LEE AI Course Guide Final

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Drive the Future of AI

Artificial Intelligence MSc | Postgraduate Certificate

Online Course guide

Unive rs ity o f L eed s

Important information Contents

Important information provided by the
University, such as in presentations,
University brochures and on the Why choose the University of Leeds? 3
University website, is accurate at
the time of first disclosure. However, Course details 4
courses, University services and content
of publications remain subject to change. Course modules 5

Changes may be necessary to comply Our global learning network 6

with the requirements of accrediting
bodies or to keep courses contemporary Learning support 7
through updating practices or areas of
study. Career support 8

Circumstances may arise outside the Entry requirements 9

reasonable control of the University
leading to required changes. Such Application deadline dates 10
circumstances include industrial action,
unexpected student numbers, significant
staff illness (where a course is reliant
upon a person’s expertise), unexpected
lack of funding, severe weather, fire, civil
disorder, political unrest, government
restrictions and serious concern with
regard to the transmission of serious
illness making a course unsafe to deliver.

After a student has taken up a place with

the University, the University will look
to give early notification of any changes
and try to minimise their impact, offering
suitable alternative arrangements or
forms of compensation where it believes
there is a fair case to do so. Offers of
a place to study at the University will
provide up-to-date information on
courses. The latest key information on
courses, entry requirements and fees
can be found at courses.leeds.ac.uk.

Please check this website before making

any decisions.

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Why choose the Partnerships

University of Leeds?
Alan Turing Institute
The School of Computing is one of only a handful
We are one of the top 100 universities in the world
of elite UK institutions which partner with the Alan
and ranked in the top 20 in the UK (QS World
Turing Institute – the national institute for data
University Rankings 2022), with a global reputation
science and artificial intelligence. The institute is a
for excellence in research and teaching.
hub for research across disciplines and locations,
approaching real-world issues in science and
Through links with businesses, public organisations,
society to be at the forefront of cutting-edge
and research groups worldwide, we provide students with
changes today. The Alan Turing Institute is a place
a strong combination of higher education and career
for engagement, discussion and development of
support. Our team of high-profile academics create an
new ideas. Our partnership gives the School of
exceptional study experience guided by industry-leading
Computing real-world research and societal issues
knowledge and research.
to discover more about the field of AI.

A research focused school

Over 85% of the School of Computing’s research activity in
Computer Science was classified as “world leading”
or “internationally excellent” in the latest Research
Excellence Framework. 100% of the School’s research
Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA)
was deemed to have either “outstanding” or “very
The Leeds Institute for Data Analytics brings
considerable” impact in the same exercise.
together applied research groups and data
scientists from all disciplines, opening new
Our specialist Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial
opportunities to understand health and human
Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis and Care focuses on the
behaviour and casting light on the action required
innovative technologies in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
to tackle a wide range of social and environmental
It gives us strong research capability in this fast-paced
problems. Connecting academic research with
discipline of AI.
external partners in business, government and
the third sector; LIDA is matching the world class
The Artificial Intelligence course is designed and delivered
capabilities of University research with the needs
completely online by computer scientists specifically for
and opportunities of local organisations.
professionals who recognise the importance of AI to their
sector. The content blends industry knowledge into an
Robotics at Leeds
academic curriculum, speaking to skills that employers are
Robotics at Leeds is an interdisciplinary network
actively seeking. This enables you to develop your AI skills
driving innovation in robotics research. Our
across a variety of industries and gives you a tailored online
industrial partners, researchers and students
learning experience equivalent to on-campus courses.
can access a suite of technologies for robot
design and construction that is among the most
advanced in the world. Our national Robotics
Facility is backed by the Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) as part
of the Government’s drive to improve Britain’s
international competitiveness in robotics.

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Course details

The Artificial Intelligence course is purely AI

focused, covering an extensive range of AI and
Machine Learning tools and techniques. It is taught
by computer scientists specifically for professionals
who recognise the importance of AI to their sector.

You will develop practical skills that can be applied in the

real world. These include self-direction and effective and
ethical decision-making ability. The industry focus of the
curriculum will give you the confidence and knowledge
to pursue a role in industry or the public sector, to help
build, specify and critique AI systems.

