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1. The nurse should monitor for all the following overdose effects of pethedine except:
A. Hypotention C. Pin point pupils
B. Respiratory depression D. Tinnitus

2. Which of the following case are contraindications to anticoagulation therapy?

I. Recent child birth
II. Recent cerebrovascular hemorrhage
III. Open ulcerated wound
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and III D. I, II and III

3. Child admitted to the hospital with severs croup. Which of the following action should
be performed during the initial nursing care:
A. Examining the child throat C. Position the bed flat
B. Enforcing the oral intake D. Providing humidified environment

4. A medication was administrated to wrong patient. What documentation should be

placed in the medical record of incorrectly administered?
I. Details of the medication given on the medication record
II. Information the medication error in the nursing note
III.A note in the nurses note stating an incident report
A. I Only C. II and III
B. I and II D. I,II and III

5. ECG changes most likely indicate Digoxin toxicity?

A. absent P wave C. Inverted T waves
B. Elevated ST segment D. Prolonged QT interval

6. EPS (extrapyramidal) symptoms are most often associated which of the following drug
A. Antidepressant C. Antihypertensive
B. Antipsychotic D. Antidysrhythmic

7. Patient return to the outpatient clinic after taking a 7 days course of antibiotic for
bacterial Respiratory infection, she still exhibit signs and symptoms, what would be the
nurse first action?
A. Obtain sputum for culture and sensitivity
B. Ask patient whether to take all the medication as prescribed order
C. Make arrangement for the physician to change the order
D. Setup appointment for the patient to be assessed by the physician

8. Which of the following vaccines should not be given within 4 weeks prior a tuberculin
A. Diphtheria C. Hepatitis B
B. Polio D. Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

9. Nursing competence means:

A. Job description prepared and provided according to the employing agency.
B. Qualified to perform an occupation with integrity and ability while applying the knowledge
and theory of the specific occupation.
C. Skill to perform specific occupations according to the standards as stipulated by the theory
of the occupation.
D. Eligible to apply for further certification, is courteous and honest with employ and

10. A patient with thrombophlebitis, which one of the following measures is effective?
A. Elevated the effective leg on two pillow
B. Using compression stocking at night
C. Massage the calf muscles frequently
D. Performing leg exercise

11. Before prepared medication for administration the nurse should do first:
A. Make sure the medication is on the medication cart
B. Check the patient identification band
C. Determine the expiry date of medication
D. Verify the physician order for accuracy

12. Patient with chest tube (pneumothorax), the patient has to go for x-ray, what the nurse
should do?
A. leaves the closed drainage system below the patient chest level
B. Clamp the chest tube with 2 clamps
C. Place the closed drainage system on the top of the patient blanket
D. Disconnect the drainage tubes and place a Foley tip syringe

13. The patient is new diagnosed for hypothyroidism. What of the following patients’
response is related to the diagnosis?
A. I feel hot all of the time B. I have been so tired recently

C. I have lost a lot of weight D. I have diarrhea frequently

14. Diabetes Mellitus type 2 is common in which age group?

A. Childhood and adolescence B. Young adulthood
C. Middle adulthood D. Elderly

15. Active labor stage 2 begins and end?

A. Onset of contractions and end with complete effacement
B. Onset of contractions and end with complete dilation of the cervix
C. Complete dilation of the cervix and ends with delivery of the fetus
D. Delivery of the fetus and ends with delivery of the placenta

16. A sterile specimen of urine is obtained by?

A. Catheterizing the patient
B. Asking the patient to void in clean cup
C. Having the patient void directly into the specimen bottle
D. Cleaning the external geniltaliabefore the patient void

17. Which of the following results indicative of an adult patient who is in shock?
A. Blood glucose 99mg/dl B. Capillary refill of tow second
C. Serum lactates of 1 mmol/LD. Urine output of 0.1 ml/ kg/ hr.

18. Which of the following lab result can be an early signs of rejection of transplant kidney?
A. Increase serum creatinine B. Decrease serum creatinine
C. Increase serum amylase D. Decrease serum amylase

19. Ahmad is admitted for surgical intervention of an infected pilonidal sinus. What area of
his body should the nurse assess specific?
A. Base of the spine B. Groin area
C. Around the anus D. Lower abdominal quadrants’

20. Administering atropine sulfate before electroconvulsive ECT therapy is to:

A. Prevent seizure C. Reduce secretion
B. Sedate the patient D. Relaxes the muscles

21. Tolbutamide (orinase) is prescribed for a patient with diabetes mellitus. You instruct the
patient to avoid which of the following while taking this medication?
A. Carbonated beverages B. Organ meats
C. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors D. Anti- hypertensive medication

22. Which of the following clinical feature is found in a child with pyloric stenosis?
A. Diarrhea C. Loss of appetite
B. Regurgitation D. Projectile vomiting

