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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 129 (2002) 139±142

Surface modi®cation process by electrical discharge machining

with a Ti powder green compact electrode
Z.L. Wanga,*, Y. Fanga, P.N. Wua, W.S. Zhaoa, K. Chengb
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 421,
West Dazhi Street 92, Harbin 150001, PR China
School of Engineering, Leeds Metropolitan University, Calverley Street, Leeds LSI 3HE, UK


This paper describes a new method of surface modi®cation by electrical discharge machining (EDM). By using an ordinary EDM machine
tool and kerosene ¯uid, a hard ceramic layer can be created on the workpiece surface with a Ti or other compressed powder electrode in a
certain condition. This revolutionary new method is called electrical discharge coating (EDC). The process of EDC begins with electrode wear
during EDM, then a kind of hard carbide is created through the chemical reaction between the worn electrode material and the carbon particles
decomposed from kerosene ¯uid under high temperature. The carbide is piled up on a workpiece quickly and becomes a hard layer of ceramic
of about 20 mm thickness in several minutes. This paper studies the principle and process of EDC systemically by using a Ti powder green
compact electrode. Experiments and analyses show that a compact TiC ceramic layer can be created on the surface of the metal workpiece.
The hardness of the ceramic layer is more than three times higher than that of the base body, and the hardness changes gradually from the
surface to the base body. This method can ®nd wide application in the ®elds of surface modi®cation, such as the surface repairing and
strengthening of cutting tools and molds.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrical discharge machining; Electrical discharge coating; Ti powder green compact electrode; Surface modi®cation

1. Introduction Saito in the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation have coated the

surface of mental molds in kerosene by using a Ti powder
Electrical discharge coating (EDC) is a coating method green compact or a TiC semi-sintered electrode successfully.
developed in recent years to form a hard layer on metallic Experiments show that the hardness of the surface is very
material using an electrical discharge in a dielectric ¯uid [1]. high, and the mold's adherence is three times greater and is
There are many surface modi®cation methods through twice as strong as that of molds without being coated or
which a ceramic layer is created on the surface of material, those coated by titanium nitride (TiN) with PVD. The life is
such as physical vapor deposition (PVD), chemical vapor lengthened by three to seven times [3,4].
deposition (CVD) and so on. They all can improve the whole In China, the Research Institute of Nontraditional Man-
performance, and reduce the manufacturing cost of products ufacturing and Mechatronics, Harbin Institute of Technol-
by using a few materials instead of many expensive materi- ogy, began this research ®rst. By using an ordinary electrical
als [2], but these methods need special apparatus, and the discharge machining (EDM) machine tool and kerosene, a
machining area and the coating thickness cannot be con- layer of TiC ceramic about 20 mm thickness is created on the
trolled well, so they do not ®nd wide application in ordinary workpiece successfully with a Ti powder green compact
tool and mold workshops. For example, as for PVD, it needs electrode in a very short time.
special vacuum apparatus, and pre-processing such as the
elaborate cleaning of the workpiece is indispensable [1].
The method of EDC does not have these defects. Japan 2. Principle of EDC
and other developed countries began this research a few
years ago. Mohri at the University of Tokyo and Moro and Fig. 1 shows the principle of EDC. With the EDM
machine tool and kerosene, Ti, W or other metallic materials
Corresponding author. are used as the electrode. In the process of EDC, a kind of
E-mail address: [email protected] (Z.L. Wang). hard carbide (such as TiC or WC) is created through

0924-0136/02/$ ± see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 5 9 7 - 6
140 Z.L. Wang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 129 (2002) 139±142

Table 1
EDC conditions

Discharge current (A) ie ˆ 2:2 10

Discharge duration (ms) te ˆ 2 12
Duty factor (%) t ˆ 5:88
Machining time (min) 18
Machining area (mm2) 12
Polarity Electrode (±)
Electrode f 12Titanium
Workpiece Carbon steel