You can study for the Masters course, which enables Course outcomes
students to apply their academic study, techniques
and knowledge acquired from the course to develop Artificial Intelligence is changing the way we
AI solutions and address a work-related challenge, see the world, not only in technical areas, but
or you can study the Postgraduate Certificate, which across a vast array of industries. Learning
is a gateway to the Masters. Both the Masters and and understanding AI, how it works, and what
Postgraduate Certificate are taught at the same benefits it can have for your business and sector
academic level and contain the foundation module of is the first step to a successful career in the
Programming for Data Science. future. This course will provide you with a deep
understanding of emerging trends in the AI
The Postgraduate Certificate requires a choice between landscape to ensure you can separate you or your
Data Science and Algorithms the other two foundation business from the crowd and be at the frontier of
modules; on the Masters course you will study both. technological changes in the future.
In addition to these modules on the Masters course,
you’ll have the opportunity to complete the Artificial The Artificial Intelligence course will teach you
Intelligence project, encouraging you to explore, analyse, how to develop, manage and plan AI solutions
and innovate upon existing critical theory and practice. or strategy in your organisation. You will develop
mastery of generic and subject-specific
If you are not ready to commit to two years of Masters intellectual abilities through group work and
study, or do not yet meet the academic requirements individual assignments across a wide range of
for the Masters course the Postgraduate Certificate is topics, including Robotics and Algorithms.
perfectly placed to help you upskill in a minimum of eight
months. It’s possible to then progress on to the Masters By the end of the course, you will be equipped
course. with the confidence to make high-level strategic
decisions to respond to business needs and
communicate complex, technical information to
non-technical stakeholders.

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Course modules The Postgraduate Certificate consists of four

Our purely AI focused curriculum covers an extensive
range of AI and Machine Learning tools and techniques. Foundation modules
Compulsory module:
> Programming for Data Science (15 credits)
You will learn skills that employers are actively seeking
within the AI development sector from building skills in
Python programming to the fundamental techniques of Students must choose one other foundation
computer programming, and the core machine learning module from the options below:
and data science knowledge that underpins many AI > Data Science (15 credits)
applications. > Algorithms (15 credits)

The MSc course consists of three foundation modules, six Development modules
development modules and a project Students must choose any two development
modules from the options below:
Foundation modules > Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (15 credits)
The first three modules will introduce you to the technical > Machine Learning (15 credits)
side of Artificial Intelligence: > Data Mining and Text Analytics (15 credits)
> Programming for Data Science (15 credits)
> Deep Learning (15 credits)
> Data Science (15 credits)
> Algorithms (15 credits) Please note: You might have to take a study break
to complete the course depending on when the
Development modules selected module is next running.
Building on these foundations, the remaining modules will
help to develop a critical understanding of how Artificial
Intelligence can be implemented to solve real world
> Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (15 credits)
> Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (15 credits)
> Machine Learning (15 credits)
> Data Mining and Text Analytics (15 credits)
> Deep Learning (15 credits)
> Robotics (15 credits)

The Artificial Intelligence project enables you to apply your
academic study, techniques and knowledge acquired from
the course to develop AI solutions to the real world in your
current role. This will allow you to address a work-related
challenge, encouraging you to explore, analyse, and
innovate upon existing critical theory and practice.
(45 credits)

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Our global Our VLE contains virtual social learning spaces,

learning network collaborative learning activities, regular live webinars,
and we encourage peer to peer dialogue to share
knowledge, ideas, and access personal tutors for advice
Your learning will be delivered online via our virtual on the learning experience.
learning environment, Minerva. Each week you will
study through live face-to-face sessions with our This allows you to develop a range of transferable skills
experienced academics in a mixture of structured and grow confidence and strength in character studying
and open-ended learning techniques. within a growing community of virtual learners.

We recognise that professionals have busy lives, so with a The online student experience
100% online delivery mode, students can manage their Every module is supported by a series of interactive and
learning around their busy personal and full-time collaborative activities to bring your online learning
employment, without the need to disrupt their life. We experience to life. You will learn using techniques ranging
will also provide many tools, including study planners, to from regular live webinars to interactive surveys,
help you to track your progress and better manage your exercises and synchronous and asynchronous videos,
time. and training in subject-specific software.