23. Doctor decides to insert a ventriculoperitoneal(VP) shunt to 6 month old infant. When
exhibiting the procedure to the parent, the nurse should mention that:
A. Catheter will be surgically inserted from infants’ brain to his heart to drain excess CSF
B. The prognosis is excellent and the shunt is permanent
C. Hydrocephalus is self-limiting by first year of age and then the shunt will be removed
D. The peritoneal cavity provides a large space for CSF absorption

24. Which of the following condition is the most likely cause of melena?
A. Anal fissure C. Hemorrhoids
B. Colorectal cancer D. Peptic ulcer disease

25. The mother carried her week old newborn into the clinic for the first postpartum
checkup. Which of the following statement made by the mother require further
A. The baby has a faint rash on her arms
B. The baby has not had a bowel movement in 2 days
C. The umbilical cord stump has not fallen of yet
D. The baby weighed 7 ½ pounds at birth and now she weighs 7 pound

26. A nurse is caring of patient with a peripherally central catheter (PICC) inserted into the
right antecubital vein for first time, what should the nurse do before giving medication?
A. Aspirate the PICC line for flash back (blood return)
B. Flush the PICC line with lidocaine to decrease pain
C. Ensure that placement has been confirmed by a chest x- ray
D. Sterilize the post with povidone- iodine (Betadine)

27. The patient with emphysema has gained 2 pounds in the two days since admission. The
patient also has cyanosis and peripheral edema, what is the most likely causing these
A. Cor-PulmonaleC. Pneumonia
B. Left-sided heart failure D. Respiratory acidosis

28. A Childis 14 years old is having a mole to be removes from his lower back, in day
surgery, what is the nurses’ legal obligation?
A. Patient is too young to make an informed decision

B. The age of consent differs according to government law
C. Patient can give verbal consent without his parents being present
D. The doctor or nurse can sign the legal consent for a child

29. Patient came to ER with heat stroke. What would arterial blood gases be most likely to:
A. Metabolic acidosis C. Respiratory alkalosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis D. Respiratory acidosis

30. Female patient complaining of sever aching in her right lower leg. Her right lower leg
was amputated a week ago due to gangrene diabetes mellitus, the nurse explain to the
patient that:
A. She is experiencing phantom pain which is often the case following this of surgery
B. This is impossible, as right lower leg has been amputated
C. She will call he RN to administer an analgesic to her
D. This is a normal occurrence following this the his type of surgery and will disappear

31. Which of the following statement is true regarding the transmission of typhoid fever?
A. It is an airborne and masks should be worn by all contact with the patient
B. It is most commonly transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated by feces
or urine
C. Patient with typhoid fever should be placed in strict isolation
D. Contact precaution should be followed as the infection causes open sores

32. Nitroglycerine administered as a part of the pharmacological therapy for an acute

myocardial infarction to:
A. Prevent heart attack C. Decrease venous returns
B. Increase cardiac work D. Relive coronary occlusion

33. Which of the following is considered an abnormal finding in the initial assessment of a
post-operative patient?
A.TEMP 37.5C. Faint bowel tones
B. Capillary refill < 3 second D. Urinary out-put < 25 ml/hr.

34. What is the rout of administration should be used to administer calcitonin to

hypercalcemic patient?
A. Intradermal C. Inhalation
B. Intramuscular D. Subcutaneous

35. Which common sign of fluid volume deficit?
A. Dry skin C. Thirst
B. Dark colored skin D. Dry tongue and lips

36. Patient undergoing a computed tomography (CT) with contrast. In addition to allergy
to contrast agents, the patient should be asked about allergy to:
I. Eggs II. Iodine III. Shellfish
A. I and II C. II and III
B.I and III D. I, II and III

37. Patient is receiving narcotic analgesics for pain management. Which of the following
observation indicate that the nurse should monitor overdose?
A. Drowzy and lethargic. Falls asleep while speaking
B. States pain rating is 1-2 on a pain scale of 0-10
C. Appears tired easily aroused
D. Respiration 18 BPM, deep and regular

38. Male patient has been diagnosed with croup. What instructions would the nurse give his
parents as they prepare to go home with their?
A. Ensure scheduled antibiotic therapy
B. Encourage deep breathing and coupling exercise every 4 hr.
C. Run a cool mist vaporizer in his room when he sleeps
D. Perform percussion and postural drainage before bed time

39. Which of the following disorder characterized by lake of interest in social interaction
and reparative patterns of behavior?
A. Autism C. Dyslexia
B. Conduct disorder D. Attention defect disorder

40. Patient on warfarin (Coumadin). Which statement by the patient indicates the need for
further instruction?
A. I will use electrical razor when shaving
B. I will need to have periodic blood coagulation test
C. I will check my skin to see if I’m bruising more easily
D. I will expect my urine to be dark brown

41. Early signs and symptoms of rejection following kidney transplant do not include:
A. Colicky pain C. Peripheral edema
B. Fever D. Weight gain

42. An insulin dependent diabetic patient presents for a routine checkup. Which of the
following symptoms are suggestive of progress retinopathy?
A. Severe headache B. Difficulty in reading
C. “Floaters” or flashing lights D. Irritation or watering of the eyes

