2 go noagh with 4 Game rund 4 purup wat 5 goowr 6 gorroundvo 2 fatapat 9 get ot of 10 put up 11 puting off 12 ieouph 0 14 puting on 15 goon about a eS aes ne is kee Jens ae et ANSWERS: 3 tone 4 spllenecker 6 pated 2 format Processing 8 pate 11 Gitabore 10 fasta 12 scanner 13 ah Test 26: autumn, seasons 2 bane containers 5 ve es, factions 6 botany, scences 5 5 fc, abevations ‘on gem 10 Seaton bes 15 ove wees 14 sere, paintings 13 spends, progams 2am Fame 12 gain S sale 8 spel pape whale 3 Spoil 1 pase S wile 10 Spain 18 ease T inode a 2 hypotes—1 oni 5 calles =) 8 Srinne 9 famie— 10 waters 12a 15 reget 1 nme 18 tine eat20 Tstumbled 6 pladded 2 Shipped 7 ote 3 ing 5 sre ve 30 Tasting ¢ moving 2 reat tenting 43 tipping & tating 4 fischating 9 exguiste 5 aa 10 Sekine Ton Goutal at in Bint 13 for sin Son wat Sino on 1S on 2 ealitaday 3 ge heck 5 out ofthe ive 6 pul your sks up 2 an make hed al of 8 tings» el 10 went down ie end ballon 1 hatin or 12 level plying eld reat 29 "keane roi margins les subsilny fe ca 10 brand 1 pte sty 13 ownpt 1 pradacevy 15 feb ze é ah 5 Tine > 4 hot 2 5 roms 6 > paw 1s 2g 7h DB Sto&m toe Sa oq Tanticptic 9 2 matty 10 Smid 1 Samethece 12 S hayierer 13 6 alege 1 5 tamfusion 15 estan ~parmesin m= ham Meat oe Bost Chicken ancl Game peasant ~ pheasant Saige “prtdge sn Met mutt Pace pice pawns pres ANSWERS sk ete 8 » Insomnia meron infectious Ssboies ermotoogs| Vegetables beens beans Paras cs Test 20 Tahatter 11 a paat 2adodo 2 avack 5 steatir 11 apitue J diocwork 1 es 5 Sit 18 Scucumber 8 te 16 teow 10 thee 20 gold 2 epty nt 5 top aoe 6 bathing up the wg ee 5 igs sa pom 4 the poe tat ay the 9 more fishin the 9 10 pecking oder ‘Sheten ee id Roses coulda tea hem iy 0 he wa 1 the et that poe the ram 15 esc Ok og new chs Tes zig bhooF aa Tce the wood forthe ses 2 an upstage 4 owe out 3 goer the tow 5 Betas down 5 5 ‘ rope ocean 2 storm ina tea ‘own ff couse i= ies iB, fe me aoe ae Eames ‘moving ~ mow (scat Sry storey Test a7 fie all ‘member feeders tear thar Ha i= S 20 tangle Tet Taroesy 2 teme 3 peck est 49 Tides 2 deal 4 erotsh 5 decor 6 depen 2 demand 8 denne Test 30 a n 2 a my fogte confed Pyched op Feospectve ae berate 1 Wrong. A malevolent person ‘want to harm othe peopl 2 high predecessor fvorneone ‘who had your ob bere ys. 5 rong. slip road sa rad for ving off oF oto a motor 4 wong An understudy in actor tno ears par in ply nese Fhe she hast replace another 5 ‘Wong. Personnel ae prope who voi 3 company or ‘ranisntion, You have personal probiens. 6 Right. 4 taxidermist tuts dad sims. 7 wrong. A marque sa very ge tent A marquis member of thew 8 Right. A copywelters someone ‘vo wer he words or 9 Wong Tastee descbes fot ‘hat doen ve much taste, a4 ANSWERS! commento oke tat st appropiate ma cera sttion re unpleant wks 10 Wrong, somthing ral, ‘means it is decate and cok! aly beak. Faget vers 2 ples sal 1 Right. Amnesia means the las of story 12 Wrong, Hammable art Anilammable have the sane 18 rong, Comprehensive dsb Someting that icles al te ‘eee acts nd deals CCompreneasibiedesies seeing at dearer 14 ight. Prolif dese a ast ‘ere pris may 15 hong. Workforce means the peopl whe wrk in sompony of Tots. aly should nave been alga ‘eet 1 T'sandy Shaw 9 Roland Cofiy 5 Anna Gramm 11 RU Strong Percy Vere 12 UC Friends S justine 15 LON 7 TNalone Mis Day 4 Lote Ride Test 52 Tall ber 9 frank ane 2 medal mode 10 pe pi Spat pear 11 la an 4 Seenieent 12 hate hair S tomtoe 13 ste aght Gta fe 14 met mist 7 carom 1S swayed, suede 8 ple place vest 89 " ‘ 0 fave temple Test 6 tapped Seto dengeosed pushed Reesiments 5s ‘any i 8 influence Spotter eps py 2 i § " 2 Ht B 8 2 a 15 16 a 1% “ounty mana operation private vane fhe A coinidence chishly ‘oophes dominates biwestzating rhe pve sushey jou teh ‘nfs iohest forge ery ANSWERS eros Down Synonyms °F thor & that 3 moan & Contionl 4 conjnctn 10 intonation 5 commune 22 tenhe § pie 14 ropostion 9 anagem 15 foe 1 inte 2 Mom 2 em oft 5 legs aap & seatouse er ase 5 chaologst 10 sp 1 teeconae msl 12 bead 15 posan 14 fol omper 15 opumist Tr sh ge af ge 85 Beak Teeckotcats 8 valnes 2 icenme. 9 pead aargadte 12 per signori 13 Grp Spoon 14 vation 5 Sorting

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