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This AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between _________________, of Legal
age, married to ________________and a resident of ___________________________, herein as the
LESSOR, and ____________________________ also of legal age, single resident of
__________________________________ and _________________________ also of legal age,
single resident of _____________________________________________ hereinafter known as

1. That the LESSOR hereby agrees to lease unto the LESSEE the following: in
consideration of the monthly rental of Twenty-Four thousand pesos (PHP 24,000.00)
Philippine Currency, to be paid by the LESSEE in advance, 1 month advance and 2
months as security deposit amounting to (PHP 72,000.00);
2. The security deposit may be used for the purpose of repairing damage for which the
tenant is responsible (beyond normal wear and tear), cleaning, or paying the unpaid rent
or utilities. The LESSOR and LESSEE shall conduct a pre-move out inspection of the
rental before the renter moves out at which time the Owner shall inform the Renter of
needed repair. The LESSEE shall have the right to make any repairs identified at the pre-
move out inspection at his or her expense. In the event that LESSEE cancel or
terminate the contract before the end date of the contract. Deposits and advance will
be forfeited or it will be non-refundable.;
3. The LESSEE shall pay for, and defray at his/her own expenses, the consumption of
water, electric light, internet 1899 per month, monthly dues 800 per month and/or other
services in the leased premises;
4.. The LESSEE agreed in the terms of the MONTVILLE HOA that the tenants are
not allowed to bring pets. If Lessee violates this rule a penalty of 5,000 will be
5. That the LESSEE shall not make or cause to be made any improvement in the premises
without prior written consent of the LESSOR, it being understood that such
improvement in the premises shall be at the sole expenses of the LESSEE;
6. That the LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly sublease, assign, or transfer his right
under this Contract to the third party or parties, without the consent in writing of the
7. That the term of this leave is non-negotiable commencing from OCTOBER 1, 2022 and
expiring on OCTOBER 1, 2022;
8. The LESSEE hereby expressly acknowledges that the leased premises are in good and
tenantable condition and agrees to keep the same in such good and tenantable condition
complying with all laws, ordinances and regulation of the Municipal City or National
Government as regards the use, Occupation and sanitation of the leased premises, and
failure to comply shall be at the risk and expense of the LESSEE;
9. That in case of non-payment of the rental herein stipulated; or violation of any condition
of this contract, the lease shall consider rescinded, and the LESSOR shall have the right
to demand that the LESSEE vacate the premises;
10. That the failure of the LESSOR, to insist upon strict performance of any terms,
condition and covenants hereof shall not be deemed a waiver on his part of the terms of
the contracts;
11. That any and all violation of the conditions of this Contract shall subject the guilty
party to the payments of damages, aside from the cost of suit and attorney’s fees.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, these presents are signed both the LESSOR and the LESSEE, this ____
day of _______________20__ at ______________________.

__________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________



Quezon City ( ) S.S

Before me, a Notary Public for in Quezon City __________ personally appeared.

________________________ CT: _______________________

Issued on: __________________
Issued on: __________________

________________________ CT: _______________________

Issued on: __________________
Issued on: __________________

KNOWN TO ME and to me known to be the same person who executed the foregoing
“CONTRACT” and acknowledged to me the same of their free act and voluntary deed.

This instrument refers to as CONTRACT consisting of the four (2) pages including this page
on which this acknowledgement is written and signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses
on the last page thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands this__ day of _____________20

__, Makati City, Philippines.

Doc. No.: ______

Page No.: ______
Book no.: ______
Series of 2019
1. Orientation of Rules and Regulation at the HOA admin office.
Reg. monthly dues, Maynilad water billings, Pets and etc.

2. Moving in Form and 1 Valid ID

3. 12 Post dated check

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