43. Patient with age related macular degeneration (AMD), it is important for the nurse to:
A. Teach the patient how to correctly use topical eye drops for treatment of AMD
B. Emphasis the use of vision enhancement techniques to improve what vision is present
C. Encourage the patient to undergo laser treatment to slow the deposit of extracellular debris
D. Explain that nothing can be done to save the patients’ vision since there is no treatment for

44. Which is the most likely early manifestation of cataract?

A. Blurry vision C. loss of peripheral vision
B. Blaming eyes D. Seeing halos around lights

45. Female patient is admitted with pancreatitis. What symptoms would be the nurse
anticipates observing on her initial assessment?
A. Hypertension
B. left upper quadrant pain, nausea and vomiting
C. Hypoglycemia, tachycardia, diaphoresis
D. Clubbing of finger, barrel chest and pallor

46. In preparation for thyroidectomy to reduce the vascularity and size of the thyroid
A. L- thyroxin C. Prophylaxis
B. Potassium iodide D. Propranolol

47. Local application of cold preparations over a short period of time will lead to:
A. Local analgesia B. Peripheral vasodilation
C. Decrease viscosity D. Hypothermia

48. A professional conduct, maintaining current professional license with the regulatory in
the UAE:
A. Pay the fees when license expires as it needs to be renewed
B. Present proof that the attendance they require continuing education unit (CEU) on time
C. Maintain their license in their own country which will automatically renew the UAE
D. Do nothing as the validity of the license in the UAE

49. Bilirubin level is elevated during the first 24 hours of life, the cause is most likely to be
due to:
A. ABO incompatiblyC. Phenylketonuria
B. Physiological jaundice D. Immature liver

50. Requires a sputum specimen for culture and sensitivity, how would the nurse collect the
A. The specimen must come from deep breathing within patient chest
B. Label the container with the patient name and place it in the fridge once it is collected
C. Have the cough into a clean basin then transfer the specimen into sterile container
D. Have patient use mouth wash prior to providing the specimen

51. Which of the following antitubecular medications should be asked if they have ever had
I. Ethambutol II.IsonaizedINH III. Pyrazinamide
A. I and II C. II and III
B.I and III D. I, II and III

52. Which of the following sets of symptoms is highly suggestive of hypothyroidism?

A. Swelling of the neck, heart palpitation and rapid pulse
B. Hair loss, weight loss and photosensitivity
C. Constipation, hair loss and weight gain
D. Heart palpitation, weight loss and anxiety

53. Male patient has been diagnosed with epilepsy, what should the nurse teach the patient
and his family about:
A. Have someone hold- on to you until the seizure pass
B. Loosen your clothes and clear any hazardous objects from the area
C. Have a padded tongue blade handily and place between your teeth and bit down
D. Lie down on the floor in aside- lying position

54. Toxoplasmosis should be advised on which of the following precaution?

I. Avoid fresh fruit and vegetables
II. Don’t change pet litter boxes
III. Don’t work with house plant
A. I and II C. II and III
B.I and III D. I, II and III

55. Early sign of hypovolemia in a patient with severe burns?
A. Decrease respiratory rate C. Increase in pulse rate
B. Increase blood pressure D. Decrease in pulse rate

56. Full fluid diet, which of the following meal choices would be included?
A. Tea, rice, ice cream B. Water mashed potatoes, gravy
C. Milk, soup, gelatin D. Juice, soft boiled egg, pudding

57. Serum alpha feto protein (AFP) diagnostic screening tool for which of the following
A. Cystic fibrosis C. Hurtingten disease
B. Duchenne muscular dystrophy D. Phenylketonuria

58. How communicating with a patient who has a visual impairment, the nurse should:
A. Use a higher than normal voice
B. Inform the patient when the nurse is entering or leaving the room
C. Modify the room layout periodically to encourage the patient use
D. Make contact with the patient through touch before initiating a conversation

59. Which of the following diet the nurse can give to women with mild pregnancy- induced
hypertension PIH is to:
A. Follow a strict low salt diet B. Restrict fluid intake
C. Increase protein intake D. Maintain a well- balanced

60. Nursing intervention for cystic fibrosis include all of the following except:
A. Steam inhalation C. Coughing exercise
B. Postural drainage D. Chest physiotherapy

61. Patient with insulin dependent diabetes, who are prescribed glyburide should be
instructedto take the:
A. Once a day with the first main mealB. Before going to bed each night
C. Three time at day after eating D. Upon a waking and at bedtime

62. Neo- plastic therapy has (leukopenia) which nursing action is important?
A. Initiate an IV line for antibiotics B. Prepare for whole blood transfusion
C. Limit the number of visitorsD. Withhold anticoagulant

63. Female patient diagnosed schizophrenia and believes everyone is trying to hurt her.
What type of delusions is she experience:
A. Control of influence C. Grandeur
B. Reference D. Persecution