Fig. 1. Principle of EDC. Table 2


Electrode type Green compact

chemical reaction between the worn electrode material and Material Ti powders
the carbon particles decomposed from the kerosene ¯uid Diameter of powders (mm) 80
Forming pressure (t/cm2) 10
under high temperature. The carbide is piled up on a work- Size (mm2) 12
piece quickly and becomes a hard layer of ceramic in several
minutes. Since the hard layer is created on the workpiece in
the process of EDC, then EDC is indeed the contrary process
of EDM. It requires that the cutting speed of the workpiece Table 1 shows the EDC conditions, whilst Table 2 shows
be lower than the wearing speed of the electrode. A theory of the material of the electrode and its forming conditions.
deposition has been advanced.
In general, the forms of electrodes are green powder
compressed, or sintered, and so on. The powder green 4. Characteristics of a layer by EDC
compact electrode has some characteristics that are good
for deposition, e.g.: heat conduction is not very good, 4.1. Characteristics of a layer by EDC
resistance is great, the wearing speed is comparatively rapid,
and so on. When the powder green compact electrode is Fig. 2 shows a photograph of a cross-section of the layer
used, in order to reduce the combining intensity of mole- coated by EDC. This photograph was taken with an electron
cules, the less the pressure of molding, the better will be the microscope after EDC, cutting, polishing and etching. The
effects of EDC. In contrast to the powder green compact electrical conditions under which the layer is formed are as
electrode, the sintered electrode has many merits. At the follows: discharge current ie ˆ 10 A; discharge duration
same time the sintered materials can be made into all kinds te ˆ 4 ms; pulse interval time t0 ˆ 64 ms; machining time
of shaped electrodes easily, so that it can be used to ®nish 18 min; and workpiece carbon steel.
random shape machining. The smaller the diameter of the From Fig. 2 it can be seen that the ratio of Fe is reduced
powder, the better the surface roughness of the hard layer. gradually from the base metal to the surface, and almost to
The method of EDC has many merits compared with zero at the end, while the ratio of Ti is increased gradually
some conventional methods.

(1) It does not require complicate equipment such as

vacuum apparatus. With only an ordinary EDM
machine tool, a ceramic layer can be created easily
on the workpiece.
(2) The ceramic layer can be created in different places of
the workpiece with different areas, and the coating
speed is fast, the thickness being well controlled also.
(3) The range of materials used by the EDC method is
wide, and the operation is very simple, so this method
has better application prospects.

3. Experimental conditions

With the ordinary EDM machine tool and dielectric ¯uid,

the authors ®nished the test of EDC on the workpiece. Fig. 2. Cross-section of EDC layer.
Z.L. Wang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 129 (2002) 139±142 141

Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction of hard layer by EDC.

with grads, and the surface of the layer is rich in Ti. It can
also be seen that there is no clear boundary between the layer
and the base metal. It can be considered that is why the EDC Fig. 5. Relation between average hardness and discharge duration.
layer has strong adherence to the base metal.
5. Future views
4.2. Composition of a layer by EDC
The method of EDC will have a great future because many
Fig. 3 shows the result of X-ray diffraction of a hard layer materials can be easily added to the electrode and then be
by EDC, the electrical conditions being the same as above. coated on the workpiece surface. Adjusting the parameters,
From the ®gure the diffraction apex of TiC and Fe can be ceramic can create ceramic layers with different thickness.
seen clearly, which means that there are TiC and Fe com- Then, by changing the electrode or using a special sintered
ponents in the surface. The ®rst diffraction apex of TiC (2y) electrode, a ceramic layer with another composition is
is 36.228, and the ®rst diffraction apex of Fe (2y) is 44.408. created on the former layer, thus the composite ceramic
In the surface texture of the layer, TiC is 51%, Fe is 48%, and layer will have special characteristics. The switch between
the rest is impurity. the deposition process and the removal process is carried out
easily by changing the polarity and the parameters of
4.3. Hardness machining, thus the alteration of the thickness and shape
of the composite ceramic layer is carried out easily. This kind
Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the average of composite ceramic layer will possibly be used to deal with
hardness of the surface by EDC and the discharge current. the surface of the cutting tools or molds, in order to lengthen
Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the average hardness their life. It also can ®nd wide application in the ®elds of the
of the surface by EDC and the discharge duration. From surface repairing and strengthening of ships or aircraft.
the above ®gures, it can be seen that even the lowest
hardness of the surface layer is also four or ®ve times
higher than that of the base material. The instrument used 6. Conclusions
in measuring is an MN-3 Vickers hardness meter produced
by the former Soviet Union. The load of measurement is This paper describes a new surface modi®cation method
200 gf. with EDM technology, the following conclusions being
1. The method of EDC is a very practical technology, and
it will find good prospects of application in ordinary tool
or mold workshops.
2. The EDC process is very simple and does not need special
equipment, compared with other conventional methods.
3. There is an evident grad variety in the EDC surface layer
component. The surface of the layer is rich in Ti but
gradually the Ti decreases. This is very important to the
surface modification.


This study is funded by China national ``863'' project

(2001AA421240). Special thanks are expressed for the
Fig. 4. Relation between average hardness and discharge current. support of HIT CKSP Group development funding.
142 Z.L. Wang et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 129 (2002) 139±142

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