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CIT 353 - Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction

Tutor Marked Assignment 2022/1

1. The basic goal of HCI is not one of the following:

a) To make systems more competitive
b) To improve interaction between computers and users
c) To make computer more useable
d) To enhance user friendliness of systems

2. Which of the following is not a problem associated with speech recognition?

a) Ability to talk to the system
b) Interference
c) Imprecision
d) Large vocabularies

3. Building things from user's perspective is called ______

a) None of the above
b) Portability
c) Usability
d) Functionality

4. Interaction techniques as conceptual ideas can be refined, extended, modified, and ______
a) reduced
b) added
c) changed
d) combined

5. ______ interaction technique involves physical input devices, a piece of code and physical output
a) Conceptual view
b) Computing view
c) User view
d) Interaction style

6. ______ presents a symbiosis of physical and electronic worlds in service of everyday activities.
a) World Wide Web
b) Time sharing
c) Microprocessor
d) Ubiquitous computing

7. One of the following is not a precautionary measure while using VDU.

a) Don't use small fonts
b) Don't look at screen for long periods
c) Work in well-lit surroundings
d) Sit close to the screen

8. All the following are common forms of interfaces except ______

a) VDU
b) Command Line Interface
c) Point and click
d) Menus

9. Part of the research in HCI involves ______

a) developing models and theories of interaction
b) all the options
c) protoyping new software systems
d) developing new design methodologies

10. In usability test, in which of the following techniques do you have two participants work toether
to perform the tasks?
a) Trunk test
b) Co-discovery
c) Active intervention
d) None of the above

11. ______ is often used for computer games, aircraft controls and 3D navigation.
a) Trackball
b) Joystick
c) Thumbwheel
d) Mouse

12. Input devices are used for ______ and pointing

a) display
b) word process
c) text entry
d) algorithm

13. One of the following is not true about optical mouse

a) Light emitting diode is embedded in it
b) It is less susceptible to dust and dirt
c) It may use special grid-like pad
d) It is comprised of a moving ball

14. The computer world was give the key to success in managing explosion of information by the
introduction of Hypertext in ______
a) 1952
b) 1954
c) 1945
d) 1962

15. ______ is not an input device

a) Trackball
b) Mouse
c) Printer
d) Joystick

16. ______ improved upon direct manipulation of objects on computer by introducing a graphicaly-
based interaction of visbility of objects
a) Shneiderman
b) Engelbart
c) Licklider
d) Sutherland

17. Menus are a set of ______ displayed on the screen

a) layers
b) levels
c) options
d) designs

18. ______ described Hypertext as a non-linear browsing structure

a) Engelbart
b) Vannevar Bush
c) Ted Nelson
d) Shneiderman

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