64. Patient with congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation is treated with digoxin and a
loop diuretic. To prevent possible complication the nurse need to:
A. Monitor serum potassium levels
B. Keep an accurate record of intake and output
C. Teach the patient a bout restricted fluid intake
D. Withhold the digoxin and notify the health care provider if the heart rate is irregular

65. A patient who has been on antidepressant for one week complains to the nurse (there is
no chance). The nurse response :
A. It takes longer for the drugs to start working (2-3)wks
B. Ask the physician a bout increase the dose
C. Another antidepressant may be needed
D. The drug works better in combination with psychotherapy

66. During nursing care for patient with an acute attack of Meniere’s disease include
A. Frequent re-positioning C. A television for diversion
B. A quiet darkened room D. Padded side rails on the bed

67. Which of the following complications can an infant develop if hypothyroidism is not
detected and managed early?
A. Gout C. Diabetes insipidus
B. Thyrotoxicosis D. Mental retardation

68. What symptoms is the nurse likely to see, if patient diagnosed failure of right side of the
A. Projectile vomiting C. Hemoptysis
B. Dyspnea on exertion D. Pedal edema

69. On evidenced- based guidelines and is sharing this information with her nursing
colleague, correctly apply this Knowledge:
A. Analyze the relationship between nursing intervention and patient outcomes
B. Strictly follows clinical practice guidelines developed in nursing textbooks
C. Apply research based on clinical trials to all patient case
D. Uses judgment to determine what evidence applies in specific clinical situation

70. Which of the following characteristic of a first- degree atrioventricular (AV) block:
A. Blocks occurs above the AV nodes
B. Block occurs in the bundle of His
C. Impulse is delay at the level of the AV nodes
D. Impulse is completely blocked to the AV nodes

71. Which of the following objective nursing observation?

A. The patient says his back hurt when he stands
B. The patient says is cloudy with a foul odor
C. The patient states he has a bad headache
D. The patient in Room 405- B is experiencing nausea

72. The nurse is explaining to the mother how to care for her 6 years old son who has been
vomiting as a result of heat exhaustion health care teaching:
A. Give the child fluid such as plain water
B. Keep the child warm
C. Keep the child awake
D. Rinse the child’s mouth with antibacterial mouth wash after vomiting

73. The patient with sever preeclampsia and started on magnesium sulfate. Which of the
following would you as a sign of toxicity?
A. Urine output of 35ml/ hr. B. Sudden onset of tachypnea
C. Absent knee-jerk reflux D. An increased blood pressure

74. During administration enema, the patient complains of abdominal cramping, what
should the nurse do:
A. Stop the fluid flow until the cramping subside
B. Turn the patient to the right lateral position
C. Have patient flex his knees towards his abdomen
D. Raise the level of the container slightly

75. All the following manifestation of diabetes insipidus in a head injury patient except:
A. Polyuria C. Low serum osmolality
B. Excessive thirst D. Diluted urine

76. A patient, who is blind, admitted to the unit. When he asks the nurse to help him to the
bath room, how the nurse can help him:
A. Guide him to the bath room by the shortest route
B. Hold the nurses elbow and walk slightly ahead of him to the bath room

C. Move of obstacles out of the way and guide him verbally to the bath room
D. Take him by the hand and describe the room as you guide him to the bath room

77. DM mother may exhibit which of the following clinical signs within the first 48 hours
after birth?
I. High urine output
II. Serum calcium of greater than 7mg/dl
III. Venous hematocrit off greater than 65%
A. I and II C. II and III
B.I and III D. I, II and III

78. Post- operative of a partial gastrectomy. What symptoms might indicate that she is going
into shock?
A. Pulse slow, bounding pulse B. Blood pressure higher than hiss baseline
C. Cold, clammy pale skin D. Cheyne- stoke respiration

79. Which of the following symptoms in a patient who is receiving a loop diuretic:
A. Restlessness and agitation
B. Parasthesia and irritability
C. Weak irregular pulse and poor muscle tone
D. Increased blood pressure and muscle spasm

80. Female patient has emphysema with chronic hypercapnia. At what rate would the nurse
expect her oxygen to be running:
A. 3-5 L/min per nasal cannula prongs B. 20% per venture mask
C. 1-2 L/min per nasal prongs D. 40% per venture mask

81. Application of a splint for a tibial fracture of the left leg. The patient reports that his
pain is intensity and burning sensation. What should the nurse do first?
A. Give pain medication C. Elevate left leg by placing a pillow under it
B. Notify the physicianD. Reassure the patient that the pain is normal

82. A newborn manifests signs that might indicate Down syndrome. These might include:
A. Large head circumference and barrel chest
B. Sunken eyes, scaly skin on trunk and lower extremities
C. Ability to flex both lips and abduct 180 degree
D. Curved fingers and single simian crease on the palm

83. Nurse records a blood pressure of 180/120mmHg for a patient who has presented with
occipital headache. What is the nurse should do first?
A. Referral to cardiologist B. Treatment with vasodilator
C. Immediate hospitalizationD. Prescriptionfor nifedipine

