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Aerospace Engi n



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International School of Engineering(ISE), Faculty of Engineer, Chulalongkorn University.

Simulation Result Validation
From our platform of flight simulation will be used in any experiment that need to use the simulation of real environment with the design aircraft so the simulation need to be ensure that it will provide the reasonable and precise to the real environment that aircraft expecting to handle. The method used to test this simulation was to validate the model of the aircraft that run on flight simulation environment program (FlightGear) by compare the data of some flight testing in each condition with the company (Boeing aircraft industry) who construct and testing that aircraft. Validation consists of two forms of model testing, although strictly both are interdependent. Performance tests are, for the most part, based on steady-state measurements, for example, maximum level speed, engine-out climb rate or time to reach V1 from brakes release or sideslip angles for rudder input. The other form of tests involve the system dynamics to ensure that the response of the system to inputs is correct, for example, the pitching moment change caused by a change of engine thrust, response in yaw and roll resulting from an engine failure or pitch rate response with a flight control law.





Conclusion and Future work.

Flight simulation system is the system that solve the equation of motion (6 degree of freedoms) when the given aircraft model are subject to any flight conditions which is called flight dynamics model, with the visual generation system the result of simulation can be convert and project into real-time visualization, which helps understand the result from the equation of motion which are the coefficients of lift, drag, and side forces and roll, pitch, and yaw moments The combination of FlightGear Flight Simulator and JSBSim Flight Dynamic model, which are open source projects written in the C++ programming language and used in this project, provided a solid base for building the scalable simulation environment. This project was intent to build the basic simulation environment that have potential of holding new feature without modifies the core system, Although many challenges were faced at the beginning of the project due to the need to investigate different approaches, and the lack of clear documentation for FlightGear, the aims of the project were met, and the project objectives specified in section 4 were all achieved. As mention earlier this project was opens the door to the new area of knowledge and new area of learning for aerospace engineering students that wish to continue perform a future work in this project, it is hold unbound potential of developing this system as long as there are basic idea layout for them. Student can further enhance the core system functionality, increase stability of system by decreasing FlightGear resource usage, develop interaction panel, integrate the control system in to simulation process, implement fully functional avionics system, and even develop the motion system. As for the faculty, the facility from this project give many benefits, it can be used as tool aid the teaching in aircraft design class, avionics class, aircraft stability and control class, and aerospace engineering laboratory class. or if it has been further develop to the certain level (if it could obtain the FAA certificate it would be great). When reach that level this flight simulation facilities can be open as the center and charge for service.

The flight simulation system in this project was built on basic idea of porting a huge, complexes flight simulation system that need a large support facility to the simplest level that can be handle by consumer level hardware. The system divides into 3 main parts, modeling, flight dynamic (which is heart of the system), and the visual, each setup in separated station. The Digital DATCOM in the first station (modeling) will calculate the aerodynamic data from the given design geometry, then use those result from Digital DATCOM to assemble the aircraft model configuration file by hand. This model now can be moved to the second station (flight dynamic) where it will be subject to the flight dynamic model, and produce the result in from of 6-DOF force and moment. Those force and moment later will be plot into the visual system and produce visual clue for pilot in the third station.

Station 1 : Aircraft Modelling

Station 2 : Flight Dyanamic Model

Station 3 : Visualization


Figure 1: Basic concept and station layout of the flight simualtion system.

The objectives of this engineering flight simulation are the following - Be able to build the flight simulation system. - Be able to validate the result of the simulation. - Be able to use the valid system to evaluate the particular system of the desire aircraft.

200 180



120 Airspeed (kt)

100 Airspeed(kt) 80

Parallel Calculation



FlightGear is the scalable systems, which means each of its instances can be configure to do certain job for example, one FlightGear instance can be configure to take responsible in Flight dynamic model calculation, while another instance is responsible for displaying the environment. The key concept of configure multi-instance is that use loopback IP-address which will allow computer to ping back to itself to simulate the network transfer data inside one computer. and the network IP-address for seconadry computer. So, for the main instance that will receive input and calculate flight dynamic of aircraft, these two parameter have to be add before run the instance, with this little modification when running the program.


0 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Time(sec)counting from when height equal to 0 to 45 ft

David Allerton, (2009). Principles of flight simulation (1st edition). Available: No.:629.13252078 AA434P at Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University Use Arial 16pt. bold for title, and Arial 8pt. regular for references. Bandu N. Pamadi, (1998) Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control of Airplanes E. Bruce Jackson, (August 7-9, 1995). Results of a Flight Simulation Software Methods Survey. Presented at AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference. [Electronic format]. Available at NASA Technical reports server (NTRS) Document ID: 19970012788 E. Bruce Jackson and Bruce L. Hildreth, Status of the AIAA modeling and simulation format standard. [Electronic format] Available at keyword: flight simulation Jon S. Berndt and the JSBSim Development Team (2010) JSBSim An open source, platform-independent, flight dynamics model in C++ [Electronic format] Availble at Michael Basler, Martin Spott, Stuart Buchanan, Jon Berndt, Bernhard Buckel, Cameron Moore, Curt Olson, Dave Perry, Michael Selig, Darrell Walisser, and others, (2011) The FlightGear Manual [Electronic format]. Available at David R. Miller [email protected] ,(Update edition 4 Mar, 2006) Multiple Monitors in FlightGear: Quick and Dirty [Electronic format] Available at net/dave/multimon.pdf Tarek Abdunabi, (August 2006) Modelling and Autonomous Flight Simulation of a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle [Electronic format] Available at

Figure 2(top), 3(middle), and 4(buttom): show the case using to test our result from flight simulation system base on NASA test model of jumbo 747 classic data. the top figure show the configuration of the system, the middle is the result from mathematical modle derived by NASA and the buttom figure is our result produce form simulation. we can see the similarities in the result. along with 2 other case we conclude that the result from this flight simulation system is acceptable.


if we change the IP-address in this command then the multi-computer parallel calculation can be achieved.
Raksok Khankhampoch Sorasit Thongjeen 503 13960 21 503 14359 21 [email protected] [email protected] 085 393 5599 080 595 7849 Advisor: Asst. Prof. Niphon Wansophark








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Senior Project, Academic Year 2010

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