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Disusun Oleh:
Kelompok 5
1. Regita Saputri
2. Sri Maesaroh
3. Nyoman Widia sari
4. Diyo prayogi


TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

1. Caption Text

a. What is a caption text?

Caption is brief explanation appended to an article, illustration, cartoon,
poster, in other words, a caption is a brief description accompanying an
illustration. Captions can consist of a few words of description or several
sentences. Generally, captions are put under the picture or beside the picture.
b. Generic structure of caption
1. The title
2. The lead
3. Section Heading
c. Language Features
The following are some information that you should know to write a captions.
1. Use present tense to describe action in a picture or photo.
2. When identifying members of group, write “from left”, not “from left to right”
3. A caption should complete the picture. Make your caption attract the reader to
read the article.
4. Do not use “above” or ‘picture here”
5. Do not begin the caption with names. The name of people can be mentioned if
they are important to the picture.
d. What is the caption function?
Social Function of a caption such are to explain what is shown in a picture or
illustration, to identify the subject of the picture, to draw attention to something in
the image that is not obvious and to help the reader understand information that
may not be in the text.
e. Rule of Writing a caption.
1. Supply specific information (Answering 5W1H Question)
2. Use present tense on the first sentence
3. Caption are written in a complete sentence
4. Clearly identify the people and location in the photo
5. Identify the person from left to right
f. How to a write caption?
1. Observe the picture or video you will give the caption
2. Find out the message that will be sent from the picture before you write
3. Write sentence or phrase under the picture.How to a write caption text?
Observe the picture or video you will give the caption Find out the message
that will be sent from the picture before you write caption Write sentence or
phrase under the picture.
g. Types of Caption Text 
There are some types of caption text, here are some of them:
1. Cutline
This caption mentions about who are the subjects in the picture or photos and
what activity they do.
2. Identification bar
The caption only mentions about subject in the picture
3. Summary
Full explanation about subject, activity, time detail, location detail and why
it’s happened.
4. Expanded
Longer version of summary caption. This also include how the event occurred.
5. Quote
6. Consist of someone’s word which has been quoted related to the picture or
7. Group Identification
Used to identify when subjects are more than one.

h. Example of Caption Text 

Identification Caption
1. “Indonesian badminton player wins gold medal in 2021 Olympics.”
2. “Apple founder Steve Jobs in his famous black turtleneck.”
3. “Hollywood actress Robert Downey jr poses in front of the Eiffel Tower in

Group Caption
1. “Beyonce and her daughter were seen in Los Angeles attending a wedding.
They both wore pink dresses and were seen entering the venue with Kim
Kardashian and Kanye West.”
2. “After visiting the iconic Taj Mahal and the famous Sabarmati Ashram in
Ahmedabad, the Obama family met the representatives of Bollywood Shah
Rukh Khan on January 20th in Mumbai.”
3. “BTS made an appearance at the latest Samsung Unpacked event in Seoul,
South Korea.”
Summary Caption
“This aerial picture shows the graves of victims of the COVID-19 coronavirus at
the Okunoin cemetery in Japan on August 7, 2021.”

Quote Caption
‘Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration’ –
Thomas Edison.
‘You must tell yourself, no matter how hard it is, or how hard it gets, I’m going to
make it’ – Les Brown

Cutline Caption
“Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, the second daughter of Sukarno visits residents of
the Luar Batang area of North Jakarta on May 26, 2015.”

Expanded Caption
British journalist Martin Bashir arrives at Santa Barbara County Superior Court
in Santa Maria to be the first witness to be called at Michael Jackson’s child sex
abuse trial. The BBC was under pressure on May 21, 2021, after unprecedented
criticism from the royal family about its 1995 interview with princess Diana,
damaging its reputation as it fights attacks on several fronts. (The Jakarta Post).

2. Proverb
a. What is Proverb?
A proverb is basically just an expression or saying based on common sense or
experience. They are nothing but common and traditional sayings which explain
some truth. They are often metaphorical in nature. The origin of most common
proverbs generally lies in local or universal truths and principles. This is why it is
easy to translate and use them in any language. In other words, they have
universal use regardless of their original language
The main characteristic of a proverb is that it explains a truth or principle. This
truth can be from diverse fields like human experience, history, advice, etc. They
can also be philosophical in many ways. The origin of many proverbs lies in
historical, religious and literary texts. Many others have no known origin and arise
from common sayings in local languages.
In our culture, have you heard these expressions? - Hemat pangkal kaya -
Besar pasak daripada tiang - Ada udang di balik batu
Can you tell the meaning? Those examples are called peribahasa in Indonesia
or proverbs in English. Proverb Every culture has a collection of wise sayings
that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called by proverbs.
Example : Time is money
b. Kinds of Proverbs
1. Aphorism (pepatah)
This proverb offers advice. Example; Don't go too far in small.
2. Parable (Perumpamaan)
That has Diligence is the mistress of success
3. Idiom
It as a pharse that has group of words with a different meaning from the
meaning of all the individual word.
Pull your sock up (improve your behavior)
Don't mention it (You're welcome)
c. Social Functions of Proverb
Proverb have a function to teaching, enlightening, and persuading people.
Proverbs play many roles in society. The most common role is to educate on what
might happen if they do something.
A proverb contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views. Proverb has
been and remains a most powerful and effective instrument for the transmission of
culture, social morality, manner, and ideas of a people from one generation to
another. The proverbs deal with knowledge, experience, hard work, and human
relations. Proverb and provebial sayings have for centuries been equally popular
with all nations, despite their regional diversities, and crearly, for the impact the
have made.
Proverb can be used to teach people, give them some advice, help in difficult
situations, show people what the most important thins in life, and show the proper
way in life. Proverbs are very often used in personal interaction. Proverb can also
be used mock someone or criticize.
d. Stucture of Proverbs
Proverbs often from clusters that share a common structure.
1. Opposite parallel
2. Similiar parallel
3. Single statement
4. Statement with an explanation
5. Comparison
6. Descriptive list
7. Use of clause or instruction
Characteristics of Proverbs Proverbs can be as short as two words. In addition,
the full forms of popular longer proverbs are often replaced by elliptical allusions.
Proverbs use prosodic devices that enhance their memorability, especially rhyme,
alliteration, parallelism, as ellipsis. Proverbs often use simple rhetorical devices,
metaphor, hyperbole, paradox, and personification.
e. Example of Proverbs
1. The early bird catches the worm.
2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
3. Action speaks louder than
4. All good things must come to an end
5. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
6. A stitch in time saves nine.

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