84. Vial heprin 10000 u/ml we want 3000 u

A. 3mlC. 1 ml
B. 0.3 ml D. 0.1 ml

85. Patient with a balloon tamponed to control esophageal bleeding develops acute
respiratory distress, what should the nurse do?
AStop applying suction to the gastric. C. Cut crosses and removes the tube
B. Deflate the balloon

86. Moro reflexes that is present in a normal infant, is:

A. Strongest between 0 to 4 weeks and fades by 12 to 16 weeks
B. Strongest between 2 to 6 weeks and fades by 6 to 16 weeks
C. Weakest between 0 to 4 weeks and strongest between 12 to 16
D. Weakest between 2 to 6 weeks and strongest between 6 to 10

87. The most likely cause of patient false high blood pressure reading?
A. The cuff rabidly deflated B. incorrect position
C. The cuff too largeD. A cuff that is toosmall

88. Activity should be avoided for at least 2 weeks following a myringotomy?

I. Air travel II. Drinking through a straw
III. Coughing IV. Showering
A. I Only C. I, II and III
B.I and II D. I, II, III and IV

89. After severe burn, blood serum levels would be expected to be elevated for which of the
following substances?
I. Glucose II. K III. Na
A. I Only C. II and III
B.I and II D. I, II and III

90. Which of the following is greater risk of developing hospital- acquired infection?
A. Female patient has a white blood count 10000
B. Child who weighs 30kg

C. A 40 year man who has a tracheostomy
D. A child with second degree burn of 8% of body surface area

91. Which nursing action is most appropriate when caring of peritoneal dialysis?
A. Assist if there is less than 200ml in the drainage bag
B. Position the pt from side to side if fluids not drain freely
C. Keep the patient supine during dialysis
D. Remove the cannula after dialysis and apply sterile dressing

92. Which advice should be given to a patient with a pacemaker?

A. avoid microwave oven while operating
B. Assure to take antibiotic before dental procedure
C. Always use loose fitting clothes around implantation site
D. Contact physician in case of prolonged hiccups

93. Which of the following statements accurately describe the role of exercise for the patient
with diabetes?
A. Exercise is not beneficial to a patient with diabetes
B. Increased carbohydrate intake before exercise helps maintain glucose level
C. Exercise decrease muscle glucose uptake and increase glucose release from the liver
D. Increased insulin sensitivity following exercise can causes insulin requirement to drop

94. A nurse with body mass index (BMI) of 31 has been dieting to lose weight. What
approximate reduction in daily calorie intake below her requirement for activity is
typically required to lose one kg of weight per week:
A. 500 calories C. 3000 calories
B.1000 calories D. 5000 calories

95. A woman is admitted to the labor room in early active labor. What is priority nursing
intervention at this time?
A. Auscultate fetal heart rate C. Asking the woman when she last ate
B. Taking a full obstetric history D. Check in if the membrane has ruptured

96. Female patient nursing care plan include a nursing diagnosis “risk for impaired skin
integrity related to immobility”. Which of the following desired outcome would best
reflect this diagnosis?
A. Patient will be able to turn herself by Wednesday
B. Skin remain intact without redness during hospital stay
C. Patient will be continent of urine and stool during the day

D. Pressure will be prevented by turning every two hours

97. All of the following statement related to patient education for female patient with UTI
A. Avoid drinks which contain caffeine
B. Insure adequate intake and output
C. Wash genitalia while sitting in bath water
D. Void immediately after sexual intercourse

98. Male patient has Raynaud’s disease. When providing teaching to him, what would be
important for the nurse to tell him to avoid?
A. Warm bath C. Cold temperature
B. Aspirin

99. Which of the following needs to be considered in teaching of patient, who is on iron
A. GI upset C. Temporary tooth discoloration
B. Light color stool D. Watery loose motion

100. Which measurement is used to evaluate normal fetal heart rate (FHR) acceleration in
response to fetal activity in the uterus?
A. Chorionic velli sampling B. Contraction stress test
C. Oxygen change testD. Non stress test

101. Which of the following diagnostic test would be expected to normal in patient with
A. Prothrombin consumption C. Prothrombin time
B. Partial thrompoblastin time D.Thromboplastin

102. A 71 years old female patient a post cardiac history, present to the emergency room
with chest pain, discomfort. On physical exam the nurse finds xanthelasma (yellowish
plaques in the skin along the nasal portion of the eyelids). This finding usually indicate
elevated level of:
A. Serum bilirubin (Hyperbilirubinemia)
B. Serum cholesterol (Hypercholesterolemia)
C. Serum alkaline phosphate
D. Serum uric acid (hyperuricemia)

103. A pregnant women with recurrent UTI calls the clinic to determine if it is necessary
to see a physician. Which of the following factor lead the nurse to recommend a
physician appointment for the patient?
I.Suprapupic tenderness II. Pregnancy III. Vaginal Discharge

104. Blood test result returned for the above patient confirms that her digoxin level
remains within therapeutic range(0.8-2ng). Which other investigation will be most
relevant to this patient condition?
A. Serum sodium C. Alkalain phosphate
B. Serum potassium D. C- reactive protein (CRP)