Our course is designed to make learning as collaborative Minerva is accessible from anywhere with an Internet
as possible. We believe in the importance of connecting connection and is mobile friendly so you can study on
like-minded professionals to each other as well as the go. You will also benefit from downloadable PDFs on
academic staff to form an active learning community. course content for offline reading when required.

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Enjoy internationally
regarded learning support

Dedicated Student Success Advisors

Connecting students to specialist services

Pastoral support

Navigating around the learning platform

Assessment deadline reminders

Access to careers and employability advice

Enrolment and progress to the next module

Fee payment

Module tutors

Academic advice

Academic progression

Assessment queries and advice

Module content queries

Academic concerns and grievances

Further reading suggestions

Course material

Formative feedback to check on your learning (the formative feedback does not count for any marks but is
provided to help you chart your progress and develop your learning)

Forum interaction

You will have access to the University of Leeds extensive range of online library resources – including e-Journals,
eBooks and specially digitised resources relevant to the course of study. As an online student, you will have access
to a range of university services, including careers, learning support and alumni.

You can start your course in September, November, January, March, May and July.

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Career support

We engage in industry collaboration with domestic The Careers Service may be able to connect students
and worldwide partners. Our industry links help us looking for knowledge of a specific region with groups
to build a curriculum designed specifically to meet of students in the same country so they can assist each
growing market demands. other with job seeking. The Careers Service can offer
professional development access to our alumni network,
As a student, you will have access to the University of online careers support and employer links.
Leeds Careers Service’s extensive online resources
including career planning, advice on CV writing, job
applications and key interview skills and access to a
database of employer events. Further support will be
available via the one-on-one e-Guidance service which
can provide advice by appointment via telephone,
Microsoft Teams or Zoom meeting.

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Entry requirements professionally qualified and experienced candidates who

do not meet the formal requirements.

We accept a range of international equivalent

MSc and Postgraduate Certificate
qualifications. For information please contact our
Enrolment Advisors at
Academic entry requirements
[email protected]
A First or 2.1 (hons) bachelor degree in any
mathematical or highly numerate discipline where
Where necessary, students will be expected to improve
relevant subject areas have been studied.
their English further during the course by making use of
the online English tuition support that we provide.
If you hold a 2.2 (hons) bachelor degree in any
mathematical discipline, we’ll consider your application if
you have at least three years of relevant work experience
in a professional environment.
English language entry requirements
If you hold a First or 2.1 (hons) bachelor degree in a non-
mathematical discipline, we’ll consider your application if All applicants will need to have GCSE English
you have at least three years of relevant work experience language at grade C or above, or an appropriate
in a related professional environment. English language qualification.

If you hold a 2.2 (hons) bachelor degree in a non- IELTS 6.5 overall, with no less than 6.0 in in
mathematical discipline with no relevant professional any component as stated in the current Taught
work experience, we’ll consider your application Postgraduate Admissions Policy. For other English
following completion of an admissions test or relevant qualifications, read English language equivalent
credit-bearing foundation course in programming. qualifications
Exceptionally, we will also consider applications from

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deadline dates

Start date Application deadline

November 2021 5 October 2021

January 2022 7 December 2021

March 2022 8 February 2022

May 2022 5 April 2022

July 2022 7 June 2022

September 2022 9 August 2022

If you are ready to apply for the course or would like information on the application process to study on the online
Artificial Intelligence course please email: [email protected],
or call +44 (0) 113 341 1262 to speak to a member of our Enrolment Team.

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“Throughout the course,
our team of high-profile
academics will create an
exceptional study experience
guided by industry knowledge
and research. You will see
the importance of Artificial Intelligence and
its impact on industries across the world.
The breadth of expertise represented in the
Artificial Intelligence MSc course will give you an
understanding of complex technologies such as
Robotics and Algorithms, as well as the strategy
behind AI.

The Postgraduate Certificate pathway will also

provide you with the core competencies in
Programming for Data Science, to allow you to
lead others into the future of your industry and
creatively disrupting new technologies.”

Professor Eric Atwell, Programme Leader

Contact us
Email [email protected]
Telephone +44 (0) 113 341 1262

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