105. Patients with which of the following injuries would be classified as “urgent “during
A. Closed fracture of the femur with superficial laceration
B. Fracture ribs with tension pneumothorax
C. Open fracture of the radius with distal pulses
D. Skull fracture with symptom of shock

106. What color tag would be placed in triage on patient who have injuries and have
transported themselves to the hospital?
A. Green C. Yellow
B. Red D. White

107. If there is no cough contraindication to any part of postural drainage procedure,

which component should be formed first?
A. Coughing C. Deep breathing
B. Capping the chest wall D. Vibrating the chest wall

108. Which of the following is the best description of a transient ischemic attack (TIA)?
A. Permanent with long term physical deficit
B. Temporary with natural resolution
C. Permanent with long term sensory deficits
D. Temporary with long term motor deficits

109. The nursing progress notes:

A. Reflect a nurse’s opinion on patient condition
B. Ensure nursing care plan is implemented
C. Describe what has been done to the patient

D. Document a patient response to care provided based on assessment

110. Female patient is a type 2 diabetic. Which symptom might she demonstrate when she
experiences hypoglycemia?
A. Fatigue, warmth, weaknessB. Thirst, polyuria, flushing
C. Rash, drowsiness, lethargyD. Agitation, headache, polydipsia

111. Male patient has sprained his elbow and requires triangle arm sling. Which of the
following demonstrates proper applicant by the nurse?
A. Keep elbow flexed at minimum of 90 degrees
B. Extend the sling to a point just proximal to the affected hand
C. Remove the sling 92 hours to assess circulation and skin integrity
D. Ensure the knot is on either side of the vertebrae of the neck

112. The door to the hospital room of patient under which of the following transmission-
based infection control precautions should remain close at all time?
I. Airborne II. Contact III. Droplet
A. I Only C. I and III
B.I and II D. I, II and III

113. Your patient tells you she doesn’t really understand why the Dr. has admitted her for
repeat laparoscopy, first thing nursing action for you to take would be:
A. Explain that is most likely just to confirm that results from the first procedure are correct
B. Tell her that it is nothing to worry about, as the doctor often repeats the test
C. Document the patient concerns in the nursing notes
D. Tell the doctor of patients concern and ask him to come to the ward to explain why

114. When reposition the patient in bed , the nurse uses the draw sheet in order to reduce:
A. The risk of injury to the nurses back B. Unnecessary exposure of the patient
C. The likelihood soiling the bed linens D. Shearing forces of the skin

115. The nurse in the health unit is aware that there have been several cases of infectious
mononucleosis at school near them with some information on the illness, what would she
include in this information?
A. It generally affects older adults
B. It is caused by parvo virus
C. Beginning symptoms include fever, chills and sore throat
D. All healthy children should be vaccinated

116. A depressed patient talks, walks and moves at a slow pace, which measure should the
nurse include in the plan of?
A. Try to slow the pace of care activities
B. Encourage the patient to socialize with other
C. Remind the patient that this behavior isn’t appropriate
D. Provide the patient with a more stimulating environment

117. When dealing with patient information nurses must be vigilant. What does the
concept of “privacy” mean in relation to maintaining written, verbal or electronic
patient information?
A. The right of individuals to determine when and how they share personal information with
B. The obligation of the nurse to protect the patient health information
C. The obligation of the patient protect his or her health information
D. The right of individuals to restrict the release of his or her own information

118. Which of the following is the primary consideration in the rehydration of the
dehydration patient?
A. Initiating rapid fluid replacement over a short period of time
B. Ensuring the solution used id based on the type of dehydration patient
C. Replacing the fluid according to the specific gravity of the urine
D. Assessing the temperature and skin turgor during rehydration

119. Patient with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, what you will instruct?
A. Check the temperature of the warm water with thermometer before bathing
B. Inspect feet regularly each week
C. Use orthopedic shoes

120. Fatima a nurse of the unit asks fadwa also a nurse why she need to get anew anti-flu
vaccine? She responds:
A. The flu vaccine is only good for 6-9 months
B. It is a hospital policy
C. The flu vaccine is given yearly for all people over 65 ages
D. The trans of ineffective viruses change yearly therefore you need a new vaccine

121. A3 months old child is prescribed acetaminophen for high temperature 60mg syrup
orally x 3. The stock available is 120mg/5ml in a bottle, how many milliliter of the syrup
should the nurse give the child each time?
A. 1.5 ml B. 2 ml C. 2.5 ml D. 5ml

122. You are assessing a 67-year-old male who has come to the office for a routine visit. As
you conduct your assessment, you suspect that this patient may be suffering from a hearing
loss. Which of the following would support your suspicion? EXCEPT
A. The patient nods and agrees with everything you say.
B. The patient turns his head to favor one ear.
C. The patient is slow to answer questions but answers them appropriately.
D. The patient leans in toward you when you speak.
123. Your patient has had an operation to correct hyperthyroidism. Two parathyroid
glands were removed. You understand that this means that the chance of tetany increases
dramatically. Which of the following nursing actions would NOT be a part of monitoring
this patient?
A. Check the Homan sign
B. Check the Chvostek sign
C. Check for tingling of toes and fingers and around the mouth
D. Monitor serum calcium levels
124. The nurse expects to observe an infant transferring an object from one hand to
another at which age?
A. 4 months B. 6 months
C. 9 months D. 12 months
125. The nurse is providing breast cancer education at a community facility. The American
Cancer Society recommends that women get mammograms
A. Yearly after age 40
B. after the birth of the first child and every 2 years thereafter
C. after the first menstrual period and annually thereafter
D. Every 3 years between ages 20 and 40 and annually thereafter
126. Six hours after delivery, the nurse notes that a woman's fundus is two finger breadths
above the umbilicus and deviated to the right of the midline. What is most likely the cause
of this finding?
A. Bladder distention B. Normal involution
C. Retained placental fragments D. Second degree uterine atony
127. Which of the following symptoms is likely to be associated with a gastric ulcer?
A. Presence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
B. Bleeding detected in vomitus
C. Pain in right epigastric area to the right of the umbilicus with radiation of pain to right upper
D. Eating will not relieve the pain
128. You are monitoring a patient for signs of heart failure. You understand that the signs
of right-sided heart failure include which of the following? EXCEPT
A. Jugular venous distension B. Hepatomegaly
C. Splenomegaly D. Orthopnea
129 You are caring for a client who is newly diagnosed with renal failure and has recently
started on peritoneal dialysis. During the infusion of the dialysate, the client begins to
complain of abdominal pain. Which action by the nurse is appropriate?
A. Slow the infusion.
B. Explain that the pain will subside after the first few exchanges.
C. Decrease the amount to be infused.
D. Stop the dialysis.
130 A client comes to the outclient department with suspected carpal tunnel syndrome.
When assessing the affected area, the nurse expects to find which abnormality that is
typically associated with this syndrome?
A. Positive Tinel's sign. B. Positive Chvostek's sign.
C. Negative Phalen's sign. D. Negative Trousseau's sign
131. The nurse should expect the client to show which of the following signs and symptoms
during constipation.
A. Wet stool. B. Impaction.
C. Abdominal dilation. D. Abdominal pain.
132. You are performing an assessment on a client with a suspected diagnosis of cataract.
The chief manifestation that the nurse would find in the early stages of this condition is:
A. Floating spots B. Diplopia
C. Blurred vision D. Eye pain
133. The nurse is assessing a client who has been admitted to the labor and delivery area.
Which techniques does the nurse use to determine fetal position and presentation?
A. Abdominal ultrasonography B. Fetal heart tone auscultation
C. Palpation of contractions D. Leopold's maneuvers
134. Which of the following is the term for the process that allows nurses to enrich their
clinical training and experience through the utilization of up to date research?
A. Evidence-based practice B. Clinical practice
C. Theoretical practice D. Academic practice
135. The nurse uses a Doptone/ Doppler to listen to the fetal heart rate. The nurse expects
to hear the fetal heart rate between
A. 90 to 100 bpm B. 110 to 160 bpm
C. 200 to 205 bpm D. 170 to 180 bpm
136. A 45-year-old mother gave birth to a baby boy 2 days ago. The nurse assesses a single
palmar crease and low-set ears on the newborn. The nurse plans to counsel the couple about
which of the following autosomal abnormalities?
A. Trisomy 13 B. Trisomy 18
C. Trisomy 21 D. Trisomy 26

137. You are teaching a diabetic client proper foot care for preventive measures. Which of
the following is NOT important instruction for them to know?
A. Avoid thermal injuries from hot bath water, heating pads, and hot water soaks.
B. Inspect the feet daily and monitor for redness, swelling, or break in skin integrity.
C. Wear loose socks and well-fitting shoes; do not go barefoot.
D. Open-toed shoes are best for providing adequate ventilation for the feet.
138. Which of the following conditions would the nurse expect in a neonate who has not
passed meconium?
A. Hirschsprung’s Disease B. Pancreatitis
C. Congenital gastritis D. Gastrointestinal disease
139. The nurse is caring for a client who had an abdominal cholecystectomy. What is the
highest priority for the nurse?
A. Ask the client to take deep breaths
B. Ask the client to bend the legs
C. Assist the client with performing range of motion exercises
D. Irrigate the client's nasogastric tube
140. A client is suspected of having systemic lupus erythematous (SLE). Knowing this, the
nurse monitors this client for which of the following initial characteristic signs of SLE?
A. Subnormal temperature
B. Elevated red blood cell count
C. Weight gain
D. Rash on the face across the bridge of the nose and on the cheeks
141. Your patient is scheduled for amniocentesis to determine if the fetus has a genetic
disorder. In monitoring the patient after the amniocentesis, you know that which of the
following is least likely to be a complication of the procedure?
A. Spontaneous abortion B. Fetal injury
C. Hypotension D. Infection
142. A homeless man comes to the emergency room complaining of back pain. He tells the
nurse that he usually has to sleep on a thin blanket on the grass or sidewalk. While he is
telling the nurse about his back pain she notices that he has a musty, fruity smell to his
breath fetor The nurse suspects which of the following is related to this patient’s breath
A. Chronic liver disease B. Poor hygiene
C. Stomach ulcer D. Mental health problems
143. Which of the following stages of labor begins when the cervix is fully dilated and
effaced and ends with the birth of the baby?
A. Stage 4 B. Stage 1
C. Stage 2 D. Stage 3

144. Your patient is in labor and has been receiving Marcaine for analgesia in the epidural
space. You are monitoring the woman for side effects of this medication. Which of the
following would be the most likely side effect?
A. Hypotension B. Hypertension
C. Nausea D. Sedation
145. A 30 year old female at 39 weeks is administered an epidural. Which of the following
actions should the nurse take for hypotension?
A. Contact the anesthesiologist immediately
B. Place the client in the supine position
C. Elevate the client's head and administer pain medication
D. Ask the client to take deep breaths
146. Which of the following blood losses would indicate that a postpartum woman is
A. 100 mL or more B. 500 mL or more
C. 50 mL or more D. 250 mL or more
147. Which of the following is the cardiac output for a client who has a stroke volume of 80
mL and a pulse of 70 beats/minute?
A. 6L B. 8L C. 50 L D. 5.6L
148. If you have a client that has severe hyperthyroidism, what would be the nurse's
priority when administering care to the client?
A. Assess for recent emotional trauma.
B. Encourage range-of-motion exercises.
C. Provide an environment that is calm and non-stimulating.
D. Provide activity that is diversionary.
149. You are caring for a patient who is being monitored for fluid and electrolyte balance.
You are handed the latest ABG readings. They are pH7.50, Pco2 33, HCO3 26. These
results indicate which type of acid-base disorder?
A. Metabolic acidosis B. Respiratory alkalosis
C. Metabolic alkalosis D. Respiratory acidosis
150. The nurse teaches the family who has a child with head lice /PEDICULOSIS which of
the following methods to prevent the spread of lice?
A. Wash clothes in cold water B. Wash clothes with bleach
C. Wash clothes with disinfectant detergent D. Wash clothes with hot water

No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer
1. 31. 61. 91. 121.
2. 32. 62. 92. 122.
3. 33. 63. 93. 123.
4. 34. 64. 94. 124.
5. 35. 65. 95. 125.
6. 36. 66. 96. 126.
7. 37. 67. 97. 127.
8. 38. 68. 98. 128
9. 39. 69. 99. 129.
10. 40. 70. 100. 130.
11. 41. 71. 101. 131.
12. 42. 72. 102. 132.
13. 43. 73. 103. 133.
14. 44. 74. 104. 134.
15. 45. 75. 105. 135.
16. 46. 76. 106. 136.
17. 47. 77. 107. 137.
18. 48. 78. 108. 138.
19. 49. 79. 109. 139.
20. 50. 80. 110. 140.
21. 51. 81. 111. 141.
22. 52. 82. 112. 142.
23. 53. 83. 113. 143.
24. 54. 84. 114. 144.
25. 55. 85. 115. 145.
26. 56. 86. 116. 146.
27. 57. 87. 117. 147.
28. 58. 88. 118. 148.
29. 59. 89. 119. 149.
30. 60. 90. 120. 150.

No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer
1. D 31. B 61. A 91. B 121. C
2. D 32. B 62. C 92. D 122. C
3. D 33. D 63. D 93. B 123. A
4. B 34. C 64. D 94. A 124. B
5. A 35. D 65. A 95. A 125. A
6. B 36. C 66. B 96. B 126. A
7. B 37. A 67. D 97. C 127. D
8. C 38. C 68. D 98. C 128 D
9. C 39. A 69. C 99. A 129. B
10. A 40. D 70. C 100. D 130. A
11. D 41. A 71. B 101. C 131. B
12. A 42. C 72. A 102. B 132. C
13. B 43. B 73. C 103. D 133. D
14. C 44. A 74. A 104. B 134. A
15. C 45. B 75. C 105. D 135. B
16. D 46. B 76. B 106. A 136. C
17. D 47. A 77. A 107. C 137. D
18. A 48. B 78. C 108. B 138. A
19. A 49. A 79. C 109. C 139. A
20. C 50. A 80. C 110. A 140. D
21. C 51. B 81. B 111. B 141. C
22. D 52. C 82. D 112. A 142. A
23. D 53. B 83. C 113. D 143. C
24. D 54. C 84. B 114. A 144. A
25. C 55. C 85. C 115. C 145. A
26. C 56. C 86. A 116. D 146. B
27. A 57. D 87. D 117. A 147. D
28. A 58. B 88. D 118. B 148. C
29. A 59. D 89. C 119. A 149. B
30. A 60. A 90. C 120. D 150. D


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